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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Dec 1880, p. 1

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 ^p ^^ •I 'is' '3SS- ft „^5f. -•I J •fi V. \A i i V ' r J^H^i #i '^l! â- Â«o ii |a i«*' H ' --y/. TtTMtt, Grty ft BrvM R'y. t JlitiiiK-e «* T'ime. On mn.l afler MGNIAY, 3rd NOV. trwn* •ill rnn m Ui'Aowh: â€" GOING NORTH. Torofito, â€" I'liion Ststion, Dcp. 7:30 a. m. 12:20 p. m. 6:00 p. m. Citrltuii 7. '2 a.m. 5.20 p.m, We-ton H.n.-)Hin. 1 .00 p.m. 5.?C p.m. J in tbo dcTtlopmenk 01 Pnoerille da- ring Uie pst BamiQit. TVe would \ifi more inclioed to« ]frai«p)feBi inherent energy of -ju ajfizena, the developmont (|^tke «ataiftl Bourcea of the Qou^tgi. ATery lu|p coMberW the cUaaof privatil dwellings h%st been erected and completed. Thv^- Meth- odist ChtXTch, altnuugu flDnmfUced last year, is now completed, and forms an attractive featnre in the pietareque Heaford tol 1, repotti to-dfty, sg ttie «aa ai.« u iB.B. lite '^ooafira number Sam 18. Warn. I.:i0p. m. 5,50 p.m. \Voo1bnil(fc. .8.45 a.m. 1.50 p m. 6.05 p.m. KlfiiilmrK.. 'J (15 am. 2.13 p m. 6.24p.m. IWton y25a.lii. 2.:t7p m. 6.43 p.m. Mono Iloiiil.. '.1 '.Oa.iti. 3.05 p.m. T.M p.m. Charleston ;35a.m. 3..';0p.m. 7.50p.m. Alton I'LoOam. 4.05p. m. 8.05 p.m. OfUXOEVlLLr Arrive 11. 10a m. 1.25. p.ra .8.20 p.m. ])flart.. l.^^' p.m OranK"^il'e Junction 11. 4o a.m. 5.05 p.m. Laurel 11.5'J a.m. 5.20 p.m. Shelhnrn^. l?.S'p.m. 6.00 p m. Pantlalk 1.15 p.m. 6.50 p.m. Troton 1.35 p.m. 7.11 p.m. Vl'h.lKTtorjitPricev'e 1.55 p m. 7.35 p m. MarkJuk... 2 15 p.m. 8.05 p.m. Bcrklv ..... 2.3-'i p.m. 8.28 p.m. William^ford -J 5' p.m. 8.46 p m. Aroott o:, p.m. 9.0C p.m. Chratsworth 3.I.-. i.m. 9 16 p.m. Rook font ... 3.3«pm. 9 36 p.m. Oweu Sounil 4.M) p.m. 10.10 p.m. GOING SOUTH. 0»e:j Soaiiard'-puit r,.'S' a.m. 12.00 noon. Kocklord 7.0" a.m. 12.30 p.m. "fcal.s..or;li T.:i a.m. 12.55 p.m. Arnott 7.3i» l.Wi p.m. 'Wilii«m.'-f..r,l 7.-lha.m. 1.2H p.m. IJcikly 8.().-, tt.m. 1.48 p.m. M^irkiiil.; H.:Ham. 2.15 p.m. FWsliurl'iuVl'rici villi,' is.55 a.m. 2.45 p.m. Proton 9.15 a.m. 3 10 p.m. DunJalk '.».:!5 a.m. 3.30 p.m.- Shtltiuriik IK 15 a.m. 4-15 p.m. Lauri'l In. 47 a.m. 4.5f p.m. Orangr villi: Junction ll.iJJu.m. 5.05 p.m. Ou*Nievii.LE â€" Arr. 11:1.^ n. ni. 5:20 p. m. I'lp. i.l.' Il.;t5a. m. 5.4il p. m. ..7.:i5 a.m. 1 1.55 a.m. 6.00 p.m. .7.50 12.10 p.m. .-1,25 a.m. 12.1? p.m. 8,45 a.m. '.I.U5 a.m. ..'• 25 a.m. beaaty of tb* Tillage, oomnaanding. mI^j^ ^^ it does, a prominent site, as seen from the approach from Fleshcrton Station. Additions have been mado to several of the merchantile stores and their closely packed shelves and crowded warehooses betoken a healthy pros- pect for trade daring the winter. The most prominent of the improvements daring, the past snmmcr is the Brick Block erected by Alex. Brown, Esq., which is not surpassed for symmetry of design or architeolaral beauty by any country village in the County of Groy, and has been leased for a term of years by Mr. Geo. Tuck, as an ho- tel. Piieeville has long siiffered for the want of a first-class hotel, especially in the lack of proper ac- commodation in conncctiou with the monthly Fairs hold there. The Bar is ample and commodious, while the parlors are fitted up in magnificent style. The sample rooms for the ac- commodation of Commercial men are irs reward Bf $2K) iSr covery of it. Sharp p^actioe in broad day light. Strong gales. HmrympnitM. Lole of snow. Every appeantnce of plenty of sleighing, Vennor coald not give better idea of the weather Alton Cliarlt^'.i.M Mi»rio Uoal Bolton 8,45 a.m. 1.10 p.m. Kleinbiir;j...'.i.«5 a.m. l.:i' p.m.'.25 a.m. 1 ..50 p.m. Humbcr Snit 'J.loa.m. 2.05 p.m. Wi'ston .10,00 a.m. 2 27 p.m. Carlton 10.10 2.39 p.m. TonoNTo, â€" I'liii.n Station. Arrive 10.:!0 a.m. 3.00 p.m. 9.40 p.m. ?f 6.18 p.m 7,05 p.m 7.33 p.m. 7.55 p.m. K.I 7 p.m. X.33 p.m. 9.00 p.m. 9.15 p.m. -^I8i^^^ THE STANDARD. iday. Dec. 3rd, 1880. IVOTICIi:, 29 rrillK Catiala A.lvprtiiiinK Aceiicv, Nfc I KiBK Strt-ct \Vi"it, Toronto, W. W. liircilF.U, },lanag*r. •Ii antl)»rize.l to rtcnivu iijvcrtisomenti for tbix paj'ir. TO .VDVKliTISERS. Wk have dociilcd to priiit a sup- plement in counodion witli the Stand- jtao a week before tlie IlolidayB, as there ii an o\t.r;t iiniuiint of advortis- •ing doiio lit tliiit sGiis!u of the year, and We do not natit to decrease the reading; matter, we will giv9 those who wisli cxtni siiaec. liberiil terms, by mi-aii.4 of a Imlf slioet supplement, parties wisliing to take advantage of the arraugerauot will let us know in good time. ««» Tub Hoove Artemcsia, from present appaarancos, is detoririnod to tree tAit rnon. Keep at it, Doctor pa- tieucu and porB^'Vorenco, yon know, overcome all obstacles. We are sorry to have to report the death of the old and respected mail carrier' Mr. John Benson, who was bnrried yesterday, Snndsy, and was followed to his last resting place by a large number of orange brethren, he being a prominet member of the orderi having been district master for a number of jears. Eleven lodges of the district attended the funeral. Mr. Benson's familiar face will be miased on this route. He was noted for his quiet and retireing manner by all who knew him. Cupid that slTjoang imp haab««n at work among the bachelor frnterity again. Mr. Adam Smith has at last succnmbed to his influence, and has taken Miss. Kate Wilhams for better mora or worse, no doubt the late cold snap had something to do with it, as keep- ing bach hall is not the thing in such weather. We wish them many happy days. A few days ago the school children of this place were given a rathei prac- tical lesson, little calculated, however, to impress on their tender minds the sentiment embodied in the celebrated time »g* Parliament migkl^ hadgnwUd^ spacious and well lighted. The house \iaea written by Dr. Watts, commen- is capable of entertaining over one cing "Let dogs delight to bark and hundred guests. The dining room is finished al freseoe. and is in propor- tion to the rest of the buildinG;, and complete in all its appointments while the culinary abilities of Mrs. Tuck f»rm by no moans tbo least at- bite, c. It appears that two neigh bors children fell out at school. The mother of one of them, a matron of middle age, on seeing the other child, maJe a dash for it, weapon in hand, wliich she phed in a truly gymnastic style, which indicated anything but Red fiom cxcossive use not sufficient, however, to prevent her from giving utterance to the high estimation in which she held the child and at its parents • in language more emphatic than polite. Such occurrences, we are happy to say, are very rare in our midst. No proceedings have as yet been taken. '" i£,twt«p«n^tnct. ^„--.w.^.,j "~- ' '" V,,' Itlie longevity of the assailed, while tractive feature of the bounteous table ^^^^ -^ of articulation became clog- it was our pleasure to regale the inner ~. man at a short time ago. A large yard for the keepinjj of cattle, brought for 'sale on Fair days, in rear of the hotel, will be found most acceptable, especially in stormy weather, the cat- tle being enclosed so that they cannot stray away, thus avoiding the unplea- sant duty ol " herding." The Grist Mill, now unUer the con- trol of Mr. H Somorville, is doing an excellent business, turning out a qualitv of flour unsurpassed in the country and the farmers aver, a good yield. The Saw Mill is conduct- ed by Mr. John McLcod, where Inm- ber, lath and shingle ara turned out by the million. Two new saws have been added in order to mact the in- creased demand. A Brick Yard is in contemplation. and from the business character of Messrs. Webster (merchant of this Village) and Vert, (of Notice.â€" Wo with it disinctly understood, that wo do not hold ourselvM reponsible for the opinicni expressed by our correspoudenta. T. G. 4 B. B. To the Eiitorof the Stamdabd. SiK, â€" I should feel highly honored, to find myself in company with bo distinguished a gentleman, who has disucsscd pubKo questions, with men of intt'Uict and morals. The old adage is, " like begets hke" â€" and I have been viewing Robertson in spectacles and every other possible form â€" to Fleshcrton) find as, the doctor would say, the t*- to be th*t I Arte- otber townehip ImuI ghrea ^pe aML TbaeeoncU of Arie-HMift 1Mb |Md to know Untt tfa« VM« waakmtl flCwe action on this K. B. qoMt^. I »d- mit, that I am under an (»Iigati«n to you for the use of yoor oolnmns â€" but sir, a great many of yoor re*d«n »r* opposed to a bonas, and 1 am eoUeted on every hand, to answer, from the snrrounduig six townrfiipe, at least two to one are oppoeed to this bonne, many of whom are your mbsaibers, who wish to hear both ndes. I bare been urged all aroond, to keep up the correspondence and oongtatalated on the effeit. The maltreatment I have received however is not eo ^ery pleas- ant. I can aMore you, your oooa* if very suicidal to your interaita t o be found out too late, but it ky*ur own busineee. I regret any jwtonal eollisions, for altongh I might be able to whittle an editor, easily, before break^t. yon would not permit it â€" you are master of your own oastle. But I have no disposition â€" fair play ie all I ask. Uow iait, that every statement of mine is falM, and I am a person of such and sneh characteris- tics What necessity xs there for such accusations If the generally sappoi- ed amiable and quiet minded propru- tor and the editor be identical â€" then I certainly was "barking up the wrong tree." I could then account for the cahbre of the ariclesâ€" but perfectly dumbfounded at then: morality. Jnst on« word of explanation regarding, my wilful tni$-$tatdm*nt. I said after "necessay reductions" there were about 100 remaining â€" I suppose it did not strike you, that besides the 12 or 16 non-property owners â€" some sheets might have been ktfutâ€"M it would appear â€" one list in particular containing a large number of names with one or two exceptions not signed at all, by the parties therein namedâ€" what would auT council do with such a hst? Why throw it out. Where then does the faltt staUment come in I certainly did not intend to charge you with anything falu m refarense to^owland Go's. letter. Your cqnagients were quite natural; but I saw this letter weeks ago in the "Owen Sound Timet." It was an hackneyed thing, before you printed it. My criticism was on the letter, not on you â€" no reader of inteQigence, I think, could oonstrue my remarks otherwise. W^rite np the railroad weekly sir, there is plenty of room without personal wrangles. I finish by stating, that I am neither an enemy to Ma'kdale or the road I have such unbounded confidence in its ability to fix itself that my effort has been and is, to compel it to do to. Dr. CaaisTOK. M6n |y CATTLE FAIR« kin there h httle donbt but that it will be pushed forward with energy. Mr. C. C. James has made exten- sive additions to his tannery and har- ness-making establishment, and could give him employment to additional men in both branches. This speaks volumes for the industrial resources of both town and country. Dr. Cliristoo savs this week he thinks ho CO lid whittle otT aa Editor before breakfast. I'uless the Doctor is more expert at whittling Editors than ho. is at treninii room, hi^ fast would be of longer duration th^ai was that of Dr. Tanner. The lleeyo of .\rteine.sia is out with another excuse for throwing out that pttitioH. He says that a iaije number never signed the petition. Wo ask is it likely if such means were adopted by those interested to secure the re- qaisite numbiir of siguaturus, would they have permitted the list to be pub- liithed, thereby aft' mling an opportu- nity of being dctfctcd. (/ujjicMâ€" alas They are "nou 6at."â€" Kobert Robmson's pretences to intel- lectual afhances and moral perfection, must fall flatly, in the face of the faci- lity, motives are impugned and infor- mation to the Assessor withheld. You sec, the difierencs is, as to whose ?y. is gored. My friend's self adula- tion and sympathetic Tivail' to his friends â€" is reall.y pitiable. I am sure J Artemcsia should pay hoed henceforth There are many minor branches of I and grant my friend the boon he cov- business which eould bo extended, or additional branches in the same lino sucoessfoU} commenced. â- Â» FLESHERTON. SUCCESS CERTAIN. It is said that Baron Rothsohdd had the followiug maxims framed on his bank walls Attend carefully to details of your business. Be prompt in all things. Consider well, then dttcide positively. Dare to do ris;ht. Fear to do wrong. Endure trials patiently. Fight life's battle bravely, raanrully. Go not in the 8oci'ty of the vicious. Hold in- tegrity scared. Injure not another's reputation or business. Join hands only with tbo virtuous. Keep your mind. from evil thoughts. Lie not for any consideration. Make few acquaintances. Never try to appear what you are not. Observe good manners. Pay your debts promptly. Question not the veracity of a friend. Bespect the council of your parents. Baorifica money rather than principle. Touch not, taste not, handle not in- toxicating drinks. Use your leisure time for improvement. Venture not upon the threshold of wrong. Watch carefully over your pissions. 'Xtend to every one a kindly salutation. Yield not to discouragement. Zeal- ously labor f'jr the right, success is sertain. CURE FOR DIPHTHERIA. We have been requested to publish the following. The party sending it assures us it was found out by mush research and experience. "Take of hemlock and birch bark, of each an equal quantity. Remove the rough out side. Green osier, half the quantity, boil slowly, each in a seperate vesssl, (iron will do,) until the strength ia extracted. Strain and settle, then evaporate slowly until like syrup, mix altogether, gargle the throat often -lo matter if a littlo is awailowcd. If there is haste, may eemmcuco gargling before down. May add a small quantity of bamt alum, and between times dost a little brimstone in the throat. UfPROVEMESTlN PBICEVLLLE It is not oar to the N. P., or auise, ' the intention to attribute auy ther extraneous _r..oi iaipi'ureisent From o«r Correspondent. Eldrr HAWxiNH.^Elder Hawkins will preach in the Methodist Clinrch at 11 a. m., and C.SO p. m., on Sab bath the 5th inst. A special collec- tion will be token up at the close of each service. ANNn-EBSABY- â€" The Presbyterian Congregation of Flesberton intend holding their Sabbath School Anni- versary in the Town Hall, on the evening of Christmas, the 25th inst. Large posters announcing the above will appear in a few days. Skatiku Rink. â€" The Fleiherton Skating Rink is now iu first-class er- der. The ice is all that could tie de- sired. Mr. F. Sarjeant, has spared no pains or expense in making it com- fortable. He has secured tlie services of a first-class band to be in attend- ance. This will be a great acquisi- tion to the evening's cnjoj'ments. Good beech and maple stove wood (two feet) is selling at 80 cents per cord. • BuvrriEs. â€" The Council meets on eth inst., in the Town Hall .The Pubho Schools of Fleshertoa- have a large attendance Two ladies "lost their heels" at the rink on the 24th ult Mr. Doll has his jewelry shop filled with a very costly stock of Christmas goods Mr. M. Richard- son has his stock of winter goods opened out Messrs. Sproule and Trimble are buying a large amount of grain Mr. Damude has a new sign on his harness shop Very cold weather Mr. Hooper has bought the furniture show-rooms and dwell- ing house of the late Mr. M. E. Mer- riam Coal Oil is 40c a gallon in Flesberton. From another Correspondent. The grain market has been unsoal- )y lively during the past week, conse- quently all kinds of basmess is brisk. As the holidays draw near the cus- tomary programme of Socials, Con- certs, c., are the order of the day. The season is to be opened on Mon- day next by the Elder Hawkins Troup in the Methodist Church, when it is expected we will hear something to soperceed " One More River." The Skating Rink is now in full blast, and nnder the management of Mr, F. Serjeant promises to become very popular- The tickets have been placed very low,and within? the reach of all. A number of our musical yonng men have formed a quartette band, and are practicing for the pur- pose of playing on the Rink one ni^ht in the week; also at masquerades, which will, no dOubt, be qaite an at- traction. The railway bonus is the subject of diseusaiou at present. The farming olaae appear pretty nnanimons against it, while the minority of business men are for the by-law. BIRTHS. In Kkrkdale, on the 18th alt., the wife of Thoi. Hill, morciiant, of a eon. In Msrkdale, on the 28th nit,, the wife of J. J. Orkham, Shoemaker, of a son. In Glenelg. on the 14th nit., the wit* of B. H. Boyce, of a ion. In Dondalk on the 15th alt., the wife of John Haubury, of a daughter. In Sjnghampton, on the 6th nit., the wife of Edward Blacks(«ck, of a son. t EUGENIA. ..-srf Fnoa a CcReapondiat. The mail earner on his route fivm rails, tiop, bridges, engines and the eted some time ago. She has hither- to overlooked this prodiga of high in- tcllcctaal and moral associations. There Robert, let that do. I was go- ing into that assessment again, but I hadn't tho heart, to be too severe on an old friend. Come uow to the point at issne, this R. R. question. We ac- cord, in so far as, the desirability to have the improvements sought â€" but we differ, as to whose duty, it is to do it. The history of the past is known and need not be repeated. The By- law was defeated six mouths ago. Mr. R. says, " a very (reneial desire was exprssied, for it to go into tho hands of the G. T." This is only true in part. The prevalent idea was to urge it into the hands of a new company as bona fide owners â€" not by lease â€" hence the conditions as then express- e,l, do not exist. The bonus is not asked, for the .Grand Trunk, but for f he old Company, against whom there were sownany complaints true or not, I could not say. There is therefore a very great ditftfrence between a mere lease-holder and a real proprietor. A R. R. might pass throus;h the most carefully drawn lease, Mr. R. views the matter from two stand- points. 1st " Whether, in common justice, we are called upou to help those men who run tho road out of thair difficulties." 2nd "Will it pay us to help them " Friend Robertson is great on this principle of common justice. This principle is based upon the supposi- tion that the road is oiir*. It it ours in the seuce, that Flesberton mills are ours and that it is advantage to us â€" but their is "no proprietorship, no control â€" and ais it now stands, yon cannot make any sort of condition â€" and then, the road can help itatlf â€" please put a pin in there there is where the whole thing hinges â€" and it is mere bosh to talk about injustice â€" what pledge has been brokenâ€" in- justice is it to refuse to grant a gift to one of the best paying institutions in Canada And who have made or are about to make ample provisions, to do the work' raquired themselves, I will not repeat the figures, this has been dons again and again and even, my intellectual friend has not contro- verted them nor can he â€" it is well enough to make side issues, to divert the attention but the sober facts are as stated. His second question has no force whatever â€" for if the con- clusions above be correct, the pay comes all the same â€" in every par- ticular. "The money he says would be spent among ourselves, and our young men instead of having to flock to the States in search of work, would find it at home for one season. Of course a person whose heart is over- flowiuK towards the company, dosn't stay to weigh facts. Pray friend "How mneh work is to be done on the lailwaT 7 How many boys would it employ And hew long Yet such is paraded for argument. I am aaked to prick them look at the estimate, revised by Messrs. Gsowski k Shanly. "Sundry deviations and changes of grade.' f7,000 over a track of 200 miles. Beren thousand dollars to keep our Tonn( men from the States Boshâ€" I don't suppose $100 would be ^ent ia Artemesia. The greater part of the expenditure wiJ, be for MARRIED At the residence of the brides parents, on 1st inst., by Her. N. A. McDiarmid, Mr. George Lyons Logan, to Miss Annie Elliott, eldest daughter of Mr. Robert EUiott, Eu- phrasia. At Prioeville, on 1st inst., by the Rev. D. McLeod, Mr. James Parks of Cookstown, to Miss Maggie Moffat of Osprey. THE MARKETS MARKDALE. Fbidat, Dee. 3rd, Flonr 5,oo Spring Wheat per bush., new l.ia Fall do. do. do. 1.08 Barley 0.60 Oats o.oo P»»» 0.60 Potatoes. o.SS Butler, per lb. 0.18 Eggs, per doz 0.14 Pork, dressed, 6.50 Boef 6.00 Geese per lb 0.06 Ducks, per pair 0.40 Fowls, per pair 0.90 Turktys, per lb 0.07 Sheepskms 0.60 Hides 6.00 Grass seed, 2.oo Hay 6.60 Wool 0.25 Green App/es, per. bushel.. 0.40 Lard O.IO Tallow 0.06 Dry Cord Wood 1.76 1880. to 6.6o tc 1.16 to 1.13 " 0.93 " 0.29 " 0.68 " 0.80 " O.JO " 0.16 •• 8 70 " 6.00 " 0.00 " 0.46 " 0.26 " 0.07 " 1.00 " 8.50 •• a.25 '• 0.00 " 0.8o " 0.60 " 0.10 '• 0.07 " 1.75 FLESHERTON. (Corrected veekly for the Standard hy R. J. Sfroule, Fleeherton.) Tbitmdat, Dm. 3nd Flour, per bbl Spring Wheat per bush., Fall do. do. do. Barley Oats Peas PoUtoes Butter, per lb Eggs, per do» Poik, dressed Beef Sheepskins Hides Hay Timothy aead, Wool Lard Tailow 16.00 1.13 1.08 0.60 0.00 0.50 0.80 0.17 0.14 8.60 600 0.60 7.60 6.00 S.OO 0J6 0.10 0.06 1880. to «6.60 to J. 16 " 1.18 •' p.92 " 0.89 " 0.60 " 0.80 " 0.80 " 0.16 " 6.70 •• 0.00 •' 1.86 " 8.00 " 7.00 " «.60 " 0.80 " O.II '• 0.07 Sb Iodide o potash end^inie. all jo wetfal taiaiat elea wts. It *» ** J^ SaSaeeA so valMdSe a leaed; potent to cnre a]l uapai before the Goalph month. Hazristonâ€" _._i^OTâ€" Bawioay WBue uneipRr Elanâ€" The day before Guelph. Donglaaâ€" Monday before Elora Fair, " â-  ' Palace Grounds, TORONTO. {Fpteial to tAe Staiulani.) ToBono, Doe. S, 1880. Wheat,fall,p«rbDah.. Wheat, apring, do. Barley, Oats, Peas, Bye, Clover Seed do. do. do. do. do. Dressed hoga, per 100 lbs Beef, hind quarters Beef, fore quarters Chickana, per pair Fowls, do Ducks, per braee mm Geeje. each ») I^keys- 7. to .•1 16 to 11 S4 1 IS to 1 II 80 to 84 to 066 to sr to o 00 te 6 76 to 6 60 to 100 to So to 40 to 60 to Bnttor, large roUa.... Butter, tub dairy Butter, siore-pa^ed Bggs, frwh,perdos..' B«gs,pa«ked Apples, per bri Potatoes per h«g..i^ Onions, por ba« Bar .* n«a le to Uto 18 to- « 00 te 1 eo to 60 to o eO to 1 06 86 70 80 o 00 6 00 Too 4 00 046 4o O60 60 1 S6 Oil OM OSO 00 00 1 lo 0S6 166 • C0tol»S6 •jQay-j-. INTO the pnaiaas of «Se aa 186. Coo. a Wast Torosto «« armm- haaBoad, aa«-..^ sbsal ll_ l_i cI-Ljâ€"I • 8pru« IwCToaSrwdid^Sir^ owner is rsqiMitad to ftmn mtttrnta. •» aiSW. aod tsha har aUr. ^^^V" Arte«eii^ Rot. »», 1800. ]SS« '"' *f «• »»«'« :• t« fc*t eiwr j oiK^biii tool cocrapttona wfalek ee the Mood aad esuae deiMve* Md decay. It stf nlates aad enUvMf aSS^wBcharises from J«P«2»«y «* J** Wood iwSl despair who wUf give Axaa's BaasAPaanxA a fair trial. It is folly te e«periiii«»» with the ooatt^ S^SSsTinedlcinal virtue, offered aa blooAirarifiecs, while disease becomes more medidne of such concentrated curaove powerTtbet 1* «« by »» the bMt, cbnpest, and most reliable bloc*pMlfl«r kaewii. Physicians know Its compcoitioa, and jsre- scribe it. It has been widely need tor /ort» yeaia, and has won the uu^ualified «Mia dence ol miUiona whom it Itas henefltea. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co., riacUcal and Analytical Ctaeaalsts, lu)well, Mass. SOLS SZ AU. SMI««ISTS XTSaTWBBaS. B«rlia^Wa t» M iiios giinn ^. Bramptonâ€" First-lfcursday in ea^ month. Ltate*«^-FiwtFri4ay«i«eah rwmtt. Ftrgnaâ€" Thnr»a«y M!«wi»« »«â- Â» pinoat- ' BaaHBcmtâ€" fiftcwih of Februaxy, April, J«na, Ang«st, Octabstand Da- v-i- â- â-  â- -â- *-'•'• •â-  â- - '-» •'â- '-;-• Primw«»â€" #efti«2S|Ww^:' (IwngeTiUe FavK Ofajtgevilte-rTho M 1!haniBf ia aach iDosffl^ BadMrtoB-l^5»y Wi?»»:. Q?W% CASH STOR olds So: to^he front with a camplete stock of Groceriei BOOTS i^r^ SHOES. EMAi^, mmi mum, is! Si. pec. 3rd. I8S0. =^H£r"n0TICE8. are good now. rood coming in no^* I bring in your grain **«*• Lood. ,eap and reliaM. watch go !l)oirs, Fleahet**- as oent packages Ac 11 of Sulj see our ^- cheaieBt in slflionerT |wn ^*" m 'aud beauUful stock of Dun*Jkâ€" Tuesday betweOrang eviUe, ShaUramoâ€" Wsdneaaay Irefcr Oranga- Tilla. MarahTiUeâ€" fleooMl Wadnasday la •Mh mooth. "'â- -_. Wattertonâ€" The last Wednesday in eaeh month. Mildmayâ€" Last Wednesday of each month. poll's advertisenient. anl toj ml Hi Which for QUALITY and LOW PRICES cannot be 5. passed. Give us a call and try some of our ' Tf^ya NEW SEASOKED JAPAN TEA, 31li. FOIlf PURE GOLDEN SYRUP ALWAYS ON HAND Please give lis a call before purchasing elsewhere BUTTER, POULTRY AND EGGS TAKEN IX^J CHANGE FOR GOODS. ' innfld in November, rpoutlT^early four and! **tl.eanctioneer, is taking the ;,^ him. Good prices Buaian- ges low. .mount of beef, pork, and] coming in. ^^' fair prices. „B cairr.â€" Any amonntclj lend by John Lyou.s, Mmk- I ood farm sacurity. Lm desiring a c''-- in aJ- lent will ple*«: kau Apprentice Wanted. WANTED, a Bay to learn the Black- amithm .•. Be most be a good active bcT. Apply to' K. HOWELL, ' '^^^ Kimbefly P. O.. Ont. JCimberly, Nov. 26, 1880. ll-2i J. RI. Webster, LIOTNBED AUCTIONEEB FOB THE Connty of Grey. X^- LOAN ND LAND AGENT, If ency to loan at lowest rates of interest, in aami to suit borroworg. Agent for FarmerB* Lioau and Saviug Co. All baHiness matters atrictly piiTate, and treated as aneh. EUGENIA P. 0. Sept. 17th 1880 1-tf Samuel Morrow, LICENSED AUCTIONEEB FOB THE Count? of Grey. Sales attended at shortest notice in town or aonntry. Cfaarses molerate. Sale Bills, Notev and Stamps famished if required. ' Having Lud long experieue* in the busiuess I can ((uaraHtee wtinfaetiuu. Markdala, Sept. 34th, 1880. 2-3m INTO thepremiseeof the undersigned, Lot 11, Con. 15, Townsbip of GleneU, on the 20th October, two yi urling Heifers, one spoted red and white, one diirk red with top off one horu. The owner is requested to prove property, jjsy expenses and Ulie them away. K. k. ENGLISH. Gl«nelg, Not, 19, 1880. 11 3i CAVE into the enclosure of tbc snlxcriber Lot 72, Tast Torocto au I Sydenham Boad, Towu^hip of HoUsiid, voBio time in Septemljflr, onw Ewe. The owne. is reqaaet- edtopMrre psepexiy, pa^y cliartea and take bar away. Wjj. JAtKSOM. HoUand, Not. 17. 188o. lo-3i' REYNOLDS 3c 30K m ij.-ciion of tho counlry. f Lis stock will ^v^-ll FBTIE8 delrrering lo«« at the Steam Saw Mill, Maritdale, wOl pleaae oaU and leaTe their nainei,and S*t a mmber to stamp on thair lees, o»herwi»« the proprietor thII not hoiA hlmsdf rea^aMble for logs which maybe ddiTwed. Lumber, after banig sawed three days and not pQod.the " Mill Proprietot" will proeeed to jnle out of his way, andeharKS owner for time for doing so, and for space occupied. Th« Highest Price in Cash Paid for liutttinut, Chtrry and Large Birth A Plainer and Matcher is being pot Into his Hill and will be in running order by 1st April. JA11B8 CHAPMAN, PBoraiBTOK. Markdale, Not. 18, ISSo. Jo-2i J. iONTGOHERY~ U K £: Tt, THE Subsenber, in returning thanks to the inhabitants of Markdale aud snr- roouding eonntry for their patronaKc during the past eight yeara, begs to intimate to them he is how prepared to supply the Pubho with FRUIT, POUND PLUM CAKES, either plain, or Icsd and Ornamented. and a large Variety of Other Cakes. always ou hand. Also, IB I s c "cr I T of eTOry d«BOription. from the best- manu- facturers in Ontario. Also, a large and varied assortment of U^e CHOICEST CONFECTIONERY! Markdale, Nov. ii, 1880. BRIDES' CAKES! supplied on the shortest notice, and got up in tliebest styla -that it done this " of Toromto. INTO the premises of tlie subseiiber. Lot 2o, Con. 12 townshij) of Holland, in July, a red Steer, 2 years old. The owner is requested to pioTe property, pay charges and take him away, J. S. LYONS. HoUand, Nor. 12, I880. lo 3i* THE BEST PAPER I TRY ITl BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTBATliD. 36th YE AE. THE SCIENtIfJC AMERICAN. Thb SciKMTiric Amebicam is a largo Frat- Clasa Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pages, printed in the most beautiful style, profutely iUiutrated with splendid engraiingt, repre- senting the newest Inrentions and tho most recent AdTauces in the Arts und Sciences including New aud Interesting Facts iu Agri- cuUiire, Harticulture, the Iloma, Health, Medical Prsgrcss, Sooial Sciauce, Natural History, Geology, Astronomy. The most Taluable practical papers, by eminent writers in aU departments of Beience, will be foimd in I le Scientific American. T^rms, »S.20 per year, f l.CO half year, which includes postage. Discounts to Agents. Single coppies, 10c. Sold by nil Newsdeal- ers. Bemit by postal order, to MUNN'd' CO.. PubUshers, 37 Park liow. New York. PATENTS. tiou";rthe Sclenttflc American, Messrs. Mumx A Co. are Solicitors of American and For eign Patents, have hnd 3' years experience, *nd haTe tho largest ectablisltment in tli world. Parents are obtained uu the best terms. A special notice is made iu tbo Scientlflc jlincriCRU of ail inventions natented through this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. Uy the immense circulation thus given, public attention is directed to the merits of the new patent, and sales or introduction often easily efleoted. Any person who raade a new discove- ry or inyention, can ascertam, free of charge, whether a patent can probably bo obtained by writing to Uinn â-  Co, We also send free our Hand Book about the Patent Luna, Patents. Caveats, Trade Marks, ther costs, and how procured, with hints how to procure andvaucas on inventions. Address for the pi4er, or concerning patents, MUNN CO.. 37 Park ifcw, New T»rk. Branch OfBce cor. F and 7Ui sts., Wash- ington D. C. CHURCH DIRECTORY. CHBIST CHUBCH. Serriccsâ€" Sept. 26. 10:30 a. to.; Oct. Srd 6dO p. m.; loth, 10:30 a. m.; 17th. 10:80 a. m.; a4th, 6:30 p. m.; 31st, 6:30 p. m.; Not 7th, 10:30 a. m,; 14th, 10:30 a. m.; 2Ut, lo;3o a. m.; aSth, 6.3o p, m.; Deo. 6th, 6:3o p. m.; 12th, lo:3o a. m.; 19th, Jo:3o a. m • «7«h, fcSo p. m, Sabbath School, JrSo p. m BoT. James Ward, Incumbent. CANAPA METWODIST CHUBCH. Serrioea every Sabbath at lo:3o a.m., and 6:So p. m. Sabbath School at 2:3o p. m. O. 8. Bowea, Superintendent. Prayer Meet- mg Thaisday Evearngs at 7:3o. Bey. N.A' MeDiarmid, Pastor. PBIMATIVE MBTHODIST. Serrioea every Ist and 3rd Sabbath at 8 o-olMk p. m. Brery Jn J 4 4th Sabbath at a. 11^,'jn tbe O^ujl HaiL C " nott.Paator. ~^ PBBSBTTEBIAN. Sarrieaa ia Dniloriii Hall mnrj aUenata nihbeth at 11 a. m., aad interraning 8ab- batha at 6:80 p. m. Sabbath Hehool at 2:8o p. m. Hibla Claas and Prajar MeotiiiK on tf fraiipta fraaptattMl OTHER PARTIES, supplied on the vberte!t notice aud on the most reasonable terms. JOHN MONTGOMEBY. Markdsle, Not. 18, st, 1880. lo-ly N' OTICE IS HKBEBY GTVEN, that the Torouto.Orey and Bruce Railway Com- pany will apply to tho Legislature of the Province of Ontario, at its next session, for an Act to amend the sever*! Acts relating to the said Company aud for power to create a preference issue of Bomls or Debei.ture Stoek to re-arrange their Bonded Debt to authorize them to enter into and complete an agreement with the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, or w^ith any other Boil- way Ccmpany, for the working of their line of Bailway to confirm and declare valid all or any By-lawf voted upon, and to be voted npon, by the Batepayer» of any Hiinieipah- ty, portion uf a Township MunicipaUty, o r Municipalities, granting aid to tho Toronto, Grey an Brnca Railway Company, provided such By-laws have been cairied by a majori- ty of the votes cast thereon ana for other purposes, W. SUTHERLAND TAYLOU, Feeretaryt Trearurer. Dated at Toronto this 2-ind day of Novem- ber, 18(«). ll-6i TAILORING C. A. OWEN. Fasbionable Tailor, HAVING rnited the Tailoring Depart- ment ovor MeFarhind's store, wishes to inform the public of Markdale and sur- rounding country, that he is prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily! CUTTI NG Done while Ctutomers are waiting. THE UTE8T FASHION PUTE8 Alwayg on hand to chose from. A Good Fit Umm. J^OW -IT- RATES. Remember the Place. Over McFarland's Store. 11-U STKA.YEr TDTTO Oeiaremaee of the aabeeribcr. Lot ±. 8, Con. 14. townihip of Olenelg, on or aboat the Irt of Boptmaber. a UaUer. one Twr J^ aMMwl red and white. The ownar OBOBOX ItAMB. (Hnelg. Her. U, 1«0, io41* EDICAL HALL 00* Pure Drugs and Chemical PATENT MEDICINES! Dye Stuffs, Fancy Soaps, Perfumery,, Tootn, and Hair Brtshes, Trusses and Surgical .\|'])iiaTice, • and general Druggists sundries. • o 'â-  â€" Stationery and School Books IN GREAT YAUIETY. -o- i^iiESil TE4^s a:vi T' TOCtETUEU WITI! 'I5.VOc 0|i PAINTS AND OILS. ii!i!i.i it 111 n t noou o;i WL.l:;ead:»y's. px lins fi: -no «;f tlic l;..3t value i ii' pectioU I' ou. Davis, Fltsl^crUiii, lias any t oi mou«'V tj lull J at 7 Ji'.! civle intor'tst gel his 'i-«--: btfjrc bori-j-.vinj;. hiva lu3t,.f.iiil, or ^v:.. •. auuoiinv; it i':»ro"i i.. IS of tii3 ST.*Mvni h ;.^ I o(liuaii;» the chimIv. sit s!nveri:r; over an r' s'ove wlitii 7""' 'â- â€¢'â- ' ""' " It liaskctt Df «t =*"'•" " CV;1 anl -^" for ytmr- ..• Iakmer iu V.atiacc purcii:i-. " ;V lUieuJcd I-T Liilin^J v.::..i:- Tlio fVist iiiitlicativ-:i :.!.. of tl'.a culves. busliic^j M'-:i sli"-.i;.l ::_:; tiie h'J:iii»cs« lie full(»« 1 " Is euvo! .pu^i ftu.l note iiii- r. favu;3li yva T.-itU b';--i« :r::.- |(y iiri:it:nl, at city l 'v -• • •- IPliiTINTTJ Tr -â- .";-â- .!..-.- 1- i--- bKI not for;.' I wiu:: t-.jt- n 1, • cnntract-i vit!. ntro.l -cu • •; ti |to-atjr?c ' â- â- Â« J'jt lfn.;ili 'rf l*i â-  '» \m\. If '.I;-;- l^!:-vV""-i :â- â- - coutr.iot '•' t-i-' ;.'.â- â- â€¢' tees cull ' *;i'»s t. its .1 ..'.;•» -o â-  CAKEi I'i.i.Y COMrorNDEI). Ejlonireai Telegraph O^flee. T. S. SPROULJi:, M. MILL STKEEf, MARKDALE, Sep. 17, 18H0. Ter 1. GO TO McINTYRES .â-  â- /'â- .. ' For all kinds of Groceries, JProvisions, Liquors, Canned k CONFECTIONERY, SPICES, TOBACCOS BUISCUITS Generally kejit in a First •CLi.'!.-) Gi\)C3ry. Provision and Ljiritii:r b".- And all Ciroceries, the very Cleanest auj Freshest. I sell for Ca ji. k... customer that gives me a call is sure to come back, as I i-cU {(ood (.•-•i.v.e (tV' I never pay more than the Goods are worth, and kivc mv '.-u.-.i li-wf.. lit of the bargains 1 get. Yqu will always dnd xav m tlir Fiino place, aiv.MV- n*:.. upou you Nimti but ibu B«st Bi'UUds I'f RYE, MALL BRANDY, ALE. PORTER, OTHER LIQUORS iil Kept in stock. 13e sure you call. atk 'f f-;rj:Jt v. ill .j •t.'!, T.' i. u-^\A\. 1 â-  :rnw. Aucii Teria-, iriii".; ti' • *. ut't ir..-i .ii il M; :i:iU-.-. ••- .....••- .-) Tu'.-d.r. :iij;:..-. N.'V. )r ;;1«V, i; .;'.•?:•:•. V f ,in-.- ttoUiWe; lUiA owner, lii' i"^^!- -^ 'â- â-  Sovf.of our sill si-r;li i? a- u. are cmii'la'"'" t'"" ' ' tho pjivor initil tl»o v. publi-lK-J. ii y- niiii.. I 1 • Friday inor.-ini anl fh;ii.i Ik «d thV next d:'v. \Vi- •6.:;l.i 1 the r.i itt' r vvA u «•.â-  .-iu- tiu.l 1! liuq;i Jt, -.vo shall Lri'i^ tin. to tliO tl'tiCC of iL Insppot -r. nouiiccl hy jHistt-r;- limt Eli kiu.* .an.\l ;:;•' :;ivo » t* rv A at school h'us-. 4th lino, '.:o| Hut;enia, nil I Kiiiili^rlov, on 16th an.l 17th !)-?.. 1 be r;-..fe| r.-i Ifsrkdale. Not. 25. 1830, A. Mcl NTYR[Ti'i»^l» ^-':r •^-^':»"d'" ' EST A B L I S H E D 35 YEARS.. WEEKLY SPECTATOR OYSTERS, GY V A ;LA.KGE EIGHT-PAGE PAPEii â€" ONLYâ€" Per Yew. (W)' Per Year. One of the Largest and best Weeklies in Caaiada. (( J VST us:; i.itrK BELFAST HBlii I baTe fitted np a rooiu ivcr in} S" I can sup; K" O ' BsJ TL^ U BILUNCE JIM880 FREE. A^mts reeeire 36 C«Bts for eTery yearly sub- â- eriber. Any partr sending ma three Kub- scribers will reenre a eopy, post-paid, of the Farmer's Aoeoont Book, vorth on* Jollar, in place of th* osoal commission. Scud a post card for Sample Copy of our Weekly, which is sent free. The only paper in Canala that poblisties a Draught Column. Address SPECTATOB PBINTING COMP\Nr. Hamilton, Out. Not. 11, 1880^ TH08. MATHEWS, 3j the rinu ci a. CHEAPER THAN /C IS TOMN MyStor:. f .:â-  i a 4 Tv.A. "»V- v .n! i aiTS tt»!i't-!i.l, ai ^i: o-iii sav f"«-' eiico ill" I.i i «'â-  .t:i !i.- "j 1 • worth •Ku.'-!".;-'.- \Vi; Vnv.' jujli'iii ;i' 1 "•â-  etor- i.f.NV. J. M'-Vari:t!: i. H 6,00) ;a a C.COU i» .u- .Is -.f fi. t'^a »iiicii wp ::r-' i".l-nr'0.l i- 8ja«;!i- ^r...\:h. i'P" :t i V. J. M.-l:ir!:i:!a, a-.i wv V.:\A is till' l:ifi:e:t lot i'f u-y. v into Markl:»lo, or. if.«l»"i. County rfOrcy ll.- ii* • it at a emiill alv-:;it.' r.i' ' clTi.'t a (;{ .sul*. W • \v| lia-i a l;ir-(o nuLtunt of \\ •"' Ht 7 P'-r c -lit Riini'le iiitort in a '.v.Tx'c cither. .IVrsi- to â-  i^co hl:n iir-rsiiiia!'.y well to roioiii^ltcr iLat fri-:. of o'lii-r !• 1 :;uÂ¥-! lio ".vill ««iilv| at hi^^ '!!?'•.â-  '1 "•lar-- in «Mc'.i Vv'ciliics.lfiy •':• 1 howcvur. may L loiv at his il.iv. '.ii I will rcv-tfi-v jir.»:.:p' I lul alU-iitiMi." C .rassi V lir:*-.!;; I j. 1 -,».'.i' • f ti.i • i.-^.i?ac t:i! t;t. i.r.-TviK-- Hull. TT.Tit '1CC04-! liib en:*â€" iri-^ !â- â€¢- li^^-v TTTISHE8 to tender to his numerous T T eastouMrs hi* sincer? thanks for tlieir Tery liberal patronage during the 15 years he has been in the Harness Business iu Mark- dale, ao would rexpectfuUy soUeil a eoutinn anee of the same, feeing eoufiidout ' that ha can give Entire Satisfi^tion. Everything usually kept in a j FIRST-CLASS HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, always on band, and sold aj moderate ratea. ta^None but good workman employed and the best of materials used. Markdale, Hav, 18, 188o- lo V ETERI NARY JBLOOMFIELD, • yeterinary Surgeon, HAS e«]BiiMiK»d th« praetiea of his pro fewion in Markdale. and from his lone •spaneoM and eztenaiTe praetioe iu England and this ootuitey. l» ensbled to ..aarantee satisfaction. B«««Utii;g Powders, the ad- Burstun fl t hnw iBdi thkt have lued them. wttujatai ta pwilr tit* Uood by removing diMMM lorkfag in tb* tjwUm of herses and MttW, alw^a on hand. Medieines may be Ijoowya at hia ofBoa, over Dr. Sprenle's W it Stora. M arhdato. i.j 9«itacm« r«r tk« StM«airdL We wQl give it from nov till the First of Javnax/, 1»88, for one yttr't mlucription Wines arid Lw^ ARK VKi:V Cli;. ii' "'• ANY AMOUNT ol- FOR bALE. As I .10 ue puffing or 1 loi ii.c-- ^|f^ Public to t-i^c mc :i c:i.'i .iiii '" what liui'g,-.ius 1 am 'iv,!!^' U' ' c'lst-.vLore. WILSON K-. Markdale, Nov. 25,lâ- â€¢^" DONALD McL? V to the '•;. nt. J }-. ni |Kij "â- â- , -VJ ii i L Bl IS to r*'..rJ' hi sincere;' to the public for their vei in the pa* t, and h.i«s b li.;»'r*^ FiBST-Cl.ASS WoSK. stil business, t€ nicrii a cor I 'â-  THE BEST OF MAT^a Used, aud uone but /ir»lC' employed. Special attention paid to '»l" will be done promptly. Sew ed work •» J«P*"*-^ ivoricii:. All over due aoconnts :uu- delay or I shall have to rtsoU It means for collcctiou. ,, Comer of Queen :U)J~ Markdftle. Oct. 28, lt*f ort"' fit" vr â-  Uias.s •which 1 A.W. W:. otbcr pv '..1 \Vc ll:lVC VJ. 4he foil â- ^'ii:? r â-  â-  ' toparlits \\l;» «â- -'» tct:. eonucctiou wi'.H 1 ••â-  ^; Sreatly rc.l no. â- .' rn i ' Agriculturi^^ Sl.«"' ' i-.i"" 76c. Sci^ii'.if _• .^ ronto Weekly tJU-b-^ r-l to bo able ta j»ivj tli. v several others nxt w. prices are only a'ili. 'o tbo jMiMora arc t\!:.u with the SxANDAT-r. Li RSI I.omiE. â€" This Aaeociatioii trivo there on liitl.iy ITt" Di-c, schoc'l ii'in-o ou the cor road aul lOt'.i iiuo. i ment will coi:^i!t of Uc*i tioD3, addresses y ri era, and instnunental x by the Mirlc.hUo C. several vrcll known a â- dmission is put at tho 16 cents so .is to pcrmi •nd we hopo they will .asaociation ilcscrTO to ' as it has done ciMisido qaiet way. For partic CCS, «;«..*.â-  ..^- ,»^|v* .« i^^ «;^: -^â- ^^-* â€" --- ' â- ^--

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