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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 29 Apr 1881, p. 1

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 1 iim }â-  .1 1 Tfr#ftlt,irtf ft Irwt Oa mU aftw MOHDAT, IM HOlT. tombif *it nuMlellows: â€" OOI NO NORTH. Toraata,â€" CaiM '"rfâ€" Sap. 7:Ma.B. UzWp. m. SUM p. k. Caittea, T^tSm-m. U.4£p.B. 5 JO p.m. ^MtoB ..8J5k.m. 1.00 p.m. «.jiCp.s Hamb«rS«a'ta.90s.M. l^Op.m.S.S;) p.iii. Woodbniife...8.45*.B. l.£Op m. 6.05 p.m. .»JM.M. S.lSp.B.6.34p.M. .%.»%.m. UOpjB.C4SpA: •.0.!B. 3.0Sp.». 7.0Sp.B. CharlMton.. 10.35 a.m. S.SOpja. TJMlp.m. Alton 10.59 s-m. 4.06pja. 8.06 p.m. Obs« â€" Arrire 11. 10 a.m. 4.3C. pja. 8.30 p.m. I*p«rt.. .ILSOajD. 4.4C. p.m OtAotiVf il'e JmeUoii 1 1 .4.i ^m. Ijanrel tl.fi3ajD. HiioQranM IS..30 pj* ra'yUlk 1.L5p.bI TfroUtn IJU p.m. Fli-'bertonPiieev'e l.£fi p.m, U»rkttle. Birkl7 Waiiamsfprd. ChnfavDrth B.Mkfonl Oweu Soaud. 2.15 p.m. 3 50 p.m. 3.9.5 p.m. 3.15 pjn. .1.8-l p.m. 5.05 p.m. R.Wp m. 6.00 pm. 6.10 p.m. 7.11 p.m. 73Sp.ta. 8.06 p.m. 8.38 p.m. 8.46 p.m. ».0 p.m. 9 16 p.m. 9.86 p.m. *xO o.m. 10.10 p, GOING SOUTH. 0««a Soaml, dupart (i.3 a.m. 12 00 noon. itocklord 7.00 a.m. 12..TO p.m. 'T«»i"'^orth 7.20 ajn. 12.55 p.m. Aruott 1.06 p WilluuMfora 7.48 ».m. " " Bw-kly 8.05 a.m. MvkOale 8.30 a m. FlMueri'Bir'rieeviUa 8.55 a.m. I'roton 9.1.) a.m. DaiulaJk. y.3o ».m. HUelbanik 10.15 a.m. I-anrel 10.47 a.m. UraoxpviLle Jitnetion 11.00 a.m. OSiXOCTIIXB â€" Arr. 11:1a a. m. 5:30 p. m. lep. 7.15 a.m. 11.35 a. m. 5.40 p.m. Alton 7.S5 a.m. 11.55 a.m. 6.tj0 p.m. C'!isrle«itun .. 7.50 a.m. 12.10 p.i^. Mono Itoml. .B.25 a.m. 12.47 p.m. Bolton 8.45 a.m. 1.10p.m. Kleinbun; U.05 i.u. 1.30 p.m. Wuodbrii1gn..9 25 a.m. 1.50 p.m. Hiimbcr Hint 9.4j a.m. 2.05 p.m. Wij»!iR 10.00 a.m. 2.27 p.m. Carltoii .... 10.10 a.m. 2.39 p.rt. ToBitMTu, â€" Union Station, Arrive... 10.30 a.m. 3.0D p.m. 9.40 p.m. 1.28 p.m. 1.48 p.m. 2.15 p.m. 9.45 p.m. '3 10 p.m. 3.30 p.m. 4-15 p.m. 4.50 p.m. 5.03 p.m. 6.18 p.m. 7.a5 p.m. 7.33 p.m. 7.55 p.m, 8.17 p.m. 8..t3 p.m. 9.00 p.m, 9.15 p.m. r utfi QUAAc; ffnafl «raa to UI«M8dto tb« ^laad Tnn *ad ve doabt maeb iriia«tb«r tbav vill ba partus to isy ether amagemelxti. ffx. take it to W. f. DoJ, FiealMrto J. Uoo goanatcad. Ax cu SsxTuts Uonc â€" Wo regret to bare to anaoniM ftis week the death of James Knott, Eaq., of Ea phiasu. H« wa« eoeofthe earliest •etticrs of that Tovnship and hw de- partnro will be taoorued by a large circle of fncnds aaJ relatirea. He be- came a resident of that Townahip 83 years a^o, aal by indomitable persa- veranee and indnstry, hewed otit fHr liiinself one of the most beoatirnl homes in the coanty, aad waR respected by all. He was for years a member of the Township Coonei], and was its first Deputy liaere, and father of the ex-Beere, Mr. E. £. Knott. No one who had^tbe pleasore of his aeqaaint- aue bat will regret hear of his demise. W. F.7iu.. of Flehherton. baa jiut ndf- ed a beantifoJ line of 10, 13 and 15k eoUored ana Bright Gold Cliaini, Neckleti, Sockets. Ae., direct from the (eetory. way Ol^JSUli ler adTsalage ft well kn ^MDt mmaem of Ti«e, especial^ am tba yomig. Tbe vnat^ oarvil||^ can boast of soma kind of gMisral im- provement soeio^. and whether aa soma sUUftay on^VBllMra to spark, I tbmk, aarerthe i ss s that is lu pre fbrabk to standing aroaod tavanis and street-comers, and paaaing remarks on all passera-by. There was some attempt to fomidi aona literary m- tertainmeot in the shape of a BeadiD{f Society, bat I am sorry to say it feH throogh. At a meeting of the Board of Li cense Commissioners for the Liceme District of South Grey, held on the 13th insL, the following applications ^^^ beaaties of expression from the SURBOUNDED BY VENOMOUS • • SERPENTS. B«ii the following, and then say whether we have no bcroinef A yoang lady of Gko6lg. baing charmed by the retom of that wel- aam* visitor, whobasjast bnrstthe congealed bands of a northern winter, detormioed to enjoy the respiration of a balmy aknoephere and baak in the rays heUos, then shining in his merid- ian of splendor. With this intent she betook hersolf to her wontsd resort, and after comfortably seating herself, she began to draw with her far reach- ing fancy the depth of meaning and THE STANDARD. iJ-riday. April 29nd, 1881. OTICE, riTiiK 1. Kin 29 Canada AJverti.-inR A/Tcncv, Nu King Street West, Toronto, W. W. BUTCHER, 'SXnnnger. In ai .linrized to receive advertisLments for tliia jnper. SrnscaiPTioNS are rccei^e(l at this office for tlie (ulluvring Papers and Uaicazincs. D.UUES. Toronto Ihiily Gl»lic, per vear, Mail, " for license for the year 1831-82 ware granted: DuBHAW â€" Tarem John Gibbons, Thomas Carsou, W. F. McAlister.â€" Shop Henry Parker. Bej«ti!«ck. â€" Tavorn Gay Cbittick, William Raid, William Barnia. TLos. Alleu, Shop: Jos. B. MoGaw, Sam. Norsworthy. Glbnelo. â€" Tavern Thos. Spronl, George Byan, Jos. Gibbons, Wm. O'Hara. Shop: Anji^as Mclntyre, Wilson Benson. EcBEMONT. â€" TajSsm Harvy Noble, Jolin Fitzgerald, William Smith. NouMANBif. â€" Tavern David Kenny, Charles Bsckme, John Herman, Houry Ringle, Frederick Hinsberger, John Hitnmler, George Bericbe, Geo, Vogt, John P. Klempp. per year. WEKKI.IE8, T).outi Weekly (il.-l.e Mail Hamilton •• Sptctator " Canali Fiinnor " Boieitlitic American " MONTSMES. Fiirracrs /Vdvoeate, per year, Arnerieitn AKriciiUuriat '• Otir r.ittlu Ones «0 03 C.UO tl..50 l.(K» 1.00 1.(10 3.20 5'.00 l.-IO 1.51) 'NEWSPAPER LAWS. I. A pos'.^l^stâ- r m required to (fivcnotico J trttfrirvi\\rxnn\- the paper docn notan-i-^cr th- I.nv) wlmn a MiliM-iiber does not taVe his jisiHT out .if t)i ofll v. end state the roason-s for it.M not l...ii];,"tak"i Ans ueKlcet to do HO makes the poslMiust'-r rosponHilde to the piililjsliers for pavinent. 2. Am person who lake a papor from the post n/Tiee, wnTHi.. -.lirected tolii.; name or another, or wh. tifi I,e has suscrihed or Bot, is rcnponsihlc for tlie p.aj. '). If any person ..r.lfied his paper iliscon- tiniied. he miist pay nil arrcarape-:. ur the pilhhsher may eoMtiniie to m-nd it until piy. nient is ma l... „ik1 va.Vv ^he whole amomi't whether it he take;i f ...u 'lie office or dl There ci'i he no I.-.:, ;continuane.- ii I'l I'ttynient is inailo. N- II. Any \f rsoiw wlio takes tlie Ri i.VDtiii. for more than tlirie weeks, witli. ont n.itifyiiiR n-t that he does not wi.-th to anliserihe.will IwImM r.' .(wiisihlo fur ayear's aahwroiioii. Spki.vo Show. â€" The Spring show of H'^rHesaud Dulls for the North liiding of Grey took place in Owen Sound on Tuesday last. The day was fine and very large number in from the country. The show of General Pur- pose Horses was veiy fair, but that of Heavy l^raft was not as good as previous years. A iiuraber of Dull«f were shown of a snprior e breed. We notice oue young hull aged 18 months, owned by Mr. A. C. Beattie, which is a very fine animal and well deserving of a prize. The following is the list of prizes awarded lleai-i, D'-aft Stallion â€" 1st prize, Geo. Watson 2ud Wm. Keefer. Hoai/ster Stallion â€" 1st, Joan Davis 2ijd, Wm. Sheiiherdson. Durham Hull over 2 years â€" 1st James Burr; 2nd, John Cunninghara. \)\irham Bull under 2 years â€" 1st, Robt.tJolinstone 2nd R. P. Frazer 3rd, Andre .v Beattie. â€" Aitrertiser. pages of Shakespeare. While thns engaged she raisod hoc eyes from the book to ponder on the passage, when to her horror she beheld a dark veno- mous lookms 8erponT(one of a species of theadder} lying in a coil at her feet. Uttering a frantic scream she sprang to her feet, and sought safety in an opposite direction, but alaa t her cry and movement disturbed the baakers and to her troubled brain it appeared as if she wore bounded by one writh- ing mass, bat her feeling of timidity subsided as fast as it had arisen, and seizing a missile with the detcruiioa- tion of a Joan of' Arc, she fearlessly began the work of execution, and when tho task was finished, there oov ered the spot no less thau thirteen of those venomous reptiles, each over two and a half feet lu length. When this heroine could find no more vic- tims, Ilka Alex.'r the Great, she sat dovTi and wept. Wo would just add that tho ladies of Glenelg must bo poss.^ssed of large destructiveness. Young men, take â- soooaeo vy pnca. i««|fte«i ihe £0it3\r V a 8tataaN^tl» tlH -^ taxes acaaM Ms ia tiM 4ft JnafS. for unj Mr. WArJl* Mr. BhMk, tliat pe^tim of Joho MeLahan «Bd ^Ufap*. »» ****** from Sebooi SeatioffNo. 9, bs laid ^^ ^noviPoM «, xn. over niitU the next meatiiig of Ooon- BBW ^^^JI^ JT "" eU that ia to be held at CtdMTiUe.â€" "^^S'lorwKwiMJaia. b«A taUr- Carriad. ,_ nsl and^Mt««at- Utnam^m^^^mWit, llr. MaArdIa movad, •eoonded by a^ or Bowels. Sore Thu'st. Hb«M»m. Mr. Black, that aa John Ooofor was |Ty»Um«l«. l-n.^;N!^ m-l_s^^ U i:i« cuiui, oi^....~j _^ .. ,.,niit ts toelly wfe to â- Â» i* aa os»ev»id iJw*««» to ^iLataLaadto the presenptioa of aoe ol t^^Sik «rf be. â- '»yi^ Q H, Siiwes, riaptinii»«i"v.... Tbataday EKeainc* at 7:8o. aaofabtiiM when ai S6 e«ats a bo^ .FFBBINO warning in ttmo. I EX.\MIN.\TION OF PAIIT.MENT IN UNION SCHOOL. SENIOR DE MARKDALE Eari, UKAcox.sjicr.n. â€" Obsoqnios to placo on tho "iCth ins'., at Hngh-nlou members of tlia Royal F:imily, Minis- ters, and ox-Miuistms, with the ex- ception, of Hon. Mr.whose Gladstone, created oon-siderable absence ioent. cam- A CASE of considerable interest was tried on Wednesday last at the '• Re- vere House," in our Town, before Messrs. Brown, Black, and Striithers, J. P.'s, in which Mr. TJiomas, of Glenelg, was indicted for perjury, and althougli eleven witnesses Rave evidence on behalf of the prosecutor, Mr, Sullivan was honorably acquitted of the serious charge. Mr, J. D, Mc- Millan appeared for the prosecutor, while the accused was defended by Mr. D. F. MacMillan. Tbb latest noTilty in Ame-iean, Jewlety at W. F. DoUs Flosherton and Diiudalk, The weather is all that could be desired by farmers. There has been thir. week two very fine, and much neevierl showers of rain, and vegetat- ion is now well advanced for the sea son of the year. There is considerable gram sown in thio seution of country, and if the weather continues fine the seed;ng will be finished in good time. We fiar tha greater p-trt of t!ie fall wheaf is a complete failure, stiU we think it wise to leave it say to the 6th May, and if ihcre is then a reasonable prospect for half a crop, don't plough it ap it wonld be as safe as othc^rprain taking into consideration the extra labor fad seed but if it is deemed wise^to plough a p than o w to Barley. CstNfrET Seta, LseroMe Sticks, te.. st DoU'a Fleaberton. Mr Wm Heiidrte^^ a letter t tho if«»f, siate; the ransonf tlM^ llw T. O, 4B Rulway is tbc ha:: Um Grand Traak as â€" ,i.. atataa .tb»ta bas ,:,. teiniu}; a mvah m^trj i«vora than that of tV a .1 r- eaUapoDthepe he «w*^ ' '1-' Tii:: folk wing is the result of the Easter Examination of tho above de- partment â€" FIFTH CLASS. Grammar â€" Susan Davis, 87; Dmali 86 and one seventh i*;. J. Bailey, 8:1 aiid two-si'vunths. Arithmtioâ€" E. J. B.iildv, 72}; Maggie Smith, 78}; A.!jn.-s Whyte, .\unie Ihibauloau, and Wm. Davis, each 55, Natural Philosopliyâ€" Tossio Lyons, 95; E.J. Biil'iV, 8G auJ two tuirds Susan Davis, 81, Geometryâ€" Fannie Ford, 75; Susan Davis, 70 M irtlia .\udorsan, Gi. Cliemistryâ€" Fannio Ford, 76.} A. Whyt3, 73} Annie Tuibaudoau, 05, Geograpliyâ€" E, J, Bailey, and Fan- nie Ford, each 71 J; Tessie Lyons, 63}; Agnes ^Vhyte, 61 J, Historyâ€" Fannie Ford, 73} Agnes Whyte, 71 Tesdle Lyons, 70} Mag- gie Smyth, C4}, Book keeping â€" Dinah Cunningham and Tessie Lyons, ea-5ii 78} Fannie Ford, 75 Susan Davis, 72}. FOURTH CI.ASS, SEN, Tlie standing of those wLo succeed- ed in passing from tl-e fourth to the iifth class:â€" Root. J. Browne. lb\; llobt, McLoughry, 72} Frank Ar- uold, 68} Lincoln Might, 02 Ellie Ford, 60} Christcua Wilson, 64J. Mamie Bowes failed in Arithmetic Samuel Douglass failed in Grammar. Otherwise they passed the examin- ation commendably. FOURTH CLVSS JXJN., IN OBDEB OF MSBIT, Fred, Stephens, J. Holliughead, Spence WiLion, Alice Ford, Minnie Duqdass. Those who passed snccessfully the entrance examination to the Senior Department in order of merit â€" Ida Bgusoq, Berta Reid, Donald McDoff, Majgie Bailey, Edith Njble, and Tena Bryden. Many more of the pupils in the fifth class attained a high standing, bat I find it convenient t3 publish the names of tJio three highest only. B. D. Iavc«B. Teacher. Owen Sound, AprU 26. â€" A man named Jaa. McLaren, a carpenter by trade, attempted suicide to-day by taking a dose of laudanum. For some years past he has been involved in somewhat conpicated domestic troubles with a neighbor. This morn- ing he proceeded to a druar store in town and procured an ounce ot laa- dauum. he had uo sooner taken the drug than a member of the family ran and calied in some of the neigh- bours. A doctor was hurridlysent for and administered the necessary remid ies, which were successful, McLaren offered resistauco to taking the rem- edies, and expressed his determination to repeat the dose at somejntcr time. sUowed to perform $10 worth of grav fJling on 87 side-road, for .part of ar- rears of taxes against lot 86, con. 8, oader the OonDoillor of ths diviaioo. by a motion of Conncil made aa. the 8rd Deoember. 1680, and as the job was not completed on aooomit A it boing let in the winter, that he be al- lowed tiU the 16th day of Joly' 1881. to complete the sama, and providing i he give a bond tax the fulfilment of the same, aad pays the balanea of arrears of taxes to the Township Treasmrar. and that the Clerk be aa- tborised to iutve the same erased from the Coanty l^vasorar's Books.- Car- ried. Mr. MoArdle moved, seconded by Mr. Buckley, that this CouucU form themselves into a committee to exam- ine the Treasurer's Bond. Gonneil went ints oomraittes on Bond of Treasurer's. witb^AM. Abott chairman. BXFoar OF ma comfrmB. We beg leave to report that this committee is of the opinion that it is to the interest of this municipality the Treasurer lurnish other aiid addi- tional security satisfactory to this Council. Joseph McArdle, James fiookley, aitd Robert Black Com- mittee. John Abbott, Chairman. Gonneil resumed. Mr. Wm. Boyd proflferred himself afl oue of the securities, and was ao- ccpti;d by the Council. Moved by Mr. McArdle, secondej by Mr. Black, that ihe Treasurer's Bond be received and.approved of, â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. McArt'le, secomled by Mr. Black, that this Council nd jonrn to meet at Scarlett's Hall, on the third Tuesday in May as a Court of Revision. â€" Carried, Jown Vest, Clerk. aerk's Office, Apj^ 18, 1881. Major Bruce of London, who lost 800 plum trees by the recent frost, has now discovered that nearly all his peach trees had been destroyed. or AotM. "i» will »«* "'*~^ qmckea the BhMMl sod hsal. •• ita setihg power is woiw dMfnl." "Brown'i Hoa.sehold Panseea, b«b« seknowladged m the gr«»tPain Eetev- ecTSia of dCTiStoaie aimifth ci any oU« KUxar vr Liaiaeal to th« wort*. •»»»««*• •• aa it realty i the best r«B47 ia tbe world forOraBps p the Stomash, sad P«»« â- Â»* Asfaee af afl Una*," and is tor sale #1 0n«gi8ta at SS eeoU a botde. w-ly ^m. WMin mm^mtml m t ttn WMI»»MMaâ€" ^^ STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOrr MAMHOOp^WT O W ro^ tJa'Dwar^VS^wtNAlavrT^ Maabood. eto^ «id to »at» e»ety knows remedy, hM«£ TlMSeerSema. wUdi be «flt a«d T. inx 1^-.-. I'.MRTHQDIB' SsrriMs «v«a i« loUla a. m., in the Oranse iiaii nett, Pastor. PBS8BTTKBIAM. Sahhath at « a. »., aad l»*«^j;ft.?2^ p.m. BiWaCtowand Pisyw lUMmt fedsT* at 7«o p. w. ,. on PIMPLES. 1 1^ mail ^ree) the recipe for a (impls â-¼aaTA.Bi.s Balm tliat will remove Tax, PBECKIiKS, PIMPLES and BLOTCHSe, leav- ing the sldn soft, clear and beantifal aluo inetractions for.prodncing a lax iriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad- dreeii. enekieing a 8e. stamp, Ben. Vandelf 4 Co.,, 6 Beekman st., N. T. 2U-ly AaENTS WANTED. -T1i« pay.â€" Liicht Werk. Steady Eiurloyment. Samples tree. Address, M. L. BYHN, 46 Naiiseaa street. New T»rk. 90-ly TO CONSUMPTIVES. The adrertiser. faaTiiig (â- etii perniiincntly eared ot thatt dread diiease, CoriBamptloii, by a eimple remedy, is anxious to make kuown to his fel'ow gnSererw tlie means of enre. To all who desire it, he will seud a onpy ot the referiptioQ used, (free of charge,) u ith the directioas for propairing aiitl a^iiig tlio same which tliey Will fi ad a scbe Cubk fvr CaM- suvprioN, .\sTain, BkO!«chitis, (to. Parties wifthing the Prescription, will plca.-'e address. Ber. B. A, VVUxou, 14tf Penn at., WilliamHbttrgh.N. Y. 2tf-ly Mothers who are startled at the our uf midnight by that ominous hoarse cou^'h of your little ones, ivhat wou.'d you not give for a prompt and certain means oi rolief from that dread de- stroyer of your children. Group such a means you may have for the trifling cost of 25 cents. It is Halyard's Yellow Oil, the great Household remedy for all inflammatory abd pain- ful diseases. Do not rest over night again without it. MARRIED Waljisb- â€" Bbadt. â€" Ou the 27th inst. At the residouce of tho Brides mother. By Bev J- Wafd, SI.- Johu Wai.ker of Arte- ' mesia, to Miss Kllen Brady, of B .phrasia- PROTON COUNCIL. PRICE VILLE. From a CorreapondeDt. Tax most notable point liere jast now is tho alisence of any great com- motion, except among Ihe roral pop- ulation, who are trying t) make up for tho lateness of the spring by work- ing early and lata. We are stepi^iog a liltis idtead of the neighboring villa;es here in re- gard to educational accommodatioDr a a new school hoosa, baih with all Uw IfttdstiuipravaaMata.. both in afyle aad ogBTonienoa. ia on tha tapis. The tender acNMpted was $2.8000. I? is rafth"^d that a bnek-yard ia in the vieinity of The Council met as per adjourn- ment, ou Frilay, the 15th day of April, 1881, at Dundalk. Members of the Council preient wera, â€" The Deputy Reeve, and Coun- cillors MoArdle, Black and Buckley. The Deputy Reeve presiding. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and adopted. As notified, the Trustees of School Sections Nos. 8 and 9, were in atten- dance. Several communications received. Petition from School Section No. 8, description of deed from- Isaac Tray- nor, and a communication from Town, ship Treasurer. Mr. Block moved, seconded by Mr. Buckley, that the petition of Peter Wsdker and twenty four others, pray- ing that there be no action taken to alter the boun laries of School Section No. 8 be granted. â€" Carried. Mr, McArdle moved, seconded by Mr Black, that the tender of C. W. Rutlcdge, Esq., of the Markdale Stan- IhtBD, for printing to this Council, be accepted. â€" Carried. Mr. Buckley moyed, seconded by Mr. McArdle, that the Clerk correspond with the County treasnrer.and have the taxes agaiqst lots Nos. 81 and 86, in the 14th con, erased, as they are paid to the Township Treasurer. Carried, Mr. Black moved, seconded by Mr, MoArdle, that Isaac Traynor is here- by appointel to make a deed af part of lot 10, con. 10, to this Coimcil for road allowance. â€" 3arried. Mr, McArdle moved, seconded by Mr. Buckley, that an orderbs drawn in favor of Thomas Fernane for $8, as per motion of Council passed, for road work. â€" Carried. Mr. Black moved, seconded by Mr. Buckley, that tha Assessor, Wm, Boyd, having deposited his Boll with tho Clerk, be paid his sallary, the amount being $70, with $6 fordis bnrsament and extras. â€" Carried. Mr. MoArdle moyed, seconded by Mr, Buckley, Uiat Patrick Femrjie be allowed $3, for performing 8 days road work for lot 24 in 10th eon., for 1879.â€" Carried. Mr. McArdle raored, seconded by Mr. Buckley, that each road division b« entitled to the non-resident road work in or near that division, on ap- plicatioa and approval of the Council, and ihe Councillor of the electoThJ division be empowered to let and in- spect e same, v nay authorise the patiunaater to do it if reqniivd. and the Clork to 4nik Br-)aw to that rf. feetâ€" Oanied. Mr. MoArdle moyed, seomided bv Mr. JBne^y, that Hw CioHc bav« the tdua erased from lita 2S and 24, in tha 8th oon., now in tiio Coanty Tna- xika for 1879, as the taxas to Mm TowBah^ DIED. Leoabd â€" la Artemsia, on the 31 st in'it., James, son of Mr, Jjeeph Legard, ared I.' years, Sawbast.â€" In Mwkdal? on the 2»A i-^al, WUliam J. F, only ohdd of W. B. Sisrjoint, Batcher, aged 4 years and 6 mo. KsoTTâ€" At his late ra^idenoe, Springfield farm, Euphrasia, on Sunday, 24 th .\{i'il, James Knott, in the 66 year uf bs age. bPRING SHOWS. Euphra-iia, Iriday, April 22nd, at Rocklyn. Collingwood Township, at Clarka. burg, Thursday, 2cth April. St. Vincent, at Meaford, Friday April 19th. Countv, at Oweu Sound, Monday, 26 April. Shelburue, April 21st, iii Sholbnine, ERRORS 0Â¥ YOUTH. AGENTLEM.iN wllo snfferred for years from Nervous DEBILITY, PHEM.t- TDRE DECAY, and aU ihe effe-ts of «uth. ful indisoretion, wiil fur tha GAko uta.affuriug humanity, uend free to all wbo need it, the recipe and diructiona for making the Bimpl« remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers whiehing to profit by the edrertiaer's ezpori. euce can do io by addressing in perfect eon- fidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 20 ly 42 Cedar st. New York s I THE MARKETS i« SEEDS I 'SEEDS Just arrived at the BELFAST HOUSE." Also a fresh stock of Groceies, ProYislons CANNED FRUIT, IS OTTZTC S AND MARKDALE. Fbidat, April 29, 1881. *â- !" .,^ 6,0o to'o.So Sprmg Wheat per bnsh., iew 1.02 tc 1.08 Fall do. do. do. O.OR to 1.00 Barley Oats feas Potatoes. Batter, per lb Eggs, jjer doz Pork, dressed, •., Beef Geese per lb Ducks, per pair Fowls, per pair Turkeys, per lb Sheepskins Hides Grass seed, Hay Wool Green App/ee, per. boshel. Lard TaUow DryCordWaod FIjESHERTON. (CorrecUd weekly for the Standard by H J. Sproule, FlefhertoH.) Tbvbsbat. AprU 28th. 1881. J.60 " 0.80 0,80 " O..?! 0,60 •• 0.62 0,80 " 0.30 0,18 '• 0.20 0,12 •' 0.00 7.00 •• 7.26 AM " 6.60 0.05 " 0.00 0.40 " 0.4f 0.20 '• 0,25 0.07 " 0.07 76 '• 1.25 6.00 " 7.00 2.O0 •' 2.40 7.00 •• 8.00 0.26 " 0.3o 0.40 " 0.60 0.10 " 0.10 0.06 " 0.07 1.80 •' 0.00 CONFECTIONERY, Any amount of Cumberland cut Sld.e 2=»crlr- FOR bALE, ALSO. MALT ANO "rye WHISKEY,' THE BEST IN TOWN, BRANDY. CIDER, • ' ' ALE, PORTER, TEAS and ' SUGARS. •* CHE.AP. WILSON BENSON. Ifarkdale, March 17 1881. 6-ly EST A B L I SHED 35 YEARS W E Yk L Y SPECTATOR Flcnr, per bbl. Spring Wheat per hash.. Fall do. do. do. Barley Oats Peas Potatoes Butter, perlh Eggs, per doa Potk, dressed. '" Beef Sheq8kina Hides Hay • •â- â€¢â- â€¢ a^a • Timothy aeed, 1410 â- Wool 0J6 ^f^ aio TalU)w ......... OjOS •6.00 to t6.ob 1.00 to IM 0.99 " 0.60 " 0.00 " o.eo " JO " 0.17 " 0.14 •• 7J» " 400 •• OM " 6.00 •• «.00 " 0.97 0.78 0.80 0.60 0.80 0.19 0.16 0.00 6.00 1.26 7.00 9.00 2.40 O.BO Q.» ao7 DTJNDALK MABKBTH. Fall wheat 90c to »1.08 j Spring wheat 81 to 11.06 Barley 60c to 70c Peas 58e to 59e â-  Data 28o to 83c Pork $7.25 to «7.6«; Po»».' tOM per bag 00c U)60e; Butter 17e to 18e. Bgg«0petol8c;be.f6oto6ie: d^ep tkiM 76« to 91.00; hidaa |7.oo: naaa ae^ M an «.. lard loe; tallow 6p A LAIIGE EIGHT-PAGE PAPEE â€" ONLYâ€" Per Tear. c^iy Per Tear. MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. Durhamâ€" Third Tuesday in ewh monUi. Pricovilloâ€" Monday before Durham. Hanoverâ€" Mond^ before Durham. Mount Forest-^Third Wednesday in (Moh month. Onelphâ€" Firs* Wedneaday in each Hanwtmiâ€" Friday beJia* tha Gnelph Draytonâ€" Saturday before Gnelph. Eloraâ€" The day before Guelph. Douglasâ€" Monday before EJ^ Faur. Hamiltonâ€" Cyretel Palaa* Grounds, the day after Gnelph. Berlinâ€" Fret Thortday in eaeh moath. Bramptonâ€" First Thnraday in «aeh month. LiBtowlâ€" First Friday in eacli month. Fergusâ€" Thursday following Mount FoVest. Fosamont-^Fifteenth of February, AprU, June, August, October and Do- cember. Primroseâ€" Wednesday preceding the Orangeville Fair. Orangevilleâ€" The 2nd Tliursday iu each month.. FIe»h';rtonâ€" Monday before Oranga- ville. Dnndalkâ€" Tuesday before Orangeville, Shelburueâ€" Wednesday lefer Orange- viUe. Marshville- Second Wednesday ir. each month. WaJkertonâ€" The last Wednesday in ea"'h month. Mildaiayâ€" Last Wednesday of oacj month. Auction Sale " -♦*' ' " OF VAIiDABLE FARM PROPERTY, In the Toimihiw of Osprey, in the Cuun (y of Grty. UNDEB and by rirtue of a Power of Sale coatuiued in a certain Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, and npon which dcfnalt in payment has been' made, there will be sold at Mesriis. Smltb Myar's Auction Rooms, No. 151 Youge Street, in the City of TorOBtO, iu the Contity of York on Saturday, the 7th day of HAY, A. D. 1881, At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon. The foUowuig valnahle Iiands and Prenuses Lot nnmber twenty-«even,'ia the Fourth Concession, North of the Darham Koad, in the Township of Ospi »y, in th» Connty of Grey. There is » small clearing on the property, and the soil is good. Tiiis is araluable property. TEUMSâ€" One-tenth of tho purchase money to be paid down at tha time of sa^e, balance within one month from the day of sale. For farther particulars apply to LEYS, PEABSON KINGSPORD, Vendors' Solicitors. Toronto. Date1 at Toronto this Cth day of Apil, A. D. 1881. 32 3i r HAGYARDS V ^ft BALSAhi: t Has no eqoal for the permanent cure of Coazhm t'oldi. Sore nroal. AatliBui, Croap. WkoairtBf '•â- ah, BfWBehllla, aad aU Luc Diacaaea. t^ EveiT bottle giiaiantecd to give (atUuction. T. mILBURN a CO., Propneton Toronto. Get your Horse Bills at the "Standard" OfBce, 4 cuts to chooee from. IVOTJLOE*. One of the Largest and best "Weeklies in Canada. Agents receive 25 Cent* for every yearly anb- •criber. Any partr sending ns three »nb- •mbers will reoeine a copy, post-paid, of the rarmw-g Account Book, worth one dollar in place of the ueoal oommiasion. Send a post card for Sample Copy of our Weekly wi,ch IB Bent free. The only paper hi 15S^ P^bli-be* a Draught cSum 8PECTATOBPBINTINO COMPAQ KoT.11,1880. H«niltoa, o;,t ALL parties indebted to the nndersigced either by note or book accoont will call at my shop and settle without farther notice. As I have not time to visit you all at your homes, and it is toe ezpenaive to lend out a collector, i hope the above notice will be suf- ficient. ___ iOHN NOBLE. N. B.â€" Warning is hereby given, that »•- eeipts are of no value unleac f-jgnad hy my. self pereonally. JOHK NOBKE. Markdale, Dec, 17. 1880, 14-tf TOBONTO. (fjMstel to tke Stsndari.) «r. .. "^*»« ^I»i» M. iaSL Wheat,fall, per biuh |i (» to 11 la Wheat, apring. do. i in 4 "' Barley ^^' Zi C.""'6«I? 5^7 *• «» to i^' ^- 68 to "Ta. do fi an » OorarSead do. " ?? ** 3eeJ,hmd,B«t«a j^ to S 60 to Ba^.fof* foaitHi I'o»la. do. D-^.par hiaea.., S«-^«a«k Butter, iMgeKtiic. hotter. tokUiy.. Bnttar, not«-pMkad |«».fi«h,a«doa â- aâ€" '--r ** » ji^o^m. ...... rf'""" W Pelatoaa.ptr W J««»«.perb^„. Har • «e t« •WtQ So ta SO to too to Uto 17 to 18 to «U to 000 to 1 00 to 18 91 QdO 0«7 80 o 00 800 7ao 4oo 70 04o 0«o O60 1 7S OU OSo SO u 00 1 So A NEW ELECTION npireUnderoRnedi. prepared to adTaao. ±- Money on First. CUse Farm Prope!^ with large margiaa, at «â€" '• 6 Pef Cent, Yearly M tTRANHT UMIM, This iatho Lowest Rate ever offerered in tJie County of Grey. H^«..-Ne,t door to Bo^ ISS^ Oood NoUt or Second horlgag^ M«b8,1881. /^»B Yoke of 6 year oU ,teM« •sB »-A. I^ARKDALE CARRIA6E_W0RKS McKENNA MASON HAVIN01ea«Ni tho Waggon and Blaek- smith Shop owned by J*hn Benson, beg to inform the PubUe. that that they are P"P»r«l to furniah aU kinds of Vehides. BVOdlES, DEMOCRATS, WAOeON, ETC^ ATPRICETTOSlHTTMETniU. ^dby asin« the Beet of Material and Good workBMnahip, hope to r«o«iT» a fair ihara a jw natiottage. Special attontioa gimito HOKSE SHOEING General Jobbing! ia wpwaraat aU onr w»k. A.MBUaelkdl M^andwegiiaeaateeaatUteei^. ^^^ gH^oaMfll street, oppodto Ihe lUrare XwkdaIe,lfaNb 8,1881. |« Sax. •5 « e «t E â- 0 5 I V H m H •M p^ 1 ei • 1 S 111/- at LowK here. ofTer Goods :hasing elsew c: t: 5 u -211^ -v 0- o=^e."3 o2:,3 C-%2 0) 1) ' .a '"'" '^â-  ' ^â- ^ c C 1^ be V 1- t- n 3 .^ V 2 •^ .^ f^ T- F N XT. -• tr. /^ 6 b U-o u f "• .^^ rr" " c .: O u â-  â€" s ;::_â- _., â- fl -3 u t; C/3 cn -3 f* u re CJ u J C tr • v u f. ^ts u Jl â- " 0. u tjS a avy IOC eh I JS " ^S§ (A wSS II I CMIodex I Wondrful Inventii THIS IS A MECHANICAL DEFK For Learning to P(a) CHOfiDS ANO AGOMPANIMENl OIN THE PIANO ANS ORG- Any person, Young,«r Old vAet have any Musical talent or n^ Apply to, "" AJLKX. WEB8TBB, FB the aeiL- a ^E)XI TIME xxr fTtd Has. f. can learn or PLA^i aN THING, in SHOET what would take years in the old way, besides a great expense for Books, Tuition, ec, ^i Sen, pre-paid on receip of PIANOS ORCAI VERY LOW PRICES! ADDRESS, J. A, ORAWPO] i20l Klncr fifreet East, Tc «j A a r ^^w^*^ spanf ors. .„^,^ 50 centsâ€" worth] ot laM* Linen, 35, 45, 5V rJr vi^ifeLpkins,6i cents, dii ' ^*"^%oad-Cloth, $1,254 t Overalls, 5ocents| Shirts, 75 cents. STANDARD. asth, 1881. ______ â€" Ter notices. to see Wilcox's stock ^Bltth has sold his rest Lucas, Esq., Banker, eh offers special bargains Featheis, Glovea, laoe, â- ' SpoooB, M., *o, in atWilcox'a. Bon of James heAAn, ot I parchasod W. i of lot $800. will remove in a few i the street to Dr. Sprours oil coBjpiuy. arc solo „jof 'On-torirc maclii"" jements \vi;i b-' piosfcrit 1 cf,aloii, t'\STir;iN [uiacliaic fiU, •trv ll^-t »i* agewill*' kl- .v» â-  tuH. U-i..' :-, nul is »n.: ;ara;'P--. w «i- isuoe^.--' m oil, ari'f !li*i 'Cas: T-i ' " .^ EMAN flOiJ lil •'•'--, â- ~i»' aR.-l about. 70. w;i- s-r-u ' way li':u-' wi' 1 a crali" Jed t .1:1 aco'uut, Ik! j-x t his v\if â-  iiul m't witli mi iley I"i'-ri-riai. llpidiii'..' their I,: iek i rljen camplet-'l. he- 'u ding lu town. Tlnv »i.i the inasoa work in a f;A" EB8 ol renpors. mowf s iiing macbiiicF, prtfei- ••C"».is^r oachiue oil t auy otJicr, i- ar lard, soal, ir dcpbauf, ranted not to puni. of the village yarJs are lie- cdboih front and back. "A'e keep at it, there is room for Bassii complj lists' phsioj Wi( liary pares world lier he " iug, Mr. promJ OutiJl I ljace| I Veil \V.-.| ' •!â-  I Oil! nni J.iitl b.; on of the year is at hni.J Uv^ atinf of shade trees, sul as (irs bes not been behind in tlsis Tii ata years, we hope to sou a j no^ Inomber than usual set out 1 ^mc '1 hod stonne" Machine Oil, for j ot machinery, it is also cx- I harness and leather, m.ik- and weather proof. For lera. â-ºy Quarterly Meeting of the Chnroh, Markdale Circuit, I in Markdale on Sabb.ith ' "W. T. Hicks, of Williams- ch the Quarterly Sermoli. â€" Mr. Black, wbo has ig in Toronto, during the Iter, has returned to Markdale. jlad to sec the old gentleman ' [so well. Dr. Carter has re- tto his duties, after a short ;s Pectoral Balsam is a able healing balsam. It loosening the phlegm and tatter from the Lunjt and it from tho system. Croiip. ^Bronchitis, Hoaiseness and diseases yield to it promp- is cents per bottle. |Ow«n Bonu'l \tirertixfr, lii 'oftberelutial of t!i Licenn- ooers to {.thmi â- â- â-  liv • t rd NotL. fr Mr N furnish ti;.- ;â- , 5th y-nre spri:.-' " f-miiiod tu but'p; isk-y to tais ^ere df.tjt care • their wbi L^- i fpâ€" liti./ r..' i/ I L'lJ .ii] f;i,iJliv, .V \, Vn\ â€" '"' • of a th-j i VI .. That v.- â-  le htrig some ive tb« llmmerii. â-  "' oughlj «u .•. â-  *t marvel cf ^.•:i..:.^ •« aax of m' in a" i.-m- vcn -• Blood 15i:l. ,8. i i'«i-' of thaBlooa, Liwr. .•.••«• Skin and Kitlueys, h\- iplaints. Scrofula, General 1 Da Debility, and is a reliable- broken dowi conJitiDu.s t'tem. Sample Buttles 10 ppliad by all dealers in s« was held at the Bevere Wednesday evening, for of making arrangements ttion of the Queens Judging from the iutercbt present, a good time The meeting was to iQ0ct next Monday even* le House, at 8 o'c i fnfl -sttandauoe is requested. • ia legion"â€" the pao- that matchless medi- Blood Brrrans. it Kmntbe Secretions, the I Ijmr, the skin and the i pwiflaa the Blood, dis- aon, and strengthens debilitated system. do more. Try Lis fad

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