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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Mar 1881, p. 1

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 ^\ i 1 • .THIJTAPJID. TV. W. BUTCaEK, Uaumttr,^ U M iorfiMl to r«Mi*« adT«ttiM»enU IK P*tbisit8'en^ Snaacaimoas mt* iwatrad at tbia oOea lur th« (oUoving Papara aad MagasioM. fAIUU. To: onto Duly Oloba, pw tmv, Mail, •6X0 vnuna. tor ,ato Weakly Oloba, par year. HaU HamUtoa " SpixHalor » Canada Fwmar •• «ivn(ifie Aaariaaa " •1^ IJOD IM 1.00 8.M â- oDTStxaa. 1 armcri AiToeate, par yaar, American Affrienltarist " »nr LittU Ones •LOO 1.50 l.fiO The Toronto, Grey k Brace lUilway CompsDy, bave been offered 96 cento ou the Dollar, for their $1,000,000 ii'sne of five per cent bondi. Wi learn irum the Mail, tkat the Elovator at Toronto for the T. G, B. ItaiiwHy Company is being pushed vrith all possible speed. Ito capacity will be 100.000 bushels and ito ele- vating power 6.000 bushels per hour Slkiohixo is fast disap)eariDg, and their are many indications thatspriur 18 approachiog, and we would give our fellow citizens a word of warning, nothing contributes so much to the propagation of disease as dirty yards an I closeto. Now is the time to clean up, aiid we can assure those who neg- lect doing so, that they will suffer for it before the summer i^ over. We bave no faith in the fearful visiiatiocH, fortold by a ceitaii prcf- ssor, of cLol era black death c, but we do ht-lieve there will be coiibidcrablu atiuos- phene disturbance, and consequently more or less sickneBs resulting there- from therefore it I ecoin -i alisolutely necessary that we taK* n i v piTcu- Mon in not hnvifei; aiiyiiing round our rcmiMbS tiiat will havu a tendency to feed disease. Scarlet fever. Typhoid and Diphtheria are miikii)g their appear- ance in various parts of the province, and we certainly will not escape a vis- it from them unless uur warning is attended to. Sharp. A. White, J. HaniMa, t An Bannon. Geo. LadIo#^R. LoAmt. i. B'd.t.r. Tinm. Davi«. fas. OBrieo. L. Ha. -y R. Tbotc|.a.M Jr.. i. Lagard. v. :^UuIlen. Juus BtHhbara. D. Â¥t.i:e, Jas. WaUau.. S. ttMaadowu. V\'ia. Jlutebtnaoo iHm Waiker, Jaa. McNifiKi, T Gruagtr, W. Wri^'ht, Douaii McLe^. Utaaali McKcnaia. Geo. Dai», F. 8kier. R. J. Unam, W. Lodlow, W. WatRou. C. D. Meliillen. Joe. Wataon, M. McDngall, W..BeiJ, W Head, Jerevi*li Taylor. Walter McAntay, D. lleMnien. Ward Harri son, James Vaoae, D. Kenedy, Angus MrLeod. PetorMidr, J. Parliament, £. Stone, R. WhittAktr, John Fisher, P. Hofenan, W. hooper, U. SolliTaa. C. Boyee. Joe. Feuwiek, B. Akitt, T. Gilbert, Geo. Parks, John Fenwick, W. Parria, G. Turner. Thos. Kelle, R. Warluig, G. Gordon, J. William- eon, Jamea Lackey. Arthur Sawell Jr.. Jamee tieott, Robert Cmtbers. J. WiUiams, D. Campbell. W. Bielby. F. Gee. Mr. Elliott mored, aeooiMUd by Mr. Webetar. that the Clerk be in- •tmeted to aseartain if a plan of Mc- Donald's Burvey on mill plot, Priee rille, has been registored and to pro- cure a eopy for oite of manioipality if possible .â€"Carried. Mr. '^rigntmoT- ed. seconded by Mr. Webator. that the applicatioD of the tnuteee of B. S. No. 4 be Med and that proper notioes be given the parties interested, by the Clerk, iaimediately, that this Council will d^l with the matter at the next aeasion. The purport of ap^ plication being to detach about 600 acres from 8. 8. No. e^en and attach the same to 8. 8. No. 4.â€" Carried. Council adjourned. W. J. BaLLAifT. Tp. Clxbk. ara-L. â- . CURE FOR DIPHTHERIA. W« recieved an auomymous com- inunioa tion from Wiiliamsiord relative to F'^rne unpleasantnetts that took place in the church there on Sabbath last. In the first place we have re- peatedly stated that we would pay no attention to any communication that had not the Bona fide name of the wirter, as a guarantee of good faith, for should we do otberwise we would be flooded with endless communications from any and all who suffered some wronp. real or imaginary, and thereby continually get ourselves into hot water. In the next place, we con- •tuliT.evcn admitting the statement sent IIS is correct, that the agrieyed party was as mnch to blame as the Minister. A church is supposed to be the house wf God, dedicated to his worship, al- though one may^not agree, with the form used in any particular church, he phould be willing to conform to its rules while attending when politely requested to do so, or else keep^ away. A correspondent of a Yicteria paper writes ;-^Should von or any of your family be attacked with diphtheria, do not be alarmed, a^ it is easily and speedily cured with a doctor. When it was ragiui( in England, a few yeara ago, I accompanied Dr. Field on his rounds to witness the so-called "won- dorful cur.^8' he performed, while the patients of others were dropping on uli sides. The remedy, to be so rapid, must be simple. All he took with him Wits powder of sulphur and a quill, and with these he cured every patient without exception. He put a tea- 8|)ooDful of flour of brimstone into a wine glass of water, aqj^ stirred it with his tiifivT, instead of ik spoon, as the sulphur does not readily amal- gamate with water. When the sul- phur was well mixed he gf a it as a gargle, and in ten minutes the patient was out of danger. Brimstone kills every species of fungus in man, beast, aud plant in a few minutes. Instead of spitting out the gargle, he recom- mended the swallowiug of it. In ex- treme case, in which he had been called just in the nick of time, when the fungus was tQO nearly closed to allow the gargling, he bluw the sulp- hur through a quill intc the throat, and after the fugunn had shrunk to allow it, then the gargling. He never loat a pittient from diphtheria. If a patient cannot gargle, take ahve coal, put it ou a shovel, and sprinkle a spoonful or two of flour of brimstone at a time upon it let the sufferer in- hale it, holding the head over it, and the fungus will die. If pleutyfully used, the whdle room may be filled almost to suffocation; the patient can walk about in it, inhaliug the fumes, with doors and windows shut. This mode of fumigating a room with sulp- hur has often cured most violent at- tacks of cold in the head, chest, o., at any time, and is recommended in cases of consumption and asthma. T* s B litar the StAman. aUyaa iwnijial aa4 TO It iiskatt,'itli â- Tbabat«(tS|i And 1 vowed it a 1 HaU.â€" Cho. Ona awbtl ^aa, Bxpaeting a aop of Bat fovU that bj secar, yi aQ. Hadbaai'bad VkmwtmkU, Iwaa mlk»i to a pertr. aad fMBiaail to (o Aad want to ric op f or boaiaaaa. jtfhaa le I Sbirta, diekiaa and eoUara, whito st«ekiB|B aadaU. WaraUaok m the •toT»-pipe of BadMlor'a HalLâ€" Cho. A friend dropped opoa m» at dinoar aa» day. And coolly infoinied a fortnight ba'd stay; I nniled and said waleoiM. bet oh I itwea vOI, Toba peataradwithitiiina" atBeahalar's HaU. hin^ all vent to wreckâ€" I cannot tell hov. At last I vasfoieeJ neath Kiafortoae to bov; And married a widow, fair, forty, «nd tall. And lo bade adiea to old Baohelor'i HaU. â€"Cho. If T long it i« ended, and eo is ay aoRow, No mora I'm diatraetad with eare for to- morrow If y plamp, bazom widow, she maaagai WUich U hear'n when eompaiad BMsbelor'e HaU. Oh! Bachelor's Han, OhlBwihilor'iHaU. Tonng genta be aware Of Bachelor's HaU. with SaLLno below cost for the next 90 dars. Butter and Eggs taken in ex- change. Reynolds A Bon. The Dominion Parliament was pro- rogued Monday at 8 o'clock, after being in session si'ice the 9th of De- cember. The last Masquerade of the season takes place on the Markdale skating rink tonight (Friday.) A big time is promised Admission lOots. Masquers free. BIRTHS. PiTTiBao!!, â€" On the 14th inet., the wife of A. C. Patterson, Flesherton, of a son. MARRIED. BasT â€" Smfsoxâ€" At the reridenee of the bride's father, on Wednesday, 33rd Febrv- ary, by the Iter. D. McLeod B. A., Mr. James Best, to Mies Sara Ann, seoond daodhter of Mr. David Stinaon, all of ifr- tamesia. CAMrBSLLâ€" McDomLDâ€" At Oarson't Hotol. Durham, on Wedensdav the 16th iiut., br the Bev. D. MoLeod.'B. A., Mr. Hngh Campbell, of Olenelg, to Mies Mary Ann McDonald, daughter of John McDonald Beutinck. Whittin â€" Habbisos â€" on the 23nd intt.. At the residtnce of the brides pareati, by the Bev. S. C Pfailp. John.Whitton, carpenter and btiilder, to Mist Aliee Harriston, aU of Artomeiia. YAI.9Am f MS, Hi PABOSLL Under Mettci«a from Bohart C o rfw La* He. W. ialha Iwl Ow iw siim BwHfc rf tte DariMwBaad.«tftkeTowMkipa "' lev. TlM l ii u e lt aeidtotoaathepTCa aartty akaied. Tka fi ja wtj ia SbMtJAaiilMboatba ^^a^ Py le ltr TIate MortMyfnwiiBeck MeOwiCa. I«* 17. ia the 17 (SSeaaaio^ «f tiia Towi|MP " Pr•taa^ Ja ilM Oamty ef Ony. eoolainiac lOOaana, manorlaae. IfcefoUowiag hn- freveaaaati aaa 8aid to he «a the pramiaaaj About M aeraa aiaand aad nadar eoltivatMn, wiUi a log booaa and bam ereetad tharaoa. TEBMSâ€" One-tenth of the parehaaa money to be paid down on tba dar of •â- '*• Par hafaaae, terma «iU be bmAi knefm at tiM For farther partiealar* a yy ty to, JONES BB08. MACKSNZIK. Bolieitan. Vasonie HaU, Toronto. Or to JOSSPB MeUtDU, Baq Bopavifla. TMMto. 14th Manl^ IMl. tt^w In Chancery DEWSO^J VS. WJLSGN. DIED. CiABZ, â€" In Artemesia, OQ the loth inst.,Mr. Joseph Clark, of cancer. MacBak â€" In Olenelg, on the 15th intt., Donald UacBae. Father of finlay MacBae, Esq, RAAve of the Township, in the 73rd year et his age. C0nr»«i(«tttiwr. • EUGENIA. From a Co rrenpoodent. The annual tea meting in connec- tion with the Union Sabbath School, wa8 held in the Orange Hall, Eugenia, on Friday evening, the 16th last. Tho prsgrarame, as usual, consisted of Dialogues, recitations, Vneal and Instiumental music. Speeches, were delivered by a nuyiber of local cele- berites. The Superintendent of Salpnx ttabbatb School adressed the child- ren in a few select and well chosen. Scriptural promises, followed by the Rev. Mr. Madden the resident C. M. Mmister, who gave an excellent and instmctiye adreas. The receipts at the Door amounted to nearly $23. This Rpeaks in itoself the intsri'St taken in the Sabbath School work in Eugenia. We beleive this is the largest sum taken during the whole season, out of the many entertainments which have been given. It may be nsked, how is so much interest taken ill the Sabbath School simply be- cause it is conducted on purely union prit.cipals, and any attempte to intro- duce Sectarian ^hools have had very sudden deaths. Now that relcgions instruction is nearly Tabooed in our common Schools, let us support our Sabbath School. Now is the seoson wh^n yon may oxjicct to be asked, li w much sii^ar have you made Sii;^hi' Bush, work is now the order of the day. Is it any use to tell yon that we ex- pect to have sprins;. Qnite a number of cattle are dyiuj:. aud no one seems to ku' w tlie nature of the ailment. Y uis Truly, J. Eugenia, March 2l8t, 1881. *y ARTEMESIA COJNClL. Notice. â€" We wish it disinctly nnderstood, that we do not hold oarselres reponsible for the oninions expressed by our correspondents. MURM0NI8M IN HOPEVILLE. To the Editor of tLe Standabd. Sib, â€" I think it not out of place to let the outside world (away from Hopeville) know ef the intense excite- ment that is now prevailing in the quiet village of Hopeville. About one year ago a Mormon, or "latter-day saint" Elder, by the name of Mc- intosh, made his appearance in the vicinity of Hopeville, where, by a series of meetings, he procured some converts, and on Monday last the same person appeared according to notice publicly made, in Scarlett's Hall in this village, and is still carry- on a serips of meetings, with the pros- pect of drawing more members to his church. All parties that hear him, speak of his great ability as a speaker, and some are talkmg of trying to pro- cure him as the next candidate for the Proton Reeveship for his able tongue and cleverness in quoting the scrip- tures, causes all who attack him to he put hort de combat. On Monday night the meeting was rather noisey, but Tuesday night there was a full house and good order. He was taksn to task by a Mr. Bush a Millerite who hailed from Loudon, Ont., but after some sharp firing and some unpleas ant and unseemly expressions, Mr. Bush was fiairly "Bushed," and had to secumb to the Latter-day Saint; but by the able arguments of the Latter- day eaint and the Millerite, there ap- peared a poor chance for the poor plnin EpiscopHlian, Presbyterian, or Methodist. Wednesday night the house was thinner, not so many of 1 the respectable community attended but a few young men and boys from the the west side of Proton, well ki own for their quarling propencity pul' in an appearance. They followed rheir usual custom when they all come together and made it verv unpleasant for the Saint. What shall follow we shall see. Yours, An OBSUtvzs. AUCTION SALE or VALUABLE FARMS, [n the Townships of Glenelg and Hollandfin the County of Grey. There will be sold on Thursday, the 14th diy %\ I|irilj88l, At one o'clock in the afternoon, at RUTIiEDGE'S HOTEL, In the TTILLAGE OF ^^ARKDALE. By virtue of powers of sale contained in cer- taiu Mortgages which will bs prodaaed at the sale, the following property PARCEL I. Under Mortga^ from Angus McMUIan, Lot nnmber 38, in the 2nd concession north of the Durham Road, of the said township of Qlenel?, containing by adma^nrement 60 acres more or less. The foflpRBg improve- ments 4« said to be on the premises â€" 40 acres cleared. PARCEL n. Under Mortgages from Samuel Tonng, Lot 57, in the 3ad concession. North-east of the Toronto and Sydenham Boad, in the Township of Holland, in the County of Urey containing 60 acres more or less. The fol- lowing improvements are said to be on the premises â€" 15 acres cleared, a good dwelling honse, bam and stobP TEBMSâ€" One-ten^ of the purchase money to be paid down on the dar of sale. Far bal- ance, terms will be made khown at the sale. For fnrther partioalan apply to JONES BB09. MoKENZIE, Solicitors, Masonic Hall, Toronto. Or to lOHN LYONS, t Maikdale. Toronto, March, 15, im^ W S8-Si PUB8UANT to an order of the Conrt of Chanoery, made in this eaoaa, there will ba aold with th« approbation of T. W. TATLOB, ESQCIBE, Maator in Ordinarr of this Conit, by B. 8. Meaktag, Knqniie, Anetionaer. at McDEBMOTT'S HOTEL, In the VILLAGE OF BOND IfBD, At the hoar of Twelve oUoek, Mooa^gB Hm 9th iay ef April 1981, The following lanas and premiaea, in ona parcel naaialy: Broken Lot nombar three, in the first c36nee8sion, of the Township of West Owillimbnry, in theOounlarof Simeue, containing fifteen aerea more or laaf. Atto porsnant to the above mentioned order, then will be sold by itobert Davis, Bsqnire, at the MUNSHAW^OSElA VILLAGE or rLESHERTBK, at the hoar of twelre oUock noon, on Tlie12thdayofA|»ril, A. D., 1881, the following landsand premises, in two paroela, namely v4kW t PABCELI. The South wbst part of Lot nmnlMrTwo hnndred and twenty, in the seoond ooaeaa- sion hoath of the Toronto and Sydenham Boiul, in the Townsliip of Proton, in the Oonnty of Orey, eontaining fifty aorsa man or leaa. PABOEL n. Lot nnmber one hnndred and twenty-one, hi the first concession south-west of the Toron- to and Sydenham Boad, in the Township of Artomesia, in the Oo.;nty of Orey, contain- ing fifty acres, more or less. *^^_M. â-  • â- ' TER-MiS of S^1L.£:« One tenth of the purchase money to be paid in oash at the time of sale, and a sufficient amount within one month thereafter, with- out interest to make together with the cash imyment one quarter of said purchase mony, the balance to be secured by mortgage oa the premises, at six per cent per annum, payable in thre«, equal yeailj payments. Eaah parcel will be sold subject to a reserv- ed bid fixed by the faid master. The other conditions of sale are the stand- ing cinditious of the Court of Chanoery, Further particulars can be had from DENISONA MACKLBM, 15 Toronto street k ESSus. McCarthy, hosein, plumb CBEELMAN, Solicitors. Toronto. Dated at Toronto this 16th day of March, A. D., 1881. Signed. 28.8W. T. W. TATLOB. ^^^ Wi|r'*# i **^- 53 7, MEDICAL HALL CHANGE of W« tak« pluiiMHiiisiinnnnr-i to the rMidnato of MuMkl* veAyntooxA- ing Coontry. that we h«Te pnrehMad THE DRUG AND STATIOMBRT BUSINESS Lately earned on by D BPBOULE, and traat by â- *«** P«?«;i J!**^*^ STbuaMM; and bykeeping a full aamjrtaent oT the BBS* llATBBIALB.m the above lines to merit the rapport of tU faooiml publifl.^ ^^-^ â-  A* the HoUaa; aeMm U f»«4 approaeliing, w« haw pnrehMtd • LABGE ' Ana VARIED Stoek of -..^ u Fancy G o o d s TdW, And many omer Articles, Usefol and OmamentaL for CHBISTMAS FBESENTS. Joh Uit ftr GhrittMt Trm at MMtd Rattt. â€" A FULL A8S0BTMBNT OF PATENT MEDICINES, AUTHORIZED SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, Djre-MaAf Patau, OUa Tmm, wmA T«kacc«c«» ALWAYS ON HAND. Igtitt ftr iMtuI Tftograph wk VIektr't ExprtM. IS* i^AsjMMM PrtteripUoM and Family Bedpi^t ditpenrntl at all houn. A. TURNER CO. Markdale, Dee. •, ISM. ' tf Pianp$ apd Qrgans. •»â- -* J. A. CRAWFORD I^OR mJLl^E, ONE Yoke of 6 year old steers, well broken and bandy. One span of working horsea, young. One filly 4 years old, well broken in saddle and hameas. One colt 8 yeara oldr Wm. BBOWN. Markdale, March 34th 1881. 38-Si A NE"W ELECTIOlf THE Undersigned ii pre^red td adyAbis Money on If'irst-Class Farm Property, with large margins, at ' 6 Per CeDt., Yearly-f ON STMMHT lOUU, This istha Lowest Rate ever offerered iW the County of Grey. f v OFFICES :â€" Lot 26, Con. 4, Eaphraaia, and MaAvoan,â€" Next door to Boyal Hotol. '^, N. B. â€" A large amount of prirato money to loan on Oood Notft or Second llotlgaget, B. E. KNOTT. Maroh 3, 1881. S6-8m m • '» PIANOS AND ORGANS OF TUE ^^^la.zx'vxfiactvLze. Having a thorough knowledge of .Musical Instruments I i^o^ld invite those desirous of purchasing an instrument to â- â- . â-  'X' â-  GIVE ME A TfHAIi! ..." â-  • I can furnish good testimonials from parties to whom I have sold tl^t they will be d^lt honorably with in all cases. By corresponding with me f ifrill convince parties that I will sell cheaper than they can bay elsewhere. Monthly or quarterly instalments with a small payment down. would be accepted, Tbi Council met in tLe Town Hall, Flesbeitou, ou Mouda li.ii(cli 7tb, 1881. Preeeut l^le8.â- r^ C'Jiristoe, Wright, "Webatsr, Elliott aad Pedlar. Minuten of previou.4 meetiui; r^ad and approved. Commuaioatiouii fiom S. J. Parker and b. H, McKi;t.ick read. Keport of comtuittee ou Treasurer's â- ecuritiea read aud adopted. Appli cation of the trjstees of school section No. 4, asking to bave tlie follow lui; lots attached to said section vis.: â€" Loto 41, 48. 48, 44 and 4S. 8rd 8. D. R. LoU 41, 4S and 48, Snd 8. D: B. By- law No. 823 appointing the foUowicg municipal offioera for b861 iairodaead by Mr, Pedlar and read a firit and •e»nd time. Beneeriewns-^Ptter Moir, B. WbitUker.. AngoaMeLaod, Ungald. Come, ioa^ AvMtam. it. Bcattj,H.B.Irwia,W. Blair, Bobt liliaaaeta, Jm. Hcm^dS, D. Hfinaon, Jobs SttDcan, B. Lemaad 7. Qtrntf. PoQiiAr«p»raâ€" Qao. Tock,A leia w j e t ButlG^i^J.B.H!M»d •BdM..*kitt. tjjtit**' »i --â-  I iaa ,»Bi» â- Â»â- *•» •« ' â- Â»" » ' .-iHfH!^ j-'t-lv-J*^ ort.U Bir.- »*» '« •»«!» • '.J '»uMTft««' a»wjtf .toielir' Lit«»'»/w To the Editor of the STAKDAsn. Dkab Sot,â€" The diphtheria is still lurking in tbii* section of country, and we bave no guttrantee that the Village of f lesherton may not be at- tacks 1 this spring. Now do you not think, Mr. Editor, that it would be well to have a board of health organ- iied to examine the back yards, and ia case of any nnisanee being found to have thejn removed. It may save Rachel much weeping lor her ehildran the eoraiog aiunmer. Yosn fte, Money I Money! â-  ' â€" â€" rrmr imisniffiil kiasa lanpavovat of hit r« M i i i i wifn^ iw «x TMrt. AODKBill;,; ,!• •^'1, IVXttXWBSAITT. IM» IM, lat waat V. S. t.O. lan. Al«.f.ia8toak.' A. I ISSl^^SlMte fcr'fk# Im^ MAHX^mOM. M* rt" in â- W':- t KJJoi 'i^'.ltl i -ICJxiwpidar*, Out. Of f M top «alo« _, it, BHitt MSI, gfla apM at a^aat radootum «a ab«r«B«lsa, ~lM8lgia.w)MmI inUaaatlM^ WMa^TRAIN, B3E5MOVED4 '^^5P^' WeddinK and Jean fmmm nwm Utelltr^A^ the Beat o( iUtmUi aad 0«)d 'Wahnaa«ahi| hope to reaitni a latr share ' o^year vAroni^. fl;peeial aftsntioa giM^te OA MMm aeeci aai! sMdl â- ** ^^fUw wf •' iljfaaw «a j:i i «: «a dJUw 'li-; jarf ^lunJ .lie ^mad "• saa aot It ao'i M of to, nor «l„-^ Toaepnable^JJr* AND ajJBtB C?eTS ABE fyaairi'MlescMtIa] I»»s I lutTe alaa a few thou»and dollars Of PEIVATB MONe faisvast ett vaiy reaso Mhl s linns, aa^iAT V*f ;•â- â- â-  latervst. Thh.i. aia4 tMWlwJjt llMM. ia m«KAH' *?.*?^ «Hitoliit^«irr^* ' Wnital fRMt-tha Meosgrhas â-  market "UJ) The Pleshefftoffi 1Im( jUiBte, L(Lg Tnsurfmw Agency, ^i INStTKANCB Ittooftta g r sa isituBpertaiieetolBsinwrs thatthty eelect,a IUh-l, 'j Oavpaay.aaTlfeat Mm^ to thair boaiaeaslltrcvdgh alMlmM«rn!^J to take apnlieattou lor the 8troDg«at. SafsBt ar .. l^. ... ,^:,^ 'O tor a Btofli Company, at tales as low as as]r r«Ual- Mataal ,,,,^( Lancashire and Citizens; (Stocky '^* The Waterloo! CoMty and Gore Distiici '^t^inrBTAMCIfflfe. thiedM, WBa,.Uaaw. Mortgage^ Agre^rt. \^ Sbwt aottoa. aad woit C» i» l 1 l â€" 'lie^tly done. In this lit;« Jl j_ Imifiaanisnil is lisiaariiig. Tsss anr ilrifft*" targeat busineas iu UuBauT* AVCTIOlf SAUBe atteadad ia aitfcsr Town or Country, and BQb ehaige; alao, all neoeaaary Blanks aad Stamps. ... .^ LAlfPS FOB SALE AlfD TO BEMT. r0aliyhaTin^|«,j,-^ offsr a a^ea^M rfcaai l to adrertiae. It don't cost .yoa tptuf^ aold, aad yon can withdiawat any time. I alao reaKze bettor pi ices tUm t^ i tbemselTes. Correapoadanas soUeited. In ereiy department of £y carafWaewB, ea miifw t, aad tair itealla* the promiueu (smml..;! astowaasayraliahiaMaB. -^mt â-  K -* Flesherton, Fd 9. 1881' KOBt. DAVIS, CmftgrntMrt Oomwuimofur in b. *^-t.-iGintrtl\ â- ii:.- BEMOVAIi BEMOVMd! The undersigned wishes to infena the Pablic geaerally, that be haa yacahsKd CMUr*! of tU FURNITURE, AND SASH AND llOOR FA( AHO VtMOfKD to THB Furnlfiire.b.Wareroomf to'thb NEW AND COMttOOKJtiS irtfeK BUIDING ADJ0IN6 THEf* Wliere my nnmerons customers will always find me, or.a O Hii ata nt aalesass bli and attend to their wants My fiacUliiC* AI^ BAW |^WfTi«ri(;u;ta oommeneina bnsiness, and I tra^' tl^ MoiKintble dealJait tO'MMw a cuttoag^ patronaca ao UberaUx bestowed in tlM f^, .»-o â€" s I have now a Large aad Taned Rtoek of Furniture in all tbe Latest St and during the Wmter I rsqnirs 100,000 FEET OF GOOD Bntternnt, Cherry, Bassiood, Birch and x- TJ 2^^ le th:e hxghest for which PRICE WiS iL 16^ "PAID. -A,1bo a* Qta.3i»utit37- of O-ocd. AU UNDS OF SASK, DOORS, iOILMRGS, ETC. ivtnon^pplicatio Estimate tarCoa'ttorgettha Aft CSUL. Fleshsrton, Deeeaiber^ ll door to the Faetorv. liurLua â-  n. MOOPEi SELING,,QFF! FALL AN5~WINT3 ATjAND UNO.n R 3T" ,^S0 Day (J^Hid OVge-Cioats and Suitsr udJet â- â- â- M "M: J"'-J-'.- c: iVTillTLCS AM mwisSy ,.l.;iKi-.J!:; -... .. t..t-;V. ... • ... OXiE. â€"â- â€¢1 r^iawo-:ii .uij;-nt.l :U;'..- I •..-"â-  Ladies' *aiid Gents' TTnderclotl b" J. .$md Fancy Dry • OF EVERY DESCRIPriON AT EOCK-BOTTOM PEICESI BOOTS AND SHOE i tn every Va^rietyâ€" CHEAP. Kwything AT TJHUSUAIiLT IjOW PRICES »ttt« "•T0 5eQ3fcTqpo^^o-crs£ m- BROWN MMMale,Dsesaibsrt», Iflj.^^^' 1* MAR f.T!B^LORlH« HA'^O kaasd Oie Waaa'iad tU^ aaftliflhty owaad l^Jfl iMRtoiatfonBthshiblie. t â- aabas ]^:if:^. A- OWEN] llghionable TttI that that kSads of y ;s»l~ 'woai iUll I li.- â-  livr ;-r- r,?jw ,11 ?.... HL msnt OTer MeParUnd* «w^1 toiafem the pahlie of Markdslt m\ waiMnn eoontiT, that he is FILL ALL ORDERSJ Pcom^ly and Ia' Cut TIN Dow idiOs Cnstomers are THE LAjTEST FASHION Always 08 head to ehoee b» FitGQi " ^H:S3fi ^*^!S^ i '(Ua-^Mafrla^Wiaato^ .• ,«rrrtrw:o«a .AtOswA^Mstttrj* ,.-- -stite*^ «^ »aldi*» sidieirt t***** '»«••* froMtai j «a --i ** i ,tte-ryr .a .« .-«» Uaeb TOaarf,. ,-,â- ,«« ^s Y '"l»Tjj!SB»aHW ..I, AaaDlhs Bftfaember the .. ;:â„¢paBMx3garland 8 Sto(»j r^jiditi-^imMMii: ,1890. ^^^ ^^- 1.5: |( ^iOTlCE«. Apply *i fbia UOOOIha.J a apaeialtj. at and have it yoBrt f0^ womaos tern iPenttft. of Owm |||9 Barer Hotd on tOth iwt- loil comply. »" ,8fle «f«-0«i*onne macbiue ' enti «fl* ** prosecuted. 1^ af'tbose Walthav ^atefaes to hand, at FksliertoD aud lite coarse of a week or r readers the acta that at tbu late sessions I Ijagistature. |d«tlers for "CastoriDe" and see that the barrel fC;istoriue," as none other Tartar 0% *^* a " T »?i on band. â€" Joks Fobd, Farm. GaooB.â€" Tlie N.rthem eommenced the prelim preparatory to the cliaitiie is to Uke place ou the 'y';;^^ ^^^ ^^_^ |Tl-fy pressL-J" ^tonne" Machiiie Oil, for 22nd ult. ' maehuiery, it is also ex- ^rness and leatlter, mak I and weather proof. For wa, a(] A f«Btlamaa] were married, i at BoBUT Myle Beeve of EupUi' A majonty of ij PaariKs want shonld re%d the drew Beatty's. 6iB ;«G clearij Son for the nti dnccments. The spring with the Euplir takes ilaee on Uocklyo. Ma. 'bwan opAied an infl iu Flesherton.] Baggies aod well as farm it Db. T. S, Sb home from Ottl fatigues of the] to have told ov appears as hal^ Thus Bakkoij from Fleshert by ito mate, wt lat-slav flight. I the fflFects. \Vk are cred Ur Liouhl ititrs tainin^' Un Lrl This IS jn^t nl| IS iiot a vacant Tbebe \i:i- liay pr»'f-!a-ii mI piifl'u inter. Tl to we that the closets have been attended to, thoroughly clean If the tonly exercise a little Bigfat kept BO. UMit Wilcox is still 00 •0 to speak, and this Topened some fine goods L Knives, Forks, Spoon* HAcxinii's I'rrTl of tlic- Ul'i- t Ili'Sllt.; BaKiim. wlncli mi used bv tlie imtivi-H ditco'vereil, ami vegetatile tonics. i»a F]H-cili for all i Inn;;!,. Tiinii^sinU uuallr.aiilit isoni Dre|u^atiou^ if tlirl To \li\Kitfii greatly iuiprovo first week in .\.pr 300 extra cot W tion. Send in vi tbeie's more to follow, i g od tiaio. ESS of reapers, mowers' ^^ Minutes machines, prefer "Cas- ine oil to any otlier, it ' lard, seal, or elephant, Bted not to pum. ^eeto'al Balsam; a few dooM distressing coaeh, and a bottle has cured maDV a Bronchitis, Croup, and Soreness of the apecific for all throat to cousuinption. " the attention of our I to a manure heap on We labored under that streets were for kd not lor private mdivi- I a barnyard of. kt Flesherton Station are from the snow disap- jiidly anil the amonrft of quntities of Hay, (irain, CortIwoid coming in. 18 have a rough time of 'Why bacome a snSeriDc mar- enra the c* ise of all vsrities Nervous Headache, cleaus' ate the Secretion*,, ujieve Bowles, purifT th» Sliodj and tone np the Nf rvous haadaehewill )m nn- lUls iO cants. Large Uittle (lie Ontario Le(;J!latur Iment to the mtiii -ip- 1 luced a cause, to pre- hanging on waggons, kides of any kind. We enforced. .- Ball has received the fthe goycrnmout of car between here and Flesh- corn mepccs th^ Ist of iich date the mail is to • weekly in^t -ad of Krmi- itofcre. .Miiii.iays, We.!- Fridays aie tiu d«ys it ifofd. â€" Miiniior. rapidly the popul.ition 18 incfeii-^^i iR, wi' tnav hoQSe 16 u t II .1 ney. ThtiC ir.^ suvera have started buoincKs not able to brinjj tli»'i i- want of a house. We ^le a good iuveKtment has the cash to erect [rent. (Bcrmnacx Bi/oi •haojie tbfr sallow aa haakb and beantT. I promptly on the ' and MrengthrKs the ' sy Nations or General Inmjat lor a Trial r 10 eanta, Ijarge Bottle [CoTBT. â€" A case came â- re Messrs Armstrong iot obtaining goods ceived last ont. We Tiavt that will enable catiouK that reac Wednesday in eij and we Hunk it tictory to our pa^ By refrence columns, it will Strain, of FIcslii I EstaLlisraent f..r| Tin \i-arc, al^•o I tural iiupleraeiits| gooB, iSewiiiR Ms Ding Mills, StoveJ Is r««es of chronij ha'e failed to cure. has achieved it a trr' eases of tlie Bluui. ' fuU, Drspepia, Nor\J tism, riles. Female i of lost Vitality- are pi novating Tuuic. Tij cent^. Our Little Ox| recieved, ntid in proved with eacl trxhice it into will never r'^fref le a family mm. ft Rl.incc lie tlionj theni. C.-.l: an office. Suliscriptid TnF. I"'itin.rit(j met in I-^^lioit .ij Aileniosia- J. We Brodie. C'lllinswi E. Korkn, ii. .\U R. Dmilop. J. L. A. McGirr, J. Melancthonâ€" H. er. bhelhtirneâ€" Protonâ€" J. M.Ar Meafordâ€" J. 15. I^ â€" J. H. r.nru' It. EsfMEBATOR-i 1 Ow-'h .Soul .1 â€" Cn i:.'iitn. D«\jii ha'u â€" William Turn r. Cornhus I â€" Ja'uoa Gillesjuo, Sr.llivaii J lin Mil D li. I.'.viii F K"|H'l â€" FrMiici^ Jr, TlioniH- r. â€" Robert I. Canipl Chaml'Cis. Tai.E is to buy giMi'is. W. the ul)us« J Solid chunks ot luir od upon liiin (l;iiH priced One-iJt Good nature-. I. hv It appears a ies dealiTi^ whu car his encrcy his li his sttMjlv at;'i pnC' dealing. Tiny kn the"lar;;i.-l hiiincss| and they are mad S"DIE\ Dk.ATH. last a faj-uier livirg Hepworfh, named drank a very lar;:e whisky at Plows the eflT-jct of cau Thursday moruiu;; held by Coroner medical examinatio that death was cauc Chalswoth, on the soning, and a verdi «bopping, prepairing rendered by the ju. machine, a limb fell I waH a man generalj nomas Shea, eon of I neighborhood, and ir of this place dieted to the use of f»n traded a horse Cochrane with E jm traded with F. Cochrane not liking â- 9?»letopB and reeover- ^The preaMit trial i. to The case was I 47a n«« tJ-I him down and Dr. McGregor are glad to say he is lojared, as was re- I round in a- few days. sas, i^Udsome 1 Swain's prire poem toatdeat to Sprmg. Blood '1ftt«rs u by all who hare i Poriflng Tonic and **• "iariwt. It cures i tha worst Serof ola to â- â- I^ bottto 10 eents, liaaadieiBa. ivartiauig was never t*n than in the fol- thvee or four I Fori advertised grain for gale |thi« paper, a copy of Kmog room of A member "â- utkied the ad feeuM waa,tha- iHieat were par- lltaiweek, for Fall The wheat variety and *^ »t $115 per -^jtOar^tiautliat sh f aijqina; a iv.. li .^ or twice a year he freely, and he has no to the fell dtstroyel wife and tC'U chilUrei: untimely end. Thb social at Tuesday evening cess. After a couple enjoyment, the Lad posed of in a muul highly of their goo programme was oj^co dale string Baud, wild piecAs during the performances, were highly appreciated, ladies aod geutlemeij gave many pieces, several of the Hawki its. Their sinsing small measure to tiiel evening, and hooe again to Markdale. given by Willie DavisJ •on, and J. W. H. MiJ an J a recitation by NS" The programme, on rendered m a very cr and did no discredit We hope to enjoy man| Tbe proceeds amount

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