TUdriiv«r is organ uf tfa« or obstrvetef^ are c«cUin resnil Bitters cure »)l disordered Lrrer, or Kidneys, streiigtheuing. Xi Bowels, cleani Blood, and iib| I vrgan of tae body. Cents. xo ;i 50 A cres of Good ftj Watered, t£\ I Tlie «b-criber will %tt n, of Cattle, Horses, Ae to pH^P'l Mark.Ulf. Jnne 8, lag] ^^(SKI SHTO? HOW lipfc Ki.i.- eonstantlj «i^^J .CHURNS, BUnOuflii 1 U.p,unfj Done with Jf^l^^ dAOE.VT Po» REAPER, MOWSH. and C rioiiwMs Harrow*, Ktc Etr M'trk W â- . June 9,1881. •H ST RAVED. " tliiWI-.D from the premi^^. 1 ;^ 1 r-i;.'!!^!, on Monday Di»bt.ltt^*l i ., r lii-li .-..lona cow, 5 y^^^ mZS"1 ,-, â- 1... Iv. Ii'.rns tnrnea in, and muU*,??*! 0. b..il. l!..Vi.s. Any person idTij,, ,JTI**1 1 „,,„„.., will le*! to ker i*ei^J5* ' "" iul.il" »•«"»' "««• ""B^ '•ln.u...uru.J.inc 9th, IWi.' ^^^**2P^ id. Jiillic Xotiee. i,.;i.| f\f,t. tbruuch loto f|^ Ml Jj ill. ii.'vii-tiiv j{ Gleuelg.iknot p«-,^** l:,U.-lr.-.l. â- I li- !• )r\"'rr»tirTi r tli' tnToiliiB iIi; net Uii\ iUit uny title to the rMdnTyi -HI. 1 lot-, v.ill not be reijxnisibU Cof liJ ii'l. 'it I'k 't iii-iv tiap|«n on skidntj 'V J.WlKSr.UoWN. FINLAYMjcT Clerk. ' T'Afn:-!.:!' o((;iineig. Oct. 19, ig^. S JL 000 BITTER bine^that successfully purHtai tkij] ^c Liver, Bowels, kin and Kida^l time it allays Nervoua Debilitated System, perfectly nil' lusness Jaundice, Dyspepsia, (kmtU, leumatism, Dropsy.N erv is ud Q»| le Complaints, Scrofula, frysipilKl (cics of Chronic Disease arisinf ft«| Stomach, Bowels or Blood. llRIRING TONIC IN THE WORLD. [ca. SUU ACiNTS TOROHIO. Mtzmiar llM. I li ui/i-. '.liic ai;J effectual dMiroyef cf wrm la 1 Millinery! BKOS., .:\aics «i .[.uk l.ilc and sur kurMil'iiurj IS nicely assofl .ai K DALE Door Factoi T lOULDINGS, HOLLOW T^ATTONS. FRAJ .th and Shini OrvJt rs Promptly FUleA. ii'i- -...t^io v '..nlo ..f MnrWfcIa »nf 11 111 till- I'twt, i»u 1 hope* by oloM •t***" •.If- :-.i; I will i n future kwpaf'^^' kd L U M B E ^ss*^. th« ' ?.SSED AND UND |iiHHt of I'lr ,. lumber and L»th from iiMtlirr schoouer load in a few d»y»- *lain ana Fancy pr in a fir!t-:lass mauner. THOS. Mcl^' ;3*^ ^^ HHmiNEf „f prints, ne^ spnng styles, 5, ?, 8|, 9, lo, xi r^'.rlr^nts. fast colors. vaat^ 70. (^ar^',! cents, fast colors nf Tweed 50 cents "' '^^ of Table Linen. 35. 45. Sfrand 75 cents. " Table Napkins, 6^ cents, direct frommaoniicttirers. Bla ck Broad-cloth, f 1.25 â€" wovth fa.jd. 1. /^...«rolIc en r^nfo.^ 1mâ€"- klT- kns if Duck Overalls, 50 cents. Vincey Shirts, 75je^ ' ZnTEREST .00. 20 Mens Black Broad-Cloth Coats, f 5.00â€" worth f3j 200 Pau^Uarge Scissors, 10 cents, desperate cheap. 5 Bales of Duck. 12^, 15, t6, 17, 20, 24. and 25 cents. Pur- chase^ from manfacturers. 160 Ladies Parasob, 25 cents, o!d price 40 Cents. 9" ** 50 " " i »' .T TBIiL. AT W. J. McFJLRLMD'S 105 SI ?^ ♦I -50 roronto. E. South- *â€" Wi Ji McFAR Keeps the best aioned stock North o W. McFarlandhas a etsideflrUtSyer, Mr. Wi gate, always in the market, who gets every bargain gpii^. 3761 J Yards Shirting, 10, 14, 17, 20 and 23centSi rery cheap. 600 Yards BrilUanteen Dress Lustre, 22c, cheap at 30c. New Dress Goods, cheap! New Linens, cheap! New Cashroertrs, cheap 1 New Embroidenes, cheap. Grand opening of the millinery show rooms next All the novelties m Flowers, Silks, Bonnets, Hats, Fe ftihcti Costumes, Ribbonst Laces, c., c. Under the superin- t^ideoce of a first-class milliner. In fact my premises are crowded firom cellar to gafm MW goodi, all at bottom figures. lay STANDARD. June 17th. 1881. A OTHER NOTICES. .ts Bonnet ti,.VTS AND SUNSHADES, p, FEATHERS AND IS Is a:jd tivIMMINGS, MANTLE Nade to order. wfll assorted in all branches. :c; rt-ii.lin;; a long advertisemeM :.cv.ii4 we can give entire safflJ \vc w oulJ solict a coalinuattj ^refoingto press, ooase- T just M qucntly wars to hkU for Uus i«»ae.â€" Will appear next itmIMi,^ Wk would call attentioB to tW ad- vertisement of Mr. i. H. Hamfllon, of Tbornbury, wliioh will b« fonnd ia another colamn. His Barley Forks, (which we cousider nnaqiuUeti) and labor eminences in Mark- ^ije n-d'k in front of the jliouse tliis week. feather continues dry. 5gB tlie sale of furnitore at Grant and CLeilow's BS. f.j. ETT, Fditorand Publi.sbcr ^hertou kdcaiue. gave us a ,p,eil,McD^iiS*vlI, aul B.-sn- pj.liing ahead their fiue ^i. The stone work will be |ju,f,-wdiiy3. ^â- jiuc ice cream go to A. fianailii TeraiKirance net is L ,. i!i22 ccuuties and two J is the day upou which thiv world's The P«naen AAwMt* for Jam ia to bjnd and k «t euepiioaably ftiw number. This Magazine ia the odiy 00a of the kind pobliahed in ^fWfA% and every farmer shoald Bnbaoribe for it In this number the KAtocaU offara a prize o^ $100,00 for the boat herd of fat cattle for export. The herd to eonsist of three animala four, years tne exhibitor. Chicago artist vho, it m can earn $10,000 a year, has been an habitual drunkard for five or nix years. His wife has sued a saloon other goods, can be had of any of oar onder. the bona fide property of merchants. As ONE of otur medical taoswas stroUiug along the sidewalk last Bator. day night, he noticed a man taking it easy iu the shade of one of oar larga brick blocks. Upon asking bim wliat [l^^eper for $25,000 damagaa m the ailod bim, and what he was doing there, the fellow repUed, " 'Zall right, Doc" (hie) jest lookin' at ze 'chose." If you waut anything in the hue ol Jewellery, a Wedding Ring for in- st*ucejubt try our Jeweller, E. 1 Wilcox. Says the Toronto Mail :â€" Next Sun- dax according to Profeosor Grimmer, t,c..iiUiuiiig 20 of the total (,il foinpany, are '^o^e fff-./'Cu^torine luacliino .-tujeiits will be yi Betutid Ir/t 1 rt-|i. ;it V, lar^e quantities to market, also a jjs McDougali wiio wa^ ve ijavf l)een frozen in Mani- L-jiiod from Til under li:iy Jjv. He IS thawed out, and Uit worse. •.'asb, durable Maritime I aff^iirs are to be woiind up. We are, accordmg to the learned and very scientific profi.'ssor, to be sulijected to a tremendous heat in which no living creature can exist. The world 19 to approach the sun with wonderfull velocity and is to be consumed by fire. It seems wicked to neglect Professor (iriramers warning, but in view of the fact that no ouo kaotrs the day nor the hour, the Professor's prophecy may be considered a piece (if impertijieuce. Besides, does not Mr. Vennor predict cool weather for tlie entire month of June Pl.4ted ware, Kuives, Rings. Spoons Ac at Wilcox's. New Bakley Fork. â€" Mr. J. H. lliiiuiltoa of Th )rnbury, mauufictur- er of Cradles, Si)iu uiug Wheels, Ac, ia row in.auufac taring a very useful pateut Barley Fork. It is wibbout doubt the best Barley Fork made. An extra fiuger is so attatched to the til, y haiidle as to prevent the gntia sliding f-.,„'a I back on the pitcter, or beiug blown ,.ui. M 1. a. an.; w.uld do' ..It by the wind. Farmers wUlat oi.cc â- mil f -Mod. i l'ri-'i-'i«v« the beuetit of such a fork. 1 c.doil CASTOUlM-.l lUs AwAY.-OuWedeusday, ateam uiaehme oils, try llf^sketi belonginjitoMr. Geo. Drew, took fright 111 rear of Noblt's blacksmith shop, ^. vo!uiit.-r.- pnssed do^vn and ran out on T..roL.to Street. They XvMK o„ M..iidny cv.niiii;, had only gone a short distance ^h^n V, V ,i.'ir.i f.'r 12 days ground thai it ie ioe le Ikie fteflaeBae that her h^band squanders his money and neglects bis went. He shoald have stuck to the water colors she thinks, and not have tinted hia count- enance as he has done. The remarks of the Jersey City •'oamai have a widely extended ap- plieatifin "A society has a hundred members. To notify ihtm of a meet- ing by postal card costs |1, and they pay it withoat comment. But if it costs a quarter to notify the members throneh the paper, they would prefer the postal card system. However, if a notice in the paper costs nothing, they jump at it as a lucky chance. THE MARKETS W. J. McFABIjAND, Importer. Wholesale and Betal TTriTTTT-n â€" I â€" r-n â€" .j^.^_â€" â€" j-t__â€" â€" »^ SPECIAL KOTICEB. Mothetv! Mothers 1 1 iCotherall Are yoB dietwbad at night and broken of 7oar reh-t b; • (iek child Kolleiing and erjin( with the ezeraoAtiaa pais of anttiiig t«eih! If so, go at matwA eel a bottle of MBS. WINSLOWT* SOOTBINO STBUP. It will reUeve the poor little cofltfer iauDedi- staly â€" depend apon it there ia no mistak* about it. Tbeie ia not a mother npon earth who haa evw ased it, who will not tell yon at onoe that it will regtiltte the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating Use magic. It is p»r- faetly safe to n.e in all cste. and pleasant to *!• ta»te,andis the preecripticn of one of the oldest and best female phyaioians va/k noraas in the United SUtea. Sold erery- where at 35 cents a botUe. SO ty BESTahd COMFOBT tothb SUPFKBIMa Br*wn s HovschvM has no eqii«l for rdUeTiui( pain, hotit i It aoiaB pain is tba Baok or Bowels, Sore Throat, Hhenmitiam, Toothache, Lumbago and an; kind of a Pain or Ache, "it will mosi sarely qoieken Uie Blood and heal, as its acting power ia won- derful." " Brown's Household Panacea," being acknowledged as the great Pain Briiev- er, and of doable the strength of any other Klixer or Liniment in the world, shoald be ia every fanuly handy for use when wantod " as it really is the best remody in the world (or Cramps ra the Stomach, and Pains and Ache« o( aU kinds," and is for sale by aU Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 30-ly The Standard IS Â¥Sr .r-- Best liOoal iPaper n THk COUMTT. fldbaepbefor it, gnly $1.2S pet annom. Persons can snbseribe at any tune. STARTLING DISCOVERYt LOST MANHOOD RnTORED. a Tietim afraaOiftil tanpradenee caastn* tare Decay. Kerroaa DebiUt;, Lost Maahocd, ete- haring trM In vsia Avery knows MsMdy, has dk- eoverrtl s simple adfenie, whidi be «U1 send www to hia Mlow.«iaiiran, aiUnaa a. â- . BEETBk â€" at..i«.v. â€" -â€"vB^ |Watrbe*. 9tam wtaiton n.B«. ^*itti â- â- !â- ! llMUaji Qm ' --. linttatioD coldtC. ttolldjrolitllt. CbeaMat an4 haal rjrourowB OMorapcculattve purpoepa! ValaahUeaU •frM. Tuoano!i*ca..iuaa«MK â- »!«**• MARKDALE. Buggy, go fcui Mason. ;. 11,1) 111 the Sproule block |[„;,r,.j, now being fitted up ^n,.sjjllf. and he expcc's to |i, jtjij the course of a week tulie ii.t.ii.ls to add lirgely r'iii'iicalii IIS of rain, as wo :i, iros, and we li'e irivf diliii\i' tis a Fhioat, June 10, 1881. Flour 6,0o to 0.5o .Spring Wheat per bush., new 1.0 otc 1.06 i'iill do. do. do. 1.00 to 1.06 Barley Oats Peas Potatoes. J.60 0.30 0.60 0.30 Battor, per lb 0.14 "KKs, pel doz. .t....i... 0.10 Pork, dressed, 7.00' Beef 4.50 Geese per Vi 0.05 ' Duolu, per piir 0.40 ' FowU, per pair i O.iH) Turkeys, per lb ., 0.07 Sht«lskius t 78 Hides ..••... 8.00 Grass sei«l, 2.ut^i Hny 7.00 Wool 0.22 Green App/es, er. bushel.. 0.40 Lard 0.10 Talloi* 0.06 DryCVdWood 1.80 0.80 0.31 0.62 0.30 0.14 0.00 7.25 6-50 0.00 0.4£ 0.25 0.07 1.25 7.00 2.40 8.00 0.00 0.50 0.10 0.07 0.00 PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple Vroetable Balm that will remove Tah, FBECKLt-S, PIMPLES and Blotches, leav- ing the skin soft, clear and beantidil also instructions for prodacing a Inx iriaot growth of hair on a bald bead ur smooth face. Ad- dress, enclosing a 3c. stamp, Ben. Vandelf Co.,, 5 Beckman st., N. Y. 30-ly t TIT ITI BEAUTIFUUjT njiUSTBATBD. 36th YEAB. ERRORS OF YOUTH. k GENTLEMAN who sufferred for years ..A. from Nervous DEBILITY, PBEMA- TUr.E DEC.VY, and all the effects of youth- ful indiscretion, will for the sake of snffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers whishing to profit by tiie advertiser's experi- ence can do so by addressing in porfect con- fidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 20-lv 42 Ce lar si. New Yo k OP ALL DISCRIP-nON, PLAIN and in COLORS, Executed with neatness and despalchi atUie ST^NDAKB THE SGIENTIFiG AMERfGAN. Tdi 01 BSTinc Amebioaw is a large Vrst- Class Weekly Newspaper of Siztoea PaflM, printad in the most beantifnl style, rof^u«fy UlmitnUi witK sfUndid 4^i#rs«uu(, repre- aenting the newest Inventions ana the aooat reoent Advanoes ip the Arts a^ Bciesa^ including New and Interesting Faetsin Agri- enltiira, Hortiealtare, the Home. Health. Madieal Progress, Social Science, Natural History, Geology, Astronomy. The most valnahltt praetioal papers, by eminent wiitars in all departments of Science, Will be femd iu the Scientific American. Terms, 93.20 per year, tl.0 half year, which includes postage. Disooniits toAgentf, Sinffle ooppies, lOe. Sold by all Newsdeal- ers. Bemit by postal order, to KUNN CO.. Publishers, 37 Park Bow, New York. PATENTS. tio^uvT^ eieatifl e AmericRM, Messrs. Mrnii Jt Go. are ol icitors of American and For- eign Patent'!, have had 35 years experience, And have the largest establLiltment in the world. Parents are obtained on the best terms. A special notice is made in the ScleatUe AaaericaB of all inventions oatented through this Agency, with the name and resideoce of the Patentee. By the immense cirunUtion thus given, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introducticu often easily efieeted. Any person who haa made a new discove- ry or Invention, can ascertain, free of charge, whether a pf.tent can probably be obtained by writing to Mo.in Co, We also send free our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents, Caveats, Trade-Marks, thor costr. and how procured, with hints how to procure andvances on inventions. Address for the paper, or concerning patents, MUNN CO.. 87 Park Bow, New York. Branch Ofiice cor. F and 7th sts., Wash- ington D. C. 1 .-.---.v â- â- ;*-, V •*•: 1 "-^ f â- uJkr McINT?1?Ilfi. Will move into tay new premises shortly in Sproule's Block shortly. No time to write advertisements just now, al- though ready to wait on you should you drop in. No staltf goods in my establishment. A. MclNTYII» ltek4aU,B«iwlt|lMll Mf $1,5 3 7,000 STBAIOBT LOANS. your fences are cot sufficient f the t..:i.i,'e of the â- .vrti,'ou fell from the i.eclivoUfc, and ran under the sidewalk removing to jl"""li^l.' t"" touge and one ax'.e. â- will I'ortuaattly no person was hurt. F.XGAOEMENT Wedding Rings, m f,'reat variety, at Wilcox's the Jewel- lers. When doctors disagree wh. shall decide. The people often decile by "throwiu" phvsic to the dogs,' and .Irving BURDOCK BLOOD BIT- |Ti".RS, and the result is always 1 company ga-^-e i ^ulisf.ictory. Burdock Blood Bitters â- Our Slcighiu'.,' I is the 'SLiHum in Farro of medical science, curing all diseases of the Blood, Liver and Kidneys. A trial bottle only costs 10 cents. A â- fl Ki II. i-- 11"' Ur.'s iil'K-k. wliere she tmv.-.il I'll luriiiaiiy cn-itnni- ftip' l.nlasd Mark.lalc and rally. lo'iiienilar th.' j t(|.i'rt'.lln!;. It ;- llar.lwali.-. p;i.- lii :ii' :s f..r "Cast oriue" I (mI, ,ii..i Mc tli.it the barrel I •l'i.s;i.n;ii-,'" as none other i i p.i;i,s 111 ^UIIMULDt lliilTciiii Hall on Wediios M.wiodi was well attended. i-,V,,7,7„7,i,. C^sts 10 cents' A dollar t .tas liot equal to some given |,ymy „j;i'v save you many dollars in IcrI amateurs during the doctor's bills. I The tirt cotton mill iu California •.he f "'tlia'l is the order of is iu process of erection. iinw. We understand |ub i) ;iliout. to be organize] ..iir blâ- y^ \v..iil 1 practice we |mFa\ui'4 thai they would bo ICSt. |CFtuiviie" Mai-hinc Oil, for I of machinery, it is also ex ot hanitj,* and leather, mak- ilfei auiwcaiUor proof. For FLESHERTON. (Corrected tcetkhj for th* Standard by R. J. SproiiU, Fletherton.) TuuBSDAT. June 9th. 1881. Flour, per bbl ia..-(i lo 95.50 Spring Wheat per bmh., 1.03 to i.08 Fall do. do. do. 96 Barley 0.00 Oats 0.00 Peas 0.60 Potatoes 0.30 Butter, per lb 0.14 Eggs, per doz. Poik, dressed. Beef Sheepskins Hides liny Timothy seed. Wool Lard Tailow 0.10 7.00 400 0.60 6.0O 6.00 2.00 0.22 0.10 0.06 0.a7 0.78 O.So 0.60 0.30 0.14 0.00 0.00 5.00 1.25 7.00 9.00 2.40 0.22 0.12 0.07 4 RENTS "WANTED. -Big pay.--- i\. Licht AVork. Steady Employment. Samples free. AuJros«, M. L. BYUN, 46 Naussau street. New York. 20-ly TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having leen permanently cured ol tliatdretul dioeaso. Consumption, by a Bimile remeily, is anx'ous to make known to his fellow sufferers tlie means of core. To all who desiie it, he will S'_^nd a co)iy of tbo prescription use-.t, (free of charge,) with the directious for piopairing and using the same which they will Bud a SURE Cure for Con- 8DMPTI0JI, Asthma, Bboxcuitis, c. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address, Bev. E. A, Wiloou, It'.t PeBn St., Willi-amsUnrgh, N. Y. 20-ly CHUFJCH DIRECTORY. Trickett, the Australian oarsman, arrived in New York recently, and of coarse the irrepressible interviewer was ou hand. Among other things that Trickett is reported to have said is that he had no wish to tackle Han- Ian again, that he considered Ned the best man he ever met, and he had seen not a few. Ot Ross he preferred to say nothing. There is some Ulk of Trickitt challenging Riley, but there is nothing decided definitely as yet what course he intends to pursue. Reader ha-ve yon tried every known remedy for Chronic disease. Impure Blood, disordered Liver or Kidneys, Nervous and General Debihty, Con- stipation of the Bowels, with the manifold sufferings partainmg ther^o? Have you given up in despair Try Burdock Blood Bitters; it will not costs DUNDALK MARKETS. Fall wheat 9fc to 91.03; Spring wheat 91 to 91.00; Barley 50c to 70c Peas 5,9c to 59o; Oa;s 23c to 33c Pork 97.25 to 97-50; Pota- toes per bag 6(lc to 60c Butter 17c to 18c Efigs 00c to 18c; beef 5c to 5Jc: sheep ckins 75c to 91. oo; hides 97. oo; grass seed 92.50 to ?2.75; Hay 97.oo to 7.5o; wool 2ic to 28c; lard loc; tallow 6c- CHRlT CHUaCH. Services- Sept. 20, 10:30 a. m.; Oct. 3rd, 6:30 p. m.; 10th, 10:30 a. m.; IVlh, 10:30 a. m.; 24th, 6:30 p. m.; 3l8t, 6:30 p. m.; Nov. 7th 10:30 a. m,; 14th, 10:30 a. m.; 2lBt, lo;3o a. m.; 28th, 6.3o p, m.; Dec. 5th, C:3o p, m.; 12th, lo:3o ft. ra.; I'.lth, io:3o a. m.; 27th, 6:3o p. m, Sabbatll Sqhool, 2:3o p,m. Bev. James Ward, Incumbent. TORONTO. dealers IsE or TbE .VoiN.â€"The foUow- tlie oppiiiioii of the Hamilton fconctraing the cclipee of the iSaturJay last F»ffair, which came off on Sat- i^nt,. was a brilliant success, auuouiiced in the bills pled, mill thousands were fway frn-u ti,e doors. Very I tlie citizens took in the en- .iii'l all fult that thev had 'â- •f their money. Some uJtrod, when the moon did so fail yoj. A Trial Bottle only luite full, what she ou'd 10 Cents, Recular size Jl.OO. AnJ if she were perfectly sober." 1 dealer iu medicine can supply yon, I'lcture fratning done neat and cheap at W- J. Bates, Flesberton, a great variety to choose from. At a. meeting of the Grand Black Chapter of the Royal Black Knights of Ireland, held in connection with the Grand Orange Lodge of B. N. A., on motion of Joseph McArdle, of Hopeville, County Grand Master of Wellington and Grev, it was decided to hold the next annual meetmg if the Grand Black Chapter at Orangeville on the 8rd of June, 1882. {rpeeiat to the Standard.) Toronto, Jane 9, 1881. Wheat.fall, per bush 91 10 to 91 1j Wheat, spring, do 1 12 to 1 18 Barley, do 55 to Oats, do 40 to Peas, do 65 to Rye, do 00 to Clover Seed do o oo to Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs. 8 00 to Beef, hind quarters 6 00 to Beef, fore quarters 00 to Chickens, per pair o 6o to Fowls, do 00 to Ducks, per brace Oo to Geese, each 00 to Turkeys 00 to Butter, Urge rolls 00 to Butter, tub dairy 13 to Butter, store-packed 00 to Eggs, fresh, per doz ,.. o 13 to Eggs, packed o 00 to Apples, per brl 2 oo to Potatoes, per bag 40 to Onions, per bag *° .^ Hav. 6 00 to 10 00 60 41 73 00 o oo 8 50 7 oo oo 65 Oo Oo Oo 00 00 15 00 14 00 2 6o 45 a Oo CAN.\PA METHODIST CHUllCH. Services every V)"' it 1 V a. m., and 6:3c p. m. Sabbnth School at 2:3o p. m. G. S. Bawcs, SuperioUiudeiit. Prayer Meet- ing. ThniKday Evenings at 7:3o. Kev. N.A* McDiarmid, Pastor. PBIMATIVE METHODIST, Services every 1st and 3rd Sabbath at 3 o'clock p. m. Every 2nJ 4th Sabbath at lo:Ho a. m., in the Orange Hall. C. C. Gar- nett, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN. Services in Duflerin Hall every Sabbath at 63.30 a m. Sabbath Schaol at 2:3op.m. Prayer Meeting ot 6:3o p. m. Bible Class on Fridays at 7:3o p. m. OE^^^ICB, MABKDALE. If yon want BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADb, CIRCULARS! NOTES, RECEIPl'8, .To lentl through the Flesberton Agency, at If yon are paying 9 and 10 per cent, interest If yon need a bam t t t sufficient? If you waut to buy 'more land? If you want toelsar alra improve more luid to borri-w of the Nortb of Scotland Canadian Mortgage Company They charge no fines f on over due payments they do not equalize your pa\-mcnt! nor charge yon 18 per cbnt.' but they do give the most reasonable privileges of £af btfm- pany lending money. AND THEIB COSTS AEE LOW I Special rates given to parties wantingspeoially large loans, off wiBg special security I have also a few thousand dollars of z-** The Refci'm Association OF East Grey, will meet in Convention in the Town Hall Flesberton, on Tues- day, 14tli June, 1881, at one c'olock p. m Meantime a limited numlierot cirju- lars will be issued but as it would be mani- fe.tlv impoRsitile to reach all tlioreby, fi leads of Reform throughout the Ridiug are re- quested to attend without further not'ce. By Older of the President, WM. BBOWN. Sec'y. Markdalo. May 25th, 1881, 37 i^w PKIVATE MONEYI To invest on very reasonable terms, and at 7 per cent, interest. This is a rare chanM and the amount is limited. As many English and Scotch capitaUstsare withdrawing their capital from the market, I beheve a change in the money market may .ooon be expreted. Money has reachedrock bottom. lHoiv is the time to borrow, and the place iS The riesherton Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agencys I N S U RA N C E It is of the greatest importance to lasnrers that they seleet a Roliitbie and Haiti Comptoy, aud that they do their bubinessthrough a rriittble Aitfttt. Innpnpai^ to take appUcations for tlie Strongest, Safest and Best Companies in Ci.h^da, ui for a Stock Company, at rates as low as any reliable Mutual. My Contpaiies are the Lancashire and Citizens, (Stock The Waterloo County and Gore District,' (Mutual and Cash.) ' CONTETANOINO. Deeds, Wills, Leases, Mortgage?, Agreements, e., Ae., of short notice, and work Ctrertly and !Vcaty done. In this line my bosiness hai increased and is ic creasing, I sm now doing the largest business in thePidmg. A UCTIOM S AL,ES attended in either Tuwn or Country, and Bills supplied free «/ x4_ charge; slso, all uecessary Blanks and Stamps. LASnS FOR SALK AlVD TO REl^T. To any having lands to dispose of I offer a np end'ii chflnre to advertise. It don't cost you a cent till your farm ia sold, and you can withdrnw at any tim I .also real/.e better prices than the ProprietorB themselves. Correspondci.ce sclieited. In every deiiAituieut of my business I make car^fnness, corrertiie^s, and fair doaing thepromiucnt features.and bbargii as low as auy roUable man. ROBT. DAVIS, Cnnreyanccr,'iJommissioner iii li. '?., and General Agent Flesberton. Feb. 9, ISSl' S2-tf HACYARDS PECTORAL BALSAM. POSTERS BALE BILLS, STREAMERS, DODGES, Has no eauil for ihc ptnoanent cure of •Ids. Sore ThrMil. AstkBa. Creav, ioaeli. BMBChllla, axl Leas Mseases. Evcrv bottle guaranteed to give laliahction. T. MILBURN » CO., Proprietsn Totoiuo. ^-ii?Li;'i5,s tastonne" Machine Oil, fcr of machmery, it is also ex- firliarnt'ss and leather, mak r and weather proof. For iclcr.s. â- nnual .\nniver8ary picnic of wztr Primitive Methodist S. fi'Suu Wednesday last in Mr. 1 Pwe, about 4 miles eaet of ^^'llat with a fine day, a piii repast, and plenty of in- fiaussmeut, for both old and "â„¢ to croquet, swings, base "Jf fiarpussed very pleasant- PUt i o'clock the company was I wder by the Pastor, and for I uour w ^re very much enter MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. Turaday in each 200,000 Pine Lath for sale at the Markdale Sash A Door Factory. Amongst the many dehigets attend •liort addreases from the • ^j^ ^^^^^ Qrange Lodge of B. A. gentlemen, vi.i â€" R. Ston iievs. Walker, Wilson, of p- Mid Oarnett, whiefa was in 'by v,:cal and instrumental I A vtry affecting piece was nered by two httle girle only Uod live years of age, dangh- ps. Kells, Esq. After the P** of thanks this very enjoy- hoccessful picnic was brought f« about half past five. Net I $17.00. A. McDiarmid returned erence yesterday. He will re- is Joseph McArdle, Esq., the Connty Grand Master, of Wellington, and Grt,y, of the RDyil Black Instution an old resident of the Township of Hope, who is spending a few d»y8 yisiting his friends here, and who is very warmly recived by his many old friends and acqnaintancse- He looka both hale and hearty and by appear- ance is growing with the times in the new pMta 6t tnis ProTinoe.â€" Port Hope Tiaut. j Another B«shooner lead of pine la«K «will give the stations m ber and lath arrived this weak at T. '«' next week. ' MeNea's Inmber yard- this circuit at least another Durhamâ€" Third mouth. Priceville â€" Monday before Durham. Hanoverâ€" Monday before Durham. Mount Forestâ€" Thkd Wednesday in each month. Gnelphâ€" First Wednesday in each month. „ I. Harristonâ€" Friday before the Guelph Fair. 'Jrnytonâ€" Saturday before Guelph. Eloraâ€" The day before Guelph. Douglasâ€" Monday before Elora Fan:, HamUtonâ€" Cyrstel Palace Grounds- the day afttf Guelph. Berlinâ€" Frst Thursday in each month. Brampton â€" First Thursday in each month. Listowel â€" First Friday in each month, Fergus â€" Thursday following Mount Forest. Roeemontâ€" Fifteenth, o.' February, April, June, Augr -t, October and De- cember. Primroseâ€" Wednesday precedmg the (hrangeville Fair. Orangevilleâ€" The 2nd Thursday m each month. Flesherton^Monday bofoia 0»nga- â-¼iUe. .„ Dnndalkâ€" Tneaday before Orangevjlle. Shelbumeâ€" Wedneeday brfwOraage- â-¼ill«' â- , Mushvilleâ€" Seeond Wedneeday m eadi month. Walkerton^The lai» Weineaday m each month. i „ Mildmayâ€" Lart Wadneaday of e«h| citJB8CWBBforthe"Bi«ia»l. haKd bills. PAMPHLETS, PROGRAMMES. Province! Ontario Dirocicry For 18S1-83, TO BE PUBUSHED IK NOVEMBEB, '81, Price $5.00. ME. LOVELL, at the reqne'it of several Merchants and others of the Province of Ontario, of the City of Montreal, Ac, begs o aunonnce that his firm will publish a PBOVINCE OK uNTABIO UIBECTOBY, in November next, containing ao Alphabofical Directoy AMD A TBOBOCOOH " -.. CLASSIFIED Business Directory of the Bosiness and Piofessionol men in Uie Cities, Towns and Villages of Ontario, with a CI^SSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF nta CITT OF MONTKBAIi. The same care and attention bestowed on the Dominion and Provincial Directories ol 1871 will be riven to this woA. SubBcnbers names respeotfoUy soUcited. Terms of Ad- Toitising made known upon apoUcation. JOHN LOVRLL SON, PabUsherB. Montreal, Decem ber, ISeO. .JSOI'ICIS. The aljonmed Coort of Borisioii for t*« Township of Proton, will mt^t at CedM^ \tm the final Bavision on the second Tuesday iiJeao ia«:. Tl»« "On^ '» "V^ ' " " â- • JOHN VBBT. Township C^"' rr-w VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, JBALL TICKETS, Or in faet anything in the printing line, don'i fail to eiU at the StandarD OFFICE, Cathartic Pills Combine the choipcr.t cathartic priii.i|lps In medicine, in luoportions accurately ad- justeil to seiurs activity, certainty, and nniformitv of effect. They are the result of vears of c.-in'Ml study .n-nd iir.actiral ex- periment, anl are tiie most cffoctnal rem- edy yet dis: overcd fi'r di.scases caused by deraiisemcnt of the stoin:i'-h, liver, ami how-eis, wliicli reqniie nronij.t ain! c.Tocfn.U treatment. Avri{' I'lMS are "sMcrially appli'-alilo to this cla- of diseast-s. They ai-t directly on the !igcsiive an. I a.ssiia'.- liitivo process, s. and restore r(j:;.ar heallhv action. Their extensive use hv phvslcians ill their pi ictiee, and by all civilized nations, is ono of the in:i,iv proofs of their value a* a safe, snr-. :unl perfectly reliiiMo I'lirpilive lu'jciiciiie. Bein;; coinpnn ruled of tlic coaci-ntrated virtues of pnielv vcgi-tahlo Siihstaaccs, they are iwsitivcly free fro;n lalonicl or any iujurions priiertics, and can he ailin:u- istereu to children with perfect safety. Atzr's Pills ore an effcctnal cure for CoDStlpation or Costlvcness, Indigcs- tloo, Dyspepsia, \ak% of Appetite, Foul Stomitch and Breath, Dizziness Headache. Loss of Memorv, Niimbaess, glUousness, Jaundice, lihcutnatism, raptlons ami Sklu Dise.-.ses, Di-!|sy, Tumors, Worms, NeiiiMlRia, Colic, Oripea, Diarrlioca, Dysentery, Gout, Piles, Disorders of tbo Liver, and all Other diseases resul;ii!;; from a disordered State of the digestive oiipaiatiis. As a Dinner Pill they have no efjual. 'V\rhile gentlo in their action, those Pills are the most thorough and searchiupr cathar- tic that can bo einploveil, and never give pain unless the bowels ore inflamed, and then their inlluence is healing. They stimu- late the appetite and digestive organs: they operate to purify and enrich the blood, and impart renewed health and vigor to the whole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. sots BT " nauoaisTs svsnTWHEBl- LEND REMOVAL! REMOVAL I ilersigned wishei to infdrm the Public generally, that he has purchased thoeatirtf rontrol of the FURNITORE, AND SASH AND DOOR FACTORY AND REMOVED TO TPK Furniture Warerooms TO THK NEW AND COMMODIOUS BRICK BUIDING ADJOING THE FACTORY, Where my numerous customers will iihviiys find me, or a comp'tent salesman to look aft* and atteiij to thxir watts y 't â- iMtl*!« are noi»' Suprrior to any time sine cummeuciuf! business. Slid I trust by honorable dcsliui; to merit a oontinnant^ of Mr patronage so 'ibcrally bchtowcd iu.the past. .â€" O I have now a Large and Varied Stock ot Furniture in all the Latest Styled and during the Wiiitrr I require IOO,0dd TEET OF GOOD Butternut, Cherry, Basswood, Birch and Asli X^ TT 2v^ B E :k 1 for which THE HIGHEST PRICE WTLLi BE PAID. f^lso a, Q-a.a.rLtit3r of O-ood. :Fiaa.ej lU KINDS OF SASH, DOORS, K0DLDIN6, ETC., AS LSIAL. Estimate of supplies Givon on Application lif Duu't'forget the Waieroomg are removed next door to the Factory, Durham street. Flesher^or, December 2.S, 1«80. " MONEY to STB lEB CEKT. Piivate Funds. J. O, IBVINO. Markdale, June 2nd, 1881. 38 3m mentii. Prolon. 23Ui May 1881 tbabart Toronto Street, MARKDALE and ai 'St^i^m^ Md "im't yof HOOI*EIt. Announcement! LATE IMPORTATIONS OF Sesaonable Goods, H.' HofTBe-Snoeiiif? a S^ecii-lty Markdaie. June 2, 1881. 14 tf -VICTORFA- BughuUvaUrsi the: CR£/}r SF5C/nr AT Greatly Reduced Prices, AT THE TORONTO HOUSE. .i'.-.-,^.. Uatkdals.Aysu U. MI9.- Hi â- -V â- r a: i E tr â- n J i'l! Ml