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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 18 Mar 1881, p. 2

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 ^^^f'^^'^^mmm '^tii Dooa] roo JOfNG 'rx lfnt 1^ Nuperfi uier.: » p^t. CO Bircli ESI BE 5j -ooa. 5T )uits, lerclotl )H0EJ AP. "crs BRO^I py M] say, thaf Ic ol our Cd 'ueen enaW^ â- specially sin ricit a shaiec L;ction of OG ;s»i TOY :r(i ^^^^tj-cli '%8ftl, 1S81 SBAiiTinn. weatliflT. '»nner DeTev NOTICES. D0«" (joingfMt.. rBP*^' has xvas,St, r»tncka»|r..;^ snnifltbiDg "Dobbv" in for tho«« f*ritb res. rer .0.1 oil. CASTOBLNE o^^'.e Ur 9-tet. j^i Do not ddAy. do HJ^aVa's Pectoral Hal- f 1 fo see Wilcox's Btock of 'c.. Tlomas. aud other ,_,, great vancty. of purchasing a a few do* i,t,' uve H liUmber roui' of choice Bbnsox of the ' ' Ballast' ' Iws el lU8 mlTerttMOient tliut miv« wbuld ftiA we aU to re«6 ifc'^. '-• ,-â- â- â- â€¢ â-  â-  â-  ?*oi J. "• •" â-  â-  u .. '.^ T0BON«O 4Dtl fioBip»aj| 4^9 ^ojtf mauafActWNrn of •€a*toriM iaa«tMii« nl. is^ms^poMrts wii!b«pro«eeoted. langerou^ imreotio dng, bot is a pnirif vrt^ble iKHaiBg balMOa. It oare»by )aoa«. luii tut fUii^m 4hA «empt «MtM«r fcH (W ^*%», and CT B^ it tMat sialnL Orovp, At«biM, BwiMdritli, HouMttaM.aod •UPpMtoral diMMMjMlA.lril MMmtlr. 'AUdeiOenseUlt. '^-I^.T.^^' A«» your 4ealen for "CMtorine" xatfihiofi oQ, aad 8«e Out the barrri !• branded •'Cdatorioo." Mjyjae otlier is groaHi«. AVb want fW pobUe to tiiif[«rataad thnt^we do not talu noti«ft«f anony- mons conamiiniMttioaa, Mftaoiaiiy wbeQ t}iey are nut accompanied ]fy the name of the â- Â»Â«Â«*«:. f^ flari^ ||«tl^«ei lb. ,«ffs,Aa» dot. oifo tc 1 I 1.00 0.«S 0. will commence time, ^^a^b^« )/.Kl.NZI Uobs in » '=^°" ],e Lrs "lie shipment of raw ' ,n hand, and is now taking I) iliis section of country. 'C.ii*^oviuc" ilachiue Oil, for, • M- 'Mttfcluucry, it is a;so cs- ' ruiv, jrs JlD Mr. G. Wright haviiw made a for- tune.concludes to retire andgivc others a chance, and has given Mr G. J. Blyth iLstruction to sell biseotfrestoek of furnitnrt for what they will fetch. Sale to commence at 12 o'closkto day. The scison for sugar making is fast approaching, and promises to he iinrucss aud leatJitr, mHK- ^j^^ i^^^^ ^^ jj^ye had for many years aflr a»4 -♦.ojicr proof, t or ^.j^^^^ wanting sap bnokets cannot do Lv dealers. [better than call on Basket Bros, ani H*ti vrR â€" ^^'•V he said to the leave their order. They are remark- ably cheap this season. Manupactubebb of reapers, mowers and threshing machines, prefer '-Cas- torinc" machine oil to any other, it will out wear Jard, seal, or elephant, and is warranted not to pum. The Farm*r't kdvoceU, for March, tias been received.' This is Canada's best agricultural paper and should be in the hands of every farmer in the Dominion. Subscription; $1 per annum in advance; $1.25 if not so paid. Subscription taken at this office, " HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY."â€" Oar daily bread ia when (ained b; nonest toil HaKyard's Yellow Oil is au honest oil, and honottiv speaking; it cures mor« eases of Aches, PaiuD, Lameness, StiS Joints, Klesh Wounds. Bums, Scalds, Bruises, Uheu- matisin, Deafeness, Colds. Sore Ttiroat and Infliimmation, than any other remady offered for sale. No household should be without it. This is the way they do it up at Wiiirtoii :â€" And iKJw the boys and girls do glide Uiion the glassy ice, .\iid AH tliey cut a pigeon wing They siiy, •• Oh my how nice " Hut when thty strike a Ir.'jzen lump And light upou their nos^'S, Tluy hiuj,' a pi.uu to tlie stars, Ai;d t-iiffly mutter " Moses!" School Section No. 10 Township ofl'niioii. Honor R)ll. for mouth of Fct.ruuiy, .Murlis ..l.tiiiuuhlu 200. 3id, U .liert. Fiiiz r, 1H5; Josepiiiue 1'u:h.s.ii, 174; Fi- U k -lohiison, 158. .-.. .1 .•• 2inl (Jliis.^, Johnson, I'.yi (.'irr:L' J.iiiis ••, i87 Annie .Vic, (,. II. IH-j. .luiir r 2:hI (Jiasf, Ida ...I. ... 1H3 -J u .1 â-  .MiJlleton, loT l-i Jiii.-s. .\j^i • J iluistui, 180 i-.n .S,i-..iii, 170 Kaie McQuarsy, il'i' A Okasiam, Tttuchf-r. \\ J. McFiirliiid Las the 'txt'Crancc, an. I Hutciprise. ^I't'uaU. i iiim t j oITlt goo.Js, not cUtai tr, but superior, to auy in I asrket. ;yi11 soon be upon us, and â- .ill soon b. :,'m o])orationK. I vaiit of the lirtci^t improved ,ltn':il implements, should read .McCoy' advertisemcat in another |1IS3. iBi Potraifs of the late Hon. G. kwn, l"" '"â- "ved. Subscribers to 'ttklvGl.'I'o who get thuir mail ^jj;'iliirldalu P. O.. will call at -ji'i Je»;Ih-y btorL' for said J'rot- \caBiyt~ On Wednr;d,ay last a riaJ, Il'iiry Beckerof tliis place. the ?^nl" walk ami dislocated lihculii*' lr. l.anderkin attended lie riattcr and no douht it will be ..fltui a hiW days. â€" Harwvrfl'ont S.VanDv^kn. Will sell, by Pub- jiie/xti "II the 19th iiist, at Mc- KomIi" Oiindalk, a quantity lanast'ick, implements tc. JlU InmlM, c:isli, over that amount !) uili3 tf'ti! "» «sual terms ' ;ATl!^l^l-'ff' for siiiuu ti:i4i.' pist wilh I loij H«it"(. â- " » "â- -lilt of ou!i-.ti|intiiii the li"«i' l *â- â€¢' ' '"'""e.l ti try h nlock ' iSiUini. "iiiii p'liMtt v.-ry eniciwioiis. i„,j,,'ii.l' h.'i i ii!i- ill! I (••,iii'ti)ut.on. I looj'/i fi«..iiii:i. ' 1 -I :." i'll -iiniliirly ulHiL-t (.Vr Ki.Kcri.iv. 'I'll.. tl. IP "I |-.n|lir:: i;i ;• (ilvii. I'ti ill.- l.'itli iu-t j:. (itl. ;ii. II W't" 11 i!i.iii(.-~ f..r .-l.-.-l.. 1-. l':itr. rs .n. Car a .11 -iiniliirlv lilHiL- S K. ROtiKKS. lifV CuMIltV. Out. ii'iiiiin'it: ' thv mil. it Gt^e 7i*rlb Doelu, per j^ui j^U, pci jmu gj*.JJ, mi^ Hid«^ ... ..y. ""' wiBm M^Q^ ' lay Wool ...""..' Greaa App/w, rer. bnahd TaDwr DrrOMl'Wyi^d 0.06 " 0.10 " 0.80 " 07 " a.7$ " 5.00 • S.oo •♦ 7.00 «• 0.16 " O.*0 " ».!• •* 9M 7, 0.06 O.iS 0.3fi o.vt l.« 7.00 9.4o 9.00 OJe 060 O.IO om SI ,537,000 To lena thr-ugh the Flpsbertoc A'en«y t/t AJKD 7 KEB CENt- If yr.1T fea-M ara not niflleinitt II yo« want to ^mf man land? If yo« want to ciear and inproTc moi, Und » M. Vlll l»aY You to botiow of the NORTH OF SCOTLAND Cuadai iortgago CMf *Â¥ They diarRe no finM they do not aqoaUM y«r payments, nor charge yoa 12 per eent. on orer dm ptymenta bat tkey «* ^n the most rea»ousble pririleges oflSi-flo^. pany lending money. And their Costs are Low! Special riteK given to parties wanting speci. ally large loans, offering special security. I have also a FewThouaana Dollars of Private oneyl lo m vest on very reasonable term;, aiiU|it 7 p«r cent, interest. This is a rare ehaoee and the amount is limited. As many English and Scotch capitalists are withdrawing their capital from the mar- ket, I believe a change in the money market may soon be exprnted. Money haa reached rooV bottom. Kovir is the tlaie «o, ftorromr, and the place is The h'Uiherton Ileal Estate, .Loan and Iiuiirance Aijeiicy. INSURANCE It is of the gr«atestimi)ortance to InHurera that they select a Reliable and Safe Company, aud that they do their bniiiness through a reliable Agent. I am prepared to take applications for the Strongest, Safest and Best Companies in Canada, aud for a Stock Company, at rates as low as nny reliable Mutual. My Companies are the Lancashire and Citu'ns, (Stock.) The H'atefluu Countjj and Oore District (Mutual and Cash.) «*J W BP I P P 11 II I II iM rf n i k h iU7 • eM r *» • I. av any oik» ncath of ^oroxrto. delivered gtoxasiij ao. receipt of ordei», SAUSAGE 4 POULTRY always kept in Ibeir Sea^o. Special io4iQceia«nts tp large Porchasers 13'Caali paia fot'Fat Cat- tle a^d Shegp ' " â-  ' ' ' A«{atn thanking yoa ior past favors he tnuta by faithful atteutiou to your wants to merit a continnance of yoor siumort. W; B. SABJEANT. Uarlhlafe..£b|A. ITtk-iaso. ..â-  ^^, 1 John H. Heard, ifapttlactuTer aoii dealer in Gitter8,SI#s,Bnggles, "WAOGON8, CTJI/riVATORS, HOUH RA-KES, ROUGHS, HABROW AND A II kindscf jf arming Implements M a naf a e tary and Deioaitory, Durham aad Hill streets, FLESHERTON. To wt ParaoKSâ€" Wways ahead of anv i« my trade, and having the largest and moat con venieat Factory in this locality, I an prepared to sell Carriages aad Implement* of every descriptron in the best style of any in the market, and at prices as low as any oc- cordiag to the quality of the work. Having upwards of twenty years' experi- ence, I am confident that puroliasers will get the advantage in having tho very best made. Parties in want of a carriage or Implement will do well to give me a call, as there are none ia the market whi will oompaoe with them ia qn ality, style aud fiBi»h for the price. n.iy CONVEYANCING. Deeds, Wills, Le.isps, Mortgage?, Agree- ments, ttc, d'c, ou sh rt noticu, and work Corcetty and Neatly done. In this line my busiufss lias iiicnasid nnd is ircrensing, I «in U'lw do'uig the largest b'asiness in the Biding. Attuiuied ill either Town or Country, aud Billx supplied free of charge; sUo, nil ueci- Siiry lil.iiihsan.l Stamps. Tl,.- |-.l..-t..M TiK ,,Inv. '22nd TEI.K'iHAl'll. lias .sj.r.iiiii il \..H.f 1.1 il;-^t •A ).i I fcFaiJ:iii ' I'lcshtrlon .11 ii:i 1 I 1!. .1 tlli.V I'll Fii-sliiri-'ii â- â- ,' 'iilhii..,' o/T "psj'CS (Ji. :M..1 v h ,,[• i% l^oots tiad SV I ra..; an; 'i ^jii 1./;' .iiiii ,il-' Bif.'rf when thf- airs ji:-f r i-; 'lUK. â€" Ihl i'licsil 'Mr. .I./srih Yoiiii I'eiitinL'k, was t rv. .Mr. You:.:! a i UK •( i/nririi/t Agiiculturist lor March i' ur .tilile. Wo Itave ao often si« .^ci of this vahi:iMo farmer's ii^ily that it 1 aves us )i -thing uiiiie t say m it- favor. Tiie m- «hjii be takolfii-Tiiition give -1.- cs warranted not laira! trd to ^ir ' .n. N' B. v,.1. y last th.. liouso â- .l.stou. W. 1). •tally ill .tnyed by d his wife were cut at tiie time aud cvtrvthiii.T Ju I1..USP was lost. Tli:.s\vi;i bo a eat liiird.ship to Mr. V, i.n;,. who Ims ci'iitly coniincucid li^-tis- Lltj it ' ^ehad nolnsuranco. â€" Ihin'n; r i;.x;. G. .T, r.lyth hasrcccivcdiii-t'.iiciions om John Bigham, to s.U witlmnt Ifserve. on Iiis premises \\ ' l,.t 18, I'.nphra.-ia, on Tuns.iav riiarch 2nil in-t., all liis farm st'ck, nn- tin.iiN, hou.sehold fiiinitnre kc. ' 1(1 nii.Ur cash, ovi r that niiiotnit 12 kmitlis' credit hv furnishiii-j; good apcr. Map.â€" \V. .1. McFarland has seven trks. and twa AVar.hnu.'^oni.n. yet c-iny have to go away with'.ut being ^wted up.!), tlie rush of customers is great. Xo wonder his oinpctetors mvl and .say snino naaghty;thinKS, *iicntWy see tluir cnstoiupis driving P»st tlieit ilo r. Lot Ihera siueal. "real pnrc::i.siiig public fully re- cognizing tin lari that t/,n, .tare money m every lustiiii,-^. by dealing with Mc- FFarlaial. 0. itainod in the artics iuiiiei' â€" â- â€¢Hints for the month " Tn- trait (iarden;" The Kitchen anil inarkct Garden " «jl w^rth more tiian tiie jiricc of the Mugaziut. Take it ail togtther it is a peif- ct gem m its Way. Subscription $1.50 per annnm. Pwulishod bv tho Orange Judd Co., 721 Broadway, N. Y. M;iNY m»Sb renurkablo cures ol Di tf^i.^i- havo been performed liy HMgynnl's YellowOil the et-ililiCfili'S 'if »hx-h thi- proprietors will cluor.ully; il is ihomofci potent rem- iily known lor all vurioties of Intlanuniitury action â€" taken intem.iny and oxtenially appli- i.l, i; cures Croup, llheumatiMu, C\»kis, Sore TSiroiit, and ii. a perfect panacea for all miu- ner of pain, lameness and flehh wounus. Honor Roll of School Section Number Seven, Glenelg, for the month of February. Fourth Class â€" ilaxiiimum number of marks, 500. Martha Anderson, 488; Neil Gamp- bell, 398 Thomas Anderson, 361 Sarah Beaton, 860. Third Classâ€" Mixiuinum No. of marks, 500 George ArrowsKjith, 427 Albert Arrow- smith, 40C David Arrowsniitli, 404 Alexander Anderson, 838. Second Class â€" Masiumum No. of Marks, 400 â€" .Janet Beaton, 311 Deviua Ander- son, 305 Angus McTaggart, 304 Alexander Campbell, 170; FirstClass, Norman Campbell, 170 M. J. Cun- ningham. Teacher. lal, Try Value. r our ^i suits SO' GOOl em oot' olcs, Cord* Pahtiks having puie seed grain for s»Ie, wculd do Will to lei it be known throii;:!. the St.vnj.ako. It will only I cost oOc torVue iii»;rtioii in the local Icohnus, tthtte tv*y reader will see U. lliivt.- arc in/uv inquuing for ?eeil, and tlurc also some anxious to hud a m.-i.-riat for the same |«iir pian of liuding each other. TiiKUK Will b9 four division courts Iq Dufl'erin, The first division will Wc Orangoville for iu head, andwiil connrise Orangeville, Euht Gavafraxa, iMidilic township of Aiuarauib as far I Dofiii as the southerly bon-.-larv of lot 28miach concession, ' second liiTiMun will comprise the village of Shelbunie, and that portion of Amar- l»nth;it. included in the first division' »iji^liO t.iwnship ot Melancthon. The „••(/. iiiv;si .,1 will comprise Mulniur, *« the loiii;.! the township of Mono. rnwj,i-ilt, \iirertixfr. â-  H.'« l!;i:: Sara Utrubardt, Pa, Tkit 5h«'.« ,.f n shade?" â- â- "'1.' ju-t al.o;it as thin, mv child, -«p.tini- 1, Ul..Iladr.â- â-  ^«lf .Sar.i «\mid iiiilv fake Burdrck Bool «'lers s!i, cmUl ii,l,l to her flesh and bei-.uty "â- ^luat.ii^illy. Tlie~e popular bitters are no i»Oi-T ariiik .l.iit a pure uud jowerlul tonic ';i»t acu ii|,„ti th. Stomach Liver. Skin, a u â- "'»- 1 â- "".» '"g the l.lood aud re;;n -t np ine»i-ii;n..i,,. wiiil^it re:it v.s exha'l "•?- S.i t timonial in nuother c- U...11 A l)i,\nTRofs fire occuieil in Be i-- ' »ille o;i the morning of the 11th i.s ,. *liicii iutroye(i the (.lustoms' :,' f Ireland lievi .uk- .ffi. e. lie rt 1 Wd rlul, ,-,.,,ui ef N... 1 C •.. .-. 15th Bat"., and -ev.;«i. bni' :. Tlic Custiaii' uflicinta s;.. ' -.el papers and books and the Lclr- «^i 7^^" Imp.u.i:». â€" On Thursday last a strong and hearty young man, about 17 years of age, named Murdock, second eldest eon of John McLeod, Nichcl.near Flora, was engaged in hauling manure on his father's farm. The sleigh had no sides on, and the load was built narrow and steep. His father cautioned him to take a hmg turn as one of the team was a colt. The young man was endeavoring to follow his advice, wnen one of the runners of the sleigh raised up by com- ing in contact with the manure heap, tho young man who was standing upon the load, losing his equilibrium, jumped to save himself. He had not noticed that the manure fork slipped off the load, and was staudiup prongs I upward. Instead of aUghting upon the ground he impaled himself upon the f.^rk, where he reiuaiued balanced for a few seconds, aud tiieu fell over. A younger brother, in response to his cries for assistance, endeavored to pall the weapon fnm his quivering flesh, lnt could not. He made a second attempt, the father ruiriing towards him aiid giviuif directions to pull strais-ht,. aud was successfuh Dr. Sjiviige is in att-'iiilanci' The tines of t rk .•nt»redttie back thigh, taking â-  ,i|.w-ir.i .iir'Oti'.u fowaril the body, ..â- .â- \\iVii fou' distinct w..unds, varying hi f|iui seven to eight inches. LANDS FOR SALE AND TO RENT. To any having lands to dispose of I offer a splendi'd.cliancc to^ It don't you a cent i.W laiia is sold, andyou cau vriilidraw at ;; ly time. f also realize better prie.'s tli.'.n '.c I'ropriotors them- selves. Correspou teiiM .sclieiteJ. Ill e-eiy departinoi.t of iiy business I make cart.iiiine$s,.«.'urrei'^ness, and tair Ie:iliu;^r t! â-  pr- in'ueut f- atures,aul clia:i;e n;- 1 • • as a::y m. '.)le man. BOBT. DAVIS, Cttnrft/anrer, I'oHimissioner in li. 'i., and (irueral A'jent, Flesherton. Feb. 9: 1881' 23-t( China TEA Store Generr.l dealer in GROCEniES PROVISIONS, Next to Haskett's Hardwuie Store. Keeps constantly on hand everyth'ng usual to such an pstablishroeut. He wou'd dTi-7 special attention to his Teas, Tobaccos Sugars, Which for quality and Lowness of Price CANNOT BE SURPASSED. S lS**i^i "SitoSt. f _â- * M^Aki V. ' jyST ARRIVED A FULI- SUPPt/Y OF BOWS 8S01SS^ Tiv biW fisnair -^Mx i.-t .s; ms i SFECm, Sk 1 JLOdsi ^.w.::. .li" As we are dokig a CASH BUSINESS, ire i^H ntS be' Un4er^Id by any other house in town. drirtms iii tow Jw t( t^-mxj Rl CNT P I vvOrf o TAB, emal 1b9lttaamf " PMkioB. •MCMcre. ' 0«t y«ir IMi^y** mpttgrnttbrnm U ma ia IfMUate. IM. 1«. 11 ^e.iVAi 4 ou jua.ih«pvwt:i luiar.tiMibe^; pruur, •took et Draft aud B^tUed Ale iM OH* eetr iri A. o +» V'\^ :.-«TI :: Bi J BOOTS SHOES A SPECIALTY 'B on't M .t! BETNOLDS SON. Markdale, Dec. 31, 1880. • "' " 'â- " ' c READ EVERY WORD. H (D l •rl oa 1 m o '-â- rth z o W a- Weaving^- iWeaving. â€" o- "^m Any persnt liaving work to de in the above line, oan get it DONE WITHOUT DELAY, ,v,; CiHtK^^.'T' it 8BEDS f SEEDS Just arrived at the BELFAST HOUSE." Also a fresh stock of Groceies, Provisions, CANNED FRUIT, :OI SCTJIT MID-WINTER SALE, .. ,;,.;;',...;. NJ\Y GOlNtt ON AT W.J.IVIcFARLAND'S EVERY PIECE OP WINTER GOODS ^vlla-rlred. -A-Txra,3r IDoT^rra.- BIG DRIVES! Flesherton Woolen Factory, Having nearlv aU orders completed at prefent on hand, as is usual at this seaion of tke year, Umm favoring us with work, may rely vy)ou having it promptly attended to EVERY BRANGHlirTHE BUSINESS Will bo carried on throHGhont the wiler. ' -;,.::••â- ",. N. Flesherton, Doeamber 16, I880 CAMPBELL, u 10 yards 'lUoi J i* i 'ii-^ f ^^.'i^ 10 yards Fancy Flannel for S'i.50 Men's Fine White Sh""" 50 cents Fiie Wool Clouds C-'m;, uxtial price 90 oents. ;0 pairs Ladies Corsets lUc, repnced to "itfr. 3oo yards All Wool Tweed* worth 85c, down t«»67i cmts Ladies' Fine Cloth Mantles $1.7i;, worth t3 Extra Fine Mink Muffs 4, usual orice 6 10 vardf heavy Clack fiUstre for f l.SO 10 yards heavy Grev Flannel $3 lOjards Uact Velv'etecn for ?4 I 20 yarks Liueu Tiiwellinu for ft 12 yards heavy Wiuccv for f 1 C Joreil Viheteeaj for half price. 60 Lcath.r r.Jt.:, J, I cents s â€" ASD- CONFECTIONERY, Any amount of Cumheilaud cut Sid.e X^crls:. FOR bALE. ALSO. MALT AND "rye WHISKEY. THE BEST IN TOWN. BRANDY. CIDEE, ALE, PORTER. TEAS and SUGARS. CHEAP. WILSON BENSON. Markdale, Jfareh 17 1881. 5-ly As puffing is no part of my desire, I merely ask intending purchasers to give me a call aud be convinced that I MEAN BUSINESS, AND WILL Sell Lower than the Lowest, as I hav« purchased for cash, and have had a good discount allowed, I am in a position to let mv customers have the benefit of my investments. t^ltemember the place, next to Haskett Bros. \Ia.kdale, Oat. 7, 1880. A-tf H. MEGGITT, â- venve documents are supposed toj***** S^fe, they being i» th* vault. No..-; '***' f Be' 1 1 Comp'Sny^^-ewrrthing, and the others suffered morfi rr less. Th oriinn pf the fire is not itosiiively knc rv, i.ur irties mdehtea tc t^e onder«i«ned I I :her by not« or book account wiU eaJl t: hip and settle without further aotioe, 1 h;ive not ;-jne to visit y^n aU at yoar ries, and it is toa expensTre to send OO* • oiMeotor, 1 hope the abore notice vilf fel^Mf- JOHK lf(»IE. N. B. â€" Warning is lierebjr given, that re- ceipts are of no value ttaleas c^lgned W my- felf I'ersonally. .17. iMa i« supposed to liaye ongiuated in aj._ M*^^^*^- south office at the few part of i^ I x#ii~WMHK 4««i« â- Â«Â«Â« leQoud floor, •• .^^ -^ ^nmftt^ftm nnmfm i9Mx I4-tf Fasbionabre Tailor, FLESHERTON. Is prepared to fill all orders promptly. Cutting done ithile customers etre vtaiting. k 600J Fifjurafltttd. The Latest Fastiion Plates always on hand to choose from. IS'Bemember the place opposite Kiohard- son'i store. Flesherton, March 9th, 1881. M-mS • â-  â-  -• I *-' ' GRANT CHELLEW, T\i ATI ii:r^v LE Cabinet Makers, â€" AKD VPHOLSTEKEBS a full stock of aLw^ais oiv hand. FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER LUMBEK WaNTKD. GRANT CHELLEW. Markdale, Dec. 23, 1880. 1-ly FEATHERS, FLOWERS, HATS, BONNETS. WOLLEN HOODS, SHAWLS AND MANTLES. A Special Discount of 20 per cent, on all purchases ex- ceeding $1, will be given. CO Men's Felt Huts at GS cents eadj, 19 yards of Brocade Dress Goods, 93.00, 1 1 ail Cent's Kid Mitts. 1 pair ol Braces, and 1 Tie, all for ONE DOLLAIl. Lailies' Kid Mitts, (lined) 60 cents. And hun.lreilB of other articles EQUALLY CHEAP. EVERY ONi: IN WANT Ol!' DRY GOODS At and Beli^w /. Wholesale Prices, W. J. Mc- RLAND, A\ lioleisale Sind Retail. Markdale, Feb. 15, 188L My THE BUSH. THE BUSH. TUi'uo "Women n-ltei* a. IIozen Hex-ring's. SPrJKO HAS MADE ITS APPEARANCE, AND BUTTER RAE lu order to make room for their Spring Stock, offer all their WINTER GOODS AT COST! NOW IS YOUR TIMF. TO GET BARGAINS Drawers, Overcoats, Flannels, dc. MEAN BUSINESS. .SI In Dress Ooods, Clouds, Shawls, Man's Caps, Shirts, IS- DON'T PASS THE PLACe'ITwE THOS. MATHEWS, XXriSHES to tender uMd ia amntctMJO venh Bordoclt Bktod Bitiers for curir; lUo«««. Ali«x.-i««, Fevers. Sotm, t. S«4.ii A, PrK» -re. ToaoKTai ACQODjCHANCE AOOCH) hhkSXBtaJE. WAKTKH, (o iiin lac a year, me mt ttie liiop aad to his numerous onsti'mers his sincere thanks for their very liberal patronage during the 15 years he haa been in the Haineas Business in Mark- dale, an would, respectfully solicit a continu ance of the' same, feeing eonfiident 'that he can g»»« .gafir* Satitfaetion. Evorything osoally ke]it in a FIBST-CL A S8 HIRNESS ESTADLISHMERT, always on band, and aold a. moderate rates. e^None bat good workaaan employed and the best of materials used. Markdale, Nav, 18, 188o- lo In Tweeds, all patterns. Cottonades, Ducks, Shirtings, Ginghams, Denims, White and Giey Cottons, Dress (joods. Prints, Hollands, TowellinRs, Collars, Ties, Braces, Colored aud DreKs Shirts, and all small ware usually kept. Hate m Felt and ]• ur â€" all iriees. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. IS* Don't forget that COOPEP. SMITH'SBOOTS are tlu only BooU worth buying, and we are the ONLY SHOP in Town hat keep them. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE IN ALLL STYSES. N. B. â€" 'We trust teat all uust-miers wiH remember that we MUST have money- If acr counts arc not paid by the IStll inst., the Bailiff will deal with them after that date. BUTTER K.AI1:. Markdale, March 3, 1831. 1 STOP. MARK. LEARN! And thea yon will know where to e.o to pet tlie best valiu- fc-r yoiu- Mom y, at R. J. SPROULE S GREAT ANNUAL CLEARIG SALE, AT ruE IN ABTEMESIA. FIFTY acres of land, Iibt 35, south of l;arbsm Boad, 18 acres ot cleared land with log house, and well fenced. Inquke ol Bobert Oliver, opiiosite the lot, or JOHN KAT, BantiMclt. Durhsm T. O Jan. laih, 1881. M-f Public Sf otice. NOTICE is litr*lgr '^n »•»* «»• â- * road open through lots 99, 100. and 101, on the 8rd o»noesBion W. T. 4 B, B., ia (be toMdkip of Otenelg, is no* rop«ty •«• lnMii'**^ The owywO»D oTttirtamMUp of OlM- •IgnotlMTiBK M7 title to th* MMd tfaM««k said lots, «ffl w* be rsipswsa i i s»pyg- ii ii wii â-  â- iW l i Mr i '"' " li Mitu i 1 fBWMb:^afai«Mlf,^et.U.ilte. ML â-  Mi A v« MMol iUf J. MONTGOMERY, B I^ £: R, THE Subsciber, in retnmlng thanks to the inhabitants of Markdale and sor- ronnding ooontry for their patronage during the eight years, bejjs to intimate to them he is how prepared to supply the Public with FRUIT, POUND (ft PLUM CAKES. either plain, or Iced and Ornamented, anda large Variety of Other Cakes. always on hand. Also. B I S O "CT I T 1 of every deseription. from the best mann- taetiuers in Ontario. Also, a large and varied ssaortment of t}e eHOtCEST C OtifE C T I0NEIIV i BRIDES' CAKES! saimUad on the shortest noiiee, snd got np in the best style that is done this side of ToronlD. OfPECSlR PAJKFIi:S supplied on the shortest notiee and cA ^w »eMTCaie«aU* tarais. JOHN IfOWTeOMBBT. Ilartdrie,]tor.l8,*t;i980. 1*^ FLESHERTON POST OFFICE STORE, in order to make room for heavy Spring Imp'rlation.s U'lw arriving d.itlv. I hive deeded iclucing my present large iud woU selected and a-»orleil^ of GENERAL DRY GOODS, FURS, MILLINERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, ' -.. Hats, Caps and Groceries to THE LOWEST POINT POSSIBLcI.^^^ and in order to J6 s ), WiU Sell at and Under COST. FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. The stock i- all now, TVCll bou;;ht, an.l â- .irtii ihc -.i ' bu/,: In «KO«KRIE»yoii will timl evrything ofl'lrst-* l:i»»« :tln4 AS I do not 1 ur.-uc the course of Fotnc of our \Mij.i\ Morcbants of our MrighUirinR Vil- Ltges, of sending out numerous samples of cheap tni-*h (with uuscriipo;oj-,it-commtndu- tions) outside our natural busineirs relations, in order to i.upres.-i tin- pu..!,.- t,iat ihuv u.-.; not properly treated by their more hunorxble diiUrrs. nn-1 draw ciisi-;«ui iio.n ilic iijiujv You tt^il find everything that 1 M-njuHtas I iTprr««'nl it, »ii as yd v^u.;- as you can possibly get for yourmouty iliyVk'.llcrCf us 1 b^.i- ...way.. i. i ;•.«. b iioial.i.; deaUnir is the oulv true course for a business m 111. My Groceries arc all bought f .r stnc-tly m-lt caUi, o.-!-,i.i' qu. u".v 1 rail i.ii I tfill .-.til at The Lowest Possible Prices! For CASH andFABM PRODUCE BUT ivoT Koit c^i?i:lit. KOIt â€" o- vti k»» ;.w .i«^***«» --.Kxrg ..... 9td V .:, ' w _J.*.\fij •#1 .4,.^ â- â-  1 aws •*. Haa'ness Shop ",.â- â- . THB Subscriber begF to inform Um public that he has constanUy on hand a large assortment of GARRIGE, BUGGY AND TEAM lIAItlfESS. Hade in good style and of tho THE BEST OF MATERIAL, And as be meaiM busiiisw give him an early call, a»be will sell at the lowast living prices, for cash. A good â- niply ol tiwtijm OD haalk" ""' «* -: Scddi6ftliartlSpMliHy, Aim s 0Doa M tfcs atMiA th* ItMt 0«« is vtntad. .• GORDON. b^ r.L 8.1:. natluntotKl^fidL tan. '..^i^at%s4t inptm vu â- H Wtot O li lm Uaw^ Ink! I have also in stock and for sale, a lar^e qiianlity of PURE SEED GRAIN' Such as White Bussian, Glasgow, Red Chaff, and otLir varietiPH (if Sprlii,: wheat. Also Pure Clean Pea-s, Oats and Barley. Prime Timothy clover S. od; al-u. Frc^li Oxrden Seeds, and as it pays each and tvcry Farmer to w.-w cUau !r.c-d. you will mak nioii'-y by paying a few cents extra, and ptu-chasing a pood article. I »m now gelling large qnautlcs of-V' ..'â- '" ;â-  COARSE LAND SALT, FOR. IMAIVITIIE 'Whieh will pay every Farmer Fir* ItoUcrifpr every one idvitted in it, and as I am.anxiu«a that every Farmer in this lo.'ality and neighboring Townships shall try- it, have decided in selling in five aud ten barrel kt« at the l,owe»t Caull Price laid dov.n by the car direct from the Manufacturers, and boughtfor uett ca-.h at Bottom Pi icis. o â-  /.'i -i.^^ .â-  1 would also intimate that my .â- ..:..*' SPRING IMPORTATIONS! ARE AKBl'VTNG DAILT, " And I will have opened out and show -.â- /-:... On The 1st of April, Dm a the Zjarfeflt and Best Assorted Stocks ever broogfat into this pert of tUo eaaairj. ThaaUnc one and all for liberal patronage in the past, and solicit in; an impt-ctlon bofo:* eliit where, laai.^yotir obolieot 8or ant, R f. SPBOUXB; ^^ vai Wcs1icrto«, Marc^ lo. iJ'Si '1m .-•.i.e-rf-t'i Mil ,-*niM^'.vii, iliji ;r (siiT â-  'Â¥â-  '-If »i'»f .; J»-'y4i,.' V to.- ..â- i-mM;i;m .-â- Ji% ^WKvfa yf^A. -r ,ti;« W la^tn^tf -:..^â- i•â- â-  LUMBER AND. SAWING. ^o- TTic subscriber begs to intimate that he has his Saw Mill at Little Falls On Lot 143 in 3rd Bange N. E., Toronto and SydonIi:im lload, Aiteineeia, iu full opera- tion, aud is iin-par.Hl to furnisli LUMBER, LATHS JTC^, ETC., TO ORDER. CUSTOM "SAWI.NG- I'ROMi^Ti "vr ro'ii:. By the thousand or on Shares. Partitas delivering Loj;s can bare their luifibcr for retnm loads. The sawyer at the Mill can arrange for sawin}?. ALL KINDS OF SAW LOGS PURCHASED. Wm. HOCC. P. S.â€" Wood turner tvanted to make l)roon).liauilles ou a sau^-o l^the, .steady jo'j if work satisfactory. " i-" ' " Flesherton SUtion, Kov. 25, 1880. • .. v .j.j, i. '-I I. J li- »fi ,(t"

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