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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 May 1881, p. 2

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 I|!^ O E o O X CO u H O rt -C o J5 O V u C '5 rt 2^ rt a I" o IS • O v^' •^ C o (X • V V c/ 1 -o V •*-* o •x • 7) T3 rt L. t^ o -^ ftrfl^ â€" ex. â-  HH 1 I w c â-  ' o K. 4m* fl 7j cj â- -• I b -• o s •* " O •«• « o • ti M u •"â€" rn •_ ... â-  « "^1 CTJ CA 1 •-• T r^ â-  *-» '^* ;j J • W dr-J Inve is IS A â- ANVaL DE' For Leig j^ pi^y HE ANiRG, ,w ?son, Youni any Musical learn or P" HING, in a^ SHOBT T what would years in the oW r sides a great ©^ Books, Tuition, t, pre-paid on f*^ .jvi-»o1v J NOS T^ERY LOW ESS, â-  J. A. c; April I4tb. x88l. ^-Vards of Printe, n«w sp: o-.res of Tweed^o centsâ€" ^^tUf Table til -fable Napkin«,6j^tsci»te, direct iroanaaujaiacti -2i, i^, 10, 17, 20, 2^ 1 manfactnrers -I et Duck Overalls, 50 c^s. '^!^Wincey Shirts, 75 cents. worth $2.50. E STAHDARD. T^othYr "notices. I r««r. Oatmenl and Corn ta«J, for j \jBeynoldt ft Son'a. I otmurtA \L*mittmtuk Ibsvw Ower BwAiioB Wt 1kim.-.Aln. Irwin Esq., ft g«atimn*Q who rrwrhx • buJ and »l»^f"»«» b«ie, aodwrngaiMtrf th« first Mtttlen. !« now ia hi* 88rd j Toar, »od b»9 ia the Ust «i mpnUis ^ytm.i no»*4ty ttn AnwrieM, iwrleiT. two IJ«W ^eeth. And ikftfl M^ier now J^. DoU'iFU«h«rton snJ Daulali, cuUuig, whkjh iM Uifor.T.e4 OS, ia very Vwui.. and conoertmM.very eU» ap. »""3„ ?,?, •^y-J-^ «•« tt^eci;!, " isjmpathixe nith cLildren t««Uung. A gid nn «wa7 froa% hoBM, ^nd tlMfUbar •dvwtiBca beraa "LMira, ttP 18. areMedin ft atomw hat" Whst ft fix ahe'Ube in if that bat vkooU blow off. j iWcox's. Obb devil aays Spring i« eoniiiig, ac he MW two boone-fliet ot leaday. A meotiDg WW held at the Maa- aion Hoaae on Wednnday ferenioc, to make further arrangemaate for the ee^bration of the Qasen't Birthday. A Tornw w«* eloeted aaoret^ry. and C. W. Batledg9 Troasorer. A big day IK expeotod, foil pnrtieahun isoy be 83cn on Posters next wtek. j{joa want n the nobbiest Dreea Town, eall a* Bernolda I'f. Ffff stores will be eloeod at 7 every ning accept Saturday for the sam- moatbs. 4||(aiiT0 oil eompany, are sole â- abetnren of "Castorine m a chin e Infringements will be proseonted ifg, close season for trout eade1 «t Satarday, and fishing parties are ^omeioos. T. mim Toar wsteh nivurtd property, ptrioteed. joar dealers for "Gastorine" oil, and see that the barrel btaoded 'Castoriue," as none other I MO nine. Or fate there baa been quite a stir mitrimomal circles. We guess it at be those cheap Wedding Bings [Wilcox, the Jeweller, sells that bes the " Boys." W F' Dax.1., of PlMhorton, hM jnit rociT- iite«uti/alliiieo( 10, IS and 15k eolorad Ikight OoM Ob«iii(. Neeklets, Loeketi, jiteet from the factory. U ^0. 1 coal oil, CASTOBINE 1 otbet machine oils, try Haskett iBns- j(i. (Terdon's "Young Netherby," tnn\ in the vicnity of Danoalk, $Aeit)iirue, Kosemont, Blaokbank,c., iKsson. He is a fine horse, and do'ibt not but will be well pat- ted. We foel assured tbat the many «nds.(.f Mr. Rolwt tiorlon.of Diin- \«Xl. will regret to l-arn of tlie sen- lose he baa met with iu tlio death his ftiie Leavy iliTiVig'ut Stallion ' England's Glory." Ocn Devil ?Ry ho is uot p.irtisil to ervant jiiils. beg tlitir paj;ious. lady pg we' sJioaJd Miy. IJpoa wa}^g ithii moruiiig lie found H^jii^ur-'of "oooti iu his ht^ «!il iW-hSln^t.. kca toTom'H or Sandy's either. jT rr«E "Cnualiiu Serenader^liaite jnioncjJ t'ifir concert sesfOO, ,?At' L'nt tiieii- clioruses are xftf^l^' hk; but will t'ain in atrength-ife liibt as ilic wtatlier gets wariaer. UsB '-Ca-stonuo" Machine Oil, for ll kiucis .if macluiiery, it is also ex- lllent for huriiciiS atij leather, mak kg it water auJ weather proof. For J« by dt'iilers. W*KTF,». â€" 10 000 doz-'ii Esjga, audi 1.000 Uolkof Butter, l)r wUich the fjbest price will be paid. Iteyiulds I Son's. Tax young people of Flcshertf)!! in- Dd giving a concert in the Tnwo iill, Fleshertou, on Wednesday, 11th i Bit. They have secured the services i [lome fint-class talent fron Tt^'K'n- Proceeds in aid of Far8inage iDd. t ^UDENiNo is pretty well advancod, Iu w aa laying out of the beds and IpUntrng ia concerned, bnt vegetation lis yery backward. We expect to be â-  able to announce that Cucumbers, ll^tw potatoes, ko., were offered for ^Mie for the first time this season, at Beptemtier next, if the heavy jfrottt at nights continue. Th« "Boys" of our village say they fdo not iotead letting Toronto have 'ie onJj "Champion of the World." A tiitj can't hope to excel on water, tiwy have taken to foot-racing, and 7« expect shortly to see a cha^enge in the }iiaU for the Championship and 110,000 a side for a spurt of from one hundred yards to as manv miles. Nicx Tn Social.â€" The Ladies' Aid A«ociationof the Presbyterian Churoh gf Maikdaie.intend having a Neck-Tie 'on Friday, the 18th inst., in Hall. How. "boys," yon BovU «U ga, and take Betsy Ann or Jaoa alonv, too. There is go- j to be a " boss" time, "you bet." I' aod^dap't yon forget it." Admis- D, IS^T; do«ble tiek^, 25c. Ma. Bob«rt Gtwdcn, ef Dundalk, bought a half interest in the cele- tted Hambletofnian trotting staUioii neral Seott, from Mr. William Nel- for which he gave JMO. The eneral will travel bet«|0en Dondalk ^Owen Sonuu. and will be at the Were Hot«l, Markkal*. averr Friday â- veniag, Appucatioxb will be raeieve up to the tilth inst.. for sexton for the Method iWtCbarcb, Markdale. Specifications l*y be seen by applying to G. 8. '"'es, E*,, '*ho will aleo reoieve the Pplieatiool^ Duties to commence ^th Jana. By order of Trustees. T^ SiM^iMm^AirHcuitttrMt for May ' to hand. The information oontam- io this Namber is very valuable. nd should be read by fvery ^e. Sobscription price, f 1.60 per annum. Iâ€" taken with the Stasdaed, $1. I Specimens ean' be seen at this office. Inhere Bubeeripttons will be taken. nbliahed bv the Orange Jodd Co.. Jll Broadwiy. N. T. HosoE RooL OP S. S. No. 6 Glw |«U3 for the month of April, 1881.â€" fourth Glassâ€" Marks obtaintble 600 -1st Maggie Dundelly, 406 Snd MeKee, 861 Srd Mary Smart, Bttkara T«rry, 886. Third [arks obtainable, 460â€" 1st ima MoOartT, 967; James MeKae On Saturday utght last a Horse bMonping to Bev. G. G. Gamett of th's place got loose m the staUe and by some naeans got the door open and PMnWed off. li was reported and partly believed by the owner, th4t the beast had been stolen hot he was •greeably diaappointed on the M^idav evening foyoving when the H'vse retarned, nooethe worse for his tramp. Om Lrtlb Ovaa. â€" For May is to hand. We have sfioken so often of this beatifol tittle Magasine for ehild- ren, that it really leavee ns liothing further to say. To be apprec iated it must be aeen. Call at this office and take a look at it, and w; (eel sure you will sabseribe for it for your little ones $1,60 per annum. The Bnssell Pab- lishing Co.. 149 Tremsnt Street, Bos ton. Hcma Bau. roa U. b. S. No. 1 AxTBWBSiA am EnPHRASiA, ro* tbb MowtH or Aran. â€" Sen. Third Classâ€" Ella J. Stuart, Lily Halstead, Willie T. Gordon. Wm. H. Stuart. Jun Third Chtssâ€" B. A. Scott. WiUie H. O'Brien, Thos. Hepburn, 'Willie Way, Isaiab Matthews. Sen. Second Class â€" Jas. T. O'brien, G|d. Allen, Mary Jaffrey. Senior Furst Class â€" Bobt. J. Stuart. Jan. First Class â€" Lucy Simons, Bobt. H. Allen. Maggie A. Scott, Lydia Simons. Begnlar attend- ance, Willie Hugh O'Brien. Kats A. Gaudin, f eaehea. Tax farmers in this neighborhood will have no lack of horses to choose from with which to improve their stock the coming season. For heavy draught purposes, Mr. Alex. Mc- Longbry is on hand with ' Heart of Oak. For general parpoaea, we have Palmer's " Montreal Cluunpion " Bobert Freeborn's " True Young Bri- ton " Henry King's " British En- sign," (this last montiuned, alihoogh but riaing three, is of good size, and as far as we can judge gives every in- dication of bcm? a very fi'ie animal). In the trotciuj; and roadster line. Mr. J JPTriiiible has " Clear Grit to the 'Nov.-, gentlemen, you can pay 5jf"^(:))cy and fake yeur choice. We have g iven you their namen, you can sHrty dp thfiir pedegrees and oth- er pariiculais by reading the bills. â-  â- â- â-  â-  5BUPERTY RECENTLY CHANG- ED HANDS. Mr. Mewtrie, of Nieholl Township has pi/rchased lot 89 k 90, 2nd West of T. k S. Boad, Glenelg, For $2- 2tO. Mr. Kirkwood from near Kingston bonght 100 acros from Joseph Logan of Euphrasia for 2 600. Thos. MuUarky has purchased from R. J. McCoy, lot with pamp factory, for $600. Mrs. Alex. BntleJge, bught o Mrs. Alexander's property in the village for 5500. OBEY ASSIZES. At the issize Court, held in Owen Sound on Tuesday, the case of John Millet, of the township of Normandy, was tried. The case was one of al- lege«l murder against Miller for killing his wife by driving over her with a team. At the investigation before the magistrates held in the village of Han- over, the evidence was of the usual circumstantial eharaeter. which, to- gether with the general knowledge of the husband, and the wife's friends, and of domestic quarrels, led to the committal of the primer for trial. His Honour, after hearing the evi- dence on b«' alf of the Crown, tbongbt it was not sufficientlv strong to neces- sitate the calling of witnesses for the defence, and accordingly discharged the prisoner. Jolia Ann King, and James King, her son, of the township of Keppel, who wan committed on a charge of murder by the Pohce Magistrate for having ooonselled, aided, and assisted Mary King to procure an abortion whieh resulted in bar death, were to- day discharged by the Grand Jury, in whose opinion not anfficient evidence was adduced to warrant the ease being proceeded with. The disposal of these has oonsiderably littfatened the crimin- al calendar, and it is expeeted the court will oonolnde its bosiiMSS to- morrow. If rain does not come pretty soon, milk will have to be sold by dcj sura. A bad marriage is like an maehine it makes yua dance, bnt yon can't let go. "Stookings, miss mhat nnmber T' â€" "Why, two, of aonrse. Do you think I've got a wooden leg ?*' Wx bave no obleetion to a man borrowing troable bat we want him to keep it to himself after he has bmr- rowed it. BIRTH WtMoaâ€" In Ifwkdala. on th« Bfd wife of Oso. WilMft, Bateher. ofate^ tor. DIED. Ammu»â€" la MaTMale, on th«saalt.,Ob«a. y. flttb Mn, of ICr. Jaaaa AnMdd, afada 7«an S»oBtlia4d^s. Huaarâ€" In IfarUala, on ikaSr4 tert.. Onaa K. only dao^tar, of J. S. Hsfst. afad 1 Taar 11 months. Aawou) â€" In llaAdsb. on the trd iaal., Sarah A. only daa^btar. ot James AmoU. agadS y( SPECIAL NOTlt!?^ Mothers I Mothonn t Mothers I 1 Ara you distorbed at ai^t and broken cf year laat by a aiek eluld anCaring and crying with tha exemwatlng' pain of entting teeth 1 If ao, go at onoe and get a bottU of 1CB8. WIN8LOW8 800THIM0 8TBUP. It will relieva tha poor little raflerer inunadi- atelyâ€" depend apon it there ii no miataka about it. Thaira ia not a motbar open earth who hai ever used it, who will not iaU yoa at onee that it will regulate tha bowela, and give refct to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating liae magie. It ia pur- tectly aaf e to use in all oaaes, and pleasant to the taste, and ia the preseriptkyn of one of the oldest Mid best female physieians and nones ia the United Statea. Sold every where at 26 eanta a bottle. )tO ly BEST AHs COHFOBT to tbs SUfTESIKa has no eqoal for relieviag pain, boOi iater- nal and external. It enrea pain in the Bide. Beek or dowels. Sore Thrt^, Kbeomatism. Toothaehe, Lumbago aiid any kind of a Pain or Aehe. "It will most sorely qaieken the Blood and heal, as its acting power is won- derlol." "Brown's Hoosehold Panaeea," being aokaowlel«;el as the great Pain BeUsT- er, and of double the sirpngth of any other Klixer or Liniment in the world, sbonld be ia every family haidy for nse when wanted it really U the best ramady in the world for Lirmmpa |n the Stomach, and Pains and Adie* »f all kioda," and Is for aala by all Droggists at %i oeote a bottle. SO-ly $2 WUd«» SMawtadMstU*. WMtoi •i. lalUllMlsaMli. SatMsaMtU. far yuw f »â-  â-  â€" TMli â-  N il,* â- â- lyi i B,,. ValwMft«a». •ia«M»«% TaainMaoa..iisS^MSkiMi«a. TARTLING DISCOVERY! LMT MANHOOD RESTORKO. A vtettn ofveeftAil iuiiamlei ics causiu* Pram^ tan Decay, Mcttoos Drfaultr, lost Manbbod, e«c BBTiiig trM in Tatn ersry known rmsdy. hat dla- aofnvdaiiaq^aelfenie. whldibawB SI to kls Mlow-safleren,^addnss J. I PIMPLES. I will mftU (Free) the recipe 'tor a simple Tbobt.vblb Balm that will remove Tax. FBECKLISS, PIMPLES and Biaxtcsbs, leev- ing ^e Kkin fioft. clear and beaotifnl also inamlllious for prodaning a loxiriant growth of hair on a bold hciul or smooth face. Ad- dress, enclosing a So. stamp, Ben. 'Vandelf A Co.,, 6 Beekmnn st., N. T. 3V-ly AaBNTS WANTED. -Big pay.â€" Light Werk. Steady Employment. Samples free. Addrees, If. L. BTBM, 46 Naosaao street. New York. 90-ly TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cored ot th,it dread disease, Consnmption, by a simple remedy, is anxions to make known to hi 8 fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desii'o it, he will send a eopy of the presor p(!on used, (free of charge,) with the directions for propairing and using the same which they will find a subb Craa for Coa- SCMPTIO^f, ASTKMA, BBONCHITIS, 8m. Parties wishing the Prescription, will please addrefia, Bev. E. A, 'Wilson, 149 Penn St., WiUiamsborgfa, N. T. 30-ly ERRORS OFJ^OUTH. A GENTLEMAN who snfferred for yean from Nervoo!* DEBILrrT, FBEMA- TTJI;E DECAT, and all the effects of yeoth- fol indiscretion, wiil for the sake of stJiering hnmanity. send free to all who need it, the recipe aud directions for niakiug the simple remedy by which he woa eared, Snfieren whiahing to profit by the advertiser's esperi- enee can do so by addressing in perfect ooo- fldenee, JOHN B. OODEN, 20-Iy 4S Cedar st. New Tork THE- MARKETS MABKDALE. \... FaniAT. April 99, 1881. Floor, S.Oo to 6.fio Spring 'Wheat per bnsh., new l.OB tc 1.06 Fall do. do. do. 0.96 to 1.00 Barley OfttS • • â-  • a • Peas Potatoes. Batter, per lb. Eggs, per dos. Pork, dreesed. Beef O eeee per lb. Bocks, per pair J.60 0.80 0.60 0.S0 0.18 O.IS 7.60 4J0 0.08 ' 0.40 ' Fowls, per pair 0.90 Turkeys, per lb Sheepakins Hides (baasaeed. 0.80 0.81 0.68 0.80 0.90 0.00 7.96 J0 0.00 0.4C 0.96 0.07 1.96 7.00 9.40 8.00 OJo 0.60 0.10 0.07 0.00 DUNBAUE MABKBT8. FaD wheat 90e to tl.OS Bpriiif wheat f 1 to 11.06; Bailey 60e to 70e Peas 58e to S9e; Oats9Seto8Se; Pork 87.96 to |«; Pota- toes per bag 60e to 60o Bntter 17c to 18e Eggs OOe to ISe; beef 6c to 5^ sheep skins 76e to ll.oo; hides IT.oo; grass seed 13.60 to 82.75; Hay 7.oo to 7.6o; wool 9'ie to 38c-, lard loc; tallow 6e- FIsEBHBBTON. Mary Totn. MQt; OMWa. W al har ,, Ika 1 inKoa. B i aa*|ct Fkrar, Spring JW1 Tbubsdat. April 38th. IH81. erbbL ^eat per bash., do. do. do. 85.00 to 85.50 1.00 to i.03 0.96 Nothing in this world yields larger and quicker retnrns on the ^^^P^^i ^co,ftcuiz^etkiv jortK, sumdm-i ir, R-J- mvested, than poking a wasp with SprmUe, Flakerum.) yaur nger to see if he feels well. "I cant hold the baby any longer.^ said a young father, "it's getting t«^ heavy: "â€""Pahaw, Edward I yon itfecf to hold me for hours and never com- plained." It is probably that brigade camps will be fonsad at tha CoUowiug pfaMee tins seaa^n, via.: â€" ^Ko. 1 military disti^iet, at London No. 9 niilitafj distritft, at NuMtara No. 6 diairlH. taksB in the Montreal oorpe, at La- naiie and No. 6 ambraeiag Oau per lb. dOB Eg«a, Pmk, Beef She^MkiDa 0.60 OM 0.60 0.80 U7 0.14 7.00 408 0.80 6.0O M*y 9.00 Wo La* 0.97 0.78 OJe 0.80 OJO 0.16 OuOO 6X0 1J8 7J0O 9j00 9.40 0l80 •.19 MqOPABIiAND, Importer. Wl^o lesale anci ±v Bâ€" â€" BagMaetsaaaâ€" eaaa^iBMaBaeaBaBegggaBBeg t .â- -' t i i i iii a H"n « !^ QOO'iS ^DOQana The Standard IS THE RUSH. THE RUSH. rriureo Womeik aitAr ii Dozen "Bmrvlngm. SPRING HAS UkD^ ITS AFPEABANOB, AND BUTTER RAE In order to awke room for their Spring Stodc.ofler all their WINTER GOODS AT COST! NOW 18 YOUR TIME TO GET BARGAINS In Dnsa Ooods, Cloods, Kiawls. Moa'a Oa^ Shirta, Drawers, Overeoats, FUuneU, Sta. Best Jjocal Paper IN THE COUNTY. Sn b sc ri beibr it, cmlj $IS6 per aonom. Persons ean Baariba at mij tHna. T â-  $1,537,000 To l«^ ^roaga the FUhartoa igmey, at • xj nwaaie payiHt aadlOperesBt. intere)4V If yea Maad a ban f I. KsaRiiiiiiir Tf JUS want to baymoretaadr If yea w«At td etear aa» improve aiore iand t TT^T-n-i- i=».ift."S" 'srcror toldrrewotthe Hordi of Scotlanil GaiadiiiB Mortga^ Goipy IW ahanp wiktm^t thagr do not eqoahae yrxn pajmaata, nor ehatfte yoa 19 per eeot. oaovw dae tmm* J btt HMf «• «ive the most raasNMUe frivik-gea e( aay Com- ' pony lending BMMiey, AND THBIB COSTS ARE LOW I tatas giveato partiaa wanting speeiaUy lazga loaaa, ofitwiagqieeial aecarity I I hftve alao fliJe'w thoasand dollars of PRIVATE MONEY I Toiavest «a rmry leaaonahle tenas and at 7 per cent, interest. This is a rare i I aad the ameaat ia limltwl. As many English and Seotch oapita}istiar« witbtbawing their DON'T PASS THE PUCE AS WE MEAN BUSINESS. iTe-'wr' 0-ooa.s AjaATra-ng 3Dsbll3r. In Tweeds, all patterns. Cottonadaa, Unoks, Shirtings, Oinghanis, Denims, White and Qtey Cot'oa Dress Ooods, Prints, HoUauds. Towellings, Collars, Ties, BraliS Cobired and DroM Shirts, and all small ware oaoally kept. Bate in Felt and Iarâ€" all prices. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. 13* Don't forget that COOPER k SMITH'S BOOTS are tla only BooU worth buying, "^^ ^^ are the ONLY SHOP in Town that keep them. OBOCKEBY AND GLASSWABE IN ALLL 8TYSES. N. B.â€" We tenst teat all uost'uaers will remombar that we MUHT have mgpey- If ae- ooonta are not paid by the Ifttll laat., the Bailiff will deal with tliem after Sedate. BUTTER IciXlS. Markdale, Maroh 3, 1881. i TOBONTO." (rp4sitl to the Standard.) loBOKTO, April Wheat.fall. par bosh. Wheat, spring, -i*. .... Barley, do Oata. do. Paaa, do Bye, do Clover Seed do Dressed hogs, per 1(X lbs Beef hind qoartwt 6 00 to TO 79 to M ^n th» TincMliiw of Ch}jii/' In tht Coun- 88 to U 63 tf 80 to o oo to 7 60 to Beef, lire quarters 8 00 to Chickens, per pair.. o Oo to Fowls, do 40 to Dueks, per breee 6o to jSeese. eaoh 60 to Turkeys 1 00 to Batter, lar^ rolls 19 to Batter, tub dairy 17 to Bntter, Kiore-paeked ....... 18 to Eggs, fresh, per dos......... o 18 to Eggs, packed o 00 to Apples, per brl....j., 1 oo to Potatoes, per bag. .^. ...... 60 to Onions, per bag...^ 9 oO to XUky •â- â€¢oeoooeooe oaee « 40^ 67 80 o oo 8 00 7 oo 4 oo 70 4o 6o Oo 1 76 16 9e 90 14 00 1 6o 66 8 60 8 60 to 14 96 CHURCH DIRECTORY. CHBIT CHUBCH. Servicesâ€" Sept. 96. \0-j6 a. m.; Get tt^ 6:80 p. m.; 10th. 10:30^ m.; 17th, 10:30 a.' m.; 24th, 6:30 p. m,; /ist, 6:80 p, m.; Nov. 7th 10:80 a.m.; 1^ 10:30 a. m.; 21st, lo;8o a. m.; 38th, 6 Jo p. m.; Dec 6th, 6:80 p. m.; 19th, lo:3o a/m.; 19th, io:3o a. m.; 87th, 6:80 p. m, ^bbath IMiool, 9-.80 p, m. Bev. Jamee Ward, Ineambent. CANADA UETFODIST CHUBCH. Servieaa everr abbatb at lj:3o a. m^ and 6:80 p. m. Sabbath School at 9:8o p. m. O. S. Bowes, Superintendent. Prayer Meet- ing, Thuisday Evenings at 7:3o. Bev. N.A- MoDiarmid, Pastor. PBDCATIVE METHODIST. Servioea every Ist and Srd Sabbath at 8 e'eloek p. m. Every 9nJ A 4th Sabbath at 10:80 a. m., in the Onnge HaU. C. C. Oar- nett. Pastor. FBESBYTEBIAN. Servieee in Daflerin Hall eveiy alternate Sabbath at 11 a. m., and intervening Sab- baths at 6:80 p. m. Sabbath Behool at 3:3o p. m. Bible Claaa and Prayer Meetiog. on FrUays at 7Ule p. n. MONTHLY CATTLE FAIR^ Durham â€" Third Tuesday in each month. Priceville â€" Monday before Dnriiam. Hanover â€" Mondmr before Dmrham. Mount Forestâ€" llurd Wednesday in each month. Gnel^â€" First Wednesday in each month. Hairiston â€" Friday before the Gnelj^ Fair. Draytonâ€" Saturday before Gndi^. Elora â€" The day before Unel^ Dongas â€" Monday before EUora Fair. Hamilton â€" Gyrstal PaUee Grounds, the day after Guelph. Berlin â€" Frst Thursday m each month. Brampton â€" ^First Thursday in eaah montii. Listowel â€" First Friday in each month. Fergus â€" Tbntaday following Mount Forest. Basamont-^Fifteenth ol F^inazy, Apnl. Jane. AUguat, October andJIa- cember. Primioseâ€" Wednesday pceeading 4he OruigeviUe Fair. Orangevilleâ€" The ftid Tbonday in eaehmoDtn. Fleahertouâ€" Mfmday befcce (hraage- viUe. Dondalk- Toesday beiareOnnffsville. Shelbumeâ€" Wednesday bsteOnoga- Marshvili^â€" SeaoAd Wedneadaf m WaBmtonâ€" Hie eaah month. last m Auction Sale OF VALUABLE OF ALL DISCBIPnON, PLAIN and in COLORS, Executed with neateass and dsspateh, at the S'^^NDABD '-♦"-»â-  eaaital from the market, I believe a change in the money mariiet may mod be ezp- ated. MaaiQr baa Maehedroek bottom. Naw ia the ttHK tm k«nr«W,and thepiaee k The Flesherton Real Estate^ Loan anci Insurance Agencys INSURANCE! It is of the greateet importance to Insurers UiatthKy select a BcMaMe and Sstft Consaay, and tha* they do their busineasthroogh aVeUaMc A^eBt. 1 anj prepared^ to take i^iplieatiMu for the Strongest. Safest and Beat Companiei) in Caiada, and' for a Stock Company, at ratea as low as any reUaWe Mutual. My Companies are »be Lattcashire and Citizens, (Stock The Waterloo County and Gore District, " (Motaal and Cash.) COlfTETAirCnVO. Deeds, Wills, Lrasos, Morigager, Agreements, Ac, *c.. on' short notice, and moA C*rectl]' aad NcaUjr done. In this hue my bnsinesa has inereaaed and is irwxiaring. I am now doing the largest business in theBiding. AVCTIOKr SAIjES attended in either Town or Country, aad Bills supplied free ef charge; also, all necessary Blanks aud Stamps. MA.RKDAIiE. LAMIVS FOB S^A(£ AlVD TO BEIVT. To any having lands to dispose of I offer a aylfJU ekstaec to advertise. It don't oost yon a cent till yuur fai-m is sold, and you ean withdraw at any time. I also realize better prices than the Proprietors themsalvea. CorreepondeDce sclicited. In evcrr department of my business I make caiwtalBesa, ewrrecateas, and toir dealing the prominent featnrm, aul chargr aa low as any reliable maa, ROBT^DAVIfi^ Cenr«yaac«r, Commutioner in Ii. H., and Gnural hgeni FladMrtoo. Fab. i VOtl' 99-tf REMOVAL REMOVAL itii fV of Orijf. UNDEB and by virtue of a Fewer of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage, whieh will be nroduoed at the time of sale, and upon which default in payment has been miaie, there will be sold at Messis. Sarti^ A MytU-'a Auction Booms, No. 161 Tonga Street, in the City of T«r«Bt*, in the Coauty of Toric on Siturday. tiie 7fh day of MAY, A. D. 1881, At tlu hour of 12 o'clock, noon. The following valoabla Lands and Premises Lot number twenty-seven, in the Fourth Concession, North of the Dorham Boad, in the Township of Oipi ey, in the County of Grey. There is a small clearing on the property, and the soil is good. This is a valuable property. TEBMS â€" One-tenth of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, balance within one month from the day of sale. Fef further particulars apply to XEIS, PEABSON KlNGSFOBD, Vendors' Solicitors. Toronto. Dated at Toronto this 6th day of April, A. D. 1881. S9-Si MlSMiTUST! Just arrived at the "BELFA8TH0USE." Also a fresh stock of Groceies, Provisions, CANNED FRUIT, Hffi. ~. If BILL HEADS, '-f*^ LETTEB HEADS, CIBCULABB, KOTES, BEGEIPTS, POSTEBS, CONFEffnONERY, Any amount of Cumberland cut Sid.e Spoils. FOR »ALE. ALSO. •s MALT AND RYE WHISKEY. THE BEST IK TOWN. BBANDY, CIDEB, ' ALE. POBTEB, TEAS and BUGAB8. CHEAP. WILSON BENSON. Markdale, Mardb 17. I8SI. ft-ly A CMee Fam tff IM Acrw FOB SALE, Otu UOe from dt» VOUgt of MmrluUU. Thin e are aboot lOOaeres eleerod, the aaoai •I whidi is ia a Ui^ slate 0( eaHHatka aao fit lor a Beaper er lloww to wark oa. are OB tiie ineausas a Fi iwi H eaaa' huUe;a Milk Hoaae MahMlarii^ a •tahle8iidIririaKBMaa.a^U«Bm: i ToaagOwhara insswiarfagto^wr; aasoa 'Wdl, beside the boaaa; a wtnt-tJOn, eBttelneiBa.halsaee « twit hssiweod »Fim*ai1i^ft^arBaAea»awa» iMSri. ttaiumia wan fMaad.ia a aee •tala of rsvafr. aad ia a Aatae ImlHy, b. hw wWUa a ade a food a*oal Uoaeea, and af v.,v'.»T..r ?. c. w. BirruoflB. vxiViMir p.o: SALE BILLS, 8TBEAMEBS, IX)DGES, HAND BILLS. FAMPHLETS, PBOGBAMMES^ •1:" TI8ITING CABDS. « BUSINESS CABDS, Or BALL TICKETS. in fsot anjthing in tha printing line, dou't fail to eill ai tha StandarD OFTPICE, Toroiite Street, MABKDALE Mhm wadoumkin iiv» ad at jt%jn A. aad "dsat jm The nnderaigned vriahea to inform the Public generally, that he lias purchased theei control of the FLESHER'l'OTV STEAM! FURSirnRE, AND SSH AND DOOR FACTORY ;•. AHD BBKOVXn TO THK I I F u r n 1 1 u re Wa r e r o o m s y TO THK JffW Al^ COMMODIOUS BRICK BUIDING ADJOING THE FACTORY, Where my numerous customers will always find me, or a competent salesman to look after and^attend to their wants ' Mj facilities are n«\r Superior to any time Fince eommeneing business, and f trust by henorable dealing to merit a continnkuce of the patronage so liberally bestowed in the past. .^O I have now a Large and Varied Stock of Furniture in all the Latest Styles.: and during the Winter I require 100,000 FEET OF GOOD BntteiUDt, Gberry, Basswood, Birch and Asli X- "cr ^s^ B 13 1 for which THE HIGHEST PEICE WIL Ii BE PAID. -A-lso Gi Q-a,SLntit3r of G-ood. Z^ian.©. AU HMDS OF SASH, DOORS, MOULDIlia, ETC., AS USUAL. Eetimate of supplies Givan on Application. n*' Don't fMget the Warerooms are removed next door to the Factory, Durham street.--^ y^ H. no OPE K. Flesherton, Deoember 23, 1880. i-iy Announcement! LATE IMPORTATIONS iw Sesaonable Goods, AT-'" Pricea AT THE TORONTO HOUSE. Wm- BROWN. UaAi»l»,kfA U, 18/8. llv PCOTIOE. A,LL M0IM indebted to the sndsfsigBea j\. attbdr by note or book account willeall at anr ahop aad aettie withont farther notiee, As I hare not time to viait yoa all at yoor heaaas. aad it ia toe ezfkeoaive to sead out a eoUea t a r 1 hope the above notiee wOlbe saf- JOmt NOBLE. 1r. Bâ€" 'Wsndagis hsnby given, tLat re- eiiata are of aovaiae nnlaas aifiiad by â- Â». sdJiarisaalTir. JOmTNOBLE. muMait. Dee. 17. USD. FARM FOR SAlC NEWSPAPER LAWS. L i poa tma a t er ia repaired to givaaellss bv le(ter(retarBiBg dw paper doe notamwar the law) when a so b att ib e i dnes not ta%a his paper oat a the oO^ aad ataU tbe reaaoM li« ito not being taken ,,4av mtvJhel to do ao lo( iMkea the poMaaster rarponi^ MaBasn ior ps^Msvt, 9. ^nyj^erson who take a paper fieai whether diieeted to his saae ha haa aaaarihader tdhisi IM may emMaae to asnd It iata â- Â». aadfidbsttbeal ' it be takM roM Hw I ^sabe ao iiMda, Aay pFTSoaa who fovaMtetbatbreaaaslH. vitib- aa tbat he dsM asi alA Is be held raapwiiilii fcr ajiw "H. ♦ *j i

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