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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 27 May 1881, p. 3

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 I'l I i â-º( I ^j N- i !i ' I ,« â- ']| '• ' i 'I EtJPBBASIA CX)U]ICIL. T«i Coascil DMt pwiasDt ad. oainnMut on tha 80th Aoril, 1861. Mnnben »11 prvanii. liio«lesaf laat bcwiou of Counril rcs4 aod mpftortA. Measn. Uovd.GilraT, snd tL4«B«eTe were ftp(ouik-d a vuijimitte« to uiTMti- fr«te all makttera eounacted witfa U« «. 'utUiDK of R new road in the ralky (wbwfa ba« teen aaked for), aod to re- port at tiie next maettng of Coondl. A. By-Law vu wuaed appointing patlinuatcrs. poaodkaopera, aad Cnce- viewers as follows PtuhmaUeri â€" i. IfcCallen, G. Ein try. C. Clark, J. Fergnnoo, L. Bentis. jr.. B. Carefoot, W. Priogle, D. Bath. C. FawMtt. D. Wallace. J. Bear. U. Coon. T. JoKhi. M. Atkiaa. W. Loag- Lead, G. Wilson. N. Hawson, J. I/rr tus, i. Johnston, B. Bell, A. Wav. A. UalJ. J. McClnng, T. Mibe. H. White. J. Uartin, J. HoJgaon, B. Camplin, U. Hard. H. Beid, A. Bdl. A. Londry, T. IfeCoonel, B. LoagLeau. W. Ife- Elroy, B. Smith, T. Wiggins, i. Plew- is, A. T. Bacbaonan, F. Eaton. W. ^IcConoel. D. Clark. T. finmtt, P. Uarris, J. Hnrlbnrt, D. Patton. C. Morwood. Jr Knott. W. CJarke. W. J. LoDghead, B. Gardner, J. Nealy, J. UU'ar, B. BuelKroTe, £. Stokaa. J. Pickenn. B. BraiJuer, T. McAfiee, jr.. C. Kelley, J. Aodenon. J. Nelson. D. E. Ellis, J. Yelland. J: Bniidncr. J. Ormsby, S. Braidner, b. Blaek, J. MauniuK, J- Clark. W. Boyd. G. Beat tie. 8. Wright. G. Yeaddell, 8. Quin- ton, W Doogbw. N. Laird. D. SiWer- tlioru. W. J. Bffd, J. EioK. J. Pater- Koii, jr., W. Marshall, J. Utratbers, F. Ksgle, J. A. Hawkeu, T. Muxlow, J. Hall, W. Bewell. J. Thompson, H. Smith, N. Curry, B. UcCullough, E. Mick, G. Dickson. F. Barton, D. LosHn. B- J- Halbert, A. Davidson, T'.. Wickbam, G. King, B. Wyrille, J. I '.('alter, J. K. Bawlrngg. 'â-  iundketpert â€" A. McKewen, G. Wil- son, br., J. Badgerow. J. Gordon. J. 2»i. TijorstoD, T. Jordon J. ItlcKenzie, K. Wiley, J. H. Perry. G. Kichardson, •T. Stitts, J. Hawkeu, G. Shepberdson, It. Elliott, T. King. 1 encemew*r$ â€" J. Conn, T. Black, V. ^Vilaon, W. Ellison, J. O'Bryan, A; V.iy, J. Myles, T. Ellis, T. :.IcCon- r..i, D. Loughead, .J, Yelland. F. iMircb, J. Nelson, W. Boyd, jr., J. Anperbon. J. Arthurs, E. Hudson, W. Kelley, J. A. Hawkeu, F. Taylor, J. Carry, E. Sparing, A. ilurdock, B. Johnston, W M. Artley. The time for retumiug the Collec- tor's Rolls was further extouded. Moved by Mr. Tiilray, seconded by Mr. Doyd, that tba County Treasurer be authorized to accept from William Pcttrson the sum of $19.42, being th.» full amount of arrears of taxcF clii:rj,' able against the S. i of lot 2, in the 8rd conccssiua of Euphrasia, minus roiid work, as the read work liuo boeii pcrformed.aud tlmtthe Clerk transmit to the Couuty Treasurer n cojiy of tijis re.solution. â€" carried. Movoil by Mr. Boyd, seconded by Mr. Gihiiy, that the Report of Com- Qiittcc appointed to make a final i t- tlcuient with John Clugston, Collector, for the years 1878-79 be accepted, and that the amount of balance due which as hhown to be $7.00i bo accepted by tlie Treasurer as balance of payment in full. I'.ut that if any errrr should apjHur in future in any of Mr. Clug- • Kton'.s rcjMjrts, Ac, that he be still hold responsible for suchamouut â€" car. A pctiliou .signed by James Ir'ater- Hoii, an(r 27 others asking relief for Mrs. J. Mick was laid before the Coun cil, and tiiu Reeve issued an ordar on tbo Treasurer for $10, for said pur- pose. The Reeve's order was issued in f*T(ir of John Abercrombie for the sum of "ji.S.";, as payment of expenses uuil labour performed in taking care .of C. L. Wyocnh, an indigent, during hickncs.s. !Said amount to cover also expenses of his burial. Money Order.s were issued iu favour of Tliomas Jordan for $50, being sal- ary as Collector for the year 1880, and ni fitvor of (!. Richardson for $6, ex- j)on«es of Arbitralion concerning work on Nelson's hill. Town line Euphrasia uud Artumesia. Tlio Clerk was ordered to get COO copies of the Minutes of Council for 1 ISC year together with the Auditors' Reports, published m pamphlet form. On motion being made and second- ed, the Council adjourned uutil the last Saturd-iy m May, and will then meet as a Court of Revision, at teu o'clock a.m.,iu the Township Hall. ROBKRT DUNLOP, Clcfk. Mortm^ PARI ' H Utt riwaii^i^ Artaww â- â- â- !â- â-  « Umimmai byvirtaaef the pnmMes aaX pemma ttwtuimii ia two morifftea kjr IWifij WIMbbm to tha to ^TMMmb *. isspeeHidi. vUek viB to fto- â- ttlM t;iaaa«a*aaal aabiMttoee*- â-  iriiieh wiftto ttoa wad, tton «m to eoMhyPabiia Aâ€" Bâ€"ty A.B.Tâ€" â€"af ku tti mm r at BMMM^a â- â€¢td, in Moniay, the eth iay of June, 1881. At Out •'eloei P. If Thefiinmiai ImtwHi tarm. Lot BUitor iev*nu«K, in tto ThirtMmth C on ewi i aa of tto Towoaliip of ArtaaMMa, ia tto CooB^ ai Qnj, nalMinK oaa l iaaJi dl â- ares to tbe MSM aMca erhM. Ttoic are •toot 60 aaraaflf aaUkad eiauad. Tto bmldiagi eoaoat ofaaBaillog rtonty. It ia well watered, aad witliiii aai^ Jiataaa* «i HitrHfl'T Statioa. Ttnu of Sale.â€" Oae toU ia aadi at tb» tiBM of lala, and tto tolsans as maT to â- grtwd npon. There mU toa l aae m bid. For {orthar nartieiilan apply tottoAae- tioneer, A. 8. yurovtmrn, FliBsbertoB. or to Msaaaa. l^Tin it fiowa, 0««a Soand, tto â-¼â€¢Oder's SoMliio. LANE it BOWS, 9alteitonfor tin Feader. DataJ tto 6th day of Ifaj.lWl. K-»w MARKDALE CARRIA6E_fORKS!! McKENNA MASON HAVIKOleMed tto Waggon and BUek- smith Shop owned br John Benson, baR to inform the Pablie. ttot that they are prepared to fnmiali all kinds of Vehicles, •iien as BVOOIES, DEinOCBT WAGCION, ETC^ AT PRICES TO SIUT THE TIM». Kuil by aHiue the best of Material aud Uood Workmanship, hope to receive n fair share of yonr iNttrona^e, Soecial attention given to HORSE SHOEING AND General Jobbing I At wpwarant all oar work. A eall ii solicit ed, and wecniarsntee satisfaction. Shop 03 Mill street, opposite the Severe Hotel Msrkdale, March 3, 1881. 3.' Sm. Markdaie gS| IS THE BEST tSkE TO HoQef 8itli8 Lowest HiUK, SntMITLOUIS, jJOMB S, GaU6ESUI. If you waJDt Insciance pattonwe the UNION FIRE INSURANCE Co. LANCASHIRE FIRE and LIFE Co. BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co., CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION. Wanzer ^^dng Machines, Uaeaqualled in lai^ of work and ease of motion. D O H E B TY'ORGAN S, Unsurpassed in beanty of tune and power. Farms for Sale and More Wanted. Thankful for past tavors, I am determined to merit further share of paUic patronage by fair and honest deahng and prompt attention. THEOPHILUS HALL. 29-tf. â- Ilt lil 1ii' I I ' â- â- â€¢ Markdale, March 29, 1881.^ ^110:^ FLESHBRTON Harness Shop THE Snlacriber begs to inform the public that ho has con8tan:Iy on hand a large assortment of CARRIGE, BUGGY AND TEAM IIARIVESS. Made in good stj'le anJ of the THE BEST OF MATERIAL, And as he means business give him an early call, as he will sell at the lowest living prices, for cosh. A good supply of WHIPS, TBinVHS, 4CC., always on hand. Scofch Collars A Specialty, And a good fit guaranteed. t3~Remember the stand the Post OfBce is opposite. N, B. â€" Stave timber wanted. o .a to 1 a. o Pi O o •p-i EH CO CliriiitiBas •O' -- â€" H^tta»tto.«-o-olOo«iCto«i. *^^J wtri. to «a Public att«ntio« AJID LZQITOHS Everything First-Olase, and at RIGHT PRICE 51 l«-Oa*yo.rHoBdaya«iprt'o*boTaaao«. a«a^V»B A. MclNTYREa MaAdala. Dae. !«, MM. '**^ MEDICALBALL Pc| COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Always in Stock. As I keep all kinds of BEPAIBS for the Implement3 I Bell, Farmers will see the advantage of dealing with a Local Agent. WM. STRAIN, iFlesli-ertoaa- Flesherton, March 2i, 1881. i28-tf SEEDS FIELD SEEDS, including CIjOVEE, TIMOTHY, -^: â- r^im C AEEOT, MANG-EL WIJRTZEIi, h GARDEN J. GORDON. Fleslinrton, Horcfa, 1881. 16 If the Scriptures are to l)e quoted they must be -weil and truthfully .juot- ed or they are liable to do more harm than good to the quoter. Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, discovered this wLen m behalf of the Chinese lie duoted St. Paul's declarat on "For God hath made of one blood all nations of the earth." "Go onâ€" quot the re- mainder of the sentance." "There is wo mare of it," said Hoar. "Oh, yes then- i.^," rejoined General Miller, "for tlio Ap.jstle Paul said m addition to tiie words which tlio Senator hasquot- td, 'and liath determined tlie bounds of his liabitations.' This was greeted bv the Senate wi.tli peals of laughter, oviuwjielmint' the MassacLustts Sen- ator with confusion. He questioned tho accuracy of the quotation, am? Miller producingacopy, read thewhole pa.ssnge. Court ofJRevislon. VrOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the 1 1 First Court of Beviaion for the pur- p^oee of Kovisiiiig the Assessment Boll, of the T ownship of Euphrasia, forfbe cnrrontyear, w 11 be opened for the transaction of busi- ueKs at tJie HaU of said Township, at 10 oclock a. m., on Saturday, the 28th day of May, inst. ROBERT DUNLOP. Clerk's Office, Euphrasia, Tp. Clerk 2nd May, 1881 j OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. o Squander yocr monoy if yen want to, if not, get yonrPbotographs of W. BULMER, The People's Photographer, P lesherton Who is again prepared to take Pictures, and do Copying and Enlarging as heretofore. We arereeeivin a large stock of MOTTOSS and Votto and othtr Frames, and Frame Fixings, which we can, and mean to sell at Gemarkably LiOW Prices Call and secure barf;ainB. ' Bring along yonr pictwes and hare them copied acd enlarged br ronr old friend. BULMER Flesherton.MaichlO, 1881. ' 26 ' A CHOICE SELECTION,. All of which will be sold at lowest market rates. V :•- A. TURNER CO UarkdaIe.Iee.9.1SM. v. STOP. MARK. LEARN And then yon will know wher. to ro to get the best value for your Money at R. J. SPROULE S GREAT ANNUAL CLEABIG SALE, AT THK ' COUNTY ITEMS. The Railway.â€" We hear the â- thistle of the railway almost every day in Durham. On Tuesdav last a train brought ud a large quantity of freight for different parties in Town, •ud we nnderstaud that freight wilj be brought resularly from the°pr€8ent time. Ballasting is being proceeded with aa rapidly as possible with one gravel tiain, and in a week or two regnUt trains will be ion. â€" Etvieie. 8iNoni.AB Hail Stobm. â€" Yeatarday (Wednesday) Durham was visited by a rather singular Ihnnder storm, â-²boat half- past two o'clock it oom- meuced raining. Just when it eom- menceJ a few hailstones fall ofratl»er a large size, followed by a large down pour of rain without hail, which lasted only a few nimntes, bat just aa it ceased, and as the thin aiga of the cloud appeared to be right am Dnriam, and very higli np, a qnan- Uty of hailstones fell' an extra- ordinary sise aud shape. Soma of tbe stonea ware more than an ineh aeroaa aad of an irregular abape. Soma dear aa gUss wbila others were opaqu« and .white, and aoae were in tba shape of a pUatoa with four or fiva small ones attadiad. We piekad wf savan whiefa eompletalyooTw- A tba p«Im of tha hand, and no two alike. Tban wm bo wind tha tiaa ^alatga bvl fdL Wa did not hmr of any daa«fa bdaf iaa». â€" Hnitm. Osprey Court of R«vision. The Court oJ Bevipion of Assessment KoU. for the Township of Osprey, will hold Its first [sitting on Monday, the 30th May at 10 a. m. in the Orange Hall, MaxweU. Wm. MILNE MaxweU Uth May 1881 ztit' THE BUSH. THE EUSH. Three Voiiien alter a, Dozen Herring's. R. J. McCOY, Agent for the following Implementa, 4c.: T3a.e :L^asse3r VIOWEB, V HARVESTER, and celebrated HAY RAKE, (Sharp's.) WiUdison's PLOUGHS, DICK'S UTON PLOUfiNS. Aix xisvs or Fittings and Repairs g»pt ecnatâ€"^^^aa haad. SEWING MM)HIM€8AND ORGANS FOR 8 AI.E, C HEAP. IkieHil i^TIONEM ad Bflaa aHalil parts fl( a* Ooaa^. .4}^ftrges JioderaW ta teaB llai 1. UsCOT. SPBINa HAS MADE ITS APPEARANCE, AND BUTTER RAE In order to make room for their Spring Stock, offer all tbair WINTER GOODS AT COST! NOW rS YOUR TIMF. TO GET BARGAINS In Dreaa Goods. Oouds. Sbawta, Men's Capa, ShirU, Drawers, OT«f«»a*s, JRanneU. Ac DON'T PASS THE PUCE AS WE MEAN BUSINESS In Tneda all nattems. Cottoaadna, lneka. Shirtings, Oinghams. Deniins, White and QiOT cStowTDw" Oooda, Prints. Hollands, Towelling., CoUa«. Tie., Braces, Orfored and Drsi* ShirU. and all sm^ wan a.iialljr hepi. Hate m Felt and ]f orâ€" all priesa. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. ES* Don't fonwt that COOPER h SMITH'S BOOTS •r* tJu only Bo»f wShbTiySS;"dwe«*tl« ONLY SHOP in Town tUt keep, ***"â„¢' CBOCKBRY AND GLASSWARE IN ALLL STY8EB. M Râ€"WatmattMtaU c-nstomen will remember that «• KITST have monsv Baa. Jl;u«T^^bra«»»*»««^*^"' will deal with th«a tJ^AS^iJ^ POST OFFICE STOKE, FliESHEETON. GENAERALORY GOODS, FURS, IIUIERY, BOOTS AND SHOES,, Hats, Caps and Groceries 'â€" TO THE LOWEST POIN I POSSIBLE, sad iu order to do so. Will Sell at and Under COST FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. '^w '*^l!l.*" "ew, well b«a«lit, aad wea worth the attantion «f ih- -i ._ !â-  OBOCEBI£8 you will fiSd eVrrtUa* •fiw!^-^ i?*J!^ "«•• Aa I do not panne the oonrae of aome of onr windT llJ*h«!j^^ â- *??• Uge.,ofsmdirgontnamerou.Bample. of chem^V2khh^t.^i^^'""""'°' '" tion.) ontside onr natural busine?. relation., ia inkrto S^llf tT"'*^'?**"******^ not properly treated by their more honorahto imSm, «d dSTZltlf^ *h*t they ar* TonwiUind eTcryiktev that I taMmmtmMiJTmJzH^^i^ *^"" *•»" â- Â»Â«Â»T. aa yoa eaa pouibly gH lor yaarmoney mmW^ni m? h!!f^^*'v"i1 «^ «*i- d.alin«isUieonlTtm«oour»fora bnriiwli m^ asw always tald that honoraMa HrOro«ri.»areallbonghtfor.tric*.yn.ttOMi,, •«-sq-«.tly I e«. «^ wlM sell at T71 T!*fr^2r^®** Possible FricesI For CASH andFAEM PRODUCE BUT 2VOT FOI* OKETIT. l»»'«1«in.took««Hdr.aJ..aIu„,«««lT«« PUEE SEED GEAINi Wondirfui Inventii THIS IS A MECHANICAL BEVl For Learning to Play AND ACCOMPANIMEI ••'" ON THE PIANO AND ORG IsmnowadUaglwis qnantiasof BUTTER A iS,lWl- 1 NOTIOE. ALL partMS iiMUiM.4 to tin aadM^pad ^tSer by iM^ « »oak saaoajt wi^ at my ihop and aattla withoot (aithsr Dotioa, Aa Ibava not tiiaa to ^iatt yoa aU at yuv hones, aad it tl too asfaitaiTa to imd eat a aoHarto*, i bsvs tha aWra notiaa wSba sat- toieDt. JOHN NOBLX. N. B.â€" Wa««i*ta bwslgrciTM, that ra- lfa 5aala.Paa.t7. IMP. WUtf I^AUM FOR SALE, saio â- Baa m€YBAWn. AOBXa. asaikr aB dMtad s^ fr«a c WH.KBOira. Aydl«(k.Un. 50 A «Mict Fm d lit Acftt FOR SALE, v^ One ItiU from tks VOUgt ofMarhdmU Thai. Bta aboat KWasMadMiad. uIT^* fit aiaaatiia •^ j^ A ^.•,â€" ""-™»g'Wmiiaiitiasof COARSE LAND SALT FOR Which win thatsMry ssiUiieinL ditastfraM ln»«»Ma«i4sstaw,,aiiltaaahtie,^!2f!i?5««J^ »•*» b tatbttorastt^SniSSSSCL' asaUadte ky thasar Any person, Young or Oli^^elj have any Musical talent or n can learn or PLiAY ANY| THING, in a VEEI SHORT TIME; what would take years in the old way, besides a great expense for Books, Tuition, etc., ^\ Sent, pre-paid on receip o^ ol whMt ia ia a hM stata of i^Sr^te^S Ta.a.Si^"'^^ Wan. WW. oa •wILocBmb --*f bsar; a. thaiuM; Oste of bodt faai4«M4, Tl-isml.w11j««j,i,.^ ia a -»--'â€" •-.." Mtiw •ioel hoaas^ aa4 ^â- ^^LTTzS' W. SUTLKMa, P.O. I vdbU alao intiiaafa gi^ n- SPRING IMPORTATIONS ABa ABBTTING DAXLT. Aad Iwfll â-  r"»tliiiii ai On The l8t of ApriL 3£S?sS^Sif *« •^^f^f'" totto past, airf ^•* ^^â„¢"**«s«»sarw«t. PIANOS ORCAI VERY LOW PRICES! ADDRESS, J. A CRAWFO] 4*9* King S^Mt East, To Taconto, ApriJ 14th, 881, rmRe tha mt\f aafls. 1 PnMneial CoMaty Bnsiness, 'H^tsn aad an Inatrootive %IM in thrM months, i Ika and of the year. No li ontil all arreage. arr tks option of the pablish- [pap*r« without payine Mble for the year, .ub- â- y comply with tha nles. MS OF ADVEBTISINO .oMTaar. •50 00 S7 60 IS 00 8 00 4 00 50 I aoder, first insertion I sritaaqaent insertion 15 I taa lines, first insertion.. 7o Caabaeqnent insertion 2-^ first insertion per line 8 I nbaapoant insertion 2 ' of lines to be reckoned by the lied mesfeured by a scale of s'lil Advertise"-nt. without specific ill be pauiishw till forbid and ,__jrdia5ly. All transitory ailvertise- sast be in the office of pnblieation by on the Thursday morninn preoeed- r pobUeation. O. W. BUTLEDOE, Proprietor. a NSMESS DIRECTORY. Spr«Hlc Carter, .Surgeon- .Accoucheurs £c. kCB Hedical Hall residence at J Hoase. lala. Sept 17, 1880. 1-y "OB. PVBDT, BICIAK. SURGEON, ACCUUCH- Koaaaia P. O. ' «-tf. D. IWacialllaH. faASKDALE and DCRBAM.) DBNEY-ATLAW, SOLK ITOll IN _jeiry, Couvevancer, Ac. Orti-c ovir ad's stoie, .Markdale. Money to Iohii tenaa. 2» l.v Chn«. R. Wilkes Br at Liaw, Owen Sound. ZV.. â€" Uillers's building, orer llMbiu- e, Poolet Street. 1-y Fr*at Fr*at, H8TEB8, AND ATTORNRTS-AT Solicitors in Cbancerv, C'n\«7 lAe., Owen Sound, have re«iiineil at Office open every Thursday, uo J. W. FaosT, LL. D. Crown Attorney. 1 Janses na«s»n. JTEBandATTOKNliV .\T-1.\\\, ater in Chancery, Oweu Sound. 17, 1880. l- Janes IaB*n, )BNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN jjcery. Notary Public, dc. ey loaned at lowest ratt^ ou p«-rsOMaI estate. I^od' bought an«l sold. ' and seller introduced* free ef commiii DUNDALK. ember tUt. 1880. I IB OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. *c., amissioner in B. R. lic. yancing in all its braiiolii*s prom]tlv to and carefully executed. -Money to Lend on Real Estate se- Sapt. 17, 1880. 1 V Alenuader Brawn, IB of Marriage Licenses, Firo uiil lusonCuoe Agent. Cimmissioi:. i 4e. ConTeyanoer and Lie«?ii-».l er for the County of Orey. Farm' r-. nts, and Land Sales, Punctuaijv at 1 to and charges made vc-rv mod.r^r.r rUle, Sept. 17, 18tt0. " l-v Oewrte Corbet, Jr^ JJD. LOAN AND GENERAL AGENT )w«n Sound. Monev to Loan at low interest. Priucifial payable at the a tarat of years, and interest half y«»r- 'y, or principal and interest repay- I iastalmeuts. Laamber of desirable Improved Farms It M. O. Slav, kXlNION AND PROVINCl.U, T,AN|1 [biirrayor. Draughtsman ai^ VHluaior. 1 and Markdale. Having purchased Land Surveyor Cliarhs Hnnkin's stock of original Fiel.l Notes, I'luus, lustrnctious, 4c.. â- â- fall lii SuivcysJ within the last lifty-tive years, I am i to make Surveys in strict accord- 1 therewith. Protil'es aiil K:itimate' grading Hills, Plans aud S|)eciticatioii- tilding Bridges, furuishod ou appli.-.i Money to Loan at 8 |ier cent int'ri ~t. I lattsr, or left with G. J. BLYTH. • wiU ba nromptlv attended to. 4.17.WM. " ' â-  iv 9*«ti»trjt. *»• 'aaes J. Whiip, •istant to Dr. Cameron. Owen Sonti,|. TILL BE AT THK UKVi;i;I. Hot si:, *^iale, on tlie last ml i month, when he will l*prefwr. I t.. r-l â- â€¢11 operations req-jirej ujion the ne.iithi â- e most satisfactory manner, aud iijuuf *bla terms. i v ' J-^^E HOTEL,] l«ijau4iDAI.K. JPROULiE, Proprietor, j 18 popular Hotel ha« hul a l:ir--. al-j lition added to It, thoruii;;i!ly i.:.U"l, I now second to none in the ciU'ity. â- tabling and attentive ostler. l-Hsl-l I Seoommodation for eomniercial travel-l Terass 9100 prr dwv. 17 ly| ICfiiAFORD, Out. MsOIB, •• rsoPBIKTOIisJ I iatOBiaodatiou for the travel!in| na bar i* well stocked with thl • Wlaes and Liquors auj the be »*«a,ar.. ' ^Va to and from all trains. "tT, 1880. ly 'IHIERGIAL~H0TEL. PBICBVUjIjE, Out. aiid eommodious Sample Room si Booms, Ac. The Rar and larda ad with the best the market a.i IBtabling and attentive Hostler J TflOS. ATKINSON. I'roprieto^ Bat. IWo. B. HI. Galbralth, ^^^ICHnSBB AND GENERAL LAnJ ' Wiiliamaford Station. Auctiul -ia4 in all parts of the Countj ^saUoa CMKiilis«on. Bat:8 modei-au â-  and Sewing Machines hLh iwaital Trees, Vines. Agricu Bts, and Machinery of all kind â€" i tsnaw for sale on easy term| r la loan at bottom rates. J**.27, iWl. 20-ly| V Bl G B pro 3"). all

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