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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 31 Dec 1880, p. 1

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 I. II. 1.11 *« I « •^ â-  • r Ou s-il a; at MONIAY, SrJ NOV. traing GOING NORTH. T ciilo.â€" Uuioii Stntioii, ft 7:30i. m. 12:2) p. ni. 5:00 j m. (Jarlton t;".:! a-m li.i'p.m. HjiO, Vf t 111.. ...;;(.-. a ui. l.ixii ...o. .».:a.nt. Wuiril,-. SiMTi'f lia m. l.-t'^ .jO p.m. â- .yi.,.lbM.t.'«:...K -1 /».i'fl. 1 SKp.ra.i'i.PS p.m. K::!» .urn .jr. a in. 2.l:i .iii. r,.3.j p m. 'â- .'â- " •• •.• â-  '•'• ' •°- " o â„¢- ""*^' I'-ia- ' â-  â- â€¢â€¢ • •' "•" X " ijn •- .! .1 II (• ni. .» « •• ..- â- â- â€¢:;. •i'£ lara. ' " .If ,. ..^i .f" a J. \.-Jn p.'" "..2.»p.aj. »v u." .. .1.' Jt« i.i.1. tij. |..m. '".â- .in â- ' ill c Jantiio!! 111. n.Bi. .â- ;.â-  " p.ra. 'â- â€¢ ••«,--? .\..i;.5i' a.i;i. r.-.!!' | --.i. sriMi '.A-2.M p.m, ft.Utipm. l".-i'utk 1.15 pjn! i; \t.m. 'â- ""•'" 1.8.T p.m. 7.11 p.m. M':iTtund-l'iioov°e 1.05 p m. 7..15 p m. Ma'kl«le 2 15 p.m. H.Oii p.m. "••"k'.v 2.35 p.m. AV:il ,;n,(orJ a !i' o.m. .S.J« p m. Ariiot. :jo.' p.m. S.fMJ p.m. liii-TArtK S.l.'i p.m. 9 16 p.m. V.'-..!uH ';.3.'i p m. (» ;V. p.m. O.vca Soti'.i -t.'-Onm 10 10 p.m. GOING SOUTH. was followed by Eev. W. Walker, vbo |rrincit)ly dealt vitb the â- draee of I tl« tampcrance cause ia tin U. S., Uieai a recitation hj Mms M^ Ciaric, which was also well rendeted masic by the choir followed by a dialof;:ae belwccn Mr. Pattou, Missjs McKinley *Bd Mr. Clark, speecii by Bev. C. C. Goro^itl, wbe dealt chiefly in local stfrtistics, a reading by Miss McKinley, whudi was well received, was followed by more singing by the choir, tlien n Tory pine^gtapeilginmmfSKfTjater' son, who dwelt cliiefly upou the effect of example, a vtiy apprtpttatei BOtag, well bUDg by Mr. Dodswoitli, followed, then-a rbiMtfif^jj'^. TJCV t ms att.'IRtq-j: t«nd a reciuition by Mr. Pattou, both i"f\Lica called forth roands of ap- lil:tubtf, I'liriiisliiii!; a Jeagthy bat » i lerotitiag progrnuisue. A ' vote of tlr.mks. fiiigiug, doxolp^y ^Y ^^^ auliciic;' uiid ilie benediction pro- iiououuced by Kcv. C. C. Garuetl, bronght this very iuterestibg and suc- cessful meeting to a closa. Nemo. Euphrasia, Dee. 28, 1880. Mortgage Sale or Tju«.ikL.s PARI PROPETIES, In tJu TotmMp* uf Qlrndg, Btntimdt and EgremoiU, in AtCoHtUi/ of Grt§. UNDEB AND BY TIBTUB of fbe pow- a* of sale contained in certain Mort- gages mat'.e by Jolin McMillan, jr., Martin Daun, John Maepherson, Jamcj Smith, €^vvt^0m%tntt. Notice. â€" We wi»h i^ disinctly nndcr-tood, that me do not Iiolil ouj'gelvei reponsiblc for tht oiiiiii'^ijs exprcsst'ilby oureorrespoodents. O.v- 11 !^'i. it. ••;.i .-.I ' •• ;. T.r' •Ii-liirt I'Vi.. am. r.'.O" iiuon '.«' a.iu. *2.'5' p.iU. 7..' it .111. I2.5. p.m. l.Cn\ p.m. 1 2^ p n. 1.1s p.^a. 1 -f .* • .. '•â- ; a. I.:. ' 3.' u in. ••â- 'V '•' .r. :ii •.ir.i .i.^i.b. I. 111. ui. ;».â- '" n.m. Ill 1.' a.m. '•«"â- â€¢: 10.47 a ra. Orn'C'villf Jiiin:,iou U.'0Ja m. «»B'::(.Ev:i.i.»! -- A-r. IMJiKiii. .-:20 p. ;.t. Ip. ".l.v.-i.ui. )l.;;.ia. lu. j.lfl p. m. (i.fiO p.m. fi.lM ji.m. 2.1., pill. 2.4'i p.m. 3 10 p.m. 3.30 l..m. â- Il.j li.m. i.r.C) p.m. '.05 p m. A!"rti 7.."!." a.m. 5 1. '5 n i' '.r,!) -,.111. M'.ii.. lioj.l. i.20 a.m. 12 1.' p.m. I;"1'" ".hj a.m. J. 10 p m. KI.Miilmru. .,:i.O." .j.m. I.:!i| p.iu. \Voi»ll,ii.1.T..;».2.' a.m. l..".(i p.m. II mil., r Sujl!l.l.j,i.iii. -.ij)' p.u,. V.' .11,11 UMiOn.iii. ' 21 y.m. «-iill'i!i lO.lOii.iii. 2.3.) (1.111. Ti...i.vTo, Tr.i.jiT S:.»l.i.ii, A,.:v.-.,. M 7.0.' p.m. 7..i3 |i.m. "i.O.'i p.m. H.I 7 p.m. H..i3 i..m. '.1.1/0 (..III, 9.1^ p.m. :;() O'l .1 111. 8.10 p.m .^^#1%^ .:;fi. -1 â-  THE STANDARD. Friday, Dec. 31st, 1880. 'I'IC'K, 'I" II K r:i::iiln .\ilv«it:.-i Kill;; S:.-t \\ 1, 'riir..ii:i " V |;r K liKI! I 1 I. â-  â-  •/ O !•â-  ,\l: .r.lvi 1 1'.^ |.ll.. A^jriicv, Nt. 23 I iiiMit.s for I'Aili-li; -KiVlhU.VV. )a:-I*.!ititMl i!iitiiii;i'ii-i'.-i arc l ii;.'!i'.ri'd ill ilisi-iis.siiig tbo merits ar;.l il-iucii' if tli.t I'.icifi; niilwav li!iri,':iiii. Ti. lints on Dm one hand procliiiiiiii;,' tliil it Will li^ tlin rniii of til.! V .uiitiy, wliili! the Tiiiics on the iitlii'i- li;i:;il as pjHitivi-iy assort, that a l».-!i..r iMi'Kaiit fiiild not have been tiiiiiili' Fi'i- '.III- jiiirt we tliink tiie Ji:i;-'ii.i .iiii;,'lil Imvir lir.iii bu.tUn-ed in â-  K .iii i«iiiit.-f lull 1. 11 tin- whole it 1 I'lvf' niM.! to liilvii ' t.ic road built Iv tli.- rKivirinrii'ipt, bf it (irit or Tury, iiiid t iucir, ly hope that it will be con- liriiii'd by l':ir!i.ininit a.s soon as it lucit.s ulti-r llie lioJi(l.iy.-j. Furtlior op- po.-.i:i,.ii to it, ill our opinion, will bo proiii'itivo of no good end, and oiijy ret.irl tlf; bii-ii.u'is of tha country, iu-ii;ly for tin; of -allowing windy ineinb(r;i. a clianco of casing tlii!inselve;i of til' liL'iivy load ofga.s ai.d liiiMcoiiic- with which they are at pir.-ii.-iit (iVLT burdened. MINICII'AL N()MIN'.\TI0N, HOL L.\ND. Movod liv |)r. Kt-nni^ly, seconded by Mr. \I. t'..iiili s, thi;t AVai. llowey br r-.i-lecttd Ite.^vc for the year 1881. Moved by .loliii raird, seconded bv David 'aileiiilar. that .John Cameron ill? ff-elected Deputy Reeve for 1881. Moved by oo. Si'ielair, seconded by ,llli'ii Steplienson, that Dr. McGregor III! ilccfcl Kevve for the year lH8l. Movi:d by -Mian Stephenson, sccoii led !»r IJ .Sliaw, tbatDr. Kennedy be Dpt. lJ.;eve. for 1881. Moved by liobort Shaw, .svondod by Wm. McComb, fliat Antlioiiv Shute be ConiK-illor for 18HI. .Mov.-d by .Mr. McCoiul.. see ondel by (ioo. Simlair, that William Nvirtoii b^ Councillor for 1881. Mov- ed by (ieo. Little, seconded by Oeo. Lee, that .Justis Morium be Council lor for 1881. Moyed by Win. Smith, seconded by .Jessie Trofford, that llobt (.'ars 111 bo Councillor for 1881. .Mov- ol by Suinuol Young, sccoudod by Win. Lyons, that .lames (rilleKpie bo t'oiiiioillor for IS-^L .\t the close of the i-pa!iiug iiv. MeClregn and Dr. K •iinedy both witlidtew. W in. Howoy and John C.iiiiproii were declaretl I'l rt.d by aTrcl.iinatimi, as Reeve and 1 jiiity Ueeve. Tiio eU-olii«ii wil: be held in the iioith elm-tor, il iivisiiiii at the Orange Hall, tin*li li:io, .Folin Suilicrland, Tetiiryiiu' eiliL"r. In the west olec- t'lal divi-ioii at Stephen Edtuumds lioin •. Ariiott, i(;p. C. Little, return- ing; otlic; •. In the east electoral, di- vision, at ll'.ik.'by. (leo. Fleming, ro- tmning illi -..r In tin, south elector- al ilivisik.tji. at .Mi'gijy's school house. Jam.* C. KniKchr, returning olBcer. ' ' C. PniCK, Clerk. To the Kditor of the Siaicdabo. As the 1 R, qUAstioo seems to b« shelved for the present, I doubt not, everything will proceed in its ordissry course â€" and the harsh things written or spotec, will be forgiven, if not for- gotten â€" It is beedless for me to make further remarks â€" excepting, thitt as 1 stated in the Mail in suUotance, be- fore the convention Vtok p'ace in To- ronto, and afterwards in your paper or perhaps the Kxpoutor â€" that the absence of representation from the townships comprising tha group, meant more than indifference such it has been. It was surprising to mc, that the management coald be so saagaiuc. If myself with the ratepayers of Artemcsia â€" in great prepouderence â€" are deluded lu this matter, then, it must be admitted, coincidence is rcmarixable, that so large a number, should be like mind- ed, on both branches of the road, whom to call ignorant, policy s seekers, would be mere rant. .\rtemesia's Council, with one solit- ary exception sought to save her from auotlier election and the ratepayers from loss of time until after through ventilation in other townships were had the merit and demeri' of the scheme fully discussed; and judg- ment paH.3cd. The wisdo n of our couriso fully appears. S'iiiiu townshii's defeating their by- laws and from others, Uivy have been withdrawn. The very persons whose names appear on the petition apprD- batint; the courjc pur^iuudâ€" excepting it is true, -i few self opinionated, ones, who can sue no goo J tiling coming out of l'-gJ7)t â€" Itequiescat pace, is the dcKire of the writer. I c;in well aft Mrd to laui;h at the fulminations, of my disappointed op- ponents, their misiiles fall harmless at my feet â€" L~hahod is written on all tluir argnineiits. I confess that I am eclipsed by my erudite I'riccville Crusoe â€" of rmirse ho places the Word in ray mouth â€" I pres^ime the quiet village of Priccvillo was not awaie she Lad in her midst such a liji/u-ul Tii'-tan!! The I'lcshorton f;ir I "Lnbratoiy" I.ab'iratoni, I suppose is meant â€" lias no physio strong enough to resolve his menstrositi';S into any fiir propoi lions â€" Di.scuss jucstious with men of intrlJii/f^iee and morals I good heavens if his recent produc- tions be samples, the men whom he bored with them arc t" be pitied â€" he is becoming desparat two articles in one week I must .lavo been mis- taken in tho idea conveyed in the couplet quoted the other day. â€" "Helmited hi;! books with tiKors tails Ami sat on a rock aii.l beb'd for whales. " If zeal, pugnacity, bombast, pre- tentious mora/ and itUi-Uu-tual associa- tions and newspaper scribbling, can gain for hnn notoriety I am sure ho will accomplish it. I must beg to be excu6cdfrom furth- er contact â€" there is t'anger of con- taminationâ€"besides I profess to be a plaiu mac of the people â€" to ^t above niv level would make me feel ludi- crous â€" now Robinson, one word of ad- vice before parting â€" remember the cirenmstaiices of the Kiteâ€" it might be your lot â€" and because a fellow happeiiR to be, bv uncontrolable cir- .cumstances a little lower in social scale, don't look with contempt from your hiijh pedestal of intclktual and moral rireatneas If I were to attempt to reply in ei- teiiso â€" it would be in offjct replying to idiotic drivelling pathognomonic of domentic it would require a fool to succeed to which I lay no claim â€" be- sides it would bo like layine a silk handkerchief before a certain bird â€" the fitruttiugs and antics would be wondcrfull. â€" J'hanking roii again for this space â€" I sign myseil as usual as an M. D. honorably obtained without breach of etiquette. Dr. Curistoe. REM® VAIj BE MO Vu ha fabUe MtteriUly, that he ||a mfmtrA of tbe Jw 9i FOIfflllDRE, AJi SASH AND AXp BSMOVED TO TRS leriUly, that he |Mieiil iM tba4 MicL-u-lRur, John Wilson, Charles Contta, and Alcxauier Ferguson, respectively, to the Vendors, w) ich will be proJucai at tho time of Kale, and in p.tvment of the moneys i e nm i i» 9 u lili i i Bl »alHB^^eiW"^ai%-f^ there will be offer'.-d for sale by Public Auo- ti6n, at McAllisters Hotel, in the Town of Dnitiam, on Ti88day,the llfh day of (|jm- â- ary, A. D. I88li at 6ne o-'elock p. m., the foUowing parcels «f Und: r X L Iiot No. 35, in the 2nd coneaveioa Horih of the, Derhem Ite^, in ihe uiid Township of Glenelg.contaiuing SO ajrM,BO^ or leu, of which about 40 acres ar« clearad, .jnd the residae fiee from stnmpa. Oathe, lands are said t» be a log bem. two log sta- blM, and log: house the soil is a good d^ loem, and thiB property is aituate about 4} miled tiom Iiurham. II. tiot No. 9, in the 8th coBcce«iou of the said Township of Ulcnelg, containing 100 acres, piore or lens, of which about 50 acre* are cleared, and about 4U acres nuder hard- wood. The soil is geu^raUy clay loam, and the farm is only about 10 mites from Mark- dale and 10 from l«rham. On the premises are a log ho|i«e, bam and stable, III. Lot No. 'U, in the 4th oonce.s8io North of tueDurham Iio«d,iu the said Town- ship of Ulenclg, containing 100 acres, more oriels, i' which about 60.acies ate cleared, and nearly all the remainder covered by hard- wood. This property is situate only 7 miles from FltibUertou, and is in a fair state of cul- tii'otion. lUI. Lot No. IS, in the 2nd eoncaa»ian, East of ttie Oorafraza Boad, in tbe seid Township of (ilenelg, eoutaininj ItiO acres, more or less, of which about 80 acres are c eared, and tho balance mostly hardwooJ. Ou the premi'^s are said to be a frame iMtrn, and the onuiises ore only 10 milei from Durham V. The West half of lot Ko. 16, in the 5th concession. North of the Durham Koad, of the said Township of Uleuelg, containing SO aerus, mjre or less, of which obont 30 acres arc cleared, and 10 free from stumps. This farm is situate abont 10 miles from Fleshtrton nud 7 miles from Durham. VI. The West half of lot No. 19, in the 12tli ooucessioii of the said Township of Bcutiuck, coutai:iiiig 50 acres, more or loss, nearly all cleared, a;nd situate only 12 miles from Durham. VII. Lot No. 14, in the 2i:d conces- sion; West of the Garafraxa Itoad, in the .saiil Township of Bentiuck. coiitaiumg lOU acres, more or less, nearly all cleared. This farm is situate about ti miles from Durham d(«i good road. ^VIIL Lot No. 22, iu the 3rd concession, N» 'III of the Durham Koad. in the said T vji hip of Uentinck, coutaing 50 acres, moreo riess, abont 30 of which are olearcd, and 20 uuJer hardwood. This farm is only about 4 miies from Durham. IX. Lot No. 20, ill the 11th concession, of the taid Township of Beutinck, containing 85 acres, more or les?, of wliioh about 12 acro.s. are clcnrcd, and marly all tlio residue under hai\iwooi. On the preinisei. are said to be a lo" house, niil the lands are only abont II) milra from Durham. X. Lot No. IClcven, in Iho 23nd conces- sion of tile -aid township of lOj^'mont, coii- tiiimug 119 aercs.inore or loss, of which about iiO axe clenrtd, and 20 rtnder hnnhvood. The tamJs are only about 8 miles from Durham. TE1UI.S â€" 10 per cent, at tlic time of salo, I5p,,r cent, vitliiii onu m;nth thereafter, ami the balance to bo socmo.l by mortgace, with iiitcri St at 7 per c»iit. yo.irly or if ad- ditional satisfactory security b« given, no cash iicod bo p.iid or terms may be varied iu any reasonahle way to su;t purchasers. For furtlier iiarticalnrs, ai)ply to Itobcrt Davis^ I'losherton, II. Mckav, Auctioneer, Durliam, ortoUKTHU.NK, MOS.S. FAl/JONBltlDOE iS; IIOYLES, Vendors' .Solicitors, Toronto. Datcl 17th Dec. 18 -iO. 16-3i FOR^ALE A HANDSOME Young Mare, sired by " Extra " will be 1 years old next Spring, well briikc to double and single harness will b.? sold cheap for cash, as the present owner has no use for her. Apply to A.TCUNEU. Me:Ucal llaU, Uarkdale. Markdale, Doc. 23, 1880. I5-in TO THE NEW AND COMMOOiOOy rffclilK BO.^lM^toN^ VhE rififtS^; Where' my nnmcrous customers will almrs ilid oie, er a aonspetoat seJeemMJ *» »°* ~*" and atund to their wkata Msr fiafeMHIe* wun M^Savrrtor *».»y***W" oommencing bnninesa, and I tmst by honorable dealing to mani a oontiiraaBoa «l we ,,v patroaM«eo,liberaUy baetowed in Uia past. '?* .,_ -a â-  » ^-0 Furniture in all the ^Jat^^t Styles, C^ I XSrOBKKi is C safe eiiii^via Artfiis TITlfMl i* latipea.v.iiiue 7'btiiersemtueuil)' iii«r- Its t)te conrtdeiH-e of the aablic. It to a sci- eotmc couiUoatiou ul iw .. â-  __^ pics ami onrallve vir- tue* of tbe flnsst drnf^ liVaad dnripg the Winter I reqana ' en il-'j a.ll J -r 100,000 FEET QF COOD Bntterant, Cheny, Basswood, Bird iCMl I.' J forwhieb '-- ' â-  THE HIGHEST PRICE WTDIa BE PAID .A-lso a, QvLgtia-tlt^ of Orood. ALL KINDS OF SASH, DOORS, â- OOLDWaS, ETC., AS PBUAL. .oii-^ :, Estimate of Supplies Givtn on Application ee* Don't forget the Warcrooms are reraavod next door to the Faetory, Du rfaam street. Fleshorton, December 23, 1880. .^|„ 1-^7 PECTORALT iI?j|lfiBitefe?ot"a5 I«tilinobai7 dieeaies. aff«4|n«T«P2'S^. ind rapid entea. and to erttlhed triinWeiHay iif AVeteeraax; It^f'^^rfMMmi' SET ySamaat etiildite uKa WeOlly-ar^l ^tWAul lacteal. w« mattlt«aaaara aiu HSlTPreaerTSlt^m IMrtooai m»eaa te M lunid ta •«er7 ;|ioaaekol|ji tar tbe pro- ZJSSTit •ffotde iTiwUdea attacks. In thl^to no otSer rtSedy ao tmca^M, aoothlux, and befpfuK ,^^,«,»i .Low pHcea are Imlneeasents to try some ol tbo laany mixtureii, or synipa, made of cbey awl Ineffective Ingredients, iiow otrereOi, which, as they contain no curative qnalUles, can afford only temporary relief, aad aro tare to deceive and disappoint tbe natleni. DieeHea oTthe throat and lunfpt demand active and effective treatment; aaditisdaiM serous oxnerinseftting witb unknown and 4 T- £^ "heap meth;iu«a, from the «r««' lia'iiltty that J-*~W^- tj,eg„ diaease* way, while so tritlel with, hwome deeplv seateil or iuourabie. Use AvBB's CiiBRitv PKf-rouAt., aud yoit may conttilBntly expect the lust results. It 4 SELING .OFF! FALL AND^INTER! AT AND UNDER COST ,, For Cash, for 30 Days- o J Grants Over-Coats and Suits, I"' LADIES' FUR MANTLES AND SHAWLS, Ladies' and Genls' Underclothing, GRANT k CHELLEW, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT ROCK-BOTTOM PEICES. BOOTS AN^ SHOES, In every .Varietyâ€" CHEAP. Everything AT UNTJ3UAH.Y LOW PRICES at tlic Wma BROWN. Markdale, December 20, 1880. ' 1-Iv staixlanl inetlical preparation, of Itijowii am aiknowh^lged curative o\ver, aud ' •» theap as its rarefuT preparation and nne ingredients will allow. Eminent piiysiclami. knowim; its eoioposition, prescrilie it In their practlee. The test of half a wntury haH lrot«B its alBoluta tertaiiuy to cure all piil- mouary coniplainw not already beyond the reach of human aid. Preparied by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co.. fracticU and Analytical CbeaaUta, Lowell, Mass. %okj BY ALL tiRruuiHTs rvcKvwaaa. •Ml Unstnas ind Happy H^^ ^t^von of Oood Cheer is at hand. I ateek ti «iah ftHijftia fMiiis,cmneo goods, gonfei Eye^y^iiii* ytoi-Cla«s, and at I â- Â«v I. -»-»»»«.â- Â« a • Ol2) BTB, tiia purest VfAjT I •at stMK of DnH awl JkM,' *** t^ loads .. y ^EAP CAIS^ STa Are now to the front witii a complete stock oi' -*«**^-' has ICt bottled brandy ia nnsnrpnaaed OlDft BTB, Uiopnresl Vfo^- • TkB, eqnal toCKnneaa' Stent sad the ineetstMK of DnOI •ad BMti;^ seetloB. OM CMer e««U t* Ckanpacne. .^j r • "^e« »M Oat TooiIMiM/vaqylr of above Oooda f. It fli .; ' Ibikdale, Dec. 16. 1880, ,-^ ^^ »*=»j.' iji .!\j tm ^:»' JS" • I' ' M Gflflis .nking my frien BOOTS AND SHOES. MDWiUlE, i J. MONTGOMERY, ,1 ti A K E Tt, THfe Si.bflcriber in rotnmini? thanks to the inhabitants of^farkdale and vor- ronmlluK couiitry for their {^tronage dnrinj; tlie paint eight years. be»;8 to intimate to them he ifthow prepared to.jfopjily the Public with FRUJL POUND PLUM CAKES, ' ' either plain, or tCced and Cruameuted, and a largo Variety of Other Cakes. alwa^'s on hand, Also, IB Z S C TJ I T of every doseripMo'i. from the lie^t mr.nn- factnrcrs in Ontario. Also, a large and I'aried assortment of t'-e CHOICEST CONFECTIONERY I '1C AVISII .i.J- BRIDES' CAKES! 8iip|)'iiJ on the sliort st uotico, and pot up in the be.rt rtyle that is douc this .ide of Toroato. Tea i%, Soeials, Which fbr QUALITY and LOW FKK:E^^cannoti^i passed. Give us ;i call and try some ot our SEW SEASOSED JAPAN TEA, 31o.?| yi PURE GOLDES $YRUP ALWAYS ON Hxv; Please give as a cail before purchasing elsewlt^ BUTTER, POULTRY AND EGGS TAKKN '« CHANGE FOR GOODS.,: • ;-^' .k- BEYNOLDS SO^ Markdale. Nov. p, 1886. than I hav MEDICALHALL --M M OTHER PARTIES, A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. .sniipliod on the s!.«rte:^t notice and ou mO.-t rensouahlc tirm.'s. JOHN MONTOOMBKY. iW'leiei Ijio^ 1^. f*. xmi. .- .1«-^ t!ie CHANGE of BUSINE :â€" O Wo take plcasui-e ni nnnouiiciug to tli« lesi.lciits of Maik-uiie sad Kf inp Cminti-v, tliat we liav.i purcliii.-t ,1 THE DRDG AND STATIONERY mi Lately can ltd on l.y Du. SrKGULE, an.] tnit,t bv sfiiir./k.r- ,.,,1 i to buvimss, niiil by a fr.l! nssorUnent of llie Bl.n'li M-N^'i-VcT 'the above lines t nicrit-tlie siipjioit of tic Sfiitia^ public. • n •• -JLs tiicHoii.lRV season is fast api»roael.i;:3-, wo Irivo purchased a and VAi:ij:iSffc!; of or set 01 I have V In reviewing the past year we c?nnot but say, that it has been a year ci prosperity with the people of our County, and as others have prospered, we have been enabled to participate with them in their prosperity. Our business has rapidly increased, especially since re- moving into our new premises, and we solicit a share of your patronage for the year 1881. TAILORING Fancy Goods, Tcj COUNTY ITEMS. BETHEL LODGE G. TEMPLER Niw Kn;liiiid Corr. sjioudence. Th-j Uetlul Liiii^e of (iood Teia- picrs 7tli Hio iitiitliiitsia, held open 1 Mij;.- oji ill,' il i.t, \viiic1r was one of Hi â-  most Slice. .^. J.uff.iirs of the kiud ever ueUl by t,iw l.)dj,'e, thi;re boiug seveial pivrties tiime from otJier neigh- ^orh:Hitls. Tin; It dj?e meets in t4ie P. M. ^^â- ullt Ziuu church, which was I'ailiod to its utmost L-ajjucity on tliis occasion. \ft r a call to' order by tlie r.esi.tent of tiie lodj;*, the choir sang nil app: oi^riiiie opt uia!» piece after which the Kov. W. Walker loaj in pr.iytr, tlieii the Presidout, E. E. ±licl.». Es-j.. gavv a T.-ry ueat address, 111 wh^:U li.if fxuiuied a cordial wel- coiU'r to iill tii3 visi;iug uieruls. To this succeeded a reading, well execut- ed by Nise McAarthur. theu a recita- liuL., IU at ndintimbly reitdorcd bj Mise b. CliTli-, irhich was (ollonod by music choir, the S. serious accident took place at Horn- ins's Mills a day or two ago A son of .Mr. Win. Noole fell iu front of tho team, and one of the horsos stepped on his lieacl, fracturing the skull. The boy lies in a very precarious conlitiou â€" Free I'reu. OA Saturday night about ten o'clock a b.trn on Mr. John McBride's place near Coleridge, in Amaranth, was de- stroyed by fire The building, we be- lieve was insured, but we did not learn the amount The fire is said to have been the work of an mceudiary. -~Fre4 Pirjw Fibs in Eokemont.â€" On Saturday night about 10 o'clock fire was dis- covered i;i Mr. Geo. MKcays bam on tLe Townline of Glcueig aud Egremout Tbe fire had made such headway that nothing could be saved. Tbe spring crop and some fowls were all destroyed Loss about $G00, covered by in- surauce. The barn was a new frame one. The ori^n Qt the fire is a mys- tery but incendiarism is supposed and the fire ouTyadds auothet to the long list of firea which hava occiM:rcd.iii a similar mauner in this part of laid. Horse Stoi.ek. â€" Mr Hilii»«f the 2ud con., Bentiuck, had a horso and ostter aod let of doable haniess stolen from hs premises on Monday sight. Telegrsms were ssnt to all the neigh- boring villasea, on Tticsday and we nuderetand Mr. HillisgofctidiDgsofhis Iidrse the same day at Paisely, where it Uad bceu traded by the thief for an- other borae with which he took his da- ClEllfET Mim, UPHOLSTERERS A FULL STOCK OF Furniture ALWAV.S OX IIA.\D. FURHiTURE MADE TO ORDER LUiMBER WANTED. GPtAXT A CIIELLEW. Ma-'kitfilc, Dec. 2), 1880. j.iy AUOTtON~SALE~! DLE PERTY. We arc now offering a fine collection of- Christmas Goods! M, W aid Mmh Cn;: aai hm, and a large variety of CHILDEEN'S TOYS. OF V.XLU.VELE UNDEK and by Virtue of Po'^â- .•r of Salo coulanied iu a certain .MorUaL-e whii-J. ::;'" ^^r,'""' ^.^ ""-• «'"« of Sautraml S^ on whic l. dcfaiil :n inyment 1ms boin mjulo there will bo sold by PUBLIC AUCTION AT TBE ' RUTLEDGii HOUSE. I.N THP Villngo or Harkdalr, in the ooniyof «re,,on Monday, the loth day of Jan- â-  "«0' ^. £ i88i, •t THREE OCLOCK in the Afternoon, the following land and premises, viz. • ' Lot Number Forty, in tU Fourteenth theTouTtr 'c' 'â- "'^^^'P °' Artemesi2?m the Countj ot Grey, containing One Hundred and Ten Acr-j mon- or les? »,« 1%^"""^°" 'mprovemeate aw said to be on the premises, viz. A Log Jwellinfi and Frame Barn and Stable. """"" TEr..MS.-Oiie Tenth of the purchase mcncy m,,sj be paid down at time of sale. *or balance, terms hbt-ral, and will be made Kaowii at tho sale. For further p.%rticnhtrs apply to i ,, "^5:8, PEARSON it. KINGBFOBJ), " "» Sohcitors, Toronto. OUR C. A. OWEN, FasliionaMe Tailor, H.WIXU r'uti'.l the TailorfMj; 1 priit- niciit over .M-^yiiri.iTid's siDtc, ^vi^lllâ- s to inform the public of M.irkdalo and f ur- reunding c-nutry, that ho is inwjiaiod to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastilyl And many obnei' Articles. Useful and Orn.'i.iiiei CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Job Lsfs fsf Ghrlslm^s Tress at Heduccd Ik A rUIJj A^.-OIIT-VEXT OF c u T T I xn Done while Customers are Wailing. ik LATCSf FASHION PLATES Al'iva.rS ou hitii.l to clio o frjia. PATENT AlEDiCINES, AUTHORIZEO SCHOOL BOOKS, Si^.; DycSaiflTs Paints, Oil;* Teas, aad Tobs!« rcc*. ' ALW.VV.S ON H\KT». Agents for gSonfrsal Telegrapli and Vlckef's Eir t-s" riiisiciaiit I'lfiK-.riptUmt and Juuiiih/ Urciplex ,lhp,i..-..l .u V W^v.- A.TURXKRi Markdale, Deo. 9, li«0. '• O.J^f^^ A.;^ â-  J. air » I h (yet MCB€Y at 7"V-.' -â-  ' â-  iC vo. r buiiii.; A'Godd Fit Gaarajiteed -AT â€" ciNv ii^\.'ri:s. GROCERIES! For the season ate, as usual, Well Selected, Fresh and Good.^ NEW CURRANTS, • ., NEW PRUNES, ' NEW TEAS, at 45c, Splendid Value '--;. The People are all asking for our^ i ^J H'T' ••. .:' " •' TEA DUST, nothing suits so well. Ci^ Remember the Place. Over McFarland's Store. Markdale, Nov. 2.5, 1880. 11-tf THOS. MATHEWS, ovi;: rn- ;£1 '.Ji »,v tne choir, the » speech by J. j parture aaymgho was goini; to Chee- Thniktoo, Etq.. in which he mad^ f«iy, which was rather unlikeiT bow- Bomc .akMi..' aw ertioua as regards th, ever. It i« to bo hoped tlia thief wfll uso c* ^ma -drink, *ad toUwtco,.li^ b»«Bngb* and jroosiTa l»u doetfL.. VET ERII+ARV. JBLOOJIFIEIJ), • Veierinart) S\ .wl ai 'ar^MNi, SAS eommeoood tjia piarttca of his pro- fession in Markdale, and from his lonf ianee and exteasiTe praetlee iirEnglaai aad' tkis oonntry, is eovUsd to lOiaraateo sattsfactioB. B agn l a tf xg Powders, the ad- aiinUion of tiia««ands ibbt have oaad thett, wanaBtad to parify the blood by ramotii^; aia* â€" ta rkiTu; in tha system U heraaa and eattie, always on hand. Itedieines may, be moeored at hi» ofBcje^ OT«r Dr.. Spronia's a Wj^ 8tgs^ija4^., ^..1 « lrf^ WE ARE OF'I'^JERIIVGI^ WHn?ER DEY GOODS ' 1 :-« r-At'llSVlr'iircksWGlear them out. 1 -.At. uU 1: ' -viu-t'i ,iifc i I itaiiibui-j 'tit is. ICSti ' I T« .. ?a» t ,-^ â- in fAiJi '^Ji^ANfEDâ€" !»or tender • iS iui* ijE^erons cnstPtaers his sioecre lliaAs'fcr their very liberal patronage duiing the 15 years he has been m the Harness Business in Mark- dale, ma would respectfuly aohcil a continu anoe of the same, fnelng coufiident'that he ean give Entire Satif faction. Everythine /; " i nsnally kept jaa PIHST-CtASS ' jIARIESS ESTABUSNViit, 'CSrf- ""i *°"l •' -oderate rates' tJ,!^ bat good worVaian employed and the best cf materials used. Markdale, Nav, 13, ^88o- To disi Jiarge a r\Iorti{a!;.e lc;u in more laud, or improv Liberal Privileges cf Repaym LOAN AND INVESTfdSINT G8MP SPECIAL RATES FOR SPEClijlilrE^ UKI LANCASHIRE 'fSe raSDRANcf COf British America Assurance Cj THE rilXEC^ITALl.El) Wanzer family Mas Organs at Eeduced -I I .-rk u will find ve: cuse for ANY •iuards, Silver Tlj ave also a full good k .k.. .1 /,; -^ATTENDED. Parties requiring anything in my line, will and see me. V ...v .-v^.- â- ' :-,*%. Iu wei. lo .!(M I .. -J. u,a 'i •--â- â-  til 10,000 Railway Ties, .IIBaY x\l 5ooo Telegraph Poles, Also, a quantity of CordvTood. lot HILL BRaltHEft8w DONALD MoLEOD; L Markdale. Dec: 4 •^i-. 7 1 .-,11 s( 7.0a, a^4 BB03 to retora^ his sincere thanka I, to merit a continnance rf the .Mio. n maana lor ocdleetioii. ' D. McLBOD. Markdale, Dee. 9, 1880. v' â- ^'f^J " SAVE YOURMMBIMGS. " «h5r.u"""^;«°?f"' " toeanoiwoe to the Ladies ol Markdale and r-cinity that she »« prepared to work up liulr combings into •witches, paffs aad cnrls, terms i»oderateâ€" A (»11 IS solicited. Becidenoe oorpf r of Mark and Queen stieeU. opposite Mr. Bowes' ro»i- denoe. ....,.-.. Markd^ Dee, isdi, ISiBiii. h^X «, ^y^L-r..rC ItaWafci^sttC "•' " J. ML Webster, LICENBB* .VtiCTIONEEB FOB TEt Comity oX Grey. ^^ 13'UfAy ND LAND AGEST, Wn t'A ""^^T" ^^f** «« Fanners" Loon and Saving Co. AU business matters •tnctly m,T«t«, and treated aa awb^ T Sept. 17 th ia» ___" 1^ •TO Tlll^ iDdependeDt Eltc or iiiE ^j, â€" Woi LICEKSEIr AUCTBOirEKR FOB THB ConntTotOrcy. Bales attended at shortest aotioe in town or oonntrr. Charses moderate. Sale KUs, Votes and Stampa famished If reqairta. Haring had ton(( experience hi the bnaineas I ean guarantee aatistaction ^Mid«;Scpt.»hh.X«(^. *«^°^ Tpwhshlp of Eupiir) lagainoffer mv-. II .1- " 'â- * the office of Counc:l!iT f»r ""fj, Should yoa'a^rain honor me '"'• denco, I shall endcavcr ti s"" best ol my ability. "o!uo to thf where I shall givd^mv viewJ *• matters. " .lam,gent!(atf^^ ._... Jf^ow oiW^*f_ a number of leded. I am now So; ler dealers mislead without doubt the le dohti fail to see ml ;clies, Clocks tf Ptoi ptompt at the Bt.inpabp •f^l Trior Cheap StnlioiW"^. J? ftll Ch.istmai and ' » «» I aaflit the !Bt«udnr« O^' Tc* â- 1 b-j...i ' "I s'lii. â-  â-  " "WA .1:. â-  •â-  .â- â€¢. iU.r- â-  ' 'J '1 -b- â- â€¢**- • .. nnfc ».*,*,. •V'kiiiU44 -â- -â- 4" I

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