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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 4 Feb 1881, p. 2

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 EKTg)- i Uiat )i. [D Doofi Hi STANDARD. -»rr' TIIK »'e'oom^ S ADJOING Ti n iT.itxt. lit Mlosn 1^' to Illrrit in tlie )M-t. Latest St^ •â- â- jiiiri- .•% F GOOD L Birch Mj.] 3 X3 I IHL BE PAJO. ^^'^tOWes, ETC onAppiicatjj c„„wi. very dry forget the coftsquerade en "^ond town CoancU met eveuiug .-en"'-**'*^" prisoners "^nJ WaM'»'e'*ent. L«.4 ai"l dienpest machine ,\,ovels° are iu Remand, but .tutdasmuchusuiey might t„ne the the Tarn OSbauters X. out of date. Ibc- very r«rL^ean"g theW. ijetftl of .-^veral uf the school i.nviii" h«i tliiir hands and li.'Ltlv Ir"*^" "" ""'day last. „/{/«»{'•"â- *"" l^'ctoral liiilsam Mler'r '""»"' " t*â„¢""" "'« '" "" 'ue in«" 'PtieiU ..f Its uiirit as a ,ud Lu" •'•'"Iv 't '• "'•â-  fircat f,ir tli I'ulnioiiar}' cunipluiiit^ tciiii jj, in-um|ti««- Tl bt«t ami ilw«|ist â-  safest, nil 'St Coui'h i-iiri- t'fT -ale by all iijalirs iu lucdii-im.-. ^K, (UTti' coW suap WHS jiyain tlit tlit-rmi)Uitci stiiiiaiiit,' at llow zcf" at 7 a. 111. oa Tuesday Dnri. '0 1 III F OF voiir ihtthrs fur "Ciistmiift" J •,)). niid see tliat the- hiUlu â-  .â- ^•.istoriiie," as ii..iieutla-r| |p„i^,^j.^^j ^,^. Ktif- ' that for l„ir ,,niitv of JiifT. rill \v..s iiuly DM .Su!iiiil;iy and tlit- j^. L'..iiiicil uitt at Uruiigevi.le ,a crd mid a qiiartor of I f.iiit woiiil. or one and u liiid yo.i cai: hii*e the ,Ua;'--ir. V MY SHA£P lloABs badly ait «p. Chxap John is aroiM)4 AffaW- A BRANrH of the Land Tiotgue ^m b«en eatabliahud in Toronto, Haskxtt Bros keeps the largest aqd b^st stock of stoTea in the eoantr. ' ., ^.S' ^^*" Ewj., was eleotsd the first Warden for the County of Dnffehn. A NUKBEK of our towns men are lay in« iu their stock of ice for next sum- mer. M«. Blake'e amendment to th* Pacific Railway contract was defeated on Wftdnesday morning by a major- ity of eighty-six. ToBONTo oil company, are' sole n:anafacturer» of -Castorine machine ojI. Irfrmgements will be prosecuted For sale by Haskett Bros. only. niBKocK Blood Bitten cares Bcrofulji and «11 hnitors ol the Bkwd, laver. Kidneys and the Bowels at the same time, whUe it allays nervous irritation and tones np the debUitat- ed Hysitem. It cores hnmon from a pimple to the worst form of Scrofula. For sale by all dealer*, baoiple bottle 10 eeots, re«iilar size Sl.Od. bcuooL Books. â€" All modem anthor- ized text books t public schools, rfgularlv in stock, at the Medical Hall, A. Turner Co. Uke ••Castorine" Machine Oil, for ull kinds of machineiy, it is also ex- cellent for harness and leather, make it water and weather proof. For sale fiv deajtis. Cool.â€" James Struthers, Esq., of Kiil'iiiasia, informed us, tiiaton rising o 1 AVedn.sdav morniuK jiist as day !• LAXD Wm. Lacas Ce.. ufITi AT W. B. Skqent's. Thesnbaeribw iiahitsntaal to Umui. ift,* BANKERS, Money lL.ottn«id IN large or smaU â- louuto, at aU good endorsed nataa, » n_ seeuniy. OB ooUatval IMTEIIETATePERCWr. Allowed on SsTings Deposits. .11*^-^' V.*""*^ •"•' OoUections msde »U poutU, at lowest rates. WM. LUCAS ft Co. September. 1880. 2-r VETERINARY JBLOOMFIELD, • Veterinary Surtfeim, HAS commenced the pra«'tice of his pro fessiou m MarkJale.aud from his lone experience aud extensive practice in England aiiJ thi8 country, is enplilod to guarantee satisfaction, liegolntii.g I'owders, the ad- miration of thousands thai have used them warranted to purify the blood by removiuK was du Wiling, h.s tUermomet'r. which I "!^»r"'"""" '"""'•™ ""'°^^^^ .. _.i • '""';•"' '.,«"l^ll I cattle, always on hand. Medicines may be â- . a- 1 orv I*' ' C (.» 30 Day( i Suits. nclerclothi Dry Gooi p -â-º?. I c E! BKOEI 'hAP. â-  â-  i'nicEr;»t»!)r I BROWli nitalile UT persolii: and sixes, aj. tlio .JH-JI â- fi""ei' X c ,.f^TTT:,i;s of reapers, niowtrs Jiii/i; uj.*flim*-s, prefer '-CaS- /uiuliiiit! I'll to any otiier, it [ hirii, s«l'l, or eli|)iiailt, imriaiited not to gum. buhl iitt liios. oiily. 1. Statistus. â€" The following' |Wu reyisicred wiLli Mr. \V. J. ,mv, Tl wjisliip Clerk of .Vrle- to«iii'in w»e are nnlelited l';)r i,f..i'Ttl»e past year :- IJiiths, M'arnai:t l2i L»eiiths, 1;}. tji iij»t CHiili ' Min rill ilii it ji«cililv, ,jii,l mi/i ly witlj ll,i;;'viir1's Ikctoral .v..* 1- til. se son ti(,'imii! ii;j:iiii«t 1/ i.ilttvit to'pr.M lit I'liiisniiiiitii.ii ri..I till- must Irlliiiu- iii|.tiiiis, .•J« I'.rl.'iriil lalsMiri «ill luver fail It nir.-^ rn.iii' A-ti'iiiM. r.ioiii'liitis, lifllll-'-* ollt'll :il â- ' "l! -I U!M 'ti.'i'y I'tilil- ll Iil.ln-ii It .1 •â-  ur ••: ;â- â-  .\. han-» on t,ie north side ..f his house. procuiod at'lifs' office, over Dr, How is I '^ac Store. Markdale. bel ow zijro. Os Tliu!s,l«y of last week it young man i.anied .J.Hcoh Longhead, while flioppiugiu Mr. T. W. Vunderburgirs hush was struck on the head lyafull ing liml and rendered insensible for some time. A very deep and long Wound wa- cu' in hi he uI from which Sproule's 1-T rv Ik. .\. S. Irviiiu' wli tw.i vi ;ns (ttiis fonuian iiiCW^iit lonnilrv. on lii.iii'.; C»liiii;.'W""il 111.' ir day to take a posirion in a ^li-p butroit was j»risciiti-il y'hi^ -h iji- witli an ailiU'i ~s a h.oii gold signet rii.;,' â€" M^iiitoi xiUo Ji.'kve Wie hlooi Ho Wed M.,i,iUir. Thk Orange ville Cm icil !ias sup- jdeiitcd the reward of $K)() o.'f, red bv Mr. .J. Lindsay by olh riii,' a reward I I .S."0() for ih. apprtheiisi m and iou- xictioii of the ]ii,rson wliu set tire to tliat giMitieman's granary at the To- ronto, Grey and Bruce railway stati -u on Sunday mnniing last. Ti.K .\iiniversary of the Meaford I I'load riiioii Sabbath School, will be I h M III the Frame Cluircli, on Tues- diiy. tilt Hth inst. Tea served to c-liildii-n, from three p. m. to five; I to uiliilts from live to scveif p. n,. i rrogaiume will consist of Uecitatious, 1 lialoj,'iu's, S|eoclies and Music. Fip.K IN (hiAxiiKvii.LK. â€" On Suiidav niorniiii,' the iJOth ult.. about four o' clock a lire broke "iit in I.i;idsuv's j,'rain elevator, whreh was totally cou- siuued with 20,000 hiishels of 'grain. j Mr. Liinisay is insured in the llart- Lif .rd and lioya! Insiiraiicc Couipanies, I rTut the amount is not yet know. Supposed to have beet" the work of an iiu-.ndiarv. Legacies Pensions! Bounties! Tarties having any of the above claims to investi'tjate will please communicate with me at ouce. A. G. IILi^TEB, Claim Ag-'nt. Dundalk P. O., Cjunty Grey. OYSTERS,~OYSTERS, JrST UCCEIVEIi f**?""** *« their libeial patroaaga dur- â„¢C*J»S«*»Tt,«a„. andbe«.to remiad "••»•*â- â€¢ ispt*p»u»d to supply their ' ' J wants ia itis koa a* L_^ r-t *-: â- Â« _^il •w Maes .faoSBtJt HeTnolds ar any one nor^ of Toronto. Wiyered promptly on receipt of orders. ' SAUSAGE ft POULTRY always kept in their Season. Special inducements to .uirge Purclxasers 13" Shop on Mill sreett, opposite the "Revere Hotel." ^^ KS-Cash paid for Fat Cat- tle and Sheep Again thanking yon for past favors he trustu by faithful attention tovour wants to merit a ooutuinauce of vour support W. B. SARJEANT. Markdale. Sept. 17ih 1880. i PfOTlCJE. ALL parties indebted to the undersigned either by note or book account will call at n».v .shop aud setUe wiihout further notice. As I have not time to ^-isit you all at your homes, and it is too expensive to send out a collector, i hope the above notice will be suf- ficient. JOHN NOBLE. K. B.â€" Warning is hereby given. tLat re- ceipts are of no value unless signed by my- self ipcrsoiially. JOHN NOBLi:.* Jlarkdale, Dec. 17, 1880. I*iiblie IVotice. ]^OTICE IS hereby givpn that the new i.1 road iiiieii through lots 00, KH). aii.t I'll, i.u the Snl concession W. T. .t S. It., in the township of Oleu.lg, is not pruntrlv e-- tnblishe.l. The c.irporation of the to viMliip cf Ulin- elg not having any title to tlie roa.l thnmsli s.-iid lilts, will not be respoiisihle for f iiy ac- I'iileiit time inav liapiieii on said loi il .IAMi:s BROWX, 1-INLAV JlAirAE. Clerk. Kcve. Township of (ileuelg, Oct. 10, ».S80. Ctf. AT far. ii BELFAST HOUSE. » 'I'uK following are "â- i::t"l otliciais fr I have titte.l up a room ovnr my .Store wlicro I call -ujiply o Y !?; "^r K n K 'y tlio riate or Can CHEAPER THAN ANY ONE IN TOWX Sly Stock .f John H. Heard, MaiiubictiUer and lieakr iu Cutters, Sleigli3,B!i?|i(!S, ^V.\^,GONS, CILTIVATOUS, HORSE RAKES. PLOUGHS, IIARKOW A.U A llkindsof yaruuiig Implements Mauufactiiry and l)i jM.sitoij-, llurliani aiui HiU sueets. FLESH !•: R TON. JUST ARRIVEt) A FULL SUPPLY 01^»"a dsr' Grocenes, BOOTS AND SHOES. .i'k: 1 m L mmn, i. foe m As we are doing a CASH BUSINESS, we will not be undersold by any other house in town. BOOTS SHOES A SPECIALTY Weaving. rWeiav Ing. â€" --o- Ioii»t Foi-get tlie riace. EEYNOLDS SON. Markdale, Dec. 31, i88o. 9 le NOBBIEST Ml! Any person having wwk to do in th« above lint, can get it doo* .. DONE WITHOUT DELAY, Ar THE Flesherton Woolen Factory. Having nearly all orders completed at present on band, as is usual at this scaton of ib« year, those favoring us with work, may rely ui6u having it promptly sttended to EVERY BRANCHlirTHE BUSINESS In tlio C011.H A a t cFARL 'S D.ill nil .Mr. ill. I W HI. JKKii .i,'istriir; .loli; usK i^'oiir .siilwtii'i'r.s., arrniif,'orofiits ru fiiy flicir sii6- j Citri; Cmiitv 'iut; .1. P. .McMillan, iXii.ti- til tli'j Si \Mii;i 111 Uiidil, Oi'aiiL'i villi' C. unity Crown .-^ttoriuy Wmi; us Uv biiii.i,'iiig it ill now -MiX. SutliiTlmul, IJarric, (iovurLuir jf the timV- iivi- .; 1. AW lire in ' J't'l. Clerks ot Division Court not iifwiKni jmA -.1 {• A roitls iKAv jyct niipmnteil. tlie newly no ,. ,»r a« ,vo "vc I's ' Provisions and Groceries 1" 'wlt-.s. Jloiioltoiul, ShcrifT; To;,'thci wi li West Wellington, llo- .WfL:ire;i, Mount Fovest,! 1 H New 7i th.-it it 'our Coui a .^ cnabledl PJ hv JUat as iiiTi li'.iiliU rii I the iii;:lit ol' 'an. 1st wiiiii skat. 11 tlif I'ritivilli ririli. .Air. Huo k]i.S(yn, .s|i|i|i'it iiiiii liji.!,.. |..i~ leg, fli WAS Hi;iiiih-il liv Ii. (Una; Iwasalile to tt;il;; iiiml.-.i ni t\v fks. 'i'iir virv ~iii.e..v,:.i! 1 1'lirc relli rl.s gri jit (Jioii ill .itteiiiiaiice. pii.i;illy .sinctl .11 i* a share ofi Ui E^ood a I in k IKIJ.OW )|I of lilllllS. \\ i7iiii r IT iiii'iiiciiii- r. iinii-- 1 It Is lor int. I ij il :l Use. JCvi ry Im.'J: |;."Vi satl.slsurii'ii. lliissell it. liiK. aiiiiiial ricctii-" h) Sun tv of till' N l »iis 111 ;.l lit (Iwio |Ji lilt, wiieii llii I..1, •Inly «l.iti..i |.i. :|ii ksuleiit, Wni. T M.l.llt..l â- '„„ Jo„^'l; siileii; CoiUii ..i.lo,,: (â- â€¢ i'liix-;. is. W •!. Thoiii|, |.. 1, iloii. .*. Fn-i. II v ]•, Till: A.MKKic.\N AonicfLTUMST for j_l'eliriiai-y Ims lieeii lecc-iveil, iiiiil its I iisii:il is rcjikte with int'oniiiition for j llie agric.iiHirist, Imrticnitlliist, gaiil- I eiHT, ami tin- lioiui; circle, no one .slioiilil be wif.liDiit it. It- member. ' tiii.s Very valuable iilaijnziiiu can be s!ul i-~iio of li:il III eoniii ct:i)ii with the Sr.\ fiiiii! III! the 1 '"i^ '""' '""' '"""â- ; without the St.\n- lii.ii l;,ii,ir. ' i).\i:i "jl-id per 'imiiuii. Siihscrij'lious ' ii-eoivtil at this uliici' Ykui.iiw l)il is tiie uui-t ileservoilly i-opn- lar nm^-ily ;ii ihe uiarUit for l;liiiuaiiiii, Niuiiotjiu. tSpruius, iiniises. rro^.t llites. tsoie Tliioa., l.jiaie liaek, CoiiCraelion of the Mil lies, I'liia.i. l^ »iiiey. ami every variet.v ol r.iiti. l...aieae.,... or Iiidaiuuiaiion. lor mil :. ii.ii a V. li a... exler.ial use. Ye. low Oil «.ll lo ..1 l^iivoa ;Soi,l liy ah dealers in Ill Wines and Liquors, AKi: viaiY (â- iik;-p .\xi) ciooi). ANY AMOUNT of POEK FOR ALE. .\s I .111 nil ]iu1Vin;,' II.- ll.rvlii;' I \v:Mlt tile ruliiii- to ;;;.i. liie a eall aii.l I.e eouviiieed wliat l);ir^'iiiii I am ^iv iig. In fore yv,u jiiir- olia-e elsewlieie. WILSON BENSON. Maikilale. Nov. •.'.â- ,. 1 -si. "..h IS llli-ili|iasseil for the .Si. I Ills. J!rni»,s. I'r. .st ilil'lalli 111 th" a.s X\i " :â-  lo i- "lira .\!1. .N..; iiin-.i- ' :i^ 1 \- ti.'..l i-ri \i ERIE! â- :.„al, â-  ' and Good. IIIK .SfiMIll I'l'itM. .â- â€¢-. ri.i, I lilt iiarii of ?i|ar /^"••xlaNblst. i l'"'t. :s .,|1,;,V f., 'â- . It ininir, V at^iii I UiaiiiiKi tile UMciiiii lij; for the cimiltr iialiii liiis taken v';;i.. 'aii.soffVaiiiii.^. oi.i tn, tnt w.istl.roii^'i^tii f .\.-i-,i' liii. !iiii..iii:. o. Ai-. insia C lUiicil -.1 I' I i; woii.ii iiai^ .1 i_, i.. tiiv Sr.vxovuu .S.pjJh.i I II ;l.f iast Week, 11.. ....« iii.ui in whieli liiey owi|o I 111. • r.s came l).- ii iii iiiue. i!ut tie iiiu 1 y.a is.s) :- liiil not a rn until alt-iil dark uiul â- iii|is.i,.. If. our spate »,.s uv tiiiti tiiuu taken ii| -: :2ii.l 'ice j nence lliiV liuil to lay over. The Si cr •ta;-v. Clerk wrote Us stali..g he woiiM iiave "s .1 i'if,-!, (..ivi uracil ill. Ill a. an earli. r iLUl h::ii .. i I ,1 ..â- ,., II .1. .. " 'â- ' â-  "• '•; .\. •rt;AMEtTlu ill lowii Line Meliio- l(iit CiiU'Cii WHS iieiil i)n 2(jth Ult. ot Ml .s.-rs. 1 111 atteiiiianc..- large llie eatables ex lurations |ciliciit music by ine Markilale choir, CliolCC J.MONTGOMERY, 1$ .A Iv IZ It, riTHK in ftiiriiiiip thanks to X tile inh ili.tants of Mark.lalf and snr- ronndiii" eountry for their patroiia^jrdiirin? tlie a^t e'fjlif y.ars.I'ei; to iiitiiiiiiteto them he is how piejiared to siijijily the I'ablie with FRUIT, POUND PLUM CAKES, either plain, or Iced and Ornamented, and n larpe Variety of Other Cakes. always on liani!. .Also, IB Z S C TT I T To Mv I'v!;i"Ns.â€" -Mwiiys ahead iifniiv in my triiiie, and haviuf.' the ia:;.;est a.-il; convenient l-'aciorv in this loenlty, i tiii, prepared to -ell C'arrii:;;es arl Inijileiueats .i' every deseriptroii in tl.e lies: .slyle o( any |i, the market, and at prie. a: low as aiiv ol- conlii'f; to the iinaliiy of the -.vovk. Havin; upwards of Uvi iity year.-.' X|eri- ffnce, I am eoiili.leiit tij.' (.,iielMes will fjel the mlvrtiitnj;e in leivia;; th;' very li- st niiaie. Parties in want of a ea;r:,.;;e or iin|ileiiiiiit will ill) Well to (jive liie a eall. as Juie ale nolle in tiie laarki't wiiali w;ll em i:.a.ii with tlieui iu nuality, st\le iii.d liiii-li lor tin- price. â-  IMy China~TBA Store (ieuen.l d. filer in GROCERIES P;!0V!S10NS, Next to lla-!.etts f;iin'..iaie Store. Kee|i.s constantly on ban.] eve:-\ ;!i*iijj nsua. t.} sucii nil OslaMiseliielil. He woiiM lir.i'.v specir.1 uitention to his Teas, Tobaccos 8c Sugars, AVhicli for qualitv and I.owucss of I'rico CANNOT BE SURPASSED. .if every d.s.-rip io i. from the lest maiin- faeturers in Ontario. .Also, a iur^e aud vuriod tissurtiaeut of ll'e CHOICEST CONFECTIONERY! V.i piifi"iK is no pnrt of my dosire, I merely ak iite'i'liiii; iMircliasers to pive me a cai! 1111.1 l,e eoiivinced that I Mi: A N IJU SIN K SS. .VM WILL Sell Lo'ii'cr than the Lju'csI, Hs*I have ])urch.ased forea-h. and have liad a pood liiseoiiiit allow.*il. I am in a position to let mv customers base the henelit of my investments. Ls'iU-iuembcr the place, next U) Haskett Bros. • Markdale. Oct. 7, 18«0. l-tf -T Km, .11 .\.ll .-^ l" t â-  y.t liii .lis I It I a 'oil: h' i-l .as ,t ovirj'li!^ imiitry 1 mi- ' li IS luiicii iiil "aluc. .^ ftir our 1- suits so wel e Y^••^ I'Uice that whie irfeiifily liamlluilâ€" chsIi. hciii.KNT.â€" A «eno»ih accident oc- Prred on l-'ri«biy iiioriiiDo last, ih,. lib lilt., nt Mr. .las. Cbaiiioan's ~,^v V" It nppears that .Mr. Sainm-l tin wwit to put the belt on tin- I'ftlic large circular saw. whoii ^mitt caujrlit between tin- bell ami 1 « I 7fCir GOOD^ tlicm out. t •' ' les, ' I Poles, ofCordv'Ood. HERl [iiocee.l.s ao.-ut iy'ijO, a-'plleil nil. i^Viiytlinig pusseii oil' a.iil tu s^ mat .veie there -ay lUi.. tt-ula iikw "ogo iig.iii. The luuiis.ei iind ills biily kit tneir pholo- gi.i|ii 111 a siiovi DuiiK ut liart u's c 1 c •.iiuig imme. lUK concert at iioriieley ou l"'.iilay evening the 2«th nIt., wad (coiisider- sla.e of the roads) :t success. liiose who eiitertaiueu the aud.euce wit'ii music c., did no discredit to t II lu.selve.s. Miss Sarg'-nt of Wil- liainsionl, mid Miss Douglass ul .Markilale, Were the candidates uoini- Haled to cut the cake, a canvas took I'lace (It once aiii resulted iu the elec- Umi of .Miss Sargent by a majority of I pulley, giving him a sudileu jerk, two alter which it was cut aud dis- Iwcli threw him on the saw, result- i posed of. We did uot. leain the exact Js m the loss of a'l the toes on th« amount ot the proceeds. |glit foot and mangling the loft foot 'coiiMiUrable extent. Dr. Carter's 5«e being close at li.tiul he was im- liately t;ikeii there by his fellow •â- â- â€¢â€¢"eQ. TLf Doctor, with the as- Mtanc of Dr. McOregor, of Chats- Mli. dressed the right foot, but id.;t necessary to remove the big and ii'irt of" the foot on tlie ""'eg. The patient, at the prt-seut • I't writing, IS progressing favor- llT. Thk '»eatlier up to Monday cven- i though somewhat itormy, was ' "fry cold. On the above cveuiLg, *ever, the thermometer commenced ?fade movement and on Tues- ^morning it marked 10 below zero. Kil through the day and at 4 it tsit 2 below, from tLat liour it »^.iidly, at U p, m. markine 10 ""â- i »ud at 7 a. m. Wedneadav the pfrcnrv was down to 20. Fortunate- there *as no wind, otlietwise we ^e should have bad to record a many casualities arising there We jive below a register of the A\v ^^^ weather during Tuesday Wednesday. The minuB mark iifying below zero 7 a. m. 12 m. Wsday, __io â€"2 'eaue»d«|y, â€"20 â€"6 BRIDES' CAKES! snpp'ieil on the shortest notice, and pot up in the hest style that is done this side of Toronto. Tsa Mee%, Socials, OTHER AND PARTIES, 6 r. m. â€"10 â€"10 llLiiDocK lllood Sitters ig Uio only medicine that acta upon the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and the Bowels at the same time, while it allays nervous irrita.iou, and tones up th»dehiU- tated system. It cures all hnmoia fr-m au ordiiiar.v pimple to the worst form of ScrofuU. For sale h ail dealers. Sample b-jttli; loc., regular size Sl.tXt In the first terrible winter spent by the rilgrinfc at Plymouth, in Ma.ssa cbusetts, the seeds of pulmonary diseases were planted, and took deep root iu families which becam3 the progenitors of thousands of the American people. The prevalence of .consumption, thus early developed, directed tlie attention of the most eminent physiciaii 8 and scientific men to an investigation of its cause and the aeans oif prevention and cure. The best results of professional studies on this subject are combined in Dr. J. C. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which is now recognized as the world's remedy for coughs, colds, consumption and other diseases of the throat and lungs. We believe it to be absolutely c«rtaui in its remedial effect. It is a safe, pleanant and reliable remedy, and if kept on hand in every Lonsehold, will prove in many c*8e« of cold», coughs, Ac., a means of preventing more seri- ons rc»alt8. â€" Hchmon4, Vm., RtiUiMa. ilerald. " " V/f supplied on the shortest notice and on the most reasonalJc tt'rms. JOHN MONTGOMERY. JIarkdale, Nov, 18, st, 1880. lo-ly TAILORING C. A. OWEN, Fashionable Tailor, HAVING rented the Tailorini: Depart- ment over McFarlands store, wishes to inform the public of Markdale and sur- rounding country, that he is prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily! GRANT CHELLEW, Cabinet Makers, â€" .»sn â€" UPIIOLSTEBEBS a full stock of ^â- CLrri-itiJLxe 1 FURNITURE MADE TO ORDER LUilUEll \V.\NTKD. GitANT CHELLiEW. Markdale, Dec. 23, 1880. 1-ly THOS. MATHEWS, S6e his $5.00 Overcoats. ' See his $10 Ulsters. See his $12 Suit. See his $16 dress suit. 500 pairs of Boots To choose from â€" Men, \\ oniiii and C'lii:drea"s. Get your AXES ' McFa3lasd-s. Those $2,50 MANTLES "Hii" "^t- 'ew DRESS GOODS 'â- ^t McFaiIaua». New pLANKELS "' McFailand's. ^ew SHAWLS 1' McFarlands. New BONNETS '""l HATS at McFar- lands. New TWEEDS '«' McFarlam.s. Ne.v CARPETS »* McFar- land's. New Fringes, iUittonp, Silks. Laees, Fluwers aud Feathers. Prices nevrr were lower or value better.^ A roniparison solicited. W. J. McFARLAND, I AI1* lJ1^l!:i?, Xai-lj:claIe, a FACTS GANNA BE DENIED." BUTTER RAE Thank the public and friends iu ceneral for. t!io lili,;ral support tliev have received sin commencTng business, and will still stick tn the rule of ilonn; a straightforward bnsines with all customers. No flattery uscil wr baits to -all the public Every article sold on its own merits, and bv keepiiiR tlioir' stock well assorted aud fresh in all the lines, they will alwa.vs give their cnstoniirs good valuo f ;r their mtney. CUTTI NG Done while Customers ore waiting. THE UTE8T FASHION PLATES Always on hand to chose from. A Good Fit Goareteed I.uO^W â€" A.T- B«mem^" lite ^tce. Over McParland's Store- iferk4al*,ll«T,M,UM. jHtf WSHES to tender to his nnraerous cust.-mci s his sincere thanks for their very liberal patronage during the 1.5 years he has been in the Harness Business in Mark- d£le. an would respectfully solicit a continn anoe of the same, feeUig confiident^hat he can give Entire Satisfaction. KTerythmg usually kept in a FIB8T-€LASS NIRNESS ESTIBLISHMENT, always on hand, and sold a. moderate rites erNone but ri od workman employed and the best cf materials uaed. Markdale, Nav, U, 188o- lo IN ARTE3(ESIA. FIFTY aewB of Umd, Le* 25, south of OariuuB Boad, 18 acres of cleared land •i with log house, and weU fenoed. Inquire of Bobert OUver, opposite ^«j^»^' ^^^ Bentinek^ Durham P. O. Jan. nth, 1881. l""** QRY GOODS if^ all the lines. â- â€¢ " ORDERED CLOTHIWC a specialty. HATS and CAPS, "^w and stylish. BOOTS and SHOES, Cooper Smith's celebrated make that has stood the test against all comers in all styles and newness. GLASSWARE and C ROCKERY all patems GROCERIES, '^l^eap and fresh. Keep your Eye on the Place Fleshertoh, December 15, l»«o Will b« carried, ou tlirouihout the witer. ' •:-v:^: .N. CAMPBELL. u I ' _-ji- LUMBER AND- SAWING. 'â-  o " The subscriber begs to intimate that he has hi.? Saw Mill at Little Falls On Lot 143 in 3id lUnge N. Iv, Tiiiontii aiid S.vilciiluiia IJua.l, Ai tciiiisia, iu fall m\h-ih tiou, aud is prcpar.'tl to furnish LUMBER, LATHSjTC, ETC., TO ORDER. CUSTOM "SAWI.NG l*ri03Il»TI.^' I0'X^^, By the thousand or on Shares. I'artii-s delivering Tkirs cnn have their lumber for rvturii Iliads. The sawyer at the Mill i:.ii iiniiu^'c for sawiii).' ALL KINDS OF SAW LOGS PURCHASED. ^r^ Wm. HOGG. r. S.â€" Wood tumor wanteil to mate brooib handles on a gun^'c lathe sti.ul.v jii j ii work sati ifactory. ritslivrtou Station, Nov. 25, 18S0. 2»» R. J. SPRO.U. r*wa' â- ^^^â- ^â- â- WM ••*â-  a. k. Whilst wij^' a' -m i;mmi-- ait A Merry Cliristmas and a w} -^^ /i. And Many Returns of the Same, Would take tliis ()pi)t.rtunity cl ten'h;.-. r;. iii.-- .;"i;' lor the very liberal jnitvuii.i^e wliich V.v/ .v:^^:ri*' .^ " past; for, whilst it is. the'fjeneral vvy â- â€¢^'-j^r^-rfg^ l times, it has been /.ia/;!,;" "»"'•'""';•' "'â-  " "' •â- '• our rapid incrcnse in busiiicss, as l fin I, 1 " Books, my cash sales and •:iiraiii rccci,)t-, i rally have ALMOST DOUBLED THE PAST YEAR TH..T OF THc rrit )j:| iG In view of wliich I hive nowon h:inu for thedl -Illiv .Sc THE LARGEST and MOST COMPrjl.T i! .^ COCK QENEEAL QROCEISIB ^. DRY GOODS, CLOTHINa, Mery and Glassware, nlrs th« !..ll .t!;. iiy AND Fancy Holiday Presents ALSO CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S CARDS. Also, the Largest and most Complete Stock of III! Furs, .â- VND LADIES' COATS AND MANTLES, H Ever shown in this Norther Country. ALL OF WHICH. WILL UK S(JLl) AT TllK LOWEST REMUNERATIVE CASH PRICES. Having made extensive alterations and improvements the past season in my Grain Warehouse, at 1 leslicrton and Flesherton Station, I am prepared to pav tlie HIGHEST PEICE IN CASH! For any Quantity of good Grain or And as I keep buyers constantly on both Markets, I'ieslicr- ton and the Station, all will fihda KEaDY S.ALIC for Grain when offered WHEN TOIT VISIT MaBKDALE. tia«i â- -« 'is4 i' taa. mnu 1 T^»ti*$ 4k3« yi^f I .vac* tami erf} â- Â« TSSBBve 9^t «s-«.'^h« Douglas' Brick Block opposite the Drug Store.-; â- â- . â-  \^ i -..: -^ o««.i. -*i. -;. â- '%â-  BUTTEI' TLAJSL* K ..ft M5^ c..iiw;« ..;. tafti s „iM uo â-  ,;,.Vir ^-ivArt. vO •• .. •iiii't -^iit â- ij.'dj rKSi^rl w.t» .!;«, fciecw i }i,:,4t »•: y I will no\* commence' a GREAT CLEARING SALE Of my large and complete stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Furs, Ladies' Coats and MILLINERY, And will continue to sell at a Very Small Advance on Cost! Until all is cleared out. 0-1 A call is respectfully solicited to get quotations before purchasing elsewhere, BEMEMBER THE PLACE FOU BARGAIN8 IS AT R J. SPROULE'S, • v^^'x^i- •- ' FLESHERTOJ^' Flesherton, Docember i6,.i?^8oz mV « til .^tfxn «• „,. ,^. ., ._, â€" r/K-.TT ,»; (.;.-.» •. «) t -ln..-fc -.Ai ft I Li I 1- \l. I' I

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