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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Apr 1881, p. 4

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 )LK8. u very, rt of it is, en a houae- r centuries, cheriahed ag people of never really I of (rerman and gentle snnsliine her corn- only when fields were I and thank- is Fran Ber- M all the lit- make tlie khe who was the chani- kn will hard- ^lie ancients lier appro- Iiiu beautiful jtain caves, Ifostered and little ohild- *rlj death. pr the earth, her plow, \t)\ her watfi- A 04 •U«dw|^ benah. A ha* hadkh; •1* of hi* a â- aw. -^ f^ for IO.U.B, iw How paJto,' "â-  Baoi».4o«.. pot on • e momin" g_ haren't mi waah tbi^i jOii ooUo'"" aatoBuh m« U'2:ll more." '•xr ' The womra necks." buy «i*»kW^ dare not puZJ^ fhe further. ^^^* tl'" " Yoo 'U i-onnrct- -â-  is that III.- P.tch.T |rid is of con- â-  sritf that |lr iHM-s dip, »v iiit-eting lo:):» and tr ^siiiy; with :iud Icvp- is" Irngth l^adrry lino. ively clam- laat little heavy pit- her siater.-t. |ier child by aa standing ;iiiA-d tlie "I"" self. iMtmctor loa^*" ple«wl witfc uT «». • a^ jne timsk I fTr-j-' fa»t enoagh." ^^'â- â€¢'» I ' Seem, to om ii 'i "»«hed forFi*!*"" ^y JBst la ti2r •delicate protect^ '•^ »"ed forbiddiCl!^ the be.t^i'V "Jigoi A (JALVESTO* tor's urtlce uid "Cuine oD, loctor i!3r body in my l,ou„ wkTiS Uid up m b««t • 'MVho IS it?"' 'ijj. diiln't hab nobody liif liflJc inf lllitlll-|"s 'â- â€¢*| ll'll .S ill U'lolilf Si'l-, llfHT it iiit" iiiv ilrcmlv wrt I, wlhi;,is.-,. .savs dial 1' uu day, " tiigthcr in the UKiiiut- rll^t iiM, liic let In-!- lir sill- wa.s â- avy lintrt |,'lit."..f tliat siitifiil jjard- | .sine |i«i tliein ii- lio il.iv i-red to liM| I'unchen- "liristian l-nt»!;," iiis\ â- â- a tKt,V\HU«" |r to win h' r !-day imd to |arp â€" oatmeal Jisli. Indeed, It awaited all thing e!.m on |on see, .-oiild k'as disjileas- lisrcsjiect to ifsi'nted cute Weet«in;25*l of Hhich i. atr.p!3U ^i. when laid, iJ ZS.' hen, lookinjr rouaTZ? mmediately goe. toifcU -NO. t. yen, k^ »eo»teafor.e«latHa^tTJ or woman if haC.^'7 *M writing not todaia »!£!" ought to be. I iS^JJr h the Toroatn, Ciimh h»l aa Arjhie Korbw d believe it. Of ooana I ad-fctod or a redi know how.if the cir I ir.ijjht feel. Archie "cMny." and haa aBae After all however the 00 mistake. It «a« a thit Narrow Gauge thi D.ade an awful fuii t1 sii|;htly Muochauaon all of courae on sir ctly aaUtropic priociplei, to p itriotiam. I.tiv niisiii 'A\ I"' •lerman Inereara itill mnt: «\Vw»v8 to the Saalt. the pub ic are chiefly iati. there it actually goiag te 1 ma le and that " right awM.! .^Igomi luiteanothe â-  '" If i were going ioto I afte: a place nea(«r bo, foae l.uid. Far fowls 1 Ten yrari heoce mtay ia L omfurtable as it'thjykrfi likely mcrjio. Whea tkij from Gravenhunt to thai in other six yean or laa^t ohauge By that time Ui of DO conseqaenoe that lioaibiittical letters aad Jtel I niies.H, i»'i-oiu- 1 "'" 'fatomity tb 'randal.u."HT"'^**"' " «)i.. I.v rl?. •"•'"' yet not ua «"y. b» tins ,n T..routo mana "f li'Tas a 'II no.s and -^o the batohura are ' 11 defended price of our animal food. Mes.H, l»',-()iu. 1 the 'ratuniity the name* I deui ka unaeo muf, routo maoave to with n vuible meaai ofaa^t erj, bakera, grocers Ac, 1 m.iuy yean, what ij to I whn their tradtsmrn iiuo'a roll," and refnae vt liti.'e billa are aettle I I* Why some of onr genteel r»\ure.l to aaeh dreadful 1 »b\ig«,i to do «hat they hitherto, actually to tak* CiU ynu t, Cariatiaa 1 heartei) buuhen I l"il lavel I'.r.uliiions of â- aiw cniin. ,; •â-  story go«-H, 1 lilua I" If the l.iidenamlao- frtrada, the n' K ins f t must gi ve riae doq. and mveied /*»" condicting thouafati }t\/ w.ia dc- M""' I'caaantry and U Jiutiful maid- i'L" "'k' """«" *^«' ' I them the meaas of the â- sin te. Wits j th«re i.t moooy enooxh in '[iie«'n over (for extravagant ahows â-  fair luJv'g ""°* " fa/ik and poanr. ^y than .she liow.ner •I one lie- Wondrous I tun wiik M lea.sed had m.ide, »n anil-it- 'nen, as Jl'tl.. |.a,|v Wok|.S| Oal niaid- fiil "laiijli- tiooa of a display of this kiwi ia I a country that caa a#«r4 much in ex:-svMM* 4iipir' al.:e to ttSi ill o*B bp iy i iig else wkan. Extrav the ||;reat evils o\ tks a|*, always Se alow to ' m Kagland or in AaMhca, 1 divioe right to wallow is others are forced to pat ay ' may be tempted to ttiok Ifed of starving in miaary. ^jiitUmM^ ::^: ,«0ty nails. -Ia»«*2jCounty Basips^ Ti^M'rij an iBstwMtlva II 50 in three mont^ ••^rtnTall arrea«es aa »"^ufJotioroftheiMiWidi- P* •»'»• "2*^ without payuNi i«l«»"*Sukic thayaMt sub- M """^^ •»•» «*• »«•*• 'aF iPVKBTISWO: '\^ liwoo 16 00 a 00 r^ 06 .Jjf^^i inaartiaB.. SO jJr Mifr insertioB 15 ^^linea, first iasertion. 76 absaquent inaertioa VOL. L-'No. 30. ife*S GEORGE WILSON, BIUITIdmiE[ R wax WL, UuMHim, MBt 4aw to or Meat daliv«r«4 tUmg Sapt. 17, 1««. Oohiilk â- â- ^' mmmmmmii »jr ;«j. first insertion per lias S r^lisepaent insertion » • of lines to be reckoned by the measured by a aeala of solid rVjTertisementa without speeiflc rill b^ paWisb** till forbid and Singly. AJltranatorrad-'eriiw- [J be in the office of pubUcaUonby loo tb« Thursday morninK preoeed- ibUcation. C. V. BUTLEDOB. Proprietor, lONAL A BUSINESS DlRECTOaV. m«^ic»u liMlS. i9prnale Carter, u"'etii • Accoucheui'i* i-c. Hall re.ddeoce at y-u.c*: 17. IS90- 1-y 0B. pirRDV, ACCOUCH- 6 tf. |(9»t E. D. Iflacmillan. l(jiiiDAi.F and ncniiAM.) HBXEY-AT-LAW, SdLK ITOU IN ,r.c'rT."oiivevancnr, Ac. OlBn- over l,a.j'n'"Te, Marktlale. Mon'j\ to loan Chaa. R. iTilkes, kst-.r It Law, Owen Sound L^g _aillerR'8 building, over Robin Fraal Pro at, InmHTEBS. AND ATTORNRTS-AT ^». .W citors in Cliarcerv. Convey \.ie..O'ifa Sou-id, hare renamed at Office open every Thtirsday, aa jhosT. J. W. FaosT, LL. B. ntj Crown Attornev. 1 James Klasson, BBISIK II and ATTORNEY AT-L.VW, tfsater iu Chancery. Owen Hound. 17, 1880. 1-y Jaiae* En.mon, rOUNEY-AT-L.\.W, SOLICITOR IN thaupery. Notary Public, tf. \»j loaned at lowest rates ou p»riioaal aal t i '**^ L»iid» boogbl and sold, and seller introduced free oTlouimis DUNDALK. LICKKitBD kVCnOian IQIt THK Coonty of Or^. IS- LOAX ND LLNO AOESl, UaaKJ to loan at lowiat ntaaof iaiMwt.ln cams to suit borrowers. Aaaat lor Fanaara' Loan and Saving Co. AB l i wlii ii auUtan itrietly private, and traatad aa aaeh. BUOEMU F, 0. Sept. nth IWO i^ T. B. »ATn, BDIfeDEB COKnuOTOB. (8fam« aad Brisk). Plaatariag and Coaotry Job*, promptly a tt a a ded to. 8laaaaattiii( a Spe- cialty. Estimates on aU work. free. Satia- faotion gnaraatend. *,* BaaUaaaa santaraf Brown and Sproula Straeta, MaasnAU. Ueoembar 01, 1880. IO.7 Gotten,SM0B3iftte. WAGGONB. CULTIVAT0B8. MOUSE RAKES, PLOUBHr rnhmmmm aji » AUMrndstf 3fmrmng Implements FLESH ERTON Vo n Paxaoas.â€" Uwi^ akaad al aav ia ' aadliftvii ' iCaaaory aqr trada. aadliftviac Um largest aad aioat r)r la thia toaaUty, I aa riâ€" ~* *- â€" " ^-i-ffn- -init Tainlamanla ut •vBijr deaeriptNB in the beat stylaofaayia the BMkrkat, and at prieea aa low aa any aa- scrdiBf tu tha faality of tha work. Havta^ apwaida of twenty nars' azpari- aaee, I aa anaAdant tin* MnfeMM wiUaat the advaat^in Iwvlait Partiaa ia waatofaearriaga or Tw'iOaaaal will do wall to give me a call, aa titere aiw none ia the market whiah will eompajs with thaaaia ^aality, style and finish for the priaa. U-ij J. VETERINARY. BLOOM fOELO, Veterinnry Surgeon HAS commenced tlie prac^tice of his pe- fesdiou in Markdale. and from his loog experience atid extensive practice in England and tliix conntry, is eniKiled to ^aaranteo satisfaction. Iv(f3latii:g Powden, the ad- miration of thousands that have used them, warranted to purilv the blood by ri;movin^ diseaaes Inrkiug in the system of horsei and cattle, always on hand. Hadielnea may ba procured at his ofllee, ovar Dr. Spraola's DruK Ktort. Markdale. 1-T WM. FOX, Plain t Onaawtal Plitltrtr E.-t:raates for stone and brickwork un am- plication. Sutisfactior Onrantaed. Baai- deiceâ€" Qocn Street, Markdale. Markdale. Sept. 17, 1880. T-t ^iieep £ Ja.ttle. H. MEG GIT T, Wai. Brown, JER OF if ARIilAGE LICENSES, ic, ComiaiKsioiier in ii. It. S;c. DveysDcinK in all its branche.s promptly ded to and uu-ufully executed. IB.â€" Money to Lend ou Real Estate se- fkdal.;. Sept. 17, 1880. 1-y L. Saalth, IGSEBAL AGiSNT AND DEArER IN Sursey Stock, Wdliamsford StUion. ^pt. 17, 18»0, 1 Alexaader Browa, 8UER of Marriage Licenses, Fire and lis lusnrance Agent. Uommissinnei B. c. Conveyancer and Licensed neer for the County of Orsy. Farmers, ant.i, and Land Sales, Punctually at- to and charges made verv moderate, rills. Sept. 17, 1880. ' l-y siiiv. wa.s |iieen iu- andoCfhe n. kinj{ was I^T atong nil on the ' vhicli he iinuing in • e.\treim^ «t wa.s IV- "X save a I'iid found •••ill; and me to the WH.j the lis Kniicr- '• to a le- â-  liei- that of many res of an" ' onede ia, iuttl a and hsU a The Ciar riona regi- eaerved in riea. The an boika. ' a pe:aoa- WuO was Dse4|l»nee • OaanU. 1 thia a» 'afahip-io, â- ^taet, he itb Africa 1 involTad It he was jiant hat H. Now I real a good ab-itit the naiv U. S, I l-iighetl, bat which Tl a gooi deal oi t^« ' and was rather moat I It appeared ia a however, ant professed to I of a Washingtoa oorresp dent wa4 most likely treat or ioflurnzi, or in his ba pcraoual ac.-osipaniaMBl 1 uaeful. loimedia'aty â€" solemn prayer used hy Ma*! tion, tho (ieneral it •'•â- f,?^ it had been raised to«a*a ment before, and bifS tiogen. Thij ia »â- â€¢â€ž called a descent fro^l ridiculous. Tbat aMJT^ wuiild h«rdly esMaatfJ* matter oi tsate, fuu at t leir new •ffic^r, 1 keos should bail th« omen. The Geaeral, 1 be beiteo by cir a reaonrce. At the iiiuat acknowledge I ter on the whoU, and eral'a act « ill not tat Henry Ward BjaohaM** aud perbapa all other I better drop ihi titta they conveaiendy who judge a claaa by nor do 1 thiuk ana' worthy ot a' I bonoorl or three or fi/ty of ' Bat this is a )usab any meaning m f*" arable demand sometimea ta haa got into doesn't look arallt»i revival ia Plya been a anoesaa it cumstaaoea do I Tiltoo troaWa has firm to writs This waa all pMl even the Srst ' came tiia aaforf and thia spoilt thai oat by tte* ttea. thia failad. o««0f and ot^r « •MjroffhMid «dtk*aMi famarMMdafMi baakraptartilaiii Nfayauat. 0«orgc Carh«t, Jr., I AKD. LC-iS AND OENER.AL .4GENT I Owan Sound Moao» to Loan at low I of iut«ru9t. Principal payable at the I of a term of years, and interext half year- r TcarW, or principal aud interest repay- lin inttslments. "iuumbcr of desirab'c Improved Farms l»«l«. J.y J. O. Hints, ^1-VI.VION .\SD PUOVINCIAL L.\ND • 111 vmor. DraaRhtsma'i and Valuator, i/'/rJ «/i-i 'farkdalc ifaviug purchased i.Hinl .Surveyor CliArio.« Ksnkiu's S.r* SI,,!; i ori^iiiii Fiald Notes, PUins, r"'" lii.-!riu;!0!-.i. Ac, of ail bis Surveys • ".-Im. t'oe laot hfty-five c-or.s, I am •"!• i 'o tii,-,!io Si""ys in strict accord- ' :!i:ri-viiii. r.nfiJes sad Estimate? â-  J '.I'linc H i'l ft PUp 1 and ..SpeciJicatious i' .^" l'iri!i.-.hed on applica- Moi.fy to 1,.,R,. m s; .„,r ^.g„( i„tero-t. â- Uts by l,-u.;r. ..rloit!'.; ^â- ,, J. RLYTH. |ir ;;;'»;." «-|!l ,. Momptlv attended to. â-  !7, I.-.M.I. 1 UuiU.i m I.IABMEBS having good tat Sheep 01^ Cattle to sell, wilt find it to their n 'vant- age to leave then names and addres at ^0- C^tehton's Hotel, Revere Hoa4sMu...jals, as tha nadersignad are atill on tha war path, and srili pottitively pay the hifbast rioas. C. W. A â-². SPKEB8. Sept. t7th. 1880. l-y B. HI. OalMwfth, AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL LAND A»;ent, Wuliamsford Station. Anetion Sales attended in all parte of the ounty. «;. ods sold ou Commi^r ra. Bates modei«t«. Piauci4, Organs, and Savnug M a chin es also Fruit aud Ornamen al Trees, Vines. Agricul- tural Implements, and Machinery of all kinaa ou le. WUiamaford, Jan. 27. id«l. 30-ly Wm. Locas Go. BANKERS, MARKDALS. Money Loanocl IN large or small amonnts, at all timea, on good endoraed notes, or on soUatM«l aeonriiy. INTEREST AT 6 PEI CENTa Allowed on Savinga Deposits.' Fashionable Tailor, PLESHERTON. Ia pt^parad to All ail orders promptly. Cutting doM» tckiU eugtomer* art waiting. k flstifit Bsarsirtssd. « â-  " The Latest Fashion Plates always on hand to choose from. •^Remember the phica opposite Bichard- aoii'a store. Fleaborton. March 9th 1881. M-m» K. J. McCOY, Agont for the following Implemcnta, itc.; UABVESTEB. aud otilebrstMl HAY BAKE, (SUarp's.) fill^inson's PLOUGHS, DICK'S ALTON PLOUGHS. Fittlnga and Repair* Kept c.,n8tant]y on hand. I^Orafts issued and Collections made on all points, at lowest rates. WM. LUCAS Co. September. 1S80. '-7 Meat for All t AT W. B. Sarjent's. The iuliseriber returns thanks to the in- habitants of MABKDALE and vicinity f«r their liberal patronage dur- ing the past five years, aud begs to remind them that he is prepared to supply wants iu bis line aa their ;ir. Jaaaes M. White, '•.^ut to Dr. Cameron, Owen Sonml. 'ILL Bi; AT THE REV^BE HOUSE, Markdale, on the last Wedneaday in k.u, when he will be prepared tv per- Priuii',l .jper-iiions required uoon the month I thu mo^t aatisiaclor.^ nuuiasr, and upon â- â€¢I*) i.ib 1- term*. y. SEWING MAGHiNESAND0RGAN3 FOR SALE, CHEAP. Ucensed AUCTIONEER FOB THE couirrr. Bills provided aad Salea attended to in all parts of the County. Charges Moderate. B. J. McCOT Markdale, March 17th, 1881. 37-mS GRANT CHELLEW, M: ATIKX A LE w i^i*. lEVERE HOTEL, iVARKD.41.E. SPEOULeT- Proprietor. THIS popular Hotal has had a Urge ad- ditiou added to it, thoroughly refittad, |nid is now seeond to none in the eonaty. 1^ stabling and attentive Mtler. First acrommodation tor aomnaereial travel- Teims f !.•• r«r ^mj. U-ly MSAFOBD, Oat. I' A J. McODUl, FMvaiBioaa. traTsiUBfl with tM babar ia Ma amt Lav -Mijan. nae 'bos to aailrMn d tnOw. "•pt. 17. 1880. ♦t COMMERCIAL HOTEL PBIOBYHilja. Ont. ^S1m Hmmh, ««. ThaBaraad iMta [«« suapUed^^ tha haattteaMM tt â- Ma good Stahiiag a^attaatHw HaatlH'i' THos. AnsraoM, r Blat. 188a. 99 a? any one north of Toronto. delivered promptly on receipt of orders. SAUSAGE POULTRY always kept in their Season. Special inducements to large Purchasers IS- Shop ou Mill srectt, opposite the " Revere Hotel." 13- Cash psadforFat Cat- tle and Sheep A);a!u thanking oa for past favors he triibts bv taithful attention toyo'ir waata to merit a contiunanoe of your att|iport W. B. SARJEANT. Markdale. Sept. 17th 18M). 1 China TEA Store Oaaaral deakr in MoeaiES k mvisiois. Nest to BMkstt's Ha^Sware Stor' Keapa eooalMtly «â-  tand •antytiiaf aaaal to soch an eatablish i s at Ha wiia\d draw spaeial attention to Ua Teas, Tobaccos Sugars, Whiah far ^Mlitr a^ Io«nMa* of ^^^ CANNOT BE_8URPA88ED. As p«fl*| U no part ati^ daiin, I aaraiy aafc i a ft H Ji ag pa iii b aa w s to give saa a aiU and be orwiaeed tL it I MSAH BUBIME8B. tarn vn* Sell Lowtr Hum the Ljt»#«^ Cabinet Makers, â€" AK»^ I7PHOE.8TEBCB8 a fall stock of OOMOUBSiirllM [QtttriMfarbitk* Al^WATS on HAND. FURNITUftE HADE TO ORDER LUMBER WaMTKB. GRANT k CHELL.EW. Markdale, iW 3S, 188a l-ty THOS. â- ATNEWS, Via. MtelawTarliaaaaai Yatdn^ai Baaaavbonai HJaitwiwiliaakatrila. A WW liiaat .Ihamha Ma yai JKtMk a'ar Omws h^fMd alWs toil: B^not Ika aM« Oai aaaaat Uai iaa .«l94iankata lhaMar ThadoatortAa^l n«4ka»4lBfaL Waaa dead aai aaaa haalada i^a TagsthlkB«tkThaL ^^ Thap riat a r h »a. hiaaobia aaall Ha paapa tha â- J^to.Mitk. ^id Maaps it WowSm^ ihas^ To ehaer oar laboanr'abaatth. Wa sine tha honor of tha Plow, Aad hoDor af the Praeaâ€" Two aahia hutnuaaote ot tofl, Baeh with a power to hiaaa. Tha boaa, tha airve o( thia ImI Bfla. Trae wealth of hesMa kind Oae tUls tie av«r faithfnt earth, Tha other taia the miad. i# J* •H«Wijaifoak «Mik* «Wha witolte Mb df Onw Mt t« a* m oflfMMb alVdMjr* fanvfat to •4iowaM9t •a â€" itha •dwdatad toMmttM**U«ht WSHES to tender to hii nnmerona .ait â- era hii sincere ttianks for their Terr Ubaral patronage daring the 15 yews he haa basa in the Hnme».8 Bnsineaa in Mark- j,U. aa woold laapeetfnlly solieil a eontinn aflKof tha aaaia, faelBg oooftident liat ha l^giaa *atf»» Stufaetitm. Kvarything aanaUy kept iaa riB«T .CLAS lillESS ESTAiUSMOT, ahrajs on band, and aold a. moderate rataa. BTNone bat gond workman ampU^ad aad the bast of Siatariala aaad. Maifcdala, Hav. 18, USo- lo Organ jbr Sale. Awn OOTAVB OBOA5, «aM»T â- Â«Â». •M of Ofa^ •» Wamo'a (Mow Tork)^^«r»Dac«a. Coat IMSlOO; will Imi mM bS aaraat ladoattea oa akora wiaa. MartMa. Itaah t. ISBi. »«* SABBATH BGflOOL MUSIC. aoBBSSS TO TBa- laasaTB acaooi. ook- TsimaM, â- Bx.s n mocrt n«soT oh TBI PtB«T DAT» l(aWni.ST TBI EST. D. m'lkod, b. a or rucsnxxs. Mr. Pr€tident, Ladiet and Omtdtwum:â€" I have been Appointod to wUbnam you on tbi8 antject bf yoor oommittM withoat my koowladge ui eooMnt. I made enquirieti why tbey bitipon dm, aud waa narpriaed to le»rD that it wa« bMsnse I was an old piper. It appeara, then that the love for the OraU War Pipes of Scotland ia ao deep rooted ia the committee aa to luflueoce them mnch in tlieir decision on the qaeetioo ot Sabbath School Maeio. While the anbjeet ia a very interesting oae, U is difficult. To prepare readhig matter for the young ia acknowledged to be no easy task. Donbtl«s8, mnch ia written intended aa reading and mnaic for children, which ia stamped with the oharaoler of "Hit diddle diddle. The cat and the fiddle. The eow jniaped over the moon." If it was intended that this state of thinf^s should coutiuue, the committee would have selected to address ou thia subject one of the old fiddlers around me. But, it seems a change is des- irable, and therefore' they have chsen a Highlander from a Highland con Kregation, taking 4M hh oioAal -tarn musical instrument ofthe Highlanders Let us see then, what are the peculi- arities of Pipe Musio, and wo will find what is required in otir Sabbath School music. let.â€" It is simple. Snd. â€" ^It is of convenient eonpaaa. 8rd. â€" It ia appropriate. 4th. â€" It is inatructiva. r. Sufruomr. -It is posaible to make a chanter from an oat straw, upon which iraT be played, with ao curacy, the most intricate tuue within the whole rani;e of pipe muNC. It is not, then, too mnch to ask tLat tunes ir.teuded for so delicate and immature an instrument as that formed by the vocal organs of a child, should be so liimple that they might be sung with ease. Many times of mch a character Hrr to be found in the Hymn Book (Gall k Inglis) which we dtiefly use, and are deservedly popular. Take for example the tune set to the W(»d« *â-  Jeana lover of my sonl;" Its simplicity puta it within the readi of young and old. Many tnnes, however, in this 8'tm« hymu book are fur from being simple: for example, the tune tu tha wordia â€" "Aroand the throne of Ood in h ea v a n Ten thooaand ehildren atand." In mnaio for children the gradation Irom one note to the nest sLoold be easy. The timo should bo simpla, â€" without demissemiquavei a. Slnniug â€" thiagraud sliding up and down tlie 6cale, in whi^ professionals are ex- pected to xcel â€" shonid be avoided as much as possible. It follows, if music is to be easy. " (2) It Must bb Witbii* CoNvxioBaT CoMTASB â€"This iu tlie seoiind peculiarity which I noticed in pipe mnnc. It ia only pnasible to produce uiua tones upon the elianter. This ia on* ion« more than I would like ti reqnira from an/ ordinary ohiid. Nothing is more hurtful to the vocal organs than to force them to strike notes whisharH to J high ur too low. Besides, singing mnst be disagreeable, when theae organs ar3 strained and pained. However, if we teach oar child ren to atbg let the mnaie be of snch a character that it may be performed without eonstraint. and without danger of injury to tke trail Btruotuie which prodnoes the voice. If we force a child to siug tnnes of too liigii a pitch, the voice may cease to bo musical, and become broken nod squeaking The first tone above mentioned u a good example of one within eonvenient compass Tbe other is fault in this respsei, ombrae- ing one note more than can be |4ayed on the pipes. Itgoeabbtb too M^ and too low. It is plain tbat if a t^ina sboaU bs suited for the voioe for which it is iotendod, it should also bs af- proprials in otbar Tsapcsts; aa, far mstonee, to tha irMdsang.«Mlto the oeeaff'n npon vfaidi ttiaassd. tlmbriogBufcttethiid psMliirty ia«w â€" :_:_,".. ia aa Tha BMsbaa and kindnd mwaie id ths HigUaads an aciknoviadged to bs the most warfiks and some have, tbsrsfure, sawNed that the pipes are o«fy smted fiv military purposes. Mathiag eould be more erroneoos. W« h»v« abmdy nntieed that the â- rtees ot daueeta salacted them for bis grand baH. Altboagn it waa held in a abareh, in defiaucato all sanetitT, ha did not ase tbe •vgan. Than is a great dMl of pine mosie wan soiM for the domestic eirela. Saab a tone as e "Taladh," or "Nona's Sung." well played npon the p^es, aunld have a for happier effaet Qpoo the baby than a dose of Soothing Bymp. Bu sl-ep wonh? come sooner and be more refreshing But their is another clasa of music tat which the pipes are singularly adapted aud tlist is the Laksmt. â€" These were nsnally Elayed at funerals. On the death of a ero, or chieftain, the very instrument tbat instilled his brave e^^irit b^o his followers, and inspired them t. desds of valour, during hisUfe, gavLfull and true expression to their surrow and deep grief, when they were bearing his remaiub to their lust resting place. Su' Walter Scott meutious one of Uteae tunes whieti is said tu have been played before leaving home for the battle fttild by the McLeod's piper, Me- Crimmon, who liad the preseutiuient that he never would return: â€" Thara ia aaotbargood popidartaBS whiohis madato«an7a£wg with it words whoas ssatimsBt is hsatltsnish. m lim IssSsa-asi M*^ Woara waitiog by tlM river, Wasra watahJag oathaahaoo; Only wilHi^ tor tho hjatwsa. Ssoaholl osMa to hear aa o'er, As. Tb* ideas aaaa k» ba botivad from Yugira dsseriptioa of tha Styx, ^hisb, aeeordisg to bsathen mythology, sn- sircibdttia'lowar world seven times, aad on ita shores tbe soola of the ds- paHsd waitad flisir torn for ths boat man Charon to terry them asross tiia livid waters, in hia doskr boal. Tbe souls of those vriioss bodisa were not doly buried, ware not atlowsd to cross for 100 yeara. T'm rivar baa dooe good aervioa for ths Chnsh of Home, and its nams is preserved in her Cats- cliiam for childr«n. Bnt surely it is time that all refer enoe to it waa ban- ished from books intondod for the de- votional service of the young tn tbe Presbyterian Churches. In another very popular hymn the poor "Sailor" on life's rtragh sea is toldin most enlivening strains that he IS "Stfe in the Life boat" and ha is encouraged, or rather commanded, to "pull for the shore." Ha mnat "Bead not tha rAlliag wavas^ Bnt bend to tha oar." " Bnt then all at he ia to "Leave the poor (dd straadad wieek. And alias to soU no nors." Clta till, cha till, cha till nu I Oad thdleadh Mao Leoid Cha bli-'O Mac Criommoin. Mo dhith, mo dtuth. gnn tri Da ialmh's aphiob, la laaih's a ahlaidfaeamh. For this elas of music tbe pipes have a peculiar mtnor wail which thrills tbe soul and moves the breast. This same aisNor piculiarity which, whan properly managed, thrills and moves the sloutest heart â€" witli monrufoi sympathy, is equally well adapted to sooti e and console the sorrow stricken and bereaved widow â€" and to lull t sletp the reitless babe. Ail will agree however, tbat a tun ' which is intended for a wedding sbon It not be played at a funeral. A story ' Jo|^^aAM||u|AaMa witothoagkibini- WI^^H^VMm eoarse of time hi^ mother died. He nudertool( to play the Lammt. The dav of the funeral tha solemn procession was formed. The women sat around with their shoulders rucking mournfully from side to side, aeoording to custom; and mauT an "Och,a'a oeh, 's mo mn a bhaan," gave vent to theartfelt grief. Sandy blew np hia pipea. Hu fonud them very hard "to tune." He screwed the drones n j and down to get them to sound in liarmouj with the chanter. Success at la t crwnsd his efforts, and he strikes out with the tuneâ€" "Mo ghala cbas thu Mo gh»la ohaa tha Mo ghala oliaa 'sa a fhraoeh tbo." Then, waving his bonnet over his head, he shouts iu triumpii "iiadin gliillean. fhoair mi letmfl" This iiislnnce shows that a would be mnsician may disgnest and confound a whole assembly by giving mns^c in- appropriate to the occa8iou. But what has all this to do with Sabbath School Music? Nothinir, unless wp learn something from the example of the Hixhland composers. If ])ipe music is always appropriate for the purpose for which it was in- tended, so ahonid SaHliath School Music be. Surely, what ia intend for the praise of Ood shonid receive as much care as what is designed for mere amusement, or some worldly object. A chil ' who is eniowed with an ear for mnfic, is alfco endowed with taste tu distinguiah what is appropriate from what is irrelevant or vicious. Aud if his ear or taste is not im- |W»ved by the tunns we teach him, it must be impaired. There are many beantifnl tnnea with suitable words given iu our Hymn Book. Indeed the eompli«-rB iuive beun very successful in keeping within the requirements of the Salibath Rithool tones. For ex^ ample the tune to the words "One fhare w ahova pU athofs^. O.liowHsloves Baaaty aad simplicity, and purity of thooghtand sentiment, and expteas- ion, are generally e'mbined. f uaes and hymns, partaking ol tle these virtues, ahonld be taught and song in onr schools. The vary opposite qnalities, however, are not nnireqnsntly. fooad in music and byrans iutendoi* for the "Nasery oftheChartfh." Sometimes tho Lean^ of the tnne carriea along the words with it. Mid givee them a pnpulartv of whiehtb^ are not worthy aomstimes the wwda bear tbe tane along bnt there are otiiers wbicb seem to have nctfamg to reoommend them unless it be ridioaloasness. They are not fit •van for Btrea' whisttio^. We can iraagiiM a Sabbath Stdiool singing ths bj«a beginning with ths ••Who. tAo oio Hmo wavaf Still he is to "pnll for the shore" all the same. No wonder the poor sailor would be confusei and confounded with such instruction. Virgil had tho good Bcnsf toprevidea ferry- man (fur- nished witli a paddls) and a boat tor the pasbeugei s; I-itt our author would seem to deprive them of abost aiidferry- man, and their own en'ity beaides, and t" lenve nothing but "the oar" to "pull f r the shore," and reach the oUier aide of the "foaming billows." Such music is nit editying; it is con- fusing and in appropriate. The words aud the music ebould be suited to one another, and both should be appropri- ate for the worship of God â€" the pur- pose for which they areintended. The next peculiarity of our • chosen inatmmant, ia â€" (4) It IB l a Bt a ocT i v a â€" ^Opon it tho competent performer can ex pi ess his every feehug. The silver-uonnding strains, and the murmuring warblings of tbe Pipes of Old Scotia, have been instrumental in training a nation in deads of bravery and valor, and also in a:t'4 of sympatliy and love. Now, if our music, whether iutenned for young or old, fails to lead us to one or all of tlese virtoes, it fails in every- thing. The sesthetic m ns. our taste for the beautiiulr the sullime, and the grand â€" needs to be drawn out, cul- tivated and refined. For this purpose music is invaluable, t^bbath School music shonid be such as is calculated to give vent and expression to the feelings of reverence gratitude, joy- fulness, humility and love, which the children are taught to entertain in the presence of Him who knows the heart. Thbre is one kind of music wLich is tto much neglected bothin Sabbath Schools and congregations â€" namely, music in the sitnor m'Kle. Many, even of those who are in the choirs, regard aU minor music as hateful. Its hate- iulnoss to them arises from one, or all, of three causes â€" l^irst â€" it is some- what difficult, and they dislike the labor of acquiring a knowledge of it; Secondly â€" they lack the proper train- ing to practice it auccessfolly, thirdly; their want of ealtivattd ta«te. No music is sweeter, or more expressive of feeling than tbat in the minor mode. We shonid practice more of it in our schools, in our charehes, and our homes. In eonclnsion, allow me to say that onr Sabbath School mnsic shonid Lot bo boisterous. Tbe wild, rude nature will find 8nffiei«Lt opportunity for de- velopment ontside of the class room. Let our music be such as is calculated to suppress vicious emotions, and to elevate and strengthen the nobler feel- ings and aspirations. Then will the remembrance of our Sabbath School ansie eootinae to send a eheering gleam all along the pathway of life, nntil the pearly gate opens to a britor ^oiy. aasialna threap th» gasw itam Oonntw Trsasarar. list of laala Uable to ba soU ia 1881: Bishaid Taylor, biU tor expabsas oa rolls; MoKilnskr emalar rs road aaraper; from M. A. lla)riaB.«^H«t»w*'**- sssaor horn Aagas Gamerso, n Alex Bioidaur's aahool ptivilagsa from Ira Pengoa and 18 otbsn^ iakiag to hava f^varaham f at madia a raad Uv- isioo;from John MaBaaaad84 attars, aikiac to ahaago boadary ofaduml â- setion Mo. 4 from John Winters and 48 otbora, asking that ssbool seotion No. 4 ba D0| ehaagad so as to afftst site of sabool honsa from Trostoos of a^ool aaetiav Ma. 8 and S8 othars, aaking that no ofaanga ba mads in koaaJai^ ol school saatiott Mo. 8. On motiaa^ tiM Caaaail .adjoopiad till aeon. Goaneil rssamad at 1 P. M. Movad hj Mr. Sing, saenadad by Mr. Mobi^rra. that ths Oerkba instract- ad to Witts to tha ooan^ Trsaaaisr as- king of him if any arraara of tha taxes ratanrtd against kt Mo. SI, in the Baq|a,Mocth ofttia Darham Boad. and if any, to eraaa them. â€" Carried- Movadby Mr. ig. seconded by Mr. Mcln^rs, that Jdnea Oillioa be paid the sam of $8, for taking ears of An- E' Ua McDongal from ths 8rd of mbw last in addition to aeven rs, her due from laat year, being the full amount due for her keep np to the 8rd of March 1881 and that the Beeve iisue his otiw for eight dollars. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Sing, seconded by Mr. Mclutyre, that /nmes Gillies be, and is hereby in- structed, to proeara the keep and take charge of Widow McDongal until the Std day of May, and that the ireaeorer remit the snm of ten dollars to Jamea Gillies at that date for such expense to MotUwa, and that the Clerk furn- iabthe Treaanrer aoopy of thia motion. â€" Carried. Mo red by Mr. Sing, seconded by Mr. Johnston, that the Clerk be instmcted to ask tiie county treasurer if Lot No. 8S, in the Ist Con. M. D. B. Osprey, has been sold for Uxes. if so, lor what amount, sacb lot having been sold by the crown on 28th of May, 1880.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Sing, seconded by Mr. Jonh- ston, that the aoeonnt of Bichard Taylor, for express charges on tbe As sessement Bolls, amountiug to 65 cts be paid, aud that the Reeve issue his order for the same. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Sing, seconded by Mr. Taylor, tbat the Clerk be and u hereby au- thorised to send tbe minnte book to John Butberford, to have the minutes of 1880 printed. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Sing, seconded by Mr. Melhtyre, that the Council adjourn until, the fourth day of April, to meet at the Orange Hall, Siughampton. â€" Carried. WiLUAK MiLNB Clerk. P. S. The Clerk will be obliged if Tea'shers in Usproy will eend him their address, and also that of their Section.â€" W. M. Bktwbbn 7 and 8 o'clock on Monday morning Mr. Nathan Merrick, of ThombnrT. was striken down almost instantly by heart d i a ea s o He was at the tim having a pleasant chat with iit. Wm. McKinly, when he snddenlv said he felt something in hia throat. Ea waa trid to take a drink of watc and tamed to go to his own bouse, aadaat down oa Mr. Batharford's stop, and in a moment foil over a eorpie â€" all signs of life but a few faint gasps bstng extinet. Ir, Howell was sent for inth speed, aad the friends of the ^aeeaaad aoold seaieely reoognixe the laal faot when the Dr. told tb«m Mr. Mairiek aras dead. Tbe diseased wan ahooHW years old.aad was a paaoa aMe andhmestman. â€" ritomiary Standard. A Waahingtoa apsdal totha ffarwU states that Oarfisid said ysatoiday to a ftstiagttishad Westan Saaatorâ€" ' aa a aafaooal Cavoar to ma I ito MBS ap iatka B««te. Wa «Mk siaiap aat polv«amy. I â-  â€" g l hfa «a ba W^tha M^ â€" af 1 1 iij ilii II w* C^rre^ynt^ntcr. NoncB. â€" We wish it disinotly understood, tbat we do no; hold oarselres reponsible for the opinions expressed by oar oorreapondenta. MidCSUaAMEOUS. Tha nawaat bins is sslfod foi ^sh irt bias. Oaiiyla thoagbt womaa wars aa- paciall J Mad to hs deotora. •/' Mza. Partington saya that sinea tlia ioventioa of the noodle gon there if no rsaaou why tli« woeqsb shooklii't flgut aa well as tha bmb. Thart ia a painful romor afloat tbat iea 0i«p haa oeon touched witii thd frost, and that high prices may, eoaaa' qnently, bo expected next summer. qTblluw Oil IS pmr tzctllnn* tha re- ady for Pain, Lameness, IUiama tism, Cronp. Dsafness, Bums. Froof Bitos, StilfJoints, andallfleahwonnda. Any madigiua daakr aaafamkh ii. â€" An old man tamed Lyoai^ froui » township of H^aaa, who avidanf ' iy had tha aarmal aetioB of his intel- lect somawliat deranged, took np a positioo on the comer of Sykes aud Trowbridge atreeta on Moudav. aud proseebed, in his opinion, to eulighteM all who choose to listen to him on thw subject of religion. â€" Monitor, For all pnrpoaes of a Family Modi, cine, Haeysrd's Yellow Oil is at thb head of the list. It is used with un- precedented succcs, both internally and externally. It cnreo Sore Throat. Bnros, Scalds, Frost Bites; relieves' and often cures Asthma. A little love, a little glove, ' A little rosebud for a token A little sigh for dayi gone by, A little girl heart broken. Another man woos Sarah Ann With bank book well extended *^ A social, a bouoe iu town. And Sarah's heart ia mended. â-  Gbaiid TaoMK RailwaV. â€" The tarns of traffic on the Grand T^-uuk for the week ending March 19th show total receipts of $216,748,pn excess of $16,486 ^ver the oorrospoudmg week of 1880. The miles of line open are 1 406i. The increase m traffic reieipti for the past 12 weeks over tbe ««• responding weeks of 1880 has amount' ed to !{I08,869. j If you suffer from any clironio- disease arising from Impure Blood, Sluggish Liveo, disordered Kidneys or inactivity of the Bowels: if vour Ner- vous System is^debilitatcd from what- ever cause arising, do nt despair, but procure a trial bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters; it will only cost lOcents' Large Bottles 1.00. For sale by all mediciue dealers. Oke HmmBBo akd Sbvbntt ulbs or Pavbb. â€" The paper npon wbiolr Thx Mau. is printed comes from the Mer- ritton mills iu immense rolls, in tbe web, weighing nearly 400 p lunds each. Frcm Monday morning un;ii Saturday night 170 miles of this (taper pass through the printing macliinos, are prinb^d on both Mbes, cut, pasted, and folded ready for tiie carrier- This im-' mense web of paper, if Ktreatc'tod across the country, would miake a white streamer three feet wide reach- ing from Toronto to nine miles beyond Kingston, on its way to Montreal. To the Editor of the Stakojuu). Deab Sib. â€" In my last letter I stat ed that I intended to watch and see the progress of Mormonism in our neighborhood, but since the meeting mentioned, we had only one i:eet- ing, which was oi Thursday night following. As the evening wns ap- proaching, there waa an appearence of tronUe in the Mormon camp, from crowds of youths who assembled in the street, bat by a little caution from the proprietor of the Hall, nothing seri- ous occuirod, and the Elder preached a very able discourse from Revelations, and at the close of the service he in formed his beareis that he had a call to go to another neighborhood to preach "Glad tidings of the new Gospel" beinr restored, after being lost four years, unto the poor nnbe- Uevers and I have only to say thitt some belive, so far, in his docterine tbat quite a few argements are hold inconsequence. Our neighborhood was quietly slumbering after the Mormon excitement, when we heard of a con- tract of marriage made in our midst, and thd boyo prepainng for a chivrari. I can say that our neighborhood is not bad on snch unlawful gatherings, very few weddings are this way disturbed here, but in this case ths groom was a widower, it not being five mouths aioee the aeightorhood turned out to bnry hu first wife, and she being one of themoat fesf^otoblo young women in onr place, tue boys though they would obaetise him a Uttle for mar- rying so soon afta tbe death of his dear aud kind wife, so on the nights of Tuesday, SSnd and, Wednesday 23rd, about 40 men and boys kept tlie neighborhood alive by the reports of cheers, horns, gans, eoW bells, Ac and at hist aaoceded in raising ths mmey, which was spent in whiskey, and to the araosemant of aom* eaased a few loeal qnarrals to be stired np. Wliat was verv diagraoefal ia the matter, we heard of boys not over 16 years of age having boot so drank that they had to be helped home by their friendr. Ssdi gatherings I cannot approve of, aa tb^ lead on to worse, and when â- aah praatiacs are begon it is hard to ehaek tbasi. Jn this oaaa, tbe youths war* not eheeked by their paraateas madi as they shonid have been in ff«*lrii^ tills gathering bnt aftor dae •onsidsratKin, when they think of tha.bad habits oanmeneed by tiieir sobs,mort as p eeial l y in drinking, tliey may wish titat thsy had dooe more to stop it. Hopiag. air. that at we ars iato the basy times now, oar astehbarhinod will be ators qnist, so I viil now bid yoa adiao. A« Oasaavn. 00. for ' ' A MISTAKE. It is a great and often fatal mistake to take repealed drastic pur;ative for constipation of the howles, they induce piles ond cause debility of tlic bowels. Burdock Blood Bitters is k xafd and perfect regulator of the bo -.vols, arous- ing the torpid Livor and all tlio se* cretions to a healthy action; acting on the Kidneys, aud renovating and ton- ing the system in the most perfect manner. DiPBTBKRi4 is reported from ucarlv every quarter of the Dominion, and shattered families ara its memorials wherever it appears, it is strauKe that a disease that has provel ao deadly has not ranged more unitelly and de- terminedly against it the medical fa- culty and civil authorities. It has been conclusively proved that the proverbial ounce of prevention is of vast import- ante in stamping diphtheria out before it base time to become epidemic. A medical gentleman in Nova Scotia. who has for years mile a epeoial study ot the caused and prevention of tbe disease, and. iu his practice in different parts ot the Proviuce, haa bad abundant field for effoi-t in those directions, has given voluminous evi- dence to tlie public from tbe platfonn and throagh tbe press to prove that diphtheria, as well as other zymotic diseases, owes its origin to impure air and water, tbeao caused by uucle^u surroundings, and its fearfully rapid spread to the yngnarj^^anproach and contact of hei^thy persons to and with those suffering from the disease. In one of his latest letters to the local proas the doctergiveti several instencea in luB practice where the ^isease in itomost virulent forms had been stamp- ed out of communities by the timely adoption of separation of tUc sick from the other members of the family and strict quarantine of the infected house. It is sheer blasphemy to lay to the aO' eonnt of Proridenee a scourge brought ' npon a community by disregatd of* the laws of hygiene, and let ran ito t dirs will through imprudmoe of U a people- generally and the ciuelessueaa ot tiie authoritiea. Wb clip the above from tbe Moutreat ITttaoH. and woall reoommend its vxntvi perusal by onr readers, an J •*T"^al'y tboas ia oar village. What w airtyrards, lUthyeloa«ts,agrav», yard at oar very doors, and maun a heaps iu oar streeu, tha wander ia, riwttha hsaitii of tha vUlag* is aa goodastt is. Hi) not let pejouioo stand ia tha way of relief if yoa suffer from aajr littering d i a e as i Bnrd«k Blood Bitters nors 'titers, wiiy ah'-uid it nofct heaefit yo»* It is a ^octflo for ail forms cf Blood* Livrr, aad Xidnsj- OoitpUialat Hs^iSua Ueadjche» Goo- 1 $ff4 laiftif. tmk-. aral SMablgr. ft^uia aad «/ktt ftapl, fog ^sCH* BM^aqr x} litoouTziAl Atka i ' â-  i r' -^iHtV-' l-.^i ,C k

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