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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Mar 1881, p. 1

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 •% THE StAHDARD. Iriday, March 4tih 1881. X iiiuif iitresl Wet, forouk]. W. W. BfTtHKK. Ma«a,#r. !â-  •l.4jiiia«J to rereive adTwtisemeats {or thU paper. FLfcbllLHluN- From oar Corre«p^:ia I... CiiKNiVAr.. â€" Tlif 'nv.l riihqaeriide I ,. mrnival of the sc-asou wua held on tlie ' "*â„¢"""" Fl€?hertcn skniin;; .i 1.. ..u " " " ilay 23rJ nit. Owi- ' he ^tl^UJy *re«tlie(-, the HtU'i.':,i;,i.r â- *«» not :- large ns nsiial, b,r thoi" y,,-:n;u: aremnd to enjoy tiKui-ciV' s excei.J- Ingly. Ihc iei; wn* all iimt could be d«Mired, cveu betur liiau on previous. masqaerades. Mr. F. Sa jtant the proprietor has m:\i\c a:i allowance for the very cold ui^lit by having an extra supply of li"f, c/ff. •, cakes and â- andwicbcs un haiii, wliicii whs hi^h ly rfclishcj Yy tlio-.' pr si.nt. The brasR band rcnibri-l luu very tiue mustiv during the bVeoiii$;, wnich put coQBiderable life iuto the skateia. Fire.- -Last Friday evening a fire which nii;,'lit li:ive pioved (lis i.steroua broke otit in the Mr Sirou!eidweilini» Conncil met fir tnaisaetioD olboM- fdrmer meeting re^ aia|,.«pproTi£ A petitim was presetted lignbd by)). bqairea and others irith respect to opening No. tt^toA W tSUucndr^mb laid over for farther eonsidenttion. The auditora' report wtLs pres4i|^ad bv \fiv^-ibe^nd. Moved by Jfr, Nor- ton, Be«ni;i^ by MrShnte, that the auditors' report be adopted MoTed by Depnty Reeve, seecntded by Mr. Gillespie^^t^iitpiuiiel Black J)e paid the snm of four dollars on accoont of statute labor performed bv him. Mot- cA by Mr. Nurton, se^oi.ded hr Mr, 'Jil :c"-]i;ie, that the clurk write to the Cr wu Laud offi'^a for a m»ip of Wil- ' ' in the Cuooty of Grey. Mr. Norton 8«conded by DkPU'v Reeve, that the clerk tak ten- j'«f)rthe piiutjug of the minutes, :tudtt'rM' report and Toters' list. Movc«l by Mr. Norton, seconded by .Mr. Gillespie, that the Beeve and Clerk sign an indemnification to the trustee" of St. Lake's Cbarch, Wil- linrnfiford, with reepeet to the sale of church property in that Tilliage as to protect tliem from any expenses that might arise from the selling of such property. Moved by Mr. Norton, Hf conded by Mr. Shnte, that Mrs. Mc- DiarioiJ get and order for $10 to biiy provisions for her family the same be- ing destitute. Moved by Mr. Shute, seconded by Mr. Norton, that the ap- plicatiuu of a certain Lumber of the housf, CHUsoil by u l.iiup fiillingoff the rafpayert of schoul section No. 2 table, the oil took hie ami burned the L'.iion windiw cnrtanis itnd part of tlie car- 'hat ret b.;fore tho Huni^s c .iild bo .xiibdued. Mr. Sproule rvry fortunate in seeing the fire befuro it had made mu3h headwHV. SodAi..â€" The L. A. .\. will JioM a social in the baHcnieiit of the Method iat Church, on the -Ith lubt. DUNDALK. From a CorregrMMiilfnt. The thaw took our sleijhirig for a day, but a full of snow has made good roadt agani, ai.' the usual iimouot of business is going on again. Large (juaiUities ofgriini c'niing in. Ex- citement over the elictioii case is not running A'ery high as one side is keep- ing mum on the q.l'Stioii nnd working quietly. Trial to come off at Owen bound about tho lotli. .Mr. flicks has timber on the ground for a largo grain el vator to ttc erected in tlie upring. Mr. J. S. Wils'in is running his hay press night atui clay, he presses 7 bundles every hour "200 lbs in each bundle. Bring on your hay. Graiit rush of saw logs and wojd to town. â€" Fast Asbflfep. rUOTO.N COUNCIL. Conncil met as per ailjonriimcnt, at Cedervillo, on Tuislay 22nd, P^eb. 1881, at 10 a. m. The Cuiuicil all rcKent lU-eve in tho chair minutes rtf former ine'ting h-ld at Diindalk, were read and cotifiriu'-d. Movod by Mr. McArdle, seconded by Mr. JJhick, ihat the D. it. otKccr.4 for the lust muMicipal election be paid f .r their services, also the owners of the siViral |iuljiiig houses accocJiin; to the by-law regulating the same iiicluduig mile- «ge. â€" Carried. Moved by .Mc.\r(lle, Kpconded by Abbott, that the time 'or returning the eollt-clor's roll be ex- pended to the first ol .\])ril. â€" Carrieil. Moved bv l{urk]iy,si ootided by lllack, that the cku'k hi; rqni'st,-d t 1 t th' lirintiiig by tenler.- Cairiid. Movi.l ity .\b!)ott, s-eoiid â-  1 by .McArdl*-. that the reeve issiir an order in favor of Widow Mel) iiiald for till- sum of $1.40, the saiuu l log cvt-r imi to Rhe collector in payi.ig her scliool ttiK for 1879.â€" Carrie.l' .Moved by Bu?k- ley, seconded by .\ll)ott. that Win. ^.'larke, Ksq., having oaid §2 in exev ss â- of full amount of taX"s lot 19, con. 13, for 1871) that tiic said be re- funded to him, and that the Kecve issue an ord(;i in favor of the same.-- Carried. Moved by Mc.Vrdle, .secoml- ed by Abbott, that tins i-'uiicil t^ran*. .$25, to improve the town Inn- between "Proton and Kgreinor.t, at concessions 7 and H of IVotoi), providing the town uhip of Egreinont suiiplement this .«n«, and that Tlios. Uogers be ap- •pointed with a connuissioner from Egreinont to expend the same. â€" Car- ried. Moyed by Black, seconded by McArdlc, that tlio arrears of taxes •against lot 27, con. 17, be erased from the ctdlectors roll, as the siine was Altered throu^ii error. â€" Curried. Moved by McArdle, seconded by Buckley, that Thos. Finnell be ap- pointed auditor in behalf of this Coun- cil, in place of Peter Dow, not i]U;vlify- .Jtng. â€" Lost. Moved in amendment *y Black, seconded by Abbott, that Andrew Kiddell be appointed auditrr in behalf of this council, to audit the amounts for 1880. Peter Dow who was appuintoi at first meeting declin- ing to act. â€" Carried. Moved by Buckley, seconded by Abbott, that S. *-' No. 11 get a grant of 1^20, (irovid S. ing it is supplemented by the Govern- ment. â€" Carried. Moved by .\bbott, seconded bj McArdle that the petition of Mr. Kiddell and o'hers in respect to the formation of a new school sec- tion be received and lay on tlie table until next meeting of coucil and that the clerk give the notice required by statute.- Carried. Moved by Abbott, seconded by Mc.\rdle, that the sum of 'i.7C be paid to J. J. Middklon, be- ing money disbursed by him for share ot cost in obtaining opinion from lion H. £., be not entertained' the council refuse to aid in the matter. Moved by Mr. Shnte, seconded 6y Mr. UUl«iipif thot i»wui.. Steflfurd get an order for $8.66 on ac- count of error in assessment. Moved by Mr. Gillespie, seconded by Deputy Beeve, that the collectors' roll be ex- teniled till the 2Uth March. Moved by Mr. Shute, secondwd by Mr. Gil- lespie, that this council adjourn to the 6th of .ipril. CAasoN Fbic«. Clerk. Uolland Centre, Feb. 25th, 1881. € pvvttp0it!btntt. XoTice. â€" We wish it di§iuctly understood, tiiat we do not bold ourselves reponsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents. ro the E'litorof the Staxdabd. Sm, â€" In the name of the Trustees I have to thank you for your plain practical obsei vations in reference to the school closets, which appeared in last week's SaASDARn. At first I was disposed to think your remarks were too S'jvere, but personal observation haye since convinced me thit the facts are (raakinu due allowance for pardonable exa:rgeration) ns stated by you. For such a state of affairs we have neither excuse nor apology to offer, it is quite inexcuseable yet in common fairnessandjustice we cannot admit that the trustees are to blame. During the summer holidays we had the closets thoroughly clcaiied aud re- novated. The school, tor rea.sous known to many of your readers, dur- ing autumn and early winter, owing to which the idea never occurred to tho Trustees that tho closets had bo coiae particularly offensive at this early day. Now for the resposibility, you Sir, would not expect that the trustees should be continually keep- ing "'watch and ward" over the school ami ri'niises, this we c mceive to be the duty of the teachers, and certain- ly if the had done their duty in the premises and reported the case to the tru-tees, the evil would have been reniedichl before it assumed such dis- agreeable 2roportious. W'm. Brown. Markdalo, March 2, IHSl. THE (CHURCH) ENVELOPE SYSTEM. To ths Editor of the Standard. Dear Sik. â€" The above system is be- ing introduced in the villages general- ly, as it has been in towns and cities. The Presbyterian and Methodist chur- ches in Dundalk, have both introduced them, and I understand that J. B. Gt-aham has charge of the book for the formei, and -J. Symington for the latter, to whom parties in that place are to apply to for cvelope?. They have been used in tha Presbyterian elmrch Markdule for some years, and in the Methjdist church fcr over a a' year. In Flesherton they talk of bringing them into use. A few words as to the working of the system might be of interest to the readers of the Standard, espacially those who may think of introducing the system into any of tlie different branches of the church. For instance the Methodist Chursli, Markdale. Each member of the church, or congregation, or any pers m who wishes to give anything towards the ministers salary, is sup- plied with say a dozen envelopes, that is, one for each Aveek during the quarter. Their name is taken down in a book kept for the purpose, and numbered, their envelope having the same number, they put into the en- velope tlie amount they wish to give each week, seal and place it on tie co'lectioH plate each Sunday. The amounts are entered in the book and paid to the minister the day following. An account is kept in this way of what is received through the envelopes as well as from other sources and a fi- iiancial statement is made out at tlis end of the year, and printed, a copy Ed. Blake, a.s to the legality of the (for every one who gave auytliing in aanuui collection under by-law 174. ?arriel. Moved by Abbott, seconded bv Buckley, that the account of Stovel A Son for minute book and 1000 cjI- lUrtor's receipts amounting to §5,50 be paid and that taxes on the roll against Widow Gillies far lot 7, con. 14, $1.15, be erased, being in indigent circumstances. â€" Carried. Moved by Buckley seconded by .\bbott, that by- law apitointiiig auditors' having been road » ticjtr and second time be now read » third timf, engrossed ia tha â- sinutcs aud numbered 225. â€" Carried. SToved by McArdle, seconded by Black, that J. A. Scarlett be paid the sum of $1 being taxes accrued on $50 of as scssraent placed against him at court of revisiou. â€" Carried. Moyed by Black se^ondvd- by Buckley, that by- law for fixing the remuniation of members of th« oouueit liaving been read a Ist aud 2nd, be now read a third time, engrossfd in the minutes aud uqmbered 222 C*; iL.ved by Abbott, •econded by McArdle, that thia council receive ilieii* pAy to date. â€" Carried. Moved McArdb-, ^ccoud-' od l)T Abbott, that t.$. coii noil adjourn tbiBMt at ScarIe^^' lull, Hopcviil{ iM t« c fivst HuBV-AV tit. Mtil aterJL-!- ttwriitl. ' 'JoRX Vmt, any way towards the ministers salary, and how much each one contributed. The system is, I thuik, a very con- venient cue for those interested, aud should be encouraged by all who would like to see their miuister paid. Yours c., t PaoeaEss, ORANGE VALLEY SCHOOL. To the Editor of tLe Staxdako. Dear Sib, â€" Permit me a small space in the columns of you valuable paper to give a small account, but still a correct account, of an erriptiou that took place in the Grange Valley school, section No. 2, Artomesia, caused by Bartholcraew Wright, tros- tea of said school, by sending his child- ren to school after risirg up in eight days time firom having the diphtheria. When I John Fori, trustee of said school, heard that they were going to he sent to school in such a short time after iiav^ug the disease, I went nntou tiM morning they were t3 eome to prevent tbein from going to th« sshool, 1 m.t Mr. Hail, the school teacher pn the road, and I "«ld him what I haarsl was going to take plaee. 'fli^ I met with BattT- Wright's ehiUren. fii^t'I questioned the little .girl about it, she Ckri(.i tuld m« it wa» ahont a week from th«v 4imi khftdiKaM. TbaoJ avtwitfe-Ui*^ boys, the 4 aboat two WMks did*'t know at ri^ad it, bat b^ iD-tlie 8choc4 kotm th; eight days from he tbam at tha tims m thimi OB th* latt thWi air^w them to go to school for some time, so they went home, I told thiim Lwpndfjted tt»aU)j^ red to send flieltr, an Mr. Wright was not satisfied with that, he could go to Mr. Cunningham the other trustee. I Sfispose lyi,J^^iro^ but what took place I cannot say. I went out oa th« following morn- ing, aftfr sending the children home to turn a boy out of the school that was only an intruder there from an- other section, as the school koase was crowded to its utpiost capacity, with the children of onr own section, to my great aitonishueui I found Mr. Wright's children back to school. 1 went down to see the other trustee about it, and also to see about tumine the intruder cut of the school. We were coming up to the school and met Batty Wright on the road, we told him whaf we were about, and aske^ him to keep his children at home for some time, he said 1m would not and defied us to tarn the intruder out, we then went to tbe sohoel house to see what could be done about things. We were not sure we cculd turn Mr. Wright's children out according to law, but we turned the intruder out immediately. We decided for to have a doctor called in. The doctor came and he gave it as his opinion that there was not much danger as to the disease spreadiug. I went to the oviioui kue loiiowing uioriiiug.wj uwar the doctors decision. The teacher told me what the dootor bad said. I said then that I was not satisfied with the decision. I tUought tliat there was false representations made to the doctor, and if there had been truthful statements made and a thorough ex- planation of the case, I had no doubt the decision would have been different. It turned out as I thooght it was, Xr. Christoe told me afterwards it was Batty Wright that gave him the in formittion, and told him it was two weeks clear from they had the disease in the house or something to that affect, aud mislead the doctor proving by his own statements to the doctor and also to Mr. Connmgham and me, and by what the boys a"d httle girl had told me on the road and in the school house before the teacher aud also the scholars, that it was only eight days from they had it tiil they vvere sent to school. 1 had forgot to mention the doctor told me if he had got a correct statement of the case, that his decision would certainly have been different to what is was. When I seen that nothing else would do, I concluded to call a public meeting of the ratepayers to discuss the question, i ud to see what could be done in the matter, which was held on Saturday, Feb. 10th, 1881, in the school house, at 2 o'clock p. m. Mr. Anderson of Orange Valley was elected secretary, and his majesty the Little King of the West was elected chairman, which he did not fill to the satisfaction of the people, nor very creditably to himself. When the discussion took place on the queiition every one that spoke denouc- ed Batty Wright and his actions in tlis matter, except Batty the Premier and His Majesty King Whitby, whidi upheld the premier and his proceed ings. When the question was dicusi ed all through, aud explanations made as far as we knowod of then, when a vote was going to he taken to see side the people was on, it was to this affect moved by John Ford, secgnded by Christopher Irwin, that all ratepayers and voters in this school section that upholds me in the action I have taken in trying to prevent Batty Wright's children from coming to th'B school after so recently rising up out of, or from such a coutagious disease as diphtheria, and to try to pre- vent the spread of the same, and all ratepayers in tho said school section that denounces Batty Wright and the action has htake he aud the course he has pursued in sending his children to school after so recently rising up out of the SHid disease shall take this side of the school house, aud all ratepayers in the said school section that de- nouces me in the action I have taken and th? course I have pursued and all said ratepayers that upholds Batty Wright in the iiction he has taken and the course he has pursued shall take that side of the school house. This was the form of votiug that I wnted, but it was taken by a show of hand.t, and ever one m the house voted againsi Batty Wright except himself and his majesty the little King, which diu not vote at all. His Majesty tried to twist aud twine and construe thihgs in every possible shape to modify his premier's guilt, but he did. not get his subjects in this part of his little king dom to coinside with him and his premier as they are not quite so loyal to him as they are about liis own court. I had forgot to mention the prosperous state the school was in be- fore the eruption, we had about 76 or 80 pupils attending school, and then it dwindled down iu a few day to about half the number, thereby causing a great loss to the section in many re- spects, which I consider Batty Wright ought to be compelled to pay all damages. Thanking you Mr. Editor for the space you have give mc in your valuable paper. I remain yours respeitfully. Jobs Fobt, Trustee of S. B. No. 2, Artemesia. And lif* How twift tha fli^^flimehas kfita. How short th* pMt appears A leaiity ria»es mrveyttbs aeene. Of m«^7 akasDt veur*. Tet ikwt sad fleainx as theyaia. Important things 4tVen^ On Mat iMprt tohMvan tbej hmt, A»d ^ifth-T i«»t tUU and. FroB Ood am «i»e. Md spaee sflord To aHto'MIUgM and nxe To Obd tfaey 7. with l^r«gaid. Of Misiliiii' or sbuM. I would my aqoauder'd days redeem. My t«ars oBspent baiDoaa, Dili ill wjfiiniii lifi â- â- hiiiM As held for God alone. UN CLE ISAAC'S VIEW BIRTHS. Ikwin â€" In Markdalo. on the aSth nit., the wife of Joseph Irwin, of a son. McIntyrs â€" In Markdaie, on tlie 37tli ult., the wife of John Mclatyre, of a son, still born. Svjf .KOTox â€" In Dandalk, on the 33rd Jan'y, wife of JuMpli Srmiiigton, Esq, Station Agent, of a daugliter. Douglas â€" lu Duudalk, on the 27th Jan'y, the wife of Mr. D. Douglas, Saddler, of a daughter. Seison â€" In Dundalk, on the 2S Febr'y, the wife of Mr. Wm. N on.'of « eon. 1 M^X.^-kLi. â€" Ij Diiu.liik, on the '24th ult., the wife of Ml. W. L. Marshall, of a son. MiDCLETON'^n Dundalk, oa the 27lh ult the wife of Mr. Ueoijje Middletoii, fuel Master, of a ion^ McCaclt â€" near Dundalk on ihe 27th nit., the wife of Mr. D. McUauIy. of a daughter. Beirâ€" In Dundalk, on tfte 28th ult., tli* wife of Mr. James Reid, of a dauj^hter. The meeting held in Campbell's Hall on Thursday l«ist to take into consideration the building of another gpam warehouse here, was well at- tended. Some $1,400 stock was pre- mised, and a provisional committee appointed to come to an understand- ing with the railway ooinpaoy as to rates and otherwise get the matter iuto ptoper working sTiare* There is soaicely any doubt now that the „oa terprise will succeed. It will be an excellent thing both for the village and surrounding country, and should receive a Ubral encouragement from the residents of both. â€" U. S. Adv«rtiter. It is now definitely settled that Mr. Bae will buUd a steam grist mill here during the coming summer. He has seleeted and purchase a site near the railway station and intends to remove here ia a fewdays. It is expected the mill win contain three mn of stone â€" one for oustoBi vork another fnaak- pallyfor ehopfiog, and a thirA for ahippiag. If* Meam «rist mill suc- ceeds anywhere it ahonld here. Should the new grain wsTOhoose grist mil), and Uw taaa^ry be AaiU hare datiHC the coming Bnmm«r it 'will ereite om- silerablo atir aud be an exceeOent thiniii^ for the viUage and tbj« sec- L tioB of eoantry aiowtd it. â€" O, S. Some of the finest expressions of re- ligious faith, and of its infinite value, have eom4 from the warm hearts that beat under the swarthy bosoms of the African raoe. When the "Lime-Kiln Club" was called on to state its posi- tion towards the atheist's doctrine of noGod, the president called on '-Uncle Isaac Walpole" to give the sense of tl'« nioafJ..- fi^' â- -â- â€" â€" â€" â-º^-oid u»-«" says the Fr*e Prett, wrinkled, and burdened with the weight of seventy years, rose m his seat, looked about and quietly began: "If dar am no God den dar api uo furchur. When we close our eyes in death de soul dies wid us an" we moul- der to dust de Mine as de brutes. It has been a long journey to me. In my heart am de graves of 'v^ifeand chillen. My days have bin clo«dy an' full of woe. My nig' its have b3en dark an' full of sorrow. I have bin robbed, cheated, abused an' made to feel my wretchedness, but nebber, not ebcn in my darkest hour, did I doubt dar was a God, nor did I loose faith in Him. Take away dat faith to-night â€" .Make me believe dat dar am co Heaben â€" tell me dat I won't meet my poor old Chloe an' de blessed chillen up dar 'miuig de angles, an' you would crush in9 down an" brake my ole heart. Dat's all I pear to be libiu fur â€" to wait de Master's call to close de ledger of life au' I/O lioine "'I am old an' poor an" lowly, but l.eah m my breast am a feelin' dat I wouldn't sell fur all At) gold in de world â€" dat all de arguments of a million ob men could not change â€" a feeling dat poor as I am an' lowly as I am, de tirave will not bo de las' of me." During his remoriis the hall was as quite as the grave. When he had fiuished it was a full minute before any one moved. Then Brother Gardner softly said, "As says Uucle Isaac, so say we all." OsFoMieftBataUy, D SASH iMB DOOS 8, 4th, 1881. Hffiffure Warorooinj «OTB ••». BUjOlNG ADJOING TK^ MS* MU aKmm §aii an, or a competent •" ^â- ??S?^*'J lui^Mfit SO libfrany^tXi towed in the past HaiUale, pie. 16, 1880, â- ""' A. MclNTYRE EDICALH^r w lUL CHANGE- BUSINESS. ..ouDCg •• ll» K*tart. Of M.rMJ. .»a;."m.uid. We take pleMare Jfig Count,?, tbat we liftTe pnrcUased *.â- â- â- .« Hoii^.. â€" " » 'l7fATi.I\ T '"" LARGE Fancy Coods, Toys, And n^yo4r^i-«c^e.^Us^egl|nd^Oruan,ental. for J9b Uh for Cliti»tiia»^»««j» ««*w«* •«•«• A FULL ASSOIITMENT OT i ' PATENT MEDICINES, AUTHORIZED SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, Dye-stuffs, Paints, Oils Teas, and Tobaccoes, ALWAYS ON H.'iND. Agents for Monteal Telegraph and Vicker'e Express. t:^n,»iciant Prfteyyitior.s and Family lirclj-ifin dispftis't( at all hours. goter I require fiiiii I'ljijuliiwtf*^"'" "' ' ' BltaJ»e,m:aM,tlie Latest I 100,000 FC A.W.E*i â-¼â€¢ry wj*Sp. Foa No. U •oAtftbor Bros. Great eredi! plement "Wi Urch IGtli. the hammer. You will all Son's, the cli dust tea is cheap. MANcrACTc| and threshing tonne" ma. will out wcarj aud is warraii One ol the mJ eases o( onr din aeveral otlier the poisoning "o fWSB NO TICES. ^^gleh goto Witoox tbe efl «*• """ being off- ^^BejaoBldB h Son's. tfOH^iany. are sole )f--CMtonne macume ita wijl he prosecuted. ;: TaQor. ^»" returned to maw-no* prepared to • i»lu«UneiB the latest atioD •"" ew,wd«d oat "Will appear if i THE HIGHEST 5^CE WILL. BE j^ j 3u QvLsua-^lfer of G-ood ^ylio cit down in the |.._ gtrMt shouldn't wrar Wli*» "*« weather is ia "mwlT » Buggestion. of •!! «l««P^^'°°" sellin" J in order to raaW«'»n for stock. Keynolda Soti. ' dealers for "Castorine" oil, sod see that tJie barrel ••Castorine," as none other ILL KINDS eF Slil, DOORS, MUU^Kfii, ' -AS 08UAL. Estimate of Supplies €iven on ApplicQ tar Don't target the Warwoo^a an *«)Te|.next door to the FacUn- D,ri, Fleiherton, Dec«inbtr 3S, ISCfl. npoii the lun^'sj certain to Ui\oii tlivUr'incliial liaisam, the ^tt Sola by all do LOOK BJ That is exaf new ^ival/ cashmeres al J. W. Mo| sales. He of Mr. Georjj Proton, on Thk rjorfl McFarloud' them. lit. no wonder li| the place ol II. J. M lilt I IlOOpi SELING OFF! PALL AND^WINTB, AT AND UNDER COST Mftrkaale. Dec. 9. 1380. A.TURNER CO. IS tf Cent. MARRIED. CoCLTEB â€" Ckabamâ€" On tbe 17th intt.. by tbe Key Mr. Dennis Miss Lizzie tiraham, of Arteincsia, to Mr Joseph Coulter, of Etobicoke. DIED. Whaxch â€" At tbe rusiJence of Mr Jolm Abar«rombie, 7th Cou. «/ EapUrasn on SaBlay,S7th alt., CharlM Levi* WLaack, aged SI years. j. v- DocoLAS â€" On Friday, 25 nit., WiUiam Walter youngest son of Walter Douglass. Eq, 10 cou, Euphrai^a. Hamilton â€" In Uoland on the 2Ath ult,, Joh^ Wesley, oung«t son of Henry HamiltOQ. Davis â€" lu Artemesia, on the 26tli ult., Wm. Davit,, aged 35 yMrs. Get Money at 7 per To discharge a Mortgage bearing 8,9 or 10 percent.; to buy more land, or improve your buildings. Liberal Privileges of Repayment OFFDRED BY THE BRITISH CANADIAN LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. SPECIAL RATES FOR SPECIAL SECURITIES. ACi^EIVCV Ot" THE LANCASHIRE FIRE INSURANa COMPANY, AND British America Assurance Co. Tin:: ITIVECil AL.L.E1 Wanzer Family Machines. Organs at^ Reduced Rates. .^„ TJ C T lO^ir"" S -A. H. IB s Al'TENDIiD. ForCa8K,for30Day{ -^ O "I Gents Over-Coats and Suits, LADIES' FUR MANTLES AUD SNAWU, Ladies' and Gents' Underclotl ^hiU- rats mar be seen in ft J/^^'a Hotel, Cbataworth. I bear* of wi wW*» i"w«se, but seOB white rats befow tbe social al the liouso of ^, 8r., We^uesilay cvoiiiiit; Auc-.iiii' r oordial invitation is estendcJ i gev. J. W. aud Mrs. Bava^'c ct«d. ox tho jeweller ia the only otic »bo keeps Lazarus k MorrJH" the best iu tbe woiKi. Call J some cheap jewelry ptddl«r I^OW, Rood folk«, if yt'H ^vaiii Lfcoy «* from those who livu end their money bcie, ni.d Be theii buBiness repuluticn }v to wUy'u ""' lonne" Mm-Jsitv ' i!. s of mscbiiii ry, it ;â-  S- harness an.l If.-ith-r. iii:i â-  and wcutlier pr lo; ]â-  r Jers. ibjcurej in five niinate-J.y lâ- ..|ll- f Higjard's Pott un. ln!-.-in :il'.l ludeed, V lli« (• 1 i" m !t flf .1 linteruiilviiiiiapi'Iicili'iiiwiinliv: I and Btrt-iij-'iliiu tlitiui..;.- tiie |.ii • I may Ic used »iili ivat roi- n- i-. ' tnstrhU'M nmedii s si... .1 lit- try bniis«. Tu 1e(jl.!:lilK-t o! till tciiJcd m itiJI only I.ii.- ;, for Ihsl. I Jjt.llK. nisii at lii- «l II- Jill. di ' II 111 r :ii lil II' lii. :, -Ml 1:,, 111!. «â- .! in' li.iil lluy .: MUX •' i • •,r. I â-  Parties requiring atiything nn my linfe, -will do well to call and sec me. ' S. â€" Several improved /arms Jor sale. Markdaie, Dec. 9, 1880. 13-8m AB?i4TH^JT ST^TEI\It:iVT Qg lUfi TREASURER'S RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITDRE FOR TBE TOWNSHIP OF CLENELG, For the year ending December 315/^*^1880. Auction Sale t)F VAIAUBLE Farm Property. UN1)ER and by Tiilufi of Power of Sale coiitiiiiied in a ueftaiil Mortgaga, which will be prnjiic^l at tha time at aale, and vp- on which default in jNiyment baa been made, there will be sold at tha MUNSHi^'W HOTEL. IN THE VUxLAGK of FLESHBBTON, In the County of Grey, On Thursday, the thirty -first day of March, A. D. 1881, At TBREB o'clock V% THE AFTEBKOON, The following Taloable lands and premUel, via,: â€" J.Ota numbers one handrod and nine- teen and one hundred and twenty, in the first concession South-west of the Toronto and Sydenham Bead, of tlte Township of Arte- mesia, iu the County of tirey, oontaiuing one hundred acres, more or Iras, exeepting thereout a portion heretofore sold to tbe Toronto, Urey and Brooe Railway Companjr. On the premises there are aaid to be good frame buildinKx. Tbbmr. â€" One-tcntb et tbe pordiase vxcrnif to be paid down at the time of sale forty per eeut. iu thirty days \Tith interest at serea per cent. balance can be had for five yeara with interest at seven per cent per ^nnnnf For further particulars applt to, LEYS, PEAHSON KINUSFOBD, 25-4i Solicitors, Toronto. Dn. ESCEIP'"S. 1 PAYJyCENTS C«. To Taxes, tl0591 02 By bal due Trea.s. as per la^t audit 9 85 89 " Fiacs 17 00 â- ' Roada Mid Bridges. 929 10 " Laud ImpTovi ment Fund,.. 497 59 " Salaries and expeiucs of Mnni- " Clergy Iteservc, 81 m cipalOoreninient, .. »^' ., 700 10 " License 187 j3 '• School SettioB liatea, .jif .. M18 88 •' .SchK)l Eqv.ivaleut. .i £ .. 445 00 " Com tv Kates, .. .-. ,ti ,. 3949 88 " Non-Resident Lauds, .. 9C9 74 " Town of Durham 85 24 " Interest oa Bank Dtposit, 80 75 •' School Debeaturea, .i .. -., 829 «0 1 •' Charity ;. „ ii6 98 " Marttdale Vrilage Bale;-'-.. 76 02 â-  " 8. tirey /.gricultura' Society, 26 00 " Miserllaneuus Expenses 23 81 ' '• t • " Bank account, 2200 00 ' » .- ., ,, «123C7 m " Balance iu hand 67 93 '-J-..~. :-f •12867 88 We have examiueJ tbe above account correct. s, with voucbers, and find them (Signed) Glenelg, Feb. 7tli, 1881.. CHARLES MOFFAT JOHN LYONS, I Auditors^ Sale of Valuable Farm Property UNDER and by virtue of a power of aale contained in a Mortgage made by Don aid Mclntyre, defanU having been made in paymeat thereof, wul he sold by Public Ane- tion, at thei H markdaie H«ase.** Marfc4ale. On Saturday, March nth, i8$i, At 13 o'clock, noen, the following Property â€" The East half of lot number 24, in th^ 9tb eon., of tha Township of Glenelg, in the the Coonty of Grey, containing SO aerai' • aon day loam 25 acres cleared aud in a good aUte of enltivatJon, balance well timUved â-  no bmldinga. ' Taaita. THE Undersigned ia prepared to advance Money on First-Class Farm Property, with large margins, at 6 Per Gent, Yearly OH STUWHT lOANt, TLia lathe Lowest RaU^m^fi^j^tnei^in, the County of Grey. lotaL fWA Tfc« ptirchaser shall panr a depotU «J flOO at the time of sale, Uie hiUnee ofhS of thsyuehaM nooey ia two waaka thawaf »er; lamaiauighalfiueaah, or aecoiadbT* »«J*»age payable m from otfe to Ave nan at the option ef the porchaaar. For further particaJars, anply to CBBKAB It MUIR, 0FFICB8;-I««Wfc-_ ,_ McAVoksyâ€" 3kxt door to Bival to loan on '-â- â- â-  ' â-  E. E. KKOTT. Mweh 8, 1881. ' :___ ,5.3^, A COODQHANCE ApO.OD BLACKSMITH WANTED, to hire for a year, or lent the ahoB aod t«)l8. For particulars^ apply on the nrem- ises, or bv letUrtb • i *^ Mri. MABKRICHABDBON, Uaildale P O Mwkdale, Mareh 2, 1881. ai^ *â-  « â- * ;« i A ^r*««^,»***e4 to the U»der«ned. ./\.«therbylJoU.OT Book Ato^^^Z *«V*f *^ te pie. before the mST MARKDALE CARRIAfiE_WORKS!I McKENNA MASON HAVING leaaed^he* Wiiaon ind fiUck- smith Shop owmA hrJohn Bena^n beg to inform the PnWic.- thZ^t Sly^e presto fomiri. a u ^teia. o f vXel'^: BVG€»ISS, -i-. a*JL-Am:U.r. ATPMBTtaWTTIEtpiKi. ^i^ nain^ the Beat of MatorW and Good wortan anda p, hope to ne^yy « t»it than 1^ J"' â€" jf,i staple and Fancy Dry Go( OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT EOCK-BOTTOM PEICil BOOTS AND shoe! In every Varietyâ€" CHEAP. Everything AT UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES .1' tiif "TOSeO^T'TO ECOTJSEI W m- BOWl Markdaie, December 20, 1880. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Ii In reviewing the past year we c?nnot but say, that n| been a year cf prosperity, with the people ol our Cos and as others have prospered, we have been enable participate with them in their prosperity. Our business has rapidly increased, especially since! moving into our new premises, and we solicit a share of/ patronage for the year j88i. fcm from flie " Mail" cf VV.-!il- liAt Mr. Mylcs, INrvo «if Kr,- I bta \)een ui.scnti ,i an 1) â-  inBufficieiicy of iirnvit\.- etioD is ordered. linking, proi^rcssive, eciiiiuii ers, mecliauics, y im^' rn 1. boys and youths fri:ii liiu â- til, east aid west, iuv!i:iM- sLirts, ties iuul clotiiiu;^' ut ad's. Thev do it tu save I who are startK'-l r.t the hour ••i by that oiuiuin' lio.irsr confL "if f4.nefi, wliat wi.iilJ voii not jjivi i certain nn-.-ius iil n/li.f fj-ctn th it over I'f voni- chil.ln-ii, "r.i'i|i?| 3s yoii may havt l,jr llu' triHuiR entis. It is Harvard's Yellow Oil, louachotd remidy fur all iii«l:iiu painful dist'ttscn. Do not rt-t â-  1 without it. lay I goonl to skate' ' darlina Julia, Fyou try the figure 8. ror^jirill surely fool you make tlic lijl.teniii^' wliiil â-  yonr spring muscle, Ivill see a foolish girl -ridiug on her bustle- " men left Maikdale on Mou- Tuesdiiy lust, for tliu utlni t of thcmare wood but jJiors, h there's more to follow K well stockad with crass What will they do uow har- Bcold. â- In rit «4' llll-lw T'"-c w;.i. 'iH'itvr til, 111 1 aw lln'ir ii| ,ibly "-li aj' Ol li r. .MJ tf ;i nifi't'iir! iis tiio 7 lllllcb Uj' I in;; next, ;i .irr;'g"l :. Ill 11 j;o â- lit 1. 1 ,.U tl I-'-ii "J. .l.i.;h .1. iill r ills fii. r,i'«i â-  pciiplc v.ii. , Tii'ii wost 1' .V iilio ir^iiu 1 ij lili'nmr.ti-iii unit tib'^liiiii*' lu: it h» li-'i'iil iiiMiii'.l.I. ri'iii I'MiTiml .iii'l iiJ ciauiii iii s I va| Hnl iutl)ii!.in ti' n u-ii 1 ;: I,{ Kiitt.r frt'iii !â-  i I\ Jii:"l/. tlif U'Ur:i' .•f Mr. I.. I p'l i-Mil. y. tll til.' i..A^s ll:i^ lli-.-U til • c li' I'u 11 i ill- i- illiiii.illi! liuih Ul :i Vi] till- lU.illi V I line, una 1, We are now offering a tine collection of Christmas Goo â€" NAHELT â€" 7a8K, Ladies' aii Mm'i Cups aii h and a large variety of CHILD EEN'S TOYS. |N De^th. â€" In Artoraesia, iiles'east of Fle»-liorton on the 27th ult., Mr. Moort?, kf Chas. Moore. Esi, Sheriff Dunty, ag^d 7G years. D c :ith ^y Appoplcxy. coi^CPrt on Monday lust, was 1 attended as it might li.ivc 8 wo presume ha;i .souutiiiug as they were not in I'lo best lon. The cro .vdid sUite of ns and want of time wil! I us to SMV, tliiit the pru as a good one, aiiJ the pr- cquitted themstlvts wiiii e have not heard what die ere. OUR CROCERIESj â-  .. For the season are, as usual, Well Selected, Fresh and Good. NEW CURRANTS, NEW PRUNES, ... NEW TEAS, at 45c, Splendid Value. *]|rh^ People are all asking for our i !:.i**^;.T' YXBA DUST, nothing suits so well. }â-  .J â€" ,.. â- ? »»a« isah. â- Â«;: .1. IT* â- â- S i « ^oijiaia ii.-il ;•,: WINTER 1)RY GOO] .HI At LOW PRICES to clear Ihem out THVX J..-a lUw. â- .tj-.i.v^.i-l .vl i^ ;- '-ico «iii,.e-r.i_ I .-s " "' viu^oa li vr NOTICE. (zploaion occurred a frr- il:iv- 'Markdaie Skatiu*; 'liink. nlnch ng man'i pants just at tin- min- I sedentary I'abits hul nti.lcr.-d Ipable of withtiidiiii; th.- -tram. I apertUTf tb-.-.f foriui-.! tli' ;.•«•"• â- der rarmenta protriuird. llii i.liy lighly amu«iuK appemlasr. whicii Tibled in graceful (.'vriiii.iM t- tin- HK-d his biplilv n -.i :ic • v! In rte" " y°"«ip Lul. «•!,./,:.- .1 ^The mirth aud lan^iht.r «|i .-li cidcot ex-oked con:. nut- 1 '..i .miii- •ne young hidj more ;i... ./litfnl 'tipped' the pailant 11 •wink" mi i Uy aftcrsaeii cniHruiiit.' fri.iii tli, a? his ulxtcr as if tiic teiii- i suddenly fallcii to zoin. id cauuot pMiTly port" inn U8 wllPlI 1 ;i'led with iui- i IS thick :i:|.I sliiij- I every person n- •• N ut timcf- I to cleanse aiili iicli.- 1 the It. Dr. .;. C. .\ver »' tn- Ct of Sarsitpiinlia iik-iIs erfectly, ami his diic )vciy fOBnd rauks as i!n|"irt;iii! 1g the blood 111 il h. alty e 'i- |oe« tliat of Wui, II irv. y • ting ita oirculatwy acli 1 I. so vitalizes, purifie- aud le blWod as Aycr's Sarsupa- ' a perfect blood and iieiv. • *ver disturbs the Rtoiuacli. •aaists and promotes the aaainiilatiou of a'.l nu- iBcreascs their power to loarish the body. In blood it clears and ellect, and thus gives id and body tho power of 2ed, arduous and successful }rning, y. Y., Journal. Milbam ic Co, Dear Sirs,â€" I i with Dyi])ep8ia for sexen "VVe I ^trai-ll iinu;i.i very i.i.'u iiiii there i-iiMj a pcsiti -11 public. u'l 1 w to give h;:.! Wf. nil !. I ori of tilt 1) qUlU; dlsall because ho cl as nthoi'-- fi qucrado. cuhtaui !- whtll t): Nt'VV .1- li II Ii' hiilliiiii;.' I a pl.«i- • 1 i has iih'v Ihil' wm" i;iv.-ii tlir. l.a-t th. r ir.-l-i; • h--.: .1...-K 1. I.oIIK!" ;«Im"' .i\ti-ni. SllK fiic(" iiKro a 1 eordp.l. 1,111 il] Hli aeci.leiit li ^tr^llg.•-t «ir â-  ' the Vicliiii luaiTieil !i.a:ij alN... l:t; y| the tiiuf 'if il Tnr'iiii" "" mouths :•:;â- â€¢ III t'l'ilUI li III- neeiipK'il H I" .:.•• \:x eeiitlv II- b but III -laltcij ' la.^t r«-ii!ciK. npp"'i;!l"j' "tl 1 while riis-inl lO-sgoode Hal J ' a ruiiiiaway injuri-* tr.iiii pickeil up h' quite uncoil .-i •lie Osgood f tor, Mr. Kmil briug him roa â- W*i:" WANTED^io^obo Railway Ties, • .Mti • ' 5,000 Telegraph Poles, ltltt"«ir5THER r. .r. T 1 .1 ' Wagner were •ad waa so bad tliat 1 had ' I thtir s. rvice a few miuutcl breathed his 11 and twii siuailT idv/ood. Markdaie,: Dec,. *3j- 1889. 1 Ir.-. ia tha night aud dsisolre soda it before I coold go to sleep. Blool Bitters advertised and took one teaspconful ' the flrat day, and it did nut took three tablespoonaful ' "'C "" "'" *»y for four days, and that gave I cannot take " I have taken one bottle and otDy^iepsia or sour Stomach, ealled I wan also troubled of inflammation uf the Xihiak tha Bordoek Blood Bit- • that.' IfloooldgetaBother ttwooideare nw of that ter- bMk,bate«at ret it here. r thi benefit already reeivcd. |liarB| JOXATHAS TCIXKB, 7:^ S,. holdauiiiques corner of Quej to-morrow aft! An examiuati| the top of the and leads to he was lniock| been kicked r;';4S8ypWii' â- - ^â- n '-^^'""'^^â- --'•"•^'"

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