c O E o O M U OS a. 0* â- u H K O o O V o o c o -: 3 •si o o 3 •* vS CO ft.H O o O -3 O 3 S " _1 o ^i ° e,- CJ ** rt ^t •^ C 3 g II drful Invent THIS IS A :anical bbv' \For Learning to Play AND AGOORIPAIIIMEI c' 'i'ln: O ANS OR on, Young or Old, wh nj Musical talent ^earn to PJ AY :iNG, in a V]BBY- HOET TIME, what would take jars in the old way,^ lides a great expel [ooks, Tuition, eU :e-paid on receipt â€"ALSOâ€" OS OR h'CyR SALE aTU |by low PRI( J. A. GRA" 429* King Street Ei 14th, i88i. mET Vards of Prints, ncvr ^p.w.^ «a 12* cc0ts, liaist colors. j^ Tweed 50 centsâ€" worth-70. *^, of Table Linen, 35. 45. 5S a»d 75 \ar*i» jjjg Kaplans, 6* centt, direct fa«miiu Do»f ^jack Broad-Ckrth, $1.25â€" worth $2. XiS of Duck Overalls, 50 cents. ^Wincey Shirts, 75 cents. ccnu. mmmaaofacturers. 50. aoM chase 160 Ladif^' g6 ♦• 105 cenu, oiu pnce 40 t " fl.50 ock j vuQ i aras ianiiianteca ui^ss, ' ;if^rr. aa- New Dress Goods, cheap I New Liu. ^--„ Costttmâ€", -.. very cheap.- tendeoce of a ll 30c. .. I In (att tay nremueft axe cnwied irom ceiiar g, heap! New goods, all at oottotn figures. ^ii EfSTAHDARD. ^^^ ^ril 22th. 1881. » OTHER~NOTrCE8. iTJieox's •tock of JeweU«7. ifif*^ 1j»t« eommenMd their work. fB«*tmroL weather, though 6rt* I eomforUble in the eveninf*. [fom»nA10oldorSUvcrW»ich,fo [\fB3K will won commenee on the I A McDoa(ral brick block A good miliA *«ow (br ade « tmh dd. Apply •ttkwoOM. Floor, Oa twl nad ConunMd, for Mie at Beyuokb k Son'*. Fm No. 1 0wa o9. CA810BIHS Mid other maehin* «dB, kj Haskett Bios. tf 70a vant Um Bobbket Dretw Goods in Ibwa, «|U at Iteynolds Son'f, JotT reodfod St the Medical Hall. a'Cboiee AjMontaeot of Lawn Cro- qoet and Walking Canes, all sniubla for summer wear. Wantxo.â€" 10.000 dozen Eggs, aud 10,000 ItoUrflof Batter, for which the jbixhest price will be paved. Bej- H^l, no'ds A Son. D^sio* eoort in Dii£Ferin .»,,.. ta«le, 10th June, to comnien«e a- 1 Taa MubBeriptioa prico of the To- I o'clock- ' """' "' Miifand rj^r.n hat keen W. Bate*. Fieiherton, selliug ^JOw ;„ij ^,1^©. 40ct8. j A raectmg will U held "t Uie B'were Ec?flsv*iA A;,-ricn?*'M-sl 8.cAty s 1 h,,*^; ^^-i Wedeasday evening tho 27tli, • s],„w t.. da/ at K:.ckiyn. i-*o eletl » ^oi-.ratrv and fcrbusorcr, ia ' e ,•„. .,„.♦. _, Ici.uuection TT.th tiie comTringQaeen's Trt spnnK a- 3 r/,. .l. t.i.. -•" "V "f Birtb.Uy celebration in Markdale. All ,,il\oiei' ' 1*"J'^^" â- •^I'"l *^»'» 'interested are request-ed to attend. iiu p/'r tan t business to be attended to. ktO«enSoouu. BiADili. Browns new advortisemeot i^^ertfo/umn. He is ofifsriag same f bargain 8. jBiEaEter examinauou of Union S. Uarkdsle, was held last week, full tienlars next week. T,)iosTO oil company, are sole (ufactarers of "Castoriue machine IrfrmgemeDts will be prosecutad. UissBS McCoy and BlyUi announce ntnd Union Auction Sale on or at May 7th« for particulars see jmx dealers for "Castorine" [Ttiofbiiie (»1 and see that the barrel i brtnied 'Castorine," as none other Tu next sitting of the Division Coort will be held at Fleshertoii, on «7 tlis 22ud inst., at 10 a. m.-â€"J, .Armstroug, Clerk. I A Buujxis.â€" A beautiful parlor iy Dufferin drawing room) suit, be sold at cost, J. W. Bates, Fles- Itrton. J. J â- WarrE, denliht. will be at the Were Hotel, on Wednesday, 27th parties reqjiriug his servioes I please remember. icQoiA making,has been tlie orlcr ii« dsj amoug iarmers, aud we keve tliey have bad a good retnn. ftheirlsbour.some Laying made over I Ibi in oaeTTcek. fANrvACTCBEBs oi reftpcrs, mowers thrcshiug macbiuea, prefer "Cast line" macbine oil to any otlier, i- )l oat wear lard, seal, or elephant, 1 is warranted not to cum. ILVD bow the small boy is seen giog for worms, and although the on for fishing has not arrived ckled beauties are daily taken from r native element. Where is the khery inspector |Ua "Castonue" Machine Oil, for kiuds of machinery, it is also ex- ilent for harness and leather, mak- j it water aud weather proof. For \k by dealers. iliu. Bros are pmcting the fiuishiu? ack«e uu their fine bn.,k block. Al ^Uier things promise fair f)r a Ively tinw fur luasoua. carpeuterfc llistercrs, ic, the camming summer. Ovn vMvli-r-i wii Mse oxC'!-e us I, The Canada Taroperaneo Act was earned in King's County. H, 8.. on Friday, by a majority of over I'SOO. Noting on Uie Act will take place in Annapolis County this week. The Presbyterian body are prtp«r- i^g to erect a handsome bnck cbnreh m London South. Within as many ycai s three fine obnrcbcs. rivallin^r tii»e in the city, have been erected in tins rising Eubarb. BiiNii^wAT. â€" A team of horses be- longing to Mr. Bichard Haley of Gle- nelg, took frigbt while at tho elveator on Wedenshay last, and run towards the village, aud vere caught by Mr. Allen McDougal nearly opposite Has- kett Bros. Tbeydid not become detach- ed from the waggon and no harm was done. Bbtsolim a Boh Lave beoomn so satisfied advertising pays, that they bave found it necessary to increase their spaoe to enable them to let their patrons know that they are keeping pace with Uie times. Bead their ad- vertisement carefully, and then call aud be convinced that they are live men, aud do what they say. Seeding is noir fauly commenced and farmers are busy, aud as the season for seeding is short and is getting well advanced there ia no time to be lost in older to hav3 it done in good time. Fall wheat is having' a bard struggle for existence, and if rain docs not soon come their will be a great many fields to be resown with other g^ain. If this crop should be a failure, it will be a heavy loss to the codntry, as there was a great amount ot it sown tho past season. A Nakrow Escape. â€"John James Bryden, son of Mr B. C. Bryden of this placd, who is at present residing near Hariisburg, had a pretty close call on the 16th irst. He was work- ing in the woods, and had taken a gun out with him. which he stood against a log, when about to return home he went to pick up the gun, in doing which he struek the -h-immer agaiLSt tUe loe, causing it to go ofif, (the gun we mean, not tbe log) lodg lug some of the charge in the rim of his hat. BuBOLABS. â€" Borne evil disposed person, or persons, made a froceabie eiidj into the grocery store of Mr Goui-i. ')a Tuesday uight last, aud The Standaid IS Best Local Paper IN THE COUNTY. Snbseribofbr it, only |1.2S p«r aiiam. Persons eaa rabaenba at any time. W. J. MoFAjbliAJSTD, Importer. Whoies^Je and Betail ieiMic»Fm«flS9icrM FOB SALE. On* MO* fimm On ViUmg* of MarkdaU. Ib« • SM ahoat IMaetw oImniI, the moat 2l 7***J» 'â- •" "^^ " •"•**»« aad MlarsB«*p«rOTlIo««rto wockoa. That* " o* As VN*iaM a risMi ^4 vn Wckwl iariAr,* inHe«M i»iek«aiiMid«: • PnuM WaMa wd Dmuif HoMs. aaa Log Bsmi- a ^â- nc Otthard eommaaoiiig tolisar; • good Wdl, beaida ths hooaa; • Trnir falM^ Btraua raas aaroas tha Urm Cedar bhSS- ent JorlMMiac ImImmw af boah hudwood, ^^»»t-«toa Mtpla Sagar Bosh of aomaMO tim^. Thf tarn ia weU {nieed. in a good atata of rapair. a«d ia • ali«aa loeaUtr. be- lag within • mila of good market, ehnroheii, asbool honaaa, ud aU naeaaaftn eonTeni /naaa. 0. W. BUTLSDOB, Prao-iator. Marfcdala P.O. THE BUSH. THE RUSH. I'l^fee AVomen aitAr a Doaen Berring^ai -«^ SPSINa HAS HADE ITS APPEABAMGE. AND BUTTER RAE la arte toBBa loom for tkairSprii^ 8loek.oflaraIlthaii WINTER GOODS AT COST! MOW 18 YOUR TIME TO GET BARGAINS In Dreaa Ooods, Ok»ds. EOiawls, Jfan's Caps, SUita, Drawara, Ovetwata. Flaoiiala. Ae. $1,537,000 o* yaat OF ALL DISCBIPnON. PLAIN and in COLORS, Ezeeatad with neatness and despateb, .sttha STANDARD OS^I^ICE, MARKDALE If yon want BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, CIBCULABB, NOTES, RECEIPTS, Mania Laafgi â- ••â-¼BIX'S ^vhet g IMtfit Mrtcttry F«r lS«l.t», TOBEPUBUSHBDIKNOyKXBEB. '81. Price SS-OO. IliTB. LOyE^J.. at thareqaaat of aereral 111. Marehaata and othara of tha Prorinaa of Ontario, rf tha City erf Moatraal, AB.,bega to anbonnee that his firm vfll pobliah a PBOTINCK OP ONTABIU OIBBC7TOBT, in November nazt, eootaiaing aa Alpliabttital Birtttay AXD A TBOBOVOSa OXjASSIFIBD Business Directory of tbeBoaiiieas and PiofeuioiuU nen ia the Cities, Towns and Tillages of Ontario, with a CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY or raa CITT OF MOMTUEAL. The same eiure aDl attention bestowed on the DominioD and Provincial" Directories of 1871 will be 'iven to this wurk. Sabscribera names respeotfally solioited. Terms of Ad- vertising made known npon application. JOHN LOVRLL A SON, Publishers. Montreal, December, 1830. DONT PASS THE PUCE AS WE MEAN BUSINESS. In 'waada, an patterns. Cottoaadea, Ihieka, Shirtingit, Oinghama, DaniaSV 7bit« and ai»y Cottoes, Diwia Oooda, Prints. HoUandj. TowaUiaga, CoUara, !Kaa, Braeoa, Odond and DrsM Shirts, and all small War« aattaOy kept Hata m Felt aad torâ€" all prieas. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. Don't forget that COOPER A SMITH'S BOOTS are ti* oaly Boots worth buyinf;, and we arc tbe ONLY SHOP in Town that keep them. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE IN ALLL STYSEB. N. B.â€" Wa trust taat all unst'wners will reraembar that we IfUST have mone/- If ae- aoauta are not paid by the Ifttk lms«., Ibo BaUifl wiU deal with tliam after that date. Markdala, Uareh 8. ISftl. 1 Announcement To I«Md tfenagh tha FtaahMTtOa AgaOay, at tun. UToaan pariag* audlOparaeat. iBtarastr It roa uatd a bara r I, araaotaaSeiaatr If ;«« want to VayaaonlaBdr If yaa waat toelaar aai inprova mora land f •DkonowAf tho Niffth of Scotland Canadiaii lor^e Company Aqr eharga no llaaa f Oibj do aat eqaaXaa j««r pa/ments, nor eharct yoa IS par aaefc en ovar d«a pajmenta bat tliey #• giva tta Baoat reaamabla pririlcgos Vt aay Cdai- ipaay landiag moaey, AND THEIB COSTS ARE LOW I Bpaeial xctaa givan to paitiaa waBttng apedallj' brge loaaa, offeriagspaeial aaearity I have also a few thousand dollars of PRIVATE MONEY^f To in'TSet fa rtrf rrasouable terms, anil at 7 |kar cent, liit^rest. This is a mrr ehaae^ aad the amount is limiUxl. As many Engliah and Sootoh eaiatahstsara witUiawing their c^atal from the market, I believe a ehauRS in the money market buj mou be exp etad. Money has reaobedroek bottom. IV*w Is Uie tlnae t* k*IT«W, and tbaplaaa ia The Fiesherton Real Estate* Loan and Insurance Ageney. INSURANCE! It is of the greatest imporUnoe to Insurers that the; aeleot a BeUstMe and Mmif. Comity, and that they do their bosinessthroogh a retlmMc AcfMit. I am prepadref to tahft appUeations for the Strongest, Safest aud Best Companies in Canada, an# for a Stock Company, at rates as low as any reliable Mutual. My Compauirs ai« ihs Laaicashire and Citirens, (Stock The Waterloo County and Gore District, (Mntnal and Caah.) CONVEY ANCllVO. Teeda, Wills, I.MMM. Mortgages, Agraonenta. *e., Ac., oi? shivt notiea, and work C*r««.tl)r and IVesitly dona. In this line my bnainasa has iuereaaad aad ii iroreaaing, I am now doing the largeat bosiaaaa in theRiding. LATE IMPOBTATIONS OF Seasonable Goods, AT THE BEST PAPER! TRY BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTBATED. POSTERS, t lack ot .h u„u:il au...uut uf iiiMt»r 1 apprupnatod seme of the couteuts, aud is w»eK. u.. luou of jobw-.ikis|n«icontouted with that, but inast need great, auu tnc luip 'or-iuiutv o; get il r-iuiatv o liiig extra imlp, id oai- o-aiy excuse iQix qj s^me ncc, suj^r, aud snudry other articleii into a confused mass. Mr. Gould is absent and tUa amonn iwper*..ii.su.iyiugafarmto itnt, ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ be ascertained nntU his iQld du well to leavj particuliii's alt 'IS office, as we know sevoial parues »sutibg to get such TiuiLDiNo operations have commfcnc- 1 aJready, there Ipu'jj no less than pve baildingsin various stages of com- etion at the picsent date â€" a pump ory, a liverj stable, and tlirae Uing bouses. I Tie Fost-BUister requeets ns t„ *J, that the post-office will positively â- closed at? o'clock p. m., sUarp, hery evening; and parties askinit for sir mail matter after that honr will refused WALL PAPERS eyery quality, inm tha diMpeet itothebighaai gradas of art, in and Bronieâ€" 8,000 rolls •» W- McFarland's. Tmx lUustrated ^eitnUfie Ntm for ^;til is to hand. The fDostraiad are famerous and of a first olaaa order. Aay cbinie who wants to keep with tbe 3«s should take this realy uaefal blieation, Sabseription $1,00. per nam, Published by Mann Co, 87 fk Row, New york. Sabaoriptions avedhere, where specimens maw •(•en. l^tesancBUV Chobcb, â€" On Monday uog last, •• Minoaneed, the eoa- tional meeting was held ip tbePrer ehnrch in this town, to try and aeto amioaUe acrancmentioriga' ' anion of the eoogeratioa, A vote taken wetbcr the eoageratioB aeeept tke propoaal ot ttaoae ' have separated firom the eoogre- a. aa it was belived by ioiim that ' means many o those who had ^Uie ehordi wonU be brought beek I PfOfoeal WM t««eM hj • Iwft ie«nn( ihe Bfeftt* tbe-iMrtiUglit retom. We have not learn whether suspition is attacted to any one. Oar enerjetic constable has talced the matter in hand, and wo hope his ef. forts to trace the miscreant will be sue. uessfal. A Maple sugar Social was held in Dufferin Hall on Monday evc-uing last. We bave attended an aimost nnlimitted nnm^r of social the past wia'«r, bat|deoid«dIy this ww the sweetest of them all. There was biscuits and hot sugar provided in abundaooe,with an oceasional drangbt of cold water to asauage the thirst eaosed by the essence of maple. After all ware satisfied, or we might say disMUisfied. because they were not able to dispose of any more, a ino- gramme eonsisting o' voeal and in stramentelmuie, BeMlings,reeitationB Ac., was vary eroditably carried tiaoogh, and was tfaorooghly appred. ated by those present. Proceeds over $8. A shocking accident incident on Sabbath desecration oeoorred on Sunday last, on the farm of Fred Gobi. Mr. Gasper Hartman had left a ehild 8 year of ag» there while be •tteaded divine servioe, and daring the absence of the senior members of the Camily a namher of youths wwe plavingbaU, one of which alraekit with eonaidatable foree. striking tbe child on tbe noee, litendly knowing it oS. Dr. M cL ea n vras ^uamediatelT summoned bat was able "to d* paratiTely liftl« for tlie poor child' ofaioog disfiirnrensnt ia ineritaMs additioai to the aeote suffering it a should sorrive. It oaglit to prove a serious amam kit the ones pvtieipating in the caae, and aevsae pteiahlBaat ahoold ho Mated out te Ikm. Ifc..na»ma haa ik» V» SALE BILLS, STBEAUEBS, DODGES, HAND BILLS. PAMPHLETS, PBOGBAMMES. 36th YBAB." THE SCiENTlRC 'AMERICAN Taa g ciaa i m o Ajrbicav is a large Prst- Clasa Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages, printed in the mo.tt beantifnl style, profuuly iUuttrated with splendid engravings, repre* seating the neweat Inrentluns aud the most reeent Advaneaa ii the4rts and Scisucea ineiading New and Interacting Facts in Agri- enltore, Harticnltore, the Home, Health. Medical Pratireas, Sooal Soisnee, Natural History, Geology, Astronomy. The most Talnable praotical papers, by eminent writers in all departments of Science, will be found in the Scientific American. Terms, WSO per year, ?1.60 half year, which inclndea postage. Discounts to Agents, Siugla eoppies, lOe. Sold by all Newsdeal- ers. Bemit by pastal order, to MUNN CO.. Publishers, 87 Park Bow, New York. PATENTS, tio^^sr, ScieBtUc Aaaertcan, Messrs. Mnax A Co. are Solieitors of American and For- eign Patents, have had SS years ezperienee, and have the largest establislunent ia the world. Parents ara obtained on the beat tarms. A spaedal notiee ia made in the Sclentiflc A an ilf of all in?entiona oatanted through this Agency, with the name aad reaidaacs at tha Patentee. By the immense eireolstion thna given, pttblia attention is direatad ta the merits of the new patent, and salaa m introdaatioo of taa aaaily efiacted. Aay peraoa who haa made a aew diaeoTS* ry or inventiMl, caa aseartain, /r«« of ehartt, whether a patent eaa probably be obtained by writing to Min«H Co, We also sead fT€€ OUT Hand Book aboat the Patent Laws, PatenU. CareaU, Trade Marks, ther ooat*. and how procured, with hints how toproenre aadvanees on inventions. Address for the paper, or eoaeeming pateata. MUNN CO.. i^" 87 Park taw. Mew Tork. Braaah Dike eor. F aad 7th aU., Waah- ingtoa D. .C. VISITING CABDS, BUSINESS CABDS, BALL TICKETS, Or in fiut anything in the printing hactUm't laU to ciU at the StandarD OFFICE, TsMMito street* MARKDALE, Where w* and style TjiS. "iitn'i voo A NEW ELECTION BVLpla-TSLSiSU THE Uadersigned is prepared to adranee Moaaf on Fiist-Class Farm Property, a with large margins, at 6 Per Gent., Yearly! N STUMNT laMtt, This lathe Lowest Kate ever offerered in the County of Grey. OFFICES :â€" Lot SS, Co«. 4, Knpliiasia, and MaAMSB,â€" Next door to Boyal HotoL N. B.â€" A large amoaat of private money to loan oB Qood Notm or SMomi Mortgtign, K. â- . KROTT. lfaTCli*,1881. ESTABLI SHED 86 YEARS WEEKLY SPECTATOB A LAUOS BIQST-PAGB PAPEB â€" HILTâ€" kcid: One^f the Isargeat and best Weeklies ia Cuutda. neatva a» Oaato fnr avciT jaaa^ ai^ Aay gartv w wli a s as utm •*• wm l aaa iv i a esfy, AT THE TORONTO HOUSE. Wm- BROWN. Markdale, Apru i^; I8i8. J-lv FLESHBSTON Harness Shop TBB Snbaeriber begs to inform the public that he has feonstaaily oa hand a huge assortment of CARRI6E, BUGGY AND TEAM HABIfES • ^--r ' Made hi good style and of the THE BEST OF MATERIAL, And as he means bflaiaeas ^re HiU an early call, aa he will seU at the lowest living prioea, for caah. A good copply of fTHlPfl, TBVMKS, dke^ always oa haad, SedehlMltftlSptciaHy, And a good fit gaaraateel, t^Bemembar the stsad the Post Offlee is opposite. N, B.--8tave timber waatad, J.GORDON neehartaa. Mardi. UtL 16 J. lOHTGOMERY D A IC E R, THK Subaeriber, in t e taiaiua tfcaaks t« the iahabitaata of Mariidab aad snr- roaadiage6aatr7 for their patroaa«e dnriag the past ei(riityeara.l»ga to in tim a te to tiiaaa ha isbsw ff^puad te asqvly tha Pabliewith FRUIT. POUND A PLUM CAKES, either jdatn, or load and Ornamented, aada laifa Variety of Other Cakes. atwi^aonhand, Alao, S;X S O "O" I T I fafciSft fai flblfc^o: Alao, a large and vaaM J aaaortment M te OMKitTeSIIIFieTIMKni BRIDES' CAKES! •oppUadeaflM diertcat notiee, aad lot aa ^dMbeatstyla tet is does tUs aUs el Tonote. Til Miiii, 8«ii, ana PABTIBS d o« u^ Auction Sale OF VALUABLE FARMS, In the Tovtnakipi of JtrUmena and Pro' ton in the County of Qrey. There will be So'd. on Friday, IhslSfb day of Ipril, A. D. 1881, At one o'clock in th aft^raoon, »X the McCULLOUG S HOTEL. In the TTILLAGE OF IDUNDALK. BY Tirtae of Powers of Sale contained in oertain Mortgages, whieh Will be pro- dneed at the Qale. the following Propertiea: \. FABCELL Under Mortgage from Ilobert Gordon, Lot No, 87, in the Srd Coacessioa, Sonth of the Doiham Boad, of tho Towaship of Artemesia, County of Grey, contain 1(8) aerea, more or leis. The following impwementd are â- aid to be on tbe premisi Aboat 10 acres partly cleared. The property is situated aboat lO miles from tha Village of Dundalk. PABCELH. Uhder Moftga)^ from Hugh MeGnron, Lot 17, in the 17 Coaeession of the Township of Protoa, ia th6 County of Grey,' containing 100 aeraa, more or ian. The following im- provements ai« eaid to be on the pzenuseal Aboat 90 aeraa deared and under eutivatioa, widi a log faonse Sad bam ereeied thereon. TEEMSâ€" One-tenth of th0 porehaae mmey to be paid down on the dSy ol sale. Far halansn. terms will be aiade known at the sale. For farther partiealara i^ply ta JONES BBOS. A MACKBHZIK. Solieitors. Alaatmie Hall, Toronto. Or to JOSEPH MeABDLE, Eaq., Hoperille. Tscoato, 14*h Mareh, 1881, S8-4w TAILORING o. a.oWbn, Fanbionable Tailor, HAYINO f«Btoi the Taileci^ Depart- Bteat over lleFsdaad'a store, wlidiea tntafona tlM pebBs al Mai Mali and sar waaiiaa innn«i». Omi* be la prepared U FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily! C U T TI N G Deas wkOs OastonMn are wsttiaf. THE UTEST FASHION PUTES todioaafram. A Good Fit Giannteed â€" AT^ 3«member the Flaoe, "Jimlly Reduced Fhc^ A ITCI'ION SALES attended iu either Town or Country, aad Bilk supplied tree U J\. charge; Elso.allaecesaary Blanks and Stamps. LAUDS FOR SALE AMD tO BE!VT. To any having lands to dispose of I offer a ayleMdU4 CkaiBce to adrertise. It don't cost yoa a cent till your lain is sold, aad yon can withdraw at any time. I also realize better prices than tbe Propnetora themselTee. Correspondeooe solicited. In every department of my business I maka carefWneaa, correctness, and fair deaJiny the prominent features, «ul eharga' aa low as any reUable num. ROBTa DAVIS, Conreyancer, K'ommiuioner in U. ••'., ai'd General hptni Fiesherton. Feb. 9, 1881* ai-tl RE MO VAL BE MO VAL The undersigned wishes to inform the Public generally, that he has purcbaacd tlieeatira control of the • FLESHKFtT/0:V STEAM: FDRMDRE, ARD SASH ARD DOOR FACTORY AND REUOTED TO THE F u rn i t u re Wa r e r o o m s TO TIIK NEW AND COMMODIOUS BRICK BU.'DING ADJOING THE FACTORY. Where my numerous rnstomers will aln-ays find me, or a competent salesman to look after andfattenj to tbcir wants Mj rncUities arc novr Superior to eny time siiiro' commencing buisiness, and I trust bv lionoraMe dealing to merit a ecmtluaauce of the patronage so libcrall.v bestowed in the paxt. • ' .^"'v" -o â€" I have now a Large and Vancd Stock of Furniture in all the Latest Stylesy and during tbe Winter I require 100,000 F ET OF GOOD Bntternut, Cherry, Basswood, Birch and Ash 'â- --' 11- tJ Hivd: S B 13 I for which THE HIGHEST PRICE WILL BE PAID. -A-lso SI Q"a.si3aLtit3r of O-ood ZPlaa-e^ ALL RINDS OF SASH, DOORS, II0ULDIN6, ETC., AS USUAL. Estimate of supplies Civan on Application. I3r Don't forget the Warerooms are removed next door to the Factory, Durbuu street.*^ H. IIOOl'EK. Ftsiitaertcb, Deentfber t3, 1880. .| CHEAP GASH STOEE. .JUST ARRIVED A FULL SUPPLY OK BOOTS AND SHOES. jS TEiS i SFBUin Jk IHIXL ' "'" o As we drt !oing a CASH BU5INESSj^we will not h4 undersold by any other house iii town. BOOTS SHOES A SPBCIAIiTY -â- (y IotH Forget the PlAC«a EEYNOIiDS SON. Markdale, Dec. 31, 1880. a Ons spaa of drivtef harm: 1 ipsa i4«nrk- lag horaaa; 1 aat doab!ahi.Tiea«: I a*« aanoa; 1 kght Balky. WiH U «oM eUap tm oadi or (sod aeto, oa short tops. MaaOala. MsNh. Mn Dr.flPBOUlX. ir-xw Om Talis of S7eH'oUat«ara.wi«l_ aad haadr. Oarapoa «! wovkb^ h^r.«.. yoaa«. Oi»s fillr 4 TTMs