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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Feb 1881, p. 1

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 m if â- ^ if t I. I 1 ^•^ip THE STANDARD. Friday, Feb. lith 1881. ^:s 1' J «ji:, T ervioe8 coUoetinc poli«[0ifiU»3e rmte. ^larkdale. ware ordewll' to i»e paid, of Council, »d 3 i^ commiltc* report Council adjouruei to vaett on MoQdv V***K"^^i?5'i^"2"*^'^^" llorcti 7t I, 1881, at 10*. m. W. J. BniLAMT. Clerk FLESHERT©K. H.u^ ^i. X.' \Vi. 1. r.,iiu;"i, \. v.. i,l ji Iii.!;. XIiiii«j;r. I ai •JiKiizfi I'j r'j" .VH ifiivcrtUk-'iueiiiii for tUii ).ii|i r. The T"'r ri:-!. d"-.^ Hii.l ii. iv- lS:ll!- «iiy CoiuiK-.iv ure, Wc liwar, ui t rmiii cU to iiiisl: ' II tjie C";:t'Uii;HteU ini- lrovfciunit.- ;;.' i7-buec:iiii witli llnir r.iaJ. Ti. • i: which motion a^nittad for apprural the «th. rfC. *hJ wife o* iug. Saf .. a( a^Mghlir. From oar Corre«iionil«nt. ' Sog(^-5-P.a FnJ/ij, evgpiufc.tL* 4tli jnst tile Ladies Aid Association (.U :b xtisc) giive an eutertainment iu tlic- basiiKiit of tlio chu'cb. The weutlier beiu^ favorable a large nomb.- tr was present. Tbe meeting was called I" onler by tbe Rev. Mr. Pbilp, after wbicb the "following programme w*8 rendered: â€" Song by Mr. Clark accompanied on violin by Messrs Cimpbell and Meggctt; Recitation, lied. Moved by MvliladE'recfllii^ hj Mr. UcArtUe» tht by^wa Noi MS and 22i b^ig iyw iMd » 'first j^mp. he iMw rand a roeted and j^ Ibirf'iimc, wfum 8«iW ««d ill tbe by-la v book. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Backlcy, seconded by Mr. Mc- Ardle, tbnt tins Council do now ad- Ijoji^ Hickej, 8»:»Trit_^ Jouro td moot at* W. BrWIU'r-botd, fTBB;*â€" 1S4iuui«â€" « CttUarville, on tbe Inet Tuesday in Fwbruary ucit. â€" Carried. John Vest, Photon. TaO. 8t8t, IWl. ^p.XJta*. M i ' etwtitfmkitntt* NoTica.â€" We wi«h it disinctly naderstood, that we do not Uold oorstdk-es reponsible tor tinii si.-i.kiig aiiv I'lVfi hliips. Wej III. ,-C t-. til.; ilitrlJ for ibc tiiiiu i t- Dwren hoinul, n not, we btiievi fnrtijtr aid fnuii are u\u inf'iriu. tii.n oi liie luauageuieut ' 1 'i i .i' jii iit.i. ' bunds, as thfir iiiiil..lity to tecnre t.;e lull •iiU'.iint of biiiu-cs aakMl lur, will lr -Tent tbptiirrin-:r out of tbe arrangtiuiut iu;.v \v;lh the tirauit Tnink. ' 'â-  •IV r ii ••'•iitiaCrsP^- Wuwoodv h*ong, Misses ileard ti^opj^jcngeipresiiedbyourcorresjx.ndenU • ' ianl .\rmstiong; Reading, Mr. R. ' ^^. M "T " l^;' .1 V"" • trf ""rr ?•• "n*" ^â- ^" To th. Editor of the Sx.,»^. .. s. k,. 1 t.ev do j„^„ K,^,ug, Mj..« c. DaviB bong, ^__ ^, „„.„,;.„ h.. h«po caUed Ah will lie Kt-eii, by nference to our r.'jiort of tin- profcc-.Ii:igs of the Coun- ty Council, t'lie jidv^iciiteK of a House nf Refu;;e for tbe jioor, have again bronglit U"' lualUr I.' tlic notice of tbe Council. We rf ^t.' to sav it has met its ifsnal fall r. f. irc.i to a committee plio'ogiapb gallery to rejMirt on at the .June sessiun, vibicb meau.^ tliat uothiut; will be done. We hoie tlio {; ntlemen who have taken tin- mattei- in bund will not let it rest till tliey tucceed, as we consid- er ibf i'itH( Lt luetbi d of H.'^sistiug the poor, intirin :kud bomelcrb is very an- satihfactoiy. Tbtf long lobt and. often found Cliar- lie RosH has :i^:iiii turned up thi!! time at a luce ciilled Aldborough, near London, livin;; with a Germiin Paniid Josei'li l'4iin. Mr. Ros8 luiB been written to, Iiit w ratler doubtful â- boot tiii LMiy b'lUig Ills sou, and de- clines ptin;^ to .m.-i- hitii. unless better evidence i^ uduced than is at prcuout f irthcoiniii;;. .Mr. Ross has expened $()O,000 iu ilie b(ai-:b for bij lost child, and says he has not the heart to gowlien the prohaiity is that he will meet only vitli diK.i|)poiiitraont. He urges those who have discovered tbe buy and think be is the veritable Charlie, to try and find uut all they can from tin- itoy bini'-ill' as he feels H.ssured, if it really is his child, he will be able to rohieniber something iu Misses E. and M. Dumndc Sour, Mr. Anders n and daughter bong, Mrs. J. and W. Trimble Recitation, .Jr. Jas. barjeaut boug, Mr. Aoder- ^.n and daiigntr Recitation, Mr. C. W. Morey tAmg, Misses J., L. and A. Armstrong Song, Mr. Anderson and daughter. Befresbmenta were served by tbe ladies about 9:80. Tbe entei tainment was a complete sueceRS. Tne prm:ecds at the tbe door amount- ed to $17.55. We understand that the association intends giving another entertainment on Fiiday. Feb. Irfth. We hope the house wi.l be crowded, as tbe very best talent has been bucured for the occasion. FiBE. â€" On Monday morning about 10 o'clock flames were diacoverfd issuing from tiie roof of Mr. Bulmer's The alaim be- intr given a number of people assem- bled Hud managed to get the fire under control, aftir tearing off part of the roof. Tbe loss will not be very great. Urkvitiks. â€" Tlie I'resbyterian Sab- bath bcbod of Flesherton, will hold a social at Mr. Audersou's on the eveu- iiigof the lllh inst If the attend- ance at the Flesherton public school continues to increart the way it is doing at present, a new school house will be tiie next on Uie programme. Three ill a seat are too many.. ...The monthly cattle fair was well attended last .Mouay, prices for cuttle was low Hay is raising invalfta Thos. Carlyle, the great literary veteran of Clielsea, died last Saturday morning, aged 8C. Sia,â€" My attention bai been called to an article in this wwek's issue of your paper re " Informatiot wanted." Tiiough not lufalUble. I am thankful to be able to say. as far as I am con- cerned, •• Not Guilty. " Your proper coarse in a case of this thronlih tbe Post OflSce Inspector. ,,. ,., Yours Truly, • r ' ' KicHABD Pridham, Railway Mail Clerk, T., (i. B. «'y. February 5th, 1881. MARRtCQ ' 03.1 uai H^fnihi^fr tlte 17th nit, at St.1£iyM*ww Btma,-^ t^ -B«T. P. 0' io*5«m ««.•«*, •« 4mmB^^^p W»).h-Hick«y-At St. Mg"' 0"?° goand, on the 81»t uH by the Bev. P. O Doaobo«,C. 8 B., John J.-WaWt Alteme^a. Sounl. on Feb. 1 st, by the Ber. P. VO^ hoe, C. 8. B.. Wm. Xtnuv, tt th« towasfcip of Olenelg, to Cathe.Tii« Banane, ot th« Tp. ^Ig^^teafT-TJirfte^-feft.. *tihSl Matbo3ist Parsenaje, ChatWiorth. by the Ber T B Baid, Mr. Jamet Stciuiies. of Otren Saund, to J/Oa* J»n^ Bam. SnUiyan- DIED. In Toronto on the 8th inst, John Miller. E^. Brother of Mr I-»»« Miller, of thii plaea. In Durham on the 1st inst., Mary ftather- hmd. rehet of th* laM fia«h Btoddart, mgad 79 jeara and 3 moatha. In Ow«i 8*awl, on *ha 7tll fiM*.. »*'*• ret Creifhioa, (rehrtofthe 1»U Abraham Creifihton) »«ed S8 y«ai« and » months. In Ulenelg, on the Wth alt, CMbenne »»• Itonald, rebst of the hrta Mm MeDooal*. Med 78 .year*. THE MARKETS rROTo:^ cuujsciL. Council met in the house of Mr. McCullough, Duudalk, on Monday Jan. 24th 1881. The Clerk iu chair aummistered the declarations of quali- fications and ofHee to J. J. Middletion, Reeve John Abbotti Dep. Reeve R. Black, and James Buckley, Council- lors. Joseph McArdle. Councillor, having taken the declaration of quali- fication and office en the 21st of Jan., at the Ckrk's office. The Co'ineil organized and proceeded to business. .Moved by .Mr. Abtwtt, seconded by coiinectioii with his early life, that Mr. Buckley, iliat the Reeve issue an would prove his identity beyond cavil Mr. C'iiarles Grant, of Thornbury, •who lias taken more prizes for spring grain in the la:-.t two yrars, at our rrovineiiil ;!iii| oniinioii Fairn than any other man in ()ntaMo, paid our sanetuin a visit last week So highly did onr (iovernineiit think of hisgrain â-  that they jiurchased 10 bags from hiiii to be eiit for ixhiVoti'n at the Corn Exchange in Egland, to show the people of Europe what " this Canada of ours" is capable of producing. Mr. ^irant Iff' with us s|iecimens, shelled «nd in the tnv, :f his celebrated French Spring Win at, for which he received a sju-cial liploma at the Pro- vincial Exhibitii'ii held at Ilaiuilton btst fall. It is the largest spring urain we ever saNir, of a briijlir, color, and full in the berry. Mr. (i. is the only pcriion in Canaila who has this parti- cular kind of wheat, and parties dsi- reus of jiurehasing some of it, will have to npply to Mr. lirnnt himself. The specimens arc on exiiibitiou at ibis office. ARTEMESIA COvJNClL. Council met ill Town Hall, Flesher- t^'U, on .Monday, Feb. 7th members all present Reeve in chair minutes of previous meeting read and approved as amended. Petitions from Alex. McLean and others re Sarah Mc- Millan, an indigent peruou also peti- tion from John McLeau and others re bridge on town line Proton and Arte- mesia, presented and read. Com- munications as follows â€" R. Windatt town clerk of Bomauville, with peti- tion to the bouse of assembly. \V. Parker president of tbe farmers as- sociation, with utition to tiie house of assembly, rr tlie abolition of marke*. fees iu tow u and cities presented and read ai:d ordered to be signed by the Reeve and Clerk, and the corporate seal attached anit forwarded t j A. W. Lander, M. P. P., Toronto. Appli- eatioiisfor the office of assessor re- ceived as foUow.^ â€" T. 'Granger, D. order in luvor of John Norval to the amount of 00c for mending scraper belonging to Div. No. 4. â€" Cam-jd. Moveil by Mr. Abbott, Eccon'd by Jlr. -McArdle, that the atscssmcnt of C. MeConiiell on persona! property be ^100 instead of $200 as charged in eiror on the ftsMeHsment roll and tint the collectors roll be amended accord- ingly, the same amounting to $1.!5. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Black, si'coiided by .Mr. Mc.\rdle, tliat John Porter be refunded the aiuouut in error between assessment and Bchedule.â€" Curried. Moved by Mr. Abbott, necondcd by Mr. luckley, that the account of F. F. Toeple f r repair ing scrajK-rs amounting to $2, be paid. â€" Cani.d. .Moved by Mr. .Mc.\rdle, seconded by Mr. Blai-k, that Duncan Sinclair's road w.irk be struck off the roll for IHW), for lot 29 iu the 4tli con., also Donald McDerraid's road work for lot 550, con. 4, as the same is cei titled to be done by tbe path- luaster. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Abbott, that .\dam Tra3-uor's assessment of lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 5. C, 7, 6, 9, block M., 11, 12 and 18, block Z, in Dundalk, be placed on the roll at ?40. â€" 'Jarried. Mobed by Mr. Bnekley, seconded by Mr. Abbott, that lot No. 8 being a part of 281, con. 2, be removed from the non-resident roll to Mrsi Mary Ann .\damson at a value of §100 and that she be funiished with a scLcduIc, â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. McArdle, seconded by Mr. Buckley, that P. Ryan receive $4 for ktatute labor per formed for the year 1 8S0, for lot 22, con. 7, the same being certified by T. Feruane, Patiimaster, and that the Reeve issus his order for the same. â€" Carried. Moved- by Mr. Buckley, seconded by Mr. McArdle, that Wm. Boyd be appoihted Assessor for the present year for the sum of $70. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. McArdle, seconded by Mr. Buckky, that Thos. FeiiBell be appointed Au'^ior in behalf of thiH Council for tiie present year. â€" Lost. On nomination of the Eeeve, 'John Page was appointed Auditor for the year 1880. Moved by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Abbott, that I'eter Dow be appointed Auditor in behalf of this Council for the year 1880, and that *Jio} receive each $ii for arv oej. â- â€¢ Carried. Moved by Mr. Abbott, seconded by Mr Buckley, that the To the Editor of the Sta3IDamd. Dear bia,â€" The first Masquerade Carnival in this Village was giv- en on the rink, newly erected, ^y Mr. John Hanbury, and notwithstandmg the uupiopitious weather, was very fairly attended by masquers and oth- ers, and the costumes of tliu former were very gooi, especialy the ladies, who dressed with extreme good taste. Tbe flower girls of Mrs. At kinson and Miss Hattie Jcumugs de- servedly earuinK the praises bestowed upon them for their graceful skating. These were the only two who compet- ed for prizes. Tbe r.'st of thft ladies amused themselves iu circling the rink the three representing snow- flakes looking remarkably well, and the character of " old womai.," by Miss Hattie Phillips, descryes a .sjiecial mention. Of course the gentlemen do not care for much mention but the worst skater does really deserve great praisj in the way he tried to break his bead or sjmc other part of his anatomy. The Dutchman con- tributed not a little to the success of the evening, as did also the men of color. The fat man and old man were very good, and the obesity of the for- mer contrasted greatly with the slim- ness of the latter, but KUch is life, â€" The twin brothers looked well iu cos- tume but how a twin brother can look him in the face and tell Lim he is two or three j'ears older, is one of those thing^ that " no fellow can ua- derstand; " but there were the twins. The bandits, Messrs Steinhoff and Kershaw, looked very well, and the the clown, by ^Ir, A. V. Galbraitli, was well rejjresented, and his skating was very graceinl. The band, how- ever, must not be forgotten, as they enlivened the evening very materially by discoursing sweet music to a very ajipreciative audience. The following iri a listof thn snccefesfull c onipettitors: Fastest Skater (one mile) A. V. Gal- braith 2ud W. B. liloomer Fat man, Clu'.s. Knapp Old Man, John Marshall Twin Brothcrs,W.J Shaw and J. C. Atkinson Best Gent's Cos- tume, George Lamou Swell Negro. W. A. Mackay India Chief; Goolrge Lamon Worst Skater. W. J. Shaw Best Lady's Costume, Mrs. Atkinson Best Skatfar- Gent. A. V. Galhraitb Best Laly Skater, Miss Hattie Jeu- ings Ton Thumb, Harry Lnmou Flower Girl, Miss Hattie Jennings: Best 1 Lady, Mrs. .\tkiiisou Clown, A. V. Galbraith Dutchman, W. Sntto;i. TJio Judges were D. Mc- Willian^pi of this Village, Mr. Henrv Whyitby of Markdale, and Mr. Phil- lips of Loudon, who gaye every sati*- factiou iu their decisions. Tbe ice, notwithstanding the heavy thaw, ws in excellent couditien, which speaks well for tli" care taken of the rink, and it is to be hoped that many more carnivals will bo held in it, as every- thing went off in the mrst sdtisfactory manner, and a great vote of thanks is due Mr. John Hanbury for providing a pleasant recreation these winter nights. The Shelburne ijeople were well represented, es-pecially Mr. Mul- lin, whose costume, to say tbe least, was excellent. Yours truly, i LooKEB-Ox. MARKDALE. " ' FaiBAT, Feb. 11, 1881. nonr 5,00 to 6.9 Spring Wheat per bo»h., new 1.00 tc l.«B p^ do. do. do. 1.00 to 1.02 Barley ...• OatB « Ps^ ••••••â- â€¢â€¢ Potatoes. Butter, per lb. .......«• £f{^8, pel doz. .,.•••••â-  Pork, droHsed, Beef Gce»e per lb Ducks, per pair Fowls, per pair Turkeys, per lb Sheepskins ' Hides Grass seed, Hay • â- Wool â-  Oreen App/es, per. bushel Lard Tallow Dry Cord Wood 0.60 " 0.90 0.28 •' 0.29 0.60 " o.ea 0.30 " 0J» 0.18 ' 0.20 0.14 " 0.16 6.75 •' «.00 4.00 " 6.60 O.IC " 0.00 0.40 " 0.45 0.20 '• 0.25 0.07 " 0.07 76 " 1.00 7.50 " 6.00 2.00 •' 240 8 00 • 10.00 0.25 " 0.3o 0.40 " 0.50 O.IO " 0.10 0.06 " 0.07 2.W •' 2.10 â- ^ Rheuin, and every sp«dei rf ft»««i«,DiBe« ari^ Tee r\ " "â-  ^^ ""' the Pablie ganerally, tiit ha li^ -^'?WfiE ^B^ibily Uiey h«»« no *V^ Merry GMstoas and Happy New Year to AIL Now that the season of Good Cheer is '^^^'^^ I wish to eaO Pnhlie atimtian t0 m} flUn-^ANN» GOODS, CONFEOTIONFRY Everything First-Class, and at FS- R I G H T • »P4**I O E S Sn Old Cider equal to hampagne. »- Get your HoUday's supply of above Goods FLESHERTON. lOHcdUMUa. .is^sorjS.C^ Hj.' EPICAL HALL. of the IRtim Bj) SASH AND DOORfj AXD BBVOVKO TO tHX rerooni^l neiM WMdm*, ana U«M b» »ioiiar«Wr 4-ttM to merit » coq ^^^ p«tr«a«esoliberalJybflrto««*l»»»»epast, 0â€" â€" IteT* BOW • Jjtcegt and Taned Rtock of Fuimiture in all tlie Latest ioO.QOO FEET OF GOOQ( BntteUBt^jCliiir Biiwood, Bircli for vfaith THS HIGHEST PEICE "WILL BE p^ .A-lso SI QVLStrLtlty of G-ood; ALL KINDS OF SASI, DMBS, MOULBINes, -â-  AS USUAL. f stimate off Supplies Given on AppHc 13- Dont forget the Warerooms ase m^^ti nmt Joor to tho Factoir.j Flesherton, Dooember 88, 1B80. ., ,«' ,?t ' Fui iBaUa' iWai 1 U^tt stocli l«« [Correeted reekly for the Statnlwd by It. J. SpnmU, Flethertofi.) Thdbsdat. Fob. leth. IRSl. Flcur, per bbl Spring U'heat per ba»li.. Fall do. do. do. Barley Oats Poas Potiitoes Butter, per lb Ejj^s, per doz Pol k, dressed Beef Sheepskins Hiiles Hay Timothy seed Wool Liir.l Tu low eS.dO to »5.50 1.00 to 2.07 1.00 •* 0.60 0.00 0.60 0.30 ' 0.17 0.14 5..50 4 00 0.60 7.50 O.OO 2.00 0.25 0.10 0.05' 1.00 0.78 0.28 0.60 0.30 0.19 0.16 5.70 5.00 1.2o 8.00 9.00 2.39 0.12 0.07 DUNDALK MAKKETS. Fall wheat HOc to 51.00 Spring wheat 75c to ♦1.0 Barley oOc to 7.'o i'pa. i-'c to "9c; Oats -i'Jc to 30f Pork $5.7 '« to JC 2.5; Pota- toes yr bfty 40c to 4.jc; Butter ICe to Irtc Eggs 1.5a to 18c. TORONTO. {rpe'iiil to the Sfnnrf/irrf.) Toronto, Feb. 10, 1881. Wlirst.fall, per bnsh tl OH to SI 10 Wheat, spring, do 1 JO to 118 Barley, do 79 to 1 00 Oats, do 30 te 37 Peas, do. 63 t« 67 nye, do. ....... 80 to 80 clover Seed do o oo to o oo Dre-KO.l lu)(,'8, iwr HW lbs... 6 50 to 7 00 Beef, hiinl martors 5 50 to 6 .5o Beef, toie iuaitei-s .1 00 to 4 oo Chickens, per pair 3o to 45 Fowls, do 40 to 4p Diu-ks, per br«;e 5o to 6o each 50 to 6o Turkeys 75 to 1 25 Butter, lar^o rolls 12 to 13 Batter, tub .lain,- 2o to 21 Batter, store-packed 18 to 20 EcKs, fresh, per doz o 18 to 00 Egfi packed o oo to 00 Apples, per brl...- 1 oo to 1 lo Pot:it.* per l.,ag. 50 to 25 Onions, per bag o oO to 1 55 CHANGE of BUSINESS. o Wo take pleasure in announcing to tb« residents of Markdale and surround ing Conntrv, tbat we bnve puicliascd THE DRUG AND STATIONERY BUSINESS Lately carried on by Dr. SPROl'LE. and trust by strict personal nttoiition to bu^ness, and by keeping a full nssortmeut of Iho IJEST MATERIALS lu the above lines Vj merit the support of tie general public. o As the lloliclav season is fast aiiprrmcbiiiff, w have purchased a LARGE and VARIED Stfck of Fancy Co o d s Toys, And manvotner Articles, Useful and Ornamental, for CHftlSTMAS PRESENTS. Job Lsts for Chfisfmas Trees st Reduced Re'ee. ()â-  â€" â-  â€" A FULL A.SSOIiTrENT OF PATENT MEDlClkS, AUTHORIZED SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY. Djc-Staflri, Paiiils, Oi!« T«a». auU Toburcopj*, ALW.VYS ON H.\N1). Agents fer Hsnisal TGlcgrap^. and VIcker's Express. t-,-' rhixiciaiix 'r!C)i/-.'.-/..s aifl i'c.inihi I.'in'i'iis il tiU h..i,,f. ' A. TURNER CO. SELING- QFpi FALL ji.ND j»iriirri .. AT AND UNDER COST For Cash, for 30 Di Gents Over-Coats and Suits, UDIES' FUR mNTLES AND SHAWLS, Ladies' and Genls' Underclot Staple and Fancy BijrG [WRD, â- yeb; ilth. 18^1. yo THER N aTIOEft. â-  ^ani • borBM^ try *. W. I ^i^ g^ gUeitoD' ^lacleanaj Oeot* Hats for 75c each, New We J.„'«I«pdalk. I ^^^^^ i bCBk M^ cheapeat njacbine splendid ioU,go*P^^*^*"'^°^- latH.Gr, ,t year W»t«h repaired Toeo I Wilo»xâ€" he does them manufac oil. iLfr Sebted to tlie 0. S Timn p fall r«pot^ of t»»« P'°=**^- other nii ETooanty Council. j •-1 lifild in tJ»* Manse on ^°* (iial uei" f" _„„ „^„ cation o: Ldft very plea«nttime spent ^^^^^^ r jM]«rt to' "Castorine" 1 r2 •ni that the barrel E.R ' f^rarfkoAie," as none other »°g veryj ' Station, ' SClilC i OS a cord and a quarter of r tva foot wood, or one and a i A. n Ml aiid yon can Lave the " IfS"^^ rforajear. \^^oml^ „ Da«p, of Flesherton, pays J1.687.tKX) to lend on good se- 1 Use Huid at low rates of luterost. â€" t all kiu itcrtiscmcut. Icellent ing it r*CTVRE»s of reapers, oi°^®" 1 sale bvl eshing machines, prefer -Cas- • machine oil to any other, it I'lii: It wear lard, seal, or elcpbaut, riuU c rr»nted not to gum. liivro \C ,1,1], Ui)l till fjj, communications arc lic.a i (account of 60 ui-jch A our j ".^' be occupied with tbe Couury '" til proceedings. Thiy will ;•.,-{ •] BCXt»Ctk. illia-. vital statistics fi^r tlit- T..v\ii. I **;'»; • I Artetncsia, given in last wt.kV'i "h "" jras only for six months iiiv!,„l wbil i Jve as iiioii «t«Ua. Tli.' nmi.w. ^^aia tbecorroct statement â€" Kirihs -^W"" irriages â€" 31 Deaths- ;;i. -i.--- laxe recii\HMl the ci'i-y «â- Â£ aj i delivered bv Dr. Spoule on' the!,!,..,. ^^iJ^ray baru-aiii. hikI lii\. ' „m- .,, .quested ti |ubii. il liy fi- j' Ir of onr fri' tiifa. [sabseriber hi l«e will i' •• ' rack. As enE is a {.rwi i taking 1 li.c. ^, and if V'l. ni OToe VI ly jiiiv.' [fail 1" drop ;. iu anofb' bniet to r^'a ' y â-  ,s a -^ •- W -f. INK â-  » r t ' tllU- ' jp.i.f. I to I. \h li liia Cil' «/.. •MF i^vi;;itV4JLv't^riP EOCK-BOQ TOM BOOTS AND ~v. in xiO Mnrk.iab, Hcc.ft.HSn. 13 ;f Get Money at 7 p To discharge a ^Mortgai^e bcarin.^' S,g or lo percent more land, or improve ycvr buildings. Liberal Privileges of Repayment Cent. to buy OFFDRED BY TliK Hav. .. 8 50 to 14 -ir, P.b. â€" I had forgotten the repre.seu- tation of " Old BaKs," whorjeander- ed round the rii.k iu the true style, studying, from a skating point ot view the iutricacies of the art, and what to do with a cigar that would not light. â-  1 JL- Wri{;ht, John Wbitby, C. McArtbur, timo be extended for returning tbe Collector's roll up to the next meeting of Council and that he prosecute the collection in the meantime with deli- gence. â€" Carried. Moval by Mr. Kliiott nnd pas.sed iu tbe usual way, 'Uuckley, seconded by Mr. Black, that J Whitby being the party chosen ns the half yearly repoi-t of the Township It. Shannon, J. McArtbur, W. J Ekins. Auditors annual report pres- entad. lU'-litw No. S22 appointing assetsorfor 1881, introduced bv Mr. assessor. Moved and seconded by Pedlar and Elliott, that the petition re ba:ah McMillan, an indigent per- iKiU cannot be entertained by Council. â€" Carried. Moved and seconded by Elliott and Webster, Uiat Me.ssrs Webster and Wrig'it be a committee t4 examine Saugeeu river on town line Proton and Artemebia, with a view to co-oieratiug with ihe Council of Prutoii, in erecting a bndge over said stream, committee to report ss scon as practicublc to this Council the pro- bable cost ofstructnie and the pro- portion each towi.bhip should con- tribute towai'd the erection of said bridge. â€" Carried. Moved and second- ed by Elliott and Webbter, Uiat the Keeve and Dep. lieeve ^e ac^mmittee to finally audit the Audi»or's report. â€" Carried. Moved and s^codded by Wright and Webbttr, the t the lieev« issae ,au ordor iu favor if Alexi Mo- Kecbnia for ten dollars being, cefuud ia p»rt of tuxes paid ty hinL on lots No*. 201, au.: •lO'i. 2 E., property- havr lUff been bnnii after leu4^ aswfstied to 4iian. â€" Cairiet:. Acfoout of J. H. HiiarJ rep uiin;; sci-ap.r $1.55, and nccouut oi tu lIvU'a ui l^vd Lacb, auti $L aub tur ce'.*;(«v .iM HUM exltm Xlle«!Mr 01 ^wf No. itior «Ktr« GOLD! GOLD! $1,537^000 To lend through the FlesLerton Agency, at 6t AND 7 RER CENT. per annnm, straioht loans. If yon are paying 9 and 10 per ceat. interest if Tou u«*il a b»ni If 7onr fence* are not sufficient? if yon want to buy more land? If yon want to clear and improve more land It \y'Ul r*ay "V^oii to borrow of the NORTH OF SCOTLAND Canadian Mortgage Comp'y They cliarge no fines thej do not equalize y ur payments, nor charge yon 12 per cent, on over due pnymunls but tbey do give the most reasonable privileges of any Cuni- pauy lending money, A.nd their Costs are Low S]i^cial rite* given to parties wanting speci. ally large loans, offering special Hecurity. I have also a Few Thoasana Dollars of Private Money! To -ji' est on very ra«onable terms, aiid|at 7 percent, interest. This is a rare chance and the amount is limiteU. As many Enghsh and Scotch caintali.sts are withdiamiig their capital from the mar- ket, I believe a change in the money market may .^oon le expi cted. Money has reached rock bottom. Now Is the Unie to borrour, and the place is Tiie h'htherton Heal Estate, Loan and Jntitrance Agency. Treasurer for the half year ending tbe Slst Dec. last be received aud h'ed. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Abbott, that the Treasurer be requested to oflFer to loan on real estate security tbo sink- ing fund of Fcliool seutions, collected off tbe sections being total balance ard stibmit offers to the Council at its next meeting. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr ^IcArdle, that the Clerk correspond with tbe County Treasurer, and l(.am bow ttae back taxes accrued on lot 27, eon. 17. Carried. Moved by Mr. Black, sec'd by Mr. McArdle, that Wm. Middle- ton receive Ihs snm of $5 for 106 loads cf gravel for gravelUng the roads in this Township. â€" Carried. Moved by ^I. McArdle, keoonded by Mr. Black, that the ease of Thomas Talboi he laid over to the next meet- ing of Coancil. â€" Carried. Moy«d by Mr. Buckley, seconded by Mr. Mc- Ardle, that a grant of 'iO be given to tbe trnstecs of school section Mo. li, providing it be rappleroented by tbe G overinent. â€" Camea. Moved by Mr. AbboU, seconded by Mr. McArile. thftt this Cottni:^ go into oonusittee of iba «bule io-«xeniine (Ite^ IVeasvr- er'abond ynkb Dcg. B«e%9 in tfa^d)»ir. Is a romponnd of the virtues of sarsaparil- la, atMlinioa. mandrake, yellow dock, with the iodide of potash andiron, alt powerful blood-making, blood-cleaasing, ana Iife.«a9- taininf; elements. It is tbe purest, safest, and most efTectual alterative medicine known or available to the public. The sci- ences of medicine and chemistry hare never produced so valuable a remedy. nofMie so potent to cure all diseases resulting from impure blood. It cures Scrofula and all scrofnioas diseasea. Erysipelas, Rose, or St. Anthony*! Fire, Pimplee and Face-grubs, Pustules, Blotches, Bolls, Tumors, Tetter. Humors, Selt Rheum, 8e*ldhesul, Rlnc-worm, Ulcers, Soree, Bhenmatlam, JfereurUa DIseese, Meurmlgia. Female Week nesses and Irresularltiee, Jaundice, AOectlona of the I^ver, Drspepsla, Kmaclation, and Oeaeral Debility. By iu searching and cleanslDg qnalities It purge* out tbe foul eormptiooa which contaminate tbe blood and cause deranfe- ntent and decsy. It stimolates aod enliveua the vital functions, pcomotse enenj and strength, restores and preserves health.and infuses new life and 'vlffor throoghout tbe whole svstem. Mo safferer from aay dis- eate which arises from inraurity of tbe blood need despair wbe will (ire Atshi's SansArARiuJt a lair trial. It is follv to experiment with the namer- ous low-nficed miztuics,ol cheap materiais, sad witbout mediciaal virtnes, offered se INSU RANGE I It is of the greatest imjiurtance to Insurers that they select a Reliable aud Safe Company, aud that they do their buiuiiess through a rcllalle Agent. I am prepared to takt applications for the Strongest, Safest and Best Companies in Canada, and for a Stock Company, at rutc-x as low as any reliable Uutoal. Hy Companies are the Lancashire and Citizfnt, (Stock.) The Waterloo Onmty aitd Giire Dittrict (Vntnal and Cash.) CONVEYANCING. Deeds, Wills, LeMos, Mortgagee, Agree- me'iu. A«., Ac. on shirt notiev, and "work Corertly and i'Veatly done. In this Use my business haii increased and is ir creasing, I am now doing the largest, business in the Biding. blooil-puritters, widle iMiwiiii becosaes more firmly sealed. AVBSt's SAKSArMUaLA Is a medicine of snch cuut s uu mttd curative power, that it ts br Csr the best. rt i ra |«st, and most r^iaWe Weo«-|M»i*M ItMwn. i%vsiciaas know its co mn esi t ioa, ami pee- scribe it. It has been widalj nseafer fsttv vear*, aBl has woo (beoMinaMaed coufr tlsBcc of milBoaB wbomirhas tMoellted. PrapwMl by Or. J. C Ay«r k C6., AUCTIOIV HALEH Attended to either Town or Country, sad Bills supplied free of charge; ilao, aU aeess- â- ary Blanks and Stamps. LANDS FOR SAlTaNO TO RENT. To any having luids to dispos* ot 1 offer a â- Â»l«a4M c*aM« u^TCrtiBo. Bdout eoat you a cent till your larti k sold, and you can withdraw at any time. I aiss mshse betUT prioee than the PropiieCors tbem^ •ewaa. Correspoodsoee soliaited. !â-  esetr immttmtmk ot my bmHsm I then aaany reliahtei ROBT. DAVIB, Cmiireyi^, 'hmwuMioner -d OentnL Agtm. **-«, l«l' â-  â-  5 « /?. t. »M BRITISH CANADIAN LOAN AND iNVESfllNT 3PECIAL, EATilS -J^St* 31^CIAIj.3ECUEITIF.S. LANCASHIRE FIRE. IHSURAKCE COMPANY, • â-  ' ' AND ^.j. ,-,, British America Assurance Co. THE XTINEQIJAI^L^EI) Wanzer Family Machines. Organs at Reduced Rates. ATTENDED.- ie: S Parties requiring; anything in my line, will do well to call and see me. P. S. â€" Several improved farms Jor sale. Markdalo. Dec. 9, 1880. 18-8ta MARKDALE HOUSE, ALEX. BUTLEDGE, Proprietor. rilHIS HOTEIi is a krxe throe rtoroy brick bni'dlnft.rW'PHTty ci cted afldfltti^ ap with A. cv#y mokTn convenience. It i. furti:!hed in la-^s StyJe The lSaftȣunplii-d with the best l.rai.d of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, and tiic table with all the df lica-i. s of the season. The travelUng Public may rely uroni every nttcutioa lifing paid to the fort. Good S'ample Roomnfflr CommereJnl Trareller The only Hotel that a Bns to and from all Trains. Oool Stable.^ and attemire lluiitlers. ir corn- runs 18 IVOTICE. ALL persons arc hereby oantioned against parehawing tw«» notes drawn in favor of John Patshard, of the Township of Enprasia and signed bw (ieorec Hale, of the said Town- ship of Euphrasia. Said Notes were dated somu time in Deoembcr, ISmO, oae for $3i' due in October, 1881 and one for 840, due in FuhruAry, XHH. payabiu st Bhuityre P. O, to the said Township of Eaphr^sia, an I have not received viJne for the suns. (JEOHGE HALE. Dated this 31st day of Jan'y, 18U1 il.Bi* C AUTIO X ALL parties are hereby warned against purchasing a note drawn abont the 20tL of December 1880,in favorof Thos. Eiseleine to the amount of »13.00,and faUingdae about the l«th of Feb 1881, as t have not receiv- ed value for the same. Markdale Feb. 9, 1881 A, DUNLOP. 3t9i SAVE YOUR COMBINGS.' thoUdmsofllarkaala sod vieinity tliat abe a prepared to woii up h^ oonliuin inte !***«• *»«• and onxls, terms mod^nuTZ A«Uis seheited. Besjdeiioe eonwir of JJOrk Md Qowm strset*. enosite Mr. Bowes' le^. denee. Msrkdsl e, Dee. IM^lMo. ' liml iJVLS: FLESHERTON Harness Shop 'â- |"Ht' snhfieriberhavii jrpnrr'iaRwlihi- bn- J. sill. -S.tnttly earrii-d on by .Mr. S. I*- mud-?,b ,-« to infonn the pablio" tha*. he has REMOVED TO THE BUILDING OPPOSITE THE POST OJTMOE, where he is prepareil to fomiib ALL KINDS of HARNliSS usnally found to m .^.-j-v hirst-Class Establishment, Aud at price-: to snit the times, and by nring THE BEST OF MATERIAL, AND GOOD WOKKMAXSHIP, hopes to receive a fair share of yftur patton- SRiP- A good rapply of • WHIPS, TRVmU, dfcCn eooataiUly on hand. C0LLAB8 A SPECIALTY. Cdt sad satiafy yoen«Iv«a: 18-BememUe tbe^(Md|4he Xric fltose ie next door. „ V. GORDON. Flenfientop. Dec, 1880. ^, 16 'Of*t- hale;. 0 io BSKT.tkateliKiUeproiMrt^rrftB. a*S on Toronto Street, in Um TdleM^ »-«-.,„.«.«fc »*'??««. i In every Variety-CHEAP. EverytJiing AT UNUSU ATtTiY LiOV7 PHUZij,.:; \*:^:K5^,':-- .: Wm- BR Markdile, December 20, 1830. 'ii:. AVIS LI vol A Merry Christmas and a Happy Ir mil â- '.i.' ' utwa ii -i P'ji 1 oil id II ' â- i .ry i :s a «ii. p. -i.' jy d -nl* I ' vmtdj i .. VE T 1: t- :t- u, roi â- â-  \Vi ftiid ot..Lr J arcs i iu- 'ilie Strati;-.i a:i i li tr-'.. .».i. • li down ii 'luiMiiiy. f vv:,ii i. Attoiiu y Gci'ua! il Ui.tiii' Mi-i ;e iLe ll^crs^lty ol tlio aLuv«; r^aii ivitjg Goveriueiit aid. ^^ '.;'•â- .- may be succc-isful. je Rev. Dr. Tujiper, father if Sh ',j, les, died on tlic IStli "It-, u\ i... ' "â-  ccd a;jc of 90 yinrs. \\ â- â€¢ â-  u ihient Kaptist luiuis^Ui in N â-  I for over Gu years. It i-; -t.r hen dyinjt he exprcsse.l th wi lllO b| i:lt, rvci.lJ f tiJ .\ tbriMis son should lict leave Li.s • ^: i |.i,l;j ^tSttawra at «uch an inipoi tanl ij:'«- iVi, Immi u In reviewing the past year we cannot but say, tb been a year rf prosperity with the people oi ci;: and as others have prospered, we have been e: participate with them in their prosferity. Our business has rapidly increased, esjiccinlh moving into our new premises, and we solicit a shai patronage for the year i88i. to attend his funeral :iiil C"ii" ^••otly Laily Titppcr left v'liuva i «tind the fiiucrai unattended ly 1. • iNBbaud. I ii 111' r We are now offering a tine collection ol Christmas Coo NAMELY :... -.%â- â-  ^d a lat^ variety of CHILDBBN'S TOl CUR CRCCERII For the season are, Ji^ usual, Well Selected, Fresh and Cc NEW CURRANXS,i^,; COUGH is usually the ciT.-rjL cf ;ure to expel some luorhid matt' r itatiusllic ail passat'os of i!ic li;i._' iBV, however, jiucood froiu aii li ed or irritable c;)iiditiiiii nf ll. t, a slight rash or hujior (ft'ii iiig perceplible. I^ct the cau--c- Iw- at it may., the romcdy ^hi'iild I-.- __ard'-s l'«**4'^r:il lliils.itn. A ;.iir».- Tegetable balsamic tlimu; iiud lul'l;!tt^!I ler. For fulc ly all di aK rs iti i ri icdicine, at 25 cents per bi.ttlc. â-  Grfat altraction at McFar'iinds. at can it be it it yoid (^ewds, or p mprcliivii'Usc. i- it his fiiitblul ik kepptr, or the aHi.abli- post ollic _er, the ohligiir^ clerks, or tl^' iNMlness tact of tiie pKiptictor, or i~ bat Irishman. La-t Salnrdtiy were no Icbs than cb-viu «(.-ij ers in the estiiblisiimui: at .ec. Well, out tiling ccrtai:!. b' Farland) is Kelliiig uu iui:ii .- tity of goods. '.1 has been aptlv remarked tba: is one thins bitter than prtsi ki-. liud, in case of acci ieiit :in-! that isence of body but a.-- iu-ci'"-iit- bappep to all. ILifivanls Y-il •« OB is perhaps tin- !• st r im-Ij- tj' i- fct^ker tl an an ae-cidciit i»tt Oil cures all imi' Wounds, PuiuR, 1,11 8, Frost Bil.s. H: vnfl. II' I ',, i :. i-'ir. !â-  .ii.-xL Y.:- ..I vu'.\ lU tls. r xt.'rjj • iltferiinl use III Hil iiilbilnlii^tt "V ii:- v.; v,. tnil.. ;^,u aaii'..' NEW PRUNESt-^noi;;; V ^: NEW TEAS, at 45c, Splendid Value. The People are all asking for our ^â- \ TEA DUST, nothing suits^' r iiU} â- Ut' a- a -â- . â- ft I.!-' .t r-'a»'*r.».' « i-" '^V^'L, -^ij :â- â€¢â-  i :•• ',;r. iJt 'fft.- pai;ifiil disiH-' A;l lleis s 11 it. hull Max.- iii..T. -: to 1-. "IK ' t" 1 punip w 1 ' â-  li: a.' •. (.!A..V.\.' • lajou;iiiytua:i i lay KHt,'i s. \\ •: I being a:.;. iii. :x • )me«iiF. .\ll il' .i r 'â-  the cnte vri"' " ' himself iiuai' ' poaitiof' to u ' ifll natter 01" ours« i .hi- .\shiln«-|i, '.I II ii ".i«i :IMI i t'li .\( 1 'V ' â- .:â- ' a \v .-»â-  .iv' vv^';^|t|.n kjtpiri^ii^^^' "ia;- ~i,r :. WINTER DRY Gi At LOW PRICES to clear them out â- Mrt .«iTii ' ,. _^, -- -_ Ul^ :;:(V .;..-i.,^« t-^ ::"'^.*.a1- ' ^^- -.-i. â- ?rv., ^.-j .-.rt -Tr4f;^y.-, â- ; â-  i 7 ••U ';„v.-.t;i,; i'^:. ...••â- ^. !^' I'l .. tiaeuuiily. 'Oij!" .^jI '^^^' .N.OTICE. -i-+t -drtoV .!*»., jbTx-a^W-inv-*;;? ;. WANTED â€" 10,000 Railway Ties, •' 5,000 Telegraph Poles, ^Marlulale^ 0;^ 23, r86o/- tNiEI8JI.â€" lilC 1 'liiUl! .eellUi U.e boi th .rey i.t 0\ uy Wpe, -was ' id i' tti « •" ' ' inlalk, en liio Is ii'-t ur large unii. ber ci bitin pr* most ci the disiriet anu rna.. igCF comprisiiij: the Cnunty 'i '"itli ey being well represented. lii- routine ofbusiuiss was trii;i- in a very harinoiiinus manner. WM a communication frmi thr igemen of Toronto, askin.^' tiie Dgemeu of this County to cek-brat.- aext anniversary of th.' battle of Boyne in the Queen city, which irtferred to the district lodges for ration. The next auuual f will be held in tlie Oiauj,e lesherton Sution. The fob officers were elected for the Btyear, viz:â€" W. 0. M.. Thos. i; D. C. M., James Edge C. dMaee Brodie; C. 8.. R Murray; T., William A. Anderson C. D. [CL, Thoa. Flemming C. L., Sanil 1! ' '" .II- I'll th l" j bel^ 'dead I sho^ ' outt ea ' bis Ipas i will UeiJ whe| oveii .ajsU •^ami ij^^g^JJU^igJlJC^ SfeUiMBI dfikMlb iMama

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