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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 25 Feb 1881, p. 2

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 STANDARB. 25th, 1881. nji acbiue NOTICCS. oJs. Iry Hwketi I .,,e New Year- came too M^'" Twill aPP^' «" ""â-  I this ••â- â€¢"" ' r ,\,K Barrister, of IM. M=C*jf^;,,oiute.l Julge '"•" â- â- -'Vpufft-ru. juiiiy of J foiir lie*"" ..C;islonue f,,r -Castonne" that the barrel •• as uone other .,r That A.11 ^^'^^Tf^aau'cw prices. Me- 'S' cdU.rect. 2V, raoruing, aud 9 below on on Applicai to the Factory, Durh«« tt^- II. IIOOlL HEAP. .V PniCES*t tbe m- BO Wl Imt â- ^.ly, that it H'|)lc oi our Cour lavt hccn enabled rity." !, fspccially since Cvsolitit a share of Collection of r them out. 'if '-^ E. -J â- r.m Pies, M h Poles "H tLreatened with another cold t'i.ermoiuetcr markinu'zero on y BJOrDlIJg- g^foiieps ISurdttt Coutls, wȣ to Mr. Bartlett at Louilou, ou |j just. Tlie marriage was a ou*. '-â- 'â- y ftw beiii),' preseu genson is approaching when eriliiiiita will \»: visiting' the ,gv in their spring stock, Mc ,,;„t on Tuesday last. K of uiir subscribers who agreed s in woodf"" their subsi-rip- 11 ,, lease Liing it nuic otlitr ^lU require tl.em to pay c^**" ..(7a,toriiie" Machine Oil, for ,li f roiichuiery, it is also ex- "for liiirntss and leather, mak tir a"' weather proof. For ,v dealers. lio ar' Ktartlcl at tho hour of M ht (hit iiinimms hoarse cmixh of Li' â- â€¢â-  "'"' """l" '"" ""' Kivefora I if^juM lueaus of rehef from that 1**° „, of vuuf children,- Croup? ' â-  ^,,'1 ui«v have for tlie trifling "^^^: ll ,s Hattyanrs Yellow Oil, u.iumIi'iU remidy for all inflam- j la:!/" disoas)?!.. Do not reit "^*B .llliOUt it. j^ijoii for R'lgar making is pruicbiiig, aud promises to be ttieliavi; bad for many years. Iirutins sap buckets CHUuot do \ikm call on Hasket Kros, aud l/'ieir ordi-r. Thev are remark- Uieaji tliis season. NOAV lure t'couoiuicully inclined, our till injure j'our patronage. irViiid IS ircpared to exhibit lines utti j»o" *t siich low prices, vou Vi ssrc to be surprised. Vfj'he /!u"j Tiaifs â€" "One-of the 'M.s|'iratiiiKly liumilatiu(, mo- (III a maii'n life comrs at about .»lini 111- ^1 ts iii ills tVontbtoop ids Ills iii^lit key is in his other. â-  Wr niiuld iiUo to know what jreri; lii'itig (HI the front door step lit Lour, Wes? Sliuulitn't "give leil ;i\v:iy" like thai. ppcm li.^run-il in tivi- minntc livi-oni- |u^r t M:i;'arirs I'ucl ial HuImiiu and rliil. lu.k-.a. Y.lli.w Oil is HI itself 11 niNKilintt'in illv :iiida|iplii'doiit\Viirdly I hull and tr iii;tli'ii the luni;- tlie inr- !~iiin may I'l- u^rd with 'reiit suu-e s. |f tlu-si* niatt-hKs rt-iuedien hiitdd lie house. To he ohtaiueil of all .ujpi-'liri'it' (ir.K4Ri.i-: (iA-iiiKiii.vd. At the |iif Mr. I'lt-r Dodswiirtii, now a Uti.dli.- l.wiir^l.ii' f I-'.ui)hra8ia, „nli\iHnMi rill.' l.-ili )d-l30 a liiiii- 11^'" A fiiiii;)v. leathering ih^ .:-- l.'iM' li. .-1)1.1 iMlf i.ll 'i/i.irAjih/i- iiiJi. ~i ii \Vi ri- twins ' •lii;itrtt,ri 1 1- i.t mill tliL- f t«ii w.rcowii luii,... li I lure IS Jitr fiiMiily i-.ii. -ii .u 11 1), ttcr ri-- 1 lf..r Tiir iiiuiti;.'K- i!i..:i, w.j w. nld |]l..lll tn l-f]i..rt III ii:,r.-. asSi luUlc will visit iiin;piil.h-li sUitisties. j Ai.i,Ei;r.D5Iriii)iuiN Bkntinik. â€" I biiiii,' satisfied with tin- ics-alt of! Ir-t ini(in'st, Jxini .Mili.-r wtis 1 ll.'d on die eliiirgc A mnnlcriiig Lift' iiiiil the biidy of Mrs. .MilUr Mliiiiiud aud a /iu»t iwitem ex- utioii Uiide b}' Drs. Cook and Berof C'liesley, assisted by Drs. |(rkiii ii'id Lighlbody of JIano- riie lU-cuseU was lirouglit before to l'iim]bell aud (iotwulls, at (ivir, th.j trial lasted four days, ilari,'i; ir.iiiilR-r of witnesses wt-re kiiml. Til., prisoner witsommit- I stauilliis trial at Oweu Sound, â- rior ACGOBDBIO 4oib|Y«l • popakttioa ti TtjUb^ oooeert on Maadky aexk. *ttr in^it !â-  tciDf to ring, aod dont yotf tnJH U. ToBOMTo oil enafttny, _„ mannfactttrew of,««CMtotine io«ehiae oiL Ismgemeata will be (nwecoiad. A Caoicx Msortment of Books by best aatbors from Lakeaide od Si^. â- d* Librsriea, iiisk eecelTwi aXUaSm Hall, A. Tonmr* Ce, Bit D. WiUiaiM, «| Doriuua, .h^ been adTised by his physMiMi (e re- linguish Lis work for* tim« nntU his health beopmes better. Thk amount paid for freight by Ifr. J. Asbdown. Man., for the last twelve months toot up to the nioe tittis sum of $86.000.â€" A lertm« in itMlf. Ma A. Speara, haa yoraliaaad 26 head of cattle in this ceiglkborhood within the last flew days. He in- tends taking them to Manitoba. MxNt;r ACTUBEBs of reapers, motrers and threshing machines, prefer '-Oas- torine" machine oil to any other, it will out wear lard, seal, or elephant, and is warranted not to gum. Pehsonal.â€" Mr. Jamae Blair, of Illinois, was in town tlus week. H^s o 1 a visit to Lie .^r'e ids in Artemesi-' Mr. Mrs. Young, of Laklet, have also been making Ihcir many friends in Markdale, a call daring the week M«. Alexander Stewart, h»vin» rentpd his farm, will dispose of his farm stock, implements. c.. on Monday .Mjich 7th inst. John W.Morrow will •to the henors. Ten months' sredit on good joint notes, for all sums over J5. One of tlie most loathsome and Urribte dia easesof our climateia Chronic Catarrh. When the poisoning mattar ia eomtaotly faiUni; upon the lunijs. Pulmouary Comumption is o«rtaiu to follow. Exoell morbU secretion 'rem the Bronchial pipes by Haga'dg ieetoral Balsam, the i;reat throat and \ttan haalcr 8ol.l by all d(,alers at 35 cents per bottle. Wk have to clrronicle the very sud- den deatli, in Toronto, this week, cf Dr. Tuck, of Oranseville. who, while talking to a fri(!ud to sll appearance in robust health, fell firward in a fit, and ni.twitlistanding the best efiforis of the medical men who were called in, he breathed his last in the course of an hour. ACCIDKST ON THE T., G. B. ItAIL WAY. â€" As the afternoon train was coming from Mount Forest last Thurs- day, crossing Cameron's Bridge, the eupiiie jumped the track, taking four cars with it, aud Icavinc; the coach almost over. The engineer and fire- man jumped and sared their lives. The passengers escaped with nothing worse than a fright. R" BERT Davis, Auctioneer, has been rtutliorized by Messrs. A. F Beattie^ lot No. 130, 1st Uaiige S. W. Toronto and Sydenham Uoad to soil by auction, on March 3rd, their entire stock of thorough- bred and grade cattle, im- plements, o. By furuiihing good joint notes, you ran gat 11 mcnths' 'iredit on all purchases above $5. Par- ties wishiug to obtain good cattle should not tail to attend. be init fr ffUa taioved wife, irin be aSenit from tbe duwter £•«*««• me on luMwwt fiC other Bairiteta of bis funify being HI aied abo fbauk m hia Ar biraMa eeraeea aa tor Che past two yeafk. *~^ BIRTH. '"Sri'J'^l" • 0* W bw«.. Jh. MlvMaity fartlMirlibwa te«a«pM*iv«]r«n«, andtngsto r^miai •MMthath* •ajMVMd to mitt/H tM, Umm â- â- y^e^ t Bw«»«T_W; b/tlMi MARRIED. hnawtiltt.Wtti;aM fin. » Walab. ol A(t«M^ Swtoey' to MLh Wdah. liirtTT*' Vu Th J. Welsh, ol Art^Hri. """ ^^* THE MARKETS. MARKDALE, nooT -ratv. '*», ?•*. «. MM. Wheat per bwh.. m« ijjo j (^ do. do. 047 to q!w do. rdii'iiiiiatism is one of the most prevalent and olistiiiate diseases incident toonr climate, hut it has hccn disarmed of its terrors by that iii\ Im- lilc reiiicly, llagvard's Yellow 0.1, an fxtcriial and iiitcriiiil medicine whose appli- I Cilioii is S.I var.c 1 and ns -ful in all painful I and iullan.raatoiy diseases and wounds, as to render it a household necessity to all who suffer from iiain. I am pleased well 1 am not only ph-iiSLd, but di-liglited. My wife tlie other .lay wa.s out shopping, and see- ing some white shirts, innocently ask- fil the prifu â€" wi.ii.-n like, you know. wiun tid ONLY ONE DOLLAR! Sill' witaaut u moments nesiuiaou, just Ir.. light half a dozen, saving about #2. Wiieie did she get tLrm Why at McFarliiud's. The uuiuber of sudden death that have occurred lately is truly alarming, there being, according to tlio Mail, no less thau nine in Toronto inside of one week. This only illustrates the tniili of tlie saying, that "in the midst of life wo are in death," and s'-ould impress ,.11 our ciinds.tht necessity of so living tliat, with His grace, we may be found, whtu our call comes, " not wanting." 1 Wiat a mnltitii i I r martTrs suffer from Heiid.uhe.' either of the uervo.-.s or b lions form. The ptidcipal cau.soof thedistr.Si is di soldered Stomach and Liver, for whi'-h Bur- dock Blood Hitters is a positive specific. It cuies constipation of the Bowles, eliminates fi..ui the Kidneys, arou-udtlic tionsto a healthy action purifies the blood, re. gnlates the Ijiver. strengthens the debilitated system. Simple Bottles lo cts. Kegular sizs »l-00 The first Social of the reorganiied Ladies Aid Society, of the Methodist Church, came off in Dufferiu Hall, on Ta slay evening the 22nd, and was in every respect a success. After refresh- ments the following programme was rendered â€" Duet, Misses Reid Tur- ner Reailing by A. McFarlaud, enti- tled the old woman learning to skate. Angels meet me at the cross road. Miss Mftry Large; Reading, Miss Miller how a Dutch min set a hen, W. McDougul Spevch, A. Speers Winnipeg Song, Miss L. Richardson; Miss Tesua Lyons. Papa's Letter Si)eech, Mr. Reynolds, St. Vincent Dutch man in love, W. McDougal A noticeabl 3 feature of the occasion was the number of persons present from a 1 distiiuce. Mr. A. Speers, Winnipe*' Mr. i' Brown, Batcher, Collii'gwot Mr. Reynolds, St. Vincent; Mr. Alex. t that gave Lrskiue, Ex. Dep Reeve, Euphrasia It:-!^^^ W' 'f^ Speers, Owen Sound J. M. Key uolde, Norwood; A. MoPhersou, of inaammatioD of the i ^^i""^^' • ^- ^^ • ^peers, Manitoba J. W. Armstrong, Flesherton A. Mc- Farland, Belfast, Ireland; Mrs. Young, Lakelet. Prooe«.ds. $14.20. Another Social will be given in two weeks from (he above date. 0*u Peas Potatoes ....:::::; Butter, per lb 2««8. per dos rork.dreased Beef (iaesa per lb Dnolia, per paU FowU,perpMr Tj^rktys. per lb Sheepakms Hide. Grasssaed, ,.,., Wool 1. Greeu App/es, per. basfael., Lard DryCordWood 0.M 0.M « aao •• 0.18 •• ai« •• 7.00 •• • 0.40 " 0.90 " 0.07 " a7* •• 6.00 •' S.O0 " IJOO •• 0.86 •• 0.40 " 0.10 " O.Q« •' 8.03 •' 040 «Ul 0.S3 040 0.17 74S 6J0 0.00 046 0.1 146 7.00 a.4o 8.00 0.8o 0.50 0.10 0.07 3.10 |.*sH Ip.â€" While the mixed train, [nortii, on .Mi uiday evening had within II short distance of kd«le Station, on axle broke. The Us of the broken axle, along with • broken fragments, got under the DtJt behiiiil, tearing the running off, and iliniwing the van off tlie Pk. Sonu- of the passengers, who ' in tile van jumped off, end oth- ho were bound ti have the worth heir nu.iu y stiivrd on. The train it l.ivUuiitiUt readied the Station, btmec of about ixty rod. For- Mely no pers-ui wjis injured. The 1 WHS detained here until seven o' the following morning. srs. T. Milhuru Co, Pear Sirs,â€" I IWii troubled with Dysp!psia for seven « more, and was ko bad that 1 had Jtoiot up in the uiuht aud dsisolve soda Ufraiid take it before 1 could go to sleep. I ui Hurdock bloo't Bitters advertisol 'ill!' .1 .ittlc and took one teaspiHiulul !tiuia day the first day, and it did not }Bit. thin 1 took threM tabltspoonsful 'tfflKs a day for four days, and 'I:. Ixf. 1 have taken one ' ' i: UL'.lolDyapepsiaorsonr Stomach Ksfiouietiiues called. 1 was also Iron bled -lljllt :iitact *^*, aii.l 1 think the Burdock Blood Bit wlix.l lur of '.hat. If 1 could get another • 1 '-t.u» It would cure me of that ter- {pwiuii my hack, but cau't Ket it here. llianks for the benefit already reoived. 1 rimaiii, yours, Joxatbas TviJ.xb. n- Oi .\nnivf.rsary. â€" Glenelg I 5U4, held its forth uuni- Wede'v ^ay evenmg, 9tfi Tu/ regular ""mcnthly meeting 'lieldmtlie afternoon, and after B'ness iieitig disposed of the breth- [Preseut prepared the hall for the ption of their guests. About seven ^li tla hall w as filled to its utmost "y wit I. the Grangers and their ^*, although the weather was fQbfavorable and the roads almost «ble. The wants of the inner ' vero then attended to and ample isions had been ina.'e by the la- jfurthis part of theentertamment. I^OHutity of good things being !thau enough and the quality of ||e8t. The cbair was then taken D« Worthy Mastw, Bro. Cbas. "t, who called the company to Dd entertained them with a "^rous speech, after wbicb the ' ^as taken up till a late hour with pQg.reading.reoitations, dialogaee, •^11 present ecgoyed thenMlves « full and declared it was the beet \% of the season. â€" ChtonicU The annual meeting of the Royal Black Knights, of Ireland, of the Counties of WcUirgton and Grey, in connection with the Loyal Orange institution, held their annual meeting m Orangeville, ou Monday evening, Feb. 7th, 1881. when the following Sir Knights were elected ofiScers for the current year â€" Sir Joseph Mc- Ardle, of Hopeville, County Grand Master A. A. J. Perfect, of Orange- ville, Deputy County Grand Master J. C. Irish, Wareham, C. G. Chap. John Whitters, Orangeville, C. G. Reg. John Mason, Orangeville, C. G. ircas. A. Johumu, Camville, let, C. G. Lecturer J. Dodds, OrangoTille, 2nd, C.G. Lwctarer; W. J. Morrison, Orangeville, lat, C. G. Cenaor A. Hunter, OraagevUle, 2nd, C. G. GeO' sor J. Cornuloaft, Oraogerille, !•», C. G. Standard liearer J. Paisley. Orangeville, 2Bd, C. G. fitji^idard Bear- er, B. MoGnira, Onu)«evilk far- soivaat. Coun^ Gtand tfcaiaittee, Thoe. F. Beid, BowUtij Green Oias. Smith, Elma Tho*. OtxBoo, Vmige- fillfi I Wm. Vogan, Wjlliamalord ami DUKDALK MABKBTS. FaU wheat 90o to »1.00; Spring wheat Me tf »1.06; Barley C5c to 80o Peas 58c to 59e: Oata '296 to 87o Pork »7.«0 to »7.25; Poto- »oo8 per ba« 30c to 45c Butter 17c to 18e Eggs OOe to 18c; beef 5o to 6^: sheep skins 75o to 91. oo; hides 97.00; gmiu seed 92.00 to •3.25; Hay »7.oo to 7.6o; wool «-,e to SSe; lard loc; tallow 6c- FLESHERTON. {Corrected weekly for the Standard by R. J. Sprmdt, Flethtrton.) Thcbsdat, Feb. 34th 1881. Flcnr, per bbL •6.00 to %iM Spring Wheat per bash., FaU do. Barley Oats Pefs Potatoes Batter, per lb. Eggs, per dos. Polk, dressed. Beef Sheepskins Hides Hay Timothy seed. Wool Lard Tallow do. do. 1.00 to 0.96 0.60 0.00 0.60 0.80 0.17 0.14 7.00 400 0.60 6.00 6.00 3.00 0.35 0.10 0.06 i.08 047 0.78 04o 0.60 0.80 0.19 0.15 0.00 6.00 1.35 7.00 9.00 3.40 0.30 0.12 0.07 fatm W. B. Sarjent'B. n* I te the to- tmt. •â- aatafai-] ar any one north of Tormito. MuilUUttii SAUSAGE ft POULTRY always kept in their StMoa. ,,^.,., Special indnceniente to ' ' large Pnrchaseta the Shop en Mill sreett, oppoeita Revere Uet^." Cash paid for Fat Cat- tle and Sheep t h a nkin g yon for past (aTora tie tnuts Iqr Uithfol attention to your want* to BMiit a fwnthinamve of yonr support. W. B. 8ARJEANT. liuUtk. Sept. 17th 1880. 1 V i NOXKJE. THB Menbars of the Proton Agriealtaral Soeiety, of two years' staattac, mn heraky leqoeetod to attoad a apaeial Beating of the Boowty, in the Oraofte HaU. at the dilate of Uimdalk, On Tacadar, the First day of Marck, 1881, at 9 o-ehek a. m., todeeide and fix upon aplaee to bold the Fall Exhibition of the Soeiety, for the year 1881. THOMAS HANBUBT. A. G. HUNTEB, Preaident. Secretary. Dnndalk, Jan. 88, 1881. Sk-Si John He Heard, Manafaetvrer and dealer in Gutters, Sleigiis,Baggies, WAGGONS, CULTIVATORS, HORSE RAKES, PLOUGHS, HABBOW AND A II kinds of J arming Implements Manotaetnry and Depository, Dnrbaaa and nui streets. FLESHERTON. Seed G rain f or Sales AT the WeU knoicn Seed Farm, hereafUr to be known as the Jfoaal Itoual Farm Iots 117 and 118, 2ud Con., North East of Toronto and Sydenham Uoad, in the Town- ship of Artemesia, aud County of (irey. three miles from Markdale. the following varieties of Seed Uraiu ure for sale, via â€" 'White Bnssian Spring Wheat, and Blark Tartar Oattt; other varieties sold out. The Black Tartar Onts have yieldcil, on an average, from 60 to 70 bushels per acre, the past two years, on my farm. All Seed Urain sold by me guaranteed pure, and free from other seeds aud weeds, such as Wild Oats, Mustard. Betl Itoot, Thistles, Ciickle, Chess or any other pest. JOHN KOKU, Monutitoval Farm, .Markdale P.O. Feb. 11, 1881. â-  23-3i GOLD! GOUDl $1,537,000 To lend through the Flesherton Agency, at 6i AND 7 REB CENT. per annum, btraiobt loans. If yon are paying 'J and lu per cent, interest f If yon need a bam If your fences are not sufficient? If you wnut to buy more land? If you want to clear and improve more land It "Will I'a^' ^i^ou to borrow of the NORTH OF SCOTLAND Canadian Mortgage Conp'y They chaise no fines they do not eiuahze yi or pay: iieutt, nor charge you 12 per cent, on over due payments bat they do give the most reasonable privileges of any Com- pany leading money. And tlieir Costs are Lo-w Special r..tei given to parties wanting speci. ally large loans, offering special security. I hiive also a Fe^v Thousana Dollars of Private Moneyl To invest on very reasonable torms, aud|a( 7 per cent, interest. This is a rare chance and the amount is limited. As many English and Seoteh capitalists are withdrawing their capital from the mar- ket, I believe a„*change in the money market may soon be expi-cted. Money has reached rock bottom. NmMr Is the tlate to horro W, and the place is The t'laherton Real Kttatt, Loan and Insurance Agency. INSU RANGE I It is of the giMaMst importance to Insorsra that they select a BeilaMe and 8al« Company, aud tliat they do their boaiaaea through a reliable Aseat. I am prepared to take applications for the Strongest, Seifest and Best Compamea in Canada, and for, a Stock Compuiy, at rates as low aa any reliable lIutnaL My Companies are the Lancashire and Citismt, (Stock.) The Waterloo County and Gore District (Mutual and Cash.) CONVEYANCING. Deeds, Wills, Leases, Mortgages, Agree- ments, 4c., Ac. on short notice, and work Coreetly and Neatly done. In this Une my bniiness has increased sod is ix creasing, lamnowdouigtbe largest; business in the Biding. AUCTION HALE» Attended in either Town or Country, and Bills supplied free ol charge j slae, all meeos- sary Blanks and Stamps. UNDSFORSAiEANBTORENT. To any having lands to dispose c# 1 offer a spleailld chance tojadvertiso. It don't cost you a cent till your farm is sold, and you can withdraw at any time. I alao realise better prices than the Proprietors them- selves. Correspopdanee aoiioited. In every department of my bnainssa I make carvAdSMtsa, oanrectaaaa, and tair il allay Uia promiaaat tMtmraa,aa^ eharg* as low aa aqy laliabie man. ROBT. DAVIS. Cenreyaneer, K'ommmiontr in B. ^., and General Ayent. Flesherton. Feb. », IMl' 9t4f To irr Patboxb.â€" Always ahead of any in my trade, and having the largest and most convenient Factory in this locality, I am prepared to sell Carriages and Implements of every descriptron in the best style of any in the market, and at prices a low as any oe- oord'ag to the qnaUty of the work. Having npvaids of twenty years' ezperi- anee, I am confident that purchasers will get the advantag-e in having the very best made. Parties in want of a cairihgc or Implement will do well to give me a call, as there are none in the market which will oompaje with them in qn ality, style and finish for the price. 11 -ly OYSTERS, OYSTERS, JUST BECEIVEB AT THP. ii BELFAST JIOUSE. »» I have fitted up a room over my Store where I can Kupply O ' S T E H « -n» â€" "^y the Plate or Can CHEAPER THAN ANY ONE IN TOWN My Stock of Provisions and Groceries Togthei with Wines and Liquors, ABE VKBY CHEAP AND GOOD. Nonci is \me^ fliv«a ««*•*• t^ 101. aa «lw Ml aMeeaiislk Wf=^« 9- •• « •I ths towMU| of Haar r title to the toai tkna^ •Dfifle «|saotks^ia« eayti ssMto Sa. wffl BSifee iof â€" owwT^ raoM tssraskiy oTOIsMlff, Oat. It. ANY AMOUNT of PORK FOR bALE. As I do no puffing or bloiring, I want the Public to give me a call and be convinced what bargains I am giving, before yon pnr^ elsewhere. WILSON BENSON. Ma)rkdale, Nov. 25 1880. 6-ly GRANT GHELLEW WE AIIKX A LE Cabinet Makers, â€" ADâ€" 17PH01.8TEBEB8 a full stock of A1.WAYS ON BAND. FURNITURE Mm TO ORDER LUMBEB WANTED. GRANT CHELLEW. Markdale. Dee. 23, 1880. 1-ljr CHEAP GASH olds JUST ARRIVED A FULL SUPPLY OP BOOTS AISTD SHOES. .j-tJ-^- Sk 1 ILOi. As we are doing a CASH BUSINESS, we will not be UQders^d by any other house in town. BOOTS SHOES A SPEOIAIjTT Weaving; â€" o- " ' If- â-  a-j* s. ' m ron»t Forget the PUtee. REYNOLDS SON. Markdale, Dec. 31, 1880. 5 READ EVERY WORD. ORE-.^T Mid-VTixxter Sale! NOW GOING ON AT Any parson hsvk^ ««^ to do in the above line, aaa get it i-r-tJ'j PONE wiTHOUt OELAYv ' • It ' 'â- â- ^•^. " â-  ' " â-  "â-  ' ' V- AClHE V .- .-. .... ' ---^ .» • e; • Flesherton Woolen Factoi^V Haring searlT all orders completed at pretent oo hand, aa ii nsasl at this season of ike year, those favoring as with wturk, may rely upon having it promptly attended fo EVERY BMN6H OF THE BUSINESS: Will be carried en thrpnghont the witor. N. FleftLertnn, Doocmber 15, 183o CAMPBELL, W.J. cFARLAND'S Every Piece of Winter Goods MARKED AWAY DOWN. BZG DRIVES. 10 yards â- ' lo's Tn'i i •- ' i- ".1) 111 yards Fancy Flnnuel for S2..5II Men's Fine White Shirts f.O rent Fii'e Wool Clouds G.'.c. usiiU priee 90 cents. 50 pairs (jsdies Corsets 7;jc, reiiueel to tO^-. 3oo yards All- Wool Twetds worth 85c, down to 67| c mts Ladies' Fine Cloth ManUcs 91.75, worth 93 t Extri ^iiie Mink Muffn 94, usual price 16 10 vardf h»a\-y Bhiek Lustre for 91.50 10 yards heavy Grey Flannel $3 10.ftid» black Velveteen for 94 I 2() ynrks Linen TowelUni; for 91 12 jK..rd» lienvy Wiiicev for 91 I Coloretl Velveteens for half price, 50 Leather Belts, lU cents LUMBER ANDt SAWING. L^ O â- =â-  The tttbscriber begs to intimate that he has his Saw Mill at Little Falls On Lot 143 in 3rd Range N. E, To-.onto and Svticjiliiun lioad, .V'Uuki'ih, in full opera- tion, and is prepnr -d to furnish ' LUMBER, LATHS JTC^ETC, TO ORDER. CUSTOM "SAWI.NG PROMPTLY 10'IC, By the thousand or ou Shares. Parties dehverinf? Logs can have their lumber for return loads. The sawyer at the Mill can urraugc for sawing. ALL KINDS OP SAW LOGS PURCHASED. Wm. HOGC. p. S. â€" Wood turner wantetl to make broom handles on a gaupe lathe, steady job il wark tati^faotory. v • 'â-  • ir ' Flesherton Station, Nov. 25, 1880. .^ '-â-  « .r.- .fj â- . J-u f • R. J. SFROULE, THUS. MATHEWS, TXnSHES »o tender to his numeiOM YV snatimer8 bis ainoere thanks for theix TeiyUbHsljatNMga doling »he Uyeusbe hM basM Ni tha Hanieaa Bssineas is Mark- dale, aa wosUNapeetfolJ^ aoliail a SMtiM aaeo of -tba ease, feeing eoaAid«Mt*ihM he «Mi iin £MHf« SstHfaetw*. KvajtUng nsosUykairtiss FIBST-CI.AS9 lUKSS BTHUSMOT. •tvsTS OB hMd, sad sold mJ »«»*»;|*^«»" ^hfoBS bat good woAmiii wsplo^^ s?i« S" o imr in ABTBMESIA. was s hai.. Lst W» MsMssf MsA. lafalnet t«|alat,or HOa KAT, lSaliB«iikD|^a*r'0 Jâ€" It Hfc l'MI y^.^- mim, mmii, mi, boiiets, AV OOI^E]V HOODS, SHAWLS and MANTLES A special discount of 20 per cent. on all purchases exceeding $1 will be given. Would take this opportunity of tendering his sincere thank^ for the very liberal patronage which he has received in th, past; for, whilst it is the general cry on all sides of duh has been taxing our utmost ability to keep pace with our rapid increase in business, as I find, by reference to my Books, my cash sales and grain receipts, and business gene- rally have ALMOST DOUBLED THE PAST YEAR THAT OF THE PRECEDING ONE. In view of which I have now on hand for the Holiday Season THE LARGEST and MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF GENERAL GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, °â€" 60 Men's Felt Hats at 65 cents each, 15 yards Brocaded Dress Goods for $2.00 I Pair GENT'S KID MITTS, i pair of Braces, and i Tie, ALL FOR ONE DOLLAR! Ladies' Kid Mitts (lined) 60 cents. And hundreds of other articles EQUALLY CHEAP. Mm d •AND Fancy Holiday Presents ALSO CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S CARDS. Also, the Largest and most Complete Stock of III I ^^ EVERY ONE IN WANT OF DRY GOODS At and Below Wholesale Prices, Should call soou ut W. J. McFARLAND/ Wholeeisile and Ketail. Markdale, Feb. 15, 1881. My ii FACTS GANNA BE DENIED. fi Furs vM«P .1. i- -• LADIES' COATS AND MANTLES, Ever shown in this Norther Country. ' ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST REMUNERATIVE CASH PRICES. BUTTER RAE Thank the pnblie and friends in general for the liberal support ther have reoeived sin eommeneing business, and will still stick to the rule of doing a straightforward busine with all customers. No flattery used or baits given to gull the pubUc Every article sold oa its own merits, and by keeping their stock well assorted and fresh in all the liaaa, they will always giye their onstoaters good vaine fcr their mcnsy. QPY OOD8 i" ^^^ the lines. ORDERED CLOTHING " specialty. HATS and CAPS, new and stylish. BOOTS and SHOES, Cooper Smith's .. .. celebrated make that has stood the test against ii' -«.i all comers in all styles and newness. GLASSWARE and CROCKERY all patems GROCERIES, cheap and fresh. Keep your Bye on the Place! WHEN T0T7 TttlT Douglas* Bri^pk BloiJi oj^pmU the Drug Store. i S ••} ar- Kid S i s t to i raiWr is « ' .mtf*'a wou ••« r iiUi-j; ;-.â- '• K'ri^ {fci '1 Having made extensive alterations and improvements the past season in my Grain Warehouse, at Ilesficrton and Flesherton Station, I am prepared to j);i\ the HIGHEST PRICE IN CASH! For any Quantity of good Grain or And as I keep buyers constantly on both Markets, Flesher- ton and the Station, all will find a KEaDY SALE for Grain- when offered »- ' ' I will now commence a GREAT CLEARING SALE Of my large and complete stock of Pall and Winter Dry Goods, MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Furs, Ladies* Coats and millinery; And will continue to sell at a â-  Very Small Advance on Costf Until all is cleared â€" o out. A call is respectfully solicited to get quotations l)cforc purchasing elsewhere, ' „ rS" REMEMBER THE PLACE FOR BASOAINS IS AT ' |l J.^ SFROULE'S, ' i'LESHERTON. 4"' •.'/•v o.-.'.r- :..-â- â€¢ •; â- â- â- ^^' *.,.;:. ' » ao Fl?8herton,Doccmbcr 16, I'^Sd^ " -ij'.-ir i,tl' 'xu tiii i*«;.* I-.I 1! '1 i I- \\ ^T :*

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