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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Jul 1881, p. 2

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 -^ t s, [ihs, Iradles, Forks, Forks Robt. S.^ Vai Sydenham' t *y â- ^i;.' .es, ,, OuO AP! SKWINEâ€" â€" 18 tFja i4CHT-IlU'f'*5| B fSl 41 .ll ir, Fingers L f..;-.n.l ill llii- 1 EUY WORKS, j |i wi^-iiis ti in(irni r\nil r.rncf. tl;Ht li»' tin- tiiinieil |ll |)illiiu':i'n'.^ pat- iH!r UiirW-y Vork. nil who liiif ^^•^â- u ll Ji rk out. Von ""im ii;.'aiu»t siiv I'lli' r I' tiirnint; out uii Kx- f tl ^^'^^ L7\8t1 ^7\ LIFETIMBI SURPASSESj.O'OTHI i]of?i?soi]lgfapli 30 UNION SQ. NEW YORK G'HICAGO ILL. c-^i^ Orange lU ^JM I'llUll} 1 I^, JOHNSON, CUlt^l Julv Till. 1 -i. 1 -^r. 1.1 J,.t 133. lilt con. N.B.«ltl i 1" li.i) .\rt.mesm, one WW»« I I l.iiii!' Knt' iiuj at time lo»t ti rxck :i»'l 1 iiali was Inme of «â-  Anv "• rii?i i;:\iu infonna^kn Mtol I »i,"iit.^ will be suitabtj' nvaaU, WlLDin. Cradles and MONEY tO Ll k n" I ll"f Unuillf- 'â-  t' Ift- i^i'li. !. Illul I WlJl^'i;:l- IIA.MII.TON' TlloKNHt KY. \T SIX 6 PEB STKU.nT LOANS, on FredwBl tv. I'livate Fouds. J. 0. .V irk.lnlf, Juuc 2ud, 1881. OCK BLOOD BITTER only MedicineSth./ snccessftilly pnrifiM tlij cts upon the Liver, Bowels, Skin and IMW* I the same time it allays Nervous MtriM^ nirthens the Debilitated System, perftc ^jp â- .urixxg Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, •â- â- â-  eadache, Rheumatism, Dropsy ,Herrms )ility, Female Complaints, Scroftala) every species of Chronic Dis«ai« Kidneys, Stomach, wels or Bko4 ST BLOOD PURIFYING TOK^ IM THE »*• .^ I. MilBURN A CO.. Sm AGENTS. IDRONTO. F*w4«V tt » saff !.i;r« anj cffectnai iltiiiil« • •••â-  $1. A R K D A L E 1^-1 idDoorFactOi â- l-i HLINDS MOULDINGS, â-  ^. HOLLOW BATTOlil: Lath and SI land. Orders Promptly Fill** tarn tlianks to tlio proplp of MarkdUe •"^/jSjw *• ven biia in the pa*t, aaJ hopes by eloae ait^^" luy Iiusinesi. and will n fatare keep » W^*** BCl' LU DRESSED AND UNDBBSS*** shipment of Pine Lnmbe- and liath front ivu auollier schooner load in a few d*y»- iinain ttxxa Fancy T'***'*^ Done in • first-claw mMiiicr. THOS. McNiEj' LOOK i%: j"ti.' jrtly. In the Tswit Je staudard. frid*y f^r ' OTHE R JtQy 15th, 1881. NOTICES. got ftrtnen busy. poimess qaiet. Ie» cream and lemonade largely in nd, the Uter preferred with a I in it. fl letter from another old maid ap- tn«ik wmIc. Y^itmt are "caree. a few bege ^^d madv sale now. jjjOarden Party bdd on the 12tb ,,joc«e«8. financially, and that is ,j ill we can say for it. To 0. 8. "Ttie.r is to come but in a .dress next week. Glad tJ hear Montgomery is recovering ,1- from Uie effects of the accident ,»enlioiied last week. I inerica «»« discovered by Leif the Icelander, in the year '«(] 826 years afler, the Ester- ' gjgei Pon Co., tomod out th-ir ffo CuUiDg^x^ Messenger has ^nd hsnds, and the Daily Edition DtJDued.Messrs Wilson Bhinebart jW. Wesley of Barrie, are the pre- (tpropcietors. at qosDtities of cattle and sheep IDOW being shipp«d Irom here, for tamers are recsiving very good r^wntrsct for the neW'Standard â-  to been let to Wm. McLeod a, Ujntractor Architect,Mark- ^ibr $1126.00. It is to be 24x84 story stona, and two story i,to be complete in September. JOE assortment of Pictaro, Motto, I Pli )ti Fram-J3,cb3ap at Graut's, ICtbnet maker. tbouder storm which passed • hero on Sunday, did a vast Dt of damage throughout the a number of houses aud I Laving bjcn struck with tight- We have not heard of any Iosh liE weatlierprobalilitien arc issued fl\\e Uomiuiou Telegniplj Cj., hero naOtt. m. every mdruiiii; foi- the «i»\\)«nfit of the farmers. They I be seen a Wilcox's Jewellery store fat tlm Post Office. ils. A. Duulop, is now prepared to lit on all wiio favor him with tlieir oDxge m Bread (warranted to ^i wcieht 24 hours). Pastry, gits, choice Coufcctionery Ice I in bis new premises, Utely co- pied by A. Mclntyrc, Mill St., next t to Medical ll-til. In residence of Mr. Bichard Not- lofOveuSouud was entered on I nifht or early morning of the 6th and abstracted from the pants iketof Mr. Notter the sura of $1G5, lexeaped without disturbing any I inmate.^. Thero is no clue to â-º perpetrator. Lb "Cantoriiie" Machine Oil, for [kinds of machinery, it is also ex lent for harnesR and leather, mak- I it water and weather fttxtf. For I bj dealerp. ^». Robt .\skin fell through a plat- I the other day a distance of abont |{etl,inia cook stove after him. 1 he been » heavy man tko doubt wjuriu might have been efvious 'i'ai/rweirhs 21 »*.,â- : you dealers foe '^Oastorine" ^oe oil, and see that tLe barrel Med "Castoriue," as none other time Goods are ^?JM««^^^t m â€" ^- stooic^wiiioh is now being^deoled 16 largest nouses in Europe. b^MT. Mo^ A dnvaing aocident ll«Liartatu,..«iy *o^ firl, daoghtDT of Mra. Wilkiaa, who resides on the htik «( m ti^ went in bathing and got into d«M water Her mother, h«Mrmgber erieelbr hetK nubud into the water to save htt «hUd, who had then muk, and wo«Id have been drownad d«, bat for the timely arrival •# Mr. jr. l^oj^ ^^ Bucceeded in getting lia,,Jio„, The^ body of the girl wk reooyered in.jt, short time, bnt not bef^i^ Jifa ini extinct Uoroner Cameron nS- fled, bat eonaidasd an inqMct not iflr: 'â- ^V --1 -.»;?. i Emoasbmut nod ^llWling Bines, in gnmtvMiety, at Wihsoxe the Jew- ellera. OMtheevcnihgoftha flB» inat.," litUe daoghtcr, of ITr. t. B. Cattle (A Orangeville Qmattf, aged abont two years accidentally fell inte a tub vf water and waa drowned. U«E "Castorme- Xsdnne Oil, for all kinda of machinery, jt is also ex-" edlent for harness antf I^Omt, m£^ ina it water and weather preoL Vvt MUe b^ dealen. Attkhpteo SncioK. â€" Mrs. Wilkina, Ovea bonnd the mother of t h e girl who wae drowned* on the 11th inst., fried t o-' commit â- aicide by jumping into theriyer, hav- ing a stone attached to her neck. She waa rescued by Peter Wilson who happeaed to be at hand, before "iEe" had accomplished her purpose. /It is supposed that grid for the loss Of her daughter lead to the rash act. BuBDOcK BcooD BrTTEBs curfis scro- fula, erysipelas, salt rheum, piles, and all hnmors of the blood. Cures dy- spepsia, hver complaint, biliousness, constipation, dropsy, kidney com- plaints, headache, nervonsuess, fe- male weakness, and general debility. Bbv. Mb. Spitsobom's Hlxb. â€" He lives at Palace Station. soTm miles south from tber centre of tho city.' A little over a mile in a cab yronght me to tlie house. It is a delightful sitaat- ed a piece of ten acres, sloping towards the south. Ml. S. showed me the fernery, the fljwers aud tho garden. Then wc went to tho stitble and as he ojvued the door, Mr. S. said "There, you may eat your dinner oflf ai.y part of the stable on please, it is so clean."' Nur was the praise ex- travagant the straw in the stalls had, at its outer e^'ge, a narrow rim of straw 7naUing, so that, in a sense, it inisht be s.iid that the stalls were carpeted. Over two of the siaHi were the names of tho occupants, "Brownie" and "Beauty." Mr. Bpur- geon said "My hotses are under the law. They observe Saturday. On the day, they are never taken out, no matter who wants to go any where. 8o that when they carry me to town on Sunday, their Sabbath is not inter- fered with." The MARKETS ^^,iiulJ'Jl ^^l Wheat per boah., mw l.U tc OlOO FaU Baili Oata do. 4o. io. ••^••e •••• Ih. Battarj^ib, s» ?«»•*' ih Lis to 1.U OJO " OiM •• OJO " 0.14 •• 0.18 " 7.00 •• aos '• 0.40- OJO" OJl 0.M QJS 0.14 0.00 IM 0.00 0.4C __ ••••••toet ^#W ^^"' •e«««e«»«t ••00 ** Wo« O.S8 •• Ore«BApptea,|iw.b«ahai.. %.4a " *«^ 0.M •• ?*w 0.M *• BryOardWeei IM •• 1 7410 no OJOO •M 0.10 0.00 FliESHEBTGN. [CorrttUd weeUy for the Standard ky i^ SpnmU, Fletherton.j TmTBSDAT. Jane 9th. 188L Flcnr, per bbl Spring Wheat per biuh., Vaa do. do. do. Barley Peaa Potatoes }rtter, psW^Ei'Si. Orb, perdos. BHk.dreaMd. â- "Sef ••#.••.• aiiaepskliia Hides ' *y •••••••• Timothy seed, Wool Lard Tallow •fi.flO to •S.M 1.03 to IM 0.»6 " 0.W 0.60 " 0.78 JOM " OJo 0.00 •• 0.60 OJO " 0.M •Cl« « 0.14 /OLIO •• 0.00 7.00 " 0.00 44)0 •• "^6.00 oust « 1.SS 5.00 •• 7.00 6.00 " 9.00 e.oo •• 8.40 •• •.3S 0.10 " O.IS OM •' 0.07 DUNDiOiK MABEET8. Fall wheat QOo to $1.03; Spring wheat tl to ♦! .06 Barley 50c to 70c Peas 58c to 59« Oata 23c to 33c Pork tT.SS to 17.50; Pota- toes per bag 60c to 60c; Bntter 17c to 18c; RgK4 UOe to 18e; beef 5c to 5^: sheep pkina 76cto91.oo; hides 97.00; graAR Beed 93.50 to •2.75; Hay 97.00 to 7.5o; wool 9 V to iSe; lard loe;-taUow 6e- TOBONTO. {Sfteiml to tkt Standard.) TemoMTO, Jime 9, 1881. Wheat.fall, per bosh tl 2u to tl 33 Wheat, spring, do 1 20 to 1 23 Barley, do 65 to 60 Oats, do 40 to 41 Peas, do 65 to 73 Rye, do 00 to 00 CloTer Seed do o oo to o oo' Dresaed hogs, per 100 lbs... 8 00 to 8 60 Beef, hind qnarters 6 00 to 7 oo Beef fore quarters 00 to oo (Chickens, per pair o 3o to 45 :Fow1b, do O't to Oo Dncks, per brace....' Oo to On Geese, eaeh 00 to Oo Turkeys 00 to 00 Bntter, Urge rolls 00 to 00 Butter, tub dairy 13 to 16 Butter, store-packed 00 to 00 Eggs, freab, per doa o 15 to 16 Eggs.paekrd o 00 to 00 Apples, per bri S oo to 9 6o Potatoes per bag 40 to 46 Onions, per bag 1 60 to 9 Oo Bar 8 00 to 11 00 PEBSONAL. Messrs, F. Beatty and Boderick McKonzie, two young men of Art)- mesia, left Mark lale on the 12th inst. hound for Montana. We liave received papers l^ora Hk W. J. McFarland in Liverpool. We are glad to be able to «tate that he (Mc) is in gool spirits af^er his voy- age. BEMOVALS. '.â€"On Thursday last as iHlfr was starting ont on trip, and when oppoeite ber heater head burst. She l^tsni back and get the damage •â€" TriiMiM. flu named Wn. Devhn, of the ^pof Melancthon, while loading poles on a train of the To- '•Grey and Bruce rulway, north orne station on the IStb insL. "'the train and died iuetantly. ^ase is suppoaed to have 'lie cause. ' Friday afternoon an accident ' of rather a srioas natnie .tp Iter named Biddell, working ding now beipg rebuilt for 'wnsUble Egerton, on Poulett ^^e working on tbe roof "Pped tad feU o£r. a diatanee of Jfy-five feet, cutting himself badly " head and hitods.â€" O. 8 "â- * oil company, are §ole .J 'era of "Castorine machine IhifrmgementawillbeFr leeonted GtoBoE's VwrcaiBB. â€" On So* ' ^7 at the Paisley BMaiU A. *» celebrated raee hoiie, Kisff ^k the first pine 4a. Ihe [itnning race m 8 straight heata. 'Waly, at the numing raoe 'oborstsbred in the Provinoe, ^^eorge carried o£F the first priM t** Peatest of ease. As a breed- f"rt horses Mr. Hannah ia get- I* be notorious.â€" JUtames. FoWLBi's EXTKACT OF "Wlli* »»«r cares summer compJauats, *. dysentery, cholera morbna, 'miantam, sowstomaeb. vAid, ^jonuUng, canker. pUee. lea »d aU maaaer of flues. Mclutyre moved his grocery from the old stand across the street to Dr. Spioule's block on Monday, and is now ready to receive his old friends and customers in hie new (tore. ,s^ is more roomy and better adapfed to his business Aan hie old stand. lHw advertisement shortly. A. Dnnlop, Baker, takes Mclntyre's old stand, which has been fitted up to suit his business. Mr. John Mclntyrc has remoy^ll his new residence. Mr. James Bums' family has fjooe to Toronto, where lie has been engag- ed in house building for some tteifl past. George Bitcbie, ban removed ti his new dwelling. Mill street, below the elevators. Grovenor Thomas, Shneifiaker, re- moved to Sydenham Street. Burdock Bitters MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. Durham-â€" Third Tuesday in eaeh month, Priceville â€" Monday before Durham. Hanover â€" Monday before Durham. Mount Forest â€" Third Wednesday in each month. Guelph â€" First Wednesday in each month. Harriston â€" Friday before the Guelph Pair. Drayton â€" Saturday before Guelph. Elora â€" The day before Uiielph. Douglas â€" Monday before Elora Fair, Hamilton â€" Cyrstal Palace Grounds* the day after Guelph. Berlinâ€" Frst Thoraday in eaeh month. Brampton â€" Firat Tbuisday in each month.. Listowel â€" First Friday in each month. Fergus â€" Thursday following Meant FoECSt.. Bosenent-â€" Fifteenth of Febmary, April, June, August, October and De- cem^MT. Primrose â€" Wednesday preceding the Orangeville Fair. Orangeville â€" The 2nd Thursday in each month. Flesherton â€" Monday before Orange- ' viUe. Dondalkâ€" Tuesday before Orangeville- ^Mibumeâ€" Wednesday l-eforOtahge- nBe. Maishvilleâ€" f^nd Wetees^ in eoch mouth; • ' Walk«ton-r-l^ bst JHfadneaday in Mildmayâ€" Last Wednesdy af each mouth. 8PS0IAL KQttCES. Mot|i4s«!l ta a Mk «^ im^ scytafwftt'tiM paia of f^UiH wnoilbwHt MotmSlo ano^ ItwBI ralievs the poor Uttiesafanr '^~ ^S â- !«»»; Omn is ao •WMt ft. Th«e is not a ma^m ap i«o hM ew naad it, wbo wffl Bot tdl yoa al OM* that it will nr*t,|, t^ ae^risT^ dve feat to theamtlMr, aad nliif 4b« hialtli fotko«kJkUopatatiagliMaiaci«L Itiapw- IMtly aafe to aae in aU naeea.aiMl irltatant to ttie state, and U the preeeriptiea of one c( Aooldastaad beet lenale physieiaM and amea in the United States. BoU Men. wfaanatKotBtsabotUs. M-ty SakorSowsla, Bom Ikixmt, SheoMtto! nMftMhe.Liitrtn«e airf anylfei of aPaiB or Aoiw. "It wtt aoei mmM v^^km the n«d an« Itaai. .. lb«.ft7|oJinvJr dwM." -BuMni'i HooadioU Â¥Boaeea,' being acknowledged as the great Pain Believ er, and of doable the ttmigth of any other BUxer or Linimeat in the world, shoold be in every family handy for nse when wanted " aa it aally u the best remedy in the world lor UCMaps m the Stomach, and Pains and y^ of aU kinds." and u tor ade Iv tf mWisU at 35 eenti a bottle. M-It QTARTLING DISCOVERY! AvMMiar M^ff^^ ^^ ^** *ta(l^raBk I will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple VBoaTABLS Balk that will remove Tan PBECKLKS, PIMPLBBand BiMosaB. leav ing the skin soft, dear and benntif el also iyatraations for nrodneing a laz.uiant growth at hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad- dnas, enelosing a 8c. stamp, Ben. Vandelf A Oo.„ 5 Beekman at., N. T. 30 ly ERRORS OF YOUTH. AOEiniiEMAM who aoffeired for year* from Nervons DEBILITT, PBEMA- TU£E DEOAy, and all the eileeU of yoath- fol indiaeretion, will for the sake of •offering hnmanity, jeod free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for â- '^^â- "g the simple remedy by which he wae eared, BaSererf wnisuiit n« advertiser's experi- enee can o so oy addreasing in perfect con- fidence, iOBM B. OODEM. 30 Ir 42 Celar St. Mew Tork AGENTS WANTED. -Big pay.â€" Lii^ht Werk. Steady Employment. Samples free. Address, M. L. BTBlf, 46 Naossan street. Mew York. 90-1/ TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cored ot that dread disease, Consomption, by a aimple remedy, is anxioas to make known to his fellow snSei ern the means of core. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription nsed, (free of charge,) with tbe direetlons for prepairing and using the same which they will ad a sonx Ccrb for Con- BUMPTioii, Asthma. Bboschitis, e. PartleB wishiug the Prescription, will please address, Bev. E. A, Wilaon, 149 Penn St., Williamsburgh, N. T. 20-ly CHURCH DIRiCT CRY. CHBIST chubch. Servicesâ€" Sept. 96, 10:30 a. m.; Oet« 8rd, 6:30 p. m.; 10th, 10:30 a. m.; I7th. 10:30 a. m.; 24th, 6:30 p. m.; 31st, 6:30 p. m.; Nov. 7th, 10:30 a. m,; 14th, 10:30 a. m.; Slst, lo;8o a. m.; 38th, 64k p, m.; Dec. 6th, 0:30 p, m.; 12th, loiSo a. m.; 19th, ia:So a. m.; 37tb, 6:3o p. m, Sabbath School, 3:So p,Bi. Bev. James Ward, Incumbent. CAMAPA METFODIST CHUBCH. Services every abbith at l:3o a. m., and 6:3o p. m. Sabbath Schpol at 2:3o p. m. O. S. Bowes, Soperintendent. Prayer Meet- ing, rhnisday Evenings at 7:8o. Bev. M.A- MeDiai-mid, Paator. J;'..' '" PBMATIVE METHODIST, Services every Ist and 3rd Sabbath at 3 o'eloek p. m. Every 2nJ A 4th Sabbath at lo:3o a. m., in the Orange Hall. C. C. Uar- nett. Pastor. PBE3BTTEBIAN. Services in Doiferin Hall every BaMath at 6.30 a. m. Sabbath School at 3:3o p.m. Prayer Meetmg at 6:3o p. m. Bible ChMS on Fridays at 7:3o p. m. ST. JAMES CHUBCH DUKDALK. flwvioes- 11 o'eloek a. m. Jaly 34th and eaeh alternate Sabbath, W. Bevan, Ineomb- tat. TAILORING 0. A. OWEN, FasHloMble Tailor, HAVXMO MBted «ie Xailerfag bepMt- ment over UoFarland's atonu. wishes to inform the pvUie of Uarkdale and tk* •orroandlngeohntry, that he Ik prefwre â-  FILL ALL OROERS Promptly and Tastily H TV-} HACYARDS PECTORAL dALSAM Hm no equal (or tha reâ€" cjis «B«fc «fr?:I^~* ^rfceeptoj^rrâ€" â€" CUTTING! Done while eostomen m* waiting. THE UTE8T FASHION PUT€? Always on hand to elioae freatf US i A Good Fit Goanitteed â€" AT- ... " Li » ^Sememl}ejr tlie Fntbe, Over MlcVarland'B Store. MTartielT Jane l«. 1«81. 40^ Public IN^ocioe. riifa The Mill ij tA, .aulfusa \o aper â- { tJitti 'M IPTHJ^ COJlWrtr^ ^iA SobMri^iiar H, oalytLtt perMiliBtt. Persons ean a* any tine. ^OFALLDISOBimoll. PLAIN and in COLORS, Executed with neatness and 4Mpatoh, •t the i STANDARD MABKDAIjE. If yoa want BILL HEADS, LETTEB HEADb. C1BCULAB8. NOTES. HECEIPTS, POSTERS SALE BILLS, 3TBEA1IBBS, lidboEBS, PAMPHLETS,, mND BILLS ^^ PBOOBAMliEd/ TlWtniG OA!KDS, 1 BUSIHBSS 0ABD8, BALL TICKETS. Or in bet aiqrtbtog ia the priating line, dent ha t» esB «i llie â-  las t TIV BBAUnrUUiT IU.VBTRATBD. m Ksr Mmi •TI 'i 1 SethTSAB. TUT^NfilFic American! Tna otaaTDM W«s«y 'iatka AMwaiMa ia a lai|e Frat- of W xtB m P^aa, kMtii ale)fia. f r^ Mi l| iii^ ' ?-â-  mmmtmtas M mfi t .â- a' fe -^' '£ McIntyeu; t- â-  ' Hiat«y. valMUe tiMArte inrli M ing Mew and InfeatJMTaeteta A«i^ enitwe, HortieBttaie, the Hmm, Health. " " ' TMRNM, asiial â- liiea. Katafal Oaolocy, Aa fi eni i n y Tke aioat peaHHai'pa|Nnvhy esianit wittva- •kbhineWeanMlwa. MaeMitoM^Si. «i?rlaeopBiea,10B. Sold by an Mewadaal- Bendt by poatal order, to MUIQf 00 Pobliahert. S7Parfc Bow. Mew Twk. I^ATENTS. tiSSK: e iMlMi AHserlcaa, Mesara. Mcmi A Co. are (riieiton of Amerieati sad For- •iga Fatenta. have had 86 years experiaBoa, and have the Urgeat eetabliiliment in the world. Fatenta are obtainei on the best tenna. A special notice ia made in the f all iaventiona this A«Bn^, with th* a ol the Patentee. Bgr the iaMhento eirealatiob thaa Riven, pablle â- ttiBtian ia diraetad to A» aMnto of the new patent, and aaka or intndoetics often Aa ypeta on who haa Mea new discove ry e» iafaotioa, eaa aMMfia, free of eharg*, wkathar a pOent eaa probably be obtained by writiw to Mvaa Co, We also send frt* on Band Book abont the Patent Laws, Patenta. Caveats, Trado-Marka, ther coat*, aid how proeored, with hiata how toprooore andvaneee on inventiottB. Addreas for the p^MT. or eoneeming pateota, MUNN k CO.. 87 Park Bow, New Tork. Baneh Oflee eor. F and 7th ats., Waah- D. 0. Will Tjetdf^ into my new premises shortly in Sproale's Block shDrtlVij'T^ No time to write advertisements just now, all tfaon^'ititdy to wait on you should you drop in. No stale goodsf hi establishment. -y :% f" »* /.- H A C I?: Q 9 S A u 9 n 3 ?â- ' tf Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Markdale,Jane2,18'l. 14-tf Ayer's Hair Yigor^ FW KSTOMM «MY HAIR TO ITS NATVML VITALITY AND COLOR. It It a most agreeable dreaaing, which is at once harmleaa and efifectual. for pre- serving the hair. It restores, with the gloss and freshnett of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, aa may be desired. By its use thin hair is thickaned. and baldness ofUn though not always cured. It checks falling of the hair immediately, and causes a new growth In all cases where the glands are not decayed; while to braahy. weak, or Otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. The ViaoB cleanses the scalp, cnret and preveats the formation of dandruff; and, by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing ptspsfties, it heals moat if not all of the faOMfS and diseasSB peculiar to the scalp, kaeping it cool, clean, and aoft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair ara impoaslltie. As a DresBins for LadleaT Hair The ViOOB Is incomparable It Is colore leas, oontains neither oil nar dye, and will not soil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is economical and nnsnipaased in its excellence. Praparcd by Dr. J. C Ayor ll Co., andAnainieal LowaH. Mass. FMB the premises of the anbaoriber, lot 96, 6th COB. Olcnelg, ou the SSrd of Jane, 6 two-year-olda, two of which were Bteers, both were grey iii color, one with laqio homa. 8 heifer«, cue of v/hioh ia the same eolor as steers, the other tw^ red, one ali^tly brindled. jam::8 sulutam. PrieevHle, P. O. Glanelr. JoneSO, lesl. 43 8 in. .«iOV*V*lOfi« F BOM that It, ' SbT.FoorliiMMid F* Laaibs. of the Kweafga w fc it s n i -tm* an aB wUie. The Kwes arc »arked on tbe Tifbt ibevlte wttb^ *^ and oM LambhMaltlaek^otanilehindleK, Any Mwnn v^a wiD giva sMh inf nnn a tin n as winisad to their rasoraty, win be stri^ r.lpMS 99.UU. N*1^^'SS*"S.*^SS.S^M ABKDAL E 101. OB tlie Srd onaeeaaion W. T. A B.. in- ATtewMirip of Uita^. is M* pnfS^ tabliabod. The eaoetaiion of Mm towMiUp of •l/not hsStaTI-yiitt* »» ^MJt**'" •^.. j« â€" tâ€" I tm m aiMnay ee- JAMEDBBOWM, dart. FDOJlT ia ToffUMltO J4 ' ^u'jCk r» •" Stfeetp Where we4o fdrtatil" in ftiai-alaaa etgrlo •t NOTICE is beieby given that a By-Law waa passed by the Monicipal Conneil of the Corporation of the Townahip of Glen- dg, on tlie 6th day ol Jane, A. D. 1881 pro- vkttng for ttw issne of 1 ebentores tr the of Mine Handred DoUara, for tlia of 4nit*«*'"e the Tmsteea of Unioo Seetion Mo, 13, Artemesia and Olen- alg, to erset a school hooae ia aaid aeetiaa, aad tiiat said By-Law waa regiatsnd to the BegMry Ofiea ia the Sonth Biding of tU Canaty of Orev. on the B iit sKi t h day of JaM. A. D. 1881. Aay SMtion to qvash or set saida tts saae. er any part thereof, most be aaade hiee mootlia from the date of r«gia- aad eaanot be oiade Uieraaf ter. the Fuarth day of Jnly. 881. JAMES BBOWM, Oirrk. ti rVHMffmps T4n MOnOB. that tbe elOitantA inet tte Vllleffe of ifch ^f been diaaolved bv matnal Any â- a^f""' dae fay tbe Ute-HHa^ln be baiMb|rMr.Oo».Oiant. who •Mharaafter CMry on tbe bwrineaa, and a^r 4bMs dne thsai aeaSa be paid 4o him. taSsl 99lrd taM, A. B. UM.' aeOBOBOBAlfT. ALFBBD CHELLEW. IKJ.KUaauui. 41-81 jKi T." ;;^$l,5 3 7,00d ..«â- â€¢. Vo lend throngfa the Fleaherton Agenqy, at BTBAioBT UMMS. If you sro paying 9 and 10 per eent. intereat t If yoa uead a bam t I yoorlanoeaarenottaaeiaatr If yoa want to buy more landr If yon improve more land f to borrow of the Kortb of Scotland Canadian Hortgage Gompany "Hiey charge no finae t they do not equalize yoor payments, nor oharRe yon 19 per yuaK onover-daepaymeota: bat (bey 4o give the most reaaonabla privileges of any Com pany lending money, AND THEIR COSTS ABB LOW Special rates given to parties wanting specially large loana, offering special seeoiity I have also a few thousand dollars of PRIVATE MONEY! To invest on very reasonable terms, and at 7 per cent, interest. This is a rare ehaneo and the amoont is limited. As many English and Scotch capitalistsare withdrawing their capital from the market, I believe a change in the money market may kmd be ezpretad. Money has readiedroek bottom. I««w la Use ttWie • kwrrWW, and theplaas is The Flesherton Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agency. INSUBANCE It is of the greatest importance to Insurers that they select a BdlStMc and Bmf e Company, and that they do their bnsinassthmagh a reliakle Ayetit. 1 am prepared to take applications for the Strongest, Safest and Beat Com|iuiieN in Canada,' nd for a Stock Compitny, at rates as low as any reliable Mutual. My Compauiea are the Lancashire and Citizens, (Stock The Waterloo County and Gore District, (Matnal and Caab.) CON V K V AVCllVO. Deeds, Wills, Leases, Mortgageo, Agreements. Ae., Ae.. oa sh'irt ^otiee, and work C*rectly and Meaty done. In this line my baaineas baa increased and is ircreasing, I am now doing the largest business in thePiding. A VCTIOBI SA1.E8 attended in either Town or Country, and Bills supplied tree o# x\. charge; also, all uooesaary Blanks and Stamps. LANDS FOR 8AE.E AND TO BENT. To any having lands to dispone of offer a ay-CV^'di CkSIBee to advertise. It don't cost .voa a cent till 3'oiir farm I sold, and you can withdraw at any time. I also realize better prieeit than the PropricAoH' themselves. Correspondence sclicitod. In every department of my businesa I make c areftaaeaa, correctaeaa, and fair dealny the prominent faatorM, and ebarsa aa low as any reliaUe man. ROBT. DAVIS, Conre^ancer, Commitsioner in B. H., and Otnrral hgmi Flesherton. FM». 9, 1881* 99-tf Millinery! Millinery I â- ffiLL BROS., Would announce to the Ladies of Markdale and suiround- ing country that their stock of Millinery is nicely assorted* .:. ,;... comprising Trimmed Hats Bonnets, CHUiDBSN'S HATS AND SUNSHADES. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS AHD TIES, ORNAMENTS AND TKIMM1NGS„ %:y- LADIES' MANTLES CUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Our General Stock is well assorted in all branches. We won't take up your time readings a long advertisemeirt, but would soHcit a call, believing we can give entire satis' faction tb t)uV"patr6ns. v Thai^Vul jipf past favors, we would solict a continuance of the same..' Markdale, May 28th, x88i. TTTT.Ti ^Z30S. 29-ti Announcement! LATE IMPORTATIONS ot Seasonable Goods^ 'kf (yiv Remd PiiGes, -.1 â-  • J- \- «» "I TORONTO HOUSE. Wm- CIROWM* ]CarkJali.A«r2U. MM. -/ â- r *-

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