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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Apr 1881, p. 1

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 Tintlif Iraf tk InM pTfi rl^ • i 8-- iil n i p â- I " I V. if III i i Oliansre of rTizne. Oa kti.t kfter MONDAT, Srd KOT. trafaM *iU ran m (ollowc: â€" GOING NORTH. Toronto, â€" Union StatioB, J»V- 7:30 •. m. 13:90 p. m. *Mi f. m. Carlton 7.£9n.». 11.4)p.m. iSdfJt, Wanton SJ5*.id. l.OOpjB. SJCp.*. I!nmbcrSam't8.30».aL l;S0p.m.5^pjB. Woodbn4«e...8 4«a.a. lMf.m.tJOtp.wt. Kleinbnrg ....9M •.«. S.U p.a. « R«l:oa 9S5».ai. S.37p.H. e.4SpjB. ]CDoBa»i.. 9.Msjn. SJltpjn. 7.06pjB. Ciarlestou.. 10.35 k.m. S.fApjB. 7JK) Alton lOJM A-B. 4.0tpjn. 8.0S .m. O iksemraLm â€" Arrire....ll.IOs.m. 4.U. p jb. 8 JO p.m. l«prt.. 4.45. p.m. OniafevireJaDetionll.4o a.ib. I«4rel UJiO^m. BlMbaTita If SO p.m. buudalk 1.15 p.m. Proton 1J15 p.m. Fln^bertonArPiieev' 1.56 p.m. Markdale B«rk!y WiUuknuforU Arnott Ciiatawortli Boekford Uwen Sonnd GOING 2 15 p.m 2.3.5 p.m. 2 50 p.m. t.O.' p.m. S.l^ p.m. 8.38 pm. 4.00 D.m. 10.10 p, SOUTH 5.05 p.m. ft.30 p.m. 8.00 p m. S.aU p.m. 7.11 p.m. 7.3JS p m. 8 OS p.m. 8.-28 p.m. 8.18 p.m. 9.06 p.m. 9 16 p.m. S.a6 p.m. Oiren S'anl, d^'part 6.30 a.m. 12 00 noon Koektonl 7.00 a.m. 12.30 p.m. '^luit^'rorth Jl.-M) ajn. 12.65 p.m. Arnott 7J0».m. 1.06 p.m. William«fiirJ 7.48 a.m. ' lierkly 8.05 a.m. Mark'lale 8.30 a m. ?te«hort'otPrieeTiUe 8.55 a.m. Proton 9.15 a.m. DondaJk. 9.35 aJD. HbelboriK.. 10 15 a.m. I jinrel 10.47 a.m. OrangfTille Jonetion 11.00 a.m. OtunamrjVLK â€" Arr. 11:15 a. m. 5:30 p. m. Dep. 7.15 a.m. 11.!I6 a. m. 6.40 p.m. Alton 7.35 a.m. 1 1.66 a.m. 6.U) p.m Charleston 7.60 a.m. 12.10 p.m. Mono Boad. .8.35 a.m. 13.47 p.m. Bolton.. .....8.46 a.m. 1.10p.m. Kleinbarg... 9.05 a.m. 1.30 p.m. W(XdbridK«..9.25 a.m. 1.50 p.m. Hamber8mt9.4ua.m' 2.05 p.m. WextoD 10.00a.m. 2.27p.m. Carlton 10.10 a.m. 3.39 ^.m. ToaoiiTo,â€" Union Station, Arrive 10.30 a.m. 8.00 p.m. 1.38 p.m. 1.48 2.15 p.m. 3.45 p.m. 8 10 p.m. 3.80 p.m. 4-15 p.m. 4.60 p.m. 5.06 p.m. 6.18 p.m. 7.05 p.m. 7.33 p.m. 7.65 p.m. 8.17 p.m^ 8.33 p.n^ 9.00 p.m. 9.15 p.m. 9.40 p.m. TM^TAKDARD. l-riday. April 7th, 1881. fr«iilht4Maiajgf prognMocov th« fBtm* win Wcvwgnttcr fka»|B tile paat, and proouw* lHr,ar* »ryMk- «r dendepMSM over oar heada, toW aa inecwpoiated town. Tb^u an still tome brandica of boMBOM moeb bâ€" Jaa to iocreaM oar impoftaooe aad aM to ow matarial wealth. Tit.: â€" a Foandiy aad Machina â- hop, a Woolen Factory, and a Tan- nory. If pcopor atopa art taken and a little energy disptayed, we see no ruoon why these l»andiec sbonld nut be added to oar ottier flonriahmg in- dastriee the eoming aeaecm. There is no better opeoninn in the Province of Ontario. The Village is ritnate in the eentre of the County, and ia enrroand- ed by aa fine and wealthy an agriealto- ral district aa ia to be foand in any por tion of the ooantry, is on the line of the Toronto, Grey and Brace Bail- way, which will riic-tly be widen- ed to the standaM gauge has unlimited water-power, and for those prefering steam, there is wood in abondaace, which can be had at $1.S0 (4 feet long) and upwards, per cord when pnrehaoad in quanti- ties. There is not a foundry within serenteen miles, and if a man of the right stamp takes hold of the business, we have no hesitation ia saying that an extensive and loerativo busioeee could be done. Jl tannery and woolen factory would be ao eqaaUy good investment. At present (he wool and hides are â- hipped away, ene buyer alone ship- ping over 12,000 pounds daring the past winter. We have not been able to ascertain the number of hides sent awav. B"), oh I ye men of money, if you wisL to place your funds where Von will be sure of a speedy return on the outlay, come to Markdale. At least wlten you aie oi^t prospecting drop in on ns-and our iiord for ityou will go no further when you see the thrift jf our people, and the signs of wealth and prosperity that surrounds as on all sides. IVOTICE, 29 THE Canada AdvertiBing AgencT, Nc King Street West. Toronto, W. W. BUTCHEB, Maitager, It at Uiorized to receive advertisements for tliia paper. ScBscaimoMB are received at thi« office for the (ollovring Papers and Magazines.^- DAIUBS. lo-onto Daily Globe, per Tear, MaU, " •6.00 6.00 WESSLIES. Toronto Weekly Globe, per year, MaU Hamilton " Spentator " Canada Farmer " f «ntific American " •1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.30 MOKTHLIIS. Farmers Advocate, p«r year, .\merioan Agricaltarist '• Our Little Ones •1.00 1.50 1.60 Wa this week ^ive a slight sketch of the prLgress of Markdale, and it is our iutention, as eoou as we eet over l^e rush of the spring busines*, to give like sketclies of the ueighboriug \illii;je.!. Auy of oar friends who can forward ns statistics in connection with the locality in which they live will greatly obiif^e na. Tiste' state of affairs ifi Ireland ap- pears to be growing worse. A fatal encounter took place between the police and thn people on tho first of the month, which resulted iu two men be- ing shot dead, four or five sevcrly in- i irod.anil abjut thirty others wounded. Such a stale of affttirs is deplorable in the extreeiu, aud we much fear that more blood will be shed aud many homes made desolate ere peace ia re- stored to unhappy Ireland. Ws have recieyed the 10th annual Beportof the Ontario Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, for the fiscal year, ending 30th September,- 1880. Dur- ing the year, the attendance reached 284, the largest nnmbor that has at tended in any one year since the In- stitution was opened. Of this number 163 were males and 119 were females. From the time the institution was opened, on the 20th October, 1870 to the 80th September 1880, 498 pnpils were admitted. Some very interesting statistic re- sjiecting those 498 deaf mutes have been collected from the institution re- gister by the superintendent. From these rctama it appears that no leas than 216 of those pnpils were deaf mutes from birth, that in 78 cases, their deafness was caused by fevers of various kinds, in 28 by colds, iu 12 by accident, in 12 by measles, in 20 by spinal disease, in 75 cases by various other causes, and in 68 cases the causes of the deafness were unknown. The superintendent, Mr. Mathisou, states that there are vacancies for severa) pupils in tho institutian, and request us to try and prevail on the parents of any deaf mutes, should we know of auy, to make appUcation for their odroissiou to the iustitujjlou, and should this meet the eye^f auy so afflicted we trust they will make the necessary application withont loss of time. •dhyXr. Ifr. Teaoka horaa MB amwj mm Om catterkst Fkiday. tuMitg wreck of the entter. We WHO Tiriied bf • Mt4hwo«| blissard ea Toeoday. PreptatioBs are beinc nade for ntiliaiiig the maples in this vieimty Mr. Thomas Haobvry ts aiakim • large addi^iMi to his premisee by pntdng a work abop to the baek. there- by giving hima much larger qpaoe for bu stock. Straw hata an Making ibarap pearanoe anwnd town. HOLLAUD COUNCIL. Coonea met at Yogaa's Hall for tlie transaction of buamess. The Beeve in the ehair. Members pnttai Ifaan. Csmoron, Sbato and Oil- lassie. MoTod by Mr. Shata. eeeonded by the Depoty Beeve, that Wm. O'Mara get an order for $141, as separate school taxes ooUeeted in error from 1872 to 1877 invasive. Moved by Mr. Shute, seeonded by the Depaty Beeve, that the eommu- nieatim of Bobert Danlop, Oork of Eapnraoa. with regard to Union School Section, be laid over till next meeting, on aceount of their not being a foil Gonneil. Mr. 8hate moved, seeonded by Mr. Gilleapie, that tne petition ot Ed. Muldoon be laid over till next meet- ing of Council. Moved by Mr. Shute, seeonded by the Deputy Beeve, that th By-law No. 4, appointing patlimaaters, poand- keepers and fence viewers, be read a first, second and third time, and en- groesed on the minntea. Moved by Mr. Bhute, seconded by the Deputy Beeve, that |6 be paid to the Police Truateea of Chatsworth, on account of non resident tax. Moved by Mr. Shute, aeoonded by the Deputy Beeve, uthat Alexander Campbell be notified by the Clerk to pay over to the Township Treasurer the amount of $10, being an omission of the Clerk in not carrying out the amount on Boll of 1879. Moved by the Deputy Beeve, aeoon- ded by Mr. Shute, that we go into Committee of the Whole, to investi- gate the Collector'a Boll of 1879. • Moved by Mr. Gillespie, seconded by Mr. Shute, that the report of the above mentioned Committee be adopt- ed and engrossed on the minutes. BEPOBT or comoTTxa. We, the Committee, above referred to, haviitg earefiilly exmiueu llie Col- lector's Boll for 1879, are satisfied with Uie correctness of the same, with the exception of $10 and eighty cuts already referred to, which was made in carrying out the amount across the Boll. Wm. Howst, Chair- man. Moved by the Depaty Beevo, secon- ded by Mr. Shute, that we adjourn till the 28th day of May next, then to meet as a Court of Bevision. Cabson Puox, Clerk. MABBKDALEâ€" ITS PAST AND PBESENT. We venture the assertion, that few places in the Dominion can boast of such rapid advancement as Markdale, durintt the past ten years. Ten year? ago it was nothing bat a little hamlet, consisting of one or two â- torss, post office, a tavern, bkck- smith shop and ten or fifteen private residences. To-day there are nine stores, at which yon can purchase anyihing von require almost as cheap- ly as iu Toronto two tailors' shops, where yon can have the outer-man adorned m a style that will eompare favorably with any dty in our broad Dominion the fair sex have not been forgotten eithiir,their wants being np- plied by three first-class millinery and dreaa- making eatablidmients three grist mills, two saw mills, one steam sash, door and furniture faotcwy, with a shinjtle and planing mill attached two furniture eatablisnments, five blacksmiths' shope,two carriage shops, two harness shops, a drag siore, in which there is a branch ofBee of the Montreal Telegraph Company and Vicker's Exprees, one jewailor's and watchmaker's establishment, where the Dominion Telegraph Co'y have an oftee ihree shoo sbopa, three bo- tda, two ooopers' shops, marble works, two butchers' shops, two bakers and eonfectionera, one hard mure and tin abop, two grain elevators of 50,000 kualiels capacity each, a pomp finoto- fjf, a law oftce, a sood sebo(ri preeid- a^over bj three efleiont teaehers, ^ete are four resident Mmisttfs, a jiawsfiaper-acd job ptintinv eetablafa- aHa*.«ad aeveral other braDobcs of Nones. â€" We wish it disinetly understood, that we do not hold onrs4*lves reponsible for the opinions espresaed by cur correspondents. FLESHEBTON. From a Correspondsnt. Mr. Bicbardson'6 chimney caught on fire at the time of the Social, and the alarm was sounded and caused quite an excitement. This is the third or forth occasion that the village has been warned out The wolf may come some day, People should clean odt their pipes and chimneys instead of burning them out. Tax social held on the 25th March by the Flesherton Presbytarian Sab- bath School, was a grand success. Dr. Sproole, M. P. called the meeting to order, alter which, a lengthy Prottram ma was disposed of. One feature in it was supply aof refreshments.and very excellent coffee, proceeds $22.00 the oommittie have decided to porohaae an Organ, as they have suffie^nt funds on hand ts pay for the same. Terrible snow storm yesterday. Yennor is right this time. While turning a large engine on the Flesberton station turn- table on WednesdA 6th, and when about half turned the table gave a lureh, and the engine running fnward run over the table, which is about right feet from the ({roond, smashing both engine and teblo oonaidnraoly. Loekily mo one was bnrt mnob. No blame can be attadtad to the employ- ees. Sunnaa Dbaxm. â€" John MoArthur, an old resident of Arteaeaia, near Flesherton Station, died very sodden- ly. He took borne a grilt from the mill on Wedoa aday evening, appar- ently in his osnal health, and waa found dead in hi* room ou Tbaraday morning. Ha was ah^ot 70 years at John Handy, abool tlia laat of the oolered raeo iu Artemeeia, died 'after a short illnooa at hia residenoe, on the Durham Boad. on Wedueaday nram ing. tofiidit ThaiMaoflbe â€"Some tiaM ajp fe-tka baanaoapor- tieSol ti^ YiOace an ehieAy of briok. thrne atcriee^ in heigh t, rod wonld do BO dieeredit to iitii ae tt laaA jiMlai Bceiaotioaa. ^oeaiM.^lalk a «â- Â« b«r olwivate wUelt chow A silver nuae hni on the farm of Mr. Qmnmt Cheeebro, Bawden. Hastrnga eooaty. The Faroiars' club of Oahawa bare resolved to grow aaabet a«| Overahvaand aarea have Waa gMitaa Wi, aa^a jutwytiilfe EUPHBASIA COUNCIL. A meetmg of the Township Council ot the Township of Euphrasia, was held pursuant to adjournment, on the 26th day of March, 1881. Members all present; Minutes of last regular meeting; of Council read and approved. The time for the return of the Col- ector'a rolls, was extended for one month. A numerously signed petition, re- lative to the expenses incnred through sickness and death of Charles Wyoncb an indigent, wan laid aside until next meeting of Council, and Messrs. Boyd and Oilray appointed a committee to investigate all matters oonnecied therewith. The report of J. G. Sing, Esq., P. L. S. regarding the completion of the erection of Kerr's trigde and his ac- count for soperintendiugsaid building, together witii his account for survey- ing was Isid before the Council and accepted, all of which labor being per- formed by order of Council in 1880. The Clerk was ordered to obtain in- formation from the County Treasurer, in reference to arrears of taxes, stand- ing against the N. E. t of lot 8, con- cession S. By-law No. 800, fixing indemnity ef councillors for the current year was carried through the different stages and patised. On motion of Mr. Gilray and Mr. Longhead, the Council wiU meet at Treaaarer's office, at one o'clock p.m., on the second day of April nexC for the pnzpose of jnaking a final settal- ment, with John Clngston, the late Collector. The Treasurer was ordered to remit to Dr. McOlelUnd. Walter's Fall's, $15,00, being payment for medical attendance on tbe late Chas. Wyonch, an indigent. The "Treasarer waa ordered to remit to Messrs. Bowacll Hutehinaon, To- ronto, the anm of $86.12, being pay- ment for stationaiy furnished to Uus monicipality. The Trciasnrer waa ordered to re- mit to the parties entitled to receive the same, the following described amounta, being expenees incnred by the holding of the last election, for a Beeve, caused by the unseating of the Beeve, who waa elected m January last, vis â€" To the Depaty Betaruing officers, $88.50 Foar members Council, for one apeoial meeting, $8 Messrs Poiiard k Evans, for legal ad- viee, $6 J. Buthorford, for Mectiou papers, $8.90 School Tmstees 4c, for polling ataticsis, $10 J. Farewdl, for printing by-law, praaJnUa tboreto, ball'tt papers Ac., and poatage, $S0.- 06 B. Danlop, iSp. Clerk, for mileage travelled, and all other seme^ eon- ncstod with said eleetioii, $16. ** The Beeves orders were iaeocd eo the Treaaozar to pay aa foUova via â€" To J. Nelaon. $1, witoaaa bea ia oaaa of arbitration J. G. Sing, P. L. $S4, fcr aarvieea r an d atad by ecdv of Coaaafl for 1880; B. Danlop. Tp. CI«k, $8C, part aalaij for aarrent â-¼ear; John Pantknad. flM, being balaaoa in foil of the p a ya wnt for boildinj a bddge over Jea v er river, said biifige being known aa Kur'a bridge Jaha Peatiaad. $1. figr to- moving a Iraa ham tibo nad. Oa Mottoa baiag laada aad aeooad- ad tfaa OevMil aj^joaraod oatil the kat 8at«idi9 in April anO. Baeaar Ovxu». Mlh.1881. TKJtak. coa^ of Orar, bmaatt aifcai i at tkifcfe daagfatarara««B-to-to fM leddad in the iiBBaeffiala The yoang lady racipioea t e d, bat mt puento refoaad their coaaaat to Ife* marriaga of tba lovera, oa the grMM tfaatintendod biidagraoa wa«a widov^ «r: and so strong ^^f '»^.^!l*: proval that they pooitnaly P»««3^ â- U intereonrse between tba pair, na consequence was that etedeettne meei- inga were held, and an elnpement «»a deeided upon. The prepiratione for this etep were made in the most deli- berate manner. The blaokamitb iold hia shop, diapoeed of hia bnoineaa, and eolieeted all iiia aeeonnU doe him;whUe the lady, apparently resign ed to aeparatioo. waot ahont her uanal daties m the moat cheerfol manner poaaibie. On Monday moriiipg tlM lover after quietly aendmg off hia trunk during the night, atarted on a visit to hia brothers in Tbombary. Driving to Owen Sound, he took the atage to Meaford. and proceeded thence to Toronto by the Northern Railway. Stopping at St Jamee' over niglit, he in the morning hunted up a couple at Irieuda reaideut on Adeliade atreet, and together they awaited further Je- velopements. Pursuant to agreement, the lady, about five o'clock yesterday morning, packed her trunk aud quick- ly took her departure firom the domi- cile. She was driven by a iend to Chatsworth, took the seven o'clock tram on the T., G. ft B. Bailway to Toronto, and before her absence was discovered waa far beyond the reach ol pursuit. Arriving safely in Toron- to yesterday eveuing, she was met at the -station by the friends referred to, who oondueted her to St. James' where her lover^as anxiously awaiting her appearance. After the four bad par- taken of tea together, the happy couple took the midnight train to Detroit, where thoy wul ha married upon their arrival. It is the intention of the man to go into bnnineas in Detriot, as he is possessed of some meaua. Bath parties are highly re- epecttrd and moved iu the higheet aociety in their native village. â€" Mta- fori Monitor, BOLD ATTEMPT AT BOBBEBY. Winnipeg. March 29. â€" Paymasteri Tims, of the (3auada Pacific railway, while out at Bat Portage laat week along with his assistant. Mr. Shea, paying the employees of the road wa? surprised by lour men after night just as be was about to enter the postal car, one of whom snatched his yaliae, in which there waa at the time $5,000 and ran down the erabankmeot. Mr. Tims immediately drew his revolver and fired after them, but without ef- fect, as the night waa exceedingly -dark, aud ooald only see a few feet. Measra. Tims aud bhaa tberi returned to the station and procured a lantern, to make aearch for the thieves. The aa'tchel waa fotmd intact, aud had evidentiy been dropped at tke fimt ahot, the robber having apparently aiumblnd in his effort to (^et away. Jw^ Eaphnaia. Uridaj. Ifid Od£^irDed Towaah^. at Oarkc- barf Tbataday. M*h,ApiiI, fjL riaaaat. at liaafcri, FiUny ApvBlML OoaalT, at Owaa Booud. Uamil»y» Sbalbani e, AprOalat. a B h anma MARRIED^ â€"At the W Bev. B. O. PiBk.«oa Tharadw te«baiat.Jir. Jeka B. Prtt- Otati, of BapfanMia, to Miaa Satah A. Oaatla.i Salnvaa. Tooaeâ€" Lasaaaâ€" At Darbam, en Wadaaa- hv the 80th IbHii.^ IhaBav, ». Ma- Lia. B. A, Mr. Wni^ /aaaaa Tamo* Hsnrig. to IBis Maggie £«ad«r, oai^ktar ctThooaa Uadar, Baq.,BegUtrBr ol South Oiay. tami tSJSd lal a i ai " Wiaw piU " Bask ot Itiw Ja. ffr^ Thwal. rSiZS!!haS aa*a^.W adrfa» ala mAniiM' "It Will mert^apiv a"aai â- â€¢ AafaL- -Brawa' DIED. WnTBTâ€" la .^rtaiMaia,. ea the la* ins*., latent danahtar. at Mr. John Whitby. LoaKTSB -ts IfarWaU, at the MMdasiM of bar son. 8. HiU, Baq., Srdinat, Mra Loek- ya* aged It. OBBMBToa,â€" Jn Owtn Soand. oa Friday maraioK Aprfl lat, after a liB«ering and paisfaJ iUnass, Qeorga P. CrMgbton. Br., agBd 61 Tears. 11 months and 11 dajs. MABKDAU£. Floor Spring Wheat FaU do. Barley Data Paaa PoUtoea. Bntter, per lb. Kggs, per doa, Pork, dreasad, Baaf Gaeaa per lb. Dnda, per pair Fowls, per pair.. Turkeys, par lb., Sh««pakias uides ........4 Oram seed, Hay ......... Wool Green App/as, per. bnshal Lard ......... Tallow ..;...... Dry Cord Wood FaiDAV. Aprfl 7, 1881. S,0o to 6. So IT boah.. naw l.OS tc 1.08 do. do. 0.9R to 1.00 aoeeeaaaao aaaaoeeaea â- aaeaaee 0.60 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.18 0.18 7 00 4.60 0.05 ' 0.40 • 0.90 ' 0.07 ' 0.76 5.00 a.oo ' 7.00 0.86 ' 0.40 ' 0.10 0.06 1.80 â-  0.80 0.81 0.68 0.80 0.30 0.00 7.35 6.50 0.00 0.46 0.86 0.07 1.86 7.00 8.4(1 8.00 0.8o O.CO 0.10 0.07 0.00 FliESHEBTON. (Corrected veet/y fortht SUmdard by It. J. Sprtule, FUihtrton.] TmntsDiLT, April 7th iA81. (6.00 to (6.50 1.00 to i 03 0.06 Flcnr, par bbl. Spring Wheat per bush.. GLENELG BEFOBM TION. 3^IA- The Beform Association of Glenelg, met at Hall's mills, on Saturday last. Most of the leadiug Beformers of the Township were present, but no doubt many were absent on account of the bad state of the roads. The following officers were elected for the year â€" W. Hall, Pres.; W. Glenoross, VicePres. Geo. Binnie, Sec. Chas. Moffat, Ti as. An executive committee was appointed, and also delegates to central association. A draft constiution and by-laws was presented by a committee appointed at last meeting which was adopted by the association. The ques- tion of having a denunstration iu the Biding was heartily endorsed by those present, and judging by the represen- tatives, the Beformera of Gleuelg, will do their share in making it a auccess. Matters relating to orgauizatious were thee taken up, discussed, and the best meeting ever held by the as- sociation then adjourned to meet again at the call of tlie President. â€" B;i Fall do. Barley Oats Peas Potatoes Batter, per lb. Eggs, per doa. Poik, dressed. Beef Sheepskins Hides nay Timothy seed, Wool Lord Tallow do. do. 0.60 0.^0 0.60 0.80 0.17 0.14 7.00 400 060 5.Q0 6.00 3.00 0.86 0.10 0.06 0.97 0.78 0.3o 0.00 0.30 0.19 0.1fi 0.00 6.00 1.35 7.00 9.00 3.40 0.80 0.13 0.07 fdaddatiba tiaihe ef say elbar BUxarerliialBiaBtia tte wem.aaMHabe ia every laaidrbaalyiar aaa^Jaawartei •• aa it imSS^m Iha baH T M i a yfrJbe waald lav unapa pi the i '•â€" alaBUada," b lOr aala \j atSSaeataabotile. lil aU PIMPLES. I win iMil ^rea) tha raeipe for a aiaapla TaeavaMa Baut that wUI reaaove Tia. FBBCIUS, PIMPLB8 and BuMsaa, leav- ing tba aUa aoft, eiaar aad baantifol also inatroetieas for nodaateg a lax oiaat growth of hair OB a beia head or anooth faaa. Ad- diaaa, aaaioriiig a Se. ataBp.Baa. Vandali A Oe.„5BeekaBanst.,N. T. 9U-ty AaBNTS WANTBD.-Big pay.â€" lii^t Wark. Steady Emplormant. Sampleafraa. Addiaaa, M. L. BYBN, 46 Naaaaaa atraat. Haw Tort. 90-ly ERRORS OF YOUTH. AOEBTLii:MAN who snflerred (or year* from N'rvooa QBBILITT, PBEM4 TU1;B decay, and all the effeefa of .vaoth- fol indiaeretioa, will for tha sake of saflaring hmnauitj. send free to all who need it, the reeipa and directions for making the sin^ila raq^y by which b# was eared, Snfferaia whislung to profit by tur advartiaer'K experi- anoecando so by addreaaiag in perfect eon- ftdenoe, JUHM B. OODEN, ao-ly 43 Cadar st. M.w Tork. D. J. SHANAHAN'S WAfON and Carriage Works, Jost opened, opposita tha drag store. Hill street. Having long experienoo iii tho baai hess, we ieel eonfident we can gire satigfac tion to those ^favoring b:s with their orders for CABUUGES, SP31N0 WAGGONS, LtJMBEB WAGGONS, *c. Horseshoeing, and all kinds of repairing in oar line either in wood, iron, (laiutiug. and trimmiug neatly and promptly Rxecated. We ose nothinir but good material aud em- ploy first oIa«s pvaotiMl workmen. Oar aim ix to gire the best vala'i for the least money, thas seeoring a repetition of yoar esteemed otders and the benefit oi your injiaeace among yiar friends. Markdale, April 6th, 1881. 80-mS VUNDALK MABKETS. Fall wheat OOe to tl OS; Epring wheat 81 to 81.06; Barley 50c to 70o Peas 58o to 69c; Oats 2So to S3c Pork 87.35 to 87.60 Pota- toes per bag 60c to tOe Batter 17e to 18e Egg4 OOe to 18c; beef 6c to 5^: sheep skins 75c to 81. oo; hides 87.oo; grass seed 82.50 to 82.75; Hay 87.oo to 7.5o;. wool 3 o to 28c; lard loe; tallow 6c- TOBONTO. (ff «inl to the Standard.) ToBOXTO, April 7, 1881. Wheat.faU, per bash tl 08 to 81 10 Wheat, spring, do 1 10 to 1 18 Barley, do 78 to 91 Oats, do. 88 to 40 Peas, " do. 6S U 67 Bye, do 80 to 80 Clover Seed do o oo to o oo Dressed hogs, per 100 Iba. 7 60 to 8 00 Beef hi^d niarters 6 00 to 7 oo Beef, tare q^iU-ters 8 00 to Chickens, per pair o 6o to Fowls, do 40 to Duoks, per braca Soto Geese, eaefa...... 60 to Tarkeys 1 00 to Batter, large rolls 18 to Batter, tub dairy 17 to EURORBAN NEWS.- Tai BoADuiroa Cabb. â€" The Court of appeala sastaias the decision of tho Lower Court that Mr. Bradla- ugh had not the right t} tike an affir- mation inateadof the oath. Mr, Brad- langh will appeal ti the House of Lords. To night in the House of Commons Mr. HenrT Laboucher, who is Mr. Bradlaugh's fellow-member f'..r the borough of Northampton, moved for the issns of the Speaker's writ for a now election to fill vacancy caussd by Mr. Bradlaugb's expnlsiou. The writ Batter, store-packed 18 to Eggs, fresh, per doz o 18 to Eggs, packed oOOto Apples, per brl.... 1 oo to Potatoes, per bag 60 to Onions, per bagi 3 oO to Har 8 60 to 14 SC SPECIAL NOTICES. Mothers I Mothera 1 1 Mothers t t Are yondistorbed at night and broken cf yonr rest by a sick eluld soffering and eaying with the exeroeiating pain of catting taethi If so. go at ones and get a bottle ot MBS. WINSLOWni SOOTHING SYBUP. It will rehera the poor little sufferer immadi- atalyâ€" -depend apon it there is no mistake about it Tbete is not a mother opon aarth who has aver aned it, who will not tell yoa at once that it will regulate the Dowels, and give rect to the mother, and r«Uef and health to the child, operating lisa magic. It is ptr- faetly sate to use in all oases, and pleasant te thetaate.aadis tha prescription of one of thaoUeat and bast female physieiana and narses ia the United Stataa. Bold arary- where at 86 eanta a bottle. 3aiy REMOVED F?iO\I my old Stand op; oaite the Poat Offlea. Dnndalk, to Mr. Daan^' Hard- ware Store, where Ihava a wall assorted â- ' i atock of Gold and Silver Watclies, Jewellry, Wedding and Jem Rings, Clocks, d:c., Sec WM ui CLOCES Carefully Repaired and brought to time, AU work gnarantee for ooo year. I thaU be in DUNDAIiK, ftnaaaUy every Friday. AU oidera left at qy atore wdl be promptly attended to. ThaoUag ay naaurona eoste- man for their very Uberal patronage. I woald respaetfoIlT tha same. MarehSrd, 1881. acdioit a aontiaoanee of â-¼. F. BOU.. a6-8in Cathartic Pills Comliino tha ehoiceat ratluvtie prtndplea In mHlMiiv, In paoportiona aa-tirateiy ad )«ist-Hl In s(Hur« avUviiv, c^rfAlnfT, and nnifitniiitr of cff,'Pt. Tliey are the" n-inilt •'|y«ir» of rnrcful study rnttA practk-al rx- (miinont, and are tlia renai effectual runi^ • 'â- Â» .v»t di.*s,Tor«Hl f..r Uiaeaae* rausuil by toran;;-iu(iit ot th«! simnai'li. liver, aud i.owi?l», which require jitwai't and eiTcctual •r.?«'iiieiil. Atku's Pii.iji ar« aMdolly aj'pli'-aMe to tlits rhm of liM-sM^HKfv a t ilir wil.v on lira dir-sMv« antl^Kinl- "'i^e proorsaca, and rrsstorB rc2idi«r â-  alUly atii»!i. T:i!ir rstfuaiv-* \:Mi :,â- â-  Hiv«iH.tiu iu Iht-lr .ij-tk-c, arid Ir ui' !!H-5|jii..l natlmis, la ob« ..of iIm. tautr vmh «f thck raluu (m a MflA^ WMTand Sjrfe.:tJy pnrjEaara w-jilfchw. e^5 mrnprnnidcd »( Uta cotK-tgifiainl tiitiKis of imrrly Tt«eUli|n aniaaaiian. Uh^ are pnaiOve^ fne liom vafoi^^ cititdMi «ltli.f«rihet Mietr- are aa Mutwtl â-  9ASLT AX "^.j.: nOQS a 1 o i G3 i^ S^^ a lift *Q3 *•! "^g owas b.i fs'SS PP- n " a ° •To tJoS 53 -pf ;3 o o CO (D 30 M 0) rj PI â- fc^" oa S ri 03 a Oh!' olZi cd Cj'd •H -P a u -p -p cd •p a p. h O « O ciPH ^S flS^ I o d w o S 9 S Rd-la*«^ _• OQ g Q) fl OQ O u^ a '2 »d CO o3^ Q .9 Pin o 43 3-0)0 o Q) •H D O 0) OQ 3 $fi\ Q CD 1 (0 OQ CO Llâ€".l'AIMi FORI V*OR3' IgTlr. F. DeiTs .tfn\at new gooda S^ an^ Baa hia stock. i taa. CA.STOBINE toy Haakett rerdarvilk XiaaDoaglaa â-  Ae. yoar Wedding I I ^ifbing them oat excepted. •ompany. are aole 'Caatorine maobine ita will be prosecuted. â€"â€".^ plated ware, aaitabla for ^S^ay gifU, at DoU's Flash- Horse Billa at xdard" Office, 4 cuts 1 from. Tonr dealers for "Oaetorina" ' oil. and see that tba barrel other bded •'Caatoriae," aa a panoM baviB* afcrm to rent, |7well to leave partioalara at lee, aa we know aeveral parties to get BQch. [iracTraaas of reapers, mowers bing machines, prefer "Caa- aaehine oil to any otlier, it at wear lard, seal, pt elephant, ««rranted not to inim. KiMOCBi man won a breach of jiiea case because a contract made UDday ia illegal. Our fair friend* dd be careful hereafter, an.l not lieir "fel'«' «" "pop" t"** qjCKtiiii Boday. nlK Fringes. iimerua. Jka. Kid Gloves. ek HbawU apL Ch-jja! Chap! at vHTMcFaHL-^ND S This! extra r wlncl Those iiiive tl list of TheJ upon tl by W. f m'mI his I :iiil liil (d witl I vahie. Thk^ liUCt i 'â- ii'.p o^ ;1S8! I ]}\er. ef .T i.ii I v. .1. I!. 11 _; rrnr diuKt-'ist fr a trial bottle ^nek B! oi Hitfc-ra. it will oislv 10 ci-uN, a'ld a f^-w lis s ove its cffi;:!' uc as a lu-iUh ri-- ng Tonic-r»tr'ilr\lor cf tli ' Bowels, â-  and Kidtie.v^ It i" 'isuecitic for ^aees ehsiiij; fMun iuii'U;-- iloo(l ordered Becretioiss. ' warning to tiiose, who are B babbit ot runii;ug strive pip-t I tkfVoof intt.vid of building )M, occnrrel ou Weilupsl«v, j "' '" 'hotise of Mrs iticbaidson, {-"'"P'l Bto etrtet. Fortunately it was 1^'"" verod bolore it liad made much '^l*^"" Iway. and was put out with vory i '"" I damage t^ tlie buildi'ip. rw rAERiAGKWoHKs.â€" D. J. Sliau- baa jnat opened out in the Waf- Carriage, and blacksmith line, lie Biick builiing n "xt to Aliss tii'e, on Miil street, where he is ared to do^ all work tiiat may be Bted to bim. in a first claas luan fiiv;a Sr)...nj 9 :. il paper. Perl liny, rJ do w'll I A. G. 'Qfta^ fulvertiaement in anctber i ""'"' in and then give him acall. 1 1"*-" I IQt.'lllS brothers named Scott, who ai-e j,uv ii, rhat crippled, and not of the yon wi| it intelect, were 8«nt lo Oweu ;\^.j „., as vagrants on Thni-sJav 1 uun. Tbeae poor unfortunates j '^fi itb severe accidtuts a short time \^*'y' ly cattine their feet. For waut T^" lae of Rtfuge these men, who " " to be sent to Jail to mix with inals aud outcast. 2na Jamos â€" MaJ W. St] 220 1st .11 McBiK Esq., Beeve of Glenelg, ained a few of hia friends iu _ale at a supper in the Revere e, on Monday eveniag last. A pleasant time waa spent, the Ly.'u r topic being the procaring of the 1 200 r title to what is known as the ' Boad" in Glenelg leadiug to the I of Markdale, and the further Dvemeut of the same, I WaATHEB. â€" Venor'B snow storm I right on time and was fierce while U^. He also insinuates that i ia tbedying struggle ol the wiuter, lihat epring will be well alvauced \» ISth. We sincerely hope he [be as correct in this as Le was ' tlie anow storm. BisL months ]y winter inclines us to wish I change. taar Lesson. â€" The Herald't speoiAl safs: â€" .%. seusatioii Bted at the liearing on tle New roet cleaning bill la»t night f a letter from Dr Peters waa read that ibr tlie first time in the of New York true siK)tted-ty- Ifever. which onlyorigimites whcri' 1 the h filth abounds, had luadc its up ii:)nio DctiinNew York without being 't-iaiu to importation. The Hr^ani J the aevvreet criticism on the ^tors who seek lo delay the imme- I pa^geof the street clrtaniug bUI. A. Spears, of (Mk«q Sound, _.d from this station on A^Midsv '9 bead of yoang cattle, most ol4 "'*°° '^1 about two V- ara old whose unit ' ttgbt wa^ 10.865 poBiida. These "^l I were boUjAlii ir^io Messrs Camp -,- id Taylr, of Druraore. iu tht up of ProUin.and were a cross A our coronon cattle and tbor [hwi^lull. This should- be an Dent td our farmers, ui Glenelg emeeia, %• improve their stock. -JToald like to know how many lof laiaerable scrubs, of the same e have in this neighborhood, it take to turn the scale at the laentioaad figures. Another be aonsi.Iercd is, tliat these i to their owners 4 j ceuts 1, live weight. Friends, wake ba moving in the matter ray, unless yon wish to be left 1 ia ttie race altogether. t A private letter received from MiiHXil, in the state of Ohio, I the details pf a most shocking L^lt appears that a man named •ai teauly. who occupied tbe apper portion of %i bnild- wbieh tbore was a feed and Tbe fe«d store took fire obtair stri'ii,' 172 h'irtt I Parks! U3 Thos.I Ch.* a nui piirpol cln.lj hnJ Whful freely I tare, aiioval Ue,' lUhl w| he Rfl fired il 'of the and itig \\ both will e^ Dr. SJ to the! peaaooa [udniffbt, from causes not at iwn, aad had made such I it wrtflieeovered, that of in tbe buildiug, Mr. BloAe, his "child. His wife, six ,«n| ft ouui who attended the Mriabed in the iames. V of Mr. Slone vas fearful aad H waa aU the by-stand- da to pravant him from If into to tba baming trring to attempt the 4[bMl ^Umi. Tbe tba «£pftBBate ia*ti »JBT. laaxiaay. tha m kiAatohar farme them. Grey held and for V has Miss cured I wbo

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