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Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Oct 1880, p. 1

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 THE STANDARD. Prida^. Oct. 8tli, 1880. THE UNION SHOW • â-  j-xat •- --"i â-  â€" "T^ in ulk, I entry, Mrs Milnor in cotton. 3 entriet. Mils Hickling, Miss Mkthewson wonted, 1 entry, Mra Milnor. Croehet, in a tton, 13 enthM, Miss Gilray, Urs Damnde; in vool. 6 entries, Ui»8 Uilrky, Miss Leitch. Point nnd Honiton Lac*' 4 entries. Miss Bark, Mrs ^lilnor. Fancy knitting in 1*00!, 3 entries. Miss Bark Mrs Milnor. Woollen work on canTsss, 9 entries, Mrs Ifiddangfa, I Mrs Milnor. Keedlework, omanMotal, 6 I entries. Miss Bnthran, Miaa E J Lerer. Man's shirt, 9 entries, Mr* CMapbdl, Mrs MoGirr Bag mat, 7 eatries. Mrs W Trim- ble, Mrs King: HairPkiwsrs, 6 entti«s, Mrs Dr Chiistoe, Mis.? Gilray; Ftather Flowws, 5 entries, Mrs Dr Christoe, Misa BvA: Le-\ther Work, 4 entries. Miaa Gilraj, Mrs Dt christoe: Pair worked slippers, 5 en- tries. Miss E Damnde, Mrs Baml.OBse: Tatting, 1 entry. Miss Bnthtan: Wax flow- Of the East Riding anil Artemesia Societies was held in Flesberton on the 28th and 29th ult. The weather was \ery unfavorable both days, and had it not been for the roUin? ground 1, er*. fntry, Mra WUnor: Coll^ion Photo- V- t. ^L uui- t 1, ^u»« graphs, 1 entry, W Bolmer: FaEmanabip, on which the exhibiUon took place, ^^j^^^^ j^j^/ gj^^ ^rti Ii»dtch: Pencil and being covered with grass, it would hot have been possible to get along with any degree of comfort. How- cruwded that we find it imposHible to comment, and give only the prize list. drawing, 1 entry. Miss Bnrke: T Crayon drawing, 1 entry. Miss Bnrke: Water color painting, 9 entries, J Bulmer, Fred Leitch: To th« SdUor of itM 8ranai Flbshkbtox BzAsioa, Oet Uk, 1880. Dux Sin,â€" I iiiitoiUn that I am Uaaa. ed (or a letter •nflHffg a violent attack npon Dr. Chnstoe, BaeT««( Artameiia, mhiab, ap- peared ia thalbiUWe Bsfotiuw Mm* time age, and that the mmu «m wrMea bgr me, with tba intention of opfroaing tte Doetor St the eeming eleetion. I hava ainiyiT to »tate that the letter u not mine, and that I have DO inteiUion whatever oi oOennK aiy- aelf a iwndiiiatt for the Beeveahip at lU* tnne indeed, I haT« no wish to be Beere, nor eonld I undertake the daties and keep my present position. Should I at any other time reeelve to oppoaa Dt. Ch rirto e, ar aav other person in his munieipal e^MMity, I shall do BO in a straightforward and honor- able manner. Till then the Beere shall hare nndistorbed possession so far a* 1 am eonoemed. Wnping yon will find room ior this in yoar first issue, I r amain, dear-air, yoors truly, Hmns MBLBami. ' Ag-tT. O. 4B.B Table boqnet, 2 entries, Mrs Dr Christoe, B H Stinson: Foliage Plant, 2 entries. Mrs W Trimble, Mrs Leitch: Geranium, 6 en- tries, MiKs Barjcant, Miss Bark: Fusehia, Mrs Dr Christoe: Hanging basket, 3 cn- trien. Miss Burk. Miss Sarjpant. Call* Lily, 1 entry, Mrs Damnde: Helistrope, Mrs Da- mnde: Begonia, Mrs Bonthom, C Bellamy: OaoASs: We woald respectfully reoommend the eellectioB of Onelph and Uzbridge Oigana exhibited by Mr J J W SimpHon, of Owen Sonnd, as being, in our opinion, of superior quality: â€" JccoBs: JUDOSB. Messrs Struthon, -ifessri Tuek- Horses and Cattle, Dennis, and Merical: Sheep, swine and Poultry: er, Guy, and Burnett: Grain and Dairy Produce: â€" Messrs Alex Webster, W J JfeFarland and J Ford: lloot3. Fruits, and Vegetables: â€" ifessrs T S Sproul, U P, Geo Kichardson and J i/arsliall: General 3ifannliictui||. .JTesats Geo Rich- ardswn, 4 Klliutt, and^Pm Douglass: Lalies' Work, Fine Art, c.â€"Mn Struth- ers, J/rs Buchanan, and ilra Ford: T. a. B. E. R. Ma. Eorror., â€" Since my last, the details of t)i* new gcbome arc at }ia:id, and in com- menting upon it I shall eudeavorto be can- did and brief. To those whnne choice is to support the Rcliprae, whether right or wrong, I hare notliing to say; but to those who are in d«alt regnrding their duty, I trust before nixliing to give their votes they will thought- fully ciniBi.lcr so serions a subject. It will be remembered by almost every one that, becanae upon careful examination, 1 Jiiioover^d the lai^t scheme to be hollow and worthliSH and accordingly opposed it, I w:is branded with every bad thing. I do not profess to possess pretc'enre beyond my fel- low rateppyers â€" neither do I dictate to any but tliii I Jo, I try to understand the ques- tion and then fearlessly proclaim my doduc- tiuns. I now f.'c! exceedingly pleased at the re- inlts, for if the new scheme should carry, we shall have savnil ten tLiiju.=and dollars â€" fur I dare say it will come to that â€" besides Iho whole niliiir being pat upon a better basis. The dominant idea, in mv mind, however, is not removed. I have contended, and do contund, that the proprietors of the road, wlioevcr they may be, should lix it. I sho-.To d in a previous article that the proportion advanced for construction by the Btoikhoklers was exceedingly small compared to titu gifts received â€" S3oo,ooo to Si,5oo,oo, about, so that upon these figures no argu- ineiit hnn;;" in f.ivnr of additional grants from tho municipalities. Every turn of the wUfl revgals a base different to tho prc- vioii.-i one. Tlio fir^t scliomo, ?8oo,ooo, was the turn rcijuired to fix the road. At the Tornn'i. liif.ting it was said, b«causo of the • iraiid Tiuuk fa.ilitie», a less sum would do; iut ui'W, necoiding to latest d.ivelopmcuts, it will rt;iuire one million of iiollahs. From the nr.inicipalitius $800,001, frim a part of stoclr di iK'Utures to bo iS: ued (, and the pr»iccd» of tho old rails the balance. Tlia road is to be steeJ rai.edall over, and to bu iiiiUlicd in 1.-S2, and run for tweuty voars mid a faction. U'he Grand Trunk is to .irrango p.ll tarills and if. to keep tho road iti :o|i:iLr. Tim- rteeteras of tlio ogieomout do iiiit luateiiiilly alTeet \ia. 'I 'i.e Fi liemc Irmks feasible at first flight, and il inrrird out'would Ie a grand success lor th. .... ..i« Company, I tlio uid tjonijiauy ittill retain the road. Acricnltural, 3 entries. S. Stock, J. Bol- «nd, W. Faweett. Carriage, 6 entries, A. S. Van Dnsen, A. Mnnshaw, B. Smith. Buggy, 9 entries, H. i. Middaugh, D. S. Bnrke, A. Kennedy. Saddle, 8 entries, D. McDufe, N. Clarke, K Davis. Brood mare, 13 en- tries, T. Campbell, Alex. Mercer, D. Stinion. Two years old Oelding, 9 entries, 8. Stock, B. Black. Two years old Filly, 6 entries, A Mereer, W McMuUen. One year olil Colt, • ei.trics, R Blair. One year old Filly, 8 entries, J Lawrence, S Stock. Spring foal, 14 entries, A Mercer, D Stinson. Draught â€" 'f '.allion, 3 years and over, 3 entries, A Kaa- ncdy. Two years and under, 2 entries, H King. Boadt-terâ€" stallion. 3 years and over, S entries, i.W Elder. Two years and under, A Hannah. Cattleâ€" DcBHAX. Cow. 1 entry, A .t F Beattij. Bull, 5 }ts. and over, 1 entry. Geo Thompson. Bull, 1 yr ir ander, 2 entries, Geo Rieliardson, A V Beattie. Two yeara old Heifer, 1 entry, K Ijever. (Made â€" Cow, 11 entries. J R Trimble, A White. Bull, 2 yrs and over, 3 entries, B Smith, D Stin.^oii. One year and under, 1 entry. E Watt. Twoyrs old Heifer, 12 entries. K Whittaker, W Clayton. One jrold H*ifer, 10 entries, A Munshaw, A White. Heifer calf, r, ntries, J U Trimble, AÂ¥ Beattie. Working o:cea, 3 entries, G Thompson, J Bnxliu. Three yrs old Steers, 1 entry, fc I'.utkdEe. Two ve.v« old, i en- tries, A V K Beattie. .1 I'.roilie. One yr old, 4 entries, J Webur, J li .\ndeitou. SnsEP â€" LziCESTEB. Aged lUm, 2 entries, R Shaw. Lamb, 3 entries. E Sliaw, W Fawcitt,^W Faweett. Aged Kwes, 4 entries, K Shaw, W Faweett. Sliearhng ewcH, 3 entries, \V Kawcctt, E Shaw. Ewe Laniqs, 7 entries, E Shaw, 2nd do. Cotswoi.K. â€" AKod Itam, 4 entries, W Fawcatt, It Whittaker, J Farris. Shearling liara, 1 entry, J .NU-Morris, Laml* ram. 'A 'ntrieH. J Mc.Morris. (ieo IJiihkin. Aged Kwes, 3 entries, J McMorris, W Fawcctt. Hhnarling ewes, 8 entries, J McMorris. W Fawcutt. Ewe L'AukSi. 2 entries, (â-  'iuskin, J McMcirris. OrHEa Bait ids. â€" AKed ram 3 nntries, W Fnwcett. 1 Siinson. Shaarling ram, 1 entry, II StiiiMon. liiun Itnib, » en- tries, E Sli:tw, W Kii«.-, tt, I) ;iti].s..ii. AgM «weB, K Sliaw, 1 Stin-ou. Slu.-urling ewes. entries, E Shaw, D Stiubou.' Ewe huubs, 4 ontries, W Faweett. SwixEâ€" Bar.K.^niBe. .ow, agel, Sentries, R T.rown. D .Stinson. Sow pig, IHHO. :i entries. W WilMiii, 2iid do. HiitroLK, or other whiti; breedsâ€"'ed, 3 entries, .1 U Todd, 1). .Stinson. Uoar pig, IKMO, 5 entries, .1 UTod.1,.1 (ireeii. A^ed 8«w, 2 entries, J B TiKJd, U Lever. 'ow pig, ItMfo, 7. entries, J It Tudd, J Greeu. Poll-TBY. Brahmas/ C entries, H Matiiewson, 2ud do. Leghorn, 5 entries, W Barnliouso, 2nd de. llaiubiirgs. 1 entries. \V tliichaiian, sr, J PIcwis. C'lwlim Clunn, :i e.itries, Ilaskett Bros, J PIcwis. Spaiiisli, 1 ontries, W Trimble, C liellamy. Ajlsbiiry Ducks, 1 •litry, I) McKiii/.ie. Otlmrdiieks, "1 entries, J Jlnxlio, W IliMlianan. sr. Tiirkevs, 3 eu- triei" 11 I^ritliaiii. I) MeKen/.ie. Geese, lo entries, D Stinson, W Triuitdo. Gbaih and Skeds. Fall Wheat, (DeihI.) 1 entry, R niitlivan. riawson, 21 eutries, K liiitlcJt'e. T Kcils, J rifcui4;rou. Troiidwell, fi iiiti.fs, J ijrecii, .1 Graliitiu, J Mur|uis. Any otiier variety, !) entries, T Kills, J (in en, K liutlivun. Si-ring Wheat, (Ke.1 lialT.) 1 entries, N* Clarke, J BrKlio, \V Xtiirnett. Geiiesi.e, 4 entries, N (Jlarke, J Mc(iirr, .1 Maniuis. GlasKOW, 4 entries, N Clarkw, J Maiiiuls, J Cameron. Itossian, 14 eiitrie'!, J McCiirr, J Brodie, Alex Meicer. Auv other variety, 7 entries, J Marixui i, N Clarke, J M â- ( iirr. Barley. 16 eutries, J Beeeroft, T Kells, J Brodie. White OatJi, 1« entriis, N Clarke, J Cameron, J Farris Bl.V('k Oats. !( entries, T Stinson, U Mellrntlier. .1 Beeeroft. Small I'eas, 16 entries, J Cameron, J Abbott, .1 Broilie. Timothy Seed, entries, X Clarke, J Brodie. Wliitu Corn, 8 entries, J li Todd. J Lawrence. Yelluw Corn, li unifies, N Clarke, J B Todd. Collodion Beans, 7 en- tries, U IjCver, C Bellamy, J Uopps. Boots asd VcoETvutEs. Cap Potatoes, 4 entries, E Butledgo. Early Boho, 2o ontries, W 8 Bowler, B Black. B Plant. Other variety, 7 entries, W Buchanan, sr, J Milinor, it Bantham. Collection, 6 varieties, 4 entries. It Black, J Camaron, U Lovur. Sfaugold, (Globe.) 3 entries. J B Todd, I 8 Burke. Man^,•uld, long, 11 satrfes, J It Toid, J Thompson. Tarai|9, ^wado, lo entries, N Clarke, J R Tinld. Other t\M, entries, J Farris, J Milhnor. Table. 2 eutries, J R T.nld, J Farris. Beuts, l«mp blood. 23 entries, J Thompson, J Millinor. Other variety, 11 •nu'ies, S Damnde, W lliilmer. Carrots, field, 2ucntries, J Ford. A Munshaw. Karly Horn, 23 entries, li H Stinson, D Burke. I'arsnipj, 13 entries, JTt T0.M, U H St,nson Oaions, from seed, 13 entries, J It lodd, it H Stinson. Onions, potato, 21 entries, J Thom)i«in, H Math-wsou. \Viii'talt Cab- " bilge, il entries, J rhonipson,A Matiiewson. Driisheod, 7 entries, J Thompson. J B Todd. Any other vatiety, 7 entries, J T'liimpsoit, H Mutliewsou. (*aiilitlowers, 5 entri« .1 R T0.I.I, J IIiekllll^â- . Cvlery, white. ' entries, II .1 Middaii^di, .V Miinsltaw Bed, .1 ontries. J Wihior. I'liinpkiiis, y en- tries, J Farris, U Whittaker. Siiiialies, ',» entries. H MntheWMiii, J riioiii|iM.|. Cit- rous, 11 entries, K Itlaek, C l lluiiiy. Toma- toes, l.'i entries, W Carson, J H Taid. Water Melon, 7 entries, J 'l*iompson, C* ikllamy, Fai'iT. Crab Apples, 21 eutries. .) Tl.oniison, Dr Purdy. Fall, 3 varieties, 12 entries, J Mar- quis, Alex Mercer. Winter, 3 varieties, 14 entries. J R Todd, J Mcliirr. Fall, 1 variety, '2'J eutries, ilaniuis, T Kclls. Winter, 1 variety. 26 eutries, W Me}!ulien, W Faweett Fall Pears, U entries, B H Stinson, J M;it- quis. Puaelms, 3 eutries, J M Webster, J Plewis riums, red or b!ac, H entries, J Lawrence, R Lever. Yiilow or greeu, 4 en- tries, J Graham, 11 Wliittukur. Grapes, J Uraham, J McGirr. Daiut a»o oTHEn Pboduce. Honey, 1 entry, J H Ho;ird. ' lbs Butter, 31 entries, J Abbott. J R Aiider.uM. II King, J Ciuueroil. o lbs Tub tuitier, 12 entries, G Buskin, J Ford. J F.triis, W McMuUen. Cheese, 6 cutncs, G Busltiu, J Cameron, B Black. ' Bread, \.o entries, J Abbott, Alex Mercer. MANurACTuaxs. Lumber Waggon. 2 ontries, B II Stinson. Democrat. 3 entries. R U Stinson, T Swan. Buggy, civereil, 1 entry T Swan. Open, 2 entrie-i, B 11 Stinson. Cutter, single, 3 entries, T Swan. Men's sewed Boots, 1 entry, W Barnhotise, Stoga boots, 1 entry, do. Ladies* boots, do. B.ireau, 1 entry H H Hooper. C mtr- Table, do. Hal, dozen Chairs, I entry, do Bedstead, 1 entry, do. DoXSSTtC MiSCrACTUBSS. Pair Blankets, 6 en', J Oilbraith, N Clarke. Full Cloth. 4 entries, J Milinor, T Camphell. FlanDel, anion, entries, D MoCormack, D Stinson. Flannel, wool, 7 entriae, B Aaain, J McGirr. Stoeking yam, fl eotriea, J Cameron, J Abott. Woollen Mitts, 4 entries, J Milinor, J Cameron. Woollen loeks, H eutries, Mrs Thos Camp- hall. Mis J Cameron. Woollen stockings, 8 eotriea, Mrs Cameron, Mrs Buland. Patch- work (jndt, 9 earries, Mrs Dr Purdy, Miss Uilnv. Knit or crochet quilt, 3 entries, Mrs Geo TUompaon, Miss Gilray. Any other kmd, lo cntiiea. Miss M Burk, Hisa Qilrsy. Berha wotil. raised, 8 entries, Mrs J Boland, M^ Miloer. Col Berhn woik, 5 entries, yon are felly oonvineed that it ia Mta Mi nor, Mrs A Mnnshaw. Braiding in 'to give charity to a rieh«^gar silk, 1 entry, Mrs Milnor in cotx)n, 7 en- ' ISMS, M.e^ GUMCfrM^-^""' ^BtUoiderv ' -J I' • ' 'â- â€¢rlijnyi y .-It ' J II .t'uliti -j.l: .} tf t U-^tf I â- â€¢â- ,. For, l« it remembered, but the direetorats is Qpw chictlv composed of the bondholders. T take tho position against any further bonus upon tho groaud that, in proportion to the cost, wo have paid, and are payine, more tbau eur share, viz sixtt tuocsakd noLtABs, (!) interest included, or for the Ceanty of Grey about 8Coo,ooo. I urge against it at preieot because, feasi- ble as it may^puar, the whole thing has to 1.0 ra'tilled in England before it can possibly take a tangible shape. Kotwitlistanding this, peeple are fpunti to hawk and sign pe- titions, to have 4 half-matured thing voted niH'ii by tho ratnpaycrs. I urge against it bceaose the whole mat- ter, after being saaotioued as above, mast be legislated on by the Ontario Uoose^ The Assembly may so derange the whele scheme that its present aspects may be knocked into a cockeJ hat. It is a marvel those things cannot be completed before presenting it to the municipalities. There must be an object mueveided to us. On railroad questions, the o le that lobbies the niMlMmeraHy suceocds, and the bird which aiuffCs white by the Legislative manipula- tiqn is soon made black. The two chief points I apprehend to be asked of the Hoaso is, first, to change the present mortgage bond^ of two milhons of dollars into pui pvtual stock debentures. The .second, and most important to us, is to be ermitted tQ i^sue preferential five per cent. sto'k delHrUtiires and to exceed one milUon of dollai's, thus to enable the Company to eouiply with tlie terms of the Grand Trank Coiu|janyâ€" of couiiso in proportion to siuoiint paid by the municipalities so it will )tivo tliain this dulientnro stock in hand, and incleeil, tlirv are obliged liy agreement to re- serve aileast S loo,ii»i to meet suy contingent impToveiueiit iiercaftcr duemocl necessary, but not now named in the Grand Trunk conditions. • Cpon tliose grodnds I urge no "honas." If 1 am correct in the following ample means are to lo rovided within themselves, and surely it rests upon the proper shoulders. Wiy then $12, 000? Any pjwer now possess- ed to disriminato in your favour, regarding freight, is signed away, and the rebate pro- mised to PricBville an.l Flcsherton, in view of a bonus, becomes chaff, and'those villages already badly situated, are still to be out in the Cold. The ca~c of the tenant farmer too, affords a reason why tliose having power should not burden them farther. They usually pay the taxes, aud if they hod votes would vote a'laiust it. All thuy can do now is to de- cUim against it. In my opiaion the Company wiU keep whatever bonuses they can get â€" many or few â€" be thankful for small, and push their work to completion. I must confess I should dishke very much for Artemesia to give a bonus, and other municipaUties equally interested laughing at oar expense. The plea that tho road is to stop is out of date. Just think, sir, a road that has earned f 33o,ooo a year, for tho past six years, going lo stop The idea is preposterous. With net earnings over cost of running the ma- chinery â€" abmt $112,000 per year â€" and bond interest reduced to $60,000, per year, leaving a net surplus of say 9o,ooo annaally -where is the rood that ays so well 7 I confess I can see no charity, no duty, no oUigation to five a vlollar to it. If the Tiwnship really wants to i^nd $lo,ooo then a multitude of local schemes can be hod to permanently benefit it. Now, sir, I have no slaves, I wish to have none.. If 1 have convinced any, all right- if net, I have dis- charged ray duty. The feeling in Artemfsia is ao strongly against a brvus. Other manieipalities are to be tried before the vote is again taken hore the assent of the Company's gentle- manly solicitor prevented* a collision by the council on this point yiiia do not believe in being dogged into position at eveiy whim o( the Company. On some future oocasinn I will tall the ratepayers why this apparent harry meaa tisaa make 00 promisee for a bona* oatil,, your dot? â- V*' S rum FALL ASSIZES Which terminated last week in Owen Sound, had no important cases from this section, except that of Hugh McJLianghlan who was tried for man- •langhtar. Onr readers will remem- ber tiie circamitaneea, which happened here in Jima last. The partiM were all more or less intoxicated and quar- relling, when the prisoner itmek Alexander Eraser a blow with his fist, the latter dropping and dying alnuwt immediately. The evidence went to show that til* blow was not one which in ordinary circamttances would have produced death, and the medical tes- timony was to the effect that there was a possibility of the death being cau3c appopleiy. The jury broi^u. in a verdict of "Guilty," with a strong recommendation to mercy. Ha was sentenced to six monldis in the Central Prison. THE MARKETS MARKDALE. Fbidat, Oct. 8th, 1880. Floor 5,0o to 6.O0 Spring Wheat per bosh., new 0.90 to l.Oo do. do. do. 0.89 to e.95 FaU Barley 0.40 " O.60 Oats 0.26 " O.So Peas 0.60 " 0.6T Potatoes, 0.30" 0.00 Butter,perlb 0.17" 0.20 Eggs, per doz 0.10" 0.18 Pork, dressed, 4.60" 6.00 Beef 4.50 " 6.00 Geese, perlh 0.06" 0.06 Ducks, per pair 0.30" 0.40 Fowlo, per pair 0.20" 0.26 Turkeys, per lb 0.07" 0.07 Sheepskms 0.40" 1.00 Hides 6.00 " 7.00 Hay 6.00 " 7.00 Timothyseed, 2.00" 8.00 Wool 0.25 " 0.30 Green Appfee, per. bushel.. 0.50 " 0.75 Lard 0.10 " 0.10 Tallow 0.06 " 0.07 DryCordWeod 1.60 " 1.60 t^'McIntfre saya he can (apply goods, both in the eating and drinking lines, much eheaper than the market quotations, liead his advertisement, give him a call and be convinced. FLESHERTON. (CorreeUd ictekly for the Standard hy R. J, Sproule, FUtherton.) Thcbsdat, Oct. 7th. 1880. Flour, per bbl. Spriug Wheat per bush., Fall do. Barley Oats Peas Potatoes Butter, perlh. Eggs, per doz. Puik, dressed. Bccl Sheepskins Hides Hay Timothy seed. Wool Lard Tailow do. do. $4.75 to $5.26 0.85 to 0.97 0.80 0.4i' 0.26 o..«;o 0.30 0.17 0.10 4.50 500 0.60 T.OO 8.00 2.00 0.25 0.10 0.05 0,95 0.60 0.27 0.66 0.85 0.30 0.12 6.50 0.00 1.25 7.50 10.00 3.50 0.30 0.12 0.07 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. China TEA Store General dealer in GROCERIES PROVISIONS, Kezt to Haskctt'a Hardware Store. Keeps cocitanily on hand everything luaal to each an establishment. He would draw speeial attention to hia Teas, Tobaccos Sugars, Which for qnality and Lownesi of Price CANNOT BE SURPASSED. V As puffing is no part of my desire, I merely ask intending purchasers to give me a call and be convinced that I ME AN BUSINE S S. ^in wiLii Sell Lower than the Lowest, as I have purchased for cash, and have had a goiid diioount allowad, I am in a position to let my customers have the benefit of my investments. Of Bemember the place, next to Haskett Bros. Uarkdale, Oct. 7, 1880. 4-tf OF Valuable Farm Property IN THE Township of Glonolg, In the Coonty of Grey. There will he sold on Sati:rday,the 30/A day of October 1 880, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at BuTLJEnaE'S'HoTBL, in the VILUBE OF MARKDALE, by virtue of a power of sale contained in certain mortgages, which will be produced at the sale, the tollowing properties PARCEL I. Under mortgage from Meil CampbeU, lot number one, in the twelfth eoncesaioa of the Township of Qlenelg, Coonty of Orey, containing one hundred acres. The following improvements are said to be on the premises About 60 aeres cleared, haviag erected therein a cedar log bam •itnated abont 8 mile* from the villaga A Ifarkdale. PARCEL IL Iiot M, in the Bth eenoesftoa TovoMblp e Oienals, ia tba Coan^of ooDtaining one l iâ€" dw J aeraa, wna at The fidliie»t impiiwnenta am said to been tba praBiaaa: â-²boot 60i irith log boiMiaf luet ed thi ]f«Adala, Oetobar 1, 1860, ANGUS McIN! Groceries, ProirisI Afresh SuHtilllM^ .GMce jiistBefieireil â€" « â€" •â€" â€" â-  -â-  "» CAIiIi AND BE SATISBTBD AS TO PBICi^ia Aȣ "^â- ^ Q^ALTTT- a;;-' tar EMPTY BOlTLEli BOUGHT. • ' • P w TOiS^ BfsB'Ki MEDICAL HALL. Pure Drugs and Chemicals PATENT MEDICINES! Dye StufiFs, Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, Combs, Tooth, Nail and Hair Brushes, Trusses and Surreal Appliances, and general Druggists sundries. 1__L_0 Stationary an(jl School Books I ' IN GREAT VARIETY. "â- ' ' ' i=o^ FR^SH TEAS AlVU TOBAOCOH TOGETHER WITH PAINTS AND OILS. ^*]a.3rsiciSLi3Ls' ^*xesciiptions, AND VETERHVAH^i^ I»TlEI»EIlA.TIO]VS, CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. Montreal Telegraph Office. T. S. SPEOULE, M.D. MILL STREET, MARKDALE, Sep. 17, 1880. l-tf WM. FOX, Plain t Oraamental Plaslarar Estimates for stone and brickwork on ap- pUcation. Satisfaction Guranteed. Kesi- dence â€" Queen Street, Markdale. Markdale, Sept. 17, J880. 1-y Wm. Foster, ' COMMISSION MERCHANT. Wholesale and Betail dealer in all kinds of Pine and Hardwood Lumber, UlTH, 8HIK0LKS, CEl^AB POSTS, AND COBDWOOD. t3-0ffice and yard opposite SHELDON'S HOTEL, OWEN SOUND, ONT. N.B. â€" Lumber, etc.. shipped to all parts, by rail or water. September. 1680. 3-4 Wm. Lncas Co. BANKERS, MARKDALE. ]Money Loaned TN large or emaU amonnts, at all times, on good seeoritjr. endorsed notes, or on collateral INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deponte. t3*Drafta isaned and Oolleetions made on all points, at lowest rates. WM. LUCAS Co. SeptemW. 1880. 8y E. D. WILCOX, This space to be ooonpied by K. D. Wilcox's Advertisement aa â- oon as his new Briok Store, now being fitted for him is completed. (D ft* O MABKDAIiE. 92 one white heifei white heifer wi' with white spots be^i of the subscribsr; lots 91 4 rd Range, Wjf. 8. Road, ir Vdth whit^^se, a red and th loied baft, aud a red steer it, and white hind Selling Off. Selling Off. 15 Q. E o e e o e o ni STtHDARD. OTHER â€" « » â€" NOTICES. money, M«;i \\;,%f -^Jiws" J â- â€¢ â- â€¢ '♦ .: • A. :8P0NDENTH.â€" Pdrtics writ- iu«ffice on all matters of boni- wift oblige by addr.ssing their tnMJications Stan-d.^bd Offioe. At th© Now I InShOft ,«.*â-¼*. specialist, leave* here to- MARKDALE. -OfW oh his rosular vieit *« Dnr- ALABQE ASSOBTMENT to aeleei fc^ '" return on Thureday. in. i^cUdiM*" " *°'" •PProTed «3 fu.r-6t]mt\^D6U. otFlesherlon, .i.' ^^fafi best wftlid» fot ^•^ P-..AO CAQIlia IIB MX^^ouf^Sf "'â-  ^i^ry eastinga, irilk tOfti. â- ^^vwA trimmings, BtST STOVE IN MARKET. "»' â- want t.. have comfort tho rest of y,^ " [bay ft ..tovo from W. B. WaUer, tk^ i*^OlKMXO.â€" The mill situa! Will W,t yon your lifetime. (fSl, on the 13th COtl. of Arte OCK BOTTOM PRICES, .a, owned by Mr. E. Davis, is ex- n( hereâ€" the real "Sinten Pure." eil (o be in ronning order about iist of next week. DTICEI ad hicli appetu^ in ano CAi.L auc stock of trie fancy goods, wool*. Wa Botioe that this place, sold years old, Hired Happy Lizzie. II bone, and a promia the purchasers, »18U for t)ic auiii Glenelu i Wc arc ii;,Muj for the uou-a[)]i list. The called fnim Lot Cess to bis bouki iments, and also 'A ^*«»" I ^^^ are sor •« lio hotter posj ^j.1 readers wiilj i Vfutrft docs u\ ited • I IINWARE sc At llio rosii.1^ Wilson, on Trid the IQelill'ers Claes, aud on )ODs AT A Sacbiuce. â€" Mr. II. lOE STOCK ALWA18 OK HAM '*â„¢' °' Dandalk, offers goods at °*** edingly low prices. Parties should ^ud, the mem his a^Ivertisement, which is in gocietv Ibill form, and govern themselves ' rdingly. I w U.L KISD* 0* Copperw^iii to order on the shartest notice. 'ROUfiHINfi A SRCIAUtl ^^ ^^'^. b^'°p '^^^^^ ^y "^- ^- ^- Ovi iisliiK-j, liand-lrouB Riiviir.i n^i -OX, jeweller, is being broujiht to â- J I"w pnVts Stove Pohsh; DoZ ^letioa. He expects to -^ct ill CD CD B o CD It" w o CQ ,, 'â- "«•=• 'x' Eising San, C^ "" " 01;K particularly attended I*. can Fav.. money by givinR me a purc.iii^i,)^. fclsewhere. Old maU ,.Sli.;t|i I'cits, Wool-pickings takena igp. ix' r.cmember the place, bm ..Jarkdalo House." W. R. WALKER i'd«l( SPiJt. 17, 1880. Ltf u It is next to tho bTANii\ui is, of course, respectably \7HG cp Business. â€" The ougafl, harness makers were sumptuous repi hours of real sc Qu i'liiiiv had enjoyed tiit the vaiious nmij land WHS npp which positiiiii filled. His h: embraced nil i| speech. {t'hi dreiises fnmi tliJ chiss, iiittiv[i,i| readiu^'s. J;:r| eiiterUiiiimint slate tho cans which liiiflit breuch of 1 1; week !, and' *d. Messrs. of this re,"have decided on reliuqiiialung less. Tluft-is not on account of ack of work, hut a desire to em- in other pursuits. New Undertakiuo. â€" It will Ik* by circulars numerously distrib- ureucii oi t i;.ii that Mr, J. F. Sprocile, is iiowlendia nnui.. i ared to do business. Intending ' tlie wit Ri:.i t-j liasere shool^ read what bo has then taihil uj:] ler them in exchange for cash. road the f-l' J Joire FuNWY Thwos."â€" Wo have "^? '^«-y "'O ved a copy of a pamphlet boarius above title, published by tho routo News Co." It is said to bo fnnny, tnd has somo of Mark in's sayings. Price, 15 cents. icovERUJO.â€" It is with pleasure his week, announce a great im- rjOM TRICE FOUNDN^nt in the healtli of an esteom- tizcu, Mr. A. W. Eaton. Hi.-, fas at one time dispaired of but inge has taken place, and we ex- to see him about in a few days. M askett Bros. AJr T^A»T. To the JUr. .1. rcat Reduction to Cash Purchasers. Ill OUT TO Depaht. â€" Mr. Maboo, hds been nutoiigst us for some past is, wc learn, about to leave village. We have not heard to K OF OVR PRICES. Vo. 9 elevated Oven Cook e heis going-but wish bim .snc MARKD Pianos and e,furnislhii complete, }i8. •c,.\vith Low Oven, §17. BOX STOVE, $4 other sizes Equally Low â- Â»â€¢â€¢ St •â- .»- Kr.' fr.-m the best and Ui|- !\!:'a ::o: in tlir Dominionâ€" faais .^i «:'.-: iiii|rivriij ut^, with â- lliimimf- nts atiil .-.liier-pLitt^l triiumint.t, sat •r.v..!;J d.;;!t tin.- bcht Steves in tbs lARDWAEE. jaiLie stuck of axes, cross s:i\vs, buiKlinqand Shelf clw.uv, Cullciy, Paints, ,A arnishes. Brushes, c. w prices. ;y^:C^ riNWABB. Z^oal Oil, Lamps c., flock large and prices as any in the trade. ir.euiliris Mail;d::h.. ixpecle.'.ly Miiiij; a;iil f.-r a few very plea---' would vine, r wo'.l tliat \\ 111 tll",Iljoyill. ;it I 1 1 of liUV. at y( lion il TEXTioN is directed to tho .ndver- leut of Mr. R. Askiii, to be found .â- here. He has a nicely sdcH-ted c of general groceries, and' makes tobaccos and sugars- a special tj-. R. C. Reynolds, formerly' of the! nsion House," will, in tho course 'ew days, open a general store lu 1 premises now bttmg vacated by Messrs. McIon;^alI, the time of 1 1, due notice will appear in our ins. as ISKETT Bros.^ .i|tvl7. 1880. .. â-  ' r- cnaturi i liv s.- riiv-. '.\ '.ly one f Ik ;: pait for th, which yon, a- charged tii... vi u. Y .-1 ' with us fio- t deuvoriii" a presi iijM.'j tl 'reat truths .â-  various p.i--,. C:!Ullot. ]^\' 1,ji-, thou"lit* fi nil pounded. It 1| yoii Were sli 'h hap- on a"'vr want of alt 11 notwifli'.ta:!il!!i| were alway-- when tir.- ei 1 And now, .1. If ;pl':!^ur0 to' I chair 11.. a v\\-: I in which yoii »] an 1 wi» )io|,. • • hard .l:ii' ((i. â-  f"r( t'» oc'Mlf.r sittiiii^ tisriNV' 'cvei;iui;- '%•! ' Althoii"h it j: do .â- "â- indi a tT'u to be e\]'e -tl i' I moiuelit hav- J. A. CRAWFO.KD wmkixm m PIANOS AND ORGANS OFTHB feet â€" all yearUngs formation that »iB le! will be Bnitab]/Teward Btf Qlene)^ Sept. 3, 1880 y person giving in- to theii recovery SBT TOBKT. • l-4in FBOM the let 20, con Heifei, all red. formation as be suitably Holland, William Iyona, land, one year old ty giTing snch in- to her tecoverf wST " a.3in STRAYED GREA.T â-  Clearing Out Sale! T^lMS.^-Ove-tMth of ik* podiaae measr to ba pail Awwa «* the dagr at sal*. Vor faalaaee. SMi«a«iU bdmade iknowa at the aria. fWhwIhstyaftisBlâ€" «n^ ta »; I „«^(X8 BKOS. MACKEI^SZE. .. r Selieitws, Maaeiiia 4UD. Toren^Ow iit \m Itmtiaowti Bsq., IfarhrtaU T'rnr'o. S»iH. 94th: !»•«, n5in FBOM the premises of John Bowers, near Ford's Uill, Olcnelg, a red Heifer with small star oa head, and aisw wi^tft 'i^tf e^ .^|U||aiM body- is small for a three year old. Any person giving stich information to the under- signed as will lead to h r recovery will he re- warded. MBS. S. CASWELL. Markdale, Oct. 3, 1886. 4.31n STRAYED FBOM the premises of B. J. Spronle, one medinm sized Bed Cow. Any per- son retnming the same, or giving snch in- formation as will lead to her recovery, will ha snitablj rewarded. B. J. SPROULE. fTesherton, Oet. 6. 1880. 4.1in STRAYED FBOH the premise* ef Johx Uoobs. lot 10, ooncession 12, Unphraaia, about the 15tt of Jane, three yearlings, one spotted heifer â€" red and white one white heifer and one red steer. Any person giving suoh in- formation as will lead to their recovery will be toitably rewarded. Xaphnida. Sept. 14. 1880. 4-Siii CAUTION. rf tk. A U- P«tiss ars hereby caatioisd W»U "' ' j jl^X^nTlfrr WAMTPH ,1 Orey, -^^ neitotiating in an^VAy a ndte Ahnra Vr ' ' W^l '••*•»* • *^^ â-  W^W I bU. Thomas Townscnd in favoar of Wmi.«. JSan^berry, for the sum of twenty-three iol- A lart (tvq, lor vahie has not been t^t^ff^*'^^^ therefor. â-  fc. THOS. TOWNSBHI). KarUale. Oei. 4, tSBO. 4-Sia« DIEtJ, :v Mand. tba e l a i re a daoRbter of M^. Oaarsa Waaea, bsOolMr.aaact S yeara aod 8 BMAtlia., ii*: JOB pre. mpt at the trtrnfOflUa. eRANT ft GNELLEW i ., win offer l«th*^' *»;!•:= I IVEXT oo Days I «lia««Bta«r mnirsssdsiitiiit im Qwj. SIDEBOABDS, -i ,v^/ BUMEAUS, ' CDPBOAIUDS, WABHSTAinS, opsa ana eaakaad. BEAD8TEAD8, ,T.T^ MATTBA88K8.i CADLE8. CEMTBS TABUS, EXXEMSIOM 7ABLB8. Fall-Leal Tahtss, and Ckaii* oi avM^ -tm- SOLD AT COS't' â€"0â€" ' â- â€¢â-  â- ' Pictures and PiUurt Franingt in all ita hcanohas. Vpk«totei«BC â- â- â-  TTac'bxid.grd a^aia.'uiractvLio, Having a thorough knowledge of Musical Instruments I wc^uid invite those desirous of purchasing an instrument to a} i.' '.;j.-i^ aiVE ME A TBIAXi! -iSr .â- :.*:â- â- - H .i« 19 *â-  prwaptiy attaadail to. ,, ;,„Q|^NT»CHELLEW. SOT abott H of sg^ ta moo. HAHsour. QHASE BfiOS. A BOWMAN. KursttVlM trt Boobe«ter,N.Y. ENOCH *^Ll,*|EJM^jdrf«), " Sej«.17,li». IJV 5 I can iurnish gOOd testimonials from parties to whom I have sold th«t they will be dealt honorably with in all cases. B correspondiflg, with me I will convince parties that I will • chfapw.tiittt^«lMqr caA ba^ elsewhere. ._,, ,__ ;,.^ ^.„^ ^„ Monthly or quarterly instalments would be ' " ' i:.i. i" â- â€¢â- Â« mW I {(j!/- t accepted, ..,, J »y «jHje ee '•' â- Af It rj^ ,h'i, « ».â-  ^-. •il-tj'i.loW i: f. *I1 'o l«s 'JIU .Li OiVdl j,tj ..J --Yoii: f, i« d; m li ' Oy. rim 'tijia VI iMtaMll VI â- ':%:â-  i X'^t '"'• " I.' ' » 1.1' WH .â-  aoiliiuvh' ii:o'°iv â-  tus- ' «â-  \j •. • Il f.f !- n '.• it aC; ' iHW ir--- •'â-  _â- Â». â- . â-  .-ii'i:-!tB •.•!•? â- .:«i« u 1 iia in us$»tii lib. 'f.. K-.j;ti«.! -•i:1 li -rit xSeatforAll AT W. B. Sarjent's. The subscriber returns thanks to the is- â€" habitants of i;; MABKDALiB sad Ticinity for their liberal patronage dir- iag the past five years, and bogs to remisd them that he is prepared to supply their wants in his line as OX2E as any one north of Toronto. M asi Ciinei M daUvered promptly on receipt of orders. SAUSAGE POULTRY always kept in their Season. Special inducements to ';-.f' large Purchasers tS" Shop en Mill sreett, opposite the " Rerere Ilotel." i:3"Cash paid format Cat- tle and Sheep • Again thanking yon for isst favors he trusts by faithful attention torour wants to merit a continuance of your support. W. B. 8ABJKANT. Markdale. Sept, 17th 1880. 1 )VES. â€" We iKtici' that ^fr. W. /alkor, tinsmitli and ilealer in J, advertises hi froing out f the business, and oilers his hiT'^f of the latest desijiiis, al- ciist lo oarchisers â€" this should not he laa. ;IDEJIT. â€" 'While thr.isliitiff at Mr. Aphcr Irwin's lust weik, ;i mini d John Welsh had his */-vi) front 8 of the right hand taken fdT tho Diiddli; joint th.'y were sd by Dr. Sproulc, and he is uuw- well. tovLE's New Store. â€" The fiiit* irick structure now bein^ Uuiit vy^.^^ unii. il r. Sproule for the finn of J. F- 1 (.,,„t.liivi,.u v le A Co., general merchants, is t« linvo v..ti pproaching conipletion â€" it will ,.,.... ,t,.p i".j.,.; it an imposing appearance. °„^' i^^. ||.,.";! ;rist wishes to bo informed if liave ot-.r 1 a'ToJicc Village, and if so, who w h ri \\r â-  â-  .lirman of tho Hoard., llo is IS to know to whom he is to for redress in a case in which ild had a foot sprainsd Ly bei^i^' t in one of those traps now so -0118 in the planking. HT School. â€" Mr. T. Hall, has, jTi, organized a class. Young who require advancement, and batincfis engagements duruig ky debar them from Kttending iblio school, should take advan- Bii;j;cd on if this opportunity of iniprave- Mr. Wilson vibilje ifl'.ct Shortly iiftc r\ thf'ir reS))ei-ii« more tlinn f^ntl of the »Vi i;;i On ^afu:.;. if tliO I,:u!k • Ih. Wilv;. V id hy the i Wits I'liicG Devil informs us that he was •d the other ,day on hcarius a a know everything say, how he conduct a newspaper. Ju!:t now times bays changed I In od old days it was coneidered a e for on ass to speak, and now g short of a miracle wUl keip """"" V" iet. t.ik-.n.ii.y our fouls 1 LIcIktvee's.â€" Sir. Mclntj-re us to state that be is now rcpared to furnish such goo'ls ufiuaUy to be found in a general j y ho aJso has some very nice i aud side bacon on hand, and ' ^ont up by saying that tho quality 7 Jiiiiiftul (• r.KV. .wo h j j:r«.t w.' I lahcurs iiit: •! r c| i •• Oh, ;sed. be joyful " cannot I ho hiavi-i ytiur own :iite urts, to our your work V'-i; lultieh and i: ..t lid ai^'aiij ]ah 1' ha.- iit in et' J. A. CRAWFORD, UNS Bex Tt, James Sullivan, FLESHERTON. MaalaetiiiWMul Dealer in 9^n, Qppper, Sheet-Iron and Bave Troughing, Sec. A Large Stock of Crockery andSton^-^.^ Voodsn Waias, Yh./' VBi*' Brushes, Bakes, fiai^Wa, ^e. A Store Ovens Lined. • •"' Old Metal. Hides and Wool taken change. J tar Priqes most reasonable, â- â€¢'â- â€¢ 7AM£S BXJUilTAK. " ntabttUtn, 8e pt.M80. â-  1 rtlliorcrPmofWIcnit FOR BAL?. Ont ilUs from tju \iU«g$.of MarkdaU. Theie are abont "Pstims ileiii 1. the mo* ?|(whiefais inabil^i sUtt «( cultivation •a' t ler a Beaper or liowar to work on. ThrtJ «I|||oa tM vreiiiaea a Frajne Honse briets* UM^;a Milk Uoaso bricked inside; a Fr»i»« QtlihUi aadJBliiviiig Qooee, and Lot; B" To«ag OBshard eummeuciug to bear a g^ Well, UnU the house; a nevcr-fwW Btraam nut* aoross the farm Ck-dar iiB«' «it for ffaeing, bal^uoe of bush hardvoot. tk nmtketaaa M«pU ^ogar Bnsh of some ^1 tnes). The farm is woU fenceil. m a g»" of repair, and in a choice locahty. â- â€¢â-  within a mUo of good market chnr»» homes, awl aM necessary eon*«»»' O. W. BUTLEDOR Proprtstw* VaptelMif TVMli If arkdtilp P.O. KicAN AoMcrLTrnisT. â€" TLc Oc- Dumbor of this truly useful ical is now on our table. Its its are so extensive that space Dt permit of our nolicing it as JoU wish, hut we may say that be|l,:avc:,t, w. ' been, and wii sue*! w.hifli y";il cerely li"pi i* nl have: you riii.iJ us; but, sli .iiki ed, you wiil II' wo will cvvr ft ail en- affucfioii aiidpil It is I homo ha.s b III iiU' us tlie piivil e'« with til yoiu- fiumly, li^ca liiore rid ei^ltT coii;,'ixv;' do w) tlii'.iik Mi tafwitl aSool trtUy recommend it to in •gricultural pursuits lied Vy the Oranj.' .ludd Com- Broitdway, New i ric. â- THXK ELjMr»7o»a,-^AVc learn that »jrf4h(5s?"'fcafly ivj^cful hnild- Vw)ntemplatod. Who dare txa^ our enterprise. It wasj7^.',J' j;i,,.i erterfay that a tiavell.'r stated ic h^pLsecn more strides of pro- lU itmSiUage than in tt^ims of mes Wt dimensions, and this man i-i continnalJy on the roiul, oows U»e wholt of Western Ou- HsALTH JiPwr*u__Wo have ad thefirst uumb«ttof the 5ih ' this monthly pcriAdieai. It is dio iudivLlual and poblip jjy. aaid is a reporter of vital ^t^. jt is publiiihed in Toronto by ayttt; and appears to contain information, n't o:^!y o£ also profcssi'jual char- !â€" Mclntyrc still a-luad wins tho race He is and is sure to carry all know what lino lio Provisions, Liquor, l.liot ashamed of his ^t on a good priu- i-is .Jia:(yx3n iioj% toJ^^k .;. a i-v e In. .•i- .b todf aSw*" â- 5**^" n " f:lil.-, UUU ^^,•l iiH- An ;,'t"e;l' Hi diTinl us ii3 ^;i .SiK-ivty. Visi: wi.-.hes for y )::rj pellly. \Vv; i pursp as a !i, tioii aud -â- - you .â- ;nd yor.ij co'iimcndiiiL: y. keeping, wo hiJ fiirfcweli. Signed, on ^4 Association llr. Wilson, utiuMe to eonvel tu '.0 t those cl. ef ti.O et ':ivc aa e ..Cclle ala) l;iadi a fi." marks. :Mr. \\} atteutiou of l.'.s tangibl •..v.n'i

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