-^??.1 â- S81. â- 0 f .50 H 1.06 Ho 1.00 â- ' 0.80 â- 0.31 â- • 0.63 H 0.30 â- â- 0.30 H 0.00 7.16 5.50 0.00 I OM 0.2.1 0.071 1.35 j 7.00 i 3.40 I ami O.So i)..iO 11.10 0.07 00 MOM1 \n.J- 91. |».V50 i03 o.a7 0.78 0.60 i 0.30 0.19 0.15 I O.lM) • 5.00 l.-2r, 7(10 I 9.IIOJ 2. 10 I I .HO '.07 ' |«t $1 ".9c; ll-ota ' I so; |.'.o I HanoTcr â€" Vooot Fo nch Qaclph â€" i mouth. Harriston â€" Fair. Drayton â€" Satt^, I Eloraâ€" The day 1 Douglas â€" Moqjm' Hamiltonâ€" Cyn^ ' I the day aAit I Berlinâ€" Fret ' Brampton â€" Fii month. Listowel â€" First L .^ Fergus â€" Tburx^l Forest. r»t3mont â€" Fifteeotli April, Jane, Aagrut, cember. Primrose â€" Wcdn (frangeviUe Fa^ Omngeville â€" The each month. FI«8h«?rton â€" Uondav ' Tille. â- ' Daodalkâ€" Tuesday I Shelburiic â€" Wednt YiUe. Mars h villa â€" Second each mouth Walkertonâ€" The Uat ca'-h moiith. MilJmay â€" Last We inontli. I HACYAP ^PECTORAL ;l! BALS« Hi' no jfqiial lof il, •.,_ ^^^ €••«»•, t aid*, K«rr ThrmailX'^: all L«BB MariMM: T. milulrR *C0. •^' (I ID I IM I) 01 I) 40 (I r,7 II ^11 tio s dtl 7 ' 4 o (» 7n II 4l' II fu, II tM I- 7.' II 1.-. II in I IP 20 II 14' II IN) 1 5ii r' •J 5(1 |l 1 -i./ *» I ni I f i nnil \lli- of [kip. lllleili I |rarth j I'll al i anil leal'.li I «•'• I lilt to I •'I; an.l ' IvurT t Get your Rorse the "Standard ' Offlo*^J to choose from. D. J. SHANAI WA.QON axwj Carriage Wo^rki .Iu«t oi»n.i?, opp,,8ite the drag ttfif,t trc»t. HiiviiiK long experiaiiM iai^i' ucss, we (et'l coufiilent we caa gir* tiou tvtli(i»i' (ovoring ug withtMrt CAUl:I.\liES. SinUNO WAGGONS. I,U.\1BEH WAOOOmi Hnr-o^lirx-in;;. and all l||ii «( in our line eitlicr in wood'r\R^, mill tniiiiuiin; iicntlv an 1 promoUji \Vi' ii-.i Diilliiiu- but good mMoiit *Mt (•l.i_T tir-t class practical wo Orir aim is to ;;ive the baslfriati*) li'a.-t uiiiii-v. thus securing • nf^tlt^ viiiir f steviuitl oijers and the banetlili intliienc" nniuDgy«ur frienda. )UrktlUe. April Slh. 1881. HEMO' FIJOAI my old BtanJ opposite Office. "Pnndalk, to Mr. D«« war«- Sturc, wiiere 1 have a well i stuck of |i;iso( l,"^V,iV.;Gol'i and Silver Wat ,i«m. ' 1"" Jewellry, Wedding an^ in the i^ wi-n- 1 I l;«tiev. I V oilirr mill I-' '.vintpil le worM pis anil I nil Rings, Clocks, c. iii I't-lv bttarTaM Bl ang hMt Yf I Carefully Repaire iud lr 'llt'llt to t m All w.m; gg toT one year. I gfaaJI be in ?^ D U N D A L pcrsouall.T eTery Fridaj. ttc Fin yea. 'ilT- nUo th lAd^ All ordrs left at nir dtora wj] be attentlcd tn. TLaiiidng mj roBeroott niar4 for tlirir very liberal pain woalil respect full V nolicit a ecBt. the same. w. r It ,.nt M.irrh.1r.M.S.Sl. 4«? hrd, 0a. |Nav. lUi, ij:3o m.; â- p.m. and m. leet- IN.A jat 3 Mb »t lUar- ate Hak- ;3Jo OB THE BEST Rtte Tr. Diseases of tbe Tbroat aii AYER-S rnonary and rellah uivaluabia,^ CHF.nRT KiK'li a I other*©* '"â- ""^^ tlie pa***- t-ntlBc ««»? the roedi I'lei aw' tiie!«of ibal 1 1 lieiuU'aUr aiiob poweri the emri"cy PECTORffiT 'l^rtTc pulmonary diseas**. affonli' aud rapid c:irc% and is* i»l*l* any ai;e or either nvx- ^*^* tl the younjrsr children 'â- ••JM ordinary Coughs, Cold*, lironrhitts. Influenza. Sore Throat, Asthma, O tarrb, the effects of AvebJ TORAi. are ruagical. •nd n nnally preserved from i««r :iu»ely and faithful Mse. ^* ^, at hand io eveiy hoiK'-ho'" tection it afFurdi iu suddeS Whoopiag-rougb al ' 'here is no other remaoT "unthinjf. and helpful. ._,_| I»\T price!! are induc«ll»**""J the loaiiy inixiures, orsynipa»' and ineffej-tive iiigredJ«ot*t which, ax they contain no cor* ran affunf ooly temporary, ure tu det-eire' and ai«aF~" i)i««*»cH ol the throa* • active and effective treatl-- ji-rou.-i experimenting WIIP* â- htfup inedKiueK, from "••J* these di.nea^es may. whila liecoioe deeply seated OC " AvKR Chbkkv H'KT?!i*2J ' "ntidently expect the "" sTanilanl medical prer" â- t'kiiowlelg«i curan cheap aa its rarelvl ini;Tedient.i will allow. â€" knowing its coropoaJtkWjFJJ practice. The tei«t o* **" proven its aliaoluta oerta monary complainta not reach of human aitl. Prepared by Dr. J. C»^ rractiod aa« Asal laETEING „ .A of Prin**' °*^ spnng styles, 5, 7, 8 J, 9, 10, 11 ^Aizl cents, fast colors. " f Tweed 50 centsâ€" worth 70. 5C*f „f Tabic Linen, 35. 45. 55 and 75 cents. T hie Napkins, 6i cents, direct from manufacturers. ifork Broad-Cloth, $i.25--worth $2.50. If ^^^ fOBcic Overalls, 50 cents. Jg^incey Shirts, 75 "nts. fifflST 10 Men. Bladt Bro^d-Ckith Coat., f 5.00-worth ^.00. l^Fi^^^a^ Scxsws, 10 cents. deneratc cheap. 5 B*le« of Pyjtsiat, 15, 16. 17, 20. 24, and 25 cents. Put chased mai m»sdmebatv% 160 Ladies Parasols, 25 ceats* old price 40 cents. 105 •• " fi.15 .. ^i.^J u Ki66a .^ie best assorteJT stocic .fiorSi et^Koolo. ^.1. UcFarlajkd has a resident boyer, Mr. W. £. Sotttb- gat?» siliFays iq t)ie nuuket, who gets every fauj^uncoio^- ^i^Â¥ards Shirting, io» 14, 17, 20 and 23 cents, very cfcueap. 6tN»jRfd.^rillianteett I^iess Liatre,«4e, cbea»at joc. New Linens, cheap! New Cashmetv*., cheap I New Eabraaderies, chiatp. Gnad enin|( of the miUinerjr show rooms next AU the aofveities m Flowers^ SiUvt BottnetSi Hals^ Feathers, Costaroes, Ribbcns, Lace*, •».« *£ Unde^ the ki]|rfriu- tendence a first-lass milliner .- In fact my prunises are crowded €(Mn^ Ctifair to garret with goods, all at bottom figures. \l STANDARD. 15th. 1881. NOTICES. ,pB*«nd •;â- mo- will hririf! ns tr. ii'i- *i.i'-t' WJ -IX ru'"" s, Btfkiug weather. sugar socials, are i'jrferofihe day. WJcnx's â-ºtock t ji'^ellryâ€" a L juft ai rived. ^a'l.s 15 llw. i"goi.il tuai lu w.; wirgiv-y.iu liif Iri'iie veai-. five doieii 'f |f„r !• "i-aicrH for 'Ci .li'ri'ie aud »-•« ih.'i tiiij 'arrel •Cistoriue," as lio- other rt Anliii-. Cibinet Maker and i»r has srrivxl and o r..ed .Bu.Vs block. ll-.-liH HI a ks»s3 Cibctt. o! Or.ei. 6owl, secuiBl tlie c.jntr.ict of tlie liuerv U tlie elev It i- at T )ro:i- l^,cUi.^l)eiu5 built fir tb kiA •iir lii! Foa No. 1 ooal oil. OABTOKIHE and other U M tc hi n e oda, try Haakett Bros. Dmnoii eoort ia Duflarin Hafl, Markdale, 10th Jaoe, tp eoauiMiioa at 8. SO o'eloek. Ahothxb car load of teed wheat 8hip)ed fram Markdale, to Brae*. bridge this time, T.)«ojrro oil company, are sole maiiufactiirerbof "Caetofine macliine oil. li'fringemeuts will be prosecated. lKF.i.KLAMD'8 new Milliner ]:as arrivi^iu We heard a young man aay since her at rival, he is sorry he is ri'gaii d. Tub np\t sitting of the OiTision C)urt wia be held at Fleshertoii. on Friday the 22iid inst., at 10 a. m. â€" J. W. Armstroug, Clerk. A BABOAEt. â€" ^A beaatifoll Parlor (Iady Dafferin drpwiug room) suit, iviil be sold at cost. J. W. Bates, Flejherton. T G f persons baviug a farm to rt-nt. J joreW" leave particiilirs at cSice, as we know several parties netoge' such. to Hiss Burcirs for Fancy lUces. fringes, anil all the _iof the season. Spring stock ineryjust opened out. tbtre l^en authorized to state, or one found fishing before the bf'jetisou, will be prosecuteed LuF" of persons. CaiUitis and Carpets give tone lto«. W- •'• McFarliind has (•flrtjasfrcm $1. per pair up, Caq«U»^303, 65c, 73c and $1 tUeut v«]ne. r. G. 3rrgau, Ilair Dresser, fUiu f/e.sliertoii on Thursday, Pnrties waiitiug bair done vjtclies. Puffs or curls will lit at tho Flesherton Hotel. :t know whether it was to iir new laiber, or that he itteiuling tuffy pulls, which iif our prominent citizens Luve his tlowiuj; beard. i:-^'sT on the I3thin3t.,a datish- Francis Walker of Gleiielg. IS years of agu slipped and fell licrarni below the elbow it Ibj- Dr Sproulc. 'Caslonue' Machine Oil, for Is ot mic\imety, it is also ex- Jfor harness and leather, mak- Mter and noatlier proof. For ' dealers. liFWâ€"Mr B. Wright of Art- has a Leifer not yet three years 1 is the mother of three living I cue of then] a Tear old, and er tnroc»lveil wichiu the past both of which give every in- il iif living. We would like to It bcat«u. IEgcs. â€" Mr. G. J.»Blyth placed table on Moiulay. lltli itist., K"s laid by lii thiuDiigh bred lia Ifns on flint i.luv. ranisuring liivily. 8x6i. iii.-h ^. 7Jx6J. .T|\t)J iuirlii'S. M'l'i tli-.i.::.' tiu« Tbkbe is lo be a suear fostiral in Dufifirin Uall, on Monday, 18th inst., for th« benefit of the P. M. Chareb fund. Admi88ion 20c, or six for $1. M.vNUPACTtrBEBs of rc.'xpers, mowers I and tbreshiug machine: prefer "Cast j (orinc" mttohine oil to any otlier, i- I will out wear lard, seal, or elephant, and is warranted not to imm. For all purposes of a Family Medi- cine, Hatrysrd's Yellow Oil is at the head of the li^. It is used witti on- precedeuted snccees, both mternally and externally. It cures Sore Throat. Burns. Scalds, Frost Bites; relieves' aud often cures Asthma. Wb were iu Mr. Bradley's Mill, Fie i!lierton, last week, and judging from appearances he is doing a rushing bns- iness. Ue has a good slock of logs in for his saw mill, and is doing a good gristing business. From our short acquaintance of Mr. B. ha is worthy of sucess. The snow is rapidly disappearing, and the roads are anytiiing but pleasant to travel on. 8om* of our exchanges speak of having seen robins and other harbingers of spring, but aa jet have not been visited by any- thing of thai kind in this locality. JoHH HoFMNsoN, Anctioneer, has re- ceived instructions irom James Grah- am, lot 16, con. 12, township of Pro- ton, to sell without reserve, on Tnes- day April 16th, all of his farm stock, implements S:c. All sums under $5 cash over that amount 9 months credit on furninsbing satisfactory paper. To ascertain if a man is energetic and pushing, anl keeping ap with the times, you have only to look in your local paper and see how much space he occupies in its advertising columns. That McFarland is ono of the right stamp is evident from the fact that -he i.i no nigg ird in this respect. See his advertisement iu another column. The Standard IS THK Best Loccd Paper IN THE COUNTY. Sabacribefor it, only $1.2S per annam. Persona ean sabMrib* at any time. 111 z M .\t. I il !.s lc :i Uisi.ii'MKi t â- â- ij si .-k â- t.'lC I- s I'll â- 'â- i' :â- l^,l i.fm^}. llMU'ijist f. tUklJ'i.il liit^ r'll.t tAits. and any i :-.t h ;i tiiu II ,«t e Ti. V ivi ' Illy ;l 'w Its. -3 ^1^ • its efficiiMiey an ain-alt'i re- t«n\c-te^ul;ilor of the Bow.-U, I anl Kilans. It is a speoifie for ?as«s arising from impure blivt fis'^rJeied secretii us. wi.-.ur.recitaUoii aL iidu es.-.-s, »peiscd with vocal an-1 iiiatru- W music is a pleasant way of 'an evening, but when in ad- ' »»'miugar » thr iwn in it be- Verftctly sweet." K'.cu fr Pufftrm Hall next Monda*. you ^tt all this for 20c. 'HAT is the price of your best ' ' asked a Flesherton swell of one fcFarJand's giils. "Only one "Ain't yoa a little dear " jes," she replied, "At least ,Mi,» to." Kids, Ties. Shirts, Collars, Braces, Silk and Handkerchiefs, and nnder- Iâ€" Bottom prices, at McFarlands. I JODnggentlemen ofoarninal- i Tillage must have been in the I condition as the moon the other -pretty near full, otherwise l^onld not have mistaken Oriuit ellew's sign for a target, and |tbeir skill as marksmen by firing at it, and disturbing the mnch « rest of our hard working Citia GENERAL ITEMS. It is now'pi-oposed that the New- York World's Fair be put off nntil 1892, the iiiiniversary of the disovery of Ainc:ick by Columbus. Dnrii,,- iii six years betwe n 1870 .i:ul isTvi 'ri-ro w,jre 63.44'i inr^oiis esi'fli t Sib.tia by the Govern -Jieiit fit til" into Czar. A Vk-\. â€" It ia a fact th^t Ireland «j---ii::s voiir'y on intoxicating drinks â- i:if!tif fir-y lui'iiion lullar-s, enough to !; it a ;.; landlords and obivate the necessity of paying rent. Some of the Iris'u p; efer to drink the whiskey and shoot the landlords. Found Dead. â€" A man named James Kennedy residing aboitt a mile and a half from Durham, m B atick, was foii.id dead in his bed th morning. Wj understand that an iiiqaest will b. held this aiternoon. â€" Retitut. Accident. â€" One day last week, as a brakesman named Bvan, was coupling cars at tlie 'i'.G. k B. Railway ftition his head was caught between the i .» 'plings and recieved asli rbtsqueczd. It the couplings had com ft togetJier an inch further tlian they did, ins ant death would have been the resalt. â€" Orantjille Gax^tU. A LITTI.B ten-year-old son of Mr. J. Wiggans, of this town, has been taken sudenly ill by a bite of a dog, which had been given poison a few days ago. A rash h m broken oat entirely over the whole of his person, bat nnder the treatment of Dr. Washington, it is to be hoped the Uttle fbUow will soon bs able to bo about again. â€" OrangmriU* Gazette. OF ALL DISCRIPTIGN, PLAIN and in COLORS, Executed with neatness and despatch, at the ST^PARD oe^^'Ice:, MAEKDALB If yoa want BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, CIRCULARS, NOTES, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, SALE BILLS. STREAMERS, DODGTES, HAND BILLS. PAMPHLETS, PROGRAMMES. *W tbeif midnight orjgies. Boys |»1J again, or yoa might be ask- |«niributeto the township funds. w« RooLâ€" For March, 8. S. No. Mlauctbon. Marks obtainable h'oarth Classâ€" Ann Jane Breen, ^nme Dean, 166. Senior Third '•^Montgomery, 169. deoond :Wni. Thomson, 177; Jane 174 Richard Breen, 169. ^hni Classâ€" Maggie C^rbett, I.Sianie Martin, 188 Lifzie 180. Janior First Claar- ' Twlor. 150 Geo. Wdlwood, "I'CcDfDA Gbaham, Teacher. •I au. »Mr-« Boix â€" For March. S. 8. Proton. Maiks obtainable, 'Foorth CUtsaâ€" Lisiie LodiUn, *ty Lochlan, 181. Third ah M;KMnie, 171 Fred 160 Robert Fraser, 116. f Second Class Sarah Johnson. L^^arrie Johnson, 186 Sarah .,188. Janior Seoond CUas I Middkton, 188 Jane Middle- VI. FirstClaas -A.JoluMiMi.ir7: teQoanie, 198 Ettie L^****** attendaiww for *»â€" A. OiuiAK, Taster. Thb trial of Mrs. King, the mother of the nnfortnnate girl who died re- cently from the effects of an attempt to procure an abortion, was tried at Owen Bound on the 8th April before the Police Magistrate. A few days ago a brother of the anfortanate girl was tried for having procured the drug from thedrogglstin Wiarton,when he, in bis evidence, stated that his mother had sent him for it' and that she ad minstered it. She was arrested »ai lodged in Owen Sound gaol, and after hearing the evidence today, she wae committed to stand her trial at the next assizes. FaoM THs Meom or Ou*BS.-^A)ar townsman, Mr. B. MeKni^, has just recieved a valuable conoaitT in the shape of a mlnr frem wood groim on the Moact of OUves, and manoCao- tured in Jerasalsm. Everybody in Ontario has heard of Mr. D. A. Jones, of Beeton, and his eatamise in ia- Bcrting bees frcm the Holy Land. While in Paleatine, he pnr eba sed aa ohve tree on the slope of the Mowit of Olives, had it brooght into Jvnsa^ \nu, and there "taMUinto varioos ar- tiOat as earioaities. one of theae he has sentto Mr. MoKnight. Seentary of thev'hilarioBee.keepers' AMod^tooB and we bave no doobtit wiU be highly th»}prued bj thst iitt iMs n .«-0» S.| Tisua. ^»^ 'T)M^^ Goods, cheap! New Linens, cbeap W. J. MoFABIiAKD, Importer. Wholeseile and Betaii. T O Rl A- BuchuScUvaUrsi EASE U/R /v/^/^K UR:,/^NS. A eMct Fm tf IM Icrtt FOB SALE. Om»\UUfromtiu MUa^t •/ U»rhUl: Am* art aboat IWserM eWiwi. the most 7^^** â- *li«* â- •*• of aalti*UMMiaad •tfaraBMpOTorllowvtowwkoB. Tkm* tad4i;a MmilMu* MolMdiitddr. a Y^Zm* Stabta and Drirhw Hosm, sad L«« Bmb a TooacOnlMideoaMnMciiigtelMM: a Mad Wall, be«de Um house; a never-faSiat Btr«aa nuu aarpn the fann Cedar inffiei- •at forleiMiiig, ftsluee of boah hwdwood. t^*"^-**"" "S* BwO, ol «MB« 400 trww). TU tam is watt fmtMd, i« s aood •tat* of repair, amd in • ehidae keaUtT. be- ing within a mile of good market, chorehee. â- ebool houses, and aU neoessary convoai enees. C. W. BUTLEDOB. wypru'wOf â- MaoleLaaf Fans. Karkdaln P.O. TfiB BUSH. THB BUSH. IThree Womeik cUceur at loosen El«rrlns»* 8PBIMG HAS MADS ITS APPXARANCB, AND BUTTER RAE laardwtoaMkstosatMrthiir^riBK Btodt.ogwsHthiir WINTER GOODS AT COST! NQW 18 YOUR TIME TO QCT BARGAINS GOLD I $1,53 7,00 «» at Bywiaw f^h^S swtl Opsrâ€" a. lalâ€"tf It yea uMd a kam f I laair to koROw of the north of SMtlinil Ganadiui lortgige CompT They eharga no Saas t they do ask fsMsi â- jr^a pay»aala, aor okarao yoa \% por oaat. kat Miey 4» give tka mmA risamakU pririkf«* uf any la Drsn Qosda. CkMtda, ShawU. Um** Oafs, SiavHS, Orw^ata, OONT fAS8 THE PLAGE AS WE MEAN BUSINESS. ItTeT^r O-ooajs LOTBIJL,*S PrtfiMt § (Marit DirMtMry F«r ISSl-St, TO BE PUBU3HBD IK NOVKM BEB, -ei. Price S5.00. MB.LOyELL,atth«r«|iiast of wTOTal Merohants and oUian ol the ProTinoe of Outario, of the Cily of Monbreal, 4e., begs to annonnee that his firm will publish • PBOyiNCK OK ONTABIO DIBECTOBY. in Noveinbor next, ooataiaing an AlphabtlUal Blrtclt|^ AW A TBoaouoaa OZiASSIFIIBD Business Directory of the Business and Piofeasional men in the Citie), Towns and Villages oi Outario, with a CLASSIFIED BUSINBS^T)IBECTORY ClXr OP liONTUEAL. The same eare and attention bestowed on the Dominion and Provineial Directories of 1871 will be 'iven to this work. SutMcribers names rospectfully solicited. Terms of Ad- vertising made known upon apulication. JOHN LOVELL SON, Publishers. Montreal, December, 1880. In TwMds, an patterns. CottooadM, Oneka. Bliirtin(a. Gia^iaaM, Doaltaa, WkUs aad Oiey Uottau, Drou Goods, Prints, HoUaads, TowdUofa. CeUan. Ti«^ Braeea. Colored and Oiaw Shirta, and all amaU war* nanally kept. Hat* in Felt and \vt â€" all prieaa. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. Don't forget that COOPEB SMITH'S BOOTS «r« t tmk^ Bttmtt WOrOl buying, and we are tlie ONLY SHOP in Town Ihat keep â- T^ onovar dna payaaats bat OMf 4» liva tha Mat r iaa c na kU pririkfaa uf any Co yaay Madiag aaooay. AND THBIB COSTS ABE LOW I Bpaeial latas givaa to partiaa waatiac spraiaUy laiga laaaa, affaringspeaial aaaarity I haTe alao a fe'w Uxoxxsand dollars of PRIVATE MONET! v Toinvast an vary r i ai â€"a k ia taraa, aad at 7 per oent. hil aia at ThM is a rara ehaaae and tba aaaoont ia Uatilad. Aa aaoy Bnchah and bootah aapMaiiataara witMrawlnc tbair eapttal from tk* â€"rkat, I kaliara a ahanga in the money markat may soon ba azp atad. "•w its tt " Honey baa raaehadra^ bottoDi. II«W Is tke CtaM t* » n riwr, and tba phwM ia The Flesherton Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agencya CROCKEBY AND GLASSWABE IN ALLL STYSES. N. B.â€" Watiasttaatatt uoat-wMHwiU raaMmbar thatwaMUMThavaMoaar Uae- eoaukaaMMttpiiidbytkalSditaat.,tkaBaaifl will dnJ with them altar that date. BUTTER XC.AJS. Ifarkdida, Uardt 8, IMl. 1 SELING OFF! VISrnNG CABD8, BUSINESS CABDS, BALL TICKETS, ;t;7,-* •â- Or in fact anything in the printing line, dMit Cul to ejdl â- * the StandarD Toronto Street, MARKDALE, ftnt-dMi'^^ THE BEST PAPER! TRY IT I BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTBATED. 36th TSAB. THE SGiENllFiG 'AMERICAN Taa Bcnwrmo Akssicax ia a hofa Frat- Clasa WeaUy Mawspapar of Sixteen Pages, printed in the most beaatiful style, profuielf iUtutrated with $pUndid engravings, rapre- aanting the newest lurentious and the most raoant Advances ir the Arts and Sciences inoln^ig New and Intere.sting Facts in Agri- enltuiw, Hertictilture, the Home, Health. Medical Prasress, Social Science, Natural History. Oeologjr. Astronomy. The most valnable practical papers, by eminent writers in all dppartmenta of (Science, will be foiind in theScieutitic American. Terms, IS 20 per year, 11.60 half year, which includes postage. Discounts to Agents. Siogla eoppies, lUc. Sold by all New.deal- ers. Bamit by postal order, to MUNN CO., PubUsheis, 37 Park Kow, New York. PATENTS. tiin\Ttr^e SclCBtMc Aaierlcan, Messrs. Momx ft Co. are Solicitors of American and For- eign Patents, hare had 35 years experiauoe, •ud have the largest citabiisliment in the world. Parents are obtained on the best tarm-i. A spedal notice is made in the SeieiitMc AiBertcaa of all iuTentions oatauted through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thos given, pnblie attention is direatad to the Berita of tae new patent, and salsa or introdnetion often easily efieetad. Any person who has made a new diseove- ry or invention, can ascertain, frt* of charge, whether a patent ean probably be obtained by writing to Moh ft Co, We also send frt* our Hand Book about the Patent Laws, Patents. Caveats, Trade Marks, ther eostv. aad how procured, with hints how toproeore aadvances on iurentions. Address for the paper, or oonoaming patents, MUNN CO.. 37 Park Bow, New York. BraneU Offlea cor. F and 7th sta., Waak- ington D. C. A NE'W ELECTION THE Undersigned is prepared to advanee Money on Fiiat-Class Farm Property, with large margins, at 6 Per Cent, Yearly! M STUIMT UMt, This istha Lowest Rate ever offerered in the County of Grey. OFFICES -.â€"Lot M, Con. 4, Eophraaia, and Mbaiobd,â€" Next door to Boyal Hotel. N. B. â€" A large amonnt k prirate money to kian on Qooi Notm or Steond llorlgagtt. B. B. KNOTT. Maieh S, 1881. yfhm wedowockml aad at city tmi dnat ye* EST A B L I 8 H E D 36 YEARS WEEKLY SPECTATOR A LAUOB EIGHT-PAQIB PAPIBB; ^cid: ¥«â- *. One of the Largert and beat "Weeldiea in Canada. neaiva M CMlaikr twaqr jraa*^ wfll naab* a aonr, soa* paM. tt^m • Piaa^t Uatnasa. â- ScTAToa panwiBO^wui^ ll.f.n,1888. -f H rr"7 V.' INSURANCE Coaanany, to take aa thagr 4e tbair kaaiaaasthroagh a I for the Strongaat. Safest and Best Coasj I amprapaiad I in It is of tba gtaalaat lasiiialaiina to Insarwa Ihat they talaet andthat tl " " ap p H ea tt oa a far tae Btrongaat. Basest and uest Uompant for a Btoea Coapaay, at lataa as low aa aay raliaMa Mntoal. My Companica are the Lantashire and Citizens, (Stock The Waterloo County and Gore District, (Mataal and Cash.) '^I^ITBTAIVCIIVCI. Daa d a, WiUa, Lasaaa, Mortgafaa, AgrasManta V^ ahiwt notiaa, and work « s e cU| and Neautty dona. AND WINTER! AT AND UNDER COST For Cashyfor^SO Days. Gents Ov^r-Coats and Suits, UDIES' FMR MANTLES MB SHAWLS,' Ladies' and Genis' Underclothing, staple and Fancy Dry Gk)ods v*sai«'««k^^ OF BVEBY DESCBIPTION AT BOCK-BOTTOM PBICliS aad ia ireraaiing. I am nw doing the In wis line my boainasa has largest bosinaaa in theBiding. A VCTl^If SAIjES attended in either Town or Country, and Bills supidicd tree at .A- ehaige; akw, aU naeaaaary Blanks aad Stamps. LAmM FOB BALE AHS TO BENT. To any having lands to dispoaa al I offar a BFlepH ckaaee to advartisa. It don't coat you a eeni till your farm is aoU, andyoB ean withdraw at any time. I also realise better prioes than the Frc'prletors thsMaalvaa. CoTaapoadanaa aoliaitad. In arery department of my ba^ine^s I. make carslWBeae, iiaimlBtaai and Imir dIemliBB the prominent feature-:, an J chaiga aa low aa any raliabla man. ROBT. D VIS, Cmvayancrr, Uoai8ttaaioii«r ta B. H., and Oenent Aftnt Flaaharton. Fab. «, 1881* n-M BOOTS AND SHOES In every Varietyâ€" CHEAP. Everything AT UNUSUAIjIjT LOW FBIOBSat t^ "TOKOaiTI'O S:OTJSBL" Wm- BROWN. Markdale,December9e, 1880. J -It FLESHERTON Harmless Shop THB Babaeriber be}^ to inform the pablie that he has constantly on baud a large assortment of GARRIGE, BUGGY AND TEAM HABIf ES Made in .good style aad of the THE BEST OF MATERIAL* And as ha means basinesa give hini aa aariy call, aah« will sell at the lowest living prieea, for eaah. A good supply of IPS, TBVlfKS, *c alwaya on hand. Sctteii Otllart A SpteiaHy, And a good lit guarantaad. IS'BsiaambBr the atand the Foat Oflaa ia oppoaita. X. B. â€" Stare timber wanted, T. GORDON. FlaBhaH*a.1Ianli. 1881. 18 J. â- ONTGOIERY, -a A k: e Ttf THE Subeenbar, ia returning thanks to tba inhabitaata of Markdale and aar- roandiagaoantry for tbair p a trnn aga daring the past eight yaara. bags to intimate to tham ha hihMr freparad to aapply the PnhHa with FRUIT. POUND ft PLUM GAKES. aithar plain, or load and Ornamented. aada Utft Variety ot Other CakM. alwiqra an hand. Also, BISOTTITI al .vary daawlftinn (natha bast aaaa in Ontario. Alap. a lBi«a aad vsated :«iti^ esarECTitami G AXES itnatiea.aa d ge« ay is done tkfa aid* ol Ttl iRlBgl, SA OTHBB PABTTBS, liarMsU. Var. 18. st. t88li. Auction Sale VALUABLE FARMS, In Ike Townthipt of Artemetia and Pro- ton in the County of Orqf. Thara will ba Sold, on Friday, tilt I5tli day Of April, Aa Da 1881, At one o'eloek in the afternoon, at tha McCULLOUG S HOTEL, In the TTILLAGE OF DUNDALK. BT Tirtne of Powers of Sale contained in eartain Mortgages, whieta will be pro- daaed at the Bala, the following Propertiaa: PABCEL I. Under Mortgage from Bobart Gordon. Lot No. 87, in tha Srd Coneeasion, South of the Durham Bond, of the Township of Artemesia, County of Orey, oontait Sg8 aeres, mora or lais. The following improramants are â- ail to be on the premistro Aboat 10 aerea partly eleared. The property is situated about 10 miles from tha ViUaga of Dnndalk. PABCEL n. Under Mortgage from Hn^ MaOtnon.Iiot 17, in tha 17 Coneaaaioa of the Townahip of Proton, in the County of Orey, aontaining 100 aerea, moraorlaaa. The foJlowing iaa- proramaata are aaid to be on tha pramiaaa Aboat M aeraa eiaarad aad nnder aolkiTatiaa, with a log hooaa and bam araelad tbaraon. TBEMBâ€" Ona-tanth ol tha pnrabaaa money to ba paid Jown on tha day of sale. Par balaaaa, taraaa wiU ba oaada known at tk* For fnrthar partienkra vpiij to JONES BBOS. MACEENZIB. SoUaitata. Maaooie HaU, Totoato. Or to JOSEPH MaABDLB, Esq., Hoporilla. TflTMito. Idth Maiah. 1881. S8-4w TAILOBING O. A OWEN, Fashionable Tailor, â- TTAVIIIO toinlir«ths ths Taflortv I*V!^ avar MaFMant^ atoco, al Maikdak aad aar- ha ia f«LL ALL OflDERS Promptly and Tastilyt CUTTING! Pans i^ila Oaatnsai snwaMiaf. THE UTE8T R^ION PUTE8 AhnvsoB A fiood Fit (iniruteed â€"41â€" â- rBemamber the Place. cPariaad'a Mora â- er.K. 18881 1Vm8 BBMOVAL BBMOVAI i\ The nndersigned wishes to inform the Public generally, that he has purchased thee cmstr*! of the FLESHEItTOZV STEA.M: FDRMITME, AMD SASH AMD DOOR FACTORY aan amoTsn to Furniture Warerooms TO THK NEW AND COMMODIOUS BRIGK BUIDING ADJOING THE FACTORY. Where niy numt-nms ctistomers will always find me, or a competent salesman to look after aDdttenJ to tlieir wanU HIf OtcUlties arc BAW Sa^erier to any time sinaa eommencinit business, snd I trust by honorable dealing to merit a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed in the past. .^O I have now a Large and Varied Stock of Furniture in all the Latest Styles, aad during the Winter I reqmre 100,000 F ET OF GOOD Bnttemnt, Cherry, Basswood, Bircb and Asb x- TJ iL^ le 1 for irtiieh THB HIGHEST PBICB WILL BE PAID. j^iJLso SL Q-V3.ara.tlt3r of O-ood. f»l3n.e- ALL KIIDS OF SASH, MORS, lOULDINa, ETC., AS USUAL. Estimate of supplies Civan on Application. tsr Don't forget tiia Warerooms are ramored next door to the Factory, Durham street.? H. IIOOrEM. Flesherton, Daeambar 33, 1880. ' ' I-I7 CHEAP GASH STORE. JUST ARRIVED A FULL SUPPLY OK Dry Goods BOOTS AND SHOES. •3 •^-â- â- â- i. TEAS SFBUTI, ik i {LU. .. -,- S ' • â- As we are doing a CASH BUSINESS, we wHl not W undersold by any other house in town.' BOOTS SHOES A SPECIALTY Piao«F« Ion*l: F'orsr^t the RETNOIiDS SON. Markdale, Dec. 31, z88o. g Bitters FOR MjkL.E t Cms ipiM ov Jriflm ii«kstaaa: 1 aat jl liMUaIa.Mianh.1881. Br.BPBOOUB. I^OR «A.1^K. OHBTafesalSyav«il«tat«,wril«Mlbwi Tsaja. OMfi^dyaaiaslAetdfe^in saddis mi l is ra aai. On* safe 1 ysM* aCI. .... Wm. Ba9W1l MatshSMdWl. a-*.*