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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 7 Jan 1881, p. 1

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 Ttrwtt, fifty ft Irwt ry. Ohnn^e t Time. On and a(t«r MONDAY, 3rd NOV. traiaa will ruu a* foUnvn: â€" GOING NORTH. T irontn,â€" I'uion Statiou, I 7:30 a. in. 13:3.1 p. m. 5:00 p.m. Carlton 7.:Vja.m. S.Mp.m, We/loii SOoatn. I.OOp.m. Haiiiba.-SDni'tA.sOa.ra. l.Mp.m.S.SO p.m. WiMxib-i.lse .H.45 a.m. ISA p.m. «.06 p.m. Klainliurg 9.a'am. ll.t p.n.ff.34p.m. B«lto I J 35 a.m. 3.H7 p.m. K 43 p.m. MoU'i H'nt'l. a.' 3.a5im. 7.03p.m. CliirleHton. 3. 'n p.m. 7 5*1 p.m. Alton ... IO..iOa-m. 4.0up.m. 8.(p5t.m. OnAxoRvii.i.r â€" Arrive.. .U.IOa.m. 4.33. p.m. 9.30 p.m. If|«rt. .11 30a.m. 4.1.1. |).m. T.inj;e\ il'e •Tuii^'ion 11 4 a.m. n.ri^ p.m. I Jinn 1 SiiKili iriif InmUlk TroU.n Fii--liertmiH'iieev't Mark.Ulf... l!..rkly WilliiiniHfur J Ariiotl OmtHworUi IWkforil Oweu Sinut GOING dir«D Scaiid, liurklord "Sats • orth Ariiott..' U\iiiam« 7.4M a.m. Hwrklr, m.m. M'lrkiale %.10 a m. r"li-slnrrl*Ditl'rictvilIt **.. a.m. I'ri.ton 9.1.1 a iii. O'liiilfilk. •».:« a.m. S1).ll.nrui 10 15 a.m. r.anN-l 10 47 am. (.ritiii;f ill«! Juuc:iou 1 ' .00 a.m. Ok'vaKvii.Li! â€" Arr. 11 IP a: m. 5:20 p. m. ifp: !!.' k:Di. 11..35 a. m. 5.40 p.m. Alton 7.35 a.m. 1 1.55 a.m. 6.MJ p.m. fliarlmloii. .7.50 am. 12.10 p ra. C.lfl p.m. â- ^I'nr Koa.1. .H.-ir, a.m. 13.4.' p.m. 7.05 p.m. Rnltoii H 45 a.m. 1.10 pro. 7.H3 p.m. Klfiiil.iirt. ft.Oj (in. l.:i'»pin. 7.. 55 p.m, Wofxlliridp ..!».25 a.m. 1 .50 p.m. M.17 p.m. Ilnmher Siiit0.4iia.m. 3.05 p.m. 8..I3 p.m. t\V«fon in.OOa.ra. '.;'2T i..m. 9.00 p.m. fiirlton. ... 10.10 a.m. 2.30 p.m. 9.15 p.m. 'I^iRONTii, â€" I'liiiiii Station. Arriv.-... in.;Ula.m. 3.00 p.m. 9.40 p.m. I 5.1 a. '11. "â-  p ra. " â- t* It.ln, *• (i-i p m. ' 1.1 |..n «."» |. m. i. ').' ji in. 7.11 p.m. 1..15 p :». 7,:h5 pm. i 15 p.DJ. p.m. 2..H.i p.m. 8.Jt u m. 3 o i.m 8. Id pm. 3.0:' p m. 9.06 p.m. 3.15 p.m. 9 16 p.m. 3..3« p m. 9 .36 p.m. 4.l o.m 10.10 p.m. SOUTH. It-part "1.3 • a.m. 13.00 noon. 7.0'ta.m. 12.30 p.m. 7."'0 a.m. r2..55 p.m. 73«la III. 1.06 p.m. 1.38 p.m. 1.48 p.m. 3.15 p.m. 3.45 p.m. 3 10 p.m. M.30 p.m. 4' 15 p m. 4.0 p m. 5.05 p.m. THE STANDARD. Friday. Jan. 7ht, 1881. rS'OTICK, rilHK (.'annila .Aflv«rti»ing ARcncv, No. 29 J. KinK Street Went. Toronto. W. W. BUTCH Kit. MarT.-7*r. I ai liiri-/fil to ri^^eive adrertisements for this |iH|ir. .ML.NICIP.\L KLECTIONS. Ompkby. â€" A McOirr, was elcctod Reevii for tliis township by a raajoritj ff 7'). Deputy Rocvo, Mr. Mcliityro. jiiiicillors, .Mestirs. Biug Taylor and •loliustoQ. A TBMFsiA. â€" Reeve, Dr. Christoo, lV acclamation. Councillors, Pedlar, Wri^'lit, (accl.) Elliott and Webster. (ii.KNEMj. â€" Tlic followiiit; is the result iu (lii.s township. For Reeve, " McKao liv acclamation. Deputy Reeve, Hall' 227, Davis 217, Mc- f'auncll 21.1. Councillors, Neil 237, McMiUhii 2S (ilencruss 814, Duns- uioor IHl, Kriiiiie 17' Black 14S. Meakori.. Mayor, BurnB; Reeve, A. Tlionip-^on Couucillor*, North Vnr.l.â€" David McCanii, J. Stovel. T. Arin; Wi'st Ward, â€" D. L. Layton, ];. \{"iMW, \V. C.Jewell; Hast Ward, K. Tliotnpson, Chas. Watt, James Hojf'.r. (hvKs SoiND. â€" Mayor, Dr. C. E. Raniliurt. (accl Reeve, Jjhi. Fox; l^t l.-piity. M. Kennedy, 2ud Deputy, R. Milri.lui Councillors, J. Pearson, J. Aiidf-rv-n, C. R. Wilkos, S. Mc- Clean, W. Manders, T. Frizzell, J. To»»v. A. (•, R. McLeoil Holland. â€" Iti'cv*' Mr. Howie De- puty Ueevf, Mr. Cameron Council- lors, Messrs. Simte, (lillespid and Norton. EiPHB.vsi.*. â€" Reeve, R. Mylas De- Deputy lU-eve, James Boyd; Coun- cillors, W'm. tVsset, Jas. Gilray and J. lioughea^. Photon. ^Keevf, J. J. Middleton Deputy Reeve. Jno. Abbott; Council- lors, Messrs. Black, Buckley and Mc- Atdle. « Benti;«ck. â€" Reeve, 1). McNicbol (aecl.); l8tJuputy Uceve, Messiuger; *inA Deputy Roevi MrCallum. Coun- cillors â€" Dickson and W'illis. C.)LUN(;wooD. â€" Reeve, N. McColo- luau; 1st Deputy Reeve, A. Campbell; liid Dfputv R»-eve, W. Kerr. Coun- cillors- J. Lunan aud P. Stoutenburg. U i- K H M â€" Mayor, Middaugh IWvc, McKochnie (accl.) Councillors â€" North Ward, Burnett, Anderson, and Rcber'son East Ward, Johhstou. McKenzic, and Storrey West Ward, Bull, Horn, aui Brown. EoREMo.NT. â€" Reeve, Jas. Murdoch Deputy Reeve, Wm. Lawieoce, Coun- cillors â€" James Paul, Jas. Allan, and D. McCormick. K««MANBT.â€" Reeve, John Koeing Ist D'-puty Keove. John BlytU Snd Deputy Reeve, Wm. Winkler. Coun- «illors â€" Conrad, Fischer, and Et^wacd McMahou. Debby.-.â€" Rreva R. A Stark Coan- cillors â€" W. Brien, John RobiuB»n, R. Henderson. SrLuvAN. â€" Reeve, W. 8purrow Deputy Eaeve, J. Vasey; Councillors â€" Joiin Stewart, Jcseph Pringle, John Proud. Sydenham. â€" Wm. Lang. All the old coiircd elected with the exception «f ilr. Traynor, who gives way to Mr. McCutcheon. Keppkl. â€" Reeve, Wm. Totten Deputy Reeve. John Clark. Old council re-elected. €»wt^tmhtntt. Notice.â€" We vUh it disinoMy anderstood, that we lie not hold oaTsdaeR reponsible (or the opinicns expreaaed by our eorreaptindenta. Nnt the ReeT* said b« wu oppoaed to railway bnnasM, aol'^roeaadad to •how UuU the ComoMte were qoite able to make the imp^CoHPta ttapo â- elTM, going into ih^^BtoS^Stm detail, giving the figoiMk A*. To m mind his argnments f^ra Slara np- poeitioos than real htk i^lNnied to please som^of thft nMBfnjMM. lUl* Mr. McLeod, Priecville Watd, said he voted for the first railway by-law, bat wa« now opposed to giving any fsrthrr bono* to the'ftirmito, iirvy an Bi -aâ€" Railwar. Mr. Webster, of the same Ward, then came forward, and said he had voted for the first by-law, and l«t bis tmme to the hMt pe i l ion f- questing the Council to submit the second by-law, bat was opposed to giving the Toronto, Grey aud Bruce railway any farther aid. Many wers surprised at Mr. Webstsr saying that he had signed a petition to have a by-law submitted which he had no inteutiou of sapporting. He also said a new scheme for a railway was soon to be submit^d to the ratepayers for their cousideration, which he approv- ed of. The new road was to run from Kincardine, passing through Dnrham, PricevUle, Flesherton, aud thence to Collingwood, He said he was snre the muuieipalities along the proposed line would readily give good bonases Artemesia, say thirty Ihousand. The next speaker was Mr. Stone, from the name Ward, he was also opposed to giving any further aid to the Toronto, Grey and Bruc9 Railway, and thought as he was a farmer the ratepayers should elect him. Mr. Elliott, Mark- dale Ward, thousfht it weald be to the interest of the ratepayers to giv0 the small amount asked for to improve the railwav, whilst Mr. Boland, of the same ward, told the ratepayers he wns opposed to CTanting tfid to the roal. Mr. Pedlar. Enj^enia Ward, stated that he had worked against the road every time, and thought he- was right, as he b td gone with the crowd. Mr. Wright, Flesherton Ward, said he was proud of being elected bv ac- clamation. He was opposed to grant ing any aid to the Tor luto Grey and Bruce. tir, it appears likely that Mr. Webster is one of the Directors app^inted to aid this new railroad scheme. There are two other gentle- men named in connection with it. whose names I will not mention, whicn brings to light that a number of ratepayers in Flesherton are back- ing up .Messrs. Christoe and Wright in the course Ihey are pursuing, not withstanding the said ratepayers ap- (war to be friends to he Toronto. Grey and Bruce by voting for the first by- law, and putting their naraas to the petition asking to have the second by- law submitted. Sir, what apitty it is that the farmers of Artemesia should be led blindly against their best inter- ests. Better to give the small amount asked for, it would not make cur taxes burdensome, at the same time it would ksep us on friendly terms with the Railway Compaty, who may remembrr us for good or evil. Wish- ing yon, Mr. Editor, the compliments of tlie Beiis)n, I shall, with your per- mission, refer to the subject again. Respectfully yours, A. Fabukk. Flesherton, Dec. 28, 1881. This should have appeared last week, but was crowded out. Wk always labored under the im- pression that the Meaford Monitor, was a non-political paper, but no one who read last week's i-suc vould hesitate in ironouncing it a Reform jounial, and ultra at that. W? have no objection to a man enjoying the liberty of choosing his own side in politics but we decidedly object to a man disseminating party principles under the ouise of independence. Aw OF VALUABI t kima af aal^l^fliei for safe tePuUb Aalion SIBB, t^mciimtrnT, TILifiGg Of61l in the Ooanty of Otqr, oa Friday, January 14, â-². A. MM. M Um hM( â- â€¢ l, (oraooon. th« fnUowinj FreahoU in one parcel, via.: â€" Lot Ma 7 in tha ISth CoMsaaioa at the Township of Oapny in the Conniy of Oter Tha lasa, of which about M aeraa ara eloarad and in a fair s.ata of eoltivatioa. Dpoa tlM pramiaes. which ara ritoaUd BearthaTillaeaa of FaTeraham. WawtH, and a law mOaa frea Fla^herton Villa«e and BaUway Btaiiias, ara ereetad Farm B-ilding-. Taaxa or Bau.â€" T«d per Mat. of the p«(- ebaaa taootn to be paid at tba tima of lale. (wentv-fiTe °p«r eout additii b»\ in ooa month theraaf er, and the ramaindi r to ba aaevrad by a first mortgage For fa that nartionlars apply (o the nddersigned at Toroat WILLIAM MULOCi, Yendors' Soliaitor, 19 Toronto «l., Turonto Jan. 4(h, 1881, 17-3i AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY. UNDKB and by virtna of a power of sale contained in a mort^fage, which will ba prodnced at the time of sale, there will br offered for tale by Public Aoction, by J, M. WEBS'lEBt AnetloQeer, at the Fleshcr^ toa ll*tel, in the VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON. on On Thursday, January 13 th, A. D. 1881. at the hoar of S o'clnck in tba afternoon, the follawiuK Freehold Frap- p -rty, in ore pa'ca' Tia.: â€" village Lot ho. in Viotk A in the YillsRe of Flesherto i.aii a^own nn a plan maie by :harlri J. Wheelock, P. L. S regict«rei on h'lOth day of March, 1871, of Lota Nrs. 1 16, 147, 7i8, 149 ani 160 in the lit Bange north aatit of the 'i'oionto and Hydrnham Uoad in the Township of Artemesia in the County of Gre3 Ti • aid Lot issitatted at the aomer of Bci ehe 1 and CoUingwnnd streets in the Vil- lage ui Flesherton, and contains about one- qnarter of an acre of land, and has ereetad thereon a two-story Boagh-eaxt Hoaiia ard Tm Shop, with Frame Kitchen, and also a Suble- TiRMR or Salb. â€" Ten per cent, of the pur- chase money to be paid at the time of sale Tweaty-tiTe per eent^ additional in one month thereafter and the remainder to be secured by a first mortgage- For further particulars apply to the nndeniigned at To- ro^tt. WILLIAM MULLOCK, Vendors' Solicitor, 19. Toronto St., Toronto. Januarf 4, 1881. 17-lin REVERE HOTEL, IHARKDALE. T. SPROUIjE, Proprietor. THIS popular Hotel haa had a larice ad- dition added to it, thoroughly refitted, and i8 now second to none in the oonnty. (ieod stabling and attentive o.stler. First- otoss acrommodation for somraereial travel- lers. Terms f l.OO per day. 17-ly U8T NOTICE JJ CREDITORS. ALL parties indebted to the oadarsigne" cither by book or account, will do w 11 to settle with J. F. Spronle, before the 2Uth imt., as all un.settlcd accounts at that time will be plactJ In other hands for coUection, Da. SraoDLs. Jan. 5th, 1881. 17-3i To the Editor of the STAiri*mi 8i«, â€" Last Monday, as tbe law re- quired, between the hours of ten and twelve, tbe Municipal officers for the Township of Arlemetiia were nominat- ed aa^follows â€" Mr. Cbristoe as Reeve an^ was electei by aeelamation. â€" PriceviU'e Ward. Messrs. McLeod and Webstor. Markdale Ward, Mersrs. £lliott and BuwUrd. Eugenia Ward, Mr Petilar, who was elected hj ac- elariaMon Flesherton Ward, Mr. Wright, elected by acclanati )n. AS ter one o'cUxk, apoeebes began. Ur. Cbristoe iliaaitfd tbe people for a^aia Bttimiiig him, then referred to T^vo- ahip basinens, talking, manjr people UiMigLt, aiuff aud trash is rsfianace to WiB. Lackfvs ReevMhif. Bm Htn K*r^ av-oiiBt of his own ttnward «h:i •»tLM9 i:n parson ever lived â- Jtm Ul!^ •njrtuuig ba4 Jiimaeif. THE MARKETS MARKDALE 1 • Fbiiat, Jan 7th, 1881. Flonr fJ.Oo to 5..50 Spring Wheat per bush., new 1.00 t 1.04 Fall do. do. dc l.OO to 1.00 Barley O.fiO " 0.85 Oats 0.27 " 0.28 Peas 0.60 " 0.61 potatoes. 0.30 •' 0.30 Butter, per lb. 0.17 '• 0.18 K^gs, per doz. 0.14 " 0.15 Pork, dressed. Beef 6 50 " 4.00 " 5.75 5.00 Gfcse per lb. 0.05 " 0.00 Ducks, per pair Fowls, ptr pair 0.40 '• 45 0.20 " 0.25 Turkeys, per lb 0.07 " 0.C7 8hee]skiua OCO " 1.00 Hidi« 7.50 " s.oo (irass seed. 2.0O •' 2.25 Hay 6.50 • 0.00 Wool 0.25 " 0.3o Green App/es, er. bushel.. 0.40 " 0.50 Lard 0.10 " O.IO Tallow O.Ofi '• 0.07 Dry Cord Weod a.OJ •' 2.10 Flil {Corrected weekly :SHERTO N. nda^'d by 1 for the Sta R.J. Sfnule, Fletliertoti.) Thobsdat. Jin. 6th. 1881. FIcnr. per bW. ? to »o.50 Hpnng Wlieat fer itush., 1.00 to 1.03 Fall de. do. do. 1.00 " 1.00 Barley 0.60 " 0.85 Oats « 0.00 " 0.28 Peas 0.60 •• 0.62 Potatoes 0.30 â- ' 0.30 Butter, per lb. 0.17 " 0.18 F.ggs, per doK. 0.14 " 0.15 Poik, dressed. 5.50 •• 5.70 Beef 4 00 '• 5.00 Sheepskins 0.60 •' 1.25 Hides 7.50 8.00 Hay 6.00 •' 7.00 Timothy seed. J.OO '• 9.60 Wool 0.25 •• 0.30 Lard 0.10 " 0.12 Tallow 0.05 •• 0.07 INTO the premises of tlie undersiKnod, lot 25, con. 7, Tuwuship of Artemesia, about the 3rd of December, 1 H80, A Baf Colt. The owner is requested to Prove property, pay expenses, and take him away. If not claimed withm ten days after the date of this will besold to defray ezpences, Joseph Fbhwick. Jan. 7th, 188o. 17-3* Mortgage Sale or VALVABLK FARM PROPERTIES, III the Toicnships of Qlenehj, Bmtinck and Kgremont, in the County of Grey. TO MT PATBONS. GENTLEMENâ€" WliUe thanking you for the hberal patronage extended me in my Harness Business, and wishing yon the complements of the .icason, I beg to intimate to yoa that I have disposed af that branch of my business to J. GORDOX, and bespeak for him the liberal patronace accorded b« iu the past. Yours truly, 8. DAMHDE, Flcabertoa, Dec. 38; 188q. It^ih FLESHERTON Harness Shop! THB Subscriber having parrhased ihe bn- siaesa lately carried on by Mr. 8. Da- made,begs to inform the public that he haa REMOVED TO THE BUlLDIN6~ OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, where he is prepared to fornix ALL KINDS of HARNESS nsoaDy foood in a h'irst-Ctas Eitablishment, And at prieaa to'voM the times, and W oaiiig THE BESTOT MATEIWAU AND GOOD WOBXM AHSHIP, to receive a fair dars of yanr patraa- s gs. A good aapp^ of WHIPS, TKCiaUt, »U^ ea«slaall]P ee hMid. COLLABB A SPECIALTY. OaHi UNDEB AND BY VIBTUE of tbe pow- ers of sale contained in certain Mort- gages made by John McMillan, jr., Martin Dunn. John Macpherson, James Smith, Alexander MncBae, James Uastie, Dongald Macfarlaue, John Wilson, Charles Coutts, and AkxauJer Ferguson, respectively, to the Vendors, which will be proiluc;! at the time of sale, and in payment of the moneys secured by which default has been made, there will be offered for sole by Public Auc- tion, at McAUiiter's Hotel, in the Town of Durham, on Tuesday, the Hth day of Jan- uary, A. D. 1881, at one o'clock p. m., the following parcels of land: I. Lot No. 35, in the 2nd concession North of the Durham lto-l, in the said Township of Glenelg.containing SOan-cs.more or less, of which about 40 aorts are cleared, and the residue free from stumps. On the lands ore said ta be a log barn, two log sta- bles, SNd log house the soil is a good clay loam, and the property is situate about 4} miles from Durham. II. Lot No. 9, in the 8th oosoession of the said Township of Glcnelg, containing 100 acres, more or less, of which about 5U acres are cleared, and about 40 acres nnder hard- wood. The soil is generally clay loam, and the farm is only abMt 10 miles from Mark- dale aud 10 from Durham. On thepremiaes are a log house, am aud stable, III. Lot No. 20, in the 4th eoncessioa. North of the Durham Boad, in tbe said Town- ship of Olenelg, containing 100 acres, more or less, of which about 60 acies ate cleared, and nearly all the remainder covered by hard- wood. This property is sitnate only 7 miles from Flesherton, and is ni a fair state of cnl- tivatiott. Itll. Lot No. 15, in the 2Dd conoeaioo, East of tne Uarafraza Boad, in the said Township of Glenelg, containin i 100 acres, more or less, of which about 80 aeres are c'eared, anl the balance mostly hardwood. On the premises are said to be a frame bam, and the nremises are only 10 miles from Dnrhsm V, The West half of lot Ko. 16, in the 5th concession. North of the Durham Boad, of the said Township of Gleuelg, containin;i 50 acres, more or leas, of which about 30 acres arc cleared, and 10 free from stumps. This farm is situate about 10 miles from Flesherton and 7 miles Irom Dnrham. VI, The West half of lot No. 19, in the 12th concession of the said Township of Bentinck, containing 50 acrea. saore or lass, nearly ail cleared, Kod sitnate only 13 miles from Dnrham. VII, Lot No. 14, ia the 3rd conces- sion; West of the Gaimfraxa Boad, in tba said Township of Bentinck, oontainmg 100 acres, more or less, nearly all cleared. This farm is situate about 8 inilea from Durham on good road. \Ul. Lot No. 32, in the 3rd eoncessioa. Nerth of tbe Dnrhiua Boad. in the aaid Township of Bentinck, oontaing 60 aetes, more o r less, about 30 of which are cleared, and 30 aadar hardwood. This farm is only aboat 4 miles from Durham. IX. Lot Na 30, in the llOi ooaeeaaion,' of the said Towaship of Baotinek, oontaiaiDg 8S aoraa, more ar laaa, of which about 13 acres are cleared, ami nearly all tho reaidae onder haidwuod. Da the premises are said to be a log house, and the lands ara only about 10 miles from Dorham. X. Lot No. Bleveo, in the 33nd esneaa- 51 n of the said towaship of Bxrsaaoiit, eoa- taining 119 acna,mara at IaBa.Qf whiok aboat 50 ara eleered, and 30 oadsr hardwood. 1W hmds are only aboat a auias fsaas Jtahaai. TEBMSâ€" 10 per eeot. at Um tia« tt sals, 15 Dwi cent. withiL aad the babmea -to be saearsd Vf with iatarest at 7 par cant, ysa t^y "H'^mal s stisf a nfa ny sowulty *• aaaknesdbeiMU; er1sw asMsyV r»«e«ia say rMsonsWewsyio ^ttyaiifftsMs. Vet forthw MtUeidats. «fV7' ••'â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ neSMta^KlUkqiMMef' vwtoVBTihjifK, Moii. *»axm BOTUn. YeafcW " ^.:.J.:CORDON " " A Mafcaiiaiif *ffr ?« miV. a.» dtaka. Tallow Am^ wtth rhe todide of ^MMk. MitlllW. aiV )» werfal Mood-makii«. bkiodtoWMioii. and Hfoftis- taininff eleomnta. It is tbe aofsat. MieM, ami Boat eOectnal altMatfre lag Uctâ€" known or avaihiMe to the pabUe. Tke aei- encea of medictoe and cbemisrr}' have Mver prodiiead so valnabla a lemedy. nor ana ao potent to rasa all diaaaaaa iswri l lna fiwa Impura Mood. It cans Serofala and all serofaloas dJsaaaea, Bmi»atea. Bone, or 8C Aatboi^T** Flre,j Wni lee and gat iO i ^i nbe, Paatalas, BloCdiea, Bolls. Taasera, Tatter. MaaMra, SaURlMana, Seald-kead, Rlac-wona, Ulcora.aeree. â- b oa w a Hsa i aieacarial JaMMtlee. AflbetloM of the Uver, ' ^paoeia, Kiariatlea, aad Oâ€" a ra l DeblUtjr. By its saaicliinx and ctoaaalin qnalittes it pomes oat tbe (o«il oormptioiis witicb contamiaate tbe blood and caase deranice- meat and decay. It stlmnlates snd enlivens tbe vital functions, promotas eueivy snd strenffth, restores sad preserves heeltb.and infnses new life and vinor tbroogfaoat lira whole system. Me saffaces from say dis- «ssse which sriaes from imiHirity of tbe blood need despair who will give Aran's SAasAFARiLLA s fsir trial. It is folly to experiment with the nnner- uua low-priced mixtures, of chea| materials, and without mpIiciiial Tlrtnes, offered as blool-pi\riHers, while disease becomes more tirmly seated. Avsa't SaRsapahilla is a medicine of siii-h concentrated lurartvo power, that it is by far tbe best, cheaiitait. and most reliable hlood-parifier known. Ph.VNi iam* know itn composition, ami pro- ^rr'ibr it. It luu lieen widely used for fortv yearn, and has won the uuqualiHed rouS- ileuce uf milliona whom it has bcueflted. PraparMl by Or. J. C. Ayer It Co., mctlcal and Aaalytleal Chamlats. Lowell, Mast. SOLO BT AU. oBi;«aiTS BTsaTwasas. All I ^mtmi teNbKs IswSSpaSSX T£B.'.^id toWaMsa' 84«at t *n4 l^^:Zii__-. fc«-6etyu«HoWW'»«»PI*K*"*°**'®*" » u ICaikdale, Dee. IS, 1880.' ' ling First-Class, T_PRJOES I uui 111, uip â€" rrpMHff 'JBLl â- l l t M A. MclNTYRE. Mr Ihaths has ID SASH A«D â- BMOVSO f^ jlfti rture W M JÂ¥l^o m t *â- Â«â€¢! t^r^ *a«t ♦•â- ' __-_ W««te« i~Ui .. NEW AND l»IIM00ieU8 BRMX BUIOING AOJfflffi THE I igjrSSriCEs. veawtit**"***^' ^Tniee4inftU»»H' r«iU be bS^« «»«* MEDICAL HALL .411 ' » i^ t.MH.Ilt • inti%\"'» fat â- â-  â- t !^»ii '• J .!»«' -s* A.St t^.'» u' i:. i?S »â- â€¢â€¢â€¢.. •*. ..I \3'it' ei rtifjA-S*'l *.*-il5;-i» nJ* i. hi » J. MONTGOiERY, rj A li E R., THE Siibaenber. in retnminf thanks to the inhabitants of Markdale and snr- rounding eoontry for their patrcMioge during the past eight years. bet:s to intimate to them he ia how prepared ta supply the Public with FRUIT. POUND PLUM CAKES. either phtin, or Icel and Ornamented, and a large Vatriety of Other Cakes. always on hand, Also, B I S CTJI T of every description, from the best manu- facturers in Ontario. Also, a large nud varied assortment of tl-e CHOICEST CONFECTiONERYl BRIDES~CAKES! supplied on the shorteirt notice, and got np in the best style that is done this side of Toronto. Tea Meeiiij^, U, cHANGEof^siNEgs.f^;;g^^r;^^:^ We takepleaaure in announcing to tUreaidenU of Markdale and. snrround. fc^, ma ui â- Â»Â».«. tj^t we Lavepnrcbased gX IIUS IF SISI, illNIS, iOVLDINGS, â- :â- â-  AS'uiCAL. Estiltiate of tumiliegCivan on Appljcat IS* Don't foigel the Whwiteenis are remored nest door to the Factorv, DotIkb neshertea; teeemhet tS; STATIONERY BDSfflESS ing Countrr THE DROG AND the above linee t» merit tiio sapport of tie genera' pablio., t p.. As tbe Holiclaj season is fast approftcliinff. we have pwobaaed • LABE :. and VAKIED Stoek of Fancy Goods, Tbyi Job Lots for ChfittMt Trsos at IsthNSd Mm. o A FULL ASSOBTMENT OF for PATENT MEDICINES, AUTHORIZED SCHOOL BOOKS. STATIONERY, Df e-Smffa, PslBta, OUa Te»a. •â- * T«b«««oe«, ALWAYS ON HAND. Agents for Mootrtal Ttltgraph wA Vicktr't IS" Vhincian* Pr€$criptio»» and Family liiciptM ditpent^il a IS" 7%. Markdale, Pee. 9. ISM. Exprott. at ail hnun. TURNER CO. IS tf OTHEB PAHTIES, and on the supplied on the shortest notice most reasonable terms. JOHN MOXTGOMEBT. Markdale, Not, 18, st, 1880. lo-ly TAILORING c. A. owEisr, Fashionable Tailor, HAVING rrnted the Tailoring Depart- ment over McFarlaud's store, wishes to inform the public of Markdale and sur- rounding country, that he is prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily! Get jyEoney at 7 par Cent. To discharge a Mortgaj^e bearing 8,9 or 10 percent.; to buy more land, or improve yovr buildings. Liberal Privileges of Repayment OrFPSKD BV THE BRITISFI CANADIAN LOAITANO INVESTMENT COMPANY. SPECIAL RATES FOB SPECIAL SECURITIES. iVCi^KlVCV 01^^ THE LANCASfflRF. FIRE INSORANCE COMPANY, British America Assurance Co. THE XTINEQIJALl^IilJ WanzeX' rfamily Maohindi. Organs at Reduced Rates. r\ .^- TIT C T I C U T T I N Done while Cnstomers arc waiting. t o- o 3sr -A'J'TENDED. Parties requiring anything in my line, will do well to call and see mc. F. S. â€" Several improved /arms /or sale. Markdale, Dec. 9, 1880. 18 Sm GRANT CHELLEW, THE UTE8T FASHION PUTE8 Always on hand to chose from. A Good Fit Guaranteed â€" 4Tâ€" 13" Remember the Place, Over McFarlands Store. Markdale. Not. 25, 1880. Il-tf TH08. MATNEWS; WSHES to tender to his nnmaraiu cnsb^mers his sincere thanks for their very liberal patronage during the 15 years he has been in the Harness Business in Mark- dale, an would respectfully soUcil a esntinn anee of the same, faaln^ oonfiideat 'that 1m can give Entire Sati$f action. KTerything aaQally kift ia a FI RST. CLASS limESS CSTABLISHIOIT, always on hand, and told. a. modn-ate rales. B^None bat ifaod workman empioyad and tbe beat of mateiiais mie^. Ifafkdale, NaT, 1«, 188«- lo 3,000 Oor^s Wood 'WANTED. rtlHE nnderfigBad Is prepared to let the a contract tit cutting and hanling 8,000 enrds of wood from his farm 2| miles nortli 'of Markdale, to be deliTered at the station, be let in small lots to suit eootiaetor. Far particulars see • 9. E. GOULD, Markdale Rooaa. MatMale.B«r.'»,liifl. l«-8fc^ CABIHET MUEEIIS, UPHOLSTERERS A FULL STOCK OF Furniture ALWAYS 0.\ HAND. FURNITURE MDE TO ORDER LUMBER WANTED. GRANT CHELLEW. Markdale, Deo. a». l«»J. ri. J 1 -ly" TE2TVIfi«S tiu aadenriaaad. ii*.ian: forbiiii2«a BOBT, GmxeyoMctr, (J, 'a§*.«tt,iǤi. •c: • jJut ailaw jsa • nOk'f' 1 -tan ...'";«- .t^nit ,vKjumi AUCTION SALE I OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. UNDKB and by Tirlue of Power of Sak -ill yJ^^I^ ^. a certain Mortgage, which will be wcrfnced at the time of Sale" and up- fk Jl "^t i*""' "» Payment has been made, there wiU be add by PUBUC AUCTION. At THa RUTLEDGE HOUSE. n Tint TUta|r« of IHarktele, ii C*utr or Grey, M Monday, the loth day 0/ uary,A. D. 1881, foHowmg landTuid premises, Tia • • ' " co;!^UfoSfS/^yi*' """ the County VBSy'oolal and Ten Aeraa more or la«s be^nt^^""' improTementa ai« aai,! to b« on the prenu«». Tia. A Log Vhimam and FraiM Ban and SUbla. "â- Â«â- Â« TBBM8.-0„e T«,th M the powh... 5w Sk^f^l^S ?- •* timeT!!S! kMwaatth* VorfvUiOT U Mortgage Sale OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTIES IN THE TO\VNSHIP.S OF Artemetia and Oienelga UKDBB ana by Tirtae vf the ^ow^s M sale eontaiiSM hi certain Mortgages mule by Willam John CoTey aud Johu Hew- itt, respectively, to the Vendors, which will be produced at the time of sale, and in pay ment of tlie monies swured, by which defan has Veen made, there will be offered for sale By Public Auction, AT BUTLEDGES HOTEL. In the Villajje of Markdale, Thursday, the 13/A dayo/JarCy, 1881, at twelve o'clock, noon, the following parcels of laud â€" 1. The centre portion of lot nnmber 81 in the eleventh conceasion of the said township of Aitemesia, oouUming fifty acres, more or less, and being all the residne of said lot not heretofcre granted to Bob rt Bnchanan by letters patent, dated the thind day of June. 1874, and to Thomas OUbert, by Irtters pa- tent dated the a2nd day of June, liJC7, and wiuoh aaid reatdne ia more fuUy aet oqt in •^'S,'^?' **"' '"â„¢ "« Orown, to tbe saidWiUiam CoTey, as hT rJ^m^Z, are said to he a Frame Bam andJao,,, and Young Orchard; 85 acre. r. cleared, and the sou good. This farm is on a good f«S about five nules fiwm Markdale of uJ^^'*^^' •'" *^ '""" conoe.a.on ImI^^"^^ "' a»e5el|. containing 100 atirea, nore or lea». o* wWh about sixty •crea are dea:. land the residue free froi stumps. On the premises are said to be a Log House and Barn, and the aoU ia a ehw loam. This ia a very fine farm. TEKMs-Ten per cent, at the time of sale, ahaMi p^ eent. within oaa numth tbaia- ' ^*^^ Wa«»ce to beeenr«l by mert. «^. w^ l»t««at4U aaTm r» oMt. yeari^ no cash need be paid, or term* may be wied fc any «.,a,^e way to ^fS^J^ BBnSK^SSf^iiri^^- Dated 17th D«,.,18«. "S^ â- Hi,^-««mpet«nt •aleaaa^t. aa lin g to merit a Mot itAvad in the paal ftr« sole PjmfWMft IBM^ Latest 8ty« I ' ^^. ^*»riii« tha WfaiW I raauira imAun^im'iMMmr OF good kttoniot, Gki^, Btssfood, Bircli m I "^S2Snne machine ^^jUbaproMOoted. and • qwu-ter of wood, or o«e and a ia jot eui h»*« ^* {or "CMtoiiDe" « tlist Ui« brrel " MM aoQ* other ^_^, onb* Sectoral ,_Uociety. t*keB place ' fia^terton, on Wcd- ' 19tb ia«t. [iBaal OMeting of Gleu- laooiety, will be lielJ in Ball, Markdale, ou inat orine" Machiue Oil, for ' machinery, it ia ftlao ex iraBOt. It ii ev«^ lamOy. rilate vith «ri«p nreahuig Li^Mor. aaii tioD not tisuallj foandj Ita astronomiaal caU high reputation for l. are adapted, in the of the almanac, to globe. While a larg^ pagee are dovoted to i rertisemeut of the tions of tliis house feature that maul are freely giveii of tle sick, irrespj medicines. Tlirse nnivfreally used aiic their valuable aud rl The almanac descriha of 'hese medicines to| are intended to cure tained free of cbargJ o** dealer iui meJcia^ neaa and leather, makaj jj^jgop^ eather proof. For sale DUNDALK^ Correcpondenoe to the Mr. J. J. Middlet elected Reeve for Proton, although lij ted themselves ti t\ him. Mr. Abott Deputy liecve, au liucklev and Mc- Councillors. The returua for each NM â- Bxwa Middleton, tm tke an- Sxecutoi-ai IVotloe. TOE' Exeeatora of the Estate of tha teu John and Jana OiUo*. e( »-^ â-  hereby gira noMaa to aB " Uie Md aatate. to pay aiiah M^torSmm and aare eoata. And all peraoM hmi^^ last elaiaa acaiaat tba said aetata -~^ laaatadto •WnKiit,nMUrt«i:P.O. JOHN WBIOHT, I aSOBOK BUSKIN. 1 r.Mu. F*Mmt«tth*teu»*aB ^^«^n IL. SEXtllTG OFF! PALt'^ANi)^INTE]ji DPT. RtKVK. I Abbott, OS matter to be printed, ' McMillan. thtter or packet, l'ri,^ter* coi scii.i, .r.s. |r« the end open, and it 11«ck, t one cent per i oz. jB* of reapers, moweiK ag machines, prefer 'Cas- [line oil to any other, it • lard, aeal, or eleDlmnt; ntcd not to gum. IJuc-kliy. I McArdie, 1 « U G7 •2(, 0-1 â- VS HI I- M- AT AND â€" o UNDER COST ForCash/for 30 Da^i Gents Over-Coats and Suits, LADIES' FUR MANTLES MD SHAWLS, Ladies' and Gerils' Underclotl Staple and Fancy Dry Goa OF EVERY DESCUIPIION \T ROCK-BOTTOM PBICE. lil.l.NM. CilUIICll lIK't ment frni (let. lUcin'.Hrs prox 111 Itutiiiit' liiiMn 1' ti-e av lUiit (if \\ iiigto «;;.H.). 1.1' I «h;r« w.-r.' i^sI^â- .l im'inviit I'f «irL I UK i'.iilxws \\ War 1 .N .. •' S-.i;i| t^i.jH.Tii Wnrl Ni'll 111 iV 1. ;- C tiiiil «il"W Wiil.iw Small. I Uuiow .Mol».Mi:J AtlrertiKr clipped a con- H., |,e ,xeiiiitt li 1 »ins from our cohuims this ih81I. aui tliat tj ^credited tli*»m to thi /â- -"V'" j.TieJ i» lh:r i.)T your specs on noxt iiiu' l,, Mr. D ii lid you will s"e t' â-  the r paper is TuE Sta* I van. ebytorian sab' ili sclvxil came 'iff on New Y- ,r"K il not'vitii-'iii.liiiir llit decided «uc•^!^s m Lke a oordn 1 a quart r or one coid of drv two the Woeky Mail for he iwp*' to be funiiMu'd Ifery of the|wood. Pirthe and P.atli u" Stem «f nfws tlmt is not ouefit to M y pcrsoi are The public would «l(i 1 sending or haiulin*^ in '•â- Â«"• \Vf lxp:e8S tlii; op'i 'it it •I].: Ii:.- t eiilcTiii'iiiient 1 thi^' season. BOOTS AND SHOEI ' IJO II In every Variety- CHEAP. Everything AT UNUSU ALLiY LOW PRICES aitaf " T O :E5 O XT "X o Markdale, December 30, ISM. .1. • are ;u ids now iVfi â-  our subsi-n igerocnts to piiy tlieir to the STAxnAKD in " us by biin^'ing it in n ro ids an; good. \V I of wooi and a few fo X5C O TJ" S E.'M J"**' " iimptable as Hk Wma BROWRhv weather has modt-i-H ted somi since our last lesuo. and tin again making pretty ^ood "VVE 'WISH •\-yir':-'-^ i^y Un, tba; S tf plan; Inl T, co'j. '1 N !{• 'lit- III \» I. I' lid \. I II iw- ii!r .S »: J. C tio; y. *;;;.â-  • •a. SI :-\ " â- /-â- '.. ••â- .•' lie A Merry Christmas and a Happy New fe \. 1 â-  lid -i "l X • ;• |HKll oi .t Iii. M i r. dii-f.t II ' scs.-:.iiit of ' li.l.- Mr K.ivi .Mr. It.iiiii •, t.J piiid j7 for cortj M's (.1 Hoiial.ll Mr. McMilla:i ,in, Fircwoid. Snwlotrs. Mr. N. il. iliai t| leK, Telcgrnph IMcs, A,-.. P'"' " «l'i' I; â- OUKht i:ito th" viWagc uud I'tHii;,' Miid iir in larso i«»n- la\i-. SN.mi â- lifal I*- N 11. S-.iu.7-: S12.l(i: ai.d lU ,, 11 l'«^isl I'.il 'AMTitM visitint? Maik.iale an 1 do- j ,,; j .,. ,^„.^,^| S: plcii ,y station 4 bills teem aa ine. I Maikuale an 1 Jo- J should will t comfortable quaitrs. biiouiu i j ,|||_^| il to pay Mr Thos. Sprni.le. of ,,„-,,.; ,,^;-^,, Dcen a year n prospeniy wiiii me jjcopiu oi our k,^ and as others have prospered, we have been enable: participate with them in their prosperity. Our business has rapidly increased, especially since moving into our new premises, and we solicit a shareof patronage for the year 1881. t 1^ mt to We are now offering a fine collection of Christmas Oo od ivere Ho**;l a visit. Tlicy «"' f„ issii a 'uu a firPt-claas Uble. comfortablf ri.-y\ui:^' s-. .and mine host, Toni, ready to ' „..isiintiit. ;lriiiRin his powe- t. »nak I ,„;.^...,,^ .,,;„, il at home. Chill ges SI p»'r th. ll.ik b.- a card in another column. j „„,]^.,. ,,„. s.-l, ^ird annual session of th ranch of iho Uoininii'n AUi be held in the Temperance pronto, ou the 20lh and 21st pre-'cnt month. Tlurc an- ipoitiiiit questions relalive to Act to he Ruhititted to tli.- and a goml turn out is re- ;^ â€" NAMELY â- y'r^ ""'•- and a large variety of OUR GROCER â- / For the season are, tis usual, Well Selected, Fresh and Good NEW CURRANTS, ' NEW PRUNES, -^i V « NEW TEAS, at 45c, Splendid. Wilnc The People are all asking for our TEA DUST, nothing suits so wf^ »t«itrink, lai mu, ta pca Wilcox made some pref- fve sales duiing tho holidav I has quite a larjje .stock yet baaid. Those contemplaiiiiK tnai ,ge sboold drop into his shop, and 1 r iMB stock of wedding rings. ' ilhnu at all prices. If voii to make your sweatheart a iiic esent, Ned can suit you t a| oety or if your watch or clock ii it rf order, no better place to tak it CHILiDBEN'S TOYS*"""" y;-" I Tip .Wasquerade on the Mar'alale " ' ' -• â-  â- "â- â-  ""k, which ttok p'acc on the taking the iutensoly cold ' into consideration, was wd 1 Itendad. The following are the i xesafol competitors :â€" Best coinit- )6tanie, Mr. W. Uaskett 2iid Mr ihn Koox. liest tady and Kent's wtnroe, Mr. E. O. Gjemrnm and (isa M. E. Wright; 2nd Mr. Choli, w od Mij^s Lyons, lieat t'fut skaror. If. B. J. Iteid 2nd Mr. Knox. Host idy akater, Miss M. E. Wrislit; 2iid Om lijons. Best «)oy hkiiter. A. 2nd W l.voiis. Boat' giij Miss Lyon- 2m A tteynoidi; Iii.i.«. â€" Mr. .!â- â€¢ HI Matlie M%ktm the Lake Shore l.n-, ,s:iyi. (|m0. S. .^ilierti^r. wa- :nit."d -ii by the l.'hief ii-til" "I on the charge of bills raised frin ones tt [e appears to have met with amount of sucees-, us on. at Lhiyds Hotel, one at •g, and two at (i' .Mel» 'ii One wa" also offered at the 'Hotel, hut was ref-i-iod. \V' saw or two J4 tlmt h-id been iiiP' n Dominion V" thi-i w-ek. IVo lould keep their eyes open these 1;. i-v.' Iiaviii. 10 A.-l by Mj Mr. I'm iwii' ti C'llllell aT" ilij till' alili' kill il in wiiieii le p nitioiis (if ilil \vik.y that i C'.tnied 11:1 nil adjounie i. ' Ai,;.' a- 1 ';: -â-  r. I .. •i U'S.'Ju.iii. .2 i 4 ,o..r V,-, '\V ^.'iJ»â- : J-. i.- OF't-tilt 1 Cr WIHTER PRY GOpi "ior .%•*. .-'â- { ta.« .. -J â-  L.'.t iOi- â- ...â- â€¢â- ..,r 1 At LOW PRICES to clear them out. '*t- J/'U j^^K-^H 'it* iie jv- n NOTICE. â- ti:r y. /WANTED-r-lo»ooo Railway Ties. " "'Illifiifcjt^uantity of Obrd v/o«l. ti ^- ",a»4i â€" mu( •« to itM««aa •* I0SB8 OxrKS Wkathek Book.â€" We received from the Toronto News opy of the first w!.ither Alma- •oed by the Ontario weather whose success during the years, in forecasting the ha8 been marvellous. The book, which contains abilities of the weather interesting records of the i^ variety of almanac matter, n'a weatijcr map of the con- nd articles on the climate of •ad meteorology generally. I large nnmber of prognostics ' day use. The book is neat 1, baa a vary attractive cover, d worthy of perusal.. It is all tbe book stores. Price (iSl'jl Ma .\t il.i-tl.t. eali ol t:i.- 1 M »i-- • 'aiii'l pills IJ. 'Ai (.'oiliieiiioi--. Miiiiit- .f liriiid. » c"i\ii fi- Hi t| No S. i..|!; ill,! liVV lil-t| oiif iiiiir. I' W:i d l"W;.-i a~l,.-i I.V ' (•-|l:i- d â- '11 t' Sll.l.' toa! tie pluliLi:.. to "iiltxT isiii- II ?. .klliVid 1' W'llller.-. lor !S. S. "lie half. Sing, Ki c. 'ho ac, â-  I the 1 Itn col pail, and or lei- for t| !)ollgl:ls iut aniirlldlllg bjl iKimty Itet pn- d tbr )i; by ].;« r. name ol 1 li| Howard A. divi.tion No| sine /.V. a i-cl till oil III yari i.ll Mr. l.yui:.' ^1 Oiitli*: 20d Rt tlif riiilii1 Mr J.liii \\ lanil. to Mll^i (•f King, Co. On the •2U^ at the rcfidad B. FreeinanJ Jaut;liter of On ths32ii tiOUl.llllg "' I On tlic 2: Kt tlic -Viucrl Kme't M»«-J er of W. Ji'14 On thf: the r««ileuo 8 word, to ' 0««o t0«Dlj aWM,(«w«4»ac It itSLi l:-. .1 »i: i. .«'fc • â-  â- - *lAi â-  mmi ^M

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