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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Jul 1881, p. 4

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 Mil I rful Inventiofli THIS IS A .NICAL DEVK « Learning to Play J^ INO ACCOMPANIMERTi 0f THE AND ORG. Young or Old, whel iMusical talent or n^] 'n or PLAY ANY- Gr. in a VEBT |OET TIME; lat would take [s in the old way, |s a great expense :s, Tuition, etc., etc. •paid on receip-c?!if'^^ soRa m SALE aT LOW PKIOBl I J. A. CEAWFO] 429 King Street East, i. 881. *-' ^iwlinto* £/ '^^ tIflMCl flows'â„¢* aeet the e«rljJ«»«l«- •V, .,reign ana Provinci.1 '•^ cc. County Busineaa, aiid ftn Instructive Zi CT^. »i.5n in th«e month.. MfJSl the end of the yew. Ko t HiSll until all« •« Tjhe option of the poWmh- _p.)n'!ibie for the ywtrs snb- Iker comply «itk th* rutafc 0? ADTEBTISI»G: fwoe 27 *0 Looevear do •••••••••••••• do ..•••••••••••• do •••••••••••••• do •.•••• ,^ ander, fir«t in»«rtion. rtl)»«l'**" uwertioa ,t» ten lines, flret insertion L labfiequent insertion lines, first insertion per line snbiepuent insertion VOL. l,--No. 45. 3ALti, J I -881. ta ai mrw i mi ta» FSr •UiTIlt, ^PPft ^â- â€¢â€¢"'•â- t «id Canter Jofa^ stion goAMaUad. *.* iiaifiMrMn!r^ iMiaBer SI, IMi. i« John H. Htard, " i«-y 15 00 8 M 4 00 iW 15 75 S5 8 3 iber oJ line* to be reckoned by tne jpied measured by a lk^•le of sohd Advertisempnt. '^»^,"' «f!^d wifl bap»Ml»*« till forbid and |VSlW««M «f li»llistinM by igt^K Thorftday morning pceoaad- Q^. BUTLEDGE, Proprietor. JONAL ABUSIIIESr DIRECTORY^ (^ GSEBAL AG^NT AMD DKAXEB IH T Nnrwy Stock. WWnMted BtaSoL Sept. 17, 18^. â€" ~-. GEORGE WILSON, BIHITOlHmm ^bimU fe^proM'c Carter, '1^, surgeon-, AccoucheuM flCE 5I"" ""' residence at «"t n. 1880. 1-y MiU gt., Uarkdala, next door to MeDoocd^ Harness ahop. ^^ ^UM^cUvaradat any haaaa ia town. 8ift.:iT. MM. r.i G ^^SICUS SLU(iEON. ACCUUCH- |e0aJ. ^C D. MaemillaB. UsEV at-law, souoitor in "Irv Cou""""^^' '• Ofifioe over "iijjiore, Mnrkdale, 89 (;^s. B. Wilkes, jstLaw, Owen Sound. r_Mill«Ts's biiUding. over R»bin- f^Foalet Street. 1-y FiHt Frost, _s;5rras, AND ATTORXKTS-AT U^ Sol If i tors ill Chancerv. Convey ff, Owen S"Uiiil, have resumed at vj. Office iiptn every Thursday, as ,f«n5T. T. W. Fbost, LL. B. ntyCroini Altirnev. 1 Jaine« ITIaswon, ^TEB and ATTORNEY AT-LAW, l^iieriii C:i;uic-ery, Owen Sniud. .1;. is.-)o. 1-y VCTEWHARY. Ft«rtNary Surgeim raduate of Ontario Yeterinaiy Colle.e, T Toronto. Calla by l^U or Telegraph promply attended toi. KuiuuKB, DtaiMUt 35-3m. Wm. LncasCo., BANKERS, V MAKKDALE. Gntters,Si(iiglis^ WAGGONS, CULTIVATOBB, HORSE RAKES, PLOUGHS, â- ABBOW AMP AUkindsof Jarmtng Implements Mâ€" wf ae twr y aad Dapnailory, Dnhamand HiU FLESH ERTON. To HT PaXBosa.â€" Ahrmy* ahead of hit in My tiada, and having the largeat and moat oonTanient Faewiry in this locality, I am prepared to sell Carria^eii and Impi«iD«Dts of *rtfkj deaeriptroa ia the beat style of any in th« market, and at prices as low as any oc- qeidiBg t« the quality of the work Bardie apvaida of «ba adva n taga in hsving tta tttj Fkrtiaa ia waot at a mrriagn or IiaiitapiiBi win do wail to gira me a call, as there are none ia the market whieh will eoatpaje wHh them ia quality, atyle aad finish for the price. U-lT viag fte Te*y heat made. IM large or small amouata, at all timec, on good eadorsad notes, or on collateral secnriiy. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. 13'Draftg issued and Collections made on all points, at lowest rates. WM. LUCAS Co. September. 1880. 2-y Jaiiir*) Knmon, ODNKV-AT-I-WV, SOLICITOU IN fCtauoery. N'tiirv Public, Ac. »y Iraii.'.l lit lowest rates on personal I t4;itr. Lands bought aud sold. uJ Bc Her introduced free of commis- "DUNDA.IjK. Wm. Rrowii, krEi; uf J/AKiUALiK LICENSES,**., ICwmjiiissit'ner in \^. li. Ae. Btmmint in all its lirinrlies promntly lj«i to auU earcfuilv e:.oont(',i. IB.â€" Homy to Lcul on l!«iul Estate se- iftJalc. Sept. i7, ISSO' 1-y Alcxiindfr Browa, fcrER of M.arri.ijje Lieensea, Fire and lu^urauce .Vu'ent. Commissiooei to. C'ciiivrianeer and Licenwd ' r the Cbiiuty of Orry. Farmers, 4nd Laud Sales, Punctually at- 4 to and eh»rj.vs made Tcrv moderate. CTillc, Sept. 17, 18S(). " 1-T George Corbet, Jr^ ILVD, LOAN AND (iENER.AL AGENT I Owen SoouJ. Munev to Loan at low lol intiTLst. I'riiRi)-al payable at tht- lot I term of years, tud interest half VBar- jyearly, or r'S'iciiml and interest rcpey- limastalniect-i, rinumberof desirable Improved Farms 1-7 lOMlNlO); AND Pr;OVINCLVL LAND bantviir, Draiijlitsmau and Valuator, klordan.l Maikilaie. Having purchased Ifiicial LanJ Surveyor Charles Rankin's bt stMk of ciitriimi Field Notes, Plans, â-º rtj Itstrwrtious, itc, of all his Surveys â- Jtke last ufty-five years, I am â- .' make Surveys in strict accord- â- â- ^'nlh. Ptiitiics and Estimates -;Hillj, Plans and Specifications '^aiuiofSnifKn, furnished on applica- "• Jfoo^loloan at 8 per cent interest. praVfeto, or lift with O. J. BLYTH, f k«Je. wilj ti« promptly attended to. •"â- 17.18*). ' ' i.y Prnti«tr]|. â- r. James J. 'White, Bt to Dr. Cameron, Owen Soosd, liE AT THE REVERE HOUSE, HarkdUe, on the last Wednesday in 'awh, when he will be prepared to p«r- Nii operations required upon the moaUt 1^ Host catisfaetory manner, and opon iWetLTms. ly eEORSE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For tlie County of Gray. AOEKT for the following reliable Companies CITIZENS' of Montreal, AC.RICULTUBAL, of Watertown, and TRADE COMMKRCE, (Mutual) of Toronto. A ntim1)er of Choice Farms for sale, also Villa-e Lots A. uetiou S lies rnaducted in Town or Conn- try Wottce. C I1IU||UIB ». Bills, Blank Notes, and Stai. provided. GEO. NOBLE. U«M)AiJi. May 20th, 1831. 36-ly WM. FOX, Plain ft Ornamantal Plasterer Estimates for stone and brickwork un ap- plication. Satisfaction OnrMiteed. Besi- denoe â€" Qaeeo Street, Markdale. Markdale. Sept. 17. 1880. 1-T Meat for All AT W. B. Sarjent's. The subscriber returns thanks to the in- habitants of MARKDALE and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur- ing the past five years, and begs to remind them that bo is prepared to supply their wants in his line as i«t»i*. SEVERE HOTEL, 31.4KKDA1.E. SPEOULiE, Proprietor. 'S popular Hotel has had a large ad- «ioa added to it, thoroughly refitted, • bow iiwond to none in the oonnty. Btbliug and attentive ostler. Firat- 'mmmodation for commercial travel- "TBis 91.00 »er Jay. 17-ly JffiAJPOKD. Ont. '• *0IB B, Pm»«imo«^ L^Meommodation for the travelling ^*- The bar ia well stocked with the ' Wines and Liquors and the best • o' Cigars. ' tnu to and from all trains. ' 17. 1880. 1-y COMMERCIAL HOTEL PBICbvUjIjB. Out. l^^ ud commodious Batnple Boomi 'B«d Koom«, ifte. The Bar aad Imdet |,"pphea with the best the aMikel af â-  good Stabhng and attentive Hoatler'a I Oejofc, J^^^- ATKIN80», Piojprietcr. H. MEGGITT, Fasbionable Tailor, FLESHERTON. Ia prepared to fill aD orders promptly. OuUinif don$ wkUe etittmnen ar* vaitiny. I eet d Htjnarairteed The Latest Fashion Plates always on hand to choose from. O'Bemember the place opposite Bichard- Bon's store. Fleshcrton. March 9th. 1881. STi-mS THOS. MATHEWS. COTJKTT COUNCIL. Ftaat Um 0«aB Boaad twanata, ir.m. CooDcU net pnimani to â- 4joani- mant from y etimia j. Wardea in tbeeh«tr. Mc CuB«roo, prMented report Aoad and Bridge Committee, whieh on motioo vas adopted. The Wardeo read (lie rep.irt ot tim Sohoul luspeetor of North Grey. Mr. MoB«e moTed aucl Hr. Beid seconded, That no seMfciflof this Conn oil be held in Deocmher, as a Baviug f $800 can be acoompliahe^ Ifaerebj. and that no otiier aetfm is* m Bated WISHES to tender to his numerous cust'mers bis sincere thanks for their very liberal patronage during the 15 years be has been in the Hiirne» Business in Mark- dale, an would respectfully solicit a continu- ance of the same, feeing cpnfiident ^that he can give Entire Satufaet'ion. Everything usually kppt in a Fl BST-CL A 8 HMNIESS^ always on hand, and sold, a; moderate rates. L:!s^Nonc but i^ood workman employed and the best of materials used. Markdale. Nav, Id. 188o- lo HeBae said he had made a â- imiUr motion at a pt«yio«8 meeting of this Gonneil thonght that no mem- ber of this Cooncd sboold oast his v^te againal tbie motion, withoat giT- ing a good and rahataatial reason for •o doing. Was in eonversation with the Connty Treaenrer, and that gent- man ttiongb there was no neoeaaity for a December Session. Moved in amendment by Mr. Mid- dleton seconded by Mr. Myles, that June and December Session be done away with in fntore, and that Ibe rata be stmek in January instead of Jnne. The mover of the amendment said the necessity existing for a December Session had passed away. The same might be applied to any other session The rate could be stmek in January as weU aa June ' thongh they could as well do away with June Bession as December. Mr. Mclntyre thought that if the bnsinees of each session oould be done in three days instead of six, it would be mnreeconou-ical but three sessions were necessary. Did not consider it would be wise to make a donation to the present Warden, for instance, be fore he completed his dnties. Mr. Fox though there wa a good deal of bnucome about bothrssolntions the best economy would be to reduce the pay to $1.60 or $2.00 per day, and do the business m three or four days. Moved by Mr. Totten, secouded by llfi. «!â-  amendment. That the three sessions of the Goaucil be held the same as ' 3l8t, 188o. i "^ONEER AND OENEBAL LAND -••'°' WiiUamsford Station. Aafti iTO 'iTS " in aU parts of the CoBBty. •Old OD Commisaion. Batai-moilamta. i\^'f^^' '" "" Maohinea-;^«too I ^Pteatenta, and liaehJiMiy of aU Ub* J^' ^ico farms for sale on ean tmms. »2L!2 '°*" »' bottom lataa. as any one north of Toronto. M d Conel Ibis delivered promptly on receipt of orders. SAUSAGE POULTRY always kept in their Season. 13" Shop on Mill sreett, oppoeito the " Revere Hotel." iS-Cash paid for Fat Cat- tle and Sheep Again thanking yon for paat favor* he trusts by faithful attention to your wants to merit a continuance of your support, NoTicK. â€" Farmers having fat sheep or cat- tle to dispose of will leave their address at Sargeant's W. B. SARJEANT. Markdale. Sept. 17th 1880. 1 nrONTGOMERY, K A li li: Tt THE Subscriber, in returning thanks to the inhabitants of Markdale and sur- rounding country for their patronage during the past eight years, begs to intimatn to them he is how prepared to supply the Public with FRUIT. POUND PLUM CAKES. either plain, or Iced and Ornamented, and a large Variety of Other Cakes always en hand. Also, I B O TT I T 1 of erery desonption. from the beet mana- facturers in Ontario. Also, a large and va-ed aaaortaaaat of tVe CRSKEtT cnrECTiMKni BRIDES' CASES! aoppDed on the shortest notice, and got up iataa bast atyle that ia dona (hie side of Toronto. OTHEB PABTIES, s^pUadontbeabovlast a sfiss and on the D. J. SHANAHAN'S "WAGON and Carriage Works, Just opened, opposite the drug store. Mill street. Having long experience in the busi- ness, we feel confident "we can give satisfac- tion to those favoring us withtheir orders for CABBIA6E8. SPUING WAGGONS, LUMBEE WAGGONS, *c. Horseshoeing, and all kinds of repairing n our line either in wood, iron, painting, and trimming neatly and promptly executed. We use nothing but good material and em- ploy first-class pvactioil workmen. Our aim is io give the beat value 'for the least money, thus secoring a repetition of your esteemed orders and the benefit of your influence among your friends. Markdale, AprU 6th, 1 88) 30-mS Slieep n.ncl Ja.ttie« FABMEBS having good fat Sheep or Cattle to sell, will find it to their advant- age to leave there names and address at Mo- Cutcbeon's Hotel, Bevere House, Markdale, as the undersigned are still on the war path, and will positively pay the highest rices. C. W. A A. SFEEB8. Sept. 17th, 1880. 1-T inofLm! s I (i ,„^ '»»*om rates, 'ora. J»n. *?. 1881, 9MV REEDS SEEDS 1 Jnst arrived at the BELFA8TH0U8E." Also a fresh stock of Groceies, ProYisions, CANNED FRUIT, COIIFECTIIHIERY, Any amount of Cumberland eat Sid.e T=*ox FOR SALE. ALSO. •1 OMBttMliyp He«B of Industry %• «aop«A ttXn^giwMd on th8 u^. ntwr.â€" OaitM; Mr. M i lfiia fc i iiu. intcodnoad B j. Law* ]ioa.^(Mt tMi â- Â»Â« 894. tor to ragalat* ami #hms the dSSsMnt mu- aie ip a Ktm ofttaOowrty, aod forpur- foaattflni piafia rat* ta meatecpeoaas tit 1881, viiBh vera read a first tima. t On metMMilBlr-Iiavs Hoa. »J, «9S, and 294 wonmaad a seoond time.â€" OasnaA. ' itt. MsILm; Chairman of Printing his report, ra- the accounts of le lor -fciuttng Jaooary ' Ttrtiaing Jou«8, eta., «mtSM*ea 'thai tha to llwiHsh A eopy to the friutor at leaui whiflhwas Ooaneil adj^oumed till 7 p. ra. |[kuciL lUxw, 7 T. m. Conncfl nvet, AU the members present. Th^ Warden in the ouair. The Report of School Inspector Grier, for £nt Riding, vas read by the Warden, giviug attendance of scholars uj the different Townships. The Council went into oommittoe of the Whole on Repoit No. 2 of the Educational Committee. Mr. Camp- bell in the chair. Clause 1, recommending an addit- ional gimnt of $500 to the High Bdiool, was read and passed after eonsiderable ^iaanssion. The Report was adopted *td engrsaaed in the minutes. • ..^ :•, MALT AND RY€ WHISKEY, THK BKST IN TOWN- BRANDY. CIDEt. ALE. PORTER, TEAS and SUGARS, CHEAP. WILSON BENSON. Markdale, Maieh 17 1881. MarWsla. Mot., 1880 V^-r MOIiCY to 6 t-EIVO AT SIX PES CERT. S'nUtlOHTLOAXS.aa'^a'hold fwpw ^.' Pli«Bto Vaada. I. Jane Sid. 1811. }.0.n«nro. usual, but that the sessions bo no long- er than four days each. Mr. A. Reu(1, sa'd tha*i it had not bccu shown as yet taht there was any neccssitp for a December Session. Did not tlun either ameDdments amount- ed to anything. The result of the amendment to the amendment oould be to necessitate Special Sessions, which would not be much economy. Did not see the use of brmc^ing forth ReeTes here in December to do noth- ing at all. Mr. Blyth thought it would be well to do away with December Sessions, Was of the same opinion as the Reeve of Olenelg. Mr, McNicol thought it was neces- sary to hold three sessions, but was in favour of shortening them. Mr. Mnrdock moved b third amend- ment as follows :-' That the December Sessionbe not dispensed with, but that this Council meet on Wednesday instead of Monday next Decemb- er. Mr, Read said not a single member hod as yet shown the necessity for a December Session. The speaker wanted to know what hid been done in December last, U there was any necessity for a third session, let the Warden call a special Bessicn, Mr. Clark said he noticed a good deal of loafing around the streeto by the members of the Council. Thought the business could be done in less time. The Wardenâ€" had su^ebted that the address should be done away with, which if done, would be the means of saving one day. Mr. Murdochs third amendment was put and declared a tie. The War- den gave his casting Tote in favor of the 8rd amendment, thus making the December Session four days instead of six. Mr. Sing, presented report No. 2 of County Property Committee, re- commending that owing to tha high price of ooal that hewafter wood wodd be ased instead. Mr. Sing m presenting his report â- aid tiie expense of coal the past iw- sion was upward of $«00, which be thought to muoti. ane suggested that a wood famaoa solMtitated for the ac» now in use, whkdi he thonght would be much cheaper in the end. Qu motion Report No. 4 of the Fi' nance and Asaeaament was adopted and engraaaad on the minutes. Itx. Bmg presented Report on Hoose of Industry, recommending that no aefaoD be taken in the natter at pre- sent. On motion of Mr. Glarit, by Mr. Stark. Report No. 2 and Rridgaa was adapted and •ed on tbamiiiatas. Mr. McKeebine pnseated Report Ko. S« • KiutoM aad AasesnBMiA MoTed by Mr. ALbott, •aco*a*l by Hr. ])ikald.TUt tteBieport of 8p*ai litiee. eilimendii ef flieSlKiD tea days 1 Mr. McKoehme presented Report No. 8 of Fmanoe and assessment. On motion of Mr. Middleton, sec- onded by Mr. Sing, tlie Council went into committee of the whole, Mr. Mylasinthe ebair. Clause 1 â€" Beeommending that the salary of Mr. John Miller, Court House- increased from $90 to $160 was passed. Clause 2 â€" Haye had under consid- eration a matter of arranging a settle- ment on the separation of Mdlancth on and Sholbumfrom this County, which bad been recently left to arbitration, nhish was passed. The Warden said he was one ot the atbitrntoxil in this malteV, and the settled ^/ atbitri»to£| in this malteV, a T)IOyTmn^T!ol being fin all J was under Bylaw No. 174. Mr. McRae advocated the adoption of the agreement rather than going into arbitration agaio. Mr. McGirr, thought it would be well for the Treasurer to address the Council on the arrangement with Melancthou. Mr. Parker, the County Treasurer, was then asked to address the Coun- cil. He shewed the basis upon which tbe award d $2100 U. be paid to Melancthon under general accouut had been arrived at, and also award of $272,96 to the County under By- Law 107, and the award of $12,236 to the Municipalities grouped under Railway By Law 174. At the first meeting held at f iesherton, it was mutually agreed that the County of Oufferin bhould issued its debentures atlO^lyrswithinterestatGpercent pay- able half yearly for the above amount of $12,236, but subsequently it was found that under the Special Act in- corporating tbe County of Dufferin it was provided that each municipahty forming the County of Dufferin, should settle ite own indebtedness with the County from which it was taken. This discovery necessitated another meeting of the arbitrators to change tbe award from County ot Dnfferin to the township of Melancth- on, which meeting was held in Shel- bume, but unfortunately he was not able to be present, or yet Mr. Mid- dleton, therefore the Warden was the sole representative for our County. At this Shelbume meeting the former award as to general account and By- Law 107 were sustained, but the award to By-law 174 was slightly changed in this respect, that Melancthon refused to provide a sinking fund to meet the $12,285, but preferred to pay the amount in ten annual paymente with interest at 6 per cent on unpaid prin- cipal, to which the Warden finally agreed. This arrangement was was not as good as that entored into atFleshertonby about $0M. but as fair and equitable settlemente has been effected nndet general aewnnt and By-Law 107. ha would not reeom- mend tbe mattnr to be again opened up to arbitration^ aa it wasqnite poesiUe if agaiOi open- ed up that aeaah settbrnsmt of $12, 265 migbLbeanired at, in soefa eaae with tk* pNsent rate of interest we â- re leeei v in g- on ottr sinking fund inveetments, soeb a settlement would be wwaathaa even the SbeDmme one, in et many points such as Melanc- thon ^aim to a share of tbe profits on sinking fond already paid m, might bemiwd, aad endless htieabon aad thertffi^ taldag OODsideration he ipeo the Council the tatiiyiBg the Shelbame Ml Sins pitMeated Report Bo. 8 of Oottnty Pro^irW' Oftm'mitt^ 'ireedm- thiAllie Ooal i3teie* ia the Court House and Goal be replaced wHh Wood Stoves, aod that the Coal F*f|n*aa be alao leplaesd with one far baniing wood. That 180 oords of wood be pnmhaaed for the use of Oad and Court Houssl Cooscil vent into Conaitfte of tba v^aleoB By-Law No. Hdt to levy a rate to meet i..terest on By-Law No. 174. whioh was paaaad withoat aiaoDd- ment. Mr. Sing presented Roport of Speci- .«l Ceomwttee, teeommendisg that thenUiyoltbc Jbol hvgeoQ b* in- creased from $250 to $260, which was adopted, Coon9i4 «tdjoamed until 7 pJa. 'Vimair cvmmtT "TCBBBBC *â-  Ooaaan meet Friday evening and adjourned until Saturday morning at 9o'otook. aaTCaoAT 9 km: "^^^ Members all present, tlia Warden in the chair. Minutes of Friday read aud confirmed. Moved by Mr. McEechnie, second- ed by Mr. Messenger, That By- Laws Nos. 292, 293. 294, 296 be read a third time aud ensrossed on the minutes. Mr Murdoch said in prosecuting a Pedlar for selling without a Uoence, in his township, the result of the case was likely to be adverse to them on account oi not having a certified By- Law m regard to the same. Moved by Mr. McColman, second- ed by Mr. Thompson, that the 26c. per day per man be granted to tbe rank and file of the 8lBt BattaUoc now in camp at Niagara, and that such same e paid by the Treasurer to the Captain of each Company for distribution among the men, and that certified lists of the same be furnished to this Council â€" earritd. The yeas and nays being called for on this motion were us follows â€" Yeai â€" Wright, McColman, Camp- bell, Karr, Stark, McRae, Hall, How- ey, Cameron, Reid, McKechnie, Fox, Sparrow, Vasey, KenneJy, Xlalcom, Thompson â€" 17. Nay$ â€" McNichol, McCallum, Mes- senger, Myles, Boyd, Murdoch, Mc- lntyre, Totten. McNaught, Winkler' MoGirr, Sing, Abbott, Long Djnald -^15. ""Capt. Butohart, being present, thanked the Council for the grunt they had just made to the Volunteers of the Slst. It was au acknowledged fact that our Regiment was the best drilled and finest regiment at camp this year. The good conduct of the Slst was remarked by everyone. One of his reasons for coming from Manitoba was to go into camp witli and take command of his company once more at least. Moved by Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Hall, that $50 be granted to repair the sink-holo in Allen's svainp on the Toronto and Sydenham road â€"loU. Mr. McEechnie moved an amend- ment that $49.99 be granted, and that $76 be also granted for the pur- pose of covering the Bridge in the town of Durham, which was lost. On motion made and seconded the Council adjourned until the second Wednesday in December at 7 o'clock, p.m. "MURDER WILL OUT." No oooo PaaACHiNa. â€" No man con do a good job of work, preach a good sermon, try a law suit well, doctor a patient, or write a good article when he feels miserable and dull, with alug- giau brain and unsteady nerves, and none should make the attempt in such a condition when it can be so easily and cheaply removed by a httle Hop Bitters, â€" Klbany Timet. JOKE ON PHRENOLOGY. Fowler, phren3logist, was tbe vic- tim of a mean trick by a Washington man. The latter hod three photo- graphs of himself taken, in one of which he appeared dressed as a wo- man in another aa a well to do ar- chitect; in the third as a spectacled professor. Then be sent the photo- ttraphs on lo Fowler for phreno- logical description. He received in a few days three charts. The "archi- tect, was descriHed as an impulsive person, of strong lung power, ete. the "woman" seemed to have less lung power than the architect, and ap- peared "able to convert nutritious materials into healthv nutriment rap- idly abundantly," I'he two were well adapted to marriage. As to tbe "professor." he was deseribed as unfit to marry, being of uncyigen- ial temperament, ete. STRANGLED IN A PERAMBU ' XjATOB Ao infant daughter of Mr. and Mrp. 8. Oiabbe, of Vanauley street, Toon- to, met ite death on Tuesday oofler somewhat p«en'i»r circnmstanees. Ite mother had it not dnnqg the forenoon in a perambulator, and on coming in just before noon plaoed it, still in the perambulator, io a darken- ed room while she attended to her eulinaiy fate). On gring into tit rooom sometime afterwards Mrs. Grabbe was horrified to find the little thing aospended frtim the caviace by the strep Bsed to fasten it in jHidqaite dead. It had evidently tried to get out, and in so doing had got eangfat 1^ tbe neek after tts 0'j was over ttaaide. The polie* were notifi^ aad aabsequentiy the eorooer. An was not deeoied ns. a. c. KU.L surr jare to bavb mmoKaiiD ar ma BusaAir* a laaa aoo. DAvmoBo, June 80. â€" About thir tem months ago Mrs. N. C. Hall died lender oiroamstanees whioh led to the Wfef tiiat IM death was eaaaed by poiaon adiainiatered by her baaband. a pgnmiaaat physieiaa ofthMpbtce, but mora raoently from Corunua, tbe supposed cause being his criminal af- fection for a widow named Maig^^ troyd. Dr. Hall waa arrested on a diarge ot murder, but previous to bis arrest the body was exhumed by his direc- tion and the viscera removed by Dr. W. C. Wade, of HoUjr. assisted by the widower, and it iselauaed sent to De- troit for anaiyns. tboagfa that has not can be found. The body was return- ed to the grave, bat a few nighte after- wards was stolen, and firom that day tin this morning it has been impos- siUo to obtain any information which would leail to its recovery! lu the meantime. Dr. Hall has been tried, the jury has disagreed, a now trial has been ordered, and tbe accused releas- ed on bail. This mornihgi in eonaequanoe of the confessiou of a man who said he was one of the six who robbed the grave, the body was found under a straw stack on the farm of lBiac Davis, about half a mile from Uie cemetery in wliioh it had been buried. The news of the discovery spread like wild- fire, and soon hundredc of people from the neighborhood assembled at the spot, coming by every train from vil- lages and cities along the line of the railroad, and by teams from other pointe, until this afternoon over 2,000 were tbrongisg this little village, tbe totel population of which is only a trifle over 800. The body was cram- med in a barrel, the bead and feet projecting from one end, aud the whole in a perfect state of preservation tbe skin white as marble, the flesh hard, and the features as beautiful in death as they had been in life. There was not a trace of offensive odour, and the opinion was freely expressed that so much arsenic must have been admin- istered to the poor woman previous to her death as to cct as a perfect pre- servative. The excitement was in- tense, and still continues. The im- pression is now universal that the wo- man was murdered by her husband, aud if he had been where he could have been captured at any time to-day or this evening he would have been strung up to the nearest trea without the ceremony of a trial. As it is, there is a strong sentiment in favor of capturing and hanging him whereever he may take refuge, even U he has himself locked up in gaol for safety, as it is now thought he will do. He was in Corunna when the discovery was made today, and in obedience to a telegraphic warning started lor Pon- tiac, where be now is. When he pass ed through that place, on the train which was here at 9 o'clock this even- ing, bo was notified of the feeling against him,' and of tbe necessity of his presence being unknown. There was an immense crowd at tiie depot, but they were not told of his bdinc; on tbe train, and t guard against dis- covery he crouched under the seats, those who were aware of liis doing so not letting it be kuowu until after tbe cars had left the station. â€" Detroit free Preu. „ aevecal tiMa^ aaA «Ma M« Urfa. wei^uaf Irwta Jotf H it* «M|S,thV4V*aartoW A WONDERFUL CLIMATE. A WOMAN PBESSNTS 6eB OELIOHTED HUS- BAND WTTB SEVEN OIBL BABIES AT ONE TIME. ' LocranLLE, Ky., June 20. â€" A few days since the Courier Journal con- tained a special from its Nashville cor- respondent to the effect that a woman residing in Jackson County, that State, had given birth to seven children at onetime. The correspondent tb-nigbt tehgraphs that after tbe first child was born tbe pains of labbr continued. An examination convinced the physi- cian that there were two instead of one, and the woman was soon deliver- ed of a second ehUd. Both girls. The physician gave directions as to the care of both mother and children, and prepared to take his leave. Be- fore reaching 1 s horse at tbe gate he was recalled, and delivered the woman of another girl baby. Again the phy- sician took his leaye, and again was recalled. BRIMODia TO UOBT ANOTREB OIBI. BABT. This was considered remarkable, and the phytician was greatly puzzled over the matter. He, however, con- gratulated the husband on his good fortune and departed for home. He bad not gone more than half a mile when he was overtaken by the excited husband of the woman, who, in breathless baste, informed bim that therewas still another chilJ to be bom. Hastening back tbe physician arrived in time to aid in dehvering the wo- man of her fifth child. The physician was then prevailed on by the husband and fitther to Tha hdlbaaill ieaeriMI «i Wi^ of eoMll 8l«tR*. aad. ia tut etaaoA- III 111 I lliai â- !! lb I r -T *• " k* Mtaqr*M^ k«)^. PhfriiMar her* aw »0MaderaM eteitad *eir tha aAtir, aoi aoaie ere tattrfaqi of paying tha ia'jtOy a viait. .A dMl iSaMt^ iMttare ol the ehildiea is that all of then have Uaeeyea ind «e eloeely !•• â- emble *aoh or bat it iahatd W teU "whioh freifr«M3ier/' â-  -aC» â- ' â€" '^* A BEIDS OF A DAÂ¥. Mrs. Mahoner. Menden Oofdt.. wM iast heeu divorced from her bae band, to whom she was married mora than two years ago, enjoys the repiK tation of being tiie only hvo won* n who never lived a day with hef fcia» hand. On tbs evenimr off Uie weddintf a roceptiou was hold at tiM heaae off the bnde'f mother. Late in the even/ iat fha^rotMu naa oissini* Thtf bride joined in the search for M^,- mmf finally found him lying in a bedrooiA dead drunk. The sight aroused the fieiy temper of the bride, and tliere followed a soene. She deolared stiff would not live with him. Tbe fricndif of tbe newly made eoople tried to oou' ciliate the bride, but they did not mt^ ceed, Maboney had ajtartmente nicch-' ly furnished, to which be intended to bring his bride, but the induoemonte of a pretty homo seemed to haVo ttS effect 0)1 tiie bride, {^c was only 10. Tbe household goods were sold, antl Mrs. Mahoney went to Vermont aud Canada, where she bad relatives. AN ACCOMMODATING ROAD. BML- Several days ago a stranger his appearance at the Uoion depbl and ask^d Officer Button bow long- before a Grand Riyer Valley train* wonld go out. "In about twenty minutes," waa' the reply. " then I'll have time to get a drink.- won't I?" "You will." "That's good, i alwajs perfer to travel on a stiff bom of whiskey." He returned in five minutes, wiped his mouth on tbe back of his hand and asked "Has any train gono yet " "No sir you still have fourtoen- minutes to spare. "That's good, aud 1 guess I'll go back for a littlo brandy." When he again returned he felt iw good spirits, aud, aflcertoiniug that he still had six minutes to spare, be said: "Now that's what I chU liberal' and I'll lay in one more drink." Tbe last one proved more than he couldbear up under, and he was not seen again- for three hours. Then be came around with a wobblu in his' gait and an uncertain look lu his eyes. and asked "Shav, what time docs that Gtan' River Valley train go out " "In about four hours." "Fo' hours Why, that'll giverao time to get drunk again. Most 'com. modatiug railroad I ever saw, eh " "Yes." "Shay, 1 doan' want to be moan' Go'n tell superintendent he needn't wait for mc any longer, 'cause 't may delay others. He's a zeutloman, ho is, au' I'lu, a z^utieinun, I m'u hut when a zeutleinou hohitt a~ tra».i (or me mos' half a' day I cnn't impose upon him any longer. Bliay, do you ever cry when you got zlirunk I do, an' if you've no 'jeckshuus I'U cry now." No objections being made he erlcd/ TO PREVENT DIPHTHERIA. To prevent diphtheria, and finally extermmate it, every man, woman and child throughout our land aud the world should be brouht to obey the laws of life and heajfei. Parents should regularly feed, ^fperlj elothe and duly restrain all children, bMb«v they come to the years of understand- ing and acooontability. This atone would do moeh. A late prominent physican of Paris estimate 1 that 8,000* chUhren had died in that city, daring tbe thirty years of his practice there, from short sleaves, short pants, auu other kindred imprudence in tlio dressing of children. And I am fuUv convinced tliat as large a portion are sacrificed, in towns at least, in this country, for the rame cause â€" all for the wicked fashion. And from care-' ful observation, in this country and abroad. I am oonfident that at least as many more are carried off by im- proper food and irregularity in taking it togotber with poisonous candies, and other unwholesome and indiges- tible trash, that no child or other pcr-^ son should eat. STAT IUBIKa m BBIfAIXDXB OF nata. He was not slow to aeeept the in- vitation and sat down to await devel- opmente. In the esurse of 16 or 20 minutes he wm again called to tbe bedside of the woman and very soon tbe sixth ehild was breathing the breath of li£s. Morning dawned and the doctor took hts leave, having had no aleep dazing the night.^ He ttirew himself aeroaa'the bed on his arrival at borne, and was soon sound asleep. About eight o'clock he was arooaed hj his wife, who stotai that Mr. B waa at tbe gate aad wiahed to see him imioediately. "What ia the matter DOW f" asked the dootor. "Mary ap- pears to be going to yon Imow," replied Mr. B â€" â€" ;-. "WHAT I aaonza oa f" exelaimed ifaa doetor, euitedly. "Ibat' it," said Mr. P., with a aaiila â- nrwadjug his mouth fioia ear to ear. The ooeW' moonted his hoiae and was soon at the hotise of Mr. Bâ€" â€" He was too late, to be of any scrviee, aa the amnth diU, a nU, WAS HE MUBDERED.- Anotheb MrsTKBiotTS Case at the' Faixs. The dead body recently found in the Niagara River, near the Canadian ferry at Niagara Falls, proved to be that of OUver L. BioweQ, who until February hisJ resided at Bath, N. Y., and caine to the Falls at that time for the purpose of establishing himself io busiDeesas a carriage painter. He had about $800 in money witb him. He pat up at the Niagara House, and waa lastseen in eompany with a man named Doyle, clerk of the Niagar* Uooae. and another man MelCay. Ue Boddealy disappeared aod no treeo has been ioond of him linee until hie dead bo4y wae picked as in tbe riyar/ He waa identilki akore by tha aloth- mg than anything ala^, owii^; to -the body bemg moeh deeonpoeed. A pog^ mortem axaanaaftiaa rerealel th* tM» that a pistol ballet had beeafitad hi- totheheadof BoweB, hot wiwaflMr l7 himaelf or soma otUr peraonwali aat he determined. Tha nry bta^dM faiav«d;ett*:Mat etetlr;S*iav htbiUtfcai. th^h. waaoatdC. hw awbey. He waa a *ii- ;-,-*.

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