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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 May 1881, p. 4

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 ^LE CjEDg: i: ..y brick bni'ding, i (umisbed in fin â€" s an J 'i«*^- *° ^* ' --â- - M .T relT npo« erefy ktt«Mlai^ iai frttreUfri.-' Tll« â-  " â-  ,(«. Good SteblOT kod i ad Happy Net at band. I wish to call gtock of aOODS,CONFEi AND UOR ng First-Cla?^, a.n ^^k H T P R I C irpassd: OIJ KiF Of ))nre«» j :ui til- ii le-itsnr- rf Dmit *n.^ ^^^^ to linnipnt-ae. iif above G"' ' A. MclPl JUL H, £J5S D SEEDS, INCLUDING I .REOT, I WURTZEL, Ife^ N 'SE lOICE SELECTION, ill be sold at lowest market A. TURNER » lAEK. LEA] |v. wli, re lo t'o U s;ot tlic bp-t value for your »" ' ' I IT! I lit (irtT' si^ 6^? • • • "a ly, I mLui --â-  .o-v iiiiii iu orji'r to do so, .rocei sSISLE, at ana Under 01 E NEXT THIRTY Di «â- â- ! boiislll. :iii'l 'v, II '.ortli tlie attention a/ v.'ii w ii iii..i «*vr'lhin{; of Firs»-Cla«»' riMir»' !•( ?i.iiit ipt cur wimiv Merchants rf*^ ___^ enms uiiiiilis of cheap lra?h (with udfW*f"J"J'Tw I bii-inev- nlatioin, iu orJer to iapraaalfc* ^^Izl^Sa iinr iiuTi' lii'iiiin-blo iltaler-. and draw •MlrO^'j^ ling that 1 stii jnM a* I rcpr«se«* ••» "J* ^^ ' \«mr luomy anywhrre, as I have alwtj* â- â€¢â- ^^ lursi' {or a busmen-- iiinn. mj;ht fir strictly nctt lasli, consequently I west Possible Pf\ci SandFARMPBO^ al-^o iu stiifk and for saie, a large quantity of SEED G ;ilasgow. Ke»l Chaff, and other varieties of I Barley. Trime Timothy tnd Cloyer Bmi •â-  ii aud everii-Farmer to sow clean seed, yo« •"' nud purchasing a good article. I li'.n new selling large quanties oi~ SE LAND S. •mer Fire Dnllers ftr erfry one idveeUd '""â- J^ 9 locaUty and neighboring Township* •*•â- * rrei;ois at the Lowest Cash PHce •urers, and bougiitfor nett cash at Bottom j I wonld also intimate that my â-  J impoktat: liE ARRIVING DAHiY. And I will hare opened out Mid ahow he 1st ^^ d Best Assorted Stocks erer *««««*** Ji liberal patronaga in the paat, and »oId ir ob:dicnt servant, R J. SP] [arch io» i^Si. |»M«^ $*iwMto Hill « -eet the early amfla. JS«»e W " ^ign aad Provincial ,thcla«*VV- CoiM*y Bnaiaeaa, Lv «i 50 in three montha, liii •^' end of the year. No " F*^^ MtU aU arreage. aw •»*T;he option of the publish- **jUg P»n" Tu*^""' ^^ joiwible for the years aub- â- y comply with the rule*. g OF ADVEEHSraGs- i»ne T'" jtf Ja ,,•â- â- â- â€¢â- â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â-  Jq ,•â- â€¢.••••â- â€¢â€¢*• Jo gander, first inaertion.. •™^n«nt insertion .lioes, first insertion ' '^^^aent inaertion f*^^fir-.t insertion per line â- 1 jnlisepiitnt insertion Knbtr of lines to be reckoned by the â- Bpiml measured by a scale of solid Al^ertisements without specific ki will be publishfed till forbid and Uordiugly. AU transitory adverti^ Ln^t be in the office of publication by Lon the Thursday morning preceed- tpablieatioB. C. W. BUTLEDGE, Proprietor. Ida 27 60 15 00 8 00 4 00 50 15 75 25 8 2 SSiONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY. mt^itnu t^proale A Carter, r^s, Surgeons, Accouclieurs r ' c. Irf,.- Medical Hall; residence at DB. VVK9Y, L„,(.,. SUHGEON, ACCOUCH- â- "' â-  ',! V. o. e-tf. Cegal. E. D. :vi»cinllian. (aiBKi'-kLE and dcrham.) OBNEV AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN inc?rv, (.'onveyanccr, 4c. Office over Biis store, Markdale. Money to loan llenas. 29-ly Chas. R. Wilkes, ^ter at Layy, O-wen Sound. i;^._-Miller3"s,biiilding. over Bobin- |i,.,,l\mlft Street. l-y f ro«!t Frost, ^,.|j^V.S. AND ATTORNETS-AT lA-s S^^'.eitcrs in Chancery, Convey n.f j^yiten Sound, have resumed at r,!, ' OSce open every Thursday, as \i FtujiT. J. ^V Fbost, LL. B. io,iti- Crown Attorney. 1 JampH Mnsson, IeISIEI; and ATTORNEY AT-LAW, liiur ill Chancery; Owen Sound. [i:, ivw. i-y James Lninon, DRNHVAT-LAW, SOLICITOR IS aiM-ery, Notary Public, Ac. r ioiiiied at lowest rates on porional I'-tatc. Lands bought aud spld. id seller introduced free of commis â-  DUNDALK. L,er 21'*. l"" 1 Vivn. Bvown, 1 Ol' MAUUIAl.l' LICENSES, ikc, biiVsioiier in U. !!â-  iV;^. (ins i'l o" " lraiiehcs promptly I and carefully executed. Ijfuney to LuuJ ou Real Estate so- kle. Sei't. i7, 1830. l-y \Â¥. L.. Sinitli. tr..\L A(ir:NT AND DEAFER IN tsiv Stock, Williamsford Station. 'is'^o, I [Alexander Brown, |r. of Marriage Licenses, Fire and lu-urauce Agent. Commissionei |. Ac. Conveyancer and liicensed vr tiir the County of Grey. Farmers, hs and Land Sales, Punctually at- I Mil charges made verv moderate. silt, S^pt, 17, 18S0. " l-y iGrnr^e Corbet, .Ir., Vli'.\ .VND GENER.iL AGENT liiiU(l. Monev to Loai at low liuttri^t. I'riucipol payable at the ItiTiH of years, and interest half j'car- irly, or rincipal aud interest repay- liUlments. Imimliev of desirable Improved Farms l-y J. G. Sing, [V^IO XND PROVINCLAL LAND irv«joi, Draajihtsman ard Valuator, I and MarVdale. Having purchased bid Laml Surveyor Charles Rankin's Itock of original Field Notes, Plans, I, InstriictioBs, Ac, of all his Surveys Itiin the last fifty-five years, I am W to make Sarvevs in strict accord- DiereintJi. Piuiijes and Estimates ulmg Hills, Hans and Specifications MuiK Cril;;e3, furnished on appUca- laoney to Loan at 8 per cent interest, Tbv letter, or lefWith G. J. BLTTH, lie. will be promptly attended to. 17. 1880. i,y J'eittlsfra. f. James J. White, to Dr. Cameron, Owen Sound, i^BK AT THE REVERE HOUSE, luk j :le, on the last Wednesday in ntli,\v'.ien he will be prepared toper- Dperaiions required upon the mouth kust satisfactory manner, and upon He terms. ly §«itU, ERE HOTEL, MARKDALE. ?ROULE, Proprietor. I popnlaj Hotel has had a Urge ad- lon adtSfetoit, thoroughly refitted, â-ºÂ» Second to none in the county. *â„¢ii? ani/attentive ostler. Firat- '"""Dodatlon for commercial traval- ^r ms gl.O» per «Uiy. 17-ly MBAFORD, Ont. lUcGIBR, .. Fsonnrou. I Meommodation for the travelling I The bar is well stocked with the I Wines aud Liquors and the best ' Cigars. "' to and from all trains. 1^1880. l-y .^Ircial hotel IPRlCEVHjijB. Ont. Mild oommcSUbua Samid* Booms: â- oilooms, 4o. The Bar and larder Vhed with the best the nuwrket af I Stabling and attentive Hostler's- TH03. ATKINSON, Prc^rietor. f 3l8t, 188o. ^RIBK for the "Staodjad," U)«bMt ' f^ct ia the oouaty, € 'mf VOL. I.--N0. 35 GEORGE WILSON, MAB5JAU:t MAY 13, 1881. BTPmrrfHiTgE Min St., lfKkdal*.n«st door to MeTV^^t.. Hameea shop. ^^ " tsr Meat daliyered st my Imms im town. Sept. 17, 1880. i,y LICENSED AUCnOHBKB FOB THK 1 County of Grey. 13" LOAN ND LA.ND AOENT, MooeytoloMi»tlowe«tratetofint«««gt In sums to suit borrowers. Agent ior Vvtmtxm' Loan and Saving Co. AU btuiaMa inattan strictly private, and trestad aa nah. EUGENU P. O. S«pt. 17Ui 1880 141 T. B. DTIS, BniLDEB t COHTBACTOH, (Stoa* aM Driok]. Plastering and Country Jobfc prompflyatteBcfed^. 8lonec«tt*Dg a Spe- cialty. EsUmates on all work, free. Satis- faction guaranteed, •,• Besidamoe comerof Brown and Spronle StwU, Utwiti.« December 81, 1880. lt.y WM. FOX, Plain t OnaMMtal PlMtertr Estimates for stoae and brickwork un q^ plication. Satisfaction Guranteed. B««i. deuce â€" Queen Street, Markdale. Markdale. Sept. 17. 1880. ]-t Sh.oep a.nd. Ja,ttle. FABMEBS having good fat Sheep or Cattle to sell, will find it to their advant- age to leave there names and address at Mo- Cutcheon's Hotel, Bevere House, Markdale, as the undersigned are still on the war path, and will positively pay the highest rices. C. W. fe A. SPEEBS. Sept. I7th. 1880. l-y B. Id. GalbnUth, AUCTIONEEB AND GENERAL LAND A{^nt, WiUiAmsford Station. Auction Sales attended in all parts of the County. Goods sold on Commission. Bates moderate. Pianos. Organs, and Sewing Machines also Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Vines. Agricul- tural Implements, and Machinery of all kindb on le. ^ATJiamaford, Jan. 27, I3SI. 20-ly Wm. Lflcas Co., BANKERS, MARKDALE. Ioney Loanod IN largo or small amounts, at all times. On good endorsed notes, or on collateral securiiy. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed ou Savings Deimsits. tS'Drafts issued and Collections made on all points, at lowest rates. WM. liUCAS Co. September. 1880. 2-y Meat for All AT W. B. Sarjent's. The subscriber returns thanks to the in- habitants of MABKDALF. and vicinity far their liberal patronage dur- ing the past five years, and begs to remind them that he is prepared to supply their wants iu his line as as any one north, of Toronto. FresI aii Conei Meats delivered promptly on receipt of orders. SAUSAGE POULTRY always kept in their Scabon. Special inducements ti large Purchasers tS" Shop on Mill sreett, opposite the "Revere Hotel." iS'Casti paid for Fat Cat- tle and Slieep Again thanking you for past favors he trusts by faithful attention to your wants to merit a continuance of your support. W. B. SARJEANT. Markdale, Sept. 17th 1880. 1 China TEA Store General dealer in GROCERIES ft PROVISIORS. Next to HaskeU's Hardware Store. Keeps constantly on hand everything nraal to such an establishment. He wonld draw special attention to his Teas, Tobaccos Sc Sugars, Which for qnalitr snd Lowness of Prioe CANNOT BEJURPASSED. As puffing is no part of my desire, I merely ask intending purchasers to give me a call and be convinced tluit I ME AN BU8INE 8 8, An wnx S«// Lower than the Lowest, as I httve ponshased fur cash, and hare had a good discount allowed, I am in a position to let my customers have the benefit of my inveatmants. fS-BeaMmbar the plaee, n«xt to Haakett iiroe. Markdale, Get. 7, 1880. SAVE YOUR COMBINGS. Mrs. T. O. Mocgaa. ba«B to thfrlAdieaof Markdale and is prepared to work up hair switches, pnfb and eorla, tanaa Aean ia aaUoita^ ntriitwifii w and Qaaasatnata, up i i oa i ii lb to diatshs ItaikiW*, Dae. latt, lS8o. â- (Matk raai- I4ml John H. Heard, Manafaetaiar ai»4 aaaUria Cotters, Slei|pis,6Qggie8, WAGGONS, CULTIVAT0B8. HORSE RAKES. PLOUGHS, AUkindsof Jarmtng ImpUments Mam i h st ar y and Depowtaty, Svritam and an- â€" FLESHERTON. To WT Patbovs. â€" Always ahead of any in my trada, and having the hurgeat and mast eonv«nient Factory in this locality, I am prepared to sell Carriages and Implements of ey«ry deseriptrat in the beat liylaofanyin tfaa aaarket. and at prieee as low as any oc- eording to the (quality of the work. Haying npwards of twenty years* axperi- •nee, I am confident that pordiasers will get the advantage in having tbe vary best made. Parties in wa^ of a aaniace or Implemamt will do wril to gira ma a call, as there are none in the market which will oompaie with them in quality, style and finish for Uia price. U-ty H. MEGGITT, wSt FashionaMe Tailor, FLESHERTON. Is prepared to fill all orders promptly. Outtmg done while aiitomen are waiting. A Botd FHRuaranteed. The Latest Fashion Plates always on hand to choose from. l3*Bemember the place opposite Biohard- son's store. Flesherton. March 9th. 1881. 2C-m8 B. J. McCOY, Agout for the following Implements, e.: VIOWEB, HABVESTEB.'«ma eelelmited HAY RAKE, (Sharps.) Wilkinson's PLOUGHS, DICK'S ALTO.^ PLOUGHS. ALL EIKDS or Fittings and Repairs Kept oonstantly on hand, SEWING MACHINE8AND ORGANS FOR SALE, CHEAP. Dcensed AUCTIONEER FOR THE coinwTr. Bills provided and Sales attended to in all parts of the County. Charges Moderate. B. J. McCOT. Markd:.l9, March 17th, 1881. 27-m3 GRANT CHELLEWi Cabinet Makers, â€" AHDâ€" UPOOI.STEBEIB'S a full stock of DE=^"a.r3=Lit"CLx© 1 A£.W^AYS ON HAND. FURNITURE lADE TO ORDER LUMBEB WANTED. GRANT CHELliEW. MarkrirJe, Dec. 23, 1880. 1-ly THOS. MATHEWS, -f-TTlSHES to tender to his numerous YY customers his sincere thanks for their very liberal patronage during the 15 years he has been in the Harness Business in Mark- dale, an would respectfully solicit a oontinu. anoe of the same, feeing eonfiiJent fthat he can give Entirt Satitfaetim. Everything usually k^tiaa FIB8T -CI.A8 HARRESS ESTABLISRiENT, always on band, and sold a^ moderate rates. Qr'None but good workman employed and the best of materials used. Markdale, Nav, 18, 188o- lo iOMeaFaraitflSOAcrtt FOB BALE, One Mii« from tlie Village of Markdale. Theie are about 109 acres eli^red, the most of which is in a hi|^ state of ealtivation and fit for a Beaper or Mower to work on. "There are on the premises a Frame House hnaksd inside; a Milk Hoosa bricked inside; a Frame Stable and Diiying Hooae, and Log Barn a Toong Orehard eommimrsng to 'dear; a good Weil, beside the honse; a aeyer-faiUng Stream maa aamss the farm Oedar sniBei- ent for faneiiw^ balasee of bosh hardwood, (a FirBt-dasalfeple BBfar B««ah of some 400 trees). The fazin is weU f sae od in a good stats of tqiair, aad ia a skotee leeaUty, be- ing withiii^a mile «t good market, ehnrehaa, sSoel bosMa, aad aU ' TINKEBINa A 'BELIC Detroit Prte Prem. Three or foor numtba ago, vfaen • Detroittr ntwned tm a long Eo- ntpean tonr, he broiid^t with him, UDOUg oUmis rdies, e ohidi pnrefaaa- edata ^mmahopia Paris and be Hered to be aboat four hundred rears old. The artide was not pmeoMed for its 'timo,' as it had not tioked a tiok for thirty pears, bat the ease was of coarse workmanship, and the whole a relie of considerably valae. It has beenon exhibiton in the owner's ofiQoe on Lamed street for tiie Uat two months, and has excited mnch wonder ment and caroaity. The otlter day, while the o*yncr was temporally absent from Lie room, a traT^iicg clook tinker made the tear of the building, beeing the room open aud the old clock off doty, hci walked in with the remark 'Man wotdd aar no if be was here, bat 111 Imye the old machine ticking before he gets back, and if he dosen't want to come down with fifty cents I'll take a quarter. I've passed the age when I can afford to be mean with anybody.' The cloek was yanked down from its brackets, thrown on its back on the desk, and in thirty seconds a serew- dnver bad scperated it into half a dozen pieces- ,Lots o'rast and dust and dart, bat I can have her ticking away hke a streak of lightning in less than â€" ' At a moment the owner stood at the door. It took him adout ftrenty seconds to oomperhended what was occarring, auddanng this mterral the tinker oooUy obserred •Didn't find yon in, bat its all the same, I presume. I'm always will ing to fix a clook for a gentleman and leave the question of pay to him.' 'Hold you villian 1' shouted gentleman as soon as he coald his breath. 'Ureat beuvens 1 what have you done ' 'Took your dust-box to pieces, ad up several of tl^e wheels, strai^t- eued out about a dozen kinks, and in ten minutes more I'll have it ticking away as cheerfully as a brill's eyewatch at a huskiug-hee.' 'Stop stop 1 I command you to stop I 'Shouldn't a bit wonder, aud I don't deheve it has ticked twice since the batUe of Waterloo.' 'It was a relic â€" I boaght it in Paris â€" 1 paid $76 for it as a sacred reUc' 'Paid to mnch â€" altogether too much bat that's a side issue. Shall I go ahead to fix her up to run ' 'No I no 1' 'Won't charge you but fifty cents.' 'No I no I' 'Might pertaps do it for a quarter.' 'I tell you no 1 How dare yon come in here and lay hands ou my clock dur- ing my absence I'll have yoa aixe^ ed I' "Don't I I'll" fix it for nothing if you won't 1' The best thing the owner of the clock couldlio WAS toask the tinker to put the parts together as they wore at first. That was accomplished in five minutes time, and as the tinker pack-- ed up his tools he humbly remark- ed :â€" 'I han't made a cent out of this job, and hove lost half an hour's time, but yet there's nothing moan about me. Gimme seventy-five cents and I'll make that clpck look to be two tbous- sand years old in two jerks of a lamb' tail!' â-  ONE VACCINATION TOO MANY. the get but oil- •»o, mai you'd betUr bd -nminat- •diigam.' 'Waoeiaafed a«ain 1 Waodnafai den dimeal Meier t Pefiw I vfaas wae- einated den dimts I oatohet der â- hmall-pox and «oea to ped mit him all ntrnmer I Dot's some close vins hke I am I' Hagyard's Ydlow Oil is a porfeet panacea earing by external aad in- ternal tise all inflammation, pain and soreness Rheomatikm, Stiff Joints, Deafness, Colds, Kidney eomplainnts. Bums, Frost Bitex, and flesh Wonnda of every variety. For sale by all dea- lers. Bright and early yesterday morn- ins a middle-aged man, of anxious loolc and and much corporosity, call- ed at the City Hall and went for the Chief of Police with â€" â- Haf we some shmallbox in De- troit ' 'I believe we have a sporadic c^se or two,' was the reply. •Und doze somebody haf to get wacctnated (o keep him away ' 'Every citizen should protect him- self.' ,How many dimes was I get wno- cinated to keep dot shmallbox out of mein house und saloon ' 'Oh, I guess once will do.' 'Vonce great shiminy I no more ash dot Shust wate a minute 1' He jerked off his coat and pushed up his shirt sleeves aud pointed to four spots on his left arm and five on his right, and said â€" 'Four und five makes nine dimes dot I vhas waccinated in four days ' 'How is that ' ,How ish dot Dot's what I likes myself to know I vahs shusht read- ing about dat shmall-box do odder dav in der Sherman papers, when two men ybalks m miae saloon und says â€" Bharley, dot shmallbox is all over down, und you must be waccinated, or der Gommon Gouncil vhill close youoopl Uo I was wsccinated fcr two shillings und swei class beer.' •Yes?' 'It vhas shust two hours more as a man corns in and say he vhas sent to waccinate me on der odder arm, and I pays him two shillings and chiss of beer.' 'Yes ' Before night a man mit spectacles comes in und says he was sent by der Healthy Poard to see oof I vhas wac- cinated. I show him two blaoes, bat he shakes his headt and says â€" 'Dot waeemation am too high oop, aud yoa vhUl get der shmall-pox in der hands. Don be makes dot blace here, and I crif him twenty five cents and class beer.' 'Yea ?• 'Ybell, in der coarse of four days six more men comes aroandt to waccinate me by order of der, Mayor, der Gaf- ernw, der Bresident, dor PoanI of Babho Yorks, and I doan, know That else, and efezy time I bays two ahil- UugB niid class beer. Yhcn I vhas waccinated nine times I begins to pelieve I vas a n wwn ho ra and vben der tenth man oomes aretuidt I hit him on der head mit a pottle and vhalksoafer to see yoa abofitit. Vhas it aU right r 'I guess the boys were gnyiiif ym.' Jh^ is dot f 'Wliy, TOO haven't ntJJ^ ben Tao- eiaatedataO.' A MAN WITH A RUBBER JAW. A stranger arrived in St. Oatiia- rinei-on Tuesday last on a prospect- ing toqr. He seemed to make bis hc^ qoartere anywhere, for the time being, where ardent spirits wwe sold. He informed several bnr room longers confidentially, that he jutt came from Hamilton, where he dad concluded an engagement with the Scott Act people as a frightful example. His e ngagemeat, hod not been a bril- liant success, in the opinion of the Scott Act people, for seeing that they had given him the grand bounce as a dead beat, though he was prepared to prove that he was no dead b^t at alL He says he was tiie invented of an aati-tippling machine, by means of which a man might take a night oat with the boys, and yet go home per- fectly sober. He claimed by means of this machine to be able to make his fortune, if he could only succeed in eloaing up the ram shop durectly under his own nose, and stick to his machme. "How is it you didnt succeed with the Scott Act people in Hamilton " "Well,' he replied, "they wanted me to do to much chin music and to clothe myself in rags and go round as a frightful example at their meetings. I got around all right three or four times, but on the last occaiion I got full and I kicked up a circus and then they Ohisholmed me." â€" "Well, tibat is not lo be woundered at when you didn't fulfill your engage- ment." "Yes, but as I said before its all along of the rum shop right under my nose. I tell you, friend, its all very fine to talk about putting the bottle to your neighbors month, but I've not got that far yet. I hsvo just stack it under my own nose and ther it remains." "I dare say. but what about your wonderful anti-tipphug machine. Why didn't you sell that to the Scott Act people of- Hamilton " "Bless your heart they woaldnt have it Further than that they said I vas worse than King Dodds. â-  rat t|m MpaAgfcgMw ill inllsr lean lake m aiTniearmDs ycfnll pay for. aud walk out of this bar room sober as a judge." Tiie bet was made. The i^an first drank two schooners of lager, two drinks of the worst whiskey in the place, known as blue lightoins. He next got away with about half a pint of rum, a glass of cider, aud some stale p irter. This seeming to have no effect lie got his dollar, and was then asked how he managed It. The felbw produce from under his vest a rubber hsin which was so fixed to his lower jnnr as to produce a sort of double month. Into this receptacle he ponied all the fiuid he had drank and emptied it outside the doer. The liar- t^uder immediately seized a club and told the man with the rubber jaw to get out as ho want«d no such critter around spoling good hquqr. A HUNTING^ADVENTURE. FaoMTHB Pacifio Coast. A short time ago Hon. E. C. TuUy, of Bittarwater, had occassion to visit Ihe Lagana ranch, a lew miles from this place, across the mountain. He went on foot, taking his gun with him, thinking he might see a wildcat, and and also desiring protect himself from the doer which at times were nemerous in the mountains. Sure enough he saw three deer, and as they looked fierce he fired at one. It bounded towards a clump of bushes although it had been hit. Mr.^Tully went to see any trace of blood could be found, when he suddenly heard a sound from the bushes that he supposed emanated from a she bear with cubs. "Never," said Mr. Tally, "was 1 so badly frightened. I looked for a tree, but there was none that I could cUmb." His gun was a muzzle load- ing ride, and he knew that it requir- es a centre bhot to kill a bear. But fbere was no alternative he had to band his ground. These khonghts of course passed through his mind in an instant. We entertained the opmion that Mr. TuUey wonld have vamoosed bathe was frozen to the spot by ter- ror. In less tone than it takes to tell it, the cHmax was r»achod by the deer bounding out of the thicket, and fall- ing a few yards from Mr. Tolly at the edge of the broah. The surprise was so great and gratifying that he saii aload: "WeU I got yoa after aU," bat had no sooner said it than he noticed a huge Calaforina Uon wound around the deer. He supposed the deer was mortally wounded, and waited fur a convenient opportanity when he shot the Uon in the head. The deer was no sooner released from the grip of his capter than ha iprang to his feet and ran as only a frightened deer can, much to the discomfort of the gentle- man who had now recovered from his fjdght, and hated to see his venison talong aodi a hasW and uneeremou- iens dqpatore. Ha got the lion, though. It was a hnge fellow, meas- oring seven feet from tip to tip. A BaAxJ^scHaanr. â€" No hooae should be witttoot abottle of HaoTAmns Ybi.low OtL, in ease of aoeident. There is no preparation offisred to sufllBring hu- manity that has made so many per. manwit oarea, or relieved so much pain and niaecy. It is ealled by some the Good Saauuitan, by others the Caz»aU and by the afflicted aq Angel ci Meioy WHOLE No. 36 BUSOLAB AXD BOIiLDOG. isaows n» WannBLD, Mate.. Iby 4.â€" Loat ni^ a poliee oAoar heard a noiae in tbeoffieeG. W. Abom. ooaldMlar, whieh led him to wnpent that a bar- ^ar or bar|,lan bad afbeted an en* trance, andwaa at work witiun. The proprietor and the naighboors were acooaed, and the plaoe surroanded. Whfle one of the men went to get a bulldog the burglar made a dash from the front door. Mr. Eaton, a naigfaboor, openad fire, ealling upon h'm to sanendar, bat Ute borgbti eon- tinood his flight orar the railroad and aoroes the fields. The dog by this time was on his track, and bothered the bursar so that c£Seer Malony came np with the chase. A lively serimmage ensued, the offioer reeeiv- ing an u^y blow across the month and another across the side of the heal with the desperado's revolver, which he had fired once and snapped the second time, the burglar getting his deserts in the form of a beauty mark across the forehead from the offioers billy. In the midst of the meUe a young man came up and ren- dered such material aid to the officer that the hard-pressed refugee exclaim- ed. "I give np," and the daihies were snapped on. The burglar prov- ed to be a negro unknown in the neighbourhood, and seemingly a de- sperate character. IlffiUISrilFFlL TO PUBLIC SPEAKERS. Public speakers and singers who would possess a clear voice, freedom from hoarseness and sore throat should usa Hagyard's Pectoral balsam, a safe, pleasant and certain healer for the throat and lungs it speedily breaks up a cold and cures all pul- monary complaints, that so often lead to incurable Consumption. A SMALL BLACK HEROINE. My washerwoman told me of a little block heriouo, who ought to be immoitalized. She is only four years old and was left alone with the baby a year old while the mother went out for a day's work, while the good old auntie was over soapsuds she heard some boys shouting, "The Potomac is out of its banks," She started bare- headed towards her dwellins, saw the river whirling round it five or six feet deep. The poor old woman was frantic, and a member of the life- savidg crew took her in and ferried her to the door. There was not a sound the poor little ones must have drown- ed. The mother's cries brought a kinky head to the window' "Hero -we is, mammy I fetched siss up in loft, cause there is water down dar*." Then the baby was lifted up by the small arms to see mammy, and in a few minutes both the little ones were enjoying tlieir first ride in a boat. â€" Concinnalti Commercial. "Where have yon bssu for the week back?" enquired a man of his neigh- bor "I have not a weak back," re- torted he, "you misunderstand me," remarked his friond " but if you ever get a weak back try Burdock Blood Bitters. It cures all debility arising from disordered Kidneys, Liver or Blood, and is the best purifying Tonitf in the world. All medicine dealers supply Sample Bottles at 10 Cents, Regular Size$ 1. 00. "NE PLUS ULSTER." A OABUENT THAT PROinSES TO BKCOUE A EOKHEB FAVORITK WITH ALL. (fBOM TEE DETBOIT FBES FBBSS.) The ulster for the coming summer speak for itself on sight. It can be worn with tails or witho-it. The tails can be lowered by means of hinges to drag on the walk, or they can be raised or slewed around to form extra pockets for holding four clean shirts apiece, f he collpr is fitted with a rubbber tube to hold any sort of drink fitted for the occasion. A quart of hard cider can be carried to a Sunday schaol picnic, and slyly imbibed at the convenience of the wearer without any one being the wiser. All the man has to do is to turn his head to the left, slip an amber mouth piece into his jaws, and sloyly get away with his tonic, while he seems to be lost in amazement at the wonder of nature. The ulster is a life preserver, and when blown up will sustain the weight of three school ma'ams and a lecturer from Japan. If occsion requires it can be quickly converted into a water proof tent capable of sheltering a small family. The right hand pocket is sheet-ironed for use as a kettle in which to make tea or boil egss, and the left hand is a sort of refrigerator in which to store perish- able go3ds. Each sleeve is provided with a secret pocket for the benefit of those who want to get four aces into a poker hand, and a sheath for a bowie knife is stit^died into the back in the most secure manner. Folded one way the ulster forms a jib sail, and can be attMihed to any boat in fivemiuutes. Folded one ot'ier way yvou have a stretcher on hioh to Carry off the fat woman who fell from a tree and broke her leg. It is the ne plus ulster. It ccn- tains good look with a right smart of conveuicoee. It hides a hump be- tween the shoniders covers up a stop, and a bow legged man is made to ap- pear as graeefal as an antelope. There are seven diSorent spots on whieh to ir'nratoh matches three flaps ou which to wipe the nose and a Texas steer may play with tbe wearer all day and not be able to spoil the set of gar- ments. Send ia your mivn beinre the rash begins. An ionaa ot Nerrons Debility ao oomnumly prevalent y eld to the vi- taliaing powers of Bardoek Blood Bitten. It u the best regahttor of the liver. Bowels and Ki£ieys, the moet perfect Blood Purifier and per- manent Tonic known. Parely vege- table, safe and pleasant to talt«, and nafailing in iu effeetff as a health re- •torattve. gaoaia Bottiaa 10 Ct" Bf At Amtkor tf " Hidim »ifiiiiifc, "A RMmOm F«t," "M^gU (TCm^ MOT t fovtimm* eeCmf eet^ Yiam an oretaighi of the ooopnai- tor, three or foor Chapters of this story were ov^ookad, tbaraforeonr readers will excuse us if we take them back a little. The yoong dogynan looked fvj grave andanxioas. "I see that you must not yield to reats in this matter," he said "but surely Mr. Coghlan, wMe the animos- ity of this onlaokr afiray lasts it wotdd be wiser to leave die plaoe and tdke yonr family to DaUin." "I dim't believe we shall be safer there if Daniel O'Bovrke ia haqgad on my evidenoe," replied Mr. C^lan. "His relatives would not find it too- fax off for vengeance. However say nothing of this notice to the ladies it will only harass them for nothing." "When do you go?" "Early in November, and this is the eighteenth of October. I shall leave ou the first, and confide my fam- ily to your caro till I return, Surridge, when I hope to move them to Dublin." The entran-je of Eva interrupted their conversation. The long period whicb had fallowed Captain Rock's first warning witliout fulfilment of his threats had gradual- ly caused Ihe family to forget the per- il which lurked around them. It is true they heard of fearful outrages in other parts of Ireland but a lull seem- ed to have fallen on their part of the country. Glorvina and Eva no long- er kept to the grounds in their daily walks but, at Mrs Coghlan's request, joined Teddy and his tator in their rambles, to the great delight of both the pupil and his preceptor. Captain Leicester often joined them alio and Surridge was reheved on perceiving that much of his attention was bestow- ed on Eva. They had not seen quite so much of Tim O'Brien lately. He had been from home "yisiting friends," he said. But a day or two befire Mr. Coghlan's departure he called and asked to speak to the squire. The interview was rather a long one, and the family no- ticed that Tim looked very grave after it. That night Mr. Coghlan observed to his wife when they were alone â€" "I fear Tim O'Brien is extravagant he is always in want of money. Though," he added, "I allow his father keeps him too short." "It's a pity," replied the sagftr^ous little woman, "that poor Tim l ^uld not have a profession. 'An idle lad, eneigeUc and active as he is, is apt to get into trouble. I wonder where he i^oes on those long visits he makes " "I am sure I can't tell yoa," said Mr. Coghlan. "But he is 'hard up' again as he calls it, and has borrowed a pretty large sum altogether of me ut intervals. However I told him to-day that this must be the last loan I make Lim. It would be unjust to my chil- dren to risk more." Mrs. Coghlan was of the same opin- ion she had been uneasy more than once^ at her husband's good-natured loans to Tim O'Brien. CfiAPTEB. VI. It was the eve ol Allhallows. Mr. Coghlan was to leave for Dublin ou the next day, but his family attached no sense of danger to his journey, be- ing in ignorance of the Whiteboys last threat. On the contrary, they were in high glee. Captain Leicester and 8 young brother-offi^r â€" a comet nam- ed Quarles â€" O'Brien, and Lucy Walk- er, the clergyman's daughter, who had come on a visit to the Priory, Mere gathered round the drawing room fire with the other members of the family after dinner. "Do yoa know what to-night is " 4sked Glorviqa of the tutor. "It is All hallows Eye, and we must try and learu our fortunes." "Do you believe in such idle super- stitions " he askedi "Of coarse! Am I not a trae Irish girl I adhere to the iaith of my fore- fathers in such harmless matters as a point of honour. You will join us " "The parson wiQ not think it be- fitting his cloth," said Tim good-na- turedly "will you Surridge " He had been very civil and gracious to James since he had set his arm. "Ise no serious objection." was ihe reply, as the tutor drew a chair up beside Glorvina. "First," said the yonng lady solemn- ly, "we must burn nuts together, and yoa shall begin. Here are two one represents yoitrself the oUier you must name." "Let it be me," cried little Norah eagerly "and if I don't iop off, I shall be Mrs. Surridge." I'ht) tutor smiled, and put the nuts side by side, as he was directed, ou the bar. Alas, Norah flew off with a bounce, quite befitting the little dam- sel's character I "Oh, dear," she exclaimed,. 'how tireeome 1 And there are Captain Leicester and Eva â€" it is Eva, i^n't it â€" baming so brightly side by side." There was a laagh a flush on Cap- tain Leicester's face and a vuublc blush oirSva's. Then yonng Quarles volunteered to barn a nut with the child, Miss Lucy Walker's having flown off from his. Glorvina had held two nuts in her fimgcrs for some min- utes. "Glorvina," whispered lim at bar side, "may I not try with yoo " "No we will not risk a false an- gary, " she replied gravely. "Let me see, whom shall I select " Then, with a sweet indifEiarant smfle at the elenryman, as if ttie idea of his being a lover were fantastic nonsense â€" ")fr. Barridge, yoa shall be my chosen nut." Aa she apoke, a-flood of crimson rashed over bis ikos. For an instant he looked op at her. What did" she read in those despairing passionate eyes t Glorvioa started and dropped her note, tt was not poaaibla to mia take t'lat look of bopdess passion. Bhs did not know very well what to do bat it was sorely beat to i^pear nottobaTeseaoaadaadentuod. She and fiM atraok bias, pallor whM^ thetator'slaeet -Nay," she Sonidga and I^re grc^u ... shall Mm with the eahn steadnes u/ friendAip. ** Aad*iafttati onaU bataod elaariy auu bu(;ui!y side hf ride to tb ahyrt. __ OakH* gaioi^RM^pHiaKrxli^ VMS soBoaaaively bKndMdad,%aIked ont of tba room, and retomed to toaoh at haatrd foor aaueers pUeed in a row aaa IDad with w»tr, sDoOker filled with earth, another with paper,- the fourth empty. Lacy D})«et the water aad traa deolated to be the destined bnde of a aaOor Eva pot her firger in the eartli, and was eouseqneutly told that she wotrld marry one wh« lived I^ tiie land and Glorvina picked out some pieces of }iapcr, which gavff her, of ooorse, to one of the learnul profeesional^ Captain Leicester aud yoong Quairles oomplaiuoil tliat the Army had no chance in this divinati'w; but Mrs. Coghlan, who eotreil mto the fun, assured them that the water represented all who served theif coantry. There was much innocent mirtli W\ the children went off to bod. Mr Coghlan had alreony gone to arrang* a little business still left unsoUled. "Shall we BOW hemp- seed tonight?" adced Tim. " Whikt is that " was tiie English* man's question. " Well, you take a pocketful of hemp-seed and sow it aronud the church, steging, 'Hemp- seed, I sow yoa â€" hemp-seed, I sow Jon let my love oome and mow you.' The phan- tom of the future hnsbaud then ap- pears and reaps in dumb show with a sickly if a lady, she flits by with a scythe," "By all moans let us try itv" said the Comet. "Is the church for off?"' "No just oaside the gates. Lrt ue Kot We can wait in tiie porch and let the hemp-seed sowers go round one by one," said Tim. "I scarcely like the idea," declared Mrs. Coghlan; " in these times â€" " "Oh, mamma," interrupted Eva, who was unusually excited by the fun of the evening, " I don't believe iu 'these times ' I believe the White- boys are only scarecrows I' "At any rate," observed Captain .Leicester, who also seemed anxious for the excursion, "you will be enfo with us we have swords, end O'liiicn can take th«t tremendous sluldagh of his without which he never stirs." And so the excursion wss settled, iu spite of some wild remonstrances from the tutor, who sincerely wished that Mr. Coghlan was tiicre to forbid it. In fact he stole away to tliat gentle- man's etudy to warn him but could not find him there, or in his room, aud when he returned to the drawing-room he found all tlio yonng people gone. "Mr. Surridge," said Mrs. Coghlan anxiously, "they have all run oli' like- a parcel of silly children. I wish you would be so kind as to go after thcui and see that no harm comes of their froUc." The tutor instantly assented to lun- request, and at once set out after tlio revellers. It was a clear bright star- light night; the heavens with their myriad stars looked down solemnly on the hushed earth. The iiily soiuil ha heard as he hurried up tLcavemio whs the whiepenug of the leaves of the old trees which bordered it. Ho readied the lodge gate as the church clock struck twelve and then he walked ovuu faster towards it but tliough he went at his best speed, he found on reach- ing the porch, in which the youiiir poo- ple were huddled, that Lucy Waiter and the Cornet had already sowcl their hemp-seed without :iny rciiiill. "I will go next," dcclaroil Cilorviia, glancing to the spot wlicrc Eva and Leceiater were chatting in the .shadow of the porch, oblivious cvilpiitly of why they had conwi â€" '"Xow " And, with a meny uod at thoin she departed. The otluT.s roiuained cliat ting. Surridge fflt a stnin;; anxiety. The moments went by and ajpca«-ed* endless to hiiu the otheis tnlko I cneerfully tog..'thci- Only ha aud O' Brien stiood at the cniranco of tiio porch, listening. At len^lli James said â€" "I think I had hotter gj un 1 ooo where Miss Desmond is." "I would," excl-iiraed O'I'ricii, "if we had not soleitiniy pled^r.! (.iirsvlves not to follow each nVx^v IVii- to-i min uleo or a quarter of an hour, a'l 1 it iv not that time since she left us." "I am bound by no promise," replied the tutor, aud, without another word, he walked quickly in the direction Glorvina hod taken. The church was vcrj' lar;;o â€" it 'liid once been a Catholic cathedral â€" and he had not readied the end of it wiicu he heard a wild eerie cry. IIo raii^ forward, and, turning the corner, siw her leaning against a buttress. Wim it the starlight that made her fac.^ no pale and gave that awftd look to Lor eyes (To bf contitiueii. â-  fr A RAILWAY BRIDGE BUl'.Ni' MiLTOK. May 4. â€" A smash up occnmd here on the Credit Valley railway tn- night. Wliilo a train through the town a wheel of tlio ca- boose broke, which caused tliO stovo to bo overturned, setting fire to (lie. car, also to the bridge upon which it stopped. The car und bridge wcro totally destroyed, also were the rails fbr about one h-Jndred yards iil-u* the track. The conductor was Klight- ly hurt in jumpiug from the bridge to the ground. The fire occured at 8 p. m. The Liver, the Skin, the Kidneys and the Bowels, are the natural cleau- sers of the system sourc the.r healthy action by nature's grand re- medy, BrKiocK Blood Brrrsas. It cores Scrofula â€" It cures Liver Com- ^aint â€" It cures Dyspepsia â€" It cures Female Complaints and puriffes the B!ood while t restores strength and vitahty to tiie fhaUered system. Trial Bottles 10 Gents. Oourt of Revtf Itn. TOWN«BII OPPBOION The Court of Beyision for fie Townsftip of PnHon, for the current year, 19jl will be bsMat Ho|«yiIle, in Mr. J. A. Seatiett'it Hall, on Tnesday, the 7llid«yrl May, IXSl of whieh all p«tics interested- will pteane take n aWe s, and govern tbemsetvsn aaca^-J. fagly. IheCoBrt wlUopen At ID a, m. rO'Ui VERT. To* nsii.Li C«r^ Aatan VbrSthUSl M V A H A I ' "

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