â- i M" I I ' l^ 1 M I n* *» \r'X TiffMiVy Wit Jla»g:e nt ITime. On ana aftar MONDAT, Il4 OY. tnin* *il rsB as foHmra:^â€" GOING NORTH, "^^ Toronto, â€" Ciuoa BUHnn. Dni- lio •â- m. UrM p. m. fcOO p. m. Carll«D 7.naA. U.tfp.B.6JDp.in. Wmtnu 8.Ma.m. 1.00 p.m. 6JCp.in. Hamb«r Sna't 8.90a.ai. IJOpm. 8,60 p.m Woonrul«e...8.4fia.m. l,fiOpjB.(.0(p.m. Klainborg 9.06 a.m. 3.1 8 p^t^t.i* p.B. Bolton 9.35 a.m. 3 JT'p.m. A 49 p.m. If ono Roxl 9.-SOa.m.,'05p.m. 7.06 pjB. Charloatoa.. 10.S6ajB. 8.60 pjn. 7.60 p.m. Xlton 10^^ a-m. 4.06p.B. 6.06 p.m. OtAIQWWUXM AlHTe....ll,tOa.m. 4.36. pjn. 8.30 p.m. IVpart.. .It 30a.m. 4.46. p.m. OraacarilWaiietioD 11.46 a.m. 6.06 p.m. Lanrel..^. 11.69 a.m. A.-JO p.m. Sueibnrn* 13jm p.m. 6.00 p m. T)aaUlk I.IS p.m. 6.60 p.m. Proton 1.36 p.m. 7.11 p.m. Fl»iliertonAPTic«v'e l.-ld p.m. 7.86 p.m. .Uarkdale 3.15 p.m. 8.0S pjn. Rerkl7 3.36 p.m. 8.38 pjn. WilliamafDrd 3 60 p.m. 8.46 p.m. Aroott 8.06 pjn. 9.06 p.m. "hntiivorth 8.15 p.m. 9 16 p.m. H^kfnnl S.SSp.m. 9.86 p.m. Oneu Soond 4.00 D.m. 10.10 p.m. GOING SOUTH. Owen SonnJ, depart 6.80 a.m. IS 00 noon. llocklurd 7.00 a.B. 13.80 p.m. nhiiU%rlh 7.30 ajn. 13.56 p.m. Amott 7.30a.m. 1.06 p.m. WiJliamiifurd. 7.48 a.m. 1.28 p.m. B«rkl]r 8.05a.m. 1.48p.m. MarkiUle 8.80 a m. 3.15 p.m. f UsIiert'uAPrieeTille HAS a.m. 3.45 p.m. Protuu 9.15 a.m. 8 10 p.m. nuiidalk 9.35 a.m. .H.30 p.m. HUeiboTDv 10.15 a.m. 4-15 p.m. laurel 10.47 a.m. 4.60 p.m. Oran^Fville Junction 11.00a.m. 6.05 p.m. OaxxoeTiLLK â€" Arr. 11:15 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Dfp. 7.15 a.m. ll.i)5 a. m. 6.40 p. m. Altou 7 JI5 a.m. 1 1.65 a.m. 6.I1O p.nr. CliarlFston 7.50 a.m. 12.10 p.m. 6.18 p.m. Mono Koad.. 8.25 am. 12.47 p.m. 7.05 p.m. bolton 8.45 a.m. 1.10 p.m. 7.83 p.m. KleiiiturK...9.05ii.m. 1.30p.m. 7.55p.m. \ViuflbridKe..9.25 a.m. 1.50 p.m. H.17 p.m! Hiiuib«r ymt9.4ua.m. 3.05 p.m. 8.33 p.m. W^-tou.... 10.00 a.m. 2.27 p.m. 9.00 p.m. '«rlton 10.10 a.m. 3.39 p.m. 9.15 p.m. ToHoiiTo, â€" Union Station. Arrive... 10.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. 9.40 p.m. by A very Deal and kiad mI- dreM. vms pnaented to Mr. Fergaaoo, Public Scbdoi UafeUx, by tbe taMli- en of UeUoetboo, who by tiw Neeok formation of tiie Coooty of Dofferia, are aowitbdrawB (» liis Iii^«6- iorate. The aseetiiica wev held, and the prcaentation was made in the sumpla- oasly fnniiabed Oddfellowa' Hall, kind- ly lent for the occasion. There was a very large attendance of teachers present. Mr. Oreig, of Owen Sound Model School, and Mr. Tait, of Gol- lingwood Collegiate Institnti;, Sy their presence, addresses, and illnstrations of the teacher*' work, added greatly to the Mceev of the meetinj^. Mr. Tail kindly devoted both days to tbe work of the asitociation, bis many pupils all appeared glad to meet bim again. Several of the teachers and of the o£Eicers of tiie Association, express their surprise and regret that notwith- standiiig the manifested patriotic at- tachment they feel towards our own County Institutions, Higu Schools, etc., it has been hitherto impossible to obtain tbe preaenee of any representa- tive of our own Coanty High School at any meeting of this Association. E. Maxwxu.. May 28r J, 1881. THE STANDARD. I'riday. June 3rd, 1881. 3OTICJ3, 29 THE Canada Advertising Agency, No King atrcct West, Toronto, W. W. BUTCHER, Manager, Is ai iborized to ruccive advextiaemeuts for tliia paper. St:B!tcRii'TioNg arc received at this office for tbe fuliowing Papers and Magazines. UAILIEt. Toronto Uiiilv Olobe, per year, $6.00 •• â- .Mail, " 6.00 WEEKUES. Toronto Weekly Globe, per year, Mail Hamilton " Spectator " Cniiuda Fanner " Seientilic American " MONTHLIES. Ailvoratn, p«r year. Fnrin* Ann rimii Atiriculturist Our Little Uius S1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.20 »1.00 1.50 1.50 T., (1. .t B. K-\1LWAY. A MKKTiMj of tbo EngUsh bondhold- ers of this Company held on the Slst ult., at which Messrs. Bcatty aud Cumlx'rlaud wfrc present, a cablegram dated the name tiny states that Mr. Cunibei'Iaud Jins purchased a large number of Enj;lis)i bonds for the pur- pose of obtaiuing a majority of votes m fnvMr of the lease to the Northern. I'pim a, vote being taken, it stood 14 for tlie Northern aud 4 for the Grand Trunk. However, the bargain cannot k closed Without the consent of the Ontario Govcrnuicnt, and this we do not think they will get, at least hope not. we Thk slatL- of Ireland appears to be daily crowing worse, aud uuless prompt measures are iuimndiately adopted, law and order will have to bo cufoiced at the point of the bayonet. Mk. Crooks, acting as Attorney General during the absence of Mr. Mowat, has given instructions to have a searching investigation made into the cause of the disaster at Loudon. We hape the Crown Attorney will use his beat endeavors to place the guilt if any there is.on the proper shoulders, jtud that the authorities will show no Jeuiency, shoula it be proyed that the acsident was caused by criminal ncg- Jigence. PRICE VILIiE. Correspoadence to tli* BrtAKvtMB. Ox loesday, the 28rd ult., the cor- ner stone of our new School House was laid, a large concourse of citisens being present. The bnildini; will be of brick, 86x54 feet, two storey, and will rank m capacity with any country town school house in the county of Grey. From the building plan I judge that the exterior ornamentation of the building will be an attractive feature to the picturebque beauty of our town. A number of coins of the day, copies of the leading Canadian newspapers inclndiuir the lieviev, and A/askdalk braMDaao, are among the deposits which future antiquaries will discover when the demands of an over-crowded population will cause them to raze the educational structure we are now building. Mr. John ^fcArthor is erecting a fine brick structure on the site of his premisci burned down last spring, and will be adapted to any mercantile or other business purpose. Mr. Thomas Conkey is erecting a fine brick building on a eite httwecn the store premises of Dr. Ghent and Thomas Nichol, and will be a neces- sary filling up of a gap on tha. side of Kincardine street. Our saw mill is running night and day, thanks to the business energy of Mr. John iVcLeod, where lumber of all kinds can he had at terms that will astonish builJers for cheapness and good quality. The grist mUl has had a complete suit of new clothing for summer wear. Among our commercial changes I may mention that a very formidable rival for supremacy has arisen in tlie person of .Ur. N.B Greir, .in the prem- ises lately oecupied by Mr. Hall. Last Saturday the sign-board of the Crown H'ltel, kept by Mr. Tuck, was raised. The illuminated paiuting of the sign, surmounted by as pretty a piece of scroll work in wood as we have seen for many a day, adds a very at- tractive feature to the already pro- gressing appearance' of the Crown Ho- tel. The painting and work was exe- cuted by Mr. James McDowell, ol this town. Thanks to the skill of our medical men, that due curse uf humanity, diphtheria, has had no cxisteuee here for many a day. Dr. Bennett has been called to a number of cases in the neighborhood of Markdale, and with success. Wflo ssHk râ€" TiMfpraoa wbo vralt tbe eca iâ€" ponifanwi froa ^V^eriM last week is not tm7 wdl â€" yi sinh ij with tbe tuads teadinc inta ciir vUafl. We eoonder the roads SM » fnt- elMB ndor, and tbe CooMfl di^Mve great prakto for- keeping flmn u^ gocn eonditioD. His Ums on the two oaea- Ur. Wm, VeUallen has saflKed two raids on his ^eep t^ doga. The flrrt ooa some two weaka a^o, aod tiu other day moming laat. His loss on the noBS WM«» teaahMT. Thia n t tum al eoimti7Uiiifeatad with dogs, bat fartanata- \j Mr. Mae aba* at aad weuAsd aM of the ^ty aaimals. so that he was aoaMad to fol- low him noma and have bim kiUed. Oar TUla«e is likewise infested with the hoR tribe, so mneh so that yo« ean aearcely get atong the road or sidewalk lor the worst speeiffitns of thehogkind. They are so bold that yon may be called npon some day to na- rate the ontimely end of some of onr lidy helpa, aa they often take a tour into tbe kitchens. Why do not our oily fathers have the noisanoe abated by hkTing them pot in ponnd or buried, as they did the cow, when they coold not live any longer in the atmos- Oar Council apeak of repairing the road to the sUtion, bat tuey are tardy iostartiag ba- eaase of a woman. Nerer mind she has not â- aid much yet. Mrs. Wallace's imbieile son went to the weU to-dav (30th nit..) and some way not known feliiu aud Was drowned, He waa qaite dead when fooud. The prodigal has returned, bat in a a dif- ferent style to the one we readaboot. Mr. R. McKenzie has returred home from Hani toba, after spending a number of years in pro«erity. His welcome waa hearty as his fsmily supposed hun dead, sot having heard from him for some time. We have bidden adien te Mr. Doll for some time, as he took bis departore for the land of his nativity on Saturday laat. We wish Mr. Doll a good time, and may he brin« back lots of German Silver, Mrs. Merriam and Mrs. Wm. Cnllen have been very ill, and at one time there wis very little hope of their recovery but we are hap- py to say they are now out of danger, A. E. Gammey, son oi Josiah Gammey, passed throagh here bound for Manitoba laiit week, and il ho re-ports fivorahly hia father intends ioUowiug hou afier a liuie. Aa W«to«M»7;* adi tpuu mi oa ita war »«*« #fWgM» «â- 8«* «^ tta kraek aktfrf hatf • ^^^ "ooâ„¢ « Ixnott. «)a :|Jsi^MWtagto put a roye mi« U i tS^ draw it on again Mr. TVatsoB, «!)0n*g*T3l6, got his araWly bii)»M.,i •^P" °» » lo«iy_tol s euW lfto Cbafciworth. bnl on arriTing there rt wa« fcoSd tte doe t^ «aa away, and tbey proM|M on to Owan Bomid. Of iba, fWr doctors of the town only »•, weal* would go to the poor mtn'i t»lieT. of them after promisfa^to go in Ml iMur, and upon btfiug agaui sei for at the expiration of tbe time, fused to go at all, saying he was going to be at the beck and nod of ery Tom. Diok and Haxxy. It ap; also that there waa a doctor "n train, who sat and looked oii.aritl offering to do anything to allev the poor man's aaffeting. A g deal ot indignation at the treatmp] they reoeived is felt by tlie train bam 18, ocn. that fori 18. Jaa. doaed $(M Alex. OUliea, duoed $60. ^. Thos. McLaren. Io4a W and M eooej *«I«'J-«*T;|' ^^^.,^^._, ^. ^8 and a,.tba4Jfltl«^ 9 ite HJMMliPfrifojjy^ lilt Willi WiPJW two ohfi %60, an^ alao his Per. Property be ti- dne4$fO. James Bellaiity, lot 82, con. 6. be radoced $50. gtw.p piyr Ri^ Hwrnw J-tt SO €00^,6. I6. •e- he ed )ts al. oU Moved by Mr br Ir^iJliate. HWtfaa order «rJalio 8auui.i Bmitb.^ eon. be paio. Moved by Mr. bbata, eeoanded by|fioQth strae*. Mr. Gillespie, tiiat the aeoond report of the Townahip Aaditors be laid over till next meettog of Conâ€" '"•â- farther Mr. Camaron, that tiie Coiinei] m^/oum oatU tbeSth diOF of J«M» «' ipeaeetota «dl ba wp n i i i to A. '^^ Ooaoaftoua. aerk. HOPEVILLE. bv b^ lot MAXWELL MEAst:Rrs to extradite the Feeleys have been taken, and we have every reason to believe they will be success- ful. In the meantime rumors are afloat that others of the Vigilance Committee, fearing the result oi the bringing back of the Feeley's, are very anxious to turn Queen's evidence. Should this prove true, there is a titroug probability that the perpetrators of the horrible butchery in Biddolph will yet meet with their desserts. MxsBiTON, to judge from the reports in the Toronto dailies, is striving hard to rank with places in the United States. Only the other day a young girl of about 15 years of ago was crim- inally assaulted by six fiends in hu- man form and treated in such a bru- tal mannvr that she has since died. One of the resident magistrates stated to a reporter, that the place is filled with yonag^ rowdies of the must des- perate character, and that cases of criminal assault, abortion, poisoning, and drunkenness aro uf daily ocoor- A aic* state of attsira traly. SOUTH (IREY TEACHEBff AS- SOCIATION PRESENT4.nON. To the EdiUw of the Sraaaaaa. At tbe aeetiug of tbe South Grer Teachers' Aaaooiation ImU at Fleeber- ton, OU the 10th aad SOth ef May, a beantiTal ebony mUti-ig'^ane, â- inth uaSaive and rinhly abased silTWBKMBi- iafi witably law i iked, and â€" eo»- FLESHERTON. From a Correspondent. Teachebs' As8ociati3n. â€" The Semi- Annual meeting of the South Grey Teachers' Association was held in the Oddfellows' Hall, Flesherton, on Thursday and Friday, the 19 and 20th ult, A large representation of teach- ers was present from all parte of the Soutli Riding of the County. Great interest was manifested throughout the whole proceedings owini; chiefiy to the presence of Mr. J. Tait, Mathe. matical Master of the Collingwood Collegiate Institute, aud Mr. Greig, of Owen Sound. The programme of work done was as follows â€" 1st, Mr. Armstrontr â€" Theory vs. Practice in Teaching. 2nd, W. J. Galbraith â€" Geometry to beginners. 8rd, R. D. Irvine â€" Arithmetic to be- ginners. 4th, J. Tait â€" How to teach History. 6lh. M. P. McMaster â€" How to; teach reading to beginners. Ctli^ W. A. Jones â€" Teachers' encourage- ments and diMsouraguments. 7th, N. W. Campt ell â€" Grammatical Analysis and Parsing. 8th, C. W. Morey â€" How to teach Geography. 9th, J. Tait â€" How to teach Natural Philoso- phy. On Thursday evening a very suc- cessful entertainment was given in the Town Hall. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year â€" President, lif N. Armstrong Vice President, W. J. Galbraith Sec. Trees., J. C. Bain Delegate to Toronto Conveution, W. J. Galbraith. Ii^ansging Committe^, M. P. McMaster, D. McDona'd, J. C. Bain, aud two others whose names we did not receive. The Association meets nc:;t October at Durham. luFBovuixirTs. â€" We are glad to see that the Agricoltural grounds have been levelled aud graded and stands erected for judges. Tbe 1st of July will be celebrated on theso grounds by Horse Raceiug and Games of all des- eriptions. FauiT FasTivAi..â€" Tbe Ladies' Aid Association gave a Fruit Festival in tbe Town Hall on the evening of the Mth May. The programme, which waa very creditably rendered, consist- ed of Songs by the Mi soon Damnde, Christoe, Phillip, Vandusen, niito, and J. B. Anderson. Dialogues by Miaaee Garr, Keams. aud Messrs. Anderson and Beattie, Speeches by Beys. Ekins and Chtmett. Bev. Mr. Wibaa occupied ehair during the evoaing. The proceeds aaxMoited to 8.«r. We co^Bnitnlato ffaa ladies on the gnat enseMi ef the entertain- went From a Correspondent. Pkesentatios. â€" A great many of the Congregation of St. Mary's Church. Maxwell, having for soma time ontertaiued the wish to make an ac knowledgment to the Rev. Jas. Ward, their pastor, of the inestimable ser- uice he has conferred upon the mis- sion here since he was appointed thereto, came to the resolution to do Bu, and with that intention purchased some valuable books for the purpose. The presentation took place at the house of Sirs. Martill, Lot No. 6, Con. C, Osprcy, on Thursday evening last, 19th inst., wheri^ a f^ew of the sub- scribers to the testioionial had as- sembled by special invitation, and a hauc^some entertainment was provid- ed by Mrs. MadiU and her daughters which was doue ample justice. The address was read by Mr. Wm. L. B. Hamlin, Sr., and the presentation make by Miss Madill. The address was as folbws Rehpect£b and BeVebend Pastob, a large portion of your fleck being de- sirous of cxpressiug their persoupJ regard for you, Hot only on account of your inestimable services in the cure of soulii, aud the solid religious advice which you never fail to give, â€" butalso duly appreciating the beneficieut and kindly manner in r.'hich that advice hasever been given, and hailing yon therefore as a true Christian and Champion of Christ's Holy Catholic Church, we be{, leave to offer these books for yon acceptance, trusting that you will kindly receive the same, thus proving your appreciation of the spirit in which our offering is made. Wo sincerely hope that you may be long spared to us to coaduct the af- fairs of Holy Church, and to minister to our spiritual wants. In this hope we remain dear pastor and friend, your faithful flock oi St. Mary's. Rov. Mr. Ward on rising to reply, said that he always felt a great dif- ficulty in replying to an address on such an occasion, and stated that he had been informed when first com- ming t: tbe mission in these parts, that the Maxwell parish was cold, stony, frost kz., that, m fact he would find Maxwell a thorn in his path. He was glad to say that the thorn did not press him sorely, that stones were disappearing or were gathered, and that the frost had in a great measure thawed he found Maxwell and its vicinity a very con- genial location for tbe pure Catholic do-jtrine of our Holy Church. He dwelt much npon the Catholicity of the Church of England, and said that he firmly bcleived that she had more title to Uie term Catholic, than any other church in Christendom, having been founded in the Apostolic era. After a long and most interesting speech which was attentiyely Ustened to, the Rev. gentleman concluded by thanking his faithlul flock for this.tLe first ?ift he had received since he en tered npon his mission. Diphtheria I understand is rather prevfJent in the neighborhood, also scarlet fever. The Census takers have about fin- ished their labors here. Business here is pretty lire'.y and seems likely to continue. Seedmg is over and better weather eonld not be than we had during, seed- ini;. There was not a great breadth of fall wheat sown, and about one half ol what was, is ploughed up and re- sown with other f^rain. Tbe crops are looking excellent, and a heavy crop of hay may be reasonably expect- ed. On the morning of tbe 24tb nit., this ancient little village presented quite a stirring appearance. Early in the morning numerous fishing parlies wended their way to that famous trout stream, the Beaver, with success. Several came all the way from Priceville, a distance of 15 miles. An extensive pienia party from Flesherton and vicinity, bound for Brewster's Lake, also passed tbrongh the village. We are sorry to say that some ^i them at least did n»t leave a very creditable reputation behind them. Some of the party, especially some whom ve should have considered ladies, nnder other circnmstanceo, displayed their ignorance and immodesty by insulting peaceful citizens whom they ebaneed to meet on tbe street. Mor waa this the moet. Kot beias ooitented with the ample ae^mnroda- tions iffonled them by Mr. Took, the proprietor of the weD-eondneted Ho tel of thia viUaee, some went so fsr as to earry %wtij sondry articles of tbe toilet, snob aa soap, ete.. (petlMtpa they required it.) llicy slee tried to show off their smartoeaBby knotting np towels, etc., fbaod in the room. We are ^ad to know tlutt there were loaw wapeotaMe partieain the eompaay vto knew how |q foodnct U iems eivea patip e sly MazwEu., Ji^y W, 18B1. Frooi a ConeapoDdent. tj ft ^-. Ik oar neighborhood tbe farmi^ community are about through with their seeding, and the crops look well. The late rains have had a wonderful effect on vegetation, and in Proton we haye every prespeets of good crops this season. The 24tb passed off quietly. In tbe early morning the mhabitants were aroused from their slumbers, by a roy- al salute from the Anvil Battery, af- ter which most of oar inhabitants wended their ways to the various streams iu and around here and passed the day in fisfamg, the villagtl m con- sequence wore the appearance of Sun- day. Hopeville can boast of a Temperance Society called the Hopkin't â- Wave, which has for its cbject the abstaining from all intoxicating liquors as a bev. eraage, which is not patronized by our Publi:»n, but its members, however, can get "Morey Bitters" by giving a 'peculiar wink to the landlord. We hear that Hopeville has now a magistrate and constable,- Vbich was much needed. We have Oik hdaid of a court being held yet. Our busmess men hero aro doing a goou business, and onr mechanics are all doing a good stroke of work, and we have fair prospects of a good season Mr. Geo, Weir, lot 7. con 12, had a very narrow escape from fire, by sparks igniting his roof Imt by his own and his neighbors' exertions, it was subdued before much damage was done. George is a plucky little man, aud he required all his pluck that time. Your's dkc, OBSERVER. [A portion of our correspondeut's article we have taken the liberty to omit, as we consider it of too personal a Ubture to be given under a fictitious name. â€" Ed.] HOLLAND CENTRE From our Correspondent, The anniversary of the Queen's Birthday was celebrated lu Williame- ford, by Athletic games sports aud am- usement, everything went off well. A large nuiuber wero present consider- ing the size of the place. The follow- ing prizes were awarded. 100 vd. race â€" Ist, E. J. Ncvings 2Ld, Hugh Ross. 200 yd. raceâ€" Ist, E. J. Nevings 2nd, P. McCormick. 75 yd. raceâ€" Ist, M. Ward 2nd, W. Vogan. Standing Jupm â€" 1st, H. Seubrook 2nd, J. Greenaway. 10 standing jumps â€" 1st, J. Gawley; 2nd H. Keabrook. b Standing Jumps â€" lst,J. Gawley 2nd, H. Seabrook. Standing hop step £ jump â€" 1st, P. McCormick 2ud, J. Gawly.' Running Jump â€" 1st, P. McCormick 2nd, J- Gawley. Hurdle race â€" Ist, E. J. Nevings 2nd, P. McCormick. Ladies race â€"Ist M, J. Vogan. Wheel barrow race â€" 1st, P. Mc- Cormick. Throming the hammer â€" 1st, W. Vogan 2nd, U. Hamilton. Throwing the ball- let, J. Kerly 2nd, M. Hamilton. PROTON COUNCIL. Proton Council met as per adjourn- ment as a Court of Revision on Tues- day, 17th ult., at Hopeville. The members of Council all present. Reeve in the ehair. The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. Each member of the Court «f Revi- sion took and subscribed the oath re- quired by law. The appellants were the following â€" Henry Bird, Alex. McCannell, Don. McDonald, John McDonald, Peter Dow, Wm. Howes, E. Wragge for T. G. B. Ry Co., Reginald Fowler, R. Beattie, Dugald Ferguson, Daniel Fer- guson, Jno. Aldcom, Jas. Brvden, Jar. Smith, Jas. Gillies, Alex. Gillies, T. McLaren, Ebenezer Bellamy, James Belldmy.Sam. Gregeon, Jas. Watkins. Moved by Mr. Black, seconded by McArdle. that the Assessor be uwner.^-ciutiou. Moved by Mr. Bnckt^, seconded by Mr. McArdle, that Mrs. Mary Me- Nalty be placed on the Boll for Ipt 19 con. 17, instead of Wm. MoNally.-. carried. Moved by Mr. Blaek, seeonded by Mr. McArdle, that Chas. OiUiea be placed on tbe Boll as Farmer's son for lot 14, con. 7. â€" carried. Moved bj Mr. Abbott, seeonded by Mr. McArdle, that the Personal Proi.- erty of Saniiiel Rogers be reduced on the Res. Roll $80, he being assessed for a span of horses which was not paid for. â€" carried. Moved by Mr. McArdle, seeonded by Mr. Abbott, that Alex. Taylor be placed on the Boll as Owner for lot 2, con. 16, and Johu A. McDonald for lot 88, con. IS, as Farmer's Son, and Maurice Moore for the W. i of lot 16 on. 4, as Farmer's Son, and John A. Adams for lot 12 con. 2, as Farmer's Son.â€" carried. Moved by Mr. 'Abbott, seconded by Mr. Buckley, that lot 4 con. 17 be placed on tbe Res. Boll to Wm. Knox, at a value of $760, and John Aldcom •for lot 6 con. 17, at a value of $350. and lot 80 con. 11, now on the Roll to Thos. Rutherford, be placed on the Roll to Joseph Elkerton, and lot 82 con. 9, LOW on the Roll to Joseph Elkerton be placed on the Roll to Thos. Rutherford, and lot 4 con. 6, now on the Roll to Robert Gillespie, be placed on tbe Roll to Robert Kennedy, and let IB con. 11, be placed on the Roll to Peter Fettes, aud lot 88 con. 8, be plaeed on the Res. Roll to Mr. Buist, aud lot 27 con. 6, now on tho Res. Roll to Robt. Kennedy, be placed on tho Roll to liobt. Rathwell.â€" car. Revision Court deferred till 14th June, at Codarville, aud Council did some general business. Moved by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. A'ibott, that the Auditors' Report be received aud passed, aud that the Clsrk get 160 copies printed â€" earried. Moveil by Mr. McArdle, seeonded by Abbott, that the Reeve issue an or- der on the Treasurer to D. K. Mc- Arthnr for $G.0O as Auditor, and $1 for disbursement and extra services. â€" carried. Moved by Mr. Abbott, seconded by Mr. Buckley, that a hundred dollait be expended in each division out of the present funds of the Municipality to be let and inspected by the Coun- cillor of the division, said funds to be paid in agniu on receipt of funds for Roat Improvements. â€" sarried. Moved by Mr. McArd'e, seconded by Mr. Abbott, that ihia Council make a grant of $10 to improve the 27th Side Road, providing it be supplement- ed by $5 from each of tho Divisions Nos. 2 and 4.â€" carried. Moved by Mr. Abbott, seconded by Mr. McArdle, that a grant be nsade to improve the road opposit 3 lot 81 coos. 8 and 9, j)rovuled the Councillor f jr the division make a similsr appropria- tion from the fouds of the division. â€" car. Moved by Mr. Abbott, seconded by Mr. Black, that the Treasurer be re- quested, on the Reeve's order, to loan John Moore the snm of $20 until he makes tlie Cbrporatiou a proper con- veyance i^ the deviation Road across lot 10 con. Id, not being later than tho first day of October ntxt.â€" car. Moved by Mr. Abbott, .seconded by Mr. McArdle. that the Reeve issue or- ders on the Treasurer for the Council- lors' pay up to d-te and also for $2 to the Clerk for to procors Postage Stamps. â€" carried. Moved by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. McArdle, that this Court of Re- vision adjourn to meet at Cedarvile on the second Tuesday in June at 10 a.m., for tho final revision of the Boll, and other business. â€" carried. John Vebt, Clerk. Peotok, May 19th 1881. GooMll'mek aa» OMHtt of Beriaioa. Baeve ia the ehair. JCambaca all present. TherB being no ap pea h %o inveeti gate, after oome trim! ebangee it was movetl by Mr. Msrfdn, leoonded by Mr. Gill.spie, that the Court stand ad- journed till Ihe next meeting of Goon- oil, oo the 8th day of Jane. Caaaoa Piaaa, Clerk. ' HoixaaD Gaaraa, May t8, 1881. langhier,/ Smilh, aoD oi A. Baiith, OrviUe, aged 17. Steamen, Mr., wfllsand ebOd. wife aad four f m* Mr. called as a witaess in the cases that may come before the Court, and th«t the applicants or vitueeses be heard on oath.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. McArdle, seconded by Mr. Black, that Jno. McDonald lots 14 and 16, eon. 11, be redneed on each $100. That Peter Dow, lot 26, con. 16, be redneed $100. That Wm. Ilowea^ lot'jM««oa. 6 BoU sustained; fyTT ' That theT.. O. B. B'y ft,, be placed on the Boll for Station and dwelhag boose $800.gniia hooae $100. laone boaae $26. â- That Alex. McOanneD Iota SO and 90, in eaa: 18 aud 18. nH tained. That Bob4.Bealtit.lotl8 be reduced $100. That Dugald Fagaaom E i oti cons., Mteh be redneed $50 beredooed $160. ' ]J^ ^^^Ir^wn. for E. of g* 1. con. 19, be aseeeeed on Bea. B« at a valiie of fS68k. ^^ J«-Br7do»,lotlf.eo...be,a: I oon. 16, HOLLAND COUNCIL. Council met at Vogan's Hall for ti» transaction of business. Reeve in the chair. Present, Messrs. Norton, Shute, Cameron, and Gil- lespie. Moved by Mr. Shnte, seccMided by Mr. GiUespie, that Mr. Norton retract his statements with regard to certain matters pubhshed iu the Owen Soond Itmn derogatory to his colleagnes. The yeas and nsys being called by Mr. Norton were as follows :â€" Yeasâ€" Shnte, Cameron, Gilleame Naysâ€" Norton. ""Jmb- by Deputy Beeye, that Thos. Stafford be made oathmatter instead of "W corby. " I w"iJ'J^ ' GJle8pie,eeconded by Mr. Shnte, ibatBob^ Brwinbe pathmastcr instead of Bioh Chirk Moved by Mr. Norton seosoded by Partridge. tM Danbar remain hi Brown's road beat iJ**^ ^y Mr. Shut,, ««mded by u !^ V *^ »o'k on 40 side road. M^ed by Mr Rbote. seeondedby totake an o^ obetrwjtion off the ro^ oppoeitefais plaee. Moyed br Mr. QiUeepie, seconded Idoead $100. J^Mr. Shute. that «ls ©^.(acU g,^ »» sum of $80 to •»^.:- ^â„¢" A. D. noad, m ease »«^«im_^of$80to80-sider,.adrw Gleodg grant a TJiJffJ: QFTflE DEAD. Tbe following is aUst of tha dead and mif^sing ns far as it has been possible to secure nanea, aa the po- lice foand it impoasibla to prevent friends removing bodies. Several bod- ies he al the drill shed for identifica- tion. The total nvmber of the drow ned whose bodina have been recover- ed was 217 at midnight. Abbott, Hudson. Amesbury, Minnie, London East: Anderson, H. Ashbnry, Mrs. Wm., Maple street. Bailey, Rosa.. B-iskerville Lizrie. Baskervillo, John. Batchellor, Ida Beaty, Harry, aged 6. Beaton, Lillie, aged 14. Berne, John. Boomer, Chas., aged 16. Breeze, Thos. Burns, James Burns, Ida, A Mand, daughters of James. Caldwell, Samuel. Clarke, John, shoemaker, Clark, Jas. Wine, Mrs. W. Cole, Albert, aged 7. Collmgs, Litzie. Connell,Miss Maria, Richmond street. Conroy, Henry. Cooper, Miss Fanny. Cornish, Misses (2). Conghlin, Miss Jennie. Craddock, May. Corran, Mrs. John. Dagon, Mrs. Wm., aud child. Darch, John, sr. D'Arcy. Jas. Davison, Thos. Deacon, Wm. 8 Deadman. Alice. Debeau, Mrs. and child. Dennis, Miss Haanah, Palermo. Diver. Mr., wife aud t«o children Dyer. Wm. Edmunds. (2). Evans, Mrs. Elizabeth. Evaus, 2 children of Geo. Ferguson, Miss. Ferrogood, 2 sons of Geo. Fitzijibbon, Ricbiird. Fitzgibbon, Mrs^ Fox, Misses (2), Clinton. Fryer, Mr., sr. Fryer, Mr., jr., wife, and. niece. Gibson, Miss. Glass, Wm. Glavin, Mrs. M., iknd child. Gorman, C!has. Gobs, Annie F. Grafton, Polly. Graham, Joseph. Graham. S. P. Grajdon. son of S. H. Griffith, Miss Julia, Westminster. Hall, Ben. tuid child. Hall, Mrs. H»l/,Gec Harris, Jas. Hearn, Jas., cigarmakcr. Heron, Jas. Heron, Mrs.. William street. Hobbs, â€" plumber, and 4 children. Hogan, Miuuie, Waterloo street, Jones, Aniie. Jones, Mrs., aud 2 childien. Kelly, (an emigrant) and tvo sia tcrs living in the city. Kelly, Mrs. Kendriok, Miss, Adelaide at. Kilbum. J. W. Kilbnrn, Mrs. Laskie, Mrs. Wm. and child. Latham, Dollie. Leolair, Johnny, London Soath. Lester, Thomas. Loughrey, EdJie, London Weat. ~[acky. Miss. "diver. W., Westminstetfc tagee, Harvey, ayed 16. v abney, Mias. " rham, Boeetta. /r "â- '"' rtin, Chae. •I"i Ct%^ luret, two children of ]fr» .. atthews, Mrs., and child. .• i cAllister, Miss Annie, Horkm iL cBriJe, Wm City Assessor. cConnell, Ittw. JoDonald, Miae. Ooderich. cintoeh, Ada,^anda88 st. MeLennau, Mr. McMorgan, Mrs. W. McPberson, Kit^. ' McPberson, Mary, aged Ig, Mcekey, Mrs. Meredith. Mr. J. O., aloik Division Court. Middleton. Misa. '"" '"" ' Millman, '.0., and two Montreal. Moore, Mrs. John, and ehild. ^Morri«n,WiBie, a^ed 6, London Taotnas, aad ehildrsa^ 6t«valy, Wilha. Slerena, Frank. Stewart, E. Stonebonae, ICra. Street, George. Stnart, Lizite, agad 18. Saannville. Mias. Taylor. J^^u. Thayer, Mr. Tremer, Oaoiga, London West. Tremor, 'Willie* London West Viok. Bichard. ^all, Wn. WaU, Mn. Wi^sh, Geo. Wannaoott, Wm. Wastie. Alfred, aged 16. Watson, Nellie. ' Weatlierhead, Jas. Weetaan. WiUie, Dondaae at. Young, Joseph. thrM T. 4.tt, y«*ui, BeM *«* »«« the hones «. .N* man in. A CHAPTEB OF AGCIDElffTS. Pati ick Qiiinlin, only son of If r. Thoa. Quinlin, of 6th con. Glenelg, went over to Marguette a year ago. He was expected home in Uay, but was drowned on ths 2nd nit., by aim- ping off a sawlog where he was won- ing at the above place. {Us body was not found until the SBrd and was forwarded to his parents home, and arrived at Markdale Station, on themixed train, the Slst alt His re mains were intered on the dayfoUo wins at the B. C. Church, 8th line, Olenelg, and was followed to their last resting place by a very large number of sor- rowing friends and acqaantaoees he was about 30 yeHrs of age, a atrong fine looking man and resdected bf all who knew him. In Owen Sound on the 21st oH.. Harry Thompson, of Notters store, was standing on the whatf aud took a fit, and fell into the wat4r, and before assistance could be rendered life was extinct. He leaves a wife and one I child to morn his losa. mgoootpiedkyT-'^i KBAwa ata the Ca Honse, was dis«,T, »larmbehgriTeo^,, •oon collected and U domgthe flames V bad been made. ofabo*t$lwas, fitted on the ing M what way ia fire had not been pn •ootrol tbe cougean *»bthave bean 0««i«asj^ln M.rkS*" thewifeof Bobertr '• MARRigQ B^- » A. McdI*^" All 0. Lfttlejohm, Jo2 »sme«i«.toMi8.M^ tIEO fi»MM..-InDnnd,U. ' iaiMt d»a«hter oP " •dad 6 montlis. H n c s â- : HorBe-Shoeinj a g, Msrkdale, June 2,Vtl^ TRAlGHT LOANS, on Fi, Piivale Funds. ].G| Markdale, June 2iid, 1881. ii .i;«- S; â- I'l iti- A. .McINTYBB. ^•..l.T A.iO Will move into my new premises shortly in SproifeM shortly. No time to write advertisements just though ready to wait on you should you drop in. v] goods in my establishments M«kd.i.,i.~.i.,i8«. A" â- •c'NTYl Millinery Milliner o HILL BROS., Would announce to the Ladies of Markdale and ing country that their stock of Millinery is nicelv comprising Trimmed Hats Bon] CHILDREN'S HATS AND SUNSHADffii RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS m ORNAMENTS AND TkIMMINGS, â- one. LADIES' MANTL CUT AHO MADE TO OROEftfj Our Gieneral Stock is well assorted in all brancte We won't take up your time reading a long advert* but would solicit a call, believing we can give ena* faction to our patrons. Thankful for past fkvors, we ymoxM solict a conli^ of the same. ,. 'f """ " ' â- ".â- .' • ' • "â- â- "" 'â- 'â- ;i«'-»t-Xi:s' ' -;.- Markdale, May 28th, 1881. and Door Fai â- •"•^'r.' •â- »;.(â- SASH, of4b.^0IilUJ'?P^RS, 'iMq:? t \»J«s»ijr«l^ BLIMDS â- t^vetom^o hai-'i^x MOULDINGS, .HOLLOW B.\TTO.*| «.!,* c ;•!»* Morrison, John, agad East. 14, Tinnfioir Morrison. Kellia, Lob.'.., Oronhyatekha, son of Dr. Owens, Masters (8) Pablo R 'â- T1ieftnl..r,-Tr Ti â- .i 3 t v«SlSar2S^!?3L *!!!? J5?^ »o«b. pMpIe of U.r.dJ« nSsttSiSI^SrJSu' '^^ *â- *• »««»riad hopes b; do.* â- OBilar amoant. Moved by Mr. Horton. aeeondedb* Mr. «iBea|«e. that fn bTgSS? ^«**« HoUaod a*! EnphnaiftSi «ca« SydeMun aadEaahnSi^ B. Perkins, J. l^iP^eWea* aoo of John. Pile.'Samnd. PoweU two nephew* of Mr. A. Pteaoott, Eauna. I^naaatt. NeUkT Qnion Margaret, i^ged 17. Bfanaa, J. Sbort,Jaa. tfl»)0«ljla. Alwa(rioa HancL Jm*esit: and SI Orders Promptly P* I VJ^w spring ts, last colors. J«c«»~*^ Tlfced 50 cents â€" worth 1 ^s of TaWe Linen, 35, 45, 5 ^ble Napkins,6^ cents, di JtT"" Broad-cloth, $1.25 (Sf Duck Overalls, 50 cents. y/incey Shirts, 75 cents. [l STASDARD.a.^ June 6th, 1881. A OTHER NOTICES. The 100.0 the Cd Flol firnaii: Mr 11 lias a I f£^. Duulop, for tbo best Ice-, town. 1 1 Electoio- Plated ware suit- for preaentatiQoai:^..»* W. F. Coancil meet." at the Town Monday, the Gth iost. 'lirtiee Automatic Lead Pcucils, ' for s iX the Jewellcis. war tlie torUi too until kusv ,e frange, had a cargo of 12 1 |,i„; Iptad plaster duhvured tu thcLu â€" lyacross Stickn, Croquet j ' ' Sohber Balld. Ac, c., at W P. ,^j, ._^^ f,,Fleabertou. \f^^J J, "little Jewel" Clicks at Wil- hor* I are a novelty the boiallest Peu- ' Lo i Clocks made. See them g. Bowes lost a very fiue cow tlii week, disease Hullmc UotH. -Mr. on ii| ilaud lok( oue with the tauio e, a short time ago. OB No. 1 coal oil, C.\STOn!NK L other aMchine oils, try liuiiett MJ Imneoec et^ick of Solid GdJ' Kmss from $1 up, at Doll's, 1 DuudaJk. lU \1 of t| •IS t(. ':t l| hi 11; Vcryl si-,.i:j .-.uJ ill; i'l .lull "f tl Josepii Elgc, one of tljc stuJ- \y [jl ftbe Moutroal Methdihst Cullese 'c,)m| bI) iu the Metho.list c!i;ii"'i I „f sxt Sabhath ^vauiug at 0,3'J. Oini »Dg, of the directors of Os- ^o- [Agricultural Society will he held I ityre, on the llth iust., al 2 p. m. a" Beyuolds, lately employed in eical Uall, Markd:ile, i.- now ing loraDruet'ist, iu Toroiito. \V 1 f0 Jearu ho is gettiu;.; iiiu-ll. ojfTO oil company, arc ..If ctarem uf "Castoriiie ma.i.iue frmgements wdl bepr s^cuij.l » County Coimcil meets 1:1 the Chamber, Owcu Sou:. J, on inst., for the tiausactiuu ul 1 M. ileynolds, Ims joined his IU\ Jtfilo, 111 H'/tiU I'illf Cul'HiKln. l'U| are keediu^ Store I'oat Otii.-c. rii 1 ^est wishes attend theiu. j ti" your dealers for "Castoriue"' ' j'"" bne oil, aud see that the barrel .., Inded ••Ciistorine," as 410UC other lluiue. I ' {resliing raiug and wiiim w.:i- Jthe past few days, lin.s h.ul a lueficial eftactou vcgetatiou, .iiid |t indicatijuii pi-jm^sj a bjuu- rvest. 'Castorine" Machiue Oil, f. r ^ds of mschiuery, it is slsa ox for harness and leatlicr. luiik [water and weather proof. I'm ly dealers. ^TiES in Fleslicrton h.ivinjj anv siness to transact will find .Mr. ' lilUn, of E. D. MacmillanV l.,.v lat Mnnshaw's hotel on TutsUiiv kh week. ONrMo. â€" A rumor has just rcaeli- lof attemi)tcd ioisionii)^ by a iliTingcu tbe (!:uiifr;i\;i ri'iid. Ifiveoniiesfrotn (J.vi 1 S uii !, \, w I unable to k:iru particuiuia be- ng to press. â€" TuLhiw. j i'^A v loj c: till IS wanting Fiirniluie will do !•: ' call en Grant i C' ikw, ji. \t trl to the Sta.nd.^ri) ..liico, v;li. r^. iteud to dispose of thiir tnine at greatly re-laoeJ fi;,';uvs. 'fry "Castonae" Macliine Oil, f..r ' »ud8 of machinery, it is also i x- ^t for harness and leather, mal.. I wrter tod weather proof. For fj dealers. LjP^^ general meetin.,' of (li. fcboJdeas. oftheT. (i. .V J5. lla.l. |. WJIJ be held in Torant.,.,, the 01 June, to consider furtu.r the pment with tbe Grand Trunk i:.i.l »rgc number of youug bovs wen- ag a ^mble racket ou Toronf.) on borday evening last, aii.v ueighterhood witliin a niiii â- less, when tliev uiiybt iutv. â- Flaying tlicir time ft) bettor Thic noise occurei at I] opposite the new pmup f^c. :ir| i. J ' ' ' j ill lul tj wi iiii vij l':ll w J tuj toj Amerce fire was rspiug on Inl ay last on Mr. Jot- iili IJohiu- 1 f â- t between here and Col[...yh ' ""â- wLicb caused, the destiuction quantity of cordwood belong- l,y| oil! • 1 be I I tbe: IhaTaacNr SAdwiU iatetora k«ep»** ALL 8i;5^8, imSSSJSLD AND UNDBJ Hw*«J»tieeiiTed la^ftrstsUi and will haf» ofPtaa I«aber sod LsU ^^ liMdinsfewdV*' -^ J -AJl SUnds orPlcUift an«| Fancy ' ])eMiiaaAnt.«iaas ataniier. Vt9mh,ymk. TBiOQ. McJ I bin? â€" Echo. 00 Thursday the 2Gtii ult.. the stables of Wm. Kjwe, llol OQDsumed by fire, toget!:er *y. mts, wheat, bran, uudctliei Cause ol fire unku iwn.L' s •«?lit Insuraucaou buiijiu-.. ««tents. "^f-anio EcuPSE.â€" A total ccli- moon occurs on tbeui?Lt. of Ith- It will begin at 12,15 a. ^I» a total obscuration at J, 17, I F^e middle of the eclipse at " oonthmeing until 1,3U, when M will Appear, aud it wili he I e over at 8,41 a. m. If the I •i^arit will be one of the I ounl eclipse of the moon 1 ^^ for years. |j' Loan's PaAraa.â€" The loUow- "' kriaed form "Our Fatlier Uhlfcatcn, hallowed bo thy' 'ij^y kingdom come. Thy Pooce A' M AMr«n, so oh earth. this day our daily bread, aud |e«r itbis, as we alto huiej.,r- And lead us not 1, but deliver us from j [Oniii tbe rcbt.J