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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Apr 1881, p. 2

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 T3 c6 CO, (D O OQ pjrO cep» 153 o OH CO Co -^ c8 q5 ^. Q^^: ^[§r r^H -r-i en d£ 1^ •i-i c8 QQ ce rQ.; opq H --: _^^ ce bf^ii: c o O 1^ r/D "g S '.^ Ti .^hj Ord (T) " CO 7 o I'd (D TT3 d 03 d o 0 tituj 1^ Id lo lo o^ o o CQ M 03 ce d 5-1 (B o" â- ^ a "ica M ® S M " 0) 'M (», FARM POl REIVT r*r » prrv ACRES, sMftr •! OKJ atmniWrJi bum I MwkdAfe. April 4tk, /^NE Yoke of 5 and handT' joimir. On* fiUy id ' [Je standard. ' •,« daily opening new goods ' "** eo»l oU. CASTORINE ky ^%tfchme oilB. try HaalMtt I foor order with MIm DooglM to .witches. 8»r«tog» w»Te«, Ae. ' ction gu»r»uteed, ,^ «, Wilw5t for your Wedding ' w« he i« diahing them ont T„«3VT0 Oil company, are sole h^tarew of "CMtonne machine 'isfrmgements will be prosecuted. r electro pUted w»re. caiUbU for Lu a« ta^ birthd»y lUU. »t DoU'i Fl-li- Tya^t your Horse Bills at ie" Standard" Office, 4 cuts I choose from. Asi your dealers for "Castorine" cLiue oil. and see that the barrel branded 'Castoriue." as none other I genuine. Am persons having a farm to rent, bouU do well to leare particulars at liis office, as wenow several parties iranting to get such. ^iNUKACTCBEBS of rcspers. mowers I threshing machines, prefer "Cfts- machine oil to any otiier. it Kill out wear lard, seal, or elephant, „j is warranted not to pum. a breach of To fc«;r a Doadalk. BsDaooM Okeki, TWjr Am»^ cox's. '" " -^ImjI* ^«»ntitT of BttrterCatiK )ut amvedat Itias DmwIm' dext door to the Standard al|ce. Otw oae haadz^ aidid «iiid woddiac and fern nuo (nM tl to «IS a W.yrSoII'a St. Wn otUn wonil«r liow W. J. lie- Fariand told toeb immenae qnantitira of Boota and shoe*; bnt do so no long, •r afler prieeing them. Tn Qoi lUdng of tb« Diriaiea OwBt wUl be held ak Fleahertoii. oa Fnday the Ited loak.. at lo a. m.â€" J. W. Axmattaog, Clerk. Tnax are a few of ow aobaoribera who kave not yet paid tfaur aobaeriw- tion. They will graiUfy oblidre br bandmg it in to oa or nnuitiiig by mail at onoc. E. O.T.M.â€" AlloAeers and memb era ol Markdale Tmt No. 218, are re quested to attend in Dafferin Hall, on Monday evening, first, w bnaineas of importaaee most be attended to. Us« "Castorme" Sdaohine Oil, all kinds of maehiaery, it ia also ex- cellent for harness and lefithet. mak- ing it water and weather proof. For sal* by dealers. A MissoLBi man woe Lp,m«8case because a contract made L uiil»y is illegal. Our fair friends klioniJ le careful hereafter, and not .|\ie,r "fellers" "pop" tuJ qMeKtion BhcV silK Fringes. Ulsck (!slimert!b. jjljfi Instres. Bl«ct Silks. Wafk Kill Gloves. UUck Shawls CLm!' Ch-j.! at V/.T. M.F.i.L{L.\ND S bottlt Ma. OaoBos P. Cbeisbton, one of Owen Soond's oldeat and moat re- spected citzens died on the first of A))ril, after a bngering and painfal illueaa. White Cottona. White Coaiiterpanes. White Shirts. White BriUianta. Cheap! Cheap I Cheap! at W. J. McFARLANDS. This week we issue a 'namber of extra copies of the STAMOAao. some rf which we serid onta^fampleeopiea. Those who recieve them we hope to have the pleasure of adding to onr list of aubacribera. Thkbk ia no necessity for dilating upon the merits of the goods offered by W. J. McFarlaud. He ia king, a!id hisrepntntion is too widely spread, I arid Ills nam.: is iudissohibly asaoeia^ I ed with enormous salos, with good Askvrur (ImijL'ist. f.-r a trial bottle value, and honorable dealing. |J;ir.|'ck Bl«i Mitt- Ts, •(; will Dnlv „ .„ id a ffW There will be a. important credit !H. .., auct.ou sale, on lot 87, con. 13, town- tliip of Proton on Monday April 11th 1S31, when the entire farm stock, im- ,St V' 10 c 11, 11 ill nri)V( its pffiji' uc ac a lu'iiltli ro (tiriMi; l'o:iic-r^:r'i] cf tii' Bowels, ,ivii Hul Kiilsiov. [t i.-" 'I siifcitic.fcr iV .li*'a?f "'â- '"'•1;^ foin i:niii:\' blot»(l .,,,i ijuriH-iK'l secretions. Axi'THV.n w.»riil::ij to those, who are m 'lie \iaii'i)it ol niriuiufj stove pip?s iuoii:;h tiie :\)ii( infct-':ul of building liwicuers, nccnrre 1 on Weduesdsy, »i th" house cf Mrs Kichardson. or' .ito strttt. Fjitiinately it was lAviver:! boif're it had made much â- slnav. ami .vas (vr. out with very t:'i' iLijiajzo t. the liuiU'.injr. Nkw rARRiAGiiWouKs.â€" D..I. Sliau- :m, has just oppned out m the Wag- n. Carriage, a'ld MacUsmith line, 'â- 'â-  iiick bull ting U'xt to Miss IS, on Mill s'r^'ot, wliora he is Ti'A to do all \v irk tint may be I i^tod to bini, in a first class laao- r. IJead aJvorfispment in another il«\iin, and tlieii give him at-all. wo brothers named Scott, who are fwbat crippled, and not of the ghltbt lutikct, were sent to Owen u.d as vaj,'rants on Thursday t'iDoojj. These poor unfortunates et nitli serrre accidents a short time Iticf by cutting tlicir feet. For want a House of lit fnge these men, who ve to be sent to Jail to mis with imiiials and outcast. F. McRae Esq., Reeve of Gleaelg, itertained a few of hi.s frienila in arkdale at a supper m the Kevero iiise, nn Monday eveuiug last. A ry pl-asant time was spent, the lef topic being the procuring of the iper title to what is known as the ew Road" in Glenelg leading to the iHaje'of Markdale, and the further provemeut of the same, Tir. Weather. â€" Venor'ssnow storm U'bt on time and was fierce while U'd. He also insinuates that s the dying struggle ol the winter, id that spring will be well advanced the l.Jtli. We sincerely hope he ay be as correct in this us he was OH* the «uow storm. Six months steady wiutcr inclines us to wish •t a cliiuige. XS.«nx«Y Lesson. â€" The Herald't bany s\iecial says: â€"A sensation 'as created at the hearing on tlie Naw orA- sfrcet cleaning bill last night fUen a letter from Dr Peters waa read Mating that for the first time in the hi-iton of New York true spotted ty- rins fever, whicli only originates where i'vil filth abounds, had made its np lHrauc«- in New York without being traced to importation. The Heraid basses the sevirest criticism on the leKihlators who seek to delay the imme- |)i»te pa»s4get»/the street clrtaniug bill. Ma. A. Spears, of Owcn Sound, lipped from this statiou on Moudav •t. 9 head of young cattle, most o^ |i«in about two y ars old wb(te anit- I weight was 10,355 pounds. These kttle were bought iV^in Messrs Camp WlRui Taylor, of Drumoro, iu tbt loenship of Prot4n, and were a cross Vtween our coi^non cattle and thor- Dgb bred^i^ll. This should bean [^d^v-ement to enr farmers, in Glenelg nd Arteinesia, tj improve their jtock. ^e vronid like to know bow many ^«ad of mit^erable scrubs, of the same Ke, we have in this neighborhood, it |[onld take to tnm the acale at the bove mt:.ti..:.,:d figures. Another «ni to le considered is, that these Mh netted to their owners 4 i cents ^f pound, live weight. Friends, wake and be moving m the matter ?ut away, unless jou wish to be left ^niiid iu the race altogether. I/BOM a prtvate letter received from *t Liveipool. in the state of Ohio, I 'earn the details of a most shocking .^ It appears that a man named and family, who oecupied tbe ' nid and upper portion of a bnild- m which there was a feed and U(t store. The feed store took fire It midniirbt, from causes not at j ent known, «^ had made such »ay ere it wa^ieoovered, that of eleven persons in the baiiding, ^y three eaeaped, Mr. Blone, bis er and one child. His wife, six pldren, and a man whoattendsi the store perished in tbe flames. BO agony of Mr. Slone ma fearful I behold, acd it was all the by-stand- eould do to fffevent hufroia rowiag himself into to the boming Qg and trying to attempt the ie of his wife and ehildren. Tbe »rred remains of tiie mfeetaBate len were reeovored nextdl^. ih* mother daepog iMt h*betoh«r pieiren's. boiweholc' furniture, c. of â- J *in Miidloion will be offered for sale by, J. \V. Morrow Auctioneer. The usual terms are offered. See bills. R. Davis, Auctioneer of Flesherton, lias recievod instructions from A. G. C^mpljell, lot 160," liansro 1, N. E. Toronto and Sydenham Road, Arte- uiesia, to seil by public auction nn Monday, April 18;fa inst., all of his farm stock, implements, c. Sums of $.5.^.nd nnder. cash over that amount 9 wLoiiths" credit, on furms::iug good paper. Perion^. wanting to borrow money, buy, rent or ssil their property, would do wfll to lOiul tho a(?vertisement of A. G. Hunter., Esq., to De found in another ctdunat:. When a man occu- pies two columns ot the Standard, he means business, therefore if yon want any thin^ in his line be sure and call, yon will find him a "Boss" man to deal witli. HoNoi: Root, or S. S. No. 4, Abt«- MKsiA for the month of March, 1831. â€" Fouilh Class â€" Marks cbtainaLle 860â€" Ist Jos-'ph Orr Stinson. 320 2nd Harriet A. Armstrong" 307 8rd James Hutcheson. 275. Third Class â€" Marks obtainable, 800 â€" 1st John W. Stinaou, 245 2nd Ellen J. Ross, 220 Srd F. W. Aimstrong 215. Second Cla^s â€" Marks obtainable 260; 1st John Lyons, 221 2ud Robert Lyons, 214; 3rd Edith A. fiauuon, 200. First Class â€" Senior â€" Marks obtainable 203 1st Joseph Arm. strong. 180; 2nd Francis Carson, 172 3rd William Brown, IW; First Class â€" Junior â€" 1st Margaret A. Parks 160 2ni Margaret Patton, 143 Srd William T- Moore, 180.â€" Thos. H. LrrriJt, Teacher. Chabtvabi. â€" On Monday night last, a number of parties collected, for tlie purpose of charivaring a Mr. Prit- chard.of the 11th line, Euphrssia.who had returned from getting married. When opposite the house they began freely using their instruments of tor- ture,«uch as bell8,horns,Ac.,to the great anoyance of the newly married ooaple. Ue, 'iyekavi, eaibed forth with a gun and went to meet them, sod as aoon as he got eloae enongh to see them he firod into the crowd and peppered six of them pretty freely with shot about the head and face. One of the parties named Edward Steers, had twenty grains of it lodged in bis face and head, completely disfigur- ing bis countenance, and injuring both eyes, a^ that it ia doubtful if he will ever hays ♦he use of them agaic. Dr. Sproule was summoned to attend to them, who sayr they are all likely aoon to recover, except Steers, but of him he entertains doubts of being able to save bis sight. iti; r I Atwtlen 9Mt mum mxL /• »s T um mM p of hsUmsdm mi Pt^ temnUu County of Grty. At •Mo'aloek in tho sIlMaMm. at th* McCXTIiIiOUQ S HOTEL. In the ^^ILLAGE OF 3DUNDAU. pkT TirtiM of Powen o( 8«lo eonteined in XJ oertain Xortga(M. wliiea wfll W pro. 4Md at Soio. tho foboving PropottfM: PASCELL Wo«7. in tho fcd CwMaSuTBorthS oL D«rl»m Borf. ol H^ T«»~lrfiSij*~.2r County of Gr^, eontaii â- fl^aSinSTti NITS. The folloving Win miaaiilj no Muu lobe on thepreiniaM: AhontlOacrco partiy oloared. Th« prooertr i« tttnated ahoQt 10 miles from tfaa Vah^ ol Oaadalk. PABCEL n. Undw Morteage from Hugh lCeOiinn.Lot 17. m th* 17 OoaMouan of the Townddn ol Protmi, in the Coon^ « Otor. iiiiilaiiilaa lOOaoioa, aoMorloM. The f oUm^ im- proTemoato an said to bo on tho pramioM: Aboot SO aereo eloared and onder rsltT»HnM' vitb log hoQM ftnd bam erected thecoon! TERMSâ€" One-tonth of the parehaM niottoy to bo paid down on the doy of saU. For balanoe, temu will b* made known at the â- alo. For farther partienlars apply to JONES BBOS. it MACKENZIK. Solicitors. ACaaonie Hall, Toronto. Or to JOSEPH McABDLE, Eiq., HoperilU. Toronto, 14th March, 1881. 8S-4w i«^ EDS I SBEDSI KiniriiisL" Groceies, PruTisM^ CANNED FRUIT, eoNFEerioREiY, Any amount of Cuasbe^ftd eat @id.e Pcz2c. FOR »ALE. ALSO. MALT AND RYE WHISKEY, THS BBST xk TOWS: BRANDY. CIDEB. â-²L£. POBTER, TEAS and SUGARS. CHEAP. WILSON BENSON. MatUate. Katdi IT. 18«1. 5-ly OIK S X^\ A NETV ELECTION X23. ^Iu.p33j:sisisi. TOE T7nd«rugnod is prepared to auranw Money on First-Cbus Farm Property, with large margins, at 6 Per Cent., Yearly! ON STMWNT UNUn, Tbi! is tho Lowest Rate ever offerered in the County of Grey. OFFICES :â€" Lot 3C, Con. 4, Eaphraaia, aed HBAroiu,â€" Next door to Boral Hotel. N. B. â€" A large amoant of private money to loan on Good Sotrt or Second \loclgagn. E. E. KNOTT. March 3, 1881. SS-Sm CANADIAN ITEMb. Fiaa.â€" On Saturday morning laat, Mr. Geo. McMullen of the Srd con- cession of Sydenham, started out to Woodford with a load of hay, and en his return during tbe day, found that bis dwelling.honse with contents had been totally oonsumed in bia absence. The fire caught in the upptsr part of the house, auppoaed to be from the stovepipe, and Mrs. McHnllen tried to aave what she conld. but waa unable to get much ont before the flames compelled her to retire. Mr Mullen's granary not bang good, he had stored most o^his grain upstairs, and it was consumed with the house. As their was no insuranee, tbe \ot» will be a heaTj one to him. ICb. T. a. Brown o' Collingwood baa again been awarded tbe ooetrset for Government suppUes of eattle foe tbe Northwest. Un^ tbe late Govern' ment all such anppUea were Wonght in from the Btatea, but now our own formeMs have the benefit «f furnishing them. Thx annual meating of the North Orey Teeohars' Aasooation will be held in Owen Sound iM We^aeeday â- ad Tbunday. April Itth aal 14tb. for which M interesting prognwime has been prepcred. The serviees of Miss Lewis rfTaronto have been oazed for the meetii^. M^f f^^ BdMal ef ElMBtiao, wSl fiwft pMl** TAILOBING C. A. OWEN, Fashionable Tailor, HAVrXG rented the Tfulorinc Depart- ment over MvFarland'8 atorc, wishea to iuforin tb3 puMic ol Markdale and cnr- I'OuniUui; roantry, tftat he is prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily! CUTTI NG Done while Castomers are waiting. THE LATEST FASHION PLATES On hand to cliose from. A Good Fit Gnaranteed â€" ATâ€" Remember the Place, Over McFarland's Store. Markdala, Nor. 26, 1830. 11-mG IN ABTBMESIA. FffTT aerea of land. Lot 95, aonth of Lurhom Boad. 18 mem of cleared Und with log hooaa, and well fanead. Inquire of Bobert OUver, qipoaita the lot, or JOHN EAT, BMitinek, Durham P. O Jan ISth, 1881. In Chancery DEWSON VS. WILSON. FLESHERTON Harness Shop! THE Snbacriber bega to inform the pablie tha\ he has coostantly on hand a large asaortmeut of GARRIGE, BUGGY AND TEA^ UABMESS. Made in good atylo and of tbe THE BEST OF MATERIAL, And aa he means bnaineas gira him an early call, as he will sell at the lowest living prieea, for eaah. A good supply of WBIPS, TWIfKS, *«., 'ij -J. 'always on hand. Setteii Cellars A S|MelaH|, And a good fit goanntsed. l^Bemember the aland tbe Poat Ofiee is opposite. N, B.â€" SUve timbar wanted, J. GORDON. Ifaiah. 1881. 16 J. â- ONTfiOMEIY. TBtB Sabeeriber, in ratnning thanks to the inhabitants rf Markdale and snr- rounding eoontiT tor their patronage daring tho past rf(^ yMia. bags to int»ia«*e *« i'leâ„¢ hs ji tew pnrBMd to aapply th* Pablie with FRUIT, POUND PLUM GAICE8, either plain, or loed and Oznamented. PUBSUANT to an order ol the Conrt of Cliaooery, made in this oanae. there will be sold with the approbation of T. W. TATLOB, ESQUIBE. Maater in Ordinary of this Court, by B. S. Keeking, Kaqnire, Anetioneer. at McDERMOTT'S HOTEL, In the VILUGE OF BOND HEAD, At tlie hour of Twelve o'clock, noon, on Tht 9ili day of April 1881, The following lan^g and premisea, in one parcel namely: Broken Lot number three, iu tbe first Concession, of tbe Township of West Owillimbury, in the Conntyof tiimooa, eoutaining fifteen acres more or leas. Alao, pursuant to tbe above mentioned order.ihere will be sold by Kobert Daris, Esquire, at tho MUNSHAW HOTEL, In the VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON. at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, ou The12thdayofApril, A. D., 1881, the following lands and premiaas in' two parcels, namely PABCEL I. The South west part of Lot number two hundred and twenty, in the second conees- aion f-onth of the Toronto and Sydenham Boad. in the Township of Proton, ia the Oonntr of Orey, eontaining fifty aerra mar* or leas. PABCEL n. Lot number one hundred and twenty-one, in tbe firat oonoession south-west of the Toron- to and Sydenham lioad. in tho Township of Artemesia, in the Co nty of Orey, contain- ing fifty acres, more or less. TER,^ISs; or SALE, Onn tenth of the purchase money to be paid in eaah at the time of sale, and a sufficient amount within one month thereafter, with- out interest to make tor;etlier wiih tbe cash payment one quarter of said purchase monsy, the balance to be secured by mortgage on the premises, at six per cent per annum, payable in three equal yeaily payments. Each parcel will be suld subject to a reserv- ed bid fixed by the f-aid maater. The other conditions of sale are the stand- ing cinditious of the Conrt of Chancery, Further particulars can be bad from DENISON A MACKLEM, 1€ Toronto street Ik ESSltS. MoCABTHT, UOSKIN, PLUMB ft CBEELMAN, Solicitors, Toronto. Dated at Toronto this 16th day of March, A. D., 1881. Signed. 28-8W. T. W. TATLOB. Widi to inform the-mlibitaatsQC ICaiUAiitaad aotroaacK^ iogcomitxy, dut they hatve partuAf «|ijaMd^^iir MTT.TiTNEBlg DBl*ABTMaiHT. Ajui bave aecnrad tlie semceal «tf litSS IWI-MW* Who ^m k»g experience in the HifitAerr Imaaeae, muEe enabled to give ovtr firiends ENTIEE SATISFACTION. We have partially opened, and will be fully prepared, «s the season advances with all the LATEST NOVELTIES. Remember our goods will be We respectfully solicit a fciii share from our friends nd the public generally. We dou't du any button-holing, but will treat all courteously when making purchases, and tust our prices will be right. Our general stock will be found well Assorted as usual. We would invite an eariy inspection whether you wailt to buy or not. TTTTiTi BROS. Markdale, March 30th, 1881. 29-tf. • lorry Christmag and Ikw Kev Year to Aili Howtkattbeaeaaeaof OoadCtebrk at band, I wnh to eaU PnbiM atteutiaa to «) FIUIT8,6ANIIE0 fiMOS, CONFECTIOIIFIY Markdale General Agency ISTHE BEST PLACE TO GET LI Q irons. Everything First-Class, and at 13-RICHT PRICE8I Ify BOTTLKD BBANDT i« antnrpaMad OLD BTB, the pnreat ICALT. «• kaal P€«- TkB, equal toOintteM' Stoat and the iBeatA-Mtef Briull aad B tU« i l Ate ia tlua aeetioa. '14 CMar am^ f CfcMMpBf. ET Oat Tour HoUdaj's MPVly o aboT* Oooda A. MclNTYRE. II .•3 T' Ifaikdala, Dae. 1«, 18M t-lT MEDICAL EAL^ STRAIGHT LOANS, NO PINE S, CHARGES LOW. If you Insi ranee patronize the UNION FIRE INSURANCE Co. r r ' V^-.^ LANCASHIRE FIRE and LIFE Co. ' "' BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co., CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION. Wanzer Sewing Machines, Uneaqualled in range of work and ease of motion. D O H E K TT^ORGAN S, Unsurpassed in beanty of tune and power. Farms for Sale and More Wanted. â- â- rv Thankful for past favors, I am determined to merit a further sh:ye of public patronage by fair and honest dealing amittfttftmrnt attention. THEOPHILUS HALL. Markdale, March 29, 1881. 29-tf. SEEDS! FIELD SEEDS, INCLUDING TIMOTHY, CABEOT, â-  U MANGEL WURTZEL, c, Sec: GARDEN ' i. f\ Money I Money THE undersigned has a large amount of private funds to lend, at from 6 to 7 per oent. according to amount required and security offered. ANDBEW BEATTT, Lot 130, 1st wast T. S. B. ArtemesU, Flesberton P. O. Waroh 83, 1881. S8-tf aada 1 Variety of Other Cakes. atwaya on haniU Alao, B I S OTTITl of erwy daaeription. frofli the baa* maaa- faeturers tn telMio. Abo, a laig* aad varied .jaMteft)^ CHOWEtTCtlllFEeTIIMni BRIDES' CAKES! itha barta7to Un* ttT'SSsi.:: Hfiilfa% S* AUCTION SALE YALUABLE FARMS, In tlu^ownskibs of Glenelg and Holland, in the County of Grey. There will he sold on TbwMlav, tht Uth day tf April, 1881, At one o'eloek in the afternoon, at RUTLEDGE'S HOTEL, in the TTILUGE OF 2x^RKDALE. By Tirtne of powers of aala eontained ia en- tain liectaMieawhieh wiD be prodnaad at the Mia, the Mlowing p rupa ity PABCEL I. Tinder Mortgafle from Angns MeMilfaui, Lot numbor M, ia tfaa Snd eoneeaa i on north of the Durham Boad, of tho laid towaahipof Oleoela, eontaioiag by admeaanrement 60 aerea mora or leea. TIm foUowiag improve- ments are said to be « tbe preouaea: â€" 40 aerea cleared. PABCEL n. Under Mortgages from Samaal tonng. Lot 57, in the Siui eaneo Mi on, North-east of tiia Toronto aad BjJenhaw Bead, ia the Townahip of Holland, in the Cow^of Uragr, aoBtainii^ 60 aerae aiaca or laM. Tba M- lowii^ improToaMDti aae aaii to ba e* tba â- remiaea :â€" 45 aerea deaiad, a good dwaDiag booae, bam and atahle. TKBMSâ€" Ona-tesith ofthajmrehaaemaoey bepaid4owBeBthadaTelaria JTw bal tanaa vffl ba ante kaowa at Iha aria. For tnrthar natttenlata iVplTto JOHKSBBOe. A MeKXHaS, goliattort, Maaonie'HaB, Toroata. Or to 'OHlf LTQX8, Tonwto. KBMh. 16. 18U. ALLBKtM* iadeb i^TLea aat Itoe a iadebtaato Um COOKING. PARLOR AND BOX STOVIEIS Always in Stock. As I keep all kinds of BEPAIB8 for the Implemeots I sell, Farmers will see tiie advantage of dealing with a Local Agent. WM. STRAIN,]a.exton- Flesberton, MansS 24, 1881. 28-tf OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. Squander your money if yoo want to. if not, get yoorPbotograpfas of W. BULMER, iThe People's Photographer, Flesherton. Who ia Main prepared to take Pietnes, and do Copying and Kakigiag aa heratolora. FRAMES A]Nr FRA]VtE FIXI]Vi*». alaigeatoakof MOTTOBS aad Motto and other Fra««a, tad Frame eaa. and »eaa to aefl at BMnaritaMy Low PHoeB, (Ml ead BULMCIf. I ^1 A CHOICE SELECTION, All of which mil be sold at lowest market rates. Maricdale. Dee. 9. 1880. ' ' A. TURNER CO. 18. tf Pianos, and OrganSi; •*. :•'.â-  v^'f r J. A. CRAWFORD '»CALBB Vt "«'::" PIANOS AND ORGANS i' OF THE 'bzid€re S^sizi'vlfct'uxe.' We ar e reae i Tin Fizioga. which we seeiiie bargajaa. Bnng along your pietnea aad hare thai ended aad naahertan.^Maieh 10. 1881. LUMBEB AND SAWING. The I Us Saw Mill at Little Falls eaLatl«iaMBaageX.B..Totwto mi Ufim h im tm i, Art Mi Mf i ia fcfl •»«- LMMER. UTmjTS^ETI., Tl koEI. CUSTOM SAWIING tanlirMtWiaBeaai AX«Ii KEBIkH 01^ SAW :â- -"'" Having a thorou^ knowledge of Musical Instruments I would invite those desirous of purchasing an instrument to 'M^^ c-1 aiVB ME A TBIAX I can furaisfa good testimonials from parties to whom I have sold that they will be dealt honorably with in all cases. By correspondiiig with me I will convince parties that I will sell cheaper than they can bu elsewhere. MontMy or quarterly instalments wovid be accepted/ with a imall payment tiown. ^i I 1 Am. ^^m^^M^d ^to^ffM^A^' |U» #|w ^im^itt J. A. emmwmai^ llarkdale, Matdi 'jfr-^fr^

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