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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Jan 1881, p. 2

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 WK" *^^WSXR nprtpnt nn __^ jan._7 th. 18^ OTHER^OTlCE8. ^09 keep* the largest Mid • gtoves in the couutv. Ic^uncilineetinsjinallibe a,, will be held the third anoary. t and cheapest »«bi°« gotoHsskettBros. I company, "e sole .-Castorine machine ,, cord ami a quarter of I foot wood, or one and s aud yon can have the a jeir. dealers for "Castorine" and see that the barrel •C.istoriue em as none other »i meeting of the electoral jltnral society, takes placa ' hall. Flesherton, pa Wed- inary 19th inst. Ij annual meeting of Glen- Itiiral society, will be h«ld in trtu Hall, Markdale, on f..V'^\ inst. tn!torine" Machine Oil, for of machinery, it is also ex- liarneaa and leather, make Jul weather proof. For sale iiiifj vs mattor to bo priuted, fthe lutter or packet, I'tinUr't J Iciiva the end open, ai^d it [cost out* cent per oz. LtTtKKR» of reapers, mowers niachiues, prefer "Cas- niathiue vil to any other, i( l,ii.Hrlarl. BcHi, or elephant, rnrr«nt(:«l "'» t-^ S"â„¢- take a cord nn 1 a quarter I w(Ka. or one old of dry two tA (or l\ia \V"ek"y Mail for TIk" 1'"F" '" furnished I delivery "HiiPlwood. AflKH. Pirtlij; iind Di-utli no- (i)V it III "f "' w^ that is not j-v bi-i.ctit to M y person, are I frcf. 'l'!;*' public wonid do hy siiiding or haiu1in in S. ^(/rrf/Vr dipped a con- Hcnis fr m our coliiiuns this III criidited tliPm to tUi? H.r/Ht- ful vonr s] ccH on lu-xt uino, :iijl you will see t' li the ,,ilV pit per is TUK STANiAttI Prelyi'rian sahl'itli 8cIim â-º-arv. Mine off on Now Y' nr'tt 1 'iotnitli~'nndin!r the »ii- ;i iki-il'-d iuc(â- l.â- ^« Ht; I we jii:'uv •'1 "'*•' tho op'i ,.(ii it Iii't fiiti'rl.-i'.ii lent Miit has ll' til- Sf!lMl). "â- foiir sulscii".is. vii' havo |rriiM;'cinriits to pity llieiv (,u' to tlu' Stanhako in \^ "'d, IlXf US hy liriii;4)iij» it in now fw roid.s an; i^ood. pf wool and a few [be jubt us iii-ci-ptabk' as thu ce. It ic fwcoily. te With eriap shfaig b^Kor, Mi4 toon not D snail J found Iq ooeba wotk. It* utronomiMi c*Icni«tittpft high repotatioo forMearaor/ ' ar« Adiqrted, n the variMi i gI«U. Vfhne Afaug* potfioll of it» p«Ca» tn davqUd to M ^kkt^ft* mi, â-¼ertvMMttt of tin mwlicitl ' tiomoftbte home itii» B«UqMbie feAtore tut BuuiT prweriatiMii *r.u^*^y. giTCiTfcr tlm ^jvii of th« nek. inwpMtiM «f A»r'» medicwM. Those prepftratiopa â- DiYflmDjr Bsod and «pnnetirtod for Uiau Tkliubla «ad relii^ qwdifiM The alm«M *i.erik»»h«*pplH»tia« of heM nudmoM to the iiwiMâ€" the* are intended to cnre. It Mw k« ob tained free of durge of »nj dniiigUt O' dealer iiii aedeiae •.r» BDILDBB A OOSTS4CT0B.(aiM« m4 Briok). PkMtaring and Omutqr Jakfc DUNDALK ITEBfS^ OatTe^poadene* t« tba STAiuAaB Mr. J. J. MiddletoD hfts elected Reeve for the TowMhi* of Proton, although his opfAwieiits exer- ted themselves to the utmost to defeat him. Mr. Abott bas be*B footed Depnty Reeve, ani Meewe. Bkek, fiacklev and MeArdle were aleeted' C'ouucillors, The fbttoviag «r« the returns for eaeh Wwt^i Bn\-KS 1 • tf.-t' it loraa. I Middleton, HKW 69 «T ^06â€" 287 Nelson, 0? 64 £6 S8 W-270 DPT. KEKTS. ..! ' â- â€¢ M 49 88 46 liV-^S •2 51 81 18 -M^^^m Abbott, McMillan. COC.SCIIX0B»: BlMsk. Uuckloy, JlcArdle, KiTBK T AT 6 m W M I JTC Aa Co. 8epi«»W. nA.^^=^'«* "" ». V. «. I^AtW, r*^X »a* i«f|«ptlj attMM te, «*aJ»y. EsUraaU* on aU work, bS! iMtion g«naU«L *.* BadilMMe iw«B and Spvoob StMty, MukSmm. DaoMabcr SI, 1880. ' »*r WM. FOX, PWiienumMnMtmr EsUanlM for atooe and brJ^kwork vn ««.- Batlalaatoo OniwrtMA.. uA Street, Markdale. »'â- '««'•»â- *. 1. Sept. 17. 188ft, ,. I I i i II W „i, «8 68 97 89 102â€"854 »8 88 67 80 78â€" 800- B4. 63 88 86 82â€"862 weather hns lu^tdtratcd some- tinco our last isstm, and the ^aro a;ain miikiii;^ pretty good iCiriiiii. Firewoiid, Snwlotjs, Tus, Telojrr.iph P«'le8, ti\, l)r.n;lit vato tlip village and iilwiiy btatiju ill l.irse qnau- lid S4 hills ::etin as plentiful I visiting; Markdale an I dc- fcoijifortnlile (luartrrs, should to|);,v Mr Tlios Sproiiie. of irere llo'cl a visit. They will firFt-class tiihle, comfortable ,and luinc hohi, Toiu, ready to j i'lliiii in his powe"" t make I ft 1 at home. Cliaiges §1 per I See card in another column. third aniiiiiil seK.-^ion of the I'.rnnch of the Doiuiiiioii .\lli- |wili be held in the Temperance Toronto, on the '20lh and 21st |e pre-ent month. There are iiii|' itai't questions relative to I'ntt Act to he SIlhlLittttd to the Mtl a jjood tui-u out is re- iid. •• nioi n AVilcox made sonic pret- ii!-h' sales dining -the holidav li hiiH qint(' a lur;e stock yet I. 'Vhose c iitempiaiiiig mar- should ilriip into his uhop, and hih htnek of wedding rings. â€" til 111 at all |i,ices. If you make your sweatlitiirt a nice |t, .Nicl fail suit you to a or if your wateh ir clock is f order, no Inttir plaee to take it |o Wilcox. J Masquerade on tlie Mar!vdale ^i: rink, wliidi took p'ace on the lit., takiii" the iuteiisely cold pr into consideration, was wtli Jed. Tlie followiii!,' are tlio tful competitovR :- Best comic »e. Mr. W. llaskett; 2iid Mr. Knox. Host lady and genfs le, Mr. K. O. (Jj,r.,rum and M. E. Wright; 2iid Mr. 'hcltow hss Ly.ina. Htst t;,.ni skater, J. Keid 2nd Mr. Kiiox. Host pkater, Miss M. E. Wriglit; 2iid ,yons. Best boy t-kutcr, A. len 2Dd \V ijvons. B( st jjirl It, Miss Lyons; 2nd A Ueynoidi;. tisKD Bills. â€" Mr. John Matlie- lom the Lake Shore Lino, Bays ). S. Ailrertiser, was arrested u Mlay by the Chief Constible of iwn, on the charge of passing pinion bills raised from ones to He appears to have met with in amount of -success, as one at Lloyd's Hotel, one at fall's, and two at Geo. McDoa- One was also offered at the H(5tel, but was ref-ised. We saw )r two f 4 that had been raise 1 Dominion 1'" this week. Peo- Bhould keep their eyes open these GLEKELG COUNCIL. ' Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment from October 4th. All the members present. Moved by Mr. Bonnie, seconded by Mr. Davis, that the aroimnt of Wm. Dou'as, amoaut- iug to $0.80, be paid. â€" carried. Or- dera were issued on the Treasurer in payment of work ou roads and bridges aa follows: â€" Wyd No. 1, $18-].5d' Ward No. 9, $264,20; Ward No, 8, $268.70 Ward No. 4, $53.80. Mr. Neil moved, seconded by Mr. McMil- lan, that widow Ttrahy, lot 17, con. 8; Widow Smith, lot 22. con. 12 and Widow McDonald, lot 7, con, 3, 8. D, R., he exempt from laxea for the year 1881), and that the collector bo noti- fied to that effect. â€" Carried. Moved b- Mr. Beiiiiie, seconded by MoMil- lun, that 8. McCi-aeken be paid $3, f jr plan an ^Mtpecifi cation f bridge at lot 7. cou. 2 N. D. R,â€" Carried. Mr. B* jiiiie m vfcd, seconded by Mr. ilc- M:ih!i, i!j:itthe followm*:: accounts he pawl :^.' .\. J hnsoi, printing, $2; itowsuU ct iluti lisan. election blanks, $5."0; J., p 'Stage and sta- tioi ,y. $3.fiK; Seltctois of Jurors, eac;i. $4; I' Davi-, delivering no- tices, $2, â€" 'irriel. Mr. Divism'V- •!, -^ec nded hy Mr. Beniiie. that the i.ix -â-  t' r 1880 against th8brddivii,icu of lot 22. on 1st con. E. G. R., be We arc in reduced $2 on account of error of as- coids now I sess-.neiit of pt^rsonal property. â€" Car- ried. --Mr. Davis moved, secouded hy Mr. Biuiiie, that John 8. Biack he paid $7 for coffin and funeral expen- ses of lionald Mclnnc-ss. â€" Carried. Mr. McMillan moved, seconded hy Mr. Neil, that the following sums Ik pnia to the Uoad C m nissioners for letting and inspecting contract Davis. .^14,80; J. A. McMillan, $21; P. Ntil, $20.72 and Ueo. Beuuie, $12.40; and that Messrs. Noil and Davis, 1 e paid $4 each, and the Reeve $6, f^r services ou Road Committee. â€" Carried. Mr. Bennie moved, se- condetl hy Mr. Davis, that the taxes for 1880 against lot 2. con. 4 N.D.K., bo reduced $2, on account of error in assessment. â€" Carried. Mr. Davis moved, seconded hy Mr. Bennie, that the Clerk be allowed $15 for services under the School Act. â€" Carried. The Reeve having left the Chair, it was moved by Mr. Davis, secon3ed by Mr. Bennie, that the thanks of this Council are due F. McBae, Esq., for the able, kind and impartial manner in which he presided over the delibe- rations of tins Council during the year that is now drawing to a â€" Carried unauimonsi}. The Coucil adjourned. LICBNBSn ACCnOMX^ FOJl tHB 0««i4Tef Ot«y, ' Sale* saeitiM 'allolMtiiaUae ta t*ini or eoDutr^. Cha(«e« modsrst*. â-  8aie Bdli, Notes and Stamps forabhsd i( reqaired. Baving had long experience In the baaineu I can guarantee Mtlitaetion. Uarkdale, Sept. 21tk, 1890. S Sm J. H. W«kst«r, LIOEHSBO AUCnOKEEB FOB THE Comity of Orey. tar LO AS SO LkSD AORXT^ Money to loaa at loweet rates of iDt«reet,in â- una to init borrowers. A«eat lor farmars' IiOMi and d*Tiag Co. All bnsineee matters striatfy friTate. and treated u soefa. EUGENIA P. O. Sept. 17tli 1880 l-U V ETER INARY- JBLOOHFtiBLD, • Veterinarji Surgeon, HAS eommeneed the prantioe of hif pro fessiou in Markdale, and from liu king experience and exteasive practice iq England and this country, is ennbled to itaaraatee satisfaction. Uegnlatir.g Powder*, the ad- miration of thoasands that have nsed them, warranted to porifr the Llood by removing diseases larking in the system of horses and cattle, always on hand. Medieinee may be procnred at his ofGee, over Dr. Sprenle's Drtig Store. Maikdale. 1-v f iH««ta« AlM|. fi^ « " -^ BOOTS AND shoes; SAUSAGE » POULTRY slwara keyt is Hmr Bmmnm. Special indticementa to lacge Puxchaeen Shop en llffl the " Rerere Hotel.' tarcash paid format Gat- Ueaad Sheep .yon ior peat favoas W l««sta lar *dtkal aMntioB tooor «arts t m e si itts i â€" ne e tt yonr mffort W. B. SABJEANT. MhikMe. 6«|H, 17fh IMO. i Legacies! Pensions Bounties Parties liaTinR aOT ul the above claims t' investigate will please '-ummnuiciiM witli I'H al 01' -e. 4. Ci. IIITNTKB, Claim .\gent. Dnodiilk P. O.. Cjunty Urey. 6 2VQXICJE. :|" ALL BsrtiaBuidebted to the imdeni«aad either by note or boe4 aocoant viU aall at my shop aud settle vi^koat iurthn notiee. A« 1 faavs aat tisM ip vwit yo« aU at year kaaae*. and it ia tee espauave to sead oat a ooUaetoB, ihagitj^ above jtatioe wiUbs sni neiant. ,,,^, /OHM MOBI«. K- B.-;-W«niiBgi« hereby given, that re- eeipteare of so vateBnnieaa signed hv nv â- elf perstmally. JOHN NOBLE.' Markdale Dec. 17. 1880. 14 tf 'VJ'O'nCEis hereby giveB that the new il rosd open tkroogh loU S9, 100. an 101. on the trd eooooaaion W. T. A S B.. iu ihs town8hi| of Ulenelg. is not profwrly e tablished. The eovporation of the tOKQship of GUd' elg not having any title to the rra ' throogh said lots, will not be responsible fo say ao- eident that msv happen on said roa^l. JAMSI^ BBOWN. «NLAY MacIUE. (^laik. Bcrve. Towaship ofOlenoif, Oct. 10, .080. Slf. Stoves! Stoves! Stoves Into the premi-e' of the Hiib'c'i1)er, lot 17«, eon. 'I. west. Township of ArtemeeiH, one Dark Bay Honse. The owner is reqnestwl to prove projierty pay charges a-ij take hiin away.^ SAMUEL WAUCHOB. Dec. 16, 1883. 16-8 In Chancery. THE FAB.MEU6' CCMPANY, T. K At the New Tinshop MAilKUALE. ALAraE ASSOKTMKNT to gelert from of the latent aiiil most n)'irovel ilea- iRns. ineli ling PIRLOB, COOKIHG AND BOX STOVES, extra lipavy ciHtiii;;R, with silrer- pl ited trirainingx, THE BEST STOVE IN MARKET. If yon want to hirve comfort the rest of yonr days, bny a stove from W. R. Walker, that will last you A-our lifetime, AT ROCK bottom PRICES. No puflMg here â€" the real '•limou Pure." nftwd irnj â-  ,t« Mi-ra- '•?; " '.-1 BaiW4*..«* Kt BoSis hairs "sA tteen pnrehaaed for Watah ii«paistec*-SpeoMlty. â- . liov. s,i8ao. (ft) WFSfBiT!, Sk 11 tUBL As we are doing a CASH BUSINESS, we wU^, uadersold by any other house in towa^' ' !«is' Miaf 'X -.r^TfiJ-Tia^ .:«TV? â€" j.( 1* »» » .«ri.' it ia Mf ,J ro .| IJ BOOTS SHOBS A SPEOIAIirr â- ^MJS- Wit sirfsin â-  â- â- ;-l ' }«aL,i Markkle, -1 ^;»v ~^. '.,,'â- Â« lire* ,1= i „ In ^••el'j..â€" I twTs eIor*it t-M. Ooid sMs. Outina. 8eal» 1 »x-l « C^|B«^M»a. ^l»ds. I'lt^. *t., *%. 4ji« AM» OEM «UN$^ ^. V °Ne(t Cash, sad wi)l be saU*t ButtoasjMmL. lwher(ou an d I»SP isflf Weaving. W^aving^ «* ' V" f '"" i-iana- â- â- Â«: -T ijqr y«HB hmring vork to 4»4f«« abowsttas, aai |(il IsiHB ^:%^flE WITHOUT DCtAY/ oiTS- M'THB .•T!' •7"' EEYlTOliDS Plesheiton VEToolen Faptory; ^viaf DMrtr sO oHsrs completed at prewnt on hand, as is nsnal at tl s seasao ol /ear, those (avering as with work, may reiy apou having it promptly attendsd to E¥£inr .J.!!,;.'!; l»,i lil',* *U" .Yu' OFAR LAND'S. .â- â€¢i'»it Co. tj"!-.-; i-'-\ i-fti.::-: ,f,"^ii-int "H .* â- / V" " • -J ,â- ;.-. ,:•â- â- / OSPKEY COUNCIL. Maxwku., 27lU Dec., 1880. At this date the Coancil met at tlie call of the Reeve. Members present, Messrs. Gamey, Keeve Donglas, De- puty Keevii; Sius?, Inktiterand VViuter, Councillors. The Reeve in the Chair. Minutes of last meeting read and con- firmed. Communications were rc- c»»ived from trustees of school section No 8, requesting- Council to change the levy first asked for, by rediicii g it OBST half. From the Clerk of C«Uiug- wo )d Township, respectiujr equivalent asked by J. R Sing, to $5.00 ex- pended on town line. Moved by Mr. Sing, seconded by Mr. Douglas, tiiat the accouit of W. Pearson, for'tiug to $9.87, be paid, and that tiie Reeve issue hisor.ler lor the same. â€" Carried. .Moved by Mr. Sing, seconded by Mr. Winters, that school levy for 1680, tor S. S. No. 8, Ofprey, be redneed one half.â€" ^Carried. Moved by Mr. ^ing. secomied by Mr. Douglas, that 'hoacKimt of F. Sykes, for work on the 1 lUj coll.. amounting to $5.00, be P«il, and ihat the Reeve jssns his order for the same.â€" Carried. Mr. Douglas introduced by-law No. 105, amendmg by-law No. 192, appointing Deptity Returniiiir )ffioers. By-kw parsed through the several stages, and by-law 195 amended, by ineertiugUie name of Thomas Uannan in lieu of Howard A. Hay as D. R, O.for T. sut- division No. 5. Coancil adjonrne^ rine dif. Wm. Mn.NE, Cl«k. losES OArKs' Weathkk Book. â€" We reoeiTcd from the Toronto News rJi eopy of the first weather Alma- issued by the Ontario weather phot, whose sncoess daring the two years, in forecasting the er, has been marvellous. The .r book, which cob tains probabilities of the weather 1 8«i,\ inter eating reoorde of the 1 year, r variety of ijmanae matter, ' gives a weather map of the oon- ^t, attd articles on the eliniate of t and meteorology generally, ies a large number of prognoaties day use. TIm bwk is neat- ited, has a vary attractive oover, IS well wor^y of peraaal.^ It is |nl* at all the book fllnta. Fnf* ' ..ii -â- â-  o,: ...T-i«i {â-  J. tap la».-iid|l«kii 4 :.:nl3* Iia»» Jl.y BIRTHS. In Marhdale, on the 23nl nit., Mr. Lyman Andanon of a loa. the wife of MARRIED On the 20th alt., bv ths VtnjS. B. B«d, at the residneeof the bride's aotheT, Amott, Ifr. John Webster of the township of Hol- land, to Miss Sarah Booth si the towaahip of King, C«. of York. On the 31st nlL, br the Bar. W. T. Uieka, at the reiidanee of the bride*! father, Ifr. i. B. Freeman of Chatsworth, to Baaaah, daoghter of 11. Webater. Eaq., of Hallaad. Ob th aind oU.. at ths Mefhcxfist param- ae«. thaBsT. T. B. Sad. Mr. J^ K. QMlduif of the tovndiip « llaiybere' to l£iai Kliaa Tuner, towwkip o( Mttna. Oa ih« Uid alt..h7 thaBaw. W.ff.Hieaa. at thaAaaAasB Hotel. Owen Bond. Oaat. BnMtMswdi • Bn4«, UlaaMU.da^it- «r el W. Jshastaa. B«i., «rf Saiawak. 0liike«i4alt, ^*? "Til ***••» III nitilwiii nf'*- bsMsTs aeth*; lf*.:W. bIIU toI|teMsriaJ»^411iiM^Wh« â- ^)^fm Sen4. • *ii cii^n* tu t*^i LO.\N .\ND SAVINGS VS. LKi'KlE, PCBStT^NT to l!ie Decrej male in this eanwt, there « ill be wtlil wi.ii Uio appro- luttiou oi T. W. Talur, E^qnire, \fn.^ter in OriUntrT of thi' C'Jnrt by J. M. M'ebater, Auotioueei' At tke FLE8H£RTO:« H*t«l, IN THE VlLL.\Gii OF FLESHEHTON, at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon of TkarMlay, the Ttairteeatli day or Jaananr, 1881. the following laud* au 1 premises iu one par-, eel., viz: L t number twenty-one in the fonrtcbuth roncc-Hi.u of the towu'hip of ArtemexiH, in the connty ef, Urcy, excepting thereont three aen« off the north weai ccmer of 8aid lot. The eaid lot ooneiate of aboat 160 acres of land, of whicli almnt 6} acrae are clearcil and the remainder well timliered with beecb and maple, boawood and dome liemliiek, The land cleared 'vt of a einy loam and in a fair atate of eiiltiTation. Tliu ruitd lot in situate on the Meaford Road, Sbont five niili'8 from Markdale Station on the To. ronto, Urey aud Brnce Uailway. Abont six and a-half milett from Flesherton, and is rea- dily aeeus ible to said villagMty Kood roadi, and the aaid villages efford frHd markets for the sale of produce. The said lot ia ala well watered l-y a creek, and there is no swampy laud on said lot. The said lot has elected thereon farm building* eonsisting of a frame hou^, au'l loj bam. Terms of sale â€" Ten per cent, is to be paid the vendors or their solieitors at ttie time of sale, twenty-five per cent, within thirty days thereafter, without interest, and the balance to le secured by first mortgage on said prcm ises payable in three er five years, with in- terest at seven per cent, per annnm. The property will be sold sobjeet to a re serve bid fixed by the Maiter. In all otlier rcMp'jcts the terms and conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of the Conrt of Chancery. For further particulars apply at the Law Offices of W. Mnloek. Ecq.. vendor's solieitor, Meesra. Crooks, KingsmiU and Cit- anaeh. and Masers. McCartliy. Hoskins, Plnmb aud Creelman. aolioitom, Toronto. Dated Deeember 8, 188a 14-3 (Signed) T. W. TATI^UB. OYSTERS, OYSTERS, J1T8T BECEITEB AT THI ii BELFAST HOnSE." I h«rs fittsd ap a roosa over say SUhs where I ean supply ... ..^^ O 'V *SI T E H H TINWAEE A LAIiUE STOCK ALWAfS OX HAND. ALL Kinds ok Tin dt CopperworkI made to order on tli, Kitarteat notiee. EAVCTROUaiUNO A PECSAim. stove Ovens lined, Hiuki-IioisSilvc-Plated. at very low price- Stove Puli.-h; Dome j Lead, the Challen;{u, tlic Tiding Sun. Coal Oil JOB WOUK iHuticiiU: ly atte di-d to. I You can save n.ouuy liv Kiviug lue a call before purchasiu; elAtiwiierc, Old metiil. Hides, 8lieep IVU-. WMi|-)i«;k:nRs taken in exchange, t:^ Bi'membvr tln' place, next the "Markdale House." W. R. WALKER. Markdale, Sept. 17. 1 ;hO. l-tf John H. Heard, Mannfaetnrer and dealer in Cotters, Sleiglis,Biiggies, WAGGONS, CUI/TIVATORS. HORSE RAKES, PLOUGHS, HARROir .4 9 D A llkindsof J arming Implements Mannlaetniy and Depoeitory, Durham and HiUetreets. FL ES H E RTO N. t To rr PiTROss. â€" \lways ahead of any in my trade, and having the largest and most eonvenient Factory in this locality, I am prepared to sell Carriages and Implements of every descriptron in the best st^le of any in the market, and at prices as low as any oc- cording tu the quality of the work. Having npwards of twenty years' experi- anae, I am confident that pnrehaserg will get the advantage in having the very best made. Parties in want of a carriage or Implement will do well to give me a call, as there are none in the market whieli will cumraje with them in qa ality, style and finish for ths pries. Illy China TEA Store â€" »â€" â- lU a £3 V uiy St3rl©l 3y ths Plat* at Caa T^.; i/ â-  CHEAPER THim Kttt ftil ra TOWN Mygtoaksl if JiU' ProTiskHsMrocffles i.-fj Ml Togtbat with Wines and Liquors, ABX. VKBT cmoPAND eOOD. Ainr AMOUKT of POBK FOR t»ALE. is 1 4« ae |9« or Msvtaf. I PahUe fo fi«^i»s:t ea|I slid is Wiaiat I tm ihr^ bsiM* yM r«r- wlMt lauir ' ta« ifSit eiaui 41 (base tU: •I a^mX .a;!al WILSON BENSON. â- 'i»-|Pk*Ms»'M«(JtiMa». M7 It. AtSIillS General dealer in •I06EMES « PMVISIOISs Next to Haskett's Hardwars Store. Keeps eonstantty on hand everyth'nf nsnal to saoh an eetablishment. Hs woa'd draw special attention to his Teas, -*-"'^^^i" Tobaccos ,^r ';;j:;:-%;r^ â- ^. â-  Sugars, Which for quality abdliowiMss of Pries CANNOT BEJURPASSED. As painiig ia no part of my desire, I'merrfy See hie S5.00 Overcoats. See his $10 Ulsters. See his S12 Suit. See his $16 dress suit. 500 pairs of Boots To cboose from â€" Meu. Woiucu aud Cluldreu^R, Get joar AXES *^ McFaslamiv's. Those $2,50 MANTLES Belling fast. New DRESS 600DS ^^ McFarland'u. New FLANNELS » McFailaod's. New SHAWLS at McFarland-s. New BONNETS ««d HATS •» McFar- lAud's. New TWEEDS at McFailauu's. New CARPETS ^t MoFar- knd's. New Fringes, Buttons, Silkf. Laces, Flowers And FMtbsn. Prices never were lower or Talne better. A c»Bifrl«»« ••UcHesi. W. J. McFARLAND, IMPORTER. Markdale ii FAGTS GANNA BE DENIED." BUTTER RAE Thank the public and friends In g(nral for the liberal support titer have rooeivad sias commencing business, and will gUIl stick to the ml^ of doing a straightforward bnriaee with all costomers. Ko ilnttcry used or brats given to gnll the pnblie Bvary artMa said oa ito own merita, and by keeping their stock well assorted and freah ia all tlis Unas, thmf wiH always gre their customers good value fcr their ax nay. r«ll ":y^ asIkaTSpardMsedtdreaeh. SBafavmlMda good diMoaat aUowwU I am to a ^daltiBB to M arr uMtsaWs ka«» tka bttislt at lay MBtUHMhatt tar W*wfllgisa « Ams « ttl tfafSlkflt dt t^AaessM iUJ QPY GOODS in a" t^c lines. â- ' -1 ' ORDERED OLOTHINC a specialty^ '-- HATS and CAPS, "ew and stylish. i vpOOTS and SHOES, Cooper "Smith'i '•" celebrated make that has stood the test against all comers in all styles and newness. ;f tStJjrrr^:- IcLASSWARE andORf^fJUERY^^?^^, l.|^£Alt :BUSIN£SB. Sdl Lowfr ikatu'the GROCERIES, clieap and fresh. -â- i\iirh4^M -luiij ^Xhep your Eye on ttie Place! -WBKN YOtt VISIT lUKPAJJL Awtffrtf: Wik(k,9f(ilf5itiP'iDriiS Store. ..»..â-º h»w« »fo W«*i»V!"«»t'" â-  iKsfalitfHiiaetfM- yd fcjtugxi •â- ^llwVa. •rtFvjt wfclU f»^*lMi»o«» iaa rt» h 0*t% » ••«» "tf t^Baas ssyaW AoDoita .-pT-f'-slriitMl J. â- ' ».JJ» -wcsn ^; Flaaheitan, Dieemljer 15, l83o BRANCH OF THE Vrm W «arii«l oa tbiffngkmrt ths wikef. • â€" â-  t- BUSINESS I camt^^elC " M I LUMBER AND SAWING. The nibscribcr begs to intimate that hs lias fah Saw Mill at Little FalU On Lot 143 in 3rd Bange N. E., Toronto and Sydeuhani lload, Aitemesia, in fall opws- tion. and is pr^ar 'd to farnfMi LUMBER, LATHS, ETC., ETC., TO ORDER. CUSTOM^AWING By the thousand or ou Shares. Parties deUveriiig TngH can have their lumber for MtlBv' loads. The sawyer at the 'Mill ciui arriuigo for sawing. ALL KINDS OF SAW LOC^S PURCHASED., r Wm. HOGG. p. S. â€" Wood tnmcr wanteil to make broom haudKs on a gau^e lathe. ateauy ju^ tl »erk sati4taetory. « Flesherton SUtion, Kov. 25, 1880. S-n â- ^, "-- "â- * â-  â- X R. J. SRROU'.E, Whilst wi.shing all A Merry CMstnias M a very Happy Nsw Yeari And Many Returns of the Same, Would take this opportunity of tendering his -sincere thank for the very liberal patronage which he has received in th* past; for, whilst it is the general cry on all !iides of duH has been taxing our utmost ability to keep pace with our rapid incrense in business, as I find, by reference to my Books, my cash sales and grain receipts, and business gene- rally have '-,â- : ALMOST DOUBLED THE PASTYEftR THmT Of THE PRECEDING ONE/ In view of which I havcii'.i\V osi han i ' iIk- i Iv^'n.- Season THE LARGEST and Ty1|DS T CO M '-1 1-T ft- S L'OCK OP GENERAL' GEUCEK113S, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING. nooTH ^V.NI lOi'I.S, Mei? aDd Te^^erits^ Fancy Holiday 'Avsib^' • â-  â-  "' CHUISTMAS AND NE'W DEAR'S CARDS. Also, the Largest and most Complete Stock of IIII Furs* AND LADIES' GOATS AND MANTLES, Ever shown in this Norther Country ALL OF WHIClt WILL BE SOLU AT THK LOWEST REMUNERATIVE CASH PRICES. 'W anww Having made exte.isive alterations and improvements the past season in my Grain Warehouse, at Flesherton and Flesherton Station, I am prepared to pav the HIGHEST PBICE IN CASH! For any Quantity of good Grain or And as I keep buyers constantly on both Markets, Flcshei" ton and the Station, all will find a READY SALE for Grai» when offered •. â- â-  o •.. -â-  " â-  I will now commence a GREAT CLEARING SALE Of my large and complete stock of Pall and Winter Dry Goods^ .:... i^ENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Furs, Ladies' Coats and ii MILLINERY, f And will continue to sell at a Vij;^;^:. Very Small Advance on CoStt" ^â- â€¢- .^' Until all is cleared out. o 'â- "'•ft A call is respectfully ^^tljipited to get quotations bcfer» purchasing elsewhecBt "'-,^ ;;:I« V ;w' BEMEMBEB THll PLACE FOR BARGAINb IS AT ' •" ».J. SPEOULE'S,' I'LESHERTOrf* ' i at â- *»â- Â«Â»â€¢Â«' *m turn* i^»0»mi^ intra •9mtoiU »^ wOi*! a! fOijUirtiir f-t1»««L- •l«ttii^i» •4t^.ll|plaite« M'.^ firft « rri9» tootihi (.^ JMWy'I 1mws g«3T1U 'Ii t.i ;.(-sl1 v-ir lit i f •I !l •»». mmttm i^j^tuK

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