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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 5 Nov 1880, p. 1

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 *•*- I V 1 1* THE STANDARD. Friday, Nov. 5i.h, 1830._ THE BONUS PETITION. To the Rene and the Onmci^ tlie poration of the towt^fQ^^\ The Petition of W uniertig^ quaG, vntert under the Municipal Act, tchf are rated a$ FreehoUum on the last Ufmeed Aiteument Roll and icho are retidenuof the Towntkif of Arte mmtm: Humbly Sh«weth u We uuderstand that tlie Coancil of _,, ..../ ' That your petitioners, in accordance Artenitsia, at the dictaUon of the ^^.-^j^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^j ^j^^ g^eraJ Acta ra- Beeve, saw fit in their wi*dom (?) to j lating to the Torontj, Grey and Brace throw out tile Petitinu asking the sub- i Ilailway Company, deiire to aid the Company by giving them money or debentures by vray of a'bonns for the mitting other disbolie it is tima tlie antho and pat a stop to it. cryiiiK Wolf Wolf again. I would have been glad if he. instead of impapning my motiTM and iwitehing Um â- ii ili i »li Ihi â- i m If 11 m il J I 'â€" •' T had ihowu, by facts and figures, thnt it wax to the interest of the Towmship, to giTe an- other Bonns will the ratepayers please read the article again, carefully read it â€" and the coat Urne bg- im th t it I is to fath- I for an in tve not jadg am I iTi if not I am oUmwim. II ding- be niiMion of a By-Law for $10,000, in aid of the Railway. To us it seems a rery hifjh handed and andacious pio- eoediug of ta'i Council to tike the atep tlif-y (lid. Tlie 1-50 influential nd respectable ratepayers who ai^ucd Uia patition will certainly not soon for get theinsult Had th«l{eevc honestly, through ignorance, misinterpreted the pnrprt of the !r.\r in question, there might L'j 6 jfuo cicuso tor 18 not on ignorant man, and can cliiim no indulgence on this score, pnrpose of enabling it to change the gauge from three feet eix inches to four feet eight and a half inches, and for the reconstruction of the Railway and for the amount they so desire to grtnt and be assessed for ia.the aam of Tweke Thousand Dollars. Your Petitioners therefore pray that your worshipful Council will, as reqnir- cd by law, introduce the necessary By- but the Doc- " '"' granting aid by way of a bonus to the amount of Twelve Thousand Dollars aforesaid, and submit the same to the vote of the qualified rate hoiice his cnlpibility is tlio greater. â€" payers of the said Municipality of the He cannot urg^ the pica of Lxp'-use.a* Township of Artemesia, and in due tl' C'lmpany wen- plied!! It isn't there I A scheme thi^ aSo -ds no argrnaents, s«t« innendoes against the motiree and person of an opponent ought to be abandoned. Mr. B. seems to hare discovered a mtre't neit in m]t allaslon to Prioeville and Fleshsrton and he rises in horror at the idea of local jeal- ousies, and finds therein a cireamseribed patriotism. I know such to be a tnek of tiie genUaman, he can hang an argument on • baseless rision and persitleutly push it too, about as easily as most men. Ib my reference to those Tillages my mind rested on facts. Iid not the B. R. authori- ties try to purchase the influence of those Tillages by an offer of rebate in freii^ht of grain absolutely bought in them f and is it not in force nowf I do not know about Fleshertu but a Pricenlle merchant, certain ly told me it was. I eontend sir, tbtt such a course would be only an act of iustiea â€" simple justice to those ril- laces to enable them to compete with Markdale and Dundalk â€" they shoaUl have the rebnte or else the authorities niifr. xilliiHT to df- I eoursf pass the same for the pnrpose of the B. B. should, take the freight from qiito VMUiiig 'oao I 1 „. 'mJl,..„ each tUUb*. free of charae. I mereh said of I'iusing the said sum ot Twelve each vilUg*, free of charge. I merel» said iMwit a .â- iulboiuiit sum to covor all ex- ^, """'"J; "'i, "^I'^j "iit^„,"J;„Mtt'llr, "« Torouto Company had signed away their 1 f .1 u ... =. ^r fi^ ' Thousand m the said Mnnicipality of .^ ^^^^^ ^- i^ ^„ actof Justice Mr. pens..-^ and if llie It':ve is so conB- ^i,g Xownship of Artemesia for the b's Elusion must be insulting to the Mer- dent of Ihu rosult :is he s'ii'.os'hc is, excuse falls to thogronnl. There twenty years, ....„ ^^.... â€" y- i i„„, ,m ...pp^^ it again. I, Mr. Brown payable half yearly and for tlio de- ^j^^^i^y^^P^^p^^^^^^^^^^^jH^^jh^^ ., 1 f „ ;„ .. iliiverv of the same to the fruslees to yiUa~s? Is he wUline to take the eonse- C.n.p.u.y ap;.!y for a yH..nda,„u3 to ^^ appointed under the said Act re- qS, of the Linnat?on Bat it i. not «. this gentleman insinuates. There is a laud able strife to sustain the business the busi- can be ».»»w AwT«i.-ai||^ \Jt ««.â-  w^sjjv,ij»i- «-v« "^^E). B OllUOiUU UJL4:» W lU3U«kMI^ •" wasw u*i.-a aiuonnt of the sail bonus payable in chants of those placo? â€" who I belieTe sup- twenty years, with interest thereon ported the last Bonus and frr anything I question if t'lo Railway for a yii'indaiiius to compel the CjUuci1 tj obey the li«' i,^jj„„ ^^ ^j^g -^.g^Q^t^^ q^.^^. ^j jj^u^g they will gtt it, and cither the Town- 1 Railway Company. pa«s( 1 at the last ship or t'lj inlivilual mem- Session of the Ontario Legislature, beia of tie Council, who perpetrated and under the terms that the said .. ' 11 1 tl „ „„„, 'i'rusto 3 shall not deliver the said the wrong, will havo t. p.iy the cost.. 1^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ i^patv will not p. riHit a more exter\d- ^j ^^y proceeds of said de- notice of tlu- action of the Council injhentures or any part thereof, unless reference to the said Petition at pic- and until they receive a certificate of Hunt l,;it at a , future time we shall t"j' ""of Engineer for the time being, ., f ^1 X Sftting forth that the work is com- take th l.herty to refer thereto at ^^^^^J^ ^^ ^,^^j ^^„^j^^. f^.^j^,^^ ^^^ gruater length. pas.songer trains are being run over t'le wlinle line by the Grand Trunk Comj)any fromToronto to Owen Sound anil to Teeswater on a tnnflT^otihe AVe this week two cures for width of the Standard National gauge tlie above dis. iise both said to be very I " '^et 8^ and that the whole line I has been laid with steel rails on or before the first day of January 1S82, I nor until the arrangement between i^ IITHI^KI.V, very ufTicatious. Tiiey are very simple and we can .see no hurni in trying thom. " A New Uc-tlfurd, MahS. woman re- ports a ijuw, au'l, aa ^;llc rliiiins, a suc- cessful cure for diphtheria. A little n«'ph(;w ol htr.-. was .sick with diph- lij('ii:i, and the- child's iiiotlier was told to f;iv.j hitu tna Tniiit9 of the bark of the root-; of tin- whit.; hireh. She did .so, Mill th' Wiuto coating of the threat and luoutli bigaii to loscu and come oir, and uiitirt recovery followed Thij t.-a may bo used a:; a drink or gargle, or may be ln-lu in (ho month. A.NiTHi-:.. â€" A Hamilton (South Australia! paper publishes details of tho- "Ciri'utbcail" cure for diphtheria. The dis'a-o irf di 'lire 1 by Mr. Great- head t Im- of hydrato growth, and that tlu' germs ilont in c*.-rtaiu iiii|iMre atiiiof.|'lieres whiro they arc iiili::ilid l.- human b-ing.s. For a gr»:i [icr ociil diluted in three quarters of u tinnlili r of water, with u smaller do^^e for children. Tho elToct of this troat- uiont WHS instantaneous, the acid at once de-.tiuyiiig Iho par.isites and the palKiit coU^liiii;; up the obstruc- tion Tli.^ papi'i -i have tenifid with Rci'onnt^ of sulY.-rer.s who have re- covoii'd ill a (i\v luiiiut by adopting tlio 'Greatluad' treuluunV. Ciiildreu, almost previously in a dying state, wuro declared to be playing about withih t'li loniutert, an 1 at a computa tioii some fiuly or fifty of th«^e biuldon recoveries have been phiccd on record with full particiil.irs. the Grand Trunk Railway Coinpaoy and the Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway Company for the working by the Grand Trunk Railway Company of the whole of the Line of the Toron- to Grey and Bruce Railway Conipanv for twenty years, from, tho first day of January, 1882. embodied in an agree- raeut, dated 18th September, 1880, has been approved by the Directors and proprietors of the Grand Trunk Railway Company, and the said Share- holders ot the Toronto Grey and Bruce Raihvay Company, and the said debentures shall not be converted into money until the conditions of this by law iiavo boon fulfilled, and fur ashessiug and levying upon all ratable jToperty lying within the said iiiunicipality of the a special 11, f ir dropti of sulphuric j rate for the payment of said deben- tures and interest thereon. D.ited at Artemesia, October, A.D., i8yo. Robert Robertson E. E. Hsll SAUG KEN l'l;i:SBVTERY. An adjourned meeting of tho Pres- bytery of Siuigeeii was lisld at St. Andrew's cliurch Mount Forest, on Thiuiday la^t the 21st inst. cbmmenc- Rt l(»a. in., the Rev. J. MacMilliin of Mount Forest in tho absence of the uioderatn-, occupying tho chair. The Presbyti ry took up the consid- eration of a call from Chalmer's chnreli, Kincardine township, in favor of the Rev. 'Jliarles Cameron of Cot; widd accompanied by promise of a stipend of $725 per annum with manse and fii?l. Tho Hey. Duncan Cameron of Lucknow, conuuissioner from the rresbytery of MailUnd, was huard in Mipport of the call, also Mr. Fyfe a delegate from the cougrcgatiiin of C'i.t:i,\.ild. 'Tho call was accepted I by Mr. Camemn and lii.i translation I agreed to bv the Presbytery. The I R(tv. John 'aiivpboll of Ilar'-iston was apjioiiitrd modorattr of tho session of Cotswjld ail iiiUiiiii witli instructions to preach thu church vacant at an earlv diite. The Rev. J. M. Aull, of Ratho and Iiiiierkip, haviiij; accepted a call to Knox church, i'alnKrston,hiiinductiou wuHappoiuted to take place at PaliuerE- tiin 111 [lie loth of Nov., Rt 2 p. ra. Mr. Campbell to preside, Mr. Straith lo pleach, Mr. Eraser to address the iuini.-.ter, and Mr. iiaikie the congre- gation. Mr. Eraser, on behalf of the com- luiitee appointed to visit Durham, wilh u view, if possible, ol effecting a reunion of parties there, re|)ortecl that they had visited Durham tho previous day but had failed in elTecting re- union. Till' committee recoiumeudeu the ProsbyUry to decline a prayer of the pt'.i Hollers for the formation of a fccona congregation in Durham, and eujoiuthe coiigret^atiou to c'iscontinue the use of tho organ with a view of .sccuriui: (ho return of the petitioners ' «ii the undei standing if this concession baii nH the desired efloct, the congre- j^utiou iu-e at liberty to resume the use of tli£ instrument. XiUt^ tiio report was receired it was iaov ' by ^L-. Niohol and second- jd by Mr. Watson, tliat the prayer of ilie petition for the organization o/ a new cougipgutiou in Durham be Ijranted. Mr. Eraser, seconded by dlrr Campbell, moved in amendment in the direction by the committee. The original motion, was cju'ried by the casting vote uf the muderator. Messrs. Eraser, Compbell, Youn^, Straith and Seott d«^r^'d to have tluir dus^ut recorded. Messrs. Park and W^icMu behalf of the congregation asked lea ire to apie«iil to tlie S'uod of Tor' ito And Kingston for reasons to le ipvcii in due time and craved ex- tracts. Tlio Presbytery adjosmed to meet ill Pa!iocr^ton on the lOtli of Nov. at 2. ^.m.â€" C.ui.fiJaatt: Wa Uave no ebjeation to boys faav- « littlv fiMi birt when it comes to dis- flguriuK penpks s'giis and shutters, •at nindt^rg Mit htni't^, «rfB cpm- Alex. Hannah John White • R. Chapman .\. Turner H. Rennet, M. D. T. A. Conk;y Robert Oliver .\kxander Brown John Simpson D. MeKinnon Diigald McLeod Jamas Ryan James Sullivan .Viigus McLean W. Conkey \. Mcljcan J. Ausscm Arch. Elliott (reorge Walker Thomas Kells R. Buchanan James Lackey John Blain Robert Sewell Edward Davis Samuel Lackey John Boland John Rowo J. P. Sparling W. S. Bowler Thomas Irwin Itobert Smith Win. Bowler John Bowler Alex. ALirier Ilcnry i oster Henry Foster, jr Jaraes Foster Jt)hu Mercer Wm. Hogg John Whittaker I'etcr Miiir Gjorga Buskin John Watson liobt. Neilson S. Waucbob, sr. S, Waucbob, jr. .\.rchie Neilson James Neilson Wm. Ludlow M. Richardson S. Damude Wm. Wright Kobt. Trimble E. J. Johnston W. Browu John Graham George Wright Samuel Walker Robert S. Bae George Hobb Joseph Beaty ' James Walker C. Reynold's Alex. Bntledge W. R. Walker G. W. Trjon Cbas. McDongall Colin ^Ic.Arthur Henry King D. McDonald Jaraes Harvey James McNicol John Snell M. Williamson Alex. Muir Alex. McRae Duncan Muir Wm. Hacking W. J. Ekins J. Gichrist A. Bentham Alex. McLeod Thomas Currie Henry Jfcldrum Archibald Foster James Foster A. Whitten W'm: Galbraith James Beaty Christopher Irwin Arch. Foster, jr. Alex. Irwin •H. D.Irwin ^Vm. Henry thos. Boland Wm. Buchanan liobt Spai'ling "W. J. Cooey John Wailing J. C. Buchanan George Sewell James Brodie Edward Rutledge Joseph Donner Arthur Johnston Wm. Purdy A. Whittaker Joseph Watson I'atrick Qiiigg William Taylor R. Cami^^ll Matthew Leicli J. Higginbotham Robert Taylor Thomas Parks Patrick Ryan Michael Akitt F. T. Carr R. J. Sproulo Wm. Strain J. W. Armstrong Thos. Mathews B. a. Byers Wm. M. Douglass J. F. Sproule E. S. Mabee George Haskett W^m. Haskett 8. C. Coleman P. McArthnr T. S. Sproule Thomas Nicbol Beng. Coleman Wm. McLanghiy ue.'-g of those villages, but Markdale has the advantage the loss of the B. B. means death to her and I cannot blame her people, I do not either, for an honest endeavor to sustain the B. B. â€" but thoy are in the mmority. Mr. Brown proceeds altogethei npon the as sumption that he is riglit and every body else is wrong â€" he is prepossessed â€" is a kind of rionomauiac for a Bonus. It doesn't matter to him wtat the amount i »12,000 or 820,(n;?â€" hurrah lads I "The Townsliip can afford it. Now I ask who is it that lacks patriotism Wlio in it that speaks of and fosters the principle of local interests ns agftiu'^t the general interest i of the Muni- cipjjity Certainly not Dr. Christoe. I do curely regret the indiscretion of Mr. B. in luM.cly raining such a question, surely this thing might be discussed in tlia best of frienilsliip, let no firebrands be thrown into the general harmony and good will existing between the villages- the good of one in a broad sense is tlic good of all. Permit me to say that my opinion at first was somewhat favorable to assistance, pro- Tiding the B. R. passed into the bauds of a strong Company I am exhonoratod howev- er by the fact that the R. B. has not changed hands, and is not likely to change hands. It is trns the Compiiny is about leasing it to the (1. T. for a series of years, subject to all the incidents eou8eiueut to misunderstand- ings, common to leases in general â€" but aside from this the new regulations, do not carry the same necessities. Then the Bondholders would only consent to lay aside peremptorily from the earning of the road and suffer «n is?neof Pos- tal Bon^lsto the extent of $240,000 or total say $.S9o,ooo, birt now, the same Bondhold- ers allow a preferential Stock issue of $1,000,000!! Then too, th; total cost, for the required change was $800,000 but now, $loo,ooiloss, so that to realize "00,000, is to place them in ample funds I contend tlierefore that all improvements oughtto be paid out of the said $1, 000,000. Every dollar paid by tlie Municipalities, enables them to hold so miu'h ot this pre- '•^rcntial stock in hand. If I am wrong, will ' .^na Brown please correct me. I KnowAany persons have the idea that tlio Tionrf Then changed will present altoge- ther a new dress, new Cars, new Engines everything in Grand Trunk style, and there- fore the pleasiuf; sight anticipated, decides them in favor of a lionus. It is a pity to spoil the picture, bat the truth had better bo told Allow me to state then, that yon will have the same rolling stock. Engines coaches' and cars to be conTcrtcd to be sure, to suit the new state of the rails by conditions of Lease, only four new locomotives are to be bought, 12 to be converted. Six Cars to be bought â€" 18 lo be converted, tc. I am ready P S. â€" In yonr last is a letter from Bobert Bobertaoo.of Prioevme, ,,tt is «o«»ew^t, ooerse iai {tertonal ia «• MtapiaMmM â- â€¢â€¢af allusions. i â- â- 11 1 Hi be Dootor's expeoM. • 'Aod he baUs Ilia books wiih mttes of cheese Ani lits on a rock aod bobs for flees." Well take all you nan, with /oar iwuUl l^ friend. But I cannot aks yon sir, to repimt so often, refatatiaas to the saate obarges, nor my relatioms to the Boad eiii ^he Town ship. Fasts prove my coarse, in the laat cam- I»ign, anil I am confident the present one will prove equally so. This Bccjdiug and dirt throwing for pre- venting ibe Tewnsbip, being molded in at least $Io,ooo, must be the rasnlt of a disap- pointed partisen â€" but if it tickles you friend, "bob" away. The efleot on myself is like water on a ducks back. I canot avoid stating, that this Mr. B. is a grain buyer I is tete-a-tete with the Management, and therefore is iiUeretted, " you know" as the Yankees aay â€" would make the same yelp i^ the Boons was $100,000. Be has a wonderful faculty, for big talk, and long letters. One would suppose by his urging the Bones so strenueusly, he had a -large interest in tho Township, and there fore spake with authority. Bat here is the secret! $3oo^ assessment to him, the new Bonos woald be jnst fourty-Jice cent* year ly. tempora more* Propriety is s jewel Mr. B. shonld hare it. What thinks the Taxpaying RatepSyer of such Bonn* seekers October 80th, I880. l^r. C. to admit however, that even this would bean and I suppose others, to think, and if withi SLAUGHTEB HOUSKS. .To the Editorof the Btaxsbd. DiAB Si«, â€" Will you please gnA\ me a little space to reply to Mr. Brown's unjust attack upon the inhabitants and the slaugh- ter-houses of Markdale, er at least one of the latter, as to the other, I leave neighbor Wilson to speak for himself. He starts off with Diphtheria as his test, and like many a wiser man he seekb to find a cause. He asserts that, " it is a well known fact, estab- lished beyjnd dispute by the vital statistics of all lands, that when an epidemic resks out in any place, some potent and assignable cause can easilv be trared oat." Bnt this assertion requires proof, and then he pro- eeids to trace out "the cause or of the present malady," establishing it accord- to his theory in the slanghter-hoases, or their surroundings. Any one unaequaiuted with the place and reading the article, would imagine that the citizens of Markdalo were, of all people, the most filthy. " Visit their back yards," he says, ' and you will find oceans of tilth, con- sisting of both animal and vegetable matter, in eveiy stage of decomposition, litterallv steaming and reakiug with miasmatic va- pors." What a state for a town of seven or eight hundred inhabitants to be in. The great wonder is, not that some havs died, but that any are left aUve to read Mr, B,'s remarkable effusion for if that is true, it of itself, is sutlicieut cause for all the plague that we hare hod and are having, and there was no neod of bis making a personal attack npon the butchers of the place; but let me ask of the inhabitants of M.'ukdale, is it trnef If not, then Mr. B. is guilty of making a statement thit is a slander upon the majori- ty of the citizens of tliis town, and where is tho proof that Mr. B, is goiu? to rest his "oceans of lilUi" upon? Let him bring on his commission and establish it, or take back his slander. If he has thus gone beyond the trutli in his general charge, is it not likely that he has gone j ust as far beyond in his personal assault. Look at his statements and than julge if they are not lar beyond e ther reason or truth â€" •' SlauRhter-housoK in which, on an average, a dozen animals liavM been killed every week for the past five mimths." Now anv body of common souse would know that a dozen animals would sup- ply a far larger demand than exists in Markdale for fresh meat but if it is true, than I must cenj;ratalate my neighbor, for I positively assert that there has no. been more than an average of 4 head ier week sUughtcred on my premises in the timo mentioned. M. B. waxes more eloquent and more un- truthful as he contemplates the spectre of his imagiartion, and desires you. Mr. Editor, ntmniicsiio •onnonii poeaes the power mi theAi er to oar nnisADcee, such to See see. Ml p'l782, 1784, sec. 16, 10 k 28, to. g^JjI^jjOM^ of ion in lefcicnot t tremiaea JP the village thtt reqairg oeljng sHot. 1 hope the ip spwnnf tmetM wiUmtke a toot aud tee 4itmk the reqniretti«frti -of ths law aW 1»elDff complied with before the wifiter Mta io, eke tlie apring 'of '81 wrili find VM literally cwiaiifiiog in filtb. I would fa£ttl6r suggest t)l«t at least vitin tbre^ monBi'e » ' report Im .po^r. li^iad in tbe StANmAD of ibe savitezyi cosdilion of the village and thaitW natnes of all parties who keep tHiir yard Ac. iu a filthy state, be printed in hirgc ted chftraelers that every one may know wllo the flelinqnctnts lire. Sioee commencing to writ^.the ftbova, I have been informed that Mr. Wihoa has reluftved his slaughter house out at the village. This is encoura^ng, and shows that he has some regard for the fee^ngs and eomfeet of others^ and I'^nbt not he will be amply !»• paid. On the other hand, it is re- ported Uia( Mr. Sarjeaut is quite de- fiant, and declares hia iutentioB to still mantain his p\»8t bouse as before. Well, if the police trustees will not try means to bring that gentleman^^. time, the people doubtless wiH. If Mr. Serjeant thinks he can trifie with the health and lives of his patrons, he will find to his cost that he has made a grand mistake, and probably he may disoover, that if olenliness is not "god- Ihiesa," yet, in his trade, it may prove to be the best "policy." Wm. Bbown. Nov. 8, 1880. S MoINTYEE, UmUUZX DIALKB Ilf. f'es. Provision crpsi SI Choice just Re(^ iji: ^^tâ-  r- TflEJTANDARD^ y. Nov. 5th, laaa L OTHER NOTICES. _^^iisoK8 dofiriiig a cboose .Ui ad- OAtJi AMXX BIB SATISFXED AS TO PRICES fc^'lKPTY BOlTtES BOUGHT â- ftda le. (tetbher 1. 188Q, â-  â-  MJEDICAL HALL tb tn I ;^^. f ^r^% ^e^i^:a;^ Vmiiemcnt will pfease JiaM it in not later than noon on Wedneedays. AVe jinve only thAe this week to 4raw atteu^on w ^^^ Bros, new ad- vertiseuM^i i*^ '*^** ^^ *g^'" next wmMB-" e any of our subscribers get their paper regular, do us a favor by letting ns t once, so that we may find ause, and have it removed. .L4N MrDongall lias opened out A harness establishment in Burn's ' Block, in the building lately ^occupied by iJie Ettpodtor. For particular!? look out for posters. The Owen Sound Tribune says, the Jane Miller, which was reported in "H his I our last issue as haviii;: bucii dnv- trfiii.n eu ashore, received little or no daniatje. ' As and IS again liiakijig licr tii] rciu'ii? about)] have Wtj out of th| we belie ' anl is ' on the h| Ratp offered f(J wccl;,an^ ing iu •)wn(r (ii per buslj ruling being \yhen hi fpr it, hi be nsod I He was intentioil conscier his- grai a strict ' then i:i' chase It I he could '.\11 li? it ac '01 Agrici Dotninit; tains lui' rend in; cnltunsij of gOll'-ll NEW AHVERTISEMENTS. Thomas Atkinson Geo. J. Blyth D. F. McDonald Angus Molntyre Alex. Webster Joliu Irwin John McArthur James Craig L. Aodersou John Citrtar Hmettttftn'^mtt* NoTtcs. â€" yfe wish it disiuetly waAemtooH, that we do not hold ourselves reyonsiMe for the opinions expressed by oar eorrespovdenta.' To the Kditor •( Ibe 8*s3nM», of VT. Broun, Em},, I aecid^ntfy )iea^M«4 by a TCTj inteUigant gentleinea t^i after « few nMpents reilactiom, be aai^ *•' tlkere ia DotliiBx'in it; tb«t« is aaUiing te k." I baare also eanfollf real tt eiwiiMlm "'J tbak I am forced to tke same eooclasiaa. .iia£ ionls rae an opportunity however to -Vftrjltfit b-iend Brown w»s esaallj interested n the 130,000 bonoa Booi^Iprei33ic,TpIastarilT,[ impiovemcnt, and I would b« glad to see the change. Mr. Brown can sop ua wrong to vote a Bo- nus and vote it at once,â€" .\lthangh the scheme may not be fullv matured. I consid- er it a vary serious objection. You may have what conditions you please in your Bv- Law and there may be possibility ef eva- sion. One need only look to the position of the (i. B. i- W. R. li. at this moment, and the By-Laws granted by Sullivan, Derby ami Oneu Sound. There was a time Umit in thoe By-Laws â€" and are righteously (orfeit- el but s. ill they hol.l on to them. I con- t» id theiefore, supposing the Township of Artemesia were willing to grant a Bonus â€" everything shonld be matured, completelv, before presenting their scheme for a vote. Wonld Mr.B.conndnct bis private business in the same Rlip«hol principle. I think not. It is easily nndcisfood why Mr. B. urges an immediate vote â€" poli^'cally 1 am not in har, mony with Premier Mowat, "but am always ready to acknowledge legislation calculated to act jnstlv towards the Municipalities, and npon this Bonus qnestion. there is certainly praise due, to the present Government. On the 3l8t day of December next, the law changes. It v/ill require any one requiring a Bouns to poll a majority of the property- holders on the voters' Ust to cary their kcheme â€" not as bow, a majoritv of those who go to the poll â€" and would require abont 365 supporters to vote, to carry a Bonus in Artemesia, after the date above mentioned. This explains the hurry it is this, that gives friend Brown the fidgets. A snatch vote is wanted- What does my friend care if the vote is barely carried by a small co- terie around Markdale or anv other place as long as it is carried. The act ie bused on common justice viz.: that a majority of the actual property-owners shonld place the Bonus on the Township i such be required. I certainlv desire gnoses^ to the B. B. bnt not at theesxpense of the ratepayers the ratepayesB can expect nothing from the road but what they pay for. It was but recently, this township had to pay the piper. The cheap escursion annoucement was thus; from Flesherton and Markdale to Torouto and return one fare, which was S2,6o and 92.75 respectively and aU places above Markdale, only t2.oo. If you give a Bonus, you also pay rates discriminated against yon â€" these sums are small, it is true, but a principle is Involved â€" and should excite cautiout before fixing a. tax on yoarselTos for the next twenty years- I blame no one if sincerity lead him to sup port a Bonns I will not indulge in invec- tive*, or do a worse thing -impute Mse motives to any one who differs bxm me â€" but neither the one nor the other shall di- rect me from a coarse, whieh I believe to be for the benefit of the Township. Mea like W. Brown Ksqoire, who have property and money to spare, and who have ImsinetB con- nections with the R. B. may not either feel the pinch of a tax, nor the freedom to speak ont against a Boons. Bat those who can very badly spare their dollar and those -who â- re free to apeak, will not fail tn ilo so. Tke elap-trap aboat tenant farmers ia siUy if not mawkish. My friend's brief •xperience to Monieipal haDOrs.tell temrimOf efainat His infloenee liy letter or otherwise in me Town- ship. 1 marvel at his stepping oo aBiaa, so sasceptable to explosion. I ianoiy by this time tho B. R. amthor i t w s. Win begia to |nsy. to be ivred from tbe M- tera of their f riendB. Tbey aealata -no argu- ment, notliiiM bat an a np eal to STiapatky, or terrco' to friofatio atapietaie, theprodqetioa of their ewB JMiffaatinn. It i« mii ww-po- retiona harv* no sonl*. mat eo I believe, and se the historr of tbe numl baa pnvtA. (iiveyoor BoMU, vote it aqoanly and «k« tion. Whieh jet Will dOilbtleat O^mit. wiHtbukyonr WiU j-o. ir^^er Itw^rt^jr,, inj^e^t^ golubon. "0^-1? by waj the grasp of your minds, •' reahze, if yon can, the fearful. X\if appalling condition of that plague spot, wlinre tho bl.od and o^al ot balf-a-dozcn animals are deposited week- ly throughout the "sultry, tweltering dog- dayt of a C'anaii«R Summer." Now, Mr. B., neither you nor any one else could possibly find such a spot, now or at any other time since I have been in business, on my piemi- s««, for the simple fact, that such a spot do«8 not exist other thaa in yonr own ima- gination, ind that slander I request you to prove, or else, if a gentleman, retract, My premises are open for inspection, and I am in a position to prove that, as 1 keep them now, so have I kept them^ill summer. But then if Mr. B.'sas.sertions are true, that does not necessarily prove that the " slanifhter- houses" are the sause of the plague referred to. If they wetc the cause of it, wonld it not be natural to suppose that it appear in that vicinity but was that the came? and then should we not look for it spreading from that centre outward? bnt has such ben its history? The facts say possitively No. Were not the first cases of it in Mr. Kae's family. Now if it has its origin in the canses assigned for it by Mr B., then be conld not bring the " skughter-housee" in at the begmnine, and I think that he will hard- ly atlri'outo the first of his causes ai being the means in these first esses but it wonld perhaps be aa truthful as the rest of his causes. Now, Mr. Editor, in conclusion let' me ask the ratepayers of Markdale if they are readv to build a uuiou slaugliter-l-ouso outsiile the Village lunits? If bo I am prepared to n«e It, if not, lam not in a position to do any more than keep the one I now occupy, and keep It as I always have done, cUan and neet, always having a safe and proper pUee for my oflal, and plenty ol water and unshw^ked lime on hand (not even so much as the blood being allowed to fall upon the ground), I am still prepared to serve my friends, as in the past, with pure, sweet aid uncontami- uated meats that never have hud for even a moment in such a sink ot filth as Mr. B. supposes, as no such pUcs exists on my pro-' ises. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for yonr kindness, and hoping that when Mr. B next appears iu print, that he will at least ac- quaint himself with the facts of th?case, and not attack npon the bear supposition of him- self or any one else that which doos not ex- ist. I remain, yenrs t«. Wu.UA]f B. SSABOaAR. Markdale, Nor. 1, 1880 Came into the premises of tlie snbseriber, near.Btrkcley, abont the first of October, a yearlin!" stoer. The owne' is requested to prove property pey ex{wns»8 and take him away. WALLACE DRINO. Kov. 1st, 1880. 8 COMMERCIAL HOTEL. PRICB-VTLiIjE. Ont. Large and commodious Sample Rooms Good Bed Rooms, iVc. The Bar ami' larder well supplied with tho best the market af- fords good Stabling and attentive Hostler's. THOS. ATKINSON, Proprietor. October 31st, I880. g E. D. WILCOX. Markkole, Oct. 18tb, leV). l-ly Teacher Wanted. IpOR School Section Ko. 5; Melaucthon. One holding a Second oi- Third Class Certificate. Applicants to stats Salnry ex- pecte1. Applications received up to Novem- ber 1st- 8AMUEL McDowell,) ROBERT OLIVKR, y Trustee?. ABRAM JACKSON, j Duuhalk P. O. October 20, 1880. 6-3iu W. REN SON, -OF THE- H BIfast Ho use/' SEWING At prices that will astonish the na- tives at ' â-  W. L. MarshaU's, DUNDALK. ALL KINDS or Repairing Attended to. Dundalk, Oct. 18th, I8-W. 6tf. THE CHURCH. "rX7"HEREAS Graves have of Ute been T dug in the Church Yard of Christ Chifi-ch without the consent of the anthori- ties, ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That any person so offending in the future will bo prosecuted for trespass. rSignodl B-«;OLEMAN. 1 Chnrcli- loignou) THOS.ELLIOTT,Jr.| wartlcna Markdale. Oc:. 28, I880. 7.3i' DONALD McLEOD, L yr BEOS to ratnrn liix sincere thanks to the public for their very liberal patronage m the past, and hopes by honorable dealing, FiBST-CLiss Work, and close attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same. THE BEST OF MATERIAL Used, and none but Firtt-Uiue Mechanic* employed. Special attention paid to Repairing, which will be done promptly. Sewed work a Specialty. AU over due accounts mnst be paid witb«Mit delay or I sfaaU have to resort to more OosU ly means for ooUeetion. D. McLEOD. Corner of Queen and Mil' Streets. Markdale, Oct. 28, 188o. T.%i beredneed oneeent? Wili ytm advantage to be gaiaqi)?, yaver Isn't a year equal to possible advantages? Iff. Bnrra and a tew otben nf A^^tbeir Sni.-Theiw«wkedaxtia»e foa the »»i/||«««hient«a^ to ^, iJteMfceamotot forchjg- tl» faw, I liuiVe WiiJ m^fi tobeieeid* by the Cpinj^T weky tane.I„„^„,.^^t '^1.., ;_ J"f"__P^ BUM an QM7. aa^ "^T Aiuan to lead yon To the Editor of the STAKDAaB. Bib,â€" The 'slaughter of the inno- cents" still goes 00 nnabated, and ap- parently onr police trusteee remain unmoved midst the snrronnding' deao- h.tion. Truly we are a patient, long suffering people, else we would long »ince h«7e risen in our might, and ia righteous inditrnation demanded the enforcement of the law against public untances. Have we no one m our midat possessed of moral courage to bring the pohoe trustees to justice for neglect of duty If we are to judije of their future by their past oou4uel, nothiog aliart of sharp and daM«T»|, meesarM will snffics to move tbflm t» •eiion. Wbo 1i»take ttie initUttH* in this Unpleasant bnt no leas peeea- aary and patriotie undertaking 9 Now. Sir, this is a practical qnea- mmediate solution. WaQ, of ^conragMaeni, aod te show tlMtl aa williaf to amaa My faUafaare of th«TeapoaaJb«»y of «ii- a«nooncenieQi, tkat in my oayaaiijr ^tbefiM' St tae espease ttt^ to t'tbe ' I*- I ahalL dae^ ii% rjnmixm, siSliatatioB of Dr. Cbriatoe or aay ^^^ *^ "'J " ~»--^ â- Â»Â»- "â€" • -^ whoiB.tbeii their 0aq) ietaroilfi ^rS^':iM;«»iiWiB^»lifcI.-*f^2^ be^M';«wj„4, npt|repe*t. I wiU only say in a^seaenl 'â- V "^^•••«*«»«WC0cpteatad"lw4». aot- litiiaia. --«r ;-.l China TEA Store General dealer in moQEmEs ft movisiou, Next to Haakett'e Rai^war* Store. Keeps eonstantly on hand everyth'ng usual to snch an establishment. He vonU draw special attentioa to bk Tobaccos " ^:- Sugars, Which for qnalhy s^^liowneM of Price CANNOT ByiJRPAS8£0. att inteodinc pnrebaaere to give m»% â- ~ «eU tBd to eoovinmd tfaftt 'IMJ^.l:^^ B,.IJ SINLESS, asl 1M.T, porcUert 'Hm^'iM^ w' Begs to annonnee that he is fully prepared to dispose of all articles usual to a general Grocery and Provision Establishment, at the Lo'west ossible Prices Tlic stock consists of Groceries and Provisions together with LIQUORS of all kinds, such as Scotch, Irish and Casadiah, of the best brands. I have no desire to puff or misrepresent the e'-formancc of impossibili- ties, but I may say iu res|oiiEo to a brother retailor who offers a book worth VI. 2S to every purchaser of 8 11r. of t a, that I will Give ' Two BooIm of aiq»eri«r vnluc to tliose mentioned to all buyers of a like ijuantity. lly lioiue is known a^ the Belfast House, op. Haskett Bros NO bECOND PRICE. \V. BENSON. Marl-dalc, Oct. nth, 18^0. 6-tf, ReadThis. MONEY LWNED at the Vsar Lowest Katis or Intskkst. The Bobbowxb can have his own terms as to the 'i'lMB and the Wat he Repavs it. LoASts put through with tlie LEAST poBsiblc delay. See the Undtniyned be/ore appfyitg EUeu-here. Offices and in Shelburne Dunkalk. Always In the Shelbnme Oflice on MONDAYS and TUKSR.VYS, from 8.30 a. m. to 5 p, m., and on WEDNESDAYS, from 8.30 a. m. to 2 p. m. In tho Dandalk OOic^on THUBS- DAYS and FlilDAYS. On Thursdays, from 3 to S p. m.. and on Fridays, from 9 a. m. to GEO. RUTHEBFORD, Estate and General Agent. FARMS SOLdTnD RENTED By sending number of Lot, Concession, Price, Terms, Ac, for very moderate eharget. CONVEYANCING A SPECIALTY. All Kinds of WrUinfft Exf^ited. IIS'STJR.A.IVCJE S Kffected in tho best Stock Companies. GREAT BABGAIN8 Given in the B*H and Hardiett Caaadian FRUIT ORNAMENTAL TREES. IRON FORCE PUiPSI WELIiS and CISTEKNS, Sold Ve^ Gktap. Every Farmer oagftt t* f«t «««. GEO. BUTHEKFOBD, Xttate and General Agent. 8HELB0KSB AHD DUKDALK. 0«*eber21, 1880- « " T^ 1 r^t • ToPostMabtebsâ€" WeretLcSTAMulU),'3""â- *"• PATENT MEDICINES! »ye Stuffs, Fancy Soaps, Perfumer' Combs, Tooti, and Hair Brushes, Trusses and Surgical AppliamC and general Druggists siindri»g. â- â-  o Stationery and School Books IN GREAT VARIETY. O FKESH TEAS a:xi tobac:co TOGETHER WITH PAINTS AND OILS AND VETERITVARY r»REI»EIt.A1'IO CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. Montrtal Telegraph Offic*. T. S. SPBOUIjE, M MILL STREET, MARKDALE, Sep. 17, 1880. I M'liiit li ' t.lis T jWlil I.. ;lt J.i: (»I.t !• Rexnoved a Rezxiove â- dcbtributc the iLapors to whom they, and not r.^iurn them, but send U8 IX cnrJ witli the names of those to wh|pra they aro liiMressed. The Pkintebs' Miscellany. â€" This •picy htile montbW is to baud, and as "of a 1 usual, is filled with matter tisofiU in som. iii those whose interests it advocates. It,, is a work that should b^ iu tliu h-inds j.-ti. of every member of the craft. Sub- J. !;ri.:,I «cripti(i). SI appentices, 60c. cvoiy f,i TiiEKT.â€" Wo leara that thr parlies ' '^I"'-i' cngii^t'd ill tho wanton mi.sciii(»f cm- ^^' ' mifted ou Monday ni;:ht. hrmi'ht â-  '" "" their iiroceediugt to a cl"»:' by gti-al- iiig six turkeys from Mr. Wm. Arm- 8tron». This is c.irrying mat,u^))s a little too hit, and wo tru«t llm iifr;« ti'Htors, who wo bi-Iiovi' are ki:own. â- will ba dealt with as they dusi-rvo. FaoM tho Oweu !?iund 7Vw.» \v. learn, that a jouug man n.iuif.i W C. Walker, a Laud Surveyor ainl Civil Kngineer, comniittod cuiciJt i.yplac. €iug a pistol to his tcinph' and hi, .win;,' -cut his brain.s. lie was iu,- »,iiuu time in India, and whilst tlxie \va i severely sun struck, which appiars tu have afl.ctr.l his mind, and led lni;i to comniii the rash act. I Tni: Kiiphrasia PloHphiiif; match 1 1"' took jlitce, aee.)rdiiig tdaiiii'iuci-tiKiit, by and a ciimplutc success. Tlicrc ' t-"nr.l. were ttn eutiios, a:j,l liie names «.f;^^l"'J the prize-winii" i uri' as follmvs: â€" '"W "'J I'lasx J^ M.,,, i,t .J,)s,p!i Ji.iwos ' '•""" 2ud Thijiiias J)iiuj.'lass. L â€" IkI .Iaini .MoCoiiiull Bailf;*!-. V^,,« i. 'iJ.iis. â€" li tine fark ind T. li. Myl.'s i*. J!uye.~li\ T! :iin- â- .! • ' 2ud S. J. .McK:ii- L!. A sliitiiifi appe:a-| Sti'i .r. 11. .t hi. ki:.L!l tl I li..wos " » jss ' .U.7/. -•:' 2ij,i .Jujinl"""' 'â- ' HILL BROTHERS Mu. .John lord jlac last wic;; a \\-hi*e Jt.-lLii.iii ,,'niwn liy /,miM-if. wii.rii in, 11 J ihrlifs ni -ir'!inifer.'ii.-i-, 2U in leii^'tii iind \v, iijlii-ii ti^i Mr F. Uils u.-, thai li« ha* 1 e!s from an i i^hiii c.f an in- Would intimate to their numerous friends and thef^"'"k «i!k ..f r.ur fannvrs ci generally, that they have removed to their new prea p' "" ""'"""" "'""' ^* and will be pleased to receive a call from our many in y"' " and customers. Call and see us. We will givf jovI GAINS. WE MEAN BUSINESS. I A»/-:«i/^.- â-  ^. SEE OUR Cheap Dress Goods, Lustres, Wineies, Laces, 'â- -..."â- "-k-y AndFringes, Gents, soe our CLOTHING, are Styiish. Good CHEAP. SEE QUE TWEEDS I You will find them right in Price and Qualit}-. • Is n I'-d ft'i' iJ.i.-IHl mgs ' in tho a;;ri«,-ii1iiiial line OiiPiLs. â€" Mv. .ToM-i.Ai M*-c/u-'.iL-.'n. propriet" of tiie iit^viio il/(], wj about ret. i.ii^ iVcia h ,-u/ss. ouUr- taiiicd his n!i.n'riiis yM" lid- witii* n ' Jareweli siij'por, iiii \\*cln"s.\:tv ..yv-u- illg, wliun aliuiit 4H sit down v jiar- i taki; of tlie tj'xxl things placed b;fiv thom. The supper was j.-.,; up in Me Gntcheou's usual styl.-, -and v.iien v.c say that h further plains j 1/ uecvs-a- ry. From of space n;^ ai ,• uu- able to giv. a full rajKirt, hui Kiiiieo ii to .say, that tiio usual to.ists wo:v and re-poiuled to, and a vary pleasaiit evening was passril. \i'iLi. not some onocom' •. break their l«g, er jjcf up an i!.|.. meut, so as to kiv« ns a lcal iuui. Our readers an aware I h-it the riial- .lie muddy without onr ii.iJiiif,' th.-m. Afcunot'8 proJdllâ- ^it•.s and the ivi.iiher fplaro • played ut.' Tli hen-; ;.r.. n»l ' hayni),' bi^' eu-^s nmv, and lh-- tini " I .1 big strawO. rrK- and line " 'ardiiif; siss" is past. .\s a reiorter must dish up sometliing tj Lis readors to eonntcract tlie dryness of the di-^rus- sion on tho K.iihvay I'.ouns,- we will have to punch some lody"s head or gtt up a dog fight by way of vanctT. Ha: H f.. â-  1 lini. •. Ill' 11:^ Kl. .• W.-i .• rd. The I' will K-lv Boots and Shoes a Special EOREMONT PlXMuniMl JfATi H.-â€" Oil account of the snow on the l^t), j,!;.. this match did not lake place until the 21bt, conseqn.ntlv tlniewriv as many eutries as tiiere oth. r^vi^•.â-  wouM have buen. Itcamco(r..n tli. farm of Mr. Taylor, Dromorc. lii. r. were 9 entries, and the foil-. win- tux the lucky oiihs :â€" I/^m" i7,iv,..1].t Alex. Murdoch, 'ind Andrew Waddi II. 8rd Donald McFaydeu, -1th V\ liiiani Ellis, 5th William Uastie. /;...,\ r7a*i. â€" Ist .];inics Murdocli, 2nd .Tijip SPleP""'^^'"" 8'"1 Themaa' hiiH-.iev Jih " James Snell. 'iiio Judges, ph, and a number of the sptct'ators, wvi. haud-.omely entertam.d hv Mr. and Airs. Taylor at the close of Uie match We again give a general invitation to inspect our Sir Walter lUIoigh, wc beli.vo. wa. Have not time to write long advertisements. Don't .^^«/"^«l.» ' "'"»l»'^« tobacco m Kns th. l-:t Tu.. i who 1 le| C3II and get a sample of Splendid TEAS. Gentlemen we have a SMOKING TOBACCO, at 40c lb. Try it. (. V. 1 IJ f. â-  ui:iu'ii -1 M uance of the same. in them. Would rather hive the Goods speak for S l::.^::: ir:^^'^:^'Z selves. emoko IU hi-, own r»im with tin- door Th«inking you lor past favors, and trust to have a-»^'k'J- o ' "«'e (ceasion lie forgot to, " " " do so, and lis M^lct entiling the room, I kneeing a dense cl"ud of ~i'ioke, round • Ji« master's head natwraliy th'^iight ;vas on lii' and -â- â€¢i/inga jiitclnrfif done 1 ii ov.rhnu. W- e:ime Mfcf doing the snnii- tliiug tlnsinnrn- • ipg. Seeing a Loa\.T ginokejust hi 1 iq^» o/"o'tT ralicuim, we Vu-;nd ou« j toaea wh^»e the fire was, tnkini; a| ptil of .^atcr wjiji ns to assist .1. r.,1,-. • r, .-t' r. â- â€¢ • Ml \A "•f \\: â- â- -ij â-  .•'.^JVl* HILL BEOiS- liver • W MarkdiliB, Nov. 4, 1880. r !• ..r "««" .*ifi.-,w,';/ 111' X, qaet«'»^g it. Ipon arri"inc at th' lS^9t*tvwm*m. W.L.8Mi(ah C:iGNERAL AG£NT AND DEAFEB IN N'wwT Sto4k. WOHamrford 8l.K« 8«pt. 17, lesrt, CUHanuford Stftiea. 1 V ETERIN AITft TTA8 eommeneed the prartk* ai kj^ fetsion in.)f«rUala,aii4 tram •â- a Uua oonniry, u etmblM to •^Sf?";-^*"'?*'^* Pov,i«r.. Ui« U a^ttoBflf tfaoofatada tfiu fe«i« QMd U -*-'-^-« lnrkin« in th* tjtUm oHMlrMU •Iwaji on hand. Mitf j^jn^ ^» h» II. M«lMMhf JlMxa«M Q%M )A Money Lost! I ,t .. â-  ' --r.V ... .- V B^ Omim irtw boy stovMlta^ttw fniqf to J.GAEmNEE'S I «Hl- .. till) II ' I "TrarBTorTSfwasr tCfRSAUt M tilt t^Moto.-' ttt*' e ' "5«Fiqoying hie morning smoke. i THESbeIbome' IIIor»»* '»â- â€¢? 'r*sx.sivs that a I LICBNi« ABCTIOXEBB " in thu^ neighborhood, bygcttii^.' t'.ln CowUt of Or«y. .^ t" act «« ageata Cor a tin force "niinin 8.1-attoBM at^*-' j,^^ nj,,,|e .adopted to entr-^n th ' v.L 8aU Su. Note, aud Suml^"â„¢' ' ^o n.dncc him tosi^u auagrcc- H MiwO. Haviog li*J loii«S niMJt to take one or more cases, each tUk«iMMle»iign»raut*«iw^o6utahiing'i4 pumps, at $30 per case ., Markdale, Sept. S4tb, 18Sa^ ^^ The letaiL price of tho pomps' r-n- â-  ' '^WM jiLacod at, c.2, ka\ins a profit to M. M. Wc****** th^agent of •Slf' ou eacLcase.provid- lCSNSED AOCTIONEtf '•gjj.«n*;cccded in di--ponng of them. ii^TI all 1-. 'liill JLiJ C««n^ ol Qnj. tSTLVAy ND ^A.VPjJ Mooej to loAn kt lowent '*^.'L ftau to nut borrower* Aeo ra«»B«8»TiogCo. Aiit-^ â- jtiiet^ friTirfe, and tre»t«l *• " BUOBKUP.O. »B. PIJB^Yf "' i'aETSIClAW, SUBOEOHi ' j-.ii j vi"' Victim led U. helievo he was ly agent for the locality but not long left in doubt on t. Xo sooner had the ex- agcut roped in a suilicient than he departed, aud his taken by two new men, who to collect frcjm the viclim- a(;6uta, who were pretty uu- .mtiitOg. These collectors do not ap- '^MlttttiliaTC had much difScalty in do- ilfM^Asit wski suid that they secured Septt jj X JOTI^ I'll. ..11 :lj t«i.i:ii. TiK. .-M cV nut 111 citleiit til JAMES Tuunkhi))!

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