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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Dec 1880, p. 2

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 LSH ST B t with a complete stock of iTAPm B, Grocerii Tbile lND skoes. K Ml 1 LOW PRICES cannot cull and try some of our IPAK TEA, 311). FOB 1 :UP ALWAYS ON FlA^;?^ efore purcliasinrr elsewhere \Ni) i:ggs taken in ^TOLDS SON ItJI^ilLr I't-rfiinuiN: i ..til.s. Tooth, hI v-.-s .iud S:; i! Appiiancy â€" o d Boliool Books fl vi VAi;ii.i ' AN I) QILS. ~y- -^' .-- JSOIVi ^tTS are good now. 3f wood comiag in now. iuns bring in your graiu w [a cheap ami reliable watch go V DjU's, FlesbertoB. 1 =o. nnr 2^ "ont packages ftuJ see onr |^^ ^ijeapeit in ouorv, "• „. F f)jll'8 advertisement, J'jy./;aad baautifol stock of • v'I^Iaso suipped in November f s ..f P^ulirr, nearly four and tous- ,, tl.o ftnction^er. is taking the Itrv l'i«- (••""•^ l'""" guaran- Iciia'o"" low. amount of boef. pork, and Jry cowius in, auJ changing V» liiir inic;9. I r pKB CENT. â€" Any amonnt of iv'to J"'"' by John Lyons, Mark- r„2ijl f""" socurity. j^.,,v^ ir-:ii:i3 a change in ad- !it will p'.o^'so hand it in not 1-4,;" """'â- ' '-^ Wednesday's. V i.ns Bnmc of tlic best value ,, ti'iis s';-cti'jn of tho eoantry. '...!! of Lis stock will well L l)i-:^, Fleslicrton, has an}' 1 jcnL'ty li loud at 7 per ;â- ;:.;.• iutart-st get bis special ^i-r-: L:r!uv\i:ig. ,. ,1 ;v- lojt, fi):ind, or want ,. ;..i;.i;:ii w it t'lrongli the ii ,\ t'lJ ST\Na\r.D. It is tho ',.,,'â- ;â- :;.„ i.i the comity. â- â-  •. ^rliivkrin.'j over an old !,\- •,• wia-ii you ca:i get a new J'i!;i:'.-t' iJiMS at such a low (â-  ' rv. I ^â- Jfl for yourselvos, ,. ,;i»':i!i Wallace purchased from Itriv ' ' ' â- â- â- "'^li- fl driig which was .uiL' !•â- ' t'"r kiih-i;,' vermin on ,. i'.i' llist iip^.li. ation killed i 1 iiiOii 11 '.:i vi'iilJ fail to k' i. i';iii!»i.s li. f.-liims printed ill; :;v.*! iivjsrui 1 iii.'l^Tiipfr. AVe h fiiiuL'i vi.a v.i'.li b')t!i articles iit'.y priiit J. :••- i-iiy prices, at tho •' I Tf "-iiLRs.^ â€" Tcachc-rs iL i: -t IT^'ct whtii t'Mleniig into ir C' 'ir i-.-H with \x\yp.\ scliooi trus- -t :;.':â-  ' "11 tiic k'li^'th of thjiioli- \v:i â- â- 'â- 'â- â€¢ If th"r.' ibii- provi-ion in |,' c ... .. 'Ji-riiiinf; t;ie p lut tlu .;-f. sii'iiiiii I lu \\ '!i.la3'i t .vo ,1 ... ' li-,;.:i c.xr"isive auction â-  ' ':\ b't„'i;ias, aiiti farm .liCiliiw ronusof W.i 'â- \ ,, .. '-IN.!.;!., by lohu \S :â-  .;. I r'l â- â€¢. on iK-c. Slil. :.. ii;- c.-t-h iiaplcmei.ts !;â-  i.i.'ijtiiii f.."it on a:)- ..â-  .T.,E M. I- i' Y jS^ .^ ' S '!•;;.• \v'i:o t:ok a liorfC ii..' liiswct-r of \Vti;jlits •-, ".l It. ,). Sproulu's shed, niijlu, Nov. 23ril, will ro- i\ij i\i.d U-aV'S it at K. J. ' â- . â- ; Ttor. v.:!l t:tv\' l.iii- â- U/iiij truul'lo; aud obhiljr^ the I u riiliy â- 11 th'.- J.i raibiV, I ill Dwiicv. 'i-ii^' l'--*y is known. ki!,.l. r.l 7 1 Liqiio:;, Cmd G( â- v t ^% -1^* ., • 1** ' • 1- t: W. ** •. ft ••. .i...:i_»s ruadji Ui i.^^o: 'H- ;^ -i^UORS (£ Wl A. .v. cSriTYpJ il sc-ribors at Kimbprley •.; that t)ii.v do not got .1 *.;i.j wcok after it is !!:.iilid here early on and f liould bo receiv- We eliu'ii look into â- :' 'ro can riiiul the de- iii brinir thu matter i.f liic" Toit OlBce oYs; C1V£B Sos:!.' onr iro (•â- 'â- â€¢-'â- ' • • h- p-V-:' •â- â- -â-  iiihU-h 1. i; I t'n.hty i;M;-:.iiL,' t.l tiiJ iut: !â- â€¢' fthf l!iatt •â-  .1 l-LiJl, '••â- . i; -\i to t;;o ' 'ticv hi-Hpcl -r. Tur. Jv..Ki.y.r. Ni.M..rn- â€" It is an- noiwiccil by j'U:.tirM tiuit l.Kl( r Haw- la. s.-i a;i(! !i ;:!•! :;iv2 a s'-.-u-i conceits at stlir^ol l;'iii.^-, 4th "line, Avtomcaia. l.ui^eiiia, nnd Kuuherluy, on the 16'li, IGth and ITth ]);•?.. the proceeds of wliich ari to ho .ippliol on the Mission F;i:i !. ""i! v.- luH ailfis? all who can to iitt-.nd, as Wf can say from experi- ence ill" T'.i 1 tr a:i\ lii.s haul aro well worth noari:!;.;. We havo ju^t s-^cn pi'jj up in tho ctorw of Vv' J. Mel-'arlau I, between 'i.tJOO and G.OOO pounds of fine Japan t' :i T. liicii wo arc informed i» of this ScTuuL oommonL.^ out this week bat oar Q«zt. Wb wiU five tbo Weekfy Mt* eonocction with tlio Stahdabb to OU •ud of 1881 for $2.35. Tm Daily UaU daring tb* -T-,mm of Dominion Parlumeat fee SI oo Subscriptioai taken hare. .u^/^.?"°«*„^" ^^ »^h«ld in i^!u^*' ^*"' Mi«M«le.«i the 17th inrt. "aeofoatmr Ism if from two to thiee thou* and dolUre per dfty pMd for fiwm prodvoe in Markdale lately. T« Dafly Gloh* from Am opaoins to theelbae of the Domimou Pwlii^ ment for only mu doUar. Sab«jrii tions taken at tiie offioe. TioAinroAi. Tea Matting of the C. M. Church, Markdale. wiU be held on Chriatmat. Look out for poatars lor partieQlars. ^^ w^";i H"'^«°S'»y. Colleetor tor Ward No. 2. Artemeaia will be at the Markdale Uooae, on Thnreday 9th Dec, at 2 o'clock p. m., to rec^a taxes. Teachir, if be wishes his com- mnnication published, must send ns his name, not for publication, bat as a guarantee of good faith. Anonimoas communication* will receire no at- tention at our hands. SHOvKLwa snow aflfthe sidewalks is the whole go from seven to eight o'clock in tbo morning. Jimmie Munsbaw has made a wooden shovel which beats anythini( yet for cleaning the sidewalks of snow. "Patent an plied for." Railway Matters.â€" The by-law to grant a bonus of $7,000 to Uie T., G. 4 B. Railway iu the Township of Derby, was defeated by a majority of 116. In Proton the by-law was also defeated by 49 votps. Melancthon, we believe has carried the by-law, by a small majority. We are printia;; this week some tw.- hundred copies of the Standard for sample copies. Those to whom thsy are sent will kindly receive them as such, and if not mclined to seb- scribo themselves, would they kindly hand them to then: neighbors. Re- membtir the Standard from now until Ist Jan. 18S2 for $1.2a. Scientific American. â€" Wc would call tho attention of our mechanical friends to the advertisement of the Seiattific American in another column. The Standajid aud the above paper can bo had until the end of 1881 for ?3.85 iu advance. The Scienti/ie AiiieiL-aii, itlone for $3.20 subscrip- tiuiis taken at this office. M'NiTipv:. Matters. â€" In -Glenelg t) are vts.-y quie' Ariemesia, i "ont tiia ^n.:ne. r'uiilsrasiu, Robert Myl.^s E.-q. is out i'i- ]:oeve, it is said hisc; iiiccK are good for boiiiij electcj. l-'ro; Dspi- y w.; imve i;'thir..; definite. Projon, ;• e re.-^cnt Roej â€" J. J. Mi'ldletori nnd Mr. Nelson are in the titiid both u onfideiit of success. IIakink Disaster. â€" The propeller Shnnx' of the Chicdf; antl C 'ling- wood line, was lost. V-'edno^day la^t and twelve of her ' isw drewued. amon;:; whom were tv,o women. The vi/ssol lab .red in tho trough of the sa;i 1. r iiiiif honrs after tho fires were .rut u'.it bv-f •re finally going down and tho Furvivurs sny their sufTerings were I'eaiful u8 the ai'h made a clean sweep over her th^ whole time. ^•^soli. frail Dfak,. Card «» â€" â-  COUNTY ITEMS. ??%i c ii'^-m t 1- .?i: 1 vor mj Sh •.,: up..!/ i hi Ii I.':, i'.iitu L.i Cm i^rcEATCR THAW A«T| Vy :....-k of â- T^'n^^san: To, ilii-i with ^^J^ies and Lu AUi: i.i;v CM!.' • !• .r t? S;a-i 111 • v;. ..«. i is tlu! 1 int) .»! â-  C'lUiity it at ;i h the fiilL'l- Mr. i lias a hir.v,- r. at 7 pt^r c -lit ;!,' 1 v'h. imported dirict by i' :;d, and wo must say it -1 lot of tea ever brought ' •. or, indeed, into tho â- y IL" i;ite!uls soiling iLiv.Mico upon cost, to ily :,iila. Wa wi.h him 'â- â- â-  c^iiprpriso deserves. i.T I'avim. of Flesherton, u:t of luoncy to lend, Ai-fY AMtJUNT of FOR bALE. A- I .;.. i;«. t,':!li!tj; .t llo-.Ting, I' t'u'..i;i- So f.\.- nir j; call iiud bt ' M'u'^J.-i'.. v.v. l' ..l-:80. T~' O *â- ,' A LD McLl rt-» ^5 VlvKR -i '^k. V rc.S to rctuts^ i Ji:i- sinctJftbantt t.l ila- imMic for their very Ub«»J 111 tlif I' li..p«fa by lkon«w^ I'lhsr.Ci V.i.RK, »iid cloe» ' i'ii"::r.i.«y. til III -i; n o.ijtinua THE BEST OF MAl 'sf.i, ;ii,; ,.,,u, hut 'irit-C***^ smplovwl. Special ntteniioTi piiid to »ill b« done promptly. Sen od vrork ^! All liver lue ^c.jonts must '• lelay or I sb.ill have to r«eoi*S y means lor coUt-ctiun. D. Corner of Qa«eil Sfukdalo, Oct. 28. 188o. "iiple interest, and not in a iv.i::'.-e (â- il);-T. IVrsons wishing t. SCO /him por-ohally will do well to retrn iiil.'cr ti;.it ffi.m proesure of i.'lu-r 'u$inffsho will only be found at iiis opieo 2 "days in rncli week viz. lay's r.iil Satnrdnv's. Orders, how.vLr. T.ny bo loft at his office any day, an. I v;!! r. 'oi-.o prompt and care- ful utt. hT: ::. Ci=i".!" .. V Tt::,o;;^i Ij;:vr,nr. â€" A meetiti.' .f ti-.i. i .asue takes place m St. Laivroiic-' liv,n. Toronto, on Wed- nesday, l)e» Bi:-., f.t 2 o'clock, all persoift friendly to tho cause aro re ioiest«d to be presfut. Moia\)ers of • 1 lie ]M-es9 of nil .s^iadi's of politics a-c "'..i'aij.lly invited. ^h.}ro is to he a !ij'i .-, meeting in tho cvcnin:r, at wiii-ii addresses will b3 delivered by A. W. Wright, Geo. B. Brooks, ami t'.liur prominent Currency Reformers. Wl have m.ile nrranecments with tho fol'.ov, ii:g papers to furnish them t'partiis who wish to take them in coui'.octiou with the Standaxd, at craatly reduced rates. Tho American Agriculturist $1.00 Canadian Farmer 75l-. r-.-i nitiPo American S2.60 To- ronto Wi Jiily Globe $1.25. We hope to b^ able t ;)"Kivo the price of Mail and others uoxt week. Tho above prices .n^ly adhered to when the pnocrs nro t\hcn in connection with the SrA.\DM:D. LoKNE Lodge. â€" Tliis Temperance AHSociation jjivo there annual soiree on Fiiday 17th Dec, at Hannah's school iion^'e on tho corner of 40 side road and 10th hue. The entertain- ment wiU consist of Readings, Recita- tions, addresses by prominent speak- ers, and instrumental and vocal music by the Markdale C. M. Choir, and several well known amateurs The •amission is put at the low figure of 1 5 cents so as to permit all to attend, and we hope they will do so, as the association dcserye to be encouraged ns it has done considerable good in a •iniet way. For partioolan see post- er?. Fir.E i.N Glenelg. â€" On Thursday morning last Mr. Patrick Neil, of the Township oi Glouelg, was suddenly awakened by an unusual noise, and on jumping out of bed ho discovered that his wood.shed and the back kitch- en were all in flames, but nothing la'aiitod h'i imm-jdiatjly wont to work, b'ing only partially dressed and iu his bare foct, to put the fire out, being ably assisted by Mrs. Neil, who helped to carrv water, and between them by their heroic exertions, they succeeded in saving tn. 'r house from the devouring eleiient, out not before Mr. Neil's feet were frozen, and his h-jnds burnt by the flames. The kitchon and woodshed were destroyed but the house which is a good log one was s.ived without being much dam- aged. Mr. Neil's feet were sore, but not seriously blistered with the Irost. It is a remarkable circumstance that Mr. and Mrs. Neil were able to sub- due the fire themselves after it had gained such headway as it had, as they had to carry the water quite a distance. But pluck and perso- vereance works wonders soine times. â€" Review. The T,, G. B. Bonpsesâ€" Tbo by- law submitted to the ratepayers of Ilowick for a bonus of $12,600 to the Toronto, Grev, and Bruce Railway, to bo expended widening the gauge, was carried by a majority of 65 votes. The by-laws in the municipalities uf Culross aud Teeswater having been defeated, new by-laws will be prepar- ed and submitted without delay. â€" lit- vieir. WiNOKAM carried a by-law for Uie Toronto. Grey and Bruce extension by a majority of IIG on Friday last. â€" Revi'V. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. rpUE Uniersignod will be at Ij«t 6, 3nd X 3rd Conoesnon, N- D. B., Gleaalg- on Saturday, Nov. 20, 18«0, at 2 o'clock p. m., fnr the purpose of letting coutraot e£ build- inn N«w Bridge across Saog'^eu Biyer. Plana •|ti4 Sp«cifieatious to be seen at the house ef Thomas Davia. Lot 8, 3rd Concession, N. D. B- P. MACK.VE. O. BINNIE, ^, « T.DAVIS, Glenelg, Nov. 5, 1880. Money Lost! By those who bny stoves before going to J. QAEDINEB'S -Dundafk. Beat and Cheapeat atock ol STOVES and TINWARE Korth of Toronto. STKAYEI Chaiiw, tl 8 AatMaci lie] n » ,~^^ ..• u^ii», onus, uoeWnM niM. AND C31-M RtW ia^^^^ DIMtOno, WEDOINQ, LUMBEE Am SAWING. Ike Wcs toiotiauto thai Ii« has Us Saw Mm at Little Falls LUMBEI, UTHMTC^ETC, TO ORDEH CUSTOM SAWING I*Il01l!fI»TI.^K' IOIVE, By tho tho««.d or«. Sb»« Ptottj, deU^i^g Log, can have their lumber for roton. I"***- The aawTer at the Mill can arrange for sawing ALL KINDS OF SAW LOGS PUBCHASED. sat^ifL^*** *â„¢" •" to ..ko brown handle. onrJf^ithHSffofi lork FleshM-ton Station, Kov. IS, 1980. j_y MARKDALE. Im. Lucas Co., BANKERS, MARKDALE. 31oiiey I^oa-ned IN large or small amoonta, at all timas, on good endorsed notaa, or on eollateral seenriiy. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. ia«"Draftii issued and Oolleetion. nude ou all points, at loweet rates. WM. LUCAS A Co. September. 1880. S-y WM. FOX, Plain Orniiiicirtal Plasterer E timatps for stone and bricltwork «-;i ap- plication. Sati.'^factior (Kirautrod. !le»i- deu"-!) â€" Queer Street, Martdale. M^rkda.o, Sept. 17. 1880. 1-T Selling Off. Selling Off. GKEA-T Clearing Out Sale! GRANT ft CNELLEW will offer for the ]XEXT OO IaYS I Bargains uupreoedeutad in tbo County of Uroy. SIDKBOARDS, BUUEAUS, CUPBOARDS, WASUSTANDS, open and enelosed, BEADSXEADS. SPRING BEDS. MATTBASSES, CRADLES, CENTRE TABLES, EXTENSION TABIiES, Fall-Leaf TsUes, and Chairs of every va- iety to bo SOLD AT COST â€" Viciures and Picture Framing! in all it. branches. Vptaolsteiinir and Bepairlnv promptly attended to. IS~ Produce and Dry Lumber taken at market price. GRANT tt CHELLEW. Varkilale, Sept., I880. 1 Legacies Pensions Bounties I Parties having any of the above claims to investigate wUi pleiuo oommonieate with Tne at once. A. O. HITlfTEB, Claim Agent. Dandalk P. 0., County Grey. 6 A Choice Farm of S50 Acres FOR SALE, On* Mil* from the Milage of Markdal*. Thei e are about 100 acres cleared, the most of which is in a hixh state of cultivation aad fit for a Reaper or Mower to work on. There are on the premises a Frame House brisked inside; a Milk House bricked inside; a Frame Stable and Driving House, and Log Bam a Young Orchard commencing to hear a good Well, beside the house a never-failing Stream runs acrons the farm Cedar snffici- eut for fencing, balance of bnBh hardwood, (a First-class Al'.ple Sugar Bush of Borne 400 trees). The farm is well fenced, in a good state of repair, and in a choice locality, be- ing within a mile of good market, churches, school houses, fud all necessary conveni en COS. C. Vr. RUTLEDGE, Proprietor. ManleLeaf FariH. Markdain P.O. Meat for All AT W. B. Sarjent's. The subscriber returns thanks to the in- habitants of MARKDALE and Ticinity f.-^r their liberal patronage dur- ing the past five yearn, and begs to remind them that he iH prepared to supply their nuuts ill his Uue as as any one north of Toronto. Fresli iii hi Meats delivered promptly on receipt of orders. SAUSAGE POULTRY always kept in their Season. Special inducements to large Purctiasers ^um IE li BUTTER RAE vfUisU sails own BBd will star stUk to tunMslsaMaHl tkonOs e(4sK~a :. No flattery used or baits livsto gtf wf and by fteeping tbeiT staek wol} aaoonoi imi •Iwi^ give tboir eustomeis good valaofcrl BHty ^ilOP |D|S ^^ ^^^ the Unes. CNiitmft ED CLOTH I NO «peci«itr. H ATtd and C A PS, ^^ ^^ kyiuii. BOOTS and SHOES, Cooper Saith't celebrated make; that has stood the test a|puBtt a}l comers in all styles aad newnen. CtASSWARE and CROCKERYapps^n* Peofrfenay Paff and Blow, bat if you want reat vahie for Tour Money or Produce C30 TO THM Toronto Houso# DTJNDALK, The following is si Hiit ef^ricefe of a few of the many lea^- HUM offered """â- '" • GROCERIES, cheap and fn^ Keep your Eye on the Pla.ce! *â-  WHEN TOU VISIT MAEKDAia/ Douglas" Brick Block opposite the Drug Stort. ' Shop on Mill sreett, opposite tho " Rovere Hotel." tS-Casli paid forJFat Cat- tle and Sheep Again thnnkini; yon for past favors he tru.^ts by faiihfui atteutiuii to your wants to merit a continuance of yotir support. W. B. SAIUEANT. Markdale, Sept. 17th I8.SO. 1 China TEA Store rrro the promises of ttw the Uth inat., a Steer ximnf throe ysan Tho owner i. nqnaatod to pvovo ^rorsrlj, pay ehsrfosaad take hia. sway, SAMQUt MnXBB. MaiMsle, Vov. IB, I8S0. Itt-H John H. Heard, Mannfaetnror and dealer in Cotters, SleigIis,Bnggies, WAGGONS, CULTIVATORS. HORSE RAKES. PLOUGHS, A llkindsof Jarmmg Implements MannfaetiuT and DopositMry, Darkam and HiUstrost.. FLESH ERTON. To wt Patbohs.â€" Always ahasd of any u my trade, and havinc tho Urgeot and moot convenient Factory in this loeality, I »«» prepared to sell Gairiacos and ImplomonU of every descriptron in tho boot stylo of any m the market, and at prices as low as any 00- cording te the qnaUty of tho work. Having upwards of twenty yoara' oxpon- ODM, I sm oonfldjat tkatpniahssor. wUl got the advantsce in havinx tho Tory boot made. Partieoin wai;t of a earriago or Impls w u wi t will do t^ell to give me a call, as thore aro none in tho market iHueh wiM oompaja with them in quality, stylo and finish for tko prioo. 1*-?I Z^tiblic Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the im N^sMothrooah »^ »•. M^" sho township of Ql Mo l g. k asS ,seiMy " Theoaip«atMBethet0WBskip of (Hw okaothafiM say tMls «e Oe leU ' •SdMo. wfllBOt' lAlCEB BBOWN, OmIu Towaabipof to MspMMiUe isc eB7 se- fIllI.AT liMiBAS, It, General Jcalor in BROCERIES PROVISIONS, Next to Hai^kett's Hardware Store. Keeps conctant'y on hand everything usual to such an CKtaliiir-hmect. Ho wou'd draw s{eciid attention to his Teas, Tobaccos Sugars, Which for quality and Lowncss of Price CANNOT BE_8URPASSED. As puiEng is no part of my desire, I merely ask intending purchasers to give me a call aud be convinced that I ME AN BUSINESS, AXD WILI. Sell Lower than the Lowest, as I h.tve purchased for cash, and have had a good discount allowad, I am in a position to let mv customers have the benefit of ray investments. tS'Romember tho place, next to Haakett Bros. Vlarkdale, Oct, 7, 1880. 4-tf Stoves! Stoves! Stoves. ,M». •*•! AttheNewTinshop MARKDALE, A LARGE ASSORTMENT to select from of the hitest and most approved des- igns, including PARLOR, COOKINO AND BOX STOVES, extra heavy eastings, with silver- plated trimmings, THE BEST STOVE IN MARKET. If you want to have comfort the rest of your days, buy a stoTC from W. R. Walker, that will last you your lifetime, AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. No pniobig hereâ€" the real "3imon Pure." TINWARE A LABOB STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. ALL Kiin or Tin dt Copperworkl made to order on the ahartost notio o. EAVCTROUaHINfl ASPECUUn. stove Otom hned, Hand-Irons Silvm^Hato*. •t very low prices Stove Pohrfi; Done LMd, the Ohallongo, tho Biaing »o^0«" Oa JOB WORK wtftioularly sttended to. Tou ean ssvo money by B"^** *^ boforo pnrohaaing fS![5*^[!l«2. taSito Hides, Shoop Prfto, Woot-ps^taag. «ah.«» «nliaa«s. «»-Bomemb«r tho piaoe, »oxi tba "Ks^dalo HonM." W. R. WALK£R. MspkOelo, BOpi. n, 1«». •»* SopUmber Slot. 1880. BUTTER A, XUkS. I Mia'sTswi srtii II 00 • Qtsodk JOwU 7«s •• WMlwOMsdSe J^Km' Cfaaib, Mo •MBtifalLartNS.Mo LaiiM' Var 0»f» tl.T* Itmt* Is^Boots, tIM Sot's rtetsr (S w eeats %LXi smI apwasdS. lISB's nudcrshirt* aad Biawdstt Ms •d* " baavy Panto. ftJt* id Ladiea- aU wool shawts. H .M da 1 Bevstifnl patterned drosa (jojds Ite 4a Paetory Cotton, 7e da Children's Pnr Caps »«e da Ken' oMBilaw whikle otoek Boot. ftJC do Woaiaa's strong ahoos, tl.lO. do do do â- M. «o do do do il.SS do •too^^ahooodSo do with a fall ate^ af Fint-CIaaa Oroeorios. Teas, Sigars, eboiee Brands of Tnl«a- fijrapa, ViMfsr, Driod AppU. Baiaeciu, Confaetionory. Spies* of all knsds, Oartor Oil. Oaotorino, Haehino Oils. Ciool OU. Also Hardwar*. 8p«*a* KaiKBoNwa. BiaM. lotahos. *o., and a foU stoek ol all tho leadiag ites* tedlsy^a^MilHaT.rMaet^kiaJb.andaUothofOoodssnohassr. kaptlaa Vm» Farm Produce taken as cash. A call is solicited and you wilt be convinced that this is the place to get good value for your money. Highest Cal) Price paid for all kinks of Grain, Pork, Sec. GEORGE NIXON. Dnndalk, Nov 35, 1680. 11 ii In vlie Countya t cFARLAND'S '"•.•.--- .p. H. R. HOOPER RBSPBCTFULLY invite every Man and Woman in tbo eonntiy to visit their PaaUry and Warerooms and inspect their stoek of funaiturs, maiiafsictnred during the saia a«r, for fall trade. Our stock is now the largest and most awsiplet* vat held by as, aad wa have baaa soeeaasf iil ia iatroducing a great nuuiy NEW AND TASTY DESIGNS! )IN( BED-ROOM SETS, COUCHES, SIDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES, CENTRE TABLES, DRESSING BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, SOFAS, WHATNOTS, HAT RACKS, HALL TABLES, .;vr«,: C., C., 0. â-  â-  'â-  WB ARE MAKING A BPKCIALTT IN New Styles of WOOD SEAT CHAIRS I CHEAP AKD DURABIiB. ...-^o â€" â-  -OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTM'NT Fnlly supplied with COFXINS, SHROUDS. Ae and spesua sixes mads on the vory shortest notice. ALL KIKDS OF Faney Turning, Scroll Work, Fencs Pickets ^oisidingi made to order. Also SASH, JDOORS, I'LANINO, 4e. .- â-  â-  With ocr present experience we feel justified in askinc a routinnanre sf the patrnaa so liberally bestowed ou un in tVe past. Pur prices will be found as low at any, and mneh^o as is consistant with good work and finish. If jon are iu need of aiiytliii'R in u line we feel confident wc can suit you in quantity and quality to pclcvt hom and also j., terms. II. Jk IT. noor»r^i?, 1' •./-••• I'lesbciton Steam ruruiluto Factory B'lil rianiiu! Mill • See hl8 S5.00 Overcoats. See his StO Ulsters. See his S12 Suit, See his S16:dress suit. ' 500 pairs of Boots To choose from â€" Men, Women au 1 Children's. Get your AXES ** McFasland's. Tho£o $2,50 MANTLES celling fast. New DRESS GOODS McFarlind's. New FLANNELS MeFailand's. New SHAWLS at McFarhmd s New BONNETS a^d HATS "k McFar- laud's. New TWEEDS ^^ McFarbnd's. New CARPETS ** MoFar- land's. New Fringes, ButtonB, Silks, Lacos, Flowers and feathen. Piicea never vrvve louver or value better. A c*asrarls«a W. J. McFARLAND, aoUdtcd. BOOTS and SHOES A NOVELTY in these Goods! Tho Indostractible Riveted and Gementod aid Wattr proof Seanis Call and I^xaminc Stock a,nd Prices before pureh:;sing " slop" goods clsowhoro. ,;;.,, FULL LINES IN .!..,,â-  Groceries, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, (Ready-nqiade,) Crockery and Glassware I ' •*' â-  " â€" AT imt-^ MARKDALB-y '" ' 'â- mIL HMMa Sept. 17th, 1860. .â- -'â- ^ T^\ l'..Wi Heznovsd. a LL..j[^ j- i _L_- HILL BROTHERS, Would intimate to their numerous friends and tho jiublic generally, that they have removed to their nev/ prL-mises,. and will be pleased to receive a call from our many iVicnds and customers. Call and see us. We will give you Bar- gains. WE NfEAN BUSINESS. SEE OUR Cheap Dress Goods, Lustres, â-  •.-.â-  "'â- -[â- , ' ' ' ' ' ji|^:; Wincies, J â-  Laces, And Fringes. *. J Gents, S8e our CLOTHING. They are Stylish. Good CHEAP. '-â- i' f SEE OUR TWEEDS! You willfind them right in Price and Quality, Boots and Shoes a Specialty. Call and get a sample of our Splendid TEAS. Gentlemen we have a splendid SMOKING TOBACCO, at 40c per lb. Try it. We. again give a general invitation to inspect our Stock. Have not time to write long advertisements. Don't believe in them. Would rather have the Goods speak for them- selves. Thanking you lor past favors, and trust to h?ve a contin-' Bance of the same. Mattdale, Nov. 4, 1880.' HILL BROS. .ittmi^' ::, ii Pil I J f i: 'I -«fe»**:--

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