^i b: Ladies of |ckof Millii â- comprising i,ts ATS AND ST tS, FEAT] 1 AND TKIM] ' MAN.! iDETO s well assorted in me reading a loni elieving we can rs, we would soli S8i. ** Ware! is g'QN STATION u€ coll^tautly renevrd, « 'de Clothing, Boots ;VRE, CROCKEKT PilOVISIOKl itry Produce taken io ext respectfully invlle^ oomhandles nianu$||^l^. KDALE Door Factoi Ildings, HOLLOW BOTTOIlS, Lth and Shinj OrJers Promptly Filla4 lH»iik~ to t!ia pooplo of liarktUc bkA â-¼leii [;m iu Ibc \imI, aad hopes by clo»e attenr li-iiK-,^. .LudwiU in tatur.; k^e;»« fuU St L U M B E LESSED AND UNDREI Lncnl if Pit-fi LiimbiT and Iiatli from 1^] I iin'.lii r Hcli'-oiirr loal in a /i »â- i«_v». *lj»in mul l'"nrn-y Ti nu i.i A tir" claiut ma.' nrr. THOS. McNj YEARS, 'OR' THE BFST PAPER I 101 BEAiriFULLY ILLUS 36th YEAR. 'ER n'ar. Ind besl |ada- • Tcarly sub- tiirw) *u\y i-pniJ, of th« ouu tIttUar, |uu Scnil uiir Wctklv. ily paper in L'ulunju. l'Mr\NY. nilkuu. Dot. THE SCIENTIFIC AM* fi: fiESTinc AinviCAX is a Cl.i-!i Wreklv Newspaper of SiilHi I ' printed iu the moat beaatifol s^H/ I MQtiu? the newest- InTnntiont Mlil I rectnt Advances ir the Arts mJ I lu laduitr New and Intere.tiii9 i'« :eultiiri HortioiUtius, tb* Utm I Uitlical Proercu, Social jH::il«ry. Ui-cdogy, As ti oao f valnabto practical {wptn. b; i ui all d purtments of tnenoe, i in tlie Scientiiic Ami 'iMB- Ttrm-' ?3 20 per year. J.Jl which includes po»t«((fc W*"""**' Siuale cippirs, lOf. W IT •« " ITS. Remit b/^aatal ord«. to CO.. Vubli»hert.HFKli »p«, »t PATENT Irecfory IBER. -81, of leTcral be Province il. d'c, hegu "ubliyb a ^ECTOKY. :an Jectoy )c try men in the ino, with a :tory 3stowed on i rectories of SuUjcriWrs frms of Ad- Ix'ution. Publtsherji. riratilie .fc L'j u- ol icitors of â- Vn Tatents, have !i*4 " •ud liave the largest world. Parents are i.erm-' A special cienttflcAflaei oateuted throut^'h thia name aud residence of the immense circalatioo attention is dincted t* new patent, aud salM «' easily eftected. An.v ptTBon who haa ry or invention, can *s3«"' whether a pttcnt can pW by writin« to Mon" *^t frte our Hand Boo k ay Patents, Caveats, '^^'j^Ji^ and how procured, *^W?] andvanees on inv6Pfa ^fc .3 naner or concern in 1? t/V a Branch Ofce cor. iugton D. C. Court of TOWNSHIP The Court of Holland, for the held iu Vogan'i on Saturday, the of which »U p**"*^ take uotioe, tad ' ingly. ThaCoMt Holland Centn, ^fTi 7 nndersigned mnt will call rt'uer notice, all at your 1 send oat a e will be suf- I NOBI-E. r«n, that re- tried by my- !i KOBLE. 1H The Rafom O the'ro^^W*^ day, 14th JxuJ«t p. m Me»iiti«»a »1 lars will be i»«n*4r feitly impoâ€" » M^| of Beform tlr lUiUa^V!?^ iMETSni â- â- C»f prints, new spring styles, I ^^"S cents, fast colors. h*^ of TaWeT^nen, 35, 45» 55 and 75««nt8. r^ Table Napkins, 6i^ cents, direct frommamifacturers. K Rlack Broad-cloth, f 1^5â€" worth $9.50. i^* ^r puck Overalls, 50 cents. P^^^iflcey Shirts, 75 cents.' S T AM D ARD J««* iSiuiitni^^L^ ** tli4 ewe, M vdl.|M ssra hftttenut (o ear -^-â€" *4Tiit wliiinin. Mr. B Askin, who re«eattj boagfat oat ]|r' Uaorga Wrigbt'g famiteM tataUiah- menft, hM rappUed the mwt ifa y 27th. 1881. ^^other^notIces. (L I !â- â- â- if oter. fairly brisk.. ,»m dry weather. I the Jewelery.hM the new Hymn Books for i»le. g,;Sa~Deniocrat Wsggongo Di)a Mason. Jinj; ifc wry extensive thia l^ai the coniitry around. Looses, ,im piemen tlioases te to. L^'^es, Clocks. 4 Jewelery io ^^lety and at the ngbt prioee, ox's- I J want tlie nobbiest lres8 " la Town, call at Eeynolds A s^, 1 coal oil. CASTORINE I otu'er macljine oUs, try Ht^kett [HI tliermometor nin2 marked 106 L.ijc'i, *n^ °*®' ^^ *° '*° shade at on Thursday io the sun, at oil are sole V fjjdirtrsof "Castoriue machine T,j^£.^jiD3ati will be pr sacutod itn tliousiiuil tons of stool rails jij CjaaJa Pacific Railway ar- il' JIoaLieivl on Friday. Tjur dealers for "Castoriue" oil, and see that the barrel d •'C.istorine," as none other ^ts. Grant A Chellew, whose Ljji]»p3eJ last week, have rented _e building next to tba Stano- rif,»nil will be in full operation iinuw* dsys. j,j -Cutonne" Machine Oil, for fkiiiJi '/fli:iehinery, it is aiso ex-. Int for bitm^ss and leather, niak- lit 'st-^^f au I "ca'ber proof. For b; Jenifers. TId-i. iL-Nua, announces, in BH of the Standard, that ho has lUfply of sa.sh, doors, monld- Ifc., ou hand aka nino lan»ber Mb Bsnson is making pwpetutioM U* reboild and wUl eraet a ma«h hagar bonding than the old mt, h» iatends making a solid front wOh fh« B«id 4 SleDoDgal block nakiag (rootage of 188 feet in all. Ws learn th»t one of tiw pUyers for the jig dancing oonipetilion on the gronnds on the 24 th, got into se- rions trouble by so doing. It may be judged how h« farad when hia litda boy was heard to aik bis mother what made his pa's «|hiskers thiaaer on ooa side than thoy wera oa tba other. Mm. Vobomâ€" I ans very mnab pleased with the dwiMsii andPnffs yoa made for me, and taka pleasure iu recommending yoa to any one deair- ing work io your Una. Maa. C. W. BcrutMB. Markdale, May 23rd. IML Bnrdock Blood Bitters ia not a Whiskey Stimulant or fancy drink to pander to the depravei appetite ef the intemperate, *jut a pore vciietable life-giving Tonic and regulator of the Secretions. It acts promptly on the Bowels, the Liver, the Blood and tlte Kidneys, purifying aud giving tone to the entire system. Try a Sample Bottle wiiich costs only 10 Cdnts Large Bottles $1.00. It appears that the murderers of the Donnelly family are likely to be brought up again, the brothers Feely having made a coufeasioo fally cor- roborating little Johnny O'Couuor's evidence. As far as can be learned the parties most interested appear to labor under no apprehensiou as to the final result should they again be brought to trial, as they feel confident that no jury will convict them on the i'eeley's evidence. Time alone will prove it thoir surmises are correct. The proprietor of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTEBS challebges the world to produce the record of a medicine that has achived a mr. wonderful success, or better cre- dentials in BO short a period of time as has this great BloodPurifier and â- s iiid lath. Sec advertisement i System Renovator. Its cures are column. riie marvel« Df the age. Sample Ma-.hiue Oil. for B""!*"' ^^ "^°*" C istontio lis of miclrnery, it is iilsi ex- for haiuet.-i aud Icatbor. mak- [vjivter andiveather projf. Fir doalerc. n-jj-;,^\0.00i) dozen Ei-^s, and I Roils o5 UuttfT, for wliich the It r lice will be paid. Reynolds LED Bi- A SiAr-Lio-v. â€" Ricliard was killeil by a kick from a oa, of wh;cli he was groom, on day, '2Ul iust., bt RedJickville, bliip of Melancthou. EBE is t() be a Meeting of the Be- ssociation in Flcshcrton Town ^11 Tii?sday, June Hth. A full Qce is requested. II or Revision. â€" The Court of ^on, tor the Township of Holland, held in Vogan's Ilall, ou !d«j, Jfiiy 28th. T. Cr. Moito.AN, Hiiir Dresser, llum DiiiiilalK on Thursday, June McCulloiigh's Hotel. Orders .illy soliciied. ^1 Hill Dros advertisement, the ::ould read it carefully, as it .restiiig to them. s« Ihoasaml dozen of eggs were m NV. J. McFarland to a Toron. oyer. tUat being the gathering in Blore in eiclianje for goods during previous fiye days. This is un- ikeab'e en'Jence of a large bnsi- Hm. Hogg, of Flesherton bta- • aji he has any quantity of Dry w Groceries ic, to exchange for lis of farm produce. Bead his asement. OLiricâ€" Mr. Hugh Cameron near Balaklava on tb^ town |»f St. Vincent has a cow that has I (oar calves within eleven mocth a I j days, having had twins each Teokon our '.friend must lin that line of business. uaies 01 uuck. jai. 15 16, 17. ao, 24,*w»d chased trom maniiactiirers ifto Ladies Parasols, 35 cents, old price 40 cents. log •• " S aiway every baif^ gathf. ._j .- wety cheap. -heap at ^oc. iy aow rooms K Bonnets. Hat», ler the lenacDcc oi a nrsi-cians mimner. In £ct mj preiniBes ai« cro irded flrotn cdlar to g New goods, sdl atoottom figure.' THE MAfNCrriB. Floor MABKIMJUE. • ••- •• 'J*' *flOo Sftiug WbMrt tat kulu. Mw l.ai raU «o. da^.^SiM Bt^aj ,..,' JlS8 Oaia *•"• •••••••••• â- ^^BMMBa '•••••••••a â- •"â- ^^â- i y^^ IU* a • • • •'• • • • • 'â- ^Ijlit Mr ooft. •••••«^«**« ^•^» •••••••••• '^•B© y '^* •• •• â- • •••• Daaka. yar pair fowlm,pmfuir Tuikagra, pw lb lau. t«S.Ca *c I.M •^« ••t HUaa OraasMed. Uv Wool Oraaa Ipplw, p«. Lard Taltow BrrOn^Waad... OJS O.U 4.(0 OM •.40 «J0 ojn on 0.10 0.W IJO " 0.00 " 7M '• OM " B.4r •• •M " 0.ff •• IM " 7410 " S.40 •- 8.00 " 0.10 " 0.07 •* OJOO FiiESHEinCON. {CtimeUd wtektf fortka Stamdmrd SfrmtU, yu$h*rtom.t TacaaDAT. April S8tk Flcor, per bbL t6.n0 8pnn« Wheat per boah.. 1 00 Fall do. Barley )ats Peas ' PotatoM Batter, par lb. Bugs, per dos. Poik, dreasad. Beef 8U«epskiu Hviea Hay Timothy Wool Lard Talow do. do. 0.06 0.M 0.00 0.00 OJO 0.17 •.14 7M 400 0.60 Sfin •.00 S.00 OJS 0.10 0.06 rU)9t. Io 16.60 to i.08 " 0J7 " 0.7$ " 0.80 '• 0.80 " 0.J0 •• 0.19 •• 0.16 •• OlOO •• 6.00 •• 1.16 •• 7.00 •• 0.00 •• S.40 •• • O.SO •• 0.1* " 0.07 CHU RCM biiiecTORv. ORKttCHBBCa: OAXAPA MXTnonigT CHUBCU- Sarvieea ereiy aSbath «t iaj • ». mmi fcSc p^ia. SabfaaUh School at SAi p^ «. arnte W. J. McFARIiAND, Impoi^er. Wholesaie and Betai O. 8. Bowaa, Soi DDNDALK MABKBTS. Fall wheat 90e to tLoS; 8pria( vfaaat II to %im Barley 50c to 70e Peaa 68c to 6»e OaUV3oto38c; Pork t?.^ to ire*; Pota- toes per bag 60c to60e;Botter 17etol8e; Sfgi OOe to 18e; beef 6e to 6^ aheep skins 76e to tl.oo; hides |7.oo; grass seed »2.60 to 93.75; Hay 97.00 to 7.5o; wool 2c to 28o; lard loc; tallow 6e- TORONTO. (ff rei«/ to the SlunJard.) 'I'mosrH. Ma/ 19, 1881. I Wei TOunt. " Baz.vr A concert given* by the ^kii. of the Methodist Church I in every respect a aneecas. Tha p))«t»ofthi3 sociatT have toiled I and constant, and are doing a 1 vork in liquidating th^ debt on ""rsona^je. [^correapondent from Eaphrasia 18 ns that parties are in the 10 his neigh borhcol of tiog: tiie Sabbath by fishing He also wishes as to inform °'"=«J»«ithat he intefads iwoao- °f»i/ir/iom be may find so en- w«/ier this date. A word to tba f MooJd be sufficient ' stealth renewer Burdock Blood Ml 3 like a charm. In MiO- Bilious Complaints, bcrofrJa. 'disorders of the Blood. Liver' Qsys, this great eomkuiation stable Medicines pruvea a cer- '^ifio. A few dosea zagnlata â- els and as a restoratiTS Tonic »: equal. Trial BottlfS 10 Juas Chapmax, of oar town, [^ Saturday Ust brought before Brown, Elliott, Rtmthan and on, J. p*g., on aehargaof and housebreaking, made hj "^n Laird, of Artemesia, and .ueariDg the evidence the oac« â- »Di88«d with eoata. Mi. D. J, Uta appeared for tho ^ofenee. The poo|de of Markham were re- contiyjr'oatly startled at the discovery o"a large quantity of human remains, and all sorts of rumours nud conjec- tures were indulged in. There wtre about 600 skulls dug up besides other portions of bones belongin to the huiuau body. Professor Wiltion, of Toronto, went down to inve«)tigsta and came to the conclusion that they wcru the remains of ludiaiiS and roust have been iu the ground fully 800 years. Pebbon.vl. â€" It is with p1ca!ure that wc announce the retaru ut Mr. A. Speers, jr., from the Nortli-West Ter- ritory, whither he weut last fall to pursue his occupation of droving. It is unnecessary for us to make any further remarks than that Mr Speers intends resuming business here, as the enli'e farming community know tlie generous treatment they have re- ceived "t the hands of that gentleman while associated with his brothers in the past. Mr. S. speaks in glowing terms of the North-West, and believes it is destined to lead in our Dominion as an agncnltnral country before an- other five years passos over us. An bciiest medicine is the noblest work of man- and their is no remedy that is more justly meritorious in 'curing the ills that flesh is heir to' than B.irdock Blood Uittors, the Great Blood Purifier and System Renova- tor. It cures Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia. Scrofula, Kidney, Com- plaints, and 1] troubles arising from^ impure blood, constipated tow«U or disordered secretions, and the best Nervine and Tonic in the world. Suocxnio DiATH.â€" Mrs. Thomas Boyd, Holland Township, aIont six miles fr')m here, came to her death on Monday evening the 28rd inst., in a most heartrending manner. She staited a little fire in fiont of the bouse m order to drive the misquitoes' away with tha â- moke. It appears her dress caught fire, and she being very feeble (being 79 years of age) was unable to make suffident ezntion to extinguish the fire and perished before assistance came. Her husband was not more than half an hour Irom the house and when he returned found to his horror his wife quite deal. Mrs. Boyd was much respected and had made many warm friends in the Township of Hol- land, where she bad long been a resi- dent. Mr. Boyd has the deepest sym- Kthy of the neigbborfahod in his sad rearement. Keither tiie sjAidioate, the Scott Act, or the Iriib qoeation cause half the sensatiooal comment, that is eaused by the po pularit y of BUB- DOCK BLOOD BITTEBS. This great remedy is marvelloos in its sue- cess in curing Cbnmio diaeaso when other medicines have Caikd. It is the beet Blood Purifying Tonio aad Liver Invigoralor known. A speei- fie for all diseases of Blood, Liver and Kidneys. Sample Bottles 10 cents. Tbe wum :â€"m TMwbiy last the aaaal Monthlj Fair vaa held. The number of Cattle oSered was n^t Tory large, but ytrj good anunals were diqpoeed of Mr. Wm. Irvine of Ben* tiaek sold a three year old steer wUofa we^(bBdl90 Iba. for $72. Mr. Jamea Edge aoU another that weighed over MOO lbs, A number of nulefa eewa wcm sUio offared. Tbe attendanee of fwfie was uol very buge^ aad tbe fur WM pTBT staB esrir boor.-^ibssM. Whfat,fall. per bash. Wlieat, sjTiut;, do. Ilarlfy, do. Oau, «iw. I^RIU, ilo. ityo, la. (Uover Seed do. Iru:»ed hof(», ]ior 100 liu. .. SI 08 to 91 10 1 10 tc 1 l8 7a to 33 to U 63 fe 80 to o 00 to 7 60 to Beef, hind quarters 6 00 to Beef fore quarters 8 00 to Chickens, per pair o 60 to Fowls, do 40 to Dncks, per brace.... Soto Oeese. eaefa 60 to Torkeys 1 00 to Butter, large rolis 13 to Batter, tub dairy 17 to Butter, fiore-iHicked ....... 18 to E;;K fresli, per duz o 13 to Etcgd, packed o 00 to Apples, per bri 1 00 to Potatoofl per Iag 60 to Onions, per bag S oO to Hav 8 60 to 91 40 67 80 o 00 8 00 7 00 4 00 070 4o 6n «o 1 76 16 ao 30 14 00 1 60 66 5 60 14 SC SPECIAL NOTICES, Mothers t Mothers I Mothers 1 1 Are yon disturbed at night and broken if your rest by a sick child suffering aud crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth 1 If so, go at once and Ret a bottle of MH8. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING BYRUP. It will relieve the poor little suilerer immedi- atsly^^epend upon it there is no mistake about it. Tueie iii not a mother npon earth who ha4 ever used it, who will not tall yon at once that it will reguUte the bowels, and give roit to the mother, aud relief and health to the child, ojicrKtiiig lice magic. It is per- fectly safe to use in all coses, and pleasant to the taste, and i the prescription of one of the oldeit and best lem^ie physiclaus and nurses in the United Stato:i. Sold every where at 25 cents a bottle. 'M ly BEST AMD COMFOET TOTHi SUfcTBBINU BrwwH's HovaehwM Pmnsiewa has no equal for reliavin:; pain, both inter- nal and external. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Thr.mt, Bhenmatism, Toothache, liUmbago and any kind of a Pain or Ache, "it will most surely quicken the Blood and heal, as its acting power is won- derfnl." "Brown's Hoa.^ehold Panacea, " being acknowledged as the great Pain Believ- er, Mid of double the strength of any other Elixer or Liniment in tbe world, should be in every family haudy for iiie wben wanted " as it really U the iMst remsdy in the world for Cramp:* in the .?tu-nrich, aud Pains aud Aehei of all kinds," and la for sale by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottla. SO-ly s TARTLING DI8COVERYI LOrr MAjIMpOD. UttTOm P. tan Daeay, Ssrroaa Drtfity. Loat Maol2al. ate,. a8wSa asyig«fa« »wM«hywm«al PI MPLES. I will maa (Free) tbe radpa for a aiinpla VaoaTABLB Balk that wiD reaioTe Tah, FBBCKLKS, PDfPLBS and BbOTcns, laav- ing tha skin soft, alaar aad baaatilu l; als o instmeliont for predoeinf a loz jriant growth of hair on a bald head or amootii (aee. Ad- dress, aneloaing a 8a. ataaip.Baa. Vandalf A Co.,, 6 Beetaaanat.,H.Y. »0-lj ERRORS OF YOUTH. AOBNTLXMAM who aoflMrrad for year* froB Narroas DBBILITT, PBBMA- TUEB DBOAT. aad all tha dbeU of yaath- fol indiseration, will fbrtha aaka a anflaring humanity, aand fraa to aU who need it, the redpo aad dbaetioBs for bmUbc the aimpla remedy by whioh ba waa eared, Snffann whiahing to pro«t by ft* advartiaar'a a^ail- enca can da so by addraasing in parfeet eoe- fldoDee. '^OBH B. OODEN, ao-lT .43 Cedar rt. Mew York AOBNTS WANTBD. -Big payâ€" I^t Walk. Steady EanilMiBeiii. Samplaafraa. Addresa. M. L. BTBH, 4« Naaaaaa atfaat, HawToA M-ly TO coNSWPnvis; ThaadvmlSaer.lMTiagbaea pa nw a aan Uy eviad ot thjtdraaA disaaaa, Coiianmptioo» hj a aimpla MBaedly, is aaxioaa to make known to his fallow ii ig eraw the SMans of wire. To all yAo deaiie it. he will sand a eopy of tfaa pnasription nsad, (fraa of charge.) with tbe diiaeiioas (or Mepainng end asiof tha saaa tribahthajrwfUtad a a oaa Co aa far Ooa- svMraaa, Asmu. Baotraams, As. PattiM wiaUnc ttje Pi aiwil ytto ^wlH GOMMEIteUl HOTEL rBiam^rUtiM. os^ Oaad Ag. TkaBataad -- â€" -â€" â€" V '^i " ' ' â- â- â€"â- J** X7AfCT ^ww fe)ESl^!^*"" B.V.K.A- PSnCATIVE MBTB0DI8T. Sarviaea evBiy latand Std tlalihuh at B e'alaek p. m. Every SaJ ft 4th flabUth at l^a.aa..ls{haOtancaBaIl. C. C. Oar- asl^Paataa. PBCSBTTXBIAN. Sarvieaa ia Daffarin BaB avarr altanato The Standard SBflUUHiTUST! IS THE hatha at •Aip:^. fclihaS iMSTatlSte p.m. Bibi. 5aaaao^ â- "^•»"» Viidays at 7:Sa p. m. COURT of REVISION TOWNSHIP OF ABTEMESIA. te THOS. Annwnt, rMpria^r. pets^ Slst, INO. TbeflratsittittgotthaOawtot Bavlaiaii, r «ka Township of AitaaM^ «iU ha hWd ^*h'v^*'^^ Raabarten. on Moaday thaSth dayof Juaa. a. D. laai, all p«rti« tataraatodwmpieaaatakaaotiaaaod aovara thamaalvaa aeastdingW. BELLAMY. Okik. SS-lw Flasherton May 20th 1881. COURT of REVISION TOWNSHIP OP OLENELG. Best Liocal Paper IN THE COUNTY. SnTiscritMi£^it, only flJS per annum. PetsQita eaa snbeeribo at any tmie. OF ALL OISCBIPTION. PlAIIi ami in COLORS, 14 Juatanivadat tbe DEI s ^£EDS| tt tbe BELFAfTMIISE. AlaoaMhatoakof firoceies, ProfMons, CANNED FRUIT, sxaccrxTS $1,537,000 To Vi^ thioagh tha naihartoa i«aMr at acaAMRLaaas. Mya^aia paytn^* aad lOparaaat fail waatf If yea uead a bare f I •ya ai l la j as aw aa l sa W iiaa l T If yoa want to baysMtaiMat U you want to alaar aaA inprova saora had f wjLL di.4 s».^.-sr -sro-CT tehoROvaf tha North of Scotland Canadian Mortgage Company OINFECTIINEIY, Any amount of Oamberland eat Sid.e ZPoxlc. FOR »ALE. ALSO. of Notiaa is her^ givan that fiteSrst sittfai# .. tha Coortof BariMOB, nfaiiiiisMiwil fiii llii Township of Olotatg, for tha year 1S81. wUl be held at the Town Hall. a« ICooday the 30th day of May 1881, at teno'oloek hi the forenoon. JAS. BROWN. Towaahip Clark. Olanelg May 14th 1881. SS-aw. aEMSE ROILE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For tha Ooaptf of Qnj. AaasT for the fdllowiag raUable CospaBiia CITIZENS' of Monfareal, AOBIOULTCBAL, of Watertown, aad TBADE ft O0U^fKBOE, (Uatual) of Toronto. A number of Choiee Farms (or sale, also Village Lota. Anetion R^taa aondneted in Town or 0««a- tiy on Shortest Motioe. Charges modarata. Bills, Blank Kotos, and Stampa provided. GEO. NOBLE. lf*aaT»r.«, Mav 30th. 1881. S«-ly WM. FOX, nail I Onnmsfil Platlartr Estimates for stone and brickwork vn ai plioation. Satisfaotioo Ourantoed. Beai. dence â€" Queer Street, Markdale. Markdale. Sept. 17. 1880. 1-v J. MONTGOMERY, II A k: £: R., THE Subaeriber, in returning thanka to tha inhabitants of Markdale and snr- roundiug ooautry for their patronage during the past eight years, begs to intimate to them h« in how prepared to supply tho Public with FRUIT. POUND PLUM CAKES, either plain, or Iced and Ornamented, and a large Variety of Other Cakes always on hand, Alao, BISC'Cri'Tl of every deacnption. from the best mann- faeturers in Ontario. Also, a large and va cd assortment of the CHOICttTCOKFECTION I BRIDES' CAKES! snpplied on the shorteat notice, and got up in tha beat style that is dona tUs aids of Toronto. Tia Ma^, Sodab, OTHSB FABTtBS, â- applied en tha ahcrtaat natisa and on tha â- uMt raaaoMbla tarns. JOHN MOirrOOUKBT. Markdala, Nov. 18. at. 18B0. lo.ly IN ABTEMESIA. FIFTY aeraa of had. Lot U, south of DnriiamBoad. 18 aaraa af deaiad hwd with log hooae, and wall faaaad. laqoiraof Bobact Olivar, oppoaita the lot, or JOmi KAY. Beatiaek, DnAaai t. O. Jan. Uth. 1881. lS4f 0. J. SHAIIAHAN'S "WA.GON and Carriag Works, Joat opanad. oppoatta tha drag at (treat. Having long aapariansa in naaa, «• iaal oenfldant w* aan |i«a tha drag atora. MiB tiontothoaafavaonsaawithihiirwriva far CABBIAGES. 8FBDIO WAOOOHS, IiUMBKB WAOOOMS, *e. â- anr liaa aiHisr hi wad. ken. paviMg, .mA liliiiMi^alli and pnMapUyanssatad. Wa wa natUaff baa good matatW aai «s- playihaa^aBa piaatiaalwaifeBBaa. Oar am ia to |»ra the hast jg*** *^ hiM«tolpaar yon/tHanda. Maikdaia. April «h.Un. tO-mi .;♦.»,- J.-- Ezeetitedwhhneatucsa and d«patcb. t,^ STANDARD MALT AND ItYE WHISKEY. THE BEST III TOWN. BRANDY. CIDEB, ALE. PORTER. TEAS and SUGARS. CHEAP WILSON BENSON. MaHtdala, March IT.USl. 6.1y (Sbeep sMid C/attle* PABMIBS haiviag good fit ffiiaap or Cattia to aaU. wUl Sad it to thaiz advant- agato laava Ibara naatas aad addieaa at Me- Cateheon*a Hotel, Bevara Housa, Markdale. aa tha oadarsignad ara atin on the war path, aad will poaitivaly pi^ tha Mgbtirt rieas. C. V. A A. SFEKBS. Sapt. t7tii. IBM. 1-T nay aharga na Saaa 1 thagr do not a^^ahaa yrar payatants, nar ^karga yon IS par cant. oaovar daapayataata. ht-ttkefA* gNa tiiaaMat lisapnahli prlvUcgaa of aay Cob' paay Hadiag moaay. AND THEIB COSTS ARE LOWI Spaoial nUaa given to partiaa waaUag apaaiaDy lacea hwaa, oflariag ^|iecial saearity I have alBO a few thousand dollars Of PRIVATE MONEY! Toiavaat an vaty reaaonahla tenaf and at 7 per aant. intereat. TUa is a rare ehanca and tha asMant ia haaitad. Aa many Ei^^Uah and Seoteh oai^taBatsara withdrawing their aapttal from tha aMokat, I believe a ohaaga in tbe money nutrket may 'oon be «xp etad. Money haa raaekadrock bottom. lf«w la tlie tiai« f ll»nfW, and thapiaoa ia The Flesheiton Real Estate, Loan and Insufance Agencya INSUKANCB It ia of tha graataat impmlanaa to laanrars that they selaet a Rr^taMc and Sate Conuiany. aad that they do tbair boainaaathroogh a rdlAMc AscBt* I am prepared to take appUeations for the Strongeat. Safest and Beat Coaupanies in Canada, and for a Stock Company, at ratea as low as any reliable MntoaL My Companies arc tha Lancashire an^ Citizens, (Stock • The Waterloo County and Gore District, (Mntnal and Oaah.) COBnrBTAHCIllO. Daads, Will*, Iieaaas. Morigage*. AgraamauU, dec., Ac, oa ahi»t notioe. and work C*ractiy and IVeaity done. In this line my business baa ineresaadandisiceraatiiig, lamnowdoiiigtho largest boainaas in theBiding. A VCnOIl SAIjES attandad ia either Town or Country, and Bflli sappUed free of j\. charge; also, all ueoesaary Blanks and Stampa. LANBS FOB SAE.E AIVD TO BENT. To any having lands to dispose of I offer a ap CB4Ud dUUSee to advertise. It don't cost you a cent till your farm ia sold, and yon can withdraw at any time. I also realise better prices than tbe Proprietors thamaeWes. Oonrea p ondanee soUoited. In every department of my business 1 mako eareAi â- eaau evrrectaeaa, and talr dem lag the prominent features, aud charga aa low as any reUahla man. MARKDALE. 13ILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, CIRCULARS, NOTES. RECEIPTS, POSTERS. SALE BILLS, STREAMERS, DODGES, HAND BILLS. SnSOIOBtetka leealysfMriBtiNaoaaty thahaat PAMPHLETS, PBOGRAlniES. n VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, BALL TICKETS, Or in faet anTthing in the printing line, don't fsil to eill at tbe StieindarD pis'F'ICJE, Tofo (o Street, MARKD ALE Where we do wodt io iratehta atyle aad at eilgr jaem, sd4 "'t yo« fcrjiet it." Auction Sale OP FARM PROPERTY, Undar aad hj virtna ot powers of sale contained in mortgagee, there will be sold by Pnbtie Anetion, by Oe«rse lV*Me: Anatifliiaer, at the MaHMsUe H*tel, in tha WtBmM* wf HatlKdalc on ThorMajN tbt 26fli 4ay of iir,A.B.mi, At the hour of 9 o'doik, P. M. Tha fallowing paiealaot FxaaholdFMparty, PaioM Ro. t.â€" Iiotnambares. ia tba tUrd langt â- «* o( Iba Toronto and Sydenham Boad, in die township of of Holland, in the County of Grey, containing 50 acres more or l««s, about 26 acres of whieh are cleared, well- fanosd aud in a good state of cultivation, tbe balanoe are covered with good hardwood timber. The buildings consist of a log house and log barn. This Lot ia about one and a half miles from Berkley Stetion, on the To- ronto, Orey Bruce Bailway, and about 6 milaa from the Village of Markdale. Panel So. 3.â€" The West half of Tjot nam ber SO, in the 13kh Concession of the Town shin of Artemesia, in the County of Orey, ponlaining 60 acres more or less, abont 30 acres of whieh are cleared, well-fenced and nnder eultl ration, the btdanee are covered with good hardwood. The buildinits con- aistofalog house and log barn. This Lot is abont 8 miles from FlusUerton Village and 8 miles from Eugenia. rrnas 0/ Sals. â€" Ten per aeiit of purehasa money down at time of sale one-third of the remaindo- within one month thereafter, and the balance to remain on mortgage, or be then paid at the option of the parehaaar. The propertiaa will be sold subject to a re- served bid. For further particulars apply to the imdar- simied at Toronto MULOCK, TILT, McABTHUB ft CBOW THEB. Vendor*' Sotietlort. Dated 2nd May, 1881. S5-Sw. ROBT. DAVIS, (U)irei)anetr, iJommitsioner in IS. H., and General Atjent Fleaharton. Feb. 9. 1881* 38-tt REMOVAL 1 REMOVAL The ondarslgned wishes to inform (he Public generally, that he has purchased theeatire coatrol of the FLESHER.TO:V STEAM FHRIIITORE, ARD SASH AND DOOR FACTORY jLKD BEKOVKD TO TRX nrPurniture Warerooms TO TBB • NEW AND GOMMODiOUS BRICK BUiOING ADJOING THE FACTORY, Where my numerous customers will always find me, or a eooipetent gstpsman to Inuk aftti and attend to their wanis y Cx e fiittes are noir Sa^rior to any time sine commencing business, and I tmst by honorable desling to merit a continuance ut tit patronage so liberally bestovcd in the pot. -^-0- 1C!UHGIIMIS ny^ WHISKERS I.P. IILL4CI., i£Iiiu,ca Srid tar ai SaatsM ia SaMM. PnbUo Pfot.ice. NOTIGX ia harSler V-» that tha naw load span throagh lou W, 100. aad tk* M aannaaaioa W. T. A B.. ia I. is aat ft^^fttAf aa- Tfca easporsUaa of tha tgandUp of CHaa- al(aothaTJi« aagr tiOs to tIa foad aaldlota. w8l not ha reaponslUa for ray lie- tet aav happaa aa aaldread. XAIOSBSOWS. FinAribGaAI. Oarh. Baava Towaahip eiOlaattg, Oct, 19, i830, I have now a Large and Varied Stock of Furniture in all the Latest Styles, aad during tbe Winter I require 100,000 FEET OF GOOD Bntteniflt, Cheny, Basswood, Birch and Ash Tld TJ :Ls/{C B B le 1 for which THE HIGHEST PRICE -WTLL. BE PAID. -A-lso ei Q"a.SLra.tit3r of G-ood. :F»irLe- ALL IINDS OF SASH, DOORS, MOyLQlUS, TC, AS CSUAL. Estimate of supplies Givtn on Application. 13* Don't forget tha Warerooma are removed next door to the Factory, Diirliam str»et.j Flesherton, Deeomber 38. 1880. ')^ M. noor»E«, My Announcement! LATE IMPOBTATIONS OP Sesaonable Goods, AT My Reduced Prices, AT THE .. TORONTO HOUSE. Wm- BROWN. Mariidaia,Ap(U U, 18i8. Mr :. V f :./ cj y 5 A3N a I u .0 IJI Old S 1 t/jyO 3H1 isafjVAQ^nHong -VIHOJLOIA- FARM OR SALE, ^AOBXS. Vaa.fllKV^VK. 'XarbUU.Aisil4di.iSSf, .. ' »9.Si A eiMict Fam if ISO Acres FOR SALE. (hu aUt from the lUUigt of MmrUttlt. Theie«re aboat lOOaetea dearad, the moat o( whieh is in a high state of ooltivation acd fit for a Reaper or Mowor to work 011. TbTO ara on tha pramiaea « Fraun- Houae bri k«^ iaaida;a MiDc Honaa ijrickad inaiae; a Frame StabU and Dtiviag Uiiuse. ao.! I^v Bwii; » Toang Ordiaid aommeijaiiig to hnv a gmmi Wdl. bcaida tba booiie; a never-tuliuK Str aa w ntua adroaa tfaa farm CKfin «'ifii«i- aMttefeneiBa. kalanaa of hash Uidwoed. (a Ifaa-flkaa Mrpl^ Sagar Bash ef MMadOii traaa). Tha facai is well fuM*d. in a (ond atato of repair, and in a shaao loaality. W- iac arithin a mile of good laarkist. cJiurabaH, aobool bonsaa, and all neeeasaty XMUfc^ c. ». râ€" :«! i *l^ v t A »» I