E o- O » a V â- gj (4 eS rt 5i 3 o O 4) t/1 • â-ºt* O MH O n V u â-ºs tn iL, C d â- 4-* ius.i [ens f- ^^^ ' i loriWex {LI o- • erful Inventioi TIMS l.T A llNICAL DEVIC] Ler^rning to Play WF ^0 ACCOMPANIMENTS, ON THE Ai^DORG Young or Old, whei Musical talent or not, \TR or PLAY AHX. 0-, in a VERY' OET TnycE; lat would take s in the old way, is a great expense |ks, Tuition, etc., etc paid on receip of SORCA 311 S.VL.E aT LOW PRICES! |J. A. CRAWFO: 429 King Street EaJt^ T 881, WUI IS fOBUSHKB I ^*Tg latest roreign »nd ProrbMfal »^ Intelligence. County Bu»m«««. " fitters and Im BUti«l«» o»ia till the ««i o' **• y«" No r^.utuiued untU »U wreagM »re •^^ »ttheop»i«»ofU.«.|«Wl*- .tvi'l' rih li^ â- â- -rtftt \Ai responsible for they«»r» md- ,nta th»y comply with the nUee. ,iTE8 or ADVBBTIgDmi ,«i)laoi»t one T«ir.. do do jith do .«•%«»••• first inBertioD. ..•fiO 00 .. S7 60 .. 16 00 B 00 4 00 60 16 75 95 8 9 do do do do '\w^ •" fliider lieh subsequent insertion. „i 10 ten lines, first insertion.. g^h subsequent insertion ^r \en lines, first insertion per line E,c)i Bubsepnent insertion I Thf niimlxjr of lines to be reckoned by the ' occupied mewured by • K^e of wbd AdTertisemcnta withont specific K.n8 will be p"'^^^';^^;^,!;^ -:Vji„ii the Th nroday morning pr*****- C- W. BUTLBDGE, PTO|riet«ir. HitfESSIONAL A lUSINEtr '" DIRECTORY. VOL. 1:-- J«»m.4k.,M«wd, prOBpdl}' eialtj. faetiM DMantwr #1, 1«M, 17. lOTO^ GEORGE WILSOnT -.V ^M MABT^ALe, JULX J[5, lft8fl| 4 eoaptsixau. -aaipq c a^tfi wmLE No. 44 WAGGONS, CULTTVATOBS, H4)R8E AAKEa, PLeUaHt, HA AUMndsof JarmtHg Implements MuxalMtnry and Bepoaitaiy, Dubaa tg^ HiUairaMa. FLESHERTON. BTumSBIljIl Mill St, llMkdal*, BMt 4oor to ' Hamaaa thop. VET ERINARY- jjUfyfTffT, IT' l^alJS Medical Hallj reudfU^ • '*1S^t I7,ia8( « 1-jl Dil. PIJBOV, .,cian. subojson, .0. AOQODCH. C' rsdoato of (kiUrio T Toronto. Vatariaaiy Collara, (Mia hj IfaU or T«ta«nBli promply atteniM to. Baawncs. DmnuLs U-Sm. Im. LncwiJ^Co., BANKERS, MABKDALE. «•« â- lil*»i taiirte and having the largeal and moat AMory IB tUa toaiityt. I m to aaU Cwna«ea and ImaiabaBta e is kaat ^â- ^rlaW a^ ia tM JMrkal. aad at fiiaaa M Ww aC •ay'oa. {Warn, tha 0«r Jt «n» ._ o^^«Do««d na an oBcwbaal oKaMa. The MinaUftliJrtHjjFaret wiU h«»- lorth be made meuonifole b«- « Md •f**" ef vwindliag 'OooMatoMC t-ia tUaeoaDerjr, ooMttBiaed alony thaiMMtt to A«atrali». »ai fijuJij 00k atMrt ia the eapitaJ of Vioton*. Tlja *a*»n- tore* of Waller and UiiA^M vkaUver «w« (Le malamuii diviaM kngMMMM ^^^ on an iaUKtfaJto^l^aogtfa jhtt ^^ of M Xi^fUfs ea ari' flKtiaa in want at a win 4a ««U to ffiTa me Moae ia the anikat vAtiab wUl aa than Ii4r wilB and Walkar'iiMiafVdn»Mlit iMlkoanM piin'tmalMil and capter- •• ^fc» irinw i i i l j ii jiM i. and the in- I hare aigaai. Beetinf .^i~ c!"' '.^ â- !* i«w^PT ac «f««l«'Wa»^»r ol ott Lo^ «• r^JJf^ |^bcM«i««iflibh«i«rad aad Awm$j- B. D. iflacmill ()uiuialb and dokhah.) TOB.NEY-AT-LAW, SOLlCfftB IN Bc 'ry, t'onveyanoer, dte. OffiM over ad 9 stoie, XIark.lale, 29 dias. R« Wllkca, « at Law, Owren Soxind. tijg_M Herd's builtUng, OTer Ilebin- ,,;a,,Pauiu-t Street. 1-y Frost A Frost, ijTKRS, AND ATT0BNKY8-AT nif. S"'""'""' '" Cliaurtry. Convey .,((.. 0«e;i Sound, have resumed at Offlco open erory Tburgday, as â- iiF»«sT. J. W. Faorr, LL. B., IfoantT Oronn Attorney. 1 • rN large or mmU aotonats, at all timea, good seenriiy. endoraed notes, or on eoUataral MTCKST AT ft fa carr. Allowed on Saviaga Sepoaita. t^Oraft4 issaed and CoUeetiona made on all points, at lowest ratea. Jamos nasson, JRISTEUaudATTOUNEY AT-L.^.W, I'K^ler in Cliaucery, Owen Siund. 1,17, !»*). 1-y JamcH Lainon, TOBNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOB IN [Chjui.-irv, Nuliirv I'ublic, itc. ifj iiiutu'd ut lowest rates on personal Ileal i-,t:ilc. Lands bonglit and sold ^n^ seller introducctl free of commis DTTNDAIjK. Wa Brown, SrBKOF.VAIll!IA(iF, LICENSES, Ac, C"ninii»i"iii I " 1). II. Ac. bntejincmj; 111 iill its lir.inclios promptly Ldeil ti sr.d carpfuUv exicutod. 1 B,â€" Money to Loiiil ou IJeal Estate sc- IrkJsle. 9»i.t. iT, l-Mt. 1 y September. WU. LUCAS k Co. 1880. 3-y SEORBE ROBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTldNEER fat the Cooatyof 0|«j. AoBXT for the t«llowuig rellaUa Compamea CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGKICULTUBAL, of Watertown, and TRADE COMUkBCE. (Mntoal) of Toront^. A number of Choice Farms for sale, also Villng*' fi'-ts Auction S lies conJuctettinTown or Conn- try i^n Sliorteat Notice. Charges moderate. Bills, Uiauk Notus, and Stamps pruvidtd. " GEO. NOBLE. SITOPI ROW YM VUr T^MULARKEY, QT7EEN 8TBEOT, Keepa rttmstaatljr on hand CRVRRS, BRHER-TRBS WASH-TUBS. Ac, Ac Rerairimg Don* with Nemtmm tnd Dupateh, AUBMT FOB CKLBBBATaa REAPEE, MOWEB, and BAKE, â€"xuo â€" /^ EUt. E«e eotri «U«aiilnd ouaerof theold ftiifaioMa dif-hA and the eommon nereaattb ainadiar Sf «r»w •» the Old Badej, Tba Uua lateat derdopmmt of aTOiied ibB- bery. A daab of tbe roniuee of tfae â- Mt Ma aad alaitvsaptAy ofooolief- bnitey ate Um anl, iagtBdianl* wluoh reaeoe Walker and H«odcn«ai*« â-¼entnre from the lut ol ererj-daj de* nceB recorded in our polioe r8pprta;j« It miut be acknowledged that tbal! seheme was bold iaeoiM^oo, thit il waa aaraMljrthoagfat mt,«ad tiak ite exaantaon d«pUjw[ «a«ii)d«piUa mm tune and menaatila exiNcienoe. i BnktBMtnaoB^ aiU dmmilag$ii limlll; 4^ 7^^^SiiSSPiriM,^ em^ Jiikrhffimm imi laiMâ€" Ci-at tfea paliee oeatt inrealiga^M^Q, mi4 they vied in paititiiw ti«j^ a^qd WJk-, er probably eren blacker tan r^ty. Tfauft ends ah apiMMle, tlMr^hud pa8 e( whieb irigtit a a ggaat a teUad • water -PiiKmnaaii Y" era' bf ill •!**f^ â- *•( a, Barraws, Cave, Drills EUt. ET MarHale, Jvie 9,1881. X9 ly Provlncft Oirtari* Oirectory Far 1§81^89, TOBEPUBUSaEDINNOVPIMBEB, '81, Price S5.00. M B. LOVELIi. at the reqnest of aareral Soahaata aud otiuvs of the Provinae of Ontario, u( the OUy of Moutnal, fee., bega anaonuee that his firm will pabliah a XIvii:ii.*LK, Mat 20tb. 18*1. 36 ly Alesaii^or Browa, Sl'EK of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Lite Iii-ur»!iet" .\;;tnt. Comraissiouei K. 4f. t'oiiviyaiK-er and Licensed mnctr for the County of Grey. Farmers, nla, siiil Land Sales, Punctually at- Itotiiil I'liar^'i'S lunile very moderate. »ville, Stpl. 17, ItWO. " l-T Geonye Corbet, Jr,, IWD, I.O,\N .\XI CEXERAL AGENT l|0»fiiSoUul -M jnev to Loan at low lol interfst. Priueipnl payable at the l(kt«nn of years, mid interest half year. VtirW, or princj{ial and interest repay- lii instalments. PinuiDber of desirable Improved Farms 1-T J. G. Sinir, ^OMISION AND PBOVINCIAL LAND onrra;oy, Drsn^tlitsmaa and Valuator, ^oidwd Markd.aK' H.iviBg purchased lj.«ad Surveyor Charles Rankin's ' A^i of oriRiual Fiekl Notes, Plaas, »rt!, luitrurtifnis, .tc, of all his Sui^eya iwithatlis laat tifty-five years, 1 am ireduiraake Surveys io striet accord- ^thewwifli. Profiles and Estimates |bn(iiggHilb,JUus and SpeciAeations IvUiag Brulge%, furnished on applica- •""iMTtnLoan at 8 per cent interest. v letter, or left with Q. 1. BLYIH, l"».f,will ii« promptly attended to. 9ettti«tVK. Ir. Jaaaes S. Iiriiltc, at to Ur. Cameron, Owen Sound, 'BE AT THE BEVEBE HOUSE, Vtriiclale, on the last Wednesday in f*^, when ha will be prepared to per- 1*1 operations required upon the month â- ant satisfaetory manner, and npon ""'1 terms. 1 y gtt4». [EVERE HOTEL, n.4KK0.4LE. iS^ROUIiE^- Proprietor. J pofiaW Hotel baa bad a Urge ad- *«oii sdded to it, thorooghly refltted. Snow setuuj to none in the eoonty. nwiug anj attentive ostler. Firat- ^J'S'iaoJition for commercial travel- ^**«s 81.00 per day. 17-ly ^AFORD, Ont. "ifcGIBK, PBomnoM. ' iiwommo ilation for the traTelling ^« Ur is well stocked with the 'Wines and Liauora and the beat 'Jf Cigars. 'ras to and from aU trains. ".W«). .1-7 'V'Trcial hotel ' V" eoDunodions Saaspla Isapa ^^ms, o. The Bar aad'latdar -Jd wiiu the best the laarka* af Pxxl Stabling and atteatiTa HoMar^ TflOS. ATKINSON, Proptiat(». B. 31. Galkraltk, .^O^ER AND OBNKBAL LAND I M?' 't tUiamaford SUtion. W^**^A" »" l*rta of the ""•onComniiasion. Anetton Bates "^-^^^;Sffitft.iM. WM. FOX, Plain Ornamenial Plasterer Estimates for stone and brickwork i-n ap- plication. Satisfaction Ooranteed. Besi- denoe â€" Qneer Street, Markdale. Markdale, Sept. 17. 1880. 1-T Meat for All AT W. B. Sarjent's. The BuliscriboT retnms thanks to the in- habitants of MABKDALE and Ticinity for their liberal patronage dnr. iug the past five years, and begs to remind then that he is la a pwa d to aoppiy their wai^ it Ijfe lia« SS PBOyiNCB OF UNTABIO DIBECTOBY, ia Norember next, containing an Alphabetical Birectey AMD A TBOBOCOOH CLASSIFIED Business Directory of theBastocas and Piofessional men in the Cities, Towns and Vilbmcs ot Ontario, with a CLASSIFIED BUSINESS "DIBECTOEY CITY OF MONTBEAL. Tlie same care a'il attention bestowed on the Dominion and Proviucinl Direitorie.s of 1871 will b 'iven to this work. Subscribers names r«s)eetfaUy solicited. Terms of Ad- Tertising made known upr.u apulication. JOHN LOVFJX A KON, PnWishers. Montreal, December, i860. TH08. MATNEWS, wnoimc The owners of the Feirctt. a steam- CT of 848 tons, were the Highland BaiJway Company. A stranger com- '"R *o Glasgow, giving the name of Walker, and professing to act as brok- er in behalf of a principal named Bmith, chartered the afai^ from the company, stating, as it Appears, that bmith intended to take a six months' yachting cruise for the benefit of his wife's health. What looked like good references were, no donbt, supplied to the company, and also to the ship, chandler from whom Walker obtained ship's stores, iu eluding an ample and excellent stock ot wine, to the value of £1,490. These goods were paid for by a thne months' bill, which was after- AQBSAT WIiqI'4]|L. SUCCKSSOB TO TRX LATB BAltLOP MAS DISCOVESBI) AT LONDON ONTAUO. avany o^x^norttiofTorouto. deliTOrad f ro^^tj^ ff t /tffi jA ffl '\- alWaysl^in^ HmmT- 'â- tSB'SbofJm IfiSiaraiftt, opposite Ae 'vBevere -Holel."-.^' ;l ' /* 1' "i: ls-Oa^paJ4*»6J5«t Cat- tle and Sheep Again thanlifaig yon ' for nMt la^rS %e trusts ly faithful attention ~tbXiMirlMnts- to merit a eoatinaaaee of year aapfest. • Nonce. â€" Farmers haring fat sheep or eat- tle to dispoae ol will .leftve their addreaa at Sergeant's W. B. 8ABJEAN*. Markdale, Sept. 17th 1880. 1 THB Subaeriber, in ntomiag thaaka to the inhabitanta of MarkdMe and aw- roundlag eoantry for their patronage dnriag the past ei^t years, begs to intiaaateto tbaapi he is how prepared to sa^ly the Pnblie with FRUIT. POUND (I PLUM CAKES. either {dain, or Iced and Omamentad. and a hw^ Variety of Other Cakes Alsa.' â- I T 1 FABMBB8 baring good fat ffiieep or Cattle to aaa, will find it to their attvant- age to leave thee* names and addreaa at Mo- Cateheon's Hotel, Berere Hooae, Markdale, as the ondenigned are still on the war path, '«nd wBl poeitfrdy pay the highest rteee. O.W. AASFB8B8. 8i»t. tTth.tSM. 1-r ahraysoa zs o of e»ery deaenptioii. from the best mMB- tMtaiatsia Ontario. A]ao,ah0geaadvB^Bd aaaortaiaet of l^e CRBREtT coKrEBTiomanri safyBas ^w a iattabeatatjto WISHES to tender to his nnmerons cnstt-mers his sincere thanks for tbAr very liberal patronage darinf; the 15 years he has been in the Harness Boaineaa in Mark- dtle. an would respectfully solicit a continn. anee of the same, feeing eonfiident 'that be can yive Entire Satitfaetitm. Everything naoally kept in a FIA8T»CL. A 9 RARRESS ESTABLISRIERT, aiwaytt on band, and sold a. moderate rat^. tas'None bntgnod workman employed and the best of materials used. Markdale, Nav, 18, I880- lo Slaeep and Ja,ttle. ;..• K' Oiia M i; S. i.- *ir:n it AEEDSJ 4w.!.trh' 3ErEDS I Jhsi arrtred ai tlia BELFiOT Abas frail stodcef Groceles, Profited C.\NNfiD FRUIT, â€" AND" â€" CONFEGnONERY, Any amooiit of CaBBbAlaibaMMil Sid-e I=cx3c. FOR bALE. ALSO. OJE3S. ia ate. ap I of Tn JRtap, ' U, PABTXES, tha oi«e tsni}g for sals an easT lasts. WolT/' ^^ nttes.^ " '^wd. Jan. 27, ^asi. |Mf â- oskn MftiStSIVI Kia» OMTGOMEBX. MALT AND RYE WHISKEY. BlLAMDY. ALE. PGBTEB, TEAS and BU0AB8. eHBAP. WlLfiON BBKSdlf. MkA tola.MkwtTt.lMa. t^ ^O rfi ai flrS iaa. aiae5StSg»H»**? wards dishonoured. As soon as the steamer had finished lier overhauling in one of the Clyde yards, it was taken down to Cardifi by a temporary crew. At Cardiff a new crew was shipped, and coal wa." taken on board, and Smith and his invalid wife made their appearance. Tlieuce tlip ship went to Milford Haven, and from Milford Hay en it started on the 1st of last No- vcipber, ostensibly for Marseilles. The Highland Railway Company, it is needless to say, had not received tlieir chiirter.money, or, if a portion had been paid, had not received the bal- auce. The coals, like the ship's stores, were probably paid for rith paper. THB SINGULAB CONDUCT OF SHITu. Thus cheaply hired and equipped, tiio Ferret tiassod tlirouyh the Straits tf GibrulfAr, with Sniitli, or Houder- sou as he afterwards called himself, as owner, and Walker as purser. So fnr, all seemtid straightforward. The Fer- ret was well uu its way to MarsaiUes. Smith and his wife were already be- ginning to revel in that balmy Medi- terranean climate which was to re- store Mrs. Smith to health, when a rem'arkable course of behaviour was adopted by her husband. After pass- ing Gibraltar, and on the same day, the steamer's funnel, previously white, wa« painted black aud her hoats, be- fore blue, tiecame white. The next of Mr. Smith's eccentricities waa tc turn the ship's oourae round in the night, and steer bauk past Gibraltar with lights obscnrel. Then, when neaily out of the Straits, he caused two boats, some bn^ys aud casks, and other articles, all bearing upon them the name of tte Ferret, to lie thrown overboard. The man who would es cape his creditors for a season leaves a bat and some clothes by the river bank or aeasbore. The jettison above- mentioned had a somewhat similar oltjaet The aea waa oadited with another viettm, and Smith and Walker paraaed their voyage rejoidng. Some of the erew desired to know ^areaaon of these remarkable tacties, and the engineer, in partieaiar, importuned Smith lor an explanation. The an- iwer, when at last given to the engin- eer, and then to the crew, waa hardly SQoii aa to set so^don at rest. South said that hia yaebtinv expedi- tion was to combine profit with plea- aqre- He was gang to trade between Brazilian and other jwrts. Bat he was a poUtical exile from the United States, whose lynx eyed agents were doobtlesa on the wa*^ to wrest him anywhere and everywhero. Naturally it becaaie necessary that he shooli doable about, change his ship's num- ber and aapeet, give the ootaice world Maaao- to believe abe had fbandered with all hands, and esMec the enw on- dcr falae namea. Ilaa aomewhat violently improbable explanation waa followed by threats to blow ont the brains of any man whof should be oV6r- commuaicative, and by prumiaea of handsome remuneration •♦WAS FOi punroaay" -* A diapateh from Loodon, Ontaiie, the loUowing statement After, years of patient searching, and the difficnities which poverty raised, a wOrkmMi in the car uiops in this city has traced up what seems to be an indisputable daim to one of tiie riob- est estates io all bootUnd. The great- est excitement and interest has been awakened by the romantic history of the man who has thus been elevated into promia ace, and tliive is every probability that he will soou be put iu possession of his rights. It will be remembered that liome years pgo the Earl of Mar died without leaving a direct heir to his immense estate, and by right of snccestiion a nephiaw Lwd Kellie, aasuned the the title snd property of the dead nobleman, valued at one hnndred nulUon dollars. On- Nov«at«r 11, Gape Verd waa reached, stotes were taken in, and a billâ€" fraadulentof eonrseâ€" was «^vaa in payment. Leaving Cape Verd the na^e of the ahip waa changed **the B«^tott.^ Iha avefattee at identity -waaaow «Ma^le«a. The whole wolli waa before the eoniadetatBaaa a.Md for phmder. They hifA^titmHj mtOa^ thetr plan of campaign Tbey atamd irr Bantbe. whc^. ailer sdne dday. tbey obtained on baight, by false pre- tnnnaa. «t*t* « ^oCa« for KaraeiBea. Kotlw^ «M farther from their tti«T^^fai than a fa«» to M«'**'ll»- They steaneloff far Gape Town, and on the way the paint-pot and fitters' toola were agate hmii^ takt we. Tba lianw at tka al# vaatliiatbM iilMJliilt- •tkitJn^itt' r^h"*â€" ^*- am Jiamxj Jf. fM Oia e^ w^ ImI baoi ob^dM Ik aottiat 'vsa tM {s»bMlMei^«IV.«W aad41SjOOe. T»e ne« point WM Mi I Satg i uii a i the ftaaaaar was docked and oieriiaal «d. tb» aMNr rtill pnM)l7 4is*i« Now, however, it has been disoover- eil that the Earl had a son, and that son is believed to be John Francis £ralineof this city. The tracing up of the Earl's proofs has necessarily let:n slow and unsatisfactory, from the fact that Mr. Erskine was poor and hampered by a family, and men who conld ha»e helped him doubted his story. The JMts of the case are briefly these In 1826, two }care before the marriage of the Eitrl to tlie daughter f Lori Monteith, a child was bora to the lady, who afterwards beCanae its legitimate inotn3r by marnajre to the father. When an infant tlie httle boy was secretly given into tlie care of a poor but respectable family whom the FiSrI paid well for the service ren (lereu. Latter on, when the little one' had gros^n up to five or six years old, he was placed under the care of a man named Campbell and sect to Canada. His guardian frequently told him in latter years that he was the son of one of Scotland's noblest Earls, who should some day bo placed in posses- siin of dneuments t'lat would euableto hinigo home aud live iu luxij;ry. The old man seemed under a strong pledge however, not to reveal the parentage of his ward, and although he broke his promise so fur as to iotimato on many occasion that the. young man Was the hsir to the Earldom of Mar, he never allowed the documentary proof to go oat of his hands. He snid all would be left in proper shape at his death. A few years a^o, however the man died very suddenly without leaving the needed documents for the ustabUshment of his ward's claim to the property of the dead Earl. Later on, however, while excavations were being made in an oatbouse ou the Campbell ho mest ea d a bottle waa found with seyeral latlara in it Itom tae Earl of 1^ with refsrenoe to hia 8 n. This seened to "be all the .proof neoeaoary, bat in addition to that Mr. Erskine has visitod Scotland qoiatly and found the people who had taken care of him when an infant and hand- ed him over to Campbell. The paper held by thfim, and also Uioae fbood in the bottle, set forth certain marks by which the heif could always he kB«wn, andthaso theolioMatradoabt- fldiy bears. His resembhtDoe to the, kie Bulk ap striking, deapite the ebanaeis whicb hard work hap made, thai the friends of tfie nobleman have no difficulty whatofsr in identifying Bfir. Erskine aa I|m aon. .. Articles of gold and silverwads, aa well aa a ring, the ia the preaamptive beir' poeaaa- aioa, bearing the iniUala of faiam^tfaei and father. Leading laweyera in thia country aud Scotliltd hold oat the auongest ecooarftgaoMot t |Ir. Erskine if he canfwly mauaee to lieet tlie present oeouiwnts of tha estate and prove himself the Vir at law. Meu of Mars are offering to onito in a joint stock company i esiabliafa tlie claim if a hood is given to pay a oartoiu percentage onuieir iuvaatment According to the outlook, Mr.I^kine's working days are over, and, his in- stallmeat aa ttM» ^azl orilar. r^aina, only a aiaiter. wl^ch, ;^ite will:^aickly bnng about ,!8eieeiag ^wtei py â- ttoiilAb Aaaa #i»»ek«(aidiiaii4n|l ;; Hkmfltotii ftir, i».7,lttJ Mr. Hum UAwraaix â€" I am going to Bcothind next sanuner, and in ease ef^eatb or aoddentt-hereby aekaowl- •dga boy in you aan to be Mb Fn^le^ Eivkue, the last kw ft mail heir, of thHUnepf£rfkiae,B^QfM»r. knolm at preeent onder th«pame ofand Richard Campbell, and, I aider- stand, yon haye • aMowed -the word Callendar to be addadtobim. I con- sider him to be ray aole heir and ex- ecotbr, (breeting him to pay all mv ja»t debts. In testunony, I have aet my hand and seal in tba year of oar Lord, Feb. the 7th. 1889. Signed, Easxow, Easl of Mab. Wotten io oar preaence and iu the preaenee of^aoh other. (Signed}, WiUiLUf nAiai,TON, .; V, ..."ii kt _. __ John Itoss. Quebec, Jnnc 8, 1850. Mb. Hugh Cakpbeix- Sir We re- gret lo inform you that the Earl of Mar is dead, knl the only male heir now alive is tb© boy in your charge, whose right name is Joiin Frauyis Erakiue, Karl of Mar, but known at preseut as Richard Campbell, to which wo understoud you have allowed the word Callender to be added. Mar re- quested you to send him home to his friends, who will take care of him till he is of age, and see him cstabhbhed in liis estate which is the estate and Earldom of Mar. For wo know that he is the lawful heir. (Signed), WiLuui Hauilton, ' John Ross. TUe discorery of those lettars infus- )d fresh life into thepreeumptivs iieir, and he sat to work aud collected to- gether all tlie letters which ho then had iu his possession. He went to woi-k cautiously, b.aving to climants with au abundance of money to con- tend, but Uio success of his ivsearches so grt'iitly strcuglheiied his case Uiat he has placed it m the haudti of akgal firm, as already stated, and couhdent- ly anticipatofr success. VIVB8. ' i ' of the veaixiaig(4||«- uto^ tfJ^ di^ ^^ by a tam«r at the kte the Iowa Imoroved Stook JhmakaM I ad^tufsa to the farm yeari oar fluteenT trivaa liWIii i i i^ toaolva (hk tm itbkty yvata they They have toiled and 1 the diuru. aud the price loTed oat in trade atihe ^tflfe Iks a«4 paid tor the 8tiU wMBaa's J'tkJt'imk tttk a ealf and awMuOy, «kat«e raatyirig wkfcb '•HiU I14W 9Mt dn acin ind nater riptt^ availed, igit to ansple propv- .voQa when f^pa milk. And there "fore the a^r^wa.ilanner aaw that milk â- act be had for the pig. fliat the cow â- M* in aomeawf ba tbe oetitn of hia nat«|a„tba(^aj;i9«Qd tha ealf mast be raised^ and that tbe bondage of the wife to the chpm must be broken. Hence tlie unaaoal favor which the eeaaBi^ry haaoMAin the SUtowbere- aver^; raihroadf jimt rendered the owwperi^a posjsHde.^ Th9 creamery takes away half the draoger^ of the farmer's wile. But wbikt it removes the drudgdry it re- teioe the income â€" the monthly in- come â€" not m store aec .its bat creamery cheques â€" good as gold. And the best part of it is that this in* come is derived from thst part of the milk that the farmer can most readily spare. It is a fi»ot not generallv known, that for the formation of bone and maaele, Aim-mflk, buttermilk and whole milk are practically equal. TLis monthly mcome is, therefore, practically clear gain. Having tlius re,;eived one profit from his cow a profit fully Ctivermg the cost of her yearly keep and interest on the in- vestmentâ€"he has in the calf a cheap aud an avuiable package in which to condense hia grass and hay, straw and cornstalks fi^r shipment to the mar- kets of the world. And this the sec- ond great advantage of the creamery. But if the creamery blesses tlie fann- er's wife in delivering her from the bondage of the churn, it coufers an equal favor on the farmer in prying him out of the ruts aud compelliu;^ him to tliiuk. Fjr he now must needs I study how to get all the cream from I tbe milk, how to feed his stock to the best advantage, and ri«iug higher, he is,^ before he is aware, balancing iu his niind the merits of rival breeds and different systems of manapeirentâ€" ^in a^word, he begins, to acquire au edu- cation which, th3U{,'h not recognized by the schools, will go farther in fit- ting him for the business of Ufe than much that has favorable recognition. SeaiM fa«. iul1||b. ' â- i ^Aia'Wk WootvTi {i m e tnaB ts aB% aady in tljiaarnntw^' wo^hod by ui. a who Lberatiy tisc the tutv:. QettBfu wtitocaaaea have troduoadiaaoalaaa ca^,, Msd ai* "^erypopolar. thmjvtkli^ -E^ leciae~b IkliMlKll n mhr ' ' .Tfc- •"'1 A* :,r OMr oM niiyijl Ua^i J»,^ •Moa to tMai^ "IKmu Hkaimliir Ij taiMBtdn, but tbe nativo ""'r-'-firirH' aiaoppoaad. 1^ Faobkh.' Ezrtwx or Wiu Snawaaat onres all m^ois af b6««L eofiiptaints Iu a tanU or adults tha JWdt aak pbaâ€"|t aud perfect tumtdf, known. Purely vegtUhio aad free from' opiataa or poiaoLuus -droga. Aa Engtidi eompar.v l;as jast bted forowd to 1 aikl a ii^u road faiiwaf in Lomhardy. which wilf connect the variaas towns aud villages in that part, of Italy. These road ntfiwaya ar« said to have been a buccetv. Sistera of Merey have hitherto done tbe pnnci|ial work of uursiug at the Pans ho^lals. Acting on tlie re pugiance which a lan;e section of the. oommonity have ahown towards thf SMiaaatM ayetem, a proiKjsal has nqw THE ABOLITION OF PE'lTI- COATS. would appear that the doctrine of woman's emancipation from the trammels of feminine dress, promul- gated some time ago with consider- able vig3r by strong minded ladies in the United titates, liave recently beep enthasiaaticaUy adopted by an associa- tion ot Germiui matrons and maidens, which, under the significant title of Clothing League for the Abohtion oi Petticoats, recently held its first pab- hc meeting in a concert room of the Brnnuen Strasse, Berlin. A chair- woman having been duly elected, the pioceedings were opened by an elo- quent speech setting forth the incon- veniences aud disa Ivantages, from a sanitary point of view, of the flowiug garments hith"rto deemed appropri- ate wear for civilized females. This duDoaiae proaonnosd it to be the aaeied datj of every member, oi the association to diacturd, with the ot- moat prompitade, such ofajeettonabk raiment typieat of all tbe diaabilities wrongfully ascribed to woman by her oppressor, man, and to assume in its stead a dualistic term of covering for the lega aa well as for the arma. Tbu daring prugramme of action waa lieard with aooUima^ohs ofappioval by all present save one, a Frau Peters, who coorageDosly stood up for the denoone- ed pettkoat, upon iiie greaod that ii waafar mora beeseeuig than tro a ae w to the femak eex. Her protesting voice, howerer, was drowned in a storm of indignast elamor, and a reso- latien embuJ yin g Uie sentimenU pre- viaasly anaoeiatMl by da ChairwomaD paeeed, by im ov«rwbelaunc aaai/trH^ eftlteCkirlaagaeis. â€" I^Mtdoa TMmfr^h. Cured of DRiNKi.\a. â€" "A young frieud of mine was cured of au insatia- ble thirst for liquor, which had go prostrated him that he was nuable to do any buaiuess. Ue was entirely cured by the use of Hop. Jhttore. It allayed all that burning thirst took away the appetite fir liquor, made his nerves steady, and he has remain- ed a sober and steady man for more than two years, and has no desire to returu to his cnps I know of a num- ber of, others that have been cur^ of dnnking by it." â€" From a leading R. R. Official, Chicago, IU.â€" Timet. Ibonsandv «n4 laM*nry^,,pait^^am- •d, aw$|B|»e4 iba 4W«* ww"*^ ereryvbeKa. • FuUojwing are abpias of tbe lettecp fbuudin the bottle Mr. HcoH CsMtaBM. fl». t La/ok you tbe tboaawid pooaia, tba and tha ebiU aa mana ii lohtt Aabek VT an asbakakhlyrM4Ma daat MaonmmMaftk fredi4dr of AMVfaa aad Iba«ba.viv4k'lo0#b I »«^ ofa iJBilCirk' i f •boaanayonagold Md «aak fix bin " An i.iaeriea'l«4f uow^ipRisto.^ tbft. leetdras 6f th^c^tebtatedpirynoldgkt. Prof Tirehow; and ia tMi«rat atodent of bervdea avar. a at a wri l al tbe Uai- venafy df j9arlin. A eoneapondent of a Frenob papor, oommenting on the nuiobcr.^f myster- ious disappearances constantly occur- ring, not only in France, bat also m England, sterto a oartunis theory. He Biaiotaina that death (kdakonaWyk actoal dkankntina. Peaaaaa attadaad by tbu form of disease aoffer no per TtoOB illness, hitve no warning J^eir appnmeliuig end, but sadOi^aMI' to elddti and aaimmediBtalyll»i»wm sight Ha fwKrta flMi.aoakjHdM a« Jie: af^taaQj v^seufdd tbm ph*' aOBMnon. He inMl.o«tjW^aig ir{tfa a friend^' witfi ,w!iom be was ei^gagea in SB4ittaMatibf SiaeiiasiaB Ota a pditr iaa^iwdliw efUkt day, t»hdb Indian MtJf^tMj i«|iifili ipdi*iil.. ani ftott-lhtf^^mir t» to iii^ MMl time baa aayar yeappMUM. Be baa little ioitt ^^t many of the mt* i» pet- I ' amam wy •atfwka"ftir ay aad by tbe palka have iaUti* i^iil^ ipomeotof .his fi' iba iKdItBtS, Mt iMrpobd tMi'aiMMiill it^ taaiWidaaad toJba^taenpl;: qaedion k. be tttinks, weraiy da madiMl JuTddtigation. A NEWSPAPER WONDER. The RaiUtay Journal, an American newspaper, containing the latest in- telli«ence with respect to taome and foreign pohtita, the m^ney market. Congress debates, and the theatrical events is now printed and published daily on the trains ruuuing between New York and San Francisco. All the news with which iU columns are filled is telegraphed from the different parte of tb« States to certain station) on the line,- doHeeted by the editorial staff trave^ng dn the train, and set upr printedand circulated amons; the subscribing passengers while the iron horse u pewistonlly traversing the idains, and valleys, srossing rivers, and ascending mountain ranges. Ev- ery morning tUe traveller may have his newspaper served up with his cof- fea and «baa keen himself informed of all that k going 00 in the wide world doling the seven days' journey cover- lag ovef. 8, 000 milea of ground. He who pays his sabseripoou at New Yof h, vmirh he can do at tbe railway tkhat oflas, receives the last copy of hu pfper on the summit of the Sierra Netntda* The production of a news •beet from a flying printing office at an delation of some 10,000 feet above tbd kvd 4f tbe eea k most assuredly a paifermdced wortliy ol conapkoous reourd in jqan|aliatic annala, and higl^jf flcedtUdld to American entor- DANon I BawABtt I As yen value vour life, beware of opktee in diar- noMt uixtores. Thry qneU pain, but checking jioo si^denly^ the resIto u inflaniraation. "Di. Eowlks's i^x- TBACT WiLn SnuwBKaBY, made from the Wild Strawberry plant and otiier healing i^etab)ee» is natore'a own coxa for all forms of bowel oomplaiut.. A teaither wAs explafiiiog to a Ktt^ girl^ iManiago^tbd word ocatkle." "Whalkibat .Alii ever my faoa.and :iMWl^il"d«i4ibek "it'a frdokka, dr," aoawarsd littte ohernb. £9i9oes fibooa Bczraaa eoMd all dkaaaeaoftbe Mood. Uver and kidoejra, HMoald' oai|pliiinto, nervoos and gsBdral ddbiKty.'and baiMsup the en- tisa dydiMn vlko bnkaa idwn by duaaab. 'i m la'A I'/iu'i^:^' Midi FamdifaMliBâ€"lKy aan ndvar be dkpatdd affcer bar J Mwao ro ai d ad ar d^Bthi4the rat goo fir^ in Irekud A WMsao ptdAidi who ph^ys'with cmly one band k jatt now UiB talk of fpafk. If we MdBdMber Tigbtty. tia 9hdfQ[tt^iui organist invariably plays 'with only oiie bond. The Italian baa a ^aderfdl toifl Sax miidc. fcr the sisterhood. The edttora of alll tbe prindpa)' Japanese newspapers have been fined for the publication of a document ad- dressed by two of the Miuistets to the Government deprecating ofllciar trading and too much paternal inter- ference with trade. The p8p6r was surreptitiously obtained b^ the leading metropohtan sheet, and Hlmost uni- versally copied by other papers. Hobart Pasha said the other day that Enghiml's friendship nas as im- portant to Turkey as to herself. "TlA Sultan (he adds) was the head of the Mussul man religi u, which extended to the very walls of China' and throughout Hindo«tau. The Turks were a noble race, that witli » Httle consideration would moant to its proper place and prove a good ally iu tiqie ot need." A PosiTivK Fact. â€"It is now oslah- Ushed beyond controversy that Dk. FoWLKB'S ESTBACT OF WlLH bTRAW- BEKUY is the most perfect euro for al! forms of bowel complaints, including cholera murbus, dysentciy, colic, chol- era infantum, nausea, canker of the stomach and bowlcs, pilui, cte. IJo- ware of opibtes and poisoning dnitrs, that only check for a time p»-olucc iufiammatiui:. Witn STKAv.seBKY is safe aud certain in i:s ttl'Lcts. The urgent rcprcsentotions of the Pope's physicians liave caused tlic Cardinak to be cunsolted whctiier the Pope :;liall not leave Ivome in the autumn. They replied that such a provisional change of residence would not imply a cossatioii of tlie imprison- ment. The villa of Duke Grazioll at Frascati has been tall d of for tii-j Pope's tomiiorarv icsidcuco, but noUj- iug has bjen decidoJ, A 8erions difference Jus an sou between Count Corti, tlio Itiilmn Ambassador at Constautinoplp and the Porte, arising out of thf disap- pcarii:r;e of a youuj,' Italifi l;idy. who IE 3-iid to have (entered u. Turki^il' harem, aud gone over to Lslara. ' mul Conrti ha* iini-cratively J^niuiitli:.! her surrender, atid hiis, it ia .-.UiteJ, declared that if tlio Port; persists ia refusal tc order that slic sh ill be re- stored he will break oil' n.\ {lersonal iutercoursa with Assim I'iislia. Husbands aro nut as exact iu their statements as they should be. Ouu oftliemsaid that he suffered fr )m cold feet, then looking at his wife, he added, "but they are not mine," leaving the company to suppose that they were liis wife's. Again a Rhode Island husband advert ses that hU wife has ruuiiway auJ lift him, and adds, "caused by rum," buthe doesn't say whether it was lie or she who' drank tbe rum-. The account of t!ie execution iu Tunis of tn fanatic who luurlercr M. Segaiu snya that when brunrht out to be shot he was Ut'.l lu jio than u skeleton, having refused ,i!i nounsh- ment, lest there tshniiM li. j'rk f;tt in it, which would prcv(-it him f.u.ii gr iug to heaven. Terribly afraid he might be beheaded, beca^isu then Mohammed could not hft up his .body by tbe halt. It wa.s a i(reut contola- tion when he learned he was to be shot and he said Mohammed was wait- ing to receive him. The idea ot potting up female can- didates in the approaching general election in France is not likely to be du.ied out. Mille Maria Dark- me, a lady who takes au actiye part in political affairs, was aske-1 by some ultra- Radical doctors to stand fur Paris. She haa deuliuud ou the ground thit it would only bo a waste of time and trouble, as her electioii would be sure to be quashed. She hopes, however, that the d.iy will c^uio when women's righto will have bcoii sufficiently recognized by law to en- able them to sit ia parUmont. Mr. Snter, who was recently car- ried off by brigauds in Greece, savs tiiat hk captors made up for their lack of ra »rality by their puuctilious pcrformanoe of ecclesiastical cere- monies. They used most profane aud blesphemoua language but they, were saperstitious, and were ntrict iu their religious obsarvauoes. Tiicy fasted the whole of Lent, aud celebrat- ed Easter day with great solemnity, their salutations including kiss.p,- which were a'so bestowed upon the captive. They burned incense, Chant- ed au Easter hymn, and also u:cMised themselves before aud after moais. (Jute a notabk engineenng ai.der' taking has juiitbeeuoomplet;din lius- ua, in the shape of a Ioq^ bri-lgu over the "Volga, on the Syoran and Oren- burg railway, connecting the cities of Byoran, ia the Government of sira- birak, with that of BAmara. The, width of tiie river k nearly a utile, and aa it IS Uabie to tlie occurronc:; of heavy spring floods, the pieri â€"of which there are fourtocu alujethcr â€"had to he boilt 100 foet above mean water level, tha depth of the watci^ being more than fifty feet. Tits gt-oat girders, 864 foet kug aud two;ity foot wkle, were dl rivetted aud put to- getbar on the right buiik of, the river and tlMn flo»tti to titer |K«Mtiiu. Th:* whokoost of th3 ainisturr-, wlii;»h in regardeil aa %jDa4jl af.it* kta I, waa t,00( b OQ ».d i!ia r ;fnbtea. A jp«at nuiy pet*' '"ho want to- be Wii^p«.l u| mA\ w»i(h:. tli-w r.-tiiv' ML •t iii.'U dislike y^ry i;M.th to'bc ran-- ^^"" H\ 1