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Flesherton Advance, 6 Sep 1950, p. 6

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;l >0 .» THEFAIMFBQNT |o[vtv12imell Writing a column like this, which appears simultaneously in a large number of Ontario papers, I am somewhat at a disadvantage regard- ing the time element. Over a week must elapse between my writing this and the time it appears in print. That bring the case, if I try to comment on any current happening, the whole thing may be over and forgotten when you read it. • • • For instance, as this is written alt Canada is in the grip of the rail- way strike. When you read this, the strike may be â€" and I sincerely hope WILL BE settled. But even if it is, I doubt if it will be for- gotten. The automobile has come to play such a prominent part in our daily lives that most of us had entirely overlooked just how dependent we are on the services of the railroads. But now we have had a very rude reminder. • • • Who was originally to blame for the strike is a matter on which I wouldn't care to express an opinion; but I think the Queens' professor v.ho trie<l to act as mediator wasn't far off the target when he said that b.ilh labor and management acted childishly. • » • However, even should the strike be settled by now, the problems it presented were so serious that it deserves deep consideration from every thinking Canadian, and espe- cially from those who derive their living directly from the soil. So heie is an Editorial â€" published while the strike was in its first week â€" from the Financial Post. I'm passing it along to you without any comment except to say that The Post's atti- t.idc, on most matters, is that of Management rather than Labor. • * * This Editorial was headed FARM LABOR GULF WIDENS, and ran as follows: • * • ".â- \ny hopes of a better under- standing between organized labor and Canadian agriculture were blasted by the railway strike this week • * * "Of all the innocent sufferers from a transport tie-up, as a class, the farmer is by far the hardest hit. Virtually everything he pro- duces is of a perishable nature â€" some of his crops must be marketed in a matter of hours â€" and a very large proportion of his production normally moves by rail. • * • "Most ordinary manufactured goods can be stored for weeks or months with no deterioration in quality or appeal. The same applies 10 the great bulk of our raw ma- terials, like metals, lumber, coal, etc. But it is a different story entirely when we consider agri- culture. • * * "True, wheat and other grains, when matured are not of perishable nature and can be held almost in- definitely in proper storage. But few farmers wlio make grain-growing a business have facilities for long holding. In any case, grain-growing is confined to only one area of Canada. Elsewhere it is mixed or specialized farming and prompt marketing by rail is vital. • * * "With even meat animals, and before they have left the farm, there can be no long delays. Hogs, sheep, cattle and calves are all marketed at certain definite weights. The whole schedule of farming is based on them being marketed at those weights. If held beyond that, the cost of feeding increases sharply â- while 'luality and value deteriorate. To make first-cIass bacon, for in- stance, a hog nmst weigh around 200 lb. and reach that size at six months old. Once there, however, he must be slaughtered within a matter of days or his quality slumps. • « * "The CCF's hope of marrying into one parly, labor and farmer, is as hopeless as most of their dreams." Eyes Right! â€" That arrow on the picture is intended to guide your eyes over to the right, to notice the beautiful 20-karat diamond engagement ring. Well, okay, if you insist on looking to the left, that's French movie starDenise Darcei. The ring came from her fiance, Peter Crosby, real estate broker. They plan to marry in October. mi PY A SilYfMTC '/ A SixBiTCofric One of the most amazing sports novelties of this or any other sea- son has turned up in the persons of the Softball quartet known as "The King and His Court." (.'Vctually it's a quintet, but as' only four of the players appear at one time, there's no use quibbling over such a matter.) When word first got around Toronto and its environs that folks would have the chance of witness- ing a Softball foursome playing against fully-manned teams, there was considerable shrugging of shoulders among the fans. The folks take their softball very seri- ously in those parts â€" almost, al- though not quite as seriously as they do their pet hockey team. In fact there are tlionc who arKtu.' that the grade of softball played in and around what is b^lnKâ- timc^ tag-icd "The Quetn City'' is better and faster, as a whole, than it is any- where else on earth. ;k » -» That, of coursi-, is taking in a whole heap of territory. But it's too hot, right now, for any heavy argu- ing; so we'll just say that Toron- tonians know good fastball when they see it, and kt it go at that. So it's not too surprising that when they saw the advance notices of "The King etc." they took it as being something strictly for laughs â€" a bunch of clowns who would put on trick stuff between regular games, o." something of the sort. But as for the notion that four men â€" any four men â€" could get in there and even hope to make a showing against mighty outfits such as Tip Tops, Peoples, Robertsons and others of that ilk, it was just too ridiculous for words. "A ^mart promoter's brainstorm and maybe not too smart, at that," as one by- standcT put it. "They might get one fair crowd, just as a novelty, hut after that they'll be playing to empty pews!" â- â- t * t However, as the ancient ditty put it, "'t it funny what a difference just a few hours make; and before Eddie Feigner â€" "The King" â€" and his cohorts had been in Toronto two days, they were the talk of the town. Prospective fans by the thou- sands were turned down, solely be- cause the parks where the games were played weren't half big enough \:}:pm> !*r J Ip'^^ii: ! $ii:»» h. The Old And The New â€" A French farmer, carrying a scythe, watches a motlern harvesting machine at work in a farm dis- trict outside of Paris- Unusually good weather and abundant rainfall have combined to get France's harvest operations off to an early start this year. to accommodate those wishing to attend. .\nd when you saw season- -ed newspaper men â€" even sports writers! believe it or not â€" trying to spend their own personal money for tickets, and unable to do so, you may be certain that someUiing ex- ceptional was going on. » * â- Â» That "The King and His Court" are something more than just clever comedians is best evidenced by the game with the Tip Tops. The lat- ter, in case you don't already know, are Champions of the World. .And you may be certain that there's nothing they'd have liked belter than to have crushed the opposing foursome', and driven them clear out of the park into Lake Ontar o. * ♦ â- !â-  .â- \nd the result? .\t the end ot nine full innings of ball the score stood TIP TOPS â€" U; THE COURT â€" 0. The world's champions champions had made three hits and committed one error; the visitors had played errorless ball and m.ide four hits. .\nd of the Tip Tops' trio ol bingles, only one of thcni had cleared the infield. ^ * * .So you may take it from us. gen- teel reader, that this Eddie Feigner is really something out of this world, and his teammates aren't far behind him. .\ lot of Eddie Ftigner's truck stuff is slightly over the boidcrline of illerality. But when he's in there pitching for keeps and sticking to more-or-Iess straight stuff, he has the other fel- lows fairly breaking their necks trying to get even a loud foul off of him. * * * Just what permanen' effect "The King and His Court" might have on the game is interesting to think about. For one thing, within a year or less there will probably he lialf a dozen outfits trying to copy the act. We'll be invited to sec three- man softball teams, two-man soft- ball teams and even, possibly â€" al- though Heaven forbid â€" one-man ball teams, until the public finally turns sour on the whole thing. « * * l!ut another effect might be that the sol'thall solons, both here and south of the border, will give â- soiiio prayenul consideration to a matter which, in our opinion and that of many more, has been too long neglected. In regular baseball they're looking for some way to give the pitcher a little better break â€" too many base hits, too many home runs, show pretty clearly that the batter has too much of an edge under the present rules. * * * In softball, just the reverse is true. The success of "The King and His Court" â€" 9y games in 105 days â€" 75 wins, 22 losses, four ties" points up, all too vividly, the fact that the pitcher has too much of an advantage to make for good all- round sport. For several reasons we personally never did develop into anything like a real, dyed-in- the-wool softball bug; and the prin- cipal of those reasons was that wc very soon got tired of seeing batters come up to the plate, make feeble gestures in the direction of the ball, and then go out on strikes. A little more latitude for the pitcher in baseball â€" and a little less of the same in softball â€" would, w^ really believe, mean an improvement in both sports from th« standpoint oi ill customer. Stones That Grow When British lettlers first penet- trated into Southern India they found that in one place the natives worshipped a huge figure of a bull, carved from solid stone. At frequent intervals special ce!e>- brations were held when the priests annointed the image with oil, and pilgrims rubbed it in much as if they were massaging a human being. The British were anuistd when the priests told them that the stone bull was alive and that eVery year it grew bigger. Since theji it has found that the bull has, ii^ fact, in- creased in size. \ Mr. William Barber, iof Iken Cliff, Surrey, does not find this the . least bit amazing, for there is a boulder near the place where he was born which, as a lad, he has often rocked by hand. To-day it hag grown so big that even with a man's strength he can- not budge it. He Waters Them Mr. Barber is quite sure that the boulder has grown; that it is not imagination, lecause for the past quarter of a century his hobby has been growing stones. He takes as much care of them as a gardener does of a sensiitive plant. .\t regular intervals he waters them and periodically turns them over. Through the years he has noted the measurements of each stone, and says that the aver- age growth is one-sixteenth of an inch every four months. In .Arizona there are trees which have turned to solid stone. They are among the oldest things on this planet. They belong to the period when prehistoric animals roamed the earth, before the first man appear- ed. There are thousands upon thou- sands of them, piled up in heaps or lying singly, in an area of ten square miles which is called the Petrified Forest. London's Fossils When the last Ice .\ge receded huge floods covered the earth and these trees stood in the way. So powerful was the surge of water that they were pull^l up by the roots and submerged. They lay under the water for thousands of years until they be- came completely petrified by the gradual absorption of minerals in the water. Today they lie in the middle of a desert, a reminder of a cataclysm greater than any atom bomb. There are stones in London which arc as old as those trees. They are the walls of Bush House, St. Paul's Cathedral, the Bank of England and the Cenotapli. The stone for these buildings was quarried at Portland. At one time Portland was at the bottom of the sea and often, when cutting the stone, traces of fossi- lised fish and shells of species that are e.xtinct today have been found. Some of these fossil marks can still be seen in the walls of the buildings. Made Fortune From "Uncurling" Hair \ man who was mainly respon- sible for putting baking powder on the market died recently atjd left a fortune. His success has been eq'.allcd time and again by men and women who have hit on a simple device and sold it to a grateful world. George H. Dowty had a new idea; liquid .'-pringing. Despite what he had been told at school, he found that all liquids are compressible, and that when compressed they are far more resilient than rubber. He applied his principles to air- craft springing, altliough they can be adapted for use on road and rail. To-day every British air-craft car- ries Dowty hydraulic equipment, and the turn-over of the firm mak- ing it is extremely high. Yet in I'JJO Dowty's preniise.s consisted of a single room over a garage rented at a few shillings a week. A young insurance ;igent felt highly embarrassed one day when the pen he had handed to an im- portant client scattered blots all over his signature. From that day he devotttl all his spare time to making a pen that would not blot. The modern fountain pen is the result. The man's name was L. R. Waterman. Women, too, have invented hun- dreds of articles in couunou use to- day. One is the reel of cotton which was invented by a young English girl named Cliristine Sliaw in the early eighteenth century. It is to her that the cotton industry, em- ploying thousands of men and wo- men, virtually owes its existence. Mrs. Walker, an American work- WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Wilhoul Calomel- And You'll Jump Out •! Bed in Ihe Morninf Ruin' lo Go Tlio Uver should pour out tbout 2 pint* d bile iuioo into your digeative tract every dfty. (( ttiu bil* ia not Sowuis freely, your lood taas not disMt. It mty Juat decay la the diKeetive tract. Then saa bloata up your BtomaoD. You set eonaUpated. You feel tour, lunk and the world looka punlc. It takea tboae mild, gentle Carter'a LItMe Uver Pllla to got tfacae 2 pinta of bile flow- lu freely to malce you (e«l "up and un." Qet a paokase today. Eflectin in maklns •Ma flow heely. Aak for Carttr't Uttle Uvo' nils. tM (t any drucatore. • • Classified Advertising.. ACCOUNTING BOOKKEKPIN(i * ACCOt'NTINO iiCK- TIOK. Irving N. Shoom. 77 Victoria St., Toronto. AOENTH WANTED OIXM, 0BEA8E8, TIBE8. Batteriea, Paint*. Blectrlc Molora, Stovea, Radioa. Relrlieratora, Faac Freezera and Uill< Coolera. Root Coatlnia, Permanent Antl- BVeeze, etc. Oealera wanted, Write: War- co Oreaae and OM Ltd.. Toronto. UEN and women earn 150 per week In your apare time. Write RODDA KiS'I'jIJIU PBISEB, 14 Walnut Avenue, Long Branc h. AGENTS and Btorekeepera wanted to ael) . houaehold plaatic articlea. Write to: Eddie Wlllard, 13(1 Forfar Street, Ilont- real, Quebec. BABV CHICKS DAT OLD Chlcka. broiler cblcka. Fullete \t weeka to laylnc. Tweddle Cbick Batcheriea Limited, Fersua, OnUrlo. BUSINESS orPOBTCNITIES NOTICE Home and Store Ownera, Adver- tising Asenta. Y'ou can now purchaae quality wooden cabinets at manufacturera' prices. Cuatoro and quantity production. For Information write A. C. McOarvey, Wood Producta. Orrvllle. Ontario. DVEIXO AND CLEANING HAVC you anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to ua for Information. W« are glad to answer your queationa. De- partment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street. Toronto, Ontario. FAB.M8 FOR SALE 115,000.00. LOVELY 100-acr« F'arm in Durham County. Ijetween Port Hope and Rice Lake. Brick houae. large bams, chicken house, all In perfect condition. Hydro throughout, plus water pumped into all . buildings from deep well. All build- ings roddpd and new metal roofs on out- buildings, some bush and small stream. A clean, prosperous farm for Immediate possession. Terms. Write for full details. LONG B. R08. BEALT0B8 PORT HOPE 140-ACRE. sandy loam farm. \ mile west of Dunnvilte, on No. 3 highway, 105 acres cultivated land, 35 acres bush; 11- Toom frame house, new, double garage, 36'x60', hip barn, henhouse, drive shed, woodshed, all in good condition; 2 water wells. 1 gas well. 50 trees in orchard, electricity and gas in houae. Good site for cabins, elore. etc. Apply Steve Kuchta, Il.R. 5. Dunnville. F OR SALE CIRCUL.\K S.-\W Mli^I. i;o.iil .•,,i-llll,in. Automatic saw filing machine tor band saws and circular aaus. Also luri;e nin-u- lar saws, saw bits and holders. W. D. Williams. Oatineau. Quebec. * MOTOROyCI^ES. Harley David::on. New and used, bought, sold, exchanged. Large stock of guaranteed used motorcycles. Re- pairs by factory-trained mechanics. Bi- cycles, and complete line of wheel goods, also Guns. Boats and Johnson Outboard Motors Open evenings until nine except Wedneuday. Strand Cycle t Sports. King at Sanford. Hamilton. BEAUTIFUL colored plastics. Sturdy gold- plated points. Smootli writing. Guar- anteed one year. Matching pencils 50c. We repair ail makes of fountain pens â€" send yours for estimate. The Pen Shop, 31 Ouellette Avenue. Windsor. Ontario. MLBICAI. INSTRUMENT BEP.4IRS STRINGED Musical Instruments repaired and reflnlshed. F'or Information, write A. C. McGarvey. Wood Products. Orrvllle, Ontario. AIAMINl'.M KOOFISG Immediate.tJlhiDment â€" .016" thick In 6. T. 8. 9, 10 <oot lengths. Prices delivered to Ontario piiints on application. For estim- ates, sam'plee. literature, etc.. write; â€" A. C. LESLIE Si CO.. LI.MITED 130 CO.M.MISSIONERS STREET TORONTO 2, ONT.VRIO ing woman, dreamt one night that she had earned a fortune by making curly hair' grow straight. She could not rest until she had made endless experiments in her kitchen, and eventually succeeded in discovering a lotion which straightened curly hair. It became the rage with Negro girls and she made- a fortune out of her dream. Ideas don't always make for- tunes, however. In 1860, a young schoolmaster, Philip Reis, rigged up wires from one building to an- other. His pupils were told to lis- ten at a primitive microphone made from wide-wrapped knitting needles, and Reis sat in a room and played the violin into the world's first tele- phone. The instrument worked. Reis and his pupils believed in it, but the scientific world did not In 1876 the telephone was in- vented again, successfully this time, by a young .Xmcrican called Bell. FOR MALE NEW ROOFING ALUMINUM CORRUGATED J«"x«' â€" i' â€" 10'â€" 12' Price â€" 17.60 per mi. ALUMINU.M RIBBED J(l"x»' â€" 7' â€" 8' â€" 9' â€" 10' Pike M.50 per sq. Orders ahipped Immediately. BEECIIWOOD .UACHINEkV I/TD. 10 Beechwood Ave. 4-3527 Ottawa, Wnt. GUNSâ€" SUPPLIESâ€"KEPAIRS The greatest supply of guns and ammunt tlon gathered under one roof â€" the latest designs, the oldest antiaues. Buy! Sell! Exrhange! Order your fall catalogue, .85c today. Modern Gun Shop. Dept. "L". 3006 Dan- forth Ave.. Eaat, Toronto. MUBSERV STOCK RESERVE NOW for Fall planting. Fast growing Chlneae Elm Hedge. 12-20 inches when ahipped. Planted one foot apart: 2S for 13.98. Olant Exhibition Paeonles, red, white or pink. 3 for 11.89. Georgeous assorted colours. large Darwin Tulip Bulbs â€" 25 for tl.<9 or 100 for X.95. Apple Trees, M'.Iutosh. .Spy. or Delicious 3-ft. high, 3 for 11.98. Free coloured Garden Guide with every order. Brookdale â€" KIngsway Nurseries, Bowmanvtlle. MEDICAL UNWANTED HAIR Bradleated tram any part af the body with Saea-Pelo, a remarkable dlscorerr of tb« age. Saea-Pelo eontains no harm- fal Ingredient, and will destrey the hahr. root. LOB-BEER LABORATORIES 079 Granville Street, Vancouver, B.C. DONT WATTâ€" Everflu«ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin. Ottawa S1.2S Express Prepaid. Cress Ingrown Toe-Nall Salve. Tour . Druggist gells none better. OPPORTUNITIES FOB MEN * WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Halrdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages Thousands of succei-sfui MaiTel graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call M.'IRVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St.. Hamilton 73 RIdeau St.. Ottawa > PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH A Company. Pa- tent Solicitors. Established 1890. 350 Bay Street. Toronto. Booklet of Informa- tlon on request. REST HOMES VERY comfortable accommodation. Rest. Convalescent. Poet - operative. Waiting Mothers. Also treatments for Arthritis, etc. Box 906, Newmarket, Ontario. SALES.MAN WANTEU MARRIED SALESMAN to sell Nursery Stock. Established and reputable Nurs- ery Company. We train you. Pay higheBt commissions. Our men earn big money- Several openings in Ontario. Full time basis. Must have a car and best of refer- ences. Write Toronto York Nursery Com- pany. 159 Bay St.. Toronto. TEACHERS WANTbS ""^^ â€" TWO Qualified Teachers w.anted for S.S. No. 6 village cchool at QuadeviUe. and No. 6, Bruceton Co., Renfrew; Duties to,*. commence Sept. 5. 1950. State salary^, expected when applying to M. Kennelly. Sec.-Treas.. Quadevllle. Out. WANTED 'â-  WANTED â€" Used Water Main, approxl- ' mately 500 feet S". Apply Bogden & Gross Furniture Company Limited, Walk- erton, Ontario, Phone 160. ISSUE 36 - 1950 "If you want to be really bright brush up with NUGGET" Nugget Shoe Polish gives a periect shine . . . preserves leather . . . makes shoes last longer. OX-BLOOD, BLACK, AND ALL SHADES OF BROWN >-so DID '* YOU . NQGGET " YOUR SHOES THIS MORNING? MACDONALD'S T A. r X f -r A f' A. I A- r * r T GiHocla's S^tattdcAc/ fmoAz r

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