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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Mar 1881, p. 2

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 RICES at the say, that it f oi our Cooa been enaW specially since.' icit a share of 1 ^srmMD. ^arch 4tli, 1881. NOTICES. "' groceries are now being off- '" ?5 Beyno"" 4 Son'.. oil company, are sole "f'Jf iJieuts wiU be prosecuted. Tailor, lias returned r ^**randi^uow prepared to [Tf^roDW. »° .^ line in the lateat waul ofspace. Mr. Chamber-, r V r, Li several other ""aowSont. Wm appear veek. i.^,« who sit down in the "Se street Bhouldn't *rar " • â€" the SI ^cJotbes • ^^^j^ suggestion weather is A. W. Eatok ' oheap. 8«« tffr. "-Fob No. 1 coal ^: aM^lftber Bsehkifl odtj* Broa, Oreat oreiKt aalftat llanfanU'vii^ Karch l«th. J. W, lfefi5,w nWdi Um JUaBUBcr. 5r«w win alwi^ ,^ ?^X** •itoiaitftit ceaa. our new dasrt»^ is rei cheap. oldat bly oar good pnng ' Luv ,pai '1""^. and Hirediioy maabiaas, pnfcr MJaa- tome" macliina od to mj other, it wiff out wear lara. seal, or elephant, and u warranted nafrtogms. the Ioboi^ UalUr fa eoMloit)* fidUoe upon the hmga, fbhaonwr OaSSMttaBfa certaia to follow. KnwU awrUdMMMKMs the Bronchial pipe* bjr HagT«*4'a MrttS Balaam, Oie great tfaT(Mt^7« Iâ€" uâ€" iâ€" Sou by aU daatart at M. m^Trm- *^ LOOK BBF0Tlp*T'WP0P, That ia examiiM M^ J. iMfeiUiuV, DU ^vala of Bprini^ pMkta,'faiMk cKshmeres and lustres. J. W. MoBBOw is big em auction sales. He " boewe " one on the farm of Mr. George Achoaon, Township of Prctou. oa Monday, Mlareh 14 th. Th» more you Imow aboot W.J. McFarlaad' Teaa tte-ji»oj:« you like them. Ho sold 574 poomla last wr^k, no wonder he eaa-iaanvt direct from the place of growth. ' • â-  R. J. McCoT. Markdale, Lieenscd Auctioneer, for thTBeomjty. cles at- tended iu all parts of the county. The only Licensed Auctioneerin Markdale for 1881. BuTTKB Ras sa^ there ia a great rush at their rtopo; that three women were after a poaud of Birrriut â€"no, a dozen herring. Read their advertise- ment, then call on them and see for youiSi.l?cs. Mbs.-rr. McKeuua Maaou havinif entered into partnership, announce that they are prepared to lurn out anytliicg in their line from a wheel Imrrow to a first-clnss carnage. Th£ sevHOD for augur making is last approiichirig, and promises to be l""r the be.-t wo have bad for many years. I Those wuijtinp sap buckets cannot do better than call on Hasket liros, and leave their order. Thoy are remark- ably cheap this season. Orn P. M. friends iuteii 1 holding; a tra meeting in tlse school ijouse known as tiic 7" school house, about four miles up iue yravol, on Friday e,^en- in next, a gooJ programm* has been rtiraged admission 25c. tea at 7 p. m a good time is expected. Sad. â€" Ah accidcu: happened on the 18tli n!t., to Wm. D.ris a youny iifju 25 ye^irs of aae, which icoulted in his death eij^lit c'ays after, Drs. CitriFtoe, Carter and McGrogir attended him. His friends wish us to say that he received the kindest attention by the people where the accii'uut liappuud (Robt. Thompson's, Lot 140, 2uacon., west T. it S. road, Artemesia, and al:io irom Dr. Christoe. Thii i» „ of all dP^pPtioD" "'"in" 'itmorclerto:^rooâ„¢foj- stock, lioynolds Son. vour ikalers for "Caatorine" ine oil, and see that the barrel oded 'Cistoriue," as none other »Iilt« rats may be seen in a i^ M»-ow'» Hotel. Chatsworth. _aVO bo:irel of six whH* aiwp, but fuotsee" white rats befor*. .KjiBEB the social at the house of td"e, Sr We-luesilay evening "rliiil invitation is extended V. J. W. and Mrs. Kavafe ip€i-te«' uox the jeweller is the only one i„»lio k.n-i.s Lazarus Morris' t'libest iu tlif worhl. Call j»jair. \. set some cheap jewolry piUdlars \,„K, uihhI folks, if yuu naut it from those who live money here, and IvaW '1'" l'"»'"«^" reputation ..(^s.fofiiK'" M^ii ::-i." 'il, for /â-  iu:ifl-.iln ry. .t ;- a'SoiX- L[|„rbrii aii't Ifarii'-r. mak r„[.r.iiiil w".itli«r pitio ^v dtr»lers. pcaiilji'irc.l ill five minutes liy CDtn- t Ihit" aril's I'eit ini. lnl-rni ami ly,;. liirifil, Yt llciR ().\is 111 it-»lf (I i-ai .iitri 11 illy aiiii njn 1 i'll ' 'alwm ill y 1: -tr«-iiKtIiiii till !i.i .;- tlie vn-- â-  :iy he nsoil witli j-ivat siu-r ». iiiiitihliss nmeilitti slii...,l V)e iouKt' To be olt.iiiK-l of all imBwl"""' i\MH!i!riiii the " Mail" of Wed; y.tuSLlV.l- Myles, iSefvo of En- kia, lifs \n.(i uiiscntt.i on th"' lid iif iiiruflit:!' ncy of property. â€" rciiftjdii is ordered. ith::ikin:. procjiessive, ecouomi ucr.-, ii:nliaiiics, yi nnp nicii. Den. iov ami youths from the soulii. %i-«t aid west, lliiils, shirU, tits and cloUiiug, at Irlaml's. They do it to save iv. Jiers wliii arc Htartliil at tlio hour of llitl.v lliil oniiiious llo.^r~^ emij-li of |Ilf HH-. wlmt wimlil yim not );ivi ;. tu tnii'i riTtaiii nii'iiii" ol ri li. f from llmt i-lii.\ir of von" fliililnii, 'tiii|i? |m..ii.'^vou hiii\ hnM (i.rliii- triftne iavii'i'l'le remedy, llagyard'g YeUow Oil, an â- iit». It is nV-vHiils ViJlow Oil. I extfTua\ anil internal ineJioiQe whose appli- llonsilioM riniiii.v fur all Vaa^ j^uxcikU "/iwtB.m ^Me to •!.••, Ipiac vhaet »«, *^*^^* Â¥IM to mM WU loe; tallow «r .. /^ ';»-i»f FLESflEBTblff f-f ' (CoirttUd tcetU^ for the Standaril bf IL J. Sprouit, FUtlurton.) Xanskax. Manh 4th I88i. BpncWhMtptahoaliv l.«0 to Vail I do. 'do. do.' 0.06 Barley .â- . Oj60 Oata c- w,. 0.06 P«a» 0.60 Potatoea 0.M Botter, perlb ©.if Egga. per doa. 0.14 Poik.drewed 7.00 Bea' 400 Slteepduiu 0.60 H»de» 5.00 Hay 6J00 Timothy seed SUM) Wool 0.25 JUard 0.10 Tallow 0.05 J4a: OST a78 0.80 0.60 OM 0.19 0.15 0.00 iMi l.» 7.00 9.00 S.40 0.30 o.ia 0.07 Seed G rain f or Sale. T the WaU kaoim Seed Farm, hereafter X\. to be kaoM-n as the ifoant Itoi/al farm JfU 117 and 118, and Con., North Eaat of Toronto and Sydenham Road, in the Town- ship of Artemegia, and County of Grey, three miles froia Markdale, the following varieties of SetdOi-ain for sale, viz i^-HTIilte Bussiau Spring W1icMt,andBiark Tartar Oata; other varieties sold out. The BUck Tartar Oats have yielded, on an average, fiom 60 to 70 bosheis per acre, the past two years, ob my furm. All Seed Grain sold by me guaranteed pore, and free from utiier seeds and weeds, such as Wild Uats, MusUrd, Ked Boot, Thistles, Cackle, Chess or any otlier pest. JOHN FORD, Mount Royal Farm, Markdale P.O. Feb. 11, 1881. 23-3i Iiheiiinntin) in one of the most prevalent mill olistitiittc diseases iucideni to onr climate, liut it lmbcen disarmed of its terrors bvthat avV ^liiifiil dis»a'-i'». Do not rest bt npiiii without it. I r '.flay 1 pi onl to skate?" luy iliitliua .liiha. In t von trv tlio tiu'uro 8, ft will .siinly ' Vi'ii luak" t.'i • \him your s{im,i» l)V, vill stc a fdiil di rul; •I yon •.' i^l.ti/niiii; wliirl » ninsclf, -h ijirl II" on li.'i- l..i~: Kx men U'ft Maikd.iU' mi Mon- lliil TiiesJay la:, fur tin- othiT J Mo of flii'marc wiMiil \ir.t_-ln'j-s, lill tiicre's more to follow. AVu Jttini; well stockwil with What will they do now hav- tj SL-olil. IDKN Death. â€" In .\rtcmosiii, |6 miles east of Flc-lnTton, on ly tlie 27th ult., Mr. Moore, rofClias. Mooro. Esq, Shi riff I comity, Hgod 7(5 years. D enth I b., .Vi'poplcxy. rii..cprt on Monday last, was I «ell atti nded as it mjoht Ii.ivc. bads wi' pnsumc ha;l .sonKliiii)j it as tlicy wiTt; not in tio iiest [iditiou. 'iim cro.vik'd state of plarans a\ii\ want of tinio will iniiit us tc say. that the pro- pewisii^T,,,^! ,,„(.^ „„,] j],g ppj. RcqiuttiMl tlifin».clves with ^Nfliave not heard what the lis were. rif'iN «j)i;n*;i.,| m-mrred a few dnvs hli' Miirkilul,. Skutiii^' liink. wliieh an," iiiiiMs paiii, jiistatthe qaiir- liis sf.liiii.-iry lul.-ts hiwl rendered '•^-inialli of with tiid 111; the strain, plitlie ai(rimitlr..s fi.rniiil the f;eu- ' nii.lir carments protriuhd. thereby •I'ali -lily uiiius)!,; nppinda;e. which 1111.1 iiiiil.l,.l\„;:r.„.,f„u,vraiio,i us the ll'.rloiiiii.l his hi-i. A -.iiic ivflu '1111, t llie yoii- ._â-  I.,. ,.- wl,., .-ripid fill' iiiirlli 111,1 ;„i-ht.T «liieh lie iii.i.,fiil evokni ,• ...;.„ue 1 'or some ""â-  y..iiiie |..„h ., 'i.. i-htfiil "-t tipped' tl:r t-alliiut a wink' and I fHortly afliTseeii eraeniiuj; from the j » raring his ulxter as it tliu i,.iu- tiid smldenlv fallen to zoio, iblii,d cannot projv^rly perform â-ºflioiis when loailcl with iin- Mi';--«'i»o,it is thick and slug- id evirv person neeJs at timet- "ugto cloanae and quicken the "frei.;. Dr J. C. Ayera C m- K^xiraL't of Sarsaparilia meets "' Perfectly, ami his dibcovery [tomiioniid ranks as important r\-iug t.iie blood in a liealty con- " ' 's that of Wm. Uirvey i i â- Â»S Its circulatory action. N ""s S' vitalizes, purifies and Sarsapa- and nerve (1' never disturbs the stomach, '^^sists ai.d promotes the 1 1 assimilation of all uu- I's. and increases their power to r= 'â- â- ' •"' ii»iize3, pui N the Lfcod as .\yer'8 \i' li a perfect blood a I; "'ii.^onrish the body. In '^^ llrtp blood it clears and iu^ellect, and thus gives I and body the power of "luied, arduous and successful •-ornimj, .Y. Y., Journal. T. Milijum 4 Co, Dear Sirs,â€" I ' 'roubleil with Dyspepsia for seven '" Hnd was so bad that I had P m the night and dsisolve soda ' tke It before I coold to sleep. rilock Blool Bitters advertiaod r ixjttle and took one teaspooatol ^« a day the first day, and it did not theu I took three tableapoonatal I a day for four days, and that pive 're.ief. I have taken one bottle and ured ol Dyspepsia or sour Stomach, I'mstunes called I waa also troubled ht attact of inflammation of ib» [^•Qd 1 think the Bai«eek Blow! Bit- 1 me of that. IfJ-eoaldBetMOther it would cure me o? that tai- "n my back, but cant ret it hff*. om for the benefit alraadf reaived. am, yoar*i Jwuxkix Toi.u0k cation is so varied and useful in all painful and iudaiiimatoiy diseases and wounds, as to render it a household necessity to all who Buffer from pain. « In another column will be found the advertisement of mouey to loan, of Mr. E. E. Knott, Euphrasia, at 6 per cent. yesMtly. This is, we^elreve, the the lowest I'at^yet offered, and he lias taken the trouble to sdud us a oir-. ctilar from headquarters to prove that he is authorized to do so. Mr. Knott has built up a very exleusivo business iu the money loauing, and real e^tatj line, and his name is kuowu as a very strai;ht forward business mac, and unusually energetic, backed op by a very high financial standing, himself, there is no question about his being in a position to relieve the borrowing I pnblic.and we would recommend them 1 tu give him a trial. I We understand that the ticket hold- ers of the Dundalk skating rink, were quite dissatisfied with the proprietor because he charged them the the same as others for admittance to the mas querade. We believe the general custom is for ticket holders to pav w)i«u th'^y Qo as spectators only. Now as the proprietor has been to considerable expense in building the riuk, thereby furnishing a place for healthful amussment, and has only given one masquerade this long winter, while his neighbors have given three or four each, we think the least the ticket holders and others in- terested can do, is to encourage the proprietor to give one more before the season closes, aud snpport him well if he consents. Wliat a nfciltitnde of martyrs suffer from Headache! either of the or bilious form The piiiicipal cause of the distress is disordered Stomach and Liver, for whieh Bur- doek Blood Bitter* is a positive specific. It eiues constipation of the Bowles, eliminates disease from the Kidneys, arouses the secre- I tiousto a healthy action purifies the blood, re- gulate.' the Ijiver. strengthens the debiUtated^ svstem. Simple Bottlea lo cts. Regular size I Sl-oo 1'at.vl Tekmin.ktiox of a Runaway. â€" Once more a sudden death hits to be re- corded, but this time it was caused by an accident liable to brl.iU even the stroiigett or most carefu.. The name of the victim is .John Pl: ritt, a young married man, 82 years of age, residing at No. 139 Queen street east, and at the time of his death a student in the Toronto School of Medicine. Twelve months ago he removed to this city from Eocklyn, near Meaford, where he occupied the posiuor. of postmaster for the paFt five years, and untiL re- cently he boarded on Shelbourne street but in January last removed to his last residence. Last night be had an appointment at the;Walk«r honse, and while crossing Queep street, opposite Osgoodo Hall, wa« ^nookod down by a ruunaway horse, and received tl)« injurei from which h« died. When picked up he was »tiH breathing hot quite unconscious, and was carried into «be Osgoode house, where the proprie- tor, Mr. Smith, did all in his power to bring him round. Drs McDonald and Wagner were soon in attendance, bat their service were of no avail, and in a few minatea the unfortunate man breathed his last He leaves a widow and two small children. Ceroner Rid- dle was doly notified, and although be cannot Uke the required oath, will bold aninqoeatat the tit. George iiotel, corner of Qoeen and George etreeta, to-morrow afternoon a^ three o'clock. An etMaination of the body ahowed the tep^of the skull t*.b« Iraatosed. and leads to tha sopgea fcw i «»* â- !« he was knockeddown tlu9*Mi*odli*^ ^a«» kieksd by On hone.â€" ISrit G-OLD GOLD $1,537,000 To lend through tlie Fleslierton Agency, at 6i AND 7 RER CENT per annum, sxaAiairr loams. If ynn are pa^inr^ 1 and 10 per eeiit. interest f 1a n need a bam 11 your fences are not snflicientf If you want to buy more land? If you want to clear and improve more land T It Vill 1*33^ 'YToix to borrow of the NORTH OF SCOTLAND Canadian Mortgage Comp'y They charge no fines they do not equalize your payments, nor charge you 12 per ceut. on over due payments but they do give the most reasrnable privileges uf any Com- pany U-iidinp money. And their Costs are Low^! Special riUex given to partie.-! wanting speci. ally large luauKiOfli'r Jig special security. I hive alsi a Few Thousajia Dollars of Private Money! To iuveiit ou very riasonable turm», aud|at 7 p«t ceut. interest. This is a rare chauce aud the amount is limited. As many English aud Scutch capitalists are withdrawing their ca|utal from the mar- ket, 1 beUeve a,, change iu the money market may .^oon be exp cted. Money has reached rock bottom. Now is the time to borroit't and the place is I'« t'ltsherton Heal Estate, Loan and Insurance Agency. Uivwed fnmt*^ w^aceipt ol orda^f. SAUSAGE tPOUL,TRY al#aT» kept fa their BeAson Special iaducements to 13* Shop en MiH treett, oppoeite the " Bevere Hotal.' KS'Oash paid for Fat Cat- tle and Sh^p i«ain thMdcfaifxMi far paat favon be tnuto by WttM atlealiga toyoor watita te Writ aeoBtiMaaaee •( y«w •spport. If. B. 8ARJBA5T. UarfaUe. Sept. 17th 1880. i John lUMeardy MMwlMtarcr sod 4Milnin Gutters, Sleigbs^Bngiies, WAGGONS. CULTIVATORS. HORSE RAKES. PLOUGHS, All kindsoj J arming Implements If a nnf a r tary and Depository, Dnrham and Hill strerts. FLESH ERTON. To HT Patbohs.â€" Always ahead of anv in my trade, and having the litrgent and most convenient Factory in this locality, 1 am pre}ared to sell Carriages and Implements of every descriptron in the best style ol any in the market, and at prices a« low as any oc- cord ag to the quality of the work. Having upwards of twenty years' experi- ence, I am confident that purcliascrs will get tlie advantage in having the very best made. Parties in want of a carritge or Implement will do well to give me a call, as there are none in the market which will compare with them in qu ality, style aud finish for the price. 11. ly OYSTERS, OYSTERS, JUST RECEIVER AT THi: (i BELFAST HOUSE. If INSURANCE! It is of the greatest importance to Insurers that they select a Reliable aud Safe Company, aud that they du their buiuness through a reliable Agent. I am prepared to take applications for the Strongest, Safest and Best Companies in Canada, and for a Stock Company, at rates as low as any reliable Mutual. My Companies are the Lancashire and Citizens, (Stock.) The Waterloo Omntu and dure District (Mutual and Caah.) CONVEYANCING. Deeds, Wills, Leases, Mortgages, Agree- ments. Ac, e.. ou sh.irt notice, and work Coreetiy and Neatly done. In this line my business has increased aud is ircreasing, I am now doing the largest, buainess iu the Biding. AXJCTIOIV WAL.ES Attended in either Town or Country, and Bills supplied free of charge slso, all neces- sary Blanks and Stamps. LANDS FOR SaITaND TO RENT. To any having lands to dispose ol I offer a spleadid ehaace to^dvertiso. It don't cost von a cent till your fai-m is sold, and you cau withdraw at any time. I also reahzo better prices than the Proprietors them- selves. Corresr^Ddenoe sohcited. In every department of my business I make carcftilBess, correctneaa, and lair dcaliny the prominent features,aui charge as low as any reUable man. ROBT. DAVIS, Conveyancer, Commisdoner in B. ^., and General Agent. Flesherton, Feb. 8. 1861' 92-tt China TEA Store R. ASKIIS General dealer in eROCERlES ft FROVISIOMS, Next to Haakett's Hardwan Stan. Keeps constantly on kand jnavyth'ag nmal to such aja establishment. Hajranid-drwir apecial attention to hia Tobaccos .Which for quality and Lown^aa of Price CANNOT B£_8URPA88ED. As puffing is bo part of my deaite, I â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ly ask inteodiag pureiiaafln to fi«« Ma • eall and be eraiTinoed that I MEAN BUSINESS. I haye fitted up a room over my Store w)icre I cau kupply o ' s$ rr E fe s -n* â€" â- .rer37- 3t37-le 1 3y the Plato or Can THAN ANY ONE iSkFISPL As we are dojijg CASH BUSINESS, we wiU cpt bei'^^^ » [-. r. any other house in townt"" ' " "" '" BOOTS SHOES A SPEClALTSr VI M r-J ?«*;â- ! Ioi3t*t Foi*firet tlie Place. â-  f'" â- Â«"*• •^,. J t' EEYNOIjDS SON. CHEAPER IN TOWN My Stock of- ::..., ProYisions andCroceries Togthei with Wines and Liquors, ARE VEBY CHEAP- AND GOOD. ANY AMOUNT of PORK FOR ALE. As I do no puffing o/ Mo-ving, 1 want the Public to give me a call awd be convinced what bargains I am giving, before you pur- chase elsewhere. WILSON BENSON. Markdale, Nov. 25 1880. 5-ly GRANT CHELLEW, MAR.KXA.LE, Cabinet Makers, â€" AND VPIiOLSTERERS a fall stock of ALWAYS 0!V HAND. FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER LUMBEli WANTED. GRANT CHELLEW- Markdale, Dec. 23, 18A0. 1-ly THOS. MATHEWS, "TTTISHES to Sell Lower than the Lywest, aa 1 havi mD«haa«d for«(»h, «n« *«5^1»^J» good dlaeoant aUo^rad, I am in a pea^os to M iKt nftoner* tat« ib« *â€" W «â-  â- ? c^^nwiBitar Ibe plaAe, iMort i* Bmmm l^UaivObt, 7, 1880. «ctt ._ tender to his numerous cnst'mers his sincere thanks for their rery liberal patronage during the IS years he has been in the Harness Business in Mark- df le. an would respectfully solicit a continn anee of the same, feeing oonfiident I^hat he can give Entire Sntitfaetiim. Everything asnally kept in a F1B8T*CLASS HARNESS ESTARLISHMENT, always on band, and sold a; moderate rates. erKona lmt'««d workman employed and the best of materiala uaed. Markdale, Mav, 18, 188o- lo IN ABTSMESIA. â-  l ifTy acres of Und, Lot 85, aewUi of Jj Darham Boad, 18 acres of cleared land wiQi kg hooae, and well fenced. Inquire of Bobert Oliver, q»po8lte the lot. or ^OHN KAT, Bwi^â€" ^. Vorkam P. iMi.Utk.188l. l»^ Markdale, Dec." 31, 1880. «;/ 'f\ â-  •9 Weaving. Weavinsi *4i :i!,o. Any pvaon having work to do In the above Una, can get it ' PONNS^WfTlfOUT DELAYS Flesherton Woolen l^SLcUxifi ..•i- .I-::;*'*;; Ha^tiig MMtiaO aiit^ injijieiua af pteunVon kand, as is Maal al IkM^ m«Mb af- (tlH year, thoaa tavormg us' with work, ^y rely upon having it promptly attended to BEAD EVERY WOEP. t-Tfi- GX^EAf Mid-'T^^ixaiter 3alel NOW GOING ON AT W.J.McFARLAND'S Every Piece of Winter Q-oods MARKED AWAY DOWN. BZa DHXVBS. EVERY BRANCH OF THE BUSINESS Will be carried uh throogbont the witer. Fl«»hettnn, December 15, 183o •'-â- 'â- â€¢-.-' CAMPBELL. LUMBER ANDc SAWING. The ^absoriber begs to intimate that he has his 10 yards Mio'c On'i a i-i f • /t^j) 11* yards Fancy Flanue! for .S2.S0 Men's Fine White Shirts iiOieuts Fiie Wool ClouiLi 6'c, usuj price 90 cents. 50 pairs Ladies Cori,i.t- TJc, reiniced to ' O' 3oo yards All Wool Twttd. worth h5c, down tor7.iC!ut8 Ladles' Fine Cloth ifantlos J1.7C, worth 53 I Extr« Fine Mink MnfFs S4, usual price 96 10 vanlf heavy Black Lustre fortl.cO I 10 yavds heavy Grey Ft unci t.S lUjards Mack Volveteen lor t4 I UO yarks Linen 'fowellinii for %\ 1 12 ybrds heavy Waicev for %\ [Colored Velveteen J, for half price. 50 LeaUur BtU.-. \) cents mm, m\% m\, bonnets, ^v o o L E :x II o o i s SHAWLSand MANTLES A Special Discount of 20 per cent, on all purchases ex- c*Gding §1 •will be given. 6o Men's Felt Hats at 65 cents each, I5)ards Brocaded Dress Goods for $2.00 I Pair GENT'S KID MITTS, i pair of Braces, and i Tie, --. •,•',• All, •"fiV" ONE DOLL.^R! â-  '**-'^?^^*^"N^fflTeVKid Mitts (lined) 60 cents. Aud biUKli-eas of other articfes EQUALLY CHEAP. EVEUY'ONj" in ^VANT OF DRY GOODS At and Below Wholesale Prices, SboulJ call sooii lit â- " ' W. J. McFARLAND, WlioletssiJe a,nl Keta.iI. Markdale, Ful). 15, 1881. My THE EUSH. THE EUSH. Saw Mill at Little Falls On Lot 143 in 3rd Bange N. K., Toronto and Sydeuliam H ad, Aitemesia, iu full opera- tion, and is to furnish LUMBER, LATHS ETG^ETC, TO ORDER. u ST o ]^r" s A wi:n a 1^R0M:I»TI Y I30IVE, By the thousand or on Shares. Pai-ties delivering l^tgs can have their lumber for return loads. Tlie saviyer at the Mill can arrange for sawing. ALL KINDS Ot- SA"W LOGS PURCHASED. ' Wm. HOGG; p. S. â€" Wood turAer wanted to make bioook bandies ou a gauge lathe, steady job if work satiifactory. '...•-'• • Flesherton Station, Kov. 25, 1880. "â- ' ' ' • 2-,*j R. J. SPROULE, Would take this opportunity of tcndcrinfj his sincere thank" for the very liberal patronaj^c which he has received in the past for, whilst it is the general cry on all sides of duh times, it has been taxing our utmost ability to keep pace with our rapid incrcnse in business, as I find, by reference to my Books, my cash sales and grain receipts, and business gene- rally have ALMOST DOUBLED THE PAST YEAR THAT OF THE PRECEDING OHf, In view of which I have now on hand for the Holiday Season THE LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF GENEEAL GEOCEEIBS, DRY GOODS, CLOTHINCJ, HOOTS Ar KIIOlvS. Tlirco ""\*oiiioii altei* a Dozen ITei'i'lng-s. Xablic Notice- NonOB b hmttj «•»« that tha Biw load oMsi through lota 99, 100. and Itl, « il»Ucmmmwa W. T. A 8. B.. to J.X n»iwhi trf ' â€" ' " " prtverly â- - toUiahod. Th*ac(poHaifM) of tha iMmahip of Olaa- t^ DOt havi^ aoy titU to the road tluroo^ MdlDti. «m MtbeMVOMiUaioctiiyao- eident OMtiBST lagpa aen^a aia road. t^H^aB^^a^. OH. It. mo. mi M-rf-^ *:n «.-H«e. :- SPPJNG HA3 MADE ITS APPEAR.\NCE, AND BUTTER RAE " In order to make rwm for their Spring Stock, offer all their WINTER GOODS AT COST! NOW IS YOUR TIMR TO GET BARGAINS Iu Dress Ooods, Clouds, Shawls, Men's Caps, Shirts, Urawers, Overcoats, Flannels, dc. t^ DON'T PASS THE PLAcflTwE MEAN BU8INEE..SI Crockery and AND Fancy Holiday Presents^ ALSO Iu Tweeds, all patterns. Cotionades, Ducks, Shirtings, Ginghams, Denims, White and Oiey Cottons, Dress Goods, Prints, Hollands, TowellinRs, Collars. Ties, Braces, Colored and DreKS Shirtti, aud all small ware usually kept. Hats in Felt aud I'urâ€" all prices. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. rS* Don't forget that COOPER SMITHS BOOTS are iJie only Boots â- worth buying, and we arc the ONLY SHOP in Town that keep them. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE IN ALLL STYSES. N. B.â€" We trust teal all customers will remember that we MUST have money If ac- cottuts arc not paidliy the 13th !â- Â«(•« the Bailiff will deal with them after that (Tate. BUTTER K^^E. Markdale, Slarch 3, 1881. 1 chuistmas and new years cards. Also, the Largest and most Complete Stock of I â- â-  I A.ND. LADIES' COATS AND MANTLES, Ever shown in this Norther Country, *:â- . ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST REMUNERATIVE CASH PRICES' J. MONTGOMERY, J3 A H. ETi,, THE Subscnber, in returning thanka to tha inhabitants of Markdale and snr- rounding country lor their patronage during the past eight years, begs to intimate to them he is how prepared to supply the Publie with FRUIT. POUND PLUM CAKES, either plain, or loed and Ornamented, aada large Vasiatv of Otlier Cakes. always on hand, Alao, of every deaeriptian. from the beet aana- {Mtorers ia Ontario. Also, a laige and varied at-a eHMCEtT CtNFEGTiaNEinri BRIDES' CAKES! (onlied on Um tkotteat ao^oe. aad got op in^ebestit]^ that ia done this side of Torooto. OTH£LR PABTIS8 tnaotMamOtt OttKifO* a»tiet and «a tk« ^^^â€" laMatwma. JOBH MONTOOMKHV. ha-Iy moat FLESHERTON Harness Shop! THl Snbaeriber having pnrchaaed ihe bn- sioass lately carried on by Mr. R. Da- mnd«,beRa to infoni Uie publie that be haa REMOVE!) TO THE BUILDING OPPOSITE THE POST Ul^riCE, where he is prepared to fnmiah ALL KINDS of HARNESS luraaOy found in a hirst-Class Establishment, And at prieaa to «nit the times, and by naiag THE BEST OF MATERIAL, Ain GOOD WOUKXANSHIP, hopaa to raeaiva a lair share of your patnm- ae«. A goad sspply of WHIPS, TBintKS, *c^ COLLABS A 8PECULTY. Call and aatiafy yonrMivea. Isg-Hemtmiibm. tlMBtMA. Ike Onff Start ii ant door. J. GOJtDOir. 16 Having made extensive alterations and improvements thei past season in my Grain Warehouse, at Flesherton and Flesherton Station, I am prepared to pay the HIGHEST PBICE IN CASH! For any Quantity of good Crain or And as I keep buyers constantly on both Markets, Flcsher-, ton and the Station, all will find a READY SALE for GraiR when offered I will now commence a ' GREAT CLEARING SALE Of my large and complete stock of Fall and Winter Dry Groods, MENS" AND BOYS' CLOTPHNCv- Hats, Caps, Furs, Ladies' Coats ancf MILLINERY, V^ » :.t,'v.. And will continue to sell at a â-  " ' •',â- ' Very Small Advance on Cost I ' .»»-•. V- Until all is cleareJ out. o- 1=0 •: .â- -â- ^, ' A call is fespectfully solicited to get qaotation«r"^befOT© purchasing elsewhere, |3'R£1IEMB£B THE PLACE FOU BAfiOAINH Ig AT â- ' 4S?-B J. SPEOULE'^, KLESHEtJTOfC;; â- t *, FUsshert "W- •«, a.Docember i6, i^Sol iM aau* uam» K' I. I if ' I '1 ;^ i. I \y' m • 'â-  i^.i^-

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