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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Jul 1881, p. 2

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 est Tools hes, .aths, Cradles, y Forks, ly Forks :es, ickles, OCL/f OCL/«j EAP! U^X RJ THE Mot mil 18 t^o 'J(1HT-I[B» y T\ LI PETfMg 30 UNION BaNrd^ G'hicaqoill c-^^ Orange I ai JOHNSON, OMI Eobt. S. 2;(. H-i. â- il a!.m. TAIL •If of Ihv Mil.^orilifr. lot III! Ii'unlj'"' K.u^iiia- •l IT ill...lll 111-' •2lll I'f V^'Ji K'inr K»m' 'Din f llitl' Hll ^TlV l.UIil! r V.vivi Mu luurkiJ OD |!iIiT \wlli Ur, iiii.l one sjKit iiu il* liiml l' Any ViVir. null iii{irninli"i [â- ir rrrinrry. will U' siiiii.lh APAJI llOMiRKT. Sydenham [i»tsi.-H of tlic ^^Il^^('^i"'^. lot Hi'Pi I/, on till' itnl of ", two of wliidi vfrv yiry in color, onewii'i Jirifir' otic of which is »hi |r-, the otl-.iT tni) rcil, ouf jaml:s str.r.jvAX. I'rioc'villi' r. (). i mabkda: Jl.iiKTwk-. Ja!y 7, 1*:. COIITRIOTORS. Bis„|rti„ „ p, â- ' IrOfivi J U| to thr Htli • flioii iif a T»" Stoi V ll'V :t|, to U' fouij'li li-.l m • iitious maj bo E«;ia at ly TuDiJcr not Dei«*sarilj C. W. aUTLEDGE. », 18«1. IlLElT- \ood Pasture, ivcV id, to Let. ill take a limiteU nnmbcr |c to pasture. \Vm. LIIOWX. I. 1881. 3y-!v T^KE NOTICE, that Ol heretofore existing betwMm under tlic unme of Urant ACMmI iui't inkers, in the Villag**! I this ilay been dissolred by â- â€¢' Auy liabilities doe by the lattAa* borne by Mr. Geo. tirant, wkt ** carry on the bwineM, and 19' the Lu are to be paid to him. latoU 23rd Jnii«, A. D. 18«I8 QEOHQE (T Witness, J J, 1VftnnT.i.f. A GOOD DriTing Hoi»» orJi« M years old, about 15i " Markdale, Jane 30, \i»X- JJi MAEKDALE and Door Factoi )RS, BLINDS MOULDINGS^ HOLLOW ba: r, Lath and SI on Hand. Orders Promptly kliestj return tliauks to the lipople ,f Btorkdale t tuavo given him in the pa^-t, and hopes by eloa» .teujod my business, and wiU-in iature keepa E lumb£ ^ES, DEESSED AND VJiTD [my fir-^t shipment of Pite Lumber and Lath tro» ' Tid will have another schooner load in a few day* Is of Plain and F'anoy Dodo in a fint-cIasB nuumsr. THOS. UQ^ Z rAs of Prints, new spnng styles, 5^ 7, 8*. 9. m. " '„d 12^ cents, fast bolors. « of Tweed 50 centsâ€" worth 70. iPlec*; of Table Linen» 35, 45. 55 ^d 75 cents. '" Table Napkins,6Jcent8,direct frommanulacturers. " Black Broad-cloth, $1.25â€" worth ^.50. of Duck Overalls, 50 cents. OF ISTTER '^Wincey Shirts, 75 cents. «o Mens Black Broad-Cloth Coats, fs^oo-worth «6. 200 Fairs Large Scissors, locente, desperate cheap. 5 Bales of Dock, 12^, 15, 16, 17, 20, 24, and 25 cents. oiascd from manfiacturcrs. 100 Ladies Parasols, 25 cents, old brice 40 cehts. 96 " " so " " 75 «« gr '«f ft 00. Pttf- 105 fi.15 fl.50 orcmto. Souths Keeos the Iwt assorieJ^ stock North of •^*y«*»«»d *»*» aresideat buyer, Mr. W. E • â- J?'"y« *»^**« market, who jjets every bafg«iti_ J??v ^?^ '"^* **** *^ 17. «oand asGMits, wierjf __ w)^ XwQS I»«»ui*iitecn Dress Lustre, 22c, cheap at 30c. 4ie« Mas* «ood^ th»m»\ New Lmeos. cheap! New Ca^mercs, cheap 1 New Embroidcanes, cheap. Grand opemng of. the millineiy show rooms next All the sMvktes la P'l^wors, Silks. Bonnets. Hats, Fe Costamei^ -fttt^bons, L»«es, Ac., c. Under the s«|«iiR tendence of a first-^aiss milliner. ^^ In faict my premises are citnvded from ceDar to garrtc widi goods, all tt bottom fig;iires. Sj^STAPARD. yriday ^^ OTHER July Ist. 1881. NOTICES. |Y^( warm. IfliTWO lias oommeBcei. Ijhson 3 new Brick building ia up .jiory. [ijrtw Bide walk this wwk on Qaeen 7ilMai AA^ptA *,000 Hw rf Ai."XANi" baa removed to Wal pole Township, fl J- Bi-YTH has l«ft town and re- Oweu Sound. je letter from oaf (Jorrespobdent jta oat. Will appear nest week, sirt«AL new, four inch p'.ank, cro3- jn tlie village this week. Quite ioprovemeut on the old hampers. iTempcr is everjlbnj^," Rid ia the of 1*16 E ste I brooks Led Peo Com- tihe W'upftr found all that ijflBev. J. Eakiii, B. A., Presby- ainisttr of Ddndalk, will preach f in the Dufferin Ha)l, Markdale, S»bbath eveuiug next at 9.30 p.m. %t an^erstanJ ther* is to be an on on the first of August to 0. Fare $10, good for eight llo Kev. A. Wilson, Presbyterian ister of Jlariidale, will preach )V.i in Dciivlalk on BabbatL ne^t \v}ay 'â- 0? '3 *«ry poor, would xjrt^cire tlie aid of spectacles to It, Wileox has the celebrated us k iloris. I n'K woaU call attention to the adv. (Jlr. R. S. Rae in another column. I rcputatiun as a tailor is too well libiished to requ-re any puflBng loia Rs. ijwill bo Bccn by advt?rtiscment ftm. Nelson, of Daudalk wants telegraph poles daiiiv:; this till for which the highest price will I piii.l. 1.^51 your dealers for "Castorine" •cliini" oil, anil se« that the barrel ())raiJ)«d â- â€¢niBtariu«." aM juiuA oiljei' I g-;nviino. U l.H. H.4MrLTON v.islips us to Itato tlial anv infrinfjenaeiit on the riiuiub and Finger Ihtruy Fork will •prjsecut.'J with thu utmost n-jorof Foe tlir special benefit of the farm- n» tommuiiily the weather probabili- I will bo reccirod a*. the office of the HoDtreal Tele^'raph Company here iJnrJDg the mouths of July aad Aug- ist at 8 a. 01. ToRo.N'Tu Oil company, are sole nnfacturers of "Castorine machine |oil. Infriusemeuts will be pr weonted Honor UuilufS. S. No. 4, Arteinesia, ]}ortke wintli ui' June. â€" FouETH Class -mark' obtiiinable, 875. Joseph jOn, m-, Jo.s. Higginbotbam, 815; lAmiie Baniioii, 311. Third Class â€" lElltu Koss, 30tj Jno. Stinson, 219 iJas. Higgiubotliain, 207. Second ICuss-Billanl llotcheson, 351 ;R.. Lyons, 849 Edith Eannon, 836.â€" I Tflouis H. Little, Teacher. ThoQunds of oar little ones are lost Isnnmilly from cholera infantum. IdianlMmaitlje summer complaints, *ho8e lires mjfjht be preserved by the jtimeljtttcothr. Fowler's Extract of Jwi/d Strawberry, the greatest and I most reliable specific known for ail jwmmer ailments. For sale at tDmg Sfores. See advertisements |uotlier column. Rr.v»w.,Y AcciiiKVT.â€"WhMe Mr. J. i»Dt3omerv, Bi'ker, of (h^s Village, ' ag f om I'lesnerton Staliou to •• tou Vi'la?;e on Tuesday, b's Itee took fright at sometb og and I*awa7. Mr. M. was ihronaout and [•'arj^oa ran over bun. He was iu- ibuot the head and also ialer- l^y. He was brought home on Wed- CsE "Castonne" Machine Oil, for N! Vinls of machinery, it is also ex- ' for harness and leather, mak I H u water and weather proof. For I •!• by dealers. Ths Rev. Mr. Corcoran, the minis- j *bo takes the place of Bev. C. C. I ^niett, arrived last week, and hat I •'«nd upon his duties. Mr. Gar- ••ttook his departure for Graven- â- "W a week ago yesterday. ^WisE AND HAPPY.^If you will P all j,^Q, extravagant and wrong I ^°^^ doctoring yourself and fami- "w-titii expensive doctors or humbug " alls, that do harm always, and use -ature's simple remedies for all pni ailments â€" yon will be wise, well l*t liappy, and save great expense. greatest remedy for tbu, the t, wise and good will tell you, ia ' Bittersâ€" rfely onii.â€"Preu. Bazaah and Gakdbh Fabtt. â€" The P^es' Aid of Christ Clnirsh, Mark- •â- i intend having s^3«{den Party *d Bazaar on the 12th iiiat. The °**»w will be held in the ahop lately p«piedby Mr. Walker, Tinsmith, iJ^theP.rtyinthe Garden adjoin- The garden will be lighted up r** Chbose Lanterns, and there will ""•"berries, lee-eream, Lemon- I • Music and sioging. Befreahments n^ be had m the.Gardan doriac the all in 1881. loon at moderate ohargea. Pro- .t^ aid of the Chnrch fqiidf, Brooohw, l^dropcBii^ Lwketo. *«., *c., in CMt Tuirfy. at Wileox' «, Hb. auD Mm. Ddi^uv will aeoepk oor thanks for tb* lairge piece ofWed- ding cake left oa e«r table on Wed-' nesday. Oor P. D. ai^a it was just '•Bobs" and wishea that some ^aaf bie hearted folks wo old ^et maniad. Spectacles, to aait all sights, at Wilcox the Jewellers. Wk notieed on Wednesday, the de- liveriog of Uuae very Am ateera to Mr, A. Lyons, eatUe dealer, by Ifr. John Ford, of Moant Boyal Fann. One of the anioala was two year* 9Mi and the othfra tbrte. the prie^psid for tuem waft-$lf5. Bneh stock u a credit to Uie raiser, and Mfi F. thinks a decSided rKatation to the as- sertion made by one of our village butchers some time ainoe, that he, Mr. F., raised nothing but aemba. Travellers and toorists should al- ways be provided with Dr. Fowler's Extract ot Wild Strawberry, the best remedy in the world for cunng suffer- ing brought 00 for eating unripe or sour frnits.bad milk, impure water, change of water and climate. Tne great remedy fur all summer com- plaints. SoMB contemptible wretch, on Mon« day last, taking adyantase of the absence of her husband to frif^hten a lady, sent Mrs. McFarland a threat- ening letter. A reward of $100 has been uffei'ed for such, information as will lead to the discovery and convic- tion of the dastard. The most pleasant, rapid, reUable and effectual remedy yet discovered for diarrhcsa, dysentery, cholera morbus, cholera infantum, and all summer complaints, is Dr. Fowler's Extiact of Wild Strawberry. It is unsurpassed as a reliable specific in the above diseaues, is well kno^'n as a great remedial agent, and is more highly valued the longer it is known. Travellers and tourists shonld carry a supply ia their haversack. For sale by all Dealers in Mediciniee. The Ladies Aid Society in connec- tion wit*: the Methodist Church held a Sirawbeiiy and Jce Cream festival in •'Flcsheis Gove," wb'ch was well jn'i'ooi iJ. The r eatibles were seryed up ia 4'.jd style and were powerhiMy E[ouI. Tiiev also held a concert in the cvenTug wL'ch was well attended. Pt'uceeds of bulh combiued $00, Two car loads ot Implements, maiiDfactureJ by Hacgartt Coch- rane Bra'jintoc and St. Thoma s, were shipped to Dundalk two weeks ago, and have all been sold since th-it time by W. H. McCartee, ofMeaford, agent for Grey Co., and still they oome. The abwve machinery is yery popular, as the great number of sales effected goes to prove. Thousands of children are lost an- nually from cholera iufantnm, dia*-r- hoea, and the summer complaints, wliotie lives might be preserved by using Extract of Wild Strawberry. Physicians recommend and use it constantly. It is a remedy well kaown, and more highly valued the longer known. It is for sale at all drug stores, and is within reach of every one. See odyertisemenis in another column. Tne banks will not be permitted to issue $4 bills after tlie 1st of July, and the bills of that denomination will be all destroyed as they are re- tnmed to the various banks of issue. In future the Goyornojent only will issue bills of less depotrination than $5. A gam of Lwr osse in Maoitawan ing last Tuesday between the club of the place, and Owen Sound club. The Manitawaniugites beat in two straight games. The remedy that has had the most remarkable saccess in the cure of diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera morbus, and, indeed, every kind of summer complaint, brought on by eating im- proper food, such as raw vegetables, unripe cr sour fruits, bad milk, impure water, etc., â€" the remedy that is the most pleasant, rapid, reliable, and ef- fectual, is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. It is the finest remedy for summer complaints known. For sale b; all dealeie. CoviES 3r Testimonials fob Dil- lingham's ThOMB FWGEB Bablkt FoED. â€" Mr, Kdney Dillingham's Pat- ent Thumb and Finger Barley Forks surpass all other Barley Forks that I have seen. It carries the forkful to the load in as compact a form as i: it were bound. In a vrindy day one man can do the work of two. I have ordered four forks for this season, one for each of my farms. â€" H.^-Bxazis I have used Mr. Dillitgham's Bar- ley Fork and find it tj work complete. I had two steel forks, and from (he effectual working of this fork, I was induced to buy two of ibem which work to my entire Satisfaction and can consequently reoommend it to All farmers. â€" W. U. ^bwku., MABnosA. I take much pleasure in recom- mending DiUiogham's Barley Fork, as' I firmly believe it has to-day no equal. I need one last Season, and have ordered another tgt next sissou. â€" D. J. McEncMOM, Oak Wood. Having used Mr. DiUinfham's Bar- ley lork, I find it to do its work com- nlete and the very thing designed for looae barley. I have steel forics be-, sides two of Ur. Dillingham*s, bat prefer the latter to any I have ever seen or nsed, and Mghly recommend its utility to the pq^ic.â€" S. Pwau, Cahb^t, .: THE MARKETS- Flclor SpriB! Vail MABKDALE. Fmi»Ax. Jno* 10, 1881. _^ •• (,» to Cte Wheat par Inuh.. aew lAM tc 0.00 4e. Ao. do. 1.13 to Omto PotetoM. Batter, pn lb. ., Ski, Mr doa. .i Pork, dr««ed, ., Be«« OeHeiMBA. „ »«*..,« piUr.. Fowls, per pair .-, TBAigpa.p«t Ik.. #*•• ••«« ffidoa wbBW So^Vy •*•• •••••• ^*^ y ••e***ee* Wool Oreen Appfos, pw. btukal.. I'S'd TaUow Dry Cord Wo«4 J.4S " O.M " OJO " O.M " 0-.18 " 7.00 •• 4.50 " ao* '• 0.40 " 0.20 •• ojn •• 5.00 " 8.00 " 10.00 0.28 0.40 0.10 0.0« 1.80 0.55 0.81 0.82 0.14 O.OO 7.35 OiOO 0.4C 0.35 0.07 IM 7.00 2.4a " 10.00 " 0.« « 0.8D " O.lO '• 0.07 *• 0.00 FJjESHEBTON. (Correeted weeklf for tkf. Staada^ 6y H. J. SpnmU, FUihertoH.) THVBasAT. Jane 9th. 1881. Flow, per bbl 85.00 to 95.50 Spring Wheat per bosh., Fall do. do. do. Barley Oata Peas Potatoes Bntter, perlli. EgK», per doa. Poik, dressed. Beef Sheepskins Hides Hay Timothy seed 2.00 Wool 0.22 l*Td 0.10 Tallow 0.06 1.03 to 0.96 0.60 0.00 0.60 0.30 0.14 0.10 7.00 400 0.M 6.00 6.00 i.08 0.97 0.78 0.3o 0.60 0.80 0.14 0.00 0.00 5.00 1.25 7.00 9.00 3.40 0.22 0.12 0.07 SPECIAL NOTtCEB. Kotheral Mothecstl Kothersll Are yoa disturbed at ai|^t and fefakae tf peerieat hj a slak ehild snOori^ aait ecyiag with the eMrnoiatiac pain of eettiat tMthl Ifso, geatMMsaMliet a bottleof ites: wnsLowa sooTHiNa sntop. It will ralieTe tlM poor little saSererimaMdi- at^â€" depeSd tipenlt th«i4 is nd SlMaie about it. Tbareianota teuthar o^ 8trA who ha ever aaed it, who will not tiA yoe at thMit will reg-«te Ike boweta, aod I Use give rest to the mother, anil relief and lioaltk ia the ehild. operating i toetly safe to aae in uD DUNDALK MARKETS. Fall wheat 90o to 81.03; Spring wheat $1 to a 1.06 Barley 60c to 70o Peaa 58o to 59e Oais 23o to 33c Pork »7.2o to $7.50; Pots- too-. per bag 60c to 60c Bntter 17e to 18o Kf'i-i OOe to 18s; bvaf 5o to 5|c: sheep skins Tac to $1.00; hideii 87.oo; m-.*n seed I2.S0 to »i.7J; Hay $7. oo to 7. So; Wool 2mj to 28c; la'J loc; tallow 6c- TOBONTO. (Spteita to th* Standard.) Toaosrro, Jane 0, 1881. Wheat Jail, per ba.^h tl 30 to 81 22 Wheat, spring, do. 1 20 to 1 28 Barley, do 6a to 60 Oau, do 40 to 41 Peas, do 65 to 78 Kyo, do ...0 00 to 00 Clover Seed do o oo to o oo Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs. 8 00 to 8 60 Beef, bind quarters 6 00 to 7 oo Beef, fore quarters 00 to oo Chickens, per pair o So to 45 Fow'.s, do OT to Oo Ducks, per brace Oo to Oo Geeae, each 00 to Oo Xarkeys 00 to 00 Batter, 'large rolls 00 to 00 Gnttur, tub dairy 13 to 16 Batter, siore-povked 00 to 00 Eggs, fresh, per dos o 16 to 16 Eggs, packed o 00 to 00 Apples, per brl 2 oo to 2 6o Potatoes, per bag 40 to 46 Onions, per bag 1 60 to 2 Oo Hav 8 00 to 11 00 MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. Durham â€" Third Tuesday in each month. Priceville â€" Monday before Durham. Hanover â€" Monday before Durham. Mount Forestâ€" Third Wednesday in each month. Guelph â€" First Wednesday in each month. Harriston â€" Friday before the Guelph Fair. Draytonâ€" Saturday before Guelph. Elora â€" The day before Guelph. Douglas â€" Monday before Elora Fair, Hamilton â€" Cyrstal Palace Grounds- the day after Guelph. Berlin â€" Frst Thursday in each month. Brampton â€" First Thursday in each mouth. Listowel â€" First Friday in each month, Fergus â€" Thursday following Mount Forest. Bosemontâ€" Fifteenth of February, April, June, August, October and De- cember. Primro»2 â€" Wednes4ayj)re?eding tne Orangeville Fair. Orangeville â€" The 2nd Thursday in each month. Fleshertonâ€" Monday before Orange- ville. Dundalk â€" Tuesday before Orangeville. Shelbnrneâ€" Wednesday lefor Orange- ville. Marshvillc â€" Second Wednesday in each mouth, Walkertonâ€" The last Wednesday in eaoh month. Mildmay â€" Last Wednesday of each month. RiikIoc Bitter ItiapM^ .^tdyisassatto tlietarte,aadi8 the preaeripMAi dl oa* of theaUiast and bart iaaiAle phyaisiaaa aad naisw in tb* UaitW States. BoU mftrj- wh«re at 28 eenta a bottle. SO-iy A*i» COHPOmt «esM«UfVSSDll4 ilr*wws H«da^«M Pmaatea it»am*^aMtit Mto^ paia, both tr!tr- mlandattanaL It eena pun la the dfS, Back or Bowels, Sore fhiy^t, BhsaBatkB. Toothache, Itambago and amy koKl of aPain or Aebe. A wfll aost svely qaiskea the Blood and haal, as its aetb« powsr is w«n- derlnl." "Brown's Honsriiold Panaesa," being acknowledged as the great Pain Believ- er, and of double the strength of any other Blixer or Liniment in the world, should be in every family haidy for ose when wanted '• as it reaUy is Ihe best remsdy in the world for Ucamps m the Stomach, and Pains and Aohet of all kinds," aad is for sale by aQ OraRgisU at 85 cents a bottle. 30-Iv â- *-*â-  W. J. MoPABIiAND, Importer. Wholesale and Betat The Standard la Best Iiocal Paper PITHB OOUBTf SBbeBribeltt4^fl.S0 pit «ahaitt. Fenoos eaa sUbMrik* ii tmj m KtT PAPBI TIf Tl BXAirtlFUIiliT lUiUSTBATBD. seth^iiiAB. $2^^ TARTLIN s^ DI8COVERYI L6tT MANHOOD RtSTOftlS. av1Mas«0«mlhtUlnn»«Saei " tan Dacar, Kcrroos DebOBr, Los having tikd in Tsla evefT known __ „ CPTOcd a riaple salt eon, wtddi be wm aad teUtktow-aDflWMB. aUsHs J, PIMPLES. I will bmU ^ree) the raeips for a simpla VaoSTABiiS Bals that win remove Tla, FBECKLK8, PDfPLES and Bi^oTcns, leav- ing the skin soft, clear and beaut' Tol; also instructions for producing a lux.iiiant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face Ad- dress, enclosing a 3c. stamp, Ben. Vandelt A Co.,, 5 Bedkman st., M. T. 20 ly ERRORS OF YOUTH. AOENTLGMAM who snfferred for years from Nervous DEBtLITT, PBEMA- TULE DECAY, and all the effects of yonth- fnl indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering hnaanity, send free to all who need it, the raeipe and duectiuns for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufferers woumn^ ae advertiser's experl- enoe con e so oy oJJressing in perfect con- fidence, JOHN B. OODEN, 20-lT 43 Cedar st. Mew York l^"» •J. f OF ALL DISCBIPTION. â- S!i ?m and in COLORS, I' Exeoot^ with neatuesi •â- W' • at the I aad despatch. THE SGIEfiliFIG AMEIUCAH. "^a 01 n rmo AxsaieAS is a large Vial laa Weakly Newspaper of Sistaaa PacaS, frintsd in the most beaatifal style; prs^Wlp iUmttrmud with $p l*»iid eapravteps, rSpiS- asBtinfl the newaat Invaotiens aad th*»oat reeant Advances iv the Arts and S«ta n » e a ineteding Mew and Intae etin g Vaets ill iifii- eattsne, HortieaUare, the Home, Health. IMioal Pi««NSs, Social Science, Matnai HiitiWT, Oecdogy, Aatronomy. Tte »oai valwlila praotieal papers, by eminent â-  ilt ata In an dapsilsaiHits of Seieoee, will ks Isâ€" it In the Bsteittte ABMilean. Tanu. •S.SO pec yeat 11.60 haU yeaf ^ikblaetadasppatac*. iftnoeiilBleAcaats, Simda eoppies, lOc Sold by sJl Mewsdeal- en. Bawt bjr postal osder, to UWH CO., Ptablishors, 87 Park Bow, New Tork. l:A.rxLNlS. tioniJuTlS cleatifl t Aaaeiicmsi, Meaats. Ifoini A Oo. are ol ifcitors of Amerieaa and For- eign Patents, have had 35 years experience, and have the largest eetblldiment in the world. Parents are obti^ned on the best terms. A special notice is made in the SdeatlflC AasericsUl of all inventions patented through this Agency, with the name and rekideooe of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, publifc attantion is directed to the merits of the new patent, Snd sales or introdncticn often easily eflected. Any person who has made a new discove- ry or invention, con ascertain, /rec of charge. whether a p(.tout can probably be obtained by writing to Munn A Co, We also send ^f«« onr HAnd Book about the Patent Laws, I Psteuts. Caveats, Trade-Marks, ther costf. I and bow procured, with hints how to procure ondvances on inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning patents, MUNN CO.. 87 Park Bow, New Tork. Braneh OfBce cor. F and 7th sts., Wash- ington D. C. A. MclNTl?BB. Will iAov« into my now premises shortly in Sprroule's Blo^ shortly. I^o time to write advertisements just now, an thdu^ read}' to wait on you should you drop m. No •talt goods in my establishment. A. MelNTYH. â-  j« ' *^- i^mmmtgimim. Use, j i j oa. ' ' W w wutf" tW. sU ^4 it A*S »tV •'**' :.â- Â».. "V $1 IGOLD 5 3 7,000 I ST^DABD AGENTS WANTED. '-Big pay.â€" Lii;ht Werk. Steady Employment. Samples free. Addresj^ M. L. BYBN, 46 Kaussau street, NewTrak. 90-ly TO C0N8UWTIVE8. The advertiser, having been permanently enred ot th^t dread disease.-Consnmptlon, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sn£fererH the means of enre. To all who desire it, he \dll send a copy of the prescription u~(xl,^ree of charge,) with the directions for propairing and using the same which they will fiud a stjBs Cube for Con- scMpnos, AsTHHji, BnoNcniTis, 4c. Parties wishing the Prescription, will please address, Bev. E. A, WiUon, 149 Penn St., Williamsburgh, N. Y. 20-ly CHURCH DIRECT CRY. CHBIST CHUBCH. Servicesâ€" Sept. 26, 10:30 a. m.; Oct. Srd, 6:30 p. m.; lUth, 10:30 a. m.; 17th, 10:S0 a. m.; 24th, 6:80 p. m.; 81st, 6:30 p. m.; Nov. 7th. 10:30 a. m.; 14th, 10:80 a. m.; 21st, lo;3o a. m.; 28th, 6.3o p, m.; Dec. 5th, 6:8o p. m.; 12th, lo:8o a. m.; 19th, io:3o a. m.; 27th, 6:3o p. m, Sabbath School, 2:3o p, m. Bev. James Word, Incumbent. CANADA METWODIST CHUBOH. Serrioes every a'bit'a at 1 j:}o a. m., and 6:8op. m. Sabbath School at 2:3o p. m. Q. 8. Bowes, Saperinteadent. Prayer Meet- ing. Thuisday Evenings at 7:8o. Bev. N.A- HoDiormid, Pastor. ' PBIMATTVE METHODIST. Services every 1st and Srd Sabbath at S o'clock p. m. Every 2nJ k 4th Sabbe^ at lo:-1o a. m., in the Orapge HalL nett. Pastor. C. O. Oar- PRB9BYTBBIA9. Services in Dnflerin Hall every Sabbath at 6.30 a. m. Sabbath tichool at 2:3o p.m. Prsvrr Meeting at 6'3o p. m. BiUe Class on Fridays at 7:3o p. m. TAILOBING Q. A. OWEN. Fashionable Tailor, HAVINO rented the Tailaiiiic DepaiV mcnt over HoFariasid's store, wishes to inform tbe publie of Markdale and the sarroimding sonnuy, that he is prepare to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily C U TT I N G! Done lAile eastomen are waiting. THE LATEST FASHION PLATES Altra^«B haud to caeaa teoa^ A Good Fit GDanmteed â€" ATâ€" isrsemember the Place. Over McFarland's Store. ICoiUala June 10. IWl. MABKDALE. If yon want BILL HEADS. LETTER HEADU, OtBCULAfig, KOTES. IIECEIPTS, POSTERS SALE BILLS, ^tbAamebs, DORGES, HAND BILLS. PAMPHLETS, PBOOBAibfES/ VISmNO OABDB, BU8INS88 OABOB, X^nblic IHotloe. NOTIOS Is fcere^y givsa that the » roadepebtbrtfrfdh loB W, MO- *, 101, on tbs S. deo«»es.ka W. T. 4 S- B-. ii .be township aabBel8 '» »^ properly ef- **The oan««»*«« •' *• towadi* .•' ®*' •Ik not having aay tWe le the road thwegii Mtd !oU. wffl BOt be reapobsibla f«w sny ae- MUot that etav J»W«J?» •»«* J?*^W TomMU) ^CBsMiiE. Oil. u. isao, BABi^CEETS, Or in flMi aBytliiag is tlM printing ^f' Iiiw^aw*IIUlto«aS«(lft* Of*FIOJE:i Toronto M ABKD AL E Is a componnd of thf rirtnes of sarsaparil. la, stUlingfa, mandrake, yellow dock, with the iodide of potash and iron, all powerful blood-making, blood-cleaaslDg, and life-sue. taining elements. It is tbe pnrest, safest, and most effectual alterative medicine known or available to the pnblic. Tbe sci- ences of medicine and chemistry have never produced so valuable a remedy, nor one so Kteut to cure all diseases resulting from para blood. It cures Scrofula and all acrofulous diseases, Erysipelas, Rose, or St. Anthony's Fire, Pimples and Face-grubs, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Tumors, Tetter, Humors, t Rheum, Scald.head, Rina-wonu. I, Sftreurlal To lend throngfa the Fleaharton Aganoy, at stauoBT \jaKTit%. if yon are pa^ng 9 and lO per cent. Interest f If yon need a hem f f your fences are not snAeientr If yon .want to buy more landT If yon want toe' improve inore land f '^^TXT^Tat 3P.A4."Sr to borrow of the ' Mil of Scotland Canadian Mortgage Company They eliarge no fines they do not equalize yonr payments, nor charge yon 12 per cent/ on over due payments bat tkcy 4e give the most reosonabls privih^aa of any Com- pany lending money, AND THEIE COSTS ARE LOW I Special rtes given to parties wanting specially large loans, offoriug speaial saenrity I have also a fevr thousand dollars of PRIVATE MONEYI To invest on vei^ reasonable terms, and at 7 per cent. intcret. Tliis is a rareehanee and the amount is limited. As many English and Scotch cn|italistii«re withdrawing their capital from the market, I believe a change iu the mcmey market ma^ mou be espf^ted. Money has roaehedrock bottom. IVoU' is the time to borrow, and tlie place is The Flesherton Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agency. I N S U EA N C E It is of the greatest importanoe to Insurers Uiatthry select a Reliable and SaM Company, and that they do their businessthrough a reliable AyeSit. I am prepaum to take appUcations for the Strongest, Safest and Best Cuniiwnics in Canada, u4 for a Stock Company, at rates as low as any reliable Mutual. My Companies are the Lancashire and Citizens, (Stock The Waterloo County and Gore District, (Mutual and Cash.) Salt Ulcera, Sores, Disease, Neuralgia, Female Week. neeses and Irregularities, Jaundice, AlTections of tbe Liver, Dyspepala, Emaciation, and General Debility. By its searching and cleansing qualities it purges out tbe foul corruptions which contaminate the blood and cause derange- ment and decay. It stimulates and enlivens the vital functions, promotes eneigr and strength, restores and preserves health, and infuses new life and rigor throughout the wlwle system. No sufferer from any dis- ease Which arises from impurity of tbe blood need despair who will give Aveb's SAasATAKiLiJi a fair trial. It ia folly to experiment with tbe numer- ous low-pnced mixtures, of cheap materials, and without medicinal virtues, offered as blood-purifiers, while disease becomes more Srmly seated. Aveb's Sarsatahilla is a medicine of such concentrated .curative power, that it is by far tbe best, cheapest, and most reliable blood-purlfler known. Physicians know its comixMition, and pre- scribe it. It has been widely used for forty years, and has won the unqualified coim- uence of millions whom it has benefited. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Piaetlcal and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mast. SOLO BT ALL DHOSeiST* SVCBTWaaaB. td P 3 Horse-Shoeiiif; a Specialty, Markdale, Jane 2, 1381 14 tf PrtviMt o Ontario Direcitri For 1881-89, TO BE PDBUSEED IN NOVEMBEB, '81, ' Pi"e S5.00. MB. IiOVELL, at the requeitt of several Herehante aod othera of the Province of Ontario, of tbe Cilv of Mod! real, e., begs announce ^bat Lis fii m will publish a PBOVINCK OP ONTAEIO DIUKCTOBY, in November next, containing an AlplMibttical Dfricfty AXn A TBOSOCOOH CliASSIFIBD Business Directory of the StandarJpC of the Bttsiness and Piofessional men in the Cities, Towns aad Villages of Ontario, with a CLASSIFICO SINESS DIBBCTORY cm OF MONTRBAli. The same care and atteutmn hpstow^ on the Dominion and Provmc' :l D'reetories of 1871 will be given to thin work. SalM«ribers respeetfally solicited. Terms of Ad- made known upon apnlication. rOBM LOYELIi SON, PnfaiiaiMrs. Msotrsal, Daeember, 18d0. -VICTORIA- 3uchuUvaUrsi i^/JT SPECIF! COIVTETANCINO. Deeds, Willn, Leases, Mortgageo A^cemciita. Ac, *e.. etf eh rt notice, and work Corectlj and Kcat)' done. In this Uue my business hae increased and is ii creasing, I am now doing the largest busiuOBs in thePiding. A IJCTION SAL.E8 attended in either Town or Country, and Bills supplied free of x\. charge; also, all necessary Blanks and Stamps. LANDS FOR sale: AIVD TO RE!VT. To any having lands to dispose oft offer a sp end^d chance to advertise. It don't coKt you a cent till yuiir farm ia sold, and yon can withdraw at any time. I also realize better prioes than the .-Proprietor* themselves. CoTrespondeDce scUcitod. In every department of my businoiis 1 maka c arefkmesa, correctness, and fair dcalny the prominent featurM,aul charge as low OS any reliable man. ROBT. DAVIS, Conrryancer, Couimimoner in B, H., and General Ai/mt Flesherton. Feb. 9, 1861* M-tf IMiilinery! Millinery! I HILL BROS., Would announce to the Ladies of Markdale and surround- ing country that their stock of Millinery is nicely assorted, • :â-  comprising Trimmed Hats Bonnets, CHILDREN'S HATS AND SUNSHADES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS AND TIES, ORNAMENTS AND TRIMMINGS, LADIES' MANTLES CUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Our General Stock is well assorted in all branches. We won't take up your time reading a long advertisemcnf, but would solicit a call, believing we can give entire satis- faction to our patrons. Thankful for past favors, We would solict a continuance of the same. Markdale, May 28th, 1881. 29-tf Announcement! LATE IMPORTATIONS OF iL Seasonable Goods, â- â- â- Â« .- .â- â- â-  •:-â- â- â€¢ rJ^ 1 mm Reduced Piices, AT THE TORONTO HOUSB. Wm- BROATM, Uaek«:ds.AFt;nk, ui». 't. .»-â- â- 

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