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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 24 Dec 1880, p. 2

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 ei Year* «all Pabtw VFEGTI md at C ESI? 'est:**-- a:i.l Bottled XJJ=. cINTyI =other"'notTce3. ,,IB PATRONS A Mkbst Happ» 'ew Ybak. jatious on Mondiy, 27th Meeting on ftl School •iDtU ui»t. ur customer! all » ^erry oI(1h Son. â-ºhe tea meeting in the urcl., on Christtnal. lumber to di«r-o»e Graut ChcUew. te stock of ito^i cerii, Jl O" b« Wl»- f,biugtop.ucUP'e»KOod .0 byeallinR on Mr. .lexical Hull. Mark.1a!«. ^5„e Bey.ioUU .t Sa'i'i -t opcne'l. ,.,„.RAD. on the Mark- iLe eveni" of tbe Slst ^at for circulars, with h.r purtifulaT'*- luy tooti) aches a'^fnl. luiii'I. in.y near, Mr. J. J. J.I. mil be at tlie Revere j9:!j iust., wiiea wj will and ftnj â-¼Â«rj ufo^al «pd' saw Bubaofibm ia nwde tltftagft old oo««, ao UuU fefa* old aabaarilMK gets eqaal sdvmDtage. TIm tipmal offer Uii8 year is the |iiiiwli|iim of tbu celebrated pietart, "Chriitlwtvinf the Pretoriaia. " U eTwy old rabaorib- er to tlie Weekly WitocM wbo undt « new aabscriution with his own^uid Um new rabacriber gets acopy aa well. If the names are sent independently of each other, 8fi cents in additi.)n ta the pric- of the pa^r it elurMd for the picture, or J1.8« iu all. By aatth meani aa these, benefltbig both old and new aubscribsrs, the Weekly Wit nesa aod Mortbem Messenger i»ve, enfoyed a constaaUy ineraasiag sab Bcription list. outU together with the DaUy Witueaa it numbers oyer one hundred thousand. m â-  1 o. 9 ETH, S cannot b« sur. nc ut our -.i.^, 310. FOR $t ii^' I pivic its a lively appear- ;;r 'it^ aro literally black fVi-.y diiy hauling proiiuae huT corJwjjJ. saw-logs. 1. =t-.ic. etc., for bail ,s S.'W Year ail d Birthdav .rotrrapii, Xuthot'rap and v.r Mspniy. an«w^ â€" "iTi^p 1 la FLE8BLEBT0S. From o«r Corrsapoodent. Mai:)Ceb\ob Cabmitai.. â€" The first 'â- katiiig cK.r.ivnl of the seasoa was huid on t)ie iflesliertoB skating rink on Tuesday evening (be list iost.' which was a grand success. The ma*^ queraders began to assemble a fsw minutes alter 7 o'clock, and btiPort 8, tho rink was alive with airy like bei:igs gliiiing around as if ou Kings, '• ' W3I. JjVCAB a Co. Septembw. 1880. j.y Legacies I PensioiHi! eounties I ranass kaTiiw aov o to iinMtisato wfll alnMe â- â€¢ataaea. •A. O. HUJITfiB, P. O^ Otmatg Otey. NOTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN, tliat the Toronto.Orey and Brae« Raihrmr Com- Pjaj win apuly to the Legislstnra ot tbs n-OTiac* of Ontario, it ita nut iflaslDii. for "» A«» to ikmnti tha sctotsI Aete tdatiiii to yasaM Cotpany; and to powsr to ereaU aEL**"** ""• ' *^» Debenture tS-I *° ra-arrange then- Bonded Debt • to •nttaonse them to enter into and oonnlete Stoies! Stores! StoYes. to the iufiuite eleligl.t of a large crowd i Z^^Trl'^^^' "^v Tâ„¢nk B^^ r ,. i. 1? «... r â-  ,.7 "P*°^ "'^â- '•"•aa.or with aiiv other Bafl- of spectators. Ii *a, a ^^y hko way Cc„,p.„y, ,o,the working of tteVlSe Acane and one of wliidi everyboly ' "' Railway to confirm «nd d-wlare valid all wool J like to aee repeated. The fol I ** *°' Bv-Uwf yoted npon, and to beVotml owi.g are the natocs of the oriza ^T^f"^?'*?""!."' '"' SCoai.ipah. takorf:-Be.t co.tume for ladv'I^,? ^.^t^^ '1::::^'^:}^^!"'^^^ â- ,"*» r (IN HAH|^., j,'elst.wliere. .\KEN IN EX. Sc SON. ^LL. Toys 'ruaiufcuial. iuccti Rates. KS, STATIONERY, ^sr's Exprtn, 'â- .^• .1.* all hiiurt, N'HR CO. I3«C i Cent f^rccnt.; to buy ayment iOMPANY. ICUBITIES. .â- â€¢ a' GOMPANy, ice Co. f chinetL Rated J ;t Cy //• ^, lo well to C? 13-3m -% -XT it s. .« M a Candidata, for tha Tows le with your i ie-*^ lou t» to the oC9 Bw« «o Hi 5ent swrran^, D. K ELI nerr* Be sj e Zeai' .«»^ JJ iicmiiiii VaKCs U.kI Sliaviii;,' Cips ChiM- [n V thtf Mijjicul Hall, kept DWN. if ti'S Tormito House, IV i: c"^t. iiii.l iiuiler, for I -U il;iv.^. r^irtit^s wisliiu.^ |]]',;.f;iiM, «-.iil.l !« woll to I. .Soe aily. in a!nther 1 1 nil-' tiii'j will be li'-! I .('fJ.IJ -ii. at T'lWll.SrllJ\ ,r;i!i:is Mvi' A'Mresses ..ivi-ril, anii j:;ooil mnsic l, i;);iii'rs. l'i'cecls to be .y.i,:t;i.i church fllll'ls. ,t S.iti haveiiiiutlier com- if Irr â- ' o h an 1 giocjries II! [t.-i |i' ' li-. !.r:.: :i:.i [NESS. •ukI sitTrtBBd- BUSINESS ' I- iial attention 1 MATERIALS ia ^i.-' i;ii)li(;. .-•-» a i.abqa; \v Ciirisfiius to |»ns with- '» WiffiXM ^I 'Cli of Jew- is â- ^•111^ i.lT vorv last. -I'ir'ly c JMijileto nil 1 hiii I'lie W"iMi;iir Uiu^s calci'-i just iiow â€" an. I ]\:~" :ill elifjible yoting I.I. ill .ii and do lilvuwise." .,\ I i.:i....i;d :i!j.l not the :.irn:i â- ! .a if Mr. VeriiiDr'ii .-. â- â€¢r.'i VuU \V c ilo not i-aiai'i r. b'U liiite being ' I. N-".y Mr. V.iuior di li.a pr ;il; 'rti ij I u siiictis re the natocs of the priza ^T^f ?^*y^"'*u°\'"y '" Beat costnini. f«r llj ' ' S' Po?"" ° "'ftTowush.p Mimicipalitv, 1, 1«, Wm. iieefur and Mlad ^•y*" i rnce aailway Company, provi 4«ii(laman J. B. liiain. Highland lad aiid lassie â-  2i.J, .f. C. Addison an^i Miss A. Wrigiil 3id, Herbort Strain anl Miss M. E. Weight. Beat eomie oostnme for lady and gentleman. Ist, William Haskett 2ud, Chas. Richards 8rd, C. Wright. Btat Kentleman akaU.r l8t. R. J. Raid 2nd. Wm. Keefer! Best lady sUat t, 1st, Miss J. B. Blain; 2nd, Miks A. Wrig it 8rd. MissM. E. Wriilit. Tlie judges were Messrs Vaiidusen, Daskett and Fergu- Bon. and the mvincr ia winch these gentlemen filled the uffi:R gave gener- al satitsfiictu.n. Mr. F. Satjeaut, tho proprietor of the riii'i il' 8 rv^a gi-eat praise for thi? luii.i.i. r i w^i.cii ih whule uig'it'b Hiijuseiuui:i was per- formed. A snmptnous repast was ftirniBlied after the priz.i w. r.t uwarJ- ed. Tlie Flebherlon brass baud was in attendance, and entertained tho company with choice sclecliouB ol music. ' Even the coldness of tho icd was softened by the sweetuess of the notes. MEAFORD ROAD. IV.' .-..I t« .! ta- rs fob; f V.llll:,!.].' ']n,{'.: oil .);kl| filllll Utll, Ii'.irl.uiii. r« r- iiii'r^' a n mhI eb*!»r- From a Correspondent. C"NCEET. â€" Elder Hawkins and his Jubilee siutjers gave a concert in tlit C. iMetlmdist Church on Taeeday evening, tliu Olh inst. There was h gooliy number present, who seemed to '»v' well pleased with the perforua- iiiieos. CiciNGi; .\i the last regular moct- in-f of Arteniesia Grange No. 2ij9, .the f^llowiiig brethren and sisters were elected officers for tho eusuiL); year, viz.: â€" Master, JoLn Weber; Overseer, Wra. Buchanan, sr.; Lecturer, Thos. ;, bttward, Jehu Bulaui' As- sistant Steward. Juliu Graham t'.haplHin. Robert Buctianan Treas- urer, Tlioma:; Kells y«»cretary, Jiis. • .•â- iiii'.ilil i.ot f:iil to HUeiid the I \rrus if pavni' nl made to suit nroiVw Ciiti -Keeper,.Tose;)h Buchau- liii" -rs. S.r.-i.v. ,41,; Ceres, Mrs. C. Carson Pomona, s whilst r. turning tlianfcs -^'r*- '• ^^ni'iii; Fl -ra. Mrs. J. Rowe :iiiiii»"ii' -ii-r..iii,rK. an- I"'"dy Assisfi. t Stow irl, ?.lis-i M. liii- thmjiiii; .\ii I ..s. .J !i i firaua'n and iloliei iji i. 1 j.\i.t.i;ive Coiu iiii!:«.x-. i.-i.. 11 'iirliii:i, J nii Uowi-, tar st r. turning tlianfcs If* -ii-riiiiirK. iiii- .1' :\: y llilVi.M«peii.« I ;l c'liie il I 11 i.-.ttna-s 'ojkI.. siir.;tVi|i lilts. Cal' a:il see for your riirv :u'e aUo in need of rail- l â- !â-  ^-'vaiih poles unii cord- lail ^i !v. hiiii;!! S-ojne. ln'iM on Frula.v -t was a ({eciile.I suece."!9 topointni'iit wa.s cxpcrinced n arrival of M' (.'reijjhton. iJeid, of Cliatswortli made rnblo '»j)c..'cli. Tlie tea was iisic excellent, and altogether lons.iiit evuiiing was ^astied, fi'snerton Furiiitro, Sash and fact .ry, has clian frad hainls. Hooper having houjilit hiti |8 iii*.« r it in t!io fir:n will •. it ;oi: ill li4» own name. I'ne ^iiu ii:ivo b«on romovi'd to the iKIiii,; lately erected for that next to tlie factory. We |r. 1 la. .per success. u t ba a Mugic Lantern '.a :i' ui Daff.rin Hail, on I l.iy vcuiii^. 29tli inst. in 'i with Church Sah- lclio.,\. Tlia views comprise 1 ill the Holy Land, England, L- "tli-inl, V'nited States and Adnii«iwu 25c and l»c. TON E All- over the iiijjton liaiJway last. t^ r. AV VmAVeI.IIN 10 licoinotiv( I Jay and \\\ It Diirhaiu on TlmrsUv Ispikesoii til" ro:i,l boiii Jrvit^n llnnter. M. P. P ,aud W. E, ^fir. of Duriiam, aiuid great ro- l'!:! moil, to the number two \wre retailed at a diuuor at ivnationai Jlotel. in Holland was in every inccess, the LiUKlsnrae sum of iree dollar Ira meeting held on tho ICtli inst. and A.Ihui ll'.lly D, -legato to Divi- sion Grange, Robert Buchanan. This Grange is in a very prosperous con- dition, and IS still increasing in mem- bership, so there is not the least likely- hood of the prophesy about the Grange comming to naught being fulfilled. â€" The but^iuess of this Grange during the past year was about $1,000, and was very satisfactory to all the mem- bers. • The rc^u'ar day of meoting is the Friiliiy on r before th.; full of the moon in each month. Sabjsath School. â€" The annual meeting of the U' ifed Sa^ibath School heUl'in th^ Wesley Ciiurcn, the follow- ing W'^vo elected officers and teacher- tor 1S81, viz.: â€" Thos. Bolau'i, Super- intendent Philip Sparling Assi.stant Superinteuent Secretary, Julin Gra- ham; Treasurer, James Brodie; Librarian. Robt. Kells Assistant Secretary. George Shannon Assist- art Librarian. Jossph Buchanan T-.iichers of Bible Class (males), R. Buchanan, Assistant. P. Sparliug lit Teat., Wm. Buchanai^, Assistant, John Boland 2nd Tost., A Johnson, Assistant, A Shannon. .Junior Class, J. C. Buchanan, Assistant, J. Brodie. Bible Class, (females). 1st Mr. T. Boland, Assistant, Mrs. J. C. Buchan- an, 2nd Mias C. Bowland, Assistant, Mrs. J. Rowe. ist Test.. Miss M. Buchanan, Assistant, Mrs. W. Bu- •chanan, jr.; 2nd Test.. Miss A. Kells. Assistant, Mrs. D. Graham. Juven- ile Class, Miss C. Bowland, Assistant, Miss S. sparling. The Anniversary iu connection with the School will be held in the Wesley Church on the 8th of February, whca the usual pro- gramme consisting cf tea, dialogues, recitations, speeches, Ac, will bo car- -^ â€" â€" ., vidod sui U By-iaw» li.ive been carried by a mujori. tv ...f tht votei) u««t tiicreoB anu. for cdMt i)nijio««... W. i UTIiERLAKD TAYLOR. T. SteretaryiTreaturtr. Dated at Toronto this 33nd day of NoveiB- ber. 1830. \l^ In Chancery. THE FAHMEBS' COAIPANY, LOAN AKD SAVINGS VS. LECKIE, PURSUANT to the Decree made in thia CIIU8M, there «iU be 8o!d witb the appro- bation oi T. W. Taylor, Esqnire, Mastt-r iu Oriinarv of thi Court by J. M. Webster, .\nctiii('cr. At the FLESHEBTON Hotel, IN THE ViLLAtJi; OF FLESHKUTO:;, at the Uoor of three o'eloek in the afternoon â- f Thursday, the Thirtpenth day of Jaaiuarr, 18§1, the following landu and premises iu one par- cel., viz: Lit number twenty -oue in the foiirtceuth eoucooiuon of the town^^hip of ArtemesiK, in the county bf.Urty, excepting thcreont three acres oil tho north wost corner .of said -lot. The said lot consists of about ICO acres of laud, of which about 60 acres are cleared and tha reraatuiler well timbered with beech ami maple, baswood and some hemlock. The laud cleared is of a chy loam and iu a fair xtate of ciiltivatiou. T.iu said lot is situate on the Meaford Boad, about five mili-s from Miirkdalc Statiou en the To routo, (iriy und liruce Hailwa.v. Alioiit six aiiit a-li»lf niile» from Flesherton, andia rea- ddy »cov;s il.le to said villnge-i by koh1 roads, and the »ii:d villages afford pood markets for I the .-sale of produce. Tlip miid lot is ii^s well watered ly a creek, and there is uo swampy l.iiid on 9id lot. The said lot has e-ected thereon farm buildings consisting of a frame hou^e. aui log barn Terms of sale â€" Ten per cent, is to be paid the vendors or their solicitors at tlie time of sale, twenty-five per cent. Avitbin thirty days thereatter, without iiitcre-t, and the balance to be secure 1 by first m i-t;,'i.,'er);i said prem- ises payable in three or live years, wi»h in- terest at seven per cent, per annum Thepri-pcrty will be solil subject to a re serve bid fixed by the Ma-^ter. In all other respects the (erm4 and conditions of sale will bo the standinR coU'Utions of the Court of Chancery. For furtlior .-licvJa- s niply at the Law OflTn cs of \V. Mulocu, i. 1.. Veador's so.icitor. Mc'i s-s. Crook Kii.'-mill 'ii C.'.t- *imch, and M.-s«rs. .M -I'arv.iy. Ho.skius, 1 lamb and Cri-clinari. so'.icitors, Toronto. Datel DeeemlHT i*. IHS t. 14-3 (s;pie,l) T W T.AYLOK. At the New TInehop MARKDALE. A LABOR AS80KTMKNT to saiael fnm of the latest and mo4 afiproved des- ignt. ioelndlng NRLOa, COOIINa AND MX BTOVE.s, titra heary eastinga.. with silfcr- pluted tnmmingi, THE BEST STOVE IN MARKET. V you wai)t to liaTe comfort the rest of your dsya, boy a stoTe from W. B. Walker, that win last yon yoor lifetime, AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. No poflag hereâ€" tUs real "linion Pu»." TINWARE! A LAltOE STOCK AIRWAYS ON HAND. AI.L E1KS8 or Tin dt CopperworkI' to onlev on tUu sharti-t notice. EAVETR0U6H1NB ASPECIAUTY. Stove Uveus liiit-d, Haud-lroiis Mlver 1'late.I. at very low price" Stov? P.di-h; D.nue L«ad, the Challen;e, the Rising Sin, i;oiU Oil JOB WORK narticularly att ded to. Yon can save money by xiving me a oill before parclia.;n.; i-lHewhero, Old meial. Hidtn, Sheep IMf, W,-ol-pickings takun iu exehance. t^' Hemember tho pLire. next tiie "Markdalft Hou.-ie." W. R. WALKER. Markdale, Sept. 17, 1880. l-tf John H. Heard, Maiiatacturer an 1 deaUr iu Cntters,Sleighs,Baggles, IVOTIXJ li:. ALL parties indelj;ed to tho nnderslgned either by note or book account will call at my shop and settle without further notice. As 1 have not time to visit you all at yonr homes, and it is toe expensive to send ont a collector, 1 hope the above neticc will be suf- ficient. JOHN NOBLE. N. B. â€" Wamici; il hereby given, that re- ceipts are of no value unless signed by my â- eU persoii.lly. JOHN NOBLE. Markdale Dec. 17, 1880. l-t-U RATEPAYERS, vVARD NO. 3, TTTILL please take notice, that the Col- V V lector wUl be at the Bevere House, Markdale on the 2oth of December, I880, for the Last Time, to receive all nnpaid taxes. After that date measures to eufiroe payment will be resort I to. S. DONNELLY, Dated De ;. 9tli, 188 1 i-1 EUGENIA. From a Correspondent. ried o«t. ,â- "'" ""-^'ciiiiiuu, wnicu trstaad fully wiped out the debt il'-Hrch. Some evU dispossd •iitered tho church oarly tha morning and carried off a 'â-  of the provisions left from The colored ministrels bad their leeting, they are known. usual success, yesterday, a full house ersarv of tJU. f«^esbvtcri- 1 A^ °°yV ^^"•-f ^^ **"" .ath SBHoTi^esplac'e_onlt^"» F'«'l'"to°.^I' W. Cameron, st ISHI, in Di^Sin niiimout will consist of vocal jstrumeutal music, readings, ^lous. dialogues, Ac.j by the en of the school, and atldresses i local clegymcn and others, and 'h a good evening's enjoyment ttii.ed. Admission 25c and 15c. ;i\s to be devoted to the Sabbath funds. Ai«ip' Presbyterian U .ire noted k^etting up good faiuments wo would recommend go. rcuarkable efforts to gain new leriberSj saany publishers seem en. tq»,overlook those already on fii^y^^To tdd many names to t lib^-f" subscribers they offer very inducements, by which they en the paper to those who do not [eubscribe far it, while for every Kaiuied, perhjtps one or more old ibers drop off, and take aoother ' whose inducements to new suk- ars d^ind equally attractive. ' publishers in their straggle after 'â-  subscription list lose at one end ' gain at the other, an4 at the ' time depreciate the prioe of their The Montreal Witness is not I of these. Its special endeavor M to be to iqere^se tt)o T«Iqe of Con. 8, Artemesia, sold some caitle to a stranger, who gave him $4 too DISSOLUTIDN^F PARTNERSHIP TliE llar^ncrship l-t-r^tofore rxibtinR be- tween H: 4 B. Hooper, Cabinet and Sash 4 Door manufacturers, of the ViUage of Flesherton, is hereby dissolved by mntnal consent. The business as formerly will be carried on by H. Hoopur, to whom all notes and accounts must be paid, and by whom all liabi!itia» will be discharged. (Signed) HENBT HOOPEB. RICHABD HOOPEK- Witnessâ€" ROBEBT DAVIS. Flesherton, Dec. Gth, 1880. 14-4 OYSTERS, OYSTERS, rVST RECEITEB AT THK (t BELFAST HOUSE. ff much, he has tried in vain until a few days since, he discovered his man and returned him his money. As the Scotcb bard says â€" "A King can make a belted Knight, A Marquis, Dnke and a' that. But an hanest man's above hi,s might, A man's a man for a' that. The Boom. â€" Since Mr. Akitt pur- chased the Eugenia mill property you would imagine, to see the quautity of saw logs going in, that a city was iu contempelation of being built, near hand next spring. Allow me to return thanks to those of the members of Eugenia grange, who turned out and gave me a hand- some daye sawing of wood. Who would not feel pleased to have a good pile of wood about Christmas time. WAGGON'S, CULTIVATORS, HORSE RAKES, PLOUGHS, HARROW r D A llkindsof jfannrt^ Implements Mauufal6tnry and DeptMitory, Durham and Hill stici't-., FLESHERTON. To ICT P.%TBoxH. â€" \lwa_\s ahead of any in my tnkle, anil having the lar^jest and most convenient Factory in this b^calit.v, I am prepared to sell Csrrincis and Impli-ioents of every de-icriptron in the lie st style nf any in the market, and at 'riri s a; hn a-i any oc- coT.liiig tc tlu; qiinliiy of tbevvork. J'a'-ing npwar'ls .f tn iity .vear-i' experi- ence, I am confident that imrchnsers will get the advanto^ in haviuK tlia very best male. Partio«i in want of a cairif^re or Implement will do well to give me a call, aa there are none in the market which wdl oumpaie with them in quality, style and finish for the price. Illy China TEA Store General denier iu eROCERIES PROVISIONS, Next to Haskett'g Hardware Store. Keeps eonstantly on hand everything nsual to such an estabUshment. He would dr4w special attention to his Teas, Tobaccos 8c Sugars, Which for quality and Lownest of Price CANNOT BEJURPA88ED. As puffing il no part of my desire, I merely ask intending purchasers to give me a call and be convinced that I MEAN BUSINESS, Airn wiLi, Sell Lower than the Lowest, as I have purchased fur ca.'h, and have bad a good discount allowed, I am in a position to let mv cA^tomers have the benefit of my investments. tS*Remember the place, next to Haakett Bros. Markdale, Oct. 7, 1880. 4-tf BIRTHS. Flesherton, on the 19th inst, tha wif« 0. Ojerdnun, of a son. In Walter's FaQs, on tha Mlh inat., tha wiis ol John H. BonnaU, of a son. In of E. MARRIED of thsbridas by tba Bav. S- C. Phfl^, lb to Misa Sarah Irwin, all of I have fitted up a room over my Stoia wfacra I can supply O Y «S T E R H â€" n« â€" r»y the puts or Can CHEAPEK THAN ANY ONE IH TOWN My Stock of 1. .; ProYisions and Groceries Togthai with ;^ ' ._ Wines and Liquors, ABE VEBT CHEAP AND GOOD. ANT AMOUNT of POBK FOR SALE. • Aa I do ne pefflng or Ua«ia«, I want te Pablie to giw aae a call and ba eoavniead what bargsfB* I a» givin(, bafoia yon par- ahaaa alsewkcte. ••" WILSON BENSON. â- aikiale, Mor. « 18B0. Mf Mat for AU AT W. B. Sarjent's. Th« inbeeriber returns thanks te the in- habitants of MABKDALB and vicinity for their hberal patronage dar- ing the past five years, and begs to remind them that be is prepared to supply their wants in his lino as J .la^v â- ! I isHi as any one north of Toronto. M asi U Meat! deUvered promptly on receipt of orders. SAUSAGE POULTRY always kept in thair Season. Special inducements to large Purchasers 13- Shop on Mill areetk, oppoeiU the " Revere Hotel." iS'Cash paid forJFat Cat- v tie and Sheep A^ia t"»"fc'"e you for paat favora ha tmaU by faithful attentjon to your waoto ta merit a eontinnanna cl^yoIlr support. W. B. 8ARJEANT. ICa^dale, 8«pt. ITtii 1880. 1 tha MbMrtbn tM«a to intfoutls ttat]wK«Ui Saw Mill at Little Palle Oa Ik« 143 ialr« Bangs M.B.,VKtBto aoJ Bydanhxa Bra4. Aiteaasia. ia fKI afeie. tion, sod is prvfiar.-d to fnmisit unttfi. UTH S, ETC.. t n^ n aibei. CUSTOM SAWING lf»RO»«»TI.Y OOIVE, I er m H ha r aa, ' Partina Mivering Logs eao Iwva Ikair taaAar larielwi Inafc. Hwaawyor attfarVSIl oan arraa^foraawim. Alilj EZNBS OF SA'W liOGS FUBCHASBD. Wnri. HOCQ. p. 8.â€" -WoeMemar wantad to maka broom bnmllas eu a«uiM Mha, staady joeu wsik .^-- -.-..- m w, TK9«t Br ftai I» a Owi V f 1 Ibav* iIMskea. Qika n« iai. BattaifOaalm, OaN~ uie*5Wr|a»tm»atrMtTr, ciwse^ow ii sHes. garfca^apes jQMslSv Ss^np^ ab*| 9» s»i». w i rutin f KxcBrnoK. tkmU UMUttry. Itmmiiat:,! «lfsMk-ni,i \fa«aliai.{thr« ai^ t)i* »*-«) Svr*.* V** ^Kik aai aMrtsaa l»r aiid ii.n w.n Ml. btn H i| TW f^Wxwtiid tv Thinmt aedediM- CkiHt' «p m "5- -«." Ia Jawsiqr â€" f !««• eelurvil ^4 nr^. t tioUasls.riiaim.'tf*'^. I«eLU.Pi|rtf Btmt: Km, ««.. :.. Aui: Bi k Flaaharton Statka, Nor. SS, 188a Tbe NOBBIEST McFARLAND'S. t- -1 'V *• " ' L,"Vl^ 1XAMON6, WEDOmO, AHDl QF.M RiNQS. Mr Ooo4a iMia aUbaw patdbaasi far Halt CMh. airf wiM ba aaUal B»Uow Dmm. Watolx B«paUlBC«8pMiaUy. "W V. BO]^ Walriiwak.4.4« Wenying. Weavi ng. •f^ imi iMWihwlHI weit«Meiail»at»»ellaa.asafstajfa||e y, I6ONE WITHQUT DELAYf ' ' ^. if tBB Flesherton Woolen Factory. Havhig nearlv all orders completed at prasaot on hand, a« is oanid^ at thi-) season nf tbg year, those favoring ni with work, lu^ raly apou having it pronptly atriiid«.l U' EVERY BRANCH OF THE BUSINESS •s.-* ^..- .. Will ba earriad on tbroaghoM _tln witer. N. CAMPBEUL. Flesliertnn, Diieember 16, 1RV r ^* R. J. SF D u ..^ .. te j "iS ..;: â- Wl,ih Affler: And Many Returns of the tame 1 1;. |1- ' See his $5.00 Overcoats. See his $10 Ulsters. See his S12 Suit. See his S16 dress suit. 500 pairs of Boots To choosrt irom â€"Men, ^\'om.•u url Clii'Jrca'a, Get your AXES ** McFaslam-'s. T!:..s.. $2.50 i^AI^TLES veiling fast." New DREtf G008 » MrFarl.'i.inv. Muw rlAKNELS t McFailand's. New SHAWLS at MrFarliuul's. N.w BONNETS and HATS »* McFar- Utud's. NewYW£ED8 nt McF.irl.mia'H. New CARPETS ^t MoFar- land's. New lriii,i,'6x. ButtuDs, Si!!;?. I.acc«, Flowers and Feathers. Prices never wfic Iwncr or value better. A coBiparle*B â- oUcitcd. W. J. McFARLAND, Wo'Uld take this opportunity cf tcnVlernu;. I'f -V.i.vv for the very liberal patronage \vhii:ii ii'j ha; past; for, whilst it is the pjene'^al :i"y Oii ' times,it has been taxing our nlnios' rt';."i' t our rapid in business, as 1 }i';^^l, i.»v Books, my cash sales and i^rHiu vrc*:t;;pt:s,- an i i-- .;;" -â-  rally b-i\- • ALMOST DOUBLED THE PAST Yti\RTH, -^ .:,::iC In view of which I have now on h..tiid.firth!* iio)ilbv .^^.i^oh THE LARGEST and MOST COM"PI,,i:. ' ^- .-I'O^'i""' '^-^ GENERAL GROGBi;r£'.S, DRY GOODS, GLOTHINa, BOOTS AIVt SHOES, ui Classwaie. AMD Fancy Holiday Presents^ ALSO CH3ISTMAS ANJS NEW TEAR'S CARDS. Also, the Largest and mOst Complete Stock of "FACTS CANHA BE DENIED." BUTTER RAE Purs, LADIES' GOATS AND MANTLESi, Ever shown in this Norther Country. â-  ALL OP WmCH WILL BE SOLD AT TIlE LOWEST REMDNERATIVE CASH PRICES. tO- with all eustomerg. No flattery nseil or baits given to gull the pnbhc Every article sold on iti own merits, and by keeping their iitock well awsorted and fresh in all the lines, they will alwBj'8 giyc their customers good value fcr their mt-ney. Thank the pnblic and Iriends in general for the liberal support they have received sine* U_,,;__ r^„A^ .»_4..nnt.:.,« «U^'^» '^_.. __J •„ .^ i oommencmj business, and wiu still stick to the rule ..f doiu7 a straightjorward bnsinest Having HTade extensive alterations and improvements the past season in my Grain Warehouse, at Flesherton and Flesherton Station, I am prepared to pay the HIGHEST RJCE IN CASH I For any Quantity of good Grain or And as I keep buyers constantly on both Markets, Flesher- ton and the Station, all will fijida READY SALE for.Giaui when offered QPY GOODS ^n ^^1 th^^i"^3. ORDERED G LOTH I NG a specialty. HATS and GAPS, "ew and stylish. BOOTS and SHOES^ Cooper Smith^i celebrated make that has stood the test against all comers inall styles and newness. GLASSWARE and GROGKCRYtiipaterns GROGERIESy^^^h^apand fi'esh. I will now commence a Keep your Eye on the Place I ri' WHEN YOU VISIT MaBKDALB. DougUs' Brick Bloch opposite the Drug Store. 8^t«ksr BUTTER A BLA.E. Slat. 1880. Public Notice. NOTICE is herehy given that tha new road open thr«D«h lots 99, 100. and 101. oa the Srd ooneeasioB W. T. A B., ia (ha township of Olenelg, is aot propady as- Atthe thattr«hMt. Jaeoh Art«««n». â- â- : r#, -At I' •» tar WawiUgiv. it frosB now tfll tbaFirst o f /unary, isat, Mt one year's iAsw.|ppi,i ' .t- 3;, ..•_!« oai.TO n- '-**»/' •-•a • TIm easyaMtianet tha township af 01«r aic not baviag any fSk to Oa mU tueo^ •sidlota, win net he rMponsfbla tor any ae- ettait that n»av happe n on s aid road. JAiaS BBOWK, roHiAT ICaoBAB. dark. Beeve. Toinihiii of OUMt(. Get. 19, t880. ML I I. m. W^ebster, LKVlSED AUCnONEEB FOB THE I (foaty ol Gray. tStUAN ND LAND AGENT, Moay to loan at lowest rates of intemt, in stunsirait botrowers. Agent for Farmers' Iii^*^*" Saving Co. All business matters strietf private, and treated as sneh. BUOENU P. 0. aij. nth 1880 i-ti T JBHBBD AUCnONEBB FOB THB Lj|Oo«BtT elOrey. U Sft shortest aotiea in town flsa^ti^ Charssa modarato; Votaa and Bt«a^M {omisfaaii vtaK liad lon^experisttM in I eUfOaraatee satisBsrtfon. nth, im 9-te THE Subscriber wishas to ratnra thanss to the inhabitants of ICarkdala and vi- cinity for tneir hberal support and patroa. age in the past, and to say thai b« Jbas now turned over tha Drug and Stadoaeiy baai ness, with all other lines in iiinimiitiati therewith, to Masan A. Tnniar Co., lar whom he wishes to baqtaak a ^â€" Wiiwmm e( the patrooage of his oU ffMtnm s r i aal Iha public at large. Alao. thel Om Ins lie il Doo^ will remain st the Dran Mm* m tts hands o A. Tuniar, wte is aMheriaad to receive a aMnays o^ tad to five teestoto forth«aBaa,orBobart Oevis of Vltohtrtoa, in whoaa y iisss s hi n tlaa aaeowuto are far est- UetisD. Aa aedy astOaBMBt wiU ohli«s. T. S. SPBOULE Varkdals. Dae. 0, UM. U-U GREAT CLEABING SALE ^f my large and complete stock of Fall and Winler Dry Groods, MENS* AND BOYS' CLOTHIKG, Hats, Caps, Furs, Ladies' Coats %Lnd MiLLiNeRrV, And will continue to sell at K Very Small Advance on Cost •• .. Until all is cleared out. A call is respectfully solicited to get quotations before purchasing elsewhere, BEMEMBEB THE PLACE FOR BAfiOAtNtt IS AT B J. SPROULE'S, FLESriE ;T0X ijtfWf -.-..IsT-ljV-- -J^. "Â¥i^ I4-V tJ'l H'l U i: iw m .t'.- «v-: im. ^^m^iti dMi z â€" U^-.^ mmm

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