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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Nov 1880, p. 2

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 ^mp mi ^.S TO PEXCBS BOUGHT. ;rv,, Tootfc^] Surgical AppHj s sundries. â-º "roi$.vocoHi irii 3scriptio»^' :i»i:i«^^TiOBn â- oiMi:i». ROULB, M. m.N frit lids and the 1 to their nevr prer .ill from our many frie \Vt-. -wiU r-.TVE VOU. rHING-. Tl 3d CHEAP. WEEDS! 1 Price ;ui(I Quality. tatfon to inspect our- •rtisLnniits. Don't le Goods speak for and trust to have ai HILL BR It KN-' D .)i CTIDNfi^B U Ci'uiiiv lif rey. â- lalo-, iiit. U'lt'l a; short««* f.'Uiitiy. ri,..ij;cs inod««** iili' r..Iis, Notes and S' â- itiuiRj. Having had lout business I cau guaran*** " tf«rk«Ue, Sept. 24th. IWO- ICENSEi) AUCTIOWtK* J County ol Oray. !iionc7 to lo«n at Io« 118 to suit borrowen. an and Saving Co. â- ^'^â- ^^ I ictly private, and triitt** Sept. 17th 1880 HT3ICI.\N, 80Bift*^' •Mt, EvamuP.O. .^, ri*.cnjA mt\uza •;r: 9g A*T»D %iiSL r. sifid»I«*«a" E STAKDARP. iaay. Nov. 5th, 1880. â-ºCAL ft OTHER NOtTcES. Pkbsoks desiring a cliange in a3- tiiement wfll please band it in not tUan noon on Wednesdays. ri have only time this week to atUution to iWi Bros, new ^d- ament; *»" "^^ *« ** ««*iD I week. " ^^ r ktlierc .ire any of onr stiBseribera ]o uot get their pap«r regular, ill do ns a favor by letting as ' st once, so that we may find ause, and have it remoTed. ' LLAN M?Dongall has opened oat irr.ess cKtaV)liBhmeut in Bora's i, in the ImihUng lately ;ocnipied ic Expodtor. For particulars l^out for posters. Ovren Sound Tribune says, the Millrr, which was reported in last is.^uc as liaviug been driv- liorc, ixicivcd little or no damage, again luiiliing her nsunl trips. BT Masters â€" "Were the Stakdabd I called for, the P. M's will please Jutc the papers to whom they and not r;lurn them, but send card ^ith the names of those to they are aldressed. Pbintkks' Misclllaxy.â€" This Utile iiiuntblv is to hand, and as i« fill.d Willi matter useful to whosauut-.iost^i it advocates. It (rork tEal .-li'^iilJ I'-J iu H'e h-tflds ery mcmbt!- »f the craft. Sub- tion, $1 iii'i'iutices, 60c. 5PT.â€" \Vc 1 â- lii that the parties ?e'.i in till ttjiiitoii mischief ccm- on .M":i'l:iy msht. brought DrocK-:liii;,' to a close by steal- ii tiirk. s fioi.i Mr. Wra. Arm- Ig. Tin 13 cirryiAg matteps a too fir, aii'l ^va tcust the perpe- »rs, wli ' wi- believe are known, fbe ileiilt v.iiii us they deserve. iOM lie, O.viu Sound Times we tliiit 'a jonii^ man named W. r'alkiT, a Liu.'l Surveyor and Civil ineer, coHiinitt l f-uicide by piac- a piiitol to I.; I' iii^le and blowing [his brains. U was for somo in lij'liii. .•lint \Wiilst there was fcrely sunsniick, which appears to re uttoctcd liH iiiuid, and led him Bominit tlie i:i,h act. Phi: F.iiivliiaMu Ploughing match |k i'I;ice, ;:. â- iTiliiir; Vi:uinouc6ment, was a coiiiplutu succi ss. Th(!ro ttii entries, and th-: names of priz"-wiiiii;r9 are as I'ullnwii: â€" 7, .!/.«. 1st .1 )stph Jiuwos; |Tiii.iii:is JliMijrliss. i lu/is '!, Mill. it .l.kiiii'.-. MeC'oiiiiell 2iii John Iger. I I'ljM 1. It'i,x. â€" Ibt Vuleii- •-\\ T. K. Myles. CUisx 1 i' 'I'i. la.T' .M-f iliiiill ftbont $190 in one dKjr, «« liliilgpi have Ulien between |700j(a| fMff oat of tlie neighbotbood. jQm »*%mk we believe ia of littl» j^iwilhwlT-triTt ani ifl Hkcly toMmate • " deaS dnak^*, on. the haQOB of tUd load agent*. BATsn TmK^r-k load of hariogr «a* ofiieMd foraale on Ihe O. 8. Marhei lait week,aQd the Tibune riilate* tbe foUoir- ing in conuection tiMrewith. TBa owner of the barley was offered fi9o per bashel for ik, b«iag 4e above tbe ruling price, on aecoant of the fftidn being aboTe the average quality. â€" When be was ahont receiving hia piy. for it, he asked the buyer if it waa to be usf^d for tbe manufacture of liquor. He was hiformed that such was the intention. E« refused to sell, having oonaeieBtions leruples againat patiag bis grain to any snek use, ae he was a strict Tempnranee man. Tbe buyer then infoniied bin) that he would pur- ehase it for milling porpoeesr bat that be eonld only give him 46a par bashel. "All right, " said tbe farmer, asd sold it ac Mrdingly, thereby loosing f 0.60 on his load of barley. Tell us aooth er funny on». An agricltnral paper reaefaing its i readers every week, has long beon re- quired, and we have it now in the Canadktm Farwur, tbe oaly Weekly Agricultural paper published in tbe Dominion, which is to baud. It con- tains an unusi^l amount of excellent resdina matter of interest to the agri- culturist, besides a goodly proportion of general items and literary e;ttract8 of a high order. It contains hand- some illustrations of various Agricul- turisl, Hoticnltural, and Stock sub- jects, and altogether is a valuable Journal aud should be on the table of every farmer. The publisher isoffering special inducements to subscribers, will forward sample copies free to any one desiring them, and will seudt he paper for the remainder of this year and all of 1881 for $1.00, or elnbed with the Stansaxd both papers will be furnished to subscriber to the 1st January, 1882 for $2. It is pnb- hshed every Wednesday^ in Walland, Ont., by N. B. Colcock. « M COUNTY ITEMS. flarl; f'"!l' S. I. lu. .J .1 Week â-º wii l)y iiiclic- ,1 i iiM I lac. ^1 on uur tahlc H \. lue ilf'uian Carrot, iiiiii-' ii. V, iuiii nieiibiireJ ill ciiciiiiifir-ii.' •, 2(1 inches Jfcii;;t:j and \vi Liti.eo fjn.r |ioi(iiJs V. U'lls U.s thai iiu h:ui IM) b.ibh- from an (i^^hlh of an isere. \Ve ink KoiiHul' our fivmors conKl ob- tin a few valuable hints from friend BrJ. a- he is not'-il lor iiiisiii'.; " bif,' in.sjs" Ill till! aL,'riei;ltnral line, i.V.'ppKR.-râ€" '.fr. .Toscph .\fcC'utcIiooii, Jopiiel"!- of the Ktivijio itoUl, who ii jut ivlirifi^' iVoiu buiiiess, enttr- bncd his n'.i.nnii3 friends witli a rcwcM snjiivr^ on Wi^hicsday even- wliiii iiiiout 111 it liowu to par- • ol the â- ,'ood tliiiiC'k placed before m. Tlie Slipper was got up in Mc- telieoii 's ,1 ..-..I'l tyle, and when we that ho fur..iier praisj is uecessa- l-'roiu w.iiu ol r,|iaco wo are un- to givr a fii.l ruport, but sulKcQ it |6av, that t'l" usual to.ists were ik .â- iinl re;ioiiduil to, and a vory Isant eve'iiii;^' ua- pa-sed. II. I. not b â- ni^' one commit suicide. k then- i^u' tr Ufct up an elope- kt, so .IS to (iiVM ns a local item, n adei.-s :i.-.' aware ili'it the roads Lniiully vwilioui our telling' them, ^noi's ji!opiieies and the weather I 'av â- ! •Kl." 'l'li liens are not ^114 i'i-; ej_ iiow, au'l the liuie for stK;mro.rne~ and line ' •,'ardiiij,' is past. .Vs a reporter must up sonietliin_ij to Li^ readers to interaet tli' dryness of the discus- l^j ou t!i' K.til'.vay JJouus, we will to to j'luicli --oiiie body's liead or get dog fii,'ht by way of variety. tiouKMoM I'LoroLixr, Match. â€" On oniil of :]:'• snow ou the IBth ult., match .hi not take place until i21st. e ';: ,;.pi. ntiv there were not i;i:iy eii;rivs ns there otherwise Id have b.iii. It eaino off on the 'f .Mr. Taylor. ])rornore. There ii» ciiuit's, iiud the following are llucky ones ;~*/'""s Class.â€" iBt Murdocli, 'ind Aiulrow Waddell, .)onnld McFaydeii, Jth William 5*li \\iliiaiu iiastio.. Boy's 1-t -Tames .MurJcjcIi, 'iud John liuv. .^rd Tlii.mas Spence, 4th fs Snell. 'J'lii Judtjos, plougmen nuiubt r of tlie .sjiectators, weie Isoiuely I iiicrtained by Mr. and Taylor :â- .:, tbe close of tlie match. A BRAKSSMAN iiamod John Philips met with a serious accident at the station here, on Monday night. It appears that be was engaged in cous- ling cars at the crossing ou Main Street, and being very daik, he could not find the coupling pin. While looking for it he was knocked down by the train and fell into the cnttle- guard, with his leg on the rail. The wheel gave it a terrible squeeze be- low the kuee, breaking the small bouc and lacerating the flesh. Dr. Norton attended the wounded man, iiiid we are glad to know that, beyond be ing laid up for some time no serions results will follow. â€" Shclhurne Free R.\ii.-vAV Matters.-- The rails on the G. J5. A W. K lilway were laid last eveiiiiiL; up to within a hundred feet of Mount Forest station building. A little further track-l^yiug will be done this morning after which the firce under Mr. Newman, the contractor, will go back over the line for the pur- I pose of putting in a quantity of ties j This work willoccupy several days, and about the beginning of next week the Inyinr of tlio rails will be continu- ed from Mount Forest in the direction of Diirhani. By-laws ui aid of the improveinnit of the T. G. B. Bail- i way have been introdaced and read a tirst tiiuo in Ora igc/ille for $10,000 |aud ill Ho wick for $12,500. â€" Mount examinet Killed by a Ram. â€" On Saturday last Mrs. Hichanlsou, the mother of Mr. John Richardson, who lived with her son oud daughter, about three and a half miles from Durham, on the Hanover Road, in Bentinck, was left alone for a time, and on going ont into a field near the house, the old lady was attactsd by a vicious ram, and ou attempt in g; to rise was butted several times, but at last succeeded in reach- ing the house. When her son return ed he found her ou the bed, and suffer- ing severely from internal injuries. He at once came into Durham for Dr. Kicnian. who found that her arms ' were badly lacerated and oue of her I ribs broken aud the lungs affected. I The suffer becoming worse ou the fol- I lowing day, Dr. Kieman took Dr. Kolly with him, both doctors doing the best they could for the sufferer, but she gradually sauk and died on Tuesday morning. The deceased, who was 78 years of age, was quit» active until the time ot her fatal mis- hap. â€" Grey Rerinc. MARRIED On the 3rd inst. at the residence of the bride's brothers, by the Est. N. A. McDiar- miil, Mr. Miles Tonnj;, of Lakolct, County Huion, to Miss Eliz.i Hnskett, sister of Wni. tt (jco. M. Haskett, Hardware merchant* of this place. At Chatsworth, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. Jam«s Cameron. Michael Steele, Mer chant, Williamsford, to ^fisa Jeisie Mitchell, Chntf.worth. At Clifford, on the Cth inst., by the bride's father, [r. E. H. Newman of Owen Sound, to Miss Eliza, y.iangciit daaghter of the Bar. J. Savage, M. D. Walter liaki;.;h, we believe, was irst to ill trod lie. tobacco lu Eng- For some time after his return .\mcrica, he always took his die 111 his own room with the door led. On one occasion ho forgot to and Lis vsJet entering the room, jrr a dense cloud of smoke, round [master's head naturally thought rwas on fire, and seizing a pitcher of lt«.r douc. d it over him. We came »r doing the same thing this morn- Seoiug a heavy smoke just in |uo i,r -ir oivnctum, we rushed ou» bed wlii^^o the fire was, taking a |1 of 'ater with us to assist in kr-'vAg it. Upon arriving at the â- ^ wel.'o'inJ it was only a friend of 1 t'liji^ying his morning smoke. IE Shelhurne FrM Prmsftys that a has been making not a few dupes aatutighborliood, by getting tliem kct as agents for a tin force pump. I mode adopted to entrap the vic- is to induce him to sign an agree- )t to take one or more cases, each taiuing 24 pumps, at $30 per case, The retail price of the pumps I placed at $2, leaving a profit to [agent of $18 on each case, provid- 30 succeeded in disposing of them, fch victim was led tc believe he was [only agent for the locality but were not long left in doabt on jpoiut. No 80»ier had the ex- Bn;ed agent toped in a saffiitieiit iil(er than he departed, and his \o was taken by two new men.wbo }ccd«d to collect ttvn tho vietimr I local agents, who warafkretty. an- â-¡us. These eoileetors do no* ap- fto have had mnch diflicaHy i»*' QIED. In Markdalc, on the 30th nit., Thomas Barrington. ion of Thomas Mathewa, Sadd- er, aged 3 years, 3 months. In Markdale. on the Slst nit.. Ethel Robinson, daughter of W. J. McFarland, aged 4 years, months. in Artemc.sia, on the Slst ult., 'Willie, son of .\ndrew Nesbit. aged 6 years. Wm. Lucas Co., BANKER, MARKDALE. lbney Loanod IN large or srwOl amonnts, at aU times, on good endorsed notes, or on oollateral seeanty. INTEnST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Dcpoaitt. tSTDr^Jta issued and OoUectifOiS n^d^ oo all points, at lowest rates. ^\ 'â- â- /. t WM. LtCAS A Co. Septemhor. 1880. r â- " ' ihtii'ailii I*mUc IVotlce. !^ XfOTICE u h«f*j «ii(«, W^ nnr I\ ro«a open throu^lote 15^ MO, SmT 101, on the »rd coneetoldnr. T. A 8. B., in the township of Q t e n it g immatfMpmlf «• UbHihed. The eorporatian ot the townah^ of aii» BlgoothaviMt ••7*itt«totMn«4,tkraMii MidMs. idlMtWra9«a«iht«|(env(M- 4sidaiit dMt atfr-lMWMD m aM4,M«t. JAMBS BBOWM. 9Jmj*XUuJB^M, }, as it was said tlmt they seoi ^^^]»w».hip •rfOisaalg^OA'U/OMOl GEORGE NiXOl^i Toronto DUNDALK, Have on hand a fu|l stocTt.'^Wfkl^yirig' TEAS, SII6AIIS, AHD GENERAL -T-T .iO-lâ€" i Orockqry. Q'lasiaware and Lamps â- -' ' â- ' â-  â- 'â- - • ' â€" -Ji-4 ^! â-  .i,^r,.w« -.:r*.n B OBSfM'^US D B'HOE SI The largest and b^t Stock in Tfiom^ at.Loivest PnoesiKx DiTMSoojjai nt t:: My Stock in this department is now totriptete, an'd coirii- tairts the newest lines in Plain and Fancy .Dress Goods^ Winceys, Shirtings, Fbmnds, Blankets QQijidls, Scarf)^ |ui4 a choice selection of Tweed^., „ lEIDY-IIOt GUITIIia. Swts, Bhirts, Drawers, Overalls, fto. ,M9Wi r'l. â- -â- i^gi _,^„ y^[,„ will always gtyc their ciisforoci* »S' vjJne |pr. 'â- -i! ' â- ^â-  ' ^-rr^l»»^^ faH ach id J^'ttrt i.a *w aa (Urw^itie Itin j.a ir-{ '••} " .; â- â€¢_,« f? ll^tttK'tl];-. 1 i :»fB m I .ft â- "•« I jsii- (d- i I' (r-;j«s »H ](9aii' t â- .: »!«.| a sit 31 t'iiu.' I dii'ft, â- ?• iJ?. .1 W f-ij ^t-jijhen' DRY iimaiwiiftmj^h^ ^^. 'J â- t.rhttitc) «u, f 1 .-..: .;• HATS and CAPSj, naw*ndstylwli:; â- â-  ' ice!*brated mate tha[t.4ias stood thet^t ags^sC /»tT«tfl,**0»^^i«!^^^ti4cs and newncM^ iR'!* i'iC!'t?*«d -i.Ii w»r; rft ^IHRPQlh'" lllMi W ARibf j jij Ja»w â-  _^ ar^ .Ji Ii9*«it«£t-t7j fT â-  .-n r"^iMi.atiao* etri ForSafe Ohti^ap for Ctfsti or Pto4uc(SS WM ' it Ktr^.- r.-iif-.f GLASSWARC and C ROOKERY ^ipaterns Overcoats â€" a farge Stock, large assortment of "A i HATS. €APs Mi jnms.â€" A Goods, .flso everything else to be fcnnd in a First-CIass Gcner(J BUnm. The above Goods have all been purchased in tbe best Markets, and will bo sold at BOTTOM PRICES for CABH Or PRODUCE. Dundalk, Oct. 28, 1880. 7-4i 5ERiE%,*teapaBd fre^te^r:^"^^ ^f-^^A rtajios aHO organSf â- , ' --ra' .^ ct fjf^srt Uif. f- ' htu "Uo.i^ 1 ta.-. â- â€¢â-  '-i- • • Keep your' Eye on tlie Plcice WHEN YOU ^^SIT UAUgPATJ: fifi Time and Tide Wait FOE NO MAN." gfve Ain They are selling fast, those jnstly celebrated Watches. Ton vrmmt oae. Will you special quotations for c*gh and show yon a Large Stack to ichct from. showioK some baautifui thini^ iu SILVEKWAEEl Being smtable for Wedding presenta, c. Some extra bargains in Parlor and Bedroom Clocks! Lar^e Weight Cliioka at It'i.HO, 'Very low. Also a comple stock of Oold Chains, Sets, I.iOcketa, Necklets, Plas, Chains, C., r all at the very lowest net casli prices. When in Fieiherton give me a rail. li^ Watch repairing a specialty. All work iS warranted. W. F. I3011-.I., "W atchmalier, Jfk-c^ 6 FLESHERTON AND DUNDALK, MAEKDALE. WM. FOX, PlaJR Ornamental Plaslertr Estimates for stone an.l brickwork -n np- plicnti'iu. Satisfnctioii (iiiranteed. Bcsi. ileicc â€" Qncer Street, Markdale. Markdale, Sept. 17, 1880. 1-y Selling Off. SelUngOff. GKEA.T Clearing Out Sale! 6RANT CHELLEW will offer fur the IVEXT Ot/ IaYS Bargains unprecedented iu the County of Groy. SIDEBOAnCS, BUREAUS, CUPBOARDS. WASHSTANDS, open aud enclosed, BEADSTEADS, Sl'KINd BEDS, MATTUASSES, CllADLES, CENTRE TABLES, E.VrENSrON TABLES, Fall-Leaf Tables, and Chairs of every va- iety to be SOLD AT COST â€" o â€" Pictures and Picture Framing! in all its branches. Upholstering and Repairing promptly attended to. 13* Produce and Dry Lunibtr taken at market price i GRANT CHELLEW. tfarkdale, Sept., 188o. 1 Douglas' 'Brick Dtogli oppoiil^Jhe Dr»gSMrf^\ Bt%*mAMK Urt. 1830. ... .i„ f f â- ,- • -: • " • BUTTER A RA.Ii:. 1 J' i '1 le NOBBIEST CLOTIIG! 1 :.|-r'*«' Tt- In ilie County wtt cFARLAND'S. A Choice Farm of 150 Acrtt FOR SALE, One Mile from the Villaye of Marktlal*. Tlioi e ore abont 100acreeclp»red, the moat of which IS in a high statu of cultivation and^t fit for a Ueaper or Mower to ti ork on. There" are on the premiseg a Fmmo Honse bricaed inside; a Milk House bricked inside; a Frame Stable and DriviuR House, and Log Bam a Vonnj; Orclioril commencing to bear a gooil Well, lieside the lioase; a never-failing Stream rnns across the farm Cedar tinffiei- eiit for fencing, balance of bnsh hardwood, (a Fii.4-clas. M'lAo S' Btish of some 400 trees). The farm is well fenced, in a good stole of repair, and in a choice locality, be- 'ing witliiii a mile of good market, chnrcbcs, school hoiitses, and all necessary couveni C. W. BUTI.EDGE, Proprietor. Manic Leaf Farm. Markdale P.O. STOVES- Haskett Bros. B 3TTOM PRICE FOUND Great Reduction to Cash Pnrchasers. Stoves! StoYes! Stoves. At the New Tinshop MARKDALE. ALABGE ASSORTMENT to select from of the latest and most approved des igns, inclnding PARLOR, COOKINB IND BOX STOVES, extra heavy castings, with silver- plated triimniags, THE BEST STOVE IN MARKET. If yen want to have comfort the rest Of your days, buy a stove from W. R. Walker, that will hist yoo yonr lifetime, AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. No pulfiug h«r»â€" the teal ".^imon Pons." TINWAEE I A. LABGB STOCK ALWAYS 0*N HAITD. AI.L xucoa ow Tin^ Copperwork! BMul* to «rder on^tli* skarteait notiea. UVEnOUMUIlA AtPECtAUTTa stove Ovens Used, Hand-Iron* Slv«iwPlatad«i at very low prioaa Stove Poliah; Doom Lead, the ChaUenge, the Bising Son, Coal OU; JOB WOBE MTticnlarly attended to. Tav e*n save money by giving me ,a aall before purchasing elsewhere Old ttfCtf. Hides, Sheep Pelt\ Wool-pickfng« ^akaii %i ezcinge. t^ Remember the pisee, next the "KMUale^Boase." llarkdsle, Wi R. y^AhRER. fi|eptrxt,18««?';7Vc"^.t»^' Legacies T Pensions I ||s iareatJiMla maM onee. THINK OF orn rmcES. A No. g elevated Oven Cook Stove, furnished complete, $i8. Same, with Low Oven, $17. 5 BOX STOVE, $4 All other sizes Equally Low These Stoves are from tho best and larg- est manufacturers in the Dominionâ€" have all the latest improvements, with illuminat- ed fronts and silver-pfated trimmings, and are beyond doubt the best Stores in the Market. HAEDWABB. A large stock of axes, cross cut saws, building and Shelf Hardware, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, c. at low prices. TINWAEE. V Coal Oil, Lamps c., Stock large and prices as low as any in the trade. HASKETT Bros., Sept. 17. 1880. 1 5.'.} nt .;.«•!• t ' i- â- â€¢[. B.-^o---! â- w"« a" WM. HOGii;. V ' ir ♦f .ft' â- â- â- .:â-  i! •'••)! A- '-1 • t •:!; iTi '.t it J- I,. V â-  ct?^-',.-MiVi-' ".•is' «.; A. CRAWFORD DHAIjEB IIV PIAN6S And obgans I OFTfl^© 3M:aaia.\if© ctTJLieJ .•nf â- -*•â-  Meat for All AT t-yiJ W. B. Sarjent's. The snbscriber retnms thanks to the in- habitants M â-  ' mabedaj.f. •ndVieimty fnrfheirlibeM pstrona^e dar- ing tbe past fire yean, and begs to reraSai Ibeio that he is prepiirel to rappfy Ihitt wants in his Hne as See his $5.00 Overcoats. See his $10 Ulsters. See his $12 Suit. See his $16 dress suit. 500 pairs of Boots To choose from â€" Men, Women and Children's, Get your AXES ** •McFasland'3. Those $2,50 MANTLES selling fast. New DRESS 800DS at McFarlaTi*H4,,^No\v FLANNELS at McFarland's. ^ew SHAWLS at McFarlanasKcw BONNETS and HATS »t McFar- laud's. Nctr TÂ¥fEEDS «t^ ^Ic^arknd's. New CARPETS ^^ VIoFu- land'g. New Fringes, Buttons, Silks. Laces, Flowers and Feathers. Prices never were lower or value better. A comparisoa s*M«ite4. W. J. McFARLANp, 1 31 1* OK TEH. Mlarlcdale. BOOTS and SHOES .•If'" 'OI5 TIESE Hv^IX Having a thorough knowledge of Musical Instruments would invite those desirous of purchasing an instrument to' G-IYE ME A TEIAXi! 'i â-  â-  *: I can furnish good testimonials from parties to whom I have' sold that they will be dealt honorably with in all cases. Bv corresponding with me I will convince parties that I witl scl cheaper than they can biij elsewhere. »'â- . .• Monthly or quarterly instalments would be xiccepted.' with a small payment ' •ment Cown. â-  .i â- â€¢ "•t â- 4,:- '%. v?^^: -â- â- " " -â-  „n H:" â-  »".-*: -.: "'k ;l? III Instmnentt warranted for Six Ytari; '"» AbDBESS, â- n:/l: ' J. A. CRAWFORD, LOCK BOX T3, -Uxbridcre, Ont*' rs- â-  aar? H. R. HOOPER RESPECTFULLY iavU every Jfa. and Woman in the countiy to visit their Faetary and Waretooms and inspect their stock of furniture, maunf^tored dnriug tha ataa^ mer. for faU trade. Onr stock is now the Utrgest and most fomulete vet held by aa, awl we bare bean sueoesafal ia iatrodacing a great many NEW AND TASTY -)I N(- DESIONSf BED-BOOM SETS, COUCHES; SIDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES, CENTRE TABLS8, DRESSING BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, SOFAS, WHATNOTS, HAT RACKS, HALL TABLES, c., c., Ac. A NOVELTY in these Qoods Tht Indostructible Riveted and CenMttd iid Wiltr Br4N»f Sean. w!i^:flu.'vVi-i /»»•' -1 Oail a-xul £:xa,ininc Sto«!fU: and l^^jplces t b^4^ ' joujchasl^i^ 'iedop" goods elsewhere. .i .-Ji'I .».â- !. *ani i»u iT '•:' I ii.i itiiiT^ t; daliverad jiromptty on teca^ o taH t n *. S AVS^OB^ FOJJJUTRY always' kept in theur Seaaon. SBedal dndnc^meiite to t? ifeff "i! Lt^ttPjnfjifcjiiiiiiSL T. tbeHAeTVA'Bow.""'^:* iju â- -â- --â€" ^f^ 'jjll. UtiiO*' 'l3.; •-. hJ -L'i, ,...â-  ju- ' ' w ihu *«"'t M^'J A. ts."'ltta|1tBi6t„LTn 1 ;i 1.' «#•' ..1. 9m^Jlilh*t»l'i j*.fc!.J:iiii' I'^flji. SnH!ei4^,^$ajSeMFaiic: ItCJK »•;.• ' I 'il:it •â- . ' jT--jievi' J â- Â»ii-:ii 1 jvjla^f ».• Jiva 9»i„ 'iJ Jaatjo afrtmj *-ij.Ta»6i!^ "â-  â- 'tr ii:ii yi-n'^Jl' mgf'-uj i*.j5s»;^-^ i; ' ., bj iUtt ,»*"â- â-  L-'.wri .IJ.,.-. ,!I-ij/:.i -.i/. ' 'â-  •• j.i"*- ii'if-- uiro .U I •'3, A bA. ti«oli »iU auoii Hov »jwAPbTHB-=*" I iflj 1.- oMtiMjjac'o o.-» lijjar Ir!9VOg »« â- '.^.Ji••.iâ- q aldalj at â-  â- â- :•â- â-  ., ;., fci '.it JJ AR KD ..•.'u rjj..v// Wewiui il •! .„ â€" -.^Hiidl ""' niomi Jsiil I o • WMJt^.fa dmSfif-.K l9ia4M 'I. 'idiVi'-Ai I I'^utm ,l»irnJcV. t » IjY .iwiMiOO. ' i. tMUs yil (O-IOW .J ,^4Wlke I ^dT -.•.-l;j;"'i -tit aJlim 'at WB ABE MAKING A SPECIALTT IN New Styles of WOOD SEAT CHAIRS i -CHBJAP AND DUBABLiE. â€" •- OUR- UNDERTAKING DEPARTMNf Fnliy rappliad witb COFEINS, SHBOUDS, e., and special sisee nude on the ?«/ .^1- aborteat nctioe. FsM^ Tinriig, Icffiil WmIi, Fetse Pickfts I " ' Bade to order. Also SA6H,iDOOBS, PULNINA, te.' â- â™¦â€¢J. u With«-:rft«seiHaqMri*M0 ir« UmI jiuMiei ia Bekftti^ a «0"tMaiirrar '«|yMaai' â- a inw i ally fcaatawad oa ns in the yast. Oar priaea wiU le fo«ta as Ttnr aa aarSIZ aaehjMi aaiseaoaiaUat with good waakaadftiiUh. H)e««re iirfMq) ot aafikincliaS' Hne «« iaal ao ni J ant wa aaa suit yaa ia qmairtlfy mal haUty «• seleet fio|a aid aba at ;.â- â-  rt »w â- oa .s.T.lIiife.l ^iaaYiectoD Rtoaat Famitaxa Faotarr aMl naaii^ lUii' ^mmm ' 35 GEQR^E WlLSOk/ jjl 111 f^,.jii h. II. 1 WM (Tvjq ad} )u|.,i/^gji0|li(|l^^]|gg|J.».. Ik. J i a,%JfAi 1 .*i /. 'fcll i J U

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