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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 May 1881, p. 1

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 I -.A is ri; I \\ ' I 7 'â-  V if 1 ITBZna OF ZKT ooo Yards of Prints, new spring styles, 5, 7, 8 J, 9, 10, 11 and 12J cents, fast colors. o Pieces of Tweed 50 cents â€" worth 70. 00 YanJs of Table Linen. 35, 45, 55 and 75 cents. 23 Dozen Table Napkin ,6Kents, direct frommannlactnrers. 75 Yards Black Broad, loth, $1.25â€" worth $2.50. 160 Pairs of Duck Overalls, 50 cents. 4S Mens Wincey Shirts, 75 cents. 20 Mens Black Broad^Cloth Coats, ' $5.00â€" w^rthf ^.00. 200 Fairs Large Sdasocs, 10 cents, 4^wca«e cheap. 5 Bales of Duck, 12*, 15. 16. I7» 20» «4. »»d 25 ceots. I'w- chased from manfacturers. 160 Ladies Parasols, 25 c«its, old price 40 c-n^s. 96 " "50 " " .75 " 105 M fii5 fl^ K( "Sir 'best «iteF^*»4t bargain gomg. ^J. McFailaffd ha- "' »fco Y«ds BriUUitSn Dress L«t«, »«. el«P »« 3x!- New Sress Goods, cheap! New Lmcr. N^Embroic. ocfy show. Iks, BonnettTl Lraces, 3EC., c. Uade ss milliner, njr premTseslu* crowded from cella, to gfoods, all at bottoir figures. ' CoHttmes, f*n/4*»nr*» of Jl" W. J. McF A BIiAN JP, Importer. Wholesa le THE STANDARD. Friday. May 20th, 1881. IVOTICE, Tnv. CmuuU Adjtrtmng Affener. Ml. S9 Kiiig Street West, Torooto, W. W. BUTCHEB. Uanmfer. I« ai ihnrized to reeeire adTertiaeBtaato for tliin l*livi. i St-Bw-BimoM ar« reeeived «t thia oiSee fur iliH (oUowing Papers and Magasiuei. DAILIXS. iTv tnio Daily Glob*, per tmt, " MaU. " HM ;t.03 WSCKUU. TfMOnto Wttkly Globe, per year, Mail Haiallton " Speetator ••'» Farmer " ^.'ien'.illc Ameiicaa " •1.50 1.00 1X0 1.00 8.20 MOSTaUBI. Farimrs Advoeate, per fear, American AgTiealtariat " Oar Littto One* fl.OO 1.53 1.50 A few more Wedding Rings jast rs- eieved, at Wilcox's. TiiK new Methodist Hjmn Book, 19 for sale, at Wilcox, The Jeweller. Ik yoa want to see your future, just step in and buy a pair of Lazarus A Morris Spectacles, from Wilcox. Look out for Mr. Wm. Hogg's new advertisement next week. If yoa want Uic nobbiest Dress Goods in Town, call at Reynolds Son's. For Nori~co'al oiJ,~CASTORINE and other machine oils, try Haskett l»ro.s. Toronto oil company, are sole maniiracturen) of "Castorine machine oil. Infruigements will be prosecuted TiiK account of the Necktie Social lield ou Friday last is nnavoidably crnwtkd out. Will Appear next week. KiMUERET correspondence came ot Laud when goiag to press. Will ap- pear next week. Mr Alex Kutledgc paid $700 in- utcad of $500 stated in our columns u week ago. Uur mistake. ' MKSb'B Hill Bros, have opened out their hpriiig stock of Millinery, and holicit nil inspection of the same adver- tisueut nc^t week. Mr McNta returned from the ?iortli .shore, and has now a schooner loiul of lutnLcrat Owen Sound on its H:iy to JIarkiiilo. A steam saw mill is to be built tliis Kciisou opposite McNca's Factory liy un extensive lumber dealer from JJiiiiovfr. I'autif.s, wanting pasture for their ciittlf can be accommodated by apply- ing to Isaac Brown. Good feed and plenty of water. For terms, see hand bills. Groat preparations are being made by tlio couimitteo of management, for the celebration of the Queen's Birthday Tiie athletic sports With be held on the old yround. To let people know that you are in business, there is nothing like advert- irtiu^' and Mr. Geo. Noble sees the truth of this. Read his advcrtismcnt )*i another column. Ask your dealers for "Castorine" machine oil, and see that the barrel is branded "Castorine," as none otlier is genuine. UsK "Castorine" Machine Oil, for all kinds of machinery, it is also ex- cellent for harness and leather, mak- ing it water and weather proof. For sale by dealers. J. J. White, Dentist, of Owen Sound, will be at the Revere Hotel on Wod.u'sday, May 25th inst., those re- -luiring his service, will bear it in mind. U.sK "Castorine" Machine Oil, for nil l.iiids of machinery, it is also ex- c'.lltiit for harness and leather, mak- ing it water and weather proof. For H.'ilu by dealers. There is to be an nnreserred sale of fiirnirure and other household effects he'ouging to Mr. G. J. Blytli at the Itovore Hotel on the morning of the 24th. Parties wanting pood furniture at a bargain will do well to attend. Always original, and copying after none, W. J. McFarland offers one lot Ladies black Silk Jackets for $1 each, GOpnirskid Balmoral Boots $1.50 per pair 60 pairs kid shoes $1.25 per pair 1.000 pards print 5 cents !.• 000 yards 12^ cents. First choice always the best. They are selling The proprietor of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS challenges the world to produce the record of a medicine that has achieved a more 'Wonderful success, or better cre- dentials in so short a period of time as has this great BloodPorifier and System Renovator. Its cores are the marveb of the age. Sample Bottles 10 eenti. Wk wonld call special attention to the advertisment of Mr. Geo. Nixon, of Dundalk to be found on onr third page. We have nut room this weak to speak of Mr. Nixon's eatabUahmant aa it deaeryae bat would reeommend all wno want a first class artiele, at a lair price, to gtre him a eatt. An honest medieine is the noUast work of man- and their is no remedy tliat is more jastiy maritorioos in 'earing the ills that flesh is heir to' thaa Bardock Blood Bitters, the Great I-* Purifier and System Beaova- Livir CrniplaiQt, Dy« ' "a. ' ' V, Com- liii from Wamo. â€" 10.000 doien £gs, and 10.000 Bolls (rf Baiter, for which tbe highest price will le paid. Beynolds k Son's. Tbb Ladies Aid oftbeC. M. Clntrdi Markdale hold tl^qr annual Basaar and eoDcert on the 84tb inst. There will also be a dinner in cooection with the Baxaar. The dinner and Basar will be held in the frame buildioK next the Stasdakd Office end the eoneert in DufEeriu Hall. Dinner 2e Cone^ 25c. 'fiekats for eoneert and dinner 40o. For pariieolars see posters. Forall pnrposeaef a family medieine Haotabo's Ybllow Oil will ba foood invaluable. Imniediate relief will follow its run. It relieves pain, enres chilbhuns, frostbites, scalds barns, coriiB, rheumatism, nenralgia, Ae., Ac. For internal, nse it is none the less wonderful. One or two doses fre- quently care sore throat. It will care croup in a few minutes. A few bottles has often eared asthma. Cclic has been cured in fifteen minates by a teaspoonfnl dose. It cares with the utmost rapidity. It is really a wonderful medicine. As a health renf wer Burdock Blood Bitters acts like a charm. In Mal- aria, Bihoas Complaints, Scrofula and all disorders of the Blood, Liver and Kidneys, this great combination of 'Vei^etable Medicines proves a cer- tain specific. A few doses regulate the bowels and as a restorative Tonic it has nj equal. Trial Bottles 10 Cents. Teach The Bots to bb Hblpfui.. â€" You make a mistake, mother, when you teach Jennie always to put her things in their right place, but permit Joseph to leave his lying any- where. Do not wait so much on the boys. There should be one rule in the household, so far as order is con- cerned, for sons end daughters, not, as so often their are two very dissi- milar rules. Let the boys learn to make beds, and set the table, to help about the house, it will make them not less manly, but more gentle- manly. Burdock Blood Bitters is not a Whiskey Stimulant or fancy drink to pander to the depraved appetite of the mtemperate, but a pure vegetable hfe-giving Tonic and regulator of the Secretions. It acts promptly on the Bowels, the Liver, the Blood and the Kidneys, purifying and giving tone to the entire system. Try a Sample Bottle which costs only 10 Cents Large Bottles $1.00. Neither the syndicate, tlie Scott Act, or the Irish question cause half the sensational comment^ that is caused bv the popularity of BUR- DOCK BLOOD BITTERS. This great remedy is marvellous in its suc- cess in curing Chronic disease when other medicines have failed. It is the beet Blood Purifying Tonic and Liver Invigorator known. A speci- fic for all diseases of Blood, Liver and Kidneys. Sample Bottles 10 cents. N^nett.â€" Straysd from Us home. DwadaesitlM 7th MflJ, • 7mu8 ma« of aMond auai. aged •«: Pask uuMM leti tiwi d«t â- nrtMha. drawed is diab ^ai tKNHsn, Onj flannel stairt. •tnwbat.iritiio«k«wtatTeet. ^J acrsoa wbo ean gha a«y iafo nnatwn â- e to his wfatta-aboato, via eonfer a gnat to*or to his Csthsr.â€" Wm BomiMM DondalkP. 0. coaatj ot Qnj. CasxAfSB OVA Bvnana.â€" A two story buA bmldinf ootmfud by Mee»s Oraot* CiisUev as a Fozni- tnre Factory eoUap led on Wednesday, the south wall CUtiog oatwaid and going into the eeBar veeeotly dng for the new Brick block of Mesrs Beid and McDoogal. it is generally eoppoaed it was eansed by removing too maoh of the eardi from the foundation, while digging the cellar above mentioned, Mr Cbellew was in the building at the time, and had a miraeoloos escape. Persons ontside hearing the eraoking called to him to mn out, which he did promptly and had jast succeeded in reaching th« door when tiie boilding fell Considerable of the Fomitore was irretrievably ruiood, and most of it more or less damaged. We haved not learned what Messrs Grant and Cbellew's loss is. The boihling is owned by Mr Wilson Benson who estimates his loss at about $800. j^0vtmfgmiiM^f, NoncB.â€" 'We wish it dinnetly understood. that we do not hold oaraelves reponaiUe for the opinions expressed by our oorresponden^. ooarseefli«aidatiaa. (Stief ConslaUe J Witkioe bad amsled tbe prisoner be same momiagin Hm Paiaky. Hoase. Mr.J.f. MeMiUeD. Otown Oounsel. prooeeatad, aad Mr. Bobb defended Mr. Mnnn gavw evidenae to the eS»ot thattbedoor waa htelcad. and that when be saw it after the rmnoTal ol tba goods, the took «M hai^ging *»J^ theitarfe had baas dnwn, and the gooas. heftMDd hsl bass ramowd. A youg maa af tba aaae of HsBiy had •MB Masan. Cottbaid aad Beaty at the store Ml tba daT in qaertion. and waeaan Aa^m* *« •*»" JtS ttwy meddled wOb it. aa he had tdad it,-wishing to get in htm saii Ha eonU not say whieb of them f^J^ bat he was qoite siire oaeof bkbi oM it. After cross examinittioii, which only elicited to eonfirsiatiitei of ijjfi above statement (a some whatirrega- lar piece of procedure, by the way) the Court dismissed the charge. Squ- ire Wilson, Beeye ef Mono, oooapied the bench along with his Worship. We understand the ease is to eome op afresh against both Colthard and Beatty, for Mnnn is "a sUyer."â€" Otuttu. A man has inrented a process by which he proprosas to improve the worst case of bald head, by simply planting upon .them fresh crops of hair taken from the heads of other persons. Now why not graft on a new bead at once? We know -scores of men who would be vastly benefitted by the process. THE BUSH. THE BUSH. rriiree "W^omen aiter a rozen Herringr*. GLENELG AGRICULTURAL CIETY. SO i DUNDALK. From a Correspondent. Weatheb fine. Sbedino about over. J Mb McGbeoob is putting a planer in his saw mill just what is wanted. Building has fairly commensed and bids fair to be extensive this sersou. EUGENIA. Correspondence to the Stamdabo. A GREAT deal of the fall w^^eat in this section of the country has uad to be ploughed up, and the ground is be- ing re-sown with Spring Wheat or Barley. This is going to entail a heavy loss to farmers, as a greater area ot fall wheat was sewn than m previous years. Those who have been lucky enough to sow late will not suf- fer so bad. Should other causes of loss not interfere farmers are working their level best both man and beast to catch up with the season. Although Eugenia is not one of the fastest go-ahead towns in the world it can claim its share of enterprise when the Fishmg season comes round. From the numerous spots dug behind old buildings, old logs turned over, and every conceivable place where angle- worms are supposed to hide, one would suppose a good trade was being done that line, and that the unwary m must have a hard time of it. We seldom hear anything in the way of the Big Fish yams thkt reach as from some of the more ambitions lit- tle towns around us. Farmers are becoming slive to the importance of improving their breeds of catUe, sheep, ke. The are of aerabs is surely doomel, and high tima44uu The potato bug may now be seen around the fields no doupt prospecting in regard to future operations. "Who in the world invented Tatey Bags, anyhow? COUBTtt OF BEYISIOM. To the Editor of the Staitdaxd. Sn, â€" It is indeed rare that a "Di- rector" of any Society appears in pub- lic to criticize his compeers, but still more surprising that one who was re- presentative for others regardmg the matter of which he complains, and a consenting party to the settlement should so act. Will it believed that this matter, in which "A Director" speaks so hard of his fellow-directors, was laid before the Commissioner of Agriculture all the evidence possible was had in re view, and the sum recommended by him to be accepted was $132.22 only, that there was not sufficient evidence for the balance of $28, and that, a director, fully endorsed this recom- mendation. But such are the facts and yet this strange man, "a director," berates the other directors, and al- most calls them dishonest, (limpingly so.) I might ask by what law he is governed, or by what "hocus-pocus" principle^ Right with the Commis- sioner, he is entirely wrong with the Diiectors, and nrging a different course. Surely the man is beside himself The Directors of the Glenelg Agri- cultural Society are proad to announce that they courted no man's favour in this matter. They appealed to the highest authority, and deputed the very man who complains, and letters in onr possession prove most conclus- ively what I have stated. The Directors have acted for the benefit of the Society only, and did not feel disposed to risk losing the gov- ernment money and put the Society to expense and endanger its existence by trying to recover a matter of which (while it probably did exist) they had not evidence to prove. They have kept faith with the public and intend to do so while entrusted with the man- agement of the Society. The only difference is that they have no feud with the late Secretary beyond the sum found and proven due to the Society, and it would have been better for "a Director" if he had stat- ed things as they are. Year's Truly, A DIRECTOR. DIED. MiuBBâ€" InEnpbrasU, on the IStb inst., Margaret beloved wife, of Saniael IfiUar, a^ed S7 jears. JxrrsaaoM â€" InEnphrasia.on the 16th inst., Ann beloved wife of, SamoelJeflarson aged 41 ^eam. ' SPBINa HAS MADE ITS APPEARANCE. AND BUTTER RAE In order to make room few thmr Spring Stock, offer all thehr WINTER GOODS AT COST! NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET BARGAINS In DreM Oooda, Cknids, Shawls, Hen's C^^m, Shirts, Dratran, Cvwnnata, FlaaneU, Ac DON'T Cttpt, -o- SPECIAL NOTICES. M othe rs I Mothers 1 1 Mothers 1 1 Are yon disturbed at night and broken of yoor rest by a sick cluld sofCering and crying with the excmeiating pain of cntting teeth If so, go at onee and get a bottle of MBS. 'WINSL0W8 SOOTHING SYBUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi- ately â€" depend apon it there is no mistake about it. Tbere is not a mother upon earth who has ever need it, who will not tell yon at onoe that it will regulate the bowels, and give reet to the mother, and relief ana health to the child, operating Uxe magic. It is per- fectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United StAtes. bold every- where at 35 cents a botUe. 2tO ly The oonrtflf Baviaioa fcr tba TowB ebq^ ot Osfrey, Eapbrasaa, Olanalg AitemeaU will bahdd on the foUow- iBgdatas. Oaaan.â€" On tba MNh Ma»^ bwt.. in tbaOnaip Bali. Mazwail. the S8tt afMajt inat,, ia the Township BaO. GLzasLa. â€" Qq the K)tb ti ^V the Township HaU. AaxucBsiA. â€" On June Stfi in the Town HUi, FleiUertou. HOPEVILLE. From a Correspondent. At a bam raising, on the farm of John Scarlet everything went smooth- ly until all was complete das far as the raising, of the barn was concerned, but the boys got like the moon sometimes, pretty full, and late in the evening ac- tualy flowed over with profane lan- guage, and their puristic proclivities got the better of their judgment. Mr. Scarlet got a wound on the bead but not dangerous. Boy's dont take too much again when it can be had free. OBANGEYILLE PouoB seats the PoLiTKNESK. â€" Ou Satorday a yoong lady was observed making her way from the f G. k B. depot with a large valise in her haiid. A yoaog asaa who was going along the opposite side of the street, also caryuuca Talise, crossed over to her side and, on over- taking her, asked to be allowed to carry the valise. Now this was very nice on the young man's part, but we have been wondoing sinee then if he wonld have been so eager to rebeva bsr bad she been o^ly,â€" not vary b^. y«« know, bat orosa-eyad. or with a bro|» noae. say, or awry-Mek, oia lad head. â€" aoMtU*. Wmctbd.â€" OrangeviDa wa xioas qpeetaela of the ooantjiawu witboirta singtopoUsa- num. Baeb being tba ease, of eaorse ro„dj»8 bate it their own way. and o«ir town Witt Toiy soon have an nnenvi- able ijfiilaiinr ff in deed it has not tintif aoqairad it Oar town Uowi- efl dMMld not. aadsMist not, allow uhsssi |if."irT notivM ol aoonoi y to Intarfarei^ the proper and joat ar- aagaments for the p saes of the town. â€" OaseMr. FoaoDua Earar. â€" ^A ease of smne intreat was tned bdlore the Mayor on SatatdsyinwtaMh Watlw Cottbard, dftiie MaseoB Banofsatariog company was tried for iMhing fcntUe aatiias into a B'xne bekmgiag to John Mann, uf this town, theceafier removing cer taia i wntsai its hainnging to the abora eoaqpasy vboas ^afiiin m ia BESTasd COMFOBT toths SUCFEBINa Brown's Honschold Panaeaa has no equal for relieving pain, both inter- nal and external. It cores pain in the Sida,. Back or Bowels, Sore Xhrt«t, Bhenmatism' Toothache, Lumbago and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "It wiIT^ost surely quicken Uie Blood and heal, as its acting power is won- derful." "Brown's Household Panacea," being acknowledged as the great Pain BeUev- er, and of double the strength of any other Elixer or Liniment in the world, should be in every family haady for nse when wanted " as it really is the best remedy in the world for Cramps m the Stomach, and Pains and Aches of all' kinds," and is for sale by all Druggists at 35 cents a bottle. 20-ly «WslcbM. *s. Imlul for 7our o' •llfMw WUttMalal Mm miuUoanMlt. SoiMf9i4iii. rtnimmiit ir owB MM or fpac«ton.« pmrmtmTvalwMm c iTM. iMMnaiaca. AsEiiK. â- Â« STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RlfTOREO. A vledm afTOBOiftd tnnndaaee aawlaR Pna» ton Decay, Kerroaa DsblUtr, La«t ii«-iy t- ii ate., having tried hi vain evetr known MBaadv, has dk- eoTsnd a simple aelfeaie,wUeh be will send nn tB his Mlow.«dbierLaddiWi S. .m, ^^ PIMPLES. I wiU mail (Free) the recipe for a aimple VsosTABLB Balm that will remove Tam, FBECELKS, PIMPLES and Blotchbb, leav- ing the skin soft, clear and beautiful also instructions for producing a Inx.iriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad- dress, enclosing a 3c. stamp, Ben. Vandalf k Co.,, 6 Beekman st., N. T. 30-lj ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who soflerred for years from Nervous DKBILITY, PBEMA- TUBE DECAY, and aU the effects of yanth- fol indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all wbo need it, the recipe and direetions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured, Snflerers whishug to profit by. the advertiser's experi- ence can do so by addreasing in perfect con- fidence, JOHN B. OODEN, 90-ly 43 Cedar at. New totk aEORaE lOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCXIONfiiB ' For the Ooonty of Orey. AsBire for the taOuwiag raliabla Companies CinZEMS' of IContrasl, â-²OBIOTILTUBAI of Watariown, aad XSADB A COKVBBOK, (Mataal) â-  "-, ' "'*- o( ToMBtO. " " Ohotee Fanas for aal*. also A number ct Aaetion Salaseoadnetod i» Town or Coon- try on Shortest Notice. Chaigea woimaU, Bills, Blank Motes, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. lIaanua.llBTaO«h,ian. aUy COURT of REVISION TOWNSHIP OP OLENELO. Hotiae b haral7 givM that fhsiHt dttfaf of the Cwtof Beviaian, ofaaaeMMattettl Tj«2jhipj| ffl^jjgjot th. TBar 1881, X ba hreid at *• Town BaO, oo Kob^ ill Mtk day of Mv U81. attWo««kT £ PASS THE PLACE AS WE MEAN BUSINESS. ItTeTTcr O-oodjs -A-xiiTTirLgr lDail3r. In Twseds, all patterns. Cottonades, Uneks, ShirtingB, Oingfaams, Denims, White and Qitj Cottcas Dress Goods, Prints. HoUandB, Towellings, CoUars, Ties, Bracts, Colored and Dreaa Shirts, and all small ware nsnally kept. Hats in Felt and If orâ€" all prices. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. 13* Don't forget that COOPEB k SMITH'S BOOTS are tht only BooU worth buying?, and we are the ONLiT SHOP in Town that keep them. CBOCKEEY AND GLASSWARE IN ALLL STY8BS. N. B.â€" We trust teat all castomers will remember that we MUtH' have money B ae eonnts are not paid by the 14th iast.« the Bailiff will desl with them after that date. liarkdale, Hureb 8, 1881. 1 ToIsBdthraagh the Vlsshaiton iganey, Oi AiVI y FEU CBIVT- I13« s ta a i s T laaas. If yoa see paxtag f aad tO par cent, interest r b y osafcpoea era not aa^Btsatr U ywt «•â- * to tniy more land? {[' efthe M «f ScoliUKl (janadias Mo%i They ehasie no fines r thagr do aaMqaaliM yxnr payments, nor «,_ battfWf •• pve themort reasonafclsT**" onovsr I ipajsneats: ptptf lending Bioney, AN© THBIB COSTS ARE Speeiafftlias gfrm to partiss wanUag spraaDy krge lories, ofloa. ' I have also a fe'W thousand dollars of PRIVATE MONEil Toiavsat on very reasonable terns, aad at 7 per cent. intcr««t TV. and the aatoont is limited. As many Bngliah and Scotch capitalist.!: *• ' capttal from the market, I beUers a ehaoge in the money marketT,^^ Money has rwMshedroekbottoai. II«W ia tke tiasc ta kart««*!|i'^4 The Fleshf rton Real Estate, lL^ injjMraace Agency. INSURANCE It is of the gmatest mipn'tance to Insurers that they select s R*««^|, Lancashire and Citizens, (Stock The Waterloo County and Gore Distria, (Ifntaal and Cash.) COFTTETAlfCIIVO. Deeds, Wills, Leases. Mortgagci^, 8hrt notice, and work C*re«tlT and !Veaty done. In tUia list inereaaed and is increasing, I am now doing the largest Vasinc^n in thelti^l A UCTIOIV SALES attended in ether Town or Conutry, udfift i J\. charge; slso, all neosiaary Blanks and Stamps. LANDS FOB 8AI.E AND TO RENT. To anThtrin; luxku^ offer a ap eadid chaace to advertise. It don't cost toi t eest tOli sold, andyoa can withdraw at any time. I alno realize better prion thin tht themselves. Correapondenee aoUcitod. In every departmeut ot m; care At aeaa, eorrecOie^a, and lair 4ea iaf the prominemi as low as any reliable num. ,_ ROBT. DAVIS, -Conreyancer, fjummissiuner in U. 'i'., WG^J Fleaherton, Feb. 9, 1881' THE MARKETS MARKDALE. FaioAT, Hay 20, I88I. Floor 6,0o to S.So Spring Wheat per bush., new 1.03 tc 1.08 Fall do. do. do. 0.98 to 1.00 Barley J.60 " 0.80 Oats 0.80 '• 0.31 Peas 0.60 â- â-  0.62 PoUtoes. 0.30 •• 0.30 Batter, per lb 0.18" 0.20 Eggs.perdoz 0.12" 0.00 Pork.dressed 7.00" 7.26 Beef 4.50 •• 6.60 Oeeseperlb 0.06" 0.00 Ducks, per pair 0.40" 0.4f Fowls, per pair 0.20" 0.2.'S Turkeys, per lb 0.07 " 0.07 Sheepskins ....' 076" 1.25 Hides 6.00" 7.00 Orassseed S.oo " 2.40 Hay 7.00 ' 8.00 Wool 0.20" 0.00 Oreen Apples, per. bushel.. 0.40 " 0.50 Lard 0.10 " 0.10 Tallow O.OG " 0.07 DryCordWood 1.80 •' 0.00 TORONTO. {Special to the Standard.) Toaono, May 19, 1881. Wheat4aU, per bush tl 06 to II 10 Wheat, spring, do 1 10 tc 1 18 Barley, do 79 to 91 OaU, do 39 to 40 Peas, do 63 to 67 Bye, do 80 to 80 CloverSeed do o oo to o oo DreAed hogs, par 100 Ibe...- 7 60 to 8 00 Beef, hind quarters 6 00 to 7 oo Beef, fore quarter* S 00 to 4 oo Chickens, per pair o 6o to 70 Fowls, do 40 to 4o Ducks, per brace 6o to 6o Oeeee. each .» 60 to 6o Tuiteye 1 00 to 176 Batter, large rolU 19 to 16 Batter, tub dairy 17 to 3o Batter, store-packed ....... 18 to 30 Eggs, freeh, per dos. o 18 to 14 Eggs,packed o 00 to 00 Applea, per brl 1 oo to 1 6o Potatoes, per bag 60 to 66 Onions.per bag i. 3 oO to 2 50 Hav 8 60 to 14 36 A GABD OF THANKS. Brooklin, March 80th, 1881- To Mr. B. SEAL, Agent Domiuinn Grange Mutual lusnrance Associatiou Sir, â€" I haveto thauk you for your care in the general selection of risks in your Company, and the directors, for careful management, by which has been secured such an excellent finan- cial standing in fonr years. I was one of the first insared in the Company, to the amount of $800, 1 paid $G, and gaye an undertaking be- sides. My Dndertakiug has been re- turned to me ntiassessed, and eighty cents in cash paid back. I have thus sesured the most reliable insurance of $800 for four years for five dollars and twenty cents, or sixty cents on the $100 iuBurance. The Company appears to be work- ing truly on the Mutual principle, it rarely if ever occurred in Canada that the insured received back any portion of the money paid m ti an insurance Company. May your success be still mor marked m the future. Yonrs truly, Thomas McBbien, 84-8 Whitby tp. Co. Ontario. C HURCH DIRECTORY. CHBIT CHTTBOH. Servicesâ€" 8«t. 36, 10:80 a. a.; Get. 3rd, «;S0 p. m.; 10th, 10:80 a. m.; 17th, 10:80 a m.; 94th, 6:80 p. m.; 81st, 80 p. m.: Kot. 7th 10:80 a. m,; 14^1, 10-.80 a. m.; 31 t lo;8o a. m.; 28th, 6Jo p, m.; Dec 6th, f ^o p, m.; 12th, loiSo a. m.; 19th, Io:8o a la • ?7th,6:Sopj, Sabbath 8cheol, 8^0 p. m! Ward, InaoBibent. CANADA METFODIST CHUBCH. fclop^jK ^i*.th Bebaol at t:8o Sffr^u««lvKW^at7A». MeDiannid, Pastor. Bev.Ji MDSMATIiST! S S^EDS 3E£DS Jast arrived at the "BELFA8XH0U8E." Also a fresh stoek of Groceles, ProYisions, CANNED FRUIT, SI S OTJIT S RE MO VAIj RE MO VJ The ondersigned wishes to inform the Public generally, that he lias pnrebueid coatrol of the FLESHEK.TOrS^ STEAM FDRNITHRE, AND SiSH AND DOOR Fi{ ANB KKMOVKD TO THE Furniture ^^areioo TO THB NFW AND COMMODIOUS BRICK BU!DIN6 ADJOING THES Where my numerous customers will always fiud me, or a conipctpnt salesman and attend to their wants y «'» « lUtles arc BOW Saperior ut oommencinK bubiness, and I trust by lionorsWe deslmg to merit a coDti patronage so liberally bestowed in the past. ~0 I have now a Large and Vaned Btoek nf Furniture irt all the Latest Sj and during tba Winter I require 100,000 FEET OF GOOD Bntternnt, Cherry, Basswood, Birch for whieh THB HIGHEST PBICE YTLLiSa BE Pi -A-lso a* Q-u.ajn.tlt3r of O-ood ALL KINOS OF SASI, DOORS, iOULOllS, AS 08UAI.. Estimate of supplies Givtn on App((( IS* Dont forget the Waierooas ars raauyved next door to the Faetorr, Did .. «. IIOOI FlashertoB, Deeonber tS, IMO. .: J.. Announcement! LATE IMFORTin^l :oi liONFECtlONERY, 'Hi: Bev. M.A- JAS. May 14th UU. BbOWN. TowBdiip Clarit. M-la. COURT off REVISION TOWNSmP OPABTEIttsa. The first aittiiig of the Ooort «f lta»l»LL» far tta T«ma*5^of AfisiiS fcTtS Uiathdayo Jwe, A.D. wei, aB^S »ter..t.A4riUpl«,«tato»otiea,id im W. J. BELLAMY. MKftmuu. aMw' PSBUTXVB MXTHOOIST. o'i2ST.r%"*^." «•"»*»» •» • avery toJ 4th iabkath at loAi a. a., ia thateaae BsIL 00^ Bstt. Pastor. â-  "•"•«"• nUtSBITKBUK. iaOaSata HaO •* 11 a. a., an at Uo p. a. SaUath Mmlat'ii^ 1^ J»«s01as.«rfP»„«]Ktfai Any ami FOR liVnim aiisl. Hew TaA, 90^ TecMsnipmEs. _3* •*»«•*«' taring he« Mied at ttsl^4 (UMMloa an 1^ dssfae it. hsvV saad a f?*«ipttaniied,(fra,«« ^T^tuaa for pnMb^ â- vanms, Aamu. B a w Partias wiahh^ «• I!*»a gaMssss.»,v .«.A. *-.Wgliai|itii.y.T/ .To ««the with ths .theaaae soaa Ooaa Ut Coa- Cnmberland cnt ^orlc- AL80. MALI AND RYE WHISKEY, BRANDY?" "" â„¢ '^^ CIDEB, ALE. WHTBB, TEAS ana BUGASS, w.,u.^J!;iV^ON BENSON. Blheep aad Cattle. f^^ aadafll toMriij pay thshltfasti HriT^ 1-T "*«?• WM. FOX, Mi*a»k u,.aL1Z ^i "«"»w«i« «ti tn- IT. Sesaon able Cool â- ^^^ At r,.v., Pi AT THE TOKONTO HOUJ Wm- ifarkdah1.A9raif.Mit. Ittk wiihoat ta visit ]«• sU at your to BMd oat a wfflbssaf. %Sm JOHN NQBU. rS T-*^ Off aoTslsB aalsss skasd W ay. â- aa vamaallv. invravnA.m' ii:.ino. iOHN NOBLB. 14-t( FARM OR SALE, aaio MaiUMs, A|cfl 4ih, iwt WB.N»Kir. a04i AOMctFarsi'l FOB SAlf, 0»sllfl«/roatA*»^^ Thas SIS aboat »oe«217i of i^oh is in a lugh^"^«i fit for a Bsaper or Mo^J^I aisoBtksiveaiiM • 'rJi insUs; a Milk House Btsfels sad Driving ToaagOrehard o"a^__^ WsH. beside the h«*» raassBToa**^ oat te ieaaag, baw fcnfst.dssilfs|ll•B •s). Ikstoaj*.' state of Mpair, â- Â» iVj 1 hwvritUaaailaeff** sebool hoaa w " " •â- â€¢â€¢^ C. *• 'he Subscr] ,m showing all V SUITS ma: READY! "CJont •WS!"" I AR I invite the ' I^undalk, Mi

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