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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Dec 1880, [Insert], p. 4

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 M J fty he I cnulle can 'd paralyxa ithio a few â- u, aod ha raa ia cuu ter cloMly, sD^ry, loaM You wbalii THE AJfO • Qaeeo at ol Bene, ilea. Lord )f disciDC the Qai'en for maay to deliver tion ' i h aused h r ry angry libe ately out from •â-¼â€¢n ia our go '•••. "y*, aud 14 nn aaopM buil »/ the faa Way ia tbi are Yua oan i were waatefnl „ perfectly indiff«t^ waa oot certainly^ by," for they got, bat it waa ^.^rm doubt all that the* «, to mako a very coMfti plentifully »n^p;i^ " goue a jjreat d«al i there ooly b«ea „^_ iianaff^ment. I niST: dmo^t every day, and i ' toe-. „ttle b,»ci. ni!r *• -te ms alootf like » 4 P't" nU told me ,n the mo,? L womea'a Iraa had r KfNiCoh •r eot. Kailway irtlen a norniou3 f hi* ch Idren won t not keop thrm at *ll wha' and ytf^ knowled^meQ. ,^. whi-key. aud at fe^ 2j c.ni8 a d»v to glacier I "« "'«h» no* thatsl halt of ' ' ° "«'-«pent all u^ rack an.l i ' "»"' counted up^, aref liy lainera n^ the IHSii to Sia De I h.iruea. rnra lea naring is^ancr 'C ia\, li.:h ed ilV pU. ' ndiiiK a thry t ind writes: ed to- â- r your s alter lefore it tlis piilem IS have when lot e.-i, Ihey 'art' of :!SM IS ciciy, ts lor he is loand irritd (ler- res- ;h hix ami he IS VfSt- per- h he inc»*s o.ty-Hveceatai'^e.. I â- *•" '"'"'•«« nearly T"' ^.^.ureasf^Uwhenevr;;. U here you geou, fc^jj* w rse. I could oat a d«Ln u^ t yet i,uite pmrnprnn, bZ^ ' O.N THE ROAJ., 4,j, A pu..r b y was Uta|- 'en i;iry for Mt^aliog. tL**" t.. ke p hi.n for tw« Zl hat b .y inffio^ •n.L«^ was I rteeu ^e.rn old, unl ceii-»l sherieeai o hold of him and tin* "Id hay t^iat ke^t thT whisk y cue 'Ora^^ed ' ne 11. X iw be w^is n. alNiost t' f- oli.-hneia/^-^ «M)uuil mm w re doing, J*-^ â-  â- f it. 1)1. 1 any of the rea^^*^ «-e [ir ty bio^tn down sa^ ' Old .ills y in J about wH_ for bto,. p "ictuala tor ta»| protestiL nt they Wer»| *ere the .â-  le ooes'at hon watch them, kiod good *ill tee. Do they eat what « Thfy kno* a trick worth twt^ I eed ti.eir pi^s or they 1^ rl keep pigs, a^p, or they s«lJ JV I iD.iest Who will not W " th.y ^o at the whiJkey lJj|Tn voc BR I If the kind and fooliah]*| not help a! the iloor WitkM] enijuiry, it woul 1 he a gni||^ is 1 1 bi clone? There itjoTS ded of destitution, ^f** cause, the poor wret«ta ^Jf" h'Wt'.i to; but I M tSk ' after all 13, tke ^^' IN a id of 'heir III ;i litetl • iult ires, the I im" hey hey re- '011 al.. P«d ere S- nd bcr ty- t«d re- Mh- uks en- tile H'.s Xl ;o a ..lamorera ai.i t'leJrunkwwaiSl share, as they hive gott« ig ^ff\ by What ah.ut the '• a/tat " tramp " ki.luey It j, but it is certain, at any rate ^rowsiooauibenaud impadeoec, ceptioD, 0! o.urse, they iriak an.l they are ifenerally »troo» m Wonli u not be well to Ify a, I prescripti .11, •' hog or di?' 'RAU for BAJlUa and our t'ty Council The leaL cheir.e.l.u„i the city ooofwrj and tha-. reli ves him from tax* " " ' a'l eternity. I,n't â- ^^ men «u. cill themaelvea de peaible, hke MoMarnch. actual y vjta lor ••â- ^ » thia^! ' viii it take to ge-- lutoaa Atd«i,_ tlie I I a, ttiat the really rea,.^-.^. era of ihis ciiy don't ciie a |^ Haiila and all his ways aa that his veu .loae by him cou.a-- .1 a lar^e a:iiouot of Ji.-sipiti • ., and as a tavern do hii beat to dela ich the n Island, and sit ta.x irea all the in.; It. It 1' .rand to see hoi tlicin-clvei respectable, will very l.west cU,ses of tha co Lleclioii time comes on AIL "EA t:\irriij.\3 " am â- nciiraldy b«i, but to add « m luioipal p.u? crs 13 quite tooa 'ai.e a:„l all the little mot^k w rfd, to think of fusiy lit:ia cha npi, n a.saiUnt ot all " exe .11.1 «11.VI 't-..r,ln, aid a' ,ut my »iii»lll â- *'""• '"â- l-""Sedmy minda«4M It' in,. ,h, uric. .\o*,f we ar, to the Ik e. use 01 the good doat "â-  '••"•""Pte Mho listen times rattar 'uini»;ers and doctors of the cilsa otn.i,.,.,er.f,rever, than this pjjf ihiDj; tor T TMito, except enabliac ni.ny ga „b iir; "sDorts " toalfc* nio ey on his tied." Isn't thiaa«falL •-h I ' s » ,• a .u: c in ida'i da-Huf I """ '"'*ev. r, all the sama. kt «tl..ut,«a.„,t.taslo»,tlyariLr ith I'li'l ri,e.nt.yte ' .^^ [^ NMl.Ul-uv.K KWO III "â-  ' •"" '^-y, yet bnght'..rd cb^ ""^•'""Vo.,.,e,, lh„eaa.i«,^ '""""";,i'«'r."i;/hiv;neitfc» ,-l«^-. ' il le jp mth the amâ€" ami,„K.,„l,l..T. ,3,1, ,„ themâ€" I -ny »ordb. marked, and let tlM« i.y l.o«- .: Iia, l*en fuiti led. w^I I hatt„...tvtouDclof next y«« '•caw:„t h.«er than the preM^ a tlie „K.,„i^„ he Con«rvaav.« thii.k ti.ey mil ljr_ "" ^pea.„.-,„,K. S;..V.,dr.w'..u,, ?V,T !•"â- â€¢ ^-^ howelo^i l" •"*•*'â- â€¢â€¢Â» â- "â- â€¢'IirmK"bauldJi ., I a cuti, u to Al lermau M a i^,;"':*" '"!.' 't' â- Scot.h, andhoi^ her.N.ots appUude.l, and dia^ .though the unl, of th.aociety 1 "â- '•â- â€¢, **-*"Ol^lyknws. vie la ,:*'i'»'"»y"""'^lownthe ho I) As tot s:rc:KuUay«up 'tnt„uspas.en^ers. Oh I J ^Qi.- 1.0 .could you expect it? a r 0- th« raihray can maaag* I taatconiesto, or my name is not Jacob f. Pdrnell and Hla Tenaii* {t'r m the Mauches:er EzaoriMJ At the meeting of fie lrrl.nii.|, l-„i„n the iliainnan i~r Ipiie liiai Mr. Tarnell would risjtj •t the ountry. so t.iat he might 1 *-^« ail i,M,„,v.or. Many peopl* 1 *l"v.-.l tlll^^ ..- the redoubtable ch ""-• lea.,.. i,„t now the faets ^•-»mi.^ ,mt. Mr. Dennis de hat th, ^.r. a crises of hardihip I ' uei„re liiu, .-« a mi^tratc ' •Mr. lariid.s prji^rtv " Sojp* [.roceeil..,! ».,;..,;, J„^..„,. 'o eje.-t „i a sm,. n^. and onl ' tiad a man » ,|ji.^ fion for i„a! .. „: troiJi H-!.i..K .^t^ jva- not .iJJ ;. ,.',otdlMr. ••K^wbeii i, 1,1/1 get t e Oppi '.a-itoitiiiui.l the distin^nijied ofk that the renUl of one lowfth ' trehlc the poor law valoation. a K lit boasted to Mr. UanniaJ 'Id the County 'arlow proii "t pay th" interest QiLJie I "y it. so well th^Q^-^Xa id money left, with wSh i.a ery â-  HowcSl IT. Uennis explains • " IS to take out leases' at nd thi.s is the story r«li lagistrate aud Chairmwrfi *nwhom li-iatimen l jaryr. and t. ward wb 1 10 snhacribe their â- A FAVOCRITE liiniinat '«t. when her luWrS bums, waa, "In tha tS "" the indepeudance of ewfei, equal, thatr id their o' " No«MATio« ontholwtMonavof tb« ye«- Fo. X«f rfffi FleAerton. pleaie, got" W-' -, ..I •chool mectiDR comai l?lSweSiesdayofthey«r. on the 1*" 11 V ^ti£tgomery» Bakery. cmKT and reliable watches atDoU'i, 'â- theJewel.riFlesherton. W. wiU give tle Weekly MaU in cornectTonStththe8xA«,A^tothe .,udofl881forf2.2«. Th. Daily Af"",.^"'"?*?*-??" aof Dominion ParUament far fl.OO. Igulwcription* taken hm. 1 Yov can »alk 1,000 nulee Uforo Pron can ioe a itora crowded with coa- TtommB and cheap Kooda like McFar- land's. QuEBT. â€" Howia it that M. Biohurd- son. sells that Tea for 50 rente, if he keeps it np he has got the Tea trade snre. Seb Mr. DoUb advertiaemant thia week. He has the Urgcst atock of liWerware, watches, *o., ever ahown in this sectiot of country. Get all •your writing done by B. Davis, Fleshorton. He does his work neatly and correctly, and looks after your irterestB promptly â€" obarges low. The Daily Globe from the opening to the close of the Dominion Parlia- aent for «nly on* dollar. Snbscrip- tiona token at trus office. To BNJOT Xmas properly, we would "advise you to get 6 or 10 potmds of lIcFarland'i 40 cent tea. It is strong anil rich fl.tvored, and without donbt the cLeipest tea north of Toronto. IssrEK with K. Davis â€" he repre- seots the the best Companies in Cana- da. Dent throw your money away by insuring with unreliable Compa- nies and Agenti. McFARLAND hivs just receivod Xmas Raisins, Xmas Currants, Xmas Sug- ars, Xmas Spices, Lemon, Orange and Citron peels, aud is selling them cheap, Ir you want to dispose of your farm or other property, send your name and address, No- of lot, c., for inser- tion in B. Davis' next catalogue, the largest ever issued in the County. The annual meeting of Township Agricultural Societies is the second Thursday ia the new year. The annual meeting 0/ Electoral District societies, comes on the third Wednes day of the year. Mb. J. n. Heard, of Flesherton, baa a lot of very fine honey, the pro- Jaction of his own Bees, which made Dur teeth water while he (Mr. H.) 'showed us through his houey appart- ment. Ad\t:rtise your stray cattle. If you have lost any, tbey may be sansing you a bill of damage in some body's barn yard If you have any in your j\oBa»mmoa, you may have your trou- Vle with ttfem for nothing, and be lia- ble to prosecution as well, for not ad- vertising them. Just think of it, McFarland is sel- ling lovely Brocade Satin Dress Goods 16 cents per yard, cheao at 25 cents. Ladies' wove Clouds 76 cents, well worth $1. Ladies' Kid Mitts, 60 cents, usual price $1, Gents' Kid Mitts, CO cents, usual price $1.25. They are selling fast. The Editor of the Thorbury Stan- â- Hard says â€" " JIarkdale has some of the best buildings in Grey, and many of them would do no discredit to Toronto," Your head is level, friend Farewell, the itonitor to the contrarjl notwithstanding. ii concebt in aid of the English Church fund .-at Maxwell, was held in the school of the village on Tuesday evening, 14th inst. The attendance was large, and evinced their apprecia- tion of the entertainment by loud and repeated applause. A majority of the parformers were from Markdle. The best present you can give your friends would be one of McFarland'a ?io Over- Coats; or set of Furs, $3.75; or handsome Shawl or pair of Kid Gloves ' or jet of Dishes or stylish Mantle; or suit of Clothes, $12. â€" McFarland will give you any of the above, or 1,000 more articles to choose from, much under regular prices, At a meeting of L. 0. L. No. 1046, held in the Orange Hall, Markdale, tliefollowmg oflScers were elected for the ensuing vear :â€" Brother James Elliott, W. M. Wm. Walker, D. M. John McFadden, Chaplain James D. Walker, Secretary; James Lackey, Treasurer Committee, Wm. Brady, W. J. Walker, WiUiam Blakcly, C. Walker, Thos. Wyvell. As THE holiday season approaches, people naturally begin to think where they can pnrchaso the lequisites for the-annUal plum pudding to best ad- vantage. We would recommend them to try Mclntyre. Those who think it no harm to "take a little for the stomach sake," should also yisit iiim, as he says he has the best in t wn, and the best is always the cheap- est. Don't fail to call on him. Wilcox is decidedly of the opinion that there is nothing like Printers' Ink for pushing business, and there- for6 is not satisfied witn anything less than a nhole page of thf^ Standabo to inforib liis friends and tfie pabkc gen- i^y, where to buy their Christmas m^ Nc-w Year's present's. The Bible ^^}n, ** "" g^odfor man to be alone, and Wilcox, wishing to assist his fel- low mortals to be guided by the good Book, 18 offering wedding rings from $1 upwards. Be sure and read bis •avertisemsnt. «rt0B, ia doing a good msinm u Urging Photoa aod Ataiaotj^m' 4 0««Ai olearing nle »t B. B. Hlira. .? Pncevflle. fat rij^y dajt. Mr. fi. 2. meuta bosineai, ^iyeliaa a mIL ^txyma done yerj ytmatij at CampbeU's wot^en taAixj, abo other work in his line. Bee adrertisement. HobLAXD Cwitre, Dramatic Club, wUl gire their first entertainineiit ia g»* pl*ee on Ohristmas Eve. Bm Ma. H. Hoo««, of nadiirton. haa Uia entire oontr^ of the Fttmitur., Bad! and Bqor Factory of that Til- lage, and has ramoved into the new brick -warerooaa reeM% -«»oted AdTflt^mei;) hnt week. ScTKKai. oominaiiioatioai aBdohnnRe of adrertiaeaMnta wiU have to lie over until next week. The rush of Job "Work has been so great, coupled with getting oat a Supplement to sapplT the demand on onr advertiein« colnmns, we ware oompelled.,«o omit then. 1jk» rnMiiin «f tb« Fnaeo-PrBMiMt wmt, and A»i^ tb* faocrora of the aeigt aod ComaoM WM kmt folded op and bwiid aia plaoe of aaeuitj, aainjimd^bj aboi w â- biil.^ yy mml jmtf it baa been 00 a h i lwfc w ia LfaMan, aad lita aik- tractediiiuT«nalat..ution, being eoa- odczed the prindpal faatora of the wendedU Itore Chuleiy. Hm qmiim meaamas 40 feet bj SO, onwfaisfaaia Mintad aoBM one hoiidnd and aavanfy dattnet fl«iinathe eeattal one briu JeaotleaTing PUata'i Jo^emant Bui for the place of crucifixion. Hie aeena as deniated by the renowned artist ia one utat can nev«r be forgotten. The pobliabers of the Montreal WmnM have had this picture faithfully repro- duced for the benefit of their sobscrib- ere. Every sobtciiber to that paper ^-^ Mlaocaat oMp nt, wbaaa at dafciM aD tka I eaaetad far tka fuftNumi •Canabaaoal ^^ " ........... «.» « wubt 4ibiAi^k «.ta fmlk. a* *••• ** « tlft^, par lb. Wa notica J. P. Sproule, has re- moved to hia new brick ahop, on Mill street, aad we most aay his stock of dry good*. Millinery, Groceries, Ac. looks very tempting to those who need an J lung in his line, he appears to be busy and taking in his share of the needful. Success to yon J. P. Wa wish to draw particular atten- tion to the advertisement of the re- opening of the Owen Bound High School, which takee place on the 7th of January, 1881. It is the only High School in the County, and as the Board Lave been to considerable trouble to procure first class teachers, should be patronized by the people of Grey in preferonoa to outside mstitu- tions. Ahonost the various features of im- provements noticeable in the village of Dundalk, none is there, perhaps mere remarkable than the drug buji- ness lately established in that village than that ot Mr. E. Phihps. It is only justice to Mr. P. to say that, while it is almost impossible to en- quu-e for any medicine which he has not on hand, his book and stationery department is amply supplied. His line and stock of fancy goods are not surpassed in beauty by any similar establishment in the province, The election oi Markdale Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, No. 834, took place on the 14th mst., when the fol- lowing officers were duly elected â€" Brother Thomas Mann, Master; Geo. Bichardson, Overseer James Lackey, Lecturer Adam Bhiel, Assistant Steward A. Elliott, Chaplain Bam'l Lackey, Treas. Thomas Elliott jr.. Secretary B. Coleman, Gate Keeper j Sister Alice Drew, Ceres M. £ Bichardson, Pomona; Elizabeth Drew, Flora Jane Wakar, Lady Assistant Steward. Delegates to Div. Grange, the W. M, aad J. Elliott. The Anniversary Services in the Ebeuczer P. M. (!hureh, held on last Sabbath and Monday were a grand success. The B'^v. L. Hall, of 0«- prey, preached .owded houses on Sabbath. Oh Monday evening, a densely packed audience as- sembled to do justice to the good things provided by the ladies of the neighborhood, and notwithstanding the large crowd thnre was abundance for all. After tea had been served, and several speeches given, under the leadership of Rev, Mr. Hall, an effort was made to obliterate the balance of the debt, which we are happy to say was suesessful, and now the peo- ple of that neighborhood rejoice in a church free frcm debt. A MEETING of the Directors of the Proton Agricultural Society was held at McCullough's Hotel, in the village of Dundalk, on Tuesday the 14th inst., to wind np the affairs of the society for the past year. From the Secre- tarv's report the society seems to be in a very fiourishing condition, show- in an increase of one hundred per cent in membership over last year, and a prospect of even a larger iilcrease for the coming year. The Treasurer has fully met ail demands made upon him for prize money, c. and has still a handsome surplos to carry over to next year. To the untiring energy ol the President, Mr. T. Han bury, the efficient services of the Secretary Mr. A. G-. Hunter, and a Board of Direc- tors, who sacrificed their own interests for tjie good of the society, is due the great success which it has attained.^ It is therefore to be hoped that the same lively interest will bo taken by the future Board, and that the society will soon stAud second to no other Township Society in this part of Western Canada. Bai( a asM e( Si ^wraaai^is a|) Sating ffluiataus T4e, WlMothepistrMi, Thej allbana t« niut; With eloinff, oh t so dainty, Twas fit {or any Kiag. 11M7 wnt 4Mt te %«Mt7. Ia aU tbfir nioe Mw KfaUies A* U7*iM M aaiy biaA biMl, That sings whais e're b* goas. We have been requested to pubUsh the following resolution, which speaks for itself :-^At the last regular -oom- nnmication of Prince Atthml libdge. No. 883, of A.. F. and A. M., held at Flesherton, the foUowing resolution was unanimonsly passed" â€" Moved by Bro, J. W. Armstrong, and seconded by Bro. Thos Gamey, that the heart felt sympathy of this lodge be and is hereby tendered W. Bro. W. J. Mc- Farland and his esteemed lady, in the very severe affection through which they have recently passed in t^eir very sore bereavement • d three dear children, an affliction which could not be properly naderstood or entered into excepting by those whose lot it was to pass through a similar ordcat. • We can assore Bro McFarland that thia resolution is not only expressive of heart felt sympathy of this lodge, bnt of a large community at every comer and in every house utteraricee of sor- row and spmpathy were constantly heard. As a community we felt deep- ly giatefnl to onr Father in Heaven for his kindmss towards us in leaving ns our families unbroken, and onr who, In rauewing his own subseription, eends that of another person not new a sabacnber, is entitled-to a copy -of the picture, and the new sub^;uart j|9Mr««v«rth^ gets one as well â€" each paying iHit' ^Wa^' ?P*^ li tiirham or in CflQingwood, in Owen Soand, r«r sti:l in Markdsl* ttetes. JXheir bisnds began to ask tliess, ^Ladbeea, i ootia $1.10, the nsnal price of tms exodl«Dt paper. The pietare ia only snpp^d to snbscribers to the Witnkss, ^lao. if. they do not get the second subaeriBMr, may have the picture by sendmg »; cents in addition to the ordinary Borip^ion of $1.10. A Gkano Tkcnk Railway Tb-^ih ix DxTKHAM. â€" For several days paetgr^^U interest has been takeit' b.y.' the rem- dents of this town and .nAighborhoed in the progress of •©^il^Tpr: Rf Last Saturday ^le" JfaH^,, iflere laid across the Gard|||u^|baa« atlYarney; a httle over twp^1|^ e^:^ pt "Dxkh ham, and tbe"'^tr6grf(|fe of^ ft^e w oUf •" â- 1^ nio« oloUia* be foand. â- "â- â- â-  Oh rko, bnt at H. BiosABnaoir'fi, rSBwWSVvery body goes. Who wont lo spend Uieix money well, AndUy it out in clothes. MARRIED On tlia at^'Saet., at the rssidenoe of the -WOeS^SMaeSapbraaU, by the Ber. D. ^Perry Mr. SAStkd SUwr, to Uisa Bebeooa " ..,.. l...ii»i»,'if e Hite* 0.«|^,1JW Oiaassaad. a.«o " xu 5fT wm 0*esaAiiplas.H.haahsL. Uri .......... 0.itf ' 9J0 IWIWw 0,0* » OJBT IivC0r4W^a i,Ti •* m FLE8HEBT0H. mim^imJLJ. Sfnmle, FUUurtem.) TnasMT. I«. KthUM. Flcnr. perbW M.^ to M .n firing Wheat par hash.. IJi^ to i.M Fall do. io. 4o. i.aa " iM Barley 0.eO •• i 0.85 Oats 0x0 •' OM Peae 0.M " CM Potatoes Oiao " ojo Batter, per lb. 0.17 '• 0.M fgsis:^ :::::::: 0.1* " 04* Beaf 400 • MO SheqMkins 0.«0 •' IM Hides 7.80 *- a.00 Hat COO 7JI0 Timothy saa4. S.00 '• S.fiO Wool ..., 0.S6 â- â€¢ O.SO lArd 0.10 •• o.ia TallMT ........ 0.0S '• 0.07 TOBONIS) • And Many Retimis of the Vipm;^ the wile of tir. dHflTHS. since then hil.Ai»fi'^«we4.1)y'a:i*rge ^^^fvSStoffJSJ" ^^\^ number of |Bi^^^*l4ay:r^^ M^'^BJh^tfiWBfe, d dangh day the rai» wttre ^dWwe wtacor-'t. ' 'I • -M ' .; â- â-  I ^= poration, an.lH^lyaf a iii-ilq-^or tka Mf V Y#ft COMBINGS. i4^thia,Bvempgfe' ' ' ' ' station building*. early to-morrow tliS^|»^ jjiii bpTaj^' •tlil'ti*^* m I up to the station, ana in "a'ifaw,^ajfii ifj^^rtiflto it is expected regular train's "w0 be running between here and ..^ra^ford. The road will not be f ull^ bahasted until next spring. The stolen lipuse was completed b M' Bn^p^ap, ]| Mount Forest, on Friday ijl;^ A quantity of ship timber ii alreaS; on the station ground, aud ll^ere'jare re- ports of several granarics'fi'eiiia: erectf ed immediately, and yesterday a larger quantity of grain was delivered in town. W. E. McAllister, Esq., treat- ed the tack- layers of the Toud to a first-class dinner yesterday, .st hisi ho. tel, and in varioas ways Ims earned the good opinion of tho^e worki^)^ on begs to anncnnea to ie aud Tioinity that «he np hair oombings into swt£«s.pnS»aBd;earl8, terms moderate â€" XMTU tMtm»r-!a».idenee oomer of Mark 'aBjQnswa's^BMtfc ypoaite Mr. Ikwes' rssi- ^ScidtXe^tee. 16th, I880. liml ^M Ctoaincery. THE FABM^IB* LOAN AND SAVINGS GOMIANY, r."s.r VS. .. .; r. Av- r -x jjgcKiE, TyJlEk^TtiNT to tke Decree made in this 'if' 'tiiose, there « ill be sold with the appro- •dicJAoi r. W. Taylor, Esquire, Slaster in Ordteiirv'of tUi'Sotn't by J. M. Webster, v!Mietia«e*;: â-  '•"'• „ At tbe FL£SH£RTON Hotel, the road.' No doubt ^e ?vibce«^ful 3ii|!nHS4»ilAldftr OF FLESHfiKTON, completion of the railway wiUibe^fhc atthehehrlV'ttHiifo^oek in the afternoon beginning of a new era for Dnrhan^ M ' i j^ and the neighboring town ships,, and Ttar^dajr, Ike Thirteenth 4ay afford more than satisfaction to thpse oC Jaimalry,l§Sl, who have been labouring for years to" the {)^nowuigl«ji^3,an4, premises in one par- get a railway to this Bection;An4,the.r'^!;;^l^^4y^o^of*7h^ Durectors of iJie Company. V)«W^ri .j^t,^^^ 'jg^g^^un^ .forey.exceptiog with the authorities of the ^p-rjtBd-'lLereb'ttt tiree»(;t»8 ofTlhe north west corner Trunk Railway, are to be congratulat- of said lot. The' 'said lot consists of about ed on then: mOHeikB in bringing this siheme so for Awards completion of ,i^ji; the first section, abd we beUera that 'hsmici.' the road will fully eara its name-in a "'And *j*^ •' {Tfteial to tht Standmrd.) ToBOTO, Dae. 9, 1880. Wheat ,(aU. per bi)sh tl 10 to gl 15 Wheat, spring, do 1 10 to 1 li Barley, do, b 70 to Oats, "iM- ;:aaiP:to Wo«il4iftkedHS«pp(wtuait]rflf tendfrioglMS ^^^c^ duties for theliwry liberal patroiaage which -fae h»9 natipmhbiAm Iast Sm, vkUst it is the general crv od all sides' ef^'^ldl tiaes,it tias been lateii^^out utmost tiility to Iwep-paB^-vith mxrn^ tHCretfsa in business^ as I flad, by reFef ence to mj Books, m J cash sales and grain receipts, and business fjene- rsilly have ALMOSTDOUBLED THE PA8T YEAR THATOFTHE PHtetmNe ONE. In view jf iHiich I have now on hand for the Holiday Seaso^^ THB liABQEST and MOST COMPXiBTB STOCK 6w DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS -A.]Nr StIOKfS, 4 â-  V i Peas, do. Bye, do Otover Seed do Dressed bogs, per 100 lbs Beef, hud quarters Beef, fore quarters Chickens, per pair Fowls, do. • • Ducks, per brMM Qeese. each Turkeys Butter, large rolls Batter, tnb dairy Butter, Rtore-padced ..,.. Eggs, fresh, per dos Eggs, packed Apples, per brl Potatoes, per bag....... Onions, per bag ....*• '0'v u 87 to o oe to 6 00 to 4 60 to a 00 to So to 40 to 5o to 60 to 76 to 18 to to to 18 to o 18 to 00 to 1 00 to 60 to o oO to 96 S« 70 88 o 00 6 25 6 00 i eo 46 4o 6n «o 1 85 15 81 20 00 00 1 lo 86 1 66 and AKD Fancy Holiday Presents ALSO Hav 8 60 to 18 86 ico aleiea otland^ef which about 60 acres short time. â€" Rfsiew. :,iiiaXi m^ DUNDALK ITEMS, ^^f ' As the iron tongue of time rever- brates thronch the surrounding air, proclaiming the approaching deibise of tht departing year, and ushering in that'philanthrophic period, whan as- pirants for municipal renown feel their heartn redundant with high re- fitnrd for the personal health and hap- piness of the Katepayer aud his wife and " bairns," two of our moat res- pected citizens have unsheathed the sword for battle, and, entering into tbe arena of conflict, have siprnified their intention of contesting the Beeve- ship of Broton. In plain language. Messrs. Middletoi and Nelson are now in the field, as candidates for the office of Chief Municipal officer ot Proton, and opinion is varied, so far, as to which of the two will eventually prove the favorite. One feature in the sttugglu is that, neither of th« candidates endeavor to bespatter the reputation of the other â€" a character- istic which it would be well for others to imitate. Apropos this subject, some witless creature has attempted awordycaraca- ture of the contest, comparing it to a race, and bestowmg nonsensical cog- nomens en the candidates. This, of course, is the emanation of some shal- low-pated would be punster but it is sdmb*»hat strange that any person With a proper regard for social ameni- ties would permit such tomfoolery to be exhibited in their establishment. The new Episcopal church was opened with considerable eclact on Sunday last- The Rev. Mr. Hender- sdn of Orangeville officiated in the the forenoon, the Bev. Mr. Booney of Homing's Mills in the evening,â€" '• Comparisons are odious" it is said, therefore I must content myself by saymg that the Rev. gentleman from your village preached and inapressive sermon on the occasion, while both Heaars Henderson and Booney were in iMair Happiest iiioods, and highly thought of by the assemblages present. The building on each occasion was intensely crowded, n»any people hav- ing to go away without bemg able to obtain admission. The Shelbume Choir was present, and gave some sboioa sacred selections, the rendition of whjeh moat be olaaeed as tery **^e Bev. Mr. Aikins having reeeiv- ed a call from the Dtinlalk Presbyte- rian Congregation, has, with ^is fam- JlT/4^boBie a Resident of this Village, and entered upon the duties of his oalling. Doubtless the fact of a remainder well timbered pie, ihâ€" wo ndjud gome id cleared is aiWtH^fttm of oo^iration. The said le Me^ord Boad, about iuUtt Station on the To BOS'Bailway. About six '-and a-halfliiUes from iPlesherton, and is rea- "dily aoeeB.sible to said villages by good roadi, and the said villages sfford good markets for the sale of produce. The said lot is ajsi well watered by a creek, and there is no swampy land on said lot. The said lot has ereeted thereon farm buildings eonsisting of a fram* hou'ie, and log barn. Terms of sale â€" Tan pnr pent, is to be paid the vsudors or their solicitors at the time of sale, twenty-five per oont. within thirty days thereafter, without interest, and the balance to be secured by first mo'tgageon said prem- ises payable in three or five ysars, with in- terest at seven per cent, per annum The property will be sold subject to a re serve bid fixed by the Master. In all othsr respects the terms and conditions of sals will be the standing conditions of the Court of Chancery. For further particulars apply at the littw Offices of W. Mulock, Esq., vendor's soticitor, Messrs. Crooks, Kingsmill and Cit- anaeh, and Messrs. MoCarttiy, Hoskins, Flnmb and Creelman, solicitors, Toronto. Dated December 8, 1880. 14-8 ' (Signed) T. W. TAYLOB. IVOTIOE. ALL parties indebted to the ondeisigned either by note or boek acconnt wSt call at my shop and settle without farther notice. As I have net time to visit yon all at your homes, and it is toe expensive to send out a coUeotor, x hope the above notice fill be sul- fioient. JOHN NOBIiE. Markdale, Dee. 17, 1880. U-^f DlSSOLUTIDN^FfARTNERSHIP THE partnership heretofore existing be- tween H. A B. Hooper, CRbinwt and Sash £ Door mannfaotn ers, of the Vi l;g4 rf Flesherton, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. The business ss formerly will be carried on by H. Hooper, to whom all notes and accoimts must be paid, and by whom all liabilities will be discharged. (Signed) HENllT HOOPER, BICHABD HOOPfiB- Witnessâ€" BOBEBT DAVIS. Flesherton, Dee. «th, 1880. (4 4 CHUISTMAS AND N£"W TEAK'S CAKDS. Also, the Largest andTOost Complete Stock of- AND ESTABLIS HED 35 YEARS WEEKLY SPECTATOR A LAUGE EIGHT-PAGE PAPER â€"ONLYâ€", LADIES-COATS AND MANTLES, ^:-. • Ever shown in this Norther Country. ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT THB LOWEST REMUNERATIVE CASH PRICES. Tear. (W) Per Year. One of the Liargest and best "Weeklies in Canada. RATEPAYERS, kVARO NO. 3, -T-JTTILL please take notice, that the Col- VV lector will be at the ««vere Honse, Markdale on the 2oth of Deeember, I880, for thsJLast Time, to receive all unpaid taxes. After that data measures to enfore* navment will be resorted to. â- ' S. DONNELLY, Dated Deo. 9th, 1880. 1*-^ BILUNOE OF 1880 FREL Agents reeeive 36 Cents for ev; ry yearly snb- seriber. Any partr sending as thret snb- seribors will leeaive a copy, post-paid, of the Farmer's Aoeount Book, worth one dollar, m place of the usual commission Send A post card for Sample Copy of onr Weekly, which is sent free. The only paper in Canada that pnbli idles a Draught Column. Address 8PBCTAT0B PBINTING COMPANY. Hawilion, Ont. Nor. u, iMOi. i • I Oholet f am of ISO Icrts FOB SALE, One Mile from the Village of Markdale. Thsie are aboat 100 acres elasred, the most of which is in a high state of coltiration and fit for a Reaper or Mower to work on. There are on the premises a Frame House brisked inside; a Milk House bricked inside; a' Frtime Stable and Dririog House, and Log Bam ' ». Young Orchard comnfencing to bear; a good Well, beside the bodes a bever-filing Stream runs aoross the farm Cedar snffici- SDt for isueing, balance of bush hardwood, (• First-claas M/ple Sugar Bush of some 400 trees). Tbe farm is well fenced, in a, good state of repair, and in « Aoice locality, be- ing within a mile of good market, churches, school houses, and- all neeetsaiy conveni- ences. a w. BnTLEDoa, Having made (^xteasive alterations and tmproTemettti' Iflie past season in my Grain Warehouse, at Flesirerton andl Flesherton Station^ I am prepared to pay the HIGHJBsi^ PRIGS IN CASH I For any Quantity of good Crain or And as I keep buyers constantly on both Markets, Flesher- ton and the Station, all will finda REAY SALE for Grain when oflFcred ' ' â-  I will how commence a- GBEAT GLEABING @ALE Of my large and complete stodc of Maslelioaf Farm. Markdala Pall and Wmter J^ryjGkiipfJfi, MENS' AND BOY?' CLQTlilNG, ftSJStc. Hats, Caps, Ews, j;i^$lie5' Coate BS^d, 1 Weaving. Weaving- '*?r/ ILLINCftY^ ,--.l j I w. And will continue to sell at a -1 i» Very Small Adva^OB on Cost I Any pOTMB haTing work to do in tha aboTO line, «n gtt it doiM DONE WITHOUT DB4.AY, Afiras Until all is c ont. t r, "impShertOn W^OOlftH i^MjtOrV- *=*** *» respectfoUy solic^^ to grf quotations b3bre *^^ ...,..*f. purchasing elsewhere, c*-^ P« .Tl Ewfag nearly all orders completed at present on iM^ it n^ ak tt* Ji»«ol kha »r. HnietaWrferM i»tth work, mayr^r^ bavmg it pcmafOf attoided to EVERY BRANCH SF THE BHSHIESS BEMEMBEB THE PLACE FOR BABQABfS 19^ AX" Will be earriad on thronghoat tha wilcr. N. It J. SPBOUIiEU flesh^'tgn. Fkshertnn, Ioc«mh«r IS, IW« CAMPBELL. 14 Flesherton,' December i6, if*8o. H-ly jf â-  ' '" â-  *.â- ."â- â- *'« â- *â- ' _.♦ ,• ':-v- V:* ::^:^;i..-^-^v- -.. •:'••••

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