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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Oct 1880, p. 2

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 Corabs, Tooth, ;ica\ Appliances,! ndries. 'OUAUCOt^l ED AUCTIONEKB W*' tv of (^rt-y. â- ndeJ at ihortast DO«ie»* I'tiarees mod«T*U. I, Notes and Stemp* Haring had looc I I can gwkxviif »•" Sept. 34th, IWO. r. M. :d aucxiootob *^i o£ Gray. .V ND LASD -i* can at 1 borrower!. Ag«»*J iviog Co. AH b« tte, and treaMd M i EUOESIA. P. O. llMO ^T^r To^Wr HE STANDARD. i 'riday. Octobe r 22, 1880. CAL OTHER NOTICES. â€"Ut. Ceuar, who qipointnimit oonflnMd! Men bvt ft abort MuDDT roftds. T! SH.MS brisk. ' • t LVB weather again. LiBOK qoaa title* of grain soming Shoddy pedlw* diappeared stuytn- icTAfu-*^" baa something nobby t^c^iuig "betur tee tketn." William Wright of St. Joseph's ind, late of Glenelg, is in town, W. look's well. f J. J. Whitr, dentist, will be at the iBevere House," Markdale, on Wed- lay, Oct. 27th. The pcwa iu the Methodist Chnrch, idale, will be re-let on the 1st of rember, at half-paxt one p.m. [hs mettinc of the Bible Society le off as was announced, but we sorry to say ra6 very t)Oorly at- led. (a BETNOLbs of this place is open- a general store in his premises, Jy occupiod by McDougall Bro's. Pertiscmeut next week. UadG. W. Rntherford's advertise- Jt in another column parties Iting anything in his line would do 1 to gire Lim n trial. Basaab aad concert wjll be hold connection with tho Engl'sh irch. Markil-ilo, on the «th Novom- 'Full p;irtlcj'ar« next week. 'Thk (ir.Toriior-fJ'M.cra' has nppoint- V\ Wednt'Hiliiv, N'.vi itib. r »rd,,a day »f general thank-driving alt over the dominion. A r\i.T. of snow on Monday abont jhtincliiS in depth. In fact we saw, Stweeu hire and Dundalk) both ^wlogs and corl wood being hauled •lays. â-  __ f A spvPRF .strin ra^ed in Minnpsota kd l).iktao'i Sii'r.rday and Sunday, ^ains Wire M nked, much property I destroyed, ^.-real damage done to kippin;;, and sorno lives lost |E. F). Wii.rnx, .luweller, is now swing a vf-y cornideto stock of Is in hjs line." K Silver Plated Tea at which ho Iiiib just opened is very indsorae. Krerr one should see his [)ck. An exfps»'ivi3 rr(iVit khIg of farm Ek, itujilcmentK, hou^i'hold furni- iro, fell-., will tHte jiIhi-o oti tlio pr---- liscH of Mr. Mosiis Johtisfoi), lot 19, »n. 11.' F.iiilirn'iiii. on Saturday, the )th of Oct..), or. oomini:iicin^' at 12 fclock. Miisr-. .Tf.|instiin,'prMprietor; riico. Hull, aucti:inc(r. TiMNOs have just fuichcil us to the fort thnt til" Wiiirton '.Wio has ceas- to ?oli' Jii-t wliiit wo expected. lriiit(r ciiii sâ- ,l'll^ist' on tnrnijis, kpplos, ,tc., witli :i few bunches of iprs thrown in occasionally by way ^f desert, but vvlun it cinu'^^ down to in b.-irk and lu nilock s!;ibs, â€" ujjh I Tanner fust is prefcrabli' to it. A Narrow Escape. â€" While thrcsh- |ii? at his own ptaci-, Miunt riciisniit, fiolland, Mr. liobert Hannah, when rlfunuiK up the (loor, was caught b)' t)t»f holia of iJio coupling on the con- ai»i:lin^ Kli«fi mill was ttiij.iiio(l of all fcj.- clolhiut,' eccu'il his b lots and one [wristband of his nhii t. â-  He was some- I 'what injured but i:ot seriously. Ac iDnsr. â€" Ou Thursday, tho 14ih Inst., Mr. Saniti.'l Wilov, jr.. 7th con. tnphrasia, while loLjpiuij on the farm If Mr. Reynolds rocoived a very severe plow from ft I'lg b'iiiir broujjht to the keap, tho tiiubor B'.tiking hlui across back part of I'uo Icls. How he jiiped without h.ivin^' uis lees hrok- is the wonder of those who were resent. WnTF.a IS CoMiNo, and all having *rins or even G.irden Plots will find lluabh' aid in tho Anurican Aqrind- \rist for OL-folrr. just irisued, with its j luodieds o/ pr.actica' directioiis, hints ' id snf;g-,ri!-)Us. Amon- Icailmg ' ppics are Work for tho Mouth; a f 1,1 00 Farm House, wiih plan.s and lecilicatioiiK Shelter for Stock luDierous Hilpsand Hiutsfoi Fariu- rs llmiil)u's txposi-d a f'jll House- *ld «i) 1 (.'liildnu's Digiirtmonts, etc. -15 cciit^ per number; $1.50 per iminm )nuiL:o Judd Company, publish IS 21 J ISroadw.iy, New York. A vol V i niai ia .Sullivan formed jkn attiicliiiK-nt for i young lady of lis aoqu!.iiitaiice. 'T^iu conise of rue lov- r:in srivot!! for a while, but |lnally tln' U.vt.r boiMiuo tickle, anu [ranted tn jili Ins swertbonrt. The nilien ft-lt snd at t)u; way in which n dreams of and happiness tors hem i; n u^l^.d down, »nd con- I'-ri-d her »(!• etions had been injured th« anioiuit of ^Zv). Tho young kn:i thought his (inuiicei would not (low hiin to pHv nut SI. much uioney, id on. rod $15, which she accepted, ad gav • liini a dociimtut releasing lira from iill liis promises, and raak- ig him a fn.. nian a^rain. T. r...t P..-Mr. n. P. Hmnaford. tie chief t ii^-mcor of the (irand Trunk *ilway, h;kd comiletc(3 a tour of in ction on tho T. G. .t 15. Railway, lo has been inakina "u examination ^f the state of the road, and of the rorks necessary for converlinq the |auge into 4 feet 8 j inches, on behalf »f the Grand Trunk Railway Com- pany, by whom the work is, ha says, carried out in the event of the Imnniripalities granting the bonuses I which are asked of th»ra. Mr. |H. Watlis, the locomotive snper- atcndent of the Grand Trunk has, at :ie same time, been making an exam- ination of tlie engines and cars of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Company vith a view to their availabilities in »rt lor the purposes of the wider »ng6. Thk "Gi.oBE."_The stock of the }lobe newspapr has passed out of the .ands of the Brown famUy, and has kllen into the possession, it is said, f Messrs Donald A. Smith, of Winni- eg Allan GUmour, of Ottawa • Wm McMaster. of the Bank of Cotai»rce ' George Stephen, of the Bank of Mont-' teal James Nelson, Edinburg-, Robt laflTray, Toronto Aid. Peter Ryan ^nd '•'orthrop k Lyman, druggists. })o prominent Reformer has any interest the paper, which is now under the toD'rol of speeuhitors. Mr. Gordon prowii Tvill be retaiced as editor for a [imited time only. The foregoing has Bin? going the roands of the Press or the past two weeks, aa it has not ecu contradicted, preeoiBptioD ia Ihat tlie statement is correct. PXBSOBAI" sentberaM the room of has had his Mr. C. haa amongst ua, bat haa, wo tax tain l«am, gnrja satiafiaetion. «;« bofnd that yom shall not ftr- get lIurt^yTi offering baifaioa. â€" Am going to 1^« thriving bo^eaa or know 'Iv*" "^^7- Have flie right elasa of (pinners, and want more of the same \im^ they pay for their goods when tb«y buy Uiem and dtyi't grumble. â€" A. McIxttbi. BvBOLABT. â€" bom* tiina on Friday night last, the milk house of Mr. Charles Jeavatt, 6tli ood. ofEnpI^ra- aia, was anttfed and a tab at butter and two crocks of pieearves taken thereom. This is the third robbery which has taken plaoe within the past few days in that neighborhood. AociDBXT. â€" On Wednesday, tha ftth inst.. two littte boys (sou of WilUam A^nstrog^ Esq., near thia plaea) were playing on the bam floor, «nie of them, ag^ eight yean, waa en- deavoring to carry a bag of bran when he fell breaking his arm just above the elbow. Drs. Sproule and Carter set it and we are pleased to hear he is doing well. The Ha.«jlam-Tbickett lUca. â€" The Kth of next month is the day fixed for tlie great boat race for the Uports- man's Cap and the Championahip of the World, between our Canadian champion, i^dward flanlan, and the AnstraliaUj Tnckett. The race wiU take place over the Thames Cham- pionship course, and we hope to tee our boy come out victorious. He is at present^ under training in England. The Toronto World says :â€" If the Grand Trunk Railway takes over the ToroDto, Grey k Bruce it will soon become an important branch of the great through lino. The Grand Trunk would then be able to command the freight of the Northwest, and with a line of steamers running from a terminus on the Georgian Bay or Lake Huron to Lake Afichigan and Lake Superior it would prove a for- midable rival to those roads which hooe to tap the Canada Pac'fio. Dundalk, Oct. 1*. â€" The Township Council of Melanothon met to-day, and submitted a by law for $10,000 in aid of the change of gauge of tho Toronto, Grey and Biuoe Railway. The Township Council of Proton also met to-day, and also submitted a by- law for $8,000 for the same object. Tn both these townships the proposed arrangements with the Grand Trunk railway i^ received with much favour. Both the by-laws will be voted upon by tho ratepayers on the 30th of No- vember. To Sportpmkn. â€" It may Lo neces- sary to remind some sportsmnn that o'laiiges have been made in the fame laws. The ki'ling time is now fixed Deer, Oct. Ist^to Dec. 15th; part- ridpe, Sept. Ir^t to Jan 1st Quail and Tnrkey, Oct. 1st to Jan. 1st wood- cock. An?. 1st to Jan. 1st; snipe, Aug. 15th to Jan. 1st; ducks and geese, Aug. 16 th to May 1st. Sports- men throughout the country are awakening to the truth that there will be no game in the land unless promp*: steps are taken to cany out the laws. The new bank just opened by Messrs. Kerr k McKellar, of Guelph, has been fitted np and painted in a fir.stclai's roaTiner, and it is now the neatest office in the country. The bank is now opened and in a positii n to do all business cheaply and expe- â€" Oratiijeiille Ailrertiser. [Just so, frioud Adcertiser no doubt yon wanted a bank and have got it, but to say it is the neatest in the country is another thinir. Perhaps some day when our friend of the quill has leisure he might pay us a visit, and amongst other sights notice the bank office of Wm. Lucas k Co., just opeuod here.] The entertainment of the P. M. Cunrch came off in Dufferin Hall, on Wednesday evening, and considering the inclemency of the weather, and the state of the roads, there was a very goodly nu raher presen t. Tho eatables were abundant bnd of good quality, and judging from appeareucc, was highly appreciated. After which Dr. Sproule, M. V. took the cbair, and after a few brief remarks called on 1, Misses Noble k McNe«, for music I, Rev. Mr. McDiarmid 8, McDougall k Speers 4, C. W. Speers 6, J. E. Anderson 6, Rev. Mr. Griffith, Orangeville 7, Misses McNea k Noble 8, McDougall 9, J. R. Ander- son 10, W. J. Speers. Though the projfiamine was somewhat lengthy, yet t'lie best of attention and order prevailed throu;hout afier singing the National Authf-m the meeting br.)ke up in good order. A Vehv Me'.axcholy Accident. â€" It is with deep regret that we have this week to chronicle the death of Mr. John Lamb.ayoung manabout25 years of age, who resided with his pa rents on lot 8, con. 14, Glenelg. The particulars of the case are as follows, so lar as we could gather. It ap- pears that he was engaged in drawing dung from the barnyard to an adjoin mg field, and in wending his way through a piece of bush, accompanied by two of his brother's children, and he being seated on tb? load, a sound like a great crash, as the children speak of it, took place, and the next they saw was, their uncle buried be- neath a fallen tree. The children immediately gave alarm, but on ar- rival of assistance and on the exam- ination of poor Lamb., life was found to be extinct. No inquest was deem- ed called for, and the unfortunate young man was buried on Monday last, the remains being accompanied by a large ooucourse of sympathizing relatives and friends. Such is hie, in the midst of which we are in death. Wm. Lflcas Co., BANKERS, MARKDALE. IMIoney I^oaned IN large or small amoonU, at all tunes, on good endorsed notes, or on eollateral 8«eiirit7. INTEREST AT 6 Kl CENT. Allovod on Savincs Dsposits. aii^Ki's::^^^"***^ -^ « ^ni. LUC4B Ca. Soptspibar. UM. 'Hp-» ^-^ 'V • â- -â- â- â- â- . -i..«,i ^â- ^ "TIME m TIDE WAIT FOR m MRf •'«^-V *i a ?** ..,1, ' f ' i if u.-,., ..•!« H «• "T TTOTT rf^rjfiLTT They an ssllinc faat, thoM jartly MUbrated Wstehss. T«a WBBt TOO special gnotatians for OMh and ahow 70a a Immwm fHai* to showing some beaatifol thing* la ^^j J- SILVERWAEEf I ^AiiV Being Boitabls for Weddinc prsssats, Ac. Sobu extra baigaiBS in Parlor and Bedroom Clocks f Laixe Wslght Clocks at tS JO. J"" J.' Diamond and Wedding Rings WHEN TOU VISIT MaBKDAIB. Tery low. Aim seomple stock 'of CkM ChaiBS, Seta, lACfceU, Ifeokleta, PUas, Ghsttes, *Cn *r^ ail St ths v«r J lowest net «ash prices. WhMi hi Flsshsctm giTe ma a call. »ar wasoh â- epatoing • sjsniaitj Au wwrk u wamntWL ^^ f Douglos' Bru 'Jt Bloch opposile the Drug store. W. F. IOLIi, W atclunalcer, c^ FLESHERTON AND DUNDALK,^ tkvn um be DtMBi. m BUTTER dsapi fdote« a staWifMwaHl bvlMsa »grile»aMCr «Tssy smieli nH )rt«« â- adfrwIt'taattttoikMkthqr tllMfdUitaaa •â- lO •« Is iaa(tM«:faK tba liberal sapport thsV kane wiUstaiati(|kt|otharTl« of ' ° M0 AaStaqr used or baits gir«n to ami ^keeyinc their stock vrcH ssMrteA w8l always gif* their •osioiDers good Tslne fcr th«irm nsgr. .,i*n â- â- ',., â-  "^-^ ' ' Tefc.-. mitii lAi •• ^QO0^ in ^11 tiie 1 nes ajtOEREP Ct-OTHINC aspfeciahji^ i'^):^: HJKT8 and CAPS, new and styKSh' jf -* t^ BOOTS and SHOES, Cooper S»ith*i .Celebrated make v hat has sLood the test against '" all comers in all si vies and newness. !!S t.--- Ji in •-. OLAS€(WARE and CROOKERY all patera (.CRC^CERIES, cl^esp aad fresh. ui" â-  Keep your Eye on the Place I BUTTER A TtJk.lE:. J^vv*evjgmtn, W. L. Smith, C" GNEBAL AGSNT AND DEA1?BB IN T Nu;«»T S.ock W I'nmsford Station. Sept. 17, JS'»0, â-  I V ETERIN ARY r ELOOMFJELD, ' • Veietinaiy Surgeon, HAS commMJoeil the prji-l'ce of h'S p.-a fession in Marktla'e.and from his )oDg €z[e: 'Pnce aad e^ina^.we pact'ce iaEoglaud aid th-s con o It, is ensoled to .niarantee satisfaood. llegulatiLg Powdrrs, iba ad- miratiOQ of ILonxaDds tbat have uted tbem, var^aated to purify tbe blood by removing diseases lovkiiig iu tha syntem of heres and cattle, alwajg on bpnd. Ifed'cines may be procured at' his oSce, ovei D.-. Sjiroole's D-OK Stoie. Markilate. 1-v MARKDALE. WM. FOX, Plain ft Oraamental Plasterer Esiirap.tes for stooe and brickwork on np- pli-satiou. Sat-sfactioi' Oi'.ranteud. Besi- (ie'ice â€" Queer Sirert, Markdale. M?Tk.'aIc. S..;U. 17, 1.'80. 1-y Selling Off. SelllDgOff. G E VJ' Clearing Out Sale! GRANT ft CHELLEW w'U offer for .he JVEXIT OO I3aYS Bargains iiupreoeUutod in the County of tirey. SIUEBOAEDS, BUREAUS, ' CUPBOABDS, WASHSTANDS, open and enclosed, BEADSl'EADS, sriilNO BEDS. MATTKAS8ES, CEADI,ES, CENTKE TADLES, EXTENSION TABIiES, Fall-Leaf Tables, and Chairs of erery tb- icly to be SOLD AT COST â€" â€" Piclures and Picture Framing! in all its branches. ITpholatcring nnd Repairing promptly eirtended lo. IS" Produce and Dry Limber taken at mat ket price. GRANT CHELLEW. Varkdale, Sept., IHSo. 1 fSmwal. 3l^xytt w n i rt* i James Sullivan, PLESHEKTON. Matiatactarer and Dealer In Tin, Copper, Sheet-Iron Mid Japanned Wa'ss, Eave Tronghing, c. A Large Stock of Crockery and Stone wars. Wooden Wares, Washboaitb, Brooms, Brashes, Bakes, Handles, ^e. Ac. Store Ovens Lined. Old Metal, Hides and Wool taken in ax- change. 1^ Prices most reasonable, JAMES SXnJJYAN. Flesherton, Sept. 1880. 1 A Gliolfet Farm of 150 Acrts FOR SALE, One ililt from th$ ViHagt of MarktUUt. Thei e are about 100 acres cleared, the moaS ot which is in a high state of cultivation sad fit for a Beaper or Mower to work on. Thers are on the prcraises a Frame House bricked inside; a Milk House hrickeJ inside; a Frame Stable and. Driving House, and Log Bam; a Yonng Orchard commencing to hear a good Well, beside tha honse a never-failing Stream rnns across the farm Cedar snfflei- ent for fencing, balance of bnsh hardwood, (a First-class M' pie Sugar Bnsh of some 400 trees). The farm is well fenced, in a good state of repair, and in a choice locality, be- ing within a mile of good market, churches, school houses, and all naoessary oonveai enccs. C. W. BUTLEDOE, Propri«(9r, Maple Leaf Farm. Markdale P.O. STOVES. Haskett Bros. B 3TT0M PRICE FOUND .A.T T^A»T. Great Reduction to Cash Pnrchasers- TUiyK OF OUR PRICES. A No. 9 elevated Oven Cook Stove, furnished complete, $l8. Same, wiih Low Oven, $17. 5 BOX STOVE, $4,1 ATI other sizes Equally Low Stoves! StoYes! Stoves. At the New Tinshop MARKDALE. A LARGE ASSORTMENT to select from of the latest and most approved des- igns, including PARLOR, COOKINO AND BOX STOVES, extra heavy c%atiogs, with silvei' plaied trimming?, THE BEST STOVE IN MARKET. If yon want to have comfort the rest of yonr days, boy a stove Irom W. B. Walker, that will last yon yoor lifstime, AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. No puflLog here â€" th. real "llmon Para." TIN:WAEE 1 A LABOB STOCK ALWAYS ON HAM9. ALL xiass or Tin CopperworkI mads to order on the shsrtest notios. EAvniouMnia a spccuun. Store Ovens lined, Hand-Irons Bitrsr-Plated, at very low' prises Stove Polish; Oomo Laad, tha Challenge, the Hising Son, Coal Oil JOB WOBK mrticolarly atteotied to. Too can save money by giving me a call before paiehaMng alsewhsra. Old metal. Hides, Shaep Psltr. Wool-piekings takm in exchange. S^BenMmWr tba plaea, naxt the "Maik^Js How*." W. R. WALKER. Msrkdale, Soyt. 17, 18t». IU Â¥% STRAYED iM the premises of John Bmrors, mm Izard's Mill, Glenelg, a red Haifsr lAk small star on bead, and a few white spots aa bodyâ€" is small for a three year old. Any penoti giving snah information tothanndsr- sigaad as win had to hrr reeot my will fas i». wardsd. MBS. 8. OABWBLL. WsT%fcli, OH. S,1«0. 4.SiB ^trtt|h« it tram smtw tOl Italhal tt '««««iri MB. for Ma 7tmt% »«||sriftie«, These Stoves are from the best and larg- est mannfaetnrers in the Dominion â€" have all the latest improvements, with illuminat- ed fronts and silver-plated trimmings, and are beyond doubt the best Stoves in the M^uket. HARDWARE. A large st^ck of axes, cross cut saws, building and Shelf Hardware, Cutlery, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Brushes, c. at lew prices. TINWARE. Coal Oil, Lamps c., Stock large and prices as low as any in the trade. HASKETT Bros., Sept. 17, 1880. 1 Meat for All AT W. B. SarjenVs. The snlwerlber returns thanks to tha ia- " habitants of MABKDAIiE s and vicinity f«r their liberal patronage dar- big the past Ave years, and begs to remind tbsoi that he is prepared to snpply their wants in his line as asr any one north of Toronto. I^tsh aii Cmui Ibaij ddivered promptly on leee^ of oidavs. SAUSAGE 4 POULTRY sHwrakqiliaUiair Siecial indacementa to " large Purchasers tS" Shop an Mill veett, ofpoalt Um " B6T«ra HotaL" :, â- ^Caeh paid for^Fat Cat- tle and Sheep inMtS by faiihfal y^. teyoart hs m W. B. SABJEAyT- mhWiJs, ssh. ira x^m. i September Slst. A880. Ik NOBBIEST GLdING! In th.e County at cFARLAND'S. s 40ii ,5U iilaeii VMesile nd Betiil Tmlifii^ AXiWA:TB ON XAJn JL WtJlsL MtoOK d#9»Mrv « m. »v/ m ttttiS, HUOWAIE, ;, MgfililK UiNMMrles, Vt^irWiifmmM Ao^, â€" f i.-tvi-'V. ^«r MlalPii0^ 1^ Cash or P^iiii^m^ -41*- WM. HOOO. Hi|iirt«rllst. imp:. ';ij»»,^v Oh Pianos and Organs •cK ~i. ^.u-- 9. iiXlt .y'.: v,-:^ji •'.--?r- •.i*.^ â-  â- 'â- â€¢:â- :; ' 3- •â- Â£ J.!RAWFOiiO 1»BAK.BB \T* ••^â- '"J- PIANOS i-ifD OEGAHS! -•-'-,'• '^-r â-  â- ' --â- '!.'• toTHB -J^." •.- 'lITs'bzicLgre 2vi:sL3n.^aJfb^'CLzdj J^-'y..: -e y^i:rW'-- â-  • '1 â-  *â-  â- â- "'â- - i. f :i -••.-...â- 54. *-t See his $5.00 Overcoats. See his 810 Ulsters. See his St2 Suit. See his 816 dress suit. 500 pairs of Boots To oliooBS from â€" Men, Women and Cliildren's, Get yonr AXES ** McFam.and-s. Those $2.50 MANTLES ^ll'iig f'^Bt. New DRESS MODS ^^ McFarlanJu. New FLANNELS ^^^ McFarland's. New SlE^WLS*^ McFarland's. New BONNETS a^^i HATS ^^^ McFar- laud's. New TWEEDS ^^ McFarlauii s. New CARPETS ^^ KcFtf- land's. New Fringes, Buttons, Silks, Laces, Flowers and Feathers. F ilce a aever urere lower or value better. A conaparisom ••Udted. W. J. McFARLAND, Ii*lP»ORTEI«. JVIarUdal*^- BOOTS and SHOES! 'oie Txars j^^xxjtjxo^t. A NOVELTY hi these Goods! Tbs hitelrscfible Riveted and Cemented aid Wster preof Seams Call and Sxamino ^toel£ and Priceai I before purchasing "slop" goods el^whers. I ftr .-f\.Ar i V FUI^L LINES IN /. .^sicerics, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing, ,(fteady-made,) Crockery and Glassware! â€"AT THK- ♦ A ".«w.4«M- ,.- !â- .» .it f m^ m ta M ARKD AL£^: 17th. imn Having a thorough Icnowjedgc of Musical Instruments I would invite those desirous, of purchasing in institiment id QiVB ME A TBIAIi! I can furnish good testimonials from parties to whom I hav" sold that they will be dealt honorably with in all cases. By corresponding with me I will convince parties that I will sell cheapier than they can buj elsewhere. ., Monthly or quarterly instalments would be acceptedj with a small payment iJown^.. •â-  t* • â- â- *•,â-  ill instruments warranted iw SU Year^^ â-²DDBESS, â- â- ' X-i: • -H' J. A. CRAWFORD, v .-v.^:v â- ;•;â- .. t*CiL BOX »», •fx^ H. PI.fOOPER â- #3 ESPECTFtJLtt inTte every Man and Woman in tha eeantty tA Wsit fhelr Factory XV SD( Warerooms and incpect their Rtx;1c of famitifirc, manafaetiired during the suiA, mer, for fall trade. Qnr etock in now t)ie largest and most eemplete ret held by an, aalf we hare bisen snocessiiil in istrodueing a great many NEW AND TASTY DESIGNS I " BED-BOOM SETS, COIJCECBSJ, SIDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES, CENTRE TABLES, DRESSING BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS. SOFAS, WHATNOTS, HAT-RACKS, HALL TABLES, fca, c, e; o â€" _^_ WK ABE UAKIKO A 6FECIALTT IN ' New Styles of WOOD SEAT CHAIRS f CHEAP AND DT7RABI/B. UNDERTAKING DEPARTM'NT Folly sappUsA with COFFINS, SHBOUftS, kt., aad spsSial sisss mads oo tba rmf atiortast aotiee. ALL KINDS OF Faiif f wihig, ScrtU Work, FoMt Pickets I ledftnii â- sds ta ofdff. Also SAgH, DOOBS, PLANING, «e. With esr present sxpsrisnes we iM justjisl in sakln;; • eeiithtaaiipe o^ OHi fitnmni so lilMrally bestowed od na ii^ tka past. Our prioe^ vitl « found aa low aa any, andrs mmi^o as is eonsiStaiit with good work and flniah. If joo' an in nesd «l anything ia «w Ubs wa fssl eonfldent Ws o*n suit yon in qnsntity aad quality to sslest bam (mi also tH t FMshertM Bteaas Fnmitwe Fartory and Ptaaiiigi iiB.' ^W Sbeep and Oattle. GEORGE WJIjSONj 4^^ â- JTMSUm IWTlac.Bted tst Shsep or J? CMllsli»ssll,fllfiMHt«tbsiradTuit. tolw«*UH«siMMBMiiadaMssBt Ms. pflyOppUyhMtifisps. t y- **.:" â-  iu

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