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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Apr 1881, p. 1

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 FIB. •â- m i \r â- s II il â- m m /^ • ^i il i i H' 'V 1 • i i 91*I *T THE STiUDiRD. rida!r, Apnl ls4* 1681. Tm Bitf limi*l*»«(ttot retdtsd in *^i6 reiun of Mi. Myle* for B««t« by "• majnhty of 166 wet Mr. Kerr. ^Doiow is til* rtioriM; â€" Joanoa ^Sxms Mnn. So. 2 !....«....•.••••. ,~bW ^o. 8. -••..*"••*•.••*••. â- B'..* '^9 •». 4..-....0 "..v. ♦..-. ^: 5lo. J I -,•....•.•♦•• U.»...4..»f *• *v Ho. 6 4 ..«~... 0«M»r*4~*l* " 'Toui » fr-," *fF. •â- â€¢' ' tea No. 1 M Kinit«tl*y, « He»«hcote, 8 Bocklyn. i Ersliiu's, 6 Strut'pBrs, 6 Curry '«. â€" *V/«Mi«/r. viBmce baa • w growiog. BtOfM, pMt bMk.tbiM Dr. Sproolfl, M. P. lags wIm is bitfli" expeiiMT« boaae, looking forwi hitervate bj Mr. a \Jtii% Ttii â-  fc » FLEBHEBTOH. jf-«-.i^ -f ' **' *5 "^-* " From a Correipoaiiaat.. ,j, « ,. Nov that ibe raow ia abcmt fon«, It it net abont tima that tfae street cleaning had commenced, S«m« of the BlackamitU sbouU t^e tb« biat before there is any more eaid. Home j^eople woald tell us tbat this i« BUfer weather, bat tlie waither bul- liten iajs that ibtre is more saow coming. The adjonmad trial of WatI ••. fWX). Weii'opetfau trill be avani- ing to people who are inclined to trade borges to be caatiobs. â€" VnxxaBs. pro|«ietor of )||» STAaaaap.gfiia a loMi weekly eon daetad imi apii perf ect freedom to paddle thair own i^mm£iMfta«ne^ nana eonn- •dlar, and Um aMdinitttlirtmfli whiefa Ba^lw and %etflotel gheraocea may Iw^k and feMl ndnaa. Ao«»^'^. (batik* *w TOUT *rt»Wf ap^f-:;* ' ' '" Jjf. A. Bijuft. Pte*|ttir'ftj fliiy'^** great UJ^'inaoY ariiclaa ica crowded oat thia iatf k. â- . ri '-- • mely for :^in, Lamen#««, Rbew^a- tism, Croup, Ieaaa«, Boma, I*o^ Bilea. 3tiffJaiata.aadaUiaahwittaaa. 4ny medicine dealer ««w fanfiaa it. And have secure d the services of enabled to give i.Jni i£: tv»il»» *-*-fc We have p?txt^p)!irij|^t«^ ^^^ DUNDALK. ^rom a Co i tâ€" pondent. Tak Skating Rink is sinking in the centre, owing to width cf span and kind of timber. Very few ruk their livesiu it tioW Thb bay pfess has been removed itav\ her« to Blytb, as the ruada are unfit for drawing bay. Ma Peter McGregor, is going to add a planer to bis mill. Ib. PhilHps Druggist, baa left here and bas been socoeeded by Mr. Par- Houp, of Gookstown. Mr. W. J. Hicks, has a qnantity of timber on the groaud for the erection of a new grd nary, to be completed in time for next leinter. WILLIAMSFORD. 7rem oar CorretpoDdant. Daiui SiB.^Tbe several senriees "irhich eontinned for nearly eight weeks iu the Methodist churr'i here, we beheTe, resulted iu good being done. A large attendance, good at- tenlioj, first clase order, and an increase in the membership of about 60, are one of the chief features of the services. The Minister in charge lias said tliat in none of his past expe- rience has had such unniveisal good order. So much for the village that has by some been badly reported of. We are informed tbat the Temper- ance Soeiety here is in a very pros- perouB state at present. Mr, Joseph Archer, while at his iathtr'B, fell from the loft in the barn, and reoieved very serious and almost fatal injuries. Dr. McGregor promises recovery, complete, in a short time. On Friday last, wondering eyes gazed at several couples of youthful men and madains, as they drove up to the Vogau House, where one of the liappy pair wa! joined iu matrimonv by the Kev. Mr. Cameron, of Cliats- Avorili. â€" H. Williamsford, March 29th, 1881. C0nr*«|i««»etice. Notice. â€" We wish il ilioinctly nndpr-tood, that we do not hold onr»"l\e« reix'nsilil.' for the opinione expre-^se'l jr oar eorrtspin()eiitfi. To the Editor of the Standasd. Bib. â€" I was aiireeablv 8urpri!e to see the qnality of Fall k Spring Wlieat, Oats atiU'Peas, now iustore at Mark- dale Statiob. They are the beat uani- ples r have seen in any part o' this t^estern Peuiusiila. My first iiupressiou of. the land iu Beutinck, Glenelg and Artemesia, was that it was almost wortliless, at least only fi*) for sheep pasture. Its ruggid) stoney surface, dotted with intervening gravelly knolls and ridges, on which by the way, when not cleared grow the finest of Maple Jiilm, Hemlock Ac Namer- ons ravenes or valleys watered by tbe purest and most abundant springs, which unite in little rivulets that ifabander along the base of the hills. The little streams are shaded with Evergreens, such as oedar, tamarick and balsam, all indicativ to my mind, of land unsuitable for grain raising; hut the fact of 160.000 bushels of grain, such as referred to, being shipped from Markdale Station iu oue year, is the logic that dispels my former theory. I would alvi8e those requiring good seed sncb as wheat, oats or peas, to procure it from this section of ooontry. It is strange that land so prodnctive of staple cereals is held by the present occupants at such low fii;ure8 â€" say from $20, $25 and $bO per aore. The bad state of culti- vation in which the land is in at l^«£JlL V»SHfi^°l* Jjftuifktrtafne: There is a rich field for improvement, and large profits would be the result to those who may purchase at present prices. The production of grain is not the only pleasure peculiar to this section of country. Ita valkys and streams are visited by the lovers of piscatorial sport from New York, Boston, Toronto, Hamilton and Lon- don, during the holidays. Angling for the sportive speckled troot is an aiuubiug pastime. The abundance of fish in these limped streams may be itnmagined from the £aaft that ooe bundled weight af trout lias beea taken by one angler m 8 hoars, I have been told. It is said tbat two fools are neceasary far successful fisbiug, ^is â€" Ooe at aaaii aad of the Ttd. Well two oegativei make a positive, so one hundred pounds of trout is a positive fact,^ wbetbar aeaured by foals tact or taakle. The liUla viilago af Marhdala ia on the Tarooto Gny iM broca I narrow BIRTHS. :t.,..•^.iS-' W«rrw.-Oa «b» M* aW.. tha^wtfe tf Jdtat Whitby, of ig tw a ri s •« • *MIJ«*«. .. "*a5th uH.. by the B«v. Jaa. Cun«roii. Mr. Joka ThoaMa ^atea, t* Itisr Vmrsn* Speets, Mk ol the Townrfuy of HoOaad. BtjjoTâ€" Oi as p o At tl« rsridaoes a Mm 3rvle'f brbtW. JfiMaaia, pa the Ifctndof ICsnsb. by Bmt. J. Ward, Kr. Hms. XUiot Jr., of Artemesia. to MiMJOitaWtkCanwi. ekUst daaglitw of Mr. John OaraoB, o tb« township of Clarke. OsAUMâ€" FMwvaea -Attk*M*U«aee otha brid«-i miMr, ea WedMMtar. 9Mh ICueh, bv the Bev. i. B. Oileiiri't,lir. Hsary On- Aaa, aidMt sod of Omrw«ll Orahaa, to Bstkv, «li«st dMahtvefThas. VienMii, aU of IfsUiNtbea. DIED. Davisâ€" la Uarkdale, oa the Mth alt., Chas. •Idert ton of T. B. Davis, BoOdM. ««ad 8 yean and 6 months. Datiiâ€" In ArtMBcaia. on tha Mrd alt. Ohas. ICorden, eldaat ion of Ifr. Wm. Daris, Sffsd yayi • moa thi. DATu,-^In Artemetia. on SMh alt., Ethsl Maad, only Jaoghter of Wm. Davis, agtd 1 year and S monthi. TaoxABâ€" In Markdale, on the 81«t oU., Williaai Weidey. eldaat mo of Mr.Orovanor ThooMs, shoemaker, aged 3 years, 10 BMWtha, In Chancery DEWSOyt vs. WILSON. PUB8UANT to aa order U the Coort of Chanoary, made ia ttiia eaoae, there will be sold with tha approbation of T. W. TAYLOB, E8QUIBB. Maatar iu Ordinary of thia Court, by-£. S- Maeking, Ksqaira, Aaotiuoeer. at McDBRMOTT'S HOTEL, In the VILLAGE OF BOND HEAD, At tbe hoar of Twelve o'dook, nocia, on The Sfh day Of April 1881, The following lands and premises, in one parcel namely: Broken Lot naraber three, in the first Concession, of tlie Township of West Owiilimbury, iu the Countyof Simooa, containing fifteen acres more or less. Also, pursuant to the above mentioned order, there will be sold by iUbert Davis, Bsqaire, at the MUNSHA"W HOTELi, In the VILLAGE OF FLESH ERTOS. £atsva,««idiataiH it^m Tntooto 8 or f_^oitrs run. Tlie road is not desir Ks^kw, soJk-. ^f§^ indaaiii ^«a if ««M alMrsA oat iA i^grt-Bhto ndfatMd. The com im. 1mnirt iMMf K 4 :«mlarm «M«M ttelMMajtUUwrrMb. Xi» litili ii i i ii M haiaW* sfc daiiabt kt«b««af«yBa« prt*«r' "Tlwae Who visit tUaphae ekbak-dT'iUsbess or at the hour of twelve o'oloclt noou, onj The12thdayofApril, A. D., 1881. ttte following; lands and piemiaas, in two parcels, namely PABCEL I. The Booth west part of Lot nnmber two hundred and twenty, ii) the second oooces- sion f oath of the Toronto and Sydenham Bond, in the Township of Proton, in the CoontT of Grey, containing fifty acres more or less. PABCEI/H. Lot number one huudred and twenty-one, in th*. first concession south- vest of the Toron- to aad Sydeuham Pioad, in tha Township of Artemesia, in the Co nty of Grey, eontaia- ing fifty acres, more or less. ter.m:s of s'ale. One tenth of the porchaaa money to be paid in cash at tha time of sale, and a soiBeiant amount within one month thereafter, with- out intereat to make togetlier with the eaah Dayment one quarter of said pnrohaae monty, the balance to be secured by mortgage ob the premises, at-siz per cent per annum, payable in three equal yearly payments. £a«h parc«I will be sold subject to a reserv- ed bid fixed by the caid master. The other conditions of sale are the stand- ing c nditions of the Court of Chancery, IMrtlier particulars can be had from DENISON MACKLEM, 15 Toronto street Bi essbs. McCarthy, hoskin, plumb CBBELMAN, Solicitors, Toronto. Dated at Toronto this 16th day of March, A. D., 1881. Signed. »8-8w. T. W. TAT Money Money J TBS andaraigned has a Urge amount of private fanda to lend, at from 6 to 7 per cent, according to amount required and seoarity offered. ANDBEW BEATTT. Lot ISO, 1st waat T. ft S. B. Artemesia, lleshartoo P. O. March 28, 1881. aS-tf AUCTION SALE YALUA0M PARKKr, In the Townships of Gleiulg and Hollandfin the County of Grey. There will b« sold oa TlMrsiay^tkt I4lli iay tf 8pnlf loVI| Ataaee^elaekiB the aftnaeea; A "^- BX7TL*E16£'S HOTEL, la tha TTILLAOE Of as^ARKOALL BlfvirtDaof powacsafaaleeontained in eer. taia llBrtga«sa wliisk will %• pnduaei St Ite â- to, tha foUaafaig jp sysitj as usual. Wewoaldaiuato^alt iwiTf tft hnv or not: '^^ r 4rap goods 'WfH be ri ^Ct t»M. .r*' '^•iL Markdale Geneiai 4 â- ' 7 il^»rti IS THE BEST PLACfe !:;t6taSfc .- h. ,«.. '»^ STMI6HT um, m fm,!mmm% UNION FIRE INSURANCE Ca|;-"^;j;-^^^^^ LANCASHIRE FIRE and Llt^E Co.llf J.;" .-BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co-, " CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION Wanzer Uneaqualled ia range o( work and ease o£ motion. -in.i/'«-». .INCLUpI UDING ' CLOVEB, T:tMGa?HY. q MA HT A "^(^^/j^ jf^Jip MANGEL WU BTiSgEU o to. ' .tfCrf an Itnt: A dHOICa SELECTK)Ni' -t-i If you want Inwirance patronise tW--V». "i All of whict "will te sold at lowest market rates. " w X. TURNER CO. D O H E K T Y OKGAN S, Unsurpassed in beanty o( tune and power. Farms for Sale and Mpiz^. J^^y^ltQd. rKii-Jf â-  .1 ' â-  t' i-Ar u Thankful for past fittiMS, I afndetejrmined to merit ..i further share of public patronage by ha and honest dealing and prompt attention. ' "',;"r "' ^V.'" ""' ' ' THEOPHILUS HALL. Markdale, March 29, 1881. 1: â-  â-  ' lit ji .i*,v»dJ.iss .avJ ,»•./" »•â- ."»'.. fi" »t uiw :vf.' If.-. -•.- â-  ""i»TI- -â- â- â- I ylis*.' »â- . • oun'.h 'Ji 'r:ii '.t£i-/r .i-' m- /^â- ;ij.':»' .t«; S.!-:- • ...liii-.i .Mv ' " ..« ,-M !â-  •. iif^. p.'.-.! t... i^. ' li: 1 1.. !â-  i-.V f«i,-. i. .isii A " i-.J.'.iai '.« .«' !.ia-v -t J.'aa'W ;!»«.:. I .-Vcijvi. a»:il ;. â- lisuwi uani '•!• •: .^ n-« n^'-il ofiariag dollars of art) N E saiiitaU^tftars m^ •• ••rra%^^. c,' CEl tlMjr aelect a BeHate. a^eUaMe Af^tl *ll and Beet CompuM i f tAli|f*lnd Oofe District, ^, g|C«tps)Land Cash.) Cuisasod sui Is JLisiJiitt. T liiil ii l°h IflBI'lh la a gi fcasfness in thtlj^^ -9t^ JAffJy atttiiai L94- *To*»i«|»oftj Hftainil4cto**r8 ayni?ht,l ^h^"^^" Ij^i. W^^ r^oU, the Jew iDandalk. r '»^,,'*°l. Asrt persona l.;P'»' iroald do well ^-HBOBIME ibis office, as ^« BilBketi waatiag to get Tft notice the warpath, ireck he has in SilTerplate,j c, and still jl sold by all " Ijamady fot [•oapte of span of u together with [^mmI hilts. 'for "Castorine" llji^at the barrel â- "•'as none other 1 BCTeral tofl^ JK»1*». is it small he didn't sfheandniagirlsre palling- „„„ .__ • wacks l»a»eaaciir6d I Bull for servil [fire hundred car* I improve the| afto railway. Tae patronite hit Those who tage of tne exti suing next w^ their advertis Monday noonj Mb. J. H. Gnstoms, Kic that office, to the DC j£,, W. Bast tbeOrangeTi ICa Alfred! ITast of Toroj has a thoro^ Bt 1100,000. Use "Cab| all kinds of| oolleut for \vi ing it water if^MMr I^Aiil^itt^^' ^i MSer Town or Coontry, acd BjQi jflL «ha««e; slaM LAHWi -mmS offlw a â- pMWHBBMMC to adrectiaa aoU. aadjanew wiM^a^tvMtMi I thaiasehiRa. OofnppHMiaae as low fsanr, ntiaWaoMuiu «a44M» Xuai^^avio It don't eaiSveull dqwrtment ai m h^^ yS the preaflu^tl^M^, .io » JniJr' :xin«lS»4..ri;;r«x-' HOST. DAVIS, "â- '/. OMtry«i«r, tkmmatumer m o. H., a Fleahartoa. Fab. «, 1881' ;i .n^tfi 'Gm^i .! • efallj, that 1|a has purclissti tl erf tha The nnder si ff i e j^Wsfiaf ^ijifcip|( tirf^ ..â-  ' ,;'« .»:tâ€" •'â- aW FDRRITDRE, ABD SASH AND DOOR FA I ^^tWHl'^lUfi Wareraoms NFW AND COpODIOUS B9)CK BUWN«iWptNG THE Where my nomeroas customrrs will ahvavs ^d me, or a coirietent fi'..-in«oi»i Ibeeome a safleriisB rmx- A Boaaoca Bu»p Bit- .^j^eaisa ol ail "aiitiee JS» 8eeretion«., relief 1 sale by Jcii rwl»«^ ,p tlw Ner»au. ,^ """ta. Large Boltlaj^^^^;.^ f,.„u I Influ.iurs, H'li is at a stand still choi. it i« ii fcakes its luflaence »" ' ^••"â- I'l'" strikes, the wind is, 1 \Vk An v\ large luirchascs of D MacmiHa jTC n3t proved a j^ i,;i\v office sent. I of reapers, mowerb icbiuef), prefer '-Cas- oii to any, it seal, or ln)haut, I not to pum- jgy LjlgHiiis to his aBg gooiU. lii» i^= â- *'»«' ehcBt j'ric f • I'.utMM iiu-'it of Mr. I tiio ll"ii- Toniiit" Ti!i;ui: 1- the .-.IU"' »1 s'.iipi'iii, v.h It tlitr^ «»lffr«.Br,r.K-KB..o.i. ' •- '^bc ti..l lilv clji. s-'f til*- sallo* tirey. iiiiH lee's health and ««uty. euJui^ M ir ,d», actF v^iui'tly «'""• HOT. :iii iiic( aud Btreugthens iiy Ser^'ius or (iti Dru©.'i I '»'â-  ly 10 ceiiis,^«- lloiili ,i tiiK- tifiii 'V( T.-il (.1 IHHO 1' lr«ri-'lit. J. A^~?B^B^FABJi -.i^» i- ,30! „ ., .- T ,. '"â- *ri-r. â- '•if^ wa»^ »"*4tiif)3T ..f* i '^^*S 'dy* ' nitf cai4 i f.:s: "iiMa St n;s\M::.-nrt'N iiji •ir'V .â- â€¢' .5?- ' ..« :.i ,â-  -ti i»i «t .lou â-  .. e »-H?-J|. .lit i;^i».a s .i uo (*'*j? "â- â€¢J " i"' Ajmm MeVliMs, Uat aavbar as, Ja thalal -iHis aera of tiia Cachaai Boa4. «(*a«ai4 totnakiy of Olenel?, eoDtaioing br sdmaaaarrmtiit 50 aeret mora or leM. "At foUowii^ JanproTa. ments are said to be ia tbe jâ€" itiaiirs" â€" 40 aeraa eleartd. PABClfiL n. trader Vortaagea trom SaiaQal Toaai|, Lnt rr. in the lad eauoession, 5arth-«aat of tfte IVwAatn sad flMsaiiani Bead, in the 'rtMrnakb^ of Bodaal,]^ fteCoaatr • f.iar ?• i A-- t .*- tffill six; iui :n a .;•» a^}ras â-  m f, ..â€" f- 'n- VH â- iX\i-X~M'~-iâ€"^'i-- '• '-^" " â- 'i '^- !:"â- **"' â- â-  £"â- '•• i •"'â- Â»"«^' ••n -...J* A*iy.r I.- I ,;.- PIANOS AND OBOANS ' M.l 'id "r f. ti. â- â€¢â- U ,ii:.-:v ,VT'.i .•â- i .i • .1«.7'..^ *»; OF TUJfSi â-  â- â-  :(t ^t%:' '•« T ..I •.:. 1' --• d" j» 1 " ».«;â-  •..«'.- ♦ Ii.- .-,-. ji.J â- i- â- â€¢â-  • l.«« ' •.u I; .râ€" t iint' i^A f a^mvii f .TI -v A .. •â-  1 .J •,!»« ..i a: -,.-•' J '.â- â- ^, ij« »Jttl t i4.t .V V'i " â- ".- Ml.'.! r-. .jBt t' l^.v: TJz^'bzld.g:^ :bs^Cas23.ijLfeuct\aj:e. and attebJ to thiHr wants Mj (ktcUlU«A SU« now^ feRnmcrior to isft oommeDcinc business, and I trout by lionorshle dealing to,, aierit a cuutJiBusi patronage so liberallv baxtotred hi ffae pa~t. O II .. Furniture in^^tllthe Latest Styl and daring tbe Winter I require 100,000 FECt OF GOOD Bntternnt, Cherry, Bassiood, 'Biiti^ M THB^TOHEST PRICE y^TDZi BE PAID .AJ^o a Q%a.aa3Ltit3r of Q-ooci AU 1110$ OF Jdip, BOORS, Mii^iNiia, Ere, ' A8 USUAL. 'rt;-'" Estimeiteof ^ipplies Ciytn on Applicat tsr Doo't fiurget thA Warerootas are xioMyed nest door to the Faetori DorLim i fUacksmitli, foriner'y foundry i" Clirks- .„ Roicido !i Ntfiviicr .Deceased was iid.; tod eij sober a as a q-ii ' inau, 11 t!»'d "i'i i Sl'raij; â- â€"•." â€" Im; tUt Uv'.l tl..Tfi tbe l)"-^" j iriinl It :« :lil j Svsteiu K" ' u\i Bi."»i H'i n ./•« '-.J It t ...• -, â-  • t m: .1 .♦" i.f.t,Uii .!».t: B • .... • i' i,d \Ai!-'.. .«;) j;.i .-.i; (.If- â-  • • 1 i. t^i.rf ♦•• 'â-  'li l«}a,v .^W; iY • Having a thorough knowledge of Musical Instruments I would invite those aesiroos of purchasing an instrument to COOKING HIP BOX STOVES AlwavB in Stock. As I keen all Jiinds of BEFAIB8 lor the lB|deiiMats I sell, Faroters will saa. the advaotaga af JMtliug with It Loaal Agaat. ' ;r ::;t.. wm. strain, Flesherton, Uarab ii, 1881^. „, ,. j 1 .â€" .„ -o; .... unit mil w^-*^- â-  â-  "~-'^?. â- : To exchange a new Dextar E^ BoMgy for agoodhofse. KaanttauiL _„j,^^,^j._^ Maxwen M*rch 8/ ;88l. "• »-« B. D. MMmalUMM., (aaaxvALB aad atraxut.) ATTORNET-AT-LAW, glOUCrrOB W Clianevy, CoaTeTaoeer, He. OiBoe «â-¼Â« MeFsrlaWa stoia. Markdato: ^9f^V, to' onaaaytenaa. ., ....^^j 4.-= Auction JN^ ~-: â€" VT â€" fl,^ aiV NE Toke of 6 y«ar alr iteers.weO aoi iMBdr. fleiaaai ' -1 young. One filly 4 j aa e aold; well broken in saddle and kavHas, O a i iiH •'years oM. Wm. RBO' â€" Maddats, llsiah iit^'ilU ** "^^^ O' â-  ' ' ' â€" Lwv tt bu A NEW ?3Ti3B;O^W; tf aaesaajad.agoAdailSa, enafaliriaf a .^ lavrnig las^ftfami p»waisaa ' JMNiaa, ka ««: ..-a» lMaI; 12«: »«. X '4^9 ISKXS, ' tan w t» C i wmiy ^^mr. â-  '^^-^ ni«r»wlUW8o«,«fc- " '*^' if Cm?*' "' its^oJ^^B^JlilSiUatie i^fe5%l^^^?B HOTEL, a ia.-it) umr GIVE ME A TfaAI.1 â- â€¢ W. ,!C.:i!» ,(i).dj|»-o-/Oc;t;,-^ ;:•:;. J:;i.l ai -y rf .-^j. =^1 ^.â- â€¢^ 'I .i:v iWis*^ jj;% '•fnis *oj 1 II ' br.-.;*ft ..' isl-i«i' irdo'i, x»K) 'Jli. • .* â-  :â- !• Ub». .»a" s-ww *!» ?**' 'i »si i i.;« '.t',iH .3r.. 'â-  v/:t ' 1 ' t '!l' .â-º'..# .y."' '-^"' *. '.- i..*"4*»-** V 'a* â- *!« iv3» â-  .f:' i laijti- /l.J«.-r.1.{ ,.._ ,»,J|| ,«â- Â£â€¢ -..I.. i1 ,••.,;,-' }.i I-»#,v^ ,;•!,. :,â- )•, rf ».. • ... .. .. t ...i • ). I. ;.- ' I can furnish good testimonials fixm parties to whom I have sold that they will be dealt honorably with in all cases.' Br corresponding with me I will convince parties that I will seH cheaper than they i^:;A ba elsewhere. v-^n^^.^io Monthly or quarterly it^stalments would itemcceptedk iritb a small pa^^nt dowm ' "" """â- ' "" ""' 'â- 'â-  "'«'" -^' -lii oiKiX â- jfiiiipiKiiia^^rm^ :i â- iiO' 'Mi'i .H^-ViJ, iV hkS )t .•ii'M »iU ui vsH â- . ,u ^.â- .4f ;;i,v ,..«;» ,,«, „sa ,d«' "^â- *^.' 'jf *^»'^.*t ••;^' '^=' ' • ji~i»\iU. i^fi.'*»dw««aFa*a fi4 imi^ "•" '*;" ^*' '^â- â€¢^ »«!.imI««« -.afn,;. V" • f .â- Â«â- .• a ' ' â-  " â- â-  i -ib. i«»aji tff «».; .n.. .t»,Ba-';n.^d a^lt.i a Ai- "lM-«»' ».,'«** »•# .« -.11 »Sa^»it! â- - iMiiiMli iirruM" fir Six Yiin. MoMir a» Vfaal-Ckas^Ms â- turn U '••JJ*!.- *rf» iMi«] *ft â- '.;• '" â- "'â-  A9BVES9, ' .-i4t V tati ya« .iMr 'T' -^ant, 4 »fca asA ., /. *.-».- Flesherton, I«e«inber S8, 1660. Ml laJsaftV ^i." L.^« _:Q !! !J'UL. SEIjINqtr.^OFF! •Cit^fe i'r!iir FALL AND WINTBRI ;: AT A!^D UTioWk COSSlk p^or Cas h fJor^C^ayi Grents Over-Coats and Suits, "I â- -. z .â- ' • 7 ..; („1 .. UBIEVFIHl JUMTLES AM tjadies' and (^n(i|f ' tUiiderclotto^ Staple liidFsuiG]^);^ G( .« H( fci* -ft; OF EVEBY DB SCRIP HON "#f 6 OK B O T T O Sf 1.E I^ES| SHOBI feonnected. His-nniHii t- ,^ kle.afor 1 weic In^ faiuily â-  i.. â- +- Thk 1 or â- MoBr^tset, Esq., ot "'e p.^j.^^_j.j^j ,rrowto8ellbyPul.!.c,^^^^^_^^ ,, a 4th at his residence. j^^, ,^^^^ ^^^ stock, implexncntt, .vc. «8of$5»ndn.Kl.r^^ ,.,,..f,,,„ kt 11 months credit l.Ai^.^__ -,,_ ^.^ [ccessary papor. ,^u ^j.^,,, ._ qnite a raid c?ni- jprnv U. 1 ll h^n roosts late. As i niid »• p»rn, all who keep liens jt. IM-, to a greater or lesser I j;cw,d;il i loseinR as many as 26. j hv;v""-i lens are layiufr just now. j «( tin- m • tious. It ought to create j «»'^|"' ^owev'-r, \kheu Foxes arc I rapidly. EB Esq., of Priceville, recently entered iuU) Uy understand ths value [nk, as evidenced by the osters he has ordered. is bound to succeed. TTOrth reading, and liav- „, im do as he requests you. 1 keep p: Bct his stock, and doubt- I ,ncuts hi I find things just as he re- m^r sli^i agricultn hronk diaense wl.icl. docU.fs many no ore, BcBDocK Bi,«r Hitters s:if. ly i. c »gr«rtat triiimpli. All "" eultiir;-' k1. Liver and Kidney-. Scro- Sorvous- Debii'tv. Ul.iniiis- f- ale Complaiuts aud a'.lf'nn^ M â€""'-I e pTomptly cured l).v tliis i« v A Trial Bottle »uh Co-t., " iisnl li t;iil ,li-c.. r' isa SIX- ii-" luu(,'»- 1 '" uu:Uly.iud| prii'iiiatii Thf. ac last ft w and lu iH)| been ni;nJl 10 1 (SlIIiIi;: iij IkIi;;: 1 'tl 'it' I -.klii.eii i- v.:lt| kn of Clarksburs. input irerolver in his pocket reek, *ccideutly dischar- ^^^.^l| ,, B, and for a few seconds L,,],:^, .Alexander III. ^f'tli i' I the central fisure in "jxi,,,,; U ' plot with the exception 1 i onipnuy with the souiii'Tii 1 pantelomis. uo duiiin^" iâ€" O. .S. Timtm. t McDiciaE. Mr. J. Wyatt. |ham. N. C. ha^ a littWboy, ' "i, who his beeu snflFariu;; â-  dis(:i-;e, lr •kf-.i: "utttll ' kiiic^ III' "â- :•*,""â- "• He in '.\t:. ;;i-^::^':!'iver!jsoUieli( O*" ' lI..!.-' ^VLV* .•^.. .-.ii'siiiJla III til"' j ^j »S.aiM\...n.-i;:. l'"tH« «'», ,^,; „V.. Binist.iv.i it V. â- yU,y. e.i- I- .11 c*»*4'*hait JKBDIftnSUAZiliY.IlOV FKIOBS at tue KCOTJSD Organ for Sale. he OB Ks.|M|iH«: ^Jmoi i^ A WVX OOTATB OBOAK, __^ ^^#ifltot. ^n»'J«r«j4»K %% m\ x*'tii kerc ha--, lie*;' ' bt. Thctn-i.,s ppeannz. 'id â- '.."â-  !â- "•â-  j_ •at i» ;li lMy lirs liui'".â€" 44 al.' h«. Wm- BROWII. â- xd for th Timf*. 'Dnfr.nii SiaU "in aid f .iKl*'" ".^â- â- ithrdva^'l \.i-, indco I â- Â» I has c t'i^ laaL iiut'.veiiin" was; .Mr.. itailob: â- 8'M OWEN, ^^Mtfialiie Tailtf lii^ieBted the TsilormC IJ Wn^m llsFarlanl'ii etoit, •" the pnbUe of Markda ls swj .«Ut ALL ORDERS Promptly h ^a Tastuj TttC-«TE8f FASHION Pl Ahrscfs «â-  bad to eliose ho*- ^^m9^:fi- JLs lLiM;' IIA.TB*- the lt., build :i These ociaV. ^j,. Dming so coinni n, are „,.„;, i M of the teamc etiu;;s t • (Jj^ j^, Itaot. are produc'ive of, 9tban one way. In the -«« .«rty are io aid of w.-r^l.y m^i^^i. in a social point of vi. vv t" t '\% Imate their van.-. Our «'t" ' _. is well worthy.. fb in-, siioe o ^far without it our lives m,. J^ioet Toid of enjoyment. ,s malii Iwhxed was $10.00. ditiou •. Raoe. eattle dealer of Mr 'Wripped on Wednesday j bought ' • oonUininK 22 stcars 4 Standa •Id, ttf be tod for the build 'a _ieto.' The demand for ,j^^ I did Rood cattlo generally ~, While there is little or no tha poorer class. Now feMoaa feeling among far- rtobe that it will pay to stock, by introducing p, w« would say to all ttfyffT aaigfabor brings in a l^aU, nwe him enoour- p.-'taHBort. and do not LiJW^iisWbor) to looae ' " • i ta4o goad to *^' house soon ba Ma. dwellin| lot on for$ Mr. has lef shop. town. 1

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