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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Mar 1881, p. 2

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 â- in onntry, and Bills tliat lie hn:' i" ^ml I ADJQING THE FACTO I rii"|»'tciit Ralsmuia tol (W »Mp«"riorio 407 tiii. L- " Ti. r:t a tfoAtiaiuuio* «M M till (JUt. i^ r â-  s:Ei PAID. MCJLiJiNGS, ETI., ion Applicati T â-  :1.. t .. toiy, Iiurliam I aEAP. V PRICES »»»«• o TT s SLr n- BROWMi O rented the TiUorini i t over MeFarland'i stoir he public of Markd»l« lonntry, that he is P*" ILL ALL ORDEI ptly and Ti ibile Castomera JEST FASHION â- tiya on hand to ohoM ' iie member the »d:cFarland"«,St tc. JJoT. 2fi, 1880, jf^l '^^ 25ai. 1881 girl NOTICES. ttda ilTother »nted. Apply *t iop«fiy- ., 1 coal oJ.. CASTOBDTE oUb. try Hi«k«tt (or tUe pMf ««!' " a womans tem are sole titO tr^ Dentist, of Ow«n J;^^tLeKeverHotel on 'J'„1xt, 0,1 company, nf 'Castonne macbiue lot of tl'ose Waltham •"^.Jl WiitcbfeB to hand, at â- "i^Ser's. tVsLerton and Ti io tbe course of a week or to our readers the acts that ' ^gsed at th« late sessions vour dealers for "Castorine J oi!, aud see that the barrel •C'.istoriue," as none otJj.-r 0001lM.JHMi. FoBawMk in th« watoh Vmm, (o'li W, Tmmibtmmmt donnoHSni «d.atB«y«^*8oa. tfiSk?kiM. A csntlaBM of 77 a^ • kdy af Tt ««r« aarriMl, ulMl«vflU oa tfaa Iflib i aV Bo»»i Wm Eai. WM m.«lM««d BMve of EopbrMM last Taaad^ kv « aiajonty of lia drewB«^'s. Si» 3IO elearing n!«, «t Bccmolda A Son for the next 86 daTt. Btronaio- doflementa. ' â- ' J^ raring abow. in oonneetfon •lifcUwEnphraaiaafrrieultual SoeietT. take. plaa. OB fckUy. April 22od at UookiTB. Ma. 8«an ia llaut Poraat h»« opened an implemmt eaUUkhmant ID FleahertoD. and h^» » noaabar of Baggies and DdmoeraU for â-  well as £arm implamaatii on oa Dr. T. 8. SaouLK, U. P.. retaroed home from Ottawa on Tbonday. The fatigues of the session do net appear to have told on the Dr. any, aa he appears as hale and hear^ aa ever. Th.,8 Bahmok, who lives tbieemilea from Flesberton, had a horae kieked by its mate, while ia the auble, on 111! a lav night. It has since died from the effects. Wk are creditable informed .rwib. ***. 5«*sj«, pwlk OtaaaaMd, •lay Wool Tall*w DrrOMtWaei^ â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢Â« \;^ ^ru.«"?r"' :i-"â€" t " f^ "•*«?»» handing a row eo^ "S on hand.-JoH. Foao, ^yj^-' ten b.iek ho««s. I «r vhI Farm I ^^'" '" J"** '" » "q"" eJ. aa tbeir r â-  -r, V .1 .^ ' " i.ot a vaeant dwelling in the VUlage. L, OF GAioE.-The N. rtheni I ^^^^^ ^^^ 200 tons of HST/tutlVop ce^^^^ ThePressis driren b, ^, wLicii ]4 10 lai^e piui. Steam, and can press 20 tons per day. Thny pressed 20 tons in 9 hoars on 22ad ult. China TEA Store •BoeEua i mvisMs, Nert to HaOMfs Ba^wsM Stora. Keapa eonatantly on hand erwytli' mmI to (oeli an aatablialmant. Ha woo'J draw apeeial attention to hia Teas, Tobaccos m " AT W. B. Sarjenf s. tkM tlM?ta k'ptapaMi wkiHainUaliaeM Otoe xuMrHi a^BooBcnto. **-*. !Proprietor. â- â€¢â- â€¢â€¢â- Wii*" •M«i 4M MM^p»-0( SAUSAGE ftPdy i^Y BpMsial inducement to M '.olarge Pnichas^ Shop «â-  MiU aiaatt, :«ha ' Bevera Hotal." fS^Caah pcdd for Pat Cat- tle and Sha^ SE STORE PabUa :«»y GhBOOSSZ ESS.? " Fnni,MMlED8NB8,eONFEGTI8ltEiy tlQU^O MyeomEB TaB, efasiea' j^X^iRRIVEB A FOtL SUPPLY OF' •--ar- tfcankinfyoo f or yaat bToca fca yu ty lattMri atfantion toyowr wanto 16 â€" '•' a n a wtinn a na a of yowr aapsart. W. B. 8ABJEAHT. KMUale. Savt. ITOi 1860. I John H. Heard, llaaolaeturer and daalac in J*; [•Cistorine" Machine Oil, for uf rnachiiiery, it is also ex- Iforliarmss and leather, mak- \tur aud weather proof. For f dialers. glad to see that the closets liool have been attended to, luo^tliorong"y*^"^*" If the tvottliouly exercise a little I tbey Diglit be kept so. lolice "'«t Wilcox is still on rgtii. to speak, and this Ijijj opened some fine goods nlitt Kuives, Forks, Spoon*. jtii) there's more to follow. Liat'KEP.s of reapers, mowers j:jg machines, preftr '-Cas- Iniacbine oil to any other, it iiiar lard, seal, or elephant, imanted not to tnxm. fii 7-ii'al Balsam; a few do«e« nifi-t ilistressing congh, and a edit Uttle has curetl many a kom JiftUiiia, BroDcbitis. Croup, Hc'jrwn"' and Soreness of the [is tketiuxl specific for all throat tub \t)arai to cousuioption. vuldealltlic attention of our i-utlces tu u man .ire heap on Street. "»Ve labored under lesaion tiiat streets were for and not lor private indivi- cak' u barnyard of. |iils at FUt^hcrton Station are «t;ite from the snow disap- I rapidly nnd the amoiiiit of qiiatities ol Hay, (irain, land Cordwoud eumiii^ in. Itnaiis have a rough time of -Win- become a noBfrivg mar- »r\v run- tlic f*:se of all "srities lor Nirvni\s Hemlache, cleanse I r.-KiilUi- till- SitMTPtiun'),; lelieve lit Oil-, \)unfT the Hlood, iLni-r. Ru.l t»iii- U)' the Nwrvoos li^tirs-ini! Ii(-nilai/fwill li« iin- I'l"iJuieMci'iitsI.iir Itottle )iat the l)iit.inil,.^..-i^!iit!irv leildlDciit til I'lie luui i ip: 1 |iiitr'diicid H Ciinsc. to pre- Inn bai J,'!!!;; iii wa;^giiiis. I veliiclt!S of iiiiy kind. We lie ciifTced. Dcli IJall has received the nrn tlie jjoyernmuiit of car tail l--tweenhereand Flosb- roTiiraences the 1st of ' wliu-li date the niiii! is to |tri w. fklv iii4i'ad ..f k. nii- T. tiif( re. .Muii.iHys, We ;- I I'n.lays aie tlu days it I yeufiii d. â€" Mnnitor. T fai'idly tlin population H iniri avjuf;, \vi' iii;n- IcMisi' IS u 1 II â- .!;.: Iu iiuv. Tl.f.e iir.! sovura |io liave started busim-ss ty, not able to briiij; tlu'ie Itiie want of a house. We l»ld be a (;i)(id investment jwiio has the cash to erect ^s lo rent. '•'"' puriiyers. BcRcocK Bloop -yw.lily cUan(.'e tiif, sallow ' "^; '"â- '" liMilili and beaatv. ../"'»â- "• »'t^ pruinptlv on tlie '•iii^ys auj strengthelks the 'T.-icfu by XervoHs or General 3«iir Dnife-Kist for a Trial »*« 18 only 1(1 ccut,. Large Bottle *TKs Conn.â€" .\ ease came \k before Messrs Armstrong Itoe, for obUinins goods pretenses. It appears a led Pagan tfaded a horse • « :vir. Cochrane with E »pufiin traded with F. r**, 'ocbrane not liking ""cgal steps and recover- Tha prea«Dt trial is to case was preattot r again. The HAOXAUi'a rscTOKxL Bai3om ia eompoaed of the mof t healing balsams and gums. The Balsam, which enters its compoaitioo, were uaed by the natives when America was first diseovered, and are combined with other regetable tonics, so blended together, that it i* a apeeifie for all affections ol the throat and Innga. Thooaands of bottlea are oaed an- nnally and it is eonaidared one of the atanda -d nreparations of the day. To AnvEaTisEHS. â€" We purpose to greatly improve "The Standard" the first week in April, when we will issue 300 extra copies for free distriba- tion. Send in your advertisements in good time. Thk Minutes of Artemesia were rte- ceivert last week, but were crowded out. We have ma^e arrangments, that will enable ns to insert commnni- catious that reach us before noon on Wednesday in each week, after this, and we think it ffill prore more satis- factory to our patrons, By refrence to our advertising columns, it will be seen that Mr. Wm. Strain, of Flesberton has opened an Establisment for the tranufacture of Tin ware, also keeps on hand agricul- tural implements of all kinds. Wag- gons. Sewing Machines, Organs, Fan- ning Mills, Stoves e. Give him a call. In cases of chronic diaeaae which doctora have failed to core, BcaoocK Blood BiTTaag has achieved its greatest triumph. All dis- eases of the Blood. Liver and Kidneys, Scro- fula Dvspepia. Norvoua Debility, Rheuma- tism, Piles. Female Complaints and all forms of lost Vitality are promptly onred by this re- novating Tonic. Trial Bottle only costa 10 cents. OuB Little Ones for April has been reciered, and in our Estimation im Tovpd with each isssue, Ouce in- xluce it into our homes, nnd yon will never regret. The E-^itor must le a family man, as it can be seen at a glance he thoroughly understands them. Call and see specimens at thi" oflSce. Subscriptions taken here. The Ennmerators for East Grey, met in Flesheiton on Wednesday. Artemesiaâ€" J. Webster, T. Wells, j. iirodie. Gollingwood â€" A. Campbell, E. Korke, R. Albnry. Euphresia â€" R. Dunlop, J. L. Wilson. Osprey â€" A. McGirr, J. Maxwell, J. Sing, Melancthonâ€" H.H.Walker, 1). Fish- er, bhelburne â€" J. T. Hbrostreet. Proton â€" J. McArdle J. Abbott, Sr., Mei,fordâ€" J. B. LeRoy. St. Vincent â€"J. H. Burnett, N. Read. F.xrMEBATORM FOB NoRTH Gbey!: Ow 11 Soin â€" Simou Park, John t'r. U'liton, David Simpson. Syden ham â€" William Jchnston, William TiirniT. Cornelius Du;^s;;an. Holland â€" James Gille.!pie, Jam»s H. Dsleree. Siillivan J bn Milburn..Tisppli Duffy. D i;.-. -[I'.viu F 'His, J.ibn Meaby. K'-|i|el â€" Francis Millt, Gavin tthaw, Jr, Tlionias Petman. Brooke Village â€"Robert I. Campbell. Sarawakâ€" T. Chambers. Vkiah tor ^MlltT sad Lownaaa •( PriM CANNOT BE SURPASSED. As pnttng ia no part of my deaire, I merdy aak intending purchasers to give m« a eall and be convinced that I MEAN BUSINESS. AND WIIX Sell Lower than the Lowest, â€" I have poreliased foreaiik, and kaiehada good diieoant allowed, I am in a poaiUon to mv eostoaers have the benefit of my Sagar8c|£BtUn,SkigilS,Blig^, "WAGGONS. CUIiTlVATORB. HORSE RAKES, PL0U6HS. HABBO^r AND A llkindsof y arming Implements let inveatmenta Q^fiemember the plaee, Bros. ^tsrkdale. Get. 7, 1880. next to Haakett 4-tl H. MEGGITT, "â- ' tn FasMonable Tailor, FLESHERTON. Ia prepared to fill all orders promptly. Cutting doue while cuttomers are waiting. I Gtod Fifjnaraiiteed. The Latest Fashion Plates always on hand to choose from. BTBemember the place opposite Richard- son's store. Flesberton, March 9th, 1881. S6-m3 M a nnf aatnry and Depontory, Durham and HUl streets. F L E S H E R,T O N To m PATBoaa.â€" Always ahead of anv in â- ly trade, and having the largest and most convenient Factory in this locality, I am prepared to sell Carriages and Implements of every deseriptron in the beat style of any in the market, and at prioea as low as any oe- cord'aj to the qnality of the work. Having upwards of twenty years' experi- ence, I am confident that pnrchasers will get the advantage in havinir the viery best made. Parties in want of a carriage or Implement will do well to give me a ciUl, as there are none in the market which will compaie with them ia qa ality, style and finish for the priee. ll-ly S ff AGOODCHANCE AGOOT) bLACKSMITH WANTED, to hire for a year, or teot the shop and tools. For particulars, apply on the prem- ises, or by letter to Mrs. MARE RICH.^^RDSON, Markdale P. 0. MarkJale. March 2, 1381. 35-li Talk is cheap, but it takes money •to boy goods. W. J. McFarland is the wj-ost abused man in Markdale. Solid chunks ot hard names aie heap- ed npon liini daily by those Sigh- Sriced One-idea," Old Fogy, ood natured, dry goods aLd c^ocer- ies dealers who cannot keep pace with his energy his business tact and his stock aid prices, and his square dealing. They know McFarland docs the largest business Norih of Toronto, and they are HXad. SuDDiN Death. â€" On Wednesday last a farmer living in the vicinity of Hcpwortb, named John Harrison, drank a very large quantity of malt whisky at Plow's Hotel, which had the effect of causing his death on Thursday morning. An inquest was held by Coroner Cameron, and the medical examination disclosed the fact that deaih was caused by alcoholic po.* soning, and a verdict to that effect was rendered by the jury. The deceased was a man generally respected in the neighborhood, and was not uso.Uly ad- dicted to the use of spiriu, but once or twice a year he would indulge tno freely, and he has now fallen a victim to the fell destroyer. He leaves a wife and ten children to mourn hig untimely end. Tax soeial at Dafferin Hall on Tuesday evening was a decided suc- cess. After a couple of hours of social eqjoyment, the EataUes were dis- posed of in a manner which spoke highly of their good Tq[nality. The Srogramme ^vos opened by the Mark- ale string Band, whoperrmed manv pieoee daring tha ereniag. Their performances, were exodleatandwere highly appreciated. A company of ladies and gentlemen from flIax.w«U gave many pieces, amoog which were several of the Haw kin's Troupe fator- its. Their sinsing contributed in no sm all measure to the pleasure of the evening, and hone tbty will cobm again to MarUale. Beadinfawan given by Willie Da-ria, Mess e r s Fergn- acMi, and J. W. H. IGlne, of l£aurell, an J a recitation by W. Iu B. Hamlin. The programme, on. the whole, was 'issian variety and reaaendia a Tecy creditable laanner wiTr'^^rf* ♦?:"" anddidaodiastaditteall coneemed. ' sav aft^, tu.. *u^ We hope to enjoy many rach evenings. T\)i» fsocaada ammiiM to fl** I i«ar Chatswoth, on the "liiie chopping, prepairing 'ing machine, a limb fell kk Thomas Shea, son of. ]sboemaker of this place I knocking him down and wound. Dr. McGregor DQ we are glad to say he is ""'Jv injured, as wasre- r'll be round in a few days. ksimteoas, gladsome I Hark T ' ' „,,„ wain s pnse poem '!*•»?' incident to Spring, Bnrrock Blood .^ftters ik /nf,"^^" "' aUwho h»ve J' °'r* Pnrifing Tonic and L"""' niarket. It cures Inl. '^® '°"» Scrofula to Ir,- '"ample botUa 10 eents, '•'ers m medicine. of advertismg was never I shown than in the fol- irSome three or four John Ford advertised »• seed gram for gale il u'" paper, a copy of I* we reading room of »ture. A member • paper noticed the ad 'be result was, tha' « of wheat werp pur- POpedlastweek, for Fall l^of Lanark. The wheat »«ed at $115 per say after this t^ I "» advertising. a- R. J. McGOY, Agent for the following Implements, o.: VIOWER, HARVESTER, and celebrated HAY RAKE, (Sharp's.) EEDSy SEEDS Just arrived at the "BELFAST HOUSE. Also a fresh stock of Groceies, CANNED FRUIT, AND CONFECTIONERY, Any amount of Cumberland cut Sid.© I^cxlc- FOR bALE. ALSO. :f»o T -A. 1" o ^s. Groceries; â-  1 11 i O JkFDBlLi As we are domg^rtTASH BUSINESS, we will not t* i^ ' ' JUidersold by any other house in tows. " '""" V" â- -â- â-  BOOTS Shoes a specialty • -^ •â- â€¢Â»ii' '^^ EEYNOLDS SON. Markdale, Dec. 31, i88o. 5 BEAD EVEEY WOBD. ..0 Cl .,»liij T-l' c^rtEAT -WINTER SALE, Bverytbing FltBt-Class, and at RlGHt PRId 01t KTE.tba poraat; lULT.thaU^; r6l(r â- M tiw flawaoosa fAMrmA and ittla AJ» i»»ht« â-  A. MelllTYRE^u:^ 'O^ yoar Hoiilay'a son^ oddbovaOMda tea. 1«, IMO. Oe, HEAR. OH, HEAR. OH, HEA^:^: '.* r'l,-. fiqtiander yotur moneT if Tcu want to, if not. get yourPbotograpbe of '-^ W.BULM3ER. U; *% The People's .Photographed, '^â-  7 Plesh^rton. -a St. Who ia again paafiarad la Iskii Keft6rer,-bl do Copyinf and Eulafgittg as heretoforv. FRAMES AI\IF"l*-A.fE "IXlIIVCiJ S». We are reoeivia a large atoek of MOTTOZid itM Motto and 6l1i'ar Frames, and Frame Fixings, which we can, and maan to aell at Raxbarloibly tjOW Pnoes, Call and saeiiire bargaina. .. Sciu« ak»c yonr ptctores and have tbea cupied ard enlarged brrrair old frSDd. BULMERa Fleaherton, Match 10, I8SI. M Weaving.' Weaving. â€" o- Any person having work to do in the above line, can gat tt" ' DONE WITHOUT DELSV^ Ai' THE NOW GOING ON AT W^.McFARLAND'S ^, .,,, KVRRY PIECE OF WINTER GOODS ;SUC^i3red. -^^TX7'si3r T^or^m^ .i. iiu, O ;BIC DRIVES! 10 yards 'itvoc I u i a • â-  t f • 1. i in yards 'Faj»7 Flannel for S3 50 Men's Fine White Bhirts 50 cents Fine Wool Clouds 6c, usnul price 90 cents. 60 pairs Ladies Cornets 76c, repaced to fiOr. 3oo yards All Wool Twetds worth 86c, down te67i emts Ladies' Fine Cloth Mantles tl.TC, worth 93 Extra Fine Miuk Muffs %i, naoal price 96 10 vardt heavy Black Lustre for il.CO 10 yards heavy Urey Flannel t8 lOjards black Velveteen for (4 2U yarks Liuen Towellinu for |1 12 yhrds heavy Wincey for |1 Colored Velveteeui tor half price, 50 Leather BU^, lil cents Wilkinson's PL0D6HS. D I C K ' d ALTON PLOUGHS. ALL KINDS or Fittings and Repairs Kept Cbnstantly on hand. SEWING MAGHINESANDORG.ANS FOR SALE, CHEAP. Licensed AUGTHINEER FOB THE COVlfTV. Bills proviJed and Sales attended to in all parts of the County. Cliarges Moderate. B. J. MeCOT. Uarkdale, Ifanh 17th, 1881. 87. Auction SalOi* or TALVABLC Farm Property. UN.DEB and by virtne of Power of Sale contained in a eeitain Kortgage, which will be produced at the time of aale, and np- on whi^ default in payment haa bean made, Uiere will be aold at the MUNSHA'W HOTEL. IH THE YILLAOE or FLESBEBTOM, In the County of Orey, On Thursday ythe thirty -first L^ of March, A. D. 1881, AT nniBK ofcuK* iw m attsbrooii, The folloinng valaabla lands and premiaea, yit.i â€" Tiota numbers one hnncbrod and nine- teen and one handled and twea^, ia the first eenoeasion Sonth-wast ot tt« Toronto and Sydenham Boad, of the Tovnahip of Art*- meaia, in the County of Orey, oontaitiin; one hondred acres, more or leas, excepting tharaont a portion heretofore aold to the Toronto, Orey and Bmoe Bailway Cooipaay. Ob the premiaee there ara said to be good frame boildiags. Tkbim. â€" One-I^ath «f ^epnrAaae aa n aey to ba paid down St the time U aala; forty pea eSai. iafltirty days «ith fiataraSt ataevaa per eaat. balanee can be had {or five yeara with interest at seven per eaat per annnm. for fnrttMT partieaUrs ^plt to, I.BT8. KABSOK k UXOSFOBD. U.4i SoUeitors, Tditinto. TO RENT OR m.1. Noir aaewMTW Aasiph ^irwU. Sot "***** *^MAMHA11 B»ABD, â- aiehSdb; IWL Mw^aateP. O. M-Aia MALT AND RYE WHISKEY, THE BEST IN TOWN. BRANDY. CIDER, • ALE, PORTER. TEAS and SUGARS. CHEAP. WILSON BENSON. Markdale, March 17 1881. 6-ly GRANT CHEILEW, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, HATS, BONNETS. WOLLEN HOODS, SHAWLS AND MANTLES. A Special Discount of 20 per cent, on all purchases ex- ;^ ceeding $1, -will be given. CO Men's Felt Hats at Tio cents each, 16 yards of Biocada Dress Ooods, 93.00, 1 fair Oent's Kid Mitts, 1 pair of Braces, and 1 Tie, jlll for ONE DOLLAB. Ladiea' Kid MitU, (Uned) eo eenU. ' .*ini liWT-* â€" JU^^. -otbaaorkielea EQUALLY CHEAP. • -:'-^lrVER'Y ONE IN WANT Of DRY GOODS At and Below Wholesale Prices, Should call soon at W. J. McFARLAND, Vliolet«ia.]e ana Retail. Markd^de, Feb. 15, 1881. l-ly THE EUSH. THE BUSH. Flesberton Woolen Factory. Having nearlv all orders completed at present on hand, as is nsnal at thii season of ths year, those favoring us with work, may rely npon having it promptly attended to EVERY BRANGHlirTHE BUSINESS Will be carried un thrbu{;hout tiie wit- ";?• Fleslierton, December 16, 183o N. CAMPBELL. u LUMBER AND SAWING. â€"a The «bseriber begs to intimate that he has hi- ' ' Saw Mill at Little Falls On Lot 113 in 3rd Bange N. E., Toronto ami Sydenham Hoad, Artemesia, in full opera- tion, aud is prepar d to famish LUMBER, LATHS JTC^, ETC., TO ORDER. C U S T O M " S A W I.N G I'ROMPTI.Y DOIVE, By the thousand or on Sharee. Farti.« delivering Logs can have their lumber for retarfl loada. The sawyer at the Hill con arrange for sawing. ALL KINDS OF SA'W LOGS PXJBCTT \SED. Wm. ;occ. p. S. â€" Wood turner wanted to make broom handles on a gauf'e lathe, steady job if work satisfactory. Flesberton SUtion, Nov. 25, 1880. 2-; Three .. "NVomen alter* a Ir»zeii "HiGrringa, -O-t- Cabinet Makers, â€" AH»â€" VPHOLSTEREBS a full stock of E^Tj-xra-itVLT© 1 A£,fÂ¥AYS ON HAND. FURNITURE iADE TO ORDER LUMBEB WaNTKD. GRANT CHELLEW. Markdale, Dee. 33, 1880. l-ly TH08. MATHEWS, WSHES to tender to hia nnmerons cnsti^mers his sincere thanks for their very liberal patronage dniing the 15 years he has been in the Hi^ess Business in Mark- dale, an woold respeotfully aolieit a oontinu anee of tiie same, feeing oonfiident ^that ha can give Entire SatUfaetion. Everything aaaally kept ia a FIRST-CLASS HIRNESS ESTABLISKMERT. always on hand, and sold a; moderate rates. larNona but good workmaa employed aad the boat of â€" tarial. naed. »â- â- '.....• Markdale, Nav, 18, 188o- â-  y^_...'M 8Pr.ING HAS MADE ITS APPEARANCE, AND BatTER RAE .1 In order toiiiake room tor their Spring Stock, offer all their Wli^ti?EK GOODS AT COST! NOW i^" STOP. MARE. LEARN! And then vou will know where to go to Ret the best value for your Money, at R. J. SPROULE S GREAT ANNUAL C L E A R I G SALE, AT THE In Dress Ooo^, Clouds, Shawls, Men's Caps, Shirts, o YQUR TIME TO GET BARGAINS Drawera, Overcoats, Flannels, c. O THE IS- DON'T PASS THE PlACE AS WE MEAN BUSINESS, .sa In Tweeds, ill patterns. Cottonadea, .Ducks, Shirtings, Ginghams, Denims, White and -Oiey Cottons, Dress Goods, Prints, Hollands, Towelling., Collars, Ties, Braces, Colored and Dress Shirts, and iill small ware usually kept. Hats w Felt and i ur^all prices. di'dered Clothing a Specialty. 13? Doij't forget Ibat COOPER SMITH'S BOOTS are tlu only BooU worth bU3rinf(, and we are the ONLY SHOP ia Town (liat keep thetQ. Cl^OCKBRY AND GLASSWARE IN ALLL STYSEB. K. B.â€" We trust taat all wnat^mers will remember that we MU.'^T have money If ae- eonnts are not paid by the IStlt tatat^t the Bailiff -iHIl deal witk them aftu tbat date. BUTTER BiAE. IMl. 1 Markdale, Maieh S, ly ABTKMESU. -fjUFTY aeiaa oltaadi Lot M, soath of Jj Dnrfaam Boad, 18 aeras (A cleared land â- tth lac bottse, and wall faoeed. laqnire of a b »t Otivar. oppoaile »*" 1?^_._ Mrv lif^' JOHN KA.T, Jsa.lMl,lWl. Bwitinek, Piirfcai r. O "rU op« thMnah J«ta ^l*; M* •»* vol, sa the M » au .sii n a W.-E.-AAJLi ia ta«nahip ct Okaal(, is J« JirovKly ••• tetaTia. ala not ha tha aay HM *W«M ttt«t^ jAMBSBBOwR, VMUnTlCadtiX, (SarfL Baava. sq»' J. MONTGOMERY, IS £L E 'it^ THE Babee riber, fa retnmlnr thanks to the inhaliitants of Markdale and sur- rounding comnry for their patronage during the past eight years, begs to intimate to them he is how prepared to snpply tile Pnblie with FRUIT, POUND 4 PtUM CAKES, either plain, or Iced stud Omamei^ted, 1.^. ,^i6-( sadalaifa. .t* U, Vajfiety of Other JakBS. alwiys on hand. Also, of every dtaeriptiaiK -frost the beat mann- fsetixMrahiOBtano. Alao, atargvaad varied tsMcmet^cernnir I MIDBS'-^OiMS PAJ^TIBS. " ' r ...ill .- ' I • .,. i.-rlw^i wciJ tl I â-  â- â€¢ -ix'-; :»i* «.' ' .â- Â»i:-u --â-  " -itc'.; m »-'.j, -- J oiJa ?J ' -.*. ".r^iJ-: «»M i»c« «*i* I •rA*t tltl^iVtH^: yiiJ; Otak. â-  i-a » U-iT ' -^ i ,,• Ix'ii aaanj?a« „ j,,^, â- .4-i» akasjit lo^xi*^.: -t^^"^^, 'i'l ••\jrfs lii'ttmB »?'â- â€¢ ?« *»«^« *••*' '^^^T ' tV. "^^^^^T^aaaoSsiUafcflu i â-  «"• "»7 aiaai' FLESHEBTON Harness Shop! rpHB SnWiiber Uffa^to iaforn t)i* pablis X th^ he has eoaatantly oa Wmi^m hafe SMortmant o^ â-  i GAfifllGE, 6UGBY AND TEAM â- Msfai good atylo aad of Vi^ JJ THf BEaT OF MATERiiil, paa^im aa eariy ibaaia And aa M«m call, as h*SsiB.s41 at Im os^ vA#Biai sapptr ol al«^ oti haad. Atfilhftrtfiin ft Tif i^^^r '4 food II gnacjuttisd. tfasPsstOOeais rs^t fi sraaisd. "^f. GORDON. â€" i« POST OFFICE STORE, -o y^" in OTder to ma'te room Tor heavy Spring Impjrtatioos now arriving dailv. I -Jittvp derideil reJiicing my present lai^e aud w«ll selected aud assorted stock of GENERAL DRY GOODS, FURS, MILLINERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, v: s«^k^:' Hats, Caps and Groceries TO THE LOWEST POINT POSSIBLE, and iu order to do so, Will Sell at and Under COST. FOFf THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. The stock U all newr, well bOHgtlt. and well worth the attention o( tin; cluset bn-Br«. In ORO ;ERIES yuu will tind 0%-rytliiiift: of Fir«t-Jasa Vuluot AS I do not fursue the course of some of our wmdy Meichant» of our I'taghboriiig Vil- lages, of sendi ag out numerous samples of cheap trash (with unscrupoloiiNreconimeuda- tions) outside our natural busineps relations, in order to i.npress the ullic that tliey aiu not properly t reated by their more honorsble dealers, and draw custom from the many. Tou will fine I everytliiHi; that I sell Jnataa I re|ire«e«t it, and »s mxxl vaIur as yon can possibly get for your money any where, as 1 have aiways held that h'norabl,. dealintr is the only true course for a business man. My UrooeriiiB are all bought for strictly nett cash, consequently I can nnd will sell at The Lowest Possible Prices! For OASH and FARM PRODUCE 13UT INOT FOK, CJREOIT. I have also in stock and for sale, a large iinantity of PUBE SEED GEAINi Such as Whit* Russian, Glaagow, Bed Chaff, and other varietits of BpriUg wheal. Also Pore Clean P Kw, Oats and Barley. Prime Tim thy f,ud Clover Se«J ul^u i-reoh Garden Seeds, aud asiit pays each and every Farmer to sow dean bcej. yuu WiU mak* UiOBcy by paying a few "iients extra, and purchasing b goid article. I am now selling large ]uanticE of '-^~".-" CO-.ESE LAND SALT, f E O R IVI A. X IJ R E WUdi wiu ttay every Farmei Five DoUertfer erery ntie idvteted in it, aud a4 I aiia anxiort^ that svery Fpu-mer iu this locality and neighboring Townships shall try it, have il^cidMl fa selling in fi^1e aud ten barrel lots at the (.ow^eat Casta Prlc6 hud do mi by the car direet from the Manofsetorers, aud bought for nett cash at Bottom Prices-. I oâ€" ... *• I -, v 1 wonld also intisMttS fbat my "!/."•"-- SPRING IMPORTATIONS! Vn'AEB ARBIVING DAIL.T. i'-4 And I will have Opened oat and dtow v\\ 1,'W -ht- r J i if. On The Ist of April, ^â-  -:"s*-rB« "• part *f I •Oae of the lUqtMt and Baat Aaaortad Stooks •*« broaght Mio ihii OMBtty. k. nistiUi«^s tod sQ for likMi psiranags m tbs yaat, and aolieitin« aa iamstioa bsidS*' pnWhsaiB jbenhias. I ..-.tW.^ u: ' a lsiB,]«ar«bub«atsw«aat, ..^^ Fleib ;• siuv â- â-  .c ,!-rH â-  • «;• March lo. i»8i. R J. SPBOtTLEa viv.H i£lm Lot ,t»i% a Jo ruBsama ' -jni JltfjiiT Jrtinis mmtm d^

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