rooor I thiok a e- fcj pUo ta Ood\ .pint, buri^ â- [ood hfe. .Bd W^^'jl^ ichs gmwed b* „â- id drink, uid joy |^ kked feet, t^ »hoe«, ;.nd» .and »n,tfc^,^ 1, uid courage w«„^ mie. and empty fgal food, uid qaiita -_' »ick, th« halpU,^ Jth and comfort )r»yed, men prmy oetn't deign to -^g,,^ •, low uid ^T* sro hungry, coij^ ^jJJ^. irt. had often b**, i 'ice and cenenre th-T^ listance, «afely »i^ hiie patting by o? v. wordy, faultier j. tfhau. .hivered .1] th,-. â- ha, hunger' oruel rsiT e M If they'd neTs, Jl^ i a poor Htaonlder., J^ ood, thick, warm, i yersara vulgar, qn^ firer's thank, good J^\ Father's jew«la •td u\ till not be the tivnd of ft tuh, he did in ' Well. 1 shonld m a«h.»^ •Va." in}jtiea W(rld of dl tkahl ka all forms aa rit«ibonl le. or i"gnia8, but by ^^ f y in.D, sod Nature' tga t'brint's. So let it be rs, aoil iill humanity • 111,'ilom m, and i. to be. fitmaa Aat^ Lover's Pisa- t bear uiy 'â- ]){, ny V€ rse, and I te with cnm^ou'd nrdii I dare not tfmk. At ti y feet I Ij« 111 in sleep s haunting m«, ;»â- ^.1 aweet and Ijw, like rippling How murmur of the se*. ear, nm I love and thee â- et lit) merciful, ai ^irt beautiful, It-arn to care for me. lif w.iy 1 nr o' niy life, nun Thee .ipart I 'Ifnoate my heart, n htf my own, my wife imm my heart, :Ke can lil^it, iny-e.t sliall be â- wil .•â- loi:e by thee, i»vt- f.'r_i.-t 111*.- not. Big Game. iiiiliUii^. nays a. P.iri. i^rm f riy r'.klkrn ni ty remembet i I o: [i iiionater gamtl rrbiii^. Will re the cur Ifr r'.; 'ii- tl s iniiieni^e wioi I have just heard rfl_. -inirjai. l which a FnMt 'lin_' r ceiitly dec ^Md it iuaiir. I'hc Ciinntwi (k • Lite cird-ijlayer, whw I ;.iiui uja proverbial.; tin a Ku-siaii, an iuveMr. jI iii't once oil their trarali^ I .tiixi' ua to try 'Lbc.treni^l h.ini|ii n, seut up her '.rd, ii.i|Ui-»i ili..t she ». u'atiy r. Mmu. lie X. a^cutM; lintii r. aiiil wtiiu ilie m !â- thr Muscovite ttd kat ail lu-r niin a in tie Unl ring A (iiirter of a ci^utoiy. "ountusa," she adti, tltK j lakt' uhioh was for MOW ' lliai .ill my forciioo wiU i iWlit. but I shall Mnu {#^ j will tiwi'i over amytMii m4f .V- tar a. po«l«* I'laiiie.' r*'piieU the rr^il A\ 11 t coiiseutto becutiai I ne III the iiioat chanBui|t^ j I huve • ver jDtit. 1 fetM| Rut I shall send for.fli the prie.t, yOB iH loucii am tuer card aan| tlu ii.itar}' you will !•• •.•• e an annuity of iA),M rini-'irin consented lb. tt .V, while the countM. ili^ • •I tie auuuity, which iki I all the " ranwim of latest From Ijonden. hatting with the cWm •* iKT oi the Sbrewik^ lys a corespondent of •â- oMt, t)ie i^ueen slipped ;r lianilR over my eye* i». " ».iiii the duke. .»ure of a big wal ^ar â- • nst my chee^, .o *lo«^ aughed, and tt ' u Auierican. ar. I'.ve on I muM your New York d^ I a terrible dowdy). ' me the pattern of *â- • UK of in«Mi." â- •'i e.;.in tea.ii^(«! I a ooaiU r^ Oi 9he iu8i.t«d, "anr in the oit'y, »nd m»*2 111 hav. a no»A tie* r 1 ' has other liah »o *^ waiil wht'iehe I' uD the s'aii. ere he m again taid Vict' ri*, getlW f" and interrttf* »nt to sell Uim "" •nt, say. 1, "two'*,.*^' crowd U-ta, qn««*» got some ic«^'**'*=-^ eliingtOD, Vio g*"*^ slammed her cro*» up-aUir. to bed in » â- * berry'., from NobBaV^ 1 ly have made a g**** ' re and more ^PfTt^rk isefulnes. of xh» *-r\^\ In tact, t^fe polio/ •*^1 by Denni. ^^me3j^ %i rOa 'tne hMthen* ility, th« vs.^'jr tyBiu iuie that wiU ***•,â- Koropean pow«t» r?.3 the uation o"' J'^JlIl ema to be a «'*•"'• «iT ity in Greece, w kil»^ â- king deeper and "'^SL? »tli aud .tnpidit7 .CZ^4 tar di.tant wh« *[|J[,^,( ver the tower* ot r^' Conatantine ref r aad g n a d â€" t l PBIDA^ liORNIl» Hat*â€" »" " OF AOVl ,.dv«.ce, $lf '» rpt at the opO»° ' ^Z P*yiM h.idr..po°»;"'«J,",fc.rakt. "ooe «»' dJ Jo do ""..'.. „uder. nr^tinatrion. lub-e^ueutias^rtlou. _^^^ 27 00 IS 00 8 00 4 00 SO \i 74 25 8 •» "•' â- lite t^bUshrd till for. ""f^^i^ly- Alltr»n«t« 't:^1Sth.offl:eo(pmb. fby^ll'^-"n tb2Th.r.lay Pecidi-g their pnbb.^. FEIMONAL A MtMEU DIRECTORY. 'wrair^ rioale Carter, clans, Sttreeon-. Acoouchears Sec iHou«« ' jiie. -^.^pi n.i*o. 1-y IslClAV. SUBGEON. ACCOUCH- P.O. ^^ l ineaa, nm »»iHi rti» 1 1111, "Ati* T€H»^J44IBJIlMmaH TimM^^^' iHlS* I ii^vuKarr^tbkU- •MkiBMtlM«tlMr;i« y«t. in tk* 4 tb«M*.» ntu* •kic^ U Mvir raiaaaa. If iaMB pwt, wo«a â- MoKHMm «MiiM tl â- â- â- una llfjallt •n to-Momw. bright, fauMhn. with 'to nwMrtalM what ii b« woald Bok h«w* eoi f to Y«t hop* w far frcm â- â- â- MMkhw^ « »» » »*», «â- tana tu aw. ^otM' with Mm awM fty. iha MiM tti bMaMi a* kaLMm. Thiy Merer are. toay tmttt wa ha, wâ€" d U hichv l«r %ht)r- a^fatfM ff^\ Cngi' Ch**. B. Wilkes, kgteratLaw, Owen Sound. hcE Miller-" 5 l.mldtnft. over Bobin- 'PoLllet Street. 1-y f,«t«t Froat, lUlSTKBS, 'IMI ATTORSEYS-AT Solici"'f â- " fhancery. Convey Owen Sound, liave rasuaad at Offiw "P*'n "'^y Thiirsd^, •• CURESi rvsu mmo bt thu axLr-aaiu lorK. Haw aaay dowafalkâ€" aMial, iatoHf«ihial. fiaaTMil, Mrfaod al f attdhat- »1 j Thay aiwai aiiij) ilip. fu filSS.'ZJtIlSimialt ^MJea ^l fay^aa t.iiina w* lag foaaataaa, ipati hfswalf teoiptatioo that auatefa hiai aadpiaeifitataa Ua mia. Ta« tWakar, tha writar, h« aaw aa exalted pboe. bat ha balievea, with h« ataraaaiiag ia hi. haart, that ha eaa hifibar aad aztead hia U wnih a thaaa* bajraad hia., for whi natara aalMad: ha momn daaarvad aad mi tha raduMi « M. Ha grapplaa vhich ha M hy ThtBvtBlltlDTSICEtir^lCga :VKH» Aonm mm mu kxci un 9.000.006 laiomU^ lA^ii^ Thtt Syntp Fotma» F«rW Pf^er1t^ I â- ^ eoodaot, .ad IL' *;^.'!?,^ FrtyaBaala A. RaM,, i!ft2^";!!J** .•»â- •** â- •* ••«•«• •«â- the Cad lata I J.W. Faoi^.LL. B. .\ttorucT. 1 lf»OSi. bl.sTKUand .\TTORXEY AT-L.KW, JstiT in C'hanccrv, Owen Honud. [17, 1880. 1-y W iaiai*. It tha BMljr after aailBf ih» rr^raaiad. It arta â- »•« *« Ii Qaiata tk* Wa r vaaa » It Praoatea Maeatiaa. It NawtafeMTSmwMha I aaaaacarartha â- MeviairtyiiaM ar tha faad ta the Janaes Lamon, tORNET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR LN turery, Notarv Public, e. p\ loaned at loweat rates .011 persoim L'tate. Lands bought aud sold.) r»Bil iilU'r introduced free of rnmmis. j ' DUNDAXK. I mUr Jlst, 18i0. 1 ' Beallbr Pereptrattaa. It neu'r»i;«« the benditazy ialBt. or »o;«ca In Ui« I blood. whU: I g w i er» t«» ScrgA^a.Knapdu. aad tU I maimer of ikia 111 Mri InanafVimMiT There arena .pa i l. .â- p l uj e^taU.i 80 whaOy by pnblio oDiniaa that rah^bibtatieo i. paaHUr. Tlia rioiaat â- itokiat oa hihiff waata Calta HAar, aad Tehtaito, -«ad«r tba impolaa oL hope, aooa graad, thoaipi Tiaioa* ary, Khame., wniaa iaevitably aiiaeaiiy aad kava him baaktapt. Perkoaa hi gaod 1 fity (ooliahly think that aaothar eirole ia ' £daaii»ble, bfctaaa aMra prattatiaaa, **cheat«d by hope, they contradict their ante cedent.. In their efllort U» cUmb they torn. U(^kr^d1aarfull«, forfatttagtba catcem a the worthieat and loaing their own M)f ragard. THUS Bors rutva aiLaiiaioLY tsicks •f^iMhMMHh*" l^ a g a ti i m if it ha aat MtWy aa a|oUat aaiT fcmua y itiuB lavahahljr hagata aMT' » aat aaalhar idra at it. astraaadiaaiy aayaai^y for aay aMaataaa M thair â€" â€" whaathay havaotfaaal^ Ittay ara aa pwaa.dail tha* thar awa ia that it laoara alU ite atiag aad riaaa laJahaaa witkhS. XaaaiayTaSkta iaatraalad, thaai^ y«W ara ptatty aart.' ha aaauad, by ha aadaaraaia to ihaw. twiaa toa ara a'faaadrcd.Md thai 4 aataatMha laa i .ai to' to thai Ha haaaa iato (aoto. aadaL jifii:: .ii. .u-'vi â- -^ .1 ... ii*; atlat gaadlhanial â- M ay 1aaana»4aar; Wilt*» 1.11/ ;HU»tOia wijjlh Hy-af t Slr^Slfc ^tallar ^*a jataa ' ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^P^^^^ ^^^^^^a^^^ ^^^^^* W^^W ^^^^^^ ' ^^^ ^f a ^^^ fc .m v._ ^^fc^^^^ â- filaiiMiilih kwaaBI amy .qoaitiifilaeli,. aaatb aaya fht irgantrr* Kr $ati^ |lg«iit«. Hm. Brown, i,K OF .MAUKIAUE LICENSES, tc., â-ºmmissioner in B. E. Ac. la.vincmK "i all its branches promptly I to aud carefully executed. Money to Lfnd on Real Estate se- ^dnle. Sept. 17, 1880. • l-v W. 1m Smith, stUAL AG£NT AXD PE.\BER IN Inmey Stock, WilUamsford Station. |. 17. 18Hi\ 1_ Alexaa4er Browa, ^EK of Marriafre Liecuaes, Fire atld Ii.^iininru Agent, (onimissionei .Vr. Conveyancer and Ijirenaed â-ºÂ«-ii fi 1 the County of Grey. Farmers, Bt-~. 111..I Laud Sales, Punetaally at- iiiJ lUarn.s iiiftde • ery moderate. ^illi. Sept. n,!^^!' l-\ Oeontr Corbet, Jr., I.UAN .\NP nE.N'ERAL Af-ENT en SoUH'l Monev to Loan iit low interest. I'rnioipal puvable at the term of vi .ii-,.aiJ interest half year- I'til and interest repay- •nd it can be taken ty them daOcata babe, or !»' tbe azoil anil Aable, cxn enfy Mnf rtqa:nd In tU- Unit^n io direcH»nt, I FSICE or LABOS BOTTUiS, IUQ ' FSICS 07 SHALL SOTTLSS, BO Raad tha VOLUNTARY TES~ IMONIALS of Persons who hava bosn CURED by the uaa of thi. BLOOD PURIRER. FOR DYSPEPSIA AND LIVEB COMPLAINT. Kelvin, Brant Co., Ont. Dear Sir â€" This Is io_ certify that valuable Indian yonr valuable Indian Blood Syrap has benq^ted me more for Despapsia and Liver Complaint, than any meUi- I only knew Joat haw omcA of ia cina I ever before uaed. Msiit. M. J apon it. owner*, and, nader promiM of bettormt nt, deliver, them into th« hand, of I tha Pbiltetiaea. lU wile, are ctael, far it i lift, tbaia'fnt to broad aad bicasy plaaaa, 1 whaia i La pae iy a ct i. boaataoariy raaaaara- tive, and then with tha word., " Lat a* go higher," tba falsa .top ooaar, and all that I ha. biea acfaiavad ia forfeited. Hopealway. I yield* ua Kmething, often a great deal, bat if we liaten to it too long, too intetatly, it ia I apt to undo in a maaaiue what it baa done, I to toke back with intemt maoh that it baa lent. The tmth ia, we do not quito know I how to interpret ita apeech, ever delivered ia ambignoaapbnue and with marked ex- leration. Hope i. Uke tba Dalphic ora-. it «ffeoto wiadhm mtpraaaa and yet, maaka tha aiiiaaiag of ito atteraaca. If wa to claa; c%aaia b ftAiatfaif Iha laaialWa, aWah iaaaaii â- jaa thaaa â€"acujWtatedwjMt tha wotgatl ia is ptadaot, .w. .haai»aadialaat taraa #i«h-i d-Saan taak l.a ia Ua very lovi^ ha iatsa d ac j a yua to say naa* bar of plaa. by which yaar.ooaditioa, laaat il, aaral. aad autarial, ahall Muwiy aad vaatly ha iaproTvd. Ha u so panistaat, fo aaar^ aatie. ao valab'ia, if aot elcMaat, ia tbatr larthtiaaoa^ha m qaicUy disouTar* that .«aa of a 1 aaa ah«al4 aMtisiaata ia thctii Chat yna w* balT iahJRitpi#raf fciBi ta aatato Jfav Lava Mrr tlaatba iaaaK afcapt i c ' aai aad puwar alraMtaate. He i. oftaa aa plaaa ible m peaervanagâ€" roa iiorrDi.»8as u alwat. PLAV.^iaLB v». THB uitiamA im ' aad ha oaa diapel aioat doabto by uaqaali- Aad aaaavcratiaa. How aaay pUrtic, an- satpaotiag saopla thara ara who have beaa brcifiglrt to Hm Taiga of ila|i»ir by tha ax- traaa h epa f alnaa. of thair aaaociat*.) HopsAUaaas allan aaaaa to ha aaearded to aaa iaatMd of capaoity to aaoaapliah. If thsy saaant taally do aaythiat sava harm to othtrs hy msatal iaaaalarina, thsy saa wais iaaffnary woadaca by tha aaliaited ajtet- ciaa of thair naliaitod faoalty. He who baa littla hopa' i. apt to be aid- aneholy, rathar eyaiaal, ilafiiaaiag at tiaaaa, bat be is a safw ooapaaiaB ia tha laag raa than hia vary toagawa facathar- Ha i« not so iit«praasih(|r hiawsliat ia theoiy he is aot so sflasat af iiaairi 1 ha is ao so ia- portnnato far yoar advaaeaaaat aad happi- asaa. Bat ha asaally leaves yoa withoat loaaaa of ayapathy, aaaiay, or self-aataaa which yon aay hava ataked apoe sohaaiM that coold not poaaiUy fail, and yet hava failed oalamitoasly. Hooafnlacas is, wa refaat, a asat fortanato s aau a a s Mt for the poaaaaaor, though it 'frcqnantly prorca dis- astroas to tha man to whom it ia imparted. The very hopafal peraoa lias sn uasabstoa- Ual way of snlstiag for his gift, for ha nif- fer. in tha aaia Ticariously, B^Doe. SAVED HER LIFE. Kelvin, Brant Co., Ont. Dear Sirâ€" I liavc been nndei the doctors' hands almost continnally for eight years, this year being the firsi that I have not employed 1 ny .ciat. After using your ludian 1 ,d :iyrnp for a brief space of time, I was enab- led to do all my work. I truly be- lieve it was tho means of saving my hfe. Ma.s. MARY LEONARD. Iaceept wa .hoold have a ctntcb on Fortaae, a key to the fatore. PerMn. who are very hopafal not only knrt tbemwlve., they ara vary likely to hart other.. That they are honeat and earneat in tboir sxpecUtion. aad oooiideBoe may ba deemed a Mrt of excuM fur them, thoagh it due* not lesrcn the baim they work. Oaa I At a eoncart a buritoaa, with a eald voice bat wara gcatara, siags â€" " Waald that it wara ay lot to ba A oaptaia of tha kiag." And latar ia tha araaiaf ha warbia " I wish I wara a littla bird.' wharanpoa Mr. P staada up aad aaya in a eonoiliatory way " Saa here, tricad, yoa onght really to take ona part or the otaer. trouble with them i. that they never leain which do yon want to be, captain of tha I aught by experience, aud aeem calloaa to the kin^ or tha littla bird " evil they antaiL ». ...... « _._ ....I......... A rarmoH for the appotntaeat to a ' in one qoartor of nnmberUa aMurano*. and I llilwaohae. Pianos and Organs. rly, or riii In^talmonts. [uiinilici of ill liiatili lni|)iiivfdFnrm.s J. \i. MiUif, j n.NIO.V AND I'liOVINCIAL LAND 1 â- uivi-yor, Iirnu;litiuau and Valuator, 1 I unil Markdale. Having purchased: fciul Land Surveyor Charles Kaukiu's Isii.i'k of original Field Notei, Plans, Instructions, £c.,o{ all his Surveys 'itlun the last Afty-tive years, I am 'l t» make Surveys in strict accord- t'witb. Prohles and E-stimates kiliiij; llilU, Plans and Specitication^: UtIiiiK Hridf;os, furnished on applies-; iMourv to Loan at 8 per cent interest. 1 bv letter, or left with O. J. BLYTH, ale, will be promptlv attended to. 17. 1880. " l-v Ir. JaineK J. Wblte, »nt to 111. I'anuii.n. Owen Sound, ISE AT THE UKVEllE HOUSE, [Markdale, on the lal Wednesday in Duth.wheu he will beprej.ared toper- I operations iciiuirej upon the^month most satisfactory manner, and upon kllc terms. â- i.y ,:!N lIO:v MOTT WE MARKDALE. lea.-od (he above l,„t,.i „,j ti,^,,. elarnished and refitted it, the tray- kbhc will bnd every accommodation. [the best of liquors and cigars kept tabling. Careful hotei JOHN VAN HORN. Vroi.rietor ' 17.1880. i.j MBAFORD. Ont. McGIBB, PBOPBitTots. accommodation for the travelling I'hc bar is well stocked with the Wines and Liquors and tho best ' Cigars. Ins to and from all trains. r7, 1980. 1-y i^iiMERCIAL PRICEVHjI-iE, HOTEL Ont. :iud commodious Sample Boom. -d Kooma, *c. The Bar and lardar ipplied with the best the market af- od Subling and attentive Uoatlar's. TflOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor. er Ma, l«o. 8 CURBS COUGHS AND COLDS, j Bunora, jirant Co., Ont. Dear Sib :â€" In February, 1876, I was afSicted with a severe Cough wbieh grew worse, confining me to I my room, and was finally pronoanced 1 incorable by my physician. In Jan., 1877, I commenced nsing the Indian Blood Syrup, when I at once com- menced to gain in strength, and in a short time I was enabled to do a fair day's work. My Cough is now entirelv gone. IS.\AC HORNER, J. P. CURES ERYSIPELAS. Mt. Iforest, Wellington Co., Ont., Can. Dear Sir: â€" I was seveiely alBictad with Erysipelaa for two years, and « short trisl of vonr Indian Blood 8ynip ettsatnsUr cared me. M«9. JANEt AllPfilSON. UVEB COMPLAINT. Mt. Forest, Wellington Co., Ont., Can. 9bar Sib â€" I have used your great Idian Blood Syrup for Liver Complaint, and hava received great benefit thersfrom. I Maont- I mend its U!« to all similarly aiBieted, 1 MELSON CABR. DISEASE OF THE STOMACH. Mt. Forest, Wellington Co., Ont., Can. Dbab Sis :â€" This is to certifiy that your I valuable Indian Blood SvTup cared ne of Cramps in the Stomach. W. N. CUBBOW. j DISEASE OF THE STOMACH. i Cross HUl, Waterloo Co., Ont. Deaa Sib â€" I was tronbled with Mvera j Pains in my Stomach, anAa^ vth.^^'oa of j Appetite and was unable Vfuff- W^JM**? reliere me nntil I took fViT^^amK Braoff Syrup which effected a speedy cure. 1 shall 1 always give your medicine the praise it so I justlv deserves. NANCY LGE. 1 SCABBY HANI8. Nmtstiidt, Orty'Orf., Ont. Deab Sib:â€" My Hands became Scabby, and I was unable to tell what it was aad went to a doctor, who gave me medicine, which did no good. I than procnred some of 1 your Imiian Blood Syrup and liad taken it only a short tune, when the Scabs diuppear- ed, and now my hands are as well aa ever. I can safely recommend it as a valuable remedy. jj„ heNBY HUFF. DYSPEPSIA AND lUDNEY COMPLAINT. Westport. Jan. W. 1879. â- Dkab Sib:â€" I have been saSering lor I year, \\nth Dyspepsia and lndi«estion and Kidney Complaint, and have tried a great I many remedies, but without effect. I be- came very bad and could not leave my bed 1 Mnt to yonr A^ent, William Dier, for a bottla of your Indian hVtot Syrup, and I do not hesitate to say that it Mved my life, i am completely cured aud feel like a new J. A. CRAWFORD BBAI.BB tn PIANOS AND OEGANS or THE TJs:Toiid^e a^^CanvLfsLCtTJjre. Having a thorough knowledge of Musical Instruments I would invite those desirous oi purchasing an instrument to Q-IVB ME A TRIAIi! I can famish good testimonials from parties to whom I ha e sold that they wiU be dealt hondraWy with m all cases. By corresponding with me I will convince parties that I will seU Last weii my ten *M taien .ick cheaper than they can bu elsewhere ^Tlj^EORGE WILSON, [UlTEffllEiR Varkdale, next door to Expositor eai delivered at any house iu town. • " 1880, i-y »eei and ^Jattle. f^C^ with severe Headachai and rf'eSr ioeaa tt your valuable medicine cHred nJBr. DAVID BLACK. CURES DTSPEpSJ J^V INHWES- TIOS. Westport, Ont., Jan. K, 1879. Dbab Sib:â€" I hsve been afflicted with Dyspepsia for about nine years, and yonr Indian Blood Syntp U tha only medicine that evar helped oa.^ I would mt to allsuSerias froln this Bi a a a st to give yonr medioina afair trial. W. H. ROBISON. " Sole General .dgeatii,foiCaaada, North- op aad Lfiaan, )(». Sl« 1«nata«t. Weat, Toroato. ^flso ^tganta for Mothar Nokia's Sialtaf Syrap, an Engli^ Diaeovery whieh ia wall kaawa aa a valnaUa and aSeetiTa P Vt^ yiaHar thron^oot, tha World." having jao4 fat 'to sea, will Sal it to there names and »nj Hotel, BareraHooaa, adersigned ara rtill oa tha war I pontively pay tha hi^aat I C.W.AA, nth.lMO, Monthly or quarterly inftalments would with a small payment down. be fi accepted, -• f« I w .\' JlC V r.'XH -flirrr irn'mi -.^ â- I -j/- â- â- i ' â- josl'lm â€" « '•iam47'/SHU:. suiw ' •' »«*T » â- â- / Inn -B!tt» • •' ' I ftffR J. Iff* II A. ••yJli'-^HiV .tin-. i' 1 'i ' h i-ttl 'i.'lu'-i-..) 1^'f^' il « â- 'It- uV; I •* O" n*dW â- «• •" n'ntJ .,ii.-; a.t t*i J^^do be* hasMi- h«« Aatt Ood troite cvraodl. la ona. For my dear laii^'aaiJkc. xfoaaaa^maa ha««toaB4Ma-i i art sSa^ a psaaaaf-asla imu t a saltahto haal aaisMagl AUTMycnriStoaar: "How hiMAjaalMkI EJw\khaairea'saBaMad Toa oaaaa to aaj aaeh a iSMcihg tkhlA aa that yoaVa;^ aa ^adi VQA/tt iha tU/ltu all a a haTa m ia to .nr h i tm sw.aahifhy pa r e h s s for aoMsthiaga^Bre^aaitcd to hia taste. Ha aevcr dreasM how tiresoma it iato had that aoaMthing. Wa^daaa ttwa with »aiita Uttla«UB et nueajr a. oar aan% and take aar Md^*iead Mmg ta ahUa with her de^ion- iih a'i»aio». We go to 9ne m llsasiy sstahUahnifnt, uk to aee " the latest," remove the remain, of laat yMr'a at^ ftam oar head wth a toadsrassa we aerar felt for it antil tha pisaaiit Biuiiaiutj taka a aaat^ aad are axperhaeatjd upoa for tha asact hau.hoar. Oarfnead^ysa ooa- aptetoaa part in tha operation. 8he haa ayea " tp tha front of ua," etc., but at each arti- da plaaad abiiTa ber brow., ^akaa bar h«sd Bsoat diMncbaatingly. Tired anddiasapoint- ed, we fiad nothi^ fita, wherenpoa we are told by the polite French women waiting on OS " But madaaie*. head ao .mall we 'ave to make soawthiag for her. If aha aelec' de style, why, we can copy ^xxatle to suit her. " Bat " madame " find, no rtyle becoming. Her friaad wfaiqicn to her of a pUcs where aha is snre .he will find Mmethiag to pleeM her, aad with polite tbuiks'to the diaaipoiat- ed Uttla Fraaaa woman we leava tha aki^ ia ra^neot of aew fidda. We are aorry at aot having found Mmething at the first .tore. At the aeeond we begin to weaken on a certain shape we have men, which, if made smaller, we think would do. We appeal to our fiiead. She s^. " Oh. aerar 1 la tha fint place it i. an agly color, aiost aabacoai ing in the next, it is not worth the price. In other words, she is sore we wonlcf nave ba plmaed with it. With a poor azoaM for aa usiaUe amile, we decide to take her ad vioa aad not take the new .hape. We reach tba next place. The door ia opened for ua. We ara niahad at by a amiling young woeum who mechaaically asks, "can i show you anything?" We rtate oar errand. Once more we are seated. Once more we were abowa aameroas a^les until we beeoma so bewild- eied wa doa t know which to choose. Oaoa more wa cock our head in all {lositioa. and view that important portion of our- aelve. in every light. Nothing wtistiea. We leave diaoonnged and so into the estobliah. â- sent next door. By thia time the inviuble net over oar front hair ia a pertoot aiiiak, aaa aa* hair itaatl. wkioa waa piettUy ar- raagsd arhea Wa narted ont, has a tendency to atand on an end. Their i. a proapect, of aoihing being becoming, from our look. We are aggravatingly uked " What style we prefer to see T' We reckleaaly an.wer, â- ' fto particular di*nt-«nythiag pretty" Agaia we remove our Donmet with aa actoal relnctanoe to part with rt. A^ia we go through the old story. Our friend, who looks slightly fatigued, suddenly finds every, thing we try on becoi^ing I We get up a smile. We ara onoe mora told our heal is unusually small and that it ii necessary to have a Mj4e copied. We find one, irc tbink, does nicely. We leave our orders and turn our step, bomeward, tired, dusty, diMnehant- ad with everything in general, and bonnets particalar. We are con.soled about our mull head, however, by the thought that it is a great beauty, though inconvenient. We bid our f rieod good-by and toll her we are sure we could do nothing without her. We speak of our micGeas to the head of the house at din- ner. He immediately asks how r-jch we paid for oar purchaae. We take a Iobk breath and boldly .late the cost. There i. a fuss about it.' We aay demurely we went all over town (for we feel tired enough to believe our- aelves), and it is the cheapest thing wa mw, wbich is the truth. For answer our amiable lord Komfully aaya, " Oh, pah " We an- â- wer him, when he seca the article under dis- ouuion, be will feel perfectly wtisfled. Just then the bell ring*. We say, with a littleair of triumph, now you will be able to judge for yoorwlves. In comes the band-box. We laahnpatura to a mirror, don the new faah- ion, arrange it most becomingly, assume our sweat im^aasiou aad deacend for criticism. ONir better half eyes ua iu a:lence. We slow- ly whirl round tor hia benefit. His lack of SBthauaam alarm, u.. We falter out^ •• Well T" Ha laaaa back ia his chair, takes as in once more, aad turns round to go oa with his dinner with the remark, " I'll give jast $aO to bum that thing up. To tell yon the truth, you look fifty years older in that than yonr are. " We are literally crestbllan We ulently return the hat, we n-ill never wear it in comfort now, to i(. resting place, contoling ourselves with the thought tnat it ia pcattier thaa anythia| we have Men, and paniape our liege lord will learn to like it. .. r.n Omt ana, wbohad sfdi«a/sai^ tiMsoladsd ba woaM take a a a ft a r bs^ fc*te sam «rtaad ahir^3(inkX»MM|^33iw4n^l^ aat ttat ha waa gaiag dosnf toBoatoa to gat kiata wifa. He Mt baiBa far that psuyoaa,' ailddtba jeers of hia nMg hh a ai a, who pr.-^ di^aU aorto of astsfortaaae that waald halhU bbs. ArrMag ia thia eity ba mada his artaa waB-fc»a«ns iatoBiaeaaa eflaa, aatf ianartadtba ab}Bala#bMaUioa totba ^.t yf^ i^ attasiswN- Afksr nasjlmlll" H-iTirtiitaii^ to satisfy harself of the honesty a t b ^f t rm s r 'siatwtinai iV into the laSai •hers w«sa a «ca* ar aMsa yoiau ssMsaa.wastiatiar st la sf H s a a Sha at^. tatfMaitbata m«a wm hi^tha oftaa wha hadooaMtoBaataatotat^awifr. Were thara aay arsssat wha t^ara wiDiag to manar aahoaartKaw Hampahira farmer thtoU^^ted aagp aoartahift Ha aaid ha waa wiilmrf. to giva ber a good fit-oat of weddiag clothes at aaaa. Oaa yaaag., piafap-kakvg Irish girlsaid aha'd like ta aaa tba yarty. Alter a fa w miaataa' ooararaatieu with tha widaw- ar .ha eooaetited to marry him, aad they Mtthoofice to buy the wedding oattit. Tba /araMT took iota hi. ooalidenca oue of tha aalaawomeo, who joyfully entered into tba m*tter. After aawtiog them in fieir aotaotion of the varioua u(oenary article, of a miaor aature, they want up to the diess dcpartmaat to buy tho weddmg gown. Tba rariaty ahown the yonaggirl quito bswilder- ad her, hot aha bnally let bar haart on a draaa that exactly aaited bar, Uafortnoat. ely tba prioa was (15 mora than tha man wai willing to pay. The girl ooaxed and plead- ed with him tha salcawoaMMi naed all bar argnmanta to aMka tha sale, bat tho widow- er waa iaflexible. " Thirty dollar, was aa all-fired lot of money to pay for a gown.*' Finally the girl declared that nothing eUa wou'd satiafr har, a*d bapa to cry in real aaMHt. Matters looked seriem e'^reml other saleswomaa took sides with tha girl snd pleaded for the coveted drees but with- out sacossB. Then the girl got her spirit ap and told him that be wa. a mean old fdlow, and .he wouldn't marry bim if he'd give har tha best drew in the .tore, and marshad out. ;4e «ia abort Wkb Iwa Jaandrttiags al assai»si "A'-^rarj li aeaw i^ Uim Vm» Saas, htaa liaaim torerdrcsa, wiA iaaa JSSrmSi- ga t u asasa i aai^-ccol bat atrtfcJM; Mha Aatsls»«t a^Fiahgaiad rad Imriaali^arithtfaii^ aaaidiaaa af akjr- blaa ssasqiito W. with aeiBstad katteu, hair scramUed, aiaaasiata rsta; Mis. Pill Gariia MaaaTdiBl-ttatoad akirt af thraa.plir aaana. Dttb jMkai «( pWaaMdMsr flaals- falhr M|*Uad with Waa it a t aat r aa l Twayaaag Wdias â- HK.ttyiagta " wawhbMt aatiattf a^aiab l aa hasa aU Aaafr aoisat attraatadmgr tbaabsy.of.ahadi^iiaafcsMrfr. -itaM lika tha ardiaary artiolaasMtia oaa ua- portaat particalar. Tbb brtaM «aa oompoa- ed of a uAUea work, thia part at tba atrae- toi% eavariag twa sywlaias as tba sibii ahi ataaaob oqraal. aad fnrssiag a laaM aapport f ar what waa to aa sitbia. Xhsa eoraat i. ia fatasla shag fiOad^a "Tramklor." aad tha name iadio at ss its artfsl parpasr. Worn OTsr a dssaa waiat that 4saa aat It toa tight aoraai tha baat, il avail, rafitaaiattothaftr*^'â€" " "" male oaaarrer. ba made aarefolly to order ia ordar to obtain all it. advaat^jM, for it sbaald ba exactly n the peouliaritiaaof Um wearer. si4 hsbrti Giua if thrr. ia ona thii^ mora th»a aur other that hutds loaag ssaa of oar day faaskr from aMtrimorial veatam, it i. tha dia' baar:aaiag spaotoota ao uftaa praaeuted tu tham of year own dear a» pa »ad loamma walkiag lato ekarok glnitad raaueotively by allSaateraadaSSUbaaaat. Thstiawhst scaraa tba boys. EutcsT Danghtarâ€" "I tbiak yoa might let aM eoass oat, mamm. I I'm 9S, yaa kaow, aad saialjr I'ea IJaishiiil myadaea- catiaa I Fastisa Maasaw (b* aa maaaa pra- aarad^ aoltbapaHaf haparaa aad waU BowarR^" aot vH, my lara. 8osiat y ia aa ba l laar I I laaUy mast prsaarra ' gifVah fiaahaea af years a littla I kaat. il parail. a btMe aa- Tha Ohatainâ€" •• Ih s bi asids. s ad t h tgwt is Hampsbira barot e^gaUf caoh a a g to UiajKnrf^; j^ata ThuWadaf a asmthaS«*' kn^w7' Mew H Dolcoronkl. Tha Emprem of Buaaia, who recentlv died aaya tha fif^ra, had the auat beaatiftil jaw- elarv-bax in tba workl. Her ti ssapiis 1 art- ^fiisd at 2.',000,000 franca. Her .teto robes have been given by the emperor to tba j p ria eia s of D^mar, the Czar- ine. The gifta praaMlad by the baperor to hia wife hava kacw l aH i i ul by the dnchaas of Ediahaig i bat tba amat preeiaa s of the jewela hava baoeaM the prqiettr of the prin- ceaa of Dolgoroaki. And yet thia new wile, apan arhcm theezar now laviabaa all hia af- laotioB, was ao poor wiMa die first won the susamiga's haart that abe woidd aot tay a debt of tan rooblea, contractad for the par- of a little silver rin;, â€" her only aTBa- Ibe ttaditioaal aad spleadid oeatama of thaasaidsaf bcaor was otferadhy tha ssa- MMacfJtassiabansif toharfMareriraL It ooasisM at a white aatia pattsooat ambrosder- ed with goU flowaa a laiiil nslle of rad valval. aU tiimisad witkaaki slnag iha bam at tka sidsa 1 a aMto A«ladodiM»MMtl3c Ska tbaas of tha Yahtia apach, with a laoa eol- br ia paiaf d' il f wise a, staadiag ap bahiad tha Back. Tha baok W tba bodiea is of rsd telrat amfaroidarad wiib gold. A laiMr v^ of white taUaiaattadiadx^ tba back af Iha baail lUm tnfl s disirr df rsd ralvataid gold eoaflaw tba halr^ MtwMiB that daadiM castnmathat that bkmda baaate, ao h aa i ty aad inr isa rtb ls, tost alteaeted tha amparor^s s tt aa t ie B Frjat 'that day ba larad her """' ^Jbat laeSg'Se force of wiU to'rssist his 'Slfasarsiaessaiy aMmnsd tha aobia coaaMdaa af bis yoallL/ He csrtmaly woaU aotCaiarrisd Waosaa D^^fnki- ar at laaalba waald aot have isaniad har as as he did. hat lor tte fsara aC KturUab Kissas. The woman of Baglaad not only taluto thair lelatiooa with si kisa, but all Dertoa. proauaooooaly and this owemony thay re- peat, genUy touching them with the lips, aot only arith grace, but without the least isHnodaaty. Suob, however, a. are of blood- royal do not kiM their inferiors, but offer the back of the hand, as men do by way of sa- laUng each other. Gnwmua writes in rap- tarea to oaa of hu friend, on thia subject. " Did you but know, my Faastua, " wy. he, " tha plaasures wtiich lungland afford*, you woakt fly bare aa winged feet, and, if yonr goat would aot allow yon, yon wonld wish yanrsdf a Dasdalas. To mention to you one among aiaay thiags, hare are nymphs of the lovalieat looks, good humored, taay of accesa, and whom yoir wonld prefer even to your favorite muMS. Here, also, prevails a cos- toii never enough to be ooainiendad, that, wherever yoa aaaae. avetyaaa reaaivea yoa witb a Waa, aad when yoa take your leave everyeae give, yon a kiaa t whaa ym letam. kiaaes again meet you. If anyone leave* yon, thay leave you with a kin if you meet anyone, the first .alstetioB is a kin in short, wherever you go, kiseet everywhere aboaad which, my Fanatas, did yon once taste bow very s w ss t aad bow very frst^rant thay are, yoa woald aat, like Sulon, wish foJ tan year.' exile in England, but would denre there to .pend the whole of your life." Antonio Perez, ncretary to the embaaay from Phillip II. of Spain, wnte. thu. to the Mri of Enex " I have thi. day, aoconnog to tha custom of yonr eoaatry, kissed, at an entartainniant, Mvea female*, all of them accomplished iu mind aad beaotiful in per- eon." No SlRUS of Simplicity. Nothwithstanding so much has been said about returning to a more simple .tyle of dren, there ia no indication of anything of the kind at present. Kren for atreet wear, although skirto are short, they are trimmed as much as ever witn flounces, plaitings, vel- v(4, or plush hands uid galloon. Tuniques are draped ia most complicated ways, and confections are covered with passementerie beads and embroideriea. With tha exception of ladies' walking dresses baiag in dark shades, and principally even black, every- thing is of tha most showy kind. There is a rumor that puffed sleeves are to be again worn. It i-s moat Ikely that theae sleeves will replace plain long ones for evening use. Waista of ordinary material are made like jer- seys, but toning do\Mi the back, with a single on either side of the front. Sleeves imth in- serted tulle or laoa puflinss fastened down by bands of material are used for dinner or even- ing toilets. Among the favorite fabrics for dreny purposes are satin.s and silks with light or dark groundings, worked with gold, sad satins with wbite groundings and large golden or colored Howers, the latter with gold intermixed Rcd^tins have ludian palm leaves, bandt^omely shaded and enrich- ed with gold threads " Velours de Genes " have large flowers in pale tints over difierrnt colored groundings. A great pecularity with regard to the^" velvets is their being combin- ed with plaited gauze, tulle, or muslin. Some of tliese fat»ics are quite bea^-y enough to serva for chair or cushion coverings, and are used only for fall-dressed toilet.. They are generally used for veats, panel-shaped trimminss. and very long court mantles in short, aU the ll»t parts of the suit it would be most nnsaitofak to plait, gather, or ahirr each magnificent material. tMim Sai'a Siaiar Mile. Jeanae Bernhardt, accompanied only by a Biaid wrvant, amved in thi* city yaatorday moraiag, ny. tha New York WaHd, by the Freaoh line .teamer Labrador. .Hbe wa. aMt at tha pier of ttie Campaign tranaiala Traaaaltantiqna by Mma. Oae- maid, Mlla. Sarah Bernhardt' oempaaioo, who had oome oa from Boaton tha aveaing before, aad with but a few mument' delay from ^e eoatom. ioapaetor. *hey drove at once to tha Albarmarle hotel, where they ware fooad later by a reporter making ready to taka the 4 o'ektek traia for Boatoa. Jeaana Bernhardt very .trikiagly raa e mbaa ber alder aietor, bat is aot qaita a. .lender er quito u tall. Her oomplexion is clear bad rathar light, sad bar hair a yelkw browa, tba browa abadaa pt taa uria a t iag. Hrr ebaeks ara fol raKaring iha jwomiaeaae of tho eheek boat. mad ' e haetw flnah aad waa a ppa a raaca of MUr. tiara are entirely waatiag. Indeed, MUe. Jaaaaa appeared Ike pietaia of riTaeily aad haalth. Bar vatea ia rkfa aad stroag. sad har laugh baarty aad irrssistiblr. Siia was drsasad ia oliva grsaa, tlM triauafaig baiag Tarfcich rad aad ydlaw. A plash d u ahs n tf Daveo- ahiia bataat jaaatiiyoBharhaad, aarmeaat- â€" ' r iialWIIiMV sJ •»y • «i« imitatioa e o ckl aa h ell aad warbs'iaSiiwiiaaU yaHaw-iad Srd. Her drasa, of dark oNve ..."..-^--j-i ^^gtaen eoloar, was of ah^t|y ototh with a iroat af rad INmtaloa Matea IN'DIA shaws^erar go out of habloK TnK toreador is a new Ludm boouat. Thk Beauhanai. i. the lata«t ttrga hat Caps are d* rifae9r for a well-dresMd ttby. Faxcuoh bonn*t« are bccomiag vulgarly popular. Ybrmicblli lace i. the latast novatty laoe gold*. Wane opera toilet* ar. in the majority in l^Hidnn Banolkk are worn to «xcet« b,v fakhinaable woman. FdN'iti'kk effecte are wtugbt for in reoent costnmn. TflE Fanuhon bonnet .ia called the ti.« bonnet in Paria. Japa^esb aereea front dretete ar* of Am- erissa atigin. Fee trimmed costumes begin to make ao appearance. HooiM oa drenea, aa well aS. on wraps, grow in favor. Lace pin. have completely auperMded other kinds of brooches. The Drogan cap i. .baped very much iika a French pastry cook's. Dxcr vellow and coral pink China aater. are the flower of the moment. DcLL rad i. a popular .hade for girls' aad children' wool raito "War, Jaaaia, you fooliah girl, oobm into the hoaaa. What ara yoa oat ia the aaow for without iTrapar "Oh, aothiag much. Bu. You aea Aagurtu. haa jest oaUail, aad her* are the toe^rinfeB in tba saow. I'm m aaaa ri ag to get the right aiae for those ah p p ar s, aad do yoa kaaw 1 don't believe I've got kalf eoo^ekiU for them." A osKUL mistake Xaw Beauty (on- veiaed as yet in tba aAratarin of high life)~ " Wbo'a that waadarful old geatlaasan V Tha Osptainâ€" "Sir Digby da Bigby, a "' baronet, oa* of the oldaat in the Firat's craatioa. yoa 'Beaaty (determtaed to be' anrpriaad at aothiag)â€" " Indeed, how well preserved he ia I 1 aboaldn't have thought him more thaa 70 or 80 ' A woKA.v complaiaa that ber arx ia oow- palled by fatbion to miffer dreadfully from co'd. " Even when clad for the ttnet," .he Mt, "a woaaao i. nowhere neatly ao thickly oevered aa a mao. uoUsa it be about her cheat sod arms by a tur garment. Iler bead ia luually not protected at all, and, iu the other diiectioo, ber warm clothing atop* at ber hip*, ict below that her akirta are only a sliield againat the wind, withtut in I keeping out much cold. There is a geueral fsa^WJe.sxsaioit to flaonal next the skin, arising from the pticklinesa of the one and the delicacy of tha other. Below the kaees the only covering ia a atouking. Sj it is that the girl in a saa labia aacque, looking ao mighty comfortable, really .ufEar. greatly.' j ' Okogjit oa s Bridge. ' "1 A FAMlLV OVKRTAXEN B\ A TRAlSiâ€" THX VATHCn KILLED A.Vn A l.tTTLE nini. IN- â- ftniEii. (Krooi the New Yorlt Hun.) On Ihuraday evening Jamn Sbugaro ul Mill Street, I'ateraoc, waa returning bom* from a call upon aome acquaintances up the Hackennok Birer, and, to make a short cut, he walked alang the Delaware, l.,acka- wanna and Weatorn Railway track. Hi. wifa and hi. danghter, aged 6, were with him. A paaMnger train paswd them, and ' then they took the track on whieh the train young i hsK paned, .npposing that there would be no more train, on that track very won but Tax Diogan cap takn praoadence «f tha immediately behind the paaaenger train waa a Tam-o'-Shantor anS the Glengarry. 8â„¢^«i ^^ runmnj: at a rapid rate, and be- .^ ... ,, fore Mr. Shugaro and hia wife were aware of SxBPXKT br.oelete with golden acalea and j^ y^ train was right upon them, ju.t as ruby eye. are coming into vogue. j^ey were making their wly over the tic of The lateat hood, on drenes and wraps are i a high canal bridge ent of the high bridge rounded, not pointed, in the back. over the PassaioSiver. Mr. Shugaro waa DiUMiNo gloves made to simulate a leo- somewhat decrepit, and wa. unable to set pard' or tiger'rclaw are late novelties. out of the way. He aa. .truck by the " W.iDDED and qnUted istin .Upper, are "'" "' in.Untly killed. Mr.. Shugaru worn for comfortable hrme naligt* toilet. JER.XEY corsage, ami atriped woolens for akirta are leading style, in idtating co*- tumas. MoTKRR Hubbard cloak, have gathered 1 fulaeaa front aad back, shirred iu at thai neck. Thb only tlawer* uB«d for winter liata and bonneta are made of plush, velvet, and ntin. Mother Hi^bbard bonneta are shirred bate of good large sixe, tied doa n over the ears. Ohexiixe fringea, with atraudi of ^ol 1 or ailver thread are much used fur hall dreas trimming. The harmonies or symphonies of color must be well preaerved in -Tapanese screen front dresses. Six bangles on each arm are not consider- ed too many by girl, who adopt the extreme of that barbaric atyle. DARK-green and aeal-brown cloth auitf. trimmed with banda of fur, take the lead for elegant atreet coatumea.] FiCHCs, collarettea, jabots of large ai2,e, and aimulated waistcoat fronta in la.*e are almost df riguear in full dres.s. Gilt eautache ia revived fur trimming atreet auita and wraps, but it ia not in good taato aave for carriage, or house wear. A TKCE lady i. a. cartfol to make her toilet with care and tnto for retiring to bod a. for the morning, aftemoos, or even- ing. Verv wide mueliu oravat. trimmed with lace are worn around the neck again, with the large bow tied on one aidis a la Bern- hardt. Tl.N or wooden pail, hair receivers, cov- ered with ntin and banded with brass, have reticule top. drawn up with lasaelled cords. The most wonderful embroidery, in the form of insecta, birds, rtema, snd leave, in white ailk fioea, is bow put on batqr ahawla and blankets. WuE.N- the embroidered Japaaen Mreeu front, of dresses are in bright color., the brocades, ntinr, or plushes of the other part, of the costame are in color, to match the tone of the tcreen drapery. PBEmi' Kft India mull Muare., trimmed around with Breton, Languedoe, and Vermi- celli lacea, are uied for completing the toiUiff au tit, woia^a. a mufiter round the threat above the night robe coUar. managed to jump to one .-de, and CMaped injury. The little danghter, in her fright, fell through the beam, of the bridge upon the frozen aurface of the canal, over twenty feet below. Hsr arm wax broken, and she auSered other injurim that it ia feared will prove fatal. Mr. Shugaro wn formerly iu the employ of the railroad company, but of late he had not been able to work, and waa in reduced circumatasces. ». ••• -• -i X. Pr»Ting- Professor Adler lectured on " Prayer" aabo.ttiwe since iu New Vurk, aud told his audience that the inttfllij^ent purt of tht- commnnity had given up praying lor the simple reason that there is no one to pray to. It is well enough for little babies to pray, he said, because it stimulates the religions aentiment. Oue would judge from hia ad- dren that a nice little prayer uttereil by a nice little lipy was a pretty riir auliatituti- for a apoonful of Mra. Wmalow'a aoothinj; ayrup. It eases of the child's mind and has a tendency to put him into a quiet and re- freshing alee]). But for full-grown men- men of braioa, you know, «-ho hat e got be- yond all thia nonscnae about a perwnal (iod • -men of profound reaearch, who wink at you with a knowing wink, when you talk to them about Providence aa though they knew perfectly well that tbe doctrine had explod. cd but didn't quite like to uy so â€" for tucb gifted wuls aa theae to pray is an act ol condescension which cv^n lliety, if there is one, ought not to require. We are a little inclined to think that aome men know alto- gether too much. It ia almort a pity ti know ao much that yon must needa aboliab Ood and prayer and Providence and immor- tality, and having nothing left to worabi) except youraelf. However, the men whu have in thia way become abolilioniata do amile with aweet complacency at their own wonderful attainment., and do worahip themselves with .n ardent admiration which mu.t be very comforting. It mnat be ijniet Kitiafactory to dethrone everything and everybody, and then to look around on tbe work of destruction and say, with Maater Jack Uomer, " What a great man am I ' they Walts. Soiu: men are called muff. becaOM are need to keep a flirt'a hand in. Dark hair ia wotn Mnooth, or elae in large, loon, natural-looking wave Sue aigbad for the wing, of a dove, but bad BO idea that the leg. were much better cat- ng. Coal i. m soiree ia Mme parta of tbe wt.t that youn^ people engaged ra courting have to .it in each other's tap. to keep warm ' BxBNUAavT die* *o realistically that it is aaid a coroner who aaw her ran around to the stage door and wanted to hold an in- quest. A CiNCiMKATi man nya that Mamie Aa- deraoa'e gharry-red lipa are the prettieat ia Americi^ Bah " we^U put our Up* against her' any day." A Germa latoly married ny. Id va. yonst so easy m a acedia ooald valk ont mit a camel's eye m to get der behindt vord mit a vomaas." Thk yenag lady who objaated to' embrsead by bar lover was giavaty iafatmad by him that she wn patting a restraint upon tha liberty of the praar. "Cam tbore ba happiassa where there is ao ktve " sotsamly oaariee aa author ia a baok ett matriaae. Hal ma«h happiaass, perhaps, but if tie girl is awfally rich there cui be lota of fnn. Toiiag Iraland. So far n I can recollect, only three nf tli really prominent Young Irelaodere, Sir Charle* Daffy, Mr. liichard O'Gorman, of New York, and Mr. J. P. Smith, member of Parliament, are Mill alive Thoma. Davir, John DUlou, Sasith O'Brien, .Member, Mit- chel, McOee, Dbheny, Derin Reilly, -lohu Martin â€" these snd many other, are gone. The movement wa. one i more than ioliti- cal impartsnce to Ireland. It wa. a healthy influence upon the young men of that time. It Legan with something in the uature of a proteet againat the kind of policy into which O'Connrr wu allowing the nationil move- ment to diifL Young men were naturally groaring impat'cat »f O'Cooner'a more re- oent policy. They bad for a long tine firm- ly believed tliat hia intention waa to roua' the apiiit and organize the manhood of the country into aucb a coudition that lie would be able to make a demand upon the Knglish Crovernment, aud if the demand were re- fused, to laanch a rebellion at England'a head. O'Coaaer probably at no time had any such pnrpoee. \t tho meet, be only in- taadad to get tocether a force with which he might threaten England, and which, if the English Government gave way, would an- .wer all hi. end.. But he h.d aot .ppar- aatly pr ep a re d himself for tha cnais, .certain so arm at Mme time, when the Eogiiah Goverament woald rsfHe to draw baek, and whan, therefore, he mut decide I batwaaa goiag iato rebellion or practically """f i diaKtlving his orgaai/ition. Tbe time caaw, asd O'Ckmner drew back. From that mo- moat hi. power over tbe young men was gOBC Beride*, there had been duriag moat i of these later ysars aomsthing undecided, aasatisfaetery, sad, ss maay a( the yoaager aad mareardaat Iriahmea theacht, iffaeUc, dbout his paliey.â€" ./aMa McCarihg, in W mi Ut vih Ceatoy. 1 yellaw pUd. Tbe aiaevea wars abort aad lOBg thread Aftaa eererad bar alamji arm acarfy to the sibow. Aeron tbe back of tbe ehahrbaaga laag oliTe-gteea wHbfar. iiaOelei«da k batweaa Pole-cat Jim aad tha Dearer lWN«e P a rs at a l s p fs aiU ea "'o marm," nid the ahoe dealer, "I would Hke to gira yoa asnaUrr pair, ba| to aell you aoythiag below eigbte woald render me liable under tba atatatee for prevaatioa of cruelty to t ^fl M S itf ' » w i I jM .wii MlMpV%;jSb Mrr the afliiar- idasad by HmOalaaewaa waa Iha avwl at Iha asa- Oaah Joha'a wife aad Joba wara tete-a-tate, She willy was, iadaatriaaa ba Says Jiaha " I've eeraed tbe btaad we •la;** ' Aad I," aaya ahs, " bare aim'd Ibe lea. "Kaow aU ama by tbsaeaneeals," reai 'Beeaase." mM the a. b ••if oa kao«ift«4ww(aa IpesriV '"" sbMSi "What terf whOehar I Wks abaywafta with a gW aa IhaMb hawanah^SHM aMari^JanhteTS Two Smunios a Woxd.â€" Lead field bMâ€"aaed hiawslf witbtehiagsBathsr liaa oBl of tbe Britiah public Tba ealy tree view to ba takaa of his new novel ia that it te aa elaborate jaat and no oaa will be sasswaatariaad tbaa the noble aatber him- aslf aft Iha sioal bMsk of all seaas of ths Mioalaaa exinaited by thoe* who *erioady ofMeiie the book. "Eadymiee" iaaprac- Deal Joke ia three velaaca, aad a joke af read f whieh tbe late Prian Ifiaieler baa vary maoh Acesadiag to aaa aooeaat. Lard d ia to aat £10,000â€" twiee Mr. Qladsteas's aaUry aa Premierâ€" by tbii psaee «f aalsitidatactotefeolery. Ifwatekalhis sasfcaH lad thai tha â- â- â- â- â- i »«d.,a»,i **" hma mare aaariy 2a., a ward. Lard Bismaifill'a psaahh ptatt aa the Ji^ins i A «* r i-i-