^M 1' 4t •- ;,*! ,/' •-ii ,J I i :( :*( 1 '• .m(| N Toftiite,irtf ft 'UzMt»fx4 «f mine. GOING NORTH. T.fui:», â€" i'luon Uteri iwi, I • t.1. ?:3 ». m. l9Mt f. m. fcW p. m. 'V.i'on, 7.6li»-m. IS.'l-'ip.m. sjOp.n â- .l».^.ll H.O.' .iii. IJiOp.a. SJCp.m i lu'.olw Sma't «. Va.n. '*,.,. tl».:.lj;M. ..«.4' a.iu. K v; (.'•.â- jTK S.OTi a.Bi. '••'Ii'.-t 3 3.'«.in. -M. -v H'4d 0.Oa.m. 'Mrtriiia lll.5:' s.Bi. Ai*«,-i 10.50 JLr.'ln 1 10a.m. 4.SS. pja. 8.30 p.a. «:4ri.. M M.in. 4.45. p.a. • tMn^'C))' Janelion 11.4-5 ».n U0p.Bt.5^pjB l.«Ap.a.C.Mp.B. t.Ufm.».Up.m. iJfl p.m. 0.4S p.m. B.nSp.m. 7.05 p.m. S.'fO p.m. 740 p.m. 4.aCp.m. 8.0i ^m. K.fVlp.m. Jl.30 p.m. •JNp m. «..50 p.m. 7.H p.m, 7JSpm. 8.06 p.m. 8.38 p m. 8.48 p.m. 0.r« p.m. 9 18 p.m. 8.88 p.m. ;»ufd..' 11.53 •.m. yfs;';5'tr;ii« 12 JO p.m, li;J-«!fc l.tSpjB. i't.i .A\ 1 .S5 p.m. ir...l.W.- 3.1ip.m. 'm '^iJy 2.35 p.m. "A"J.nnKlurJ 2 W* p.m. 4iV.;.ti 3.(1) p.m. :-v.;«»;:i-".ii S.IJ p.m. P.. vk.'M.l 3.3M p.m. «"»iK-! S..iuii! 4.)0 DjB. 10.10 p.m. GOING SOUTH. «:i; "v/.:!!-*, iJfjxirt ti.3 a.ra. 12 00 IMMW. '.«=.;... .A 7.00 a.ui. 13.30 p.m. %.j j,' T.-}A ».m. 12.5i) p.m. Xr. •:... 7.B0s.ni. 1.08p.m. V.M.:4:i.-'f.r4 7.4H a.m. 1. 28 p.m. *â- *••.:«â- 8.05 a.m. 1.48 p.m. tlyr'^W- 8.80 am.- 2.1u p.m. ,â- ;. /•â- .«.rf T-.-t '"ric«illc K.5.5 a.m. 2.43 p m. I'r..:..n.. 9.13a.m. 3 10p.m. l"-i.l..! 9.a'tA.m. 3.30p.m.' '•â- •.•;)iii-.i' 10 Lj a.m. 4-18 p.m. i .• .,^^^. 10.47 8.m. 4.60 p.m. i-«i.».. ii^^unc;ioull.OOa.m. f.05 p.m. »• ;• -f '..IKâ€" hrr. ;.' IJ a. ra. 5:20 p. m. i'â€"^i. ' j,'i :\.m. H.-'IS a. m. 5.40 p.m. a: .• 7.35 a.m. 11.55 a.m. 6.u0p.m. ' 'â- .'-.rWv^.ii. .7.50 a.m. 12.10p.m. 8.18 p.m. •h.u ;!.«!..«.2.» a.m. 12.47p.m. 7.06 pjn. .^.Ii'" i*.45 a.io. I.IOp.m. 7.33 p.m. •;i.-.:i!.ui^' O.Ooii.m. 1.30 p.m. 7.66 p.m. â- .\. .•.lt.r,.u.(..n.2.'«.m. 1.60 p.m. 8.17 p.m. 'A-i.i\fi- :?.Rt9.4ua.m. 2.06 p.m. 8.83 p.m. •^â- .•-•n!:.. .10.110 a.m. 2.37p.m. 9.00p.m. i I'l-jis 10.10a.m. 2.39 p.m. V.IS p.m. (â- ..-..•.-lo, I'niim Station, A ..•v.v .. 10.30a.m. 3.00 p.m. 9.40 p.m. t«o itmom ImU tlMJTbe Grange pnatlnoy of te WogriMa Goafer- 8ye« her*- f Amtti, ao eompl^te vas Um eoaiftl«iiM of tiM CLvwh in hU d3Uui«tr»ttY8 abilify, 80 miem t'leir Ailmtratiaa of bU %^a!L, power, »uideT:iUou. Of Uie iixn'^i 3 aim ii( b*^ ^la^a laMora 9f Dr. P'j«n » sppean to bara told apia bis powerful p^gt^t**- CjrtMaly aa ons wbi bed Uie ples- sare of midtia htua ia Tiroato, »ad enjo/ing bis genial eooiet/, eonld bava th'Ni^t it prjbibla tlut ha wovid be oat dowa «t so esii/ ma age by tbj breaking of "the triisel at tba "eistera." Ojatb may 0Tertik3 msm io msaj way*, by easoaity or diseases; bat no ona e3nU have anticipated that the robtut frams ird nsei to sae in tbo streets or ia the palpits of the city was so aaiir to ba laid low. We eau only add a simple expression ot oar aympathy with oar 'Methodist brethren, by whom the loss will be felt most keenly. Others ean re- aiombtr tha storJy mtalinas and wil- ling sympathy of the departed min- ister bat they alone oan fully meaa- are the loaa. THB STANDARD. r cr iay, April 22nd, 1881. -VOTICE, ^1" 1- » 29 .. .ca.U .advertising AgcncT, No ri • Strot We!it, Toronto, AV. W. BUTCHEE. iUnager. :i/«il to receive advertiaomautg for i irTioN!! are received at thin office ' .r^tviiiK TaperB and Magnzincs. DAIIJEA. • l..ilv Globo, per year, Ifi.OO .Will, •• 6.00 WIXIUKS. iVi--klv Ulobe, per year, fl..50 .Mail " 1.00 â- r •' Spcetator " 1.00 iriarr " l.nn. â- â- American " 3.20 1C05THLICS. â- Advocate, per year, J' (10 ;:i A;;riciiltnri«t " 150 !.• One* •' 1 5l JEWS PA PER LAWS. '• ..'itmnitter is required to girenntice I tariiint; tlie paper doei notant-rer v'.iii-n a .Kubscrilier does not take his • It of l)ie office, and state tlie reisons I 't lieiiig taken. Any neglect to do ., !li- jiostmastcr ragponsibie to the i is fur |ift,vnieiit, â- â- !:â- . perwn v.lio take a paoer from ., office, whitlier directed to his name 'â- .•v. I ir whether lie hai uscrib*d or ••i(iiasiM for tlie pa 1 i .tiiv parson ordered his paper diwon- iii' iw.iit pay all arrearaga«. or the '.- Miiv rontiniie to send it until pay- iijnd" and eoUrct the whole amount, r 1' 1x3 taken from the office or not. i:i ho no ie(;al discontinuance until ' lit ix nindo. !.â- Any pcrions who takes the 'liD fi.r more than three weeks, I'wtth- tiiv.nt; ni thnt he does not iHsh to i't,-«ill lichfld responsible f*r a year's Eaiu. BsAON'sriKLe, Eagl^nl's late Premier, died on laesday morning 19th inst., at four o'clock r. in. Tba annonQcement waa not aniooked for, as be had been safforing frota asthma for some time past, and very little hope was entertained from the first, of his ultimate recoTery. Thus Ona by one of the great statesmen of the age keep dropping off. 1 i«i I Obttuabt. â€" We are again called »n to notice the death of another of oar aettlers, in the person of Mr. Archi- bftU Park of Bentinck, who died last Sunday eTeaing at the ripe age of 8i years. Mr. Park ba.l bee a ailmg for a few months and gradually went off. Ha came to Bontiack 81 years aro. and has always been noted as one of our best agricuUurLsts. Ue took great laterast in raising superior and thorough-bred stock and in the .Agri- cultural Society, of which be has been Vice-President for some years. His family are mostly well-to-do, and show the fruits of an early training, busei on the principle that Industry and economy are the sure ways to success. His friends and neighbors will no doubt miss his genial coaatenanc and exemplary mode of agricultural pur- suits. â€" Hevietc. Co. Mya its direetorf $M5 JO.aod the B^mimm IpaazuMe Co $99^ only abmt one serentfa tbe eo«t. The Grange pays ita Maa«f«. Treamer and Beeretofy $111S.T8. when tbe Sydenham Co. only p*y $120, showing that th« Grauge Go. p^s seventees times more for «ieh oAeenu Then take tbe item of poat- age in the ^ras«eCo., $171.69, iriiieh wooll pay postage of three c^nta each nearly CO.OOO letters. Tbu ia pKet)y absurd. I do not care wbo woold tell me, unless, that the man that mailed the kltera paid p'jstage on himself erory time he went to tbe office. Now the tact is hy eonparisou sliown above, sod by further comparing the aggregate ex penditaro ofthe Companies, less the amonnt paid for fire daiois, viz. â€" TheGrange Insnranco Co. $4,T75,- 05. and the Sydenham Co. $290.08, jnst abontseveuteen times less. Well, Mr. Editor, vou may say. and so may my fellow farmers. Oh? KnoU is an agent for a Stock Insurance Co., •nd probably does not like the Grange Co., that be is insured in the Syden- ham, Ac; bat, air, I aay im 1 1 highly respect ttie officers of tbe Grange Insurance Co. I am of coarse an a«ent for a Stock Company. I have no interest in Wie Sydenham Insor- ance Cj.. bntmy insaruice is expir- ing in the Grange, and a large numb- er of other farmers insnreil in the Grange as well, who I insured myself has been asking me what was my op- pinion about the Co. I ha?e always said I believed it to be one of the safest Companies tor %grieultnral in- surance in Canada, but I e«rtainlT think tnat it mij^t not be so expen- sive. It is not seventeen times a better Company than the Sydenham Co.. one of oar home institutions. It does not give you 17 times more sec- urity. It has only about one^third more, all told, of policies in force to- day, and these policies does not cover over one-third more risks, and I see no reason why that audi enormous salariofl and other expenditures should be enacted. The object of paying good oficers well is highly recom- mendable and no one will deny the ability of the founder of this icsti- tntion who now is almost the heart and liver of it. It is nevertheless our duty ns pwlicy holders to guard ag- aiust the first appearance of extrava- gance. And it is quite evident that their is no paralell between the econ- omy of our friends of the Sydenham Mutual and tbe Grange Insurance Company. If there is, will some one prove it to me E. E. Knott. Springfield, Euphrasia, March Slst/ 1881, and FLESHER.TON UK kp:v. dr. PUNSHON '-•• â- â- : lo.' suro tliat all our readers, â- ' â- nt dibtinction ot crsed, -will '.â- !}• regret to bear of tjie death of â- ":â- Kov. Dr. Punshon, the emiment U'^iin divine, at the early age of •'.."â- Kcven. Most people will re- ••â- â- .iber' especially those oftherelig- ii ' body of which he was such a f I ' int; light, the five years he passed in I'iiuada, and resall the cheery voice \m( eloquent tongue of the first minis- â- •â- 'â- â- l the Metropolitan Church. The r»iJnwii)g short sketch of the Bcv. ..."itlemaa wa condense from the Tor- III Mail Ua possessed a rare power of mov â- •.:.' the masses by a fervid manner, â- i.tl A Bocretpower of persuasion which 'iiui notliingof the purely 8aaseatiou.\1 '!• uiou' about it. The speech came irom the heart, and did its secret work Iiore. It is not too madta to say that IV. Pnisnot; infused a ffeaher and ii:.;her uhtity not only into the Moth- o.hst Church, but into the entice CLiris- ;in.u comiaiuity, with whom his es ^•3atially catholic spirit made liim from tbe first, a welcome goesK In 1608 lie left England for Canada, pad e'ltcrod upon a new field of tti UMiph.-tnt labour. Daring hia It^i- ti mod at Toronto he certain j* oeApi- el th? first place as a paijiit nmibr. Hut th\t was not all. Uo ^as a .\:oas vntker in the caU'M o#'ii'8 litraoipt :(»nd that of raiigi(Mi4, lite yjaoriKy. That ba was attjrl/%i; -wjlfinh hi? whole c- 4 1 s prov^^. ^i whole oaroer iriiowril a ;h li'JArty willincns â€" or ratu- m^t dasirj â€" Ui st^j^nl anJ in dio caa3# of aia }i»$ttt,, h.iva alrjj*ly sxid, ha br^a•, life into tho Methodist bfidv From a Corre.spondent. While out delivering broad on Sat- urday, tile 19t!i in-tt,, MiH, Thim[)Son who was acvumpanteJ by hor two cbildrcii, met nidi what might havd proved a very .serinds accident. Some of the barn;s-;- ix caiuo loose, causidg the horse ti iiick uu J swerve tj one side preci[iitar,iii-,' tlio waggon with its uccupauts uud Ureal over an eiibauk- meiit of dm 7 t 8 I'oet. Mrs. T. was coiisidciubl.v bruscd, but tlic cbil.lrou Cbcaped With a fuw scratches. Quito an exciteiueut was caused by a ruuuaway team and a man ruiiuiu? after them, quite black in the face. Upon iiives tigation it was found to be uo ])hcnomenoD, as tlie man Lad been boiu so. A well known hard case was seen passing through our village in a farm- ers waggon, who stated he had found him lyiug oil thft road in an insensible condition with his head shaved, and his faceSpaiutcd. His trouble did not appear to have ended as he was lying in the bottom of the waggon with a circle tooth harrow over him. Verily the wayj of the transgressor is hard. The Enumerators are here and, theyhave a column in which tliey put down all the widows; upon being ask- ed why they did that by one of that class, it was stated becanso Sir John was gomg to get then all a man each. Totha Blitor of the Standabd. Sib. â€" W(i observe that the president of the Glenelg .igriltaral Society has called another meetingof the directors at the "Revere House" Saturday even- ing, 23rd inst., nt 8 o'clock, to further consider the casa of t)ie defaulting late secretary treasure of saidSociety- it is to be iioped that Mr. Lyons will at once jmy over the money i-i default to tho r.ociety, and therefore save further '•joubie and espen.se. W e trust that thi« uupleaent ca-ie will, in future prove a warning to all Trea- sures having itcbiug palms, and an overmastering desire to appropiato public funds intrusted to their charge and lead them t-J pause betore com- mitling an act which might result in giving them free quarters in the prov- incial Pemtatiary for half a decade. A READER. Wbflo • loMi IB • Moaat raak «i U(e viahea to ouwy, •»* «» 9^^ that hs poaaaaaea tho xaeuu «I M»n- teloiog a wifa^ it i»"'oBBton»»iy »« him to apply tbtb* ttifttreaa of- ne Byealla tiebool. state b{s wisfaea qaalifieatiooa, and iuqAire into numberand ehwactetaf the nurrlR*. able giri.« An iavaatiffattoa immediat ely foUows as to eligibility and »f " promiaaa satiafitetorily, be »«J«»°- with invited to drink tea wftfa the â- ehnolmistrcsa upon aa t^poiatfid evening, to give him aa opportauity cf making his aeleotioD. Tba eUer girls are then infurlBBd of bis intended visit and ita pnrpta* and tb'iee who desire to enter "the matrimonial iMto come forward and signify their wiah to join the party, frequently four or five oompetitora make thair aj^aar- uiee oa these oeeasiooa ia the oliat- reaa, room. The geuttaman, wlule doing hia best to nwke 'himself uni versally agreeable, yet couteives in tbeeoarae ofthe evening, to marl' hia preferanee for xne partiealar lady. Sboald these symptoms of bud- ding affection be favorable reoieved, he tenders his propoa^ in dne form on the folldwing morning. But it often oeears that the aeilected lady does not participate in the inamorato's sudden flame, in which casd she is at perfect Uberty to decline the honor of liis alliance, and reserve herself for the next tea-party exhibition. W.3 have kuown tbe tbe instancy when an amorona old gentleman from an out station presented himseli three Buceeseive times at these soirees in the hope of obtaining a wife to cheer tbe solitudes of his up country residence, but all in vaine tb ' 'â- oing ladies u- nauimously rejeot dhjm ith the high- est disdain, wonden.itj "bow such an utfly old fellow could have the impu- dence to think of a wife But a very different reception ia giVen to the young dashing sergeant or smart-look- ing conductor Uiir attentions are never repulsed, and tho announce ment of the "chosen intends," as Miss Squeers would say, is anticipated with the utmost imnatience by many anxio- us young heart. Tho wjidiug spaed- ly followed, thebride.s modest "trous- seau,, being provided from the funds of the estabiishment, and evcrv girl io the school cheerfully contributiag her aid in the manufaotura of fcie dresses. 3e: ' tC' tSet«fl.iK. te4 lea: talie* TOBOWTO. ToBosTo. April 11, 1881. bMh 11 08to»l«0 1 10 to 1 !• Vba»t,Ul. p«r Wbeat, ipring, oo Barley, *» (^Ij do* .*• • Pms, j" Bye. "*• Obl^Saed *»â- ••"• OMn«llMea.|«rl00tU. Baefi hiai qusrters......' BasCIMe quarters Chii*na,per p«r Fowls. do Duoki, per ta«ea.. Qaasa. aaeh....* • Tackejt.^ BaOm.UmftM* Bntte, tHhi^aej Butter. aMce-qpkal ..... E(g*, ireah, i# ada. BggV, paekM. ...•••«•«• An4M.perM.. Potatoas pw ba' Onkna^per bsc 91 040 097 080 e oo 8 00 7 oo T9 to 88 to oes tu 80 to o oo to 7 W to 800 to 8 00 le-4 eo o 80 to TO 40 to 4o So to SO to 1 00 to 13 to 17 to 18 to 18 to o(^ to 1 oo to OSOto t oO to 8 SO to 0«A So 1 7S IS 9e 30 U 00 1 So 06S 8 SO 14 SS 9aMwtb MmoI, t4o lacaiabast. CAHJLPA MiStFODIST CHURCH. fc^VT sSuth School kt 8:»o p. m. 5:8 B«r-.S«parint«MUBt. Prayer i^ ll^jjiannid, Paaior. PBDCITIVB IIBTHOOTBT. n -1... i.tiTT Ut and 8H fleblietli •* 8 to\solm.inthoOr«i«eH.lL C.C.Oar- oett. Pastor. PBKSBTTEBIAM. ga^eo. ia Dnflaria »^. •*-„,__ 8*^**' 5^i^ • J"-|iSLA»*Sona Mo Rab- oo C«Tr«»p«ttl(tt(«. Notice. â€" We wiah it disinctly understood, thnt we do not hold oaraelreg reponsible for the opiniouB expressed by our correspondents. IS THE GRANGE INSURANCE COMPANY THE IDEAL OF THE GRANGE, To the Editor of the Stan-oaiu) Sib, â€" As an iiiterested member of tbe Grange Insurance company from its poalist formation, and also having acted in the capacity of. au agent for the company. I have been examining the annul repoat of 1881, and unless some one can convince me to the con- trary, I have come to conclusion iliat the Grange Insurau'^e Company has not in any respect reduced the cost of insurance, but on the contrary, has set a most extrordiiiary example of extra- vagance in its management, I sustain my concisions by fact* anJjii/uret taken from their annul report of 1680, and I have just taken the Sydenham Innur- ance Company an a comparison, shew- ing theexpeudituro ot bcth in detail: â€" The St, itnham Fire Inturance Company Amt paid lor losses during the year of 1880 $1573.78 Paid Fire Inspector » 12.60 " Director's Fees 1.20 " Salirius 120.00 •' Pnuti.ig 8.20 •• Po.-taga 20.G7 "Staiioaaiy 8.63 1 " Petty Expeoces „.00.00 " Auditors 00.00 I lkimuni-»t Grange Jiixwanee Company. p«i1 far iotsaan ?uring the Am: 18S0 lucjpcct-jj...... year t't FAid Fir .• anJ ;st," L"JijU E-su'^oc-e^ ' I'iveftorV- Fyto.. • S.4!HTi^e.; §2181 02 91.1X 5J g'8 GENERAL ITEMS. Diptheria is prevailent at Cu mber- laud, and many death:) are reported. Joseph Whitley has discovereld a 12- inch gold lead near Dartmouth, N. S A new Method church will be erect- ed at West Winchester during the comming summer, at the cost of S13, 000. The necessary sum has already been subscribed. Thirteen card loaded with cattle fo i' the English markets passed through Levis on Satnrday'from Toron- to to Halifix, whore they will be ship- ped for Glasgow. Parties from Guelph, Oat., are ar- ranging to start a woollen mill in Vic- toria, B. C, if they recievo a bonus of five thousand dollars frcm the city, five thousand from tho provience, and free water taxes. The London Ministerial Association yesterday discussed tle question of amusements in the church, eapecialy devoting themselves to dancing, card rlnying.and theatre-going. No conclus ion was arrived at, although a number of the membera expresed vllw very liberly in their character. Tbe Napenee Town Council has re- solved to submit a by-law to tlie people to grant a bonus of $5 000 to a com- pany with a prosposed capital of $50, 000 to assist in the errectioi. of glass works with a ten pot furnace, to em- oloy not less than 45 men, and paj not lea than $700 in wagies. The promoters having engaged 800.000 feet of lumber and secured about ten acres of land, of which five were given ^ratifby Mr. 3. S. Cartwright of Tor- or to. â€"The Barneaville (Ga.) Hazette says: "there is a lady living in this county who has 'la*! five husbands. She lives on the old Hightower Trail, and married four widowers in sacoas- «ion. The remarkable coincidence connected with this good lady's mat- rimonial ventures is that all her hus- bands lived on the same road and jnat one mile and a half from each other. The first widower lived one and a half miles fijm the lady, who was a widow, the second, third and fourth lived about the same distance from each other, so she h(Ls in turn had charge of each of the reHidenees. and is now living happily with her fifth husband, within seven miles of her original home. N.\aBow Escape. â€" Mr Andrew Sa- unders, a son of Mr.D^vid Saundf rp, of Sarawak, met with an accident, on Thursday last, which nearly termina. ted his life. While driving a load of lumber, it upset and fell on top of him leaving onlf a portion of his legs vis- ible. V {;entl«mau passing accident- ally noticed his legs, and set to wtrK at once to recover the body, believing that life was extinct Further assist- ance arriving, the load was removed, and it was found that Mr. Saunders was still alive, although severely bru- ised Mu 1 an arm broken. The marvel is that he was not smothered in the mud, as ha was altogether unracog- uizable when taken out of it. He is doing as well as can be expected C3n' sideriug the injuries received. â€" Tri hune. DIED. AsE.Nâ€" 111 Mt^rkdale, on the I9th inst., Ada Estella. daughter of Mr. Kiehard Askin, Mjrc!i:tnt, a^od 1 year, 10 mouths and Hi days NoBTONâ€" In Holland on Sunday '0th inst., John JAMrsf TO I'l^-cst soiiof Willifttn and Elizahetii E- Norton, S;.'ed6years 'i months and 18 days. Major Bruce of London, who lost 800 t-lnm trees by the recent frost, has now discovered that neorlr all hu peach trees had been destroyed. SPECIAL NOTICES. Mothera! Mothers 1 1 Mothers I I Ai« Tou disturbed «t night and brohan i] Tocr rert by a siek ohild enflenng and aryink with the e «e n » e i» t iwg paia ol oattinj t«a^ If ao. Ro at onoe and cet a «»** „™ MBS. WIH8L0W8 SOOTHINO SYBDP. It will T«liev« the poor little sofierer immodi- atelyâ€" depend opon it there is no mistate sbant it TtMie is not a mother npoo sarth who ha* eTer used it, who will not tell you at once that it *riU regul»te the boweU, snd give r» t to the mother, aud relief and health to the eluld. operating Ihie magie. It is p».r- fsetly safe to ase in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and it the prescription of one of the oldest Mid best female physicians and ntirsos in the Doited States. Bold every- where at 25 eento a bottle. 80 ly BEST AUD COMFORT tothb SUFFKBINO Browne Hov«eli*M Pasac*a has no equal for relienng pain, both inter- nal and external. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Thr.at, Bheumatism. Toothache, Lumbago and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "It wiU most suTbly quieten the Blood Mid heal, as its acting power is won- derlnl." " Brown's Household Panseea,' being acknowledged as the great Pain Baliev- er, and of double the strength of any other Elixer or Liniment in the world, should be ia every family handy for use when wonted " as it really is the best remedy in the world for (/ramps ra the Stomach, and Pains and Aches of all kinds," aud ii for sale by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 20-ly $2 $2. ImlUtioBffwMH. »olldK«ld|lt, CftMMSl And bMl for TAur o vB om at ipwsUtlr* pw â- â- !â- . Vklaittfl* mI- AloffMrrM TKOafXHT AClu* IM â- â- ii â- â- â- !. â- â€" !•â- » TARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RC8TORED. A Tiotini ol ToafbfDl impradeaee eando; Vnas- taie recs7, Nerroot Debility, liost Uankood. etc., haTJsg tried in Tsin every known mnedj, ha* dls- eoTCTFd a simple self ciue, which be viU s end F HEB to bis feDow-sufferen, sddiesi J. H. BEEVES, 4S Ckatham St.. N. Y. PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the recipe for a aimpfe V«J«TABLB B.Au« that will remoTo Tas, FEECKLKS, PIMPLES and Bmtchkb, leav- ing the skin soft, clear and benntifol also instrnctions for prodncing a Inz iriaut growth of hair on a bald head /r smooth faoe. Ad- dresn, endofiDg a 3c. stamp, Ben. Vandelf 4r Co.,, 6 Bcekman ct., N. Y. 20-Iy fciPRING SHOWS. Euphra.sia, iriday, April 22nd, at Bocklyn. CuUingwood Township, at Clarks- burg, Thursday, 28th April. St. Vincent, at 'Meaford, Friday April 19th. Countv, at Owen Sound, Monday, 26 April. Shelburne, April2lst, in Shelburne. THE MARKETS ACCENTS -WANTED.â€" Big pay.â€" Liirht Werk. Steady Employment. Samples free. Address, M. L. BYBN, M Naiissaa street, New York. 30-ly TO CONSUMPTIVES. The adveriiser, having been permanootly cured ol tbtt dread disease. Consumption, by a simple rt-medy, is auxions to make known to hia ff I'ow Fiiffei erK tlie meisiis of cure. To all wlio desire it. he will send a co^y of the prescription u.«eJ, (free of charge,) with the diroclioas for piopniring and using the same vjhich they will find a sinii Cuke fi«r CoN- SUSfPTlON, .\3TH-J*, BBOXCniTII, AC. Parties wishing the Proscription, will pleai-e address. Rev. E. A, Wilson, 149 Penn St., Williamsburgh, N. Y. aO-ly MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS j5Brb»mâ€" Third Tn^fday in each month. Priccvilleâ€" Monday before Durham. Hanoverâ€" Monday before Durham. Mount Forestâ€" Third Wednesday m each month. Onelphâ€" First Wednesday m eaah month. .„ Hatristonâ€" Friday before the Guelph Fair. Draytonâ€" Saturday before Guelph. Eloraâ€" The day before Guelph. DougIa»â€" Monday betore Elura Fair. Hamilton â€" CyrsUl Palace Grounds, the day after Guelph. Berlinâ€" Fret Thursday in each month. Bramptonâ€" First Thursday in each month. Liatowelâ€" First Friday io each month. Fergusâ€" Thursday following Mount Forest. Tst-jmontâ€" Fifteentii of February, April, June, Angust, October and D»- cember. Primrose- Wednesday preceding the /range viUe Fair. Orsngeville- The 2nd Thursday in each month. Fleshertonâ€" Monday before Oranga- villo. Dnndalkâ€" Tuesday before Orangcville. Shelburiieâ€" Wednesday. I efer Orangc- ville. Marahville â€" Second Wednesday in each mouth. Walkertonâ€" The last Wednesday in ea'ii mouth. Mildmayâ€" Last Wednesday of each month. Auction Sale OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY, In the Tvu-mJtiir of Ogprry, in the Coun- tv of Gvfy. UNDEE aud by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage, which will bo nrodueed at the time of sale, and upon which default in payment has been made, there will be sold at Messis. Smith Myar'a Auction Booms, No. 151 Yonge Street, iu the City of Toronto, in the CouKty of YcTk on Saturday, the 7th day of HIIy, a. D. 1881, At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon. The following valuable Lauds and Premises Lot number twenty-seven, in the Fonrth Conces.sion, North of the Durham Boad, in the Townuhip of Ospiey, iu the County of Grey. There is a small clearing on the propertv, and the f^oU is good. This is ft valuable property. TEKM 8â€" One-tenth of the purchase money to be paid down at the tin.j of sale, balance within one mouth from the day of sale. For fnrtber particulars (I. 'h 'o LEYS, PEARSON A "L ..SFORD, Vendors' Solicitors. Toronto. Dated at Toronto this 6th day of Ap?il, A. D. 1881. 32 3i MARKDALE. FniDAY, April 15, 1881. Flour 5,0o to 5.6o Spring Wheat per bnsh., new 1.02 tc 1.08 ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who snSerreil for years ±\. from NervoQS DKBILITY, PHEMA- TUlvE DECAY, and all the effects of vouth- fnl indi.scretiou, will for tbe sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making tbe simple rentedy by which be was cored. Sufferers whishing to profit by tup advertiser's experi- ence can do so by aldressinf; in perfect eon adenoe, JOHN B. OGDEN, 20 ly 42 Cedar st. New York. do. FaU Barley Oats Peas Potatoes. Butter, per lb Eggs, per doz Pork, dressed, Beef Ueese per lb Ducks, per pair Fowls, per pair Turkeys, per lb Sheepskins Hides Qrass seed, Hay Wool Green App/es, (^er. bushel. Lard Tallow Dry Cord Wood do. do. 0.9H to 1.00 0.60 0.30 0.60 0.30 0.18 0.1-2 7.00 ' 4.S0 o.ra 0.40 â- 0.20 0.07 75 5.00 2.00 7.00 0.26 0.40 0.10 0.06 1.80 0.80 0.81 0.62 0.30 0.20 0.00 7.26 6.60 0.00 0.4£ 0.25 0.07 1.26 7.00 2.40 8.00 O.So 0.50 0.10 0.07 ff.C0 i?TiESHERTON. {Correcttd weekly for the Standard by R. J, Sproule, Fletherton.) Tbo*8im, April 14th 1881. Klcnr, per bbl f 5.00 t* 16.60 Spring Wheat per bush., 1.00 to FaU do. do. do. 0.96 " Barley O.M " Oats 0.00 " Peas 040 ' Potatoes OM " Batter, perlb |;17 •• Egg8.perdoz. O.M" Poik, dressed. 700 Beef Sheepskins Hides Hay TimoOnr Wool Lard Tallow ••*••••• 400 0.60 6.00 •.00 9X0 OJB O.M O.06 i.03 0»7 0.78 OAi O.CO 0.80 0.19 0.15 0.00 6.00 1.25 7.00 9M) 3.40 0.80 0.13 0.07 BURDOCK BLOOD BITTEHS -.a^ut â- •"• _.j.tV iS.Iii :.500a " AudiUra 6a.a5 edonall hands. 'IfiM Metropolitan By the above atatcuiente which arc church arose andar tU apeU of htA tk*fla f rofa the reports uf ««|i of thcj K« ti.^ -*«J i GomfWuicB It can be 8«eu th.it it coata his energy aud farvoaa «er I eloq iOMa a4 'd t ooofce i of aa auchmtcr. fie araa pcrh.i;M lbs moA^ffjotive aip»nt ia bnugiu^ ab-MU JOolkotlfBt Union; vhilat tiu- lia CoO^tte Eadbwanikt, aad th â- -II Mt^ioas of tin Wealeyaa .y that t Japaa, ow^d- .„ ... ... tfaaOfattze Lisoraact;Gwmpaby$143,- 78|bet#eeu Legal and li«ape«tiju)ex pe a aaa to settle stxteea Ibcaesaui^nut- a% ofS1818i, aud tbe Sydouham laauaiibe Oo..; 18.70 to settle ibar kieaM aaoaotiug to $1178.78, jnat •boat e l aw» tioMe leas *speiiae« By- thaa ia Uie Gt«ag» C^xupaAy The ioij Medidw thst noeoMfUljr poiillei tki Bladd. aeta lipon the Liret. ^els, gUn anA. Kktets. tfUle at the lame time it aOays Nervou faitatkm, and atractheiu the Debilitated Sjstem, perftetlv a«d apwdjjy CBriag B 1 1imm e w, Jaundice. Iy«p»p n patifli^ â- eadaohe, Bhemnatiain, DwpayOremMMd fl-B. eral DeWttty. ItauJe ComitlaiBti, BooAda, ImfaMiM^ Salt BhOBB, and tmry qMdaa of ahronic Diaeaie aririarftn DiMctevd Uw. WMagjt, Stomach. Ihmeboriaood m KST lura mrnnm tmk â- ik -^ 9a:j!ujam,rmn ?%si?Sf jwr*** " • " â- " -^ *«-« REMOVED FEOM my old Stand opposite tho Post OflBce, Duudalk, to Mr. Deans' Hard- ware Store, where I have a well assorted stock of Gold and Silver Watches, Jewellry, Wedding and Jem Kings, Clocks, c., c. WAB d CLOCES Carefully Repaired and brought to tiM, AU work guarautcf for one year. I shall be in DUNDALE, persoaaHy every Friday. All orders left at my store wJl be promptly attended to. Thanimg my numerous easte- msrs for their very liberal p«tToaa«e. I *oald reapeetfnllT aolieit a -r^Hmwms of the same. W. P. DOLL, MarehSrd, 1881. 9e-tfa Money! Money J T^S^^*?** ha. a iM^ »i,«n^ X prrrate f onds to lend, at from 6 to T per AKDBKW B£ATTT Lot 180. Ut •«.H» A a. fillSiSiia. Harsh n. IMl. """" •\Jomcsj. i«^^ ftm the »L^ «»-» _t. .. anSbi7 tbtr •«« si- -i Theoorpopation ^thetowMbip of «•»- COiA. TnwTlOji» ot Olaimla ;! MAGYAR bS 4;, fepECTORALli T BALSAM^# Has no equal (or the pcrmanenc cure o( Comtchs. folds. Sore Throat, Asthma, i'reap, ^Vh««»lBK C'oawh, BroBChlUs, and ul iMBK Maeases. JflT Every bottle cuarantccd to give uitisfaction. T. MILBURN ft CO., Proprietors Torouio. G-et your 5orse Bills at the "Standard" Office, 4 cuts to choose from. TVOTIOE. AIjL parties indebted to the nndersigned either by note or book account will call at my shop and settle without further notice. As 1 have not time to risit you all at your homes, and it is too expensive to send out a eollector, i hops the aixive notice will be suf- fieiant. JOHK NOBI.E. N. B. â€" WarBinK is hereby giTen, that re- ceipts are of no value unless signed by my- self personally. JOHM NOBLE. Markdale. Dec. 17. 1880. 14-t( MARKDALE CARRIAGE_WORKS McKENNA MASON HAYING leased the Waggon and BUek- â- mith Shop owned by John Benson, beit to infonn the Pablie. that that they are prepared to fonush all kinds of Vehielea, soflh as BI7GC1IES, DEHfOCRATa, WAOCMlV, ETC, AMD ATPMCEtTOttflTTIIETIIICt. And by nsin« the Bast of Material and Good Woi^maoship, hope to reeeivu a fair share of year patromee. l^^Meial attention giveiito HOBSS SHOSINa Aim General Jobbing I ^vovanatanoorwark. A « ia aolidt aOjUMl waonaiantae satisfaetion. ^Skpon MUI strMt, opposite tbe Bevare lIa(kdaU,lIardiS,lMl. tsaia. FOB tht Appijrta. I lead Mdc nioi^Htti iliBZ. WEB8TES. .. Meif«ille,Oat. Ayril nUk, Wn. U4fB QTk GOOD ttdBB PioS. far a py iMlcty, lor which hi^Mxt priM wfll W liUvHad oa tba tad of Ifaf W. fi. BABJEAITT April UU1.IWI 11!^ Chord Indei ntii THIS IS A MECHANICAL DBF] *â- For Learning to Play CHORDS AND ACCOMPANIMEI OIS' TtlE PIANO ANS ORG. -JV' Any person. Young or Old, wlie have any Musical talent ornj can learn to PIjAY AI^^^ J THING, in a Y^Bl SHOBT TIME, what would take years i]\the old way, besides a great expense for Books, Tuition, etc., ^^ Sent, pre-paid on yeceipt of -••-*â- (%ni ia IS PIANOS ORCAl VERY LOW pricbsi; ADDRESS, J. A. GEAWFO^ Atgk King Street East, T« FJdi of Prints, new sprid P^iai cents, fast colors *7 Tweed 5° centsâ€" w^ I. of Table Linen, 35. 41 Slble Napkins, ejcentf ^^Lck Broad-Cloth, [Jrpuck Overalls, 30 c Wincey Shirts, 75 cer â- â- 'â- 111- ll 2ntii -T April 22t h. 1881. 'X^HER NOTICES. „x'e atock of Jewellery, liave commenced their [work. „^L weather, thonpb firea portable in tbe evenm**- M A 1 Gold or Silver Wat«h, go will aoon commence on the McDooKal brit* block. ,„0H court in Duffenn Hall. L\a, 10th June, to cmtueuce a o'clock. p^e quantity of coin^n cbair [Batea, FJe*h.?'t. u. aelliug Icte. sltow tJ d^j at, U.-i,- yti. [spring as «'•'• iriU ope" ' "" en SoauJ. Mj 'growue ucw a1v« •'ispinoijt r««lumn. He i^offenag 8 )me lEacter examination of Union S le, was LelJ last week, ful! ,_j next week. Wto oil company, are eole ctorerB of "Caetoriue macliinel 'rmgements will be prosecutiJ.l I McCoy aud Dlytli announce I laa Union Auction Sale on orl ^ay 7th, for pavticularu 6cej MOT dealers for "Castorine" J oil, and see that the barrel^ I •Castorine," as none otlici next sitting of the Division] will be held at Flesliertou, on fer tba 22ud inst., at 10 a. tn.â€" J aatroug. Clerk. BuwAis.â€" A beautiful parloi Dafferin drawing room) suit sold at cost, J. W. Bates, Fles I J WnrrE, dentist, will be at tli^ re Hottl, ou Weuuesdav. 27tl parties req.iiring bis serviced ilease remember. iitB making .has been the orjcrl day among farmers, aiul wel *f they have J^ad a good n turr r laboar,8ome huyiug made ov^i I in oneweek. riCTCBEKS ol reapers, mowcii 3ahing machines, prefer "Casl machine oil to any other, il Bt wear lard, seal, or eknuaut i warranted not to pum. how the small boy is sccj Dg for worms, and although thl for fishing has not arrive Ued bcaoties are daily taken froc loative elemeut. Where is ili â- inspector "Castonue" Machine Oil, fol jids of machinery, it is also exi _nt for harness and leather, iuhIt St water aud weather proof. Fc I fey dealers. Bros art fuitiug the fiuishii I on their fiae hri-k block. things promise fair 1 â- »" tinrm for UiasouS. CArptilUI erers, Ac, the coiuuiiiig su;u ,:o| pT readers wi: â- 'se 'Xc â- I of Uii unUiil a I'ua: ol ... raak. Tiii: i..-. ji J -i) ^^ at, aud thl iiiii- â- ' n'intv o i I extra n«lp, i^ oai j.i.y excas. I-..' perbouri h.ivj..^ a farm t. i « «'l ad do well to ItsaVw' particuli.s 1 office, aa we know eevuial parin ating to get such. ivu.JtNO operationb have cotoiuvuj kiready, there bei:;,- nol-ssths [btuldingBin various stages of c ion at the pitseut d« e â€" a p.-u a livery stable, and t..j Dg houses. Post-master requesu us at the post-office will poRi-.^velj at 7 o'clock p. m., suarf evening; sad iarties askintr loj â- mail matter after tbal hour vtj^ WALL PA-PERii ry quality, from tlie cheapej to Um higbeat grades of art, I aad Bronx eâ€"S,000 rolls at N^ Tariaad'a. lOvatrated ^cietitiflc .Wifjf ia to band. Tho illustrated I and of a first class order. A| who wants to keep with ahoold take this realy usc^ En, Subscription $1,00, I, Published by Muan Co, j Bow, New york. Subscriptia here, where gpecimens m^ I CmiBCH,â€" On Mond(j last, aa announced, the coi I meeting was held iu the Pre 1 ebarch in this town, to try aJ ^to Mnieable arr^nementin regaj I oi the conjeration. A vq iMther tbe congerati^ Moept the proposal of tbe »«• aeparated from lbs con$ I M ifc was belived by some I maDj of those who hi «)MK8h voold be brought i fleeted by a li r iaaviag the itat* ef affairs I f tba «Maaatak»«a it was.