/^« "I â- m 1'!^ • » I .t^-- 1 • i ,J I ' I i I. 1 « i n fbeald Ko orer it MnfaBj doy, oot- uua idl tvi;;H t-ff wlueh h»m tiw egg* bf tlui teut-eaterpiUnn dapoaited on TLey can now be dateetad by 1 ob«erv«tiou, aud far the beoa- tk flf ihoM wbo douoi know than va friBfh*» aliekt daaeriptioa aftbam. Thar an of • dark gr^ coloc, aliaoat brovB, tawmbling tlw bark of tiia trce. aad tana a riag, ^anaraOy about |i«li an ioaii kng, iriiieh eompkteljr «aaifalaa the tw^ on wUieh tbey are dapodtad, aai m the warm waatbar approaehaa iUa giewi aomawhat larg- tr. M old tnaa which bare lonaa b^ «o«ld ba beneftttad bj leraping 4taa body and huge limb« with a hoe, being earefal Dot to injatn the lower bark after which they eiioalil be waah- ed trilh lye or dilated aoft aoap. Young met which have smooth bark do not need scraping, but the waahing would tlo tbeia good. If yon deore a heavy cropa of fruit yon moat ke^p the land p€h on which the trees are planted. They prodoce better and are less li- able to disease. â€" Farmer' hdvoeaU. f A eorraspondent of the N. T. rrOwM •aya: â€" "I tl'onld like to tell my fel- io«-rcaders of an experiment which I have tried. It ii a protection against trnnk-boriug aud root suekiog inaacts affected by simply making a UtUe gnt- ttr roonJ the collar of the tree and fionriug (rum a giU to a pint or more of gas-tar luto it. No ill effects bare followed in any known case :liroogb aeveral years' nse io several distinct places even when applied, ss it usn- ally bns been, in the warm, growing «uinnfr time, 1-tfore the itiMcts Ae- pot-it tljfir e"v'f On the coutriiry, a deeper gr»'cu and greater vi{,'or have A tmm^tmim of tba 9*w York TrAmm knmgflngin Toaa wriiai: â€" la auM kis»dMne«aar tfaa Bteta. thoo^ tfaa aad k of gooi-qoali^rit ia oCao aeaat d aytb â€" tba aUma banit «T- arnrii tan sear tiia anr£ iaa 4h t it dri^e oat eatirdy aariy m tha and tha gna* dtiaa op or ia to bay, and only aodi oropa ean ba grown that will ripan in a abort aea- aon. I aaw soma proaparons " model Caraa," aa tfaa land agents call thedi, in variooa parte of Texas, on wbieh nearly erarytfaing is grown that any- body naad widi to prodnae bete. Bat it sboald be obaervad that tiiii is oan- ally aeeomplidiad by «u onlimited oae nf costly fertiiiaers, wbieh tba farm it- self doea aA0tj tar, moat of tbaaa places being the property of men whoae wealth ia aeqoirad in other porsoita. Even on theaa farou the crops ottm fail on aceoant of dro ith. In a regioa BO T«^ aatbia State aearcely anything can be affirmed of it aa a whole. I find myself not qoite able to agree with all the aoeonnU and e at i ma t e a oi the gentlemen who have land to sail m Texaa. Their eiilogiea of the agii- coltaral eapabilitiea of tha State ap- pear to me a'nnewhat extravagant. Bnt there is a great deal of land in the State which I did not aee, and I do not pretend to say what iU qoaUty may be. People mtending to emigrate to this State to farm sboald oome first to see it, or send some competent person to look at the country daring the latter part of the summ«r. Any observant farmer can at that time of the year judge pretty well about the fitness of liie soil and climate for his pursuits i na nHaTAli maue aj gasr. fumtfywOb pecfiimMa. art. ia tha atoiy UM ol • fMOt mmthar whm Oa ^^h deck in a ainia to pn^ far itiaxm- The parrot wtkabad thair la so dodbk. Car ha eomattr lad tha einawtaaaa. Urn said tba eaeteia eama ap bam U» cabin, where ha had baaa to ra a iiina the chart, while the mm ware at prayer. Mid erielaload: "Laatre off pfaying, yoalabbera, and gat to tha pnaspa, we're aaariag land I" Ou â- niYiog in port, P^ was aold to a dargrmaq. aad in daa ooaraa «aa {daiMd in tha viear'a dining-room. Tha firat morning after bis arrival than, be aaw tha aarranti coma into tha roiom one after anothar nnd kaaal down to praywa vith tba ftiBfly. PoUy'a raeaaryiaatantlT rarortad to tba aoaoa on hoard ahip, and ha eiiad oat with a load Toiea: "Leare off praying, yoa Inbben, and gat to^^ tba pampal we're naaring land I" A bombabaB m falling aoioag thaaa da- voot paraoB* eoald not have pot ttam into a great conatwnatioa than tbey were pot by tbia irrerarent exfibma- tioa. â€" Animal World. Ju. (* The followinR J 3 from a writer in lie London Gurden "In Covent Gardfii I heard a very good account of Onadiau appic!' and was BuririBed â- tok'Hin tliey were beating the Ameri- can produce out of the field. Tbere ^eenis eome reason for this, as the C'siadian apples are better packed; the American barrelH are usually "top ped «p," iu market parlance â€" a layer or two of giod fruit at the. top, and then fruit of a poor qnality below. On the other hand, the Canadian fruit is generally fairly good threnghout, the buirels are well packed, and con- /lideriibly larger than those of the 'nericaue. A yery excellent apple which has been coming in lTge quan- tities is the Golden Bnsset it has a high and rich flavor. In some salas lately, Canadians, when compared with Vmcricans, were in the propor- tious of over six to one. This must be enconra^ng to the Canaditit^, and should teach the Americans to pack hnnoxtly if they wish to keep their Uade." An additional inducement to see that trees are maintained in free-grow- ing health exists in the fact, bronght prominently forward at a Massachu- setts farmer's meeting, that the fruit from diseased trees will LOt keep. To which miffht be added that so long as it does Ijfccp it is inferior in flavor and jnicmfss. Unfortunately, a tree is like a pig in one respect â€" it is very difficult to cure when once sickened. Tlie most frequent cause of disease is the xlisruptivc effect of untimely or violent frost. This is remediable only in one way, nnd that is the prevent- ive course of only planting varieties with constitutions capable of with- â- tandmg even so severe a winter as the present. .Much may be done, however, with less ironclwd sorts, by care to avoid any chock of {.rowtb during the proper growing reason lv encouraging early and ovfu j,T(iwth su that it may be completed orire au- tumnal frosts, and Hy taking vneusurcs to keep the roots from la'i;i:; gorgel with wet while tlio treet- ai •• loafless and the top« from bi iu" • â- arcliecl aud shrivelled hv win â- â- \i; •: as t« fallowed he apphcat.on. showing that ^^^ iatere^U. It is significant to ob- it probably tars off the germs of even ^^^ ^^^ ^^ j^^^ ^^^t^ u^ge people more minute and insidious devastators ^^^ ^^^^^ locahty "before they than the visible insects. ^^^^ .. ^^ ^j^^ gj^^^ One of the great railroad corporations advertises to the effect that it is better for immigrants to decide where they wish to go before they leave their old homes, as they can make a better selection then than if they wait to see the country aud the land agents say that if people be- gin to look around for a better part of the State they are never satisfied. The farmers all through Texas say that the reason of their not osiug "vegetables" more than they do is the fact that vegetables will not "keep" in this climate, and there is only a short season in the spring when "garden stuff' is available for food. They have plenty of it then, hut it soon becomes too dry and hot for later phinting to do any good- Potatoes are not good unless eaten when they "first come," and the sun soon cooks cabbage in the field, or the worms eat them. The reason they live most!} on bread and bacon is because nothing else will "keep" without excessive trouble and expense. All this is only what the people themselve told me I cannot say, from my own observation, tha*, it is true. It does not apply so fully to Northern Texas, where the chmate is much cooler than in the central and soiitliern regions of the State The temperature is yery variable and uncertain almost everywhere in Texas, this State being especially ex- posed to sudden and severe storms of wind from the north, during which the tempeiature falls with frightful lapidity â€" a few hours sufiBcing for a change from almost tropical heat to cold tliat seems to pierce to the very marrow. The northern portion of the State is scourged by pneumonia, diph- theria, and kindred diseases. Large portions oftlie South, indeed, suffer greatly from these maladies. I saw a woman on the cars yesterday who was on her way tack to her old home in Georgia, after living some ten years ill Texas. Her 'uisband was "a Bap- tist reaclier," she told me, and in one of t'.i ;,'ieat storms of the past winter 111' «iii away to preach at a ochool- li .msj ]i .£ far from their home. The II iKT increased in severity till 'the will, timed everythini; to ice." The |,o 1 â- iiMii's feet and l.gs wer.^ frozen 8.1 1'.i !i\ and he was so greatly pros- tratt'd. that it was decided that ainpu tuiioii would not save his life. He hngcieil for a few w^eks. and died. 01 t-.iiirse the winter just closing has bioi: ono of extraoi-iliriary severity, lu» :iu old Texan said to me yesterday: "Vouml; luau, yo kin bciyer lifo 'taint safe to fool With tliis fliin«te." And he KiUiid: "Hf ye'v i,'ol anything warm, fur outsidf or msiiie, iHk.v it all. 11" Ye may need it afore iii;-;iit. ' Winnipag Tiaw •• Whaat at Pam* bina, Dakota, is 7S oanta at Waat Lynn, Manitoba, it ia 90 aanta. Tba towns are only a mik or two apart â€" but the international bonndazy Una is between them. So that farroera north ot tba 49tb parallel are in a far better position than theur neigh- bors to the south, not only aa regards prices hat also in respect to the maob ' larger average prodootion par aera of Manitoba lands. Dooa a man arar «o into a groeary store and say, 'I'll give you five eenta « pound for augar.' and expeot to be trcited with respect? Not at all. Ha asks the price of sugar and pays what is asked or goes without. But tba same man wUl offer a prioe twenty per cent below rates, for a giyen spaea m the advertising columns of a naw- spajier, and feels offended becaaaa it is not taken. â€" .V«ir Hiuen RtgitUr. Ni. Alooaftwhatoaikof firoeeies, fintitm, CANNED FRUIT, ClNFEimaMElY, Any amooat of Oaabadoad eat FOR SALE. ALSa enauicu i^j g ENTIRE SATOFAOTION.,,^, ^,„^ ^^ j^^ MALT AND RYE WHISKEY, THB BEST IR iTOWN. BBANDY. CIDEB, ALE. POBTEB, TEAS and eUOABS. CSEAP. mLBON BENSOK. lfafkdal«.lbr«^7.1^. "My Biinloc Bitters :;rc WHiit*-'!. be incapable of pli^s when they A Note of W.ksing. â€" i !â- • pr-se;.t winter has been ..r^' rfinnrlisMv adapt- ed to the welfur-^ â- t" iti«i-c' Lfc, nriil it will not be strai:"" if our c n-.mnn in sect }H!st8 slio'i'il Hp more ?!:n:j n.sn.i!- 1 y abunihtui duricg t h u oming summer. f hft open wiutoi' of a year ago, v. itii its tn'(H!fr.t thiiwijig aud fri'jziiig, stfrn^d to (lavr a mark- ed iiiiliKcce on tin.- nliundiiieo of in- sects, as l.Tsf iiiunncr was j.Mriioiilnrly noticeablf' for the" "^caro itv. f) Mibt- lesa otlicr conditi.inR retidcr tlif work jng of this rule, (or whnt Btomerl nt least to be a rnlo.) rariable, but still ii may be worth remenibciing, for tliongli wa cannot contrrl the wonthcr, we may be " fore warned, " and so keep on guard in order to apply the proper ohecks upon the first appearjinfe of noxious insect.'?, when tliey may b' expected in abundance: or on tlw.- nthor hand, enjoy somi^ sense of stcuiitv when we consider that an open winter has killed off many of them. A BURIED CITY IN ALGIERS. French newspapers report the dis- covery in Algiers, by the archeol vist M. Tarry, of a city which had been entombed iu the sand. M. Tar- ry's attention had been awakened by the mound-hke appearracoe o f tlia sandy soil, and some digging brought to liglit the minarets and upper portion of a masque. Farther axoayations laid bare a torraoa, a tower, and about a dosen houses, ail in ex- oelleot preservation. Ha reported his disoovery to tha Government nf Algiers, which baa undertaken to hare the site thoroughly explored. The plaee is in tha southern part of tha province, not far from the town of OoMTgla. and exposed to the full blast of tha sandy wmds from %he desert. Ftohably a aaocaeaioo of airoooos bea- ring elonds of sand completely filled ap the atraats and honaea, maluug tha town nniababitable, and so drora oat the popalation. At preaant tbmra \i Jto gioond for oonjaotaia aa to tba data oftha oeanrrenee. A iunily tahla ooght to ba bright and chaerM.aaark of dooMotia altar, wbera araey on« caata down bia orfaar oAaring. gvMt or anaD, ^Maataaaa or poaoa wbera, for at laaat a briaf afMb in'tiM day, all aanoyaooaa ara Uli ijBda, all atormy tempara hnahad. all iiaamla bealad ovary one being ttent to ait down at tfaa [and tbaaaoka braad aad Mh, Biaktqg it, whatiier it wara a rataaf or a i ia ai r o( harba, txpaSky aJorMUahBoata aaauoaaatal maaL DrfOMB «Mi hi Dalaria Ball. Uarkdala, tQi Jnqg. to eotDOMaeaat CURED BY I'R.vyER. It IS nov,' more thin a week since Miss Addie il. Goodiicli, of Narval, in the ^tate of Illinois, decided to stop taking medicine and trust wholly to prayer. Miss Goodrich, who has been bedridden for years, is a devout Methoiii-t, .ind somf ilnys .ifjoafriend read to brr from the New Testament the story of a miraculous cure, and then prayed tliat she, too, might be healed. As the words were uttered, Miss Good'ich affirms that she felt a sadden acc' sion of strength and a desire to riHe from the bed, but her friends dissuaded her. Then she re- doubled her prayers for health aud itot all her pious friends to pray for her. Finally, her doctor told her to pray for strnngth to get out of bed the next morning, assuring her of his aonfidenoo that the prayer would be answered. With this encouragement, she prayed continuously until tha morning arriv»d, and with it the doctor, "^e prayed, aud a sister pray- ed, and thvn Mias Goodrich got up, exclaiming, "Saviour, give me stren- gth I " and walked to the chair â€" for the first time in nearly four years. Ever since she has been growing stronger and tha neighbours Icok at bar with awe. Her own firm belief IS that aba has b«en supernatnrally cur 3d and the singular feature of the case is that the attendant physician agreaa with her ESTABLI SHED 35 YEARS SPECTATOR A liAUOE EIGHT-PAGE PAPER â€" ONLYâ€" Per Tear. dD; Per Tciur. One of the Largest and best "Weeklies in Canada. Agents receive 25 Cents for every yearly snb- ecriber. Any party sending as three sab- â- ciibers will receive a copy, post-paid, of the Farmrr's Account Book, worth one dollar, in place of the nsoal commission Send a post card for Sample Copy o( oar Weekly, wVich ia sent free. The only paper in Canada that publishes a Draught Column. Aitlress SPECTATOB PBINTING COMPi^NT. Hamilton, Ont. Noy. 11, 1880. IN ABTKMESIA. P:FTT aere^ of bod. Lot W, â- oath ci Pnrham r.eal. 18 aerM ftf olaMwl land «iih kc booaa' r.ad well feneed. Ia«iiir«af Boboct (Nivar, o^tioaite the lot, or JOHN KAT, Benflaek, Durham P. O, Jan. Mtti. 1881. W-tf D. J. SHANAHilll'S "WAGON and Carriage Works, Jost opened, oppotiitfl the drug store. Mill street. Having long experisnoe in the busi- ness, we feel confident we ean give satisfac- tion to those favoring as with tbisir ordais for CABBIAGES, 8PBINa WAOGONS, LDMBEB WAOOONS, fte. Horseshoeing, and all Uad* of repairing Io our line eiUief in wood, iron, p ai atia g, and trimming ueatlr anl promptly execated. We n-e nothin? bat good mateniU and em- ploy first-class piaotical workmen. Oar aim is Io give the best value for the least money, thus seearing a repetition of your esteemed orders and the benefit of yoar inflaeaee among ynar friends. Markdale, April SUi. 1881 80- mS A^ L^ L^ N We have paniany opened, and wiii " ---j r the season advances with aii tlie LATEST NOVELTIES. Remember our goods -wrill be L !_!. NN E^W^. We respectfully solicit a fair share from our friends 9nd the puWic generally. We don't do any buttonJiohng, bat wUl tt«at au courteously when making purchases, and tust our prices will be right. Our gCDeral stock wUl be found ell Assorted as usual. We would invite an early inspection whether you want to buy or not. TTTT.T, BBOS. Markdale, March 3otb, 1881. 2g-X£. .owtkattkei .0 at hand, J •toak if I of a«ad €ha«r is at hand, J wash to eaU f.V Markdale General Agency IS THE BEST PLACE TO GET M0D6J at the Iiowesl Hates. STRAIGHT LOANS, mSs, CHARGES LOW. F«IIT8,0illlRESOTK,WNI LZQI70ZI JB vBr y t hiitg 7irt-Clas8, andii ISTRJOMT PRlCli HrBORUtDlBAimTttnHnMaMd; 0U BTX, tbepwest; mH. TxB, aMBl taOiuM^ 8ta«t~. vmi tiw SMt rt OMjo f Itaraft aaj f*r.l â- r CM yonr KaUdaj'a NH^ a â- kova 0«ada A. Mcll M.lSilMO, MOnCAL B, If you want Insurance patronia* the UNION FIRE INSURANCE Co. LANCASHIRE FIRE and LIFE BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co., CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION. Co. Wanzer Sewing Machines, Uneaqualled in range of work and ease of motion. D O H E E T^OEGAN S, Unsurpassed in beanty of tune and power. Farms for Sale and More Wanted. Thankful for. past favors. I am determined to merit a further share of public patronage by fair and honest dealing and prompt attention. THEOPHILUS HALL. Markdale, March 29, 1881. aq-tf. A Eentiiflky preaeher rooa to ^aak. and opened the Bible. Tba fint ver- se that met his eyes bappeoed to be, "Tbe voice of the tartieataall be heard in the land." "Brethren," said be, "at fint sight one would not think their was mneh io this text bnt, on a little consideration, 'yoa will see. there's a great deal ia it. Now you, all Know what a turtle is. If yoti've been ak^ by a food yon hava i»m tbem sittiac on a tog sunning thaa aatvaa. Now it ia said, 'The voiaa ^^ «h*to(aeahdlbe.haaidatkw kMK !^ BaithatiirllahaaD't mxf voiea^aS •aylodyerar beud; w it mmk b* tbe Bciaa ba raakaa in tkoloe inio tka Art A NE"W ELECTION TXL S-a.p]=LzaslsL. THE Undersigned ia prepared to adyanoe Money on First-Class Farm Property, with large margins, at 6 Per Ceot., Yearly OH tTMnHT LOANS, This is the Lowest Rate ever offerered in the County of Grey. OFFICES: -Lot 26, Con. 4, Euphrasia, and MKAFoao, â€" Next door to Boyal Hotel. N. B. â€" A large amoant ol private money to loan on Oood Note$ or Second Mortgage*. E. B. KMOTT. March 3, 1881. S5.Sa, b a eompomd of the Tlrtnes o( sanaparil- la, stMUngia, mandrake, yellow dock, witk the iodide of potash and iroa, all powerful blood-making, blood-cleaasing, and lU»«ia. taining elements. It la the purest, aafeet, and most effectiwl altetatfre medidne known or arailable to the public Tht ad- euces of medicine and chemistry hare never pnxluced so valuable a remedy, nor one so' potent to cure all diseases reenlting from impare blood. It cnres SeroraUt all acrofnloua Boe^ or St. A__ and Face-sniba, Dloua dl a e aa e a t^ Brystyelaa, St. Antlionya Flra^ Piinples scraba, Pnatnlea, Blotekea. Salt THE BEST PAPER I TRT IT! BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTKATED. THE 36th TEAR. SCIENfinC 'AMERICAN Tm SaiKTiTic AaaaicAa is a large Frst- Class Weskiy Newspaper of Sixteen Pages, printed in the most beautiful style, profuHly illuitrated icith tpUndid engravings, repre- senting the newest Inventions and tha most recent Advances in the Arts aad Sciences including New and Interesting Facts in Agri- culture, Hertienlture, the Home, Health. Medical Pregress, Social Beianoe, Natoral History, Geology, Astronomy. The moet valnabls practical papaits, by eminmit writers in all departments of Seienoe, will be femid in tha Scientific Ameriean. Terms, tsao per year, 11.60 half year, which includes postage. Diseonnts to Agenta, Sinxle coppies, lOe. Sold by aU Newsdeal- ers. Bemit by postal order, to KUNIK CO.. Pnbiiahsn. S7 Park Bow, Hew York. PATENTS. tii^^S SclentUc Ammrtcmm^ Maaan. Mom t Co. are SoUeitan of AoMriean aad Far- sign Pateata, have had M yaaw s *|i a i i e w n a, •nd have tha largest ustabKsliaaswf in the werld. Parrats are obtained on tha beat tarau. A uMcial notiea ia made in tha SdeatUc llMfirtf af aU iaveBtiona oatantad throng thia A«aiey, with the name and raaidaMa af tha Patantae. By tlm Ti»«i.^^ qjjy,iT,f-~ thaa givaD. pobbe attsntion ia diieated to tha nanta o l fee aaw patent, and aaUa or introdnaUea answ aaady aflaatad. Av pscaan whe haa made a new diaeove- ry orinvvMiaa, ean aaeartam, frâ€" tf^tr$*, whether a faleataaa P^A^Wy ha **atajd brwritim ta MiTO*^ Waaha a«d /rwow Head Back abowt tha JatawtUwa. Patawts. 0.»aa«s. »**\*t^ *!l.r*^ and Ww jraaarad, with hlnta how teivoane *^ " â€" Addiaaa fur tha Pnatnlee, ifiotenea, Awnora, Tetter, Hnmors, earn. Scald-head, Rliyr-wona, u NVTs, dorea, HheamaHaai, aiaa«arlal Diseaae, MenraUda. Female Weak- neaaee aad Irrefiitarttle^ Jwudiee, AOectlona of the Uee^ DymeaSa! Emaciation, aad OeMnU I%6mty.' By itt aaarchiat aad deaaelnf qoalMsa It porgee out the tOnl coimndoae which contaminate the Mood aad caoae dennae* meat and decay. It attmnlates and ealiTens tba Tiul functions, nonsotea raenr aad strength, restores and preaarrea boalui.and infuses new life and Tigoc throot^ioat the whole system. No sufferer ttom any dia ease which arises from impoiity of the blood need despair wbo will five Axm't SABSAfAWLLA a fair trial. It is folly to experiment with the nnmer- uus low-priced mixtaree, of cheap OMUeiials, and without medicinal vlrtnee, offOied aa blood-puriflers, while rtlsnaau b iit om ca aaoce tirmly seated. Area's 8AUArABiu.a ia a medicine of aneh concentrated cnrattra power, that it is by tar th£ beat. and moat reliable blood-ixulfler Physiciana know its compodtion, aad pre. scribe U. It haa been wMaly need lor tiftbr yean, and haa won the nnqualifled eoafl- dence of mllliona whom it baa bMteflted, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer ft Co., lad AaalyUaal CTsaalsN. LowaB, fNaia. BEMOVED FlOV my old Stand oppoaite tha Poet Ottee/Dundalk, to Mr. Deana' Hard- ware Store, whan I bare a well aaaortad^ .-.â- .;-â- ' -aloek of Gkld and Silver Watches, Jewellry, Wedding and Jem Bings, Clocks, Ac, c. f iTHS id IMS Carefully Bepaired and broa^ to time, AD work gaarantee f or one year. I aliall be in DUNDALK, ma MUNN ft CO.. STBsskBew. MewTark. F aad Tlh ate.. Waah- FOR nJL.\JE. OKB Toka el Cwmnr cU slaaca. waO tsOa â- adhaaar. waas p a a eiwertiMhaaaa 4j«an«U.weOka«fcaie s. OMeaktyeanaU- WK.Baoirv Karkdala, (8 O o A 9 M » 1 o (D cd u O O d SEE FIELD SEEDS, '-• " INCL.UDING CLOVEE, TIMOTHY, CABEOT, MANGhEIi WUBTZEL,k,i GARDEN SEED! A CHOICE SELECTION, All of which will be sold, at .lo-vest market "' " A. TL'RNERI MarkJaje. Dtc. ft, IR80. STOP. MARK. LE. And than you wUl kcsw n-licre to •;o to get the heat valu" f" R. J. SPROUL GREAT ANHUAL CLEARIG SAIl AT CO tjD •S COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Always in Stock. As I keep all kinds of BEPAIfiS for the Im^meots I aell, F»rmer8 will soe the advantage of dealing with « Local Ag«nt. V w WM. STRAIN, ^»l©©la.extorL. Flasherton, March 24, 1881. â- j^^ POST OFFICE ST( FIiEfc^HERTOR Sqn»na«r jotir UI011.T if m want to. 1/ aoi. g«t yowPhotor»pli. fli W. BULMEE, The People's Photographer, ^. Flesherton. Who« .«am prepared to take Krtmea, and do Copyia, «^ KnlarUB, I. k«t,fc„ FRAMES ATSI FTtA^mjEi FIXim*», lent yoor piotare. and hare tham eu^iad atd anlargad hy Toa, old iriaad. BULME^. LUMBER AND SAWING. â€" »~ The lafaaerihar hep to iaUmate that ha haa In order to make room lor hea^ Sprint Importatioos now tniTiag JmDt. IL redaeinc my pi aaa u t larva aad wall aeleeted and am*wtf««aiwl GENikEIILDIIY8S008,FUI»,i« BOOTS AND SaOSS, Hats, Gaps and Groct TO THE LOWEST POINT POSSIBLE, and inacder tn^ao, Wm SeU at and Under FOR THE MEXT THIRTf ^^1 IW stoek ia an aeWiWeU b*agM, and waU worth the aM«i««'**-^ Mm CMOCBBISS yoa wiU And T^'-t ♦fFi m C l â€"" Aaldoaotpvaaathaeearaaef aaataofeor windv Hcrehsato d «r kgea, «t aandint oat aameroaa aaaiplis o ehe^ trash (witb sawv' tiana) oatrida oar aataral haainaaa relatioiia, in order to impMitel not fVptOj treated fcy tbsir mora henorahle dealers, and draw aiMi Toa wfll lad •vcffytfyiiv that I aiil JiMC M I repreMMt m H aaywaaaapoaaiMytetioryoar m anay â€" awl MJUi aslhawalaajsr" daaUaaistheonlrtraeeoarselara bMiaaaaMn. My Groeeriae are all bought for atrietly net* eaA, conseqaentl; I *Mi The Lowest Possible Pri( For CASH and FARM PBOj BUT IVOX ITOI* CJREPI "•rtiertoB. Xateh 10, 1881. Money! Money! Saw Mill at Little Falls LMBER, Um J5MTO., u OlOEi. CUSTOM SAWI:NG VrtkathoMau'ora* .-^ maltha im Ml Alilj KINTM fTB* «A"ari I*ta aaa hare tbair hoaber in atoek and for aala, a large qoaatitTe' PURE SEED G S??j!f ' Bnaalaa, (Uaa«ow, Bad Chat, aad other rarieties of I 2" **••â- "••• 9*** •»* Bariay. Prime timothy Mid Clover 6eti "J Bsida, â€" iaa it aagaaaeh aad every VaiaMr to auw dean seed. 7*** feyit a taw eanis eatra, and ynrsiiasii^ ageed article. I m Bow^dlint larga qnanties ol COARSE LAND WUd» win aaywrny Mmer Ara DMenM aaar* me idvtft^ is *! ttsU a^jfaoM ih» loeality wd naJghheriagTowntl.ip' ^^ dite« 1MB tta irHiafaaumB, aadhoai^tfer aaMoaUiat£ottomi O â€" â- â- I wonld ala^ tntimata that my SPRING IMPORT ATI ABBIVIIIQ DAILY' And I wilt bwa awMd ent On The let of QwoltlM ^m.utJ^?f^n'f^nL iwi. •ad w and aO lor Mbetal palraH«a in ttiafMt. and I R J. SP] •mmiiNt Boainaaai ' aa InatroetiTe months, «id af tfaa year. Ma llfeil ' arra^as are '^^- loftheyobUah- ^.jwitbasMpaytnc I lor the years mh- •tth the ralea. ^JVKBTKWO F Mill SU Hameii ",â- -, M .M :v 30 'r J5 "JO S 0:1. 4 X; f. f -st iiu»ert:oD.. 55 ;;T-:ja ' iift-crtioi: " I "» I tni r-oc «â- l^ !:•; par LiJO 8 1 »_^ JU ::.-i'r.Tcn.. Si rVnes •-: i rsrtc":*-' by •.!)«; *o nr '.V J Bc*5. 'f 8liu j t'«»» a*em' " .J-..v.it ,;.p.ciiic i L*»° 'he imli! â- ' fmbiJ and I »".!, |n«k. A '^- Linthev.' â- â- -"y kar« • -rnuia if*'-***" %:i I BtJTLEDOE, rrofH'stor -- H' 'iv;^(l IXl A BltsmSS 'J IRECTORY. ytr^irat. ale dfc ;mrter, Jurfeon'-,,Aooouc"iui f Hall resWiJiice i' ^11, 1880. I-y I fCBOEON, ACOoUCH- ' Tf. o. 6 tf. J :ir..^-. Pl2 Mmcnaitlaa. »Aj.s and pcsBAW.) JT-AT-I.AW, SOLICITOn IN, ^, Oonveyaneer, Ac. Office over ire, MarkJale. Money tn loan 291} F aa. B. ^^ilkca, Law, O-wren Sound. [Ulere'e building, orer Bobin- i Street. l-v dfc Froat, AND ATTOBNRYS-AT in ChancerT. Convpy fiiri^ sund, have reiiimeil at I open every Thursday, ao J.W. FaosT.LL. B. lOrowB Attorney. I sea Mm8a«Bi. land ATTOBNEV AT-LAW. • in ChanceW, Owen Snuod. J-y Immea LniHon, lEY-AT-LAW. SOLICITOr. IN y, Notarv Public, iSc. I at lowest rates ou person.al ^tate. Laiid« bought au^ »ul«i. I aeller introduced free o{ commie tJl«t,18»0. 1 t C»«^ ^0cnt«. ICABBIAaS LICCNSES. Jtc. oar in B. B. c. J in all its brapches prompt'y I earafnlly execute-!, r to Lead on 11^- • ""tat' xe- »7.. ;.S-.,j 1^. I., '^mjih. SO, exan4?r R:r. wn |o{ Marr a.:, ..- Pfct «:••• o.T-^- wiiJ-v t. .-â- aoi I-.i*' â- .â- -..•% ' "l .•»♦. », Sept '~^:sifi_ â- • ' s*rire « s:rtv:«. Jr.. LOAN ASi' V ' ' » 'â- - iSooad K'r- Tr' :â- 1 of ye»r- • ,ar princl}." aherof dec" 'â- ' (hi nl J. O. ' AND P ' ^IhaaKhi «yoT al Fieiil N'xi Ac. of all 'li ijta laat fifty-live V.M Snrveye in strir- Profiles and ' :HiUa, Plaas and Spa- Bridgaa, Inmished «t. /toLoaaat 8 per c'R- r iattar, or Ufi with (}. ^will be promptly ath-v -fcatictrjr laHBCa " Sonad. at to Dr. Caf E HOUSE. ' uJe o- '^««lt*'P«' â- J?' ' ,,pon the muuth L,wsen .jjgj.^ j^j jj^^^^ 1 V A|,'ft:nl trulb bJ merit a Markiiai^ CEil GROCI Next! Keeps coni He' lOTEL, Teal T( Proprietor. â€" I had a Itsfie ad- l^mwaghly refitted, in the aoantr. ostler. Firat- ^eommereial travel. • «l*r. 1 7.1y â-ºTEL, opaixroaa. '"^Ike travelling ' with the and the best Itraina. i-y HOTEL Oat. fcmpla Boom. ^na Bar and lardw iMetlhei^ket a( '•Hoatler'a *. ftoftiMor. Which I CAN As pnffinj a«k iu I M Sei/ as I have I good dis let mv investmenl fc*"Ken Bros. \Iarkda SA\ 'ttaheat Mrs. T.l theX«diee| is prepare iwitchek. Acall is I and Que deooe. Ifark