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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 17 Dec 1880, p. 1

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 « ' '•* i !l Torcntd, 6rey ft Iiim R'y. Chsinfre l Time. rin cjiJ »(Ur MONDAY, SrJ NOV. traiiu GOING NORTH. Toronto, â€" I'mon Siat.ou. 0"f .7::,i a. ra. V2:li p. m. 5:00 p. ra. «'«;!•â-  n,. .. 7. ;.'».m 12.45r m. ^^'â- â- vii " I.OOp.m. fi.SCp.m li(ninl«r-)iii 'ih.lO«.in. l.HOp .m. ';,; p.m. U-."..ih-,ii:. 1 .Wp' p.m. K'emtev .. 9 On am. ".13 24 p.m. i'«l:o-t •♦ •-'.â- ;, 2.h7| .m. « 43 p.m. ',... ... • ii-i â- \ 11 7 0."i p.m. •â-  1 ••. H. "i ;. M. 7 0(1 pm. ,. ;••..â- â€¢â€¢ aUI. :.'l".;. ;r' "â- â- '\Kfi\. ' !k •• -.-. • .:- v.' ,, m 'f 'ijt;' 'â- -;, a Hi ..-. ,..m. I.'iilr 1. ..1! ' il.5J a.m. '..• ir*;..!ij.... l2.:S0p.ra O.OO p m. l.I.5'p.m. fi..".o p.m. ri^.Ti.rtoiv^A 1.3.5 pm. 7.11 p.m. 'iio«» \.'t' p m. 7.3-5 p m. MarLUI*... ' p.m. H.(,.5 p.m. »••-. ii;v 'i-Ar, p.m. 8.J8 p.ra: Wjlla..,-.f„r,l 'l' i..m. 8.;6pm. 3 0.-. pm. S.Ofi p.m. â-  'liiit.-.-^»rt!i 3.1.' p.m. 9 16 p.m. l:.j^:;«-I 3.3H pih. 9 .Sfi ji.m. Ojii- S.. i-l ^.iiOL.m 10.10 jj.m. GOING SOUTH' •J*. -.1 Sti^. 1, •11 pat t *i.3 a.m. 12.00 noon. â- i..':kf«'l .1. ' 7.t)( am. 12. 'JO p.m. •tJ- .. •.)!. 7.-.'0a.m. 12..i." p.ra. .â- I'.tT 7 30 11 m. l.Of. p.m. W 1 iH.n^f'r i 7. IH a.m. 1.2Hpm. J;-rTc'v H.o.-, lira. l.l»* p.m. U irk i:i!.f 8.30 am. 2.1'i p m. ;.l.-,l..rt"ii-AI' rn-*'Viile H't't a.m. 2.4." p m. IV .t. 11 0.1." am. .3 10 p.m. ^iiiliilk .. '.1.3.1 a.ra. 3.30 p.m. ^^h^-^IlrlJ^. ,. 10 1" a.m. 4 1.5 p.m. I.H'irt-i 10.47 am. 4. .50 p.m. Or«;.i".v;ili- J iiielion ri.Oila.ui. .5.05 p.m. «â- ..•;•. K«iU.r. 1 A.',-.- 11:1.- a. m. ":20 p. ni p. 7.1" a.m. ll.'t.'j a. m. 5.40 p. m. A'-..n 7.3." a.m. 11. ".." a.m. COO p.m. ttitrU'.^tiiit. 7..'.0a.m. li.lOpm. 6.1S p.m. .Millie Hin«l..(."j.' a.m. IS'.lti.ii.. ...... 8. 1.5 a.m. k iiiliiirt' .. 11.0.5 a.m. A\o'-il.r.i!i.'.-..'.t.25 a.m. M' ilM-r Siiit'J. ton.m.' W'sti.u... .10.0(1 a.m. •♦'arl'tiii lO.IOa.m. 12.4.- p.m. 1.10 p.m. 1.30 p.m. 1.50 p.m. 2.0.5 p.m. 2 27 p.m. 2 .3!t p.m. 7.0.'i p.m. 7..i3 p.ra. 7..5.5 p.m. H.17 p.m. 8.^3 p.m. '.t.W ji.m. 9!15 p.m. Tiifto.Mi., â€" I'll inn -Statiiiii, Arrivi'.,. 10.30 a.m. 3.00 p.m. 9.40 p.m. -â- .'a .- ..THE standard: Mibjrct gives rise to nuuij an tutimat' ed discnsaion. paMic and priTat«. Onr jonnginen'aLiteraryGlab have had the â- abjeet nnder eonridentiaa for anme time, and bad a vary lively and spirit- ed debate on TacsJaT evaui^. 'attn was some very good apeakin^ ialeat developed, and it is a pity they keep it M close without occasionally giving the public an opp»tuuty of being praseiit. Mr, H. Hooper baa bought out bis brother in the Cabinet, tiasb nod Door Factory, and is moving into the new brick warerooms recently ersctoJ. Mr. Damnde has sold ont his har- nes*! businesa to a party firoiii Mount Fores*. A cnnrageons limb of the law un- dertook to look after some boys at the concert on Monday evening, the re- sult lieing that he maile himself more conspicnoas than necessary. We be- liev^ of the two the boys had the most sense. With coal oil at 40c, young men should curtail their hours for paying respects to their sweethearts. Mr. Thorp Wright is building a hay pretis, and is going to try tne experi- ment of shipping hay to the Amenean market. If it pays, farmers wfll find a market for their enrplns stock. The band plays at the Bisk Thurs- day evenines. (The aboTS was crowd- ed out last week.) From anothar CorrwTvmd'iit. Diphtheria,â€" Diihtheria has made its appearance at Mr. Dales, who lives two and one-half miles from this vil- lafr«». Two of the family have been suffering severely from the disease. â€" Chaxsed Haxps. â€" ?.fr. Damude has sold out his ""tock of harness to Mr. Gordon of Elora. ?vfr. Gordon will carry on the business in this village. MASQrEP..^nK Caemv.^l. â€" .\. grand Masqnerade Camive.l will be held on the Flesherton Skating Riuk, on the evening of the 31st in.=t. Mr. F. Sarjeant, the propnetor, lins secured a large stock of costly prizes for dis- tribution that evening. i^ ^m SW ^mimm mm m m iiid]g«Bt pttsoD. Ifored by Mr. Siof seooodad bgr Mr. Jltaglas. that J. Gillia be in«truetefj4p proenra bdg inga for Widow McDMgUl, forth* uumiMfihiij aoiMat Uus C«i|ieil .«t mMlbg Jm launalf. n^ M««td b^i(r.-§iu4'aeap6di Inkater, tiuU Oi aMwmKt J. $6. for taking car^ bt Waiow lieD«»- gall, be paid, and that the Beare issoa his order for the aama. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Douglas seconded by Mr. Sing, that the sum of 42 cants t«' refunded to Ann Robinson, ove^ehargo m assessment and that the Reeve issue his order for the same. â€" Carried. '*^"--^"""'-^ ' â- ^' thatm eroment, only tiie geographical line^ hfive^ ted, we most not forget, tl|^j»^J«r to in*ar* permananey aad iuttkHSsj of tfaiiMi IBiiiEMVTetMOBirthi care and caution is necessary on the part of the tmsteM. to pne^ehi » rt- curtenee of the troubles which severed Mr. Douglas introduM tky-Iaws Ifb.'^e first ^Kfi' 191, 19S, 198 and 194, to appoint a ed that at the timati^aintoaioa^fas Calleetor, provide polling piaess, ap- disMolved, the then tmsteei, regardlaaa point Dep. Retumiug Officers, and of the interest of the saliool, and «on- places for nominations, pa} UfBcerBJfaiity to the wishes of a nqajority iif, and instruct the Treasurer to pay t^e people, persuted in aoourae whkk U01.LAND CENTRE. Friday, Dec 17th, 1880. TSO'I^ICK f|1IIF."aiiiiila Ail'i-rt'siiij Ai;fnov a aii'lio |ti piip Kin»; .Siri-i-t W.-t. V.' W. IM ori/.i- 1 lu rer*.vi Ko. 29 Trtri.ntii. rciir.r,. M-moi/^r. ' adv) rlisimHiita for --TO Al)VKUTISi;nS. "*1 ^Vji li.ive ilmil.'il to" print a •Ti-igont :ii cumjci-lKin witli tlio St eup- Staxd- twrci; licfiirc tli." Ilolliliiys, as nil f xfiJv niuiiuiit (if advcrtlK- 1' iit !li;it sciisfiM of the yciir, lin ii'it ivniit t'l decrease tho iiirittor, we will jji^'" those Ji (xtni simce, liberiil terms, by iiiii:ifi-. Ill a half slictt .•^iiiipleiiU'iit, partii's ^nisliiii;; ti taki^ a(lvanfa;;e of i!ii- :i';i'!i!j .• •!iii-iit will let ui kii'iw "li/u' i«I titni' ClNiV CO! NCIL. 'Ii.i';*' O I Moii';i t;iiii- ilf ;.•»• Ii I'll- al.Ui .\!ili'fa.' .till' prpceeiiiiii{.s iiuxt week. •ii-!. at l:;!li I. )ir. ss I'riiciire Oaiii Sound iiisl. At tln' w.' have only the Warden's W • will givo a syiiopsia of W.VIIUKN S AI.nKESS. tlnule'ittii ff thf (niinril. â€" We are iMW Mift ill scâ- ^lsion ti fiiinplote the biisiiii-s.s (if tiie.your, and it is of some .â- latisliicti:)!! tliiit tliQro is notliin;; of a fr| ed'al iialiiru. so far as I am awure, t»"iiL,M)^o ymir ailentimi at this session. On tin oilier liiiinl there is great reasM-i for con"ratuliition on accouut of tlio abiiiidaiit harvest which has croniieil tin- labors of the liusIiandniRn, MUil hocausu of the improved fin- ancial iiositicui of the comity. I liave much jileiisiire in observing that the i}efanltiii municipalities have I'uid ii|):i consiilerablo amount ()f their inile' to tliis coanty since last session. It is to he J-opeil that th(» ^i^» work thus hegiii) will be continn- »*.l, anil tiiiisbcil before the end of our finHi:cinl Tear. Tiio a^'onts of tho Merchants and Mol.soLs Uafiks of this Town notifiet^ the County Treasurer that the rate of interest on County deposits would he reduced to H p.»r cent on the minimum monthly balance, after which the County Treasurer placed himself m coi:iiniinication "ft-ith^ither Mmietary insiitiitioivs, and tho correspondence on the subject will be laid before you. J would call your attention to the fact that there is $50,000 from the liiikinj; fund of by-law No. 174 forin- vestnii lit which will require your care- ful coiibiderntion. 'the prtsentineiit tf the Grand diiry uiiilar the direction of tho lion. Jiisiico Cameron ut the last settings of the Fall .\s'«izes will be laid before you. i would direct your special at- tention to ti.e para;,'raph in which refe:ci:ce is made to the duficient supi'ly of wat';r to tho uaul. As I'leiiiy of water can now be obtained at a reasonable rate from the Water Works now in operatiou in this town, there need be no unnecessary delay in rciutdying the evil complained of. .^ince the last session of this Coun- cil I have learned with extreme regret of tho death of Mr. Wm. White. First Deputy lieeve of tlie Township, of ColliiigwcNid, one of the oldest and most respected meaberj of this Coun- cil. I take this opportuuity, and I am sure, gentlemen, that you wUl join in exircKsiiiK our deep regret at me the lods from our midst of a man so highly esteemed for honor, probity uno mteliigda' as the late Mr. Wm" White. Geutlemen. as this is '.he last ses sion of the Couucil for the current year, I d«sire to express my sincere tl auks for your forbearance, for your kind fiupprt, and the respect yon have showi. me m tho discharge of my duties as Warden of this County. I have the honor. Gentlemen, to be your obedient servant, Flnlat MmRax. Cnuneil Chamber, O. S., Der. 18th, 18»0. Township Council met in Vogan's Hall, for the transaction of business. Members all present. Reeve in the Chair. Minutes of former meeting read and approved. Moved by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Shute, that the by-law for the purpose of granting ten thousand dollars to the T., G. li. Railway Company, bo read a first time. Moved by the Deputy Reeve, seconded by Mr. bhute, that the above named by-law be read a second time. At this stage of the proceedings, a telegram was received from Mr. Wrajjge, the manager of the road, stating that they drJ not intend to push the by-law at present. Mov^d by Mr. Shute, seconded by Mr. Mer- riaiu, that Thomas Trou^hton be re' funded 00c, also J5enj. Wright C9c,on I account of error in assessment. Mov- ed by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Shute, that Robert Bradley receive an order for ip'J.OOas road work perform- ed by him. Moved bv Mr. Norton, i seconded by Mr. Shute, that B. Bu- 1 diannaa get an order for $5.21 on I account of error in assessment on I park lot 7, Williamsford, and the I Clerk notify the County Treasurer to erase all taxes against park lot 7, Wil- liara.iford, for 79. Moved by Mr. .Niutoii, seconded by Mr. Shute, that Samuel Carsou cet an order for $2.25 being error in asiessment. Moved by Mr. Shate, eecauded by the Deputy Reeve, that all order be issued in fa- vor of-Jlobert Bradley for $29.64 on account of over assessment.. Moved by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Mer- riam, that the petition of Alexander McClelland and others, with respect to building sidewalks inWalter's Falls be supplemented by granting the sum of $25. Mr. Shute Moved, seconded by Mr. MeiTiam, that east 1 123, con. 3, E. T. S. r»ad, be assessed to Jas. Bur- chill, and b« extended on the Collec- tor's Roll. Moved by Mr. Shute, so- dflided by Mr. Norton, that James Grant get an order for $4.00 on ac- count of back taxes. Tho Deputy Keeve moved, seconded by Mr. Mor- f!am, the roport of Messrs. Norton and Shute, with regard to be adopted. Mr. Norton laoved, se- conded by Mr. Shute, that Mrs. Gra- ham receive an oi ier for $6, to buy provisions for heu family, in accord- ance with a petition signed by Thomas Anderson and others. Mr. Merriam moved, seconded by Mr. Shute, that James Dugeon receive the sum of $2. to on nccouut of Gravel bought by him to repair the road. Mr: Nor- ton moved, seconded by the Deputy Reeve, that by-law No, 8 be signed sealdd and engrossed on the minutes. Mr. Shute moved, seconded by Mr. Norton, that the -Clerk he instructed to notify the Township Treasurer to withold out of the fund depositted with him by the railway Company the sum of $12, to defray tho expenses of a special meeting held on their account. Mr. Norton moved, seconded by Mr. Shute. that the Road Inspeator be instructed to build a bridge over the Sauble on the tenth line. Mr. Shute moved, seconded by Mr. Mer- riam, that the clerk furnish the Trea- surer with the amount of school mo- neys coming to each Section, and to pay the amount to the order ol the Trustees interested. Mr. Norton mo- ved, seconded by Mr. Shute, that the Clerk write to tho difierent printing ofiiees with regard to the ballot print- ing. Mr. Norton moved, seoonded by Mr, Shute, that this council adjourn $in* die. Cakson Price, Clerk. school monevs, to ordor of Trusteea respectively. These by-laws were read a first, second and third time, signed, sealed and engrossed in the minut8. Moved by Mr. Sing seconded hy Mr. Winters, that the aceonnts of Wm. Milne for goods supplied to O. Miller and Widow McQueen, ameontiDg re- spectively to $18.12 and $7.00; for adding statiatieal eoianuiB of assess- ment roils for 1879 and 1880, $1.00; for eompiling and prep«riog abstraet statement of the receipts and expendi- tures and of assets and liabihties of tliis mnnicipality, $2.00 for prcpar ing report for agricultural commission. $4.00; for nntting np netic«s r* rond alloTvance, on the 18th con., $2.00, be paid, and that the Reeve issue bis orders for the same, â€" Carried, Moved by Mr. Winters, seconded by Mr. Sing, that James Winters be paid $1 for superintending erection of a cul- vert and clearing water coarse at lot 28, con. 2, N.; and that AgnstusRob- ins'n, be paid 75 cents for plaukmg culvert at lot 19, con. 1, S.. Reeve to issue orders. â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Sinfj, seconded by Mr. Douglas, that the accouut af Neil McKInnon for repairing road scrapers, $4.50 the Reeve 40 cents for telegram the Clerk 40 cents, express, $G.0O poatage, and IS cents, nails, for F. Winter's coffiin, be paid, and the Reeve issue his orders for the same. â€" Carried. On motion, the Council adjourned, tine die. Wm. Milks, Tp. Clerii. ARTEMKSIA CO JNCIL. OSPREY COUNCIL. ' FLhbUERTOS. J'rom onr CorrMpondenl. Yonr r«i«ders aie don'btless all more «r less interested m the accounts- of uie distal bailees in Ireland, and tli« Tho Coancil met at the orange hall, Maxwell, on Tuesday, tho 3rd inst., pursuant to adjournment from 1st October. Members present â€" Messrs. Gamey Reeve Douglas Dep. Reeve Inkster, Sing,and Winters CuuuciHors. The R|eve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Communications: â€" From Co. Treas., re lots 64 and C5, in the Ist con., N., and lot 33. in con, 13, withdrawn frfm sale and taxes erased. Do. do., re lot 29, con 14, sale to C. R. Sing, on the 27th of May, 18fi4, cancelled by Crown Land Dep. From Trustees of school section No. 8, asking levy to be reduced to one half the amount aeked for. From A. Camenm, Tmstee, 8. S. No. 10 refusing to giant special school privelagsa to A. Sinclair and G. Miller. From W. Uatohiuson, re. statute labor. From W. Milne and Neil UcEinnon, aceonnts. Moved by Mr. Sing, seconded by Mr. Winters, that the Collector be instmeted to ac- cept J. BtiBsons' taxes less $2, Wm. Hutchinsona' less $8, for statate labor performed and retomed nndone.-Car- ried. J. Gillis appeared before CoonoD reqoestiiig aid foe A. MeDftagaU, an This Council met in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Monday, December 6, 1880. Members all present. The Reeve in the Chair. Minutes of pre- vious meeting read and approved. â€" Communication from A. Webster, Esq.. re Mrs. Martin's Taxes, read. Accoount of J. Rutherford, for statiou ery for 1880, and of W. Watson for repairing scraper, were presented. â€" By-law No. 819, appointing Deputy re- turning officers, and places for hold- ing elections for 1881 and by-law No. 820, amending by-law 818, introduced by Mr. Elliott, and passed in the usu- alway. Mr. Elliott moved, seconded j by Mr. McLeod, that John Blain be [paid $50.00, being on account of Nelson Hill Contract, on town line Artemesia and Euphrasia and that the time for completing said contract be extended until the 16th of June, 1881, it being nearly completed and that the raoVer represent this township in the matter of Arbitration ordered by previous resolution. â€" Carried. Mr. McLeod moved, seconded by Mr. Wright, that the following sums bo paid the following school sections, ac- cording to their trustees orders. No 1. $418:45, less debenture and inter- est $188.40; No. 2. $381.50; No. 3, $440.40, less debentore and interest, $180.00; No. 4, $881,80; No. 5, $685,58, less debenture and interest, $76.68; No. 6, $246.00; No. 7, $300.95; No. 8, $J3G.-'0; No, 9, $390.70; No. 11, $325.00; No. 12, $409.01 No. 18. $156.16 Separate School of No. 6, $201.60, less deben ture and interest, $65.00 Union School Section No. 1, Euphrasia and Artemesia, $222.61 Police Trustees, .Markdale, $4,5.95. â€" Carried; Mr. Wright meved, seconded by Mr. Ped- ler, that the following parties be re funded tho following stuns, viz.: â€" I Parks, $9.87; Mrs. Martm, $6.82, the same being arrears charged in error. Carried. Mr. McLeod moved seconded b^ Mr. Wnght, that Wm. Meads be refunded $10.60. bsing ar- rears of taxes charged in error against ^y. part of lot 30, 1 N. D. R.â€" Car- ried. Mr. Wright moved, seconded by Mr. McLeod. that the Clerk notify the T., G. k Bruce Railway Company that the amount to cover the expenses of submitting the by-law must be ad- vanced, before this Council will pro- coed to submit the same. â€" Carried. Mr. Wnght moved, seconded by Mr. McLeod, that tho Clerk correct the Roll so far as the Police Village of Markdale is concerned, and request tho Collector for Ward No. 2 to collect the sums omitted. â€" Carried. Mr. Elliott moved, seconded by Mr, Mc- Leod, that John AVebster be allowed to perform statute labor for lot 22, con. 14, for 1880. under pathmaster for 1881, and that he be refunded $2,50 on furnishing pathmasters cer- tificate that said work has been per- formed, and Charles Bellamy on same grounds.â€" Carriel. Mr. Elliott mov- ed.seconded by Mr. McLeod, that the Reeve issue his order for following am'U, Rutherford $10.40; W. Watson 60c, and indigent monthly allowance $14.00. Mr. Wright moved, second- ed by Mr. Pedlar, That the Township Printing be given to the Owen Sound Timet and J. Rutherford, and that the motion giving it to the STANDAan be and is hereby rescinded. Yeagâ€" Messrs. McLeod, Wright; Pedlar and Christoe. Xayt~Ur. Elliott. Coun- cil adjourned. W. J. BELI.A1IT, Clerk. eventuated in that disaster. Let m; then, profit by their exanfple, anS avoid the errors into which tjiay ftll' let us by the exercise of matnal for- bearance, mutual eonfideno* aad-self*- respeet endeavor ta avoid every occa- sion of offence, so that distrust and jealoBsy may give place to barmef and goodfeelinv thivaghout the •ntir»' section. We remark in tkis oonnexion, that the ehoios of a trustee is of the very first importance great care and oir- cnmspection slionld be exeroised in the choice no person sboalp be cho- sen to that important trust whose per- sonal or private interests would be likely to intrrtere with his freedom of action nr warp his judgement, for yon know '-Maukind are nace weak, »ni little to be tmsted, "'^Hiare fU the wavering bilanee shakes, "Iti)' raraly right Sxjiuteil." True, while the constitution of the Board remains as at present, the in- troduction of one "black sheep' would not materially affect the manajement; still it is well to guard against even the "appearance of evil," lest the bat- tles of two years' ago might, ere long, have to be fought over again. Again, we say to every ratepayer, remember Wednesday, the 29th inst.; come to the annual meeting and see and hear for yourselves what accouut the trus- tees can give of their " stewardship" in the past. Be on hand early, and if there are any grievances to com- plain of, make them known publicly and manfully, so that all parties inter- ested may have au apportuuity of hear- ing such explanations aud leplies as may be given iu reference thereto. W. Crown. Markdale, Dec. 14, 1880. fitrbMm â€" Third month. Frieeville Hanover â€" Mo| Mount Fores esefa month. XJnelphâ€" I month. Hairistonâ€" Fi^idaj Fair. DrajtOTiâ€" Saturday before Gnelph. at band, I stock of DoBcUa â€" Monday before Elura Fair " *„^^^c^tl»lifwa " the day after Gnelph. leipt il liM i lijlmi «*wp«#i :f Brampton-First .^toB^Z/JS^ittfe mootb. Listowel-rFifqiOi^ H ^clvWOT# Fsrgus-O'tMiaiW '*»Upw« ifcw* ForeBfe^" â- â- " (-«'v -J .«^rf.-..- ^•lemoDt^JWpeiittj '^^/T"S"' IprU. Jm6,4m»^J^WV^\» oemWr. j.-i-»i .--» .- j.i- Primroseâ€" WediiB*Uyi*e«diBg 4he OraiigllViHe*** ' ' " Orangevillaâ€" Th4 ,J|pd ' Jhtfi((^j,|;f4. sach nvw ttfc ii" m- n. •ti Fleshertoai~-Mas)di^-be» iraaffs Tills.' " •• 'â- 'â- "'• '"" • "" DandhUkâ€"Tnai vilis. 'I Marshvilleâ€" Sceond " ' ^fftadoisakgr each month, ' ' â-  v' ' Walkerton-!-The st yfeia^ii»j:„^ saoh months â- ] mdmayâ€" Last WedBBsda^ *f aacfc month. • I t -/• r. 00D8,G0NF!amMiEliY Combine the choicest cathartic prindj^ SSSnaUy ot sfect. They are the tesalt nM tk^ i*! most vBtOaml r*m- pei)ment..and â€" _- â€" â€"- _j^.^ ^.i -^ -: idj yet dlMMvered In 4JH m$% mm Wf kMotioik dmagement af the stotnadh. Urw, juia i^Oet boi^. which reijnire proinpt and elleetnal t«Min«aM6 toa^i.eSs» 4it. i iw ssy n fiiMHMttijr iw- tte-idteestte.awii i.i»oflai-*fc^aa^.^i^re â-  li OH • TO TH^ii: IndepeiHleit Townshli^ of fufihrjiibu Ul â- t tVl-i- fOj â- ffaMffcatijoa or Sk iTlMMIi GasnsicKii â€" COUNTY ITEMS. SurnEs Death OF ANorsMcCcRMiot, or Glbnelc. â€" Died suddenly, on the 19th ult.. atthe town ef Burt, Che- boygan, Michigan, Angus McCormick. Few, if any, were better known through- out Glenelg and the adjoining town- ships than Mr. McCormick. About six weeks ago Ive went to Michigan to work in the lumber woods, and was in excellent health up to 10 o'clock a. m.. of the 19th, when he a^dced some of his companions to help him to the camp, when, on looking at him they noticed that he was very pale, and immediately helped him to the camp, which was only a short distaaee from where they were working. On asking him where he felt th3 pain, he answer- ed that it' was between the shoulders, which were the only word* they could get out of hiin. He expired in fifteen minutes. Au inquest was held on the following day, before Justice J. P. Sutton and a jury, when the following verdict was rendered â€" " That the said Angus McCormick, on the 19th day of November, 1880, atthe Inmber camp of Wm. Grant, iu the town of Burt, iu the County of Cheboygan. Michigan, then and there died by the visitation of God in the natural way and not otberwise. The remains ar- rived in Pricevillo on Saturday even- ing by express, and were on Monday, the 29tli, followed to the R.C. burying- grouad by the largest funeral proces- sion ever seen in Glenelg. Deceased was 49 years of age, and leaves a wife and seven children. â€" Grey Ueriew. .. ti»0«t I again offer myself as a Csailidste for the office of CounciTIor tSt UitTTowns'bip Should you again houer me ,yitk yow coufi- dence, I sliall endetTor to se -re yon to the best of my ability. Come to th« uominatiun where I shall five my viewi «a Manioi|wl matter*. I am, gentloraen, Yoiu obedient serrant, D. ik ELUS. WorWK r' OriHnr pV»rlMi«», int4r«wr*e» J' ataes diMaa«a resultt UtawflH^e aliestirt -i-Arrâ€"T'.,,; .h* As sDiiuier J?aU tihWiUaye npeqajU, trhUe fewlle fc their aetiom, thfese PitM iue ^e most thdi-eofth aiid.acaKUnf; cathar- '^-thatcnn bo eii^ilegreil.ADd aevcr give l^ia 'wtiiexe tliA bow«Ia aro inllanied; •tbaa tlMir m^iiemv iH bealuu;- They stl r liit0 th« â- mvitltciin.l tligaF'S »*?fflL *1Sm6 ^stemi ' • " « " ' »•••»'» l»fepar«d bjf Or. O. li^er It 6»J, 1. ,,«t»eUeiaai.a Analytical ClMfUeU, Lowaih Maasr â- OLD ST AU. ismrauT* Everything First-Class, and at R*^eh T ip R I o« ..Xw MpJ^BBUMl IBIMnt U AM ilWIMh* TilB, ef B^ to Oinoesa' t hf ^yt eto ea ol above OoAdi' I MAI;t.1hebe«t; ?0a. iw A^^MclNTYRe. ST0BE. â€" n" ra littni.i ' .1 r^ ^Z^Â¥ii rocenes, THE Sabeeriber wishes tn return thaoKS to the inhabitnntH of Maikdale and vi- oiuity for tneir liberal support »ni patron- age ia the past, and to say that be has mow turned over the Drug and titatiouery biisi- nets, with all other line* iu cuuuectiou therewith, to Messrs A. Turner 4 Co., for whom he withes to benpeak a contiunauce of the patronage of hin oid cuKMrnern aud Uie public at large. Also, that the Account Uooks will remain at the lrngg Store in the hands of A. Turner, who ii authorized to receive all moneys due, and to xive reaeipta for the same, or Uobert Davis of Flesherton, in whose posession the account* are for col- lection. An ea-ly sattlvment will much oblige. T. S. SPROULE. Markdale, Deo. 8, ISHO. I3-2i ItTOTXC tipf SEASONED TAPAH TEA, 3Ii).F0R$l. AUCTION SALE! OF VALIIABLK CHURCH DIRECTORY. CHRIST CHUBCH. Servioesâ€" Sept. 26, 10:30 a. m.; Oct. Srd 6:30 p. m.; 10th, 10:30 a. m.; 17th, 10:30 a. m.; 24th. 6:30 p. m.; Slst, 6:30 p. m.- Nov 7th 10:30 a. m.; Hth, 10:30 a. m.; 2l8ti lo;3o a. m.; 28th, 6.3o p, m.; Dec. 5th, 6:3o p. m.; 12th, lo:3o a. m.; 19th, io:3o a. m.; 27th, 6:3o p. ra. Sabbath «chool, 2:3o p, m. Rev. James Ward, Incambent. FARM PROPERTY. UNDER and by Virtue of Power of Sale eontaiaed in a certain .MortKnge.wliirli will be prodnocd at the time of 8ale, and up- on which defanlt in pavmout has )i««n made, there will be sold by I'UDLIG AUCTION, AT TXa RUTIiEDGB HOUSE. Tillage or Mnrkdnir, iu lh« County of «r«'j' on Monday, the^^oth day of Jihi-^ uary, !4. D. 1881, ' at THB!2E O'CLOCK in the Afternoon, tl.e following Und aud premises, viz. Lot Number Forty, iu tlie Fourteentli ConcesMiOB of the Township of Artejiievlu. in the County oi Grey, containing One Hundred and Ten Acri's more or less. The following improvement!! are R.-»iiI {• be on the premises, viz. A Log Dwel^'iig aud Frame Barn aud StAble. TERMS.â€" One Tenth of tl;e purchase money most be paid down at time of Kole. For balance, terms liberal, aiul wiU be made known at tlie sale. For farther particulars n\W to LEYS, PEAitSO.V A Kl.N', 13 5 in Selicitor^, Toronto. OYSTERS, OYSTERSi JUST nECEIVEK r ARTIES delivering logn it the Steam Saw .MUl, Maikdalti. v^ plfiV« eallji'id loave their uamc-i.aiid get a mtmhfr to stamp on their lops, otlif rwif* Mi% ijftiftiiaeqr wid. not hold liiiu-.«lf responsible for ivgi which maybe dehwared. ' Lumber, aftur beioK sowed three days and not plletl.the " Mill Proprietor" wil^ proceed to pile out of iiis way, and chafRtf owner for titoo for doing so, and for space bccupie.^. Thfl Nlgji«s« Pr'cs in Catb Paid for ' DtitUinul, (Jhenif and Large Tiirek. A Plainer and llfatclier is being put into liii Mill and will bu iu rauuing ortler bv lt April. JAMES rnAPMA',PBO»aiKToR. Markdale, Nor. 1,1, l?Ro. f.v2i AtencrvT tothe {rMitjl5rithr«,^»mpI*U stock of m mm, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hfwm, mm, mm eti, c f.'i'i •• " • •â- -:- w^ '^A4 4 w • • Wbicfe for QUADTTYaod LOW PRICES ca'^not be sur- passed. Give U4 a call and try "^ome of our -1 PURE GOLDEN SYRUP Please give un a call before BUTTER, POULTRY AND CHANGE FOR GOODS. ' ALWAYS ON HAND. purchasing elsewhere. EGG^TAivEN LN EX- EEYNOLDS (Sc SON Markdale, Nov. 11, 1S80 J. M0NT60MERY, IJ A li t: li. THE S«'iber, in rcturiiinj; thanks to tlie inhabitants of Mjrkdulo and cur- roiiuding cpai:try for tlieir imlroisa;;!.- during the piwl ei^jlit rials. l.(-r,s to iiitiraoti- to tbeni he is how prepared te kujijiIv the Pi;l,Ucwiih FRUIT, POUND PLU.M C^KEf, either plain, or Icoil and Ornaincnted, and a larre AT THX CANAPA MET"ODIST CHURCH. Servioes every Sabbath at lo:3o a.m., and 6:.3o p. m. Sabbath School at 2:3o p. ^i. G. S. Bowes. Superintendent. Prayer Meet- ing. Thni sday Evenings at 7:3o. McDiarmid, Pastor. Bev. N.A- PBIM.\TIVE METHODIST. Servioes ever)- 1st aud Srd Sabbath at 3 oclock p. m. Every 2uJ V 4th Sabbath at lo::to a. m. in the Orange Hall. C. C Uar- nett. Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN. Services in Dufferin Hall everv alternate Sablmth at 11 a. m., and interveninR Sab- bataa at fi:3o p. m. Sabbath School at 2:3o p. m. Bible Class and Prayer Meeting on iridaysat 7.-.'Jo p. m. AuctioD Sale OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. C0rr««{^«ttbti» NoTiCB.â€" We wish it disinetly nndwutood, that we do not hold ourseUes reponsible for the opinicns expressed by onr correspondents. ANKUAL SCHOOL MEETING. Tothe Editor of the STASDiM). " SiH â€" Please allow me throngh the columns of your Talnable Joumnl to remkid the p«opl« of Uarkdfkls Mid Tieinty, that the annual Mkool a«et- in(^ will this year be held on fie laat Wedoesday of tho preseot month, te 29th last. It ia .deci»bl« that ai^ tiioM who wiali to ••• • Miga' of good acd ecouo m ie goteiuulMt ma- tured and parpetiuiUi in Mfr •eboola. shoold torn oat ia Ul Sunt to the aa- naal meAtag, ao that nothing aay be laekinf OB tiMir part to give cCfeet to sacfa mmntcnt m an ealenlated to maintain aniiMreaaa theeflBcienej of the scbwde. Lat it he home in Unuer and by virtue of a Power of Sale. conUmed in a mortgage which will be then and there produced, there will be offered fer sale by pubUc auction, by J. M. Webeter, Auctioneer, at Rntledge's HoUl ia the YU- lage of Markdale, ON TUESDAY. 218T DAY OF DEC. A. D-, 188o, at three o'clock in tbe afternoon the following freehold property, in one par- eel, viz the sonth half of lot umaiber five, in the eighth consescion of the towaahip of Eaphrosii, in the eennty of Grey. The above form eonsista of 100 teres, more or leee, and is situated about fnar miles from Horkdole Post Office and Station. The nn- 'elaorsd ^rtion is timbered ehiedy with Beech and M^!e. Tums of Sole â€" Ten per cent, of the pur- chase money to be faid at the time of sale, twenty-five per cent, additional in one month aad tks remainder to be secured by a first (( BELFAST HOHSE. " I bare fitted up a room over my Store where I cnii HBpply o ' ?s T li: li « -!•»- Variety of Other Cakes. alwiys ou IisnJ, Also, Z S C TJ I T of evjr.t, "Ueeription. Cromthe best ninnu- I faetiWEl* in Oiitartn. .\I»d, »mig«^j^ Taxied i :is.soi t!;i.Kt of t'-e ' I CROSCESTCOnFECTiONERY! I BRIDES' CAKES!; tJ^I iJL _,.!* illEDIOAL HALL. CHANGE of BUSINESS. • -^ O We take in â- â€¢iiiiioiuuing- to ihe rcsiaentsof Mark.lale and 'anrrcnud- ill,!.' Ci'iuitrv, that wi! linva pnrcliiiscd THE MUG AND STATIONERY BUSINESS Lately c-rntd on by Dr.. SIT.OULE. aud trust l.v strict iersoi,al nttention to liisiiic-s^^, mill by ];n] irf;ft full sssortnient of fhi; JJK.ST MATKIiI.\LS in the above lims t-j;merit tbe support of the gcuera' public, (I Ah the Holiday ac-ason is fast approacliiiic. we hate purchased a LAUGE and VARIED Stock of Fancy Goods, Toys, And many otiier Articles. Upefnl and Ornaxnenval. for CHKISTMAS PRESENTS. Job Lofs for Ghrlsfntas Trees af Reduced Rates. I hav I ami t;li4 pit tip I tiiie iI i siipii'ii-d on flie sliort'-Nt notice, in tl.'u Ktvle tli:it i.^ .Unif Toio'iio. Tea Mm, Imk PATEf' Ter37- St37-le 1 ::ty the Plate or Can CHEAPER THAN ANY ONE IS TOWN' My Slock of Provisions and Groceries OTHEK PARTIES. supplied on the s'licrtcit noiice aaJ o-i tba moit reasouslils tei-m.i. 40I1X MONTOOMEKY-. KarkiJule, Sor, IS. bI, 1880. lo-lv TAILORING C. A. OvVEN, Fasiiionablo Tailor, H A l-CI.I. ASSOin.MKNT Ol-' ftf EDICINES, AUTHORIZED SCHOOL BOOKS. STATIONERY, I-S(uif! Puiiit* Oii« Tcaife aud Tobarc«CB, AI.'.VAV.S ON H.\.ND. fcr Montreal Tclfi^raph snd Vicker's Express. I'hislciann I'rtst n'lili'-tis m.U l\.u:i!ii [:,ci],iM dirprngftl at alt Iwurt. â-  â- â- m'-^-i" ' A.TURNER CO. k'arkJale, Pec. 9, U80. jg.^, il snis tit' Get Money at 7 per Cent. To (li.srh.-irge a Mort.^ar^e bc.irins: 8,g or.i-o more lancl, or imp.avc 30. r build percent.; to b:jr ings. Liberal Privileges of Repayment OkFOKED BY THE .WINT, ri-iii.-, nicnt ovut- M to iiiffinn t'u' imlilii touuJiuf^ C'litiKi-v. t!i' Tiiiliiriin: III [.art. I'liilati^rs stnn-, wi.slies »if M:ii i..!iilc iiii-l siir- tLiia hj is prepiu-fi tw Togthei witli Wines and Liquors, ABE VERY CHEAP AND GOOD. ANT AMOUNT of PORK FOR bALEi A TH Vottt^StM partieiilart apply to the vadto- â- igned at ToroDto. WiLIilAM MULOCK. Venders' Solieitcr. 17 Toronto Street, Toronto Dated ^IhKoTWBiber, A J., 1880. li-l As I do ne puffing or blen-ing, I want the Pnblic to give me a call and be convinced what bargains I am giving, before yen pur- chase elaewhere. WILSON BENSON. Markdale, Ifer. 25 1880. 5.]y STrtAYET INTO it.i premises of t'le subscriber, Lot IM, Con. 2 West Toronto and Syden- » Spnng Heifer Calf, red and white. The o^oerupqn ited to prove property, par •barges, imd take her awav. ^^ ROBERT BLAIR. Nov. 26, 1880. I2.3i« FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastilyl CUTTING Done while Cii'itomers are' Wfiituig. THE LATEST FASHION PLATES Always on hand to chose from. A Gootf Fit ffsarafiteed WADI.W LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. SPECIAL RAT.ES poll SPECIAL, SECURITIES. LANGASHlii'SriNsilRAlicr AKU T^OW â€"ATâ€" RATES, â-  •â- Ji I •«. r'l* COMPANi' British America Assurance Co. Wanzer Family Machines. Organs at Eeduced Rates. ' â- Â£â- â- Â« u will find use for AN rds, Silver (^ lave alf o ?. f\ ATTENDED. S-A^ s 1. •:"fe; Parties requiring anything in my line, will do Veil to call and seq me. .- V *S* Remember the piace Over McFarland's Store. Markdale. Nov. 2.7, 1880. Markdale, Dec. 9, 1880 Artemesia, ^OWENSOUNDJIlGH SCHOOL. REOPENS JAN. 7Ux, Igai, THB New fichool Bufldin^ eontaininc ae- eoi»iBo*ition fjr 400 papfle hw b«m 3JjMh«^Moh^„f whom • 8p«Jut « hS WIL OOONNOB. BJL, Owm B«ma.I),e, lift, m^ â- ^ VETERINARY- JBLOOMFIELD, H» "â- tmiuiTy Surgeon, A8 commenced Uie iwacUce of his pro. JMBion in Markdale, ana from his Lr *^^*o »nd extensive prwtice in England d»|«-«. lurking m the systMii of herae. »d ••ttln^,y, on h«^ MedJcinee mayb* U4 wBattt* 11-tf â- j^OTICB IS HBREBT ftlVEN, that the Z^^ Toronto (rrey and Bruce Hailway Com- pany wUJ ap„ij. t„ tj,e Legislature of the S°I^7o°l""^e' »' '"" ""»t'e«,ion, for ^1^^ Corapany and for power to crSito sff ST " °' "'1«^' Debenture ?^ â- â€¢ *° "-»"Mge their Bonded Debt to Mthon«e them to enter into and complete •n aprc.ment with the Grand Trunk Bailwav Compaur of (Canada, or with any other Bail, way txmpan for the working of their hne npon. by the Hatep^ym of any KunieipfcuT 2' P.°:^";? "' a Township ManicipaUtyTTr Mumoip^itiea, granting aid to the Toronto, •n^ By-Uws have been ei»Md by a majori- tr of the Totee eut thereon •« f « other DONAt^D McLEOD. A T T I. :L^a.x3^d.a.le« 13 3m MiiVKJaja jM •«â-  Mi,iti£J°^ ' sssf.^: EGS to return 'hifj sincere thanks to the pnblic for their verr liberal patronage in the past, ».ti(\ hopes by hosorab'.e dealing, Fibst-Cla8« ,WonK, and eloee attentioa to business, tc tnerfi • eontinoance of the Fame. THE BEST OF MATERIAL Used, and none 1^ Firit-CUuf iteehanite employed. Special attention Mid to BepAiring, whieh will be done ph)mptly. ly maaaa te«ialc^ao. ICukdAk, Ooli M, 18Ba. 7-8i TH08. MATHEWiS, k tJ proB â-ºtffO e^abl-id^rj »T ^ust.'ii to tender to his num. ron' ^ust-mers his sincere thanks fortUe:' â-¼ery hlieral patronafe during the 1.5 year* if lifMb«enin the Harao..- Busincsi-'M Wsr" dale, an would respeotfuUy solt^^ e^titi"" aaoe of tho same, ^elng eofiTMSfcinhst 1" eao give Entire Satitfaetion. EverytbiB? nsnally kept in a FIK«T. CLASS IMKSS ESTUUSHMENT, IwiTji OB band, and sold a; moderate rate*- tarKone bnt good workmaa eaiployed ao' the beet of autezikl* sed. MwMmW N»T, 18, 188o- l" WowiagiT* it from now till theFirfi 'd. I am no^ dealers mis] Ithout doubl lon't^iSirto SI bes, Clo( __ Ml iB Ei ' l fc i] Am- Hie *»»« WowiagiT* it from now till " '.^Ab • aii.ii •'**•â-  ' iHioi-

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