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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Dec 1880, p. 5

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 'â- gnrJâ€" r Friday, Dec. Slat, 1880- M LOCAL OTHER NOTICES. ' Moorr Forert haa abolubed (ha market fees. Pasties having woou for sale shoold read adv. in another eolamn. 'Thb Township of Cobroas haa Totad tS.OOO to the T. O. ai^ B. B. B. Mb. Mark Armstrong, s'r.. has par- chased th^ Caswell farm for $S,500. Ma. John Lyons was re-elected Bohoat Tmstee, in Markdale. Miss Borch offers bargains in holiday presents, vases, cups and saucers, at rtdaeed pnces, call and inspect. Trb Daily Mail daring the session of Domiuion Parliament fur f 1.00. 8abBcriptions takeu here. A Bio Push is expected at the mas- querade to-night. The ice is not a bit soft. Thk Warden of Brant gave his |100 Id the poor instead of entertaining the council with it. OuB thanks are due Dr. Sproule for copies of Hantard and other Parlia- mentary documents. We will give the Weekly Mail m connection with the Stanj^uid to the •nd of 1881for $2.26. You cannot do better than bay one of the tOc doable steel axes, at Has- kett Bros. If you want a new stove, Haskett Bros, will be glad to see yon, they have a large stock and are offering them cheap. The County Council of Bruce, at its last sitting, instructed the Warden t4 meraoralize tlie Goverment to re- move tlic registrar from his office. Wk understand that Mr. Marshall Beard, one mile from Markdale, in Artcmcsia. has sold his farm, 100 acres, for $3,500. The Magic Lantern entertainment on Wednesday evening, in the Hall, was very interesting, and the views were handsome and very numerous. We did not learn what the proceeds • were. We have received the first number of the Hanover Punt. It is to bo liberal in politics but reserves to itself the privilege of criticisiog wrong doing by' our public men irrcopective of party. We wish our cntem succes'^. In the case of the editor of the Grry Rtview, of Durham, tried before a bench of mnjcstrates, on a charge of libelling Mr. Arch McKenzie, post- ' master^of tliat place, dicision was held until tlie 4th of January. BxAD B«7Bolls sni soaa new adr. Wi Ar»w attention to Mr. IF. E. Dans' card in this iaaae of SranuBO. QoTTB a talk aboat the taa Bichard- aon sells at 50 aanU, tboae who have tried it say it is oneqaallad. Tn Daily (?•** from tfaa iroening to tbeelcsfl of the Dominion Parlia- ment for otds OH* doUur. Sabsent tions taken at tiM oAee. Tn Anniversary of ibe McttiodJat Sunday School, will be held at Fladi- erton, on New Year's day. An at- tractive programme m pre p a r a t i on tea serred at 6 p. m. MasQVBaADB. â€" There is to be a Maaqiierade Carnival on the Markdale " Skating Bink on Friday the 81st inat. whan several valnable prises will be cilaredfor particalars see posters. Tub by-Uw for a bonus of $8,000 towards widenmg the gauge of the To- ronto Orey and Bruce B. B., was vot- ^d on in Harhston, on the 28th iost., and was carried by a majority of 21. A saooTDio match for turkeys, goese and darks, takes place at Berkeley on New Year's day. The proceedings will close with a grand concert in the evening at T. Btown's Hall, admission 16c. L. 0. L. No. 797, Dandalk, give a soiree, on New Year's eveoii^, at which addresses will be delivered, and good music in the intervals. A good time is promised. Don't forget to at- tend. On Tuesday night of last week Mr. Goodie's store house near the railway, was broken into and sevei hogs stolen. They were discovered by a Mr. Wil- liams in what is known as Cardwell's swamp buried under a load of hay, which had the appearance of being upset.' Will give full particulars ntxt week. The weather for the past week had been rather mild but on Monday night the wind turned round to the North and the Thermometor dropped from, freezing point down to zero. Snow fell during Monday night and Tuesday, which the wind drifted in every direction, makuig a comotion anyUiing but pleasant. It will be seen by reference to our advertismg columns that Mr. J. Gor- don, has bought out the saddle and huness business lately carried on by Mr. Damude, at Flesherton. Mr. Gordon is said to be an experienced workman, and we would recommend those requiring anything in his line, to give him a call. Sebious AcciDEifT. â€" A day or two since, while a son of John Wilson, 10th concession, Glenelg, aged 14 years, was carelessly plying with a dynamite cartridge, it exploded taking off the top of the left thumb and about half the first finger and badly damag- ing tlie third finger. Medical aid was rceeatfy the "Witoesa" lee- DUKDALK. toier on agrieolttire. His editorial articles and " Agrieoltoral Letts* bee" are eepecially attractive. Tbe Wit- Bess Marketawe aU pvfoctly rebaUe aariwylWl. Hardly lees vataabla la M viitofaarv eolini emdMted by D. MeEaehfan.F.B.C.Y.8.. Prine^ of tbe Montreal Veterinary Colkge, and the DomiiuoB Inspector of live stoek. Uis.iMBie stands in the front rank of Veterinary sar;geons on this continMit, â- od the pvompt replies givsn to eor- reepondents are vMoabk. A " Pool^ try eolom" has joat beeif added, and protaiaca to be of great assistance to popltry fiarmers. wbe are growing in nomber. In tbe cities -and towna ea- peoiaUy tbesaiaiut of fowla is increas- ing ia popokA^. While theee ie- puimenUareofespedal value to the 40 day 89tb, Mr. Oeo. Nizea «M farmers, tbe onltivakHrs of the soil in a elected by acclamation, in place of Mr, CSvistmas paaeed of a«iaL A CbrietaaatieeAeMetbodirtai^ inflieerBni^;anoveri^wsdtfnw^; a good entertaininMJtâ€" proeeail •â- â- â€¢â€¢ $40. A tea in tbe P»«Mf" Cburcb in aid of the 8da»aib Sdbod. also a good tomont. p roceed e 987. NoKDianoM at Howvnxn.â€" A wge number from aU parte of the town- ship quiie a number being nomiatei for eonncilloni and depaW. They m withdrew bot 4 foaooonculors, Meass Bockley. Bbek, McCardle and Peer. For Deputy. Meem McMiUan and Abbott. For Beeve. J. J. Mddleton. and Wm. Nelson. Onr ^baol tmatee election eaae off "^epnS: atSeadeM'a ear, •! the let 88. eim. 1 JK tp yti^r way, and the gentlemen and ladies who are fond of gardening, are not neglected. Tbe k^ deparf ment, in which all lagiJ questions are an- swered by one competent to per- form this work, is a valnable assis- tance to all men A bosinesa. And then the paper is full of informa- tion of especiiil interest to tbe family, even the little children havmg a column to themaeives. An especial feature about this paper is that every department is carefully fdiud, not thrown together hap-bazard, so that those relymg on any information given are not likely to be misled. Evatr subscriber of the "Weekly Witneaa*' can tell of special offers whereby old and new subscribers are benefited. THE NOMINATIONS. The tfea meeting which came off :, in the C. M. Chrcli. on Christmas fpiocured and tlie hand properly dress- evening, was well attended, anda very/ ^^• â- pleasant time was spent; proceeds The weather on Wednesday mom Saturday evening "ng brought to an •V •-^ $71.00. It being the procccdinffB wero end at nine o'clock. Chkistmas passed off very quietly. • Places of business were closed and those of the "boys" wlio could get a rig, took their girls out for a irive others attended the tea-meeting in the C. M. Church. On the whole every- body seemed as happy as a "big sun- flower." The Toronto papers are complain- ing tbat -(hey have had no sleighing as yet. We have no complaint to make on that score in Markdale, as we ' have had the best of slei;{hing for over a month past and there is a decided hum in all branches of business. The January number of Our Little Folk* has been received. It is, with- out exception, the best magazine for children we have ever seen, and parents wbo denire to amuse their little ones should not hesitate to sub- scribe. The stories contained in it are interesting and instructive, and it is also beautifully illustrated. Pub- lished by the Bussell Publishing Co. 149 Tremont street Boston, Mass. Terms $1.50 per annum. FiBE. â€" At about 3 o'clock on Mon- day, 27th inst a fire was discovered in the building occupied by Joseph Lamb, Blacksmith. When first discovered it had gained considerable headway, nearly the whole inside of the roof be- ing on fire but by the prompt exer- tions of our citizens it was soon got nnder control. Fortunately it oc- curred during daylight for had it oc- curred during the night the results would have been most disastrous, as the house was surrounded on all sides by frame buildings. Had it once got well going there is no knowing where it would have stopped. The Xmas Tea Meeting held in the P. M. Chruch, Townsend's Lake, on Christmas Eve last was a decided suocess, congregation good, night fine, and every body in good spirits so far as we ceuld see. After partaking of a boantifu] repast, W, Brown Esq., of Ma daie, was introduced to the andi- 9^. M chairman of the evening, by the Bev."^. C. Gamett, who with his usual couKesy and ability preaide1. The chpir^nder the leadership of Mr. W. Boyle I rendered excellent service during the Evening, and were warmly applauded The foIlowinf» is the pro- gramme as regards tlie speakers, read- ing, Mr. Bliss, recitation, Miss Wil- liams, of Markdale, speech, Bev. W. ITalker, speech, Mr. Y. Morwood, speech, Bev. Mr. Wilson, Markdale, catting affair, lead by Bev. C. C. Oamett and Mrs. C. G. Gamett, which consisted in the 'selling of a large cake, one of the pieces of which contained a gold weddmg ring, and when it was found that Miss Edwards was ti»e fortunate one. every person seemed to think that after all there might be some trath in the old adage, **tbat coming events east their shad- ows before." The closing address was^ven by Mr.Bcyle. After the usual tbai^ this really enjoyable entertain- -sBcnt was Irouglit to a close. was extremely cold the Thermo- meter registering 5 degrees below zero. A noon it had risen a few de- grees, but setting round the stove, was decidedly preferable to being out of doors. There has been consider- able drifting and the trains have been delayed in consequence. The express from Toronto on Tuesday, did not arrive until near 6 p.m., and that from Owen Sound, on Wednesday, not arriving untl after 1 1 a.m. Kait.waT/ Accident. â€" A train on the Grand Trunk ran into a team one day Inst week, contauiiuc; six persons, killing four of lliem and slightly in- juring the other two. The occupants of the sleigh had been on a visit to some friends 10 spend Christmas day, and were on their way home when the train ran into them. No blame is attatched to the trainmen. Two of those killed were important witness- es for the defence in the celebrated Bidulph cases. We have received tbe Jan'y numb- er of the American Ariculturist and as usual it is replete with information most beneficial to the farmer. It is a work that should "be in every farm honse as the information contained in it will pay ten fold the amount of sub- scription. Bcmember you cau get this valuable magazine for only one dollar by clubbing with the Standabd, or if you wish to take the Magazine without the Standabd $1.50 J)er annum. Subscriptions received at this office. Some time since a Mr. Hillis had a horse and set of double harness stolen feom him. The horse was discovered at Paisley, but no trace of the harness. About a week ago, it was discovered that the thief was woi-king at Mr. T. Sims' lot 19 in the 18th con. Glenelg. By some means, he heard the con- stable was on his trail^jhe suddenly took his departure, taking with him a horse, the product of a second trade but left the harness which had also been traded. It is not known with whom he made the last trade. We are informed the animal Lad a lump on his jaw and was about 5 years old. Wb have tliis week to chronicle th sad intelligence of the death of Mr Wm. J. Moore, whose parents reside a short distance from tbis village. He left his home last fall for the pur- pose of taking up land near Bruce Mines. About a month since he was taken ill and after a short illness, died. His parents have the heartfelt sym- pathy of all their friends and neigUt bors. His death has cast4i gloom over the entire neighborhood, as the deceased was highly esteemed by all who knew him. His parents have a great consolatioi; in their bereavement in knowing that their son died in the the sure and certain hope of a better life in the world to come. â€" Com. Thb Montreal "Weekly Witness" is a paper tliat deyotes especial atten- tion to the Farmers' needs. The Ag* ricnltural Department ii^ edited by W. F. Clarke, Esq., Lindenbank, Guelph, who is widely known as at one time the editor of the Canada Varme^ Glenklo.â€" For Beeye, F. McBaa, Esq., elected by acclamation. For Deputy Beeve, Thomas Davis, Wm. Hall, Neil McCanuell. For Council- lors, Jno. BLock, Geo. Bennie, Nathan Dunsmoor, Wm. Glencross, John A. McMillan, Patrick Neil. Holland â€" In this Township Wm. Howey, Beeve; and John Cameron, Deputy Reeve, were re fleeted by ac- clamation. For Councillors, Anthony Shute, Wm. Norton, Justis Merrium, Bobert Carson, and James Gillespie were nominated. Ariemesia. â€" Dr. Ghriatoe, Beeve; and Councillors Wright aad Pedlar were elected by acclamation. For Ward No. 1, Messrs «. Stone, A. Webster and D. McLood were nomin- ated Ward No. 2, A. Elliott and T. Boland, were nominated. Pboton. â€" For Beeve, J. J. Middle- dleton, Wm. Nelson. Depty Beeve, Messrs McMillan and Abbott. Coun- cillors, Messrs Buckley, Black, Mo Cardie and Peer. Owen 'Sound. â€" Por Mayor, C. E. Barnhart, Esq., elected by acclama- tion. For Reeve â€" John Fox and Jno Chishoim. For 1st Deputy Reeve, Matthew Kennedy, elected by accla- mation. For 2nd Deputy Reeve, R. Malcolm and J. W. Frost. Derby.â€" Reeve â€" Jas. Cochrane and Robert Alexander Stark. SABAw.ut. â€" Reeveâ€" Robt McNaught re-elected. St. Vincent. â€" Reeve â€" C. B. Sing, and James Doublebee. Deputy Reeve, N. Beid and J. H. Burnett. Durham. â€" Mayor â€" Hy. Middaugh, Beeve, G. McKechnie, by acclamation. SnELBUR.NE. â€" Recvc â€" Wm. Jelley, M.P.P., elected by acclamation. Euphrasia. â€" Reeve â€" Patterson, Miles and Carr. Deputy Reeve, Bojd and Erskine. Geo. Middleton.â€" Fast Aslbbt. A TBAOIC 8T0BY. The way was loaf the wto* »••** Th* trsvaUar WM inflriB aad old. His wUlMrad eheek and ttmam gimf, Shawed he h»a known ft better dsy. HU hftt wu iMd hi* boota were lauT. And with s eold his votM was iqaaaky. And he vowed it was an aternal iihame. That aa oM man dimild go half elad, Soeh weather, when a nice twasd eait can be booffht at M. Uiflbaidaoa's for t7./S, and ft g«od wann otareoat for W. HaU and booU {iropoitienaUv cheap. HONOB BOlL. Maritdale public school promotion examination, from the fourth to the fifth ehisses, the following are the names of the successful candidates with the standing of each. Number of marks possible to be taken 260 Nambw of marks necessary to be taken 180. John Thibaudeau, 146 W.J. Douglas. 140; Lizzie Kay, 184; Wm. Irving, 188. Much credit is due to M. Bowes, K. MoDuff, C. Bums, A. Might, and L Might, and if they ap- ply thomsslvee faithfully to their school work they will no doubt meet with success at Easter. EUPHRASIA. Te tke Editor of the BT4!DAmD. McGlochlin, the notorious, who has been a dread to this part of the coun- try, is we are happy to say, enjoying his Christmas;; festivities, in her majestys large stone mansion in Owen Sound. He was cleverly captured by John Lo*j(,hcad, of Mcaford, after an exciting chase from Meaford to Dun- troon, below CoUingwood. It is ex- pected and hoped that it will lead to the discovery of the perpetrators of the robberies in Euphrasia last fall, public opinion is, that he wa^ tiie chief m these transactions, and ofhcrs are now known to be imphcated. Election matters are brisk, Mr. Patterson is sure of success, as Reeve. â€" Com. FLESHERTON. From our Correspondent. Municipal Nominati^jn. â€" The follow- ing gentlemen were nominated for a seat at the " Green Table" in the Town Hall, in the Townsblp of Arte- mesia, for the year 1881. Reeve, Dr. Christoe, elected by ac- clamation. Councillors â€" Ward No. 1. R. Stone, A. Webster, D. McLeod. Ward No. 2, A. Elliott, T. Boland. Ward No. 8,Thorp Wright, elected by acclamation. WardNo. 4, S. Pedlar, elected by acclamation. Sabbath School Anniversary. â€" Tlie Anniversary of the Presbyterian Sab- bath School, was held in the Town Hall, on the evening of Christmas daj. The attendance was large that a great number of the people could not get seated. The chair was ably filled daring the evening by Mr. Meldram. The programme was rendered with credit to all of the performers and the order mantained daring the evening was excellent. The receipts at the door amounted to $C5. Sbbenadebs. â€" We were agreeably surprised on Christmas morning about one o'clock, bjr a band of serenaders. The music rendered was the sweetest and most christian like we have ever heard in this village. We can assure this company of a kind and fittinc; re- ception tbe next time we are honored with its presence. Bbevitibs. â€" The public schools open on the 8rd of January J. W. Henderson and family of Toronto, are on a visit to the scenes of their child- hood Vennor can't foretell the weatlier worth a hen Good ice on the rink. •I PRESENTATION. Mr. N. B. Qrier, who has at present retired from the teachers profession, was made the happy recipient of a nice testimonial consisting of a gentle- man's beautifully ornamented Chiua Coffee Cup and 8aucer,together with a mate for it for Mrs. Gricr, by the pupils of Pnceville, on the last day of the school year, accompanied by the followins address. Mb. N. B. Gbieb, Teacher, Sir, â€" We the pupils of Priceville public school, upon this the lust day of your labor amongst us, wish to convoy to you a small token of our gratitude. We know we have many times merited your displeasure, al- thnush you have always been kind and forbearing with us but as we are now about to iieparate as teacher and papils we wish you to fergive all past offences, and have something almost constantl|beforeyou by which you can recall a kindly remomberauce of us. Hence wo desire you and Mrj. Grier to accept these mementoes together with our sincere wishes that you may succeed in basiness as well in *i\e future as you hate done in the ast as a teacher. Hoping that you may both barve long life and pros- perity we conclude by tendering to yoaiself our siLcere thanks for past services, and wishing you and yonr family a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Signed and presented in behalf of the pupils. Agoib Websteb, Maooib Mobeuead, Ada SniiMEBviu.B. The teacher having issured the pupils that he was both very much surprised and pleased, and likewise very much affected, returned thanks to his young friends, and asked to be forgiven by those (if any) who may have thought that he had at any time punished thom too severely praised tlie pupils for their dcligence, aptitude, and gcuera,l proficiency, and deleived that they could compare favorably with auy village ciiildreu in the coun- ty. He also promised a more suits ble reply soon in tbe shape of a basket of nuts. Mrs. Grier also returned thanks, Mr Biley, trustee, spoke in praise of the manifest ebilities displaynd by the pupils, espcially in mental aritlimetio. Miss E. A. Wright assiBtant teacher also added her quota to the enterain- ment of pupils and friends, indeed she seemed to be thought the moving spirit of the occasion â€" "the wheel vtithin the wheel," and site eventually wound up a happy time for those interested by leading the pupils in one of her favorite school songs, youis c., DiSJIPULCS. Dec. 28rd,.1880. IfeOaoMll at the OtMie Bdl. Dun- dalk.â€" CtfTMd. Mr. Bleek morti, vieonded by Mr. A««r. thnl » By- law on Pobbe Morala. fwd • Irst and eeeond tine, be now rcMin third toe and aiKned, aealed and engioeeed on the Minnter, and numbered Ml. â€" Carried. Mr. Black moved, leeonded by Mr. Flenung th^ •grant of ^» be given tc pot gravel on the lith aide nwd. eon. 14. and « limiUr â- â-  *«» 880 aide road, with aathon^to tbe Beeve to ianM orders to Oveneors.--- Cbrried. Mr. Agnew moved, seeend- ed bv Mr. Fleming, that John Cooper be allowed to perform flO worth oT gravelUng on the 87tb mi» Um. be* tween tbe 9th and lOtb concessions, being a part of aoewrs of tnxes agamat lot 81, con. 8, to be perfbrmsd under the Counoillnr of the Diviaioi.â€" Ca^ ried. Mr. Fleming moved, seconded by Mr. Agnew, thai the asseeement of Dmald Campbell be reduced $60.â€" Carried. Mr. Boyd moved seconded by Mr. Flaming, that alt taxes agauast lots 87 and 88, oon 6, up to tbe end of the preaent year, indading the •moonts for which said loU were sold during the current year, bo expended in opening a road between said lots and on said work beinst performed, the Clerk IS requested to have the said taxes erased.â€" Carried. Mr. Black moved, seconded by Mr. Aguew. that the statute labor commoted on the Boll in taxes against Bobert Ingle, lot 19, concession 18, be erased on the said Ingle performing statnte labor immediately falling timber for the same.â€" Carried. Mr. Ffrmiug mov- ed, seconded by Mr. Agnew, that the statute labor assessed in taxes on lots 40 and 41, Con. 7, being the sum of $6. be expended by Mr.Agnew oppo- site the said lots in cutting out. Carried. Mr. Black moved, seconded by Mr. Agnew, that a grant of $39 be given to pay for the erection of a bridge on the 14in con., lot 16. â€" Carried. Mr. Agnew moved, second- ed by Mr. Fleming, thai the Collec- tor receive the Pathmaster's certifi- cate in lieu of statute labor charged on the Boll against lot 24, con. 12, as the work La J been performed. â€" Car- ried. Mr. Agnew moved, seconded by Mr. Fleming, that Mr. Middleton be paid the sum of $5 lor gravel sup- plied for road improvements, and that the Keeve issue an order for the same. â€" Carried, Mr. Boyd moved, second- ed by Mr. Flemming, that the sum of $8 be granted to improve the Town Line of Proton and Egremont, oppo- site tbe^4th con. to supplement a simi- lar amount from Egremont, be paid. â€" Carried. Mr. Flsmiug moved, seconded by Mr. Agnew, that tl.e pe- tition of Wm. Nelson, David David- sou, James Robinson, Samuel Stckes, John Abl"tt, John Stevenson, James Menzies,, Clwrl«^s McCornoU, James Cavauagh and 150 other ratepayers within section of the Tawiisiiip of Proton desciibod in aaid ictition, be received, and that a By-law in aid of the Toronto, Grey and Biuce Rwlvay Company be introduced lor $6,000, in accordance with the prayer of 3uid petition, and be read a first time. â€" Carried. Mr. Ag!iew moyad, second- ed by Mr. Fleming, that the following acsounts be paid oat of the fuuds de- posited with the Treasurer to cover the expenses incurred m voting on tlie By-law to grant a bonus of $8,000 t- the T., G. B. By.: J. Townseud, for printing and publishing railway By-hw, $21 Stovell t Sou for bal- lots, c., $12; Messengers, $4; Clerk, $6; for five Deputy Returnhig Offi- cers, $20; for polling booths, $12.50; Council for one day, $10. â€" Carried. Mr. Boyd moved, seconded by Mr. Fleming, that Samual AIcLean be re- funded the taxes acci uing on $50 of his assessment, being (liffcrence be- tween his schedule a'nd the roll. Council adjourned to meet tomorrow, Saturday, Dec. 4th. at 9 o'clock, a.m. ^h. _^« Carried. Mr. eeei^^ndad by Mr. Ag- Itel^tiie (jlMt nee y M in bom jue0. fiNnMrnad 'Hotting, Owen SMBi, 8e pwMwtnMNfy^ttM^ aiaifdilf tft ThonM fSevilfor having ratwWlot SO, oon 10, for taxes. when the same was veited in the Crown. â€" Carried. Mi 1 letting mov- ed. Mooodad by Mr. Agnew. dwt tke Clerk â- seeilem the arrears of taxes agunat hit tS, in the ISth eon.â€" Cur- ried. Mr, Agnow moved, seconded by Mr. Boyd, that tbe Gerk be re- Jaested to ense all tnue against lot 8. eon 9, bt 1870. the same being paid to tbe Township Tiiiaemiir. â€" GMtad, Mr. Hsmg moved, m- oonded by Mr. Boyd, that the nomi- untiotta for Beeve, IXspoty Beeve and Councillors, be held at HopeviOe. XJonncil adjoarned tin* di*. Joan VuT, Tp. Clerk. T. B. DAV^ B1IUJKB A COMIB iCTOa k •siek). PlaiWtag am q^ PMoipUy fittmm and SprovU Btneu," â€"* PROTON COUNCIL. I'roton Council met as per adjourn- ment at Dum^alk, at Reid's Hall, on Friday, the 8rd day of December, 1880, at 10 a. m. Members all pre- sent, J. J. Middleton, Esq., presiding. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read and adopted. Several communications were receiv- ed and read also accounts received, read and ordered to be paid. Mr. Fleming moved, seconded by Mr. Ag- new, that the following grants be giv- en for the purpose of hirmg teams and drawing gravel into low places on the respective roads, viz.: side road No. 22, cons. 7 and 8, $60, Adam Boyce Overseer side road No. 12. con 6, $60, Wm. Boyd Overseer; between lots 23 and 27, con 12. $26, including grant made last summer, James Graham Overseer side road 280, the sem of $26, R. Irvine Over- setsr â€" authority being given to the Beeve to issue orders to Overseers. Mr. Boyd moved, seconded by Mr. Fleming, that the following parties be appointed deputy-returning officers for the next Municipal Elections at the following places â€" Division No. 1, Jas. Menzies, at his house, lot 14, A TEBBIBLE TBAGEDV. The following are tbe details of the tiagedy already reported; On Sunday Thomas Eeijncdy, living in Salem, Claredon county, ii^tending to visit Charleston went te bis father's house a tfbort distance away to ask his moth- er to stay with his wife during his ab- sence. Kennedy has only been mar- ried a year. He is about 30 years of age, intalligeut, refined and highly re- spected. Wh^p hsr busbaul left she shut the door and «at by the window to write to her mother. Seeing in ths yard Joe Barnes, col jred, agsd,16, and employed by Kennedy the previous week, she asked him to bring an arm- ful of wood. The boy had been in- duced by Vanes Brandt and his sister Julia, both colored, aged 18 and 15 to notify them when Kennedy left the place. They thought E mnedy had a good deal of money in the house. When Joe turned to go for the wood he gave the signal to Vance to come, into the tt I; the latter went to the window and throe times tried to got is each time Le was shoved out by Mra. Kennedy, who then opened the door and was running through the gate when Vance knocked her down witfi a hoe. She implored mercy, he cursed and said. "I,se been waiting to kill you for a long time," au I struck liar two more blows. ' Julia then arrived with another hoe and severed the vie tim's head. The munlerers then rob be I the liouss. K-anody afterwards fouud his wifd outside of th? gute mu fiii«« mHB Jt eontrae* f w « cMrdf «f wood froM bklbm*.- ot Marfcdato. «otae driiv«n«2l be l«t ia saaB loU to ean 1 parttealan sea IKTO the pramiset of the qa 1 78. con. t, west, Towiuiiip """ â- â€¢r H»ra«. xu; 10 prove property, jJ^ in awaj. SAMUEL Wliy,' LpM FIjESHERTOIc Harness Shopi fTlHE Snbucriher haviuK parehu^ J. siiMas lately earriod on bj w!' tandd,baR* to mfonn the public tCi^ REMOVED TO HE BUILI OPPOSITE THE POST OPnci" wbsre he is prepared to funu^ ALL KINDS of HARN lunallj found in a First-Class Establishmem And at prioea to suit the timet, aai b, THE BEST OF MATER14' AND OOOD WOHKMAXsao hopea to reeeivo a fair ehare of yom age. A good supply of WHIPS, TBL'.Mts,*^ eoiutantly on hftnd. COLIiABS A SPEClALTr\ Call and Mtitfy yonrselvee. I3-Ii^ the litaud, the Drux Store ia neitij^ J. GORDON Flesherton, Doe.. 1889. Mortgage SC: OF VALUiBLE FARM PROPERl' IN THE TOWNSHIPS OF UNDKK and by virtue of ibn po,^! gale contained ia oortniii Jfo, ^with JVEETISIH* ii„ oc» 01 pab. on th" 'fhu«^»y pnblio»tion. K, Propri etor jbMJSINESS rOTORY. LAEOIi .TOI 77W.3dSt.,Wew] tilated, cold, and stiff, with her ho.A\^^pXi^^^^'tiZ almost severed in twain, the entire! i^p^o^i^ced at tlie time of lialc. ntuiio cranium cut off from ear to ear, leaving mont of tiie moniea eecureJ, by jrhitii â-  Wilk«a, Owen Sound. Ibnilding. over Robin- et. Frost, IB ATTOKNFYS.AT Cbenc" Coiivry. (d, have re-umed at i every Tluir'dfty. » f J. W. FaoM, LL. B. ornev- ' [a«»oii. tTTORXEV .\T-L.^W, ery. Owen Sound. the brain scattered around. Sevciiil colored people have been arrested on suspicion but were discharged for want nf evidence. Barnes was linallv ar- rested and confessed as above. Vance and Julia were thereupon arrested. The horrible character of the murder has created intense indignation. Oife hundred and fifty white men and fifty colored men aHsembled to punish the murderers. The negroes begged to bu'-n pris;incr3. Tliis was refused. haa been made, there will be offered h, By Public Auction, In the Village of Maria^ Thursday, the i^th day o/jwY IH8I, at twelve o'clock, noon, tLc i(jlii« ptrcels of land â€" 1. The centre portion ot lot nninUrJl,. the eleventh couccstion of tbe taid tome? of Aitcine-ia. conta'ning fifty acre«. mm-\i less, and being all the residue of Ktia u c heretofcre granted to R b rt Ducbiim Lamon, -LAW. SOLICITOK IN Public, 4c. est rates on personal lougbt and sold. need free of commie- ALK. Halters were fastened to the limb of a 'letters patent, dated the 2ina Jay ol Jn,, a crt wus placed under tlie limb uuJ the prisoners were ordered to mount. Barnes begged to be allowed to pray, saying that he had never prayed befcre and never expect-ed to a^aiu. Nothing was said I y the oth- ' are said to e a Frame Baru an J ers, a sroan and " Lord have merry," from Vance. Handkerchieis being tied over their faces, the cart was pu^h ed away and the trio were soon dang- ling in the nir. Their victim was enciente with twins and Whs near Irer confinement. :rowsi GK LICENSES. Al-., K.Ac. its branclie-' promjitly ly executed. " on Real E»tatt .-e 1874, and to TbonuR Oilb-'rl, bTiptWn^' teut dated the 22nd day af Jnne, llti.ixkpt. 17, ISf^o. which said residne is more fally set ocii the patent thereof from ths Crown. t« ^MT. Sniitb. said William Covey, as by rsfmiBj ACiriNT ANP PEAFKIt IX thereto will more fully sppear. On tbelufcStock, WiUmmsloiil St«ti"ii. Hc»nj». injlO. 1 younu .Orchard 3.5 »cre« i.r cifarcj, uu 7 -,__„.â-  CL '•: This farm i. o« ,-o^ n,**"***" â- '^•^ "' IT»ADr Y.\Tl "URESI ;o."i:t .lt.t.MSHlVKSOl G.c:c,ooo rtM^mnti •» |*«f r«iTnliii'h roavri IN itie ainrt-h â- ta .••» W iitd nnil ^onrlfic c •»» 1*1:4: il fa*- ni^diriiir i .â- i:*la 1 1 I- -«iiuc ll*' •Vruir^ •rvT « d. i li|»un ihr K inrva, |; K('Siilrttr's'|»*r HowrU l: ^n'"fi'» Ihf l!lnna. j It :;u« 1^ *»•â-  ^rrvou«SM i I* 'i'ftui*fr« Dis«*«M,ifll I, \oari«1ir'M. ^irrnethfti I yx\' W till- Old lil.J » Iv .*t»ri-'» lb porem « I ibr IIâ€" .;l«lii Prr|Mr»ii**i» i I It la 'â-  •li^.-tJ. li-f«^rT 1 'du •*• m'"n *i.d .^ â-  a.- (piil-^ia;.' ' «*!'•(: l-.-f.-n.f ' 3 ' I-* 1*1 t;** • 1 â-  t- 'â-  IT 1AP.GE IZ-ir. tkJvSO!'s:..iLLr:Tv r. •:-." 'OLUNTAR the soil goo.1. abont five miles fi-um la r kA M Mairiaet LiceuK». l""iie and "FOB DVi5l'Krl\ COM I -1. A I j Ki'ivii.: I l)eiir .Suâ€" Ihi^ your vuluabl liniii "liHsdjem tiled me lu' it| and Liver touii'liinil. cine 1 tvci bet' r.- u^. ftl ..Mi^. M. b.WLL) lll.i^ Kehlli. Dear fill â€" I i'a\' di'Ctor- Imii.l* a1m-l eiglit years, this yt-ar that 1 have not lui'l" .Xtitr u»nig,vt.m I.jujI 2. Lot number M. in the l(y.ii »»««•« j^nea Ap^nt. I .numiBsionei 1 j^,, .^ l^^,.^ ^^..^^.. ,.( [; MARRIED At the reridenca of tbe brid-8 pnrents, oil the 30th inst^ by the Bi.-v. Y. W, Bobcrtson, of Ouelph, licT. Paal Flint, of Toronto, to Lixzie. eldest daughter of Thos. Kells' Esq., of Artemeia. BIRTHS. In this village, on the momini; of the 29th inst., the wife of Mr. James Philcox, of -a daughter. ae f^xeciitoi' 8 IVotice. THF. Executors of the Estate of t'le late John and Jane Gillon. of Artemesia, hereby give notice to all persons indebted to the sa-d estate, to pay such debt forthwith ftnd save costs. Aiid all persons having any just claims against tbe said estaW are re- q'letted tosead in sack claims. Sbatin^ their nntnre. before the l.lth day of January, IftSI. to John Wright. Flesherton P.O. JOHN WUIGHT. I p,^„.„,„ GEORGE HUSKIN,} Eiecators. ^rtemesia, Dec. 23rd, 1»8U. 16 2in of the said township "f CJleneli!. eooUinii: Convevance-i and Lu-,-n-..-l 100 acres, more or Icsi. of whicli abontBn-. ,ije Ooanu it tiiey- Fariu.-i~, acres arc clf»'»l and tiie residne frw fc«ja l^b* Silfs. I'unctuaUv Ht alUHip?. Oil tl-i- premises aVe sai.l tui, cbargae made vtry moderatr. L g Hous. and IJHru, anl the soil « »Upj,j 17_liiriO. J^-v j lOBin. Tlli- ii a very fine farm. ' • ' ;i"Ea'is â€" Ten j^ercent. at the time f,r(e }»H»el. Jr.. j fificcM p"" '°"t- wiiiim ouo mon;li- tJB^jf ^jiu QENEil.VL AGENT j afitir, and tilt? bttlanc* to be «eeared bt le^^j Monev tu Loan at b» gajji-, with interest at eevan per cent. f^,^t. Principal payable at the or if aiditi ual satisfactory aaenrityUpioj years, and interest half â- no cash need be paid, or terms may b«Tr»r {.riiieipal aii'l interest repay- in any reHBonable way to suit purfuauQ^nit. For further particaiara, apply to UCUitier of desirable Improved Faiiu^ UAMS, Attcliouoer, Flesherton. l-y Or to BETHUNE, \OSS. FALC3-^--r,„„ ' BRIDGE A HOYLE, Vendors' Soiii-ium '• •*• »»«â- â€¢ .^.,, T,r:,N AND Pl.OVl.NLlAL LAND Dated 17th Dee., 1880. 16* «, Draughtsman and N atuator Markdale. Having purcha-ed nd Snrveyoi CliarU- Rankin's rf originaJ Field Notes, Flans. juctions, ic.of all lii- Surveys the laat fifty- live year-. 1 am iMikc Survevr in strict accord- ith. Profiie- and Esiimiite~ BiUa, Plans and Specifications Bridges, furnished on applica- at " Iiti cent lutne-i. will) II. .V BLYTH, ptlv attended to. 1 led to Iu all Utvt ll \V;i- !l. 1 Ml'.-. iiiji 11 ' ll.- M.\i: CAI«1 TO MY PATRONS. While thniikiui;7» ci'i;i- » 'â-  '-li^ I'-uiiiir«i. DtKl. Ml; 111 vs-:i Hffl;.i:-.-d \v\i\ j whieh i^rvA yv"»' 1 my, and wu- incurable by luv \. Ib77, 1 ColUlU-ln ' Blood Syrup. «i mencfi| t" pan. ii a short- Uiu- 1 • fair day s work eulii'ttly K"'" • 1.\.\ l!n (^ ENTLEMEN JT the Lberal patronage P5:tenik-.i Sf my Harness Business, and wishin? y: l- complement.' of the season, I !mi: toiiiaai- t j von that I have disposeil of tint l'i«ii: my business to J GORDON, an.i lx-:-i/ â-  • Irim thfl liberal patron;" so aecordf iw.^ pa-t. Yours trulr, s. n.uit. Fleiherton, Dec. 38, l!«o. W CHEAP CASH STOREj Keyziolds Son JUST ARRIVED A FULL SUPPLY OF «• I. White, to Dr. Cameron, Owen Sound, IE AT THEBEVEKE HOUSE, kdale, on tha last Wednesday in when he will Ije prepared to per- rations required upon ibe^mouth t satiafactory manner terms. l-y and upon.; ^, i^teU. fii^ Dec. 4. â€" Council met pursuant to adjournment. Members all present. Mr. Agnew moved, seconded by Mr. Fleming, tliat Deputy Boturumg of- ficeis on *ote for bonus to T., O. d^ B. Ry. be paid $4 eac) and that they be paid foi each polling booth used for said purpose $2.60, said amounts be- ing received from the Company. â€" Mr. Boyd moved, seconded by Mr. Flemming, that the account of John Vert be paid, viz.: five months' ser- vices $63.50, selection of jurors $5, ink 80c, pens and holders TOc, muci- ligeand twine 10c, postage stamps $1 60.- Carried. Mr. BlaoK moved, seconded by Mr. Flemmmtr, that a grant of $10 be given for reparing the Saugecn bridge on side road 12, con. 18, it being in an unsafe condi- tion for travel. â€" Carried. Mr. Ag- new moved, seconded by Mr. Fleming, that widows Foster, Buyoe and Davis each receive a grant of $5, as they are in poor circumstances. â€" Carried. Mr. Aguew moved, seconded by Mr. Black, that Samuel Flemins; receive tbe sum of $1 for one-half day's work â€" Carried. Mr. Black moved, seaond- ed by Mr. Fleming, that the following accounts be paid W. Kough for con- stable's attire $17, dtovel Son $12, Jas. H. Little $2.16, Stovel Son $30.25.â€" Carried. Mr. Fleming moved, seconded by Mr. Boyd, that the Reeve issue an order in favor of A. Gillespie for $2 for repanng bridge on 12th side raad, aon. 6.â€" Carried. Mr. Boyd moved, seconded by Mr. Flemming, that the Treaburers ao- oonnt be paid, atationery and blank books, $8.68 postage, 50c travell- ing exdeiicess three times to Moaut Forest to pay coupons and debentures «^ -.-.'.: -J^eomihodiois Samr forachools. $8; Treaam J^s^ ^Uj^. BOOTS SHOES A SPECIALT^^u.*'V ^^ ^r^ â€" "' CLK1:^ l.i.V: Mt. ti'Vo; Welhi.--- DtiUSlBâ€" I Lr;pela- 1 yoni li-ii;ii' uie. ji l»- til.-. M. \Nl -\U. Fi.-'-l V,' PL»B M8 i ' lii.HT-d sii.r â- â€¢ ' ^..ri-ceivid trrwHt ••• â-  lutud U- ;i-et" llSlr.\»'K 'I H;.l •'.-•.. ^V. •til ' I Goods f MARKDALE. BOOTS AND SHOES. eaaad tbe above hotel and tboi rniahtd and reitted it, th* trav- B will find ex-ery acC'jmmodalion. haet at liquors auii cigars kept. ing. Cafful hustlei 0H' Vi*-^ nl/hV.. l:oprietor 7J£ llilKl-. BCBAFOBD, Ont TSS i SFECUITI, Ik n «(»q». r»t*»ii.ioi». -W- «!.\^ As we are doing a CASH BUSINESS, we will not be undersold by any other house in town. ,tion loi the IS well *t"cWe and Liquo" *^ i {Tom allXriuu.. traveiimg «il,. "tbe 1} URCIAl BIBB'VTLL/E, Onl OTtl. $65.26.â€" (;»rritd. seooaded by Mr. Agnew, that the Council receive their pay ap to date. Carried. Mr. Boyd' moved, aeoonded by Mr. Flemming, that the Clerk be instructed to aacertertain from the County Treas. the amonnt o^ax^s turned in default againat lot 19%do 14, and when paid t^at the olork^ve !e Koi'in' Mild lard'-i !..»,. V;!- I'a;ii " 111.- ^- Apltin. "iv' rei.ev« U:' Ul.i.. 1 byiup »iiiiln-l!" I aluHyi- gi»- • jufetly 'le- 1 ' I • ' JSi Al'-! DcAK Mil â€" ".w;- I in and I tvHs iiiialli' t went to a doctoi which did no jiOcii. 1 iiJ .Toiu InuiHii blri~i Syrq only a short time, wLie â-  ed.Hi^'i uiw my Jiaui. 1 can -*«f; 1 recoujuied leiueuy.' AIhbJ â- i\»pi":i'SiA A^;i• k \V. t UEAi' htr. 1 b»- •5-»HlS â- ^itf 1'VSp.f • k:d::cy t-i'iuj many 1,-aiiie V, 1 1 Ml.l't" l,..tlie itmt ti*- ""' "â- ! l-iid iilid CO lon»t; Forgfet tlie BBYNOLDS SON M?u:kdalc» Dec. 31, 4380. 4 I 8t»' _J.,^d atiPiitive Hottlei •aif»S. AJKlSsON. I'loi'net.. jjtGt. WILSON. oazt dooi «' LxpoMtoi u.,t lie.-llat t'l -«y Ihml am complvltHv cured uikii. l.Hrl ».e«-k ni\ vkiih oevcie Heudaciiv, your \aluablc»ueiliciii •"«'^i1t^/r'»^' '^,i â-  !f 1L good fat bbeap or it to then adva^t: and address at Mx- UouM), alaikdale, on tbe war path, highest I ^ioe^. ft â-², 8PE£B8. h9 llo^^ \\Votp"lt. ' DiAK Sia;â€" I i"" I)y3|epi-.a for Jibout / l^U/ud-Mfiiji evri helped me. 1 ^w fri.ui th;-^ disesfe t.i trial. • ' '• Sjoii tinei*l-^|.eu| op ami Lyn/fi" 'â-  roi,.nlo. .11. â-  •e*'"i Heithue Syi-lii hi r.i 1, «-eU ku.A^u «^ Blood I'ui i6o ibiouiMj ,I.VV t.oVLl' J^'^^ iu ., 1 »uV' uee -ud the .lu.-f.'D iiv- r. .•"latuidaj nioruiib '[â- ;! t.-i. -cOLbe. vatolj "1 liuii'iiid ami eij;lil ' I most lar- i cunuiry I SlU«d. aud lOM IS 1J il60,| •r»3r-; L.

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