m \0 i t H t i| i •PHENBWVBBSION: A MUTILATION AND PROFANATION. [obimntaD wmom ms Mas.] • to diwoas whCtiier our veapont mi^t not be Laamcred mto a little better abape, whetbrr^e can't hare a better tassel put on tbe bilt of oar aword since tliey m^Mtt^Um^ nam than tLcy nsed to,. Wjbiletbe i^ocal]rptie aogel is fljtffi tljirpagli the midat of Ikcaven proclaiming to all aations, and kindreds, al|ifie(^ tbe Gospel, we are criticising tbe angel's pianies and trying to ea(cb bim till we can stroke liii featberd aijptlter way. J V. AKai###^e^ flus new revision n BBAXK8 THZ rtim of many in the truth of the Bible. Out and oat infidelity, after hanireds of years of bombardment, in- stead of demolishing, has only driv- en ilie Bible further into the affections of tlie world. ._. The chief danger is frjm the mistal^eu friends of the Bible. Uubtii'icf and^siepticism are not logi- cal. But yon have taken mon as they air. The revisionists begin their work by saving there are in the New Testament ten thousand mifitakes, and that there are one hundred and -v£/ty thousitu'l varieties of readmg to the New Testament. The devil fakep those statistics, which you can man- age without damage to yourself, and he niiiliss theDL^l^e evcrlastius ruin of n great uiiltttude. This movement wi!) turn morcsonls into stark infidel- ity than the tlmty-cight gcutlemcn it the Nf.v/ TcstamcntCompany will ev- er argue unt of it, though they should livo the eight hundred and nmety-fiye yeitrh of Mahalalccl, the nine hundred uii'i sixty-two years of Jared, and the I resurrection iiiiK; hnndi'ed and sixty-uiuo years of Metliusaleh ag|(rc^ated. The grefltcpt work of the last two hnitdrcd years has been to have the people nnderstand tli^t this was the Word of God" the truth, the wliole trii*'., and nothing but the trutli. And now you say thero are only 10,- (Xtf) mistakes in it, and only about 13."), 000 readings; 40 changes ♦o be made in Dn Sermon on llie Mount. V')u Hay tliey arc not radical mist.ikes. Wliy, then, all this excitement of the iHibliy mind Lnok out lest while with torches yon are hunting for tata ill the cellar, you do not set in coufia- grattou the anguat timple. I'or ten years, and ever since I hear 1 of the moVemcnt, I have deplor- ed it. IJut tliere has been no good liinc to sjieak on the subject till now. niiiv bj .scoff.'d at for my words in •/•:ry lii'li ]iIaKl3, but I am only put- fiiitj into words the sentiment of more pe-'pli) than ever thought strougiy the pariH! way on any one subject since the vorl.l was crcatL-d, and tlioy will be it'iiril; and this [a only the muttering if 11;- oni-'iiiiiML,' tpinpest of pojnilar in'li"iiati"n ci-i-Atbiutic and trans-Atij lantic. Jl'i/i'h iilF the ark iif '.he cottu- Ullt. THE KM) OF TlIK WEIXSE. VI. I ifjict this new version be- cause it opens tlie door far revisions inniiiiierable. Have you any ideathat thi'so t:hanj,'(M will stop here In the oai-k part of tliw Now Testament there, an^ twelve pages of practical protest â- ii tlio part of» the Amuricans of the No'T Testameut Company, agiinst the revisiin of the Englishmen and Irish- iii'ii of th saiue company. Hence, We shall have another revision to re- yi.-ie this, and another revision to re- Tise t!-at. and as in 1823, Noah Web- ;-iler |MiI.!i-,li,.,l his revision of the Bill!.' ;iiid I'r'ifessor Noyea and Moses Sin. Ill aiiil liiiiop Ellicott, and Dean Alfirl oiV red their revision of differ- ent portions of the scriptnre, so we (ihall have revision on top of rovisi n, revi-ions in llocks, revisions in herds, revisions in swarms and after a while Prosbyteriau revision and l'iii)tist ro- Ti.sionand Episcopalian revision â€" per- haps 1 shall issue a revision and the ime will go on if we allow this thing M) pass without denunciation until the church will go into paroxysms of re- vision .md ther*" will be nothing intel- ligent, satisfactory, and appropriate left either in Bible or prayer-book, but the ejaculation. "Good Lord deliver tus!" These discoverers of 10,000 mistakes, and the 185,000 different rcaliugs have actually got hold of the music of the angels over Bethlehem. If those angels liad known that they were within hearing distance of the New 'J'estainent Company, they would not have sung so loUtV. Instead of the translation which says, "On rarth peace, good will toward men," it is to read "on earth peace auiong men in whom He is well pleased," The rythm gone, the sweep of meaning gone, the Christmas carol choked till it ia black in the face. I wonder if tbe brethren will not go on, now they haye lueir hand in, and give us a new revision of Handel's "Messiali," and Haydn's 'Creation," and cbisel out a few improvements on Powers' Greek Slave, and touch np Angelo's "Last Judgment," and improve the sunrise and the snnset, aad show as the aorist of the spring blossoming of last year, a^d let US have nniver^al revision. Moauw] ile to private Christians let Kte give A woaoor irKAcncAL adticx. Hula on to ynur pocket BitUt, your ^miiy Bibles, yoor qlmrcb Bibles. TBE OLD BIBLJl IS OOOD XHOUOR^FOB Ml. It bae brongbt ae nwoj aoa^te glory I am bopingihroaah ito teaelung to set safely there myself. Thp old Bible ia good enough for ^n. If yoa Lave money that ;oa want to spend in angm»nliug yoor scriptoral know- Wga, do not soeiid it on this oautiU- tiou of tbe Behptnrea, bvt porobaaa 8e6tt'a or Clarka's or Bamee' or Jae- «bw' or Alexaaler't fft Bridge's w Btmrt'e or Preneii'a or Plmiiniar's commentariea. Tbe thxae bondred mdlion copies of King Janlca' trana- Utioa wQl sooo vote down the foar or ten million of the new reriaion. Be- sides it will t«ke more than aeventr- nine reTiaionist to reriaa tiie memoty of whole generatuns of Bible readers. The Bible as yon now qoote it, will be tbe Bible as quoted till tke end of time. 1%* only reridou your BibltwUl hear, will be the marks of yoor own lead pencils in the margin, stating how certain paanages have been illamined in yoor own solaced experience. I should not wcmder, if npon some of the consolatory passages of the Old Testament, yon wrote yoor own com- mentary not with pen and ink, bat by the indellible signatore of a tear. Bett4r than Gustave Dore's illnstra- tion of tbe Scripture wonld be that Bible illnmination. I also advise all private Christians all np and down the earth, and teachers of Sunday- schools, parents and all minirters of tbe gospel wbo have uuterrified utterance, to be quick and vehement in their protest against this scholarly profanation. Speak out now or forever hold yoor peace. I pray God that thii excitement abont the new revision may wake us all up to a higher appreciation of that great monarch of books before which the Iliads and the Odysseys and the Korans and the Vedas and the Shas- tcrs and the Zend-Avestas and the national libraries of earth must kneel. By its torch may we find our path- way to the end of the pilgrimage, and on its pillow ol gracious promises may we drop off into tlie calm, cool dream- less slumber that waits lor the first qnaking heart and trembling fimha, lor the erent to take plaoe. To add to their terror a ali(^t eboek of earth qaaka was fsli ia Ottowa and Hoo- teaaL In tbe latter plaaa one individ- nal was found at tbe top of the moan- tain ia a oemantad alate and a jooag lady is said to haya gaoa hopeks^j msane. To comfort tiw utivMS and weak-minded people we may etate that tbe Her. H. Orattan Onioneas states in his wo^ entilM^tta •' proaehing end of the Ago " that the end of the present dispensation wiU not take fdaee mitU 1918 after that tbe milleniam. In tbe meantime tbe old world jogs on tbe even tcn^ of its way jnst the same aa if we had do Vennor, Prof. Grimer, or Ifoeee Oatea, and people are again breathing freaty. EUPHBA8U COUNCIL. Toronto, Qrey Bruce R'y. Jlia.nsre of 'X'ime On and after MONDAY, 3rd NOV. trains iril run as follows: â€" GOING NORTH. Toronto, â€" Union Station, Dep. 7:30 a. m. 12:20 p. m. 5:00 p. m. Carlton, 7.52 a.m. 12.45p.m. 5.20 p.m, Weston 8.05 a.m. 1.00 p.m. 5.3Cp.m. HumberSnm't 8.30a.m. 1.30 p.m. 5,50 p.m. Woodbridge. ..8.45 a.m. 1.50 p.m. 6.05 p.m. Kleinburg 9.05 a.m. 2.13 p.m, 6.24 p.m. Bolton 9.25 a.m. 2.37 p.m. 6.43 p.m. Mono lioad... 9.50 a.m. 3.05p.m. 7.05p.m. Charleston.. 10.33a.m. 3.50p.m. 7.50p.m. Alton 10.50a-m. 4.05p.m. 8.05 p.m. Obanoktille â€" Arrive.. ..11.10a.m. 4.25. p.m. 8.20p.m. Depart.. .11 30a.m. 4.45. p.m. OranKCvilleJuuetion 11.45 a.m. 5.05 p.m. Laarel 11.59 a.m. 5.20 p.m. SijHbarne 12.30 p.m. 6.00 p.m. Duiulnlk 1.15 p.m! 6.50 p.m. Proton 1.35 p.m, 7.11 p.m, Flp^litTtonJfePiicev'e 1.55 p.m. 7. .35 p.m. Markdale 2.15 p.m. 8.05 p.m. B.rkly 2..^5 p.m. 8.28p.m. Williamsford 2 50 p.m. 8.46 p.m. Ariiott 3.05 p.m. 9.06 p.m. Chatswortli 3.15 p.m. 9.16 p.m. Eockford 3.38 p.m. 9.36 p.m. Owen Sound.' 4.00 D,m! 10.10 p.m. GOING SOUTH. O.vcn Sound, dojiart 6.30 a.m. 12.00 noon. lliitklora 7.00 a.m. 12.30 p.m. 'kutsivortli 7.20 a.m. 12.55 p.m. Ariiott 7.30 a.m. 1.06 p.m. \Villi»msford 7.48 a.m. 1.28 p.m. licrkly 8.05 a.m. 1.48 p.m. Markdal" 8.30 am. 2.15 p.m. Fieshert'uAPriceville H.55 a.m. 2.45 p.m. Proti.u 9.15 a.m. 3 10 p.m. DunJalk. 9.35 a.m. 3.30 p.m. Slielburni 10.15 a.m. 4-15 o.m. Laurel 10.47 a.m. 4.50 p.m. OrangeviUc Junction 11.00a.m. .5.05 p.m. Okangeville â€" Arr. 11:15a.m. 5:20 p.m. Iep. 7.15 a.m. 11. ",5 a. m. 5.40 p. m. Alton 7.35 a.m. 11.55 a.m. 6.00 p.m. Charleston 7.50 a.m. 12.10 p.m. 6.18 p.m. Mono hoad. .8.25 a.m. 12.47 p.m. 7.05 p.m. Bolton 8.45a.m. 1.10p.m. 7.33p.m. KlcinburR... 9.05 a.m. 1.30p.m. 7.55 p.m. Woodbriiipe.. 9.25 a.m. 1.50 p.m. 8.17 p.m! Humbcr Smt 9.40a.m. 2.05 p.m. 8.33 p.m. Weston lO.OOa.iii 2.27 p.m. 9.00 p.m, Carlton 10.10 a.i. 2.39 p.m. 9.15 p.m. ToiioNTo, â€" Union Si .tion. Arrive... 10.3(1 a.m. 3.00p.m. 9.40p.m. THE STANDARD. !b'riday, June 24:h, 1881. INOTICE, rriHE Canada Adveitising Agencv, Nu. 29 X King Street West, Toronto, W. W. BUT.CHEB, Uanager. Is ai (tiorizcd to receive advertisements for this paper. SuBscBiPTioNS are received at this office lo the (ollowing Papers and Maga zines. DAILIES. xoToato Daily Globe, per rear, " " Mail, " 17.00 7.00 WEIELIES. Toronto Weekly Globe, per year, " " Mad Hamilton " Spectator " Canada Farmer " Scientific American " •1.60 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.20 M0NTHLIE3. Farmers Advocate, per year, American Agricnltnrist " Our Little Ones " •1.00 1.50 1.50 TnE trial of Mr. Geo. Parish, man- eger of the Thames Navigation Com- pany, and Capt. Rankin, commander of the steamer Victoria, for manslaugh- ter, commenced on Monday last, but was adjourned nntil the 27th inst., as the magistrate before whom the case was being tried is a major in tbe mili- tia, and had to leare London for the camp. The state of affairs Ui Ireland seems to be slightly improved, owing in a great measure to the inflnenoe of the Prieete, who are advising the people to avoid coming in contact with tbe military, and to wait patiently for tbe passage of the Lund BilL The oppo- sition to tbe latt«r is almoai altogatber withdrawn and there is every proepeot of its passing ia a short time. There is some fear, lioisever, of ito beu|g quashed in the House of Lords, or ao mutilated as to do away with ito ose- folness. â- â- â- Tax belief that tbe affairs of the world would be wound np on Sonday last, was more wide spread than WM generally sappoaed. In Ottawa, Mon- treal, aad several other plaeca, maaf An adjonmed meeting of tbe Cojrt of Revision for tbe Township of En- phrasia was held at 10 o'clock a.m., on the lltb inst. Members of Council all present. Wm. Gilray's name placed on tbe roll as Farmer's Son. Noble Clark ateessed W. i of E. i of lot 28 oon. 6, in additioa to his other assessment. Total assessment, 12500. Abraham Taylor's name placed on the roll as owner of S. i lot 29 eon. 4. Wm. Moore, Clarksbnrg, assessed forS. E. f of lot 10 con. 4. A few more changes were made in the Assessment Roll, and the following resolution passed Mr. Gilfaj moved, sccondeJ by Mr. Boyd, that the Court of Revision for the Township of Euphrasia, for the year 1881, having heard all appeals made against the assessment for the current year, and having carefully considered the same, and made all changes in the said Assessment Roll for the said rear, which seemed jnst and right, 8aid Court now hereby fip- ally revises said Assessment Roll, and orders the Clerk to certify to it as be- ing so revised. â€" Carried. The Court arose. Council resumed at 2 o'clock p.m. Mmutes of last session of Council read and approved. The Reeve and Mr. Longhead were appointed a committee to get Griffith's bridge properly fixed. J. D. Crabtree was re-appointed Treasurer at a salary of $100, and a By-law was passed accordingly. The Clerk was ordered io communi- cate with the Crown Land Depart- ment concerning the resuming of lot 14, con. 8. Messrs. Fawoett, Boyd and Long head were appointed a committee to take such action as they may deem prudent in the repairing of the 7th line at lot 25. The application of Messrs. Ellis Plewis for improving the 4th line at lot 6, accepted on condition that the partits interested furnish the teams gratis, the labor to be performed un- der the supervision of J. Pletris, path- master. Tbe Reeve was authorized to ascer- tain what can prudently be done in tho way of cutting down a hill on 12 and IS side liae, con. 2. A proposal made by the Corpora- tion of Holland to expend $50 on the Town line of Euphrasia and Holland, on condition that Euphrasia do like- wise, was laid before the Council and accepted. George Vickers was appointed path- master instead of Wm. McElroy. Gilbert Cooledge was appointed pathmaster instead ofWm. Bewell. Ibe Reeve was instructed to cor- respond witti the Reeve of Colling- wood T'p witn regard to the southerly end of the town line Euphrasia and Colli ngwood. The Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and Clerk were appointed to examine the Collectors' Rolls for 1880 with a view to the immediate payment of any bal- ances that may be due by the Collectors. The Treasurer was ordered to re- mit to Thos. Gamey $2, being part of expense of arbitration. The Reeve's orders were issued on the Treasurer to pay as follows To Robt. Hethetington, $10.87, for work on roads John Clugston, $80, salary as Assessor for 1881 Robt. Dunlop, $80, part salary for current year; Robt. Dunlop, $2.50, for notifying for Court of Revision John Pickerin, $6 for relief to Mrs. Grey, an indigent Christopher Eelley, $8, for road work. 'On motion being made and seoond- the Council adjourned until tbe last Saturday in July. ^OBEST DuKix)?, Clerk. ham to remain al home to tfr^m ^^ •â- • ,^_ Bro. Wm. Armatnmg iMto â- «». what Im •pe^W* and «ud bf tho-cWthetDonialkjnothing-^.. ^^^^^^^^ l»th. It was moTsd by Cro. Hanbnry iw tbaJoira«4at •trika.iBdII*a» my ppo«liM.Mr4kk»«*' Lodgeha^ eraiyBifW tUa |aar tt^h thing fcr gran adlMMe 1186 this 7«ar. r io**- „ „ ^- « i^^W.lte«w«ah.w«il Ofwha»i.lh.O«««^0«»^ aX-thaDi-^ Lod«i*C pc-ad. bat rq«..«Utn,?^ Town Hopeville. Wthewild n^ u* hewbip Ooonwto. «. ^.^ v.^ Bro. T. Hnlwir â- fUB â- poto wrf^ «*â- •••• â- ».t^ that ander Existittc evoMa, do *»• np^"*- ntidg. to «o«Jtoaw«ffl^ m M^ ^^ °r*^JiL Tic ^T^r* ..^^^^ict!_i r^irtamesia h» share of road improye- A nioe family qB«- seeonded bj Bro. N. A. McDonald. ^^ that th. mitor ha left to .«h LodeJbaw no ««»•«•«-" «" ' -^ ' ' 'traly, if aocha thnnng township. gaadthing of tbe same sort existed Oartied. The meetiag'flMn doMid and «^ wasserrad. All seemed to enjoy tiiemselTes. It is likely that 1902 will go to Dan- dalk and 1186 will go to Hopeville to celebrate tbe 12Ui this year. â€" Com. FLESHEBTON. â€" ^^^-" t* From onr own CorrMpcodaat. On Thorsday, 16th inst Mr. James BolliTan had four cattle ran orar by Uie night train going Kortb, ona them was killed outright, and the others more or lees ii^ured. Mr. William Gollen sold hk lianbs for $2,75 each, and is building a picket fence along tbe front of his farm. Mr. J- W. irmstrong is moving a mountain at present, it is going slow but sore. Tbe bole in tbe bridge just north of tbe village was fiUed np in a sort of away a few weeks since, but is now nearly as bad as ever, last Saturday a gentleman, a stranger, was driving along the road in his buggy and not expecting to meet with suob a bad hole so near an enterprising village like FleshertoB drove right into it before he was aware of it, and got the full beneft of the lurch. Result a brok- en spring. Others may have done the same, or worse but we have not heard of it as yet. Two cars of lambs were shipped from Fleshertou sttion on Monday last. One by Mr. McMullon, and the other by Mr. McDonald. We are now getting a lot of new sidewalk laid down, and other im proTcments are in progress. manat Aaoording to Batepayer we OSPBEY. PROTON DISTRICT LODGE. Thx Proton District L. O. L. met at thelodgeroomof No. 1136, on Jime 14th. They were receiyed by Bro. Kennel, who also attended to their teams. Bro. Kennel is noted for the warm and generous manner with which he welcomes any and all who may call at bis bouse. The meeting opened at 4 o'clock p. m. when they immediately proeeadad to disouss business in connection with the order. Bro. Geo. Rutherford from Shelbume addressed the Meeting abd endeaTor- ed to coviuce them that the District should eelebrato thelith at Dnn- dalk. " Brt.ir.J^Â¥aTVmaH spoka wst, aodftatedtei tha m a wh s w of Ibia Lodge hid not wish to go to DvDJbBt this year. They had bean oat twice to meet the Lodges from that District, and they had nerar ratamad tha vi^ Bro. T. Hanbarr. aaid ik possible for Dondalk Lodgo to to Hopayilk. or to How llW lUm From onr own Correspondent. Last week's rain gave the crops through this township an excellent ap- pearance. They were greatly injured however by the recent frost, especially that which was on low and new laud. Yet there is nothing to prevent all from looking forward to an abundant harvest. At Badjehos Cobnebs â€" Businesss is booming. Mr. McQuame'a, steam saw mill is kept in constant operation by the clever and energetic foreman, Alexander McDougall. They were BO very bnssy last week that they thought no time could be lost by go- ing to Collingwood to soe the circus. But when it was known that the school children were to have an hoili- day, and that some person was to be absent from the old store, work was suspended for the space of at least 24 hours. The Episcopal Methodist are build- ing a new church 88x26, veneered with brick. The members of the Pres* bytcrian church are rendering cons- iderable assistance, particularly the merchants. At McInttbb â€" Neil McLean is erec- ting a large buildm? abont 60x80, in connection with his hotel. The low- er part of the structure is to de used as a driving shed, and the upper part as a hall for public gatherings. Mr. McLean deserves great credit for the manner in which bis house is con- ducted. He spares no pains in render- mn every thing as comfortable as pos- sible for the travellers, and exercises great care in the sale of spirits there- fore very few are to be seen about his place in a state of intoxication. At SiNOBAifFTON â€" Messrs Grant A Son, have almost completed their stove factory. The engine is on the ground, and they expect to be in full operation in a few weeks. Wide- A- Wake. Vhen Mr. Kells took the Town-hip in band some yaara aino*. Would it not be advisable for the Council to seek bis advice m eettUng their quarrel. I have noticed that his presence on Council days always had a T«ry bene- ficial effect. Jtatepayer saysâ€" "Oh, no, his mo- tiye is transparent â€" ^bad" Sir, 1 have po motive further than the duty I owe to the placellive in, and should t ever be a doonoiUor, I will gain my election in a very different manner from those who at present circle round th? Conhiil Board; walking round with a stick Uto and early, shaking hands to tbe elbow, and "How is your wife T' and "bow are you f" and kiss- ing slobbering babies, and "who are you going to vote for on Monday " No, sir, it is far beneath my dignity. In regard to my gloves, I intend to wear what I please, and if I see fit to buy a horse I can pay for it, ai:d if I give a note for it my paper will not be at a discount. Can Batepayer say as much Nay; more, I have never been a beaten Councillor. In regard to the silly chattering, I am tired liatening to the Sparrow with his min* ttt. It the gentleman had lest his horse in tbe sw^tU, the law wonld soon have shown Ratepayer who had to keep the roads in repair, with not a little expense. The best man in the Council was shamefully treated, and kept out of the Coaoty Council because he stood up for his rigbte. Batepayer says the Council have never been apprized of the state of the roads. If a commercial man takes a salary from a firm, does a member of go round with him and show -n|wliere to sell Tbe people have the.t bttsines to attend to instead of run ing after the Council and begging th m to do their duty. 1 a eoayer can see that the side- walks are in a fearful stete and ex- tremely unsafe for the aged to walk on. A stranger strolling round our vil- lage in the evening would frequently njeet with unpleasant shocks by stumb- ling over the broken planks, and final- ly come to the conclusion that tie said sidewalks Selonged to some wid- ow woman. Notwithstanding all this there mutt be no money expended â€" "there is a dispute." Rather take the risk of a broken leg, rr n team lost in a broken britlge, or anything else. Shame on such narrow-mindedness. At a meeting held a short time since, to take into consideration the repair- ing of the roads to the station the Reeve would only promise $150, with- out calling a meeting of the ratepayers. One of our enter- prising merchants got up and said if that was the best he could do for a road of such importance, we might as well all go home. The old adage will apply lu this case, "lose the sheep, because they have to pay a farthing for tar." If I hear from Ratepayer again I would advise him that he avoid per- sonalities and nlander, and discuss the question as a public one, or I will find out who he is. YoOB COBBESPONOENT. iMOTAIiBDUiJWH. Mr. liii(r •«*. ^^ rmaawti to hkrwMbaaeop George Bi. ' Mb^lflHliqiriB.to hia new iw^ Hffl oa flJi^iiMfeMn 8t O.W.BMB*.tobii Mill St Mr. Btgraoi^prt^ house Bydeaham St Mr. John BB pM^r* oanar of Mark and Qoeaa Bt. Mr, EiaiiiM, (Brioklayw.) to Mill SL Mr. BMhua. AOan, to MSI Bt* Mns Brnua, ia now remoTedto Baakett Bro'a btoek, »*»««"V^ be hapty to wait on her mMl "y****" J^rSa lie l«di-.of M.Adale«d vicinity gentfdlT. B«aBmber the stand next door toEaaki Bemamber keti'B Hardware. €0Vt9*90t^tnt9* Nones. â€" We wish it disinetly nndentood. that we do not hold oarselves reponsibis for the opinions expressed by oar aorrespoiidets. To the Editor of th* Sjajhumd. I am desirous of saying a word in regard to old maids, if you will allow me space in your Talnable paper. I am an old maid of nineteen. I left school two years ago, and in that short time men's vulgarity basso disgusted me, that I have determined to live the life of an old maid. Being able to support myself and having a vsay co mfor ta b le home, I have Jbaen the recipient of fifty- seven letters from men Who wish to be supported. That goee to show why old maids an so numerous. Some ^lara cteristios at an old maid are neatoess, iiiiiah is ocoaaal in a man, andadaairato die y/\en doctors disagree who shall decide. The people often decide by "throwing physic to the dogs,' and trying BURDOCK BLOOD BIT- TERS, and the result is alirays satisfactory. Burdock Blood Bitters is the Multum in I'arvo of medical •cktBce, curing all diseases of the Blood, Liver and Kidneys. A trial bottle only costs 10 cents. A dollar botle may save you a good many del lars in doctor's bills. HUBBAH FOB THE VOLUN- TBEB8. On last Saturday, 11th inat, Mr. John Harrisoa had a bam raising, when Major Field, with hit gallant troops, after a hard day" drill, march ed the distance of two miles and aa- sistaned at it. Although the bam waa 48x66, Ind of heavy material, they weta only 17 minatea from the* time they commenced until tbe rafter* were safely plaoed on the top of the bam. There were 180 men present. After the bam was raised, the volun- teers went through a portion of their drill and after reeeiving a hearty cheer they marched baek to Fleaherton. Long may they live, and be able and willing to give a helpins hand at anything that calls tM their help. The bam firamed by 1^. John Whitton. â€"Com. COUNTY ITEMS. Fatal AooiDaNr.â€" The town was startled by a report that Mrs. Haley, mother of Mrs. John Shewell, of ibis Town, and who lives near Hoktoin, bad been killed on the Bailway ne ar the village. She was struck by a flat oar of one of the bal- last trains and died shortly after be- ing struck. â€" Review DuBiKO tbe storm on Monday even- ing, a considerable portion of tbe wall on tbe second story of Mr. William Robertson's new brick residense was blown down. The damage amounts to the loss of material and the time required to replaeo the mtk\l!^b'ru Prrw. BuNAWATs. â€" A serious ranaway occurred in Glenelg on Tborbday morning last. Two ladies were driv- ing when the ^orse ran away smash- iog the buggy and throwing the oc cupants out. Dr. Jamieson was sent for to attend to tbe injuries of one of them. Miss Flora McDonald, whose injuries were of a serious nature. On Sabbath last a young man named Robert Henry was seriously injured near Dromore, Egremont. by a run- away. â€" Review. On Snnday' afternoon about four o'clock, tha wooilshed adjoining the house of Mr. Alfred Parker, who lives behind the railway station, was dis- covered to be on fire No one being at home at the time, the fire gained such headway tnat nothing could be done towards saving the bouse, which Wiis burned to the ground. But with the assistance of some of the neigh- bors, and some persons from town who hastened to the scene, most of the fumitare in the lower part ot the hoiise was Raved, but a lot of things which were in the upper stt-rey was destroyed, the fire spreading so quick- ly that nothing could be done toward getting them out, â€" Monitor. A Beu. â€" A large bear has been in the neighborhood of Scone. A man named Scheldroth was chased by it lately and was fortunately saved from harm by tbe assistance of his son. Mr. Lester of Elmwood met it on the road one dny last week, and having pro- cured assistance started in pursuit of his bear ship, but it escaped in the bush. â€" Port. BarveslTiNiB XT' Ayeanald,^^ Jnif a o^ im* Scy^Elies, Snaths, Cradles, • a Hay Forks, Barley Forks Bakes, .*» Sickles, c., c., CHEAP! TAILO] 0. A. O^VJn, Fisbionable ^^ ntL ALL ORDtill^ Promptly and j^ CUTTIN Doas vhile eostoman m THE UTE8T FASHIOH Always on hsad to »oi.. A Good Fit Gi JTI o( Prints, new spring styles [2f cents, fast:oIors. j^fveed 50 centsâ€" worth 70. f Table Linen, 35, 45, 55 anc ible Napkins, 6| cents, direct fj jl^k'Broad-cioth, $1.25 â€" wc ^nock Overalls, 50 cents, iocey Shirts, 7 s cents. Wm. le a4th, 1881. •R t40TICES. ' A PiKlC Davidson, wd I extcn.sivc bul number cfyej er has wout suddenly, ar 1 lawver's al hundred retdcrtda fJ mand forpaj â€"AT-, l3*Remember the Ov«r McParland'B StoiTi Martdale Jane le. isgi s a reddish eolored cow, o y^^ ou belly, honutornea in, »Bd«^'*H both horn.. Any person pfrL!^ matton aa wOl lead toW^I?*kl •nitably rewaidej. "*^ TBATED from the pwni,^^. â- .4««i«n^. on Mond.j alT, ISI Doadalk, Jane 9th. 1881 a report of tbe quarter iugs of t h e ' baxt week. oil. CASTORINE le oils, try Basket t i P""" "" "' season of being scarce j mercy showi the jjeople i himself, ru abont as safd judge. It that drives 1 cs fir he is TheJiv.M ogan (if tilt or obstrui'i'J arre crtaiu Bitters ecu disordered or Kidney, streii^'tlidi HowlIs, cl Bhio.l, ttudi yrgan of tii Cenis. still continues cold, ' slight frost on Tues- Te have not beard that laga. O^d ' or Silver TV'ilooi. returned from St. d^up with dumb ague -However we are I to say he is recovering i 4 C'bellew have difs- bip. The business t carried on by Mr. for "Cantorine" see that the barrel storine," as none other Lon 'â- 1 1) u Markdale, Jane 23, 1381. il al.m. IHiblic Notice. "VfOTICE i« hereby p,^ L\ road open tbros^ i* » •*, 101, on the jrd concewiot^^ *iii' the townabip ol Oleuelg, un tabUnhed. The corporation of tbe tovndn j elg not bsTing any title to therati Jl â- aid lots, will not be responribUior,/ oident that mav happen on uid r JAMES BEOWN, HSLat 1 Clerk. Township of Oleuelg, Oct. 19, KH. TbQmb-andFiijt For everybody will be {osadib THORBURY NOVELTY THE SUBSCRIBER wisba the farmers of Grey and Brace, t has bought the right cf tbe akon counties to make and sell Dilli: tented Thumb and Fuiger 1 _, which is pronounoed y all wb* bni to be the best Barley Fcrk out. Ii load three loads to two a?aiDst u; Barley Fork. 1 am alsu tiirnrngoUi tra go.Kl lot of the Mastin Grain Cradles Spiniiin;? Ulieela, This season. Go, -J Fork and Uoe __ can be bought here from 5c to 10c ««k, IS* Give me a call, and I wi rantee satisfaction. J.H.niilJLW ^»°^Mliie,'|ialland Neil, fBar iiey ai W;: loaiu melau;-iinlv| Flesht rt-ju WeimmtdiH cortaiii tin- lies dress goods. J. McFarlands, be Word's writing is pens' Estorbrook's from any stiitiouer, from Brpwu Bros., Thortburv, Jane 16, IftSV. BIRTHS. McLbod â€" ^In Markdale, on the 22nd inst.. the wife's IonaldMcLeod,Jr.,pf adangh- tsr. COQ. eeited enough to tlank that if a hdpMSTiwimi lookain his direction ^« !». i V.M^ Tlvwta Tho following are the stations of tbe ministers of tie C. M, Church in CoUinnwood, Owen Sound, and Walk- erton Districts for the ensuing year Cooiwwoon Districtâ€" Collingwood, John G, Laird, E. Sallows (saperann- ated); KukvUle, â€" Liddv, under sup- ermtendfiut of CoUingwood; Thorn- bury, Daniel F. Gee; Meaford, Wm Johnston, Wm. Elliott, Superannua- ted St. Vmcent, Richaro Clarke, Pieaford); MaxweU, Thos. J. Snow- aon Hormng's Mills, Jno. C. WUl- mott, M. A., Geo. Brown (Lavender) Avenmg George Edwards Stayner Henry Wilkmson Parry Bound W Casson; Pany- Isbuid, Shawanaya! and French Riv«r, Native AssisUmL under Superintendentof Parry Sound- Christian and BeausoUel Islands, Al- OwM SouNnDisTBicTâ€" Owen Sound, Gliaries Fish, Jas. Scott Superannna- tod. â€" Panard; Brookholn:, Bobert Jo)n8on-, Woodford, H. Leitb Wal- to 8 Fall, David Perry Chats^orth «arlee V.Lake; Williamsford bUtion Henry Thomas; Markdale,NeU A. Mo- in^id; Fleaherton; Samuel C. Philp, Jr^u«eniaFall8, J. Grtndy; Dundalk ^^ ^tter; PriceviUe,' 8. C. Ed-' tafcjds Wiarton, Wflliam Torrance ^on s Head. One to be sent (Colpoy'i Bay); Hepworth, J.Leggett; Attan NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. TENDERS will b. reo«ved np to the l.t of July for the erection of • Two Story s" 'temb^*' " "' " •* eompleted in PUns and SpecifleatioM may be seen at the SxASDAan Office. The lowMt or any Tender not neoeHarilv aocepied. ' Mwkdale, Juae 28, 1881. â€" •*^*- Millinery Millinery! HIIiL BEOS., Would announce to the Ladies of Markdale and sun ing country that their stock of Millinery is nicely asa comprising j, â- ' â- Trimmed Hats Bonnet CHrLDREN'S HATS AND SUNSHADES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS AND ORNAMENTS AND TRIMMINGS, lor tooth -ache is an !^ neel, and tiie man \fi make the applica- who W'll be at the "^art youna Wednesday next, ""• "at's i| i vouii^,' man ' d V company, are sole j " ' '" • ' "Castorine macliiinj -^'â- ' -^ *^^' to will be pr isecuted young man, I week a sermou by "" K" '"J hlyn on the new ile» which will be, no to all onr readers. ol the "Standard" i4)ffice for five ct. I.Nr f:, â- y..iir pun-ii: buy ui, jti,. our l«K:al dd DoHotdruJ pur^ativt s Bmd.H-k JV own Cacli.iii tlie ',^l^x, mer lead of pine hira- 1 the Kidn. tliis week at T. jti;i' ti r ijb ya'-J I the lil.HHl h/ rontl jobs were let hv ' 'bo W(jrst in the j"""'^-^"'-^ d mills on Mou- Att!:mpti1 be complcu I in Inst, a v.n ... I nanicii-- ' dciic" N't '.v r.ii:.- i.y •: w ay, :i :j I hole!,. A out and vi.j terost. A IjJ i Self t)ii J.iiui itheFalLs I the Water, over the {.to MaiJjine Oil, for »ery, it is also ex and leather. lunk- feather proof. Fur pTRAca.â€" On Thurs- «g to M' McFadden illed Oy a train iu luggest that it would Company better to cows and horses. 'â€"r^ • '• Adrettiser inr.' lur strri „ ,. byMr.l-Vrll Machine Oil, for Mr. iVn v iinery, it is also cs- ,., ' and leather, inak "^V i. isw reather proof. For I *^" 'â- ' •" j u- 1 I skirt.* arii:uil DItsdiHM of^Partnartlilp. hJ^ MOnCE that the Partnerahip herrtofore ezutini; between the nnderM«ied w^M the nune of Grant t CheUew, aTcab-" Su ^^' ^."'" '^^^^^ "' Markdale. bae " f^L^" ^ssoWed by mntnal coiuent.- Any hafaihtie. dae by the late Km ai« to be borne by Mr. Geo. Grant, who wfli hereSteJ «kr^ on the bm-inega, and any debts doe them are to be paid to him. Iated aSrd June, A. D. 1881.' aeoBOB gbant. w,t« T. w -AliPREM OHELLEW. LADIES* MANTLE! CUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Our Geaexal Stock is well assorted in all brandies. We won't take up your time reading a long advertisenis but would solicit a call, believing we can give entire si!) faction to our patrons. Thankful for past favors, we would solict a conmuu^ of the same. •e on the N-utliorn Meaford and IVn- oompleted by fen y morning. Ouo of is chance is that Hamilton at 6.4.*i ith passeuRcrs f,.r clear ran throusli to of having to tran- M fonnerlv. eJJerhas ..ot a fiuo "Dent and Weddm- V'^Mgetit. t.» the wr^ v.-yo'i t'l 1 1 docitivi- w her mov. il tilii'raii) ];: chief of JV Ii^ ciihiii:; h I the wtft .1 «IiehuU L line Coiiviui Jiari, witii about soiii. eit imd. r .-d tvn Si„(i„t lJ.a :cr rc-uieJv IV 50 Acres of Good B astute, well Watered, to Let. ^j^f"'??"^^ wffl uke a Umited number of Cattle, Horses, 4o to partnre. Markdale, Jam 8. 1881, paatore. Wm. BBOWN. S»ly "S^J**^' "**.' •" °««I»«W]%a; Bolirt Godfi;y7c2wCr^" one, 1U» BBost married ladiea soSsr S Bawtonbeiin«r i*P«UroBker, nowadays. F«boald think nun eoold »«2^n?*** "â€"mon, m. bama»o«.profitabU,busmesaihan »5~2L.r"Si,Sv,i: jJl^SS;i^^' tLafco{i4kigov.r the cb«a«t«^ i ^^^ 5l^-- 8"P«'^«^; oia ni«da.«luah a« too good to ^^SS!^iJ^JL^'-\^^^^^ the di^oaitifoa of naa, who «, H. Hfdmea, SnpwniD k- diraction !». Um.\^±:^i^JT^^±:r^ sat np all'biittirday nigfatwaitin^ vHh Theta ware Ladgaa eamiag lo a^vatad by his supposed baaaty and «xtra^y attractive ways, and hia narer •ba«ittboagfatis,»Iaaithe gna| i OtoMa». â- )ia.WiBiH.Bavtlie; T.OonMrt. '"*«J»«««.Mtory. near this plaoe »n^ a oparHion. and bids iair to be' â- â- ••essW. 80 Car the pmyac an MTOFI low YM VttI T.iMULARKEI QTIEBH 8TSUT. K«pe eanstaatiy on hand O'pnrmg Dons with NmUitm mmd Dupattk. BEAPBB,'â„¢^ MOWfiB. and BASIL Markdale, May 28th, i88i. 29-^ MAEKDALB Sash and Door Factoi SASH, ..â- 4.. -7" ' " DOORS, -^v BLINDS " ' y-.r, J f....;, MOULDINGS, ^â- '""' '"""^i- HOLLOW BATTONS, Lumber, Lath and Shingl^l Always on Hand. Orders Promptly Fille*^ rOneenvsGrecnnwav. 'ere fined as follows fiO find and ^40 â- '"""' "is.r^ imonth in eaol cacn j-'^^"oiis ai, was find «;o without |«t'l'»t"-n '1J I'd- Tbe oUjer mo ' IV'"'""'"' "'A I Huv.-yoii llJiirdJtJi J;, I fill! Vo:i. .1" (Vi.i id di^aJir lu uxu. themghte"\V.a-i,,.„,,i^.„.,,„ meal mill of Mr. siiiii,s., w;,ii| broken into au.l ttb.y tan uct »l stolen, together rcgar.l t-. li dIs taken from ajotli.i^:. '1 i,. brought a li^lit j don i as had 1 ' 1 to carry their j it h-.: ^- Advertiser. like a po"d wifo can prized. Hsskelt linrs. the Sc.vthe. Trx 'iHi. H -ttlk. the crops, hut »ett Bros, iroiu other harvest ***y other house ^•drertisement, in ^^•G. Irving wants The Sabeeribw wishes t« latva thaaks to thm bmbI. «i M.rkJ.le and n^'Ji I Ihi.-, port, auj to Cuf'TCr Tururir. ,{ t| lir.-t uj'w da* fiiar.,-cl li.'.birt M,.ffJ Maniit? .\i-;-| last^Moflatt] the uppi r (|(j hotil WfTf ic Ihavei â- y bwiiMes. aaiwiD in fntore keeps hi! Stock" ^g with a cold do '^«d'8 Pector.vl I the captain ' 'tlieving its huu- J was thronu »r Dominion. It ble. PINE LUMBEBI AliL SlZUfi. DBESSED AND XTNDBBSSS1 Baviat Je«» r esstrs d mr farf Ain«,t «» w,- t 1 j t .,., from tbe »** read advertise- ited for the erec- brick huildinf,' oan be seen liBylidfShi|iaMal of Pice Lambar and Lath (rom tM via have aaetbw sahooaar kMd in a few (Uy Mtr- -AH Hltedv oCPUain and Iane in a in|.«lai THOS. FsLTkcy rj^Xif*^] .MofTatt juter wore not meJ put him dowj one minute niistiiko, bul 6tru;^gles creJ the laJy pn^I ,. boani. On »We man in the Majjistiatc 1 *°'J dyspepsia was liable tc wooblesome dif- tliis whs the â- but BUEDOCK inflict a liuo •Iways conquer days, lu aL ••wetions, re- come Leicjo •CM npon the make it heavj .and tones up serves credit f ',2i~Bottles 10 up after Ins 'â-¼*'W. (ejected.â€" Ma iisi. f^'Isi^.