I' 1 a f i II ll â- ' Ik' I tHE tibfE-KILL OLUB. "Some one haa kindly mit ioe reli0[« Afhits," iMgfo tlie Pimident •â- h« i0[d vtp a p«(bph]4- "H ti]« lititab«^r of draverta m Indim, AfriM. ChiM M' Ispui doorin' d« las'y'fcr; it pibsde'iriimber of Sun day acLools in Anenoa it gibs de baiobir u° (JfariatuuiB in each btate in de Uaion iigiba d« amount of nuMiey eollreWd for 4icathens, an' de nnmbe* I if Bibles and Taatameata printed las' •y'ar. Wbila I am werry moch oblig- ed to de DDluunmdonor, I muH' con- fess my disappointment at not findiu' fnller perticklers. Far instance, bow tnany Vmencans war' saved iao y'ar I eaa't fin' dat one single elergyman Went down among Se poo' an' lowly an' saved a scnl from perdisfann. Wbile ley am cryin' oberde beathen across de sea America bas 25.000,000 sinners. Far ebery aennon delibered In makln' beathen converts abrod America bas ten marden, a bundred robberies, au' no end ol smaller crimes. Sbow me a clergvman wbo •tands in his palpit an' sheds tears ober de niggers of Africa, an' I'll show yoQ more vice an' wickeaoeHa wtdio gitualiot of bis church daa lie could fin'm a hundred squar' miles in Africa. Has any preacher in Detroit or Chicago or New York saved de konl of one siugle home heathen dis las' y'ltr UJas any congregations raised on 3 single nickle to convert tumblers, thieves, prostitotes au' de- faulters to Christianity? wbile our ministfis shed tears ober dc darkness "!iich reigcs in Egypt, one-fitth of ".;r populashun make Sunday I Jidiy. I kin walk out on dat d^ •ill' see races, games, excursious, ope^ ttores, fights, riots an' drunkeiiees. Wbo could see mo' in Africa Ebery day I read of murder, robbery, aravB an' plunder. Kin it be any worse ia China Ebery newspaper am full of elopemrnts, defalcations an' scandals. A m society in Japan any worse "I tell you, my frens, dar am a heap in de Bible dat am all right, an' dar' am a heap in dis so called Christ- ianity dat am all rong. Christianity dat will send thousands of dollars ober de sea an' let white sbibber wid cold an isn't founded on the Bible. Christianit diit preaches virtue an' den funiish a list of 228 church scandals in single ya'r cannot be reopected. Christianity dat soililcs ober de poo' an' yit leaves dem widout a visit or a word or a nod am pnrty thin stuff. Christianity dat holds noon prayer mcetins down town an° beat its hou:. rent, water tax, au' gas bills up towa haiut de sort I'm lookiu' artcr. Christianity dat keeps away from dc wicked, wicked theater, an' owes de grocer four six months, de butcher for a y'ar, an' makes a sewin' gal do $10 worf of work for about $0, won't b« inconraged in dis club. "Ves, I'ze much obleged to de pusson wJi'i snntmo dis leetle book, but I hIiuII still cliug to my belief dat wheu tli Jiiy of jiuljment finally ,• â- - rivc.s dc L;iw 1 will have no trouble • inckiii, out the hypocrites an' liar* from the airucst, couscienshus Christian diskivered jii de crowd. I say nutliu' ai^aiu pure religion 1 Say nuffiu' agin square' Christians. But when dat las' day rolls 'roun' I'd sooner ^tim' '.lefo' JK: Lawd cliari?- t.' wiJ litijliwuy robbery dan wid bav- in' been a sliaiu Christian an' a sauc- ktto«ffdw««lk«tejr. Bottke. including potato Ir-i^s, md all be des- troyed. Wkto fcellebore spnakled eo tiwlMYe»«f tW«n«nt bwlMs w Ae •oming wben Am ^e is oa will tave yon ckntnta. lo^ilMir ph a o J aroond yoortoaato and oabbagv^lKito will kaep of the wonaa to a grMt as- teot. soot from chimodys ana store- pipes, and wood aslies with lime, are good to keeo away insects of varions kinds. A Canadian agriealtariat last season tried an experiment with potatoesthat is worth Doting. It was done by ncooping ont eveiy eve from the potato and inserting in the flesh of it a single e^e, of different kind, and planting the seed thus prepared, obtaining (hereby very carious crosses, which he exhibit- edat the Toronto Indostriol Exhibi tion. The tubers were small as the first yesr's product from seed, and ap- pear to partake of the characteristics of both the orignal yarieties whether I bey reproduce themselves (be second year or revert to one or other of the types, is yet to be determined original. GiaLS Take Wabniko. â€" A coanty exchange says â€" " On getting np on ijonday morning last Mrs. A. Wash- barn started to yawn, and put her jaw out of joint. The service of a doctor had to be procured to replace it." Young men whose girls are ac- customed to yawn repeatedly daring their presence, should paste this oh the outside rim of their hats. MARKDALE CARRIAGE WORKS McKENNA MASON HAVING leased the Waggon and Bteck- Hmitli Shop owned bv .Tohn Benson, i)es to inforin tbe Pablic, that that tbe.y are prepared to (omiBb all kinds of Vehicles, sach as BVCKSIES, DEMOCBT§, H'ACiGOUrS, ETC^ AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, women at home I " ^7 niing the Best of Material and Qood hnniTpr fur br i\ Workmanship, hope to receive « fair share " u of your patronage. Speci:.! attenUon givento HOBSE SHOEING Markdale Geaeral A^^^ff^Rfpii^ W^ SB ISiTHE BEST«^CE TO GET rriHis wttktka Hi)iieyattlieLDwe8lAils.| sTiUGiTuiiis, ims, ciipsitf, UNION FIRE INSU^NCE Co. LANCASHIRE FIRE and LIFE Co. BRI«SH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co., CONFEDERATION LtF^^J^g^^T^y ATs-fftTT BXJTUSBaE, ProKmetdif. 9WtafdUi«M«s Oms r«W Ooofttak^ s»: j ^rtemeM Warehouse Fil^SHBRTON^STATION. f^~- K«w«a Wanzer Slewing Ms^shines, Uneaqualled in range of work and ease of motion. D O H Bjfe-^Y OKGAN S, beanty of tune and power. lorsak,aad wfllke ttoAai Unsurpasi 1-* Farms for SaJe and More Wanted. ^jkNKl8,Ready-IadeC]otIiiQii^ HASDWABIi. OBOCKBBT. GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Ac. «â-º- tSL All kinds ot Conntiy Produce taken io exchange for Goods. Inspection of the 5tock respectfully invited. Lumber, Laths and Broomhandles manufactured and for sale. tisshartea Sta «0B, Mi^ t7y^ lan. Thankful for past lavors, I am determined to merit farther share of public patronage by fair and honest dealii% and prompt attention. â€" ' THEOPHILUS HALL. Markdale, March 29, 1881. 29-tf. General Jobbing An wowarant all onr work. A cail ia solicit ed. and weeiiarantee satisfaction. SIiup 03 Mill street, opposite the Bevere Hotel Markdale, March 3, 1881. 25 3m. FLESHEETON Harness Shop! tiinoiiious hypocrite"' ""k.a»^':vt?F'ucK8 to inform the public JL tluit he has coustautlj on hand a large assortment of KOTKS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. Turkoys are vury useful in destroy- ing iusect.s, and of great service in orchards in devouring wiufalls, iiud preventin(j the jjrowlh of worm eaten fruit. (Jive the young chickens a weekly ft.'i'd of chopped. oniocs. It helps to kfcp them liealtliy. A medium size oniou miucL'd very fine is cuough for a brood. Ilaugiug bat-kets should be placed where they cau have an abuudancc of Iii;lit and huuhIuuc, and not near the stove or register. If the light comes from ouo Hide, the basket should be turued eyery day. Tiiose who wish to keep insects iu chei-k must never have any tomorrow abo'Jt tlieir ways, but act as soon as the eggs, cliiysalis, or vermin in any size are seen. Destroy the first lot and it is rare that there is much trouble after.. A man can raise more corn on twen- ty-acres if it is thoroughly manured, carefully ploughed, and kept free from weeds, than he cau on forty acres, with the same amount of manure and time to give to it that he could give to his twenty. When doctors disagree who shall cido. The people often decide by â- rowing physic to the doga,' and ying BURDOCK BLOOD BIT- •^'ERS, and the result is always satisfactory. Burdock Blood Bitters IS the Miiltum in t'arvo of medical science, curing all diseases of the Blool, Liver and Kidneys. A trial bottle only cot^ts 10 cents. A dollar botle may save yoa a good many del lars in doctor's bills. The Prairie Farmersya, "weeds on gravel walks may be destroyed ac d prevented from growing again by a copious dressing of tbe cheapest salt, lliis is a better method than band pulling, which desturbsthe gravel and renders almost constant raking and rolling necessary. One applicatija early in the season, and others as may be needed, while the weeds are smell, I will keep the walks clean and bright. ' Matthew Crawford states in an exchange that the destrtiction'of toma- to plants by the cut worm may be av- oided by making a comact mound of earth abont the plants as large as a teacup, the cut worm being unable to dimb. Another way, which we have lonit practiced, is to wrap around the stem, if the cut worm is feared, a few inches of paper or a large green leaf of any kind, befotc drawing tb earth around it. They wll not take tbe trouble to kuaw through tbe paper or leaf. Tbe effects of Pairs green applied to potato vines upon the tubors, has been the theme of C'lnaiderable diicnssl in. H. C. b'ish, of Worcester, applied an onnce of pure Paris green around and on tbe tobers iu a hill of potatoes, which wero about otae third grown and submitted to a pratieal chemist fer Analysiw, who reported though be found Parts greeu adhering to the skins, it was easily removed by wash- ing, and nu trace whatever of arsenic was toond in tiie tolttrs themselves. Nor is the fifbt^ time for the gard^er. Cornuit" worms on the eurrant l^^i^M*, cut worms eatin« the I RWM. |H aorta of bo^i at CARRIGE, BUGGY AND TEAM HARNESS. 5fad« in (,'ood .style and of Ibo THE BEST OF MATERIAL, And as he means Imsincss Rive him an early call, as 1)0 will .sell at tlio lowest living prices, for cash. A good Buiiply ol WHIPS, TRL'IVKS, Ac, always on hand. Scotch Collars A Specialty, And a good fit cuaranteed. tS"Ki,'member the stand the Post Office is opposite. N, B.â€" Stave timber wanted, J. GORDON. Flesherton. March. 1881. 16 ESTABLISHED 35 YEARS weÂ¥kly SPECTATOR A LJUGE EIGHT-PAGE PAPEB â€" ONLYâ€" Per Year. ($1) Per Year. One of the Largest and best "Weeklies in Canada. Agents receive 26 Cents for every yearly sub- scriber. Any party sending us three snb- scribers will receive a copy, jiost-paid, ol the Farmer's Account Book, worth one dollar, in place of tho nsual commission. Scad a post card for Sample Copy of our Weekly, w'.iich is .sent free. The only paper in Canada that publishes a Draught Column. Address SPECTATOB PRINTING COMPANY, Hiuuilton, Ont. Noy. 11, 1880. •bfc^i etfcamfair and eqoaab plants ^•lit ROBT. ASKIN, Has opened ont a First-CIass Furniture â€" AlID UNDERAKING ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore bas supplied a want long felt, especially iu the Undertaking Lin*. COFFINS, C2SKETS. SHBOUDS. and all FUKERu FURNismnes, â- applied on the shortes notioe. A. Mplendid Heajrse for hire at modente rataa. FURNITURE! From the Common to the list and LatMt StyiM, in eveiytlung in tke line. Cell and see for yonnalTes. j. ROBT. ASKIN *. I if m o I u (D P4 Pt O o =3 Ml MEOICALEALL « P CO •iH c8 ijuuRiiiti, karlor and box stoves A'wavs in Stock. As I keep all kinds of EEPAIBS for the Tmp^emeata I se'l, Farmers will sae tue advantage of dealing with a Local Agent. WM. STRAIN, iFlesiiertorL- P*e»berton, M»roh 2' 1881. ae u SEEJ)S FIELD SEEDS, INCLUDING CLOVER, TIMOTHY, CARROT, MANGEL WURTZEL, c., fcc. OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR, OH, HEAR. â€" â€" Squander your monay if you want to, if not, get yoarPLotographs of W. BULMER, The People's Photographer, Flesherton Who is again prepared to take Pictni-es, and do Copv:ng and £oL ^^ng as heretofore. FJRA IVIES AISr FRAlVfE FIXllVCiS. We arereceivin a large stock of MOTTOES and Motto and oth^r Frames, and Frame Fixings, which we cjn, and mean to sell at Remarkably Low Prices, CaU and secure bargains. ' Bring along your pictores and have them copied acd enlarged bv yoor old friend. BULMER. Flesherton, Match 10, 1881. 26 GARDEN SEEDS A CHOICE SELECTION, All of which will be sold at lowest market rates. A. TURNER f Markdale, Dee. 9, 1880. CO. 18 U THE RUSH. THE RUSH. Three "^^omen alter a Dozen Herringrs. SPRING HAS MADE IT8 APPEARANCE. AND BUTTER RAE In order to make rcoin for their Spring Stock, offer all their WINTER GOODS AT COST! NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET BARGAINS In Dress Goods, Clooda, Shawls, Men's Caps, Shirts, Drawers, Overcoats, Flannels, in. PS- DON'T PASS THE PLACE Tsl/E MEAN BUSINESS, .si l^ToT^T" 3-oocis .^^jn:iTrin.g: 3Dgill3r, In Tweeds, all patterns. Cotionades, Uneks, Shirtings, Oinghams, Denims, White and Giey Cottons, Dress Goods, Prints, Hollands, Towellings, Collars, Ties, Braces, Colored and OraM Shirts, and all small ware nsnally kept. Hats m Felt and l! or â€" all prices. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. 13- Don't forget that COOPER k SMITH'S BOOTS are th* only BooU worth buyinj?, and we are tbe ONLT SHOP in Town that keep them. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE IN ALLL STYSES. }) B â€"We trust teat all unstomers will remnnber that we MUST have money If a counts are not paid by the ISUiiMat., the Bailiff wiU d«a with them after tiiat data. BXJTTEIt K-A.K. Markdale, March 3, 1881. 1 STOP. MARK. LEARlt And then you will know where to go to get the best value for your Moaev, at R. J. SPROULE S GREAT ANNUAL CLEABIG SALE, AT THE POST OFFICE STORE, ' FLESHEETON. in order to make room for heavy Spring Importations now arriving daily, I have decided reducing my present large and well selected and assorted stock of GENAERALDRY GOODS, FURS, MILLIERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats, Caps and Grroceries TO THE LOWEST POIN I POSSIBLE, and in order to do so. Will Sell at and Under COST, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. ^â- » «»ilI^^STi.r'" *^^""' "" r." '°^" "" »t*«°tion of the closet buyers. In GROCERIES you will find evrythlnK of Fi. ..(-Class Valnc. l.a« „f°.n'""'°f "" "" °' 'T" " "J* "^^^ Me, chants of our reagUboring VU- Ugee, of sending out numerous samples of cheap trash (with unscrnDolon«TJvim™««!i. tion.) outride our natural business relations, in order U'!^press Zffic Shey «e °°Yr^l,^J^«i^fc2i: TK"A°"r." '^^"" "" ^^ oustl^f^m the S"' dnBHr?£^ deahns u the only true course for a business man nonorawe My Qroceries are aU bought for strictly nett caefa, eonseqnently I cam and wUl teU at The Lowest Possible Prices! For CASH and FARM PfeODtJCE BUT IVOT -o- c3M:riT. A Good Chance. To rent for one or more years. Lot 9 eon. 9Enphniaia,terme easy. BOaeres in grass. Apply to. W. J. MoFABLAND- i.Tt^.u May 6th 1881. »*-• NOTIOBS. AUpwties, are hereby waned acaiat tree- retT'"ii on above lot. TH09.H. YOUNG. Niacara PaHa, IfajSA- »*;» SAVE YOUR C0MBiHG8 Mn. T; a. MotsM. the Indies of MaiUala is pnpaMd to woA aahair â- wUehae. paSs nd Mria, AeallieeoUatod. BfM udQiaMitiaata, lUiUal .!?•. 1« •^^A AOhiicfFanpfflSlicni FOB SALE, One liiU from ths VUlage of MarhiaUi Thete an about UMaerea daared, the mo.» of whieh ia in a hii^ state of enltivatioa and fttlwaBeaperorMowertoworkon. TWre ani oa th« r e i.i .e t %. Wamm Qowe brisked SS^' 'fft2?W|WBk***!i t»«" Stable MidIiiyingHeiiae,MdXoc^Mii- a Toons OrahaideoMaatMi^ to bear- aMoJ StMaianinaameeaafarm: Cedar wflS â- uae «f i^Mr, aad in a ikoiee loMliiv W ^tUn a ada of good â- ukatT^' •ifaallmiM. -^ an »aa-«i7,ai„^ C. W. BUTLBDOl, rMa,Jladidabf.O. I have alM in stock and for sale, a large quantity of ' â€" C PUBE SEED GKAINt 8eed«, and as It pays «.eh asid every Farmer to sow clean seed, you w5liii^«!!rS paying a few oents extra, and purchasing a good article. ""*^ *» I em now selling large qnanties of COAESE LAND SALT, FOR MANTJRE, Sfti^^sc^ KKS'.2s^T;»c:i"r«'j-n^^ «- 1 «» «uio„ «~*ih«.thaii«„rtK*urjra^sssr2::52^ hy th. j; â€" I would aleo intimate that Bj SPRING IMPORTATIONS ABB ABBTTING DAIliT, And I wOl ha«« op«a«d o«t and abov On The Ist of April, Ghord Index li Wonderful Inventioi â- THIS IS A MECHANICAL DEVIC :. For Learning to Play CHORDS AND ACCOMPANIMENTS ON THE PIANO AND ORGM 0-athairtggert«ndBâ€" t pndiaaing aUforlikwri Aborted Btoctoawrhroa^ Into ttia iMi u th» iatho past, and â- oUdMag aa iMpaottoa Hinr n: R Flesherton, March lo • ?8 J. SPBOULE, Any person, Young or Old, whet have any Musical talent or nO can learn or PLAY ANY- THINQ, in a VERT SHOET TIME, ;wliat would take years in the old way, besides a great expense for Books, Tuition, etc., eta Sent, pre-paid on receip oi PIANOS ORCAI y IPOR SAJL.E aT YBEY LOW PEICESi ADDRESS* -y 5| J. A. CEAWFOBP. 'm 429 King Street East, Toto^" ' â- i^t.-r '"â- V. 14-lr iToBAto^Ajpiil Z4U1. 88fv iaii V^eet the earljcmails. ^4-rt foreign and Provincial! •jrjLioBoe. County Business, I rStS* Md an InstractiveJ ,__ f 1.50 in three months, JTSTth* end of the year. Ko| .f^Mi until all arreiipes ar '° Itths option of thf publ.slij \jni--e 9*9^^ witiioul ayuiiq JTesmnVihte for the years sub- Ijg Uer cotaplj with the rule- 0? AIVEBTISINO do ^â- 'f'J do «'• do â- « 'H ,ou under, firt iusrtiou i)'t labaeqneut insertiiHi l' » leo lines, first inscili. -11. mbaequeot insortion 2o i^ee, first iiifserti.in por liuo gubsepuent insertion iber of lines to be reckoned by tliJ ipied measured by a bcalo of solid AHvertiaemrats without speciti* via be puliliRh^ till forbid «iiJ dii«ly. AlltranBitoTj lul-'ertiw*! tbe atte* ot pablioalion hi 7^ die Thumday morninK pn«««ll isblication. ^. W, BtJTLEDGE, ProprieUir. jONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. SproMic /k Cnrtrr, Surgeon^, Accoucheur • Ac. E- Medical HiiSl; rusiacV.ce :r°^t K.ISBO. IV pit. prB»v. IQm, SUlUiEOS, A. (.!â- II Eoo«»»A 1*. O. tyj^acDAia and ifuii\M.i INEY-AT-LAW. SI.I. n. •; l| .,ry,Couveyane«T. .Vi-. i;:. 'gstore, Mark'lal,-. Chaa B. Willw.. «t Law, OwiiH S' .u:ic ;â€" Millers's bulM:':.-. •â- •.. f !t-' "ponletStrett. 1 Ir*«t rr«»».f, TEBS, ANI MT'.UNI VS r, Sol ici tors in lu.ne.iv » ex Owen Souilil, lime re e.ir:. I I IB, Office open every Tliii' ,.sT, .I.W. Fbi?t. I ity Crown Attoriicv. 1 1 Jnin«« ;»Inv..«ii. TEIland.\TTOi:Ni:V AT ' ' sr in Chancery, Ow, ii S".lr.'l. 17, 1«80.. " I 1 JnmcK t.-ino:(, inNEY-AT-l.\ V. S !.i llu:; lueery, N'ntiirs I'aMie, Ae. loaned at I'.v. t r .•â- fii '• r «il e-itate. I.jihh- lMii;.'iil a!al id seller iutroliice'l Jree •! euiumf DXJNDAIjK. il«r«l-t. i-"" B or ifAKiiiAi,:-. I ii::Nsv.. issioner in li. li. ' .-. ncioK in ail it.s 1i in.-ii^- jT"'.; to and carefully e:. •-â- ;; â- 1. Money tu Louil on ii- i Kt. Sept. iT.lScW. 1 Alexander Uro-.\ n, R of Marrin~e l.iieij.-. ' • Insurance .\i;eut. Cutii- •,. ,. itc. Couvevaneer r«:i.( !.:.•; !cr for the County i.f !ii.v. I' S and Lund Sa'.es, I'm.. and cLart;es male vtTv lu • .• rUle, Sept, 17. 18«'i. ' i- George Corbet. .Jr., .LOAN AKDGIN'irV!. • fen Sound. Monc .~j. • mi i| interest. Princi}-;:; |..i-. â- •â- :. term of ycar.-mi!i.l it!';.- • ' ly, or principal and int. ;• staImeBtt, number of deIrable I:a;r. â- •â- M. G. Sin?, NIOK AXD l'r.OVlN!-.^ irxt-ynr. UraupLtsniau :i' i Ku.l Markdale. Havin;: V ial Land Surveyor Cjiiii.. ick ol original l-"u M N.; l.tl I, iBstractions, AT.,.t all '., .--,i,v '.hinthe last fifty- ;lv, y. ai- to make Surveys in i-I-:. J lerewith. ProHles :::i.l !-; Hills, Plans :iii i Si» â- .•;•. iiii( Bridges, lur:.iIi. .1 â- â- ..|.|.i ioaey to Loaa at â- " r ciii ;i:i. i. or 'etter.er left will, ti. .1. I' le.will be promptly altUil .it 17,1880. " ' • J Setttiotrtt. Hr. Jaine» J. \« tiiis •at to Dr. (V.i:-. r.e.. 4"i, ,, s..- J BE AT Tin: i:i:\ i:i:r. iimi I Harkdale, ...n the l.i i W. ir .-.i., nth. wlieii lie '\i'l l'ej»n-pm, 1 !.. Joperhtions mr.iinJ n| mi '.In- ;. ..„ I aost tatirfactory maiiiier, :uid miJ ' terms. I Sotcl«. i.^ -,â- â- * â- :VERE HOTEI nAKui»'-i.i:. JPEOUIiE. Propriei I popular Hotel In- h.i'l 1 ir" ition added to it. tl;.irii;-li!v r. :.! aow second to timie in ili,- C'l l«abling "uj ait.niiv. ..-:l. r. 1 Pjjommodation (or •â- ••tiinn «• «i t:^i [J««ms 9I.OO per d-.iv. li ***A.FOKr), Ont. f-MoQIBlJ, V^^yui: •eoommoaatii.i! f..r the trnvt-l The bar is will stneked witli Wines and l.i'iu ajs aiiJ tW I BUS to and from all trains, '• 17, 1880, 1 'MmTrcial HTfE I*BICEVIIjL.E. Out. •••d aommodious Sample' Un ,^*' **oom«, Ac. TlieHiirai.i l.ii |«appUod with the best til. u^ari., 7 'good Stabling andatt.iitu. ll.'-;iJ THOS. ATia.SSOX, 1 1.1, ,,J •^It, 188 o, K. M. Cialbraitli, i*'^OM:EK and GENEliAI. L.i [^"â- "•Wuhamttfoiil isUt;j:i. A,.' ,^!J*5*' Commi.«i(u. lUteaBi«.i »tai?I^^ »ud Scwmj; MaeK;i„ i!z^""*° 'enUI T;ees, Viin,s. A/i *a, and Machinery of all fcl^l°?°* "â„¢' 'o' sale on easy te ^L^'°*° »' bottom latcK, "' Jan. »7, i»hi. n:J ' â€"