v^-af r. Lxl 1 1 « r) -A" i) ' rr. o ;i X c i; l: w c w r^ r y *^- 3 O "J r; Ix (M 3 W u 00 '*^ " *^ c S JS o ® • en 01 en ro vh C O-r; O O 11 (J O e* O I'^iiiirnji t-l r: »-• CJ »â€" *, CT" O rv o -^ r» -4-' u u a. rJ • JU O- «-• *-• '" c r* ^J^ to t/1 n X 3 u Wâ€" 1 w *£ g QQ •â- ^'1 ';^] 3 11 1 '^.f^l^M fifiPY nuiii ImIjA SIJ er^iit inventioi i lilS IS A »*â- ' ainical device 3r Lcsn^ing to Play N TiiJ: -lis â- QANDORGii [on, Young or Old, whe [ly Musical talent or rA ^arn or PLAY ANT- IING-, in a VEEY Ihoet time, V what would take -^ iars in the old way, â- ^, ides a great xpense oks, Tuition, etc., eW- re-pead on receip ^vi.«oâ€" -J^ 08 OfHC%^ 1 oil JS^VLE -a.T \ry low pkicbs' AWFOB^l 429 King StvpetEas^ J. A. CB fp^ia'e 1*!^ tt ' ^^ the •â- fy ^« 11.50 in thwe moDth», I^'^theendoftheyeK. No k^!i^ P»P«« w«»l°" P»r°« i#l«i» jlioB9ibl« for the yews eub- ^^"^tomfXj with the rule.. ^rTor ADVEBTISDIO: »i^V »50 00 Jo ..•••••"• Jo ,••••••••••"•• do Jonder.first iueeiUon.. "Steqoent insertion •JJen lines, first inaertxon *^ rtbeeqacnt insertion. liaes- first insertion per Ime K L '«tat«iaent iiwettion KSTil line, to he reckoned b, tte Ki mewnred by «:*le of whd Advertisements without Spee-nc tuitpubLsh^.tiU forbid. nd nrdinri?. MltTMnitoryed-rertise 17 60 15 00 8 00 4 00 50 ;vol: T.--m. m â- â- â- '^.*'»'»»^i» MARKD^liE, Jtnjr •Wi^M-' cmeRGrE ^ife^O]^. ^^W. BPTLEDO B. Piyie*or. J0IIAIABU8IIIE88 pi RECTORY. V=^^^^^^^f%«t Carter, i*' Sor2fioxi' .AccoacUeuTB pg.Medaul HU; residence at (B""-*- 17, 1 SCO. 1-y Ls«i«*P-0- 6-tf. Cr$»»- ,-4tfDlL« and DDBHAM.) xETAT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Confevaneer, tc. Office over stoie, MarkJale, 29 '^Ta. Wilkes, ^r»tLaw, OwenSotmd. jjjlers's building, orer Bebin- ^P(nlet Street. 1-y TiMt Fr««t, BUM. AN" ATTORNKYS-AT Sdiaiors in Chancery, Convey Ttio^ Souiii' have resumed at (tfce open every Thursday, a. F'.Z.INIXION, Fftmnory Surgeon C^ radaate olOrtario Veterinary CoUe ., T Toioato, •• prompty at: i!attere,Slfii^,Bii^ « WAGGONS, CULTIVATOBS. iORSE RAKES. PLOUGHS. ' W^ilkmdsoj JarmtnglmphtnetUs *^ Hfllainat.. FLESHERTON. To MT PAtson.â€" Always abead of any f« r takla. aa^ having the iuveet and Boat «naam^9uiiarj in thia hwaiity, I an mdtoaaU Cairiafea and ImpiemenU of _r deaeripfatni in the beat afyje of any in naiket, and at priees as low a. any o«- "-lt«th«vMlfly»ttha««rk. dkaivantage _^ Parties in want of a oarriage or Implement vill do well to give me a call, aa there are none in the market whieh will f^ ttfm wiih t in q ity, rtyle and finish for the priea. ii-iy IS No. IS yr.^hrgf:mUd, 35-; CalU by MaU or Telegraph Wm. Lncas Co., BANKERS, MAEKDA.LE. 31 oney X^oa-ned TN large or mall amount*, at all times, 'jn T Crown Attorney- Fbost, LL. B. 1 JliMiet niMitSOIl, bTEn.voii A'"r01".NKY AT-LAW, rin C'ji.^ute.y, Owen Sound. llI.ISSO. 1-y iBBies Lamon, ZY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Notary Public, *c. ^louied at lowest rates on personal Mutate. Lauds bought and sold. iSilltr introduced free of coinmis DUNDALiK. nlwr^l t, 18*0. 1 »r«i. Brown, Xvx or M.tf.aUGE LICEN,SES,,ic., ,,r^ iiiiiei' 'n B. li. Ac. i»vi i;;'.)iaW.i biiiu„. » prompci^ \\ n. "iWci p/ally eie-nited. \â€"itMj 'o Lend uu Ie:il Estate se- good seenrity. endorsed notes, or on ooUateral INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Depoait.. I^Oraft^ issoed and Colleetion. made on all points, at lowest ratea. WM, September. 1880. LUCAS Co. Lile. S«nt. 17, 18S0. 1-y Al«xan4rr Brou n, IT. of M... rii'^e Lioeuseo, Fire ftnd (ii.aii.»'e A^ent. C"aniissioae( if. Ci'iivpy\u;er oud Licensed )trforiIie(,ii'u.v-o/G,ey. Farmers, fill! I,. â- !,â- S.1' ruDctnally at- IWi'ii' cll.'i^i,â- s b).'le yey uiodevate. nil* Vui. 17. IS.'sO. " 1-y Gcarge foi-bri. Jr.. ^O.LOAN ANl)(.ENKt;Alj AGENT |s«n3ouuJ. Monev vo Lonn pt low (atsiest. Pjiiicipal payable ?.i, the |ile,u of ye.trs, and interest half year- '«,0i prtaci|itl aud interest repay- liikalmfnts. lumber of desirable Improved Fai ms 1-v J. W. »ius, CMra XND PUOVINCTAT. LAND "•jor. DrcngbtsjidT â- •' i lnjvtor, « ai M«V(l..ae. fl.•^ ' â- 1., 1 â- chaseii ilL«nd Sarvcvor C'Ii. ' • /lunkin's |ito5kof oiigiupl riclil \oies, I'L^ins, U«ra[»ious, *c., of all hi' biu-veys niiiiutlw Uvi fift^iivo .ve...-3, I a'lu 1 to Biiie Surveys in st.ici aceoid- |tUei«vili. p.ouVs and Estimate' Mm|^B\li,,?\jna and SiWcificntious fcVdBj Boise,, h-volsiieU on applica- IW to Loan., j pe,- cent iuterest. '•' "'.i»'«i»with O. J. BLTTH, h 'Zi* ProBptly attended to. â- ' IS8O. J y [*• »HKs J. ^mitr. "0 D. Caaieron, Owej bonnd, llu *^ ' ' KKVERE HOUSE, I wkWe, ou tlie last Wednesday in "••ben lie will be prepared to per- ^*.UJons re]tiived upon the moatb '^(utiff.ujtory Manner, and upon '"-1. l.y d«tel*. ^CRE HOTEL, makkdaue. iOULE, Proprietor. ^^ Hotel ha. had a large ad- r* wiied to it, thoroughly refitted, second to none in the oonntv. wwg and attentive ostler. Firrt- Iw!^^"" ""' commerc'al traval- l "•« 91.00 per dar. 17-ly HOTEL., I â- PaoPBinocs. Jv^a'ion for the travelUng J'W.";?"" •'o***! with tUe "Gpfs ^â„¢*' »°i *^ ho«t rj^d from aU train*. }2_ .JERCIAL HOTEL I'SICBviIjIjB. Ont. L^^niwodion. Sample Booms: (S°®'*e- The Bar and larder J? »ith the best the market af IH^.^* atlentiye Bostter*. »n2°i^TiaN80N. Propri.tor. aEMKIMLE, INSURAKCE AND LAHD AGENT, LiCBSSEA) AUGTIONEiiB For the Ooi»ty ef Owtif, â- AoBNT for the following reliable Ooatpsniee CITIZENS' of MontiMU, AGBIOULTUBAIi, of Watartown, and TRADE COICHIIBCE. (Untoal) of Toronto. A number of Ghoiee Farms for safe, also Village Lots Auction Sales conducted in Town at Conn- Bills, Blank Notes, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. Markdalb, May 20th, 1881. 36-ly WM. FOX, Plata I OnaiMital Platttrer Estimate, for stone and brickwork un ap- pheation. Satisfaction Ouranteed. Beai- dence â€" Qnees Street, Markdale. Markdale. Sept. 17. 1880. 1-T Meat for MT AT W. B. Sarjent's. The sabscriber returns thanks to the in- habitant, of MABKT)AT.E and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur- ing the past five years, and begs to remind them that he is prepared to sopply their want, in his line as H. MEGaiTTj lCa*h6MlI Mofhe^l 7Mr rwi Vi afak olTkg with a^ jfm wnisLOWTj soothixo smuf I«^ »ali^th.po«rlittlanflnrl,»Mr a*aiyâ€" depend uptm it thara i. no miate aboat it Tbara ia no* a Muthar vaam^m wk* hM ev«r M«i it, who wiIlaaMt£a« one* that it wfll reg-i^te tha bowalaTa* KM rart to the mother, and â€" "rfiMihwl to tha ebild, operating lice magie. It ia h X nfe to OM in aU naw ami ph a»taata,aDdis the piweriptic« of thaoldart mil beat f«ale BtaMlim •« aBmi in tlia United Stataa. SaU evw^ â- I ffi tiiero^UMK, Mii,ip«»ny to 0»« Sooad. Aa •^MMien of o^ioioa V â- o nny wpm w u totm mm of tfaia oou^woaMkeof uo UUie ioipait- uoe tovwda* j wt teMioQ. lo OTM i iiiim tho ptintoa mirnitw •nd Aaiitan'npori, Uieir gti vp ii exeepttoiMkQy good audi »m «in tbo report Aow8ctaaio«*«Mi. Hie m oomit* an m rimpliiod tiMt the noot â- implo oranot ke euuKd if .ho tut to oomprAnd tlMa. Tho ««« gnot- ed ior those labors have boen wU earnBd.^nt I nigret dui ifcss pietan hMbeen mured bjitfas lataneiB. p^ tbsar ffaticstian. For the benefit oilke meaihets of diis ^^1 â€" ' -Jin is nni tiMI 1 Mj â- atf i hi *»i!l ii i t srankt.hc «dll to andarrtand by vbat sntbority tboM^ large sonia of money aas paid wider the bead of "Board of Exaauners," "Jnly Elxamiaations," and "Daeem- It seems so an- any pei mt Fashionable Tailor, FLESHERTON. Is prepared to fill all order, promptly. ()uttuig doM while cnUowur$ are wattiitff. I StMl Fifiu aranf eed The Latest Fashion Plates always on hand to choose from. iscBemember the place opposite Biebard eon's store. Fleshcrton, Uareh 9th. ISSl. 26 mS THOS. MATHEWS, WI8EB8 to tender to his nnmeroaa customers Uis sincere thanks for tbe^r very liberal patronage during the 15 years be baabeen in the Harness Business in Mark- dide. an would respectfully solicit a coutinn. anee o-' the same, feeing oonfiident*tbAt be can give Entire Satitfactum. Everyfaing usually kept in a FIRST-CLA8 iip pflipyig eCTADLlCHIIBHT. aiw^y. on baud, and sold at moUurate rates. k^None but good workman employed and the beet of materials used. Markdale, Nav, 18, 188o- lo D. J. SHANAHAN'S WAQON and Carriage Works, Just opened, opTosile the drug store, Mill street. Having longcnpcWencc in the brs^- nesi, we feel confident «e can give satisfac- tion to those favoring ns wilhtheir orders for CABBIAGES, SPBINO WAGGONS, LUMBEB WAGGONS, !^c. Horseshoeing, and all kinds of repaii-ing n our line either in wood, iron, paiutiog, and trimming neatly and promptly eseciUod. We use notltinv but good material aud em- ploy first cl^ss pi-actiral workmen. Our aim is to give tlie best value for the least money, thus bccnring arepet iou of your esteemed orders aud the benefit of your inOneuce among your friend.. Markd-Ue, Apr-'l Ctb, 1 S81 S0-m3 •â- •MM. MUaMtll. cStAfifTLriic^" DI800VERYI toe â- Dtaif, lUe^MIMaM^TStSSS.^^T' 'â- ' « â- » 1^ A ItOTHKB'S PBATBB. Toe«haAe.Xa«lM«D wHi. ahy kini of a derlnl. •' Brown*. Hoosebold Panaeea,' being aoknowledged as the great Pain Believ. ber Examiaations. er, and of donble the strength of anv oth« „„.!.»„„ ti,.* EUxer or liniment in the world, AotUdh omalonfl that any peraon or persons iaeyei^bmily handy for use when wnnted shoold have power to draw from our 'firi2;?V^h*^'s5:S^':^d'"p^sTnJ '^^*^' ^^^ -o .mpowered by A^M «t all kinds," and ia for Mle by al by either the statale or aotfaority frcm In«i*Uat»SeenUabottle. iQ-iy jy, ^^^^^^^ Under eith« case, it most, I think, appear resonable that before paid these accounts shoald pass the scratiay of the committees of the Conncil, who are the cnstodians of the peopl's money. If it be custom- ary so to do, merely, it must be bad. having drawn year attention to it, 1 am sure you will give the matter your considc! ration. The equalization of assessments at this session wDl require your careful attention. In conclusion I have only to add, tiiat as usual, I trust our deliberations will be characterized by the greatest harmony and I shall not delay in placing papers before you promptly. I am, yours, W. 8. Chlistoe, Warden. The Council tuen ballotted fos a committee on the Warden' addreso, when the following gentlemen were selected Messrs. MoNiohol, Murdoch. Myleo, King and MoBae. After some unimportant business, the Council adjourned till Tuesday at 8 p.m. BT TREODOBB TlLrotl, ^th eager arms a mother prened A langbing babe agvinst her breast; Then thus to Heaven .lie cried in prayer "N ow. even a. his face i. fa-'r. Oh, Ljrd, keep thou hi. wml with'n As free from every spot of sin." From Heaven the Lord an answer made "Behold, Igrant as thou has prayed," Within the door the darkness crept. And babe and mother gently slept. From bclfnes rang the midnight bell. The watchmen answered "All i. well," The mother at the cradle' side Awoka to find the babe had died. With grief to set a woman «ild She caught and gr.asped the marble cb'd Until her heart against his own Was brokenâ€" beaten stone. •Oh God 1" she cried in her degpa ' •, "Why hast thou mocked a mother's prayer?' Then answered He: "As I have wi"ed, Thy prayer, oh woman, is fulfilled If ou earth tUy chil.l remain, His wu Ishall gather many a stain And take h'm to the heavenly land." The mother heard and bowid her head And laid her cheek agninst the dead. And cried "Oh God I I dare not pray. Thou answorest in so strange a way." In shadow of a taper's light She moaned throughout all the lonely niirht, But when tbemorn'ng brought the sun She prayed "Thy nl'l, oh Lord be done'" COUNTY COUNCIL. utb. 881. U^^^'AND GENERAL LAKD i^"^f'«rd 8t.ti,m. Auo*lon "oncL ^^ °' *^« County. *Bto. VTl?""" Ratesmodenrti. r^"*.J»n.27 /.,'r :,.:t as any one north of Toronto. M ad Ciffui Ibis delivered piooaptly on receipt ofordei.. SAUSAGE POULTRY alway. kept in their Season. iS'Shop on Mill sreett, opposite the " Bevere Hotel." iS'Cash paid for Fat Cat- tle and Sheep Again th anting you for paat favor, he trusts by faithful attention to your want, to merit a continuance of yoiu support. NoTioB. â€" Farmers having fat sheep or cat- tle to dispose of will leave their addrera at Sargeaut's W. B. 8ABJEANT. Markdale. Sept. 17th 1880. 1 nrONTeOMEHY, HA K E R, THE Subscriber, in returning thanks to the inhabitants of Markdale and sm- roonding country for their patronage during the past eight years, begs to intimate to them he is how prepared to supply the Public with FRUIT. POUND PLUM CAKES. either pUia, or Iced and Ornamented, and a htrge Variety of Other Cakes always on hand, Alw BISOTJITl of every dewsription. from the beet mann- faeturer* in Ontario. A1m a Urge and va -ied •SMTtBient of tta CMSREtT eeVCCTIOIKIITI BR1DES~CAKE8! supplied on the diarteat notiee, and got up in the beet .tyle that is done thi. nde 9t lantnto. Sheep and CJattle. FABMBRS having good lit Sheep or Cattle to sell, will ijud it to their adv-int- ageto leave there names aud address »t Mn- Cutcheon's Hotel, Eeveie House, M-ukiTnle, as the uudeiugued are still on the wai- p.itli, and will positively pay the highest Hee«. C. W. A A, gPSEBS. Sept. 17th, 1880. J-y BiimiTUST! s Mm, Sodtli, â- --' â- tarn OTH£!B PABTXBS, nippUsdwtth*4baB^ast mtioa an4 oa^tha »i4st r iss j% j ls j|»yBa.^ ..-,. 30ja oirrooiiXBT. Siarkdsk, Hot, 18, si, iiSO. lo4y fl EEDSI SEEDS Just arrived at the "BELFA8TH0U8E." Also a fresh sto«k of Groceies, ProYisions, CANNED FRUIT, â€" AKD CONFECTIONERY, Any amount of Cumberland ont 3ic3.e Foz^. FOR SALE. ALSO. MALT AND RYE WHISKEY, THE BEST IN TOWN. BRANDY. CIDER, .;^"... ALE, PORTER, i-. TEAS and ,v S' 80GABS. " â- CHEAP.' â- â- 'j r WILSON BENSON. Markiiale, March CT. 1881. g-Iy MONEY to LEND At SIX AfUI CfillT. ty. PHyateFnnds. J. O, IBVINa. Maifciiale, tana Sad, 1881. SS-Su O VBAIOHT IiOANB, on Freehold proper From the Owen gonnd T'mes' Thb County Council met on Mon- day evening last. Dr Christoe, Warden, in the chair. The Warden addressed the Council as followe: â€" Gentlembn of the CooNcn,,^Were it not for the p'ououuced opinion of last session in favor of a written ad- dress, I si)onld have felt it my duty now to have omitted it, believing as I do, that it is necessarily a document of very little importance, inasmuch as the subject matter of those addresses appear in a more practical form before the standing committees, and their opimons often collide with those e:i- pressed by committee on Warden's address. I congratulate you, gentleman, on the favorable circumstances under which we meet. As agriculturist you will deplore with me the cold wave that did so much harm, yet the recent rains have so invigorated the crops that there are fair prospects of a tolerably prosperous harvest. Since oar last meeting, your com- mittee appointed in the interests of the towi^hip of Melancthoo and Shel- bumc, to adjust all matters of fiuance consequent upon the formation of the county of Dufferin, met first ia the village of Flesherton and afterwards in the village of Shelbume aud it is pleasing to know that tLe meetings were harmonicas and the settlements jost â€" Awaiting only the ratification of the several corporations interested. The reports in due time will be read and laid before the committee ol Fin- ance and Assessment. The accumulated interest on By- law 174, or the T. G. B. R.By htw, wU no donbt interest gentlemen re- presenting the groap, aud with the assistance of the Council will deter- mine whether there shall be an an- noal distribution of this ioterett or not. The qaestiua of leasing the T. G. A B. B. ia • sobjeot engrossing tbajmUio mind and it fraaght with •onsidarable importance to the muni- dpalitiea iDteroatad â€" even the late Grsod Jary £ailed not to expreaa an opinion 00 the rabjeol. It will not be forgoten that a large deputation wait- ed on the Government of K)a\^ao a short time ago, toiaprets tb«n tbat it waa their duty to exerotae tiieir prerogaiiTe, • pewer mreated m them by an Aflt (rf (hebuit ftoTind*! Pitr- TiitniT"*. against an amtngement with til* Northern and HamiltoB Nesth- â- hIwti Trr' â€" 3- Boeh H wm al- leged, and as I believe, wpold be in- imical to UKiioteresfaiof Cbii ooaafy. TUESDAY AFTEHN JON. The Warden presented a statement of the Goveinmect appcartioiune nt for Phbtre B8IIIMI W UHr Vanous'town- ships, which was referred to the Education Committee also, a number -of accounts, and a C"mmuuicatiou from J.C. Spragge, Auditor, with re- ference to increase of salary, which were referred to the finance commit- tee. Mr Stark presented a petition from the ratepayers of Sullivan with re- ference to the boundaries of school sections. It was referred to Educat- ion Committee. Messrs. India, McKni.qht, Ruther- ford and D bie adressed the Council on behalf ot the High School, asking fur- ther aid. The facts briefly set forth were that the county of Grey gives less to its High School than any of tlie SOI rounding countiesâ€" that the anual expenses of the school are $4,500, of yriiidi the Government only grants $950, aud the county $950, leaving $2,600, to be made up by tne town, in addition to paying its share of the county grant. This is irrespective of the amount speut on capital account â€" The fine buildings they had crested having cost the town about $20,000, the mterest on which would be $1,200 annually, making a total annual con- tribution to the High School by Owen Sound of$8,600, as against the $950 whieh the county contributed, while fully one-half the pupils were from the country outside the town. It was also set forth that the ratepayers of the town had resolved to keep the sohod free to sU â€" it being now the only High School in the neighborhood whick did not inpre a tax on those attending â€" that efforts were being pat forth to make the school second to none in the Provinue, and one cf wLjpk the county might feel proud but it involved a very heavy burden on th« town, and unless they got farther assistance from the oounty, the Trus- tees uight not be able to carry out all the iiaprovements they contemplated. What was asked, that instead of make- ing 8 sapemodio grant, the county should increase the annual grant it now {ave, say by Hi per cent., or an mcietse of $500. The county now only {ave the minimum it was com- pelled by law to give, while other ocunties treated their High Schools much more Uberaily. Mtfved by Mr. Keonody, aeeonded by Mr. Maloom, That having heurl the lequest of the High ttehod Board fot an 'jtnereased annnal grant, the Education Committee be reqaeeted to take the matter into eooetdaratjon. Mid nqwct at tUs ieaMM.â€" Carried. The Conneil flien adjonmed till Wednesday at 10 a. m. wampsMT ifonmia. The Warden made a atatament with leferenee to the iinaneea of East Grey Agrioultural tjooie^. A state- ment waa read Irnmthe County Treaa- â- rer that he bad invested certain sink- ing faads in debentaces of loan aoeie- tiee at 4^ per eent. Letter fnmt Gaol Phyaoian, with Nfereace to aalwy. •••iita m^Hol. Petition from sehaol land. The Warira alae pteevited the re- port o speeial eommittoe on tiie aettfe- â- Mat wth VekmehottMid BbalW^^M. ^1^ nvMt WM adflfML Mc MitKenhina pceeented report •r FinaMe Oeauuttee.It reeommeod* ad a trant o(9fe. p«r man per day to Slat Battalion while eagaged ia drill, and paaiii a nnmber of aa aaati. A petitionwac presented from re- â- ideots of K^n*^, aakii« for a fgnai of $100lete«Bty hne between H«f- werthaiodWiaiton. The CpABoil vent io^ anynmittep :«BtkeFinai|«e3nirort, Mr. Stark n ^iMx^ ipii4)«) 4lam« j wnii ipt i aiBTo!nit«BiB.]r. Mardoeh ttat it be strook out. Mr. Middletopi mov- ed in aoieadoMBt that the amount be reduced to 10c. per day. Meaars. Molntjre, Kceiiig, Siug and the War- den spoke against the crant, and Messrs. MeGurr, McBae, MoColman, Middleton and Kennedy in favor of it. Mr. Murdoch's, motion was qarried. The remaining claases of the report wers passed and the committee rose. On the motion for the adoption of the rep'rt, Mr. McColman moved to refer it back to insert the clause re- specting the volunteers. The amend* ment was lost on the following vote. F«a»â€" Wright, McColman, Campbell, Kerr, Stark, MoBas, Hall, Howey, Cameron, McGirr, Sparrow, Vasey, Bead, Fox, Kennedy, Melcom. Mc- Keohnie â€" 17. Nayt â€" McNicol, McCallnm, J. Mes senger, Myles, Boyd, Murdoch, Law- rence, Totten, Clark, Koeuig, Blyth, Winkler, Middleton, Abbot, Sng, Long, Donald, McNaught, Mclnt^re â€"19. The report was then adopted. Mr. Myles presented report of spe- cial committee ou the Warden's ad- dress. After some preliminary discussion on the railway clause, The Council went into committee of the whole,Mr. Clark in the char. The clause with reference to the railway re-echoed the Warden's sent- iments that the proposed leasing of the T. G. B. R. to the Northern Railway would be fraught with evil to the intereEts of the Municipalitiee â- wbifh liAVfl_ contributed to the Con- struction of the road, but recommend- ed leaving the matter in the bauds of the Executive, as they felt confident their [pi-erogativj ivould be exorcised justly. Ou that clause coming up, Mr. Middleton, seconded by Mr. Lang, moved an amendment as follows. That clause No. 6 be amended by striking out all the words after "who have contributed to the coustructiou of the road," and the following sub- stituted Would recommend that a strongly worded memorial be drafted signed by the Warden and counter- signed by the Clerk, and ^having the corporate seal attached.^for immediate presentatiou to the Lieutenant Governor in Council, praying that any arrange- ment hav- ing m view the workius! of the T. G. k B. R. by the Northern and Northwestern Railway Companies be not ratified, as such would be pre- judicial to the iuterests of a large pre ponderance of the population, territory aud wealth of this county, and con- trary to the wishes and best interests of the whole of the municipalities which have contributed by way of bonus to the construction of the said T. G. k B. R. The amendment was adopted by an overwhelming majority. On the clause which stated that the Board of Examiners had a right to draw their pay without submitting ac- counts to the Council, the Warden moved to have the opinion of the County Solicitor on the point. The report recommended that the equaUzation ot assessments be made on the basis of the report of the Co- unty Valuators. The committee ros3, and the Council adjourned till 7 p. m. WKD!IBS»AY KVEItlNa. Mr. McBne gavu notice that he wculd movt) to dispense with the Dec- ember session. A commuiiiotioQ was presented from Mr. Miller, asking an increaie (if salary as Comt House keeper. The report of committee ou War- den's addretis was adopted. Mr. Siii(; prearnted the report a[ committee ou County Property, whioh was adt^tdd. Mr. McKecLine presented report of Eduoat-ou Committee, whioh re- oommendcd amongiit other tilings, that tlie Oooucil memorialise the Oav- emment for the disendowment of Upper Canada 'C^lLge. On motion of Mr. Murdoch, tho report waa adopt- ed. Conoeil adjourned till ThonSay at 2 p. m. __ The moat miaetable man in the world is Mm dyspeptio, and dyspepe M one of the most trotible89me dtf- flcoltiea to remove, bot BURDOCK BLOOD BITTEBS always eonqner it. It stimolatee the seoretioos, re- galatee the bowels, acts vpon the Livar, aide digeatton. and kmea ap the entire ayetem. Trial Bottiaa 10 C^ta, Large Bottlea $1.00. NBRVB. ••What eonatitatee aerrer a^ed the New YiMTk World the other day of its reader*. One man will answer tiiat it la xnmm m tt mind another wiU say ttmtit ia ploiA another that it ia bemg eod and coUeoled in an emergeney. It is none oftheae. It is Bometlnng 4»ek of all of them, and something whieh a BiSB never had nn- lees it was Kim in him. Instaneee at preeeuoe of mind are met with every day in the anay. An officer oat in charge of foragers or on a reeonnoissanee would be sod* denly attacked. Preeenoe of mind would aid him4o form his bmd fur de- fence. He had that preasnee of mind, even thongh his face was as white as floor and his chin shaking. Brave •MO an ooBUOoa anokigfaintbe laaka. Citlt Ibr men to faoe certain deafli and a haodred privates would step out at onee, yet test their '^erve" and they havjB none. Antc^lg two or three oases m mind, that of John Melrose, a trooper in the 6th Michigan Cavalry, is recalled. He was an undarsised, quiet spoken man, and he had that wonderful nerve which not three men in the whole bri- gade possessed. While acting as a scout in the Shenandoah Valley he was olie day eating his dinner in a farmhoose, when in walked seyen Con- federate soldiers. They kuaw him for a Union scout, and be knew them fx Confederates. A brave man would haye made a rush or had a fitrht. Melrose simply looked up and as they filed in smiled over hir fix, and spoke out: "Say, old woman, put on more din- ner, here, and we^l have a good square meal together " "You are my prisoner," said the sergeant of the squad, as he' advanced. ' Yes, I know it, but I'll pay for a dinner for you and your men ju»t the same I Sit right down aud make yourselves at home." His nerve upset the soldiers, aud after a moment thsy took seats at the table, forming a complete circle around the board. As soon as ihey began to at he began to think of escape. It was summer, aud the window behind him and ten feet away was open. If he stood up, a'l eyes would be upon him, and any excuse to leave the room could not be thought of. The meal was about half finished, and the captors and captive were chat- ting away, when Me'rosie suddenly flung himself backward, upset his chair, and bounded .through the win- dow. The soldiers ran out and fired at and pursued him, but he made good Ids escaue. In the Luray Valley, just before t" e affair known as the Woodstock Races, Melroee aud his oompauion fell out of ranks to forage. After securing a sup- ply of meat they pushed on after the column, and were ndiug at a gallop when five bushwhackers, well-mount- ed, came out of the cross-road about twenty rods ahead of them. "We are dead meii I" said tho scout's companion, as they came to a halt. Lookuig back they saw four more bushwhackot s climbing the fence to take position on the highway. Mel- rose calmly yiewing their situation, said: We will charge them Fall in be- hind mc and there will be less danger. Draw your sabre and strike hard " The other dared not try it, though he was a brave mau. Ho, therefore, kept his place as the scoucdushed for- ward. Melrose rode straight at tho men with drawn sabre, and thti volley they fired went over him. He struck the Hue, sabred a mau as he passed, and rejoined the column. Uis com- panion was never heard of again, prob- ably being murdered in cold blood. In 18G4 Melrose and three other foragers 'vero captured iu the Shenan- doah Valley, taken to a Small encamp ment, and the foitf placed iu a log house uudcr guard until their cases could be disposed uf Tiiey talked the situation over, and the bravest of ' cm could sec no Lope of escape. Melrose quietly listened to their dis- couraging remarks, and as quietly re- plied that he would be inside the Un- ion Hues before midnight. There was a circle of sentinels around the build- ing, which had but one door. The sentinels paced nithiu six paces of the bmlding, and the one in front could see the prboners through the doorway. Mclroe said that if all wou'd rush to- gether, the sentinels would be confused and either hold the"" fire or fire wild. The three men had participated in more than twenty battles, and were known as brave follows, but here they wanted nerve, and nerve was what they hadn't got. "Veiy well, then, I will go alone," was the quiet ^announcement, and as night came on Melrose was ready. Standing in the doorway he asked the senUnel what time it was. "You git back thar. or I'll shoot," was the prompt reply. "Yes, I'm going right baok," said the scout as he dashed on the man, hit bim a stunning blow, aud made tor le woods. He had to run across an open field in full view of the camp and, though it was dusk, he could be s n plainly for quite half the distant. Mere than fifty shots were fired at h' n, and then pursuit bt'gan, but he resided the woods and made his escape. He was one day sooutine up the yalley, having on a mixed uniform, when he suddenly came upon two fe- roei'Mis lookicg gueriUias wbile cross- ing a thick wood. They were seated on a log, backs to kim bot at tbe soond of his step they s|^ rang up and eovered him with tlieir carbines. It woold have bera bold to bolt, and take the chances ot being hit. Melroao never slackened his pace or changed his ooantenanoe, but walked directly np to tho men and quietly said "Fv* got aewii for the colonel, and I want yoa both to go along and show me the way." "Who said io f" qniokly asked one of the man. "If I mil* the way there'll bs an awfd row, fBrthia i* important news," be aaawend. "Who be yoo f" "CooM aloas and aafc this ooboel." wtateTuiig htm t« gam" IWaeiMhaai alaMfaad t4(la a laay, tired soat ef mmnm. Ma fa«i not aUot fifty iMt^lMM^kaheatddMn oDdc tbcir g«M, Ha^adaut tww^ walked op. Thnf vajra hcyntg hiat hot ha had tha Beev^af • JuiliiiB. and ha kept liia Iwaaisl* paaa aaMl w^ away fram their nej^borhooi. 'â- -?: Do ^otdruK the system with aai purgatives tlmt only dehilitata. Burdook .Blocd Bitters ia aatarai own Caohsftia, it aota at ouoe a|M« the Bowels, the iMUn, the Liver ao4 the Kidneys, arousing aH the aeere- tions to a boalUiy action. It porifies the Bli«d Mud cures all Humoris avyv the wof.t form of iierofala, and tontut up the Nervons and IXtbilitatal. TfiABING UP THfi BIBLE. ExTBioaDiNutr PaoroaRTOH or aa Oa~ ' TBODOX PaoTBSTANT Cl.KROTMair. (Btt. Dr. 6ma$i* Ckieato AOimmee^ It ao happeiw that allmodera diffienl-. vieaof any moment, in one diractiou of tbe k .iy B ossp tai aa. aee MiiAMd^. tieswith a rendering, bot with the sub*, ject matter, however interepted. There, should be iu the new version eliniina-_ tion of whole chapters and whole books,' ou the grooiid that they make tbe sacr- ed volume too large to be printed in good type and strll te poi-taUe. A small Bible always means that the- type is almost uucrosoople. A popular Bible should be at once portable aud. of fair, clear tpe, aud to make thia postible a large part of the old testa- ment should be omitted from the editions of the future. Not ouly are the laws of the Mosaic state repealed ai;d dead, and there-, fore unworthy of a place in this guide, of the pubUc, but they are the laws, of A semi- barbarous age, aud cast no little of their imperfectiou over upon the fair pages of the new testament. The new testament has suffered much from thus being found an bad com-, pany. Those treaties are valuable as^ beinga partof the history of theJewish' titalo, but not as being a part, much lessvaluablepart of Christauity. Many of the Hebrew laws were so udjub*; that their presencein the popular Bible, makes it esseutial that each clergyman aud each Sunday school teacher shall spend much time iu e::plaining the relation of Mosaic things to Christain affairs â€" an explanation to be made easier by a wiihdrawal of the cause. The laws about women aud slaves ate particularly unjust, and their pres- ence in the good book will always complicate ttie injury "What is in- epiratioD " If, almost all Christain scholars admit, those laws were the temporary snatutes of a nation, temp- orary compromises between a horrid epoch and a kinder one in comparison,' that legal literature should have laps-, ed into quietness along with the He- ' brew, the Amoiite, aud Jebusitc, aud not be spread out to-day before onr youth, as forming some part of tlio »'iviue truths to bo belicvod Besides, the savage injustice in some of thosa laws there is much tiiat offends against refinement of our more civilized times. No minister, no family, dares road alnnd all of the old teetiiueut. It c.imo from a far off time, aud jars like r discoid upon the modern heart. The Bible has already been so deeply in- jured by tlie timidj of its frioudg that now, since the rage for a now version has come, it is high timo a demand was made that tho best of all boAH bo set free from some of tho weights which 80' impede its procrcss. Other leaders will come alont; after a time to make changes of a more radi- cal nature, and from their hands the Bible will come re:i.l.v to 'le tho hand book of the Christians of the next cen- tury. Tho bible *ili always livwi aud always load men. Header have you tried every kiioWu remedy for Chronic disease. Impute Blood, disordered Livir or Kidneys, Nervons and General Debility, Con- stipation of the Bowels, with tho manifold sufferiugs psrtaiiiiug thereto? Have you given np in despair ' Try Burdock Blood Bitters; it will not fail yoa. A Trial Bottle only costs 10 Cents.^Regular size $1.00. Auy dealer iu medicine can supply you.- RuNAWAY AcciuBKT. â€" Wo regret ta loam that a severe accidont happened to Mr. Wm. Branigau, Normauby,, when returning from Church here, with his family, on Sabbath last. When approaching his own place tliff tongue dropped out of the carriage and the horses ran away, overturning the vehicle and throwing out the oc- cupants, Mr. Branigan falling under. When extricated he was found to bo eeriouBJy injured but we are glad to learn that he is getting along favour- ably. The others escaped with slight injury. â€" Po«t. When Squashes and melons first -break ground, give them a dusting ol compost, made of equal parts of silted unbleached wood aalies and (,yp8um or land plaster. This will protoct tha young plant from the "striped bag," and its use may be continued with advantage until tlie viueK get s o strong as not to care for the enemy As a top dress to any garden* crop, it will be found bonefipial. TJio liver is the grand purifying ogan of the system; when iuactive or obstructed bad blood and ill health arre crtain results. Bardock blood Bitters core all diseaaes arising from disordered Liver, Stomach, Bowels or Kidueys, purifying, restori g and strengthening. It regulate, th Bowels, cleanses aud enriches the Blood, and impartr tone to evore" yrgan of the body. Trial Boltks 1» C«UI8. Tomato plants should not Le grown too rapidly, and if they brgin to ruW shoald be tranaplanted. so as to pro. doae a stocky growth, gome gatden • erg take pains to put tlieni, into potw but this is not generally done ,as it is sometimes expensive and trouble some repeated olieokin^ by tran.- plaoting indooee early maturity and eariy fruiting. U yoa are aofferinx wibU 8 c6U io' not fail lo try liMuraar a Paoroaur' Balsaw it is daily rfeliovln^ita bW' dreds throughout our Douqiott.' 11^ iA pleasant aud palAtablK' .*.