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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 12 Nov 1880, p. 2

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 complete stc^ck of ' PRICES cannot try some of our WAYS GxN HAN^, rchasing elsewhere. GGS TAKEN IN] -f ALL, Dundat ^!C1NES! iv, (.'i;;ils, Tooth,] 1 Siir â- 1. al Applianc v surn\v\t-s. -^ hool Books] 111! i:im:.u.vM'iois| IVEXSOl BIfast Houl • ;uiii'i;itc. tlint he ia M| 1 "•• •â- ( iV. irlK-les usual •• *\ I' t j;.jk cou'Uto*! :eri3s and Pro# IQUORSof all' » .Si T •!. Imsn and Cx ii'w" I lime no ilesir* •J 1. "lit tli» p«i' formanoe rf" t I !imv say in rospoiis*** L •v|i»t offers A book w«1M ;iniiii*«i "f '• llis. of t â- Â«,' X%to KookM of ' to tliosaf nil iitioiioil to rf] luiutitv. Mr linuse ia .III., Oc-.. lull, lt«0. DMALD Mcti ^T^KGS to W*^1 1 ):a-sineeiath«a», lutliu (ui :hoir Tery 1|* ost, aii'l hipoa by 'lass Wobk, BO^ s. to mtrit a oonti* E BEST OF MA^ nJ uona but tirtt-^" ei. nl attentioQ paid to ilone promptly. jer J'le aoooimla i r I Bball h »^«» ••^ as for a lletjiio*. [HE STAHMiD. laay. Nov. 1^, 1880. CAL ft OTHER NOTICES. oiit for Doll" new aJvertiso- ^nt next week. iTnMc is • notice in tliw week's *uu interesting to coutractcr». |«o ean boy any pattern of Btirrde Ue steel a'^es at Haskett Broa fo» [Its. BsuAi-t., ofDundalk save Bo bM suil waggoua of all kiacU for UiT« Lim a call. Wekii is buililine an addilMq ^w skating riuk wLieu wben eoat will be very commodioos. 3MS desiring a change in ad- ement will pletBa band it in not tbau noou ou Wednesday's. ^BKHOKs wisbiog to get a good week- ity paper sli'uld read the adver* lent of the Hamilton Spectator ia aer column. 4oTwiTH3TiNbiNO ths damp i«r and bad roads giaiu is com- pretty freely and cbauging Lands ftir prices. ifiLcoi is bound to keep up with I times, and is now showing a fine of Engitgement and Wedding Igs. Young men don"t you forget ^â- Bso^AL. â€" Letrers address to A. jellau, (formerly of Durbam) wDI to P. O. Jii'x 'M^ Toronto.^ or. to resideucu corner ol McCaul k liege streets Toronto. \!u%Mt. is iK.thiiJ^' balf so cosy as a cup of ti !i, ai'd .vou c»n have it parcha^iii^' some of Reynolds k 'a ne\r si luonod japan tea. Throe inda for one dollar. £ notit.: t.'ie arrival at Haskett of a large stock of axes, which ly claim to liave purchased very »p r«)r cash. I, lul; out for bargains f tliat line. IWk ar.! jileas.-.l (i able to say, It A. Mcliitvr.- IS doing a very fair iinerts 111 til.' ^;r.iceiy hne, he keeps ^sh goods a!ul s. K-^ lit very reasonable ices, hid teas ai u rciil ly good. FEvert buiii€-s m:iii should have name an^l aJlixsa printed ou the iTeiop«3 lio Hi s. ' Call at the Stan- kUD office aii'l roll will bo astouishod cheap we ca:i do thtfiu. TuERs will be au c\tcnsivo aiictiuii llo on tlie premises of Jolin Uevitt, !i«q., lot I t" con. 3. TovviiBliip of llol- |ud, ou Satiirliiy Nov. 2Uili. Twelve Icntlis' credit on good paper. ?(j«r Mastkks. Wlicro t/ie Sta.ndard iiotoalteil (â- I-, liif 1' M's » ill jiiease Bstribute tli. j.ij" r^ t-i ()i.-y feasi' .-iii'l not rr riirn tliem, but suud a carl »Ku tlio iiHines of those to Htoin tli' V ,tr aMresBcd. A ciiKi'iT suie of new Furniture, lacliiiiery, .t â- .. lHi.iii'.;iii'.j to the estate 'the livte M. I.. M- ri-iruii, of Flesber- jn, on the '^ii\\ mst. Tlio House, jot and Wareroom, will ul.^j be off^r- fur sale at the same time. pounoedpii w ig m ^jbepwi •* Md wua • â- â- â- I X O 3ES J. eomoieneed wMft ateadyiowB pcNff ef Min, and mad ankie deep, vap pretty ttin After paradi^ the a^'eeta Utej Ad- jonmed to 'the Orang*' m1. matn • nimptiKMk diaaer waa â- pre'td, and-io wbieh ample jwtiee was dene bf'a eoodly crowd. The bazaar we fce- oeliere wa» a sncoess^ as most of. (lie artidee were diapoeed rf atftiia arieâ€". After the dwMr a aiitian â- â-  Wd at DoSeria Hall, at wtikh »dfteeaes Were detirered by Dr. Bproaie '«ad other* a( ear leading eitisutft' Xkt proeeadiase were krwiglit to a elaee a (rand ooneert in the eveidog. Ilie crowdedtstate of oar colamus will not permit of an exteotlei reTiew of tlM f e tfotynf e. lieaides weeouid- er It nvidioaa to partioalanse where all did as- weB. Howerer wo cannot refrain Itom mentioning two pieces which in oar estimatioo v«tre A« piece* of the eyeniaff. XIm "Ganteel cap of Tea, hy Ur. W. Manoogall elicited rooade of applaace, liae. is a whole team aad a hone to epare m himself, and "Matrimonial Sweets" by Mtsa Ingram of Orangeville, and Mr. Casar of this place. The otber performers, who were Misses Focd, Mulholland, MoDoogali, Hoilings-' head, Spragge and Mr. C. W. Spears contributed ia no small meaeore to the evenings entertainment, and were duly appreciate!. Mrs. Vick, assisted by Miss Mulholkni^adSMisa Ford. play»d the aocompanimenta. In aa- noanoing this fact it is not neoesaarr for as to say that it was well done. Total amouLt realized $210, to be a(,phed to the English church baild- iug fund. f}il£ ^C GEORGE NIXOJSft Toronto MM* f«i iftit I. 4NQ0 »^a ' 7".1 llSswc on kuul a full stock, iocluding Crockery- â- and Xjamps In great variety and at prices fcasnit the people. BOOTS AN JD SSOBdBa "^mr^hmmmm far (tjsUb«al br^haita invea to nU ths I i|^ â- ' -aa mm- -mstM I i nanivvan^ »td ^^^^^lS* iL t' a-i^l 1*^1 r •' III "'i* "' T..i-»M'J»» f4a •â- ( .niHt^O mV. -f«i'it 'Jl ifl lt lj t q ^fcni. i'W i.iiQ^i *m 'if' • The largest and best Stock in Tow;, lit fewest PricMi DRY GO0 My Stock in this department is now complete, and coa* tains the newest lines in Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Winceys, Shirtings, Flannels, Blankets Clouds, Scarfs, aad a choice selection of Tweeds. J.,^ ' :.7 'rij „ REPY-HIDE «L0TWiaa-Overcoats-^i SaiU, Slurtt. Drawers, UvcraUk. ko. â-  large Stock. COUNTY ITEMS. An election was held at Shelbnme on Saturday, to elect a councilman. The contest was between R. W. Jeftry and Hugh Carson, and was fought on the ground of bonus or no bonus m aid of the Toronto, Grey and bruce Railway, Carson, the railway man. was elected by 12 majority. FiHB. â€" On the morning of the 20th ult while Mr. Alex. Johnston, of the tlth con. of Artliur, was attending to his cattle one of his horses kicked over the lantern quickly setting fire to the stable, which was, together with the barn and contents, eutrely consumed. Loss $1,200. Insured in the London Mutual for $550. â€" Mount Forrtt Con- federatt. RoBBxar. â€" On Saturday night bur- glars enteritd the house of Mr. Gny Leslie, of this town, and, going to his bedroom, carried off his pants and coat, which they rifled when th^y got outside. They took twenty-one dollars ill from Itis pockets. also Ills wa'c'i and bunch of kvyi^. Tiny then went to the post office, and while eiideavonriiig to ef- fect an enlr.uiee Uiey aroused the clerk who stops in tlierffico. and when he spoke they made off. They have not as yet been arrested. â€" OrangtcUle Adtertiser. While Mr. Geo. Rutledge, of Me- laucthon, with hi.s wife and child, was returning home, on Wednesday evening lai.t, the king-bolt of the „ MATSi.CIPS iPO FORSaâ€" A large assortment of A i Goods. AJao averythuig elaa to be fraod in a First-Qaes General Stotw. The above Ooeds have all been pnrchaead hi the beat Markets, and will be sold at BOTTOM PRICES for CASH or PRODUCE. Dundalk, Oct. 28. 1880. 7.41 i-.i ). 'til OiromED'iStUXITIII MC specialty :J|!lAT8 afnti.Cf A PS,/^ew and stylish. ||l|k^TS arid oihfOESy c^'C'P^ Stnit|i*s ' .!celelrated make that has stood the test aeauflift M T*i^, comers in all stylfca Jm4 oewncsa, -^ii^^ ,. ,, ClJknii^Mkt and CROciCESY^Piijtcnis (cheap aad fre^,^ '^M fMNaflll'iiiii li' ^â- â€¢^^.•f •I -(11 .!^*^^o'â-  5.. »hir« T^*"' ,»»fli»jTI V: ittt 'iT^rvi ",y^ ",.-(( bna ,J«3;fci •m( ^p«j iusiT' r'«ip-» â- Â»Â» WM: HOGG, iST- r»! ' 'â- itm'Y' 'mi 'Piv '••*» .*?' J^ !f*»T' -^# ..,..»* '!• -r- i^»'i» il} i A â-  â-  cJ ffc'J -:i* ' • "N r â- â€¢ »..ii.i ^^ t' \\ Um-J '-â-  » â- Â»â- *.-» v.. » .. /.. .-, .^T • I.. ,. • 1. • Keep your Bye on the Place! WHi::^ TOU VISIT Uam:t» at.w Douglas' Brick Bhch opposite the Drug Store. Time and Tide Wait FOB NO MAN." EiOa:T"X TTOTT -^^T-AJJCXl Tliey are Bolliug fast, thoMjuitly ealebratad Watches. Ton imin one. Will giva yoa ipecial quotatious for osh and iliow yon a lisrffe Stock to Bcl9ct trom. Am showiDff loiiie baaatifui things in SIIiVEBWAEE! v Baing umtabU for Wedding praaaata, Ac Booie extra bargaina in Parlor and Bedroom Clocks! LaiK* Waight Cluelu at 93.60. Very low. Also a comple :toek of CiOld Chains, Sets, Ijockets, NeclLlets, Pins, Cbalns, C., Ar., all at the very lowest net eaah prices. Wh«u in F.«ilierton give m« a call. tsc Watch repairiug a specialty. All work is warranted. Wfc r*. IOLIi, TV atclimaUer, ^c., « FLESHERTQN AND DUNDALK, Sc|iUiBibwtlst.iaM.! •i*^ UUTTJSR U liUkK. MARKDALB. Parties visitiiij; I'riccville sliould Ipatroui^o tlie Coniniercial IJotel. I wapgon broke, opposite Lot 16, Cod. riiey will tiinl tlir proprietor both at- \4 ^old survey), the vticlde b«iug sud- lective mill obliging, and ready tojdeniy deprived of the support of the hnppfy theni witli all tlie requisites front wheelsits occupants were thrown tlicni witli all tlie lecussiry to comfort tlio inner man. Wastko. â€" .\ 15oy wanted at tbi.s affice, from 14 to IG years of age, to â- arn the I'lintiii;^' business. To one rho is not alraid of work this is a jood opjiortuiiity must be able to read miiiiu-'cript. One from the country pici\ lu- i. TuANKsoniMi Dav, on the whole kssed off preity ipiictly. The places buiunes.s w».iL' closcil, and services rero held ui ili. M. Church. The hBoys" consumed tlii; usual quantity â- â€¢corn jiiiec." siid tlie result was a isit to Squire liiowii and a coutri- iiiou to tne Townslup funds of bodio 118. W E nr.' iLnipcilcd to omit a com- lunicatiiii from Mr. Meldrum this raek touching railway matter*. Tlie leiuand on our columns is si great ind the i:jcrea:ing interest that is eiug taken ou this important sub- ject, makes it impos.sible for us to raceommodatc nil, and therefore we [must leave it over for next week. TiiK IVvNK â€" Win. Iiucas Co. iiavo taken possession of the premises arejiared for them in Hill Bros, new Fbrick liUck, on the corner of Mill and [Toronto sticits. Parties wanting imoncY will find it to their interest to |pay tlii-iu ii \iit, and those who are f a saving tmti, can get C per cent. u all luomy onliusttd to their c«re. The Wkviiilu. -\Vc see by the To- jnto dailies tliiit the American ors- lan, who nr • at present in England 3ui]biin bittirly of the weather. If is niiythin;; hko what we have had ^ore f.r the past two or three weeks ro uity the "boys." In fact we have had 11' \ve:itlu'r at all, or, as our Lmericaii ci.usins would say, too luch weather all to-gcther. Tub Hevoro Hotel has changed kaud.s, Mr. J. McCutcho on, the late proprietor retiios from the business, having sold oiii to Mr. Thomas fSproule. formeilv of tlio American Hotel, Oweu bound. Mr. Sproule was at one time Conductor on the T., u;. it B. Railway, and has had conbid- lerabls experience in liotcl business, [is botli cortoous and attentive to his I customers and no doubt under his managomeut the Revere will become a favourite with tho travelling public. Boous Bills. â€"Bogus $10 bills are la circulation. The counterfeit con- .kts in a change which is effected by nAtly stretching or slitting away one halXof the thickness of the bill cov- ering it nud lotting in (so to speak) with inuciluse the words and figures, ten, from unless (.'onsolidated or other Bank bills. This patchwork fraud can be dttucteJ by holding tlie bill up to the light and by tho small imprint of the figure "fivu" or whatever tho actual denommatiou of the bill may be, on various parts of the bill. Wi have made arrangemcnta with the !/o6« Pi-mtiug Company to club tho Weekly (Jlobe with the Stamdakd. Porsous wishing to obtain it save 76c. on tho subscription price by caUingon us as we will famish the Stanoabo and tho WeeMij Globe for $2.60, cash, to the end of 1881, subecribers will thereby receive both papers for the balance of this year fb««. Each sab- scribor will also receive, about the first of the year, jraiU a fins steel en- graving of the lata Hon. Geo. Brown, 11x20 incbe*, got up Id the very best stylo of modern art which »iom ia worth more Umu tin sabaerifioo price. t â-  1 ... 1 i^^aiuauk I '^•t'oiH m' " .. ;i i fiiv's vd ,-.:;(i '-4; J-aaii Mit JM i tj the ground. Strange to say, bow- ever tlie child loceived no harm, and we are'happy to say that Mr. Rutlcdge and his wife received only a few slight bruises.-- Shetb-nnf Free I'reu How SKLOOM do we hear of a murd- er, who expiates his crime upon the gallows, dying without a '-bright hope of a glorious immortality," and the Collingwood ileuenger's remarks ou the subject are both pithy And truth- ful. It says "In Saturday's issue or despatch recorded the hanging of a negro in North Carolina, and, as usual wo are told he went galloping up to Heaven. This thing is growing monotonous, and for the sake of variety we would like to hear of a murderer taking a race across lots tho other way oc- cai'ionally. The prospect of singing praises forever at the right hand of the throne is too attractive a ohromo altogether, to offer as a snro premium for murder, and tho business should stop. It is singular that ministeis and other sentimental and religious people make such herculean efforts to pre-empt the best locations in glory for bloody handed murderers, while tliesA people â€" parsons included â€" will allow a poor girl who makes a mistake to go whooping to perdition." MARRIED At Maxwell, on the CtL lust, at the Meth- odi»t Parsonage, %y the Uev. Mr. Snowden, Mr F. L. Tuck, of Maxwell, to Miad Auuie Wright, of Pnoeville. DIED. lu Markdale, on the 6th inst., Arthur P Bowes, yonugsst son of'W. J. McFarland, aged 2 vcan and S months. In Markdale. on the 6th inst, Elliott Mary, daagbter of Mrs. S. Caawcll, aged 3 years and 3 month*. lu Scarlwro, •n the loth inst., Aithnr, only son of John Vaohorn, of this place, aged 4 years, 3 months, and 27 days. In Markdale, on th^ 6th inst., Florsnce Ada, daughter of John and Annie Bauson, aijed 1 year, S months, and 23 dayt. In Pricoville. on the ath inst, John Bobert, infant aon of Mr. thos. Conkey. Wm. Lucas Co., BANKER, MARKDALE. Ioney Loaned IN large or small amonnU, at all timaa, on good endorsed notes, or on eoUatanU sacoiity. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. t^Drafts issned and Oolleclions msde on all poinU. at lowest rates. WU. LUCAS k Co. September. 1880. »-y I*iilllc Notice. NOTICE ia berefa^ giran that tha new road aiMa thravRh loU 99, lOB. awt KM., an tha trd oonaaaaion W. T. ik 8. ia â€" townabip at llnnaln. a ac Tba aaipantiaa a{ tits tovaaUa tt Olaa* •if aot havinit any tiUa to tha laidl (~ â- aiAlaU. «iU " *» "-i wu iu aiitint thai smv happaa on aaidiaaa.' JAMES BBOWN, FtSliXt Claak. Tnai*i| eiOliaiig. Oet. Uv iHO., A t^ ,..'â- â-  •ilV«Me."' -^ WM. FOX, Plain t Ornamental Pla*arar E-ttimatea for stone miil brickwork i-n ap- plication. .SiiciHfiirtiiin (iiimiitcej. Itesi- deiicc â€" Qaoer Street, Markdale. Markdale, Sept. 17, IWW). l-y Selling Off. Selling Off. GBEAT Clearing Out Sale! 6RANT CHELLEW will offer for the Bargains unprecedented iu tha Coanty of (iruy. SIDEBOARDS, BUKKAUS, tUPBU.UlDS, WASH»TANDS. open and enclosed, BKADSrEADS, SPKINU BEDS, MATTBASSE3, CBADLES. CENTRE T.\.BLF.S, EXTENSION TABLES, Fall-Leaf Tables, and Chairs of araiy va- iety to be SOLD AT COST â€" o Pictures and Picture Framing! in all its branehe*. ITpholsterlns and Bepairinff promptly atteudeI to. 13" Produce and Dry Lumber taken at market price. GRANT CHELLEW. Varkdale, Sept., lH8o. 1 Stoves! Stoves! Stoves. At the New TInshop MARKDALE. A LARGE AS80UTMENT to select from of tho latest and most approved des- igns, inelnding PARLOR, COOKINS AND BOX STOVE.'*, extra heavy eastmg*, with sUver. plated trimmings, THE BEST STOVE IN MARKET. If yon want to have comfort the rest of yoar days, boy a stove from W. R. Walkar, that will last you your lifetime, AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Ko puffing here â€" the real "3imon Pars." TINWAEBl A LABOE STOCK ALWAYS OS HAND. Aix usna or Tin A Copperworkl made to order on the ahartest notioa. EAVETROUBHINR A SPECtAUn. store Ovens Kned, Hand-Irons Bilrer-Pataa, at very Icrw prices Store Polish; Dome Lead, the Challenge, the Rising Son, Ooal Oil -, JOB WORK nartieolariy a«*en4ad to. Too can save money by Riviafr •â- â€¢ a call before parohasisit elHewliere. CM m a t s I HMes, Sheep P^ti. Wool-pickings takn fa exchange. *^ Ilcmeaabar the fl aaa, aezt the "Markdale Hoosa." 'W. R. WALKER. MaiUhaa, Sa^ 17, 188a 1-tt Legacies I Pensions I Bounties! Partiea kavioa aaiio •an A^U. r. •.,OBaaty«aer^ A Choice Farm of 150 Aeros FOPw SALE. One Mile from the Villaife of MarkdaU. Thaie are about 100 acres cWreil, the moat ol which id iu a hiKh state of cultivation aud tit for a Iteapcr or Mower to «oik oil. Thore arc on the premises a Frauic House brieked inside; a Milk House rivktxlin8ide; a Frame Stable and I)riviii); lluuse, aiid IjOg Barn a Voting Urobard commencing to lear a good Wi II, lieside the hon« a uevcr-failiug rnn8 auoss Uiti. farm Cedar snffici- eut fur fuuciug, luilance bf bu»h hardwood. (» First-clasu Mr pic S'agar Bosh of some 400 treHk). The form is well fenced, in n good state of repair, aud in a chuicu UcaUty, be- ing within a mile of giMKl m.trket, ehnrahas, school houses, and all necessary conveui eucea. C. W. BUTLEDGE. ' Proprietor. Maple Leaf Farm. Markdale P.O. Meat for All AT ^W. B. Sarjent's. I In the County at cFARLAND' Tlte salwerilier rvtiirns thanks to the in. habitants of MARKDALK aud vicinity for tlteir hberal |iatronai!a dar- ing the past five years, and begs to remiad them that h* is prepared to supply their wants in his line as f a? any one north of Toronto. Fresh d kd Sbts delivered promptly on receipt of ordara. SAUSAGE POULTRY always kept in their Seaaon. Special inducements to large Purchasers IS" Shop en Mill sroott, opposite the '• Rovere Hotel." CS-Cash paid forfPat Cat- tle and Sheep Again thankinp; von for past favgr* ha tmsta by faithfbl attention toyoor waata to merit aeoutiunanee of yoar aapport. W. B. SARJEANT. Markdale. Sept. 17th 1880. 1 Money Lost! By those who bay stoves before gobig'to J. GARDINE:p'S Dundalk. t/ Best nn«l Cheapest stock ol STOVES and TINWARE North of Toronto. ' FOR SALE. ^j (\/\ CHARMSâ€" Siiowflake, Granite, Wed- /i\J ding. Marble, Basket, (oomui ehiaa). Mottled Stone, Ashes of lioaei, ijtc-, Cards with uame nn all, 10 cents. Address, J. A. UBULLEY, Buz 79 Craa- more P.O. Simcoe, Out- fi-4. STRAYEr Came into the praniises of the sobaaribar, near B«rk«ley. about tha firat of Oetobar, a yaaiUug stoar. The owne' is raqn eat ad to prove property pay eipensas and take him away. 'WALLACE DBJMa. Nov. 1st, 1880. 8-» THE CHURCH. f TTHBBEAS Oravaa faa« of lata haw W dug in the Cborch Tard ol Ohriat Chineh without the coeaent ol the NOTICE IS BKBEBT GIVEN, That any person so offendiag in the (otora wiU ha proaecotal for traspas*. /«â€" -j^ B.tX)LBMAN. Chw»b- (MKBad) XHO».BLLIOTT/r.l Oa(.Sa.lWau i-mf T-fl ' T ICSNSU) AUCnOKSKS VO* TBI 1_J OooatT tt Gray. SalaaaltanAai akaaartast or aaantry. Chaiaaa aoodacate. Sale KUla, IMaa and Btaaipa ilMMUad. Having bad kwf isiiwiaaas ia Madriaiay Sept. Sitk. ISM' I H. li^Hf UdOPER RISFBOTFtlLLT uiv'U avary Haa aad Waaaaa la tha aaoatiy to aiait «hair rtilifjr aa4 Waiarooou aad iatpeat their stock af tamitoaa, aaaaafactarad dwing tha aaM« »a». lar IsH iiaia. Owataek iaaowiha tergaataaA aMat aaaiptaia valhcU twM,aa4 we |m* ksaa saaaMml la iatTOdarfBC a gtaat near '•â- " • NEW ANO TASTY DESIGNS I See his $5.00 OvercoatSa See his S10 UlsterSa See his 812 Suite See his $16 dress suite 500 pairs of Boots To eboose from â€" Men, Women aud Children's. Get yoar AXES ^^ McFxaLAND's. Those $2.50 MANTLES ^^^"^S fast. New DRESS ROODS i McFarland'b. 'cw FLANNELS ^^ McFatland's. ^ew SHAWLS a^ McFarland's. New BONNETS ^^ HATS ^^ McFar- land's. New TWEEDS ^*' McFarland's. New CARPETS ^^ UcFar- land's. New Fringes, Buttons, Silks, Laces, Flowers aud Feathers. Prlees nercr were lower or value better. A consparisoa ••llciteil. Wa Ja McFARLAND, 1 31 PORTER. MTarkdckle. BOOTS and SHOES SFOIB ori^E A NOVELTY in these Goods! Tho Mostnicfiblo Rivefed and Oomoifod aid Wolor proof Soam. OaU and Examine Stoclc and I*i*icefl I 7' â-  efore parchasing "slop" goods elsewhere. â- â€¢*,-;. »• -.1 • ' n ' r r U. ..; .1- ° -• -m-m .â- Â»** •V •»» r 1 •.( â-  •••' â-º â-  • i â- â- :â-  m }t 1 -J Ltt. FpLL LINES. IN ^mosi, Staole and mq M (Suds. (MM t**x.,'-«.^ i j-)'4 ,t^:-. ^Ready-made,) Crockery and Glassware 1 (.1! .1 -AT IH«"â€" • • •XU Tl ... .J »t.v»i.| BED-BOOM SETS, OOtJOHBS!, aiOEBOAROS, EXTENSION TABLES, CENTRE TABLES, :.v DRESSING BUREAUS, BEDSTEAD^ SOFAS, ' ^; ' WHATNOTS, HAT-RACK8, HALL TABLES* „.,!.. ., ,,, oâ€" â€" .. yr% isx MAKINO A SPECIALTY IN New Styles of WOOD SEAT CHAIRS f CHEAP AND DURABIiB. -OUB- UNDERTAKING DEPARTM'Nt Folly aappliad wUk COFFINS, SHROUDS, e., and apaeial sises made on tha ver/ shortest uctioe. â-  • ALL KINDS OF " "^^ ' FsRsy THnlng, Scroll Work, Fonco Pickets ft â- oaldlngl made to order. Alao SASH, DOORS, PLANING, dre. With o.r present experienoe we feel justified in asking a coutiauaiice of the palrbaaa so liberally bestowed on us in the past. Our prices will be found as low as any, aiida mueh'so as ia consistaut with good work and finish. If oi â- '•â-  in need ol anything in ^Ifr liae wa (eel ooaiideBt we can suit yoa in quantity and ij to select fiom aiid also iri terms. ^^; • â-  *I. R. HOOI»EF»,r 1 ' ' Fleshurtou Steam Famiture Factory aud Planinx Hill- ANGUS McINTYRE^ '.:- .- r' OE.XERALX DEALKB I» ' Groceries, Provisions, â- .â- ;».....•; â€" AND â€" J -â-  â-  A Fresli Supply of the Most CMce just ReceiYed. CALL AND BE SATISFIED AS TO PRICES ANC QUALITY. 13" EMPTY BOTTLES BOUGHT. .5=1 M«i%dale, October 1, ism, if 'jX- '-fiC^ •*" Ilexxiov©da i^ MARKDALE. â- 1U Sevt. Wdi^MBa. HILL BROTHERS, Would intimate to their numerous friends and the public generally, that they have removed to their nev/ prcffri^sf,' and will be pleased to receive a call from our many friends and customers. Call and see us. We will give you Bar- gains. WE MEAN BUSINESS. ° "l;:vS SEE OUR ;;:â- 'â-  ' ' Cheap DrSss Goods;; r Lustres, tjvK •iSI'jv And Fringes; Gents, sae our CLOTHING. Tie/ are Stylish. Good CHEAP. SEE OUR TWEEDS f You will find them right in Price and Quality ,« '*,! â-  Boots and Shoes a Specialty^ our Gall and get a sample of Splendid TEAS. -.x Gentlemen we have a splendid SMOKING TOBACCO, at 4Ck5 per lb. Try it. "" We again give a general invitation to inspect our Stecil/ Have not time to write long advertisenient^, 0on'*t t^liev^f in them. Would rather have the Goods speak irr thesw selves. ThaakiBg ycfa ior past favors, and trust to have a eootilk' uance of the same. ,^:doifi;;:i' i,.:j^, .^ ,. BROS. 1 llarlcdaltf,) 1^01^/4, iSSo. i» â- H.»i.j ' 'A asT fl» W M^' (H mi^i i4aa 4rt»',S(«rilf*»M'l 'si :/' '-.* n '-ir'^.o ^» I •ia-H ,,i|«.rtfV,^4ii. «iB^*.l â- " Jifin* '!«â- ' jia»w ti yA- "'"â- ' â-  .d.'ili..--- or L « iuti ti'.iit •i/.a. Jtt 1 j-'" ,j-.»fv *•! " yMv » 3\tX Bvajt tiia 1 *• *j»;f. laft^ ahsiv » .«»» i'-«2» "-^ 'tf* '•' 'lan.-J

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