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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Jun 1881, p. 3

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 t'f ' «' â- l:t I 'I 1 '•I i\ u II If It c 1 I TWO THIEVE8 PLAY THE BUG- GY TUIC£iKiA JXn £ANK££. CACOl A darii](»ttetnft i T( 8terdav %» sob til* kfo-rg. K rr Mri Kuliar. north- wMi cornea of Scuit auU Krontvtraet. Mr. 'tcKeilar h»A gone to kwcb, Icftviag I iH partU'T aUisM in tba oiee. A in«u eiiUK'd, Kud knroaelwd Mr. Kerr, Mid titst a gentlnnftn Matod Itciiind a reBtive horse wished to see bim on Itavioess ootsidp. He follow- eii the man ontttide and saw a middJe- at!t-d person in a hoggy. The lattar »a dtb^t^be l|ad mi extensive bnsiDera oonneetiotx'in OerBan;, and wanted to ikuow i/ Mr. faiw wJi KrOOTIATE son BTLL^ FOB HIX iE that country. The I auker answer- ed the qnestion, when the man in the bng^y commenced long, rambling cniiveraation on the system of Canadi- an ban bug. The ignorance be dis- placed on the subject, and the forced attempt to prolong the conversation, excited the snopicion of Mr. Kerr. Tli»t gentleman stepped towards his ofBee door, remarking tu the man who had extensive bnsincRS connections in Ger- many, that if hp dcHJred further in- forniinR'JoD he f ruld iiaye to oUl without a bugt'T. Vben Mr. Kerr ap- peared at the d»)T, he saw a ntatly- dressad vouu^' mp.n ascendingthe otairs leading frim the office to the street In an instant the whole scheme which h been laid to trap bim flashed through hii uiind. Tlie neat appear- nnce of t'le voting roan, however, ncarcly proved his salvation, as 'Ms. Kerr was loth to stop and openly ac. cuecd liiM of robbery. "Bttler be mirc than sorry " Raid tlie banker, es Lc aft" i-wft'ds related bi* adventure. The young n:an wasstopped, and ask- ed to rc-L-nter the offce. He enqaired the reason when bcwas directly charg- ed witli nWI.SO KOOBED THE OFFICK. Hu ijocame very indigiant at the accuiiatim, and declined to do as re- q;:cstc 1. Mr. Kerr, however, was not BO ea.iilv P'lt I 'if, ail d taking hold of the youii;; man forced him into the office. Pressing hitnagains the coun- ter, the young man was askei to give up every e(nt he had taken. He denied he bad taken any money, but ou bt:in^'thoriu,^')ily shaken and threat eiied with further violence, he put hiH hand into his pocket and pa'leJ out about $600 and placed k on the covnter. Sir. Kerr retained his hold ou t!ie man, who made acvcrHl at- tempts to escape. As soon as the tnnii in tlio bug^'y noticed the scuffle gDini; on, ho drove rapidly west ou Front street. The banker held on to the- tlioif for about ten minntes, in liopt's that a politic-man would pass, lit; iila'l a boy to call the manager of the loiuiuton Telegraph Company, Ids; that fjentlcman was absent from lii uili.;o. .Mr. Kerr also attempted to t,-li'!i mo for a detective, but was uusuci-. ssful. After keeping the tiiief pi'i'i.' i iiji .•i;^,iiri=it tlij counter for the Miacij of tiino inontioned without any- iii ;.iim;,' to Lis H3sistancc, Mr. Korr vr! ' 1 iii':i, and administering a cmj.lir of w lldirected kicks allowed liit.i t.i il'prirt. Ho no time in getting' out of sight. now IT WAS WORKKD. Mr. K'.rr is of the opinion that the thief w;is concealed around the corner a til â-  cut Tfi-j oi .street, and s .11 ;n !ii' saw liiin leave the offiao f'l u," ti) ;h.! niaii in the bugpy he il I:i' I u p.V'i siiih-i. The till was i-.;.ii-lii i liV iii.ij around the counter at an '1 'jniii'^on tho east side. All (hi! Ix.xi s hud boon relieved of their coiitv lit i. and if the conversation on the stni t had been continued for three MARKDALE GMOeEjroRSSII McKENNA ft MASON HAYJXOymiti tha WaosB aad Bteok- nuthShop awli {riofai Bw sm. bwloinfanntlMPiiMie. tkat that thmj mn pisyaisil to fnniish aU Vmlm of â-¼â€¢itidss. â- vociiEa, DESO Gl AT PinCEB TS MIT T'f ^MES, And bj osiBs the Best of MstOTui Mfd Oood Workaanskip, hope to ruMi'iB a fair itmn oljoai patrooags. Speeial^sttentiaw fivMito HOBSS SHOSXNG General Jobbing I As wrwaraot all oar wv)^ A eall U solieit ed, and wesnarsntee utisfaetion. Shup on Mill street, opposite the Bevsre Hotel Harkdale, ICarek 8. 1861. S5 Sm. FliESHEBTON Harness Shop seconds lon^or, tho tliicf got iuvay uitli the booty, ccptioii by Mr, would have The inter- Kerr w as a lucky one for' hitnsjlf iuul pirtner. Buth geiiileinan complain of the continued :iI.ieiK-e of the police iu the localily inenMoiiel.' il 1 he received assist- niice 111 â-  difiii;.; thief ^votild now have been lij the police station. In iu- sp.k'tiii:: !h.' preiurs,^, previous to the attt'ii'pt inale. tho m»n in the buggy and the thief liad called several times to -.V't American notes changed into l':i:i:v.Ii;i:i • money. Adescripticin of till m 11 wiis t^iven to the detectives, but up t.. 11 hife hour la^t night their inie:-t li:i 1 ii"t been effected. â€" MJ"/. THE A RTRANOE CUSTOM. I)AN;IX(i ASI) REJOiriNO OVEE 'KATH OF A Child. AViiIas in some portions of Ireland, and dances over the dead iu Mexico, arc common, but in the part of the civilized world people frown down up- on the custom as only fit to be practic- ed hy barbarians. Still, there was in this city last cveumg at the residence of F^aiicisoo Bamos a Mexican on I.osoyo street, ndtoining San Autoine ice street. A child eigut months of ii^'o ihed yesterday morning, and tho oareuts did not weep.Jbut rejoiced ovei the I11.-.S. Thoy loved their little' one, yet rejuiecd because it was taken away in its purity of infancy to joju the nnjle hist up yonder. They wyre glad till y had been thus made instru- luoutal iu adding another chorister to the hosts siu^iuj} hosannahs on high. So they dt^tcrinined to demonstrate their rejoiciu;; to the world hy inViting fiieiuls and relatives about them, and having :i dnnce â€" a wake, as the world regard such demonstrations. An A jTiss reiresenfative chanced around the pliice about!) o'clock p. m., found th house brilliantly lighted and quite a number of persons present. A harp- er seated iu front of the enterance door.was playing a family waltz, and three or four conplcfe were dancing to the inucio. Under the gallery abed, and just behind the harper, lay the dead infant, a pretty little girl. She was dressed in black, and had been placed upon a box that was covered with a white cloth, trimmed with red about the borders. The bands of the infant were nicely foldpd, and witbia was phiced shouqnet of artifioal flowers jf crimson hne. Reslingloosely atout the head of the deceased was a coronet of white artifieal Cowers, and a simi- lar wreath cneucled tlie lifeless frame, while roses, pinks and several kinds of Wild flowers were strewn promis- cuously about the reinaiua The little departed one was actually nestled m a bed of uHtaral and artifical flowers and wreatliH tf vines. Qnite a oamber of ladies ana gentlemen who passed that way were invited within by the father and admired the pretty httle iaIiBt, but looked with stnuige thooghts np- on Uie so'^ne in the adj•ae^t room, were rejoiciuK took the platJs of thoM «omniuD exnreHMUU and dMBOiNln- tions of grief that anrnMufsated 9han the bn-txl ones rf tha faakilr eirde an talked away to be bTeoo mor* Conrsr. Tiia«tetb« flHk«MManh»kM lh» nipectec cref *ituMisi m Uda «% THB Saleeriber be^i to infonn the pnUie tha' he haa constaDtly on hand a large aiwortment of GARRIGE. BUGGY AND TEAM HARNESS. Made in good style and of the THE BEST OF MATERIAL, And as he meanR biuineM give him an early call, as he will sell at the lowest liTing prices, for cash. A good supply of WHIPS, TBiriVKS, *«%, always on haniL Scotch Collars k Specialty, And a good fit guaranteed. t^Bemember the stand the Post Office is opposite. M, B. â€" Stave timber wanted. J. GORDON. Flcshertnn. March. 1881. 16 R. J. McCOY, Agent for the following Imploments, e.: \iowi:ii, HARVESTER, and celebrated UAY RAKE, (Sharp's.) Wilkinson's PLOUGHS, DICK'S LATOM PLOUGHS. " ALL KINDS or Fittings and Repairs Kept constantly on band, SEWING MACHINESANO ORGANS FOR SALE, CHEAP. Licenced AUCTIONEER FOR THE COV^TTF. Bills prorided and Sales attended to in all parts of the County. Charges Moderate. ESTABLISHED 35 YEARS WEEKLY SPECTATOR A IJUGE EIGHT-PAGE PAPER â€" ONLYâ€" Per Yenr. "($1) Per Year. One of the Largest and best "Weeklies in Canada. Agents receive 25 Cents for every yearly sub- scriber. Any party sending us three sub- scribers will recoive a copy, post-paid, of the Farmer's Account Book, worth one dollar, in place of the usual commission. Send a post card for Sample Copy of our Weekly, wLich is sent free. The only paper in Canada that publiiihea a Draught Column. Address SPECTATOB PBINTING COMPANY, Hamilton, Ont. Not. 11. 1880. EOBT. ASKIN, Has opened out a First-Class Furniture â€" AHD â€" UNDERAKING ESTABLISHMENT. And therefore has supplied a want long felt, espeoiaUy in the Uodartaking Line. O0PFIN8, CASKETS, SHBOITDS, andsH FUNERIL FVRII'.HIiaS, supplied on ths aliortas aotiea. Jk, fef plendid Hearse -^^fvUrsatmoAenta Agfmcf IS THE BEST PLACE TO GET Lowesl Rates. smieinouis, lonffis, chucbsuw. If you want Insurance patronize tHe UNION FIRE INSURANCE Co. LANCASHIRE FIREnd LIFE tV. -»' F*^*^ BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co., ^» ^^ CONFEDERATION LIFE K^OClKTlOlt Wanzer Sewing Uneaqualled in range of work and ease of motion. D O H E R TY ORGAN S, Unsurpassed in beanty of tune and power. Farms for Sale and More Wanted. Thankful for past favors, I am determined to merit a further share of public patronage by fair and honest dealing and prompt attention. THEOPHILUS HALL. Markdale, March 29, 1881. 29-tf. ALEX. BUTIiB|X3-E, Proprietor. toTdiag^ weenUy creeled sb4 ftttsi Vi^ iaais'widtb«talI««*asU «!• a s M w rf ssrf ^BJa HOTEL is »tafitl»«»»**V*«»i Om kast biBEda ol Wi*M. Li^nfln «»i5^?!? 18 Artemesia WareliouseT PLBSHBRTON STATION, â- w on lutnd lor sriMBd will be soMtMiOy WDS*^ • oo«p»s»s Stpek o« OryM, Read j-Made GlotiiiDg, Boots and Sboes, HAED'WARE. CBOCKBRT, GROeEKIES^ROVISIONS, e. 13 AU kinds ol Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Inspection of the Stock respectfully invited. Lumber, Laths and Broomhandles manufactured and lor sale. FURNITURE! Um •Ml Mi UM HilM, â-  •««7«U^ te lbs Ites. Osn sad SM te 7c«rsat*w. ROBT. ASKIN. H (A hi hi ^^ u m s Pi C9 C8 Q* M) Ul » T3 S CD' s Ul C cd â- Ji £ d ^g •S 5 (8 EH _i c 09 f3. a COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Always in Stook. As I keep all kinds of REPAIRS for t]ie Implemeats 1 sell, Farmers will see the advantage of dealing with a Local Agent. WM. STRAIN, DE^lesia.exto3a» Flesberton, March 21, 1831. 28 tf OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. o Squander your monsy if yen want to, if not, get yourPLotograp bs of W. BULMER. • The People's Photographer, Flesh er ton Who is again prepared to take Pictures, and do Copying and Enlarging as heretofore. We arereceivin a large stock of MOTTOES and Motto and other Frames, and Frame Fixings, which we can, and mean to sell at Kemarkably Low Prices Call and secure bargains. Bring along yoor pictures and have them cupied acd enlarged bv voiir old friends BULMCR Flesherton, Match 10, 1881 af ' THE RUSH. THE RUSH. Three "Women after a, irr»zen Herringrs. SPRING HAS MADE ITS APPEARANCE, AND BUTTER RAE Li order to make room for their Spring Stock, offer all their WINTER GOODS AT COST! NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET BARGAINS In Dress Goods, Clouds, Shawls, Men's Caps, Shirts, Drawers, Cvercoats, Flannels, Ao. O DON'T PASS THE PLACE AS WE MEAN BUSINESS. l:iToT7T O-ood-s -^i-xxiTriaaig: E)a,il3r, In Tweeds, all patterns. Cottonadee, Uneks, Shirtings. Oinghams, Denims, White and Giej Cottons, Dress Goods, Prints, Hollands, Towellings, Collars, Ties, Braces, Colored and Dress Shirts, and all small ware nsoslly kept. EUts in Felt and Ifor â€" all prices. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. tSr Don't forget that COOPER A SMITH'S BOOTS art th* only Boou â- w^orth buymg, and we are the, ONLY SHOP in Town that keep them. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE IN ALLL BTYSE8. N. B.â€" We tmst test aU o-ost'vien will remember that we. MtJST have iBoasy Uae- coants are not p«id b^tbe lAth iBSt.Ttiie Bailiff will deal with them after that dats. .. ^. .GUTTER Sc TLA:k:. Markdale, Uarsh S, 18S1. â- C'i, 1 Fleshettnn Ststioa, ittj thli, IMl. S4f SEE DS FIELD SEEDS, INCLUDING CLOVER, TIMOTHY, CARROT, MANGEL WURTZEL, Sec, c. GARDEIST^SEEDS A CHOICE SELECTION, All of which v/ill be sold at lowest market rates. A.TURNER CO. A GoodChance. To rent loraae or mors ysftrs, Iieit 9 ssn. 9 EaphraaiM,teime easy. 60sans ia grMs. Anplr ta. W. J. MoFABLAND- Karkdale. Maj Mi 1881. WOTIOBI. •MhwAn â- AacaM ^^ THOB. H. YOUNG. WagH* MONEY to AT SIX Q Oi ruval* LEND STBAIOHT LOAKS. on FnahoU proiMr J. o.JBviiia. ICbaictFahtiffltOlerM FOB SALE, Omt^fUfromtk* ^OU^f HarMift, Markdale, Pec. 9. 1880. 13 tf STOP. MARK. LEARN! And then yon wiil know where to co to get the best value for your Money, at R. J. SPROULE'S GREAT ANNUAL ' CLEARIG SALE, AT THE POST OFFICE STORE, FLEyHEETON. net* In aboot IMaans dsMW, the ol Tjiif^i is in a hi^ state of avltiTatieii and ifiifc ;* in4DriTiiicHsaM,aadLacBa(*; a Oichart snmiaMBiin tofceM; aawd Teaag wsa, StraaBraas sirt IwiMfltak; MMm* at (a Fint AasMi^ls Bagar Bash d Ireas). Iha fcim is waU lanead, in a ml stataaliayair. aadin a tlinias IsaaltvTba. Miria in order to make room for honvy Spring Irap-.rtatioas now arrivinR daily, I have decided redncijig my present large and well selected and assorted stock of GENAERALDRY GOODS, FURS, MiLUERY, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hats, Caps and Groceries TO THE LOWEST POIN I POSSIBLE, and in order to do so. Will Sell at and Under COST, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. :?i^ 'J?* "° w,U hud evryihing of First-Class Value. AS I do not pursue the course of some of our windy Merchants of our reiRhtorinir Vil hges, of sendu.g out numerous sapiples of cheap trash (with nnscrnDolon.l««?^«„^. tions) outside our natural bn..ine.. delations, in Lder to 'iCe^^rubhc She^L' SrreT^^tCtVrTforaYus-^^^^^ My Grooenes are all bonght for strictly nett cash, conseqoently I can and wUI seU at The Lowest Possible Prices I For CASH and FARM PRODUCE BUT IVOT FOK CJRETIT. o I hare also in stock and for sale, a Urge qoantity of PURE SEED GRAIN I I am now selling large qnanties ol COARSE LAND SALT, FOR MA]VIJiiE, *rss» from the Itonfacturars. wulboaSTlJ^aSSES^i^ b, the ear o â€" I would also istiinate that my ' v. (. ' SPRING IMPORTA IONS ABB ABBIVING DAILX. ,^^ Aii4 1 wfll faavs opMsd out aad ahotr iii^. On The Ist of Aprif ^Thaatogjiw â- Bdagfcr Mheral psfawnage in tfceiwt. an^ -n^tt^T c I am, jiaar obaiiaDt servant. •â- â- PMUwhalor R J. SPROTTiLE U. CM Index II o- Wonderful Inventii THIS IS A MECHANICAL DEVI5 â-  â-  For Learning to Play CHORDS AND ACCOMPANIMEimi ON THE PIANO AND ORG- :^-".jk.. J Any person, Young or Old, wliet have any Musical talent or rt| can learn pr PLAY ANY THING, in a VEBY • :SHORT TIME, 'â- ' wHat would take years in the old way, besides a great expense for Books, Tuition, etc., e«^ Sent, pre-paid on receip oi ' •^^^ â- â-  .9- '*1 PIANOS ORCAI t rt^y %H. H'OR SALE aT VERY LOW PRICES' _:â-  • v' " ADDRESS, S*^tr^^;^"\^ ii: A. CRAWFOl^j 429 ^iHg St^et East, To Toronto, i:prn-i4tli. Sglv^^!:;;;:^; rm^mmmal ProTtaeial) O^ppty Bminesa, iBatnetire I §1^ ia three moDths, 1^ «^ of the year. No ^iU all ar.«ag«« are Tj^^im ot tha pnblish- T09n without paying » for the years snb- aoBply with the mles. 7 or ABVKBTISINO ISO 00 I ' Jh .»• £ 87 Ml 15 00 6 on 4 0(1 56 ir, 75 25 8 2 (.first inecrtiuu.. it insertion a, first insertion asent insertion I insertion per line ,_rneBt i u aertion r M fines to be reckoned by the measured by a scale of soKd Kdrertisements without spec- 6c Iwill bepaUishw till forbid and "nriy. AD transitory advertise ite *te ottae of pablieation by Ir, BOTtSDOl, Pioprietor. ..^iUL It MltMESS l )|RECTORY. «lM««**c Carter. a Svrgt^on ,Accouclieui-s .Madieol HaM; residence at rjc^^ LcUS BURGEON. ACCOUCH irtaU p. BiacMillna. DALB and DCKBAM.) iT-AT-LAW, SOLICIT* K IN J Conwy*"""'"' '^- Oflici' i.v. r ^e, Markdale, 2" vrilkets f^IiAW, Owen Sound i| â- 's bmildiitg, over K»lm- ipealet Street. l.y |VrM« Fro«t, ANP ATTORN KYS AT in tlianctrv, 'oiiv.v Sound, hive re»ame at Ottee open ever^- Thursday. a J.W. r Crown Attomer. Fbost, LI,, li 1 I JiMae« MassoB, sr.AudA'.TOr.NEY AT-LAW, rin Chnuce.y, Owen Sound. Itno^ 1 y -AT-LAW, SOLICITOB IX T, Notary Public, Ac. oed at lowest rates on personal state. Lands bought and sold. I seller introduied Uv« uf comuis DUNDAL.K. erSI-t. JHSO. 1 ^Waa. Br* was, DF MAEIUAGE LICENSES, Ac, r*- ifmer m B. E. Ac. IH- ng ji all '11.1 bi.iii prompt. I «»k1 cirefohy eie'-nte'l. loaey to Lend on lle;U Estate se- Sent. 17, 1860. ly \t«xwtm4*iT Br«w a, I of M.^riKn^e Liceus«, Fire rhu 1 .oiKiice Agent. C'-iimissiuu:f [Ac. Coiire} .incer sou Licen^nl r for the CoPijif of Gey. F.i. laei v, ^udT.llu S.iloM, riincliti)lv at 'â- â€¢u' eluvi-ges ui.-de ve.v iiiod-..'te Sopi. 17. ISSO. l-V ILOAM AKUOENt ;ai, A RXT I Sound. Monev m Lo-mi ,â- ! i,,K iiest. Piincipal ,i*v.i:-.|. tin- km of years, arid iuierest liall war- Â¥,01- prinei{i«l auU interest r.|.iv. 'ainents, â- bar of desu«ble Improve.) F' -ti 1 aw AND PlJOViStlAl. T. V â- or. Drsnghtviuan .-I'^V.-li-. HariuUle. H.'\:.. .... ',.... |lAnd Snrvevor '"'li.i ' j lof oiigiual Field Xoi--. .--. •*»oiia, A-c.,of »U hi- !• .-, ithe laM flfty-fivc V.:...,, 1 â- .,.1 • niijka Snrrevs in .i..c. .••.•a.,.! I-T!'" " ""' ^••'iii'ri).i- ' "â„¢B*. laiuisllCU ou RI.t)li.-H. -TtoLaaaaig pt, ce,.i •.•rlaftwith CJ. J. r.LYTH, 1880 '"'â- â- â€¢P*y»t'-«ndel lo. 1 V ' '•M«»c% J. WMir. ' Di. Cameron, 0»i.i Sonnd, l^ AT THK KfcVEIlK HOCjSK. ***!*•. on tlie U.s» Wedue.sdavin ' I, when lie will beprep.ired tup«r- j •tioiia re;uir«l U|ou iLe mouth ' ^aalisLetoi uiaancr. and upon 1 y i»tel*. ^ERE HOTEL, â- AKlaOALC. tOXJLE, Proprietor. .Hotel has had a l.-irjr.- a.|- ° to it, thorou^-hlv r.l-li. i. i-'?**4'» none in tlie c.uiiv. attentive o.stler. K;r-i- â€" -Jn for comuercal tr:iv. i *•â- -•• i^r 4lav. 17 • TaoPBiE-foi 8. M Liquiks auii tlta be.t • troa all trains '"I F i-y IMCIAL HOTEL jLiB, Ont. ons Sample Boom^ .As. The Bar and larder ^* the best the market af ^^» aodiattentive Hostlers -ATKttSON, Proprietor sua iiij |^2» OENEHAL LA^•D ' Btatido. Auction ^. »â€" •*â-  of the County. "â- â- Â« l^tes moderate. [â- â€¢ajIS Machines also riiSw?' "•««- Agricul •'»• Maahinety of all kind ^â- ** " on easy terms. BUI mq lairilb v:j4.

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