I i 1* di" Mr 4 '^V li ' r' 'Â¥ mm !•' .-â- M ABTEHESIA GOJNClL. Met »a ft Court of Berinon in the MowirHnlCFlMhertoci. la^ Hda|»7. the Ot^ isbl Pneeol, UmeniiMpM- toe, \i^\\ Wvbsttr. Bliott. ftod Pedlal^ AfUb.^cb member had taken tibe neeesaarT oatli as sncu meniber tlie Cotut opened, wtieo tlie following ap^ p«al8 wcfo lievd iUi«i diipoaed of u follows â€" W. D. Varty, aaseesed for lot 19. I'lesher's s-'.rvey. James WiUlace, asBcssment reduced $100. ' Joseph Maxwell, •Bsesement re- duced $100. Thcg. Mieh'^1, assfsment reduced $200. Tboe. Coulcey aaaeseed foi 86 feet of lot i, Kiocardine st. nortli. J- Jas. A. Fryon, assessed for part of 'i lot 4, Durbaiu st south. f M. .\kilt, asicssmtut re'uced $300 on Mill rt-bc-rvo part of 3. Eo^^eiiia. W. G. PickfcU, asseseed for lot 140, 2, went fts owner, ou rtsidt-ut f jU. Andrew Ktiiiiedy, asBf ssed asowiier lor lot ILO, 2, Weston ItesiJeut lloU. John Duncan, apjjoal agaHist assess metit of lots KiS ac'1 109, 2 and 3 west, dismisicd. James Sullivan, asscss!»d on Resi. 3«ut Itoil as .owner for pait of lots 6 aijil H. block A, BcsohblL's survey, and 2, 6 7, blMck H, lieachellb bii.vey. DuvkI l(-iiJei.sou, ajipeal against absevbiaoiit o! lot 15, 1, S. D. ii diB- luissed. Peter Holman, appeal again t as Bossoifciit I'Hot 1, con. 5, JisiulsseJ. J.r.-iiiiah 1 i'v'tli, rtquLStiiig to 1/ave M'jert Sfiitli 8 name inserted as joiiit owner witli him for lots 2'J A 80, con. 4, re'ju i^t giaiitotl. \Villiaui IIiiiTK. appeal granted as fillows:â€" .slOO off part mill reserve '... y, Lii'f..rjia; .$150 otflitsHa, 144.U1I.I l-ii; .-jllX) oflf lotB, Lattim tie's snrvj y .i400 added to lot 10 Lat- timereV survey. W. J Walkins, to h" ai'Seesed in' lieu f T B. (lilliland fo:- certain lot.s in Eii^",-uia, request granted. Mr. Elliutt moved, heconded by Mr. Wti.-ler, that this Court aiijourii tu m^et a^ain on tl'e 17th day of June, at 1 o'clock p.m., to correct pahable error.s on Itoll of 18H1.â€" car. After tiic aiioveeM^: s were dieiposcd of tliu Council tjjk up tlie guiitral businc-s wli' li tliL- i'l Uowiug co'umuiii- catioiii-' petitions, Li'., were disposed f. 1" Nixon, Duiidaiic, r â- . latua;;rt.s to horse on liUO side ri.'uJ laid on the table for further consiileratioii. IvilgourA JSon.s, Mt. Forest, re. road scrapern. II. II. St'.vtII, Mt. Forest, re. r)i;d Bcruiiurs. Petitions from J. II. Stewart re. ditch on loth cjii. opj-osite lots 3!J.ii 35, laid on the table until next susion. W. J. lloiiderson and oth»r-i re. bridge on ci ntre hue. referred t) Mr.' I'l-iiiiir for iiif-p'ction. Uilitiu Kay, Hots! keeper, Mark- dale, If. ;â- r'uid of ait of license Lc, All x.i!. li.r Itutli dij'e. Hotel keeper, IMarkdal" i. luinud of part of license fi'-, iii/t ei.tr; !..i.; J by Council. Mr. Klli-i: iii^vcl, seconded by Mr. Wri^'l.t. l!i;.l ihe following accounts Le paid â€" J. Whitby, salary as Assessor l^.r IHHl, and postii;.;e, §77; John Kiiliierfonl, jiiii;ting and btationary. MARKDALE GiMIAGSJfORK^l McKENNA MASON HAVIX01eaw4 :to 'Waf^n â- mith Shop owned hi J4m Beoaoii. be« to inform the Pnblie. that that ihoy «• prepared to famish all kinds pi Yaluelaa, gaeh aa «- â- B«J«M3IES, --.â- •:' DEXOCBT8, AXD AT PRICES TO SINT THE TMKS. And by aaing the Best of Material and Good Workmaofihip, hop* to reccivi, fair ahare of yonr patronage. Special attention ptento HOBSE SHOEING- General Jobbing! Aa wo warant all o ir work. A call is »olicit ed. and weciarantee iiatisf action. Shop oa Mill street, opposite the Berere Hotel Markdale, Marc^ 3. 1881. S.S 3m. Fa Him at Uie Lowest Rai. i Yaluelw. || FLESHEKTON Harness Shop ^V. l.'a-L â- â- ); L' !,; â- , a Ivi rti iiig ;.::u; A. ii. Faw- rs' Ko^iorts, and W. J. Biiliauiv, IS. .Sl.lH; E.J. •r .; r young \\ ai- (M) ilr. .^tniMi, !,;.•, 'rl Jane- KitMil ol bla'Ute Ial)or, (i:;!).rt, repairing s-cra;- V\ i'kins 111 ivCo., 1 road Sr.).2t»; â- '"'irt of I; " t, I'rhitiiig .\\\ .• r joi's, ,s.:.i.. 1 ;iit ]...iv.i â- â- •, • 1 ri i':i.:u.:'.i â- ,; â- ..- a:i 11 l! :• ii' Willi Mil.- 11, $L'..-»i» I ii r, ^1.5i» (I Kcra|ir, .s."i.;ii;. Mr. Kii 't :ii.iv.d.srcnM,l..I l.y Mr. \Vi:iit, til..: tin: liii; )i\i:;g parties be paid till' sMnis ojiji â- itu their iiaiucK lor i-i-ll.a-tiii%' road "erijiirs .\. Vv'eli- .ter, â- 1.M. J.i. I.ickcy, $1 50; .S, iVdIar, S|.r,. T. Wright, ^•J.OO.â€" carri. d-. yit. V,'i'i..rr llinwd, secoiidud bji .Mr, \Vi i;;ii!. l.i t 'ie Uievo isnUe hi^ ordur in hivi r if ' ' Janus -10 1 \\ Ihown f'r *^IJ.'ii» each lorsalJry as Aiilitor-. f'lr liil.â€" car. .Mr. Wri'-I'l ni vod, seconded by Mr. AVel'sr.-r, tl.::: 1, ' .^vcorderll si-nip- trs from i. W. ' ixitlrick, t i !-i'il,'c vill,-, I I. I .-:iiiiiiid to X. Kihotf, .MarN !:•..'â- 1 \. Webster, I'leshi'iton, 4 to .S i' .,-, |-'lrs!i»rton,. and 2 to Thorp W ri^jiit, i'l' s icrt n. â€" c:ir. Mr. \Viii;iit. nioved^eeo:idij I liy Mr. F.lliolt. tl.it Kiiicurdiue bticit IMce- ville, fr.ni !. ' iJ t 8 inclusivi' lie o)*- cned up and :!iat this be'4iiiihonty to pntMiiias'.i'rs of l'ric*'Vllle t.j i; ify parties intircsted to do it iniinudiately. BO that there iii'iy bo a free ingress aiul cgris.s t" oarties desiring to travel it, and that the Clerk notify pathmn ;t'rs of this ima. diately. â€" car. Mr. \\\!.i-.!ir inov d, sccind J ly Mr. i^Hiott, tlirtt the IVputy Kceve bo instructed to notify the County '.un- ci! t!iat unless they r.';iair the I'ri..'c- villi' l)ii!"' and all deviations on giav- td roads throughout this Munioipalitv reipuriir; rc|'airs, that this Miiniei]:ili- ty will ca ise a oninilamus to be i sued to eoiii;Hl the said County Council to show cause \v!iy they will not do said repairs. â€" c irrifil. Mr. F.lli'tt nijvea, seconded by Mr. Webster, that p.irtoflot 12, con. 14, and lot IC, con. 11, be placed on path- master's list for road division No. 04" â€" ciirriel. Council .idjdurned. \V. J. liiiLi..vMY, Clerk. Cliicago is disturbed over its in creasiiig death rato, and with Isome show of reason, too. Last week the deaths were 301, while in the same period in 187D tliey weie but 139, and in 18S0, 178. Of these 801 deaths, 230 were of children under 6 years of age, an3 the diseases of which they died wero in nearly nine cases out ol teu due to filth or pre- veutat)le causes. Chicago has never known a seacn when diseases were so fatal among children as this year. If you arc snfliriug with a cold|Jo not fail to try Haovabd's PBCToiui B41.SAM it is daily relieving its hun- dreds throughout our Dominion. It ia pleasaut aud^pulatahlc. It is estimated tuas 200,000 barrels of lager beer, wero produced by the breweries on Stateu Island m of $200,- The reoBipts were f l,600,00th« year. » net ptofit io the breweieO, ([iTiog IOO. The liver is the grand purifying •rganofthe sy.stcm when inactive or obstructed bad Hood and ill health are certain results. Burdock blood Bitters cure all diseafies arising from disordered Liver, btomach. Bowels or Kidnevs, purifying, restoang And ,trf=ngttiJuit»e. 1» reguktee the towe!«, cleanses and ennchee tb« BlKd, and impart* tone to ereiy organ of tbe body. Ti»l Bottle W THE Snbecriber begs to inform the publie tha\ lio has conslautl/ ou hand a large assortment 61 CARRIGE, BUGGY AND TEAM HAKTVESS. Male in good st,. le and of the THE BEST OF MATERIAL, .\nd as he means business give him an early call, as 111' will Ki'U at the lowest living prices, for ca.ili. A t"JjJ supply o' WHIPS, TKITVKS, ate, always on L.iud. Scotch Collars A Specialty, And a good £! caaranteed. Irs'ISememlicr the si.iml the' Post OflBceis opi'o-ite. N, 15. â€" btave timber wanted, J. GORDON. Flcslierfoi). M.ircb. 1S81. 1$ r^jTmccoy, Afj'cnt for tlio followini; Imfilcments, Ac: MOWi-.R, HARVESTER, and celebrated HAY RAIvE, (Sharp's.) Markdale General ^Ageii^ isTthe best place to get- Might MAP, HO FQffis, cmb6BSIAw. n-.)jJ mfflS HI JL flfTMTMaSnnoon with h« beat bcacdaof UmMMoo. tbetnivd Ommmial -^cf^- '-J Ifyou want Insurance patronireAe UNION FIRE INSURANCE Co. LANCASHIRE FIRE aadJUlF^E Co. BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co.^ CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOClAtlON. Wanzer Sewing Machines, Uneaqualled in range of work and ease of motion. D O H E B TY ORGAN S, Unsurpassed in beanty of tune and power. Farms for Sale and More Wanted. Thankful for past favors, I am determined to merit a further share of public patronage by fair and honest dealing and prompt attention. tHEOPHILUS HALL. Markdale, March 29, 1881. 29-«f- Artemesia_WarehGuse FLBSHEETON STATION. Wililnscn's PLODGflS, D C K' S LATOI PLOUGHS. ALL KINDS or Fittings and Repairs Kijit c. u â- t.-'.iitly on hand, SEWiNGMACrllNESAilD ORGANS FOR SM.E, CHEAP. Licenssi AUGTIOIIEER F«:i TSSJt: c'oi"tTV. Uiils prjviuiil .-ihI Siihs atu-uiled iii all parts ol the Conity. Charsfes Moderate. ESTABLISHZD 35 YEARS W E^^ L Y SPEC TATOR A I il!(jE EIGHT-PAGE PAPEE on:,vâ€" Per Yoar. ($1) Per Yrar. One of the Largest and best Weeklies in Canada. \^'pjits roreiTo 'i.' Cents fni every yearly sub- srii'.ier. Any party sending ii- three sub- scrilir- will reori.v a ri'py post-paid, of the Faiiui-r's Account 15uok, vorth one dollar, lu place of tlu' usual coumission. Sead ii po.it card im .Sample C'cjiy of our Weekly, »vii-li is Sunt free. Hie only paper in 'an:n'.a tiiat publishes a Dranglit Column. .\.Mr,s SrECT.VTOR PRINTIXG COMPVNY, Hamilton, Ont. Nov. 11, 1880. EH ui 'd CQ I S S S I- CO COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Alwavs in Stock. As I keep all kinds of BEPAIBS for the Implements I sell, Farmers will see the advantage of dealing with a Local Agent. \VM. Flesherton, Marcli 2-1, 1881. On6oo(ls,R(!aIf -lade Clotlii4 Boots and Sboes, HABDWABB. CBO3KBKr. GROOERIESJPBOVISIONS, g. 13 AU kinds o! Country Produce taken in exchange for Inspection of the 5tock respectfully invited. LuSber, Laths and Broomhandles manufacture^ .and for sale. •%, •fe; â- *; urn 'Ji .ei«KJ nMherton Btetioii. Htjjniht ISSl. 'M4t MEDICALEALL S £ ED S FIELD INCLUDING CLOVER, TIMOTHY, GAKROT, MANQEL WURTZEL, Sec, Sec. GARDEIST^SEEDS A CHOICE SELECTION, All of which v/ill be sold at lowest market rates. 1 ij •j-.K-r T3 e. 0) V O O N •1 kQ frot^Aut mad rtJ"»l j^^k^ (5B^*y Business, ' mtt Instructive ni'^^FO ntmtlis, ol the J tar. No •n »Treages ar« ^tion of the pabli^^h- ' papers without paying I'^noiuibi^ (or the years sub- i^affmplt ritb tlie rules. LrrVEBTISISG ...AM 00 "do ••• 27 5» io 15 00 do 8 "» fMA( 4 00 t(iBr! first insertion.. 5() â- nsnt in.^ertio!i 1-^ anes, first insertion.. 7.i inent insertion.^.. .. 2iJ- first insertion per line 8 sent insertion 2 /lines to be reckoned by the 'l««i»Hreil hj- a scale of solid ertiscinintK without specific ill be iiuUishho. till lorb:d_^ and AU trau«itoi7ad»«T'i«e- i ^jMffication by ^iilffit^taorniBg preoeeJ- TTtiteDGE, Proprietor. 4 ftUSINESS roRY. IITrVcal. 4) u llpr»iilT' dk CartoV, iStirgeon' .Accoucheurs c. Ueiical HsU; residence at fonse. ^efi 17. 1830. l-.v in, SVlUiEON, ACCOUCH- DoasiA P. O. e,i(i fc0al. vo BriLDt lirickl Dioiuptlv ciiUly. KJ lacliiin Kua Uro'.vu aD'l DeceniL f-^ C.NE T Nui S.pt. 1^ B MiU St.] Haruens i or lit Sept. 11 C^ If â- â- .ll T iJ proui;ily[ 35 -.^31. w VO (O BfarmilliiB. DALI ail'l III RHUII.). il-AT-L.WV, SOUCITon IX /jCoiivei iiiKvr. .Ve. Oflii-e ..\ i r stoie, .Maikdnle, 29 |at La-w, Ovveu Sound. Jillers's bni'.dir.g. ovct Kotiin- iilet Struct. I-y I d frost A Fro«t. AND ATTOllNKYS-AT ftitorh in tlniu-*-iv, (otiiiy Sou iJ. have reiii'iie-l at C op!i I ' I ry Tliur-.lav. is .T. w. Fr'ist. I.I. ;; Crown .^ttonif V. i I^^' INT all |Kiuf S.-iM • 1^ J Markdale. Dec. 9, 1880. A.TURNER CO. 13^ STRAIN, E^iesl:LeTtorL 28- tf OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. o Squander your money if yc u want to. if not, get yourPbotograpLs of W. BULMER, ThePeqple's Photographer, Flesherton TVho is again preparea to take Pictures, and do Copying and Enlarging as heretofore. We are receivin a large stock of MOTTOES nnl Motto and other Frames, and Frame Fixings, which we can, and mean to sell at Eemarkab]y Low Prices Call and secure bargains. Bring along your pictures and have them copied acd enlarged bv yonr old friend. BULMER Flesherton, Match 10, 1681. 26 STOiP. MARK. LEARN And then yon will know where to go to get the best value lor your Money, at R. J. SPROULE'S GREAT ANNUAL CLEARIG SALE, SBand.vVrOiiXEY .\T-I..V\\. ChaueiTV. Owen Suiil. 1 y f-AT-LA\V. .S.LI.'ITOR I.V kry, N.itarv I'ulilic, .Vc. â-ºn*"' at low.- ,* t..t.-^ o:i r-oii-tl ato. l.t it- Imu'I:; mill .-i.M. ellcr iutru.luccd fr^c of coiuiuis DUNDALiK. er21-t.is?0. I .\.-:nt I AT Tax POST OFFICE STORE, PLEI^HERTON, THE RUSH. THE RUSH. Three "Women aiter* a, Iozen Herring's. ROBT. ASKIN, Uas opened oat a First-Clasa Furniture AND UNDERAKING ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has supplied a want long felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. OOPFINS, CASKETS, SHROUDS, and all UNERAL FURNlSHINaS, â- applied on the shortes notice. A. Hplendid Hea|*ae for hire at moderate nte*. FURNITURE! From the Cnmnw to the tesi Md Litest StylM, in eTerytfaiog in tlia line- Can maA â- •• or jw nr ael w V :^, ROBT. ASKIN. Hfa rfc.i.u ibj 37ti 1881. n.4m SPRING HAS MADE ITS APPEARANCE, AND BUTTER RAE Xn order to make room for their Spring stock, offer all their WINTER GOODS AT COST! NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET BARGAINS In Dress Goods, Clouds, Shawls, Men's Caps, Shirts, Drawers, CTercoats, Flannela, 4c. IS- DON'T PASS THE PLACE^ASl/E MEAN BUSINESS, .si 2To^^7T O-ood-s -^^-xiiTTin^ ^SLil3r. In Tweeds, all patterns. Cottonades, Docks, Shirtings, Ginghams, Denims, White and Giey Cottons, Dreas Goods, Prints, Hollands, Towellings, Collars, Ties, Braces, Colored and Dress Shirts, and all amall ware nsually kept. Hats in Felt and 1 or â€" all prices. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. IS* Don't forget that COOPER SMITHS BOOTS are th* only BooU worth buying, and we are the ONLY SHOP in Town that keep *^^â„¢" CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE IN ALLL STY8ES. 1} B â€"We trust teat all L-Ttst'^mera will remember that we MUST have money If m. oounto are not paid by the 14th t«»t., the BaUifl wiU deal with them after that daW. BUTTER HAE. Markdale, Mardi S, 1881. 1 I I A Good Chance. To rent for one o* mora years, Iiot • con. 9Eni)hia«l»,teniie aMj. «Oacras in (rasa. ^^ "• W. J. WeFABLAM)- Ihrkdate, Umj 5tk IWl- »*-» ^: NOTICE. An parti*, K«h««*Tw»m«dagaiM trea- '~^"°'^THOS.H. YOUNG. Hiacwa Falls. May 6th- 84-3 SAVE YOUR COMBINGS. Mn. T. O- Morgan, begs to annoonee U, tha TigtT of IfaskdaU and Tieinity that aba k nrraaNi to woA vp hair aoaahiogB into â- witefa*. Bvfa BBd aula, Uftmt isodant^- â-²eaB te amUtti. Wâ€" iiVini oonter (rf Hark Mr.BowM'rs^ ,IM.l- 4lDt I CMm r«B Of ISO tertt FOB SALE, One UOe from tlu VUlagt of MM-kdaU. There «e about 106 ama cleared, tha aost of which u in a hi«h ste of cultiTrtioauS fit for a Reaper or Mower to work OB. nZni weon the premises a Frame House briakod u-rf*;* M^aoDsa WokadineaeiaJ^-e Sh*Ie aoJDriTing Houae, andL^ bS^ Young Orchard oommencine to b^^T«LJJ WeU^beside the ho-^a'^t^ei-S^S Sto^ runs aeroes the farm; Cedar aS antfOTlencmg balance ol buah h«dwo^ gl^rst^ Mkple Sugar Bnah ofSSX tj*«). The farm u weU fenowl, irTaooi «W« of T,p«r, and in a ehoiee fciutj'taK in order to m ike room for ho.ivy Spring Imp jrtatio.is now arriving daily, I have decided redncing my present large au.l wv-ll selected and a-sorted stcck of GENAERALDRY GOODS, FURS, MILUERY, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hats, Gaps and Groceries TO THE LOWEST POIN I POSSIBLE, and iu order to do so, Will Sell at and Under COST, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. The stock is all neiv, ivell bonglltf and well worth the attention of the closet buyers In OROCERIES yon wiu find evr)rtliin{; ofFirst-Class Valae. As 1 do not pursue the course of 8on;e of our windy MeicLants of our neighboring Vil- lages, of sanding out numerous samples of ;heap trash (with unscrupolousrecommenda* tions) outside our natural business rela.ions, in order to impress the public that thev are not properly treated by their more honorable dealers, aod draw cuatom from the many Ton wiU find everything that I sell jBBt«« I represeat It, and as good value as you ean possibly get for your money itnrwhere, as I have always held that honorable deahncr u the only true course for a buF.aesa man. â€" "»»uio My Groceries are aU bought for atrictly nett oaah, conaaqaenUy 1 can and wUI mU at The Lowest Possible Prices For CASH andFABM PBODUCE BUT ]VOf KOK CJREIIT- o I have also in stock and for sale, a large quantity of PURE SEED GRAIN! I am now Belling larga qnantiM of r' COARSE LAND SALT, m:aivtjre. $1,00. U Index |i Wonderful Inventi ni. BrvwM, â- MllU.UiK I-ICT.XSE.^*. VT.. iior in B. K. fc. in all its b'.iii;-l»s r imj't' oarefully fxi i-'ii! .;. ly to Lend on Ueul ilstat;- â- â- ^- ept. i7, 18S0. l-y M.irriage License- Fire aii.I tirance Agent, t'w" •li-^i'u'i'.-i Couvejiiuwr iiu.t i...v;i~...i br the County of (inr. f'iirmex, uj Land S.li-s, I'linctimlix Ht- charges male verv un.J.-r it ••. Sept. I" IS-'t. " l-v A !: .\'ICll 1 .-i *1 ^1 THIS IS A MECHANICAL DEVJl For Learning to Pla/ CHORDS AND ACCOMPANIMEin OIV THE PIANO AND ORGi re C;«rri«J, Jr., )AN .^NIi m!;.\i;ii\l .VCiKVr ouu.l. Moiit-v t'l Lojii nt i..» est. Piiijci!.il puvabi" ill li.i- lof ycar-.aii.l ini. vi-t iialfyiir- priiiciiial an-'l iut.r~i ri";iv. a, ""• ' ' I fber of do:.raL'.t' l:!i;'rv.-.l j avm- i S. O. SiiiK. I 3N AND PHOMKCIM. l.wp for, Drauglitsm:ii h'i 1 Vtl:!i:,,r. Markdale.. Hii\i!.;,' piivhi-a-l id Surveyor 'li:'rif- l:iii(iii°.. nl oTiphlal 1"M X..;. M-n Itructions, tr., of .ill Ir '-iii\.vs i«he last fifty-live y.u 1 a'ai Tiakc Snrvpys in stV.i i ,• .rd- "iHi. Proxies aiil I".-.uj U,..-- |*J^'" Plans and S-Hvii;oai:.riis l^Bndgeg, larnili(il ' •; ;i;.|i!;r;i. ^to Loan at 8 p. r c*:it im. i.^t. I' or left irith G. J. liLYlH, BBfi/?* P"»nptly'lt(ii,l..lt... m SA FOR, 1- -i Si* bSiS tt^- -^^^^ " •» the^w«tt c2Sr:.!2:!",!2 '^v^*.**"*! *» Any person, Young or OM, wlie^ have anyLMusical talent, ox no can learn or PLAY AN^I THING, in a VEBl SHOET TIME, what would take years in the old way, "besides a great expense for Books, Tuition, etc., et^J Sent, pre-paid on receip o^ 9«titi«trji. Janes j. wiiiic. i to Dr. Camcr-yi. liv, ij Sound, j i^T-THKKiCVEKK HOr.SK,-] '"J' kdale, on tli- l.i-t W. .h.-^.lav hi „ â- ! I when he \\M ;«â- ) r,j.«r. i i..|Hr- ' ations requiri'd uikjii tli«- iiiu:ii I satiiifiic-torv ujituuir, aii.l iipou rnis. 1 V I M.iikJ .Sar^'ei 1 I,,. I- I !.. IRE HOTEL, iMAKIiUtl.i:. )ULE, Proprietor. Hotel h.is had a i.ir;;i' jcJ- i to it, tlior»;i;,'lily r.-iiliil, ond to none iii ihe c-utily. and attentive .-ll-r. I'li.^t- ation fur t'oiiini ir.al lr.iv-i- » 9li»0 per dar. IT-ly EAJTORD. Out. ri:-raiKTfti!s. FP.U vl Wfatfor natt msk .1 1t«Mh. n_^*^^* â- ».i»«.««l r.' •ndbooghtte natt flwAat BotUto Prioi " M I W M M ytBTMl, C. W. B17TLKDOK, .0- lUplaLaal Fam, m»i..^ |^ P.-^"*****"' I vooU alio intimate that mj SPRING IMPORTATIONS ARE AB|irVIKG DAHjT, And I wm lisTa ofwMd OQt and ahov On The Ist of April, I aa, your obidimt Mrvwrt, R J. SPROUJiill. Flesherton, March lo 'BS ^, •_â- 'â- ' J^ i- â- •••'.JriF." ' -.AJUSO- ition for the travelling,- is Weil stoclieJ with tl,. and Liijuurs and the U'^i kj Lt! hii»ii,{,; I PlAUdS^ORCAl B'OR SALE a'T VERY LOW PEICES' ADDRESSi â- -*«*».'-»Tif. i. :•:' J. A. OEAWFOBl^l 42g King Street East, To lOToitto, April 14th. 882W ,*^«t^ Mttd from all trains. l-y RCIAL HOTEL roeruLiijE. Out. lioua Sample iJoom-^ :. Th« liar and lanl. r fiUi the best the mark, t nf J and attentive Uo.-tlei's lOS. ATKINSON, l'roi.netor ' IWo. ' W« ChUbrailh, |AJ» ttfiNEUAI. LAND auaford ^tati.u. .\iictiou Ita aU parU of the ou:,ty. (CommiskK.u. Rates mod rate. and Sf wing Machiuis also ttt«t Trees, Vinas. Aj,'ricul- and Marhinery of all lauds ' t«»*i« for sale on easy terms, «,at bottom I ates. i «aa. t7. JUHl. 20-lT I CK( 6 Kiippl III llli lei sjipi