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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Oct 1880, p. 2

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 MARKET. ;ho rest of j^^ K. WUier, 1^ [utime, 1 PRICES. 3imon Pur«." as 8ilT«r-PI«ta^ PoUdi; 1a5 Jsing Soa, C«^ 1; atten4«d toi [iviag ma « a^ e. Old maM, ickingn Ukaa ibe plaes, a^ •â-  lft and larg' '••minion â€" have wait "liiminal- triiumioKs, and Stoves in th* (•ntroniii^e d«r )•• c til raniaA tir u)\ilj thai* ^.[•t of orJet*. :)ULTRY incnts to ubcrs reitt, oppoait* 'cHler in t-Iron and S SUIJJTAH. â-  r cultivation I work on. ThcT» •• House brie*** i.n.-i.U-: a Fraia* ti:l l,..i{ Barn; • • tolMiir; a goo* a m-ver- t a iliny lu Cc'tlar «nfli«i- bush hardwood. Buah of 10100*00 .ncH,!, in » 8»" loice locality. «*• iitrket, ehtli***f» •^••â- Bsary e«n'»«ni STANDARD. Ll OTHER m â€" NOTICES. P)RKE9P0NDENT». â€" Partics Tvril- )ffice on all matters of bnsi- ili oblige by addressing their Inications Btajjdakd Office. Eva, Specialist, leaves hero to- k» on bis regnlar visit to Dor- he will return on Thursday. Call anXiaspact Mi^s Burch's stock of tritnltoed millinery, ladiae' fancy goods, lypper patterns, and wools. We Botioe that Mr. Thoaias CampbeU, of this place, sold a very fine yonag borte, 4 years old, sired by Hmblo Ionian, dam, UsppT Lizzie. Ue is a good nsa, plsnty of buue.'andaproauaing trctUir. Hpeers Bros., (be purcbasen, paid tbe bandaome price of 918U for tbe oairaaL Blood tells. Glenelo AoBicuLTrKAL Show. â€" I We are again compelled to apologize for the uon-apjearance of ibe prize ^t's thatV J^'"'°'^^"^^*"*°°'l"*** '^^° iJecreUry having been le best wa^i^ f"' the money, called from home, and not haying ac- cess to bis booj^s, it became out of oar Htra- jWS^^ to fiiraisb a report last week, an 1 also " ""•' I ^^ ^^ sorry to say that w« are " ' 10 better position now. We trnst gj readers will ajcept this apology â€" ii:jrou forgL't iw j-^g iiireeted **♦ serentl jy^tiscments, which appears in an6»A. 56 1» [Ofsjiino. â€" The mill situated ^1, on the 13th eon. of Arte- 3\^Gd by Mr. E. Davis, is ex- b(j in rnnning order about |of next week. JBIHK ^Mr. n. fauit does not rest with us. SOCIALS. At tbe residence of the Rev. A. W'ilson, on Friday evening, Oct. Ist, the members of Mr. Wilson's Bible of DunJiilk, offers goods at q^,^^ ^nd on Saturday evening, Oct. ;ly low i.riccs. Parties should 2nd, the members of the Ladioa" Aid advettiitmtnt, which is in Societv, were the recipients of a rui, and govern themselves j eumptuous repast, followed by a few y- hours of roal social enjoyment, shop leased by Mr. E. D. On i'nJav evening after ihe class leweller, i» being brought toi had enjoyed themselves for a time at lie txpf cts to get in tlie various amusements, Mr. McFar- hiiid was appointed to the chair, wJiicli position he most efficiently filled, ills address was one which tuibraced all the points of a ?ood hpeecli. Then followed several ad- dresses from the elder members of the class, -interspersed with muoic and readings. During the warmth of the entertainment Mr. McFarlaud rose to state the cause of their intrusion which might appear a very gross breach of etiquette. This ho did in sucli a manner as to represent fully the wit and humor of Erm's Isle, lie then called upon Miss Anderson to read the following address, which was very ably rendered indeed. ADbltKSS. Tu the liev. A. Wilson. Kf.spected TEALiiEn, â€" Wo, tho meiiibojs of ' your Bible Class in Miirkdalo; have assembled very un- t'Xiiecteiliy at your mausion this 6v- eniiig and taken possession tliereot for a few hours we hope to have a very plcasiint time. It is not, we would sincerely hope, to bid you fare- well that we liavo como, nor vot for the enjoyment which wo, as social crtaturts, might bo the irccipicnts of iy s.-) meeting. Our mission is sim- I'ly one of heartfelt gratitude on our |i:u t for tho vore efliciuiit manner in wiiich yon, na onr teacher, have dis- i-liuriri It is n. xt to the StaniAui is, of course, respectably [up P.t.siNESs.â€" The Mts.srs. ^, harness makers of this iV( dteiiled on rclnKjuishing I This is not on ucconnt of j »f wwrk, lint a dcsiro to em- ler pursuits.';.- It will be fcrculars iiuincrniisjy distnh- Mr, J. Â¥. S) r.r.!o, is now to do hiisiiR s. li;tcnding Bra should tt:v\ what ho has kthem in exchuiiL'e for cash. Funny Thin.'*." â€" Wo have la copv of 11 I iMl'l'lft boarins fo title, I'lil-ii-hed by the New* '" " It is Hiiid to be and h;i" some of Mark leavings. I'lice, 15 cents. iBiN'i.â€" It is with pleasure kweck, annoiiin- a great im- it in th.- !!• 'lr!i "fan estoom- ilr. A. W. Eaton. His |at one time ili.-|.aircd of but has taliin p^MtH, an.l wo ex- [see l.'.u ab'-.iit in a (^^ days. TO Depaiit. _;.Mr. Mabio, bctu nni'n;:-t a for some Bt i^, wo li-.irii, al' '111 to Kave lige. We li:i\.' M"' heard to lis "oiiig â€" but wi-h hiui ac- »TI'N i.-. diri'ftcd t the adv^r- \t of Mr. K. A.sliin, to h.' found re. He i:.i a nicely stloctod I general 'roiorus, and makes l)accos ainl '•ulmiv ii pecialty. i.KVNcii.i.-i. loiiuerly of the on Hou.Si\ â-  V. ill, 111 the conr.-c days, (ijiiii a •' neral store in liscs now liVni Bsrs. Mcl"ai liie notie-c will vacated by U, liie tiini! of aj'jt' ar in our d tho duties dcvcdving upon \oii. You have zealously worked with n- for the jiast two suinmfrs cn- deavuriii" as far as in you lay, to iiu- pres-) ujion the mind of each, tho ;,'reat truths contained in each of the various passages studied, and we cannot but have gleaned many good thoughts from the same, so ably ex- ))oundc'l. It may bo that at times you Were slightly disheartened, per- haps on at-eouiit of ill attendance, a want of iitt ntion, or other causes; E3.- We ntice til it Mr. W. notwithstanding nil thcsi- things you Ikr'r, tinstiiith and ileabr in were always on hand, and willing, 1 advertises hi "oing o.ut of tlie when the elVss iiit-ht came round. ^iisincKS, and oilers liis larjje And now, df ar sir, it g.ives us great l' the latfst desi"ns, at cost to j)|i.;i-!uro ]iresent you with this ircliiscrs â€" this should not be Ichiiir a.s ;i kH -lit token of tho esteem [in wliich you are held by the class, ,j,T.â€" Willie tliraliini: at Mr. f»'»il ^vo hope fliat when tired after a ler Irwin'^t last weik. :i man 'eird day's stu^ly, it niiiy prove a coni- John We!, h hail his ^vo front '"' ' occupy, do not torgot when of the right hand taken olf i •'fitting therein, of the many liappy ddle ioint tli^y were l^^'"'"*^^ '"'** have spent to,';ether, Middle joint th^y Iby J)r. Spnuilo, and he ell. â- - •i.E s Kkw Sfoiyc. â€" The fine ck stnictHre now lu ing built Hproule for the rirni of J. F. IA Co., P^'iieral ni^ri^iiints, is ^oae!iiii;j completionâ€" it will 111 imposiii;; appennmce. ^T wi-^les to lie inr.rined if I'olii'e 'il!:':4?, and if ':o. who nu.. o[ tie' Heard, lie- is |to know t'l whom ho is to redress m a case in which had a foot spraiii'vl Ly bemtr one of the.-" now so ks in the planlqng. Sciiooi, .Mr. T. Hall, has, organized a clas.-. Young lo reijiiire lelvaneemoiit, and lusiness cngagennnts during debar tliem from ii'ttending school, should take advan- %\n-i opj irtuiiity of in.pivve- ^ iiif.'rni.s us that he was the other dav on hearing a riDir iri-n/.J^'-ihi say, how he Dnduct a newspaper. Just times hav • changed I In I old clays It was considered a jr an as,; to 'p-ril;, and now hoi't of a miracle will keep Although it is a prevailing custom to I do "iueli a thing as this, and thought j to be ex))e;tcd, we would not for a I moment have you Rurmise that we " Were impelled by such a motive. In conclusion wo would express a desiro I to hiivc \-ou for our teacher for a still I greater length of time if such should I not be the case, yon and your family liave our best wishes to go with you, wherever you may be called. Signed on behalf of the class by Mastba AxDEKSOy. Mr. Wilson rose to reply under a visible effect of surprise and gratitude. Shortly afterwards they all retired to their respective homes, apparently more than satisfied with the pleasure of the KVi r.iiig. Oil Saturday evening the members of the Ladies' Aid Society presentes Mr. Wilson with a purse, accompani- ed by the following address, read by Miss Eurch. To BererenJ A. Wilson. PiEv. AND Deab Rib.â€" It is with re- gret that we see the period of your labours among us drawing to a close. iJnring the past summer you have toiled c.irly and* late striving to win our souls for Christ, ani to lead us in tho heavenly way, ever sacrificing your own interests, your own pleas- ures, to our spiritual welfare. In your work you have had many difii- cultiesand many discouragements to contend against, tut rest assured your labor has not been in vain. A rich f been, and will yet be, reaped from the seed which you haye sown. W« sin- cerely hope it may be our privilege to 1 is now on our table. Its 1 1"^\"' yoH permanently settled among iro so extensive that space " '• but, should it bo otherwise order- .rmitofonr noticing it as I P'L you wdl not bo forgotten by us; .1 wish, but wo may say that p^j; ^^iH ever follow you in thoughts of V recommend it to ail en- j ""'ection and gratieude. In thatyonr home hai Ixtvt.e's. Mr. Mclntyre to state th:it ho is now )an 1 furiitli Mich goods lallv (• be found in a ^^entral llio also has .so!iie Viry nice bide bai-on on hand, and ' 1 by savin;; tint the quality! Oh, be joyful" Oannot be i harvest, we doubt not, has already fcAN Ac.nii iLrniisr. â€" The Oc- kmher of this tiitlv useful aLjrieuitiiral pursuits. It is il bv the Orange Judd Com- I'lway, New York. Ki: Ei.t*f fcT'^ir. â€" We learn that f {i*t!sff^ I'ciifly Tiiiefnl build- coutcmjdated. Who dare at our enterprise. It was iterday that a traveller stated had seei' more strides of pro- bis rill,,,,,, than in oi(/(.i of onr dimensions, and this an is coiiiiimally on the road, ws the wi..,!^; of Western On- 1 Hr....Tii Jori;NA,.._-\Ve i^^^^, the first number, of the iilh is monthly peri'Khcal. it jg individual and puUic Hy- 1 is a reporter of viiat sta It is published in Toronto by 'â-  and appears to contain information, not only o{^ but also professional char Mclntyre still a-liead mce He is sure to carry II ERE lie wins the 4rd, aud is all know what line he Provisions, Liquor, llL'Xnot ashamed of bia n he doc^t on a good prin- ri-tlv forVMh. flOIEUIOmLA DIRECTORY, 9I*MkxI» Drs. Phytdclans, Sorgeons, Acconobean UFFICS Madieal Hall; rrTliwni at KMrVdala Hooae. Markdala, Sept 17,1880. 1-y i«M*. J. B. ncnuilaa, Attobmb;-at-law and bouchok in Cbaneary, ConTayaiMar, Aa., Aa. Owen Sonnd, Sept. IJ^SSO. l-j UkM, Citaas. B.' Barrister at i^Aw, OwenSormd. OFFICE.â€" HiinVi'Wldinc. oTar BoUn- taa's store, Poolet Street. l.y Frost Frost, BABR1STEB8, AKD ATTOBNBTB-AT Law, Solisitors in C'baneery, Conttij sneers, itc, Ovren Sooud, bare rasomad at Flcsherton, Office open every Tbnndaij, as haretofore. Ai.nBi Fbost, j. W. Faoa*, LL. B. CooBty Crown Attomer. 1 8.-1. L-aae, BABBISTEB andATTOBNBT-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chancery, Aq. Omcxs â€" at Owen Swond and Markdala. N. B.â€" Office at Markdala, aver W. J. Ma- Farland's store, open on Tbunday of arary week. 1-y James niassoa, BARRISTER and ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, Manter in Cbancery, Owen Soand. Sept, 17, 1880. l-y James*B, ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, SOUCITOB IN Cbaurery, Notary Public, *e. Money loaned at- lowest rates on personal and real e.%tate. Lands boagbt and sold. Buyer and seller introduced free of conunia- siun. DUNDAIiK. September 2lRt, 1880. 1 €oime^anKtVff tc ^an^ ^$ntt«. UToB. Browa, ISSUER OF MABRL\GE LICENSES, 4c, Commissioner in B. B. Sec. Conveyancing in all its branches promptly attended to and carefully executed. N. B.â€" Money to Lend on Real Estate ae- cnrity. Markdale. Sept. 17, 1830. l-y R" F. nicRae, Efi"ATE AGENT, DURHAM County of Orey. Money tu Loan at reasonable interest, pay- able ball-yearly at 8 per cent., or at tne end of the year 8} per cent. â€" principal payable at the end of 8, 6 or 10 years â€" or principal duil interest yearly to suit liorrowara. Lands for Ssic. Mortgages bought and sold. Sept. 17, 18-^0. 1 y Alexander Browrm, ISSUER of Marriage Licenses, Fira and Life Iu»nranco Agent. Commissioner in B. B. Ac. Conveyancer and Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Gray. Farmers, Merchants, and Land Sales, Punotnally at- tended to and cliarges made very moderate. PriceviUe, Sept. 17,1880. l-y s been witli us, thereby giv iuii us the privilege of constant inter- course with tho several member* of your famdy, wc feel that wo haye been more richly bltssed than our sister congregations. Most heartily do we thank Mrs. Wilson for the in- terest she has always taken in onr al- fairs, and especially do we thauk her lor the great asistance she has ren- dered us 88 an active member of orr Society. You have both our best wishes for your happiness and pros- perity. Wc beg you to aaccpt this purse as a slight token of our affec- tion aud esteem. Again assuring you aud yours of our best wishes, and commending you to God's care and keeping, we bid yon an cffectionate farewell. Signed, on behalf of tho Ladies' Aid Association, M. A. BuBCH. HV '^*°'i. in his rap'y, felt quite unable to convey by words his grati- tude to those present. Towards the close ef tho entertainment Mr. Brown gave an excellent address. Mr. Irying also made a few very appropriate re- marks. Mr. Wilson expresses tha attention of his Markdale frienda a* tangible marks of gratitude. ;, ,, â-  -^^^ ..^ .; J .. .,:;j;l-« -•! a;ju J. ••/*»«.• -Ti i.'J ••; o4 aitidf i' J ...^^ j/i. ' «ii)9l"' a nwrit Uiso-.ji .i2 aiiaunj aaut^a'ii' Georjfc Corl»et, Jr., LAND. LO.VN AND GENERAL AGENT, Owun SoiuiJ. Monev to Loan at low rates of iuteruat. Principal payable at the end of a term of ye,'ir.'5,ftnd interest half year- ly or yearly, or principal and interest repay- able in instahueuts, t»*A number of desirable Improved Farms fur sale. l-y J. O. Sinir, OMINION AND PROVINCIAL LAND ;^invcyor, Dranghtsnian and Valuator, Monfciil un.l Markilale. Having purchased Proviiuial Land Surveyor Charles Rankin's eutiie bt. k of erigiiial Field Notes, Plans, IleiHirts, Instructions, Ac., of alibis SuiTeya done within *bo last fifty- five years, I am prepared to make Surveys in strict accord- ance th -rewilli. Profiles and Estimates lor Gvailing Hills, Plans and Specifications for Pu^lliiig Bviilgcs, furnished on appUca- tion. Money to Loan at 8 per cent interest. Orders by letter, or laft with G. J. BLYTH, Markdale, will l)o promptly attended to. Sept. 17, li^Wt. 1-T D^ Pcntitftvs* mr. James J. ^Iiite, Assi.^taut to Dr. Cameroti, Owen Sonnd, WILL BK AT T1IP REVERE HOUSE, X!arkJalc, ou the la.'it Wednesday in each mouth, when ho will be prepared toper- form all operations req-aired upon the^outh in tho must satisfactory manner, and upon reasonable terms. l-y W. C. Jewell, L.D.S., WILL be at tbe MARKDALE BOUSB, Markdale, tbo First FRIDAY and fol- lowing day in each month. Parties wanting Kxtractiug, Filling or Teeth Inserted, from one to a full set, would do well to call and sou prices. Satisfaction given in all cases. Head Office â€" opposite Post Office, Meaford. Sept. 17, 1S80. â-  l-y ^«ttl«. if FMT8 6MINA BE DEMEt, -*♦â-  BUTTER A l?AE th»psMiaaMfH«nda ingmmt i tm *• HbMd •ar«t «bn Imws and win atfll BtiAto ttsMle e( d«w a â- Msi I X-rAl'iC. •; Oiati- iIO it MA RKDAL E. Having leased the above hotel and thor- oughly refurnished and refitted it, the tray- cUiug pulilic will find every accommodation. Only tho best «{ liquors and eigars kept. Good stabling. Careful hostler. JOHN VAN HORN. Proprietor. Sept. 17,1880. l.y MEAFORD, Ont. J. t J. McGIRR, PBAPamoBs. Everr accommodation for tbe travelling public. Tho bar is well stocked with tha choicest Wines and Liquors and tbe best brands of Cigars. Free 'bus to and from all trains. Sept. 17, 1880. i-y 2!intii«uttv», Samnel morrow, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOB THE County of Grey. Sales attended at shortest notice in town or country. Charges moderate. Sale Bills, Notes and Stomps famished if reijuired. Having had long experience in tbe business I can guarantee satisfaction. Markdale, Sept. 24tb, 1880. «-Sm J. m. M'^etoster, ICENSED iiUCTIONEER FOB THE I County of Grey. LOAX ND LAND AGENT, Money to loan at lowest rates of inteTeet,lB sums to suit borrowers. Agent for PariMTa* Loan and Saving Co. 'All businesa nattaca strictly private, and treated as snob. EUGENU P. O. Sept. 17tb 1880 1-tf ^vmtv9,mtu. 'W. I« Smith, GNERAL AGfiNT AND DEAWBB IK T Nursey Stock, Williamslord Station, Sept. 17, 18W, 1 G VE TERINA RY- JBLOOMFIELD, • VeUriiiry Smrgtom, HAS commeBced the prat^tiee o hia pro- fessrion in Markdale. and from bis kog experience and extensive practice in Ti a gUnd and ibis oonntry, is enabled to ^aaranta* satisfaction. Begalsitii:g Powders, tbe ad- miration of thousands that have oaed tkMO, warranted to pniifr the blood by ragMmsi di«eases lurking in the systam of haraea and cattle, always on band. Medioinca may b* procured at bis oOaa, «Ter D*. BpraaU^ Dnur 8t«». Markdale. 1-T W^Y GOODS in all the line«^^^^" -â- :';^' ORDERED CLOTIUilQ««p»»itfir^ HATS and O AlTO, »«â-¼ a^d slyfish." BOOTS and SHOES, Cooper Smiths celebrated make that has stood the test against all comers in all styles and newness. GLASSWARE and CROGKERY au patems CROGERIESy ch«*P "d fresh. Keep your Eye on the Place! WHEN TOD Tisrr MaRKDAT.K. Douglas' Brick Block opposite th^Drug Store, SX ifca cribe for the We wlB give il from now till the Jaanacy, 1382, f«r ooc yaaifa Septamber Slat, 188A. BXjrPTER 3c r^e:. irtemesia IMesale md Retail farehonse. IXiWikTS ON HAND A FUIjIi STOCK OF '-; MY MOOS, HARDWARE, GROCKERY, rFor Sale Qlieap for Gash or Produce. tar INSPECTION iT««rviTEr ' ' '" WM. HOGG. r i4 Eugenia. â- â- â- â- fT lertoB StaSloa Baiit«Bb«rUat,U80. ^j^ DR. CLAH'g:55i^^ ^OHNSO^a ^. IiABOBATOXlV. |7W.3dSL, Hew Ya'-k City AmMMKtaxt. CURES Sipecial induce ments S W altnam Watches SPBCUL LINE i^A.ri£:s oL.i Watches Jnik to hand. Alao Ladiaa CoI^Oold Lo/ketit, Chains, Necklots, Ac. A Word to the Public. The era of prosperity which now happily reigns throughout the length and breadth of our glorious dominion benefits every branch of in- dustry, and has very materially benefited my business, which has increased in volume several thoiisands of dollars over any previous year, and is steadily increasing. Appreciating the tastes and requirements of the Public I have studiously, and I trust suc- cessfully, labored for i8 years to meet the wishes of purchasers. The support and pat- ronage I have had justifies me in increasing my stock, extending my facilities, and at the same time materially reducing my prices. " â€" ' Ambitious as I have ever been to be first and foremost in my business, I am resolved that henceforth the reputation I have achieved in this particular, shall be promoted and enhanced Egotistical mention is not essential, but I do feel warranted in calling attention to my pre- sent full and complete stock of Goods, a stock, the greater part of which has been purchased for cash, and direct from the manufacturers, and the equal of which, for extent or variety, I do not think can be found north of Toronto. I solicit from strangers an inspection, and to my friends and customers say, that I have for them in goods and prices a succession of what I believe will be very agreeable surprises. I am in a position to fill all orders, and it will not be necessary to send to Toronto or elsewhere for goods. Give me a chance to supply your wants, and I guarantee the best Goods at the most economical rates. A Li Wedding and Gefi^ Bings, $1 to $10. HALL, PARLOR, BRACKET AND BEDR^M CLOCKS AT ALL PRICES. Silver and Electro-Pftvled Owing to the increased d^ larger and better oases. Cake Baskets, BovcU, PickU. DetertJinwet, for this Una of goods now offering Ware. I been forced to pnrcbase WatcJ Stands, Cruets, Butte?\Coolers, Sugar Napkin Ringt, Fruit Knivet, Sjoow%^ Dinner and dc, all of the latest and most improved Call R,especrfcilly i^olicit« ^repairing a specialty. All work is warranted. W. F. DOLL, Flesberfon and Dundlilk. on, Sept. IStb, 1880. THE NORTH OF SCOTLAND CAN. MOBT.CO. R. DA^IS, Agent, (LIMITED.) o trtUBMUiSK.'l /HaetMvw. ffVm- »»t», Mrcp9^ â-  MMrttrl iHtfut*. JÂ¥1trvoua MtebVUi/. ut. fhaBastSSKSST BTOWN to.Hui i TO,000 AGEHTS BATZ SOU OIXCE 1970 6.000.00O Bottled. Hbs Bifmp PosMssts Vnrie4 PtvpfTliis. ICatfamlatM the PrtTxIine la l!» cnl!^" â- fcli fco aais sM tknatnrck and mm^rmfthr tfd lata Klaeoae. A d^aelMaar la i*vtraUia •aaaea Wbd aadOoariii* ef ib • fM4 In lb* aeasiaHk If Ibem^^lrln* l« snkrit iwi w l i aMlT after aatlai tbr fewen t a tl aa 9ttâ€"M W }t Beta wv^a b /.Ivvr. taeta mpan ik* KUaeyii; t Ranlaim Ike Bnwela 5lPafUesiboBI*od. I Qibela Ik* Nerraaa Hrateol.' {tProaatea IMBe*rl«n. I NearlalHv, Pirrnvtkeao and Tarlccixtrc: {( eantoa or Ike Old Uload aad •â- Â»h»i nv.? (•veaa Ike ^rea at tk« akla mail ladaMrV Bealthy Peraptratlen. I It Den'nlizes tho hcredltsry ttipt, or po^ooa l» tv« ^lood. which ceccrateo SnofnU. I:i?Ri|»l i. as.! sj sunaer of akjii diMMOs end internal bnmo^. I Then are no apliita employed in lt« nuniitactan, and it can be taken bjthomr* doUcaU bs^' ct â- :/ Qie iged and feeble, tart onlj ttn^ nfa:rt^ in «/• I Irmtian to dinctiant. SBICE OF LA28S BCT7LIS, « tl.Cd FBIQS 05 SlULL SOTTLTS, • CO R«ad the VOLUNTARY TEG" IMONIALIi of Persons who hav* boon CURED by tha ineof th« BLOOD PURIHER. FOR DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER •â-  COMPLAINT. â-  Kelvin, Brant Co., Ont. • Dear Sir â€" Tliis is lo certify tb»t your ralnable ludiau Blood S/rup has benefited nic more for Despepeis aud Liver Comiilaint, than any medi- cine I ever, before used. ' Mrs. M. j. BRIDGE. vK^: SAVED HER LIFE. •'â- ' Kelvin, Brant Co., Out. Dear Sir â€" I have been uudei tha doctors' bands almost contiunally for eight years, this j-car being tbe first that I have not erap1oyoI iij ciau After using your I idian i '.ii lyrirp k\x a brief tpnce of time, I was enab- led to do all my Work. I truly bo- lievo it was the means of saving my life. Mas. MARY LEONARD; FLES«ERTON THE ABOVE COMPANY ARE NOW PREPARED TO At 7i per cent., bWf yearly, or 8 per cent., yearly. Note a fyfr of tho adrautagca derived from the North of Vcotland. You are not obliged to pay nay part of tbe principal nntil tbe and of tbe t«rm.\ Yon can arrange to pay in instalu^nts if you cbooso and interest immediately eeases o^sach amtants when paid. You ^ra arrange to pay your interest or principal in any montlAto suit you. You can arrange tp repay the loan in any time from 1 to 20 years. Simple iqterest only charged. No eufalization of pnjments. No 12 per oent. intereat nor fiuea cli^ged. The following exynple wtll show one of tbe many ways in whiahkloan may beredvd. A call and examination will be gratifying to me, for I feel sore that an experience in patroii i2ing me will fully confirm adl that I claim fcHT my goods. W. J. McFARLAND, WHOLESASE AND RETAIL, 2v£ September 17, 1880. BOOTS and SHOES .!.! fV \j.- £^os xzs:^ li^sxuzji/zaff. A NOVELTY in these Goods i Tht liul«ftrii€ibU Rlv«ted and CeneatMl wk Wtftr- prMf Smb. Stook f Oall and Exanilne before poiebMing " aiop" goods elasarhen. 1- ' 1; 1A4 W I. Jl..Vi • y. '• V i;w .li;1r;uiji it- f.' -It -i-fji.-i t: .L' V » I- .it\.ACMj •- £1 t FULL LINES IN ' 1 â-  f-t ja -li I'lj-'vi* li; V Groceries, Staple and Faficy Dl? CM, (Miig^[ |fi^y4diaa^if:,aiilcSkety anAOlMa |h»-9 :â- .•â-  J J-.Vr, irw r vlik •f -vi'T MAI^KDALE. .^^!7U ' M»M«W.,S^.17th, IsdO. XAMPLE: tlOOO borrowed, repaid by tenvual annuiil in yearly \he paymeny Ist year, interest 8 per cent on 91 Instalment Sod year, interest 8 per eent. on $9) InaMklment Sid year, interest 8 per cent, on 9800 Instalment 4th year, intereet 8 per oent. on %^^ Instalment 5th year, interest 8 per oent. on Instalment 6th year, interest 8 per oent. oq/95oo Instalment 7th yew, interest 8 per oont^n $4oo Instalment 8th yew, interest 8 per c^t. on 93oo Instalment 9tb yaar, interest 8 pe/eent. on 92oo Instalmen lotbyaar, intereet V^pvt owtt. oa tloo ' nt Iments, simple interest, at 8 per eent. 'will be as follows .. 980 00 100 00 180 00 972 00 100 00 173 00 964 00 100 00 164^ 95C 00 100 00 156 00 948 Oo loo oo 148 oo 94o oo loo oo 14o oo 93a oo lop oo 132 oo 924 oo loo 00 124 00 916 oo loo oo 116 oo •8 00 loo 00 lo8 00 Making a total paymuit of 9144o oo Tha h««owa|f if pot oUlflad bowarer, to repay any part of tVe prlnelpal by tnstalmenta bat may A* syil aonTaaiant. Bipenses low aud a detailed stj^ment of disbnnemeuts given to i oarefnlly I notes, an^ Private f confide rboirowar. Beeds, I^asoK, IrVills, A|n'«eteents, Ac, neatly and tpared. laSHnUBCe affected in the old favorite V^ompanies. Account?, 'rents collected and returns promptly made. Farms \pr sale and to rent. ids inveated. â-²â- cUon Sales attended. Charges low\ AU bnsiness strictly Sonveyaneer, Commiaaioner in B. B., Anetioneer, Bcal Estate and In^kJ^., e., FLESUCllTOIV. H. R. HOOPER RESPECTFULLY invite every Man and Woman in the country to visit their Factory and Warerooms and inspect their stock of fnrnitnre, mannfaotured during the sum mer, for fall trade. Our stock is now the largest and most complete xft hold by as, and we have been snacessful in introdacing a great many NEW AND TASTY )I N( DESIGNS I BED-EOOM SETS, COUCHES, SIDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES, CENTRE TABLES, DRESSING BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, SOFAS, WHATNOTS, HAT RACKS, HALL TABLES, 0., C., 0. WB ABE MAKIMO A SPECIALTT IN New Styles of WOOD SEAT CHAIRS OHBAP AND DURABLE. --^0 â€" -OUR- UNDERTAKING DEPARTM'NT Fii4y aappliatl with COFFUIS, SHBOUDS, die., and special sizes made on the very dtortest notice. ALL ENDS OF Faa^l Turahic SersU Work, Ftnce Pickets MoiiMings Also BASH, DOORS, PLAHINO, «e. 'i; flu'l la vtA Wfft ottr present •zperfeneir *• feel jtutifled in asking a eontisnaneo of the patronae so UbsraDy bestowed on us in the past. Our prices will be founJ as low as any, andea â- iiteh^sb as is eonsistant vUb gVQd work and finish. Ii on are in need oi anything in ear line we feel confident we can anit yon in qnantity and quality to seleU bom and also ui :H. It. HOOPER, FIssherton Bteam Faraitim Factory and Plaidng Mills • I SJ't /ad ti.^ An ' p cuad. Oattie« #♦^1^ |i GEORGE WILSON, haraw aooA fat Sbosp « CMtto I* jail. viA i»i ilte tlMir ^«iit- C.W.Ak. S»BBS. ITlh. 18«k vj M wTi l-y â- Â»( â€" r^.i*i-"i Uy'^.J-St^ li:. â- ed doer to Bnwwtor ' MealiUiTaNA •t«ay ho«se is town. Se||L 17^ lan. t,\i otae- l-y CURBS COUGHS AND COLDS. ;; Bunora, iiiant Co., Ont. De-vs SiK â€" In February, 1876, I was' afllirtcd viitli a «evere Cough whieh grew viorso, confiiiins inc to tny room, ai;;! was finally pronounced incnrftble by my iliy:iii;ia!i. In J»n.» 1H77, 1 couiniLiiceil iislnR the ludiau IMcoil Pyrur, wlicu I at once coni- nionced to gain in strength, and in a short time I was enabled to do a fniv day's work. My Cougli ia now eutii-c'y gcno. " ISAAC IIORNEK, J. P.- CUliES EKYSir'LLAS. Alt. i'orost, AVcllington Co., Ont., Can.; Dr*n Bin: â€" I si-.crtly afllicted with' Erysipelas for Iv.o yijir:;, and a short trial o( your Indian BIooil Svrnji cllc-ctuftllv cured me. Mns. .JANKT ANDERSON. LIVER COMPLAINT. Jilt. Forest, WtlliuKtou Co., Ont., Can. Deak Sir :-^J liavc used your great Idiani Blooil Syrup fcr LivLi Complaint, and ha»e received great liciiclit tliorcfrom. I r«emr- meud its U£C tu all ^imilailY nfllictcd. MELSON CABB. PISr.XSE OF THE STOMACH. Ml. Forest, Welliut'ton Co., Ont., Can. Dkab .Sir:â€" This iis to cortifiy tbat yoni Talu:iblc ludiim Blriod Syrup cured me •( Cramps in tbe Stomach. W. N. CUBROW. DISEASE OF THE STOMACH. CrOKs 1101, Waterloo Co., Ont PEAti Sib: â€" I was troubled with severs Paiils iu Luy. Stoiuaeb, and alao with Xx»s of Ap()ctite and was luiuUo to get anything ttf relieve me until I took ycur Indian Blootf Syrup which eflecttu a sieoly cure. I Khali afi^ays gfvo your mcJicino the praise it fo jueUj deserves. N.VNCY LEE. v: ' 7^ SCADDY UANDS.. " -â-  V Neustadt, Grey Co.; Ont. brvn Sib: â€" My Hands became Scabby; and I *as uu.'iMo to tell what it was and went to a doct'.r, who gave me medisinc^ wbLehdiluoK«ol. I then procured some of your lu'tian l?!ol Syrap aud had takou it only a short tur.(r, when tbe Scabs disappear- ed, ainl now my hands nro as aell as ever. I cftu safely l'ecoi;i!i!eiid it a.t a valuablff remedy. .Mi;s. HENUY HUFP. DYsrarsiA and khiney complaint. Wusti)ort, Jan. 2'.l, 1879. IIeaii Sib :â€" I have been suffering for years with Ily.-pepsia r.ii.l Indigestion and Kidr.oy Coui'ilaiiit, nftd have tritd a (rrcat nipuy roniP'lifs, but -vithout tffect. I be* came viry l:id n'l'l cull not leave my bed. I sent to your Ator.t, WilliHin Dier, for a boftlf of your liuMnn llliiod Synip. and I do uofhesIKte to eay tliat it saved my life. I am completely cored and feel like a new man. Last week my son was taken siol^ with' severe Hea.'achc, auil n few doses of your raluable medicine cured him. DAVID BLACK. CUfllEP, DTSPEPSI.t ^SD raniQBS. :*-â-  TION. â-  Westport, Ont., Jan. S*?, 18T9. Deab Sib: â€" I have bcon afflicted with Dyspepsia for about nine years, and yonr Indian Blood Syrtip is tho only medicine that' over helped me. I would say to all suffering from this disoaso to give your raerliciiie a fair trial; W. H. BOBISON. • ' " Sole Oaseral .Agents for Canada, Korth. op and Lyman, No. 21, Toronto St. West, Toronto. Aho Rents for Mother Noble's Heating Syrup, an English Diaoorcr; whiah is well known as a Enable and sffeetir^ ' Blood Purifier througliout the World. " " i\lAPfHOOIf HOW LOST HO^ RE8TORE0 We have recently pabUsfasd si* new eUtion of Dr CBlver- well's Celebrated Efsi^ on tbs radical aud penuauent cnrs (withotrt medieine) oi Merrous DebiUty, Mental and Phyideal Iiicapactty, InipodimcDta to Mar- riage, ete,, resulting from oxcessea. t:^PriM!, in a sealed envelope, only mx oents,or two posttgQ stamps. Tho eciebrated anLbor, in tlus «dmiraU« Essay clearly demonstratfa, ^rom thirty years SnocMiifnl practico, tnnt alarming eoa^ te^,aenGes may be radically cured ritboat tho dangorons uso of inveniai mediine or th« •irpUcation of a knife poiiitiBg out, a mode of at ones simple, e«ruun and effectual â-  o' -_. .â- â-  â- - ,.. ^â€" _-U8 of which ivcry safferer, no â- Â«â- Â«â€¢Â»*.'[. Bill I Ti iHTE mlr;d^p°^s;a-^ax^,-^'^^:^: This leeiorojcha^ bo in tUe band* *d svt^/ ' .!;; youth and ow^-j»*itot£«l^a^j;-' Addresa " ' ' THE CULVtItWfiLLifEDfCAIi'CO./ ,, â-  •• .41 -Ax* »r., Hgw Xolff, -J- •rtS 3 «ttl^ k ,2 .e:ianca Usoeiloq Vt k â- *tuti "raid- l»dMliiiu^ iMa '{tfd Voa aib ImJL ' "s ^ai ,t4«»4W iK â€" ^u..T tuut 5«u â-  I ta iOtL-j» I ]ist uO' jugfo^f ban i»i cruJ nH. t y itm ,»» t'lifibuTf bou'Li Mia (a tai nir « oriw ,!nO .lH ayrt wk4 I iiL i baa ^unuiijaa^ Xih^uua It.:. .^Sfi'^S^i -Mfc h;*.-? -â- -^ **. 'â- ^â- ^;igs- ' f

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